THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915. 13 5, 10, 15 CENT STORE TO OCCUPY THE YEON COW FOR 10 YEARS Yeon Pays Rosenblatt Com pany $5000 to Cancel Its Lease on Store, MONTHLY RENTAL $2200 JBosenblatt ft Co. En Leased Store In railing- Building Across the Street; Space Jg 80 reet Square. A company that Is operating 5. 10 and 15 cent stored throughout the country, has rented the ground floor and basement of the Yeon building, Klfth and A lifer streets, for a term of 10 years at 121:00 a montn. To effect the arrangement John P. Yton yesterday paid Samuel Rosen blatt c Co. Jo'JOO for cancelling a lease held by them on the ground floor prop erty. Rosenblatt & Co. in turn have taken a lease on the ground floor of the Structure directly tho f-treet from the Yeon 1 ulldlng, v. hi- h is owned by the Failing estate. l"rul! recently it was occnp.ed by the Menr k Frank company pending completion of their Dew building. The lessee plans to move into Its new quarters between January IS and Feb ruary l. Samuel Rosenblatt & Co. have le used a space 80 feet square in the structure across from the Yeon building. ROTHCIILLD BEYS RESIDENCE Structure on Westovcr Terrace? PurcliAsed for $22,000. Fred H. P.othchild, head of Roth ehild Bros., which firm retires from the wholes-ilo liquor business January 1 to take up the millinery business, has purchased as a home the lianilsum residence of Wi"!nm H Iyewls, presi dent of the Lewis-Wiley Hydraulic company. The structure stands on Westover Terraces, at the corner of Westover road and Bummit avenue. It is three stories hlfch. contains 11 rooms and was built 3 j years ago at a cost of 12.: 000. In the deal Just completed, however, Mr Rothchild paid Mr. Lewis $15. "00 cash. The new owner wi;i spend I?, .'.no In fuilding a garage and remodeling before oce;rying the house. of the pure New England typo of architecture, the r slden stands on a site mad- up of 2 Vj lots and cuntain lng II,:'."1 siju.ire feet. Negotlai ! ons in the sale were car ried on t y E. Clark of the reuuty firm of T. N. Clark & Co. COMPANY VIM, HAVE HOME Orjron News Company Ilujs Eot ami I'laus Three-Story ISuiMhiji- As a site for a new home the Oregon News company has purchased a lot 25 by 10u feet at the southwest corner of Eleventh nnd lllsan streets. It is understood the price paid the owners, ,'am tei Herman and Fred II. Lothehi'.d. w.-.s !,(.). Tentative sketches for a three-story and buse-nent relnfor'ed concret building have been m-pured by thj architectural f irm of I lough tali ng Pougan, for the i :: s pea I : n of the Xew York off.' e of t':m ompany. The plans have been sent eat for ap proval and if the hend ol fice gives the word construct'on w-.'l undoubted ly begin in the near future Tho sit. North Rack !s near" ttie I ninn and T depct.s and the proposed new T Company is located T e g o n pre.-mt News at at 71 Front street J. Fred Shiver hard' state end of the deal real Riff riant a According to A. I-oisibilitr. J Capron. local tulldlng supplies at.' of the The 4 iii I ml W Y ft?. Tim. jPV tf?-v AH responsible taxi-4zab owners and drivers protect their patrons' lives with Weed Chains. Don't risk your life in a car whoso owner or driver Is so criminally negligent ts to omit this positive safeguard against skidding. SOLO FOR ALL TIRES BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE Weed Chain Tire Grip Company B30 Golden Gar Art. San Frandsco. CalffornU 1229 Souta Oliva Street, Los Angelas, CaUornia TTra 3taina capertsHy cuusli uctad for companies he represents may erect I a $300. 000 plant In Portland. This company la to put up a Pacific coast branch and has plans for four fi' lory buildings. Sites are being considered In Oregon. Washington and California at the present time. Prepare Plans for IteMdence. I George Eastman, architect in the Lewis build inir. hai been commissioned j by J. X. Griffin, to prepare plans for I the remodeling of the large residence at S85 Woodworth avenue. In Alameda lark. The work will be done under one general contract. Plans are prac tically complete and ready for bids. Ial Eitate Transfers 1'cter Repp end x!r n n si, lot S, block 3, Kelt.. Id M-rf-r St. Johns fi rk adoltkin Northn eatern Truat O. to J i mea 1. Iti.t.tnxon. kit 2. bi-ck 2. Wilburtofl The Job. A. str'.u tirl'lfe Etat. ( .. n Ida S. AnVri..n. lots 7. S sml 0. Mock IT. ilrrol Heights William Tits and wife to William Tits Jr. and lf. lot 2. block 2. llllia Mltl.'i: to t. Jotana LU Katate to. to W. E. Peter, lot l.'i. bl k 22. Bsstmoreland Lels 1". Ix.Te et al to Lloyd H. Lot?, lot 2 block 4, Kl Toar Cbaa. H. Page to Roliert B. Beat, kit 3, blo. k 40; lot 2, Bin. k 84. lota 15, 16. blork 13. Alameda Park Northwestern Trim fj. to V. H. IMin- ton. lot It. bhk S. Wtlhurton ltd". Iteal Kstate Co. to I.PIaa J. Kuj- d.r. lot 10 and north lot 11. t.k ';." BrM St J..hi. J T. MdTltt to Ijidd Tllton Hank. iirel. i-i interest In IMS 5 and ti. b.ik Kaat Portland Jaiuea Tkgart et al to May Kroenlck, let R. block 8. Uleneyrie J. II. iat and wife to ortliwcntira Tnut ., hjt J, blok lo. Clifford's addition to Alblna Vra. K. K. Mtm to Coi.rad liiiil)(. lot 12. blvk 6i. 8unnriU W. I. Wright to CLaa. P. Nrit n. ui.d. l't Interest la lot 14. bloc li'm hurat Vlncenso Icrulll and wife to SalTabrn Scwicasa. und. H "f lot 14 an1 north 13 fet of lot 15, block 1. Ilenrr's Fourth addition Jofan Ktstlng and wlft to Caiherins Krelyn KtiUnf. lot IS. bl'X'k J'. north 14 lou 6 and T. bloek 22 et j lofa 1 and 2. blo.