THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY SO, 1916. . POCLTItY AXD PIGEOX3 8T l2SJ2J2i: 8, C WHITE LEGHORN'S. Th farnoua McKean Park strain la tred exclusively for tniilmnm egg production. Large birds that lay whit eggs; IS eggs SLo; ISO eggs. I7.S0; baby chicks, l&o aach. Order Imme diate!, avoid disappointments later. McKENNA PARK POULTRY J A Kit. 777 cntmDtr or torn., ronnnu, BARRED ROCK, cockerels, I-0- it ai4 $10. Won first hen. Portland; first cockerel. Seattle. Egga for hatch ing. II for 15. Five var-tllea of ban tams: Rufua Red bares and prgeons. Ore son Carneau Co, Box 27 . Portland. 1 at uyr ti.004 DAY-OLD Reda and Leghorns for aale, this season from heavy laylnir at rain: write for free catalogue, agents- famous Queen incubators, 1 iroriiti. lit Q. ---. . K l f 1 a Setting 13 : eggs, ti t. . AL-Twenty Ancon.s and " IV, A TV. 11 Vila, - ' . chicken houses of the Fllo v.,tt0-1'" j good-condition: aio 150 feet ' ?r ! fenco at a very tow coh " ' 418, or 1410 Leonora St.. Woodlawn, kABBlTS Oreat bargain h young stock. weeks and over, 15c up. jturua ana . ''v:,,Vi8I tock, reaaonablly priced. 131 Jln at a maii i n thoroughbred white 'VloUe(u i ... .1 . - Wtra 112. CuOU O ,uVi 0: Cockerels. 3.' Horn, phone i-ri. w. u. mur 'OK HALE White Wyandotte cock erels. 2 IK Cyphers outdoor brood ers 15 each; one J58 egg Mf..!": cubator cheap, a L. ooa. u iu. ei.i street WASTED Ore 100 to 500 egg Incu bator; state make, how old and price. also one Petal urna brooder stove. D- 184 Journal. . ONE"" Rhode Island red cock. Batten strain. 12.60; two Buff Leghorn cockerels. II 60 each. Walter Roswuira. Forest Prove, Or FOR HALii 1 cockerel. 4 laying hens and (our thoroughbred Indian game pullets. All for $8. ML Scott car. 6130 iza ave. . t. ONl. doaen thoroughbred R. I- K. pul- leta and Old Trusty- mcumwr .brooder 10 else), for sals at a bar sain. 143 Watts ft.. Kenton. FOR SALE 210 egg Cyphers Incu bator. White Leghorn setting eg, baby chicks. D. M. Holbrook, 41- Jeesup, Woodlawn 4344. HARKS. Kw Zealand and ftufua Reds and others, all agea; New Zealand rahbitry. 7803 0th ave.. S. B. ML Scott. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD VETS 40 ENGLISH SETTER. At Stud. Multnomah Boy. F D 8 B. 331. A clean, classy, level-headed bird dog. combined with field trial class and beauty; one that can go all day and every day. Fee 15. Dogs boarded. Hillsdale Kennels. Hillsdale. Or. Phone Main 2785. FRENCH Bull bitch. 15; Airedale bitch. 20: Airedale. 5 weeks old. fe male. 15: black and tan 7 months old. 2 lbs.. 125 Oregon Carr.eau Co.. Box 27. Portland. Tabor 4183. IMPORTED St! Andreasberg rollers. night singers. 37.50; females ( pot ted), 75c. 63SH Rodney ave. East m, . AlRKDAl.E STUD a winner by Ch. Illuminator, fee 110; puppies cheap Mala 4311. or kennels. McKenna ave. and Lombard st., St Johns carline 12 PAIR extra fine singing canary birds for sale. Box 43, Route 1. War ren, Or. AT STUD. Boston terrier, Patrick Hen ry, Oregon state champion. C H. iwrcun. Tabor za. AIREDALES, pedigreed stork, trained1 parent, raised right, la and up. Alax Muller. Ontario, Or. FOR SALE, fine Irish terrier puppies. King Hill Kennels. Z03 Chapman st- .KeasonaDie price. FOR SALE, Airedale pup, male and female, reasonable. 4235 48th ave.. S. E. Sellwood 257. ' AT stud. ' Kewple" and "Rajah Mack," best orange Persian cats In Port Is nd. Particulars, phone Wdln. 2275. ST- ANDREASBERO rollers and fa males. 1010 Kerby at., L car. WANTED Canary bird, night singer preferred lT-22. Journal. i'Olt KALE Ouaranteed singers, 13.50 a pair. Phone Oak Prove 79. box 83. CANARY hTr.Iji for yaie Kan h::S. ALTO.MOtllLri-ACCESSOKIES 4 f Hupmobile HOUSE OF QUALITY FOR HIGH GRADE USED CARS. WE GUARANTEE KVERY CAR TO BE AS REPRESENTED. 1915 HUPMOBILE. run very lit tle 1825 1111 KOUD delivery. Jukt like new 400 1913 7 pass. NATIONAL, in r- fect condition 1000 CHAI.MER8 Zi, e'.ectri.: lights and starter, 6 non-sxid lire. Kellosri; pumps, 2 extra storage batteries: runs fine 500 S GOOD ROASTERS. BTL'DEBAKER 20. overhauled and repainted 3250 IT WILL PAY TOT' TO LOOK TIIESE OVTER. TERMS. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. 4-4J N. 20TII ST. MARSHALL 1I9. A-1293. BARGAINS In USED CARS. Large stock, prices 1100 to 171a. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebaker bldg Corner Chapman and Alder. PORTA BUb. garages. 3 up. MILl .MADE CONSTRUCTION CO. 144 Hood St. Mala 1117. Sundays and Evenings vvooaiawn dbla. FOR SALE. 8 cylinder Cole, 11.935. 111! Model, nearly new, run only S800 miles. Price 31500 cash or 1-3 cash; bal. mtg. on real estate. Address W 617. Journal. LOOK Mets speedbug, overhai good tires, electric lights, etc., v trade for auto engine or email lau fnone neiiwood 1743 Sunday Written guar antee witu every spring. 14 N 1 6th t. EXCHANGE good roadster for equity in i or I room house or sell cheap . for cash. Multnomah Gas at Electric oarage, sin ana aiaaison. fffi-r-i:VArffM'iUSED CAR ifflffll and 125. per month. K-783, Journal. 'CLEAR VISION.'" manufactured and I distributed by the ' WESTERN SFE CI ALT Y SALES CO.." 403 Fenton ! bldg. Beware of Imitators. I TWO Ford engines, fine condition, for launches or any purpose, each 75. Also II other motors. MOTOR PARTS MFO. CO.. 325 Burnslde st. YVANT to trade my new 1918 Overland model 83 for a good old model car ar.d cash difference. Broadway (ja- rajfgj j-ast jiiu ana croaaway. 1813 -CADILLAC chassis. comninicW overhauled, suitable for hearse or ambulance. C. B. Miners & Co. auto mobile repairing. 