THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1Q16. 4-J iNrewofWomen Clubs Al UE3 school beautifying commit : te met yesterday Afternoon la L Meier & Frank's music room. - and notwithstanding th storm era vn u attendance of 20. itlclud members of the -committer and liooi teachers. ; -. special Invitation avins'- been extended ; to the latter. r h a feature of the afternoon was the ihibifr of ISO beautiful Berlin print. iy of them in faithfully reproduced iors nd; some In carbon... Miaa etter of the art department of the rntral library rave an . Instructive lie on "The Procew of Manufacturing to Prints."' Mrs. Julia Marquam ok " Interestingly f ; of the ints -ltb reference to their compo tion,, coloring .nd general effect. . . , Ashland Civic Club. A fine attendance of members and riends beard M. 3. Duryea address Clvie Improvement club - at the . ty library In Ashland January ? nd ' participated In a busy business leetlngr. Mesdames C. H. Vaupel. C. : l. Vesnte and H. O. Frohbach. were - p pointed to take charge of the-plans l or the sweet pea show, which will be tared by the Civic Improvement club urlng th thres days' celebration tn July.- The women, plan tc-make this f vent one of the . moet unique and r retty features of the big event. II. 8 O. Frohbach spoke, outlining the plans which had already been I Ud for the dedication of the springs nd park and the celebration features hich will make July ., 5 and the -vellest- days Ashland has ever nown. - The club women decided t J ke charge of the reet rooms, sevpn f which will be established In dif ferent parts of the city for the bene i i t - of ythe women - and child ren. The iub will also assist with the parade. The - club members were asked ta "XT tickets for the Tom, Thumb wed inr. " ' ! Mesdames Hum Pracht. Dv Peroarl ' nd C.a Ijamkin were elected to fill 1 he vacancies on the advisory board (f ths Auxiliary club. The cluo voted, to give J6 to the scholarship . an fund. -' " ' , . Venlng of Social Center. Much Interest centers In the open of the social center at 171 Klev ith street tomorrow evening by tne .'. ; C. -tm U. , A- feature of opening Jyht.- when the program will begin t ( o'clock, will be aa address bv uperlntendent Alderman on the.activ : ies of the Portland public schools, ith lantern glides for Illustration, uslc will be furnished by the Ore--n Conservatory of Music. Miss itherine Burns will be in charge of ' . rooms and aside from the social, st and reading features there will i an Information 'bureau, employment u reau, relief work and other actlvi i ies as the demand creates the need of 'ftenv- Contribution's of good reading - .alter are solicited. ' A:&At'AA: ' '. Woodbarn library Election. The public library board of vod J urn . held i its - annual meeting Mon t 'V afternoon and elected the foi i . wing of fleers: Miss Mary Schol : trd. president: Mrs. W. D. Sim ons, vice president; J.' O. Iddings, i -eaeurer; Mrs. H. I. Gill, secretary. ' ommlttees appointed were: Mrs. F, .'. Settlemler and Mrs. T, C. Poor iin, toll, shelf: J. 3. Iddlngs. Mrs. immons and Mrs. Gill, room and p prvice. By-laws were amende ' hanging the time of meeting to the list Wednesday night of the month. ' f IcMinnvllle Shakespeare Clnb. The Shakespeare club of McMinn- Uie met at the home Of Mrs. Earl tight last Thursday afternoon. S. Gardiner, the leader, went 'the lesson and answered ques- put to him by the members. The members have taken up the study r- f the - second book of Henry the : ourth. This afternoon the club others at the home of Mrs. Gilbert . ilbury.. - :.' . ' Hood River Loan Fund. The Hood River Woman's club scholarship loan fund was swelled by approximately 30, proceeds from e n entertainment given at Library 1 1 all Tuesday night under the man element of Mrs. Jesse Eddington and :irs. S. E. Bartmess. Vi"C. T. IT. Meets Tomorrow. -Unless the weather- is 'too -Inclement the Central W. ;C. T. U. will r leet tomorrow at t o'clock at head larters. Eleventh street. Mr. '. Za'T, Hidden will conduct a par , imentary drill. - -. ' Woman's New Thought Clnb. The Women's New.,-Thought club 1 meet tomorrow with Mrs. H. K. nour. at her residence, 716 Kast iln street. As