TIME LIMIT FOR THE . FARMER TOO LI . DEALERS COMPLAIN Hardware and Implement Men Say This Is One of Chief Problems Faced. CONDITIONS ARE ALTERED Implement Tatra Tail to Bee WI7 T arm. - rs SBoala-Pay Casa for Antos aad Xet Oiliar BUla Suffer. Elimination of the lone tima pay ment element In the selling- of farm .'Implements is one of the biggest prob lems confronting the retail hard war 1 and Implement dealers of the north west. , The fact Is empbasiied by K. W. Me . Cullough of Chicago. secretary and general manager of the National Ira- pleraent at Vehicle association of the United States, who is in Portland to attend the tenth anneal convention of J ha Oregon Retail Hardware k. Imple- ment Dealers' association, which will be held at the Imperial hotel tomor row. Conditions Art Changed. Judge George T. Baldwin of Klam ath Falls, president of the Oregon association, heartily agreed to Mr. Mt Cullough's views. ; v "In the early days." said Mr. Mr Cullough. "the pioneer usually was blessed with a team and a wagon and j tivniiie ana 11 was up to somebody to help him get Implements with which to bring from the soil the -. crops that were to make this country. : Bo the implement dealers sold the ma-.-. cblnery on long time payments. - "That practice has continued, al--" though the necessity for it has largely - disappeared. Many farmers will ask : for long time when they want to buy . implements for their farm, and then will pay cash for an automobile. We do not contend the implement business Should be put on a cash basis, but the time element should be shortened and let the farmer have the benefit of lower prices that would be possible. "Another need is the standardization f products," continued Mr. McCuilogh. . "We have too many kinds of Imple ments for the same kind of work." D. F. Barber of Boston, president of . Jbe National Retail Hardware Dealers' ; association, is expected to arrive today also to attend the Oregon convention. :. Representative dealers from all the territory tributary to Portland are ex- - pected to be In attendance. The meet- jiik win viku i i.ju o cioca tomorrow .afternoon. Members of the executive committee of the association are expected to meet , with President Baldwin this afternoon. H. J. Altnow of Milwaukee Is secre tary. Coquille Is Rising. '.-'-Marshfleld, Or.. Jan. 24. The Co quille river is rising to a point where the tracks near Coquille are covered. Trains can run to the county seat, but not to Powers or Myrtle Point The worst of the freshet haa not yet ar rlved. No mail was received today. N We Have Never Shown a More Mirthful Comedy or a More Fascinating Drama - we will stake our reputation on this show. E. . Myrick, Manager a Tears of Joy Filled the Eyes of Thousands Faitttty mail M. MABEL NORMAND, ROSCOE ARBUGKLE 1 and THE DOG (bring the children to see him) ILqidm HARDWARE MEN TO DISCUSS TRADE ISSUES j I ',jlA' r y j V Left Georg T. Baldwin of Klamath Falls, president of Oregon Re tall Hardware & Implement Itoalers' association. ' Right E. V. McCullough of Chicago, secretary and manager Na tional Implement & Vehicle Association. St. Peter's Dome Trail Is Advocated T. K. C. A. Bkl Club Hamea Commit tee to Xalae road for Construction of Boeaio Trail is Mountains. Following their return last night from a trip to Mount Hood, members of the T. M. C. A. Ski club appointed a committee to raise money for the purpose of building a trail leading from the Columbia river highway to the top of St. Peter's Dome, which towers 2000 feet above the highway. Those appointed are J. P. Jaeger, A. M, Grilley. Fred I L Kiser, Frank Kerr and C E. Warner. While assisting hikers who were lagging behind, A. M. Gril ley suffered from exposure. He was given medical attention. Other than this the trip was not marred by any accidents. Reports Business Booming. Mrs. Lola Staron, a member of the Auxiliary of the Spanish war veterans of this city, returned Sunday from a visit to relatives In Toledo, Ohio. She says that everything Is humming- In Industrial circles in Ohio. On the night of Tuesday, January 11, she was the guest of honor at a Joint installa tion of two