The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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    13 I
River Between Mouth of Wil
lamette and St. Helens Re
ported Full,
lartlae, Iralde, Xellocg. eaver
Vancouver rerry Affected Others
race Difficulty.
Navigation of the lower Columbl
liver becam - dangerous today to wood-t-efi
vessels because of the heavy Ice
running between the mouth of the
Willamette and Warrior Rock. Below
St. Helena the river is reported com
paratively clear.
The temperature was reported low at
all lower river points, and It im feared
the sloughs will frees if the present
cold spell continues much longer. An
ticipating such a happening, the steam
er Beaver. Captsin Deggrstedt, was
hurried out of Clatakanl this morn
ing, and will tie up her for a few
teamer Eu Xea Cutter.
The steamer Lurllne waa sent out as
uual this morning for Astoria, but
win lay over at Astoria tonight, re
turning during daylight tomorrow. She
has been equipped with an ice cutter,
and ber master plans bucking the ice
by daylight, rather than attempt the
run made after a hard fight last night.
The steamer Joseph Kellogg preced
ed the Lurllne out this morning, but
took to the Willamette slough from th
mouth of the Willamette to St. Helens.
Captain Holman of the American
ana iraiaa line, reports the slough 'n
good shape and both steamers will
'continue to use the Inside route till
the freeze is over.
Beaver Will Break TJp Zee.
Considerable help Is expected to be
given conditions In the frozen stretch
today by the passage of the Big Thre
lirjer Beaver and the French ship
uerengere in tow or trie Ocklahama.
and the Standard Oil tanker Atlas up
stream today, and of the North Pacific
liner Roanoke down stream. It is be
lieved these steel sheathed -vessels will
break up the Jam at Warrior Rock
quite a little.
No reports were obtainable from the
steamer Tahoma, still frozen In the lc
near Cape Horn, middle Columbia, this
morning. Her crew are unable to get
l he ferry boat at ancouver -was
forced to discontinue this morning
owing to the heavy run of ice In the
Columbia at that point.
Coast complications are promised by
ine weatner bureau, northeast storm
warnings naving Deen ordered up at
rsorth Head this morning at 6:45
O clock.
Large Fleet for Sealing Purposes
to Be Built in Oakland.
Oakland. Cal., Jan. it. (U. P.) The
construction of a fleet of 30 sealing
schooners in this port, which, when
completed, will ply between Alaskan
waters and the new $1,000,000 munici
pal quay wall, was practically assured
today when H. Llebes and Edward H.
Ladd. two well-known California capi
talists and furriers, together with rep
resentatives of the Alaska Commercial
company, called for bids for the. $600.
000 Job from Oakland shipbuilders.
The ships, which will have to be
completed within the next year and a
half, will average between 90 and 100
tons and will be fast sailers.
In 1918 the 20-year seal protection
law passed by the federal government
will go out of operation and the seal
ing Industry will be reopened to gen
eral enterprise. The sole right to carry
on seal fishing is now held by the
North American Commercial company,
which gained it through open bidding.
Their -industry has been carried on In
the Pribllof islands, in the Bering sea
It is in preparation for extensive seal
trading, beginning in 1918, that Llebes.
Ladd and the Alaska Commercial com
pany heads are getting their big ship
order under way.
Of the old sealing fleet of 30 schoon
ers, but three are available, the others
having been absorbed ln(o other lines
of industry and scattered to tho most
remote parts of the seven seas.
Nosing her way up the coast through
the snow, the steamer Beaver, Captain
Mason, arrived at Astoria at 10:80
o'clock this morning, several hours be
hind her usual arriving time. She Is
due at Alnsworth dock at o'clock to
night. The steamer F. A. Kllburn will not
sail from Portland for Coos Bay, Eu
reka and San Francisco until Friday
night now, her departure from Eureka
having been slightly delayed. Ehe U
due here tomorrow evening.
Lloyd Swayne, of the firm of Swayne
A Hoyt, leaves for San Francisco this
afternoon, after having closed the local
office of the Arrow line. Inability to
get steamers for coastwise trade at
reasonable rates has resulted In the
ending of that service. The Parr-Mc-Cormlck
Steamship company will here
after handle the trade of the Arrow
line. The steamers Dalles City and Stran.
ger of the Regulator line have been
taken to the Portland Shipbuilding
yards' for repairs while the Ice makes
navigation of the middle Columbia im
practical. The etate pilot commissioners held a
session yesterday, renewing . the li
censes of Captains H. F. Astmp. C. S.
Gunderson and John Laplng.
Dr. King's New 'Discovery is a
Doctor's Prescription used for
over 45 years. It is pleas
ant and children like it.
Too cannot use anything better for
your child's cough and cold than Dr.
King's New Discovery. . It Is prepared
trom Pine Tar mixed with healing and
soothing balsam a. - It does not contain
anything harmful and is slightly laxa
tive. Just enough to expel the poisons
"from the system. Dr. King's New Dis
covery is antiseptic kills the cold
Foreign Commerce
Of San Francisco Is
Doubled in 5 Years
San Francisco, Jan. IS. (P.
fi g.) The foreign commerce
of Saa Francisco has almost
doubled In five years.
Figures given out her today
by Collecton ef the Port
Davis show that the total im
ports for 115 reached the sum
of IU4.178.S71.
In 1910 the amount of San
Francisco's total Imports and
exports amounted to $81,443,181.
Here are the figures which
tell a story of prosperity seldom
equalled In the commercial life
of any American port.
.$S1. 203,554
. 64.7S4.093
. 3J.773.748
114 ..
1910 ..
1915 ..
1914 ..
1910 ..
