The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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News ol Womens Clubs
, IIIRTY-nVK club women gath
ered this afternoon at the Im-
I ' ferial hotel for the luncheon
clirn J.- th President's cl,
of which Mrs. A. H. Iireyman is prc-1-dent.
The matter of forming a Hty
federation came up for di"cussion and
a committee was appointed to report
at a future meeting. Mrs. Sarah
Kvkii8, retiring president, outlined
briefly the formation of the feder.i-
Hon. Municipal library tax hill.
labor law and the S')vprnln ti.
transportation fur the Insane were a
ci-mnllshnu ins of the federation
After that tame the inaueuration
what is now t:,e I ed-ratlon's rnaior
work, tic s, -lolarahip loan fund. The
club women of the state, were also ac
l! In tl . arm aiirn lor suffrsi"-
ir. i: i i i n.k.-i in cordial words
rk. t'ir tne ifuc: i- Kvan.s w;tn
t i:e Federated I
e .up is
Mrs. '
i t n.iii. raliM.'
t ion t ! en pr
a silver i o i 1 1 g cup from
i Iuh.s of 1'ot tlatid. Ti
I tred this afternoon at the Im- ' V?:pz
cl.:. 1 I I . YS '-.'
A .. -' jm
J ' Wj
d .!t s. Kvan.s with I . f !
gravel. wUh the follow..:.- inscription. - , 'I , 1
r,.-er ted lo -.rah Kmcs. past pre- V - fyfffW ft ' , X, !
l.Vr.t the oiegon K-delation of Won,- v -; fkr VV !
. -luhs ! the Fed' rated clubs of V ' t? ' , K.' XT'
4.rla,.d. in re-oBmt.or, of I k ' ' ' !
ears of Aoal and devoted service. Jsfr C "' fo'v L A
January 15. I '. 1 ." V7 . . - - J , 'X P
Mrs Kvai.s responded briefly, thank- ' ' " f 4
; , the worn.:, for th- gift of th , ' t , . , S , , f
; a-iufvl ciip and for their usxlsUuic; .' ' ; s , v ' ' j
making the federation the su; tehi 4. ' ' " , "afl9Nr
Has pi-en. X. A i ' '
t f S3 : " 'X; c- .
arter Helm Jones Speaks. ' ' f . " 1
'It. T'ortland Woman's rlub enjo;. d J -. r$$jt I !
it i.i.- Ileal vest.!,ia wh-r, tin- speaK- j I ' v i ' 1 ' V' ' ' ,f I I I
er was Lr. r.ler H !it. .I'Tec of S- - : ; ' - " , , .S.??! I
rule. ,1 s subject W.,s ;,c I ' ' CJW
' " '"-r ! ,,;" ..jf. ..... - JZ ZS''iT i
,,, part ' ' ru e n-.t , I X , .J , V I
r, : "''V"'K'':"n,",:!d'l 'or .,,V ' ? J w tl ..ut on., i., not VvitfVW- t '
.,.,! , a s. .,.i-r wh cp rAVt&tttfct -AU
ma . v . .1 oV r o ,se, .t .ntio- VAX ' '
to o-, ve TP., one Inn- y3T ("" '
,,,,et ! or . olture ecr lA V" S ) '
'.'"'irli'.,,''1 'n-'. ;V-''l ' '"I 'v
,., ,v. a a- , ins.oration ,o 1 X! tlW MW
,l,rH I- w hater . ns :; onment e JWf
tor,,..rt...v fii.t shows ...s our duty in- 1. t't fl I
loUoW1,:t ttc-' address Mtn". June A VO7 X XXtlV!
K.-.l. oiin pi - oviui.-.t.-ly a: CI C ' 1
,,,tn i pr.t.,- , of 1 Kol a; l(- "' 'Vj '
an old Hm-.l. i: .an - .nln. now out "ff"- ' " " SfZ -- 1
cut .1 ll'ji. n.M.t. . KJ - perfe'.'l ' J
fcuppo'-t at t i '.ano ti'r -'"s Ada Alice Tuttle, wlm will j:ie musical interielalions at the I
? ' e.t ' 1 1 o-n i' i . " T, ' 1 f ' a k a r . t and opening f tlie art clas licld this Hft-rnMHi at tlie home of Mr. !
!,. pv i:,,, us., of p:nk .'arn k- j .. 1. WeiMer. j
,:',,:,s and t .;l - Mis. K. IV Wi j )
. i i . .. l. w i : . -.. ii ,a t husri se r - i I
B 1 1 , , . , , ., , .... .,. i 'Mahit For mat ion in i 'hildren and Meade: vj.-e president. Mr. M. '. Win-'
': ' - 'How to ' Pserve fhiidten w Intelli- teis. treasurer. Mrs. K S KerKtiMnti .
man of tl. comtnitt-e . s . ' j Kenee. ' Peld hep audieine long afte' I ff retar . Mrs If. Hilton. adxiscrv,
I , arp. ntei. m . s " ' ' ' ' ' I i IcsihR time and It was with difficulty members. Mrs J. w. Tatigart and Mm.