-k !B : lot 14. block 4S. went 40 feet lots 12 and IS. 28. Alblna; lots lo and 11, block 4, Motor addition F. L. Sohleijel aud wife to William D.j)f, et al lot U. block 1. Oak Kix ll Hrnr M . Waloorf and wife to Nettie &. Dunamor. Tniatee. east lots 1, 2. 8 mil 4, bloek 24. Point View V. L. (h-ene to Nellie M. Greeii, lot 4. block 0. Wci:4 W. A. Iorett and wife to Mildred Cop per, lot 15, block 4. lWuniout Parkr-ww assia-lation to Jtuu-i C. Swln f. rd. et al, lot "i;." bl x-k . Parkroiie W. P. Thorsen and -1fe to W. K. l.lpmar, et al, hit a S. 4. 6 and . h k 57. Rust Portland Tortland Trut & Sovii:ks bank to K. II Kotli-blld et al. iota 5 and Mock 77. Couch's additLn. S'.tje.t to aament for ere- k s-wer . F. II. I' et al to Si.ruel f!l.M et 1. eat 2". fct lots 0 and V block 77. tVii''b'a ad htioi- Cch'-rliie l-:vetvi: Kentlt.: to Jotm Kear iue. lot 1. blo.k o. nortl, "j I-.;- it Hnd 7, biK west :-j 1' t l KD.l 2. block , d lot 1 1. id k 4 Alblna: alao mi 4o f e. t l.uj :2 a:id i::. be-k -i. Alhlta. t;l. !"U lo .n.l It. .-k 4. M.tor addition . C. W. Iljrdln a:id lle to I'ortiu.d Ileih; A Tnint Co., wet fe-t lot ti. and ent 0 fet lot 11, block 4. 'o'.hum Se'S.'id addition Arnl t'oiiwuy (Ji-tftfoy Miid h:ic).r.n 1 to R'ifus u. M.-i'ro-ker. lot 17. blo.k 1. Hatelck i to correct deed, book 1.0'SJ lo TA2 lo 10 lo 10 10 10 2.01X1 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 2ii C.. p 4111 F. I Mltih.ltree and wife to II. I). F.turl. k. lot s. bi.-.k 2. Ann I'd ... . Mt. Him1 lty. 1't1 r.. to Yt.e.t yu-iulerry. lot in. !.' ,. k 1. Tl..r . WeKea'ey I Mild Co to II t hnrl-j (l.nd-t-.crne. 35 and 3i. 1.1. k 1. Ar f? ie Pnrk Walter K. s.-r.eets aid wife to Tina su-l.n.lts. lot 10, bi..rk 5. Terrace In rk T.'-rrr Han.lii'.l Uiv.-ra to NV.ra ci. M'' linulfi" Iota 1 and 2. bl- k 7. Swln ton adiiitioti 6fO I ' coo T. M. Word and wife to J. Hi"!. H 1: leiest In !,! 1, lleynolda Ban. at Sail ar.d 'tn To f lot T. bb-x-i 7K. K.i e i J t j Max Stchi t":d wif to 'I' a. U'f k 5. aub.:ii..v:i I.hhI Hoei5oad . . .... I'l.rtlsml T-nat A SjiTl"tt t. K. Parsers, n. h'nd 1-efliir i-'tnf on wt ;i-j . f S it 2 i: . 1"H t2 f." t SW. "f S. ... 1. a'- f"" t w t.U north and south r looff rst S' d we?. Irl 1 l.r irortb of sH ci-nii en K X y a. id wtfe 1., J-; 1 . !: - 12 II.iw th'.r-.e I r-Port'a-d It'dty ivnv i .. Mo i ..- e; al. e t s. .- r ; .v --u A nni'l . . . . Witi... It W. It.' :..! I.iiaf. I e S V. 1. - :. t too. k Ilia, k k 4. bl. l 3o) r. Hj.1.. I'nrk.. . ti-ln. lot . ' Port- i T. 1 a i.i..-ll It O . lot K Mlti-tl . w r 2. I Hi ll r-Tti- 1.07; 2.0J pi 1 1: i. 1- ro'viot t'lll'lui P,or Cltv I "ark ..s'iv '.Kt .n t" J J .-k.t . lot :. to.k VA. CitJ Park h Hulldin"; I'rmiiis. I.oJwrji.fn Br dw. i'.r g 41 r ar.d To .".' -a a f A. ii. J J. frnme .re ".l orr fran e otie . I J". S I'..Kht.nth It Might Have Been Vou whirled with the skidding car into the disastrous crash You users of taxi-cabs, look before you ride when streets are wet and slippery. See that the tires are "chained to safety". Take no chances. Make sure that all four tires are equipped with Wees 0NLV Positive Safeguard today 329 Anksrty Street. PoTttsnd, OrtMfon 806 East PiU St, Seattle, WashingtoQ j4ia Maoasattenss mf SJngl and Doal Solid Truck Tk-es Motonyd Year Ago in War December 30, 1914. Russians win plains of-Ojrl!ee in Galitia and open thu way to Carpathian passes. German armen asain raid Polish city, dropptng 40 bonit.s on SochatZ'ew. Allies cliidm gains In lielglum and capture the harrUet of St. Georgta, south of Ypres: L Portland Banker Discusses Difficulties Attending Sale of Securities Now Offered. "The state of Oregon should lend credit to irrigation districts os cities da to pavln? districts, act as bankers for these districts, issuing bonds which are direct obligations of the state, pro Ucuiitf itself against this liability Dy levying assessments on the property to be benefited by the project." John A. Keating, pres. dent of the Lumbermena Trust company, said in an address, on "Fundamentals of a llond Issue." be fore the Oregon Irrigation congrtsa lasi night. "It lias been and still Is practically lmpsslble for trust companies to soil irrigation ei-c u rl t les such ts Oiegon pioduces," he said. 'Thin if. the cost of distributing them would be greater than the profit to the underwriter and tho hazard of having a large part of them left on the underwriter's hands is too great to be assumed. Whatever may be the techni cal position of tnese they lack market qualities. "I do not beiieve thnt irrigation se curities such as urtKon has to offer can be di'tr.buted if the security is limited to the assets of the district itself or to the developn.eut of these assets as pro pioj.ct. It :s tnisi .1 by an in i.e. ssai y to s .p; I J tlio C1 PWI t U tnese assets b. credits. ' in my Judc ripation seiur; ' i., ust he based l lncl'otle.l wit! in t'oi. dn.tri.-ts l! sets t! L-rner. t the credit of lr- publlc :i-s i fiererl the ot 1 1 1 1 1 - upon the assets the ureas of the'-lves bi:t upon as the next larger polit- K unit t r e state "Another point of great Importance Is that most of th pli r.s for financing irrigation pro.