The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    ...- V . -
Vigorous and United Effort
; Being Made toMake Lay
, men's Convention Success
Rer. J. T. McXaughton of the
; American Board la Turkey.
Ten denominational committees to
day are compiling Hst9 of all men in
tlrels Portland denominations to be
' used In the "Every Man" canvass to
ecu re delegates to the Laymen's Mis
sionary Movement convention in the
Portland Y. M. C. A.. February 13-16.
rrangements are being completed
for the big Busy Men's dinner at the
CBamber of Commerce, January 28, at
6:80 p. m. At this dinner W. H. Lewis,
chairman of the registration committee
ofi the convention, expects 200 or more
F men. Final arrangements for the Feb
ruary convention will be made at that
'Next week the weekly meetings, un-
dar direction of the denomlnatfonal
committees will continue in 50 Port
land churches.
Over 100 were present at the inter-
denominational luncheon at the Y. M.
C5 A. Thursday noon. Dr. J. K.
Browne, returned Congregational mis
sionary to Turkey, who will attend the
February convention, was present as
was H. Cope. Baptist missionary from
thb Indian frontier and Tibet. Both
- men apoke to the luncheon guests.
Reports from the up-valley teams
which have been working the past ten
daya to build an enthusiasm for the
convention in Roseburg. Eugene. Cor
vallis. Albany, Salem, The Dalles, and
other towns, were submitted by Messrs.
1. B. Rhodes, C. A. Phipps, Rev, A. J
Montgomery. J. A. Good el I and O. C.
"ITrighL All the reports showed an
appreciation of the alms of the con
vention and were Indicative of a large
attendance of Willamette and Columbia
- valley delegates.
A meeting of the business men of
St. Johns will be held tomorrow
- afternoon at 3 o clock in cn-
. nectlon with the union revival
services, whicw have been con
ducted for the past two weeks. The
meeting will take place in the Baptist
- church of St. Johns. W. It. Lewis
Prominently connected with the lay
- men's missionary movement, will de
liver the principal address.
At a platform meeting in the Y. M.
- C A. tomorrow, presided over by E.
- Ik Thompson, general chairman for
the Laymen's Missionary convention,
the following men will speak: E. L.
Thompson, Dr. George B. Pratt, Jno.
A. Goodell, E. A. Baker. A. H. Harding.
"W. R. Litxenberg. G. Evert Baker, J.
& Webster. C. A. Staver and D. E.
George N. Taylor will visit Eugene
Tuesday in the interests of the Lay
. men's Missionary convention. Jno. A.
t Goodell will speak before the Currents
. Event club of Westminister Presby
terian club tomorrow.
ermon to Be Last
On "Fundamentals"
-" Closing his series of sermons on the
"Fundamentals of a Successful Life,"
which he has been giving at the First
Methodist Bplscopal church. Dr. Frank
. 1a Loveland on Sunday evening will
take for his subject, "The Crimson
Wheel." The discussion of this topic
will be under five heads as follows:
f- 1, "The Red Circuit That Flows in
Life's Inner Sanctuary": 2, "The Life
-Giving River, end the Irrigating
- Wheels"; 3. "Do I Need the Church'
- Does the Church Need MeT" 4, "Cal-
: Tary s crimson Wheel, ' and 5. "The
--.Wheel Is Broken at the Cistern." The
- aeries has made such an Impression
-i vpon the great congregations who have
listened to those given thus far, that
St the request of several score people.
- the entire fonr sermons will shortly be
pubusnea in dock rorm.
Seattle Worker Is
: rTo AddressMeeting
' 1 The first week of the men's union
: meetings of the five Protestant
X churches of St. Johns Methodist Epis
copal, United evangelical. Free Meth
odist, Christian and Baptist will end
j with a meeting tomorrow afternoon In
-n the Baptist church at 3 o'clock. W. H.
' Lewis o.f Seattle, a prominent worker
. In the laymen's missionary movement.
-v will be the speaker. The pastors of
- the churches have Issued a special ln-
- - vitatlon to men and business men to
' attend this meeting tomorrow.
-1 Officers Are Chosen.
- The officers of the Altar Society
. of St. Rose parish. Rose City Park.
- for ltl are Mrv T. Q. Coleman, nresi-
dent; Mrs. C. C. Lirhtfoot, vice-preal-
; dent; Mrs. w. J. Koch, secretary; Mrs.
8, N. tieiaenncK. treasurer. The
men's financial committee to assist the
pastor is: H. B. Greene, F J. Lich
, tenberger, T. J. Ryan and C B. Duffy.
a new cnurcn may oe Duut tnis year,
Dr. Bs-oogher to Speak. '
"Her. 3. Whitcomb Brou alter, D. D.
- of .Tempi Baptist church: Los An
geles, wilt address the Portland Bap
tist Minuter conference at tine Walte
temple. Monday ,.""
ill f
Methodists Will
Dedicate New
Temple Jan. 30
Elaborate preparations are
being made for the dedication
ot tb new $(0,000 Sunday
school temple of the First
Methodist Episcopal church, on
Sunday. January 30. This
m structure Is said to be the finest
of Its kind In the west The
dedication sermon will be de-
4 Ilvered In the morning. There
m will be no Sunday school that
Dr day, but in the evening another
special service will be held. 4ft
Tbrought the week, both aft-
Ht ernoon and evening, various
functions will be given. One
will be a reception by the Sun-
day school to all the Sunday t
4t schools of the city. The full
program will be published next
Feast of St. Brigid
WU1 Be Celebrated
Tentative Plana for annual Event Are
Being Laid by Ladles' Auxiliary of
Ancient Order of SUbernlans.
Tentative plans are .being arranged
for the proper observance of the feaet
of St. Brigid. which occurs February
1. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the An
cient Order of Hibernians, of which
St. Brigid is patroness, is arranging a
splendid program of music and song
In honor of this "Mary of the Gael."
The men Hibernians are giving their
unanimous cooperation. The enter
tainment will be held in Hiberlan hall.
Russell street and Rodney avenue.
and will include a dance from 10 to 12,
the proceeds to be used in liquidating
the remaining hall debt. .
There Is no saint in the Irish calen
dar with the exception get St. Patrick
which is honored with greater Interest
by the Irish than St. Brigid. She was
born 21 years after the coming of St.
Patrick and was noted for the wonder
ful wisdom of piety and gTeat love
and sympathy for the poor. Previous
years honors have been paid St. Brigid
by the Ladies' Auxiliary in the Mult
nomah hotel.
Preparedness to Be
Dr. Loveland s Topic
Rev. Frank Loveland Is to be the
speaker next Tuesday night before the
Men's club of the Central Presbyterian
church, and his subject will be "Pre
paredness." Dr. Loveland has very
positive views on the subject and he
presents them in a very forceful man
ner. The address will follow the sup
per which will begin at 6:30 o'clock.
Dr. Loveland will also be guest of
honor at the supper. A cordial Invi
tation is extended to all men to at
tend the supper and to hear tge ad
dress. Those who desire to be pres
ent are requested to notify K. A. Hol
laway. Main. 1316.
Two Good Men Will
Be Sermon Subjects
Rev. George Darsle at the First
Christian church will preach two ser
mons on successive Sunday nights on
two strikingly good men of the Bible
The first one on Sunday evening at
7:30 will be on "How a Good Man Was
Saved." to be followed the next Sun
day evening on "How a Good Man Was
Not Saved." The quartet will sine
"Come Unto Me," fcy Barnby. and
"Shadows of the Evening Hour," by
The subject of the Sunday morning
sermon at 11 o'clock will be "Things
Working Together." The quartet will
sing "Comes at Times a Stillness." by
Galbreth. and "Fear Not. Oh Israel."
Postponed Xectnre Tomorrow The
ecture on Christian Science to have
been given by Rev. J. M. Skinner in
the Rose City Park church. East forty
fifth street north. ad Hancock street
aat Sunday evening will be given to
morrow evening. A cordial Invitation
s extended to the public to attend.
The basket picnic postponed from last
week will be held on Friday evening.