' r- J"' "', ,,' ' ', ,,. ., ' ' she made per exit. It is to Pe de- S. ('rosh. Ihans for the parish sup-!
II. i la n. no '!..., . . .sired t'nit I'o'tland may hae the rare J er were (jis ussed and committers
. . . , opportuni'y of laving Miss ia en- u ere appointed to arrange the annual 'the
Farmers celi fi lveriel. nii ,rl tte lt,n ,(, future. re erdi..n. tie first Thursday Irl Feb- ;
Mi , 'Ii llawkes am! Mrs. "The . A . is doinB a wonderful ruary. m t ae home of t'r. and Mrs.'
; ,,t M. Nolan were the deleKate.s to work, rmt only or, t:.e campus, ("r , J. 1 . forty. j
1 p.-ne Makt rs riinli-ruicn in . I nos.e who are arue t.. i;o to trie co;
Vi,i;iv iron: the Women's I'ohth'al Scl- lege, hut In its extension serviie, tie
ri ' ' lul, tins tits 'life' out as it does into everv nook and
Mrs i,uKi. i o president . the corner of the state oarr iv.g i's me..
,.iu(, ln report. sani in part. sage to those wh must remain at!
l:.a lunieren r:ub nee-, onn o. .,o,,e. i e. . ,o, i 8Pr... ,. W(ir, p ,., , .v,v. ,:rtl
inf '.SL e e , , . e i . .i . i oe n o , . , , - . .. w ..... . k. . i , , . , , .
;","'! 1.' I., iter .... -hods ! r,oriai:t a' r e. I . a r I . r,a I 'nu-rh- 1 sank. . ..a.-tnan of t he social ser - i
i h :r,l e he systems, ods. This txtension sork. whether.
' ,.,,.e,i a, vv .. do hkil and had 1 1 is. as a lamp dlP-l ! in the darkness! 1 ' rnor.ins. conninoir.s ,
pleasure ..f . orn, n in contact wit . f ignorance, la as a song Peering ( ,. ''
those . !. am, ins w.cuei,. who reside all the lor.elv and sad. a messenger to ; ' unl. '. ..
those stint in from the active centers I r
of industry and learning.' ji.reen asso
I I accomplish!,
! I of the ass
oniail , run. I
ity I '-" 's
Public Service Commission to
Be Asked to Pass on Jus
tice of a Recent Raise,
5 St?.-" V
Lillian KmssgU
Marshfield, Or.. Jan. 1 j Announce
ment by- the North 1'acific Steamship
company that rates from Portland to
''oos Hay have been raised from $.1 to
il.ZO a ton has created much opposi
tion locally among those who are
heavy freight shippers. The matter
will be presented to the State Public
Service commission. Merchants and
wholesalers khv that they have made
contracts and prices r, the basis of
lormer frelk-ht rates and claim that an
increase cannot be made without due
Tlie company has stated that the
'tearner Breakwater, when repaired,
would be put or, the foos Hay run to
take the pla, H of tlie wrecked Santa
t'lara but now given out that the
Preakwater hi.I kj on the fteorgp W.
Klder's run. tnus leaving foos Hay
with only one boit, the Kllburn. ef
forts were made here bv a I'liin
I any to charter ti e Tillamook but it
was learned this morning that the Tli
.amook is only for sa e and not for
harte-. Ti e io.-.l company has an
other vessel in view
(Copyright. 1916, hy I.llMan Rusell.
T IS my sincere hope that feminine
costurrws will never he so uniform
and somber as masculine fashions.
.Such a. change would eliminate a great
deal of beauty from the world.
What is prettier than a weil-dressed
woman? Picture the slim young girl
'n her bright and filmy gown, 1m'
uecked with flowvrs or ribbons with
their dash of color, and her feet in
dainty slippers, with peeping ankles
incased in silk, a-s with face flushed
by tlie excitement of tlie coming ball
sht skips from her boudoir to please
the eyes of those who love her.
imagine that same young girl
ornb'T costume in which some
reformers would place her It
an agre aide comparison. We
want to remove our
pretty dresses and
place them it, plain
gowns that lack
and girls who so
very small, and in
adopted there Is
to the
each of
at leat
extreme Is
the fancies
in the
of our
is not
do not
girls 1 1 oni their
furbelows and
and unattractive
originality and
What applies to tile maid In her
party gown is equally applicable to
her older sisters. A flower has its
own beauty, hut it is more Ireauliful
when placed In a pretty vase or the
hair of a lovely woman. And so it is
with a woman. She has her own
beauty -hut it is elevate, 1 and magnl-
gowns and s.
more than servi
a nd women seln
a . e 1 . '1 pe jiept t v
a s s m v , ea bl e as
e that
t their
OS I u me
t lie im-
Birds in Need of j
Food During Storm j
1 1
for a
and t!
i large
as we
t lie
Belec- I
splay !
blh men
wearing ap;
ma v be lust
attractive or uglv one.
I iun is the opportunity
I of taste and judgment,
fax tors that f igu re in
the appearance ol men
j women.
