The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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HONORING Mia. Margaret Ayer.
popular debutante, Mrs. Gay
Lombard entertained at lunch
eon this afternoon at the Uni
versity club. A bevy of pretty girls
of the younger set circled the table,
which was a rentable herald of eprlns
with Its masses of freesla, narcissus,
violets, lilies of the, valley and heath
er. They Included: Miss Ayer. Mia
Nancy Zan, Miss Ruth Teal, Mis
Margaret Mears, Miss Virginia Mc
Donougrh. Miss Genevieve Brooke, Miss
Innes Bodwell-of Victoria, B. C: Miss
Marian Smith, Miss Helen Ladd. Miss
Rath Marrin. Miss Ails MacMaster,
Miss Antoinette Mears. Miss Eliza
beth Jacobs. Mrs. Haael Blumauer
Utt. and Mrs. N. E. Ayer.
At Reed College,
For originality the women of Reed
collet; can hold their own against all
comers. A short time ago they gave
a party for women only, to demonstrate
their independence of the men. Last
Saturday afternoon they gave a party
fpr the men to demonstrate the fact
that man can now assume the place
traditionally given to woman. They
planned out the party, each lady signed
up for a man. each lady filled her
man's program, in fact the usual order
was completely reversed except in
dancing where the men lead. The
party waa very successful, especially
in getting the largest crowd out that
ever attended a purely student and
faculty function. The affair was held
In the assembly hall of the college,
which was decorated with holly, and
th adjoining corridoK was cosily ar
ranged with rugs, cushions, and easy
chairs for those who did not dance.
The programs were all hand-made, and
carried out the simple but neat design
of decorations.
Besides dancing, a number of stunts
were given for entertainment. The
first of these was a pab ballad en
titled. "GenU Alice Brown." which
waa given like a moving picture play,
the shadows of the actors being seen
on the screen. After a few more
dances Miss Adele Brault entertained
the party with two French songs which
were well received. They were. Hue s
"J"al Pleure en Reve," and Gounod's
"Chantex, Riex, et Dormex." The third
number waa a solo dance by Miss Mary
Brownlie, who was accompanied In
her encore with a song by Miss Adele
Brault. The fourth stunt was an illu
stration of "The Evolution of the But
terfly,- which was repeated from the
woman's party. It was planned by Miss
El.zabeth McGaw and kept the audi
ence laughing from start to finish.
Miss Marie Cohen gave a series of
aesthetic dances which were very at
tractive. The final number was given
a-, the end of the dance program nd
was a charade on the word "Adios." t
The committee responsible for the (
success of the party was composed of
Miss llanlta Frledenthal. Miss Mary
Brownlie, Miss Hazel Kurtx. Miss Mar- .
garet Walton, Miss Adele Brault, Miss I
Helen Phillips, and Miss Maurlne Lab- I
r. Dr. Max P. Cushlng and Miss
Lculse Huntley assisted at the piano.
and Mlis Malda Rossiter and Mlsi
Josephine Hammond served the Ice
Monday- Club Meets,
Th. Monday Night Dancing club met
last evening at Uhe Benson hotel and
enjoyed a dinner dance. This was one
of their regular parties.
Congratulations Showered on 1
Dr. and' Mr. CogMan. j
Congratulations and flowers are be
ing received at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Nicholas Coghlan to whom
was born a baby boy on Sunday night.
This is their second child, the other
Jelng a girl.
Kenton Club to Give Series of
"The Kenton club has arranged for a
aeries of card parties, the first to be
held at the Kenton club house Wednes
day evening. January 12. The evening
will be devoted to card playing and
dancing. Refreshments will be served.
This Is the first card party given by
the Kenton club this season.
At Rose City Park Club This Even
ing. The regular weekly gathering at the
Rose City Park club this evening wl.l
be devoted principally to cards, though
the bowling alley and pool tables will
be liberally patronlxed, as they have
proven a drawing attraction to many
members and visitor. On Thursday
evening the dramatic department of
the club will give an entertainment
which will be presented by ten mem
bers who have been preparing for it
during several weeks past. On of the
most appreciated program" given by
the club last winter was that rendered
by this department and a crowded audi
torium next Thursday is expected. The
card party given Tuesday evening will
be under the direction of Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Dennison. ,
Entertainment for Meadameg Ket
tenbach and Conch.
Mrs. Thomas Owen and Mrs. Percy
Hetherton entertained on Friday at a
bridge tea In honor of Mrs. Otto Ket
tenbach, who will leave January 20, for
Lrtwlston, Idaho, where she will n.aka
b.r home; also for Mr a Thomas Couch
of Great Falls, Montana.