Spanish-American War Vet eran camps and their auxiliaries, held in Memorial hall, Toledo." The most unique spectacular laugh provoking Keystone ever produced 3 reels of it with Another Big Dramatic Feature THE OREGON Husband Not Citizen; Contest Wife's Office Effort Will Be Made to Prrrent Mr. Carrie Wright From Taalag Her Beat as Member of East Bide Council. Marshfield. Or., Jan. 24. When Mrs. Carrie Wright tomorrow night appears to qualify and take her seat as a mem ber of the council of East Side, an ef fort will be made to prevent her from doing so by at least two of the coun cilmen. It will be claimed that her husband is not a naturalized citizen. Friends of Mrs. Wright say they will insist that she be allowed a seat In the council, even If It Is necessary to take the matter tocourt, and they will form an organization to help her case. They claim that she herself is a citi zen and a property-holder and is en titled to the office to which she waa elected. Society Does Without Jam. Toronto. Ont, Jan. 24. (I. N. S.) Lady Falconbrldge, a social leader, an nounced today a policy of war economy for her home. Plain bread and butter only will be served hereafter to call era. To Cure a Cold la One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. DrujcgliU refund money If it flU to nire.E.W. GROVE'S algnature la on eacb box. 23c. Adr. - A Mystery Classic That Sustains Inter est to the End. Throughout This Fascinating St o r y Runs a Beautiful Lot Theme Played by Norma Talmadge and Robte Harron DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY, JANUARY 24 1916. GERMAN AEROPLANE SHELLS DOVER DOCKS ON SAMDAY MIGHT Station, Barrack and Docks Are Shelled According to Announcement in Berlin. Berlin. Jan. . (I. X. 8.) A Ger man aeroplane has bombarded Dover, according to announcement here today. The statement from the admiralty said: "A O'nnin naval aeroplane on the night of January 22 dropped bombs 1 pon the station, barracks and docks st Dover." Dover is in Kent county. 8 mile routtait of London. In Kent county, Fokkers yesterday raided twice, ac cording to official announcement from London, though the locations were withheld. Dover Is enclosed by chalk cliffs, on the northwest side of the Strait of Cover, and on the cliffs are a cast! and detached forte. The town has a good harbor, and !t lies opposite the French town of Calais, forming one of the chief ports of communication between England and the continent. It has shipbuild ing and sail and ropemaklng worka Its population la over 45,000. The county of Kent, where the at tacks occurred, is in the southern most portion of England. The coun ty Includes a part of the city of Lou don. From the wording of the official statement, however. It Is apparent that the attacking aeroplane did not reach the city. The hydroplanes mere ly bombarded the coast. There has been much discussion in the English newspapers regarding the new Fokker type of aeroplane perfect ed by the Germans. It is said to excel air craft of the allies in every way According to a P rench airman who encountered one of the Fokkers, "It i a huge monster, making a terrific noise, much noisier than 'a Zeppelin. It is iron clad, carries four machine guns and a bomb thrower. Is of 700 horsepower, flies at a speed of 110 miles an hour and Is capable of re maining in the air a long time." The last previous attack upon Lon don waa made on October IS, when ia persona were killed and 114 wounded. Times" Assails Censor. ' London, Jan. 24. (I. N. S.) A large proportion of London's., population Is aware of th exact locality visited by the German air raiders who are offi cially described as having throwa bombs on the east coast of Kent. The London Times in an editorial asks: "Is there really any military ad vantage in th nortfntiiAtiQ mviUrv j which still veils the official accounts of the air raids on these Islands? There were two such raids within 12 hours yesterday, one delivered In bright moonlight and the other at high noonr- They were witnessed by large numbers of people who knew exaotly where they took place. The enemy air, men were certainly under no illusions as to their whereabouts. "Berlin is no doubt Informed by this time, and in a day or two, if the cen sor permits, we shall publish an accu- Tea Served Free Between 3 and 5 p .m. in Ladies' Rest Room The Theatre Beautiful SIXTH AT WASHINGTON tH I 5" J V.i ? A . . .