THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1915. brief information: . M CE3th DAY OF 1913.) AMUSEMENTS DE1LIG Broi(JwT it Tirkir. Opeoinj t"brlt mas daj, "Tne Ha ttlecrj of lYace." morlnj picture. BAKLK Bnilwiy near MorTtaoti. Baker I'laTWi In "'LaniHe. CKI'llbl M J5rSdwr at TirnMlI. Vaudeville. I'ANTAtiE Broadway at Aider. VaudeTllle, i .:. 7 .Jo and k:lo. EMI'ULS Broad ay at Stork Vauderlll. J.;n, 7 M a oil t:ij week lij . OutLuuvAia n juj c jo suudaj. LY it I C I oiixtb at stark. MuUal corned. 'i. . 7 d;o and V.10. Na i MjNAL I'ark auul Weat I'ark at Stark. M.jeh-o ncturea. MAJr.afiC WaiQlnctoQ at Para. Motion iilc- turf, 11 a. m. to 1 1 p. m. Cel. I NiBlA Slim between Waablnft.n and bi.-. Motion plcturta 11 a. a., to 11 p. in. rj-.'-l'I.KJi W! I'.rk l.rar AWW. llUou l... .res. 11 a. Ui. t. 11 i'. tn. All. ilL Si HftL ray.r. U'.ura n. vitek ilaja, Z to 0 suntiaj. Free after- i... a of Tirwlaj. 'l'LuiJ. riJi. aiur- Combis Events. ! ' Portland Allium ot Commoia uc!"r!ty win neet ou Lxxtoibcx at maUi!.r ot coiaiucrcc at uooo. Transportation club luncheon at Maltuom soo-i. Derur at irm- m Oregon-Wa.inrtou thriaton oX T. 1. A.. -a, I'.M-tiand bote. itour clut. i.iiiCr..n at noon ten;fer 2S. Ad club hiiicnetia at uwju, Lrceiutr -'. MuitauL-ab LuUl. rr. rr,i- ilulrjeaa Mro'i rloo lancbeoo. lMr-en.ter .-1. at VI jltni-iiiab 1- t ' i . at U"ii- Orra-.-n lrntloo conre. iu.rla &-!., IM-r.uhzj tod 6J. kr.ltr u.irj lUuriUML Ckimbu of Coov 03er-Iec'uio'r -1, at 0.0. PorUaL l rbiDttr No. . Royal Ar b Ma- K'Ut. J.niirj 8, I p. t iruiior'.ai bot-i. 'r's-n (!t1c I'ajne lancbron at alLltDomio bat). January 8, t rvor,. W.-odrow rtz:- me!a at Central library January 1-. p. ai. 'f blrtj iL.rd in.i-i1i.ui ruiiK-a of Ancient and A'CrpteJ scoltl-n Kit Maxxiic UoUi'a. rfacuirr t. 14 and 15 Portland Stmpji. ny orcbc'.ra concert at tb Hfli, 'amr; Weather t'onditlons. Tl;e north Pa'ifu- t.ror7n nK.T l to onrl em Saakjtcbowan. aji 1 L-n.g foik-d by a high pjt-aaure ari n. wbicb la n"' n.ovltis in -lau'l over tbe f'm ?.c njunx. l-i!ts dl tiirban.-- haj mov.-.: t' the Ijike rFflu and UD-r Ohio railev. am! t'ih fre.-ur uuw ob-- talaa wr the u;ii--n. R Wy tDe.niuir, Routrv- 1 ern-Pla'na and ii..: tate. precipitation l.aa occurre.1 In the i..-rti.eienj (.tHtes. -item ..,..,. u.e ,-,..,. , ...... , "-- . . . , - ' .,''',.,,,, a. far .,-a a f ' niral Mx:m:i t-K-der . ; Tfce at.':r 1 1 r i-r - i m't hii.-ri.-r mc- of t.. I '.i .- r . and on tl.e Atlacti.- l"l. U I. --My ror.ior in ti.e M.iituin ; It.-K.r n.wuta.n. . e:.t:al and vuth-ni 1 - tatea. atnl WAer MiaSlMiU-Pi I.ey. A ei..rir) re'ril within tbe last 24 t-sira 11 ta .lea. Ir'.ai ti.e south, at the moiitij of tl.e li:rL-:i ri.-r. Hn.i 4S miles, w curred Lbere during tba nigbt. i.maj s i-uicii. I Tee erwamoua ire raTorjr.ip or pwnij Itr weauier n t.r Ol-iriri tor k-m inn i-n- , da X'-lt snow niwy f r. pct -d a" Idaho toulcbt t n . 1 ill be ir,..i.v .--o -r'v. x..i'-id-. -u-n.'t and rale westerly irin.l-. faii. P..rr!.i;11 nd Tirpriy T": lUt and Sunday pr.-bat. e-!erly wL;K. Orep.fl a i..', W -L.iLgton -1' nigiit nd da. generally fair. wind UMi.y ivstriy. Ida ho -l n : zh r. peneraily fair. et'vrt snow axnjtLeast forti.i. Sun.Liy. geueraby F5iver 1'oreiast. T'. wn'.nu;..' r.r. r hi P'.rtlanfl will con tinue to fjii for tr." Ltit tuo or thrre .lays. I TOWN TOPICS Tear End Revival. Special rtvival nervnts will b" hold a.t tne Kenilworth 1'iesb;. t .nu:..:. beginning Thurs day ;vei.!:;e. 11, 'e ember JO. Rev. 1.. K. K.ct.a: dson wiii preach on "The Gift of p.wtr" Friday night a watch rvh e will be ht id with following piograun. 7.4". to t.l". "New Year Res-iiutions.- b.4a to 9.45. "My Life s j btory. l. A. Minor. 9.4o to l'.i.4.., cot fee and biii'ln o :.. w ill 1c served :' the yo i nir people of the chuih, 10:40 to inidiiight, paj-tor in c.argc. Sat urday evening. January t, .otta; prayer :i.. tt:i.Ks i.i be held at Mrs. Robinson', Thirty-sixth, ii. J. Town's. 4 1 IS l-'..rt -s.- avenu-. and Rev. I.. K. 1 i i :;arJS":. s, Tl'J Tt.irty-fmirt h. Sutulav, January i.t li a. m , new members wl'.l he received and communion obs.