January IS at 6:30 In the Rose City
Park church. Every family in the
community Is welcome and is asked
to bring a basket. After the dinner
entertainments will be provided for
children and grown-ups.
Tenner Oreronlans to Speak Rev.
Fred Veal, former Salem. Or, boy, but
for the past three years a Presby
terian missionary In southwest Africa,
will talk to Thursday evening assem
blies In the Kenllworth Presbyterian
church the rest of January and during
February, of his African experiences.
Mrs. Veal and two children have
been with Mr. Veal in Oregon the past
few months, but will return to Africa
with him some time before June.
Papers on Works of Bishops. At the
regular meeting of the Women's Aux
iliary of St. Mark's Episcopal church
in the parish house. Twenty-first and
Marshall streets yesterday afternoon,
Mrs. C. G. Eschelman read a paper on
the "Life and Works of Bishop Page
of Spokane and Bishop Atwood of
Arizona." Regular business was han
dled at the meeting.
Win Xepeat Sermon. By special re
quest. Rev. A. L. Hutchison of Pied
mont Presbyterian church will repeat
his sermon giverulast Sunday morning
attomorroW-'mdrnlng's service. The
subject of the sermon Is. "Presbyter
lanism in Practice." Tomorrow at 7:30
p. m. the topic of the sermon will be
"The A B C of Christian Life."
Bev. Xx. Tufts to Speak. Rev.
George L. Tufts, D. D.. will speak to
morrow evening at 7:45 in the Cen
tral Freei Methodist church, corner
East Fifty-fifth and Flanders streets.
The Wesleyan church of Center addi
tion will unite with Central Free Meth
odist congregation In this service.
Canvass Highly Successful. The
every member canvass made by the
First Christian church has proven
wonderfully successful. More money
has been pledged for current expenses
and missions than ever before In the
history of the congregation. All obli
gations are provided for.
Amnqai Biaqart Xeld. Th Altar
Guild of Piedmont Presbyterian church
held their annual banqnet during; the
past week. It was a five course af
fair presided orr by Misa Bessie Neil
son, president. There are about 40
members of this society and they are
doing effective work.
Solatloa fox rrepaxedmeaa. Tomor
row SLft ernoon at 3 o'clock th eona-re-faUoQ
ot th First German Cvanxell
Former Pastor of White Tem
ple to Preach Here Tomor
row and Lecture Monday.
Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher.
Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, pastor
of the Temple Baptist churcn of Los
Angeles, will preach at the White
Temple tomorrow morning and eenlng.
He will deliver his lecture, "The
Master Mind, or the Psychology of
Success." Monday evening at the
White Temple and at the eame pro
gram Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed will
His Sunday evening subject at the
White Temple will be "The Marriage
Riddle and How to Solve It."
Dr. Brougher believes the psychology
of success consists in the full develop
ment of one's powers. The laborer, he
says, lias developed body powers'; the
mind worker brain power. Many
neglect coordinate development of mind
and body. More omit spiritual develop
ment. His Monday evening lecture is
to show the essential steps in the de
velopment of the completely successful
Dr. C. E. Cline Will
Speak on Lincoln
Dr. C. E. Cline will deliver an ad
("ress on "Abraham Lincoln" at Ros?
City Park Methodist Episcopal church
Sandy boulevard and East Flf ty-eighth
street north, next Friday, beginning at
8 p. m. Dr. Cline knew Uncoln per
sonally. Vpon Invitation Dr. Cline de
livered this lecture before the senate.
house of representatives and supreme
court of the state of Oregon. Ex-Gov
ernor T. T. Geer will preside Friday
evening. A free will offering will bs
Benefit Concert Friday.
A benefit concert will be given next
Friday evening in the parish house of
Grace Memorial Episcopal church. Thi
program will be as follows: Oakrs
trio, Mrs. Alexander, Miss Florence T
Hammond and Mrs. Bardi Skulason
Miss Claire Oakes, director and ac
companist ; Miss Dorothy Bliss, vio
linist; Mrs. Jolly, dramatic reader; A.
G. TlnJolph and Thomas H. Williams,
cai association, the First German Re
formed and the First German BaD-
tist churches have been invited to
hear a lecture in English by E. P.
nosentnal in the First German Re
formed church. Twelfth and Clay
streets. Mr. Rosenthal's subject will
be. "The Solution of the I'nemployed
rroDiem, the Basis of Preparedness.
"OOd" to Be General Theme. A
special series of Sunday morning
sermons w-iu be preached at the
Fourth Presbyterian church by Rev.
Henry O. Hanson, pastor, beginning
tomorrow. The general theme of the
sermons is "God." The particular
themes are: January 30. "The Good
ness of God;" February 6. "The Wis
dom of God;" February 13. "The
Fatherhood oT God;" February 20,
"The Sovereignty of God."
Subjects at St. Marks. "The King's
Proclamation of the Kingdom," Is the
subject of the sermon Sunday morn
ing at 11, at St Marks church. Twenty-first
and Marshall streets, the
rector. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, preach
ing. This is the fourth of a course
of sermons on "The Bible Doctrine of
the Kingdom of God." The subject
Sunday evening at the mission service
at 7:30 is "Where Faith is Put to the
Will Give Concert. An entertain
ment and concert will be given by the
choir of the Bethel African M. E.
church at the Sunnyslde Congrega
tional church next Friday evening,
under the auspices of The Climbers, a
young men's Bible class. The program
will Include vocal selections in
choruses, quartets and duets, instru
mental selections In trombone and
piano, and a number of readings.
Mrs Tate to Speak. Sunday after
noon at the 4:30 Y. W. C. A. vesper
service Mrs. Robert H. Tate, national
vice president of the Congress of
Mothers, will speak on "World-wide
Activities in Child Welfare." Special
music by Miss Martha Reynolds and
Otto Weldemeyer. The social hour
will be held as usual at 6:30.
Will Eehsn-e lulplt. Rev. E. S.
Bollinger of Highland Congregational
church, will exchange pulpits tomor
row with Rev. Anthony Donat of
Hood River.
"sTUca X O. "The Siege" Is on
at the Scandinavian Salvation Army
hall, 430 Burnslde street. Adjutant
Gabriel son of Seattle la conducting the
mevlval Za Piogi Revival meet
ings are being held each night, except
Saturday, at Clinton Kelly Methodist
church. East Fortieth and Powell
Ctoaflxmattoa laatrmctlom. Confir
mation Instruction will bejrin next
week to. St. David's EpiacopaU church.
Belmont and East Twelfth. atreeU.
. " ?v .V--.,'
t ''.r.' 'J
Presbyterians to
Hold Big Party
On Next Friday
On Friday evening First
Presbyterian church, circle, C.
revering the territory from
Washington to Lovejoy west
of Nineteenth street, and E.
Including the Willamette
Heights district west of the
bridge, are Invited to a neigh
borhood reception at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Butter
field. 815 Kearney street. This
is the third of a charming sr
les of receptions, held for the
purpose of promoting frlendll-
ness and acquaintanceship
Among those who are located
in the same districts, and are
Interested in the same ohurch.
Salvation Army Is
Holding Revivals
Special revival services have been
held during the past week at Corpn
No. 1 of the Salvation Army. 243 Ash
street, and will continue until Febru
ary 14. Adjutant and Mrs. Joseph
Harrison in charge. A needy family
for every day has been found and
helped by the army
Evangelistic ser- '
vices, cottage prayer meetings, young
people's services and dally prayer
meetings, part of a national revival
endeavor of the Salvation Army, are
being held. As their quota toward the
national gain, the local corps Is trying
to add 100 conversions. A feature of
tho revival here is the establishment of
an outpost series of services in the
On Tuesday a gospel temperance
dialogue with special music and read
ings, a new departure in religious
work in Portland, was held in the
hall. Eleven characters were repre
sented and eight musical selections
and readings were given.
Dr. Boyd to Preach
To Washingtonians
At the invitation of Washington
high school, the Rev. John H. Boyd.
