The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Representative of Local Plant
Superintends Destruction
at Baker, Or,
Many Appear With "Orowlir- In Hopes
Of Getting Supply Bat All Goes
Sown the Sewers.
Bak.r, Or.. Jan. IS. A?x-it i:0O er
gons of beer we-e poured !:.ta ffters
here today under the d'rection of F.
Clutsch, of Portland," representing a
Portland brewery. When word wai
passed the was to be poured out
ma- y a; penr 1 with buckets, hoping
tn K--t a. s ! ?'. L ; t few succeeded as
tic hi.-f o: ;-o:i r. fused to allow it.
1"; e l j r was emptied Into the city
storm H'.'.crs an.l carried In a few
moments to mingles with the waters of
the i'u Jtr river.
Daniel If. Shaw Dead.
Maker. r . Jar.. Z. Iianiel H ?'! w.
71. pioneer of i laker co .nty. died today
af ter a Jong 1' ntss. He was a naiiv e
of Missouri arid r.mie. hm In 1 v'.5.
lie run & freighter W-twt -ri t'matilla
and Hilver City. Idaho, In the early
(Jays. locating on a homestead south
of -Baker In '''.. He acquired niuca
property ami leaves a lare estate.
Two sons. 1'anlel of Spokane. S. T.
of Raker; two d.iu slit ers. Mrs. I .
Steailma.n of M t.Ven anl Mrs. iiobert
Cavin, Caldweii, IciuJio, survive.
O-W. IS. & X. Tracks mocked.
Maker. ir.. Jan. li. Main tracks of
the o-W. It. & N. were blocked several
hours late this afternoon and early
this (vpnmc, through the local yards,
due to two endues s ! I 1 1 i: - one ten
der tipped ov. r. Tha ser Iocs of the
I .a Grande wrecker was necessary to
clear the way. Ti e switch wrs acci
dentally oprmd causing tl.e accident.
Hodge Honor Man
Breaks HiS V 0Id I
W. P. Preund, Charged With Torgery, !
Bkips to Vancouver, B. C, and En-
Usrto for Overseas Service. I
L : 1 So r n
Jan. 15. (.!'. P i
e aif-tlriSt extra II
tio'i has be
r. started t y W P. Kre-iri !.
an-boni O.-rman w i:.t-d
an . Anicr'..i
here f- r tria
a Cb.'ifKO f.f forgers.
in V,ircuilver, It. ' . ;
He was a i
est, ,1
JtiJ-t a
pr 1;
to had o
unteered for over- i
Kith Irish Fum-
lea service in th,e
FreuTid, wi
former! y a i
fin ho fC-o
of She: . !
o i e r s Afier
Is 17 years old. was
is l!ang.-r and sin
: Jlotlui He was one
vb J . ! ce's h'-nor prl s
hhs arrest a month agv.
. iie..l in h 's b;a: f and
i I rcuud on his personal
I friends i-t.--.
Ho,! e rc ' u si
"Ti.o f.t.-t t
years.'- d iai
ba'.k if I
i ir--:
to '.-.
word In
Til get h
i',- bn ,:0'e '
Eugene Loses Debate
With Corvallis High
Decision Is Unanimous in Favor of
Visiting- Team Eugene la Awarded
Honors at Corvallis Dual Affair.
Kutprp, or., Jan. 1
. i hq
1 full s il'ii: r.' 'hi.! an i.:.
ciMon in the dual ueoate
di W iiii li ici.o. Cor al
the Military system
Kf.Ceue Ji '.kii. haters h"1
another mi'.ltaiy
r i sij rA t s
The i iest nn was- "K
tie I'nifi'U Stales ' iti; ,"
sol ved.
Ado J t .i t'ei tral l'ca
.res of
fcftlij Mi.ita'y System.
Kucene e'e! aters were: Ikcf Dotson
and I'.oy I'ryor. Corvallis: G'.et.n liea
gle and Klchard Van Order.. Guy K.
liver was coach ani chairman of tne
evening. The decision at Corvallis was
two to one In favor of Kngerie.
Inquiry on Pullman
Affairs Is Dismissed
aVailroad Corr.rrUasion Drops Case
garding Xttles, Castomi and Wages
Withoat Prejudicei Pending- 2 Tears.
6an Fran
The t-' a '. t i'
Glstr. ism i so '
qulry into
company w
two years.
o. Jan. 15 ( V. P.)
1 oad ronsir1 Vs ior V.a.s
c .1 prejudice lh ln-
a-':"airs of tv.e Pullman
been ptaJii.aj fur
The propose. j:-..,
tl'.O Cl'III e o S e;, . . ,e
and was to i.,6 ,,ri:
was Ftarte5 fry
cwn initiative j
ra. v into tl-.
ruies, customs and wat:es of t!- com
pany. Th off:-ials in Ch'.-ago an
nounced n Increase of 10 per cent In
wages of all employes. In announcing
the dismissal today the commission
declared the company lias to a larre
eitent removed the cause of crltlcls-n
and said it has made a readjustment
of wapes.
What to Do For
Itching Skins
Kciema, rlngrworm and other ltchlncr
burning skin eruptions are a0 easily
maoa iworse ty improper treat
tnal one has to ba vet y
-careful. There Is one
method, however, that you
need not hesitate to us.?,
even on a baby's tender
ekln that is" the resin. ,1
treatment. Reslnol ia the
prescription of a
Baltimore doctor,
put up in the) form
of resinol ointment
ana resinol soap. This
markably guece.ssful, that thousands of
other physicians have prescribed it
constantly for over 20 years.
Resinol usually stops itching Instant
ly, healing the eruption quickly, unless
It la due to some serious internal dij-
oMer. Resinol Ointment and Resinol
:Soap can be bought at any druggist's,
and are not at all expensive. Write
. lor .Xres sample, Dept. -S. Rsslnol,
: BaItlmor . Md. (Adv.)
:o re-
Corvallis Women
Want Recognition
Said to Bi Behind lfo-rexnent for Pnt
tlnf Ham of Hiss Elian Johnson on
thm Democratic County Ticket.
Corvallis, Or.. Jan. 15. The women
of CorvaJlLs are bald to be behind a
movement for recognition in county i
political affairs. They plan placing
ci'ynrethef mocriatiouTe? ?n T.
spring primaries for county recorder. '
Miss Johnnon Is said to te qualified j
for the position and Is very popular, j
The Lx-mooratlc leaders may not take ,
kindly to this proposal and an opposing
nomination will be made. The women .
of Corvallis are very' much Interested
In political matters, and If Miss John
son .lll accept tlu-re w.ll no doibt Le
a spirited fight at tee primaries.