The Dansant for Pan-Hellenic.
The Pan-Hellenic association will be
entertained by the Chi Omega Sorority
with The Dansant Saturday afternoon
in Miss Jean Wold'a studio. 60.? Royal
building, at 2:30 o'clock.
Society to Be Entertained.
8t. Ann's Charitable society will
meet next Thursday afternoon at 1:80
o'clock at the Irvlngton residence of
Mrs. James GUI. S53 Clackamas street
Dinner Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. "William L. Morgan
were dinner hosts recently, honoring
Mr. and Mrs. John R Mackay of New
Tork- Many Informal affairs are being
planned for the Mackays during; therr
risit in Portland!
New Arrival.
Mrs. Edgar Albea (Miss Phyllis Tay
lor), formerly of Portland, now at
PrtneviUa, Or are being congratulated
on the arrival of a baby girl Wednes
day. January 6-
K. of C. Informal Dance.
Portland Council No. 8, Knights of
Columbus, will glv an informal danc
ing party to their members and friends
ea Friday evening; January 14. at Ca
thedral halL
Bar View Dancing Clnb.
The next event Of the Bar View club
.-will be a leap year stepping party to
b held In Linnea hall Thursday. Jan
uary 20. The last party was a big
success and a Urge attendance la an-
VA - i f i 'Am f
' -'w S ' low
r - ' f '-VVi' V ;
a rtv-V'f Yff llll
members, which began last October
and closed on December 21.
naayslde KUf orp Offleera,
The following are the new officers
of the Ben Butler Women's Belief
Corps, meeting at Bunayslde hall: Anna
Flshburn, president; Josephine Clag
gett, senior rice president; Lillian
Tork, Junior vice president; Carrie
Bhreve, treasurer; Jessie McLaughlin,
secretary; Wealthy Brumbaugh, chap
lain; Llda Gray, conductor; Elisabeth
Village, guide; Sarah fleustls. patriotic
Instructor; Diva Chandler, press corre
spondent. and Lixxie Lllliger. Minnie
McCord and Margaret Cole, color bearers.
Troop A to Have Mounted Drill
Every Monday Xlght.
Gallery Target Shooting.
There will be continuous target
shooting every night until March In
the galleries at the Armory. All mem
bers who have not been rated as marks
men will be required to take the gal
lery rifle practice course, and this of
course includes allnew recruits.
Lieutenant C. F. Hogan with 23
men commanded the mounted drill last
night Troop A will in this way secure
proficiency throughout the troop, dif
ferent men being taken each mounted
drill. The regular drill of the entire
troop will be held Friday nights at
the Armory, as heretofore. There Ls
room for 12 good men In the troop.
Electrical Snglaeer Enlists.
George Jett, an electrical engineer
of this city, has enlisted lnhe Ore
gon naval militia as a chief machin
ist and will be a valuable unit In the
instruction force of the organization.
Plenty of Military Bands.
All the effort and talk" around the
Armory are concentrated upon tho
coming military tournament beginning
on Wednesday night and continuing on
Thursday and Friday nigh Ok It is ex
pected that the new naval illtla band
which ls 'the same perso nel as the
letter carriers band, will Ippear Fri
day night There will be-a military
band at every night of "be tourna
ment. Eighth Company nourishing.
Eighth company, C..A, C is to have
a new lieutenant after ha examina
tions on. January 1. if al ' goes welL
In the person. of Sergeant Vera N. Wal
ton, a member of the command. The
company signalised Its ft at Meeting
of the new year with febr new re
cruits. The dance given I'y the band
at the armory was a succets, over 100
conples were on the floor. The com
mittee In charge consisted d,f Drum
Bergeant E. M. Loy and Chief Trum
peter C. R, Powelson.
To yr event the Ortp.
Cold, csum Grip LxtlT. Brolsa Quinine re
tnnr9 the cans. Iliere I. only. one "BHOMO
QUININE." K. W. Grove's ilrnetore on bos.2V.
Scenes Depicted Are
Intensely Dramatic
"Xadaaae X" Presented at the XCa
Jestie Theatre; mole of leaalaa; lig
nra Created by Hiss Donnelly.
Dorothy Donnelly, supported by a
good company of film stars, presented
"Madame X" at the MaJestlc yester
day. The film was delayed en route
to Portland and did not appear on
the Majestic screen at the first per
formance Sunday, as scheduled. The
role of Madame X was created or
Miss Donnelly.