D D., will preach the baccalaureate
sermon to the February, 1916, gradu
ating class, tomorrow morning at 10:30
o'clock in the auditorium of the First
Presbyterian church. The subject of
his sermon will be "Twenty Years
Hence in the Life of a High School
Student." Dr. Boyd will also be In
his pulpit on Sunday evening at 7:30
E. E. Coursen will preside at the
organ and the regular quartet will
sing. Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, the so
prano, has Just returned from a two
months' study period in New York.
The other members of the quartet are
Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller, Joseph P. Mul
der and Dom J. Zan. Copies' of Dr.
Boyd's recent sermon on "The Refusal
of Responsibility." will be distributed
to any who desire it at the Sunday
Concert Will Be for
Benefit of Church
Next Friday evening at 8 o'clock a
musical and literary entertainment
will be given for the benefit of the
church. Admission of 25 cents for
adults and 15 cents for children wlM
he charged. The program will be as
follows: Organ selection. Miss Hllde
garde Plummer: quartet. "Carmena"
(H. Lane Wilson), Warren Sisters;
reading, monologue' selection. Miss
Marguerite Egbert; violin solo, "b'ou
venlr De Moscow" ( Wienrawski's Rus
sian Airs), Albert Kreltx; soprano
solo, selected, Mrs, J. S. Hamilton:
reading, monologue selection. Miss
Marguerite Egbert; soprano solo.
"Sprlde La Zampa" (Verdi's II Trov
atore). Miss Daxniar Ines Kelly: nov
elty piano playing, W. J. Carkeek;
quartet, "Forget-Me-Not" (T. H.
Glese), Werren Sisters.
First Presbyterian
Starts Innovation
An Innovation In First Presbyterian
church work is the "Christian En
deavor Extra." inaugurated during
the campaign for membership In
the Sah Grael society of the
First Presbyterian church. This
Is the Wednesday evening sup
per In the church house, pre
pared by a committee from the society
and paid for on the cooperative plan.
Last Wednesday 54 youns people wero
present and enjoyed a splendid, hom-j
cooked meal for 2" cents. Around tha
table reports are made by the generals
c-f the two competing forces, and plans
are discussed for future management
of the campaign. This week a- Ieap
Year supper will be the variation,
which is to bo prepared and served by
a committee of men. The prospects
are for an S. R. O. crowd.
All Day Meeting
To Be Held Tuesday
Tuesday marks the regular all day
meeting of the Woman's associatoin of
the First Presbyterian church, when
scores of women gather in the parlors
of the church bouse at 10 o'clock in
the morning to sew for the needy of
the congregation. At 12:15 luncheon
will be served by a committee of 15
women, of which Mrs. C. C. Overmire
is chairman.
The afternoon will be spent in a
short business session, after which i
program will be given. Miss Rae
Zimmerman will sing and the address
will be given by "Mrs. D. A. Norton,
who has made a thorough investiga
tion of conditions In Portland, and will
lay bare some serious matters which
mothers should know.
First Chadstian Meeting.
The annual meeting of the First
Christian church will be held Thurs
day evening at 7:30 In the church. The
election of officers will be held, re
ports will be received from all tbe
organisations, and a special program
will be rendered. Refreshments will
be served and a social evening will be
Yotloea tot th classified ohnrck
directory, aad other matter for th
Saturday eharefc Polnmas of Th
Journal, xnnst la th dltorlal
rooms) of Th Joarnal by mob Thurs
day la order to Insure jrablleattoa.
Adareee all mall communication,
Cnurcfa," ear City adltoT, Th
Journal, item mot appriar tm. th
Saturday church page win fc fouad
tm th BTuaaay church oolumu.
8. S. Lesson Tomorrow.
The Spirit of LLfa.
Memortse term lu. 17. I lota in. S. 13-40.
OoldVn Text As many as sre tod tr tbe
"plrlt of God. these are too of Pod. Rons.
8. 14.
Home Reading M. The Bnlrlt of Life.
Rom. 8. 12-17. T. Work of tbi Spirit. Rom.
8. 18-30. W. Reveata tbe truth. 1 Cor. 2. I-IO.
Th. Source ot power. Kerb. 4. 1-14. F. F rolls
of tbe Spirit. liaL 5, 16-18. 22-2.V 8. Hope of
the Gentiles. Rom. 15. V16. 8. Tbe greater
baptism. Matt. 3. 1-12.
Young reoiilesWTopcs.
Christian Endeavor: '"Jnissnent That la
Worth Wlille." Ecrl. S lfJi
tLorlh leant
SUlt. 5:4t H: 18:21-3.-.
K. i. l. u.: "Amueb
While." Eccl. 3:l-li.
t That la Worth
AaaooiaUd Bible Studan (I. B. B. A.)
W. O. W. Hall. Ka.t S auo Alder
BaptUmal service. 3 p. ra. In KIrst Christian
oliur-h. I'ark and Columbli N. M. Uewtoo.
aiater. "Kaptlsm. WbaVT." 7. Iul)llr lec
ture. 'Mediation to Kffect vVoi Id s Teace." II.
.1. uanejr, i:JO.
Advent Christian (Hot Seventh Dt).
Adrent Christian Heouu.l ureet. between
Hsll and l.tor-oln. Iter. J. . I.Ul. Prest-hlD
serriees. loiui. 7:0. Sunday school. 12 ui.
lfajrr meeting Thnrsdsr ereulog. Loral Work
ers' meeting bundaj. B::fcp.
First White Temple Mrs. A. W. IeIoDK.
setlns: psstur. Bible shwl. 9:50. Serriees 11
and 7:30. It. V. P. U., 1.1. Dr. J. Whit
comb Brougher. I). I)., tiuwnlna;. "lioliig Hlin
One Better." Erenlng, "Tiie Marriage Riddle,
and How to Solre It.
Swedish Finnish Bantlot mission fi nVlork
' ladles' parlor. White Temple, Twelfth and
jarior sis.
Ksst Side East 30th and Ankeny Rev. W.
O Shank, paator. erTlcea 11 and 7.30 S. 8.,
I". H Y. I'. Y.. ffao. Morning. ' Happiness,
the .Bout's Highest Aim." breuine. "How
Hliall We Hacaye If We .Neglect So Great Bal
Titloo?" Highland. East 6tb and Alberta Ue. ('Inf.
V. Mleir. 11 and 7 B. V. P. t .. 6 3o.
llllde study, 9:45. Re. W. II. Eaton of Rose
burg will preach.
Arleta Re. W. T. S. Sprlggs, S. S. 10.
B. Y. P. I'.. :30. Serr1e. 11 and 7:30.
Morning. "A Sweet Barer L" to God." Even
ing. "Some Old Counsel tor ew ConTens."
Unlrersity I'srk Ker. C. L. Heskett Serv
ices 11 and 7:. 8. S.. 9:50. B. Y. P. I'.. 6:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt su., lo:4o and 7:30.
S. 8.. 12. B. Y. P. l, 6.
Grace MoDtarllU Rev. H. T. Cash. 11 and
7:3t. Y. P.. :30. 8. 8.. 9:45.
Sellwood Rer. F. H. Hayes, 11 and 7:30.
S. 8. 10. B. Y. P. V..
St. Johns E. P. HordenVs-tor 8. 8., 10.
SetTlces. 11 and T:30 B. Y. P. t. 6:30.
I'alTary East 8th and Gryit Rer. Thomas
10. B. Y. P. L.. 6:30.
Mt. Calvary Pine street lnd. Grand sto.
Rer. A. M. Machack. Sert.i-ea 11 aud b. 8.
8.. 9 a. m.
Third Knott and Vancouver avenue Rev
W. J. Ilea Ten. Preaching '.1 and 7::. B. Y'.
P. I'.. 6.30. S. 8.. 10. Morninif. Chrlnrtan
Ity's MesnHge to tbe Young:." Evening, "Wlt
ues?lnp for Jesna In the Home."
St. Johns iGermant Uev. K. Bruermann.
S. 8., 10. 11 and 7:30. B. Y. P. L. . fi:30.
Chinese Mission 8. S., 7. J. C. Makme,
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. S. S.. 10. Serv
ices 11 and 7:30. B. 1. P. TJ.. 6:30.
Second German, Morris at. and Rodney ave.
