The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 24, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Former Governor Takes Is-
sue With Statements of
Certain Portland Paper,
B-aOroad Ccnpur km Wot Paid Ulnfl
Dollar on Tide I.ande In
Question, He Declares.
Former .ovrnor Oswald West de-
. j .. . . . I. . 4 i .. . t.n,.nf l noY.-
rjaretj iuuh) nine , o.- .-t-- . .
sighed in yesterday s Telegram md F -
OAy H -uregonimi mat uip -.101..-Eastern
Railroad company, now owned
by the Southern Pacific, had pal.: taxes
on Its tide lands In Lincoln county f"r
Jhe last five and xix vears. were fat.-"
He says the raiiroan compaiiv
not paid t single d"Kar of tjics on th,.
tide lands In question
IWr. West h;d taker, the ruatt-r up
With the btate tax commission soiic
time ago.
i The Telegram yesterday carried a
tory from Salem, savins? that tne rail
road company hnd been tray-Ins taxes
Otl the tide lands for tic last flu:
years, and today s Oregonlan. in a Sa
lem dispatch, said the company had
ben paying: taxes on the tide lands f"r
the last six yearf
Notwitl-fv.i!ng I!-' statement
carried in news leports from Salem hy
certain IwhI pap'.s, tie tide lands
Clalmed by the railroad roinpativ in
Lincoln county have tot heen assei-sed
for taxation during the six leart,
nor at any other time." si:v s Mr. e-t.
"The compan luts i.tver paid a single
dollar in taxes upon these lands.
"A partial list of lti-. holdings has
recently been submitted to the am"r
of Unooln county and part of the- lands
In this list have heen placed tiion the
roll and an effort will he mad.. by th--county
to collect ta.vcs for tie five
previous years
."What I am trying to point rut iv
that the railroad 'iarnis ill',
of the tide lands if Alsea and Yaiutn.i
bays, outside of the f- ip s channel
HHbfnerRd lunils well a those not
aubmerged and that title to the sub
merged lands will he asserted when
ever its Interests no demand. Hut that
kmly a portion of their holdings ha 1
bean listed with the assessor for taxa ,
'The company has already asserted
tltle to eomt- of these submerged lands
bjr entering into a leas.- wit); parties
Ml gaged in oyster culture Why uhould
they not, thertfi re, be placed on Uie
tax roll?
l "I wish to say aVain that notwlth- '
standing any reports tu the contnry. I
. tbe railroad company haj never pui.l '
la single dollar of tax.- on any of the,
Hot lanos it Clasms in IJncoin coutity
Under Its grant from the sti:e. It has
therefore escaped taxation for aUut
JO jreurs."
Heilig Boycott
fieported Settled
VadarsUntUar Has Bean Arrivsd at
Btwi Kaaag-smsat and Xaxlassrs
(aad Musicians.
"Tua eJtecutive committee of the Cen
ral Labor couim u last night reported
that it had secured through concilia
lion a settlement of the Ilellig thea
tre controversy with the engineers
and musicians. It Is understood that
jth- present superintendent of the
pailding will take out a membership
(card In the engineers, and that later
jon another member of the engineers
jwlll be employed.
iPnv.Q SpI Art.i'p.lpQ
r Produced at School
Boys who have learned to mak
MaeTul articles in the manual training
shops of the public schools are prof
iting by a sale of the things they have
made, at the store of I.ipman, Wolf
.& Company. The sale, which ends to- i
ntrht. is being held under the dlrec- I
lion of J. !. Kerchen. director of
manual training. Today. 25 per cent !
of th proceeds will be given to the i
Mats for charity work. The balance
(OCs tmtlrely to the boys.
Kdlefaen's wish you ''Merry Xmas."Ad.
I The
I Thompson
.- Optical
Extends Its
Felicitations at This
Holiday Season
With Its Earnest
: Wish That
to All May Come
' Merry
- Thompson's D e p-
x Carrei Lenses Are)
Volume of Mails x
Promises to Smash
Former Records
All records for holiday busi
ness will be broken by the Port
land postofflce. It is believed by
Postmaster Myers.
More carriers were put on
trds morning, no that now
there are loo men distributing
mail about the city in addition
to the regular force of '-1".
"All mail received by
o'c'o. k this morning will .
delivered today.' said Assist
ant Postmaster Durand this
morning, and If the mail trains
are on time all mail re' etved
on Christmas will be distributed
The postoffHe was busy this
morning, but not crowded. Tic
ea-ly hours of the afternoon
indicated that there will he the
usual jam of those who forgot
to uo thejr I'hrlslmas mailing
Action Expcted to Be Taken;
in Time for Council Con
sideration Wednesday.