The play ls full of tense dramatic
incidents. It ls the story of a French
woman who deserted her husband and
child to become the companion of a
former lover. She declines In the
social and moral ladder until she
reaches the bottom. Friends conspire
to get a lesracy for Madame X
money she left to the deserted son
and in trying to force her to accept
this wealth they threaten - to expose .
her to the husband. She kills tone of
the conspirators, and In the trial for
murder Is defended by the son aba
deserted. The younr attorney iota
not recognise the client as his mother.
too rva
An EAecdva Laxadra
Purely Vef etabla
Indigestion, Billootnest, ess.
OR Q Q at Kith
Ohooolate-Ooated or Pi alt
Miss Emma Carolina Ilerrsrher of San Francisco, who will be mar
ried this evening to Julius C. Friendly, prominent business man
of this city.
tlcipated. All friends of the commit
tee and the younger set who make the
Tillamook beaches their surtrmer re
sort, are cordially Invited to attend.
The committee consists of the fuilow
lng: The Misses Helen Gassett. Merle
Toung. Sarah Oassett, Ruth Llnd, lr.
tetta Conalogue and the Messrs. An
drew Mi-Carl. Theodore Holmes. Mer
rilt McCarl, Chester Sundbom, Herbert
Price and Leon Jackson.
Entertained at "500."
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Roach, 17S3 Phelps street. Saturday
evening. January 8, five tables of pro
gressive "600" were played. High hon
ors fell to Mrs. XL O. Lamb and M. B.
Hart; second to Mrs. Oaklet Olenn and
V. D. Scott; and consolations to Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Taylor. After cards,
supper was served.
Installation and Banquet of Mar
tha Washington Lodge, OA . S.
largest O. E. 8. iodg-e Installs. '
Last night Martha Washington lodge.
Order Eastern Star, in the presence of
a large number o.f members and
friends. Installed officers. Mrs. Fran
ce E. Hurlburt, retiring worthy ma
tron, assisted by Mrs. Lelah Shields,
marshal, was the installing officer
The new officers are: Mrs. Mary A.
Fallows, chaplain, and Mrs. O. Wheeler,
organist; Mrs. Julia Hicks, worthy ma
tron; J. W. Mills, worthy patron; Mra
Pauline S. Lerch. associate matron;
Mrs. Belle Richmond, secretary; Mr.
Lula M. Mills, treasurer; Mrs. Lillian
Toung, conductress; Mrs. Marion A.
Nelson, associate conductress; Mrs.
Carrie Whitten, chaplain; Mrs. Dollle
Ingalla, marshal; Miss Alt a Ring, or
ganist; Louise Christie. Adah; Mrs.
Ella 3. Townsend, Ruth; Mrs. A. C
Roger&on, Esther; Mra Ellaabeth Tip
ton. Martha; Mrs. All-e Huggins. Elec
ta; "Mrs. Annie E. Botsford, warder,
C. 1. Carpenter, sentinel. There was a
musical and literary program followed
by a banquet.
Harmony and Star I. O. O. T.
Harmony lodge and Star lodge. In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, held
joint Installation at the hall of the
latter in Albina last Thursday night,
followed by a banquet. The Installing
officer was William Canell, district
deputy grand master. The following
are the list of officers: Star lodge
Charles Kingston, noble grand; Gilbert
K. Anderson, vice grand; Harry Lel
pold, warder; Fred Sheere, conductor;
A. Thompson, Inside guardian; A. J.
Chlllcott, outside guardian; F. M. Wll
llama, right supporter noble grand; A.
A, Barrett, left supporter noble grand;
J. W. Carl, right supporter vice grand.
8. Charapony. left supporter vice grand;
R. B. 8chneden. chaplain. Harmony
lodge L. R. Roberts, noble grand; A
E. Hastings, vice grand; F. W Enke,
recording secretary; T. I. Short, treas
urer; H. Weiman, warder; F. M. Tate,
conductor; Earl S. P. Bordetha, Inside
guard; J. J. Hawkins, chaplain; A. Den
home, right snpporter noble grand; R.
A. Clifford, left supporter noble grand;
A. D. Emery, light supporter vice
grand. S. I. Hicks, left supporter vice
W. a W. Joint Installation.
Web foot camp. Woodmen of the
World, and Multnomah circle. Womea
of Woodcraft, last night held Joint In
stallation of officers at W. O. W.