, S-'metlm.-s feminine fads and fan
cies may seem ridi- ulous" rreipientiy
extremes add to the merriment of the
season. the percentage "f women
I as
In choosing their costume, women
have an excellent outlet for their
originality. The general style that Is
given can be followed up by a little
twist or turn which will stamp the
gown with the Individuality of the
designer. It Is through this outlet
that women beautify themselves.
Changing fashions and feminine origi
nality, with the liberty of using all
the pretty things at their c6mmand.
make women lovely to behold much
more so than If they were limited to
umtorm gowns of plain design.
lt the women have their pretty
dresses and hats and all that goes
with them. They please the wearers
and delight the eyes of those who s-,-e
them. Hleswed is she who is beautiful,
but twi.-e tlesol Is she who is beau
tiful and who can wear beautiful
clothes. She not only feels the bless
ing herseif. but is a blessing to those
around her. for she brings te-auty into
their lives.
Heauty and cost should not be con
fused In tlie matter of dressing
Clothing, of course, costs money and
rich fabrics, furs and Jewels run Into
many dollars- but. after all. nearly
as much depends upon a woman's
ability to select a gown and wear it
gracefully as on lis cost Women
with ingenuity and originality can. at
a minimum cost, have at their i-om-mand
gowns that are on a parity, at
.e.ust, with those worn by their richer
sl'-ers who lack these traits.
There cannot tie too much beauty
in the world Women ami their fash
.ons contribute largely to the beauty
around us. We surely do not want to upon that beauty by limiting
women's opportunities to make them
selves as lovely as possible.
our We
The ba
great s
1 icient I
the kit- h n as
any grandamo
"The wives,
hearts of 1 1 ;
gat tiered a t t h,
1 n g to listen
lasses "n , 1 1
1 a 1 1 1 1 g to t '. e
meiii. Many u
there. Mrs. ft
lc I.
as beer,
, . tiie 1 1 o r t : i w e s i
n to g i ea t e r ef
Iter m. -. nod ' systems
fort .ne of
hail ami i , ad t 1 '
in contact wit .
iien, w iio reside a I
arge of the youm,
e M iss 1 lad w en.
and. solicitous fen
I v all t ne gl rl.s.
Tl urs'iaj' l ight was a
I was; handled as el
f giri.s arc! tnc force Hi
could i ave beef! done by
o f soc iet v .
daughters and sweet -farmers
and t'-eir eons
1 i Ullle i-a ' 'Horn , c h U '. 1 I -
to the I", t u res an.!
kinds of subjects rc
home and its environ
f o ,r own women wei--uirle.s
II. fas pier, pfesi
ration ot
her rues
guest a i
rge Mi-
president or State Congress of
s. presided over one of the ii -
, i o' tile , Mcijuli Mate
mens clubs, brought us
siige, and was the honored
several meetings. Mrs. -to
teres: n
of l..n.
of Wo
look :,,
1. a i n g
ot-k. .
With u.-. S:
latest lil-t.c
which no do
in every pari
i t h
w .1
m o
n ;
r ti-u, 1.
r date
..s taken
ting was
un!cren'es. Mis. I.. Altman
high. Mrs. Kvelene Spem..
club and, many olhei s.
these, conferences.
paitb'ularly fortunate m
Anna harrows of New
ty on all domestic science
brought tne best and
is to the conference.
ibt i.s now being tested
f the state by the wo-
w :
men w ho
'In eve r
group of ii
cup who t .
abov o t:.e c
or from ha
ages for m
we fell m
Ka vent: i.i o
A very it;:,
in stature,
eye. g.-r tie
in impartn
had wonde
bten in tne e-.iipb'y
eminent lor so:
Investigations :n
aton g ed :K a : ion i i
ca uses for ' . i a :
tile w h V a: id w he: e
not ma 1 and s ; . ..
One (. f her text s
if vou would leu
saed her demonstra-
nssemblage. In every
strio t. rs there Is always
wets head and shoulders
; hers, either intellectually
id si. pet i.,r advant-
tlons. and this one
se was Miss Alice
ouvcr I slat id, P. f.
wmnia::. lather tall
1 . t t eat u i es, keen
r..-r a:.. i v-r direct
I .-he ha.-i
"i'oi't'1 i.i t is. t. a v :ti
' Ht.p.s , gov-
: time, making her '
numerous i r i ..s J
and f .:,..,,: , u; w
: .allot s in ;;V, and I
'ore of the superior '
'r.nal m child lif,
seemed to be Work
funl her talk on
Portlftnd Ottecpathii
An n.
Oregon City
Tlie Woman's club of Oregon
met at tlie ,'nmmercial club jat
Thursday a 1 1 er r,orn, but owing to
severe weather the attendance
not large, and it was the intent!
devoting a part of the. after., o,
the work carried on by the II;;
societies, but P.e address to nave
given by Kobeit Pucker, of P
has been postponed until a. 1 a I
'lily business of the club v ..
up at this meeting. Tlie r
presided over bv Mrs. W. C. f
second vie president, and two
members, Mrs. Theodore W. flark
l'r. Hutli I .atou rel te. were taken mtn,
the organization. The members gav . '
a vote of tnanks to tlie South Waur
commission for Pie excellent mountain 1
water now being supplied the city.;
and especially to i A. Kan-is, the en-1
gineer. w)io had charge of the in
stallation of the water system.