Officials of tin
works & l.igi t'.ng
fix a p. rice on tin
St. .1
ims. Water-
e exis ted to
cnt pri"atel
t Johns and
owned water plant li
submit it to li e i oun. il for a.-thu
Wednesday. At that time step:
be taken to eit' fr -purchase
or have the water bureau build a
of Its own.
nes t
on Ordinance Postponed.
T . r-r.j
an . lesu'atintr the making
g of motion picture films,
f.-n per, d;ti' before the cit.
months, was todav indcf-
' ! a r.diii
- hi--, has I
onii. 1 1 for
initely postponed. It
have an entirely new o
t. be presented to tic:
the near future.
1 s p l Oposed t o
dinance dratted j
council within
Daly 111 With Cold.
Will H. I'aiy. commissioner of public
utilities, is confined to his home with
a serious cold He has been in
health for the past two weeks. 1I
111 !
expected to be able to return to work
Monday morning.
City Has Wood for Sale.
Further attempts are being made by
the city to sell the cordwood which is
now ue:ng rpumed down the hillside to i
liie Linnton road near I.mntuii. The
wood is beiiiS delivered for $4.50 a
rrrd. Ma;.-. . ..rds ure te;i!ir flum.d
(low !. t : : il : - da 1 1 .
Gallagher Explains
Huge Strike Fund
San Trancisco Saperrisor TtttUlad at
Schmidt Synamitinjr Trial In Los
Angelas as to Its Expenditure.
Los Angeles. L'ec. 4. -( I. N. S )
Andrew- J. t;,il an'hcr of r-"a;i Fran. i--o.
a member of the be.ard of supervisor
and a d
M. A. S,- of
r.iiii tlrnt
v it:. ess to.
hmidt, a. i
t '
: t y
a v
centra: la.'.o.
testified as a
i n
the t rial o:
f th
of otnphci: v
Times build-
in the dynamiting
j ing.
' (lal'ajrher said that during the strike
'trouble in I a t Angeles in l?la, more
1 than $:;.?.:. wi. i had b-en contributed to
Ce gentrii! strike fund here by iir.ims
in all j.iirts of t: e 1 n;u.l Slate-,
i His testimony related to the r.- ei -
mg and expendit a . c of the-., ni.oievs
in P' if.
:: Christmas Program
At German House
Orchestra of Twenty-five Pieces Will
Give Concert at 3 o'clock Sunday
Fndcr the direction of Fritz Jlan
lein, an orchestra of 'Jo pieces will
play a special Christmas program at
the German House, Thirteenth and
Main streets, next Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
A feature will be a new composition
by the famous writer, Kocdel, In
which toy instrument effects arc
brought out. Nearly the entire pro
gram will be new n Portland.
Krieg-McCord. soprano, will be
ist at the concert.
aid like a Christmas
Those who won!
tree and are not
ot.e. can secure ,
able to purchase
e free of chart--
through the
Home, who 1
"lit by the
Accord 'Tig f
home there
curtesy of th.e Plsgah 1
itvc !,;,.! about "Hon t re, s i
in. fipbc ..I of t he home, j
w,rd sent out .y die I
will he about lniin trees!
Tbev can ! secured from
stieet entrance of the p-t-or
;it the auditorium site.
Market streets.
the Tenth
took block
Third and
Children of fi:P
r Elalor;ite.
Sundae s- lu.ol at C ...
1 - ll'ltc);, will . ei, -toi-ight
Wit'. -i sn--
First Evang,
brate. "ht
i cial program. In honor of the eve,,,
a superb dee oration sv mbol irs I of th
Cliristmas srason has been prepare I
Electrical illumination plays an i:n-
portman part In t'e d"c0ration
! tnose who attend the celebration
' promised a pleasant surprise.
! Greek Steamship
; Cripnledby Storm
New Tork. De..-. it. if P. i.T!,a
I Greek steamer Thcsealonic e. crippled
j hy a storm lat night, is limping here
: under her own steam, carrying 300
j passenger. The Italian liner sum
J palia stood by her until morning
'. after picking" up her w ireiess call for
i aid 650 miles off Norfolk, and then
Schooner Crew
Philadelphia. Dec.
2 4. ;C. P. i
Captain Pen lewall. his
of five are safe todav
: ous trip In the reboot
mMir. They said the-
ma t.- and crew )
aftT a jril-
" 'inee Sey
reek uteamer
lossirofln ni.-V eH i npin ur, e o.w
' V- -. . , - u-nn4.. 1..1 ... 1 1 . i
I nri i " ..iwiiri ,mi sirippe-ej lllCll
masts and waterlogged the ship.