This does not include any of the
imports or the exports of the
Philippines. Hawaii, Almska or
any American coast ports, or
to any Island possession.
Trig Oaeosita Hook-s Lang dale
Mile From River.
After a 80-mlle run to the south
west of the mouth of the Columbia
the tub Oneonta picked up the British
ship Langdale, 10S days from Albany.
Australia, for Portland, and arrived at
Astoria with her at 1 o'clock this aft
ernoon. The Langdale was sighted
by the tanker W. S. Porter yesterday
morning at 11 o'clock, and the tanker
wirelessed the tug the information
and her position. Captain "Hurry Up"
Johnson had the vessel in tow six
hours later.
The steamer Admiral Schley, bound
from Puget sound to San Francisco,
also reported to the tug Wallula yes
terday that she had spoken a three
masted sailing ship off Crescent City
which was bound for the Columbia
river and both the Oneonta and Wal
lula are searching for this craft. The
task Is made doubly difficult, how
ever, by the snow, which shortens
the vision of both tug and ship's
The Langdale will leave up tonight
in tow of the Oneonta and be met
down stream by the steamer Ockla
hama, now bringing the French ship
Berengere to Portland.
Turret Crown Purchased.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 11. James Grif
fiths, president of the shipping firm
of James Griffiths & Sons, announced
today that the Coastwise Steamship
Barge company, Ltd., of Vancouver.
B. C, for which they are managing
agents, has purchased the British
freighter Turret Crown on the east
coast and will operate her between Se
attle and Tacoma and Anyox. B. C,
In the copper ore and coke trade. The
Turret Crown was formerly operated
on the St. Lawrence river as a coal
carrier. She is now plying in the
sugar trade between New York and
the West IndleB. The vessel is to be
brought to Seattle as soon as the Pan
ama canal is opened. The Turret
Crown was delivered to her new own
ers at Quebec by the Turret Crown
company, Ltd., of Toronto. She is a
vessel of 3000 .gross tons cargo capa
Storm Bothers Craft.
San Francisco, Jan. 12. The Japa
nese liners Nippon Maru and Panama
Maru, both of the Toyo Klsen Kaish i
line and coming from the orient by
way of Honolulu, which were due to
arrive here today, will not make pet
until Friday morning. Heavy weather,
consisting of cyclones, hurricanes and
mountainous seas encountered after
leaving the Hawaiian Islands, Is re
sponsible for holding back the vessels.
A radio message to this effect was re
ceived yesterday by the Toyo Klsri
ICaisha officials. The Anyo -Maru of
the same line is expected to reach here
from South American ports Saturday
morning. According to a wireless re
ceived from the Matsoo, liner Manoa.
from the Hawaiian islands, that liner
Is being held back by heavy weather
and will not make San Franclscp until
late tonight. The Manoa should have
been here yesterday morning and is
about 36 hours behind schedule.
Changes sum! Charters.
Pan Francisco, Jan. 13. Charles G.
Lundqulst has replaced Henry Websr
as master of the steamer Saginaw.
A. G. Page has been appointed mas
ter of the bark R. P. Rithet, succeed
ing Charles Jackson, deceased.
Charles Under replaces Fred M.
Johnson as master of the steamer
The schooner Virginia has been char
tered to carry lumber from Grays Har
bor to Sydney or Melbourne by A. F.
Thane A Co. (March-April).
Dredgers Laid Up.
Owing to the freezing of the shore
pipes of the dredger Willamette, work
at the mouth of the Willamette river
ill be discontinued for a few days
by that plant. She will be brought
to the drydock and await the ch-nge
In weather. The work at the mouth
of the river Is almost finished. The
dredger Portland has also been
brought to the drydock and will be
repaired, having completed the dig
ging of North Portland harbor chan
nel. Barkentine Is Floated.
Tacoma, Wash.. Jan. 12. (P. N. S.)
Reports received here today state
that the barkentine Jane L. Stanford,
which went ashore Monday on Edix
Hook. Just out from Port Angeles, was
hauled off at high water this morn
ing. The vessel Is not badly damaged.
She will tow to Eagle Harbor to
drydock and then come to Tacoma to
load under charter to the American
Trading company for Australia.
Give your Child
Dr, King's New Discovery
for Coughs and Colds.
germs raises the phlegm loosens the
cough and soothes the Irritation.
"I havewused Dr. King's New Dis
covery for the past three years end
use It continually In my family. My
children are very fond of' it
keeps them free from cold.7 I can't
say too much for It, and take pleasure
tn recommending It to my friends,"
Mrs. A. 8. Haines. Pranconla. N. H.
Don't put off treatment. Coughs and
colds often lead to a chronic cougo.
pneumonia and other serious lung
troubles. It is also good for adults
and the aged. Get a bottle today. AB
druggists. (Adv.)
Company Will Sell Fuel to
Steamers in All of Prin
cipal American Ports.
San Francisco. Jan. 12. (P. N. S.)
Further particulars reached here today I
of the plans of E. L. Doheny for his
new $100,000,000 Pan-American Petro
leum & Transport company. These in- .
elude the establishment of large oil
stations for the supplying of steamship .
fuel In San Francisco harbor, at the '
Panama canal. In Charleston, Newport
News, Chesapeake bay. New York and
other harbors.
A large fleet optank steamships is ,
already under the control of the com
panies to be merged, which will be
available for the carrying of oil to
those stations removed from pipe
line connection a At the same time
the Mexican Petroleum compsny hae
given orders to American shipyards
for other large tankers.