-i . ed. In the eve I ing Rev. S. W. Seeman of Hope I'rrs- b terlan church will l.egin a series of ; revival sermons it. Ker.ilworth ci.urcn. , ! Sof Was In on Seal The eluslv ' dojj .,r R;cr.ard Foster, whe ii ca is-- 1 l' ster to get S" which d.,1 not b-ior. to mm, also got Foster into ja . lat- e-ter 'a1 . te- tiv.-. Pr'r lie was arrested i y I ' an ! Maliet, charged wit: swindling H. A. Sniit l'' :.s it. al:; plained I:...' Foster . f 'r J.",. When the not. l'oster hurried away a distant. histld for i lett amith hurriedly. .in em; lo e of . " S t ii . o-c-'d h :r. tne d.. had teen raid d. w iien a b.oc'. s canine, whicn Examination Is Announced. The In.ted states civi. service commission! announces an open competitive num.- tia.i,r.. January IS, 11 lor nauticU , expert in tn- hydrog-raphle office, b-- reau of navigation, navy department. for men onl. Salaries range from i 1100 to t:s..,, a year. For further ln-i JO..UA..O.I a. ii app.tcation DianK ap- p.y to M K. A Igtort. PosTotfl-e t)Ul!d- "lr.g. Portland. Ur. J. B. Oearlty to Spaaa. Jack Gearity speaks at Ar.un hail o'clock tomorrow evening. H.s will be taken fr-m Marx' value, and profit. Admission is free. at 3 text price Hare Toa Triad ths delicious new Examinations Called. The Fnlted Dixie Buns? They are a Waynes jirod States Civil sirvice Commission an- ( uct and malting a bis bit. Ask your nour.'-es an open competitive examina- grocer. tAdv. tion January 18, U16, for bcteriolo- gist and pathologist in the bureau of science. Manilla. P. I., for men only. "THE CHRIST CHILD" New Sacred Cantata to Be Given First Time Here STJTTDAT at the First Methodist Episcopal Church By Quartet and Full Vested Chorus of 40 Voices, SOXOXSTS. Mr. Norman A. Hoose. Tenor. Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman. Soprano. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton Stowers, Contralto. Mr. Hartridre G. W'hipp, Baritone. Miss Gladys B. Morgan, Organist. Zrexybody Welcome. All Seats Pre. 730 P.M. SXXRTl Ott- Committee.) Woman Gets Into Hot1 M otxt Ma p. hi tip I Her New Machine Before Breakfast Mr. J. S. Piegrist. li.'.9 East Thirtieth street, wife of J. S. Biegrlst of the WestinghoiiRe Airbrake company, is one of the happiest women in I'ortland to day. When she woke up this morning" she found that Santa. Claus had brought her an auto mobile. "She was so Interested in the ftift, I couldn't get her to bresk faRt," said her hust.and. "She (rot Into the machine and re fused to Ret out. Of course, che s harfiy." The machine was a Dodge told by t:.e ovey Motor ir company. . I a? salaries from tCOO to t'. 00 a vear. For farther information and a Mi x tion t.hinlus. M.!y to M. K. WlKton, Postoffice building, Portiar.d, Oregon. PnneraU of H. C. Bohlman Funral services for Henry C. lioldnian wer-i . t.a inursuay . Icembt-r '-'.:. at I Ham s I ey. who hand 1 S al 1 work be oilock p.m., at 1 .:.!cvs chapel, Mont- . . . , , KOtn-rv at Fifth ..v ,. wJ,. ,c.:fo e that ,,iv"''""f ,..i; returned cu'-ted by Rev ;. Hafu.r. y jrirt"' o reposed of Mis P. P.' ut.-lsia i.f r. "rs "j. tia.ner. ;.ir. h t.-.'.n.'icKic. Mr. u. itaz, par.g tiii.y I'.Tiie.-i.t'erci. I -ti-ea-aed was a i. -vif r of Kr.iKht: 1'ytt.ias, An. i 'r..-r of l ii.t l Vorknieu and was icn tarv of ih; German Aid sccl'-tv. Uonnrary ;ai. boarers were Mr. J'.hn Rei;i. I,r. Ivt.-r Wagner. ('. H. Meusdorf ff A. Sahrm. C. Orltzmacher and Fntz Kiieih, a ttve pallbearers were IUyni.iti'1 J i! Henry Martzloff, Henry Uaz, W.iliai.i 1 Ken see, 'harlt J. el. Sair.'.iel ! Iltss. Interment was made 1:1 Kiv view cenit teiy. Tnne-rml Set Tor Monday. Funeral i services for Arthur i Zwicker will be : held on .Monday, 1 i-ecfmber 2", at 1 :;.' jp m., at the estab! of J. P. ' 1 Kin!-y S n. .Montgomery and Fifth. .streets. Mr. Zw:.ker was a native of; Ce.rma.ny. aped h--. and resided at 6iU rp l'S r' -ve tree! 11 Oreg. - n f- r ti.o i.a.-t i !.ad iiel in vears and in I Port lar.'l for t". iuft five He i waj a f t:.c Independent or- I ,i.