Temple. 128 Eleventh street. The of
fleers of the camp are: Harry Pon
nay. consul comander; Kate easier,
advisor; George Rossman. past oon
sul; Dr. A. C. Vn Cleve. escort; W. H.
Bird, banker; C H. Skcwea, manager;
A. L Barbur. clerk; L. H. De Young,
watchman; C. Nern. sentry. O. F.
Phelps, past consul. wa Installing of.
fleer; M. T. Woodward, Installing as
cort. The officers of Multnomah
circle, Women of Woodcraft, were.
Florence Tobin. guardian neighbor;
Elizabeth Wise, past guardian neigh
bor; Nellie German, advisor; Ora M.
Allen, clerk; Mary Giles, magician,
Annie V. Dunn, banker; Mrs. Blanche
Hennessy. attendant; Jenny Blumen
thal. musician: Allle Melster, Maria
Burdett, Myrtle Coovert, managers.
Ada E. Worth, past guardian neighbor,
waa installing officer. The retiring
consul commander, George Ross, was
presented with a phonograph from the
camp, and Mrs. Worth with the pin
of a past guardian neighbor. Dancing
KlUs bo ro Camp Installs. I
The newly elected and appointed of
ficers of Camp Scout Harrington, No
15, Bpanlsh-Amerlcan War Veterans,
at Hillsboro, were Installed on Satur
day evening. The ceremonies were
conducted by the following officer
from Portland: Roy W. Kesl, depart
ment commander; George F. A. Walk
er, department adjutant, and Gilbert W.
Allen, department quartermaster. They
also conducted the annual inspection
and muster. After the installation the
visitors t'-nd members of the camp
were entertained at the home of Drv I -W.
Hyde, who ls the present depart
ment surgeon. The officers installed
are:, Hugh S. Rogers;
senior vice commander, William 8.
Atchenson; Junior vice commander, A.
F. Doughty; officer of the day, Charles
R. Stephens: officer of the guard, L.
H. Shirley; trustee, C. G. Sleeper; ad
jutant, Frank L. Jensen; quartormas
ter, E. Leo Perkins; chaplain, L. W.
Order of the Amaranth.
Ionic court. No. 1, Order of the
Amaranth, Saturday night at Masonic
Temple, installed the following offi
cers: Leonora D. Sinks, royal matron,
Angus A. Oraham. royal patron; Jean
McDonald, associate matron; Belle
Richmond, treasurer; Alice C. Glbbs,
secretary; Mary E, Bailey, conductress,
Jennie C Smith, associate conductress
Dollle Ingalls, warder; Paultne .S.
Lerch, standard bearer; Retta B. Hlg
glne. Truth: Lillian DalzieJ, Faith;
Clara Graham, Wisdom; Maria J. Hob
kirk, Charity; Mary T. Llttlffield.
marshal-ln-the-east; Margaret B. llo-
watson, marshal-ln-the-west; 8- H. Co
vell, sentinel; Margaret Schomp, his
torian; Anna L. 8tone. prelate; Clara
E. Smith, organist. The Order of the
Amaranth ls a social Masonic frater
nity, meeting on the second Saturday .
nights' of each month. j
Fraternal Brotherhood Xtodge Installs.
The two lodges of the Fraternal
Brotherhood, Portland and Oregon, held
joint Installation last Friday night at
Manchester hall, 86 H Fifth street,
when the new drill team of Portland
lodge, commanded, by D. R. Ladd and
Mrs. Delia Murray, appeared In hand
some new uniforms to teat the
officers in due form. A social hour .
and dancing followed.
BCUltnomaa W. O. W. Banquet.
There will be over COO members of
Multnomah camp, W. O. W , sit down
to the big banquet at the Multnomah
hotel Arcadian gardens tomorrow night
at 7 o'clock. The occasion will be tha
closing of the campaign to secure 3000
A Secret of
A secret of rucceseful
baking is tha flavoring.
Cakes flavored with
Merit Vanilla have
that palate pleasing
taste that delights. It's
the purest and surest
A 25e kotd. iUU always
be as r uj.
Look for the
Yellow Cans of
It Is Steel Cut Always Fresh
30c Lb.v 3 Lbs. 85c
Sold by All Grocers
We Give Green Trading Stamps Save Them and Choos e From Over 4000 Deaatilal Premiums Free ol Cost
Try Our Special 2Sc Lunch Serv ed tn the Basement From It to 2; 30 Dallyshoe : hlning In Ihe Basement
$1.2i Bedspreads 98c
Basement store
Full double-bed size Spreads, in at
tractive patterns and good weight. Cut
corners, fringed or plain, hemmed.