this is the date for annual : election of officers, it is siting Powder Biscuits ' . Uht as a Feather, y Zfrs.JanetMcKensieHiHi Editor oj . -a 4Mtm acnoot Magazxm aHng Powder. BIsctiits mad by thia dpe sre so far ahead of ordinary ba 3 powder biscuits that, if once tried. a will never use any other racipe. tj h ue next time yon ran short oi cad. Save this redpe. as B G Bellas' Pwde Blseaha Ttiree tufis flour; to cp short r; J level ieaspoonfuls K C Baking der; about I cup milk or wUer; J :.'t three times, the flour, salt and Ie3T powder. Work into the flour the tenmgv using lard or ,bntter v. for teninjf. , Then mix to a Tery soft h with the tnilk. The softer. the Jt enters the oven, the lighter it cTeraneaaoasmigf powder s; press the dough into shape and . ,-Uy. Cut ia small shapes and i ca a sheet or very shallow pan in : oven. Ia pladngr biscuits In the place wellspart, not allowinedges ch. Small biscuits are better than j ones. Large bisctrits do not have rper amount of time to raise and the nn w r nv w.v Cooi 1 1 sppetixing recipes that simply inaah ul everrtirae if the few simple direct scremuT louowta. YN would tlsdl? er? ts for this valuable book, yet we sen. - r frte upon receipt of the colored cer ted tn every Srntcaa of KCBakiag . jAorice Mro. Co.. Chieaso. email r t. t bavc Cook's Book certi&catcs. - I I . I ! - I f ' I ' - - 'J I ' I ' 1 f ,', "' y ' t " k I 4 " Ci , S f , -A 'A j W' v , 1 ! ' vr - ;"l I"'' ' ' ' I ' i - V ' , I William F. Gasklns, of th. O. A. C. School ox Music, wno. contribute! to the scholarship loan fund program given last night by th Corvallis Woman's: club. especially desired all members win be present. : j ; j . Iiaurclhurst Study Club. The Uiurelhurst Study dub met yes terday afternoon in the ciuDnouse. Miss Ethel Handy led in an interest ing study of Henry Arthur Jones' "Michael and His Lost Angel." The club decided 'to take tickets for the course of lectures by Xr. Samuel Mc Cbord Crothers, - chaplain of Harvard University, which will be given next week.. At the next meeting of the club t be held two weeks from yes terday, Gerhart Hauptman's "The Weavers," will be studied, Mrs. E.' O. Chandler leading. I Aloha Psychology Club. The Aloha Psychology club will meet this evening in room 726 Mor gan building. The subject will be "The Mind's Attainment." All In terested are invited. Vernon Meeting Postponed. On account of the bad weather the meeting of the Vernon Parent-Teacher association has,, been postponed until next week. s Alberta Club Postponed. The meeting of the Alberta Woman's Improvement club, which was to have been held this evening, has been post poned a week on account -of the storm. , Coterie Is Postponed.! On account of the inclemency of the weather the meeting of the Coterie has been postponed one week, the meeting to be held February 9. NATIONAL GUARD NOTES Battery A Will Celebrate Fiftieth . Anniversary. Open Hons for' 8nU-Centenary. Battery A, field artillery, will hold open house at its headquarters next Saturday afternoon In theAxmory from 2 o'clock until about 7:3a. when the march to the Commercial Club will be made, headed by the! Coast Artillery band. There will follow sumptuous banquet in celebration of the half century mark attained by the organization. Governor Wlthycombe. Adjutant General White, Colonel James Jackson, Colonel Clenard McLaughlin, Colonel Samuel White, Professor E. D. Curtis, Major H. U. Welch, Captain Lee Clark and many other prominent members and visitors will be on tne list of the toastmaster. Captain C. W, Heime. - , Want a Better Ehowtnjr. The standing; of the different com mands of the Third Infantry accord' lng to actual number of men and ofll cerst present In the federal inspection last year was as follows: Band and non-commissioned staff. 36; Company A, 69;,B. 76; C, 68; D, 67; K, 49; F. 67; u, li il,-68; l, 99; K, 68; Ia, 63; M, 83. It is hoped that there will be at least a ten per cent Increase for 1916. as on the number at federal in specuon aepenas tne- amount or as sistance-received from Uncle Sam's treasury. Colonel iCelaaarhUa to Zaspot. Colonel Clenard McLaughlin, com nianding the Third re grim en t of Infan try, O. N, G., will inspect the different regimental organizations on the fol lowing dates: Company A. MeMinn LVjlle, February 7; Company L, Dallas. ; February 8;, Company F, Portland. February 10; Company I, Woodburn, eoruary n; Companies D and H. Portland. February 14; Company M, Balem, February 15 ; Company . C, Portland, February . 