County Commissioner
Marion to Quit After Eia
Years of Public Service,
Fr leu, fr. Jan. 1" t'cinty Co,. -r:
--.' lit rkwitii wi'.l t.ot't.e a c.i-.-fMlate.
for reelection, lie annonnccs.
uf'.e- holding t:.e since January
l. r."'r.
H'everul candidates will seek th5
place, th.j?e mentioned for the Repu'.j-
lCan nomination Including A. N. I.lhhv.
of Jefferson, and J. T. Hunt of Hiih
lln.lty. A Miller of Jefferson, Is s-.irceMed
as a candidate for tna Democrat.:
Mildred hohertson Prooks will seek
reele' tion as county recorder and D. 1.
Draper as treasurer.
Cm. II. Tracy Indirtcri.
Salem. Or. Jnn. 13. O H. Tracy of
the G. H. Tra.-y Wood cmpany, ac
cuse! of selling 97 cubic feet cf woo.1
for a cord to KIvus I. a Duke, is at
liberty tonav cr. h!s own recognizance,
following his arrest on mi indiliient
! ru i(,'h t by th grand jury.
traxlunti,K Krdses February 'J.
Ha. em, r . Jan. r. Pn anient Kerr
of the regon Agricultural eo'ieue
w ... r ar, aldress before the
'-ear graduatitig Cass of the H.ilem
: '.'ool l-V..rury ;j. w hen exer-
! . i le neici in the, nign s hooi
n c . 1 orl i ui. The ba. calaur-'ate s. rmon
v. ' ', 1 be clven on the of Jan-
i-v : 1 Itev. l: N. A vision, pastor of
e"K::st M..F. ch ireh. There ar 11
:i.,.,bers 111 the . bi.. (if fleets were
ih.mi as follow s- Victor Hi adesiitl.
j tesnb-ht . I.ouis laul. vice prescient.'r i Areiiz, sect eiarv. Jessie i'nt
wad named as faculty adviser.
P.U.uc, i"
cate the ".'
se n t e,l I o h
I:-.:'- .Tlld I '.
Swintller Stiijiht.
J in 1 Kffo.'s to !o
v ! s I " Ui ; i ! . ' re nr e
in I ,os Angeles. Inn fl
IT t v ' tome v Hincci has
ii vored to !i. .lie "lb . " ( Uto I '
"i, no sold inunv Mai on couf''.'
le riinrses They ;..iid t -1 dowii
n'..i were to pay the remainder in
n.'C.thly tnslail'iicnts. At t tie conclu
sion or" the course they mere pro mised
o., :o .i. fr,.nv the u n i e r s 1 1 y . I'eoplo
te-nli: q- i ri th.e vicinity of Auroya, llar
1 . ,w. HuhL.u.-l and Canby Uavs) coni
l ...mi .1.
f 'i;stitii; IVpular Pastime?.
.in,, or. Jin. 1'..- -Coasting i" a
,i...r i..isiinie ln baiem.
IT lie n.eo.a for h ii u , 1 r 1 s .
. v.!
nai safegua:d to the
i ist cross four streets,
is have been donated
.d Hallway. I-itht A;
as a contribution to-
lower i Oiiii .u ;, as
nanl the "taie;y first'- tnoveiiser.t.
French Diver Sinks
An Austrian Cruiser
I Submarine Fouqaalt Dertroyi rtglit-
lng Craft Hear Cattaro ln Adrlatio
Sea, Says Italian Naval Ministry.
1'aris. Jan. IS. d. N. S. The
Ihench submarine Fourjualt attack',!
and sank an Austrian cruiser near
Cattaro, F.n s the oT.'-i-il sfatemer.i
Is- . d by tho war off -e Friday. The
,i format i' n was received from the
lhii'.ar. I. aval ministry, says the stale
men t.
Tne cruiser was of the Novara type.
The Novara Is a scout cruiser of 23"! t
tons, armed with two torpedo tubes
and 3 9 Inch guns.
B.S. Waffle, Pioneer
Drayman, Dies at 78
Man Who Introduced Modern Dray in
Pendleton Passes Away; Survived y
Widow and roar CUldren.
retKllcton, Or.. Jan. 1". py-ron P.
Waffle, pioneer merchant and drayman
of I'endleton. died Friday of the grin
rnd complications, at the asje of
; S. He had been 111 10 days. He came
to Pendleton ln 1SS6 and Introduced
11 e modern dray to Tendleton.
Mr. Waffle is survived by a widow
and four children. Perward H, and Mrs.
IU.i Kowler of this city; Fred F.. Portia.-.
d. and Dr. Kldred It.. Astoria.
i MortRag I Burned.
j Pendleton, Or.. Jan. 15. Last night
the local camp Woodmen of tha World
j and lofal -Aerie of Katies are holding
'a t.t ft joint ' celebration of burning; the
. :norii-iice "Upon the hall th"y erected
10 years ago A special train bearing
100 WaliaWa'.ia Odd Fellows came
ever for the occasion. Following the
'mirn'.nc: of the mortgage an elaborate
1 rogram of speeches and music enter
tained the lodgemen.
Pendleton Reads by
Light of the Candle
Tendleton. Or., Jan. 15. Pendleton
was In darkness last night, save for
candle light, as a result of the grip of
t inter upon the source of the light
company's power.
The V.'alla Walia rtvsr is frozen over
and the flume ia broken. A similar
condition prevails at the canal at We
natchee, so that the company is forced
to' rely upon steam to generate elec
tricity. This was sufficient for the day de
mand, but at 5 o'clock in the afternoon
I the load wa too much and the current
was shut off.
Victor Olliver Is Selected as
City Attorney to Succeed
Dan Johnston,
Albany, Or., Jan. 15. Victor Oliver
was e.ected c'.ty attorney, succeeding
I'an Johnston, at the council meeting
1 Wednesday night. J. Q. Rodders and
Ham Worrell were ejected night po
i Icemen. 1'. N. Wood and Dr. V. H.
I 1 'avis were reelected street superln-
tendent and health officer, respectlve-:1-.
John Spooner, Kirin Newton anil
' W. II. Warner were elected officials
! i tl.e fire department. The question
' f naming a city engineer and pound
. master sas referred to a commitUu
to itpoit at a la'-er meeting.
Candidates Apjearing. ;
Albany. Or, Jan. 15. Two have al- !
ready anno.nwed their candidacy I ir
:. nation as county commissioner in '
!e primary election Ln May. They
'o T. J. Uutler, incumbent, and W. K.
t'Misman of lo. There Is a proh-'
anility that more will come out. P.ut-.-r
und Clirlcman f are. Kepiiblicuns.