Oregon Representative
Introduce Bill After Holi-j
day Recess of Congress, j
COST ESTIMATE, $225,000 '
Part of the Kecelpts from JTattonal
Forests May Be TJeed to Build
25 3GUes Macadam Highway.
Washing!..,,. lec. :'(. cWASHINIi- j
TN I '. ' K KA I ' OK T 1 1 K lorRNAI.) -
After confeicnies w'th e'lief Forester i
Graves and with his colleagues of the
Oregon delegation, Con c ressman '. N
McArthur lias worked o1 t details of a
bill he nil! Introduce after the holiday
re. ess to provide for the construction
of a road from i 'tovernment camp to
a point near Mt li'od lodge, cuuplel-
ing the last
Mt Hood
This road
in a highway around
t h
ugh the federal for-
est reserve is
miles long.
hutJt Is et i m
J2:.r..00i. For
could not hp
on! a little over -5
:'i two short brancLeti.
ad to cost upwards of
t: is reason the work
undertaken by the for
in the ordinary way.
et try fen ,, i
hut the V- Art
hill works out a
I plan that is ex;.
te.l t( avoid any se-
olije. t ion
rrom Foreat Tund.
It Is proposed to (led .. t not to
exceed J-'Jo.1"." in the years 1 '' 1 1 and
1117 from the federal government's
share of the receipt, from the nation
al forests, ami to apply it to the
construction of the proj osed road. Be
ginning witu the fiscal year open
ing July 1. 19JJ. this money is to he
returned by reducing the annual pay
ments from national forests into Ore
gon school funds from -5 to 10 per
cent, and uinnni; the 1 per cent dif
ference -Into the ftdeial share of r.--ce'iits
until r.-tii! i".Mit. e.pial the sum
Isi.ent lit oust r;i-t j :: g '.he road.
(if receipts der:.,; from the nation
al forests for timber sales, grazing ,
and anous permits. 10 per cent is J
regularly paid to I tie state foi roads,
'lb per cent goes to the state to lie j
turned over to the schools of the co'Jfi- I
ties from which the money comes, and
B5 per cent goes to the national gov
ernment. It is from this 6ij per cent
that money is to be advanced in the
first instance for the Mt Hood road.
and from the Jj per cent share that
repayments will be made It Is es
timated that returns will be so large
ly Increased by the building of the
road that by i'J2Z, when repayments
begin, the 15 per cent returned to
Oregon for school purposes will equal
the 2i per cent now paid in.
Two Branch Boads.
Th.e lr:m
are for so!
and to Fr.
c. .nne. t . nil
In the plan
Ik Meadejws
s. th.e latter
a.lil.g to The is to be
of '' I 1 -el.
this bill l.-i
I ..,;;. , and I or :-. Tr
macadamized to a width
The general plan of
similar to legislation sought by Repre
sentatives Smith of Idaho. Mondell of
Wvommir ati.i Tavior of Colorado, for
roads m I... ;r respective states.
.'"ontlnucd From Pane One.)
rr.or n.t of the fact that their lead
ed backer has headed for America,
it is a-s.i'ied that Fori will con-
cr i
ue to ps the expenses so they will
hi r,o dancer of being stranded.
Lo.-hner. who was r.-.illv manager of
r ..xped't on. remains with the
or ates as l-'ord's pr-rsona'. r -'! '.f-i!-
- : r g
a pp.1'
i.ll ,
a i.1
! - '
.or: that Fed
.- k to defray futura
report",!, too. that a
v :ll be apnnun M
l.'i a
. !. !'
It was
ommittee of
f i V .
at Stockholm to carry out Ford.'.s pro
n;ini. His departure, however, it is be
l'eveil. ma) hiive a serious, (vin de
; tructive effect on the program.
Kurd's Illnevs Serious.
Stockholm. Pee. i. Henry Ford's
peace deb g itcs ajTivc.l here today and
were informed that Ford's 111. lets is
serious but hot dangerous. Some said
he had gone to Lergen. presumably to
sail for America; but Ills I it u
uou'aj not confirm the story.
Swedish peace- iiihonics arranged
for a re. ept ion t
The (iftnial m.,
Ford's i otiditi.-p.
1 "harles F. A knl of
four other leadors
"n ovv
lenient concerning
s.gneel by Kcv.
San rr.uii i.-i n, and
said in part:
"When vv e !
sician had not
ommeiid that .'
th.- r-., ,-ure
' t i 'h r l s t i.i n i a ,
lie, Ideel W het a
or.i r.-t urn in m
at -some ipurt
t he j.h y
t 1 ) 1 e. -e
or take
pla e 11.
No! VV 'IV .
P.-'O! C ie.IV i
"'If I ' "1 We I I , la
the e-xpeu, t .on I iter.'