11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. B. Y. P. I'.. 6:45.
Glencoe East 451 h and MUn Us. Rev. A.
B. Walts. 8. S.. 9:45 a. m.
Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Magrett, pastor.
11 and 8 p. m. S. 8.. 12:30.
Italian Mission, Rev. Francewo Sennella.
paotor. 10. 3". 11 and 8. 8. S. 10. Pastor's
circle 8. English spoken st 10:30 service.
First Germau Fourth and Mill Rev. J.
Kratt. Services. 11 and 7:30. 8. S., 9:45.
Goodwill Mission 15th and Boise Misa A.
M. Nelson, aiiperintendent.
North Portland Misnion 880 Nlcolal street.
Set vices Friday. p. m.
Russellvllle Mission S. ST.. 3. Preschlng
3:4,', by Dr. Albert I.aughbrldge.
Tabernacle East 4 2d and Hnlgate sta. Rev.
Walter Duff. Preaching; 11 aud 7:30. 8, S..
9:45. B. Y. P. U., 6:30.
First Park and Madison Rev. I.uther R.
Pvott. I. D. 8. 8., B:50t Preaching, :i and
7:4.-,. Morning. P. P. Hutton will spesk.
Hrenlng, " Six TTiiugs Needed by All Young
First German East 7th and 6tanton Rev.
E. O. Wlllmnn.
Atkinson Memorial East. 29th and Everett
Rev. Thomas S. Anderson, psstor. 8. 8.. 8:46.
11 snd 7:45. Morning. "Memory snd Atten
tion." Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Junior
Christian Endeavor, 3:30. Evening. "How to
Ron the Race of Life."
Univemlty Park Haven street near IsrubarB
Rev. J. Meyer. I). D.. paMor. 11 and
8. 8.. 10. Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30. Evening.
United Haven and Imbard streets Rev.
V. J. Meyer, pastor. S. 8.. lo. Preaching at
11 snd 8. C. E.. 7.
Highland East 6th and Preseott Rev. E. S.
Bollinger. Preaching, 11 and 7:45. S. S.. 10.
J. E. 3. Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30.
Linderhurst Kev. I). B. OTay. 11 and 7:45.
8. lO. C. F... 6:3.
Pilgrim Missouri and Pbaver streets Rev.
W. C. Kantner, pastor. 11 and 7::. S. 8.,
8:45. C. -E., 6:30. Morning. "Heyond the
Shor Line." Kvenlng. "Lifted Up to 1.1ft
St. Johns Dsnlel T. Tbomsa. pastor. 8. S-,
10 s. in. Irearhlug, 11 a. m.; t'. E., 6 :.
Laurelwood 15tb avenue and UMb street.
Rev. C. 8. Johnson, 11 and 8. C. E., 7. 8.
8.. 10.
Ardenwald Daniel T. Thoasaa. paator. 8. 8.,
10:45. J. E.. 7. Preaching. 8.
Waverly Heights East S3d and Woodward.
Rev. A. C. Moses, minister. Preaching. 11 and
7:30. S.V 9:5- V. P. S.. 6:30. Morning.
"More." K.ven!ng. stereoptlcon lecture on
"Ceylon." ITayer meeting. Thursday. 7:30.
Sunnyslde East Z2A and Taylor Rev. J.
J. Stauh. II and 7:45. S. 8.. 10. Junior C. E..
Intermedlst C. B., 4:15. Senior C E..
6 30. Morning. "The Solitary Dynsunle of
Christian Service." Evening, "The Waterloo of
Zlon (German) Eat 9th and Tremont. Rev.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30 and 7:30. C. E., 6.30.
First Park and Columbia ata. Rev. Geo.
Darsle, paitor. 11 aud 7:45. S. H.. :4.V
C. E., 6 -1.'..
Montavllla Fast 70th and H"yt Rev. J. .'.
Gbormley. 11 and S. ". :.. 7.
Gladstone Rev. Roy u. Dunn, pastor, 11 and
8 8. 10. C. K. . 7.
Woodlawn 7th and Liberty at. Rev. w.
J. Mellluger, 11 and 7:3". S. 8.. 9:40. C. b..
Sellwood Cor. 19th and Nebalem Rev. I.
K. Norcrost. pastor, 11 and 8. S. S., 10.
C. K-. 7.
Rodnev Avenue Rev. J. F. Ghormley. pas
tor, corner Rodney and Knott Preaching. 11
and 7:40. S. 8.. :o. :3. Morning.
The Huprern Mission of the Christ." Kveu-
lng. "Tbe Heroism of Faith.
Kast Side Christian, cor. t. lain and t..
Taylor A. !. Crim. pastor. S. S.. 10. ITescn
Ing. 11 and 7:30. t . r... :.TO. Motions'. "VI-
lons." Evening, "Survival of tlwt t llteat."
kern Park Rev. K. Berry, pastor.
11 and 7:30. S. 8.. :4S. C. E.. t:30.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert I . Junes, pat-tor. "1
and 8. 8. S.. lo. C. F... 7.
Vernon Church of Christ B. 15th and wy-
gant J. A. Melton, 11 ana i :w. s. ., io.
0. E.. 6:30.
Bethel E. 82d and Tbomp'on. Kev. Au
brey W. Wilson. S. 8.. It p. m.
Christian Bcisooa.
First Church of Christ. Scientist Everett
between 18th and 19th sts.Srvl-ea 11 and
8. S., 9:43 and 11- Uessoo sermon. "Truth."
Seeood Ksst nth snd Hollsdar Services.
11 and M. S. P., 9:45 and 11. I-eou sermon.
Truth." Wednesday evening. 8.
Third Esst 12th snd Sslinon sts Services.
11 and . S. 11 and 12:13. Lesson sermon.
Tnub." Wednesday evening, H.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson at.
Services 11. 8. 9:4S and 11. Les;orj ser
mon. Troth." P. 8.. 11 and li
Fifth Myrtle Park hall -Services, Tl a. m.
ft. 8.. 9:30. Sunday 1a sermon, "Truth."
Wednesday evening. 8 w -
Cbrlstlanr Science 8Jety Holbrook bloek.
St. Johns Services. Sllndsj 11. Wednesday
evening meeting at 8. Hulrject of letsun ser
mon, "Truth." 8. 8.. 11 aid 12.
Christian spiritual.
Christian 8plritualtsa) I lbrs building Uee
ture and messages, Lecture fby W. 1.
First Christian Spirit lata. Odd Fellows
ball. East th and Aldi ifreeta Communloa
messages. 3 p. m. by It K toller, 8 p. m.
Chris tad si tiaaa.
West Portbind 121 E t Wssblngtoa. Bun
day. 10:3 a. m. Wedne jy 8.
Mt. Tabor K. 00th i d Belmoot. 11 snd
Carlatiaa sad afiasieaary Alllaae,
Goepel Taoemacle East th and Clay Jobs
B. Fee, paator. 8- 8.. 10. Preaching. 11. Rev.
C. H. Cbrlaman, district superintendent. Bible
study on Scriptural healing 2:43 p. o. Friday.
St. Peters bents Rev. P. Boetgen. Mass
8 High nun. 10:30. livening service. 1 :XO
Prv-( slbedrsl lth and Ivls sts. Rsv. E.
T. O'Hari. Miss 8. 7:15. 8:30. :43. High
(case 11. Evening service.
Bt. Lesrreeee d ead tiheraaa sts. Rer.
J. O. BesTb. Msss . IdU, HI BUM ly.JO.
EvwnlDg aervtee, T UMX 1 y ,
BU fatrtck's 19 Lh and 8a. via stavBer. E.
"Come Ye Apart and Rest Awhile"
By the Very Reverend H. M. Ramsey, D. D., Dean of St.
Stephen's Pro-Cathedral.
with principles and beliefs. It leads to the
absurd condition where one can discuss with learning what
everyone ejse thinks, while one's own mind remains a no-maifs
land. Forethought and meditation are words you seldom see:
reflection is too often associated with declining years when its
usefulness is comparatively limited. "Know thyself," is a
maxim with the highest philosophic authority. When Jesus
said, "Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile," he was not
speaking exclusively to the needs of his ow n generation.