I! .th-r has served lur the pat : .'
Hank Olficers
Albany, )r.. Jar.. 11
The anni...;
meeiii.iss of the Alt.ativ State Han.
J. W. Cusick (.. s bank and First
Havings bank, were ! eld yesterday
nftemoon and all the oiu officers were
elect ed
l'..r the Albany 5tate. they ate: V.
T Milh-r, president: J. 1.. Tomllnson.
h'e president; II. N. Houley. cashier;
11. H. Williamson, assistant cashier.
Kor the C'usIck bank, they are: K.
D. Cusick, presnb'r.t; '(". If. Cu!ck.
le pres'.ilent; Harry Cusii k, cashier.
The l'iist Havings hank elected the
samo as the First National bank, be
ing a part of the latter Institution.
The officers are: S. i;. Young, prosl
iler.t; A. C. Hchmltt, vb e president;
O. A. Archibald, cashier.
The. First National bank held Its
annual meeting Tuesday
( reatnery Officers ISeelertetl.
Ttany, Or.. Jan. 15. All membe:s
of the oi l loard wero reelected at tin)
n'-mia'. meeting yesterday of tho Ai
'ai.y Cra-.ery a sso. iat i-.n. They are
'. I- Hh'iw. .1. If. Scott. Henry Fteer!
' n. Wheal. ion, Jeff sc,r. a:..i 1M
50 Public Schools
Called Fire Traps
San rrancisco Fir Department Urges
Board of Education to Spend $40,000
ln Providing Safeguards.
San I ran, Jm. l.'. -.P N. S.l i
Fifty i u' i ..: In s.m Francisco'
are f i re l ra i f
of a f re n ,
si.nie of t!.o
report from i
one of w hlch I n case (
uu-e the death of
.::', ac orii . n c to a
1 , lop.'! r; men t sent
' : .'lion Frlda-.
. e 1 nad eu u a t s f I re
-e; o is exits, where
' ost certain'. Lo
t deciart-s. 1
s are ma le that the
'!" In making such
efeuard trie Uvea
flie b
es- ni
c h : ' d
W O.
c i t .
e ; i a n
of ti
iill.e ones.
Clearing House for
Produce Organized
Woodburn Merchants Torm Astocia
tion to Purchase Farm Products;
rase; Prices to Be Paid for Eggs.
Wondburr, J.-n. lfi. The Woodburn
I'ro,'.;n o t'.eaii'g House association
i ns teen former! by the mer.'har ts
t' is cltv an 1 a hirge building lease,
to be uc J as n bating house. The.
(i'j'vI Is to f.'i-chase) at this hjui
rfiis, toultry, drrssej hoes and veal.
Later on other farm products will ba
In this manner the mrcharts j ro-
; ose cooperating with the f irmer".
The clearing house will also form an
circle and pay a fancy pC
irant.pd ec-s lhat can bo disposed
to hich i-iays trade. The produce
1 li paid according to the quality o
: i pniilu' t. The propc-si t Ion is pi. as
ing to farmers of this section.
Hampton Will Head
Pendleton Schools
School Directors Honor Wative Son
Who Has Been lrttially Head of the
Schools for Soma Time Past.
Pendleton. Or., Jan. 15. - Professor
A. C Hampton, for t ie past (icht years
i.rir.cli'al of the I'-ndicton hls'li school,
w: o If en acting h.-u.l of the
Schools s the resignation of tiu
perintendent J. 8. Danders last fprins,
was Thursday unanimously elected to
ti e e iiperinterdency. and 1,. P. tramhee.
aitrioiilture instructor, was elected
principal of the high school. The board
hud received a number of applications
fur the Buperintendeiicy, but preferred
to promote Principal Hampton, a na
tive son of Oregon who received his
education at the Monmouth Norma!,
Vr.iverslty of Oregon and Chicago
(Jamtee graduated from O. A. C. two
yiars ago.
$200,000,000 Steel
Merger Will Closer
James A. Campbell, Preatasnt of the
YoungBtown Sheet and Tube Co., on
Www to Hsw fork for ConXtrsaca
New York. Jan. 15. (I. N. S.)
James A. Campbell, president of the
Younsrstown heet and Tube company.
Is on his way to V" York to attend
conferences, at which the new steel
merger is expected to be concluded.
This merger will aggregate J2O0.-
000,000 and is to include the Young-
Mown Sheet and Tial; company, ti,elnl?ht enjoyed a delightful sleighing
Cambria Steel and the Uckawanna
Steel companies. The first numed is
expected to be taken over on ti.e basis
of 300 a share. The price pleaced
on Lackawanna is $90 a share.
Granted Divorce Deere.
Los Angeles, Jan. 15. (P. N. S.)
Mrs. Ethel F. Buck was granted a di
vorce, decree Friday from Guy D. Buck
cn the ground of non-support. The
couple were formerly of Grants Pass,
U.S.Will Not Act on
Soldier's Eemoval
1 British Authoritls Took Member of
' rifth Infantry Trom Tessel In. Jam.
avlca. But Was Quickly Keleased.
j Washington, Jan., 15 (I. N. 8.) It
stated on authority Friday that
I this government will not take any ac
tion as a result Of Alfred Clarke, of
the Firth United States Infantry, be
ing taken off an American ship at
Kingston, Jamaica, by the British au
thorities and examined as to his i.a
, tlonality Htate department officials
said that as Clarke was permitted to
' jro back aboard the ship and proceed
to New York after he had declared
that ne was a : unitized American
citizen, this government will riot make
an iv- .e of the matter.
Clarke Is expected to arrive here to
day und formally report tl.e matter to
the war department.
Bis; Bobslecfe Hitched Behind
Hired Automobiles Create
Fxhiliratin Diversion,
Aii .lt:y. r.. J.lti. 1 :. J 1 1 V V .;elgh
Ing Is a new sport bnt - enjoe( along
with all other winter Hports In Albany.
A number of Albany col'ego students
built big bobsleds, hired Jitneys,
hooked on behind und had a great tum
sleighing about the city.
. ..
Albany (iets (Convention.
Alnany. (r., Jan. 1:. -The Orenon
Clay Worltrr' association has an
nourced acceptance of the Invitation
of C. G. Haw lings of this city, owner
of the Albany I'.iiik Tlld company,
to hold its se-ond annual convention
here February S and 10. Sessions will
bo held at the Commercial club. In
the afternoon of the second day dele
gates will visit the mine building at
the. uregon Agricultural coj.rge.