528 Alder st. FIVE PASSENGER STUDEBAKER, self starter, new tires, newly paint- ed. 8278. Terms. Dr. Rose. 84 E. 79th. New and second hand Ford bodies, $1 to 175. Benj. E. Boone & Co.. fii - 1 1 J . 1 A - . AMier bi. Alain avov. WOULD like to buv a Hudson lirht alv auto or other light car. Hardman ' Commercial agency. P. O. box 484, city. 111 PRSTO tank $9. Hyatt Talking . Machine Co.. 30 Alder. ; I PAY cash for li nand cars. Spec. ennm 'arae. jd and Mala. LATE Ford, i pass., reouilt, 115, good nrrs, anap, at. 1 SOOT 4100 1 CHEST crlcaa rala metal. J. Leve. 1 Columbia. M. I19i! tja SALE cheap. 1 Ford delivery. Jgj nuuaiiej aiv. 44 WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. STt'DEBAKER "3u" delivery car, canvas top 1115 STt'DEBAKER "35." 113 7 pass, touring car 300 STUDEBAKER delivery car. 1500 lbs. capacity, electric starter and lights, overhauled and repainted 500 GAKFoRD, 7 pas. touring car la good shape... 200 STt'DEBAKER "2U" touring car. fine condition 175 FORD DELIVERY CAR, panel top ibv BTl'DEBAKER "tiix." 7 passenger touring car, electric starter and lights 710 REO truck. 1J0O lbs. rapacity, lust overhauled and repainted 150 FORD touring car. electric lights, shock absorbers, master Tbra lor, extra, tire, Chains, et 100 CHALMERS "30" roadster, over hauled and repainted 150 STL'DEUAKJiR 20" delivery car. canvas (op In good condition.. 175 UAXI.MOH1LB 30" touring car. in first clasn condition. . . 371 Oregon fvlotor Car Co, . BTl'DEBAKER BUILDING. COR CHAPMAN' and ALDER 8T8. PHONK MAIN 9402. A-T45S, Fords Fords Fords Fords FORDS FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1914 Ford. 5 pass., fully quipped: finest condition: Klaxon horn and electric lights; I295- 1)14 Ford. 5 pas., new. 1350. 1914 Ford. 6 pass., fully equipped, electric lights and new tires aii around; llii. 191J Ford, 5 pass., fully equipped, finest condition. ! 7 5. 4 1914 Ford. 6 pass., fully equipped, nickel plated and speedometer. 1295. 1914 Ford. 5 paaa.. fully equipped, speedometer and electric lights. 331a. Terms If desired and a year's free service on all minor adjustments. Comrlete stock of Ford parts; you can get them day or night; we never close. Francis Motor Car Exchange Limited Ford Agent E. 1111. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. February Clearance Sale on Used Cars, All makes cf touring cars, roadsters and trucks. The biggest bargains on the easiest terms ever offered. Northwest Auto Company 331 Osxich St., near Broadway. PORTLANDS Used Car Clearing House We sell all makes of used cars and ; parts at bargain price. i H, L, Keats Auto Co, I BROADWAY AND BURNSIDE. 1 Phones Broadway 5363. A-1170. I Write for mailing list. I ' I i Investigate These Ford Bargains 1115 FORD touring car .. 1435 1915 FORD touring car 34 1) 1915 FORD touring car .9i 1915 FORD touring car 3365 1915 FOIU touring car J;:si 1914 FORD touring car r.7) 1015 FORD dehverv car $395 1915 FORD delivery car $390 1914 one ton truck, complete $ 7 7 J 1913 FUR I J roadster with delivery bed I2..0 1916 DolKii: BROS. car. same as new. A written guarantee with each iar. EASY TERMS.- Benj. E. Boone & Co, FORD AGENTS 114 Alder st. Phone Main 39CC. Good Bargains In Used Cars BUICK" model -39,' 1913. 40 IL P. 6 paps., good condition, 400. STUDEBAKER. "Six." 7 passenger, goou as new, f.ou. OVERLAND. 1912. I condition. 1400. pass., in good NATIONAL ROADSTER, good as new, isijq. BUICK Model -25." 1911. I pass good as new, J00. DISTRIBUTORS The Howard Automobile Co, 14th and Davis sts. Main 1120; A-2550. mavws-t.t. . K PISH MAXWELL "SPECIAL." 5 PASS. YVHITE "30," 1814 model. I pass, lightly ufed: looks like new. WHITE "SO," 1911 model, I ass.. mechanical! v perfect, with new tires. 1914 CADILLAC. 7 paaa-. new seat covers, newly painted. OLDS MOBILE, 7 pass.. 0 H. P. I cylinder, large, roomy body, good stag, car. WINTON special chassis, built for stage, ambulance or hearse body. WE ALSO HAVE 7 pais. Wlntons ranging In price from I04 upi Liberal terms. THE W 23d and Waah. sts. Main 4214. FEDERAL TRUCK. Overhauled and painted,, complete with body, top, curtains and storm cur tains. 850. This is the beat auto truck bur In Oregon today. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2891. 209-11 Front st. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tlrea made f rent your old ones. Brin; thm in. Oregon Vulcanising Co, Waah. at 11th. Burnslde a Broadway, 35 Rurnaide.) FOR SALE Used. Ford In ft tit class condition. Call Tabor 3171. ALTO310BILES.ACCESSORXES ilea: I OJJ'T i in i 1 1 o ACTOMOBILE3-ACCESS01UE8 44 (CoitliM4) A Sate Used Truck to Buy In buying- a rebuilt Federal you get as much value for your money as In any new truck you could buy. A rebuilt Federal means that It has been com pletely overhauled, every part critical ly examines ana. w Ben necessary, re placed by a new one. It Is painted and finished lust like a new truck. And remember this: When you buy a rebuilt Federal, you are protected by the same policy ap plied to all Federal owners. We oper ate a repair department manned only by Federal experts open night and day with the moat comslele stock of parts In the northwest. Federal leadershlo la a b v word In the trucking Held. This "butlt In" quality, backed by an organisation capable and willing to give you real service, is consequently A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUT. If you are In the market for a truck from I100J to 11400, we urge you to compare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. Wa think we can convince you of their superior value. GERIIKCER East Third and Oregon Sts, Just across the steel bridge. Used Auto Snaps, LIBERAL TERMS GIVKN. Large Stock to Select From, Includ ing Two, Four, Five. Six and Seven Passenger and Four and Six Cylinders of Vari ous Different Makes. Here Are a Few of tXe Many Bar gains We Offer for Your Approval: 1915 MITCHELL. B-pass.. cylinder. mis car is moaern to Gate, wltn a lot of extra equipment, is early new. 1914 MITCHELI i-pass.. 6 cylinder, electric starter and lights. A very powerful car; used very little. 