"F'rd will ii!:.i, Mil. t
gll I Will jr ii
dl' he selected
as .i men:
A suppl
Ford -xpn
er of the. neutral peace cu-
sscl re:
aleinent s:iul
't 'hat he vi a s i ,n -
the- eieie-gate- to
'"I ii.; of the. u
d th,. bil is. He
1 ev be i a rt I eel O'.' t
the con- ic : i tJ to
Ill.'e tO i - !!'
St", k' Ice
that he wo
w is bed t he- i
atid 'e auth
Id fo,
o ii i am
, ... .1
, ila-'i
wit i .Mine. Schwimnie r s ad-
. vu e
I Husine-ss Ma a:;
' practical lv s 1 . e
M me Sch vv ltiimer
He forced all th
: their ow n la uiiflr;
Shd this catlseei a
r Plaintiff
el Lochner
director in .
d ol e ga t e s I o
pa y
and personal
"howl "
I'urel Is Disheartened.
I .on. lop. I if.- ;' ( i i ' "
P ) ller.'.v
part ." saiei i
lee the
be'e a use- lie
-IMn to make
s .low nhe ari-d
:o:ig the de'e
Mme. Schwim
ial re. ocnltion
r or. I has ijuli 1 1 1 - j .oa - c
I 'hrist ia a . a t-1 . - t ji m
e-hancc Tilegi-ii-h I-nl,c
real ' 7. . I hr I I s m ; ....
further r e a 1 1 w . i v . He i
because- of unarrels an
gates, and also because
mer's assuran e ef offie-
from Se-andinavia was not furfilled."
Korel's eommittee will carry on his
program, beaded bv Judge l.indsey of
Denver. (ethers on It are Secretary
Ivchner. Rev. Jenkln Lloy,d Jones.
Lieutenant C,ov ernor flethi-a of South
j Carolina mi'l John D Harry, a San
I Francisco newspaper roan.
Say It Is Ol!
Zur-.-h. Dec. it
Wilhelm is reported
a recurrence of last
cancer of the throaL
i I' P ,- -Kaise-r
suffering lth
years trouble
Six Patrolmen
Escort Robber
To County Jail
Resolved not take any .
dhanceji on his giving battle to
the police again, six huskies In ;
uniform went in the police pa- ,
trol wagon this morning when
Krnest K. Wagner, the giant
blacksmith who engaged in a
V- guniicht with Patrolman J. F. -
Johnstone yesterday, was taken
Hr to the county Jail. Wagner was
bound over to the grand jury
0- on a charge of assault with a
da-gerous weapon f
Warner was handcuffed en
t!o- automobile ride from p-
lice headquarters to tUe county
"Don't any of you fellows
rver ahow your faces tsround
t'his place again, if he get.s
away." Captain Moore cautioned
the polio men who accompanied
are awarded prizes
'Portland as Great Seaport,"
Was Subject; $140 in Gold
Is Distributed,
Prices were awarded today hy the
Portland Chamber of Commerce to :'l
young people who won honors in the
essjiv on "Portland a a great Seaport."
The winners were gathered in the
green rfom at the i.liaraber and Na
than Strauss, chairman of tie trade
and commerce bureau, introduced V.
W. Mulkey. chairman of the commis
sion of public docks, who made the
Mr Mulkey called attention to what
he described a wrong Impression that
I seemed
, t he es
1 men ai
to find re'le.-tion in many of
ays that Portlands business
not suf fli-ieni I v lo al to thi
port to insist that their imiorta ar.d
exports be handled here.
Seattle, he said, has none ahi.-i.i ,,r
j Portland as a seaport because of the
. Kreat quantities of transcontinental
j rrleght that is handled there direct
! from rail and steamer and not because
j Portland really" does let her opportum
i ties slip away.
The prizes were awarded as follows:
Xlffh School.
First William Grout. Washington
$4 0.
Second Carlbol
Williams. Jef-
Third Vivian Eliot.
Honorable mention Edith
ner, Washington.
nfth Down.
First Adda Zurcher. iA
Kelly. $10.
G. Tur-
n in ton
Fa I ling.
Second Harrv rdre-.-tor, 5R I"alling
$7 T,u.
I h l rd - William S u i n d e 1 1 s
w.,-t'.. J',.
i'.urth James Mount, iYi
jB Ains-
Ve rnon,
Honorable mention, $1 each Lucy
Planoich, SA Stephens. Arthur Juel
son, ,"B Vernon: Ltielle Schrader. SA
V-rnnp; Stella Seri, ko. ;.B Stephens;
Miriam Dowling. 4B Highland.
Xlnth to Fifth Grades.
