uimraTn unTTP qitciPPTTrq T?rNm Ans TNVAT.TTART.T?. AS TTMF. AND MONF.Y R A VF.RR TTTRF.F, DAYS LEFT I i i i-i w i in i ii 11VU1V U11V1 JL IJXVU X AX 1 JL-r XXOk xxi w" XiXJ x -r " Rain tonight and Wednesday; moderate south erly winds. Hj midlty, 86. VOL. XIV. NO. 245. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1915. TWENTY PAGES- PRICE TWO CENTS EJZfttiP c'gg ASPTH GALLS 1.0011,000 IN FOR NEW ftRMY British Premier Introduces a Bill Calling tor Such Num ber, Making Britain's Total Army 4,000,000. SHE NOW HAS AT FRONT ABOUT 1,250,000 MEN Remainder Are in Training Camps; Changes in Chiefs of Staff Announced. Taindo-i. Dec 21. --"I Asnuith todav sought t I i Premier -ali l.'"i0.000 sh standards. ,-.1 a bill for Kns'.aiid's to- more men to the To this end tie :n s-.j.-h .1 number, hr; tal troops to 4i hi. Fr d iii: t . i announced At tut MM transfer of Sir chief of staff in 1 chief of tin- impel ceding Sir Arth Slid. IS going to maid." M array's lli;iin Robertson, lan.e, to th" post of i ; general Staff. bUC ,r Mm ray. who. he an "important roin tuw post is believed to ! e K pt. As lor the I lardanelles withdrawals. Asquith explained they were coun selled by Karl Kitchener, who recently visited that region, by General Monroe In charge of the expedition, ana i' other military and naval men In with dnwing the men. Holland sufferer the loss of but two sailors; her supplies were removed virtually intact. Asq.ui.th Praises Derby. Without giving the total number of enlistments, gained through Lord Der by's volunteer campaign. Asquith had praise for lierby. whose work he char acterized as atfordiug "a strenuous exhibition of patriotism." From the f.-t 'hat the premier did not mmti n the subject of conscrip tion, it was taken that Derby's cam paign tiad obviated the need fur such i btep. at least for the present. But. in moving for passage of t he bill providing an additional million troops. Asqulth referred to the lieavj toll that the war has taken on both Idee, necessitating illlnff rtp U-mmpr made by death. England Hat 1,250,000 at "Front. "At the end of 1 rr.cr.ths." he said, "we are ftghttng in tt' various thea tres with about 1 ."."".. 0 o men and it is noessary to augment them." Nil"-;" ( 'oliimn Fnu: ) MAN CONFESSES TO . , POLICE HE BURNED 1 DRAIN NONPAREIL Herbert Henry Says Newspaper Plant I-ue in Started by Himself and Others, J Mystery which surrounded the burn ing of the plant of the Drain Nonparlel two weeks ago was solved this morn ir? when Herbert Henry gave himself up to the local police saying he and two others fired the plant Henry Said that his brother. William Henry, ei.rt a printer named Skipper Koch were with him. Revenge on the part of Koch was tu" motive he gave. He said Koch was employed as a printer and had a ninth's pay coming when h left. The Henrys and Koch were In the Marine corps together and Koch met them in Medford, he said. Ko.-),. he confessed, tcld them of the monev coming and suggested that they coiie' t it or "get even." They tried to co'rect :t. he said, and when the monev was not forthcoming set the fire which wiped out the news paper plant. Aftr the fire ho said he ramp north, while, the others went to California. His conscience proved the victor in the struggle to keep his own counsel and the confession followed. Taft Continues Trip. Chicago, Dec. 21. (I. N S i For mer President William Howard Taft passed through Chicp.go today en route to South Bend. Lid.. where he is scheduled to speak on peace and pre paredness. Taft pliinlv shows the results of his recent Illness. International Romance. Tondon, Dec. 21 I. N. S.I The Morning Post announces that Honor able Patrick Acheson. R. N . son of the Earl of Gosford. will shortly marry Noraha, daughter of Alfred Jones, of Halifax. N. S. The Year's End Number The Sunday Journal .Magazine for next Sunday will contain a frief and comprehensive review of the tu elvemorth, profusely il lustrated. The Sunday Journal for De , cember 26, containing the Year's End Review will be sent to any address fur 5 cents the copy. ' NEXT SUNDAY Portland Has Lowest Death Rate In Nation Out of ( ities in United States ol 10O.00O People or Over ( eosus Shows. 