Usual fl.25 Bedspreads on sale QQ,
in the basement at, each iOC
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods '
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A -6 231
10c Toilet Paper 5c
basement Store
Not more than 20 tolls will be sold
to i customer and no deliveries of
less than 5 rolls. 1000 sheets to
roll and splendid quality tissue, f n
toe toilet paper on sale at, roIltJC
Special Inventory Salgs ffor Wednesday
Women's Wearing Appaiel
At Sacrifice PriccsJ
BASEMENT To reduce the stock to lowest point pt .paratory
to stock-taki v, prices have been cut, and cut d.eply, on
Women's an Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts Waists,
Petticoats, hi It will pay you to shop in the 3asement
Wednesday fo we have prepared hundreds of specif bargain
offeringson1 a very few of them mentlonel in;, the td.
Womi n's $25 Coats $7.98
$9.50 Dresses at S2. )8
Basement This season's most
favored styles belted, loose
back and full flare, effects.
Many models especially adapt
ed for skating and sports
wWar in general. Materials ln
chide White Chinchilla, Zlbe
lines, Baby Lamb, Plushes and
Novelty Mixtures. Coats worth
up tQ.J2S.00. Sale d7 QQ
priced special atPee70
Basement To close-9Ut t lot
of Women's and; Misses'
Wool Dresses we r&rk them
about one-third fe usual
prices. This assortment Is
composed of broken lines
In various styles, rajostly in
wool serges. A very good
range of sizes. Dresses
worth up to 9.50 0 QQ
priced speclil at 9ee70
$3.50 Silk Waists 1.98
An Slz; In ihis peclal Lot
Buemrat Women's Waists, In dozens of charming styles, for
dress or street wear; novelty silks, chiffons, nets, messalines, taf
fetas, etc., in plain colors and various combination effects, long
sleeves, high or low necks. Nearly all sizes. . Waists QQ
worth up to 3.50. Priced for Wednesday's selling atvi-eiO
Women's n.50 Waists for 89c
76c to i 1.00 Petticoats at S0C
Basement 1 0 0 0 Women's
Waists a special shipment, Just
received from the maker, to go
on sale Wednesday at above
price. Scores of styles, with long
sleeves, .high or low necks. Also
several styles in Women's and
Misses' Middies. Garments that
are worth up to 1.50. QQ
Priced special WednesdayOiC
Baeemsnt Two Petticoats
for what you would o3nrlly
pay for one. Assorted lot in
various materials. Sateens and
other serviceable materials in
plain and figured effect. Very
serviceable for Spring wear
Values from 75c up to 1.00
Petticoats. Special now Kflp
offered at, special, onlytlUL
Trlsnnned Halls 98c
Models Worth
Up to 13.98
Basement Extra special offer
ing lor Wednesday 7 5 Trimmed
Hats for women, in smart models
for street and dress wear: Tur
bans and Sailors, In black and col-
ors, trimmed with wings, flowers,
winged velvet bows, gold and sil-
ver novelties, etc. Hats priced
heretofore up to 3.98. QQ
On sale Wednesday atOC
Women's Dress Skirts
Models Worth to S4.00 at S1.98
Models Vt orth to ;7.50 at $3.69
Basement Assorted styles in
Women's Dress Skirts many
models made especially for skat
ing and sports wear; plain ma
terials, novelty mixtures in cor
duroys. In good range of colors.
Skirts worth up to 4. J QQ
Sale price, your choice tpJ-eaO
Basement Women's and Misses'
Dress Skirts greatly underpriced
for Wednesday. This season's
late styles in serges, novelty
mixtures, velvets and silk pop
lins. Some in extra large sizes.
Skirts worth to 7.50
on sale at, spi
$1.50 Grades 95c
Women's S3 Sweater S1.98
; i
Basement Women's Heavy Knit Wool Sweaters great y reduced to
close out a special lot In short order. Full fashlone styles, with
ribbed cuffs, pearl buttons and knit-in side pockets. QO
Sweaters worth up to 3.00. Sale Price ipLjO
S6.S0 Coals
All $&98
Basement Only 63 CCats In this
lot. This season's bes styles in
belted and novelty cu".$. Stylish
Coats, well made id nicely
trimmed. Good range of colors.