First Fiieen Jlilt. til Ocklcy
i ire en. $15.
Sicnd -Th'irber Iewis, ?I3 Shat
tu.k. $10.
Third Clara Gawer, SB Vernon.
Fourth Mark Tomlinson, TB Clin
ton Kelly. $5.
Fifth Howard llall, 6A Stephens.
$2. SO.
Honorable mention, $1 each Tom
McMullen. 9A Ladd. Lyddall I a Val
ley, ;H Ockley Green; Maude Zenner,
Sit Glenhaven; Theresa ibnke. v
Woodstock; Muriel llouck, HII Arleta.
Charge Dismissed;
Woman Sent Home
Josie Thompson Instead of Being
Prosecuted Zs Given Fund to Carry
Her to Dallas.
Josie Thompson, a young woman of
PaHas, is pending a much more hap
py Christmas than she expected this
morning, for instead of facing prose -etition
on a charge of shoplifting in
District Judge Dayton's court, she is
now speeding to her Dallas home. She.
was arrested em a charge of ste-allng
ties and so ks frevm a deiotrtment store
When the case cainc ur, for
Deputy District Attorney Hvan an
nounced that he had been n-uuesfd
to have the charge dismissed arid Judge
Dayton at onie wiped the slate 'U-iiu.
Judge 1 ay ton, Ryan ami Deputy Sh -iff
BeH'kman then donated enough
money to send the young woman home.
iContinued From Page One )
nrtil twei weeks ago. whet, he cau-.-ht
a severe, .old, which soon develop..!;
into acute appendicitis. , ;
Was Chairman of Party.
For' 1'. years Mr Amos w:. n.t,.
I'hao-.nan of the prohibition partv m
.Oregon, and hu ae-tivity in behalf of
. the dr forces had won him a narior. al
j reputation In 1fi'i4 be came within :
very few votes of being nominated bv
! his rv-ir'v for its candidate for vice
j Hy his co-workers he was considered
Jr bufr-r between th radbal probl
j l-ltlonist and the general public. He
i w an optimist.
He was a ni.-m her of the Episcopal
ehi.r.h anel for many ea r s had been
si.perir t.ndent of the Sumlav school
lie aiso took artive o;irt in t' e w'o'
of the Committee of ' r.e Hundr.-e! in l .
' ' ot iri.ii : hi t ion . -a : n pa i n He- was
a member ol the Moltnoui ili r.n.iiril of
lie Ko a I A r- a n u m and of , i
P nevoletit league-.
Was Born in Maryland.
Horn in Mount Savage. Mel., 71 v .-ars
ato. he later movi:d to Ohio and then
i to Oregon in 1 8 7. and for m nv
years bis home has beeu at Si3 IU-w-tlorne
avenue. When he came to Oie--l.on
h..- accepted a position with Fust r
e- P.obertson, pioneer hardware d-al-ers.
Later he went with the Honeyman
Hi.rdware company for two vears, and
then we pt into busine ss fur htm-., if as
a manufacturers' a;ent for heavy
hardware, which he continued to follow
until the end.
Edlefscn's wish you "Merry Xma-s.
Deal in Washing Machine De
vice Results in Complaint
by J, A. Windsor,
Complaint Allegea Misrepresentations
Caused Him to Trade His Store
on Contract Deal.
ing that Attorn
y Thomas Me
son took fr. .in
"usk r and H H. W .
him his entire savings
by means of
fraud in confection with their opera
tions for the Twin Manufacturing com
pany, J. A Windsor, a former store
keeper of Olvmpla. Wash., this morn
ing sued the two men and the com
Iimy for H'IO damages. ttornoy A
K. Clark represents Wlnd.-or
Windsor alleges that Wilson, icpre
senting McCusker, represented to him
that they had a large buslnos estab
lished in a patent washing machine,
for which there was a large m-mand
and of which a large quantity were in
warehouses, and Induced him t trad
his store at an agreed valuation of
iJL'60 for a contract for sale of the
machines and lion machines, for whii h
a warehouse receipt was given.
The complaint charges that the de
fendants bad no patent, no machines,
no warehouse, no property anil no fac
tory. The warehouse receipt is alleged
to be worthless. It is also charged
that McCusker and Wilson filed with
the state corporation commisMoner a
statement t-hat the company's Jf.O.OO'i
st"ck was fully subscribed and paid up,
when, in fai t. the defendants knew
none had ben subscribed and none was
paid up.
The charge is also made that Mc
Cusker. under oelh, admitted that Wil
son had been involved In similar
schemes in California prior to coming
to Oregon, and that he knew the
scheme was fraud ilent.
