The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1916, Page 36, Image 36

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While Portland "Enjoys" Snow
New York Revels in Straw Hats
Authors' League Asks Women's Help; Great Mardi
Suffrage Ball Planned; Other Gotham Gossip.
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Dr. and Mrs. II. K. Sturdevant. Mr.
and Mr. Orant Braman, Mr. and Mrs.
R. II. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Relsr.
Ir. and Mrs. Robt. Sken. Dr. and
Mrs. Wal!ac Shearer. Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick W. Sktff. Mr: and Mn.
Jamra S. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. S ".
Jagger. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson.
Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Kiebtjf. Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Jackson. Pr. anil Mrs. K U.
Infbaro. Mr. and Mrs. J A Dkk, Mr.
and Mrs. K. W. William.". Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Dowllnfr. Mr. and Mrs. I
E. Cable, Dr. and Mrs T. S. Thomson,
Mr and Mrs. A. Opdycke. Miss Blanche
t Lowery. C. F. Byrne. Dr. C. G.
lUttner and X. Harris.
Mr. John Ker entertained at dinner
at the Nortonla Wednesday.
The Midwinter carnival iven by
Martha Washington Social club will
take place at east side Masonic hall
Monday evening-, January 31. The
committee In charge have been work
Ins; for several weeks to arrange for
the many concessions, some of which
r: "The wild animal show," -Moving
Pictures." "The Cherry Colored
Bat." "Flower Show and '"Mysterious
lady's Slipper." "The Oreat Mexican
Bat". "Hulu liulu Dancers, "Fortune
Teller," "Fish .pond," "Oreiron Ground
Hog" and "Trip Around the World."
Kntertalnment will be furnished bv
the "Ginger City Cornet" band and
"Washington Lodgs" quartet. There
will be refreshment and candy booths,
also 11S bar. Admission free. Public
Mr. and Mrs. "William M. Ladd
left Wednesday for California, where
they will pass several weeks at NorU-
Mrt. Cithen C. Gllman left the lat
ter part of last week for Seattle, where
he will Join a party bf friends for an
extended trip to Honolulu. They left
G eat tie Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rassell enter
tained at dinner Thursday at the Kor
tonia. Announcing ths ngageraent of Miss
Oannalne Baruh, the attractive youn
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Baruh.
and Msrwyn E. Wangenhelm of Ban
Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Durfc
belmer entertained with a dinner
; dance last Saturday evening. The en
' sTagement came as a great surprise to
the friends of the young bride-elect
In Portland. She has Just recently fin
ished school at San Francisco, where
; ah attended Miss Mnrison's finishing
' school. She le a charming and popular
girl who will doubtless be much en
.tertained during her prenuptial days
.Miss Flora Gabriel of San Francisco!
who ts her house guest, received with
Mr. and Mrs. Durkhelmer and Miss
Barah. "
- Mr. and Mrs. Baruh received in
honor of their daughter on Sunday
and again en Wednesday afternoon.
Mia Edith Crangle of Butte, Mont
la the house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Norbert GraveUe at their home at
(41 East Nineteenth street north. Irv
" lngton. Miss Crangle has been vislt
.lns; for aorne time In California, first
' aXO CalLOra CA12S
' nao TL0OS xoxajji SUXH
A ;v
r r ' ' v j
at the fair In San Francisco and later
at Los Angeles and San Diego. She
will pass several months here with
Mr. and Mrs. Gravel le, who are former
Butte, Mont., people, having only re
cently coma to make their home in
Much Informal entertaining la being
done for Mrs. C. Alfred Pelletler of
Victoria, B. C. who is Ue house guest
of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Twohy t
their home in Irvington.
Mlsa Marian Rose Spoeri, the attrac
tive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Spoeri. was a charming hostess
Monday evening, when she entertained
with a dancing party at the ballroom
of the Wheeldon Annex, the occasion
being her birthday About SO young
people were present The young hostess
received her ruete In a pretty, girlish
frock of yellow taffeta, and all the
appointments of the party were carried
out in a yellow color scheme. It was
a leap year dance, and many novel
features wtra introduced. Mrs Crwutrl
assisted her daughter In receiving.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs
Fred Spoeri. Mrs. D. E. Rose, Mist
Kate Rose. Mr. and Mrs. de Vsrney,
the Mieaes Mary Dunbar. Helen Rose.