(at Exercises in Memory Of Lincoln Planned Patriotic exerclsea will be held In eacb of the Portland pjfblic schools on Lincoln day, February 12. The exer cises will be held In the forenoon and speakers will be provided by the Lin coln Memorial society, which plans on holding a patriotic meeting In one of the large centrally located halls In the afternoon. President Charlea J. Schna- bel haa announced the following com mittee on arrangements: B. B. Beek man, H. H. Northup. D. Soils Cohen. L. U Rice, Judge Karanaugh. Judge McDevltt and Vjeorga Eardlng. rate account of the locality from Oer man sources. Then wiy make a mys tery of ltT' TWO RAIDS REPORTED v ON ENGLISH CQAST BY LONDON WfVfi OFFICE Ixndon. Jan. J. (I. N. 8. German aircraft paid two visit, to the Kentish coast Sunday. The ft raid occurred at 1 o'clock Sunday m i Ting, while the second cants shortly man was killed In the material damage was The war office lasu report last evening: "Following an aerls east coast of Kent in of the morning, two h er, noon. One ft attack. The a Vn if leant. he foi: Ing 'a tack on the be early hours itUe aeroplanes n the same lo made a second attack cality shortly after nc m Sunday. After coming under . heavy'fire, nie raiders disappeared, v-u rated by our naval and military machines. "The enemy effected no damage. No casualties are reported. An official statement Issued earlier In the day said: "Taking advantage of the bright moonlight, a hostile aeroplane visited the east coast of Kent at 1 o'clock Sun day morning. "After dropping nice Incendiary bombs in succession, the aeroplane dis appeared out over the North sea. "No naval or military damage was done, but private property suffered, the incendiary bombs causing several fires, all . of which were extinguished by 2 a. m. "According to reports made after the raid, the following civilian casualties occurred: "One mankllled and two men, one woman and three children slightly in jured." m Emperor Franz Josf 111. London, Jan. 24. (I. N. S.) A Cen tral News dispatch from Rome states that Emperor Franz Josef of Austria la suffering from an attack of bron-cMtis. Three Days Only Today, Tuesday HI fi fi U 11 II Iff II - f : J I i r- -1 I II j SLr'-' I J r 71;, 1 i - U In Georg&. Scarborough's Great PJay Now Hearst f Itagraph Weekly TURKEY TO BE ASKED IF PERSIA WAS SUNK BY TURK SUBMARINE With Austria and Germany! Eliminated Turkey Remains Only Possibility, Waahlngton. Jan. 24 (U. Pi The United States will Inquire of Turkey regarding any knowledge she may have of the sinking of the P. O. liner Persia, Secretary of State Lanalng aald today. This announcement followed publi cation of prees reports that Turkey was the nation responsible for the de struction of the vessel, with a loss of over 100 Uvea. Including that of Ameri can Consul McNeely. OermaTny reported that her sub marines had returned to their bases and reported they had nothing to do with the Persia case; Austria has ten tatively reported she did not torpedo the vessel. Ambaaaador Morgentnau at Constan tinople will ask the Turkish govern ment for Information as Ambassador Penfleld asked Austria, In case the letter finally reports, as anticipated, that she is Ignorant of how the tor pedoing occurred. With Austria and Germany elimi nated, Turkey remains the only possi bility. Lansing Indicated that this In quiry has been planned from the out set. The department thinks that the Inquiry probably will not develop any thing new but it will make the Investi gation complete. To Attack Salonikl. London. Jan. 24. (I. N. 8.) The Athens correspondent of the Dally Mall telegraphs: "The Bulgara are transporting heavy guns from Varna to the Macedonia frcnt." The Dally Mall Infers that the ac tion denotes preparations for an attack on Salonika Amsterdam Ben da Report. London, Jan. 24 (I. N. 8.) An Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Am