-r of (..1,1 1 . ,. -. s .Ir. wicker is I ' !:rvHl 1 1 , W . ' , . t , a I t - ,.i . r ' on, pi: me ni s or t;.. 0.-tober, 1315. Anto and Wagon Damaged. In t' e ' Krar-.d jury Hatnnif rsb v was too ol ;sion of an u t moi.i : e driven by -T'-.T.e for a few moments to ex I'. Taylor of M'J F-a&t -Sixth street North . press his thank.-. i li . -It. I-. I" ,rm H .. ' - . i...n I driven by Robert Z'TJ-Lrs i avn,je und Ivy .-treet : i , K.,,v, ,...h-,-l re.l.r,!,! cam.tged. but no one was in ired I" - re;'ori ! iiunmi an ' Span ph. Tayt-T claimed that ti.e imilk Wagoll 111 1 I.u on li. Play Proves Entertaining A two- a'-t piny ent.tled "Mr. 1 was Mic- - rendered last night m t'n. City Hail by the- students of the Mil- i wauki High school. Kach character j carried .his parts well. The- play was Pioduc.-d under the direction of Miss ; Agnes Lk Campbell and lYmcipai Ro'- rt t.oetz. The comedy whs well re- ...... ... "" J.O I lauded tlie performers l.iro jgliout. Portland Boy Is "Winner. Harold C. Bean of Portland is tlie winner of one of tl.e four honor awards In the medi cal department of Johns Hopkins uni versity. 1 1 is a. grad -ate of the l':.i-vei.-ity of Oregon, class of J, and is a son of Rooert S. Hen n, judge of tne United States ciistrut court for urct'"11- Laborers Arrested Two Russian '.aborers, Lavm,- in their possession a diamond bracelet, attracted the atton t;o:; of l.-t. tiveg Sw.r.ioa a:..i C -Mo.oi .-y v estejruay, and ai rtst- J R;c.,..rd Stanton a:.d Jaii-s smith. The i'iaicld, whose owner has not been found, is a link affair, and each iinK its set with a '.a, karat diamond. A. Big- Hit Harold Lockwood, fan ous American star, in tnt screen set tuition "The House of a Thousand Scndais." a fctirring uratna of ti.e heart. Fas. dilating May A plas the part of ti.e" titro. i.e. To b. snown Sunday and Monday. lieceir.Ler -i and -' at the .N-w Crand theatre, 105 S.xth street. Adi.iissiun j cents. (Adv.; Taylor Street M- 3S. Cnarcli A spe cial (';,. isti.-.-.s progt am has be en pre I .ir.d l-r t e o .t .or serv. e to be ii - lield t u .rtow iiejrning by ttia bers or t.uis ci.urcn at 10. Id a. m fr nt of the loCKtol doors at Third and Tylur streets. Aduie.-ses will be de livered Ly Mr. F. S. Akin. Jdr. W. Y. Masters ar.J Miss h- ii. Fulltuer. Columbia RlT.r Hlgliway Sta. leave. BnJa veil 7i30 a. m.. St. Charles hotel. PortUnd, 4 p. m. Sat. and bun,e,enlng. pecial trip, leaves Bridal Veil 6;JJ p m. Portiaund. Ui30 p. m. tAdv.j Xmas Packaffss dellvere.1 by reliable. courteous, neatly uniformed m.-s-en- ,Vrs. an where In citv. for Vo.i. trn L'ciua Mesjsengera (Adv. steamer Jens Haralns for Camas, : Washougal and way landings, daily, exceDt Sunday. Lasavaa V ashlr.--.on . btreot dock at 2 p. m. tAdv. Order a. Ooua Havnea Dixie Runs. Wholesome and delicious. & cents tuys a whole do. en. Your grocer .i them. (.Adv.) Haaion Olasoe, BsUabls Watch- e made If the prediction of Robert maker. 412 Fast Burnside, near Grand j Fa'. a water tender on the ship who is ma. Adv.) I In Seattle trday, is fulfilled Fay de- j dares his belief that the federal inven- Dr. J. T. ZFevT has returned and!t'Kat!on has just begun and that Im resunied practice. .5 K. both et, N. Ad. ' portant developments are certain to I occur. Cotillion club annual Xmas dance to night. Cotillion hall; s'l features. Adv. Pre XrMsoa Xmbroldery and cro chet, Need.ecraft Sliop, Alder. Ad - Edlsfsea's wish you "Merry Xmas. "Ad. Plttmon's Hew Quid tells ev. Xdlsfsen's wish you "Merry Xmas."Ad. Home for Christmas; TnoiTiD Oqttci 1717-J-Pr,: AUOBUO WCV MUOiPIIK fllRFD AT HOMF RY Salem. Or.. Dec. 25. (t. P.) Tnt ant Officer Mrs. Eva Pickett is evi dently taking no holiday on Christ mas, as f he swore out a warrant and had her husband, Charles H. Pickett. ' address, and I will tell you how to locked up In the county jail today J cure yourself at home by the new ab upon his return home after several i forpuon treatment: and will also send months' absence. Pickett is a com- otr of this home treatmect free for mereial traveler and is well known on Lrl.LWl11:, "Zi' 7!, yUr OWn th Hi. if. ,.e.. o . locality, if requested. Users report be returned noma to spend CbjrLstmaa I Ter write today to Mr. iL Buramera. with, bis family in this city. Box P. .Notre Dain. Ind. JURY PLAYS A CHRISTMAS PRANK ON INNOCENT ATTORNEY Jce Hammersley on Receiv i ing End of Comical By- Play in Grand Jury Room. NEAT WATCH FOB GIVEN - . Prosecutor Abused by Chief and Jurors and Then GiTen Christmas Gift; In veitig-atort Appreciated. Deputy District Attorney Joe Ham mersley was on the receiving end of a real surtTls-e eterdav. The grai'd jury called IMstrl.