Control of the Caloric company, with
oil stations along the coast of Brazil,
has been acquired, and the general
plan is to line the South American
coasts with oil supply depots. The Ca
loric deal Is said to have Involved
Positive denial was made today by
William Sproule, president of the As
sociated Oil company, that that com
pany -d to be merged into Dobeny's
new corporation, or that any change
whatever is to be made in its control.
management or policy. A report that
came over the wire from isew York
that the Southern Pacific company
plans the organization of a new oil
combination was vigorously denied.
"There Is absolutely no truth In
either report," asserted President
Sproule. "No negotiations are in prog
ress with the Dohenya or anyone else
for change in control of the Associ
ated Oil company."
Bain to Be Inspector.
San Francisco, Jan. 12. (P. N. S.)-
Although Captain
Robert Bain of I
Berkeley, who was
suspended from
service after the United States trans- i
port Dlx, under his command, had met
with an accident near Manila, was no
tified yesterday by the secretary of
war that he had been reinstated and
given command of the Sheridan, he has
instead accepted a position of inspec
tor of hulls and boilers for the north
west district, after having passed civil
service examination. Bain was
ac- ,
cused of being off course, but he de
clared that he had struck a floating
obstacle or an uncharted rock.
Arrivals January 13c
Atla. American steamer. Captain Klrkwood
bulk oil. from Bin rrauciaco,
Standard Oil '
Beaver. American ateamer. Captain Mason,
psmengprs aud freight, from U Au-eles aol
San Francisco, Saa Francisco k Portland
Stesmatitp company.
Departure January It.
Rmnoke. American ateamw. Captain Dick
son pa.wncfin and frelRht, for San Virgo and
way potuls. Northern I'aciflc Steamfbip com -P"T.
Marine Almanac.
VTaatAsx at River's Month.
'North Head, Jan. 12. Oondltlon of tbe
moath of tbe river at noon, iiuuolb: wind
laat. 20 mllw: weather, cloud and snowing.
Northesit storm warnings ordered displayed
at 6:43 a. m.
Bun and Tides Jaauaxy- II. .
niRhWstrr Uw Witer:
7-17 a rn. S.2 fet 0:.'.S a. m. 2. ft
8 33 p. in. 5 M ! 2:U3 p. uv 1.2 feet
Tte time ball on tbe the L'. 8. hydropraphie
office at tbe custom house waa drooped at
erectly uoon today. 1-Oth meridian time.
Daily River Readings.
e o 5
V ?" N
h is el jj
17 101
8.0 iVo'.i
6.3 I O S
5.3 j 0.5
6.8 0.4
2.8 ,1 O
0 01
0 2
Albany I 2
Salem 12
Oregon City ! 1
1 1
-rRlaing. Falling.
River Forecast.
The Willamette rWer at 1'Ttland will re
Biain nearly stationary for the next tiro or
three days.
Steamers Due to Arrive,
I'. A. Kllburn
Northera Pacific.
l.QH city
From Date
..8. F.. C. B. A K . .Jan. 13
. 8. r., c. a. a c.jan. 19
. .S. K Jan.
..8. F. A L A Jan.
. 8. D. and way Jan 33
. U A. A a. r Indaf.
. b. C K. A ClnUef.
Steamers Dn to Depart.
8. P. and war Jan 12
T A. Kllbura. .
. C. B.. . 8. F..Jan. 14
. S. k Jan. 14
. L. A. A S. F Jan. 13
Sau Ramon. . . .
Northern Pacific.
koae City
. 8. r
.Jan. IS;
. S. F. A L. A Jan. i"2
.L A 9. F Indaf.
. C. B.. E. A b. F...lndf
Steamtra leaving Portland for San Franclaco
uly connect with tbe ateam-- Yale and Har
vard, leaving San Kranctacu Monday. Wednes
day, Friday and Saturday for Los Angtlea and
ban Dgo.
Vessels in Port.
..bound op
Atlna, Am. an
bayard. IT. bk
Berengere. FT. an
Beaver. Am. aa
Delay Putnam. Am- aa. . .
Elginshire, la. bk
Juulth. Peru, bknt
J. B. Stetson. Am. aa...
Iangdal, Br. ah
Port Caledonia. Rns. bk..
Boae City. Am. an
Vtatn Maru. Jap. as....
V. U. Talbot, Am. arh..
Roanoke, Am. aa
Tamalpala, Am. an
Mill. Aa. as
Willamette, Am. aa
. .bound up
. . Y eat port
... .As to.. 4
. .hound us
.. .bound OS
. .Hub lei pal
. .Municipal
. ..W eat port
. . .bound up
.St. Helens
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. Jan. IX Arrived at 9 a. m.. Atlas:
at 10 a. m.. J. B. Stetson, from San Fran
cisco; at 10:20 a. m., British ship Langdale.
from Albany; at 10:30 a. m.. Heaver, from
San Pedro and bn Francisou; at 11 a, m.,
TamalpaU,frojn Saa Kranclro.
AMorta, Jan. 11. Arrived at noon. Daisy
Patnam. from San Francisco; left up at 2
p. m.. French ship Berengere. Sailed at 2:33
p. m.. Northern Pacific, for Saa Francisco.
British ship Langdale. from Albany for Port
land, was taken in tow at 4:50 p. m.
Eureka. Jan. 11. Sailed at 3 p. m., K. A.
Kllburn. from San Francisco, for Coos Say and
Bio Janeiro. Jan. 10. Arrived British
ateamer Lad Oarringtoa, from Portland, for
Antofagasta. Jan. la Arrived Santa Ce
cilia, from Portland.
Shanghai, Jan. P. Arrived Japanese steam
er Itankokn Mara, from Portland.
