THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1916. TRAINER CLQUGH TO BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamjf rrlrM lata tntTatrm' H rM !- T " V PERKINS-THE CROCEP ii ACT THE. DOOR AMD I I VE. 40T A DOZEN OF FINE. FREtH ECCb FER VELL-WHaT HaV0O lTT CENTS" 0ORE TOO HKH- !TL;tVE TOO FIFTT-FIVE- I'LL TELL "XOU WHAT rLLOO-ILLWEOU I'LL TAKE. A SHERRY WORK KINKS OUT OF THE BEAVERS' TEAM reallx -i coulont WELL JUST Kb DOm WANT TO CE H!N- TODATC? AH ORNK XOO WAHT F TOU LET THE.M o FER. Hlt PRJ CE ARE. TOO LEAVE Hin TO ME. -I'LL OARCMH WITH HIM.' DO T! SVCTT CENTS' FIFTf-FrVEt Walter Mac Announces His Selection for the Coming Season. . DEALING FOR TWIRLER& Tiro at. JiOuIm Pitcher Whoft Karnes . Ars Sting Wltahsld, May Bs Se cured for the Zocal Team. r T srmr CENTS- v ' THCM cq FER V A -J I V - r fc- Bargain . -J I c r t Fitrnr-Fis: ZTT T r-v : v- i Sir 1 riy s ' & w y . : Dr. Leslie A. Cloogh. trainer of the TTnlversIty of Southern California football eleven last season, will work the kinks out of the arms of the Portland Beavers this coming season. So said Manager Walter McCredle yesterday, a telegram having been re ceived from Los Angeles to the ef fect that Clough had accepted the terms offered by the Beavers. There were several applicants for the position, but Clough and Ball, the great twirler of the Chicago Colored Olants. were the only two Mac con sidered and Clough landed the posi tion, because he has had more ex perience in that particular line than Ball. Ball, although he has kept 'him self In splendid condition for a ol many years, has had no experience In keeping a squad of players In nape. Walter Mac also admitted yester day that he will probably get tw) .twlrlers from the St Louis Ameri cans. Karly in the week the Portland boss received a letter from Fielder Jones In which the former North western league prexy offered him his pick of 15 torsers. MeCredie is not at liberty to an nounce the names of the players Jones offered him. It Is believed that Perryman. one of the big twlrlers, who has had two trials with the Bt. Louis Americans, is one of the twlrl ers offered. The deal for these players will likely b closed as soon as waivers have been secured. A little comment was voiced on the three St. Louis players turned over to San Francisco by MoCredi yes terday. Mac expects Pitcher Rob inson, who was ore of the five play era traded to St. Louis by PittsbTTrg. to develop into a winner in this league. Perdue and Hyatt will not be. any sensations In the Coast league, according to the Beaver chief. Ralph Glaze, the resigned coach of the U. S. C. football team and former PoBton American league twirler, ias been recommenced to Walter M JTredie again. This time hy none Other than his new trainer, Leslie A. Clough. Macklin or Dobie to Coach at Wisconsin . Seattle. .Wash., Jan.. U.(V. P Word was received 1ti Seattle today from Madison. Wis., that the choice of football coach at tha University of Wisconsin has narrowed down to Mack lin, former mentor of the M1chlcrn Agsries. and Dohle. the latter formerly coach of the University of Washington team. The announcement of the selec tion la expected soon. No Action on Coach Selection. Seattle. Wash.. Jan. 13 (U. F.) No action regnrding the selection of a antecessor to Gllmour Dohle as foot ball coach at the University of Wash ington will be taken until nxt week. The committee which has charge of sHeting three or four candidates out of 25 or more applications, failed to do so at last night's meeting. Hefore next Wednesday the committee w ill a:ct toeether on the subject and the lrffl Will be lifted and probably three names presented to the board. Soccor Game Is Postponed The opening game of the Portland Intefscholastlo leagua soccer game scheduled