P. Murphy. Mas 8. High miss 10:30. Evening
service. 7:30.
St. Frsnclf E. 11th and Oak ata Bev. J.
II. Black. Ns. K. H, 9. High niaaa. 10:30.
Evening service. 7 30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams are.
end Sianton Rev. W. A. Daly. Mass C. 8. 9.
High mini 10 .'to. K veiling service, 7:30.
Holy Kosarv--E 3d ond Clackamsi Rev.
E. 8. Olson. Ma-n. 6. 7, 8, 9. High mass 11.
Evening service. 7 .10.
8t. Rose E. 53o and Alameda Rev. J.
O'Farrell. Mass 8, 10. Evening service T-30.
St. Andrews E. Inh snd Alberts ts. Bev.
T. Klernan. Mas b. High aiasa 10:30. Eve
ning service, 7.30.
Tbe Madeleiue E. 24th and SMsklyoo Rev.
G. F. Thompson. Msss. 7:30, 9. High msss,
10-30. Evening tervlce. 7:45.
Ascension E. Ysnihlll and E. 76th Fran
elscan Fathers. Mass 8. High msss, 10:30.
Evening service. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Van
couver ave. Rev. y. H. Miller. Mass 6. 8.
High mafs 10:3O. Evening service, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Mnrvlaud ave. aud Blan
dena st. Kev. B. V. Kelly. Mass 8. High
urn's 10:30. Evening service, 7:3".
Holy Cross 774 Howduin st. Rev. C. Ray
mond. Mara 8. High mass, 10:30. Evenlug
service. 7:30.
St. Iinstlus 3220 4:id st. 8. E. Jesuit Fs-
tl.ers. Msss 6:30 and 8. High msss 10:30.
Evening service 4.
8t. Biephens 12d and E. Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt. Ma-s 0. 8:30. High msss 10:30.
Evening service. 7:30.
St. Philip Neri E. 16th and Hickory Rev.
W. J. Curtwright. Mass 8. High m 10:30.
Evening service 7:30.
Sacred Heart E. 11th snd Center Rev. O.
Rcbl. Mass S. High msaa 10:30. Evening serv
ice 7:30.
St. Aaatha K. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Cinnml-tv. Mass 8. HIcb mass 10:30. Eve
ning service 7:3.
St. Joseph i German) 15th and Cooeb sta.
Rev. B. Irurrer. Masa 8. High maaa 10:30.
Evening aervlce 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Mkryland ave. and
Falling st. Rev. F. Matthew. Msss 8. High
Bios 10:3O. Evening aervlc 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) Ith and Mill ata.
Rev. M. Balestrs. Mass 8. High masa 10:30.
Evening service 7:30.
St. (lemenU Smith and Newton tt Rev.
C. Smith. Mass 8. High masa 10:30. Erenlng
service 7:3).
St. Clare Capitol Hill Rev. Anthony.
Masa 8. High msss 10:30. Evening errlc
st Cbsrles 34th and Killlngtworth Re.
G. Snidcrhorn. Miss 8. High masa 10:30. Eve
St Mark's 21st and Msrshall ata. Rev. J.
V.. H. Slmioon. rector- Rev. J. O." Hattoo. a
sociste. fcuodsy aerviees. 7:30 a. m. Holy
Eucharist. 7:.TO. 8. 8.. 9:43. Matins. 10:13.
Holy Eucharist and sermon. 11. Evensong.
fi:30. Mission hymns and aermoo, 7 J
Eveulna-. "Where Faith la Put to the Test."
Morning. "JTie Klns'a IToclamatlon of tbe
Trlnltv rburrh. Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rec
tor. R, 11 ai.d . R. S.. 9:45. Gxd Fellow
ship soe'ety. psrlsh lpth and Davis sta..
7 to 7:" ;. in. Y. P. 8.. :.'.
l'ro-'atlic;rsl of St. Stephen the Martyr
Rev. H. At Ramsay. 7:4'. 11 aud 7:45. 8. 8..
10. Sp-cTal service for colored people. S.
8t David Itev. Thomas Jenkins, rector.
8 8., :4.". Enchsrlst (plain). 8 a. m. Morn
ing Pr,yr n'1 sermon, 11. Service and ser
mon. 7 :e. Morning, "Miracles. Are They
Credible?" Evening. "Tbe Soul and Re
ligion." 8t. Matthew'a Rev. W. A. M. Bre.-k. vlcsr
Corlett snd Bancroft streets. S. S-. 10. Serv
ice and sermon. 11.
St. John's Mllwaukle Rev. John D. Rice.
P. 8.. 2. Evening prayer and sermon, 3.
bervicea. 4
St. Andrews Hereford street, Portsmouth.
Arclides'-on Chambers la charge. hervi-ea 11,
S. H, 10.
Crsre Memorial Weldler and East 17th at.
N Uev. Oswald W. Taylor, rector. Holy
Communl'iu first Snrelay In the nentb. 11 a.
in. Holy Conimtinlon other Sundays In tbe
month x a. m. Morning pryer snd sermon,
11 a. m., except the first Snnday in tbe
motith S.. 1" a. m. No evening aervlce.
Ud Shepherd Rev. John Ianson. 14 and
E.. 0: W. 8. S.. 10.
St. Michael's and All Angels' Esst 43d and
Rroadnay Kev. T. F. Bowen. vicar. 8. 8,
o. Holy communion first Sjnday, 11; third
Sunday. 7 r.O.
Church of nr Ra v lonr--flOf h ave. and 41st
st. 8. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge.
Services. 11. 8. S., 10.
St. John's eburcl Sellwood Rev. John D.
Rice, 11. Evening prsyer, 7:30.
St. Paul's Wooduiere Rev. Oswsld W.
Taylor. Holy communion, first Sunday In
tfonlli. S a. "in. Services, 4 p. m. SuDday
rchiwil. 10.
HIhop Morris Memorial chsneL Good Sa
maritan hospital- Chaplain. Frederick K. How
ard. Holy rommunion. 7 a. m. Evenaoug.
7 . i r,.
All Paints Church 2Mh and Savler Hev.
Frederick K. Howard. 8. 8., 10. Service 11.
t'.. 0.3O. 8. 8., 10.
Evangelical Synod.
German Evsngellcal Frlenda chnrch Tacoma
ave. and East 13th Rev. Ellas Uergert. pas
tor. 10:4o aud 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:30. C. E.. :.
St. Paul Evangelical church 447 Failing
st. Rev. J. Hergert, paator, 11 and 7:30.
i. P. 8., 0:30.
Evangsllcal Association.
Csrson Height G. F. Llening Jr., pastor.
11::) and 7. S. 8.. 10:.'lO.
First English East th and Market ata.
Eev. E. V. Hornsbueh. pastor. Services 11 aoi
8; 8. 8.. 10. Y. P. A.. 7.
First Germsn Evangelical 10th and (-lay
sts. G. F. Ieinlng. pastor. 8. 8., 9:30. Preach
ing. 10:43 and 8. Y. P. A., 7.
Frisadi' Church.
Sunnyslde East 33th and Main ata. Homer
. pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. 8.. 9:43. C. E.,
C :30.
lnta Sooth Main afreet. Kev. jomi Kiiey.
ptnor. 11 aud 7:30. Bible school. 9:43. C. E..
t; .:io.
West Piedmont Friends Rev. Mrs. Ethel M.
Arbold. 11 and 7:30. Bible school 10. 8. 8. 10.
C. E , 8:15.
Free Method it.
Central chnrch 55th and Eaat Flanders--Rev.
L. R. BIsckmaB. Services 11 snd 7:45.
S. S.. 9:43. Y. P. M., 6:30.
First church Cor. East th and Mill ats.
Bev. E. L. Horrlngton. pastor, 11 and 7;3o.
Congregation Beth Isrsel 12th and Main
ata. Reform ritual Friday night at S. Si:or
dsy morning at 10:30. Religious school st
9 30 HnndsT morning. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise
col ductar all services snd Bible classes.
Immanael 19th and Irving ats. Bev. J.