It was voted to retain the property
owned by the city on Center siieet.
this to be used as a play ground. Pro- 1
fessor W. W. Williams, president of
the Portland fiusiness college, was in
attendance, arid asked fhe memtieis
ot the Woman's club of this city to c-- I
operate with the Husiness i ollege in
establishing a normal commercial col
lege in this i-ity in the near future. I
Shakespeare Club Night Classes.
The Portland Shakespeare Study j
club a night classes for men and wo
men will be ready to begin work in
about a week. There is room for on.v
a few more members. TUre are doubt
less many people in Portland, other-
wise occupied during the -lay, wno
would welcome an opportunity-, such
as tiiis, to enjoy the study cf Shakes- j
peare which is not merely the study
in" the .immortal Bard of Avon, but a j
study of life and human nature as
we Know It every day.
The dues in the club are very small.
Those wishing to Join should make ap-
pli atioii at once, particularly those
ii, siring to help form a dramat.c de
portment, apply to tlie president, Mis.
K. P. Preble or Mrs. Antun Oieblsca,
Fast 333.
Delta Alphas Give Supper.
Tne Pelta Alphas of the Unlversal-
Ockley fireen Has Tea.
The horn., of Mrs. F. H Whitnev
was yesterday afternoon the scene of
a delig.itfi; f given for the social
servi.,. work of the Ookley Green
Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. V.
I Swank, of the social serv
ice work for the council, spoke inter
estingly of the excellent work done
past months, commending
t. c excellent cooperation
fferei.t schools. Mrs. ( '.
, presld- r t of ' ck ley
lation, spoke of the past
nts and tlie future aims
- iation. Miss fochrane.
a beaut if ui piano solo and violin
were givuii by faroline Whitney
Vgnes 'ook. Then came the serv -
of refreshments. Not w i t hstand
he stormy weather, the attendance
was la tire
Niinn.VMile V. C. T. I'.
The Sjnr.vsifle W. f. T. P. met
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Oliver.
Fast Tii 1 1 I -f o i r t h stieet, near Haw
thorne. The subject discussed was.
Feathered Flocks In Aid Parts of Ore
gon Axe in Danger of extermination i
Because of Snow.
fontinued cold and snow covered I
ground will mean great suffering to I
Oregon's birds.
friable to rem n the grass both song
and game birds will die in large roirn
Leis unless nature lovets come to their
itscue. I
Governor Wit'ivcombe has issued in- j
st r u ot ions to wardi r s thtoughout the
state to do what t"- y . an to interest I
the peopl" in their .(immunities. j
'The state and fish game - on, in 1 ssnm
has purchased food in great. T -i uau- J
titles than ever t o assist in the work, i
In Por t land the (iregou Audubon so- j
ciety has bought a quantity of old
bread, tolled oats ai d wheat which is
helrifr distributed by W. A. Klliott.
room ; ( hamber of t ommerce huildin
Hoy scouts and school children have I
been enl'sted in the rescue work.
Peo id e who 1 1 , s i r e to i oo pe : a t e In'
feeding the birds .should scrape hack !
the fiow under fir trees, if possible.
and place food there for the birds to
eat. I
According to State Kiologist Finley i
the condition is serious in all parts of1
th state and manv birds imported by
atate game commission at large ,
expense are In danger of ex term ina lion I
unless the people act promptly.
Large Attendance at
0. A. C. Short Course
Many Parts of Oregon Represented fey
Farmers and Homemakera at Ses
sion WTUch Began Last Monday.
forvallis. u . ' a n -Many parts
are i
f farme
cull ,, ra :
of iregon
g a t he: i , g ,
at tile .gn ',iirl co ;r
last Mond.iv.
Klght courses
and - r ops. eight i r
w : t h raising , I v est t
in creamery work u
garment making
i i ed in t he
;e for the an
whicii began
Man Who Saved Life
Of Bob Evans Is Dead
fe red
i rrr
d L
In fie!
corn hi h
irv ing.
Captain Alfred Mataon, of Marshfield,
Dragged Wounded Sea Hero From
Under Fire During' CItII War Battle.
Marshfield, i r . Jan. If,. - j Captain
Alfred Matson, who died here Thurs--1
y, was the man who saved Admiral
I lioh Kvuns when the latter was a mid
shipman at the battle of Fort Fisher
tin the ( i v 1 1 war.
I Moth were members of a landing
rstrly arid when Kvans was shot in
jlhe leg. Matson dragged him from un
rier the guns of Fort Fisher and saved
Ills life. faptain Matson served six
Ive-ars with the federal navy In the
i lvil war and was on the Vanderbllt,
the Jacob Astor, Tlconderoga and
Ieath came suddenly while he was
sealed In h;s home reading. Captain
Matson was beirn In lliilr.iihiir.