17 j Company K, uorvauis,-. February 31 ; Company G, Oregon City., February 28; Companies a ib, fomajxd, February 29. ' ' e '7: . XUeuteaant Williams 3-ederal Inspector. Blanks for federal Inspection have been received at the office of the adju tant , general ana ; zorwarded to the commandin: officers of the different formations of th O. N. G. throughout th state. lieutenant XC P. William. U. S. A has been assigned as Inspect ing officer; for the Third Infantry. A strong , snort is to pe ; made to have a better turnout at federal Inspection than last; year. Th records of th xnird inrantry on federal inspection are for 1S12. 41 officers aiut asa 1913,- 40. officers and 483. men; 1914, auu vv, men, 111s, 49 oi fleers -and .823 men. ' ' Win Sfteerait xtjf Company "pftopany H turned out well for .1W nignt ana enjoyed 'coffe and doughnuts afterwards. Captain "- irvm na oiviaea the com pany into two rival recruiting spuada. and Interest is keen to bring Ui the enlisted, strength to the limit. Th los ing aid pays for a theatre party for the company. Moshberger to- Becelv Oonmlssloa.' Captain vEugen -5 Moshberger of Woodburn. has passed his examination and, his promotion recommended to the governor as a major In th Third In fantry, His commission win be issned within'. a -few "days,-. , ' - 1 - '"' ; '- :i " j Promotion SWcommended. v Sergeant 'Walter 1, U Spauldlng - of Company M. Salem, has been recom mended byfMajor Abram for a com mission as second lieutenant. Winifred Crowthers, as "JLitUe Jen nie" in "Domes qf Cranford,. to be given tomorrow for the Coun cil of Jewsh .Women's reciproc ity Jday. (Photo Jbj The Peas- leys.) PERSONAL MENTION R. H. Ve.itch Resigns. R. H. Veltch. assistant manager of the Hotel Benson, has-resigned. Mr. Veltch has been suffering 'from a se vere attack of the grip and will go to California to recuperate. - Next sum mer he will manage, the Mammoth Springs hotel of the -Yellowstone Park Hotel company In Yellowstone park. ' .. . V W. I Davis of Missoula, Mont., is a guest at the Carlton. J. C. White, a Coeur d'Alene banker, Is at the Portland. '"." Mr. and . Mrs. B. Bishop, of Goble, are at the Nortonia, G. H. Russell, a Prlnevllle cattle man, is at the ImperlaL M. R. Pomeroy Is an Astoria vis itor at the Cornelius. G. W. Scramlln, a, Marksburg merchant-is at the Oregon. G. t?. McCann is registered at the Nortonia from Wendllng. A. L. Garrison la a Eugene arrival at the Carlton. " .B. R. Rlchter, Trout Laie rancher, is at the Portland. " ' T. B. Johnson is registered at the Imperial from Astoria. - Mrs. E. Douthlt and Miss Cassia Glllls are Cascade Locks visitors at the Cornelius.' Mr. and . Mrs. Stephen ' Wright of with your victrola comes all the Musical wealth of; the world; and an intimate acquaintance with every NOTABLE ARTIST NOW BEFORE THE PUBLIC; ' The Wiley B. Allen Cbs Stores Are Noted for Superior Service in Both Victrolas and Records Our stock of Victrolas is at all times complete and always our Record Department is in a position to send to you promptly the very latest arid best records; This month's new list offers geim great numbers, which e efforts of the Victor laboratories. Is yrSur name on our mailing list for month- ly supplements? MA qA Morricon New York, members -of the "Typhoon' company, are guests at the Portland. Marl A. Barnett, Wasco banker and auto dealer. Is a guest at tot Oregon. G. C. Fulton, Astoria, attorney, and Mrs. -Fulton, are at the Imperial. A. E.