Mary Packwood. Helen Wilson, Cathe
rine Erdner. Mary McConnell, Mamie
Reddick. Esther Eiickson. Alice Bul
llngton. Myrtle MacLean, Alice Nolan.
Vivian Wooley, Margaret Cundy. Mar
garet Mansfield, Colllster Wheeler, C
Edwin Humphrey, Harry Humphrey,
Alexander Miller. Lawrence Edwards,
Dave Cooper, Ralph Smith. William
Fordyce. Roland Banks, Robert Bren
ner, Blddle Combs, Bacbe Crofton,
Stanley Boquiat, Robert Cosgriff, A.
Townsend Kurts and Herman Lind.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Van Doren en
tertained at dinner f ttii Vn.tnn,.
The "Arcadian" dancing party will
be held tomorrow evening; January
II, at the new Murlark ball room.
Twenty-third and Washington. This
party had been previously announced
to he bald at- the Multnomah notaL
The Murlark ballroom will be espe
cially decorated for the Arcadians anl
several unique features are planned for
the evening. Serving on the commit
tee are: Misses Charlotte Patterson,
Ann Dilllnger, Axa Genevieve Paget.
Ruth Johns, Ruth Dundaa, Mrs. Ar
thur C. Dayton and Mrs. James H.
Abrey, assisted by the Messrs. Harry
A. Weller. C. Jerrold Owen, Frederick
L. Carlton, Arthur C. Dayton. C. E.
Travllllon and J. H. Meyers.
Miss Florence Tatham entertained
the Phi Pi Psl sorority and a few
guests Juesday evening at her home
on Portland Heights with an attract
ive card party.
To the delight of the guests Miss
Dorothy Fraxler, a talented young vio
linist, favored with a few violin selec
tions, and Miss Mary McConnell with
a solo accompanied by violin and
piano. Supper was served, after which
the guests enjoyed dancing. Among;
those present were: The Misses Helen
Rose, Mary Packwood, Florence Jacob
sen. Dorothy Fraxler. Marian Spoeri,
Helen Wilson, Katharine Erdner, Mary
McConnell. Saline Kropp, Hortense
Ballln, Olive Sullivan Alice Bulllng
ton. Marie Thatcher, Ines Radell and
Mrs. Frances Hayes Hoojgstraat.
On Tuesday last Mrs. Hugo Kerble
and Mrs. C. B. Handy were hostesses
at the Laurelhurst club for the regu
lar bi-monthly card party. Mrs. Dave
Campbell and Mra. H. N. Smith se
cured the highest scores In bridge, and
in "500" Mrs. Parcell and Mrs. F. D.
Weber. The next party will take place
Tuesday, February ' , when Mra N
O. Pike and Mra. F. D. Weber will
act as hostesses for the club.
The members of the orchestra of
the Laurelhurst club, with their wives,
BnbroMery HefWeetna Diswsnurk Tmt
tioe Crecbeting Maadlng silk hosiery Laee
vt all kinds, pereoaal aad Somes tic. at t
Linnett Wolf gram
By Grtta Washerman.
New York. Jan. J8. The climate of
the east and west seems to be reversed
at present, for while we read of blli
sards and extremely cold weather on
the Pacific coast, here it is mild and
almost springlike, so much so that
straw hats, and those of a most sum
mery aspect, at that, are already be
ing worn. At the Blltmore the other
day at the tea hour a number were
seen trimmed In gay colored flowers,
and wheat. This in spite of the fact
that the milliners and manufacturers
are prophecylng dull and uncolored
Easter bonnets, and drab men's suits,
unless the dye shortage is speedily re
lieved. The Author's League of America, of
which 'Winston Churchill is president
and Theodore Roosevelt vice president,
has asked the assistance of a number
of women, prominent in the literary
world, to. help them broaden the scope
of their work, which up to now has
dialt almost entirely with legal mat
ters. Amelia Rives (Princess Trou
betskoy) la to be president of the aux
iliary, Mrs. Helen Woodruff vice pres
ident. Mrs. Gertrude Atherton, Mrs.