Monterey. Jan. 11. Sailed K. H- Buk, for
Portland. - - . . . ....
San Pedro. Jan. 11. Sailed Olympic, for
Colnuibia river.
tlarsbfleld. Jan. 12. Arrived F. A. Kll
burn. 7:80 a. m.. sailed 1:30 p. m.. north.
Sailed Yellowatoae. San Francisco, 4 p. m.
Newport. Or., Jan. 11. Sailed Baadon. for
San Francisco, 9 p. m.
Florence. Or., Jan. 11. Gasoline schooner
Patsy arrived front Portland, via way points,
4 p. m.; schooner Tmanmok still feet.
Seattle. Waah., Jan. li Arrived British
Hit Heirs.
-Rich Mr. Brown married a widow with four
"Gee whist He Is fond of putting on heirs.
Isn't heT Philadelphia Ledger.
Brief Tales of Late News
Sinking of Steamer Clan MacFarlane Announced; British Seize Par
cel Poet; Electro Magnetic Hand Is Perfected; Enemy Subject
Own Much Property In Hostile Country; Eigrland Forbids AY age
Lncreae; Jews Apply for Turkish Citizenship.
European War.
Jxmdon Kinking of the British
steamer Clan MacFarlane with 13 of
its Lascar crew in the Mediterranean,
December 20, was announced.
Paris Documents seized at Salonlkl
with Teutonic consuls which contained
reports of spies regarding alllei
troops and operations and Greek mat
ters have been published in 1'arls
Loadoa A dispatch says that 18 5
bags of parcel post waa seized on the
Norwegian steamer Lyngenford
Kirkwall bound from New York
j General.
I Solatia, Wt,w Trappers nay that
) wolves are slaughtering northern
i Minnesota deer by hundreds.
I Albany, 3f. T. Believing that his
I presence would be Injudicious because
of the possibility that Roosevelt may
become a candidate for the presidential
nomination William Barnee, former
chairman of the Republican state com
mittee, will not alteid the Republican
national convention as dclegate-at-
Chicago Petromortls or strangula
tion from automobile gas Is held re
sponsible for the death of Albert C.
Long, whose bouy was discovered in
his garage which was filled with gas.
Great Tails, Mont. Four scantily
clad people including a woman slid to
safety by a rope when fire destroyed
the Daly hotel doing $25,000 damage
The temperature was 30 degrees below
Weston, W. Va, A flood In the
West Fork river has filled the princi
pal streets of the town with three feel
of water.
I Hew York raul Koenlg. head of the
Hamburg-American line detective bu
reau, surrendered to face a charge of
itaamer FLaael Dollar, Tacoma, 8:43 a. m.
Sailed Barge General Falrchtld. Tacoma. tow
tog Arctic, 8: IS a. m.
Seattle. Waxb.. Jn. 11 Sailed Waabte
naw. Port 8an Iul. Op. m ; arbooner Maid
of Or let an. for Sijuaw HarNir. tow tug Colum
bia. 0:30 p. m.: Nortland. Tacqoui, 4 45 p. ni.;
Nome City, Tacoma. 1:13 p. m. ; Henrietta,
YancouTer, midnlgbt.
Juneau, Jan. 10. Salle Alameda, aouth-
bound. 3 p. m
Manila. Jan. 10. Arrived Japanese ateamcr
Mexico Maru, Seattle, via porta.
Yokohama, Jan. 8. Sailed Brltlab steamer
I ilon. Seattle.
Victoria. B. C. Jan. 11 Arrived Japaneee
atemmer Afcl Maru. ftemttle. 4 p. m. , and
proceeded for Hongkong, 6:33 p. m.
Vancouver, B. C. Jan. 12 Arrived Preal
dent and Japanese ateamer Shlmpo Mara,
from Tacoma.
Dungenees. Waah.. Jan. 12. Paaaed in A
steam acboooer. In tbe mow, at 9 a. m.
Everett. Waah . Jan. 12. Sailed J. A.
Obanalor, Monterey.
Ran FrajHlncu. Jn. 12. Arrived CmatlUa,
Port Townaend, 1 3u a. m . Grace Dollar. Fia-
gk Harbor. 2 a. m ; William H. Murphy.
Port Gamble. 6 a. m. ; K. S. Loop. Everett,
tt a. B.; Aauncloo, Cordova. 7 a. m ; Bruna
wlck. Fort Bragg, 8 a. m ; San Juan, Balboa,
Tii ports, 7 a. m.; Yale. San Pedro, 0:80
a. m. ; Arollne. San Pedro. l (0 a. m. Sailed
Santa Maria. Honolulu via Port San Lula,
V m-
, 8ui Franclaco, Jan. 11. Arrived Sea Foam.
I Mendocino. 12:40 y. at.; W 61 trier, Port San
' Lois. 3:10 p. m. ; San Ramon, San Tedro, 4 20
p. m. ; Yoaemite. 6an Pedro, 4 40 p. in.:
steam yacht Venetla. San Diego. 12:40 p. m. :
I Queen, San Pedro. 5:13 p. m . Cor on ado. fean
I Pedro. 6:40 p. m. : Htlene. Gray Harbor, U:4U
I p. a.; Olson at Mabony. Hants Koealla.
I 11 SO p. m. Sailed BrltlJh ateemev Muicln.
' Liverpool. 3:lu a. m : Washington. Eureka.
111:20 a. m.: Flfleld. San Pedro, 11:40 a. in.;
l'ainv Gadsbv. Columbia river, 11. M a. m. :
City of Topet. Eureka, 11. a. m.; Admiral
IXwtj. Seattle. 4 20 p. 111. ; Hardy, Cooa Hay.