-ects have been gVossiy ciefc-i ti . e. Thr-y provided too short u lei m luc the kctlitr to repay his share of the loa-.. School Children Mado Happy. A toktn in tl-.n form or a took presented bv Mr. and Mis. Julius 1.. Meier, to ea h pupil of the Helir- ts and (."orhett s--hocls r.ear t!l" Columbia highway, of tiie Sandy i:: Cue Chr.sttt'.aj, week. T! -a. i. cliihl was written i ti which Lon"..iii.. 1 t!i- I'-tii r;ver liur e r.iiiiie of the book e of Mr and Mrs. Me:i built In th 1 new home recent. y ty. A program wis rendered s. ta 1 1 on. ( 1 1 hop l"e; 6 jhoul. in connection with ti.e pri -will'-1; was in chat ge of M'ss guson, teacher ti ti.e Heights P.n lei-ti and cj'.ilii.liy sts. builder, 1 Jotips t-.rr frame .ifr, A. li. at cl;ia:i Mo.-he. $.i"i o;i MtoTT fianut tore. U o.i ...i ai.d t. lay si. ; J '.'J '. '.: e aforr frnai -t . ! . eu I'olk tod ,. $.n t-.-v frame detltnir. t. ' p-'n Sixty - 1 :. ;. d bul. dr. U. S. Paul; Ma d v. e ; ; r 1; i I'm a . 1 J II. i 1 c. r-i 1 t I i' -foul l S.i: 1.1 11 W WMLiow. rcpntr two atory f.rd'.narj M N Sxt'i t. t'tvie-l l'!.!... and n- : l.r, td- r. Jnti.en I. iu"-a. S'i. .-: r , . r t'.tee .:..')' frat- ' r. at:d . Ii r .: i 1h-;u w, ..ri. u a;,.) - .'. ' r i -i.. y.,,ri.. $.".11 i' iv v r itr '' i"'.: fr-rre f : v - -li -t S I' !.e- .-.-n 1 'f; .1' i rre '. SIX ctll and S.x'.v tlrt ir.; b-i.lder. saiuv: Anti Skid Against Skidding IRRIGATION DISTRICTS SHOULD HAVE OREGON ENDING THEM CREDIT Oiasfiis The motorist who drives with chainless tires on slippery pavements and roads jeopardizes his own life as well as the Hoes of others. Equip both your front and rear tires with Weed Chains. Do it before it is too late. TTra C3bia, Dobbins Blow-Oat Giatas. etc IRRIGATION CONGRESS IIU. WOULD HAVE PEOPLE PASS GUARANTEE ACT Feeling Entertained That the State Should Get Behind Projects Before Aid Asked, QUESTION THE SPEAKERS Resolutions Committee Secretary Tries to Sara Commerce Chamber Sig nify Its Position; Say to Help. Oregon should not ask the federal roverninent to underwrite Interest on lrrTatiun district bonds without being willing by ennstit itional ametidment j to take the same position. ! There should be a state constitu It" ' t'.onal anictiument gual ar.tceing pi in- cipul nrid interest of irrigation and OTamagu bonds and a measure estab ' lishing a state rural credit system, j To put such measures on t tie ballot, s committee of the negon Irrigation ccr.cress should meet with commit tees representing W ii ia :i.e I te valley drainage interests, the gnmge. farm ers' union and other organizations of Influence, to formulate the measure. Indorse It and secure a fund of not less ' than C00. i with which to finance an educational csmpaign pieeeeding the r.fc.t slate elect Ion. Action Is Expected Today. Speakers enunciutej the. propositions i above o timed at the Oregon lrriga ' tion congress yesterday, and the pen ' tinient In approval wan anticipative of : action by the congress today. The delegates became self critical Mid coiiletised that In the past' they ! have been satisfied to adopt resolu tions and then go home without aue- , quale an ar.t,emcnt to forward issues uec arcd for In the resolutions. The afternoon progiam was opened with an address by . L.niri;.i.ird. con fiultip.g cngit.eer, who declared in favor of the Jone., bill guaranteeing inteiest Igation o., irrliuiti.-n district bo:. da alter he lenient had shov. r. how former and present le '. oluer ; c a ma t e .n metnods tia e failed. J. T. Hit.k.e of I lei iniston discussed the financing of projc ts, saying Knit there 4:11st be local and state confi in irrigation securities before confidence of distant investors may be won. Investors Not Encouragred. Mr, llinkle said that if one who irt-'is Know. edge" siiou.d 'all upon our .eadii.i- I'ortland banker atol ask spe c.ficui.y vomeiiiin,, the merit of lrti ation dlstilct titcuriti.s, t:.e financier would respond his l.atik aid 1.0L liaml.e that t lass of securities. He added that If tho same person went to tl.o proper state official seek ing tho tiitiit. information lie wotiol lie t'd.l that tin" plans of tho project as s M.niitt. il b oked sw J, but that no personal l:u-p.o t on t ,..-s upon f.-a-tihi : 1 1. ad bee:i made. 'i'iie speaker concluded Willi the .red .1 t ion that the person seeking 1 u f 1 ti 1.1 1 .on wou.1 cioso the deal by putting his muiiey Into the p stal b.i!ngs bank. State S-tiator I. N. lay made a.i address, dei iarlr.g it to bo tin etate'3 uu'.y to tiack reclamation. " peakers Are Quizzed. With the expressed ii.s.i.. of learn ing now lieiiii.teiy tie' tilings said v.'ore tii'-aiit, i. C l.'.tcr, secretary of tiie resolution comm. ties, asked a series of iju.-stlor.s of J. T. Minkl?, ". ". He Irt :g i g.a ' .-.s Chap a s k c I ian HI. Hlnkle d . ( Later I a.v. how many if trie of f 1. ei s and deie :i a 1 a mpaign 1 or ' lrrlgat .on bon long ress 1 cat re. d lot . . und 1: teicbt or o'-her slate aid of lr r.g..r;..n. ii.nkle replied that no had I ii carriid on and no fund pr .- v.ded, but that following the- session of the Irrigation congress declaring in favor of state air, soma of tn offi.-era had made talks In their re spe'tixe loeulitiefl. .Mr. loiter had i -H. ! ntd gecu r.-1 Senator te guar a !'..'!::!'! 