-t Attor- ney Kvnns into consultation, and when from lunch tie found Lvans there. ' I have a private matter of great i:n- portan. e with tli.. grand jury." .-aid Hamniersi. -'s chief, and the dei.ijty fat down outsirio to ;vit for Kv.uis to leave. "The crand jury wants you to come in." i ailed ;:ans later. Kve.-y ineiiiber of tlip Jury nnd Mr Kvans wore most ouituur) looks as Hammersley tnteretl. 'The grand jury has called to my at- tention the fu th.-it -oi;'. verv im portant matters h.T." found their way to ovtfidA ears," Kvans began. "T'nis Is rnot .serious, for iill mutters must 1" kept rtl. I am asturei no grand Jury member ha tdd these things'. and as you nnd I are the only otlv rs wh i knew the.-.- matters, the i.-ak fje ir '.our direction. "This is In ns went on "To s' . w yo i j-ist h"W eri- ous it Is, the members of the grand Jury have asked nit to give you tlu.s little t'.ken of their regard" Kvans handed him a wit' h fob with an elk tooth m a urn inscribed with number of I la uinier.- '- home lodce :n Cld Hill. W. and with tliel Santa" Claus Visited Little Girl After All Spokane. Wash - I n;.!.;- io 'e: lie. I X S I I .. possess f..r her own the g.ulj -dr.-s., doll w!.l h caught hi r ., iittle ragged girl csterday slipped the doll under her frayed coat and s'arted to leav a local department store. Her theft was discovered nnd she was t.:rrif.,, over to Probation orflccr i'a-kes Tn." 'officer In.esMgated and fo,!rd O-,.!,.. r.' u l,,,,,-,. ... ), j ' oi el ul,rr. ! a csreworn ra"lh'r sought to keep tn gctiier a brood of ragged, lnngry little one.". He reported his findings to the owner of the store wr,- promj.t'v turned Santa Oatis -Td ;-e1e. ted for the g'rl and her brother and shst rs a bi x of toys. Pioneer at Forest Grove Passes Away Fort rirov, Or. P.. 1". t :irth'-fr K Rlsnk. ohle t res Mrs r. Of Ff.'e" (trove d ed at h. r ov.p rfr night of paralysis Slo would ir.vs been Vi in lVbrtiarv. I Itr h.u.s band ribd about two vears pco. Mrs. r.lnnk wis the l.i-t if'ii'ifr of the large McMillan family, who wete P!!o"!t t earliest idnneers of Forest ' Orove. They crossed the I lalns from IH.nols lr. ; conung rmm Illinois, wlier" th y came from New York. The was a native of Sco.n.pd. It fore t Tinning his f.-tmilv to ( regon. he made a trip h f" via the Isthmus of Panama. Mrs T'd.ird; w.i th aunt f Mrs. Jvt.e McMillan 'rdway, who lives at Hammers ey t'ourt m 1' Men Poisoned by Liquor m lacoma Tacma, TYash., Pec. (I, ri Ten men are patients at the county hospital here today, two of them suf fering from severe sculp wound, as a result of being poisoned bv liuuor they drank Christmas eve. The m'n fell unconscio is in the street, at dif ferent points and several of them were . ' painfuilv miired by strik. ' ttmla on tl.e T...ven.. i.f T! K- i-.i:red bv strlk their I poib'e ' think tr.ey drank "doped" wh h it have not learned where it wns dis- j pcribed Predicts Disclosures About Minnesota Seattle, Wash., Dec. :', i P N. S. Startling- disclosure concerning the I trouble which iued the steamship Minnesota to turn back to Han Fran cisco after reuldng a point w-i; down the lower California coast, are vet to Insurance Frautl Alleged. Long Beach, CaJ.. Dec. 25. (P. N. S.) Charged with attempting to re- rew a delinquent insurance policy on , i the life of I. K. McCaren, w ho disap- j : earMi from Ij0ns Keach in a cancel and supposedly was drowned, Thomas j De Coe was arrested today and charged with suspicion of a felony. Deputy Sheriffs Van Fleet and Burns declared that De Coe had posed as McCaren In an attempt to renew the policy. ate e m 1 1 s J NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching. blind or protruding Plies, send me your POSTAL CLERKS HAVE HUGE DAILY TASK CLEARING AWAY VAST CHRISTMAS MAIL' I F k7?A&it tf J J I I More than irvoo sacks of rhristma, V WZi&Z2 J tfAU 1 -( Tt 'llmall were r-.ed up pr,sto'fe sta- i Sy y-!