.... r ... !., or. I HiirliWlV. '
istrv. laiiu a ' ou i . i , ; i s. onu ...... ".. 'Swed
. oust fl' tion. will be given tnrougnoui
the four weeks. For further informa
tion send for complete program
A. f . , forvallis, Oregon.
, re
in f
k a
nd d
I live in food preparation
I me and two in wood a
I work.
' In addition to the work of the
j courses a series of lectures 0:1 com
mercial and business subje- ts. on poul
try history, economics, zoology
1 I
; r : ng. five m
in in o'chard
d metal shop
chem -
to O.
ibserv ahce and Sunday
France Shuts Cream,
Milk, From Germany
Will Hot Orant Bequest of XJ. S. to
Pass Shipments of Milk for Belief
of Dying German Babies.
Washington. Jan. 1 a - i I. N. S. )
Frame retnses ' fo-- rnilitarv- reasons"
to permit the shipments of milk or
(ream in any form from the t'nlted
States to Germany or Austria-Hun
gary for non-combatants, especially I
babies, according lo a cablegram to the!
state department today from Ambits-
vador Sharp at Paris. A similar stand 1
by Great Hritain is expected.
Secretary of State Lansing directed
the American ambassadors at London 1
and Paris to endeavor to obtain per
mission from the Hritish 'and French
governments so that certain chari
table interests in tlie l'nlte-1 States
could send at least condensed milk and
-ream to Germany and Austria-Hun-lary.
Permission was asked several
weeks ago when representations were
leade that a mil!: famine existed in the
two countries and that thousands of
babies were dying from want
proper food.
Valdez Mayor Wants
Alaska Made a State
Official Iares for Washington, D. C,
to Assist Delegate Wiokersham in
Converting national Legislators.
Seattle, Wa:l;.. Jan. 15. In view of
th- fact that the authority to enfon -and
make laws at present is
equally divided twtween the. territory
and the federal government. lr. F. M
Koylr, mayor of Valdez. is strongly In
favor'of making Alaska a. state
Iir. P.ovle left Seattle for Washing
ton, where he will assist Ilelegale
James Wickers!,!! m, the A,askan
resentatU - in on v i n I n g spine
national legislators
t he necessary eU men ts
p. rm.uiciii y to warrant tile granting
of tlie
that- Alaska lias
(stability and
j or statehood rights.
j "I firmly believe," sai 1 I r. Hoyle,
i "that Alaska's mineral output next
vear will amount to mc e than 4".
! .iiMi.Dnii. This Is more than Nevada
and lols of other states produce."
Kufjene Manufacturer Here.
IP n f. Holt of Spckane. head of the
Holt Manufacturing company, makers
-:' lai-rpiUar engines, is at the Mult
n niaii. Mrs. f. S. Holt of Oakland,
( ah, i.s with him.
Clle;ie President
I r Wallace H. of
dent of Albany college,
the Oregon
on Visit.
Allsany. presl
ls a guest at
Baker, Dr. Lillian, I'orfcett
Phones Main o-f;T. A-1S79.
Barrett. Dr. H. Xyster, 4 13 Morgan
bide ' Phone Main 4fJ9.
Dorisg. Dr. Mahal Jane, :,2 7 Morgan
bldg. Marshall ISo'J. Fast 6717.
How land. Dr. . B. 91i Selling b'de
Main 2213. A-222a.
Seller. Dr. William d 60S Taylor S'
Phones Jlain 644. A-3444.
Lacy. Dr. K. H", suite 301 Morgan bldg
Phones Marshall IsSS. Tabor 4278.
Leonard. Dr. H. F 757 ilorgan bide
Phones M. 709. A-1709.
Leweaox. Dr., Virginia V 12 Morgan
hid--. Phones il. 14S7. iiar. 4033.
Myers, Dr. Xatheriae S S05-S07 Jour
nal bidg. Phone Mar. 1275. A-3031.
Moore. Drs. T. E. and S. C P., 90S
Selling bldg. Main blOl. A-2466.
JSiortnrup. Dr. S. B, 3H8 Morgan
I'hones M. 34. K 1028.
I'L Dr- j0aa Jr- 550 Plttock
i,:,c-. Broadway U72. Rea Tabor
o J 4 a.
Wallljisr. Dr. EffU 651 Plttock
block. Broadway 1663. Main 334.
William P. Ya-len of Glenwood.
: Watsh.. is a guest at the Carlton
I J S. l-iniers-m of Vancouver, H. '.,
load of tiie Ktners-n Ilardwoo-1 ,-oni-jph.ny
of this city, is at the Portland,
i Mr and Mrs W. K Armstrong of
San l'rapclsc. are at the Nortonia.
Russell Palmer and wife are Seattle
arrivals at the Multnomah,
j faptain o A. Tihbetts of Forest
iGrove is at tlie fornelius.