191! MITCHELL. 5 -pas a. cylinder: rebuilt and painted. A good family 1912 MITCHELL, 2-pass.. 8 cylinder; rebuilt and painted. Lota of power and raat. 1911 MITCirELL, 7-cass cylinder, A big, strong car, good for stage. 1915 MITCHELL, B-paas . 4 cylinder; modern to date, good as new. 1113 MICHIOAN. l-pass., 4 cylinder; eiecinc iiguis, reuuiii ana p&imea. 19U STODDARD, 6-pas.. 4 cylinder; used very uttie. A line family car. 1912 YE LIE, 2-pass.. 4 cylinder. A high grade roadster very cheap. AND A NUMBER OF OTHERS. Why Not Get Into Business for Yourself? btart a Stage Line! See Our Special-Built 12 Passenger Stage Car. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST 1ST AND E. MORRISON STS. East 7272 B-1216. I Our Used Car Department Offers the Following Bargains CADILLAC. 1913. seven pass.. e.le. trie starter. A-l condition . . 8f0 f'OLE. 1913. electrically equipped. 575 CADILLAC toirine a. 275 New 1915 FORD, electric starter and lights, demountable rims, new and extra tires: car cost owner 1800; will sell for CHALMERS 30. tonrins car VINTON SIX. self starter ... CADILLAC touring car OVERLAND, 1914 Roadster, re painted; A-l condition MAXWELL light roadster AUBURN classy roadster R ('. H , late model, touring car STODDARD ll;ht roadster CADILLAC. 1312. electric starter MARION racy roadster C ONTINENTAL. 3.'. H. P.. 5 paw. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. I7i to 3 175 225 MANY OTHERS NOT LISTED YOU ARE INVITED To INSRBTT OUR COMPLETE STOCK. COVEY MBim GAB CO. 21st and Washington its. Main 6244. 1 SHELDON truck cost 1.500. good as new. rapacity 1 Vt tons 1950. 1 OAKLAND roadster, $-75. -1 MITCHELU cyl., $i5i). 1 STUDEBAKER. $200. FORDS We have several bargains In used Fords. TERMS IF DESIRED. Oakland Auto Co. 16th and Alder ats. ON"t Maxwell. 2 radiator. 1 Maxwell. A radiator. 2 Maxwells. 2 cylinders. 2 Maxwells. A cylinders. Numerous other Maxwell parts. C. B. MINERS & CO.. Automobile Repairing. 618 Alder st. AUTO WHEELS. Win vrvn r a 11 to aklrf n vnn Kr. L a wheel, think of us. We make a spe cialty of wheel rebuilding. High class work at moderate prices. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE Sc. AUTO WORKS. Main 2892. 209-11 Front ut. 191$ DODGE BROS, touring car, abso lutely aa good as new. has not been o" riven more than 700 miles. If in the market for a new Dodge car at re duced price, look this up, BENJ. E. BOONE vc CO.. 114 Alder st. Terms. Msln 89S. REO, 5 passenger, lata model, repaint ed and overhauled. In first class condition in every respect. Top and curtains, almost new. joo. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE A AUTO WORKS. 6t Front at. Msln 2192. SEE the 1 ton trues attachment for Ford cats. $38$; complete with chassis. 1795. BENJ. E BOONE CO 514 Alder st. Portland. Or. WALL pay cash for Ford cars. DE.NJ. b. UOO .-.!. LU, S14 Alder st.. Portland. Or. SLIGHTLY used tires. Urgest stock In Portland. 3 to IIS. Fine repair- Iwg Tire Sttpnlv Co.. t"T Madison. fX)R SALE i pws. Reo. mo4el 1114, A-l condition. Phone i U1$44. "IE1WLT" ATJTX)M0RlLES.ACCKSS01tIE3 44 (QMtXSA) ALL KTNDS OF Used Cars FOR SALE CHEAP. Terms to responsible parties. Fred Dundee Motor car repairing and machine works. 57J Jefferson at.. Portland. Or Main 2851 A-2568 BODIES. ' i Bus. hearse and commercial bodies of every description. We are headquar-' ters for tbla vrk. Our factory is the largest and best equipped on the Pa cific coast. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. ! Main 289!. 209-1 1 Front ut. AUTOMOBILES WAXTKI) 7H WILL buy good second-hand car, road ster or 5 passenger; must be bar gain, state price and make In first letter. 2.-414, Journal! BT PRIVATE party; recent model, ellchtlv lined auto. Will Tia v null for bargain. Dealers need not apply. A-4ft6, Marshall 4181. WANTED A llsht automobile, prefer a stripped down Ford or B. M. F". for bug. cash fur right car or trade. N-495, Journal. OPAL rinj; with 27 diamonds round it. TST ill . 1 v. . ... . w m j- nui iiuua igr rvru a-u u. -oa. Journal. WANTED Small automobile motor; must be In rood condition. Address P. O. Box 22. MUwaukie. Oreron. TRADE piano, value 1300. as first pay ment, balance 320 a month, on 5 pas- aenger auto. laoor 9yt. WOULD like to buy a Ford or Dodge car: siaie conaiuon. price ana terms. a- f-t t . . i - MECHANIC wants an old car that can do repaired. Will give clear city lot. Main 1088. HOUSE rent, either furnished or un furnished, for an automobile. K 788. Jo inial. WANTED- Small oar for diamond riu and cash. H-671, Journal. &MALL herd of good cows to trade for late model automobile. East 381)3. WANT a 1915 Ford for cash or trade. State price. K-87? Journal. llAY'E 4 lots in Brighton worth J600 for auto. Sellwood 442. YVANT to buy Ford auto thl week. Hedln, 430 Worcester bldg. MOTORCYCLKS BICYCLKS 53 Used Motorcycles Our stock of used machines Is the ! ''fivoi am mtj citr. vur prices anu teiuis are rigni. it will pay you to Investigate before buying. I Dayton Cycle Co. 210 Broadway. USED MACHINES OF ALL MAKES ON EASY TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 GRAND AVE. Agents for FLYING MERKEL and PARLEY DAVIDSON. WILL exchange first-class new Vlc trola, Grafonola or Edison phono graph for motorcycle. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SPLENDID Twin Excelsior motorcycle this week. 65. 325 dowiT. lj monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder. WANTED The best second hand mo torcycle $50 cash will buy. Phone week days. Main 2558. LAUNCHES AX1) UOATS U FISH BOAT FOR SALE.- 8x35 feet, upmost new; equipped with I horse, single cylinder, make and break engine, a splendid buy at 330 cash. Call or write K. V. Arnold, Fisher, Wash., 8 miles east ef Y'an-couver. FOR 8AU0 Houseboat, all furnished ' A large llitlng can be found under , hug. cash for rlgut car or trade, N-49-. electric lights and water, for lioo! these d'fferent hearlings. Journal. tomorrow only, at Willamette Moor j HAVE foot tread air pump and pres- WILL excliange fine new victrola. are, extreme upper end. WILSON. ' ture tank. Pell cheap or exchange , grafonola or Edls-on Diamond WANTED -'6-30 f t." " iauncli. Must be f"" paper cutter. 605 N. W. Building, phonograph for piano. 11. alt Talk exceptional baraain. (Jir'e desr-rin- Wash. st. lne Machine 'e.. 35tt Alder. tlon and lowest cash Drlca K.IsS. Journal. FOH SALE 5 room bungtUow house boat furnished. Bargain. Call Sun day 12 to 4 p. m. No. 14 Willamette Moorage. AM looking for a bargain In a cabin cruiser. State name and price. 1 2j, Journal. . rvwuuat ana canoe mo- tors; row bouts, canoes. motorbnta gvlnrude Motor Co.. Morrison Ac Front. i. V I ... I .... . canoe roo- PIANOS, ORGANS ANU a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - .1.1 .w -i-.. .w-..-. .w...-.- . , r i v , . , i - , . 1 1 .. ....... ..r . UV rV -Ari w. i. x JlrX V.n?cr,erln?.- ot"?. B at 35. 30 'Valley Gem." Baldwin Pmrni . .ft. 1325 Cable Sons, old model, at t5. ouu unerson uprignt, mahogany, 1185 1325 miniature upright, walnut. $50. IH50 Steinwav At Sons. up., wul.. $315. $1000 New York Pnuioforte grand. 1195. 3135 Kimball organ, oak, mirror. 32S To first caller. 109 4th. Storage. 75c i Is FEE, 11.35 weekly, sends new 32a FIRST class renulna Is.. .ue,-i.r n flat cornet. Price only $35. $7.50 down and $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking '"chi1.J:o- SBOAlder. E LEO ANT 11200 Knabe grand mah- ogany piano In fine shape. Price 1485. 1100 down, 315 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 300 Alder. WILL pay cash for small model Y'i - troia with some records. Answer, describing what you have. U-225, Journal. FOR SALIC $75 Anton n aieui man- banco for good k. U-231. Jour- dolin cheap or In ex small sized roll top ties n- . , -, x-i ZT, ; ; TALklNO machine and reeords, bar- gain tor rash or trade fur violin or "inri. xariion Ajfii., corner xvusseil and l.'nlon ave., Apt. 1. j PIANO, standard make" almost new ; ' will sell cheap; must have money. I iS3VU3eilSl., API. l FHKIl um of Diano or Dlivcr-olAno. Prhwan Plann Cn 111 llh 195 CASH secures 375 Wellinirton up - x?k.wkw T T I V(l va .1 1 ,r1 in ..i-han.ii f , . - t . 1 1 , i n . ,.. i . a i . i. . .. ... wmv ... . ... - - 1750 player piano, fine tone, mahgg - an?. uiw oi'jv. i BANJO. 112. cost 135: Bangeaurlne, 15; cost 1 15. Tabor 8100. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Cnll 111 4th st WANTED A hornless Phono Tabor 2635. phonograph. FOR SALE Slightly used organ for $35. Inquire -00 E. Morrison st. t piano. Must ito AN elegant toned uprlgh sell at once. Marshall TirKWIdlKHS f 7 NEW REDUCED PRICBS OKHI'll.T TrPl'WIMTFMa Remingtons, No. 10 13 2.50 Kemlngtons. No. 11 35.00 Smith Premiers, No. 16 27. kO ncmuiKion, no. a anu 1 12,911 t j o-..i, vA a rn ilth. No. 2.50 j 8 fit" ods", n'o. i...! j2.o 1, 4- v. v. or.vera. Royals. Underwood SOLD ON EASY TERMS FULLY GUARANTEED REBUILT DKP .RTMK.vT. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. I Broadway. Phone Hpwiway kZl TV WK WHlTk. HS for rattt 3 months for S and up: I months' rental ap plied on purchase Pc Remington Typewriter Co.. r Broad way. NEW. rebullL id hand, rentala, cua rates. P.UviCo, 231 Stark. M. 1407. i-- -.w ..v. i i i'uu.i i i-i,, luaxins wnat nave you.- oaon ninniniivu. - . r-; r. . i .... 300 you member of Profit Sharing Plan" -r. r -v..-. Tt- ,.-, 'vfTTT-T7 ' WHAT will you trade for Feurless R0 club. Members share 28 "i to 3 0b In L, excb-inge. fine, new ' Iclrol, ; ktt-hPn cabinet? 2C8 Mill st. ?00 pr)ce. No int'ere.?. T?m. prTvileg." ! 'UmMm tS ISO Alder NEWWuTnTtlTre of 6 roorrrfUt-o-eT-toui saving 1172.28 to you. See display '. Talking Machine co. Aider , j chn f unincumbered lot. Mar adv. or call Bchwan Piano Co., Ill 4th. ' SUITS pressed IS cents; dry cleaned haU z"jU- III FINE $300 Edls.-n Amberola cylinder rtroadJav Yl4 A 431 4" " 1 NEW stump puller for cordwood. Main 3S0 machine and 100 records, hornless Broadway ft M, a iih. Write r.'95 Hood st. it? model, with built In cabinet. Price , COMPLTINQ scales, good as new. 4S3". voWwriter lor V.ctroU. 11 only bS2.60. $15 down. 5 monthly.! cheap, guaranteed, easy terms. 83 , 1RST CLASS tj pew 1 iter lor .ciroia. Joo Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. 