Kate Douglas Rigcs, Mrs. Douglas
Robinson, and Mrs. Archer Huntington,
honorary vice presidents; Mrs. May
Van de b'amle Bakhuyzon, treasurer:
Mrs. Blanche Shoemaker Wagstaff,
honorary treasurer, and Mrs. Krnest
Thompson Seton. secretary.
A big mardi gras suffrage ball, under
the auspices of the New York state suf
frage party, of which Mrs. Norman de
P.. Whilehouse Is chairman, is to bfl
j helj on March 7 In Madison Square
garden. It will have a number of very
spectacular features, and will be the
biggest entertainment ever given in
the suffrage cause.
On March 10 the garden will be the
scene of an affair which promises to
bj the largest of its kind ever held.
1: Is to be a bazaar the entire proceeds
o. which will be for the benefit of
the German and Austro-Hungarlan war
sufferers. Fifteen hundred men and
women are on the committee, and the
fair will last 11 days. There will be
30U booths.
At the sale of the art collection of
the late Huso Relsinirer. several or
CTUde Hassam's pictures were eagerly
bid for and sold. "Brooklyn Bridge"
was bought by a collector for S3225.
Three others of his works, "Jryad8."
"Sunset" and "Mornine in Seville,"
brought J6I5 each.
Mrs. John Jacob Astor, widow of
Colonel Astor. who perished on the Ti
tanic, has Just given her first large
ball, as he has been In deep mourn
ing ever since the disaster. It was
such a great success that there Is much
talk of her taking the place of the late
Mrs. Aetor as social leader of New
Miss Kathleen Iawler, who has a
studio at 21 West Thirtieth street, was
one of the Oreaoiiians present at Eml
lie Frances Bauer's last musical re
ctptloti. Miss 1-awler recently sang
enjoyed a supper party in the club
rooms last Monday evening.
The weekly party of the Laurel
hurst club was held Friday night.
Bridge and "3u0" provided entertain
ment and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Haines
were host and hostess for tha ev
nini,'. Mrs. Walter Ptaender entertained at
a yellow luncheon last Monday after
noon, January 24, at her home on
East Everett street, for the pleasure
of her sister, Mrs. James Thelander
of Aberdeen, Wash. The luncheon table
was daintily appointed with yellow
shaded candles and a basket of daffo
dills and violets.
Two tables at "600" were arrangeu
during the afternoon, the highest hon
ors falling to Mra. J. M. Peters. The
guests Included: Mrs. J. Clemena,
Mrs. O. H. Hand, Mrs. C. D. Porter,
Mrs. F. II. Hohn, Mrs. C. H. Gilbert,
Mra T M Peters. Mrs. James The-1
lander. Miss Ieona Clemens and the'
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin I.atz will
leave for Kan Francisco shortly to at
tend the wedding of their son, S. M.
Lais, to Miss Irene Lazarus of Cin
cinnati, which takes place on February
6 at the Fairmount hotel.
Mff and Mrs. Carl Rltterspacher en
tertained at their home, 54G Nehaleni
avenue, Tuesday evening, with a very
pretty "500" party, the occasion be
ing their tenth wedding anniversary.
Card honors fell to Mrs. J. Henry, Mr.
C. Nordhorst. H.A. Henneman and R.
W. Henneman. A delicious supper waa
served. The host and hostess received
many beautiful gifts iu honor of the
occasion. The guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Henneman, Mr. and Mra
R. W, Henneman, Mr. and Mrs. Jonn
Wsggner, Mr. and Mrs. Jams Henry,
Mr. and Mra. Carl Hummel,' Mr. and
Mrs. C. Mordhorst and Mr. and Mra
One of the pleasant events of the
week was a luncheon and 600 party
given by Mrs. P. V. Clodlus at her
home In Walnut Park. Those present
were: Mrs. Rosetta McKennltt, Mrs.