for next Monday afternoon between Washington and Jefferson, has been postponed because of the weather conditions, which have pre vented th teams from getting enough practice to select their llne-up. Coach Rankin of the Washington team Is confined to his bed on account of a severe, case of the grip. Weeglunan "After Stars. Chicago, Jan. IS. (I. N. 8.) Anx ious to obtain the services of Lee Ma gee and Pitcher Gene Packard, Charles Weeghman announced here that he would go to New York today for a conference with Harry Sinclair over the possible purchase of Federal league players taken over by Sinclair when peace was declared. Weeghman sa s Sinclair wants $60,900 for Magee, an3 $25,000 for Packard. Fight Followers Anxious. Portland fistic followers are anx iously awaiting the result of the Ralph Grumen-Frankie Callahan bout to be taged in Salt Lake tomorrow night. Oruman has been handicapped in his training on account of th weather con ditions in the Utah metropolis, but ac cording to advices received here today. Is In good shape for the long mllL Salvor Reaches Kenkon Mara. Vancouver, B. C. Jan. 12. (I. N. S.) Wrecking steamer Salvor got along side) the Japanese steamer Kenkon Mara early this evening and found preparations going on for lightering ttie vessel of her deck cargo. The Kenkon Maru is about CO miles from Nanaimo and lying In a sneitered posi tion bo that unless her bottom is badly punctured she " should have little trouble In getting off. st fairly high tide. She went on The Treatment of Influenza or La Grippe It 1 QUlt refreshing theie days to read f s clearly defined treatment for Influ nxa or La Grippe, In an artlele In the -Lneet-Cllnto." Dr. James Bell, of New Tork City, says he is convinced that too much medication Is both unnecessary aui'l lnjurloua. When called to s ease of ls grippe, the Valient Is usually seen wheu the lever is present, as tbe chill which occasionally mhers la the disease, has practically. ated a ways.' Dr. Sell then orders thai . ; the bowels be opeaed freely with salts, , vActoids" or citrate of matrnesia. For vthe high lever, severe headache, pain And general soreness, one anti-kamnla . tablet every three honrs is Quickly iol- . Towed by complete relief. Ask for A-K Tablets. They are also onexcelled tor aeaaacne. neuralgia ana au pain. . MORE "PEP" MUST BE 'DISPLAYED BY SOCCER PLAYERS There Will Be No Game With - M. A. A, C, if U. of 0. Doesn't Show Interest. University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Jan. 12. There will be no soccer game between Oregon and Multnomah club unless the players show more : "pep" and turn out regularly. This is the ultimatum of Coach Colin V. Dy- , ment, delivered today after having I gone out to coach his squad, which he found had dwindled down to five men. Regularly from 12 to 18 turn out for the trl-weexly practice. "The soccer players consist of a lo; of fair weather men. There Is plenty of interest in the game, but also plenty of reluctance to get tender limbs chilled and pretty ankles muddy." Baid Captain Jimmy tfheehy of Port- , land. At the present time Coach Dyment eays that tne Portland clunmen wun their Scotch-English Mood would trim Oregon and get revenge for the two tie games that the Oregon svjuad held them down to last year. But the coa?h says he will nut take a half baked team to Portland Just for the trip. They must turn out regularly and get into the pink of condition. Intramural Ball Is The Popular Thing University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.. Jan. !3. Two weeks of intramural hnsketball between the varloue men's oTfranlmtlons have been exceedingly popular, each game averaging about 75 spectators. I ' But the campus is still grumbling about the tameness of the sport, and show that they miss the Intercollegiate games. The faculty has practically as sured the students that the game will be reinstated again next year. At present the Delta Tau Deltas lead the field with a perfect score, while six other teams are fighting for sec ond place standing. The standing Is: Team. ' Won. Ist. 1'. V. Delta Tau TVlta 2 Phi Delta Vheta 2 Sigma Chi 2 Kappa Sigma 2 Dormitory 2 1.000 .666 .6G .6b .66$ .666 .500 .000 .000 Peta Theta Pi ........ 