-: irMU w" as segregating- the sacks for) TKitaii l'-;;-&as-s---1 "" I their trains, outgoing, and the tta-j Seen at Station K, wliere mall is dumpel in by carload through the holiday sfa-son. LITTLE STORIES OF Lillian Russell Flays Santa. In honor of husband, Alexander Moore. P.itsbui k newspaper pub- i' n.-b.-r. Lillian Ituss'-ll. the well known a, tress gave a Christmas party In the i . al suite of tne ilu.tnomah hotel 1-st night Aiiout friends were present, auto graphed photographs of Mi.-s Russell being used as souvenir mei u cards. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree and other decorations used will be given to the poor today. Old Soldiers Urniembered. Members the Soldiers' Home at R. sebuiR were ma.'. I appy on Christ mas dav bv Jars of fruit, and also candies and tobacco, pent by Blackmari C.nle, I.a.r.c.s of the l. A. It., of this ci ty. The Hot .ift of All. I Chm-titia- is st,. -at-home day for! tie . i f : i 1 a 1 s . ,M. ni ice itv commissioners ;e with lis fjim-'v. Auditor uo.i.-: t : same thing. is at I Uiai bur , Frisoners Hae lat. j Pilen e w the c.iv thin on the 1 PROGRESSIVES WILL WAIT TO SEE WHAT Tiir n n n urn I nn HO. U. r. MILL UUiPatrolman Shoots National Committee to Meet Next Month to Set Date of Convention. The Progressive national committee will meet in Chicago January 11 to decide on the date for holding the next Progressive national convention. T. B. Neuhausen. Late chairman for Oregon. Is of the opinion that the convention will be set for the last week in June, so It will ooine after the Republican national cor venti in. Progressives want to wait and see who the Republicans nomitnt.j before they hold ti-f ir convention, he said. If Hughes or Borah or some Prog! e.ssivo of their type Is nominated for presi dent by the Republicans the Progres sive convention no doubt will Indorse him and the two parties will be merged on. e more. "Hut if a man i ke Root or bis type is nominated,'" sriid Mr. Neuhausen, "the Progressives will put up a candi- ppiJC-TTrTP Lg CI' tm !2T!LT rg.!r7T; A Merry Christmas For you and yours is the hearty wish of this store for our many thousands of friends and patrons. Tomorrow We'll give you the news of the most important event in our history. Look for our ad. in Sunday's paper. GUS KUHN. Successors to Stcinbach & Co. SANTA CLAUS' VISITS Job at the Courthouse today, with tlie exception of the jail. Thi 'nj prison ers enjoyed a Christmas feed of roast veal, gravy, nuts, candy, apples, or anges and pie. a SchDabol Distributes Gift. Attorney Charles J. .Schnabel yestcr terday played ;-anta to the office force of county Clerk Coffey s office, send ing two boxes of fine apples and a box of cigars for distribution, among the deputies. Telephone Girls Are Remembered. Many Mibsr ribers of the Pacific Telephone t Telegraph company re membered ti.e telephone operators to day, even though In some instances it was only a cheery "Merry Christmas" v isi.ed the girls over the telephones. Many totes of candy were received ty the gltl-s. rianing Mill Is Host. Offlei.iis of the, liast Side Planing Ml.l w,re hosts to their 35 employes tit a, turky dinner given in the Y. M. r A (-feteria last night. Fach year tt.e company entertains Its employes. 