1st. , Lajt TYPEYTRITEI15 -77 tctiesa DLjn" REBUILT TIPBWklTERS " ' LARGEST 8 TOCK LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS Machines of all makes and models, all thoroughly rebuilt and fully guar anteed Any machine aent for three days' examination to any point on Pa cific coast, and If not satisfactory may be returned at our expense. Type writers rented 4 mouths It and up. Rental allowed on purchase. Send for Illustrated price list YVHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 3-1 Washington St.. Portland, Or. W t. m v a yu trom te to : Sr ou alt makes ef typewriters. Send far our Illustrated folder; retail department. YVHOLESALE TYPEWRITER (XX, 4ii waaninetnn st, WILL exchange first class talking machine for good typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. 8108 TYPEWRITER for 5e. Broadway 697. A-7130. Week day -4. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALKA5 RUGS AND CARPETS, 9x12 Buaaoxah Axmlnater rug, soft blue coloring, suitable for bedroom, used about I lOOfcthe, coat $31.(1. Price WO. Genuine Bundhar Wilton rug. alxe. 10 feet 8 In. hy 13 feet color brown and tan with a touch of green, thoroughly clean and In good condition; cost new k5; our price 135. Twenty-six yards of fine body Brussels carpet; In perfect condition; Km all figure, red and tan coloring; coat 145; our price 120. 8x9 body Brussels rug, can't be told from new; colors green, tan and old rose; price now 112.50. GEVL'RTZ FURNITURE CO.. 115-187 First SL Near YamhllL ONE pair of very fine brocaded por tiere", one side rich green, the other red. Thcoe portieres have neyer been used and cost 175. Left with ua on consignment. Price now. the oalr, 25. GEVUHTZ FURNITURE CO., 185-18? 1st St. 4 HOLE Triumph Eclips rane, with 11 inoh r-ti in i . . rfmit ri-li 1 1ctn rt t k xr SJT n mir1 n'ipi Sift GEVL'RTZ FURNITURE CO., 115-117 let St. NEW Acme rauee and coll, cost 155. used 1 month,-125; good Iron bed and spring. $4: 2 brass indirect lighting fixtures. cost 145. 320; 2 sanitary i couohf. S3. Tabor 5100. iCOVF.LL PtVltTVEtY GOING OUT of business. See big furnlturo ad in "New Today" classification of this sec- tln. 760 worth Of new furniture, 6 rooms, soild oak aniLflroasslan walnut: will sell or trade. hat have you? N-MO. Journal. DINING reom set, llvinj room set. cheap for cash or trade for diamond. Y'irtrola or anything I can take eaat. Tahor 3123. FURNITURE r, rooms for sale. 490 F. Ankenv t. OAK furniture of 3 rooms for sale for 1-3 of Its value, ftellwood 2251. FOR SALK Chairs, tables buffet. Monday. 234 10th at. dishes. Call ,... c . i i twf .i-a tn tOll SALL MISLELLA.Nfc.OLS H 1 AUTOMOBILEb. motorcycles, launches ' or wiata ara aanarata eLaslf 1 cation . iv.'iVK'M oil tank and numn cnmnlete. 60 gallon capacity. Perfect condition. Benj. K. Boone & Co, 514 Alder St. Main 3!16. 1-3 INTEREST In new 60 H. P. plow- ing outfit. Will give same to any- one willing to purchase balance. O- 01J, Journal. SPLENDID Eiiibon home phonograph nnd 50 records only 915.50. 85 down, -. " .. , ,, .. n 7-. wi H-H monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine ' 'o 9 50 Alder. FIR8T-CI-ASS beautiful burl walnut, Newman Bros, piano, cost 343i. Price '15- douTn- f.3-M.TO"; "yu IHlHinK -US- IlIllO vw. a-v Aiu. . i . . j FOR SALE 2 good pool tat.les and t ovltf it complete. Main 9187. 1435 ' v,,.-,im . .'Ill IUIII Dl FO K S A LE! cheap, show cases, wall .uses, counters, scales, aona foun tains, pool tables. 31 E. Morrison at. DROPHEAD Singer machine. Almoet new, 115. -lal Park st., near Yam Mil. A HIOH GRADK li gauge gun. coat $L:; will consider some trade. Call Mar 53. $00 8TIMPSON computing cale to trade for mercnanmse. rumiture or FOR SALE Karoil" Kiia ranke. 10 ft. awning, some ks pipe. 2 dozen sil- ver knives. Apply 361 Yamhill si. UKD niattrees spring $2. dresser (3. sewing machine $8, chicken wire. 23 E. 22d. , "iTriilKiriiv hnuwh 1 -Td raoalrad 1 ...hii1 Northwest Laad M. ilach Co S11 Front St. f gTx hole kitchen range, coal or I wood: 315: particulars Phone Wood- lawn 2.42. mmt S E W I N G MACHINES, all , kinds, all niakse. guaranteed, , Vf ' 349 Morrison st. Main 1S45. ;YVAVNE gasoline pumps and OH stor- .K tanks E It Rueppell. agU. 194 j j,t Main 1221. A PATENT In the furniture line for sale or trade. 502 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 644 FOR SALE 5 H. P. General Electric I motor; combination Crescent wood- I Li..'.K.ri wamev V 1 KN N A chairs for sale at bargain ! -.-.S. 'e" Enquire Union depot rastau- izttx aL'fefe. ...... r . mm, urrKun vi 1 DDPUTVH IvMwrlt.r III: fa rn- r , sweeper and taby walker, cheap. i us Mallorv ave. .$12.50 DROPHEAD sewing nwer- with attachments Call 1 52 OraiM ave. j WELL rotted fertiliser deliver 8el- wnod li88. NEW wardrobe trunk for cheap . 1 1 1 tf vir, t.r Bristol. ptxil table. ' li. K. homBon. 143 E. y -Vi w i vfrv fine large Cornelian moonstone 1'"?nn" .lr5t6 Miin 19J I wmer "":, 7 .," . ., w M - A H h ro HiBiiua-nj lvivivu I ""r: i Momn bldtr. I NEW I tl B CUCKOO 1 00: v i very fine colored diamond set Tiffany ring Main 1 1 - rINB cameo brooch. 11 . 8Ctt'ng Man 16,;- Beautiful white au 115. Solid gold ska fur neck- -piece, new, price. 1 2. Sell. 1310. , tor SALE, few oil paintings. Phone cast mt. riNCl'BATORS. 3 oroolere. new, half price: snap. Alain ox. Maw offer. ONE 1x7 plate camera, Bosch A Lomb lens, Victor snuttr. Main eaai. OSTRICH plumes for sale, cheap, or trade, for bassinet Call Tabor 1414. MONARCH range. Phono Wdln. 431. -. w- . i.. ...i, -i,.. tr, WANTED Second hand feed cooker, ' "- mv-1 mnaA Pmdltinn. Mrs A. H ristol. 16 lxtn at. 1 .V,""'",vr" . i::..;.. u'..i ery rine carving. main ,-. 1 - " Ti.7 D: ..,.. o.L FOR SAJLE SOSCELLAXEOUS lit f OoatlBaee) Sewing Machines Singer. 20. Olympic, 112.50. New Royal. 