1 In xxri'mg f.orn I 'ay as to. lows: "1 favor st..t an: e ,, i r.nci al nr. J it.l. n s rig itio'i and ir:.!nag. bonds en ir uiid a state rural credit system.' Fledres Time and Money. II farmer asked Seiator ciay :f he woiil 1 biipport a for e-tch an Issue personally and llnunclally. Senator Lay answered: "W'hether the measure carries or not, 1 a:n fur .t and will contribute u-s n.ucu of luy time- and nnu:ia as 1 can to secure Its passage." i ni'iicr asKiu i. c. Chapman, as S chairman of the Oregon I 'evelopment ! bureau of the Forllund Chamber of 1 Commerce, If there was any way of ascertaining if the trust"es of cham nor will support any measure providing Hate aid of reclamation rn irainage. Kefore Mr. Chapman answered, O. L.aurgaurd imsm red that tor ' six u.ontns ho had been trying to get an ansxvtr from the Chamber of Commerce to precisely Ihe same utiest.or,, and had ecu toid in return that the clumber ..;il support issues a: proved by the ir cation congtess, but tdat it is not w iic trier t::e hami . r will sup port government or state guarantee of lii.ijiiLoii bi t als or interest, or whether it w. 11 stand for the lrrication district. Mr. Chapman Surprised. Mr !a it. C aptt lit.y an said he was n had c surprised press 11. 0 from of Com- tie ..f tho 0 , e r 1 e a 1 .1 t : a t no at no 01. ) oft'i a r eould iember of ( nmmen e and ;p. He furl .ur .suggested 1 lay's faxorabie position I ! .lee t ;.e ( .ts met: hers Cat Senatot would have gnat weight, as wo a;.pro al of uicr. of jud;-:ne:.: a: d the a:: 1 coii tiartly lie itnber of ss hpon a ires to s.-rxatiti. iind that nn-ii.-fore takirg u-n tl.o oit::rer. would t ti e text of the II.e, ot luea ur he s .1 bm : 1 1 ed to x o; e Should Back United States. Jt was "I aimer' (V !.. Smith . ( u got. - Wash i n .". or I ta : . '.vay ,v: Na ta n comjoiiiy w l.o sc.: 1 ''regon ' the nu ght to Lhi k any ttilnit In ir.e wax- of guaran tee that t.'ie I' Malm l.ndi cod. A. I'. Clark, one of tu delegates. Sold an approving pojtition by tne 1 l.atr.her of c'ommer.e wool.l help de tkiinine the i aition of rura. xotcrs. Lur.r.g the ullertioou tiiere was dis cuaslon of the extent to which gov ernment supervision of reclamation projects should rule, a d Ihcu.-pi'uh par th iputed in by li. V. liurr of North 1 uk.111.1, M. L. Lice and Judge ( urroil 1'.. Graxea of Seattle. N. O. Hedin of I'ortland. and C. A. iixH. UPPER COLUMBIA MERCHANTS RESENT BOAT SUSPENSION A. O. Means of Umatilla says that uTPr Columbia river merchants regret the recent suspension of steamboat service. "The boats were not patronized a they thoul.l be, but the blame musi r.r.t entirely fastened on the ptopla of the upper river dlsti ;ct.'" aa.'d ilr. Means. -"S- far as we are able to see. I'ort land business men have not bestirred themselves at all. The representatives of v hole.vile houses have had no ln coiieeridng steamboat tranfc portation. Wiidi tnklng orders they have not awked the nicrchantj whtcti tiiey prefer, rail or r.ver shipment. "Nor has tiiere been any gent ral ef fort to stimulate river business. "We believe that If boot service on the Columbia river, especially nboxe tho Ctlilo canal, is to be successful, there must be cooperation and eflicieiit organization work at both ends of the line, lioat transportation will not be developed without effort." Newman Buys Desk, And Passes It On; "I desk. New haven't the ' remarked .s least use for this j am Newman of the I York Barrain House, on First street, as he paid over tho cash ne . s sary to complete his ownership of the article. Neithei did he. But he had a certain feeling that the d-s'; could be traded off swapped for something else. He r.lso had a very certain way of ineet'ng men who would make a trade. New nan did not know who the n.en might be, r.or wils he concerned in matters regarding individual identity. What he wanted was a trade! So he advertised in Yhe Journal's classi fied. In Immediate reply a man ap peared, Just as Newman had figured. and a trade lf chi st an Ciune, tiie was on. Newman got an 1 a check protecting nm strangir gut the desk. lloth we... is 1 1 oil, and The want ad brought It all ;i I e that's v. hat they're for. u but NEW TODAY On City and 4r.,i ruerum in Any Amount at Current Hatas Hartman & Thompson. Bankxrs Cornar of Fourtk and Stark Bts. Al ( TION HALES TOMOUKOW p. it in. at l-Otd Auction Co Furniture, carpets, etc 211 1 St AT Wli; on A ii ... it ' II House, rn 10b 8 Is: M EE'l'I (i Vol K I.S 11 u. i' I.LIvS m i !t:g ti T. :rsila" i e a I : V '1'h.eio ;.; lo- a h: tint, d be ti.e Cast Lx.ll'.ed H i le t s .,f our Loiic-e 1 1 . r v. i i : . ' i i w e v. i 1 1 l' i : . i s . i ' . t.'ie year an old titoe stag. Visiting brothers sie invite. 1 to attend. S-V.-V' By order of t e K. 1: M. H Sir I.rii.VC,. Pec. OI'.KGON Ci i M M A N HI .ft V. NO 1. k'NMIl'I S Til.M ! -LAIi- nueting aid organization of the driii ti am. All members of the iiui corn ti .i 1 1 ee niemijers who pe;.':.i.s f..r Kt.igats l ai ties ate i spe1 hilly nrced By .'idei Jin.ient h'ou.- ANH. Beenrd. sccount of New i eve t hero to meeting IiiClit. BAKBTR. Clerk. MT. ITfion LOT i'l F A V AND A M -Irg tornor-uw, F.