'date of their own and make a hard i . ampiiipn for him." I Tl.e Miestion of whether Colonel ! Ro,st vei t s name shall be placed on the Progressive party ballot in the Oregon i presidential primaries has not been discussed, accord1. g to Mr. Ne-uhausen. I However, he says he thinks there is noT Idoubt that it will go on the ballot. To Stop Stolen Car Officer Becog-niies Machlns Containing Party of Joy Hddsrt But Falls to Bring It to Salt. Recognizing- the machine as one re ported stolen, Patrolman S. 8. Shoe maker fired two shots at a party of Joy riders in an automobile belonging to Arthur Dickinson of Oswego about 3:30 this morning at Thirty-nlntli and Division streets, in a vain effort to j etop the car. I Shoemaker first was attracted to the j car by the noise of the occupant s, four wotnen and two men, and called j repeatedly to them to stop. Half an hour later Shoemaker found the ma- I chine abandoned at ICast Sherman and Kast Thirty-seventh streets. 1 Tlie car was stolen from in front , of tlie Haielwood. Mr. Dickinson, who is head of the Dickinson Fruit Pre- J tservir.g- company, was Inslds with . friends. The mach1ne was not dam aged, and was driven to headquarters by the police to await the coming- of the owner. 'j Lv i'.n vjs'iyji f.jiiy'iiL.'i r. vij tL'j m President Morrison At Fourth Regular Force Augmented During Holiday Rush to Keep Things Moving. i I More than looo sacks of Christmas tion i;. Fifth and G.isan. ti..s morn ing 'llie regular force of hardb-rs. aug-, mented by many helpers, tack-ed mountain of mail like a hydraui.e against a gravel hank, and before icon i 1 ad everything ready for the after noon rush. j As well as segregating the sarks for their trains, outgoing, and the sta tions, incoming, a large part 6f the mail ts sorted into sacks at station K. Men working at ordinary fcpeed would not accomplish the tasks tha' are required of men 1n the postal ser vice in the pre-holiday rush, but Die Christmas spirit In one of its forms takes possession of the workers, and t hey perform "prodigies of labor." Many of them work overtime, receiv ing extra pay. Heroic Mother Fails In Effort to Save Mrs. K!ln J. PoUh ronls. a survivor of the Titanic disaster, had another -capo from death late yesterday when she, tried to r scuo her son, George. & tears old. from the path of an Oregon i21ectilo tiain at Multnomah station, bhe was thrown aside by the train, but the boy was run over and probably fatally injured. Mrs. l oiihronls, the wife of a track foreman, was standing with the boy al Multnomah station, where they live. The boy started to run across the trak as a train approached. Mrs. Polihronis ran upon the track after him, and grasped him by the walat band, but was too late. The train knocked her from tlie track and ran over the boy. Roth were taken to Kt. Vincent's hos pital by an Ambulance Servlca machine and attended by Ft. R. C McDaniel. The boy has concussion of the brain and a broken leg; Mrs. Polihronis la suffering from three broken ribs and many bruises. Arnerlcaii Foreign Trade. As early as June HO, the fetate of American foreign trade showed a bal ance of export, over imports of more i than Jl, 000, 000, 000. This was a new experience for the Fnited States. Kdlefsen's wish you '"Merry Xmas. "Ad. JlrgH - Superior Servic rr . Beat Quality A nOWn JOr Satisfactory Prices 30 Years Wholesaling Reliable Plumbing and Heating Sup plies in Portland. M. L KLINE 84-86-87-89 FRONT STREET Ask Your Dealer for Our Faultless Plumbing Material Which Ssves in Up-Keep The SI WARD la a new, moeVm and elegantly appolntad botal. paaaaaaiDK cna f tkva moat bMatlful coruar ktbies Is Kertbwt. Ixcata4 at lotb aad Alder itreeta. ep.alte Olds. Wortaan a Klaf'a blf danxrtmen t store. Id heart of tall and theatre district. B a ta. $1 asd up- Bua meat all tralna. W car alao rnu from t'alua Dapol dlreot te HOTKL 8BWARD. W. U. HKWARD. Pro. HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and Washington Sts. PorUsnd, Oregon, Reinforced Concrete Building. Positively Fireproof. Victor Brandt, Koss Plnneraa. Proprietor Hanarsr PZC1 Z. SMTXS BT THE WEII bCHLKJJJi A.M ( Ohbbbh.v The . . C. A. will fit any am bttUus young man or woman for first class positions in BOOI KXBPXKO, STElOaiAPHT and luinum ip. To men this includes valuablo athletic, aquatic and membership privileges, although tuition cost is less than elsewhere. PHOSX ICAXBf 706S, A -6561. Our class in PUBLIO SPEAK TWO is givipg great confidence and com mand of language to Us members. The cot is small. ILL CX J3SES ST ST JAJt. SO Willamette University Oldest Educational InatitsUos la tha VorthwMt. Csllea-ai ef Literal Art a, of Law, ef Tha alofj, Sea act of Mua. i. Art, Oratory. Chruua Iaflueaee. Vary IsaxtxaalT. fsllMt iMtirtios IsTited. Writs fa BaUettos. 