Jerry Walker. Hcxjuiani lumber
man, is at the Oregon
I l 1). K-ssler of Oregon Agricultural
(ollege is at the Imperial.
J. I . M -'. k is a Haker v isitor at
the ( 'arlton.
I Willi.-nn P- llman of Baker is at the
j Dr. Frank f. Tage of Medford Is a
I guest t the i iregon.
The Vancouver Ikh key cluh is regis
I tere-1 at the Multnomah,
i W. H. I. evii gs is a Seattle visitor
at the Nortonla
J. C Franklin is a McMlnnville ar
rival at the Cornel iu.
George illiton Savage i.s registered
i Rocks, Earth Slide
Near Cliff House
San Francisco. Jan. la. i P. N. K.I
A heavy landslide of boulders and earth
from the summit of Sutro Heights to
the Ocean Drive, 7.", yards south of tlie
Cliff House, imperiled the lives of
bench pedestrians Friday, causing con
siderable excitement and fear along
the boulevard.
The slide began about 9'30 o'clock
when a quantity of earth, loosened by
(the rains, started down the precipice
from a height rf 300 feet, gathering
trees and si. rubbery as it raij)p.
Several persons in the vicinity nar
rowly escaped injury. Nearly loon
tons of rock and earth were brought
f'own over the roadway before the
slide stopped.
J. P.ow land Hrow n
are registered at the
Mansfield. Ohio
and 17. V
M ultnornali
( -i-ik
f rum
Medford Is to Have
Republican Banquet
Jackson Connty People Will Be Ad
dressed February 13 hy Oorernor
Withycoxnbe and Other Officials.
Medford. r.. Jan. 1,1. Jackson
county Republicans j.lan to surpass all
records when they hold their annual
Republican day banquet at the Hotel
Medford Saturday, February 12. Gov
ernor Withycomhe has agreed to attend
ami w 11 deliver the principal address
F. G. Ruchte, deputy sealer of weights
and measures and candidate for rail
road commissioner, will also attend, ns
will Harvey Wells, insurance commis
sioner, and Tom Kay. state treasurer.
len, in 1X31, and came to Coos Hav
in l7n He was in the targe and
lightering business on Coos Bay until
1 f 0 7. When he returned after the
Civil war, lie came around to the Pa
cific coast with the fleet and was on
the vessel that esr-orted (Jueen Finnia
of Hawaii to the United Slates.
Five States Are to
Wipe Out Coyotes
San Francisco, Jan. IS. (I N. 9.)
Aroused lo the necessity of waging
relentless war against rabid coyotes.
Nevada. Oregon, Idaho and l'tah have
joined California in a concerted cam
paign to exterminate the wild dogs
whh h are terrorizing the farming and
sheep and cattle districts of tlie five
Word to this effect was received
today by Or George C. Kbrlghl, pres
ident of the state board of health, from
i hief Inspector K. T. Ross, who at
tended a conference of healt.i author
ities from the five states, representa
tives of the I'nlted States health ser
vice, and forest service, and state of
ficials at Winnemucca. Nevada, where
resolutions were adopted to Join in
'ombined efforts to rid the states of
tho "epidemic of rabies."
Cove Officials Take Office.
Cove, ( ir , Jan. 15. The new mem
bers of the city council t'.ok office
Tuesday at a special meeting. The
council is now as follows: Mayor, A.
G. Conklln; councllmen, fharles H.
Powell, George forpe, F Williams, F.
Zucher, Mr. Pixton and Carl Peterson.
1 N I S K
To Prevent the Grip.
iine r.rlii -Intlve Itnaisi Qnlnln
CI, Il
K .
In nlT
Icnnt nr.-
l. lif..'.
Petition by local Union Is
Granted by Extension De
partment of the University
Will Be Held in City So as Hot to
Interfere With Regular Work;
Starts Beat Friday.
I "nl v ersit y of Oregon. Kugene. Or .
Jan. 15 The Carpenters- union of
Portland ha.s petitioned for and will
receive a course of study in archi
tecture through the extension de
partment of the university. The
work will begin next Friday with a
class of 11.
The petition presented to the facul
ty requ-sts that the work be given
to them in Portland In order th-it
tlie carpenters may be aide to pre
pare for individual contracting with
out forsaking tin
necessary study.
At a meet I tig in
technic si hool It
the courses should
statics arid
The our s.-s
,rk for the
t?ie Ttenon Tnly
was decided that
deal with graphic
i mutative estimating'.
II give the carpenters
taking the work an opportunity to
learn the s. tuple rudiments ' f con
structing and estimating the c-ost
of small bulbil- gs.
"The work wll be z'.:?n by Prof.
Percy p Adauis. assistant In the
chool of arithmetic. and will be
supplemented by lectures tinder F.
17. ldnii, f. d-an of the department.
Journalists' Resolution Indorsed.
I'nlversltv of oreg-on, Fucene. Or.
Jan. 14 The resolution of the West
ern Association of Teachers of Jour
nnllsm at their seslon at the univer
sity to the effect that high school stu
dents should not be encouraged to
enter the newspaper field without the
furthe- benefit of higher training was
indorsed m a resolution in nearly ver
latim form by the National Council of
Teachers of l'r gltsh in Its recent con
vention in Ch.raKn.