-ida F.U. C. Lh NO HI No mer '.' ( Vc n 1 1 K. .So- CA TCO N IA N 'I and elit. nit: .al I dn rice w i i 1 1 1211 Fourth cruder Z I . S' ': F' t . Year st . h I iVl 1 c S; rat ' p A I 1 ' M 4 liMIH.l plus. . s and roe. a. Commence s.2-0 M Jewe-! harms. fv n so, . i.ilty, buttons, Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th. Vital Statics ITlcrnages.Birtbs. Deaths. MAHKIACE LICENSES Ira: k l'Pmi. ll'-litU-'K.k. til . Kn! and I.lllv It Ler-ni. ixl ', I'.rsni. ith aw. V"-.. ' i ll.mi Jrn-cr. 4'is lxt lHxr.a at., kml, n.. Marie S-rptn!er 7H4 bii.f'i" iv. le-ul. Ixj U 11. C-iiitry. i'.2 Haat '1 w entj -nin th St.. tpgnl. a:iU Jo.'pidiia C-rr-n. aaina aduresa, lexui. linrl Andi-i-w Hurt. 1770 Cant FaTntli St., 1. gnl. and Mobtl M.eli. Ul Leiu.gU.ii axe.. I'ttd. W, G. Smith & Co, Third floo DP.rSS su latest PI suits Far. r MoriKin b' !g. ts sold or rented low price.. xues a.l sizes we buy dress Store, f. 1 2d Misfit '"ot! L-KLSS sui ts I tig lor rent, all sizes, .left Statk St. C niuuo nut i ns S.K XX IV. Y K - I.i Mr. i, nil 1'rea.icut at. Mrs. Anton , Sr.-xx 2o. a I7.vk. II t2. fliuipliier S.CUl-To M H. J (urn -1 le I .X 11SI --T.. tl'.Sj 12. 4l i 111 fr 1IXON-T" M. a ml Mrs. John Snurl, 1101 . IieeeniijT 14. a i. Hii.l Mr'. Martin N., Pec-eaiber la, Parson, a liicigii- Mr. Alfred Dixon, '.. r 13, it a.r . I Mrs John Michel 'ti.l.'-r If., u PC r: 12T2! ('.ne. r l i-t., lie. . N'lClir.L To Mr. , 1 rsjt. nil. ' .t CKhia.LI M g 1. tvn. -lo i:. Mr. Llh and (jRhtN TRADING ST A VIP DIRtCTORY i;f. i ty r.r,Lo!:s MMIAIIV I. r..i mat Wi ft 1 ir.iiMag)', v i l!' 1 1. nl "1 uty j.arl. r.. i-i lie -ti Ibur .Ir.'-.-iiK. al UiMtocti: Iny. I'.V ilea' l ie .... l'ii'l 17o 11m .'ili(-. Hrap.- li p. le BlalDps IiOOKS AI STATIONKIIV A x i 1 1 u x 1.1. "Ti, KANE US AM) IVEi:s i. 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 ji IMiPAF.T.MKNT STOItKS l .ki;. ;. v-ii 1 FLOIUST M--' r;..ii. XI (.i:o( EiiiEs J( II N A.M'KKSicx. ,.h .r 1. . L (Juirk aerv- XI. : 11 caixs 1.1; v . i.ri..-r -U AitxTla 1 A IX II 2 '27 1 ti and i:t! 'A 1 1111K S CASH 1. Kin Kit Y giiaiillt.i . ipii pel l.ewet l't or. ;ili Ac TliurinHti. Mxr :: htr I. A KSl IN 1 (-". a . Il.t I'll HAltDWAKE. PAINT, ETC I Sl.r . 1 Slid. It.lw .. W.l LAUNniiltiS LUKSl LNT Alder l. LA 11 .N li. Y, ir. IhImt It Ii 22. tat ilt Uil MEN'S t'LOTHIX(i ANL WOOLKN tiOODS Urtfxiii Win lm Mills More. '2 lit. DreKun W.mlen Clnildny. ..atilteta Mi .. Hat. I'AINTS, OILS AXI VAIIMSHKS H li. P.OTTEMIIXHR. 75 J Thurnian Stt at.ij d liiud hurpture. I'airts. oils. Glas.. Ulvre. VOOI AXI COAL CULCMBIA 'L'fcL CO. Urt grades lrj WuwL Coal, ti.22i v WoxxllawD 518. , d i . . i team ii re .-ir.-ul 'i'. v.. liar . t j ... preserve. . uer. :. F w I ij fk wi', ' -17 m O .i . 1 c-. I t:.. December 1 2'2V''' Mi if::;!: HIKTHS (Ccotlitned) 11 A II U N lo Mr and Mr. Alfred It. Martin. IJUi jilunu are.. Uvceoiber V. a aaugn- tr. MARKS To Mr. and Mrs J-on C. Marks. 72 K. Ht!i t. N . If., a son Shi(K To Mr. and Mr. SteTen Skoko. 672 H.jt;, l. k at.. If em'r 17. a d.inirhter. DKATHS AND Ft'XKHAIjS 7.! .- . i Lt XX IS- Ha. hel l.rM. leeen;WT Ju. it'.j. , i.t ber latf bollix, tiltd and Lsst Stark, ; Rt.ssHlTille. 1-1. n.d uiutber of Lesnder, Her- u.iu ts and (Ji-or.'e Lx-His, Mrs. Sarali It'll i and Mrs. I.ula Mdin. nil of Ivrtlm.d; Mrs. I I-ted Pari, of OntralU. a-h. I'uneral al i Ijaat bid HaptUt chi.rcii 'th and K An- i tcny. Indajr, IioceiiitaT ..1. 1 :'J0 y, m. Jutar-I n.ent M n 1 ( neUiH li riiiiftrrr. aLViiilii are. s TeiTa. k"l funvral a. -At t... tli f a in . I y r.ic!iieiiee, i;t 4lth Lett Alxord. ted W . 1 A. Alxord. 'lliw .d'H-t.-d Krl.lax. I"--. l'l.ater i of Mr. Mr rxli-e 111 I v in u. at 2 o cl.-vk p. in., i'l tiie inert'inrx cti;ice "f A. I'. Kfo, worthy A .. "I MM :. S Y . in 1.. nil.. 1 rl-id h:i.1 itcjuniio ion r-j--. t f 1 !y limited lo attend. 1 ntei uien I Mt. e--.'t 1'h'k i . tn i et y . X'tdHV Hei.-j i oil.) . Mult iniu,a:. b.o.inl. 1 tuber .'... .".I, endo. ni d'tla. l i: :1 I., luiter, s4o K. Tamhlil t.. K'-riiiUr -.', 1J eurs, lobar pueuuice PI P.Clil.L-MarthH '.. Pur. ell. St. lw.s 'St. su etir". Kenll tv ?t 'IIKlttt ilen-y W. . Uerr. lltx. h.ii at., lx-eeiiiber 2.".. 4t reiirs; H'ftl. l-IlcT. Tlace tit's. T. Xlorrl sortlc lu- ZWifKilll C Zwiiker lVcetuuxtr "4. 0x1 jears, In. tion. L'l.ldtllHjE Mrs. Helen A . Saii.iirU.aii, lX'oen!.er 5. (Xi nej i.n 1 1. lit r.lll.l.ll- John W. Itn.-lder, F -n hi . lNce:i,Mr 1C. Ut . V. .t. Vincent s, stlual oi.siru. - FJdrtilue. r.oo.1 euri, ibroiae l'joc, F M.nll rc 'h.itl.n CLAltKL HKoH . fion.-ts, :7 Morrison SL Main or A-lMif.. Fine flowers ai.i fbnal desiens. No bsnch stivs. MAHT1N .x.- I'OltlUiS C .. flor.sts. 347 Main i'la. A-l-'.S. l-ioxxers for lill occasions artistically utanted. Tt.iNSK ffi ILi) K A I C jT 2 x5 Wash., h e t .4 1 h a r. 1 1 ut ! i M a i 1 1 5 1 1 j 2. A-110 2. M A X M SMITH, fiotust, 141 "ith st. Fl NEliAL DIltlX'IOKS A splendid residence undertaking es labiisoiuenl with piixtti unveway. J. J '. I'l.NLLV SON. .' lout golnei y at 1 II tn MK. F.HWAKb I. hOI.MAN, the Lad ing l ..ntial director, 22" 'I ...rd st , corner Salmon, ha ly ass.sljtit. I'lioncl A-1-j.l. -Ma. n boV F. S. Di Inc. '"SI Fas - F. OKI ral . J : In ice tors. 414 -I 1 Duntiiii" &. iVicEntee L'l.'lCI l.Ufl S Modern in rl rl V 1 :. olw .1. Broadway atil Fine sts. 4.1". A -4. '..'.. l.adv assistant. ' V x. 1'. Ixi L N U nllTIIV A.- CO. Two Lslabl is: i mun t s. or 627; tSui ti-d st., Lents. Tabor Tal r.v.C . Ii'.tn st., at Foster road. Atn U. A,,T:o'i 1 .ady ii 1 1 e i . la nt 1 ia '.' and nh:lit Serx ice. Walter C. Konworthy l::th. Sell. 71. M l 122 Chi law. .mbers Co, K 1 1 11 n gs w or th ave, and Kerby. Wood 1 .a d y em da 1 m er M I 1 . 1. 