Richard Olson. 11 and 8. . 8.. 9:43.
Trinity Germsn (Missouri Synod) William!
avenue and Gnham J. A. Klmbacb. 10. lo
and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:13. No evening service.
tolled Norwegian Ditmsn Larsrn. pastor.
11 and 7:45. 8. 8.. :45.
Bethany u Lntoo avenoe . and Mor
ris street M. C Jenaen-Engnolni. psstor.
Hervlres 11 and 8. B. 8- 10. Y. P. saeetlag,
h on Tuesday. Bible cooversatloc, Tbursdsy. 8.
Ladles' Aid. Wednesday at 2.
Our Savior's Lntberan Cburrb E. 10th sod
E. Grant sts Kev. Canrg Henrikseo. peaw
tor. S. H- " Eogllsh services. 10:13. Nor
weglsa tervlres. 11 lift.
Imsuanoel (ienusa Sellwood H. C. Ebe
llng. lo:- ". .. 9 1. x
St. Psnl's German East 12tb and Cllntoo
A 8. krauaw. pssroc. ersnan and Kogllsh
B B., 9:30. Gerius eerrlcss 10:. a. m. Eng
lish. 7:3o p. at. Bible study and young rssu
ple's roeetlBg. Thursday. 8 p. as. Conflrms
Uoa. Tosssday asd rrlday. sad 7:M.
at. Jobiss Paulnaar end Ktrkpatrtek Kev.
K. U. Salsona. l43 ead 7J0. ft. 8-. :30.
One JuagUsh tMlawart Bysodi Aihlaa
.- , .. ' ' , - '- V '-
In an age like ours, with its many activi
ties of mind, much that is valuable is los:
through lack of reflection. The importance
of being "busy" has become a fixed idea, so
we feel if we do not hear and see the last that
is offered we fail utterly in our dutv to our
selves. A result of the constant procession
of assertions, appeals and programs through
our minds without reflection is to be found
in the fact that people content themselves
with "views" of life and morals rather than
ave. and Matnn Rev. C. Luecke. paator. 10 DO
and 7:3". H. S . il l.',.
Swedish Auuustans -Rev. H. K- SsndMedt
10:45 snd 7 4'-. S.. 9:3".
St. Jsnie.- EiiRll.h Wet Park and Jeffer
son streets-Kev. J A. Iea. pastor. 11 and
8. S. 8.. 10. I.uiher leacne. 7. Morninir.
"The Great (,'oru uilse ion." Evening, "Mlcbael
w riaiHrau as a 1'tver.
German Evsiigelicsl Luthersn Zlon (Mis
souri Synod i- Sal men and llispman Ms. Rev.
H. 11. hoppelniann -Services 10.15 a. m and
7:45 p. in.: S. S.. 9:15 a. m.
United Norwegian Portsmouth H. O. Hen
drlckson. pnstor. 11. b. S.. 10. 3. Lunda'a
hall. Vernon.
German Evangelical Reformed church
Lenta W. G. Llenkaemper. pastor 8. S , 10.
Preaching service, 11. Catecbetlcal class!
Saturday. 10.
Latter Day Balnta.
Church of Jeua Christ of letter Imv Saints
(Mormon)--Chapel East 23th sn.l m'11ii
8. 8.. 10. Irea hing 11:43 and 7. Kveulng
Moutavilla (txt Mormou ) S. 8 , Ser
vices, 11 and :3.
First 12th and Taylor sts. Rev. Fra-ik I
Loveland. D. 1., nilninter. s. S.. !
Sermons, 10. -X) a. m. and 8 p. m. V. P -oUu-cll.
8:45. Evening, "Tbe Crimson Wheel."
Centenary M. K. Church East 9th snd Est
Pine streets T. W. Lane, pastor, 11 sikI 4 :w.
8. 8., 9.4.V Class meeting. 12. E. L.. c.l.V
Morning, "The Value of Membership In the
Clurcb." In. W. w. Youngaon of liofe City
Park churcb will preach In the evening.
Taylor 8treters -- Sidewalk Taylor aid
Third Preaching 10 3U a. ill. by Rev. Hr.
Clarence True S'Usib.
Trinity East loth and Sherman Rev. A.
B. Calder. 11 and 7 JO. s. S . 10. E L.. 30
Morning. "A Look Byoud." Evening, "A Mod
el King."
Swedish Borlhwlck and Beech. John A.
Wellman, pastor. Preaching, 11 and 7:45. 8.
8.. 10.
Epworth 2itb and Savior Rev. C. O. Mc
Cnlloeh. 11 and TOO. S. S.. 9:13. E. I... 0:30
Morning. "The Mlvlne Guarantee." Eveulng,
"The Supreme Effort of the Supreme."
First Norwegian Danlah Corner 18th and
Hoyt. Rev. t) T. Field. 11 and 8.
Woodlawn Kant lotli and Highland Rev.
Louis Thomas, psitor. S. 8., lo. K. L . :3o.
Preschlng. 11 snd 7:4.1. Prayer service.
Thursday evening. S. S., 10 a. lu. E. I.., 7
p. m.
Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11
and 7:30. J. E., 2 30. E. L.. :.'.
Snnnyalde E. 35lb and Yamhill Rev. R.
Elmer Smith, I). I).. 11 and 7:45 p. m. 8. 8 ,
9:5o a. m. E. L.. 6:30.
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo afreet,
C. C. Knrli k. pastor. 8 S . 9 4.. Prcsrlilng.
11 and 7:30. Class meeting. 12:15. Epworth
league, 6:30.
St. Johns Hayes snd Lesvltt sts W. E.
Ingalla. Service. 11. S. S., 9-50. E. L.. 6:3n.
Mootsvills Rev. W. II. llsmpton. 11 ami
7:30. 8. 8.. 9 45. E. L-. o:ia. J. L.. 3.
Class meeting. 12:13.
Laurelwood Rev. C. R. Carloa. pator. 63d
at.. 8. E , and Foster Road. 8. S.. 9:45. E.
L.. :3t. ITeachlng 11 snd 7 :3o. Evangelist
MscCollura. morning. "Luiury of Sul Wln
nii g ". evening, ' Signt That FolKiw "
Clinton Kellv M-morlal -J. West Thompson,
psstor. 8. S . 9 45. Services, 11 snd 7:30. E.
L-. 6:30.
Japanese Mlslpn Rev. Ellsen Rlbara. 9:30
and 6:30. 8. 8.. 3:.'M).
Rose City Park Saudr blvd. and E. 6Mh
at. Kev. William W. Youngson. pastor. 11.
8. 8., 9:45. M. .ruing. "Tbe Kingdom of Possi
bility." Evening. " Llfework."
German Rodnev ave. and Stanton St. F. A.
Sciniruann. S. 8 . 0 43. Service. 10 and 8. Ep
worth league. 7 1"..
African Zlon Rev. W. W. Howard. 288
Williams sve. 8. 8.. 1. C. E . 7. Preschlng
11 aad 8. Morning. E. P. I- Thompavm, sub
ject, "The christian'! Position in the World."
Erenlng. "The World as It Will Be "
Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Corner
Skldmore Itev. Abraham Verelde. paator.
Services. 10:4.1 snd S. 8.. 9:45. E. L-. 7.
Junior congregitl-m (service In English). 3:3.
Monnt Tsbor -lt s.od Eaat Stark. Rev. E.
Olln Kldrluge. pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:45.
8. 8.. 9 45. Junior L.. 3. E. L.. 7. Midweek
praver Thnrsdsy S p. m.
University Park Ix-mbsrd snd Flk atreeta
Rov. C. L. Hamilton. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.,
9:45. E. I... C .:.
Lenta IU. W. Boyd Moore, 11 and 8. 8.
8.. io. E L.. 7 SO p. m.
Bethel Lsrrabee and McMlllen sti. Rev. J
U Craw, pastor. 11 and 8:15. 8. B., 9:30. C.
E.. 7.
Westniorelan.1 Mllwsukle sve. between Rs
mona and Sth sres Rev. C. B. Hsrrlson.
11 aud 7:30. 8. S.. IO.