1'ortland Healthiest. Washington. I. C. Dec 21. ' Port land, or. bold tie record for tne low est dt-atii rate of any large city In the I'm ted States, according to RtatiPtirfc' gath.red by the census bureau, with the possible exceptions of Seattle and Spokane, for w hich i a es computations were not made. A',; ler place with more than 100,000 population are in i ! 'ded In t !;e tabula t ion. Portland's death iae f.-.r 1914. on an es'im.ited population of 2if.C"l. is SO per i ent. a decrease of four-tenths of one per cent from tnc previous year. Next lowest are St. Paul. Minn., with 11.4 per cent, and Oakland, Cal.. with 11.6 per cent. The Do.' Angeles ratio is 12 9, and for San Francis, rent. Chicago's rate is 11.. 1 .", Cleveland 12.V Hoston York City 14 1, Baltimore Orleans 2U .'. Atlanta lti."., o 10. , St. 1'. I. 1 VI. and a per Louis New New I e i- ver 13 2 The d.ath rate for the enllre terri tory co'-eie.; by government figures, which includes all districts tn which adequate vita! statistics are kepi, is 16 per cent 'ow. r for lfU 4 than tpr the five-year period 1 D 1 - v The average has been brought down to 13. r,. which includes al; ia i ge cities and toe rural population in 20 states. MANY SHOTS FIRED IN FAMILY BATTLE AT KLAMATH FALLS Jury Charges Man With the Death of Mrs, Kuehne but Woman Takes Blame. Klamath Palls. Or. Dec :i. Full de tails of ti e 1 .odd Hollow shooting yes terday indicate u pitched battle, with five participants and man shots. Cor oners jury charged A. Krnest Law rence with killing Mrs. Kuehne, but Mrs. (icy Hunter, wife of the man wounded by young Kuehne says she fired the fatal shot from inside the JUfeusa. Mrs. Kuehne's dying state ment was that Lawrence shot her after taking a shotgun from her and strik ing her on the forehead. The wound was caused by a bullet from a 30-3u rifle with which Lawrence llred one shot. The trouble started over a dispute as tn land ownership between Mr Kuehre and Lawrence. Saturday Kue!. ne's moved into a small house 0:1 the disputed tract, Lawrence living in the larger house with the Hunters, new lessees of ti e place. Hunter was on his wy to gVt water when young Kuehne ordered him away. Hunter was in the a "t of opening the gate when Kuehi.e fired, hitting Hunter's arm. Kuehne then emptied two guns at Hunter as the, latter retreated, hitting but no', hurting Hunter's horses. Heang the fusillade. Lawrence cme from the big house, and shot twtc. ht Kuehne with a srq K,Jr,. Th en he re turn. ,1 to the house and trot a tig rife. Mrs Kuehne ran toward her so. with in automati- ,-uid Mrs. Hunter shot from the window of the hig hous Kuehne carried his wounded mother to the little cabin and awaited the ar rival of the do. tor. Ho alleges that a shut was fired into the cabin after his mother was taken In there. Six guns were roqna in ttie two cabins b y the authorities. Accused. Chinese Hangs Hiinelf. San Francisco. Dec 21. P. N. S Ging Hong, charged with the murder of Wing Bo. a young Chinese woman ended his life during the nipht in a cell at the city prison by hang ing himself with one of the chains suspending his hunk. The holy was discovered today by a jailer making his rounds. S;ain to Enlarge Fleet. Madrid, Dec. 21 -(1. N 8.1 Th Spanish government has ordered the construction of four fiiioo ton cruisers, as well as many submarines. WELL KNOWN r J?51 'fctiijef''l is FORD WILL NOT LEAVE EUROPE 'TIL 10 STOPS Peace Advocate Announces He Intends to Endow Per manent Foundation at The Hague to Stop All War. DISARMAMENT PLAN IS DEEMED BEST WAY OUT Undismayed by Illness and Ridicule Ford Says He Will Stick to Task. 