- Harvey is - registered at the Cornelius 'from Clatskanle. . ; Judge- William T.' Darch, ot the su perior . court of Cowllts county, Is a guest "at the Nortonia. N. O. Williams, Moscow mining man, Is at the Portland. - - 1 . E; N. GUham is a Bend arrival at the Carlton. .. " C W. Plamondon Is registered at the Oregon from Woodland. -W. T. Story U a Banks visitor at the Cornelius.' j. Thorn wald Siegfried id registered at the ; Nortonia from Seattle. - . H. S. Mitchell, Wauna lumberman is at the Portland. - - " L. B. Scbanno of The Dalles Is- at the Imperial." - -'James Griggs,' Tacoma; insurance man, is at the Portland. E. Deane Smith, an Endott, Wash., educator. Is a guest at the Portland. During the last week the following Portlanders Uoife registered at Ihe Hotel Manx t Jan Francisco: Mrs. C C. Van Orsdt . iMrs. B. S. Leach. C W. Hoyle,' Wf Iiam McKendry. . Mr. S. J. Ssyder aiid Miss Hazel Snyder. BachelleC to MaKe . Talk This Evening Widely' Xnowa Anthor of Vovels Will SeUvex- aua Address at the Xlmcoln , XlgH .seaooU - Irving Bacheller, widely known as the author of -"Eben Holden," "DrI apd l," "Darrsl of ths Blessed Isles," "Silas Stropg and many other tales and poems. Is to speak at the Lincoln High school this evening-. Irving .'Bacheller ' made his reputa tion a a speaker in an address before the New England society of New York city a -few years ago. Ifwaa a new kind of speech.; There ' was a punch In every epigram and a blade of keen satire in every merry. Jest. Jt was fun, but packed full of serious mean- ins-. It set the tables in a roar. Tne wealth and fashion of the metropolis wer listening, and when their mouths were full of laughter Bacheller smote them, and witn such good nature tnat they lentew not what was-happening until it was all over. Then that speech became the talk of the : town. Its pointed wit had, struck home and be gan to travel. It was the kind of thing that has; given Bacheller . new reputation in his snort satirical novels, "Keeping Up and -Charge IU" ' Mr. Bacheller is now making a tour of the west as be Honorable Socrates Potter in "Keeping Up With tisxle." He presents the whole story without a book talks It Just as Socratew Is sup posed to have talked It in his lavf of fice in that famous New England vil lage sitting comfortably in his chair or striding up and down as he warins to his subject. His season, opened before the Sunday Evening, club in Evanston, m. .Twelve hundred people came out in the rain to hear him. German Attack Checked. Paris. Jan. 31. I. N. S.) German night attacks westward of Hill No. 140 In the Artols district were checked, ac cording to today's communique. The communique added that operations along the remainder of the front were confined to intermittent artillery bom bardment and mining in the Argonne district. " , ' W ' oo -rr Mi By Vella Winner. CONSIDER THE POSTMAN Of the 201 carriers who each day de liver the mail from the Portland post office, I wonder how many are occa sionally shown a bit of human consid eration as they plod from door to door through the wind and ram and snow bringing to you your letters, papers and packages T We "are too prone to receive these faithful "servants of Uncle Sam as a matter of course, but occasionally there are exceptions; I learned of- one yesterday. The mail carrier arrived at an east side home about 11. o'clock and th , housewife met him at the door with an invita tion to come , In and" have bowl of hot soup.- He accepted ate the soup to the last drop and thanked his consid erate friend a score of times before he resume his journey, ' i Just think What a little ; thing; it was, yet v how- It cheered the heart and warmed the body of the : faithful - carrier. - Tha . drifted snow in the outlying districts means delayed mail tn many - Instances, for the carrier must plow through four or five feet of snow sometimes, but in stead of greeting your carrier with a frown or a word of criticism greet ixim with a smile and Invitation to corns in and enjoy a cup of hot .coffee. 