Farm Accounts I'rjfetl.
University of 'regon. Kugene. Or..
Jsn. IS In an address before the Ore
ron School of ftmmeroe, J. A. Hexeil,
dean of the school of commerce at Ore
gon Agricultural college, proposed that
every farmer keep an efficient set of
farm accounts, the aim being to form
the basis of an efficient system of
rural credits, which he said depended
primarily on showing tlie condition of
College Credit Granted.
T'niversity of (iregon. Kugene, Or.,
Jan. 15 Two hundred and ninety-one
hours of college credits and four and a
half units of entrance credit were
granted to 7s correspt ndence students
in 1 i 1 S by the unl versit y, according to
a late report of tiie faculty.
The major number of hours, 91, was
granted In education. History comes
next with 44 hours, literature, "7
hours, short story. 25 hours. These
studies are followed by rhetoric, soci
ology, mathematics, psychology, Kng
llsh composition, economics, physics,
drawing, architecture, geology, debat
ing and geography.
50-Cent Increase
In Lumber Market
Advance, One of i:any Recently, Be
comes Effective at Once; Aberdeen
Gets Definite Information on Order.
Aberdeen, Wash, Jan. 15. Aberdeen
lumbermen, returning from a west
coast lumbermen's meeting held In Ta
corna Wednesday, report 60 cents a
thousand advance in common dimen
sion lumber ami on timbers. The ad
vance becomes effective at once. The
Increase is one of several recent ones
v.hl-li indicate a steady improvement
in the demand for lumber.
Definite information has been re
reived heie also that a I'm.OOO.OOO feet
order of lumber for France Is pending
and will be given to northwest mills.
Grays Harbor as well as those of all
i North Pacific coast points will receive
I heir pro rata share of tills order, ae
'ordlng to authentic reports received
here. The order is said to be In the
hands of a San Francisco brokerage
I firm.
Sleighs I'scxl in Ouinaliy.
Quinabv. nr., Jan. IS. Six in lies of
snow Wednesday found this section
In a state of u n p i epa r e-1 ness that
threatened a general holiday to school
children on account of the long, dis
tance all of them must travel over un
broken roads This morning sieds were
rigged up and the youngsters enjoyed
a sletghride to the seat of learning.
Sister: Read My Free Oiler!
f St -
1st ihuroh, a young ladies class. I at the Portland from Tacoma
taught by Mr s. J. I . Corby, had their I M. K. Price is a Bend arrival
monthly supper and business meeting . f arlton
Tues-lay evening at the home of their, Mr and Mrs. II. D. Parquet
teaiiUv-. Miss F. f lough, the presi- Berkeley, CaJ.. are guests at the
dent, lalifd for reports of the various 1 tonia.
commiuees a gouj record or achieve
ment was shown. In addition to con
ducting their candy booth - at tt e
baz.-ia.r- the I)elt.-i 41r.ha ni--.n
with new plates f'trt.
File W Allen, head
: metit vf Journalism. 1'n
, gon. is at the Imperial.
M. If Abbey, proprietor
Abbey. Newport, Is at the
of the
at the
of Ore-
of the Hotel
of Juneau,
vide trie e-hur
-7.,,. furnish cm o " " f . .1 .' W: L Martin, a merchant
Z the' individual su e The new 'S st ? V uU,nomh
officers chosen were: President Mlaj! A' J' V'V,?- 1 in' wl'h
Nona Becker; vice president. Miss IrisSumn''r Ir u orks t-verett. is ai
Clayton; treasurer. Miss Kdwlr.a 1 reKon'
Clough; secretary. Miss Grace Jacoo- M- AdI ls registered at
sen. . i Portland from)F.verett.
George b. Btty and wife of
view are at th' Corrvellua.
O. K. Merwin, a Salem casket
ft i - y
X am a
I know
Z know
? f you.
a woman's trials.
her need of sympathy and help.
my sister, are unhappy because of
f vou feel unfit for household du-
: the
Mission Circle
At the recent annual meeting of
Florence Meade Mission Circle of the
First Unlversalist church at the resi
dence of Mrs. Kills McLean, the fol
lowing officers were chosen for the
cw year: President, Mrs. M. K.
facturer, is at t$e Oregon.
Miss Henrietta Voley of La Grando
is at the Imperial to visit her brother.
Pat Foley, a La Grande hotel man. and I
his bride. I mark
EX L. Connor, a Seattle lumberman. I offer again.
U at the Oregon. i MRS,
ties, social Pleasure, or dailv emr.lov m.m
.rite and tell me just how you suffer, and
sk for my free ten days' trial or a home
reatment suited to your needs Men cannot
.nderstand women's suflenngs. What we
,1,11.111 know from experience, we know bet
er trian any man I war.t lo tell-you how to
ure yourself at hunt at a , ost of about 12
ents a week.