Sadie Swan. Mrs. Carrie Brownell.
Mrs. Zona Hershey, Mrs. Marion Graf,
Mrs. Marie Langley, Mrs. Julia Stev
ens. Mrs. Julia Vospers. Mrs. Ella
Lombard, Mra Susie Lewison, Mrs.
Helen Lamar, Mrs. Lena Moore, Mra
Vaughn, Mrs. Zlmmer, Mrs. Helen
Light and medium weight, sul fable
for Winter and Spring wear.
K. S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd.
Outsat Ootaiag
in the Jamestown "Messiah" perform
ance where very high class renditions
of the celebrated orator. o .are given
annually. Miss I-awler was paid a
great compliment In that she was the
only one of last year's soloists re-en-gaged.
She is meeting with consider
able success In her teaching and Is
also continuing as ftrst soprano, in
the choir of the Church of the Mes
siah. Miss Ina Brooks, a sister of Mrs. Her
bert Bradley and aunt of Miss Louise
Bradley of Portland, who la an actress
of note, has Just had a five reel
scenario accepted by the Famous Play
er company. It la called "The Depths
of Purity," after a story by Butler Dav
enport. At present, she is adapting one
of Louis Anspachers stories for a
film drama. Miss Brooks lived In
Portland at one time and was a mem
ber of the Multnomah Amateur Ath
letic club.
Mrs. 8. Feucht "Wancer. who once
made her homeSn Portland, where her
husband, the late Slgmund Feucht
Wanger, had large business Interests,
now lives at 607 Park svenue. Her
in town on Thursday. The Du Monda
of the famous Washington Square
players, at the Bandbox theatre, and a
son, Walter, Is business manager for
Miss Elizabeth Marburv.
Dr. and Mrs Harrv W. Cox are at
the Hotel Astor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beeks. formerly of
Portland, are visiting Mr. Bceks'
mother on lower Twelfth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferheimer have
taken an apartment at the L.uxorUa on
West Seventy-second street, for the
next two months.
Mrs. Frank Vincent Du Mond was
In town on Thursday. The DuMonds
are, living in I-awrence, Long Island.
Ludwlg Hlrsch Is
at the Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. John Khpard (Gert
rude Heltshu). and their daughter
Elitabeth, have returned from a trip
to Panama and are at the home In
Bast Orange. N. J.
Joseph Patterson and B. S. Josselyn,
both of Portland, were at the Waldorf
Astoria recently.
Mrs. A. C. Riley is the guest of Mrs.
Alfred C. Harrison of Philaddelphla,
at her sugar plantation. Knsenada de
Mora, In Cuba. Mrs. Riley lives with
her daughter. Mrs. Corlnne Riley Bar
ker, at 600 West End avenue.
Miss L Bernard Is at the Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bernstein ( Flora
Bauer) occupy an apartment at the
West Point.
R. W. Miles, who lived In Portlsnd
for some time, now makes his home in
New York. Mr. Miles was in Belgium
for several months as correspondent
for the Montreal Star.
Otto, Mrs. Louise Luther, Mrs. Ida
Townsend, Mrs. Martha Howell, Mrs.
Hattis Clairmore. Miss Elsie Clodlus.
Miss Clara Moore, M!ss Julia Clodlus.
The prises were awarded to Mrs.
Hattie Clairmore, Mrs. Carrie Brown
ell and Mrs. Helen Lamar.
A dinner party was given by Miss
Selma Flodlne at the Y. W. C. A. in
honor of the MJsses Msry Virginia and
Lucile JohnsoiT of Hood River. The
evening was spent in music and sing
ing. Those present: Mrs. C. F. Pflu
ger. Miss Emmerst Crossley, Miss
Jessie E. Elliott, Miss Edith Brock,
Miss Ann Nickel, Miss Terese Benson,
and Ed Peterson, Arthur Peterson, Ed.
Wise. Guy Thatcher, Pearlle Payton,
William Evans and Conrad J. Sieberts.