115. Wheeler at Wilson, ll. White. 114. Queen. 112.50. Standard. 115. Davig. 1&. White. IT. Singer. II. Zenith. 111. New Goodrich cab., III. Every machine aent out in per. feet sewing condition and guaranteed. Terras or cash. Sewing Machine Em porium, 190 Third at. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3. DROPHEAD SEWING MACliiNES. Dollars Each Guaranteed All Kinds 341 MORRISON ST. MAIN 1845 Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bumslde, ror. 10th. Proadwsv or A-H874 SPECIALS IN PRINTING. 1000 noteueads. billheads, state ments, 11.50. White wove envelopes. 81.75: bond letterheads. 33; envelopes, 3.25. yamplea free. COLEMAN I BROS.. Box 882, Main 9388. Portland. YOU SALE One regular Landis har- ness sewing machine, complete; new from the factory; only used 3 lb thread. Price will surprise you, gone out of business. Address. A. Shanks. Shei burn, Or. MACHINES of all makes eold and rested. 13 up. Sewing Machine Empo rium. 110 Id. near Tay lor. Main 9431 A-2. BIl .1.1 A HDX New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easv payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-BaUe-Collender Co.. 48-4 Ith st. Phone Msln 4970. "MUSICAL INSTKUMKNiSy "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate ciasslf icatlona. All adver tisements of these fc- AKls are published under their respective classification. I.ook them over. PORTABLE houses, hunting ratoaa, chicken houses,, etc. M1LLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO, (44 HOOD St. Main 1117. Sundays and Evenings Woodlawn 3615. FOR SALE or trade, full equipment stem wheel boat tor gasoline boat Or engine machinery 1 can use, or real estate. What have you? W. P. Reed. XH Union st.. The Dalies. Or. FULL creamery equipment, boiler, en gine, cnurn, rlpener, tester, pulleys, belting, shafting, etc. In good cundl tlon. A bargain. Box 83 . Bandon . Ore. ONE No. 5 Keystone traction drilling machine for aa.le cheap; louo too: machine. Addresa, N. C. Jaiuaen, &12 Seneca st., Portland. Or. $60 SINGER tailor sewing macliine. First class condition. J2.oO, 54JVs v aahlnglon st. WELL rotted horse and cow majiuri. Plione last 4S32. SWAP COLUMN M tX)R TRADE A --ft. by 13-fn. lathe. as good as new, lor Portland prop- erty, real estale preferred. D-3CC. Journal. FOTC Sal or Trade for wood, three wood sawing machine 1 portable. 1 traction, 1 auto. Fr. Klfclutr. 173 E Oak st., Portland. HAND vacuum cleaner, steel couch, small stand table, for child's bed, small kodak or gaj plate. Columbia 337. . BEAUTIFUL enclosed electric auto, 4 passengers; large heater, cast lined; I waterpower washing machine. Dia- nK.ncU or sell 94S Hassalo at. ' WANTED A liulit auioinoblle, prefer a BtriDDed down Ford Or E. M. . for flVK auillne on charcoal flatlrou. I large, heater, cast lined, waterpower , washing machiuc. Dlaiuonda or sen. ' 94 8 Hassalo st. ' equity in new modern bunsalow, , will trade Tor launch, hauseboat or what have ou. A-5;3, Journal. 1 U)UxT7y W ITH store, building, Vanrou- - v,-r, Wan. Want auto or anything of vn Ice. Hot 1,.. Ients. :tor l. WILL exthaKe short hours monilj... work for chiropractic ttealmoiils. 4J' 91o. Journal. I ,.,.. tirst class laJkinc ma I chine for go... d t pewnter. iljatt .Talkill 1 a,w" Machine Co.. 350 .Meier. rTTrv HAVE 10 nickel peanut macnines. cost $20. What Fiae you? '1'al.or 4030. SWAP printing an! lintinK for Huiu, ext.niM ladder or an.MliiiiK. ood- l.iwn 19. u. , A NUMBKK 10 Remington tv pearlier for a I:: to model 1r.phead rliigcr sewing miu-hliif. R-6'.''.', Journal. $300 EtjU'lTY i" bungaiow lor pl.tno, davenvoit, or what have you? Sell wood 2403. ' . WHAT have you to sway for Elgin watch? Marshall Zn W A.V1 tU .MISCKLLANKOUs 5 NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, russ. couches, chairs, table, etc We ; tav the price. N. W Furn. Fx. E 434. WANTED I'M people of Foruand to ' T , know I pay highest cash price tor I household goods. Prompt attention. East 870 1. N M. Sester. 14?. nu-sell at i AM in need ul -0 utnii luri.ujit anu will pav th. Ins nest prl;. for K. Gcvurtx Furniture Store, 207 1st it, Marshall 58? UNUSUALLY desirable furnished fbtt. 3 large likhl Ury rooms, private bath, excellent location. 341Vi Myr" gomery. i-nr. Broadway. WE buy everytuinr and anyti household furniture also BJ,"V tures and stocks. Call ur me- Msrshall 3865 , ,....rrn A fir,. cuss machinials : w,' .T.h. U-itw aUut 10 inch l - 1 . . -. - -ri.K aOOUl lll.i -.... 1 . tunnn -"i;r.r M-Kln Co Hyatt -T 350 Aider. . ... . C3tond hand furniture. ' ! . I lun. ,-, stoves: best price liid. 390 E. Mor- ' iTTTTREHCJLD goods wanted, furniture i ' enough for a 5 room bungalow. Must - rw, 1 1 1. 're, good at low, ro k bettom price for i-asn. n-.v. jq", I HAVE efficient s j y0ur patents. A block. vslem for selling Address 153 lit tock .bt iimi hand ciotning buyer, 4. Meyer, tailor, pave more lor clotn Ir.s. shoes. Marsf"all 13ti ? Madison. ' WANTED Motorcycle, high power. late model; will pay cash. Write ' Varl "yrer. , . WANTED Second-hand blackboard, .Ueh as used In school. Call Broad I o.n 1 way YVE buy all kinds second hand trunks. I BUitcases sua nanuvaga. 'A-7174. Main 0J3. WANTED, to buy new or nearly new roll top or flat top desk. What have you? 70 th ft. VL r.- r hl-hat Drlca ror iunlr of a,l kinds. Main 48M. fll Front at. u ,iH KltT DriCetiord hat. lurmiura clothlne. too". Phone proadw v ;?nn HIGH EaT prices paid ror .J iiru Clol htng Wain I0". 8a let at WILL pay cash for S. 4b H. green trad ing stamps. 