sterdam tonight says that, 'according to a Berlin report, the Turkish minis ter of marine is about to publish a statement to the effect that a Turkish submarine sank the steamship Persia. Turkish Charge Doubts It. Washington, Jan. 24. (I. N 8.) FLORENCE REED With an All-Star Cast The state department and Turkish em-1 bassy have nothing to oear out tne report that the Turkish ministry of marine la about to admit a Turklah submarine sank the steamer Persia. Abdul Hak Hussein Bey. the Turkish charge d'affaires, said: "I am inclined to put no faith In the report. The charge said he did not know If any Turkish submarines were operat ing in the Mediterranean. MONEY FOR STARVING JEWS WILL BE SENT AT ONCE TO E E Sums Contributed Will Be Cabled to Russia, Poland and Galicia Each Morning, Financial aid which Portland people see fit to contribute to the starving and homeless Jews of Eastern "Europe will be in the hands of the disbursing agents in Russia. Pond and Galicia within 24 hours afterthe money Is turned over to the Portland agenta This fact became known today when committeemen appointed at Friday's mass meeting learned that Felix M. Warburg of New York, treasurer of the American Jewish Relief commit tee, would cable each day whatever sums had been contributed. No over head charges whatever are deducted from the sums contributed. The Portland committee this after noon was called to select a secretary and treasurer to receive the funds ani attend to their prompt dispatch to Mr. Warburg. This will be done by wire. In response to the appeals al ready made which told of the suffer ings of the Jewish people In the path of advancing and retreating armies, many substantial donations already have been promised and will be made as sojn as the proper Portland of ficers have been selected to receive them. Suggested means of raising money on "Relief Day," next Thursday, in clude "coin showers" at the theatres, bat-passing at lunch clubs and dinner parties, and tag day. These means will be discussed by the general com mittee. San, Franrlsco and Seattle have strong citizens' committees and New Tork has a committee of 20,000 vol unteer Workers. A new microscope to collect sounds and convey them to the ears of partly and Wednesday P - Ttt "... mx'srj's jf" r!SUi Ma 1SW ALSO Majestic Novelty Trio BAY55! dea( persons la so compact that it can be worn under a man's necktie. AMUSEMENTS Scotch Night Aaaploee Clan Macleay nuono TxacrxB Tomorrow at a YliYlala Hatcalaeoa, Koalaa Mo Xatoea. ataart MoOuire, Oliver M. Xajfaes In Burns' and other Scotch P"nga AXJBO mtrVCTJCAaT Popular Society Kntertalner QTJAJtTKT SCOTCH OIHCXBI In Scotch Reels, fcword lanc-. Shean Trews. Highland Kllng SOaXJ Tsf'OUOOa Sootca Comedian noor, ftOc) Balcony. &Oc. 75c, SI A sTKOW TOtJXL ZHJOT HE1L1G Bdw'y at Tartar BUla 1 a- A-112! TOVT8KT l ift. ALT. THIS. WZEK BABQAIN PRICK MATH. VVEO.N KSI .Y AND SATURDAY. Ta afaat Talked f Fiey rf Ortary. THE BIRD OF PARADISE Nlfbta: Uwrer floor, wiept Ukt 1 rvwi, 11.30; last S rom. II; balwmr. 6 rvna. I. 4 rowa, 7JW, In rear. fOr; (ialUrr. Utc. Wl. and Sat. Matt.' flour, til bulcooj, 75c. Wr; rallerr. Or. HKATH SKLLING AT BOX omrK. T H I A T a S w.i. a i-aiAA Tba Baker I'lajn-a aonra another tig winner Pa card bmwt )terdar. ) T aCETB TO laLDPATl Geo. M. Cotian'i r' myi"7 plT- Every txly la talking atxwt It. All this week -Bargain Mala VM . Rat Kvenlog. 2Tc, Wc. Nxt wrk "la Wyaaaiag-" Broadway and Yamhill. The Bait of Vaudeville. THI AXXB1CAW FBrKTERZ DABsTTJBE BEStTX CLATTOM. ftmttb and Austin, Billy McDermntt. Callate Conant. Manr and Murder, Kortla' Educated Bouatera, OrpTieam Tral Weekly. KB. SBAJTDOH HtTBST CO.. IX "THE OmL.'" Hate rrieee Matinee daily, 10c, 2Sc. SOe. NlirhU. 10c. c 50c, T5. 3TlATINIE DAiry 230 1 TUCHAaO KATZXAKV. Rmleeot Oermaa NatoraJlirt. I'rMnta BUGS 0 THE FOBEST AMD DESERT. Lioua, Ttgera and Iruiarda In an Aoiaauig Deownatratlno of raan'a mlKht. I OTHER BIO ACT 8 Boxes: First row balcoajr aaats raaarrad by phone. . Cartala 8 :10. 7 and I. A Play That HitstheHigh and the Low the Notable Star li raw 1 -i ' S -i - " j , I'-" Ik ' " -m , ii A Real I Comedy j n