Ages 6 to 12. Coats IQ QQ
woith to 6.50, now tptJeiO
Girls' Dresses
Basement Odd lines Children's
School Dresses, in attractive
styles. Made from very good
grade of ginghams, .chambrays
and percales. Ages run from 6
to 14 years. 1.25 ,and 1.50
Dresses on sale Wedges- QC
day at the speciap i-riceaUV
Sample Line
Garmenls Worth lo $2.25
All 95c
Gowns, Princess Slips
Combinations and
Basement Manufactu rers
Sample Lines Muslin Underwear
and special lots on sale Wed
nesday at about half price. Night
Gowns, in many dainty styles,
trimmed with ribbons, laces and
embroideries. Princess Slips and
Combinations, very fine quality
material and Petticoats In new
full flounce effects. Scores of
different styles. Undermusllns
worth up to 2.25. Your QC,
choice Wednesday onlyiOC
S2.50 Corsets
At 98c
Basement Discontinued styles In
the famous Royal Worcester Cor
sets; five splendid models to se
lect from. All sizes. Corsets
worth up to 2.50. Sale QQ
price on Wednesday, pairaOlJ
Men's Wear
Tne Basement MEN'S STORE offers
money-saving opportunities you
should not miss.
50c Underwear
At 39c
Base man t Men's Heavy, War;n
Fleece-Lined Underwear Shirts and
Drawers, In complete assortmentof
regular sizes. Each garment nicely
finished and perfect in fit Undlr
wear usually selling at 50c, QC
special Wednesday, garmentOa. C
Basement Men's Heavy Wool en
Socks, In black and natural color.
This Is the grade you usually pay
15c a pair for. Better come to the
store Wednesday and supply your
needs. Men's 15c socks -I A-,
priced special, the pair, onlyJLUL
S1.50 Sweaters 69c
Basement Men's Ruff Neck Sweat
ers underpriced to close out broken
lines before inventory. Knit-In sjds
pocket, ribbed cuffs and pearl but
tons. Good range of sizes, service
able colors. Usual 1.50 Q
wasters special at, garraentOC
Women's $4 Shoes S1.48
Girls' S3.50 Shoes at $1.98
Basement Women's Shoes, in var
iety of smart styles, lace or but
ton, with cloth or kid tops and
various style heels and toes. 3.5 0
and 4.00 grades; sizes ?" AO
up to 4; special, pair vXefrO
Basement Girls' Low Heel Shoes,
of patent and gunmetal leathers,
with kid tops, 1 6 button, high top
styles, comfortable and easy. Ex
cellent 3.50 grade, on J- QQ
sale Wednesday at, pair4let0
$1.25 Wc ol
At 93c Yd.
. - t a
Basement 52 Inch Vool Broad
cloth, for tailored suits, dresses
and skirts; Just the right weight,
colors include blues, browns,
gra,s, scarlet, cardial, garnet;
alsoia-black. A splan'did QO
1.2$ quality. Special. ... UOC
$1 Dress Goods 39c
Baseman t Odd piece and short
length Wool Droit Goods
grouped Into one big lot for
quick disposal Panamas, Henri
ettas, Saxony, Broche, Mohairs
and mixtures, in 36 to 40 Inch
widths. Worth to 1.00 a QQ
yard. Priced special, onlyOaC
Women's HJiiIon SMtts
S1.00 Grades 69c
Basement Women's Fine Elastic Ribbed
Union Suits at a special low price for Wed
nesday. Pure white yarns, high and low
necks, long or short sleeves, -medium weight
garments for year-round wear Nearly all
sizes. Excellent 1.00 Union Suits CQ
Special for Wednesday only, the suitUaC
59c Underwear lor 39c
Basement Clean-up of several broken lines
of Women's Underwear, Union Suits, Vests
and Pants. Not all sizes In each style but
good (ange of sizes In the assortment, Nicely
finished. Underwear of 50c and 59c QQ
qualities. Priced special, garmentOaC
Children's Wool Hose
. 25c Grades at 17c
Basement Why not supply the Children's
Stockings here Wednesday at your saving?
Several hundred pairs in this lot, of fine,
soft yarns, with spliced heels and toes and
double knee. Good range of sizes. " PT
Standard 25c Hose special a pair onljl-l C
Women's Outing Flannel Gowns
S1.25 Grades at 88c
Baseman! Women's Night Gowns, of splendid heavy quality Outing
Flannel; newest styles cut In generous size and effectively trimmed.
Plain white or neat pink and blue atrip patters. A rood opportun
ity 10 ruy nignx uowni at a cig reduction. Complete assortment
of all sizes. Gowns of excellent 1.25 grade on sale in the QQ
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