1 LITTLE MINCE PIES Inl bowl sift three cupfuls- of flour with one teaspoon salt Add one cup very cold shortening, and 'chop with a veg etable chopper until will mixed, maa with about one-third cup Ice wrer. The paste at this point must be so ry that If will barely hold together. Pf ee this ' on a well floured cloth, draw- -o- gether with two knives, and "roll f in with short, . sharp touches. Cut Dt rounds to fit In muffin tins and be the pans. Sprinkle each crust llgl ly with flour and sugar mixed, and HI with mincemeat Cut out sina (er rounds to form covers, dampen ' he edges of the lower crusts and fit on the covers. Mark with a fork and pile k each cover with M.: Bake about 80 minutes and serve on a plate covered with a small paper dolly. ' ' f FASHION FLINGS v, combination. This daea not mean there is a new trust forming. Quite to the contrary, , but merely; that velvet ba tds on chiffon or velvet bands on cloth ure very much to the fashion fore. Pile fabrics of all descriptions, fur trimmed and even cloth , trimmed, are la mode. Doucet showed redlngotes of velvet with high fur collars and chiffon or Georgette crepe skirts in matching colors, but It Is Paquin who has taken up the fashion created by Jjucille. or LAdy Duff Gordon, as she is also known, and presented it anew in many of the cloth frocks designed by this house. ' . ; ; Leather coats made of. a fine, soft suede-like quality of the hide, in shades of ray, tan and mole, are the novelty shownby ne of the most fashionable dressmakers on Fifth Av enue. These are worn with skirts of wool or velvet in exactly matching col ors. One needs to be told these cdata are leather, howevef. for the skin has been treated in such a way it resem bles a heavy woolen mixture of f the Quality of duvetyne-s i , Velvet : basques with lac or chlf-I the : 1 . . . "A a "' " - y r7T et at Broadway Portland fon sklrtsv also flit for a' moment be fore the gaxe of ths . fashion: pilgrim, to tantalise with a suggestion of Span ish modes to ' follow. This Is not a stray guess, however, for scarf -topped skirts and full ones, fringe-trimmed bodices and low ones, high cut slip- Ipers and dainty ones, and lace-draped fcolf fures fi and ; t asclnatlng -ones Jin across ' ths mirror of fashion, reflect ing more than a speculation and some- tbiaf of a reality in their passing, . BEAUTY HINT , J the advice given by a celebrated beauty specialist "as it - adds greatly to th beauty of th f ac.T Do ' you know what'ar tarablent" 1st . I did not at first, but I learned that It Is anything filmy or effective which ; may be used around the face to frame ths features. Some us th automobile veil as an "ambient," soni use th lace of th Spanish scarf, others frame th fac Jn coquettish - eurls.- Alt takes art -to select an ambient and art again to live up to it At present th wide brim of th hat is "used as an ambient by many ' girls who know the vain of framing the fac. Jf this brim be faced with black velvet so much the better. - "tomorrow's Meetings. "' 2:00 p. m. COUNCIL, of JEWISH WOMEN In Bnai B'rith hall. Reci procity day. Presentation of "Dames of Cranford.-' 20 p. m. -r- KENNEDY PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION. Address by Mrs. F. S. Myers. ' i 7:30 p. m. STATE WOMAN'S PRESS CLUB in Portland Press Club rooms. Subject "Music and Verses." I 8:00 p. m. DAUGHTERS of CONFED ERACY annual dancing party. In 7 Irvington club house. BORROWERS Of all sad wordA, etc the sad dest are these: "Lend me a- stamp, will yon? I jvant to get this let ter in-the next mail." Railroad Reopens. Los Angeles, Jan., L (P. N.' S.)- Regular service on all Southern Pa cific lines, which had been halted by floodsund washouts, was resumed today. Imperial valley- service and service to Yuma, Tucson and EI Paso was resumed last night after trains had been held for several -hours. The coast and valley lines to San Fran cisco acre both open. For the safety '-and convenience of duck hunters a gun rack has been In vented that is easily attached to the gunwale of a canoe or a boat VTllr. Make Tour fee Cream? tea Cream flavored witK Merit Vanilla tastes better has that dandy taste that pleases and calls (or more. Merit Vanilla (airly babbles over with concentrated strength and coodness. mmK Order a 2Sd Bottle From Your Creeor ggj - Hear Caruso, Farrar, Gluck, McCormack,' Melba, Schumann-Heink and other famous artists at anyVictor dealer's There are Victors and .Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $400s Victor Talking lVlacIiine Co. Camden, N J. FRATERNAL NOTES Clan Macleay Got Publicity . and Delivered tho Goods..