1 . i . e I a I $4n. $.;u K C1 . rs 1'r and 1 ,11. I r.depetclet. t e low as , M '.'niil. A- f u $21, duo t W ash. 1- L taker LlilH II 1 11th a. I K east side i o , v It.l x x M utli F er x 1 . a u n ERIC SON SlLLN'i.'l' (il.iii. A - 2 INT. I'LS. .S. 440 Mor. u Main 4 102 lid and Clay. M. SKEWES.l, ndei (a, 11. Hamilton I .nut lin-a 1 ill an c.-vb-e: I l j liHan. Tabor Fu 43 12 ; R, T, Byrnes l- and Knott, i -19 4.1. r.2. T. 123s. 1 I I Lri; i :v. 1H20 II S.N in lx. at ill' Lady attendant MON i'MFNTS MAhlll.i: A N I (UtA.N'lT L" WOltKS. Flneyl maible and granite. N. A. Sc .'.linen Marble U Oraniie Worhs, 2s7 f ! :i (v I I , o - " p a e hill'l'LAN II' MAIllll.l'i W'KM . 2b4-2'it; 4th st. op;., city I.i". Main Siti4.. T i.iuD N'e i .V So' s. for metnorials. xNiTtCOl 1 J ih7-' D 3 T CO U & D150N FOIl SALF HOlSCS fll NLXl year w.i! be. th nig yeitl , p; o , s 1 1 : big home build r lanor und ir.K reasing If you terials ure aireaov In ox'ti a ml .-nil .pe. t I . iv We ei. a,l b- pi. to uuild, do it, ised to sulimll p. alls kUUd g.-lcui. T 1... o N. S . 1 1.-. I esiiiii.ites wltnout 0I01- .. I'i.Oll liOllitf U U 1 id 1 1 i, 1 '.i. 1 . k t ' . u g FOHMLK I' I j 0 down, ItlCI-. liau, ,UiV JlliU. 12.iu monthly nuys neat 4 iorm bungalow, with toilet, bath. lavatory, ni o electric Ilxtures, con crete foundation und basement,, denies and mscs. Fhoto at office of red W otn men I ( iermtin Co., 12 Chamber of 1 111 'MONT I 'ISTKIOT. N vx luodevn liotne, 5'ixlOO lot, iar. n.; 1 onvetiiences; terms) ' iw n. r. .-eilwood lit. $li..f block (1 . to Off icii CALL ami s latest designs and get esurnsus on our (iroposid bunga low. I', ana free ii I your homo. Wi'.llams. frent,2i McKay bldg. nil sAUy - I wo nouses, n, 11. ust be sniu eneap. l'hone 723-11, oaver, W axn. A( KEA(.E 5 40 Acres per Hen-, .' miles from Port . llei fi 11.1I1M 110:11 electric line, tlr und o .iar Unmet, fprlng. 2'JO per tae teiu. on bill, 1 i t :: . r.-l ! 0 Kcies. tU7.. . 1' iicres In cultiva tion, x tioiit. to achool, cirurch, n 1 3. it. il. and boat lauding, A-l Foil. Si i.' xuuih, j Jems on balance, J per cent. 17 acres, junii; rr.lle to town. P.. K. and txjat lauding, str.all houno, wooil eioufch to lay lo.- the plac:, $ly0 cash, baiait e eusy ( i 1 IIKN'P.V bluc. 6 Acre Snap Six aces. 4 ituiiH tast of Portland, all In (U.tivat.ou. Lirn.iy orc.ard and stnail 1 1 ml, 1 '-s story ti room cottage. bath, running w r. et In.s place tout tiie ovxner $442 j. o can sell lt for :i0e0. ICJ Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 21 Kloor ria:iiher of Comrnfrre, 4T00Acres, $6T5(TPerAc7e hours by auto from Portland. Fine .for atn.-lt ranch; lots of outside range, plenty v.ater. Third cash, terms on balance. 411 HENRY PLDO. Gibson Half Acres Good Boll. -ity water, clone to car line, easy terms, will build to suit t.iir chaier. Phone Marshall l.r.i, or Sell- wood 47. Johri H. (libson, owner. CIIICKKN. Kltrrr, OARLKN ranches near Portland. '2. C, 10 acre tracts best sol!, (rood roads near electric, 155 to flod per acre, easy terms Mefar lHnd. 30$ Yeon bldg., Portland LOOK. 24 acres. 9 miles from Astoria, some , cleared small brush no timber; will i sell t heap on time. l'-a27. Journal. 1 SICKNESS compels me to sacrifice my l acre, just out or city; cash and y M "isis- psoaja. r terms. K. 58ta st. M. ACKKAGK avVaiiuad ) Buy an Acreage Home Hare city 'conveniences, such as mountain water piped Into your bouse, electric lights, etc.. and country benefits, rich soil, fine community SO mln uateff out, by Iiig lted Steel trains. Low prt-eH, easy pay ments. Any site tract. Let us how you. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 4th St, 11 m l L'lcrjij 'P'- 79 Acres River Bottom 39 miles from Portland, all In cultl xat.oti on main gta.e .d r. ad. 2 miles from toxx n and ele. tiie line, milk aid mull route; Jlvy per ,cre, llutjo lash, Ui.aiue easy. 4-i acres. 25 miles from I'ortland. 15 In cuit.vatlon. good house, barn fine orchard, creek, spring, price ;. ; J'.OJ c;ish, balance can run 10 years, uC't Interest. iii ucreK. 17 In cultivation. 7 room house, good barn 1 horse wagon aili farm Implements, 3 cows, 1 heller, hogs 1 ami ch.citens nil black loam soil, f !n I water, price J300; JJOUO cash. 411 He. : v bidg I Want a House 1 own a 2-' a re farm located r.ear stat.on on eiectric line Only an hour s run from business center of l'orli;ind, ixvo-thirus In cultivation; tood build ings and fences; stock, feed, need and machintiv. Cost rue as It stands over I'.Jao. You .an liaiti li now for jjiiii) and 1 will tnke clear house and iarkre lot as fitst payment up lo JJoita. N foil. Journ,,!. 5 Acres With Modern House; ,i dnlti;' lml ts from 1 l laste: t .11(1". f best city in valley, .rtland. The house is .ii. all new and n;od 1 will sell this spi n - ! ?) miles o rooms. I erti , cost did 'uiinfv home for 1 1 i m s. M-i; a, Journal jn.'