Miss Ann Nickel gave a party Tues
day evening in honor of the Misses
Mary Virginia and Luc 11 Johnson of
Hood River. The evening was spent
In plsying cards. Those present: Miss
Selma Flodlne, Edith Brock, Sela
Reese, Edith Moore and Guy Thatcher,
Mr. Merton, Pearlle Payton. William
Evans and Conrad J. Sieberts.
Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh entertained
at luncheon Tuesday afternoon, honor
ing Mrs. Lucia Addlton, who was re
cently appointed superior of the labor
department of the National W. C. T. U.
Covers were laid for six guests, all
those present being members of the
state board of the W. O. T. U. The
table was beautifully decorated with
clusters of red carnations, and about
the rooms were attractive clusters of
the artificial Japanese and
cherry blossoms. Mrs. Unruh'a guests
Final Clearance
All Remaining
Broadcloth Suits
Monday Only
$ 1 8.75
That Sold to $45.00
Elegant Suits, some of the finest shown this season.
Ten are fur trimmed, others cleverly touched with
braid or velvet truriming. Fortunate, indeed, are
those in need of a dressy suit that they may take ad
vantage of this very special offering the finest ma
terial, style and finish is embodied in each suit of
fered. Come in early while a complete assortment
of sizes awaits you.
Credit Your Privilege
405 Washington
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Included Mrs. Addlton, Mrs. Jennie
Kemp, Mrs. Msry Russell, Mrs. Mar
garet Houston, Mrs. Ward Swope and
Dr. Zora Crowmover.
Mrs. Unruh will leave Friday for
Idaho for a month's lecture tour tnere
In the interests of the prohibition cam
paign. Mr. and Mra Lawrence 1L Bowlby
CGrace Collier) are receiving congratu
lations on the arrival of a baby daugh
ter, January 21. The little one has
been named Barbara Louise.
Forty residents of Woodstock met
Wednesday evening at the Woodstock
hall and organised a social club to be
known aa the Woodstock Social club.
C. G. Tan Evra was named president
and B. R. Ivle was made secretary
and treasurer. A Lumber of commit
tees were appointed to look after the
various details of the organization.
Street at fenth
Meetings will be held every Saturday
evening, the time being given to cards
and dancing.
Mrs. Robert McBride entertained
last Friday evening at her attractive
home In Laurelhurst for her sister-in-
........ ..,.....,., ,..r
I SiJkalL &yyA&on 'JJuil 'Witt (ii
25 Cents MINTS
Per Box Now.
. Sichel & Co.
P7 Thtrj St.
rhonejfata BOS
Photos That Please
Not only
&?c but Artistic
S. 3utef & Son
Special sale of
sarxjro xooic iTrUTirJB
I And other Art Furniture during
-r -y 'Si,
To fteoen T1T-T18-71S !irtfe.
western Bank BWf. Morrtaoa
betweea MiU and Braaeway.
stalit MIS. rWeoee I. Fires
Corset Store
34S Waehingtoa; NW Braadway.
11 If
law, Mrs. Francis T. McBride. who is
leaving soon for a two months' visit
In the southern states, where she will
visit relatives In Florida and Texas.
The affair was quite informal, only
(Continued on Following Page)
DJUilnf "ttu ld Sut
Ail the latset
Dance Records
985 Morrison rt 181 Tonrta at.
Christensen's Hall
and Dancing School
Where yoa ess entrtaia with large e
aaiall ears or danctnf frttr.
CLaiizs roaktijia covmnrixiT
M. Christeiisen
rUeate Caetla'a eraaal Seaeel ef
Mala 17. A-MM.
T S Tkl r.ond Orchestra
PAIN Lai Tecal aW laswa-
""' anawtal SeUwta '
TW. Mily rae-vlarly rrWnW Ti nf aaslnasl
saaaieai ergaaisaUoa ia u. aerttwest.
rercy A. Caapbell. Owaer aai Direeter.
Eae. Taker HI. Basis? s. Xaia TITS '
For Engravod Wadduig Carcli" ,
- - , amd sutaotwry - , IS