Lincoln Ei-t fed !nd Lincoln G. G. Ha
ley, pastor. S S. 11. Services. 10 30 snd 8
Psttun Mlctilgan snd Alle-rta Rev. G-rge
H. Keee. pjsti-r. 11 aud 7:43. 8. S.. 10. E.
L.. 0:45.
Woods'ocV Fat 44th and Ctb ave. 8. E
Frank Jsn.ea. pssti-r. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10.
E. I ... r.:0 Class. 1215 p. m.
First Germsn A. F. Crsruer. pnstor. 11 snd
h. S. S , io. V.. L., 7 -TO.
Brentwood Uev. J . West Thompson. 8. 9,
10. Services, 11.
Berkeley Helcbts clubhouse - - Services, 8.
conducted by Hev. . K C'sldcr.
Chlnesa Mission 11 and 7:3(i.
M. E. Church Soutk.
Vnlon ave. and Multnomah W. J. Fenton.
pastor. S. 8 . lo. Si-rvlit-s 11 snd "). -
I. .. 0:3o p. m.
Swedish Mission -Iter P. J Tbo'eB. 11 and
8. s. s . lo. V. P .
Ellm chspel Rev. B. J - Thores. II. B. B.,
,0Bethel Free Cburcb-Ivy and Wllllaois
Rev. J. A. Btavney. 11 snd . 8. 8., 10.
New Church Society.
Swedenborgl.n K. of brnli. 11 tb and Al
rtei Rev. Samuel W.c-ster. 8 8., 10:15s. m.
Services at 11 s. m. Sermon, "Tbe Lord's Gar
ments." Kassrsns.
rir.f Pentec-otal burcn or toe issssre
r 7th and In via. Rev
C. Howard Davis, paa
S., 8:13 p. m. Preacb-
ter 8. 8.. W
V. P.
11 r.rt 7 :il
seiiwo-sl--East 9th and Spokane Rer. n.
C ' Baker, paator. S. 8., :W). Y. P. h., 8 80.
I reaching 11 and 7:30. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday. Breiuwood E. 6Tth St. and E. 85th sv. 8.
F Mrs. Stella Crooka. paator. 8. 8-, :43.
le'ople a meeting 7. Preaching at 11 and 8.
Si an.1 1ns via n 948 Garfield Rev. J. G.
Brlngedabl. paator. 8. 8., 10. Preach Leg at
II and 7:0.
Vew Theaght.
Temple of Truth. Ellers bnlldlnr Perry Ja
sept. reen. minister. Evening, "Why Old Mes
Use Out to Young Men."
Portland- Rationalist Asa'o. Public library
baU. 8 p. ra.
Flrat 12th and Alder Kev. Jobs H. Boyd,
minister. Preaching. 10:) and 7.30. C. K..
6:3o. Morning, "Twenty Years Hence Is toe
Lifeof s High School Student. " hs eca la er
as te sermon to W. H. 8. Febroary 1916. cktsa.
Fourth Pint sod Glbbe Kev. Henry G.
Hanson, pastor. Preaching 10:80. 8. 8., 12. C.
E-. 6:30. Morning. "The personality of God."
Evening. "Tbe a. eolation nt Pleasure."
Calvary lltb and Clay st. Bev. O. Si.
Beam. 1O.30 and 7:30. S. S-. 12. C. E.. 6:30.
Arbor Lodge Bev, George B. Crouiley. 11
and 7:43. 8. 8 . 10. , M
Kenllwortb East Mta and Gladstons Bee.
Ljslte Kirk Blchsrdson, psstor. B. B-. :4A.
Ser vices 11 sad 3. I. V. S. 6:30. Morning.
lhe Midnight Frleud." Evening. Toe FiueJ
Mlraab B. 19t aad IMvWsosi Bev. Barry
rreda, vjeetor 11 aad T:& B. ftV, 10. C. R..
8-90. htorniaeV "Iks OWiga ties. Cre ted by
tbe Saerlrlee of Christ." Evenlug. "The Press-
ore of Need."
Hope Mont a villa, 7vh and Everett sts,
Bev. 8. W. See man. 11 nd 7::si. t 8.. 10
Knrbes Rev. Uarrv 1.. Pratt, 11 and 'a.
S. 8.. 10. C E. 6:3o
Central Eeat 13ih and Pine ts. Res. U.
K. Grimes, pestor. 10 sn.l 7:43 S, B..
12 C. E., 7. Morning. "Hunest and Diabaoest
I'oubters." Evening, " Debts Tbst Mast B
Mt. Tabor Eaat rVSlh aud Bclinoot Hev.
William r. ham Moore. 11 and 3. 8. 8..
lo C. E.. 7. Intermediate C. E , i p. m.
alornltig. rommunk-n service.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett ' -Rev.
A. 1- Ilutchlnsoii. stor. C. 11 . f, M 8. 8.,
12 m. ServU-es 10:30 and 7:3o. M-Tiiii.,! IYe
byterianlam In I'rti-tli." Evening. The A.
B. C. of Christian Life."
Valty W. 1st Grsy. minister. 11 sud 8.
S. 8., 10.
Vernon 19th sod Wygant- streets -11. N.
Mount, pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. U 43. C.
E. 6:30. Junior C. E. 4.
Wetmlnt.T East lith and Schuyler Rev.
Henry Mareotte. 10:3o and 7:3i. 8. 8.. 12.
Y. P. 8. C. E.. 4 p. m. Morning. "Pure Re
ligion." Evenlug. "Jesua In the Home."
Ruse City Park East 4Mb at. and Hancock
Rev. J. M. Sklunw. Preaching 11 and 7:30.
. P.. 6:30. 8. 8.. 9:43.
Millard Avenue Uev. W. H. Anv. 11 snd
'.M 8. 8.. IO. Y. P. S. C. K.. f 30.
Sis-kane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane W.
M-i iillsgb. pastor. 11 and 7 .:.). S. 8.. 10.
c f. .
Marshall Street Rev. A. J. Hanna, pastor.
CommiinliMji sud sermon, 7.30. 8. 8 10. 8er-
Irlnliy. c-nt-r Virginia and Nebraska sts.
Uev. l: livii,,n, parlor. 11 and 7::). 8. B-.
lu v I' 8 C. E.. 0::t0.
Anall 5iih street sud 37th avefiu . K.
- Uev Alfred Ivls Talis, minister. 9 43. 9. 8.
I' and ;. pres. blag. 4 t.i. Junior X'. K. 3,
S. ui-.r ". E.
CLlueae - l5i, 1st at. 7:45. 8. 8., 8:4J.
Reformed Preabytsnsn.
First clmr.h Ml-mew-ta snd Alnsworth
Rev. F 1. Iriar. Seivlcea. 11 and 7:30.
s. a.. i.
First Germsn 12tb snd i lay sti 0. Haf
ner. pastor. Preaching 10.45 and fc. 8 8.
9:3o. V. P. 8.. 7 I nlon meeilng at 2:3".
Address by E. P. Rosenthal, "The solution of
tLe Vnn-mployed Protilrui."
Secund t olumbla blvd. and. 3'd !t. A. E.
Wysa. 11 and 8. S. 8 . 9 3" Y. P. S.. 7.
Third Fifth ave.. Lenta -Kev. 11. ficbald
kuecht, pastor, 11. 8. S.. lo
Bsrvioea for hs Deaf.
United Preabyterian Rev. 8. Karl,
10:30 aud 8. C. E . 7.
First Spiritual churcb Southeast corner
Sixth and Montjpimery streets. lecture at S
p. ill. b) Mrs. M. A. Congdun. Address at 8
p. m. by Wallace R. Ptmble. Pnbipb teaU by
accredited mediums following both ; addresses.
Spiritual. 1
Church of tbe Soul -aoMi 8d sf Rev. J.
II l.ilisa. t-onfereoce. 11. S 8.. 1 30.
MrOlums meeting 3 p. m. Lecture lnd teata.
V Lecture by Uev. Uanrv.
6eventh Say Advsntnts.
Note-- Uegulsr services of ibis deuomlnatloa
are held on hsturdav. :
i enirsl. E. lltb snd Kverett Erjler P. C.
llaard. paator. Preitrtilng 11 a. m. S. 8., i.