2 Oregon Club 2 jAlpha Tau Omega .... I Iota CM 0 Phi Gamma Delta 0 Blgma Nu 0 Danny O'Brien and Anderson Are Ready Seattle, Wash.. Jan. IS. CP. N. S.) Harry Anderson of Vancouver, B. C, and Danny 0'Brien of Portland, light weight boxers, who will face each other In the main event of the Elks" club smoker tomorrow night, put the finishing touches to their training to day. Each asserts that he is ready for the go and anxious for the bell to ring. S Among local boxing fans there Is a presentiment that O'Brien Is In for a trouncing. Anderson has been beating some of the fast men lately and is expected to stop O'Brien. The Portland boxer, however, la not worried, and thinks ha will be able to give the Cana dian scrapper a real battle. Sid Mitchell vs. Billy Wright. Leo Houck vs. Chet Ne-ff, Leo Crevier vs. Charley Davidson and Harry Hughes vs. Bert Forbes will furnish the pre liminaries. V. of W. to Meet CaUforaUns. Seattle. Wash.. Jan. 13. (P. N. S.) With Jack Davidson, captain and coach, as the only veteran in the line up, the University of Washington bas ketball team will tackle tha California, five tomorrow night in the first bas ketball ever played between teams rep resenting these Institutions. Davidson will play a lorward with Saunders as his running mate, Schtvely will be at center, Smith will play a guard and Riddle and Deutsche will alternate in 1 the other guard position. Washington is not expecting victory but promises California a fight Mobile Wants Cavt. San Francisco, Jan. 13. (U. P.) Manager Harry Wolverton of the Seals, has received word from tbe Mobile club of the Southern league, inquiring as to whether he will dispose of Tiller Cavet. former Detroit heaver. The Southern club intimated It is willing tc take Cavet. Cravath la a Holdout. Santa Ana. Cal Jan. 13. (I. N. S.) Gabby Cravath. etar Phlllle. la a hold out. Cravath has been getting $6500 a year. It is understood he will de mand more before signing for IBIS. Comstock Ota U. of Y. Offer. Los Angeles, Jan. 13. (P. N. 8.) Boyd Comstock. former track coach for U.. S. C, received an offer today to .1 coach the University of Washington ON THE ALLEYS PeTeral members of the tilled Trifles league were Anon-bound lu. night, sod some of tbe trams rolled- four mm. The Bookbinders woo ill three fames from tbe Millers, although their two stara were absent. Tbe Printers musi three from tbe Labor Press, and tie Presumes two from the Stere otjpers. Proebl rolled talfa sinrle same 181, and tladlry won a Iiular place with tbe Stereos bj making high average. 107. ALLIED PRINTING TRADES LEAGUE. PRINTERS. 1st 2d Da It HO 64 iallnrt 11T IK) Sd Tot. Are. UO 274 Bl 67 :un 101 B2 Wt K 1J0 2h8 tl 100 901 luu Holmes Sblmi . . Stlimid. Totals .107 . 03 H2 lift 4'Mi 467 400 1433 Sd Tot. Are. M avt M 73 22 73 t4 2U 88 M 2HS US 73 223 71 LABOR PRESS. lt 2d 0"Rourk 81 M ohlln 78 74 Una 8U 4 U'i M Absentee 75 73 Totsls 419 420 400 1234 Hlrn score iallop, 1 1T- Mijtii aiersfe ".ailup. 101. Prlntem woo tbre games. PRSSMEN. 1st 2d 8d Tot. Are. Proehl 82 92 131 313 103 Kadke 107 17 7 SOI KO Ure " M K 2t N4 rUndern-.rjer 102 loo SK! 28 V Totals 3S3 400 1179 S TERE'yTYPERS. 1st 2d Sd Tt Are. Taylor M 100 97 2 PS Ussier loo HO 14 8JO ln7 Van Wiier BO 7 M2 2.v 4 MiLaugUlla 104 110 92 812 1U4 Totals W 413 High score Prochl. 131. Illph srersc Hadley. 