Sheriff Rodlne Hank Director.
Albany. Or. Jan. 1 Only one
clang.- was minis in directorates of
fi tir Albany hanks st the annual rrleet
Incs ac.-ordin.- to a n nouncooeri t s Frl-
ijiy. The one change Is at the AIna.:.
S'.ate bank. D. H. lb, dine, steriff ,.'
Finn county, was elected director to
uc, ee.j c ; G. Hawlings, w'-o rtigr...d 1
owing to press of other duties. I
White House Couple
' Guests at Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Are Honor Quests
- Affair Given by Vice President
and Mrs. Marshall i Waa Exclaslve.
"Washington. Jan. 15. T. N. p. .
The v-.ce president and Mrs. Thomas
Marshall entertained at dinner hist
night at the. New Wlllurd in hoi or of
tnp president Hnd Mis. Wood row Wilt-on.
The guests nrr the cabinet
members and their v,lvs
The ambassadors, nutilstr'-s and
clung, s d'affaires, rf th- Pan-American
rtpuiiii, s 1" Washington have ar
ranKed a ball in honor , f the preBt
dent and Mis. Wilson to be arlven in
! ho 1 'aii-A mer! an htilld'ng on Jan
uary 13. ' nor 1000 lnvltatlona have
been 1j sue 1.
Gets No Reward for
mamg fvemp s rsoay
Garfield Kaynes Did Not "Apprehend"
Assailant of Mrs. Mabel Myers Wnen
He Dlkcovered Body of Suicids,
Application of Carfleld Haynes f r
Jl'.o reward for finditin the of II. Kemp has been refused hv
Si erlff H .riburt. Ken:;, hill.,; him-1
i-e,f by siiooiing after lie had u'.-i
ta.ked and fchot Mrs. Mabel Myers at i
a lot. fly cabin r.rar Gresham. There I
was a reward of J 1 00 offered by do
e-herlfra office for the appi ehension
of Kemp. The sheriff maintains that'
ine linking oi me r.ody Wils not np-
.. .. . c.
H a" lies appealed "his
cia,rn 10 in count v commissioners,
who yesterday sustained the sheriff.
Wenatchee Youth
Attempts Suicide
Howard Bloom Angry Became Father
I Refused Him Use of Anto, Grabs Xs-
i volver to End Life; rather Stops It.
j Wenatclire, Wash.. Jnn. 15. Mad be-
cause his fatlier to allow him
the use of tl.e. automobile Howard
P.loom. ace. I 1 !, 1 a revolver to
shoot himse.f Ht niiit. His father
prabbod the revolver, but In the e ,-uf-!le
the triaiRer wa pilled, the shot
grating the son's abdomen.
Worst Storm in 20 YN,r.
Wenatchee, Wash , Jan. 1.V A bliz
zard rai-'iiiR over the Hig Jtend coun
try ali week, increased in vigor last
night to a 50 mile gale at Mansfield,
with itero weather. Train service wax
suspended lor a week. Packed drifts Zi
feet deep fill the cuts. A passentrer
train, four engines and a rotary plow
are snowbound. The OrovlHe branch
of the Great Northern Is also biocked.
It Is the wcrst storm ln 20 years.
High School l;ech Stnntlard.
Albany, or, Jan. 15. That 10 high
choois of Linn county have reached
the standard requirements of the state
board, was the word yesterday tn a let-
1 ter to Superintendent Jai I. sen from
! Governor Wlthycombe, Secretary of
I Plate Olcott and Superintendent of
Public Instruction ( hurchiil The
' schools are at Albany. lirownsvl lie.
Haisey. Harnsburg, Lebanon, Mill
City, S'io. Sl.edd. South Brownsville
and Tangent.
Ilirh School Sleighing Party.
White Salmon. Wash.. Jan. 15 The
White Salmon high sch".- Thursday
party. All the Ws In town were ln use
for the occasion. Sixty boys and girls
chaperoned by the teachers were in
the party. After a long ride Into the
country the merrymakers returned to
town where a supper awaited them, ln
the school's recreation hall.
Is Grants Pass Post master.
Washington. Jan. 15. (U. P.) The
seaate has confirmed the appointment
of W. P. Qulnlan as postmaster at
Grants Pass, Or.
Wt mPmi km a brew if Pib&e CfScincy
Vhm I PsrtlakS. Onw. Juury 16, ISIS N. 2
m m i sr
Who Will Lead on Various Days
At boob of each day the vhUUss of Us city wffl be blow Mad Ua4 wffl W lbs dmal U
start for the Big Lstter Box.
Moaday. January 10 Members of the Transportation Clnb, members el the O.-W.
Clab (the old Harrinata Clab), eanployss of the Soclhera Pacifie Corrpaay, Portland sail way,
Ltgtt A Power Company, Northern Pacifie, Oreat Hortherm, Oregoa Eisctrie fcailway Compaay
and other railroads will lead at the box.
Taeaday, January 11, it will be a p to the Rotary Clnb to get to the mail box at aooa. The
W. O T. D. and the Xast Bids Baataaaa Mas are asked to be oa band the sams day and at the
tame boar. -7
Wednesday. Jaaaary 12, the Ad Clab and Boaarlaas will b asked to meet at the mail bos
and afterward to march to their hvacheoa in a body. All other arte slabs, sot otherwise assigned
herein, are asked to join in mailing their totters oa that day.
Thursday, January 13. the Progressive Basineas Kra are to bo la the lead, and win be np
ported by the Chamber of Commerot. v
Friday, January 11 belong to the Bsei laiate Board and State Societies.
Baxorday. Jaeosry It, the stadenta of the Pablio Schools will be given opportunity to de
posit the 30.000 letters they are expected to secure.
The foregoing societies are designated as loaders oa various days to make eertaia of some
activity at tie Big mail Box.
Ail other dtuons are asked to )oia la the movement each day.
Do not neglect your own duty; do your share and urge others to participate
This Campaign means much to Oregon, means much to Portland, means tomething to you as a
"stockholder" in Slate and City.
Direct Advertising Get? Reultv What could be more direct than a letter addmsed to fnend,
acquaintance, or buonen connecti, m
Get Your Lettrrs written at oner Hrlp "Sprrsd the Gospel" and make Oregon and Portland, their
resources, their srtractiont. their opportunitiev their advantage, better known
Get peojile here on vatainni and ight-serm'. hunting and fishing trips, and ihey will tell otheri
of the thing they witnessed and learned snd of the goud limes ihey had
Sonic of them will come here later to locate.