6 p. in. ; Multnomaiu San Pedro. 5 p. m. :
Bowdoin. Eureka. 5:40 p. m.; Paaadena. Al
bion, 7:50 p tn.; Coronado. liraja Harbor.
7:50 p. m-; Westport. Albion. B p. m.
Si McGinn Is Affirmed
In the Muir Decision
Salem. Or. Jen. 1Z. The supreme
cf-urt yesterday affirmed the Judgment
of Circuit Judge McOlnn of Multnomah
county. In favor of the defendant in
the caee of Jane W. Mulr, as executrix
of the estate of Wiram T. Muir, de
ceased, aaalnnt Jamtj 1L Morris and
Kred 8. Morris, partners. In which It
was sued to recover $65,000 The
action was commenced by the plain
tiffs deceased husband, who claimed
the amount waa the proceeds of a sale
by the defendants of 1000 share of
stock in the Oregon Water Power .4
Railway Co., held in trust by the de-
htm. When Muir died.
his wife waa substituted as plaintiff.
Several years ago W. H. Hurlburt.
formerly president of the O. W. P. Co..
Use "Tiz" for aching, burning,
puffed-up feet and corns
or callouses.
Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet,
swollen feet, tender feet. tlrd feet.
Good -bye. corns, callouses, bunions
and raw spots. No more shoe tight
ness, no more limping with pain or
drawing up your face in agory. "Tiz"
is magical, acts right off. "Tiz"
draws out all the poisonous exuda
tions Which puff up the feet. Use
"Tlx" and wear smaller . Shoes. Use
"Tis" and forget your foot misery.
Ah I how comfortable your feet feel.
Get a 25-cent box of "Tis" now at
any druggist or department store.
Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad
feet, feet that never swell, nevr
hurt, never get tired. A year's foot
comfort guaranteed or money re
funded. (Adv.)
-MUs Flighty mads all her money In letter."
"She doesn't look literary."
"She isn't. She won a breach of promise suit
with 'em." Philadelphia Ledger. J
being involved In the theft of papers
from the National City bank.
Berlin The perfecttion of an elec-tro-magnetlo
hand which can perform
all and more functions than an ordi
nary hand has been announced.
Xton&oa British Subjects' property
in Germany is said to be worth $72,
000,000 and of Gernaan subjects in
Great Britain is said to De worth $105,
000.000. Xioadoa In the interest of national
economy the government has forbidden
further wage Increases except those
rising automatically from existing con
tracts and local conditions.
Paris Reports say that only oC'C
to bOOO Jews have applied for Turkish
citizenship In Palestine, notwithstand
ing the lacl that the uttonvan tcoverii
ment has attempted to get them to do
so. Berlin reports place the number at
Paris A general strike is reported
at Barcelona in the meal Industry. The
Duke of Alba, when he took over the
ministry of the interior, is said to
have been warned that international
agents were preparing for a general
strike involving all of Spain.
Pacific Coast.
an rraaclsoo Plans for a Pacific
coast request of congress for an ap-
priatlon of several hunJred thousand
dollars with which to stamp out coyote
rabies are under way.
Pacific Northwest.
Oneaalla The severest cold of the
winter has prevailed here the last two
Centralla Beginning today the
Northern Pacific discontinued its train
service between Tenlno and Olympla.
Heretofore passengers of N. P. train
No. 408. changed at Tenlno for Olym
pla. In the future passengers for
brought salt agalimt Morris Bros, for
$60,000 In a almllar case and won, the
supreme court later confirming the
Judgment. It is said that in the Muir
case the evidence was -eomewhat dif
ferent, although the allegations were
substantially the same. Both men
claimed that the stock had been given
tl.em outright for valuable services
recdered. Morris Bros, contended that
the stock had been Issued to Hurlburt
and Mulr so they could qualify as offi
cers of the company.
Rook Reference Permitted.
Salem, Or., Jan. 12. Reference to
text books will be permitted in test
ing eighth grade pupils In the sub
jects of United States history and
civil government in May and June,
according to Superintendent of Public
Instruction Churchill today. This has
never been done before. The ques
tions. It Is explained, will be framed
so as to test the ability of the pupil
to express what ho has learned In
clear, concise language.
Concerning the plan, Superintendent
Churchill said:
"The advantages ct eu-h a plan are
that It permits the teacher to em
phasize the historical events she con
siders" most Important; give the
trained teacher greater freedom, so
that she can do a higher quality of
work than simply helplrtg the pupils
to cram for sn examination; frees
the teacher and the pupils from so
teaching and studying as to malte the
examination the en.d; tends to glva
the pupils power of expreeslon and
eliminates the memorising of unim
portant dates and facta"
Kdlefsen'i- provide fuel comfort now.
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Ey
Most Women Can Have.
Says Sr. Edwards, a Well-Zaowa
Ohio Physician
Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years
treated scores of women for liver and
hnwel ailments. During these years ha
gave to hli patients a prescription mail
ol a lew it-i . . w f,tcMui i : ' k ra
ti 1 cuts mixed with ollvs oil, naming
them Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, you
will know them by their olive color.
These tablets are wonder workers on
the liver and bowels, which cause a
normal action, carrying off tbe waste
and poisonous matter that one's sys
tem collects.
If you have a pale face, sallow look,
dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head
aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all
out or sorts, inactive bowels, you take
one of Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets
nightly for a time and note the pleas
ing resulta
I'housands of women as well as men
take Dr. Kd wards' Olive Tablets now
and then just to keep la the pink of
Dr. Edward's Olive Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute for calomel 10c and
25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus. Ohio (Adv.)