107. Pressmen wi two games. BOOKLINDERS. 1st 2d Bnonf 79 M Hsrnun 3 113 Absentee 93 93 Zimmerman 86 113 Absentee 99 99 375 117o 8d SO M S3 Tot. Am. 2IS2 M 2H1 27t OH 21)7 H7 93 UK 03 Totala 452 504 457 141 MAILERS. 1st 2d Day M ft Henderson 14 77 &A lo 8d 81 SO 4 103 82 T"t. Are. 210 7 M 4 I newer 87 M 2 2l Koe Bo o Totala 4, .1 447 440 1334 Hlrh score Ilirmin. 113. High aTersse llajman, 07. Bookbinders on three games. The following cures were rolled on the Ore gon sllejs last COMMERCIAL A LFAGCB. WESTERN SODA WORKS. 1st 21 3d Tot. Are. Arena 101 At.sente 164 How lb 7 1 M Absentee 11 W Users 190 17 174 174 1U 212 164 174 15 1.13 WO IBS 512 612 4M &40 171 171 K.l lt0 Totals , , R33 899 81S 2530 BALLOL-WRlLiHT NO. 1. 1st 2d M Tot. Are. Ftlffler 173 1M 191 M20 173 Bimon 141 1 189 B10 170 Ahrama 140 1 73. 144 4:7 1 62 Absentee ISO 1S0 ISO 450 150 freer 125 178 156 480 153 Totals 731 B30 830 237 High tcor Wig i era, 212. Hifh arerar Wingers. 180. Wsartero Poda Works won two games. UNITED STATES RUBBER OO. 1st 2d 8d Tot. Ave. tmm 17 171 235 Wl I.jdoo 213 207 ISO B70 Iullec 135 177 144 4.V1 Moore 139 143, 175 497 Thompson -03 1B7 133 6u0 195 190 l."2 lt 168 Totala ..MS) 90S 837 211 RAINIER HOTEL, CO. ' 1st 2d 3d Tot. Are. 134 ISO 12rt 410 137 1HB 161 131 451 154 163 153 163 4 ISO 165 165 165 495 ltij 171 208 1S2 661 167 80S 837 705 2404 Bryne . . Henry . Ahventee Absentee Cfcapla . Totals Hth n-ore Long. 235. Hifh arerage Loo. 105. U. S. Rubber Co. won three gamae. VANCOUVER POST. 1st 21 3d Tot. Are. Martina Mnenstocklin Martin Mefllger Glass ...134 2O0 ...138 179 . ..l.VJ 144 ...158 143 ...222 151 200 148 142 168 154 534 446 447 4H9 627 178 150 149 1W 175 Total! 80S 822 813 2443 UNION MEAT CO. COLUMBIAN. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Ave Rea 166 149 17S 493 164 Parr 122 134 11 419 Absentee 14M 148 148 444 Morgan 153 IKS 1 5.T2 Merrick 141 195 154 491 140 144 177 14 T-stals 740 810 809 Z17 High score OUns. 222. Hifh srersfe Martin. ITS. VsncooTer 1'ost woo two game. TWILIGHT LEAGUB. OVBLaND ALTO CO. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Are. Peterson Byrna .. Hooaaean Uaje . Total 140 131 133 107 115 134 140 149 1st 3d 112 362 181 172 412 137 119 SOS 1?3 192 4S4 lti2 Sd Tot. Aie. M2 321 P. 8. S. 8. 1st 3d 13 ISO 178 167 75 107 131 122 oes less ad Tat. Are. lrtrt 4M 14 102 445 148 H 2H 93 140 8DS 131 Mead . - -Angtll ... 8cHta Lockwood Totals SO 1011 Htgb score Hayes. 192. lUsh si era- Bead. 14. P. S. S. 8. Co. won two Iims. W. P. FILLER CO. 1st 2d Sd Tot. Ave. Feldmaa 185 1 43 164 470 l.' 8 haw 141 14J 167 456 152 kteCawary 1S6 1S 134 48 143 Bchaefer i 13 174 521 174 Boitosld 13s) 1S1 lfi 409 160 Totals 828 754 78 2380 HAUiOU-WBiaHT NO. Z. 1st 2d Sd Tot. Ave. 160 186 140 46 162 ,.,.19 10 155 44 163 -I .. Oa 165 164 ' &22 ' 17 Lonceor Ebtoy .. Btagae . DIETZ PLANNING TO SHOW INDIAN LIFE ON SCREEN Famous Coach Interested in Forming Movie Company to Carry Out Ideas. To depict the life of the Indian cm the screen as It really Is and not as film land now shows the real Ameri can La the object of William H. (Lone star) Diets, coach of the Washington State college football eleven, who stopped here yesterday en rout to Pullman, Wash. Dleti Is Interested with Fran" Miller, owner of the Mission Iun at Riverside. Cal.. In organizing a movie company. In which reaJ Indians will play before the lenses. It is the object of this company to bring several eastern tribes to the coast to participate In various pteys. While In Los Angeles. Diets received several flattering offers, but tumid them all down, beoause ha did not want to portray the Indian charaotera the directors would have him. Dietz h-iJ lo laugh when he thought of some of the ludian pictures he saw In Califor nia. Kottball Is the