Oregon needs people There la room here (or a dozen times our present population
But you know the story, you know our needs. Some will write hundreds oi Ictien How rrinv
wfll rou write 5
Answer the Cat and VN nte Letters Get Others to Writs Letters.
Can E Hasov. By C C Colt.
Executive Secretary P-esideot
Knowledge is Power
The State, through its agent, E- T. Jodd. has taken charge of ths first Soar of the Cocnronrcia
Oub Building. Under the direction " O E- Preytag there wul be metaOwd a eosaprehatraehre
state exhibit tr" striculture, timber, miring, fishmg, manuracturlnf and other resources of Oregon.
A portJoo t" thit space will be set aside to exhibit the products w local manufscturera. Perhaps
jroa may be sble to secure part ay this rpace by siswririf the following questions and returning
to the Secretary sy the Bureau " Industries and latanufactures ty the Portland Chamber
Commerce at the earliest possible mornent-
Crwtng so the amie wide deawend fnt npac for tbe ev-
nejet of agrlcnlniral nndeebef raw produrin. ike ewace
lo be allor.ed P onland'l tndvewte wl', na very IIM
Than coAentrtee cn peoe&iae nctung in the war S rn
arvnnona rantrcna H la given tmmeeiale action hy tbone
Bumao of lodnatrlea and Mannfnctuinn
111 Cowsnerctn! Ciak BWg
? t MANN
Th Baiter ("ommeoial Chih ihrourh it Vrrtlrr.
W t Mca.'iam. hai r ,mim m,.r atr J ih Geo F
Hardy f-aerutive Sccrrtarr nf t l.e Portland Charrb''
ol Cr.mfr.ercc upe, mjurt h should allord an
opportunity tor tonirone witii a lilllr rai .tl to drv.l,p
a orw tnirrprite in lhaf i,lr Til toon. ling oi a nata
lofium i-.oUrd in ihe prorn;t,orl
Within Ihr City if hakrr there is a spring lhat run
0 gallons per sninvre. with Irmpe'aliire oi
grer,, whach is rfh tr. mitwfil pe,i,i.e netrna' lor
erHionil and bathing wrrMri
Ihr t liamtier is aduard that eipert nalres show
thr .pong lo oval relel.rated Arkariaa Hoi Springs
Ihf I'uw of the spring nra'li e.,ia,t i areai a oluoie
a. the lofty si spring! at, H Siongt Arh. an.l
imply r-gu.rea en-.e enieiprtiing pr.nn, wih mon.,
to Jr.elop u and to make the .cii.'.cnt jirlj a good
I uft'tT partirarsrs may be hid by aodreln( iKa
Sefr'a'V W t kf a liani. Baser Conmroval Oab.
Balcf. Urcgon
In answer to the request I the 5rrerT ef the
Puhl.o'y IVraomtr-t el the Chawher , I l wmii
lhat ail pfttorr vnedrg trrte.s to Kai'rm f..o, f,l,
their lit in h.s offi'e C VV C arh. top- h"i'
1 'r Ho, Win wa, lv to f.T-.'r io he ann
otl !e,t henw !! !,led bi 1 11 of lue.rt Tuesday
sfle'iieon. JaorJirr II
All n'her pe'iont esmes'le rrrnes'ed le lollow
Mr Ca.hcr s m ! rireilenl e. ample as 11 i ,(mi
Iheae l:ais infornia,
f!trj i(f m tollo sarin up h ada ( itjur loans
Thi Journal todftj prinU facssiniile of pnc of The C hamber of Cwiu e-rce New", tlie offlHal puhHoation
merrr, in rtJer to f-v It largt-r circulation and proaler (ml)Utltr. ThLs ia done on The Journal's own
Open Air Session
Of School Is Braved
Pupils, Equipped With Overcoats and
Blankets, Mind Hot the Chilling
Wintry Blasts.
Snowstorms cannot bluff the peplis
enrolled in the open air rovms at the
Irvlnqton school. ("lasses were, held
there yesterday, the windows remained
open. a:id the chilly blasts playfully
chaed one another In end out. 'J'he
pupils wore heavy overcoats and blan
kets. Principal Elmer I'.rown said the
pet . ventage of attendance ln the two
op, is a'. r rms was its great as in the.
o;ner nor' - A trout fZ per cent of the
pup. .s wee '.fi.the upper grades, while per t i t were ln the primary
rrra.l.-s. lie -:i ,1 he did not permdt the
tempi ra", ii : ,n the open air rooms to
fjil b- low "" i'.e;rees.
"t '. e.-e i.- . .in open air (oom at t!i
Holia,:... ;
ori sa.U
freeze s.. i
turned "n tn
i ,i, but I'rtnc'.pal Hugr.
, . 'd r.ot let the children
, od the windows and
Hardy Will Attend
Washington Meeting
Executive Secretary of Portland Cham
ber of Commerce Oeta Invitation of
national Importance,
CfHirx T". Hardy, executive secretary
of the portland'Chamber nf Commerce,
ins been lnvite.1 by William C. Hed
fleld, secretary of c-ommerce, to attend
a conference of chamber of commerce
and commercial c-lub secretaries to be
held tn Washington February 4 and 6.
Taking advantage of the presence
In the capital of commercial body offi
cials from a'.l parts of the country for
the national convention of the Cllam
Urr of Commerce of the United States,
Secretary Uedfleld has lsued a call
for a conference Just prior to the con
vention for the discussion of Impor
tant problems and for a first-hand in
spection of the depa rtment's bureaus
In operation. His invitation is limited
to secreta-ries from cities of over liu,
000. Mr. Hardy will attejid the confer
ence, be stated this morning, and will
be on band February 7 for a meeting
of counsellors of the national cham
ber. The convention Is to be held Feb
ruary 8, 9 and 10.
Resorption Is PoMpone!.
Owing to the snow the golden wed
ding reception to have been held to
day at the court house by Sumner
post. G. A. R-. and W. R. C. for Mr.
and Mrs. I. A. Brown, was postponed.
& Ecanoay far Ptrtlasri k ktaftoomah Comity
I Whn, comanodlBan wonid jam dlfpWy'
1 Anew! new snsch apnea dn yon lhlnt h nnuld resnlret
3. WW rwr dteplne renalre floor apnea or can the dleptay
ba nude esnaily aa veil o nenef on ahelveat
4. Weald jon J. . i t" abow a pnoicg-aph or drawing ef
rwi p,,uci or i: plao, '
ArtitU X. Ktio Two (i). of Ctitinttit. Will B
Cnforcfd, and All Mfrnbr Behind in Tblr
An tttMwtMt. vs-r taia wnv T m-
Wr ml ik Cf-AsBb-sy tlwitAff gg raoitk, tetail Vfea
a t.Bi t, tint -r um wtsMini --.