If you suffer from women's peculiar ail
ments causing pain in the head, hack, or bow
els, feeling of weight and dragging down sen
sation, falling' or dirpUcemcnt of pelvic or
gans, causing kidney and "bladder weakness
or constipation and Piles, painful or lrreg-olar
periods, catarrhal conditions and dischargee,
extreme nervousness, depressed SDiiita. mel
ancholy, desire to cry. fear of something evil about to hapDen, creeping feeling
along the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion with
dars circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that
Lie la not worth living.
, I Invite You to Send Today for My Free 10 Days' Treatment
and learn how these aliments can be easily and surely conquered at home with
out the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to
: enjoy life egain, you can bass the gooi woru along to some other sufferer. My
home treatment is for young or old. To saotAeira ol Daugatexs 1 w ill expmin how
, to overcome green sickness (chlorosis). Irregularities, headaches, ind lassitude
: in young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are
i wormed about your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to give my home
1 treatment a ten days' trial, and does not interiere witn daily work. Zt health.
; Is worth asking (or. then accept my generous offer and write foi the free treat-'
mast, including my ulustiated booklet "Women's Own Medical Adviser." 1 will i
II in plain wrappers posttatd. lo save time, you can cut out this offer.
your feellnrs. and return to me. Bend today, as you may not see this
Grand Prize, Pntmt-Pcific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915
Breakfast Cocoa
The Food Drink Without a Fault
Made of hi&h-grade cocoa
beans, skilfully blended and
fnanufactured by a perfect
mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals; it is ab
solutely pure and wholesome,
and its flavor , is delicious, the
natural flavor of the cocoa
ato. u. s. pat. orw.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780
The -Journal
It has distinctive features.
No waste space or dark
corners in the offices.
No entrances to rooms
over 20 feet from eleva
tors. All outside rooms.
A free auditorium of 250
capacity for tenants.
Lunch room, and barber
shop excelled by none.
An advertising directory
tor the tenants.
The Distinctive Buildlnt.
TTmV S3 C i 9
V . . Z : on
LNKj'i ;-.v irc
The Journal Building
Tenants' Directory
BSUiaE. 0U8TATI K. .
kUruail Sil, A-t4S. lOU fir.
BtTLL. W. B.. 1 i aa la-iu-um.
Blkia ITT 5. A-WTS.
M. D. lUnbtil Ul. A-MU.
KrU flevr.
Wltuikwi. Xuuf.r. Btanaall
104, A-lOii. aem S14.
DATIS, JAKES I, Lawyer. Xala
7i. Baom SOl.
DAVIS. C. H. It , Tlatw Laaaa,
Mui 7m. 11th florn.
O0WXS. AKTHTJE T... Ottleiaa.
oom 111.
DUO AH. W. W.. Attars. Kab
7S. &oom SOI.
lie Acoountuu. Jleia 7A
Aoom 70S.
V. Elliott. KuiH Mala 4tM.
Mela m, 14171, loom (IS.
rox. 1BVI B
H0BB8. TERM. Boost SOi.
H0WABD. H. W., at. D.
tSO. Boom 07.
LTTLE, Z. ., Bkl EeUto.
aUrmhaU 1W. Boom S07.
rSEU. Jmu B. Woloa, Dis
trict bo.ii Acorn, jaaia aaiA,
Boon .
ateCAULET. T B A K, at. D.
Maia b2. A-1171. Bora tie.
Mala Boom ML
MOVTOOatEBT. DB. 1. H.. Tkf.
ieiaa as4 Surgoon. BUia eSS,
A-U71. twm 1A
aCTEBS. DB, X. 8.. Otteo-peti.
atartaall 1171. loom 8V7.
VELBOV, ABB AH AX. Atteraey.
luvT, Mm eus.
VEL80V. DB. MIL. Doatlet.
SIM. Boom SOS.
I. C. Cu-Binftianj. Jtaaages.
avanaall 17M. Boom Sv.
OBTBtAKN. L. W.. HuifMtw,
i' Ant. BaUws-r Asp pilot,
kaia 74A. 11U fior
fHIPrS k ZXriAVXl, Attor
n7f at Low. KUnaall 800. A.
lfcil. Boom 114.
81TICI. B. B.. Fire laiaraase.
Orogoa Fir Ballot Ass's, atata
in. A-HS78. Boom SOS.
aUTHIBFOlD, F. 1.. Atterasy.
sUxatall Uti. S-ooa til.
Tit. A-1841. Boom 9L
cms as4 Sartooa. ataia U.
A 1T,1. Boam US.
TBOBUSALS, Dr. O. T.. rhTi
etaa aas Bamooa. Mala 878.
Pariac Centrectoii. klaia 878t,
AAIMe. Beruita iMt.
WEST OSWALD. Lawyer. Xaia
MS. Boom Ml.
iiururi l l-w- ktaia la7.
k.. A-8118. Boom 0.
WHITE BIDE. Dr. 0E0. a- Ttr
(teiss and Buifooa. Xaia DM,
Bocm v7.
Tuneet Laaaa. Xaia 7et. Utk