0. O. SOVZT. Prssidaot. Sadaca. Oracaa, "Coppers" Provide st?as for Tot wno Misses iram .lust hecAuse little 10-year- ol.l (.'hester Moriran, an orphan, ws away from home last night was no reaw.-n that he should not enjoy the privileges that conies to all youngsters, of get- tmsr present on Christmas Eve. Chester was brought Into the police station by Patrolman Nan Yalkenhurgh. when he found that his connections by train from Orenco. Or., to Soap- ioose. wete su -h that he ) ad to say in Portland overnight, lieutenant Harms bought the Isd a dinner. Matron fJajr.psnti took him to tlie Muti head- quarters, wiiere he was givon an overcoat, a pair of shc..s, a hat, a toy auto and so:r.e ! Ixioks. last niglit he slept in a nice ( lenn cot in a private room in the ernei gen- y hospital. n Tomorrow, 7:45 p. m. Last Chance to Hear MILTON ST. JOHN K. P. Hall, Cor. Utk and Alder. Subject: PEACE AND PREPAREDNESS Come Early to Get Seated ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackage proves it 25c at all druggists. GUARANTEED mLYCROCERS 11 you bar need for fia aerrloaa ef a ra- grocer look over tiua liat aad aalaot tb. out moat oonraiaaikUy located la you nalgb- bcrhood; AI BEETA CASH OBOCEST, U Alb ta, C- S4i3. Woodlawn 66t. BASE FOTH. all DaloB a ., V. C-10St I Eait 4860. BJOiLKLUKD BKOOO. 67 Thsraaa it. j Maxahall 1631. ! mCCKWITH Jt BCHKXDT. 10S Oraa4 s., B- I 10ST Eut S117. EELM0KT GBOCEBT. 1180 Balmont. B-lttl Tabor 6. BBUBAKER k HOEMAlTDni, 1581 Z. itau-k. D-112i Tabor 1188. BUKQALOW GBOCEBT. IBS B, 41aU, D- 144a. Tabor 8448. V. C. hVB.Ha CO., 80 Sd at.. JfavU Sit A-1626. . W. C. BELLOWS. 210 IT. 16 til it. Mala MSI. BVBEE AVE. GBOOEBV. KUwaukis A Sybea Are., B-SOfrO, gailwood 30. H. CAE ROLL, 62 KUUn saworU ara.. Wood- 1 lawn 829. I B. U. COOPER. (75 Wash A-S7S6, kUla 780 A. F. CASE, 5204 roller Koaa. Tabor Ml. CHEHAK BROS., ISO Oibbi at.. Main S08S. DUFF'S GBOCERT, 891 Oiann at. Tabor 6748 J. W, CALDWEXX, UH E. Utk au. B-lsl. Ballwood 6S1. GEORGE DOWK1, 1 Jaffaoa. ktala Ml. D00NEY If rOX. S4T . Slat C-ll&i. E. 6608. O L. SUBELL. 881 Tkurmaa, Mala S484. 1 T.' A. DAVIS. 44 Orud an., Bllwoa4 m DAY BKOa.. 484 Glavdauia are., B-8448, Ball wood 669. A. EMIG, 1409 Say bird., C-186S. Tabor 1SS. E O. GBOCEBY, 80 WUItauna a.. Z. 6810. II P. INNIS8, S71 Willlama a., 0-l. FBEMOMT GBOCEBY. 1840 Basd, Bouarard Tabor 4819. 0 E. FOBD k CO., 81 Lomfcafd. ColombU 171 1 FRIEDMAN At HOIXOPETEB. S06 Sd at. , Main 4118. I L E. ECKEBT, 4iti it. aad SOU an, g. , ! 'Sellwood 466. ) 0ATE8 HUBBARD. S14 Clintoa at.. Sail- vood 1811. W H. GE&BETBEV. 1044 Z. HarrUoa. Tabat 497 OIEJTWO0D OBOCEHT. 488 Lombard rt. Cor Waahburo, Woodlawn 1760. G0TT6ACKXB BEOS.. 164 GrajU Ta.. B- a Ml tr . T 1 OOTTBACKEB BROS., SI E. 11th, B-14M. 'i.U GU8TIM. IPO Daaum. Woodlawa 1, ' UAKlLlo B uaui.ut, iaa xioru 17 ta at Kin 1730. j u HART MERCAKTTLZ CO., (70 Xxnbard. i wart. . Columbia 440. TBED HOrrMAJI. 78 MiaslMlppt svaaaa. , V oodla S47. 0 RARPKE. 1 Dinalon, Sail wood (u O. F. HOFl'MAM, 71U4 SirU ara. B. zVT Tm. HALV0B bAHL 4O0 Jaff.raon (L Mais 464 S. HUGHEY BROS., 1S34 HoLfau at., B-UiS ball wood 07 S. IJiNLS BUCK. 125S Havwtborna ? Tab. 177 J1.KBEB'- OKOCaHY U WaaauiarUs St., A 751. Maiaball 68SS. JE1.8EN B G&0C.Y. 661 KorrUon. A-SS7S Maia 661S. KEMiON MEBCABT1XE CO.. 17S0 Derby rt Woodla'D 2826. H KNIPE, 63 UmatUla, B-1814, Ball, 184. USD 4i BWABMAX, 17 Union Jt., (. 1266, Wood rn JCl'N LCEY, 3J4 i7th at.. A lHi, Mais 8881 H W. 18AlMIy. 7i PowaU at.. BalL J7. J ' F McMAHON. lt4 UiTiaion. Tabor 146. MCCX GlSOCx-BY CO.. 01 BonU JarMt, Bu Jchni, Or, Columbia 116. GEO. MSTEl, 151 E Ud T.bor Mf c McPLltE, S40 Kliiu-fiworth, Wdla. 17 SI j6B MAfcAOliAM W6 E. btaxk. B-1SSS.Z.US j H. MlbMEK. 