To Avoid Dandruff
You do not wsnt a slow trestment
when hair Is falling and the dandruff
germ Is killing the hair roots. Delay
means no hair. '
Get, at any drug store, a bottle of
semo for 2So or S1.00 for extra large
size. Use ae directed, for It does the
work Quickly. It kills the dandruff
germ, nourishes the hair roots and im
mediately stops itching scalp. It If
sure and safe, is not greasy, is easy to
use and will not stain. Soaps and
shampoos are harmful, as they contain
alkali. The beet thing to use is iem-x
for it is pure and also Inexpensive
.... Zemo. Cleveland. lAdv.)
A Woman of Letters.
1 OlympiA wl leave hers at 9:25 a. m.
via flat. nri 1 1 fil a m and 6:0i u.
rn, via Chambers frame. ,
Cheealls-Thirty-flve state training Jacks""' V Hodson c D. wwiiam
scSoS So?., who had been peTmitted to ". Ho.s. W. A. t ergu,n.
go hom.'for the holiday season on an Troy laundry company, John Ta.t,
honor pacole hare all reported back to
the institution promptly. The parents
of each boy furnished transportation
. "
Avwravvs xiwuuvw uc-Aic,
that the drlnkins; habit will be sue
ceeded by the frult-eatlng habit now
that the state Is dry and they are pre
paring for increased business.
Spokane Robins are so hungry be
cause the snow has covered their
source of food supply that they will
ent from a person's hand.
Teaino On hundred and fifty
wage-earners have been added to Tenl
no's population by the opening of the
Blumaeur lumber mill.
Washington Germany has notified
the state department that American 1
citiiens applying for a vise of their I uy on each of two new charges by Circuit
present birth certlficatea or naturall- Ju(J Kp, He 85 d d
zatlon papers, feuch passports will bc UDmarrled
honored only when travel In unobject- m
lonable and the business contemplated r
cannot be transacted by letter. Halem Grocer Die.
Washington Senator - Newlands. Salem. Or, Jan. 12 O. D. Pchmals
Demotrat, in attacking the tariff and ! r,ed- owner of a grocery store at
banking reforms, warned Democrats Church and Marion streets, died about
that the tartv stood in danger of de-1
feat unless the war continues until
after the coming election.
Washington The department of
agriculture reported that 10 per cent
more apples are lu storage this year
than there were a year ago. The apple
crop at the first of the year was 3,
bOl.OUO barrels and 3.043,000 boxes.
Washington President and Mrs.
Wilson entertained the cabinet mem
bers and wives at the annual cabinet
dinner. High army, navy and other
government officials were present.
Oregon City John and George Bed
daway. brothers, met for the first time
since they parted hi Michigan 38 year
Porest Grove Robert P. "Wlrts has
been appointed to succeed Dr. Charlas
Hines as postmaster.
Sorth rowder The Pacific Fruit
Expretts company has begun Hs annual
Ice crop harvest which will give em
ployment to 160 to 200 men and a num
ber of teams.
Army-Navy Orders
Son lanrla-o. Jan. 12 (P. N. S. ) Army
otriera: Klrt l.ifiitenant W. K. Dan son. 21at
Infantry, Ui Walter Heed general boapltal.
observation and treatment. KealgnatUin of
rtiptaln CurtW K.irebe(k. coaar arflllerr
forpa. of bta rrrnmlal"n. announced effective
Jacuary 17. Major ;eorge H. l'lllbnry. rorpe
of eng1ne"ra. Metalled member Ran Kranclaco
eiamlnlua board, vies Makr Robert B. Ray
mond Second L.leitenant Jack W. Heard.
Mth rmvalry. tn ltterraan General boapltal,
filitwrva f nn i. rA treatment T 1 a . w . tf fhmwi !
Uln George C. Stall. 11th Infantry, extended
1 month. m
Havy Orders.
Commacder C. B. Prince, detached from the
navy yard at Philadelphia. Pa., to Alatle
Ueutenant (Junior grade) Holhrot.k
;itm to treatment uaval hospital tt Wash
lugtun. II. H. J. Benson to temporary duty
at tbe navy yard at Waahlngton. Passed Aa
aUtant Rargeon J. R. Pbelpa, detarbed frrm
tbe V)ODct!cTit to the Oeark; PiMrd Aaalat
ant Surgeon R. B. Henr , detained from th
Tennessee to tbs marine brigade, ilaytl.
Movement of Vassal.
Arrived Pusbrell at -3a n francleo; Kear-
arge st New Orleans; klara at Hn Tttego;
nhan at T1!iroo; Neptune at Norfolk;
Peoria at Key Weat. Sailed Hair from Nor
folk for ae maneuvers: New Orleana from
n. for i pea; steV.rt from Topoio-
for U P.t. Tbe tyrlop I, eipeted to
buir-po tor I a !. llie l yrlopa ! etper-ted to
ui: inim nampion novus auovn w,e JVtn in
stant to ln the Atlantl.- fleet. I'pnn the ar
rival of tbe Vulcan at Hampton Roads a bunt
2Sth tbe vrMel
1 will load a nreo
and proceed to the New York yard.
We 'eat too much meat, which
clogs Kidneys, says
noted authority.
If back hurts or Bladder bothers,
stop all meat for
a while.
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery In the kidney red
it generally means you haie been ea
In, trwi mui-V. meat s,va . -.M
auiuum. i iunua uric acia wnicn breath at mgnt; your coia or caiarrn
overworks Uie kidneys In their effort will be gone.
to filter it from the blood and they Oet al small bottle of Ely's Cream
become sort or paralysed and lorry Balm from your druggist now. Apply
When vour kldnevs set alue-e-lah .V a little of this fragrant, antiseptic.