least of Dietz' troubles In these days, lie will prob ably attach his name to a contract for next year at a salary of J40U0 when he reaches Pullman and some time In February he will start south to assUt in the work of the movie company. Lieu left last night for Pullman. Sinclair Is Open for Bid on K. C. Players New York. Jan. 13. (I. N. S.) That Harry Sinclair, owner of the dissolved Kansas City Federal league club, virtu ally has given up hope of purchasing mo uiania was indicated nere today when he announced that he was open to receive bids for his Kansas City stars. Sinclair stated that his announce ment might or might not mean that negotiations for the Giants were off. but that as he had made his best bid for the Olants and the latter owners had not thought It high enough-he had no other recourse than to martet his players. Rklgefleld Teams Are Defeated. Ridgefield, Wash., Jan. 13. A double defeat was halked up against Ridge field when the high school team and grammar school team met defeat at the hands of high school and fresh men teams of St. Helens, Or., Monday night. The local grammar school eighth grade basketball team lost to the freshmen team of St. Helens high school by a score of 13 to 9. and the Ridgefield high lost to St- Helens, 19 to 17. Oaks Get Salary Cut. Oakland, Cal.. Jan. 13. (U. P.) Practically every player of the Oak land roster will suffer a cut In sal ary this year. Manager Rowdy Klliott said he preferred to slice a bit oft each rather than heavily cut down two or three men. Most of the cuts are under $25 each. Harvard Star to Assist. Los Angeles, Jan. 13. (I. N. s.) Don Wallace, star center of the Har vard football team, and son of former lieutenant uovemor Wallace, has been appointed assistant coach of the u. ts. c. rootball team. He will work under Dean Cromwell, who has charge of the Trojan athletes for the next year. Elliott on Trip East. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 13. (L P.) Rowdy Elliott, manager of the Oaka. is en ruuij 10 mcago loaay on a "mysterious" mission. Rowdy was prone to cloak his Journey in eecrecv oui ii is pmtm mai n in going to the finely City to find out whether JimmV Johnston is to wear an Oak suit next spring. Maier's Mother Paases Away. ixs Angeles, Jan. 13. (I. X. g.) Mrs. Joseph Maler. pioneer Callfornlan and mother of Eddie Maler, president of the Vernon baseball club, died here yesterday, after long lllnesa. She was 67 years old. U. of C. jQuintot Is Winner. Willamette University. Salem. Or., Jan. 13. The University of California basketball quintet defeated the Wil lamette team last night by the score of 33 to 20. The contest was featured by good guarding in the second period. Chase to Be Postponed Again. The annual mid-winter paper chase of the Portland Hunt club, originally scheduled to be. held New Tear's day. and postponed until this coming Sat urday, may have to be postponed again on account of the weather conditions. Sbanklla . . Kricksoa .. ...1 ...223 1S3 1M IS 126 432 500 144 107 Totals 870 837 T27 2434 Hlth score Erlekaon, 223. Hitch arersfs DmfmM. 174. BatUow-Wrigat va two gaaaee. SSSSaalsa B BSSSB ' " " ' ROSEBUDS ARE IN FINE SHAPE FOR HOOKEY CONTEST Each Stick Handler Comes Out of Practice in Good Form. Portland hockey players are ready for the contest with the Vancouver Millionaires to be played tomorrow nlfht. The Rosebuds had a long work i out yesterday afternoon and every stick handler appeared to be In good shape for a hard battle, which Vancouver will give Portland on account of being strengthened by the return to the game of the veteran Frank Patrick. The Millionaires hit their last sea eon's stride for the first time last Tuesday night against the Victoria team and according to reports thev played as good as they