1100 N. W, Bank bids. m I 1 ICllsui; .giuiwBvii vs sj v - I ge. Main 1291. 1 21 FOLLOWING articles were found oa the cars of tbo Iortland Railway. Light & Power Co, and owners thereof may claim same at the 1st and Alder street station (Marshall 5100, A-1131): Jan. !8th 2 suit cases. 3 package. 1 pr. gloves. 2 hand bags. 1 purse, 1 cuff link, 1 sac 3 bundles. 1 vise, 2 u more lias, 1 lunch pall, 1 sample case, 1 single glove. 1 small txcg, 1 small glove, 1 auto chain, 1 pocket warmer. STRAYED from pasture near Portland Flouring Mills, brlndle Jersey cow, 7 years old, leather strap around boms, notify B. Kilkenny, 1850 Daaa st Phone Columbia 122. LOST Wednesday evening. In or near Nob Hill theatre. German silver mesh bag containing ti change and key. Reward Marshal 2946y LOST, lady's cameo brooch, gold back. white besd on black background. Reward. Tabor 4083 Wm. V. Bel rher, care American Ex. LOST Between 22d and ISth. John son and Kearney sts., Persian lamb neckpiece; finder please phone Main 9214. Reward. FOUND Lady's purse, Morrison st. : party can have same by Identifying and paying for ad. IL Van Lou. 168 4th st. LOhT About mouth ao, oriental embroidered ulilow ton and ins.i with silks to fintsn. Reward. ITJ li. Salmon. Phone East 4751. LOST Ladles' cameo bracelet In or near t nnstensen s hall. Jan .$. Phone Tabor 1447. Reward. LOST Sunday night, ladles' p urse con taining gold necklace. Phone Main 117.. Reward. LOST Gold lovket with mother's pic ture Inside; Initial li. Phone Tabor 4731. Reward. PERSIAN lamb fur collar, lost; re warq. phone Main 9083. LtiSTi gold cuff link. Phone ast 1448. Reward. PERSONAL HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last, "airitary Beauty iarlora 40(. IVkiim Marshall 1701 MADAME K1RON. palmistry and card readings dallv 10 a. m. to 8 p. ni. 1M tith st. corner Yamhill. MADAME NONA, palmistry and card readings dally 387 Yamhill. Lawy or ouauiiauon rree. Main CI 4993. 708 Selllna bid. BALM of i'lgs. remedy tor diseases of women. 504 Davis St. Msln 238. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 28! Park at. Main 7548. IjAVYYER'S advice free; case etrictly confidential. Main 1100. 93 5th s Kmhtrlne Orloff, chiropodist snd scalp treatment. Room 210. 350V Morrison. IMLAY. Xcvaili Jliu, all forgiven. Please write Knte. HAVE a switch made of yeur comb- mgs: reasonapie Tabor 830. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 183 I-k st, room 3. 10 to 7. Professional and ACOOIPIO-I f LEATIMO AKuRMoN. KMKE. AM) B'lX Fl KaTIVi; HEMSTlTCniXti. BUAIIUNO; BtTTOS niiLKS. BUTTON R f OVER CD. BJl JTTW RN NOVKI.TY MMi. CO.. f.TII. WW AT K NIKI'llKN IIniUl.Mng.,. ki.le ml miburt iileiling: tsitton- corerrd; Px1 Fpcnged. Splinting. 2O0 Plttwt Mk. B 1'WM. AOATE CTJTTIBa Cl I'lINU, i- 1 1 -L i i s . luouiitiDf. ruld ur ali'er. tnrk on hsl Ml tier' . M.W Ws-h tl 1X74 AOHItrULTUgAL IMPLtatE-ITI P. K. WktNtAl; laittlrSMuU. riiclas aa4 cert-ral frni luv-plle-. 214 Kront. Prtlal. AS3AYEBS AMD CHEMISTS 1,11 HDUI H-.I.L i) uk hlilc.. i 4tk BLANK BOOK KAKIEg UU. a iioLUAN, luc.. 1UW at. blaua iMM-k Biauuraeliirera: asanta lur Jaoaa Is prut ,1 .- l-a f lrlrr. Saa tke Daw ka- r. lK.f. A 3IM. Mala 183. BVILSIHO COMTBACTOKI C KAo "j'?ace SpeelaMst VJCU, LilViailaC- te cu-ay -i-t J.P, Taylor builder a -.frlclauty me. juaio kwl CAE PET CL-lANIX 9 I iU! It tu JJl fruca I d earpeT-: -NV ra( rags, carpal eietslag. N a r I k fib. K. liH H iie i u 1 aent Ruj Co., s E. JO. IK bUo.S., kletlfK tkuiui urt. car pet rleaned and laid, refitting our avaclalUP. Ka-I 44o. H-IUHS. V4 E. llh at. N. I kSiNtiLLAU Hug U'urka lug rug aad rar !' aeiTlnic. IMS paltoa e.. Wdla. eV CHIBOPRACTOkl un. At aiahcN. ca rvuic aaa. taktas Haw. ill ireaiDienia fid. worts sou. Aaamonal vrw Vie Z12 Mlalrtr bide. 4tk A Wak Ur. (. a. Usara. 14 uaiuaui Alt N..rikwa.t Hide. M.ta 7keS. -3 COAL AHD WOOD FULTON WOOD CO vv -At a ha y lealera la Urreo tod Dry Blafewno4 4-2e I'bouea Mala 7d OHlNL ui your ava aixl to It! I60O t oouo eiiMs itanaiag tioiber, wiMsiaetts rrvrr bank, 10 nitre bekiw Halein, tot aale cheap. Kirst sad aa'uni fruwtk fir. Tuai Hof ara, Ma- MiunTiiie, Ur. NEER Si FAHRf.'i oak. aah Me black woe. PAA I 4 foot or aa arad to order. Tetapbaea VW-LM"1n st. A-4W7. Water t. A 1 IHt rr. lry. iraao I arrnd. Short orrtera ap. I Coal 86 Wl up. Naitneal raaHw ca HVf I Cl.lfK INN t"iU CO. 'lrl ela. ''1frv'Jll" fir. rean t SO: aocouA claas 84. Hnxlii,, 1 unarcoal nkT ok c y mtrf I'i.MUA .'t.L CO.. " IU' mo-1. r. Main -ry rnTmrre BTHtPIKg V ok ... in., .e. .r""'!'''''- U?": Ing. P'unihla Vlnsery'waraksll 16as. " work, fall 11 Sli.rlf. llit( EDUCATIOMAL biVcIvo )AM lik-1 Kit llawlim Aradauiy. bASk Ith at., trt. fciurk a. ak? srrlal rates, 4 art. VkTe leH,,t- $2: BKirnluy, afternoon. eTenlDf. all lit.-: daurrs guaranteed. Class Tburw1r. eaanlnr. T :! :3). Rmlair 21 SO kill. aKl klr. iieata s Ortrooi, sraaooa daUl, , 1 Toeaday. Friday ee.. 100 in t.. bet. Vtaahlnclnn and tMark. LfawM Main 8203. MUSIC SCHOOLS AXO TEACVl-XS hi llooi. Ok' Ml Kit rn 'ftTera,rr. Malf i( 'Iracbria Or. 141 l.ltb at . at AM.r. H.I . " ' ... I ' - h-mr. ajr. Pb' re Tahor .... t . A h I V 1 1 a. ma at ywur 1'lANW lrn.. l.dy lucki, joe. kA-t klallary L I lilKl.iloit.N. TkilJ j .abr, hj 3of IMiKt bldg.. lili. Xaraball l3S. Manufacturers LOST AND FOIJXD oW SaY 00D WBOLX1AU tiffiiete lioe Aif 8 W. forulalilusa, asHaea. L. Dinkelspiel Co, tfSLtlX: PAIWT. OIL AMP CLASS A'.Ai( oaLN a CO.. "Illgb Stauuar ' palm. ti. K. n.rner 21 aad TarUir M ITTI. A-SMI flTX WOOD FIFE ivUlUMi WOOU H" Co. rartocj aaC afftre near 2ik and Tark sts. Mais 84M INFORMATION COUPON If you want tbe name of a reliable bnslneso bouse dealing In any Una f merciiandlse, or lnforroatlon regarding reaorts. hotels, railroads, a teens skip Unas, etc address Oregon Journal lnlormaUot. Bureau. Xnformatloa desired; i Name. Addreew.. 