Windsor alleges that he was induce.;
to go to Vi'tmia. M to adert!.-e
and to open a demonstration room there
He asks for the reiuin .1 the $J-U, al
w l.h h he valued his store; $1000 pe-
lal damages and $1000 punitive dam
County Commissioners to Act on
Injury Matter Monday.
What disposition will be made of ihe
Charles Kat'hel case will be de
termined bv the count v- commissioners
Monday morning. The board this morn
ing listened to suggestions from E. E.
Smith, William Mackenzie and E. J.
Stae k, labor representatives, that sine
permanent provi-ion be made tei care
fcr Kaf hel for 1 1 !'-.
Eatch. 1 was permanently injured and
i ru'apa- 1 1 a t d from weirk by an x
j iosion at th-- K-l'v M.itt- lo. kpib.
wl.eir !.e was eiiiployed as engineer,
''he- county has been e aring for him
nee and last year fv'.'O'J.lS was set
asule- from wi.ich he was to be paid
$::f.. a month during his expectancy.
This amount was fix d by the State
industrial Accident Commission.
Under a decision of the supreme
court r cently District Attorney Evans
las rubd that the county cannot be
held liable in the Eate-hel case. Com
missioners Lightner and Holman both
t;-or making permanent provision for
Patched, bin Commissioner Holman de
sires to follow toe accident commission
i e comm. ion. v ; ile- ( 'ornmission. r
Lightner favors setting aside a trust
fund at interest, the interest to pay
the allowance ai d the principal to r.s
turn to the county on Eatchel'a death
I'n'ifr th.. other method the interest
and principal would toth be used
si otild Eatchel live out his expectancy.
( o mm i ss loner Hulbrook was not a
member of the board at the time of the
acide tit and lias de- lined to ' t If the
otlo-r members an possibly agrej,-.
Mike Egser Loses in Co-rt.
M-ke Kgger lost his suit for $;,000
alienation of allections damages
against his brother, John Egger, when
a jury in Circuit Judge Morrow's court
last night returned a verdict for the
defendant. The men married Bisters
and Mike alleged that John stole the
aJ'fecUons of ilia wife. The men
were partners in a dairy business on
the Columbia Slough but the partner
ship was dissolved. Mike Lgg'er was
recently divorced.
Woman Seeks Heart Balm.
Clara M. Neueu't this morning sued
.lani.-s Kelly for $11. .000 bretieh-of-promise
damages, alleging that he took
advantage e.f her under promise to
wee! hel'. Kelly, she alleges, married
lluid.t Herman Septemtwr y, pjli.
i Joe Dave ArresteI.
Jo 1' has been arrested In San
Josei, Cab, for Portland authorities on
I a non-suppoit charge, according to
word re-eivetl by Sheriff Hurlhurt. A r-range-rnenrs
are being made for his
return to face trial.
Desertion Is Allege!.
Charlotte .1. Phillips this morning
fued Frank J. Iliiliips for elivorce, al
leging elesertion.
"Ohl Ciuaixls" to Play llamlhall.
The anniial ei ght -handed baneiball
match between r ! , - "olel guards" of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club will
be played in tin- club 'Ourts next
Wednesday aitemoou at f..jP) o'elixk.
Arthor O. Jones, who is arranging
the mat'li. ha.s received the entries of
0 nieanbers of the "old guard."
Fourth and Stark Streets
Whack Upon Back
Loosens Tongue of
A "Mute" Suspect
Feigning; to he deaf and
dumb. J. B. Good, s-ged 41 years.
a cook, was surprised tins
morning when Police Patrol
Driver T. A. Kvans slapped
him on the back at Sixth and
fillsan streets, where the fo-
lice had been called because
Good was annoying hotel clerks.
"Who are you," he demanded
gruffly of the policeman, when
be recovered his breath from
the blow. Good was arrested.
Good answered the descrlp-
tion of the man who had been
with Krnest F. Wagner, (runman
who had battled with the police
the night before.
Small Party Goins; to Hot1
Springs to Spend Holiday;
With Them, !
Hot Springs, A'a . Ur. C4 i I. N.
S i Lic orators today transformed the
suite of Pre-slde-nt Wilson and his
bride, formerly Mrs. Norman Gall,
into a bower of wreaths, holly and mis
tletoe. A Christmas spruce tree al
readv has been set up. Mrs. Wilson's
mother. -Mrs ie!ling, and others are
expected to arrive hern this evening to
spend Christmas.
The president and h s bride remained
indoors during the morning, but spent:
the afternoon on the golf links. I
President Wilson and his bride nar- I
r"wly escaped injury on the golf links
here today from a ball driven by Par
ton French, a young millionaire of
New Ve.rk, as the honeymoonera were
a'-pioaching the thirteenth bole,
j .eiieli'a drive from the tee :n back
whizzed by within a few inches of the
The president waa noticeably put out
over the incident and instructed the
detectives who guarded him to tell
1' tench to be more careful. .