did at any time during the 1914-1915 season. Manager Savage announced today that he would start his regular line-up against the Vancouveiites, although Tobln's lip, which was cut In the game against the Seattle team last Friday night, is still giving him more or less trouble. Portland Is depending on his success ful style of defense to block the cham pions tomorrow night. So far this sea son, Portland ha had but 17 goals scored against it. A big crowd Is expected to be on hand as the advance scat sale has been extra heavy. Edlefsen's provide fuel comfort now. A GeHMpee Knatmre ' Cure BoiVfc After Thirty Years' Experience I Have Produced An Appliance for Men, Women If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon today and I will send you free my illustrated book on Rupture and Its cure, showing my Ap pliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried It and were cured. It Is Instant ro llef when all others fall. Remember, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. 1 send on trial to prove what I say Is true. You are the Judre and once having seen my Illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic os mv hundreds of patients whose letters vou can also read. Fill out free cou pon below and mall todaiy. It's well worth your tune whethert you try my Appuance or now t Pennsylvania Man Thankful Mr. C. E. Brooks. Marshall. Mlch. Dear Sir: Perhars it will Interest you to know that I have been ruptred six years ond have always had trouble with It till I got your Appliance. It Is very eay to wear, fits neat and snug, and la not in the way at any time, day or night. In fact, at times 1 did not know I had It on: it Just adapted Itself to the shape of the body and seemed to be a part of the body, as It clung to the spot, no matter what position 1 was In. , . It would be a veritable God-send to the unfortunate who suffestfrom rup ture if all could procure 'he Brooks Rupture Appliance and wea It. They would certainlv never regrev it. My rupture la now an neajea up ana r.othing ever did It but your Appliance. Whenever the opportunity presents It self I will say a good word for your Appliance, and also the honorable way IP Whicn you aai wmi Iu'Jlp ple It Is. a pleasure to recommend a good thing among your friends or strangers. I am. Yours very sincerely. JAMF.S A. riRITTON. 80 Spring St.. Bethlehem. Pa. Confederate Veteran Cured Commerce. Ga. R. F. D. No. 11. Mr. C. K. Brooks, Dear Sir: I am glad to tell you that I am now sound and well and can plough or do any heavy work. I can say your Appliance has effected a pe- manent cure. Before getting your Ap pliance I was In a terrible condition and had given up all hops of ever be ing any better. If It hadn't been for your -Appliance. I would never- have been cured. 1 am six tpr -eight years old JESS WILLARD IS EXPECTED TO SIGN ARTICLES Tex Rickard Intimates Bout With Moran Is Going Through Smoothly. New York, Jan. 1 (U. P.)Tex Rickard intimated today that his pro posal for a Jess Willard-Frank Moran bout here March t is going through without a hitch. The promoter of the Jeffries-Johnson bout expected to receive word at any time from Chi cago that Willard had signed the ar ticles of agreement. Willard will be required to deposit a guarantee of $5000 as soon as he eigns the articles. The promoters have agreed to have the entlr amount of the purse In the hands of stake holders 48 hours before the fight. Rickard would give no definite state ment as to where the bout would be held. It Is known that Madinon Square Oarden. a large theater and a big structure formerly used as a car barn are being considered. Kickard says all seats will be re served. They will range la price from 110 to .100. Angels to Train at Wstnore. Dos Angeles. Jan. 13 (P. N. 8.) With