2 f Oostlsae.j -. WHY pay Mr prlceg for glasses 7 4 can eyes with first )? lanaea In a raid llllea friniM as low as It ! lenses dupli cated at a Mb saving; satisfaction guarantied. Charles W. Goodman, op tometrist. t09 Morrison. Msln 1134. tfcLL VoL'R OvN' fOKiL'NE PreV diet your own future eventa. Enter tain your friends with ' magus cards. Most wonderiul system of fortune tell ing out. Something entirely new.. Pack with full instructions sent any where for 16 cents. Novelty Card t. m j i. iipi, v. V4 xjfc VOUR horoscope is the mirror or your life, as scientists of past and pres ent agrte. !f properly read. Hav bun- . dreda of Indorsement. Adams Astro logical School. 3a0 Morrison at. In struction and forecasts by correspond ence. - - Box 1484, St. Louis. Mo. H-hVtT rfA.Mvm. r. leauiug wi , and toupe makers; finest stock human hair roods; halrdreaslng. mani curing, face and acaip treatment, comb- ,.. Irgs to order. 147 Broadway. Main (48. r clairvoyant and card reader. Xoneda has her office only daily from 1 a. n. to 8 p. m. Office, ID Yamhill at., cor- i.r oi lum si Wll.l, AKYUNli W JIU MAW -. An automobile run down a man OR ttl u near Alder, about 2 p. m.. Decern her 39. please call pteM SOOdUW0 4475. MRS. STEVENS, z years Pjriiaau renowned palm let and clairvoyant, has her temple open daily. Ill Tailor t. Assisted bv Mrs Dr Hume. MRS. SLATON. graduate inagneuo htMiler. circles Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, loc, 8 p. in.; healing readings 1 till 7 r m. 23 West Park at. KA'CIAlJ. scalp and manicuring; get rid of your dandruff and have clean scalp. 523-4-5 Northwestern Bank bldg, toPlKll UALlSMRev. M. A. Price, tur cica, Tuea 1 n. m.: Wed.. Sun. 0 am. Peaditie dailv. 803 5th at. Mar $980. l - M kiiinni.ilrt 4-AI Manufacturing Furriers. 415-18-17 iKKum b'dg Ua.KJuAM named nurse fives uiasae and hatha for rheumatism, neuralgia. etc. 258 11th. Mar. 5P15. open Sundays. DIVINE truth healiiiK -irlng lu your Incurable cases. 1'arlois open 1$-. 221 West Park. DR, V. G. KKTCHUM Women's mala, dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg4jh 4tWssh.1Rrn. 44L Mar. MRS 1IAMOT CARVKlZ magnetla healing. palmistry and cards. 1 night. 170V t6.. cor. Yamhill. 4th floor. NOTICES at (SI.AI.KI) hjda will b re.lT at tke office t tbe vaderaigned. 401 cmrtboaM, aotil 4 p. St., rtbrusry IT. ll'IH, tor wood fur vartone beala la h-buul il.lrlrl No 1, MaltuuMk cot sty. tr the K-h"i.l year lOia-imL t Vvr of aneel'Uatlniw ma r b ohulned at tbe afftoe f tbe uaderalcned. Heard of dlreetara reserves the right te reject any bU ill Ulda. k. II. 1IIOMA.1. nrhonl Clerk. Ittd at Portland, Or.. January 9, 1918. Business Directory ypptrtAk Mtrtio UAiillMK on piaui. Kiiarinire.. baslnuera la 10 to SO Iiuih. Tfar-e trial )eaa -ns free If Dt -nalrre Frae ! kiat. 6-t Kller BM. ETE. EAR. SO I. THBOAT. LVVOg arUlUt. Uooaral ika. Ulaaaea fittad. t. r r. Cuaeday. 517 Iw-kuin d and Wak nE HfttTltAMCT F At I Kit' STATKi. HuC I.S8I kANCK ' atilr Oracoii fire Iwxiranra ra m;xr fLOKISf ' NICkl.A. k (ioN 4ii.. H.,'rrl-.iM M. a:0.' A - nun looi amp ia tool trtds from old luamln. Brwtaals. AtmlMte', ftmrrDa carpets. K.g tax, all Ues. kiU ef a (iratat atlantlon. fwoklt. WKBltUN KU tr KtJO CO. 51 t'aton a.t N. fae r. Mil, B 1478. LXATHIK AND BHOI riBDIBg THK kktVMAN I.KAlU.k T QMcat lira Id ourtbseai. Agenla "Ma -.XCICINAL WATFBB Wll.llnil' VV A I 1. it (.,r .i.iuuili. .iter. Luk&trt. kMnay tnhir. br, Itlrts Mats Tt7. MODEL AKD 8TICIALTY MACHIltX WOlRf (!, iI. klarLln. u,l l tally V m . S?r AtwIKum Mfg. ' . Na. 4 M at. PeaigB B4-rrartla. aaaf..,uHa. Kt Ma.P' era laiaat. Aoi.- rk. rl itrMaur Milt 0K-IT0tlCATTl.t 9tmtlll - ' wKIMUHil 8 i.u ami Amber ,a-lar, Ma if Walakard .laul. I Hh Main T2. ."h'wia ail Mais'lAs sis. rBIHTEKk ANO EM ATIRt 1H1. IVV I'kMV J.1.IJS U. MAS aJK St irk St. Hr...wir w A-l' UBBLR STAMP! An fct- 231 W.-blnsf.r, .1. Uil-1 ' -'g, '80XIM9 ArZTY kA BtlSAlilki. ,k. ' -" 3ie ii st ' - tXATI ORIMDIM A I Iba Ic LiMoirMM, liperleucea skate gnuo HKKCKFURITViB A TROKHK. SrkAYIVO kl'llAT oar Ua mb4 fn. whlieeaah yaoe .' warekouaea, (arasea and baarmeitts. Central gpeaylat to.. 18 K. Wih t. I'tM'Pe K. - TAOS gCLKEHY Stage Scenery Eeat te AraaMtlr cluba asS tkaatraa. Ova barb's P. C. sVal- PtOfli". mwl aixl SbeiiAaa.- TQWIL SPPFLltS WILLIAMS Ti iupul U... k. 'k mn4 Vila' stt. Phosea: Eiat Ml. litma tt-VZt. TMAMSriB AMD STOXAOC Oregon Transfer Co. Eenbllmbed t7. Trsoafer ai,d Knr ardti.( Agests 8toraia k'raa Iraeaaa. Of flea tai tra( 474 ;.ia-a at. ISfb and i)la. Mai., IS: A-I1 Atn'A H ' I'll k ' J II K bull iaulli.U OOOPs gfECIAUsm Stsrage. Pack I a. Mliplog aad Mualng. Hure or Ante Vaas BrU rretgbt retea In all poets. c o. pick thamski:h gioaAs co. 21 and Pine ' l'.rdwar 8lei: A-iees. 0IO-aok iMA.NBll.a CO. kBtelaae aw-, era. parkera, atorace. flrepruW parebesae, Ifrlk aa4 ii-Jt mi: Main 847. A -C34T. WALL f AFEJt AtOtSuAa MAU- lli aM u.. uu 4 ai urn lfn klaln and Saltnue. VVIich iu auaaec lk ni.t AU. smMmO Ike 4arBal. -Wholcsal ers- FIVKBIIO flfl STXAJI VmfKS M. L KLINE M-BS-kl-ea) I HONT ST BEET PLWB1MO strprLix i'LLkiBlAU aaiupila. "la prt.a. Stark I aU Ck J13 d. Mala 71. SAVTTABY WIPIH AC L. SHANK CO , rniiMi ajai taw I . . . ........ PERSONAL ;-.