, ,r i,. V. u,. k 'V! ai healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
clog you must relieve them, like you ,t,atee through every air passage of
relieve your bowels; removing all the the head, soothes the Inflamed or swoi
body's urinous waste, else you hare len" mucous membrane and relief
backache, sick headache, uizxy spells,
your stomach sours, tongue Is coated
nrf when th weather I. r.arf k. '
rheumatic twinges. ine urine is
cloudy, full of seuiment, channels often
get sore, water scalds and you are
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable phy
stclan at once or get Irom your phar
maeiat about four ounces of Jad Salts
take a tablespoonf ul in a glass of
water betore breaklast for a lew day
and your kidneys will then act fin
This famous salts is made from tbv
acld of grapes and lemon Juice, con
bined with flthla, and has been used fo
generations to clean and stimulate slug
gish kidneys, also to neutralize acids
in the urine so It no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is a Ufe saver for regular
meat caters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot
Injure and makes a delightful effer
vescent ilthle-wster drink. : (Adv.)
Aaron Frank Leads
In Vista House Gift
Sum of $9 Amottat Asked Trom Zacn
Auto Dealer Is aeoelved by the
Memorial Committee.
Aaron Frank of the Meier Frank
Co. Is the first contributor recorded
in the campaign of the Vista House
association to secure funds from Mult
nomah county automobile owners with
which to construct the observatory and
memorial to tle pioneers that Is to
crown Crown Point, on the Columbia
river highway.
Mr. FranVs $5 the amount asked
from auto owners was received yes
terday. A special committee, consist
ing of J. C. Alneworth. John D. Teon
and C C. Overmlre, president of the
Portland Auto club, had put in tho
I mail letters asking contributions from
'afl automobile owners, because it le
believed thst
the construction of the ,
memorial, cb
servatory and public com-
will be worth much more
fort station
.to J1"1-
owners ;
i "e luiiunns namerj muiu
Wa... 1 - - .4 i n ee ...k. -Vl- fe
' j v
'M". Charles Hilton H J. Fr
; Benjamin Fisher J. U Bowrnn,
; BniM. O. K Jeffery. "W. Mf La'
S. a a w
C. D.
Ladd. M.
H. Houser, A. M.
Webster. H. 8. WU-
son. Aaron Frank, previously acknowl-
Pledges for $S each received ere: C
H. and E. E. Farrington, A J. Winters
company. O. H. Becker. C. A. Palnton,
& B. Hasen, The Wlnton company, A
P. Benson, R. Wadsworth, Stark-Devla
company, Dooly & Co.. R. K. Blodgett,
May Shogren, A. C. Cammack, Harry M.
Holden, Calvin S. White, Charles A.
Charles Mallette Sentenced.
Salem. Or, Jan. 12. Charles Mal
lette, a forger. Is today under sen
tence of 58 years In the Oregon pent'
tentlary. He had 18 years of an old
sentence to serve, having broken his
parole, and wis sentenced to 20 years
midnight last night following a long
Illness of Blight's disease.
He Is sur-
vlved by his wife.
Short Honeymoon.
At the end of three weeks of married
life, a southern darkey returned to the
minister who had performed the cere
mony and asked for a divorce. After
explaining that he could not grant di
vorces, the minister tried to dissuade
his visitor from carrying out his Inten
tion of getting one, saying:
"You must remember. Sam. that you
promised to take Un for better or for
Taes'.r. I knows dat. boss." rejoined
the darkey, "but but she's wuss dsn I '
took her for." Peoria Star.
Clear, Peachy Skin
i Awaits Anyone Who
IV Drinks Hot Water
Says an inside bath, before
4 i tr i i l ..
V urca&iatat, ucius us
look and feel clean,
sweet, fresh.
Sparkling and vivacious merry.
bright, eiert a good, clear skin and
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion
are assured only by pure blood. If
only every man and woman could be
Induced to adopt the morning inside
bath, what a gratifying change would
take place. Instead of the thousands of
sickly, anaemic-looking men. women j
ana gins, ana pasty or muddy com
plexions: Instead of the multitudes of
iieivw m i-mt i uuuu t ijb, i;ra:xi
fags" and pessimists we should see a
virile, optimistic throng of rosy -
ChAnn.P.dePbarhVeIIWhreby drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a gias
?: real hot wat'E wU? a te"BPonf ul of
l limestone phosphate it t to wash from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and 10
yards of bowels tiie previous day's
Indigestible waste, sour fermentations
and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten
ing and freshening the entire aliment
ary canal before putting more food
Into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds, and particularly those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are urged t
phosphate at the drug store which will I
cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient to
demonstrate the quick and remarkable
change in both health and appearance.!
awaiting those who practice internal i
sanitation. We must remember that 1
Inside cleanliness is more Important !
than outside, because the skin does
not absorb lmrjurltlen to poniimlnai, i
the blood while the pores In the 20
fget ot oweis do- (Aiv.)
.Tells How to Cat Quick Relief!
efrom Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
in one minute your clogged nostrils !
will open, the air passages of your head
. will clear and you can breathe freely, t
' -; --,
Headache, arynesa ro struggimg ror1
comes Instantly. i
lt'a Just fine. Don t stay sturfewj-rjp,
Wltn a coia or nsi7 vwiairra neuei
comes so quickly
71s Verio" Greatest
trsai fesseds.
Any Local
Eight Is Waged; for
Fair Secretar;
A. M. Im ef VorQasa and Tf- Al Jose,
Xaottmbeat, Are lee king tke Mao,
aad Members of Board Are 3i Tided.