Praver meeting Wednesday evening, 7:3o. Y.
P. 8.. Friday. 7:45.
Tats-ruacle. West Side, K. of P. ball, or
ner 11th and Alder streets Past.-. E. W.
cat'.in. Ssbbstb In. Sermon 11. Bible
stiKly. 7 4.". Lecture, 7 45.
M..ntsvllls, Ls.t 0tb and Everett, J. F.
Realty. , ider. Sabliaih srhwd. 10 s. m.
Preaching II and 7. V. P.. 4. Prsyer meeting,
Wednesday. 7:3o.
AlUina i Germs n ) Sk Id mors and Mallory
A c. Schweltser. local elder. Sabbath s-hool,
10. Preaching 11. Prayer meeting Wednes
day 7 45.
Ints 94th st. and 68th avs.-D. J.
Chllw.ssJ, elder. Sal.batb aebrs.l, PI. Preach
ing. 11. I'raer meeting WednesJsr, 8.
St. J- i.ns i entrji sve. and thsrl'ston at.
Elder L. D. llurlt.iirt. Ssbbstb fw-hool. lo.
Preschlng. 1 1 . Prsyer Wednesday.
Mount Tats.r LaM Ooth snd BelOjuiit Rev.
C J., pastor Servb-t-s: 8sbbsth
school, lo. Preaching 11. Prayer Wednesday
7 .43.
Scandii. avian church. 2d snd 39th ave., 8.
E. Elder O. E. Ssiiclnes. past.. 8. 8.. lo.
Preaching 11. Prayer meeting. Sduesiay
Salvation Army.
G-rps No. 4 207 Salnj .ii at Consecra thaa
S4-rvlce II. s. 8.. 1 :&o. Praise aervice, J p.
ui. Soldlrrs' couim-11 6 p. m.
Corps No. 113 Aab st. Adj.- snd Mrs.
Wbltnev In chsra-e. 11. 3 lj snd 8 S. 8 ,
1:30. Y. P. 8.. 6. Services In cbflrge. Jsbu.
sry 111. f Adjulsut and Mrs. Joseph Hsrrlson.
Swedish C'-ps 130 Burnlde 11, 4 3o aud .
8-andlnavtau 243 Ab at. 8 p. in. Rev.
John OvaeL
United Brethren.
Allerts-'27th and Alberta -Rev. C. C. Bell.
11 and 7 '. 8. 8.. 10. c. E., B;30.
First-- Ksst 1.1th and Morrison Rev. J. D.
Niaewoiider pastor, preschlng 11 sud 7:30. C.
i... 6.30. .. S., 10. Morning. Tbe Invisible
I brist. ' Eveulng. 'The Church aud the Out
side." Fourth 09th at ami CM ave. S. K. L. K.
Conner. Pastor. Sermun. 11 sud 7:43. . 8.,
10. C. E., 0 43.
tiny Woodworth Memorial. Van'cver, Waah.
Rev. iora Yount. pat..r. 11 aud 8. 8.
S.. lo. V. P. S. i . 1... 7.
Third l ulled Brethren Church Corner 7th
!t. and 32d ave. 8 E - -Herbert F. White, pas
tor. S. 8., 10. Prea.-bing 11 and T:30. Jun
ior C. E., 3.
United Evangelical.
Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner, past., 11 led
7:30. 8. 8., IO. C. E . 8:3".
Radical - Jesaup at. Rev. A 8. Henderson,
pestor. 11 snd 7:.'ai S S . io t L.. 7.
Manor Circuit Services Maivr. 11 a. m.
Cherry Grove, 3 p lu. ltrub I'rairle. 7
Ockley ircn Wllisti-tie bld. and iay
Rev. 8. I.. I.vell, . r. 11 and 8. 8. 8.,
10. t . E.. e :.
Flrat list 16th and Poplar Itev- C. C. Po
ling. 11 and 8. 8 s . 1" I... t.30.
St. Johns A. P lat..n. pstur. 11 and S.
8. 8.. lo. c. k.. n :
Wbfalts-Kcv II. II I arnhsm, paator. It
and S. 8. 8 . 1". . E . 7.
United Presbyteries.
First ' ::Ttu and Hawthorne; Fra-k
I.. Witt l i : ; j - - j Preaching, 11 a. m. and
7 .10 p ti. lo. C. E.. -.3 p. m.
ilornii s-. ieneroslty." Eveulng, "Per-
Solisl Teat. lie. t:y." '
t 1, I, I in S'rsDgers Wssro st. xoi
Gri, i ave. - i:ev. 8. Earl Dubois,, paa'or,
10 . S'i.l s.
Ke t .u-J. S. Cole. !0:.6 a-1' 8. B. B., 10.
church cf Onr Father Broadway ssd Tarn
hlll Rev. T L. Eliot. D. D.. mltftster eroer.
Itua; Rev. W. G. ElJot Jr.. Blslater. Preach
ing at II and 7:43. 8. 8. sod morning adult
class. 9:4.",. Pastor s adult clave. 12:15. Y. P. 8.
C. E., .3o. Morning. "Onnversloo. Spur toes
and Reel." Evening. "Why tbe Moving pict
ure U a Social Problem."
Church of the (iood Tldlnga Brdway and
Kaat 24th Rev. I, D. Orby. 8. ft.. 12 norm.
Preaching. lOieS. Junior c. E., 8. Monday
evening Uss. 7. Morning. "A LaHter That
Was Bent to tbe Wrong Man A Btttdj of Let
tors end Uvlllutaun."
T, M. C, a T. W. C. A.
T. M. C. A. Blitb and Taylor sTreets. viU-
W Bloue, general secretary. .
V. W. C. A. Broad sy and Taylor sts.
Misa Llna t). James, general secretary. Vesper
aervlce 4:30.
Portland Bahal Assembly 516 Ellers bide.
Services, 8 p. ss.
Divine Troth Center Selllng-Hlrtch bldg.
Kev J. M. Mlsard. psstor. 11.
Cbrtetlaa Yoga Center 318 Ablagtoa bldg.
T. i. Haner. instructor. Evening -services e.
Wednesday and Friday. 8. 8.. 12. Sunday, 8
p. m.. topic, "Life and tbe Way.'.
Church or tbe Bret tern (Duniardi) Kev.
George A. Carl, 11 and 7:80. e. 10. C.
W.. ;. .
The Church of God (German) 74 East th
!t-, north Pastor, Rev. D. F. Komm. Ger- .
mas services, 11 and 7:30 p. m. B. 8 , O.ti. .
Prayer meet log Thursday evening. 7:43.
Churcb of Cbriat Lenta preaching, 11 sad
7 ::. Bible class, lo.
PUgab Mission Lents Full gospel Sandsy.
10:30 and t:80. Tuesday and Friday at 7:80.
Lenta Church J oh a bliey. II aud 7:43. S.
IO. C. K-, 8:45. ' '
Commoea Mission 22 N. Front' st Myrs
Smith and Miss Esther Ellis. Sopts., 8.
BcandinavUn Evsngellcsl Mlssio Church &
737 Allsrrts Her vires. 1 snd 7:43.: H. B., 10. ,
V. P. M. Sunday. 5:30. Prayer meet lag Tsars,
day, a. M. Ohses. psalor.
Church of God. Seventh Day, SOS Bast Wastw
Ingtoa street Meetings Sunday veiling, 8. '
Wednesday at 8 p. at., aad Saturday, 2 aad
Eeat Star street Gospel Hal4, between
Twenty -eights and Twenty uinth. ,
Advanced Thought Spiritual TeBspVa. corner
fclstb snd Montgomery streets. 11. sueclal
anusle. Inesoar. 2J and 8. t .
Tbeneopbt'-sl Bo-tety 1M Mnrusre bldg f
"arv uy uovsra uevrge. "Jlie- BCleDce Cf
the Tlun-s. According to Astrology. t
. To hold tb neckband la shjap uhes
av shirt 1a being pressed ls th cOxa
ot b rscaaUy lnrent4 4lrlc,