.oo, eusy Li.STKN: harm, lonsistlng or ales, wliei.t and alfalfa, an Nig and dairy ranch. Also 4od g ..d wheat ImIkI. Price very re 1.1 , ideal l.'t'l-H IS'Mi- .'Hue. Alio L'iOO acrea good ifiu lain. for rent All In tho Walla N-11H. Journal. Walla valley. NOW OH NEVKIt. ICO acre Improved farm near Sheri dan. $200, $1SOO cash, don't answer I unb ss you have the money. C'.auue Cole, .Ifin Henry bldg. ll'lt -1 I acre best bottom land. , nli in I' :it and berries, i4 tulle from : town. Ciaiern o 12. Grimes, llarna li:t c ir ( ' l.tlt K K. eoiu ty. 14 per H'Tf 4 ' lsr FAU.MS WANTED KENT OK HI Y w A.S' To tent stnail larch on Co- , iumtla, or W'i i latiiet t , must have !j i tn In ncres tillable, some buildings 1 1 - t.'T. Journal. i 1 EXCHANGE KEAIj ESTATE -II Exchange Business Property for Farm We It ave a 'rner in the lrslni dis- trict. Wist side, x'alue JS.1..J0.1; c.i:Hr Ireiiinb ranee, wli, exchange for No sto'k farm in eastern Oregon (C; Dorr E. Keasey & Co, of 1 2d Floor Ch.i m f Com. 0 A i ' 11 K i u L N lil Y IK i.M i T'p the Columbia, near Cape Horn. 4 aeten In culllvatior; a neat little 4 room house, small ..a.n, chicken loasi, etc I'rl' e $12.r.u. n. rtgage J'.i.u, w.n trade etiu.ty for va ant iots heie. I-'ieoi W". Uirniiui ('o , 7 .': 2 Oimn of ('om. r 1 N h acrii nonie on Macadam road, j luc fare I'ortland. House, bearing orchard, berries, fenced; $1500. Want r.u.ih 20 acies or more, some Impiox..- I mens, will assume to $ju0. Audi ess, j 11 ,iix, Journal. I A 1'ILCi'. of clans residen.n pr. p- ! erty lor some acreage with good buiid.UKs near carllne and on gooJ . r'.ad. S lil assume. Slate fuii pai lie- j H-S2. Journal. j Fl X r. ii.i.iu nouse, ...t 3oxlu0, in Keat- . tie, lor similar i'ortland propel l) I'ho: . Lroadwax 3272. ' NliTj eot tier. 5 rooms, xvtint linger bouse, pay dlffeienee. H-Jii4, Jour- , nal. ! l'.i A( I'Jl. . .oj j ti 1 tin e house, in cny, want ! ii.proxed, J4ooij ur $;('.'). 4 4 Lust : t h II you have any good property 10 trade we will u.sten you Ayres A Sniitn. Gal Northwist bldg Main 7261 I'M NT.1 He. KKH lt, iteeTt co'.Te"i, dist'h t. to ixohange for 1 iear room lng house: in. mii.k Seiiw.od I'l'.1!. 'T for r. s 2 . unincumbered land. 'laiior W'A VTEI lJJK K 1 M(1FIIN liunr.'uow or cottage Haw thorne, district, most be (heap' will ash,.me and pay cusli difference. Fhooa bet ij m ,ind :! p m t Last 1 3S. lUMlMl.Mi IIOISKS fit New Year's Bargain F2 room hotel, near depot, well fur nished, doing A-l trans. ent business; Just u gift at the price of $1250; omy 13jQ cash reuuired. Investigate if you want a good business. VkTKKS, 1 S N. 5th st. El'llIT room furnished house Tor saie by owner. l'rlce $20u, west side l'hone Marshall 30(15. Newly papered A money maker. lilex'i l.lw.MAN wi! I sell u. I0OU room- 11. g Iioubb for 1350. t2Z) i ali will hrndle. 11th. bet. Market and Mill. ( all Ma-sbail 3'' 57. LOOMING hou.e, 13 rooms, fine, mod ern, corner Loubc, litst fur nlnhiiiga and clean; price Complete i,'"i. Call 1H1 4tb et. IK0.llNi; hou.xe, J4 rooms, r.l-e brick Iddg.. went fide, well furnished, fltie locHtion. a snap fir f iSO. Cult l 'l 4th. FOK hALE or rer.l KurnlhtieJ room lng house, centrally located Asto r'K or. l. H. '. ej. .1. Astoria. Or. IH'SIXESS "'''Tj-jj'-j' SAY! 1 I11UH Sell null K. well eijuipli"! money miiKlng leHtaurai.r. counter and '. lurntshed roomn, in heart 'f 'ity. Seats oer 4 'J . rare bargain. Now only I 7 0 . C. M. Tiiomasoii. Ii i I'd st. i'AKTrIt wanted for estabiitued in surance, business. Exceptional op portunity for right party, as technical KnowieUife not littshary In beii. N-662. Jo irnal. LT..U KSMlili shop tic'ihe. on coutdv 4 ncres. It loom road, atation on plaee. c f iu . tree xx'tute houe left of xv. iter. Inij'ilre Wichita station. l.t-ta'-atla line. xxVl'I'aririer with S4n casti, lady or gentieiTidii. to buy half Interest tn good paying rooming nouse and rnan age same. eo ..jillcrnip. .21 of Conimerce. Cuauusr b iss &m gas If you bring thlB ad before Jan. 1. ROSK CITY PHLNTKHY. gd at Taylor AUTOMOBILL busiiiess owner wants a reliable partner to attend the front er.d. wait on customers, etc. Call 724 Nor th western . Bank bldg i A KNAP. J?50 takes my grot ery. good location. r:r.t lln. 4 living rooms, bath, toilet. Take Alberta car, logo K. lMh st. N. MUNKV Vol LL MAKfcl MU.xKV. by bjylrijr tills swell picture show: fine location: no competition., 724 Chamber of Commerce. cheap. AVANTKL) Man to Invest 11000 In a good laying proposition. It will pay to InveMigat this. f-100 jotirnaJ. Jr'OR BALE- ore, als' Cooeh hotel Gold mining; claim, base Dlacer claim. Room 'iii SHOOTING gallery, must be sold thH week. Cheap anda money maker; low rent. J4 1st RKSTAL'RANT In good running order, for aMdnns:: will -iv. I good 1 terms. Ill Ni Zi St. niSIXESS Ol'POItVL'MTIES 20 (Coartlpoea) I 1 VIII BALL I. II LA r. Pnlry t inch with 10 cows. Z home, nniit wagon, farrh wagon, ail custom ers aim r'iulp .tut tor dairy. 17H sites. licnt lor ne ground only tZU p r year. , x ar lease Can be ra liewed. lnqui:e 4St I lavenpnrt St.. City. K.'.STAlTl 7si location, will sell li.xturis and giy long lease on bulld in. or xx ill relit tixturps and building. If you want a restaurant you cant tsl II. Further pij.rtu ulars call onjt aidress Wsvitcr Hoawurm, Foreat tlt'ivi-, r. Half Interest tn a profitable office business to a'l.S'lixe man that can meet pewple; small Investment ra q u 1 r ed. T Ii N or I h weste rn BanK bldg. TT'ti S v -1! it lactory and wood wot k. rig plant In good condition; eb toxx er F. .'. Hale. 1'ayton. Or. liLSl.FsS Oi'POKTUNITIES HAMKll C LM'LI'.IKNCKI) phaimacist would take working Interest in manufai; niu.l order business. N-6til, Journal. ST( ) rx f gto. orb's, about $500; will j, Lalance cash. L-S41. gi vj. Turd U u . Jf urnnl SAN1LI Washii ,i(v..: mil Ci eati.t 1 y In ton. owners Oregon and onlj. N-1K1, 11 buy i . nn S hoe stm KS. Weston. 