the selection of Elslnore as the Angels' training camp for 1S18, Mana ger Frank Chance today announced that he will have his men together promptly by March 1. Chance said that between now and that time he will deal out several releases. Tiria f Wear a Truss Am,y Longer. sisaiMMsaiaaiaaaaaaiaaaaaaassMsi and Children That Actually Cures The above is C. E. Brooks, inventor and who is now giving others th benefit of his stxpeneacsw If ruptured, writ aim today, at Marshall, Mick. and served three years in Eckle's Ar tillery. Oglethorpe Co. I hope God will reward yon for the rood you are doing for suffering humanity. Yours isincerely. H. D. BANKS. Others Failed But the Appliance Cured Mr. C. K. Brooks. Marshall. Mich. Dear Sir: Tour Appliance did all you claim for the little boy and more, for it cured him sound and welL -We let him wear it for about a year in alb although It cured him 3 months after he had begun to wear It. We had tried several other 'remedies ard got no relief, and I shall certainly recom mend It to friends, for we surely ows It to you. Tours respectfully, WM. PATTERSON. No. 717 8. Mala 8L, Akron. O. ICE HOCK PORTLAND v. VANCOUVER, B. C, ) Friday, January 14, 8:30 P. M. Seat sale now on at Portland Ice Hippodrome, 1 1st and Marshall Huntley Drug Stare, 4th and Washington Schiller Cigar Store, 11th and Washington Price, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 t Seats ordered and not paid for will not be held after 7:30 the night of the game. Portland Ice Hippodrome 21st and Marshall Take W, 23d, 16th or Love joy Cart T Prove " I of the Appliance, wjio cured kimaalf Remember I send mv Appliance on trial to Crove what 1 say is true. Tou are to e the Judge. Fill out free coupon be low and mall today. FREE Information Coupon Mr. C E. BROOKS, 2552 B State St, Marshall, Mick. t - - Pleise send me by mill lo plain wrapper your illustrated bool'afld full information about your Appliance for tbe cure of rupture. Name Address . . . r. r. d City....... EY 1 Rupture. Ten Reasons Why You Should Send for Brooks' Rupture Appliance. ' 1. It Is absolutely the only Appli ance of the kind on the market today, and In It are embodied the principles that inventors have sought after for years. 2. The Appliance for retaining the '. rupture cannot be thrown out of posi tion. I. Being an air cushion of soft sub be r it clings closely to the body, yet ' never blisters or causes Irritation. 4. Unlike the ordinary so-callM pads, used In other trusses. It Is sat cumbersome or ungainly. ' 6. It la small, soft and pliable, an4 positively cannot be detected through the clothing. . The soft, pliable hands holding the Appliance do not give one the un pleasant sensation of wearing- a har ness. 7. There is nothing about it to get foul, and when it becomes soiled It ran be washed without Injuring It la the lease . 8. There are no metal springs la the Appliance to torturs one by cut- . ting and bruising the flesh. - . All of the material of wheh tha Appliances are made Is of th verr beet that money can buy. making It durable and safe Appliance to wear. 10. My reputation for honesty and fair dealing Is so thoroughly estab lished bv an experience of oyer thirty years of dealing with the pubUo and my prices are so reasonable, my term o fair, that there certainly should be no hesitancy In sanding free coupon to day. CHM Cured in FoUT MontllS 21 Jansen St.. rmbaque, Iowa." Mr. C E. Brooks. Marshall. Mich. Dear Sir: The baby's rupture U : altogether cured, thanks to your Ap : ?1 lance, and we are so thankful to yoo. f we could only hsve known. Of it sooner, our little boy would not be) , had to suffer near as much ss he did. He wore your brace a little over four -months. Tours very trjily. - , r ANDREW EOOENBEROZR. , .Stats ....