'h rist lama. Dec. ;i ( I. N. S 1 T'n dismayed by criticism, ridicule and ill- r.rss. Henry Ford, famous American 1 multi-millionaire and peace advocate.! today made the following announce ment: "I intend to endow a permament foundation at The Hague to work out a national concordat and make war forever impossible. "I expect to lemoin in Kurope until the war ends and will endow my life to that mission." Engragaa Hotel Rooms. Two hundred rooms In the best ho tels of Stockholm have been engaged for the peace delegates and Christmas will be siient there. "We are unalterably opposed." sail Ford, "to the program of preparedness for America. "The disarmament proposal is the, soundest yet advanced from a moral, humanitarian and economical stand point. "Kurope is practically bankrupt." Ford outlined his peace program as follows: "Let us make the following argu ment to the belligerents: "'If after the. war, you are agsln to engage in a competitive race for arma ment, the cost will be so terrific that the burdens of debt and internal revo lution cannot be escaped. Would Disarm World. " If you are hoping for indemnity from the enemy to pay your bills, it la uncertain whether you ever will get H. " 'The enemy, like yourself. Is eco nomically exhausted. Besides. uch an Indemnity would only be a drop in the bucket to tb actual cost, if there Is to be another militaristic period. Concluded ,h fie"! Seren. Column F"ari President and Bride Avoi4 Curious Eyes Virginians and Otnara at Hot Springs Eiv Very XUttle Cnnc to Observe the Doings of th ITewly-wedj. Hot Springs. Va . Ie- 21 - 1 I. N. Si "Hide and seek," or "Have you seen President Wilson and his hride" " was the '"ne big m. rr game at thU resort toi'.a. Not more than half .1 dozen residents of this town, asid from tue t.ote) attache, have met, tn- new Mrs. W:ln face to face .. n 1 the nati's of ;his section of Vir ginia are mighty curious people. They admit 't. t"-o. "We are going to camp on their trail," they say. "until given an op portunity to see the bride." The president and Mrs. Wilson eith.-r have been secluded In their suite or speet their time in a speed- 1 irig automobile ever since their arrival here. Here is t president's daily wo-kiiuc schedule: After break f;.t. attend to hi Telephone rotary of Stat ma i ' . Lan - sing, if l-e.-eksarv. V t otnobi 1 1 ;ig in aften on rul n hcii far away from prying e es take ;i long walk :n th- mountains. Tresid. nt Wilson ard his bride ap peared at 11 o , :o. i.. and walked toward t!" mountains, a detective fol lowing several arils away Only a few- residents of Hot Sprngs wit nessed their departure from the hotel. Mrs. Wilsti was attired in a blue walking suit and a black turban hat. HOTEL AT GEARHART DESTROYED BY FIRE EARLY THIS MORNING j. ATlBii.. ''"y sim$ ' ' ' tit. r Spain Is After $20,000,000 of War Supplies "Latest Tyjie of Keminjrtoiis Substi tuted for Old Mausers; She M'ij lie Contemplating "War Move. New York. lie-. 21. ( 1. P.) Spain has entered the American market to buy $2ii,ij00,0'IU worth of munitions an 1 machinery to complete equipment of Spanish munitions plants. l-Tanclsi o Xavier Salas. Spanish consul general here, admitted todav io the I'nited Press that a commission of five military officers have been heie since February, quietly engaged in rounding up huge orders. Pour hundred million cartridges and shells have already been ordered for toe earliest possible delivery. Man rifles and field puns are required, but no orders have been placed b cause manufacturers are ask, rig exorbitant prices for them. May Meuu War Move. Gibraltar, Dec. 21. IV. P.) Eng lish officers here attached great sig nificance today to the Spanish oraer substituting the latest typ.