Tf J af-ttsab. s.-tl foU tm 9J kla M tt mj lasVsl
fsawsM to tk Obsabsr em mt r ttvey twaktr -ftfe ly
f tb raSMtni wmr faU-rtsnr th vluch i d -
Bsstssj wsut lacrvrrva. XB sVvmA ahraj ImmfaaMir -
Vy td wwXirwwSarv LtVt liUrtli a-.r4 of LB. CM mm.
WtU tlM !-. f kaft lB-t44sssM . tMtt fw.
Tv fmntivr, ajatvll aia rowftiT i9yn iht sU-,
ie L. Voatw f airMr. tn kali ..nit a
W-rftMa avns sf (ar. 1 sMi ,. tal tm4 mavtaei ft
wasrzra f awascbj issdl . t Its) Xm rtarMsl
add-e. enf asaevs la41djaV la Hlavsis1
amassi hnstr kvj a reprssss-auvt rms Vatf - mmm tavr sr.
tvr r w. imi mrh ssrtlm ktai) ta. W -a hU vi s1 eA.
A fVw bkl sj-siAlaf aft rrittej -sbss kVavsl t
r-mstl. nek amwtm.wt kail ml, wkU tfe 4 i : 7
sMUlwW, ka Mlumltsl ItCU kk ftartM. t--W SjsSJ
tb OkfUBW-. If k f-Jia tm 9f ek tB4.ate-aa
wltkia aa atsspk affatr wc a-a !- la -a
kwe Ma M ba t rawar mt tfc Ckawakaar. awrw-i , -vrr,
tMi tk kosaT) mt airsMfMera tefcUI , T-
trwd cavaa aksy-ra, tM mmrm anek a-am- f-ntakia ta-aay
ar afveyr -ma adaa af aafcawmkl
bf ot den of tM Eaacwuvt ConiraittM. tha 6-Law
ftovt-rninc pmymm of duaa. and houaa accoamta am to
F" nrxidly m forcd Do ncrl blame? tS Awdrtor. or
Chairman of H oajaa CoiiWMttaa, or Ex,tiw Ssacrataxy
b 1 a m yomrmmM.
It Wals rakt no dif)arnct arhat yowr nama - M
vati art if. arrtara, ap ymv um taa o tiia tMaardr-s
jantiax ax
Resolutions Are Adopted at
Meeting Held in Offices of
James D, Lacey & Co.
resolutions emtaodying a plan Of
solid. fyins: all organ iza t ions having to
do with the forest Industry lo any of
lis p1xies were adopted at a meetlnst
held yesterday ln the offices of Jam. s
IJ. Lacey & Co., Northwestern Dank
building. H. D Imgilie. manager for
that company. Is chairman of the com
mit t ee. w hlch was appointed as the re
sult of a speech made, by Mr. Ingibe
at the Forest Industry conftjrence ln
San Krancisio lust October.
The plan of procedure. Mr. Inarille
said, will be made puhl.c in detail as
so' n as It has been passed upon 'jy ail
members of the committee, of whom
two were absent ;estrday while a
third. C. A. Weyerhauser. of fct- Paul,
was represented by proxy, C. H. Davits
Jr., of Portland. Tbe two absent mere
Captain J. H. White, of Knnsas City,
and K. A Selfrldge. of Wlllets. Cal.
Those actually present, ln addition
to Mr. IanKilie, were K C Ames, of
Stattie, and T J Hurnlrird. of .Sand
point. Idaho. A few leal lumbermen
attended the meeting of the committee
by special ir.vita;ion.
The plan of procedure, when finally
compiled alonn the lines of yesterday's
renol-itit.ns, iii be reported Irack to
the Western Forestry and Conserva
tion association, which authorized ap
I ointment of the committee. A com-preheri-
e plan has !.e n outlined of
t ri r, gl r. g together In one association
jH)1J A.SU ( Obi.rAjKS.
The Y. X. C. A. will fit any am
bitious young man or woman f-.-tir-.l
class positions In BOOI
To men this includes valuahlrj
ath'etlc. aquatlo and membership
privileges, although tuition coat is
lets than eiaewhert.
PHOHB MAr; 7063. A-6581.
is srlving great confidence and com
mand of language to lta oeiiwerav
The cost ia small.
rixixi rax TOtmsT tun.
Ay perionv club, orfamutiaot. torporstiaM, snd in lct every ont ho til prtopte is Letter
W ntin Week mi mjueued to fii with the Secrruiy ol the Publx:ty ind ConrKxu Depsrtipcat of
the Chamber of Cotnmerc complete bsM l all peron to lwm they mul direct letterv TheM luU
will Hoed the Poblc Department basis of opera two which mil bt (o'Jcwed up later through
tounrt agencies sod railroad rtpriatntatrrea throughout the ooomry Thit plan. t t believed, wiB be
found the not) effcomt thai caa b deviaed, for it will art in motion experts in the line of stcarinf
toanat trarel tis Portland and through Ortgoav Tbeat art the poocri that "wili." and whose eftorts
are lar (ram bernr, daned at niL
Glut the idea into the braia fooadrlea el the communny. let them act. and retultf wttl tell, for the
Publicirjr Department intends to mass h Ha bmineas to get inloinunediatc action. Please do not forget.
boot wnx Ajnromrci lxtttb buhiho hoci.
PerUaad msaafactsn-sra, stssmhaat snoav aatnmohl lists, oagtiisTS in tact, every pertea who
owns ajwhistle or any tort of a an lei mstlTig article are reo.nested U get late actios at U o'cleok
(boob) rrory day next wank bt aansnBoe that it to tune to go to the big mall box at Bixtk aa
H orrisoa ttiaots
All that is now reqsired to assure the construction of a copra null at Portland is the final "posh"
that iU put the load ol financing over the hill A large portion cl the money has already been raised
by the joint efforts of the Trade and Commerce and the Manufactures' and Industries' liureaus of the
Chamber of Commerce, and the offering of a very small sum of money ithin a few days will spell
Copn is ths commercial term for cocoanut meats from which cocoanut oil and cocoanut butter an'
sxrrscted, snd is produced most abundantly is the Philippine Maud The exportation of copra m
crravj since the American ocrupatmn from tome 18,000 metric tons in )W to 140,000 metric tons sa
V'Z. The Pacific CoaM is the kcicl point of entry for this commodity into the I rnted States, where
the consumption is growing as rapidly as the production.