Salem. Or.. Jan. It. With a hi '
fight being waged for the position of
secretary, and A. H. Lea of Portland
and the Incumbent, W. Al Jones, csai
dldates, the stste fair board this morn- .
lng voted to postpone the election of
officers until next Monday.
N. K. West of La Grande, M.. L,
Jones of Ralem, Edith Toster Westh
erred of Portland and W. M. "Savage pt -Corvallls
were present at the meetijUff
today. President Henry Booth of Rose-"
burg being absent on account of 01
neas. '
West and Booth are said to favor,
the retention of Jones. It is under-
stood that M
L. Jones and Savage are.
for Lea, while Mrs.
tuda la not clear.
Weatherred's attl.
I Strong ix-essure from the governor
of f ice is said to have been exerted.
against eevrtiaiy wuuw.
Lea was tbe choice of the state game
and fish commission for state game
warden last year, but declined to take
the place.
Pastor's Salary Raised.
61 em. Or.. Jan. 12. The Congre
gational church congregation voted at
the annual meeting last night to in
stall a moving plctur for use In con
nection with Hunda.y evening service.
, - R . K,v,n and
burned a mortgage for $8000, whlctt
had been paid. Rev. Mr. Elvin's sal
ary was raised from 1B0 to HMO. '
lime -Loss in Tuberculosis
Xa the Jenraal of the America Xs6
leal Assoelatloa (January 17, ltl4) wu
the folio wing-1 . : ? .
"It has beea many times stated that
la tuberculosis or la the pretabarea
losls stage aa increased axaouat of
ealotoza (lime) is lost tooth ia?ths
urtae and feces. Xa fact, a dealaral
tsatloa bas keea thought to he a gore
runner ef the development of tuber
culosis. " ,
if tuberculosis is due to lime jloss,
the succees of Eckman's Alterative
in its treatment may be due. In part,
to its content kt a lime salt so pm
blned with other valuable ingredient
a to be easily assimilated.
Always we have urged consumptives
to attend strictly to matters of food,
hut often some effeotlve remedial
agent is needed In many cases oZ
apparent recovtry Eckman s Altera
tive seems to hae supplied this need,
it contains no opiates, narcotics or
hablt-formlnir drutr". o I safe to try.
8oll br The Owl Drug Co.. and leading;
rZokxaaa Laboratory, Philadelphia.
Cures Colds Coug$s
Whea Ordinary Freparatioaa
rail Wonderful Kew Mixture
Hade at Some.
An investigating doctor and "chemist
of national renown, a few years ago.
made a remarkable dlscoveiy in. a :
M i simple compound, which contains a -M
opiates or "dope" and now known
51 to the medical world as ESSBNCB
MENTHO - LAXENE. It has most ,
M ' wonderful virtus a a Curative lag- .
atlve. tonic, cough ana ooia , rneai"
: ,lvln. tha IvllAm dn-keAtad
1 1 ln.HBni(tnr ailment nf thin charaO-
I ter As msrketcd by the drug trade,
i It Is a powerful, though perfectly
harmless concentration, and the best -
H i part Is that one can bur 21 ounce
Jf ! and by using simple sugar syrup or
X . honey, make a full pint of tbe roost ,:
X I delicious and effective cough syrup
Jf ever discovered, it absolutely stops a
M i cold In Its lnriplency, and If acquired,
. It will at once relieve and quickly
overcome the most obstinate -cold or
ccugh Including Droncnilis. la grippe,
hoarseness, and even whooping cough, -Your
druggist xhould supply you, even t
If he must order from his wholesaler.
Every wholesale druggist end thou ,
sands of retail druggists throughout
the U. 8. and Canada sil many gross
every year. Do not take a cheap wb.
stltute and be robbed. Every bottle
is guaranteed satisfactory or money
hark by The Blackburn Products CoV
Mfg Chemists. Dayton, Ohio. 4 Adv.) :
, . ' , ,
our nunuj are quite IS active U la
1 former years but our strength does not
' '"P ' '
' haps the kidneys are weak, the liter
torpid, rheumatic pains or stiffened
. . - , , .
throw off the colds that winter brings v .
What we need is the cod liver oil in
Scott's Emulsion to renew the blood '
nnd strengthen every organ of tho
body, while its glycerine soothes -the
respiratory tract and its hypo
phosphites strengthen the nerves. .,'
Scott's Emulsion is a scientific oil- :
Iood of unusul benefit to those pat
fifty years particularly during the'
rnM.r ..n it imrt, .rAk .nJ '
colder seasons it imparts warmth and c
creates strength. One bottle will prova
its worth. No alcohol or harmful drora.
Eaatt S aswns, BlssaUeM. N. i.
All Over Face. Itched Verji Badly
Until Could Not Sleep.; In
About Two Months
"My trouble began by black held a&4
Mule red ptmpies which came under tbe -skla
aad then they came on the top sad .
were In spots all over Df
face. They itched very" .
badly until I could not -sleep
and when X
scratched taeia tiaey
would Weed.
"I beard of CuUcora
Boap and Ointment and -I
tried them.. I would .
cleanse my face with boa
water and CuUcura Soap and apply the --'
Ointment, theo wash It off with Cuttcura
Soap and not water. Ia about two months
ay race was healed. " (Signed) Mhw
Elisabeth Ryier. SSS VT. North Temple,.
Salt Lake City. Utah, July 1. i15.
Sample Each Free by Mall -
With 33-p. Sldn Book oa request. . Ad ,
drees post-card "Cat tie ww. Dowt. T, !
teea." Sold througlAut UM world..
i! I