- of Rem ington rifles for the countrv's old Mausers. Large numbers of Spanish recruits ar.. constantly training, hence the two incidents are taken to mean Spain may be contemplating a war move. JUAREZ WHEN VILLA'S MEN REFUSE TO QUIT Soldiers and Looters Shot in Rioting Incidental to At tempted Change, Kl Paso. Texas. Dec 21 p. P) V Hh Juarez a maelstrom of rb ting following the. conclusion of peace terms between Carranzista and VII lista authorities, several deaths re stilted today. The rioting was the di rect outcome of the refusal of Yil listas to turn over the town to Cai ranzistas as agred by leaders. Two Americans were shot, one of them fatally. George Morrow, an American saloon keeper, who resisted the rioters, was killed by the soldiers, and another American, as yet unidentified. was shot on the Calle- Comercio. Some or the rioters were Villista soldiers, whose arms were in the ar senal. When they attacked t tie build ing to secure the rifles, many of them were killed. Looting occurred with the rioting. In one brawl In ti e main street, sev eral soldiers were killed, and later two looters were shot So furipus wns the mob that they attacked streetcars. nj url ng a number of passengers. Liquor fired the an ger of the Villista garrison. Pushing their way Into every saloon in the town, thev cleaned them of their goods n.l cleaned the tills of money. Soon the 1 ommanders were unable to control ill.- liquor crazed rioters. To. usual rares bsd to be postponed be- ause of the disorders Genera! Villa, reported earlier to be in Kl Paso. Is expected here nt any hour Yaquis Are Raiding. Washington, Dec. 21. (I. N. SI Admiral Wlnslow, commanding the Pa cific fleet, today wirelessed the navy department that the Ya.nl Indians at Antagota were again raiding and that the American residents of the district were fleeing. (leneral Madrigal, with l.inn Infantrv and f.00 cavalry, is en route to the scene of the uprisings. Accuser Woman Seeks Death. Michigan City, lnd, Dec. 21 M". P ) Mrs Melissa Kddy. a clairvoyant, is held under $2'Hla bond for her ap pearance before a l'nited States com missioner at Tacoma January 5. When detectives, seeking her on a white slave charge, went to her room, thev found gas jets turned on and rugs at the door to make the room airtight. AMERICANS KILLED IN A STATION MAN SROOTS ROBBER AT MULTNOMAH Man at Good Samaritan Hos pital Refuses to Reveal His Identity;' Would Save His Family From Disgrace. HANDCUFF KEYS FOUND . IN BURGLAR'S POCKETS Trying to Get Away. Man Turns and Fires at Tele graph Operator. While goles through the till of the Oregon Klectr:.- railway station at Multnomah station, an unidentified burglar was shot and seriously wound el by .1 I '. Stewart, night telegraph operator for the company, shortly be fore 4 o'clock this morning The i ur glar fire I several tunes at the opera tor The man is now at t !jp p,od Sa maritan hospital with one bullet hole through his i;gh: lung and two Lul-I.-w hobs through his arm The stranger was conscious this morning, but he steadfastly refused to g've any infor mation (oncernlng himself. Dfficl ils working on the case believe he- s the man who robbed a number of places along the Oregon Electric railway l;ne in Washington and Mult nomah eouiitbs recently. Breaks Window With Brick. The shooting ump after the burglar had thrown a brb k through the window of the station to attract the operator's attention and get him out of the building. The operator got out l.ut went to his home nearby, secured lis revolver and returned to the sta tion In time to see the robber before th. op.-n till. Stewprt fired at the man four times:. "etji aile.l n Pic s..TpriTren, Column Two, COLONEL HOUSE WILL GO TO EUROPE. AGENT IT He Says He Will Take Infor mation to American Am bassadors, 'ew York. Dec H.Nf p ,i l nlonel House, President Wilson's b-s.