A copra mill at Portland will mean a regular supply of incoming carfoe for steamship lines to the
Orient of about 500 tons per month. The distribution of a Portland-maiif product to all parts ot the
b'mted States to care for an already created demand.
The connection of Portland with t rapidly growing new industry of nation-wide importance will
place Portland in close touch with every btsrnit and cracker factory, every cindy factory and every soap
factory in the United States, besides strengthening those already located here
It will add more men to a disproportionately small industrial payroll
It will aid m establishing kindred 'industries in the cily
The Brownsville Wool, n Milts hav take over lbs
tmire bflildiflg si the ftoaltiwffst comer of Tkire ss4
Morrison street. It S being renolelee to
pace for their caooera wholesale tailoring plant ee
K poet floors J I- Bwme.a, the preardenl of tni
. onrer. srstrs that when (he new plant is m opemtion
by March 1st. Ihrrt will be a sverags of l.CKJO made-ro-meassre
soits for men snd yottag men prodnced
rack week. In addition to catering to the frv retail
tore in Oregon belonging to the Brownsville Woolen
Mitt. aaBfles arc being disinbeited among set agents
.it ihe Pacific N r,rr lrtt Front then anmpiea orders
will be mken which will be mannfacrarwi in f-ortlnna.
1 1 is estimates' t at st tea tas oocsos worth of wboln
snle taiionat orders are shipped East every jresr The
pnal two years he has been grsdnmlry Increasing the
eat pot alone; ibeae linea nnts the above Mentioned
capacity kaa bees reached Mr Bowwas esneaste
Chamber of Commerce News
'Onresi sragf tkm AVertis
BmlAkmmn Orwfu'
EattrH aa aaaVciaaa rmrtar mj 1, ltit, al iIm
Poat m Paania4. Ortgvt, m4t tha act of
Marrfc a, tmm
Tha opcorfif of tht O-W RAN hat into Olfmpi
hii iBcideDtll7 opcafd a m field lot Portland boat
aeai nti It iJvortent tka dtttanca by maay mirfi
btwrn PortUnd and tht Withinftofl rapitol and
CMaffht to rwlt in brin(ir th two torn mum tic cor
totrthcr trommrrf tally To fittmfly inmat tha nr
aaricr th Chtmhsfr of Cnmmafca ot Olfmaota hM
open hooar -n Janniry j 4. to tlSt ecMTfjiefo
orgamaatioaa of th cilift ol thr N'orthwrti The n-t
hr. of the O-W RAN wai inapwrtd and lh
plndid ntw dtpoi i Olympia drdKaird
T ht Portland C Karri hr of Com marc m r aponM
to aa inviutioa to parttcipai m tht clrbratrtn anJ
a tompioy of our tmirv mca, hadr! by Nathan
Straa.t. Chairman ni th hfanaginf Conmittc ol ih
Trade ad CorTimr rc Burraw rngafad apetial far.
Irivingthe I'mon Depot it I M Friday mornn art--in.-'
Olympta at is li. in time lot- tha opening ei-
trt t
Reiu-ntng. tkm pmny left O'rnpla m a mpmxiwl Pall -man
abesej- twin ht. and will am m Port laad a l
a S SiturrJay mofnm TUO W R N co-ofTatd
wtlri thr Chaxnrarr tn enakiny ihl orcaatmt a sxceta
and fumed a fa aavd a thir Lor Um romwd inp.
Colonrl Da-td M Dann haa Wrn aiottfWd throajffl
thr Srrrtary of th Induttrica and Mamifrire Ba
rraa. of th Camoer of Cotnrfierr of hi apmaptratent
aa Oa.rmaa oa tb Aaditonoaa Committre. wuh prarar
to nominal, tort, add ft tonal anrrabera a b mat r
auir to carry forward tha aima and ob)ta ol ih
rornm (. namely, Ih ( loa4 batldmc mitrrull
and larniahtnrt in the coniirtirtKra ol th Prilknd
Aaditoriwrn. providmg oaaiit and prca are eoaal
Ii wai ihroofh the rffcwtt of Colonel Danne thai a
Chang .11 made in thr or 1 anna 1 plana ao thai a baae
an-ril -ll bf a-ail-blr lor dfplay pwrooara. Tha torn
anittaa llt that tbta a a commendab) athtw-aneat
Laat iimmrt a ntrnabar a Uniird Siaiaa Arwr nffU
'. rompri.tna; a War Commtaaion aroaad hf t1,
Srnat. nmtittfj it op port-1 mi oHer1 by ar!
ovt tine. lo what they might hae to o.frr in the
ay of ait for tha kKatmn of an aria. too achooi
lor tbe Coernmnt
Th Chamber of Coiapnart baa tabn wrawh fntrrai
fn fh ana. tee and aw ought ii to th ettatKn f Sen
ator Ceo E Chambarfam. who a chairman r4 th
IVnaional Commtrtr o Mittury Aflaira Vnatn
Chambrrkatn hat replied to the lndotrts and Man
otaxtarrpt Barraa of th (hambr in rhx-h m giv-
ativranrt "that in the ronaidrratton 4 any ptan fr
tha brc atirvej ni an ivifioo achooi, I will bar Port
md ta anind,"
Tday. Jannary II. (ha C-amW of Co-mrnrre
forest fire orgar.lratlons and shingle,
lumber and fox associations. Including
tl.e National Iumber Manufacturer'
association. In brief, it Is defflred to
unify all organizations of timber own
ers and manufacturers for mutual
Firm in Quandary
Over the Dry Law
The dry law caught Gray, Mclean "
Percy, wholesale deejers ln soda foun
tain goods, with BO gallons of unsold
claret flavoring ln stock. This rx
trsct contained 4 per cent alcohol, twit
each bottle bore printed directions
I mr- a .aaaps w anW r-T m in tm aa w m m
OVERLOOKS the most beautiful civic fcat-
ure in America a salt water lake in the
heart of a community of 300,000 people
-a J - 1. 1 i X - 1 . r r
anu cuiTiinatnus suuuiiic views
cisco Bay and Alameda County'
C Occupies an entire city blocl iji
vironment both for convenienceand
C. Unsurpassed in the architectural
exterior, the charm of its numerous spadous'l
public rooms, the comfort of its apartments and
the refinement of its social animation. Every
service advantage known to the best metropolitan
hotels and a cuisine that is nationally famous.
C. Thirty minutes from San Francisco by
scenic bay route..