4'. li :.y size, I'm k st. spot MONEY KEAli TO LOAN' ESTATE a.7 Or K 1 NSTA LLAl LN'l FLAN Is tb surest and best method of paying a loan. l-'l.-N per mofith for 10 montha p.ivs a Jlooi loan and interest. tli 17 per moittn for S"6 montha ls s JLhoi loan and InteresL lUiiiir durat'.otjj and amoJiiU in proDoruun. ) Wo loan on iuipfixed property or for buiid. tig purposes. HjCITAIU.L tn'ti'b .x; LoAN ABS'N. 14.' Stats stt-et. I'ortland, Oregon fin Improved city ntnl farm property at . intent rulea ;A1tia tixe repayment pr. ilges. Loans j utckly closed. Call to. ia... Ijtrg't lo.itis on business proy ti lies, 0 per 1 1 .'it. 21' Mar? '-:i hall Noi in tjstrii 4 114. Bank bldr. A-4I1I. lilTLUlNU loans on x ity and s Jburbau property; riu.nry adxanced as works progresses W. U. lieck, K16 Falling blCR. Main 3407 tJuo To $40.1x1 to loan on reaily. Fira Insurance F. J. Steinmetz Co.. 60s ileiiinget hldK Main t2ol. $ . i " u i iN noi ttfiiges, i .ty and farm ' l.rupitly, fire M.Kenxia & Co , i le: ' ir.n r bldg . - I and Alder. i Foil mimed. ate loins. $2(1", $Joo, libo, I tsoo, Itu.ju on u.iy und farm trop- erty Houl Lenity o j.ewls bldg. Mi'Nl.V to 1 an ill of JluJ l ! s o o.i o oii cn propiriy. A. 11. llall. 20i (ierlll.ger n.ig. HA.xrt on Oregon H Bank lolg. Hop i ot i d !: 'pel t lea. Bill. dels. 12JU N. 1 ne W. CA: II p. id for moi Ih H la mortgages, age loans. i s t i o . ;t notes, cori reasonaul Lewis U.dg. t : .i rates Will', i Inv Si' 'NI I f"i Jii i.N I X i ilAnt loa n 1, i. 'j ,V .'dor' itnitt ' 'o . to 1 T OrcKUU st. ;td .Y lo loan on improved city, frrn i ty F. ' King, 3 I 4 Spai dins; bid. . i "iii i .1... "i;"to i:;. w. II. stlti o, ;: i I .-I a hillig bIJJ. INsl'HAM '! AMj 1 1 1 1 u , o u u c.-nt ( '!'( i I.i ) AN at .'. ldti i d A,- V .ed l. K, und -4.1 i per Stark. JlO.M ( 1IA 1 I I 01 J, K.i..iUlES IMMLl'IA'lL LOANS ON LIA2.iO.NLo ANU JLV.LItr AT I.A.SlhKN UATL.-v We have one of tiie Hi. est retail Jewe.ry .tores .n c.ty. A loan de partment ia .oiifljiteii in connection wuth same, rmiKIGjf business SiltlCT l,V 1 u.xI'lln.MUh Aisolultly no signs .1 .-.. gnatitiU ioan nusiticss (lis p.aed in iroi.t of our stoie. AH tnr-li.atei.-e 1 . Un;d la l.cid lor a period of 2 no :u:.B, or r.ot Irilertst is paid Hi.i'i. due We are .itunsed ami hi,.; been es 1 1U hd ihai. NJ I 1 11 in c 1 1 on wit:, m y iuiiii estao- inc.n.ciit in tins City. A. .V 2i LLl.oV AdlC. JKWF.LER8. 32 4 Washington si. M ' 1 N I'. V 1 o I .( A N VOL ( AN Gi:r I I ToOAT 1.1 legal rates On I ntnorids. Autos, I'lanos. I re, Lixe.toek or M .tori ;. c.t. Psy bink at pei month or mora. Interest u'e OFKU'li All.-'1 il.l TEL Y PillVATE. roli'i'l.A.N'Li LiJA.N' CO. LJCENSfcD. 211 Lekum blog.. id mid Vv asnington. mJ CM It LS I'MAH-li I1EA K"i'OU T 4 Will Hb IIAIILI l,T! PBALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTEt. GIVE YOl It Noli'., (J LT i TO fig. AU.Soi.Lil.LV NO SECI'IUTl. SPECIAL P.ATr H UNTIL JANl'AUY 1. ENOCOIl hAIH. I-ON'T 1'LLAV. b'l'Ai L HlK'tHITV Co.. LICENSE L. 308 FAILINi; EOANS W ANTE 1 1 SLK the Orcoa Home liul.dera it you desire to luan 011 good Lrst murt- gagen. 1 2 30 N W .H Hn V u 1 g tii, wanted tui April 1, ilulUI socur Ity. - 7 7 , Journal. 1 INA.NC1AL 51 lal and iid mortgages puicnastd; also sellers' Interest in contracts. Ore, and Wasm 11. kl. Noble, Lumbermena j HELl' WAN TE1 MALE 1 WA.N'iKb at once, i men to learn au tomobile repairing and driving. Call I at lUwiiiorne (titte, 44a Hawthorns K ve WaIi'Ii.MaN lor large J'orliand hotel; nnist be rood tlzeu and of good ap peaiaii.e; gi.e piione number and, r. h nni if. .-irj, Journal. LM'Luyi i; A, NT department Y. M. C e fnte to inemlierH. CA JtJ'ij.S j LK.S txiul cone.e.e outract- ors to figuie e.'oi k. C.'J Pit lock blk. Y. ANT LI i Hakcr'S "helpetv U2 l'st st. HELI' VANTE1 -MISC. Y. M. C. A. A CTOMOlilLlC SCHOOL, day and iilgtit class'-, expert train ing in repairing, driving and machine work, forge, laine, ahaier. drill preas. etc . time ur.nmte;. .tcurt pass at ; edut ntional offl. Y. M. '". A. bldg., to JlriMprtcl our t-tioi-n nd rut mod. Coro i peu nt cl.auf'i-is nil u.eoiianicji SUp- p.leij. ; bf 1 i .V i ii i R A I . HA wanted by'govern- inent. i0 rnontn. i'ortiand exarnlna tlooH corr.iiiK .Sample irueutlotis fre. Kianklin institute, lept. tiS-K, Koca- stcr. N )'. WILL you work? We have advaiioed comm.lon 6u . Write ua for Isrmi to baltkiuen, canvassers aud agents. Address Capltai City Nursery company. haiem. Or. MLN, women, iu or over, wanted; 1t month; government Jobs; thousands) positional obtainable. Write lor list. Kranklln Inalitute. HepL 24K, Rbflts- sler. j. Y. , ii UN Becoinn railway mail clerks' Commence 76 month. Kapld In crease. Kor partlculais address FX- Mii. Jo'lrnal. Wti'i'T K.S UCAKANTEii AIKHjX ACTOSlOlilLE BCHOOIa 26G 1 1 TH A Ni JlCKFfeiKisON GOOD carpenter wanted to remodel a house and to take nay in property or house eert. 92 Commercial st. CA P.I'KNTi'.R tt change for Ian4, build house in N-659, Journal. Loans. 1 I. ', I llii.. 7-13 M.l.l.l.Ml liLIXj. I ti-i, $.'. $io'J. I'.'uii, I121MJ, ttavO. I i ... i v ;. t't o 73J 4'r.ain. com. JllllliOAliL LOANS, ti 7';C. L.OU1B .a otoon v ' o . .i.'Q ( 'a k st , near utn, i 4 u.'ii ' J" Cr,i.K l'.o'.HlNOToN, ! mi 4ta st. I'.oar d of I rade bldg. COOK headquariere California Wloe Depot, YamMll, near th. C'N CALLED for tailor made suits ft.fcg ue Taylor thej tailor. 8H Burnsldax (OoBtL&oed oa Vezt Pais)