1UI Union ara. 6-Ti Wco4Ua ltai4. p orMlTCHilX. IIS . Sd A-7S44, Maon IV 46. MomAvau MABZZT OBOCIZT. lt E Gilaau at.. Tabor 874. a L MOORE, 1871 M acaun Road, Mala 1438 it M. MlBBEl, si! Z. Marriaoa. B17C0, E. j7 meubaJeb, ufui . a- int. Mam OJa L. R. BoitXOB, Sol Union ara, Jt,, C-1488 Eaat 14o, A. a. MlCiiOL, 41at aad BAymond. BeUwood 4S7. C D. OTTfcBOB, 6 th. A- 4471 MaJn IJ7J 1 B. 0 BELL, 1 Mood at., A-44SS. Mala sois m' J. OS'ltLJJ, lule Ul'iaum . Bji 1 14, "ORTLABU H.IGllXb OROCERY, Vtata ,Y. and SBrs -. A- 74. Main SIM. hUXki-i.l)lOb., " auwuku. Bauwood 444 i bUtb. 671 Miiwabki. Bauwood (S3, alt- B. SCAJ-EB. -1 Eaat InhMm m.. 8t. Johns, Or. Caumbi 810. iCiUM BCHMUa, a7K E, Oouoh, Eut 4SS1. i J BPIBCZB, 1711 Beunoat. IV 147sTla. nor 171. CHAS. SIUBBS, 114 E- Jith B-1188, E.48M bSaOLA k DaV. biSO 46U, a,.. . 'tT. bor Mb. C. V. SMOCE, 1094 Baloat, B-S014, Tab. Ui CHAs. BJC000E, luM E. Oth M., v7aln. Uto CHAR. bCaWiBU. SM (rrand na. m-tA. IliljALi. JJR08. GBOCEBT CO.. SS Orand Avn.. B-1440 Eat 447. T I THOMAS, 70 Alberta, Woodlawn vtl J. IKAlltOH, VU7 Mnwauklt, BeUwood 6a F- A. VORPAHL, 1416 E. bliann at., lab. ' WUXkUaU af i uaOCEBl. ia7 MUwrnnau. BaUwaed US. GEO. T. WEBB, 60 Z. Aid ar, B-1707; E. 707. B. A. WAXUB Co., SOU E. lisaa, Tab. ZU. WHITE F&OKI GB0C. S7I . 11U St.. - 166, Eaat SS0. W. WOLBUTER. 689 4tb at.. Main 81I8. E. B. WATTS, ili Cor bett it. Main 8781. 0. WALBIBOM. Ill Williams ... o- L1S7. Woodlawa 1602. W1CM B GROCERT CO.. 112S Union ara. 2J Woodlawn 19S0. WALKER B GROCZBY MARKET. SOS E. tnorca, B-134J, East 4497. W. U. WALKER. b6 E. 39th, Sellwood 1171 WELCH OROO. CO. 1640 E. l'U. B-8144 Ball wood k7. YATES a BAYMOVD. 1014 Balmoat. B-IIJ8. Tabor 21. CCHWAB PRINTING CO. OBEN F.GREEWE-HARRY FISCHER -t4.5t OTARK STREET B The Journal Building offers ereiythlni s crlUcsl teosnt could desire all outside rooms, reasonable rentals, best of service. Bull Run water throuthout building high - gratis luncheon and tea room in building for the busy man best barber shop in Portland adjoining lobby. THE JOURNAL BUILDING BROADWAY AT YAMHILL ifgtxiiitii iw3 The Joornal Building Tenants' Directory BBtTSmx, wTJVTATW Z. K. B. MauabaOl Ml. A 8448. lOtb fix. BVZXX, W. 1 s Ultr riuana. Maia SST. A-8S78. B a 404, crsazxi-Anr. vx. oka, t.. M- D. MaranaUl 161, A-aHil. UrU flaaar. DALLAS DTTZX0FMX8TT 00., FEDERAL TRUST CO., Ml US Wlttadbwf, Manav rr . Manbsdi A-101L B4WLB 114. Dai TIB, AMES V . Law b. Mavkn 744. Boom Ml. Main 7444. lith floor. DO- r t, AETHTTR JL, Owtla a, bin. JOAJT, W . W.. Attama-r. ICaia 1744. XJm ttll. ' PTTI-XB-BTRAKAJf k OO., V 1U Aroo untax la. Mala 6784. 70S. FIBS TZACTHZRfl' AOCTTOT, 7. M. ZUUtt, Mala 4SS. Raws 114. FOX, IRTUr R.. Oataaiiatrlaa. MaJa 6SS, A-irTL. ion- SIS, BOBBS. rEBjr. Room S44, KOWAJLD, H- W., M. B. Mala BC7. LTT LZ. Z. Z., RaaJ BX Man 01 4S40. Booan 607. I1ILE TADT. MTTLTTOOLOB PREAa, Juuai B. Waisb, Dis trict BaUaa A eaat. Ma: a 4118. 800. KsOAUXZT, F R A V X. K. B Maia 6SS, A 1171. Raw 81. arar xxoch, cttrDz. La. Mala 4446. Boom 601. K9irT(H)MZBT, DR. t. .. Thr aJeUa sad Bu(aoa. Mais 6W, A-U71. Room 614. MTXM, Sit K. B . Orbaa atn. Marsbnll 1771. Boon S07. BTTBOB. ABBAXAM, Attwrmwj. Main 1S07. Boon 104. rtLMCTMJ EE. EMXL, Bsatlst. Main in. Ims SOS. OOULU1 TAX ixrx rvt. o. 1. O. Ounnlnna, Hmraa iUiilun 1764. Ems SOS. OBTXAVir, Z. W , Majrmfaa ra' Aswnt, Baliwaj BnpsiUat. Mais 7446. 11th tit. rxrzrs fupaxis. Att- aart at Law. Maranaui 800, A lulL Boa 114. OtnCZ. B. X.. Tin Orofoa Fir Baliaf Aaa's. Ma S976, A-S976. E MS. XtmtZRFOirj, F. B., AttoiMT. BarsaaU S4. Eooa SIS. BPZVCEX TEA ROOM. Mail 1 774, A-7S41. Room SOL BT EVBEXO, SB. J. .. PbTsi. a a sad Bursaoa. Mala US, A-1S71. Boom 614. TXOXMALD, Dr. 4. T.. PbroV tna and Sairaon, Mala Boost SOL WAXEEV COarSTXTCTTOB CO.. Parinc Cntiotora. Mais 6744, A-4S44. fatuU fioer. TST. orWAXJ). law Bate 464. Eooan 641. WEwTBXOOX WEBTBXOOX, Atternara at Low. Mala 1007. Eootu SbS. wtmaa optical oo , Mala 064, A-31-. Eooan 60S. WXITEtlllE Dr. 0ZO. Pbp aioiaa nnd Sorfaoa. Mala 1SS4, Xooan 907. W BIS T-BLODOITT CO . LTD. Tlasor Load. Mais 7444. 11th rtoec. 53 mm a -6 "