Family Party Arrange!.
Washington, Dec. 24. (I. N. S.i It
was learned here today that Mrs. W.
H. Boiling, mother of President Wil
sor.'s wife. Miss Bertha P.olling, Dr.
Cary Grayson and Miss Gertrude Gor
don will spend Christmas day with
the president and Mra. Wiloon at
Vi'glnia Hot Springs.
The president and his bride Invited
them down to eat Christmas dinner
with them. The party will leave
Washington torrtorrow evening and
will not return until Monday morn
ing. Miss Margaret Wilson. Mr. and Mrs.
Francis It. Sayre and Miss Helen
Woodrow Bones will spend Christmas
at the White House, where they will
entertain informally at dinner Christ
mas evening.
Foreign Legion of
France Wiped Out
Pag-e In French History Made Brilliant
With Blood oX Men of All Lands who
Sled on the Field Of Battle.
New York. Dec. 24 (I. N st ) The
famous foreign legion of France no
longer exists. Its members real sol
eliers of fortune gathered from the
seven corners of the globe have, ex
cept a very few, be-en killed er rap
tured, says Miss Florence Jordan, a
nurse who returned today after a year
in the I-'r.-n. h hospitals. Miss Jordan
said the legiem died heroli-Hlly during
the recent great offensive in Cham
pagne. Its achievements, she said,
will form one of the most brilliant
pages of Krenoh history
Lawrence Scanlon, formerly of New
York, is one of the few survivors of
the legion. He was recovering from
shrapnel wounds In the hospital De
Franealse De New York, near the
front when Miss Jordan left. He had
been one of her patients. Rlx email
pieces of bhrapnel were removed from
his right leg.
A steam engine which has been use-d
for hoisting coal In a colliery In Scot
land steadily since 1800, recently was
replaced by a modern affair.
Broadway, at Taylor
Main 1. A-naa
Americas Greatest Phote Film.
. B VEJT'S. BAX. 35o. FLOOR. 60c.
: Th Beit of VuleTlli
I America! rxevelteur W.uutl
Comfort A King; Keyn-nPU A Ixmcfao: Whip
ple A Huntoo in 'Kk"; Mi,re A Hger:
Jen Cliallon; Lee Huen A Dn pre-eer i Orybvijm
TriTel wklr. Matinee Iallj.
I NOTE I'KlCES Mitlnees 10c. 24e. 6Jc.
Xlht lev. c. M)e. 7tve.
'i ii 1 i I 1 t
stain A-6360
Ti-nlght All ThU Week Ms. Wed . St.
Tbe. baker PUjeri to a besutirul prxJucliuu vf
GrMtest of All Kmottooal Lut Primu. Tbe)
riay That Has Made Ulatorr.
ETenln-ra 2fW. bOr; box and ) 7.V. Maf).
seaa All SMta 2Se (eicopt bnx and toffe).
Special bargain ierfornaoc tonlgbt mating
price. Next week Uuyt's "A Timiicruct
With lttBea, Ioia la "wrest Moassts Trmm
Oraad Operas. '
Boxes, first raw baleray seaats raearrad k
phoaeav. Onrtaia n 7 aael a.
Burglars Busy on
Eve of Christmas
Handbag- Containing 6, Oold Watch
aad Bank Book, Takan rrom Tlat
oa Xvarsrt Strt.
While members of Mrs. Emma Ila'.
r.lgan's family were at dinner In their
flat at r.:7 Everett street last night
a room prowler climbed In a bacc
room and made away with a hand
bag that contained $K, a (told watch,
a bank book, and sorn- Christmas let
ters that were to hae been posted
last evening
A thief who was in search for
money smashed the rrlass back do r
of the Falling street meat narket.
7 t nlon avenue north, at 1 o'clock
this morning, and thoroughly ran
sacked the place. The. cash register
was opened. hut he succeeded In
stealing cnly 50 pennies. In making
his rounds. Patrolman R. C Nejso'i
discovered the robbery.
Hospital Supplies
Not fieing Detained
Washington. IV.'. H . iF P.l The
llritish embassy denied today the re
port that 'Inat H'itain had declined
to permit Red Creiss supplies to go to
I ', rmnny.
The British government has been
negotiating with Red Cross , ifl -tnls
here- for the past week over ship
ments of hospital supplies The- re.
suits vere referred to the British end
French foreign offices, but no actio. l
has lX!,-n taken vet
It is expected that the supplied
will be permitted to go to Germanv.
with possibly some conditions ot
tieched. Milk Is Held I p.