-, v - Tbamks Tli JoarasJU James .. Gait. secretary of the CUT Macleay, Order -I or ; Scottish Clans, writes to The Journal: "Clan Macleay, No. 122, desires to express to you its sincere thanks and appreciation for th publicity yott gav to our Burns annli versary concert and danc. Th enter tainment Mas a tremendous success in every way,; and w feel that it was largely through your good help that It lurnea out so well." - WtU Vreach on icoosdom. , Rv. CC Rarlck. pastor of the M. E. church at Vancouver and - ' Fargo streets, has been asked by the Port land lodge. Loyal Order of Moose, to give? a special sermon next Sunday night H. will preach on "Mooseheart and Moosedom" and all members, fam ines ana rrienas are invited to attend. Take Williams avenue cars to, Fargo-, west one oiock. Pleasant Thursday Xvenlaga. Quit ' a' number of people ar find mg ii a very pieasant way to pass xnursaay evenings wnen th members of Portland Star homestead. Brother hood! of American Yeomen, throw open their4 doors for a card party and dance, as they will ext .Thursday night. There will b union music, 20 hands of cards and attractive prises. , Foresters of Aanarloa to Banc. The annual dance of Court Mult nomah, Foresters of America, will be held In W. Q. W. jtemple . tomorrow night and is promising to be a merry and enjoyable event Dancing will be- it I PRIDE- MYSELF, EVA, Oil HAVING -CLASSY CLOTHES WITH liO WORRY AND VERY! LITTLE COST" lov to surmise mv husband ahd friends by aDDearina in Drettv. . new things that they never guessed I could afford. It's only my very best friends to whom I tell the secret Of my meth od. I'm sure you'll appreciate the sen- slbleness of my plan, so I'm xoina- to tell you. "I HUT MV Ct rYTVtVM Aa T XfU'U-l THEM AND PAY FOR THEM A LIT- Tus at A TiMmt That's the. way bun dreds and hundreds of other people vnnniao. too we ail traae at uiusuttx a ! CREDIT CLOTHING - STORE. It s me pretuest snop, Juva, ana is located in t ne i'ltiocK Die Pittock blocks And let me tell you how I save so much. - One reason Is because Cherry's styles are always so perfectly new and authentic that I don't easily' tire of th things I buy there. - Another is because I NEVER NEED TO MISS A SALE FOR LACK OF MONEY. "The usual first payment is all that's required at Cherry's, and you get the benefit of special prices 'Just the same. There's a wonderful sale folng on there now, and Just think, iva, they have a big rack of suits and dresses priced at $8.75 and $10.00 each, the most wonderful values I have ever seen." : . They also H&ve some very handsome dresses on Ml for $12.8S. , Don't forget their address, 389-S91 Wash, st, Pittock block. . Adv.) Victrola XVI, C200 VictroU XVi; electric. $250 Mahogany or oak ' " . ' ' '''' SAN FRANCISCO 25 Sut OAKLAND 1209 Washington Street LOS ANGELES 416 South Broadway SAN JOSE 117 South Firt Street gin at t:0. ' Union Snusic will L i vtded. Everybody is invited. ' - .-. i '. . A Uvsly Fraternity. Rose Cltycamp, Modern Woodmen of America, Is taking la applicants o : every meeting, and has a well drjae l tenm a strong social and f rater: -a i spirit and v makes . visitors weico-1.;. Notwithstanding the inclemency of t!i weather a good attendance was had ot Its meeting last night - FUasaat for All. ' ., Oregon coramandery will make It very pleasant for. all its members e- l guests at its second dance of a epeci.U series for the season to be held in Masonic Temple next Thursday night. There will be cards, refreshments, beautiful decorations, etc. Grand Jury Starts Work. ( La Grande. Onj Feh.I. -The gra'tnl Jury of the circuit court began Monday grinding out indictments. -Violations of the Sunday closing law will be up 5J Two important item govern the selection of the "size" "the lens and the style" of the mountings at the . COLUMBIAN One U th wv vnn 1inV- .in,.-. them" and the other is the . way you "look r through them." Twenty-five years of K . careful study of these Impor tant essentials qualifies us to assure, you that "both ways" . will be entirely satisfactory to r .- you. -r : -i COLUMBIAN GLASSES ARE PRICED FROM $2.00 up, and, whatever price you pay, you can be assured of. the utmost in eyeslass effi ciency and satisfaction. THE HOME" OF THE KRYPTOK AND TORIC LENSES Any Lens in Sixty Minutes Columbian Optical Co. OPTICIANS Floyd Browcr, Manager . 145 Sixth Street