Charges lower ratet than any hotel of the tame clats in the United State
European Plan: From $150
American Plan: From $350
BxTraordsrssrily attractive rates t pes nsanent guests. Write fry booklet "
that his payroll in Ihe shop will br st least fiats)
s week Ihe year rpnnd. a duong ihe slack pcried he
especrs to krrp his employrrs busy msnnfacrsirtng
ready-to-wear for the retail stores of fas
Browner-lie Woolen Mill. ,
President Bowman declare lhat other may profit -sb)r
cngase in this industry, ai (herr is a large demand
lor this class of merrk.andir. nhtch is now brinf
hirprd in fr'.m the Ft eaturatly. the more Slams
alartrd in F'oritihd the n-..rr killed labnr will be
developed sir Bowman i-.!r, that it wonid rf-jmr
at iesit fo plm'i thr . re of !., rnlirged plant wnKh
-ill br Hint i 1rh lt. to iirt tr tl.e volniee of
boaioet if Portland can becoire a tailoring cvwtee
So aupplr the PVilir NorthnrkL and hs la wuimg
to give advice ha vrd on the h-neftts ol his t-rpenencre
Slorig iheae line to any r-aatr-n concerna dewrows wf
linding one of ihr r-iot orofilablc lield of mercnaDSis
inf is Ike L'aitrd Statri
roncenn in th ncimty of Lo Anarla, Caiiforniav It
baa bren rnoorted thai it 1 tha .ntaattea ol aatu of .
theaa to rcn or from that aartaon ft H) beWaraaj Cbart .
ha acenary. climate and gcneraJ natairal alii attdiona of
Oregon, partcalarly thoae of Stoatbarn Oratroo, abortl
appeal ai bring of pacaUar adaptabiliry fca Lim kerraaa.
it u a proven (art that ptctarca taken in oay asat4tndt
ram are remark a b( f-w their ecWt, yet clear-oat reco
ductioti on th t-rrrrn It H Wttrvad that tiar Tt
tamti prrarntcd wtll b eonfdrd.. and aoaaa oi tbaaa
ntrprta may b aacwrrd lor the atata.
The Chamber of Com me fx of thr Vnitad 6tarea of
America, m it total member-hip rep'eaenta OM .on
rxrrcial or gamaatKina aimilar to i Kurt land Chaaabar
of Cnrvmerce. and apptoaimaiely I MM ittr vassal and)
corporation mernbarahipa 1 hear, together. rpreaert
aorn o 000 lietnit men from a.l art toti of tbsj
United Stat ,
Fvery metr, ber of the FortLand Cfcamha of Con.
mere n indirectly rr(rravencd n thi aattcMia! or
ginrcatttn by nrtv ' hta rremberahip enatniainad an
the Portland Chamber I Con. mete
Voo are. therefor, inter rated tn tbe work, of tba
Chamber of Cum-tarrc. nf ine L'mtrd S'atrt. and ehouhi
watch with tntert. the f-ourth Annual hireling M
Waabinarrt7, U C. F-cbfuar a a 10 la
The Fori. an) f liamet .( t ummffft will ba rrpea
aemed by th (otloa i-v nifTbera
A L Mill. Prennt ti'tt National Hank
Henry L Corbctt, Vic Preatdent. ftrti NattonaJ
Nathan Straoii. Fleiachnrr Mayer AjV.o
0 H Klthian. Prraidenl r M UtaA Barker Sh' Ca
Z S-ett. Maivaarr, '-Unda Kr t.riaut
Lan Vincent. Prtdervi. S I) tmet 4 Co
Cy W Talbot. Pre-.dn.i Paaif, Ppwer & I-gbt C.
1 ratkk Douley, Vur rffa,ert llibernia baaiaga
Cro F. Hardy, tietcti Serrriafy Portland CKaJav
ber of Coertmerce
In addition 10 the mere ber a hip of the Portia nd
Chamber of Commerr in the nt' al ts-edy. lb lo-
loannc I a Hat of Portland in-liridu! and etpor aiean
m em berth ip
C P Adama, I C inw--th, ileti ft I-awiv Everett
Am a, Batfotir Gathnr ( o , Hrad-haw pr.sthera, C C
Chapman. Henry L Corhri, Anktir H l)rrri. F.a(eTav
4 Wenern Lumber Co . Edward r hrir-an K irat .Vat tonal
Bank Fleiachoer Mayer ft Co C S JarktvoB, Lad4
and Til ton Bank, lna ft Co. I.tpman Wotfa A Co,
l ambarmen'a N'atinnaT Hank. W H Ma-kay. W G
Mf Pheriftri, laltaa L Merchant Natronaf Bank,
Netiaiartter Hrothert Strth w-itern I mM Kaohanga.
OWa. W m Una n ft Kina. Kniery Olmitead. H 1
P.tioek Th Portland Cfdagr Co. Portland Gal A
Cok Co , Po'tlaad KaU v. Light 4 Power C.
RAamaaaan ft Co. Srxaair. Poetland ft Vattla Rail
way Co. Gay W Talbot. J.eph V leal. V ad ham a ir
Company. Inc. William I V, ueelwrighi. Wood, Moa
Ugv ft Hant, ) B Veon
The Ltigenc Km it G'fwera A-io la-i-.n. of Eugrpa.
Oregon, reporta tia' it th entirely acid ovi ata eav
tire out pat of drie1 trut and mat it w II hae notbtnf
farther to ofler until thr Iron crop of Itlt le ready
1 he report came to i-e Chamber of Com mere ia
antwer to an inquiry ttia had been made by Fred E
wMnaanont. ol Sew Yurh. kx. 11 forwarded to - ng aa.
of the Portlaiid (1uunlcp of Conv
initiative, and without charKe.
regarding the dilution of the t-jversgl
to make It cooip'v with th "dry
statute. Now ihe owners of the Hqui4
have asked Dlstrb-t Attorney Evan
for an opinion a to their right to Bell
the f avoring to soda fountains, pro
viding the label on each botfle solt)
tells Just how mo, li may be served al
a 'dose" Mr KvuriM Is of tho opltilof
that tne drink sho jJd tie "tamed" bee
t fore ,t ica-.cs ti e wholesaler.
Mowrman Ih Injurcnl.
Hoseman Karl Gilfrith of nngir) I
at Tinrtv-flfth arid Pelmont streets
was seriously Injured Thursday whlU
returning from a fire when the flTe
ton truck mn ow r hi right '.eg. , Ths
accident oc. uiied at Thl rty-slx th an
Yamhill streets.
tn aan r ran- f
an ideal en-1
dlfnity of its
aT mm
m I
IB t ft