Washington. Dec. :3 i I. x s
The state department delayed action
today on the reoui'st of the Ameri
can Red Cross that safe conduct hi
obtained from the Mritish government
for a shipment of milk to aid starv
ing babies In Germany and Austria.
While officials of the departtn'-nt
said the! reijuest of the Hcd Cross
had not heen officially brought t
their attention, the. re were evidences
that the state department desires to
make some Informal Inquiries of
Great Rritam before a definite request
for safe conduct Is made.
Calls It "Most Inhumane Act."
New York. Dec. 21 (I. N. S. I
Term ng the Rrttish privy council's
embargo mi meellcal supplies the
"most Inhumane eot of the war and
a crime agamut humanity." Miss Mabel
He.ardman, president of the Ame-rican
Ked oss association, today ealle.I
a meeting of the executive committee
to frame a petition to President Wil
son and Secretary of State Lansing to
us, fhe-:r efforts toward securing re--bcindment
of the embargo.
Jans Would Leave
Chinese Exchange
San Francisco. Cab. Pee. 14 !.
Pi Because Japanese and ('blnee
ore in n business war. the Japanes
lave asked the telephone company
to tak" their listing off th.e "Chirm
'x- hanre" and Ei'.e them another call.
Fdlefen' wish yon "Merry Ninas " d.
2 Days More
Dorothy Gish
Rozsika Dolly
A story of human
frailty and its
tragic results
The Great Vacuum Robbery
A Keystone Comedy That's Different
SHOW 10:30 A. M. TO 11 P. M, j
The Theatre Beautiful
PLACED AT 528,227
Casualties on All Fronts, In
cluding December 9, Pass
Half Million Mark,
London. Dec. 24. (I. N. S i-Brip
casualties on all fronts up to and :
eluding December 9, total 52S.227. .
voiding to announcement here today
Premier Asquith.
The British losses. Premier Amjir
ttated. were distributed as follows
In Flanders and France: OIf. .
killed, 4X.'H; wemndeed. 9D43; missi;
Dy?. Men kliu'd. 77.473, wound.
241. 359; missing. B2.tlH6.
Dardanelles: Officers kllleei. 16'
wounded. 3028; officers missing.
Men killed, 24,53.ri, wounded, 72, 7t
missing. 12,194.
Other theatres: Officers killed. ST
wounded, tilel; inlssiin;. Hi'). Me
kllleei, Io.jIb; wounded, lO.UiJ; mis.
ing, 2518.
Premier Asuulth pointed out that th.
killed Included in thijj list also took in
those who died from wounds and other
Recruiting tjcheme Kail.
London, Dec. 24. (I. N. K) The re.
peated postponements of Premier As's announcement of the figures
of the Earl of Derby's recruiting cam
paign are now said to be due to pres
sure brought to hesr on the inliiiste .es
by ant i-. onscrlptlonistfc
It l.s also alle.ged that the premier
can only hold his ministry inta. t I
inducing . me, form of corse t iptlon.
although h himself la not ii favor of
that es .i i see.
Accoiding to parliamentary gossip
the number of single men attested
under the- re-.-ruittng- siUieme as en. v
a quarter of the totalof th-. single
men on the nat:onal refifctry atul n
Is asserted tiuu when men nfit for
service, or engaged
are eliminated on!,
able for the anu
There is a stior.
ment against t. nt
to number 2'ld, arii
I y the whole 1 r . :
in munltii
a few will
g party I
riptton. 1
eensists of
is w "i k
e av iiil-
P ill il
ls said
party, i
lOf the labor leader.
and k la; ge
ber of liadleals -in
Joffre Kliniin'ttcn Deaxl Wotnl.
Paris, De-.- (I N. R i -eJen.ral
Joffre. c. mmande- In chief of the
French army. ontir u. s relentlessl j his
p-'llcy of eliminating fr.m the higher
i ommanda all officers not malnta.ning
the highest standard o: effl letic;. . Th-j
late-st offp-mi slaterne t contains tie
hi'ines of five generals of divisions re
tired, three i d in ruerve list and
bvhi brigadiers placed n the reserv e.
Iynamite Kills Throe Men.
DownievlUc, Cal , Dec. '.'4.- C P )
Five men are near death today snel
three are dead at Hrandy Cltv mar
here as the result of an explosion
of i'H.'oxj pounds f)f dynamite. The
explosive was set, off to iear a bank
of 150 feet of earth The thr.-f dead
are: E. Godfrey, Jack Have and
ThomHS Sadler.
The big motion picture
attraction of the week
The Adorabl
The Seduct
- Sixth at Washington
'. lis- . 1 -.