-jit friend. Is going to Kurope wltlln i fortT'chr. acting u"oft i-iall v as th' president's as'-'i. Tr r.sponse to a t'l Med Presi inn :irv as, to the justi fo ati..n for rumors to t; is effect fnm Washington, Ho :se said this after noon "I aui going at th. request of Presi dent Wilion and Secretary of State Lansing for th- purpose of taking in formation to some of our ambassadors in o'-d.-r that they may have Intimate knowledge of the administration's a titude toward certain phases of pend ing international questions. and n urr. i to oh-nlr' their -iew points. "It lb not advisable to bring them home, hence I am going to them." House sahl lie desired to make it cP-ar that he was not engag.-d on a pea. e mission. He will be gone ahoul six weeks. V This WlM be the . On "lie "r second Furopean top on semi-official ,si. teas. On a previous trij, it was said he went to sound out European lead ers as to their p, ;o e view s 1'pon hus return . .n t'-rr.-d nt length with the president, and in some quar-l.-rs it was deemed significant tha sin'-e then the president has de. -lined to take a hand for the present In pea . e m es. mm Late Telegraphic News Red mo-d Hints at Scandal. London. Dec. 21. ( l. P John Redmond announced in the house of commons today he will oppose any conscription move by every means in his power. At the same time he Inquired why commons had not been informed concerning a certain dis patch from General Ian Hamilton, which l e hinted, he baa facts al in. hut could not make public. Red mond hinted at "something of it scandal." and Premier Asqulth re piled that iie only recently re.eivel this dispatch. Ituly Awaits Serb Kiii. Rome, Dec. 21. (I. N. S.)--The Cior riale D'ltalia's Pari correspondent w ires . "The arrival of King Peter of serbi 1 I and or King Nicholas of Montenegro isj imminent. They w ill probably land al : Rrlndisl, where trains already are' awaiting them. l.very proautioti will be taken to insure the safety of t two kings during the sea voyage. Tn arrival of Serbian refugees continues. Albanians Succor Serb. Koine. Dec. 21. (I N. S. ) Nat i v es of Albania are now offering hospitalitv and sharing their provisions with the Serbian refugee.s. The Improvement in relations will unite the Albanians aixl Serbians and avert the danger of hos tility which the Tuiks and Austrums are trying to provoke over 100,1101, Serbian troops are concent ru t ed at Durnzzo and Scutari and stragglers at arr 1 ving da il . Allies in Aegean. London. I ec. 2 I . 1 I. N, s ) Am-.l transports have arrived in tin.- Aegean Sea, according to dispatches received here from Atliens. This indicates that the Dardanelles contingent is arriving. It was believe, here that the Dardan elles troops will either reinfor-e the allied troops at Saloniki to withstaii! the expected atta k of th. Teutons 01 attempt a llanking movement from Ka v a la. Protest 1 Kiiglanvi. Washington. Deo. 21. il. N. S 1 A protest to the British foreign office against the presence of Kritish cruis ers off American ports was forward.-d to London by the state department today. FIRE DESTROYS HOTEL GEARHART AND ALL OF Fl Seaside Volunteers. Make the Run to Scene but Flames Too Fast for Them, A'oria. Or De.-. 21 Th.- C.rarhart hotl at Cearhart Park, one of the lending summer resorts on Clatsop tieach. w-as de.stroed by fire at 5 30 this morning. The fire started In the engine room and spread rapidly to other parts of the building;, Nothing in the hotel was saved. The structure was partly tec ted bv insurance pro- '1'i'e Seaside fire department to the scene but did not arrive rushed in time to give assistarne The dearhart hotel was a structure, contumlrg 1 '' - tr :.st ,.,no t ' e and occuplng an entire bio. k on ocean front It was valued at 1 1 -'"." Theodore Kruse started the building the hotel in IfintS. and It was finish of . .1 the same year by the Ruth Trust com pany, whi'h stihseTiien 1 1 y sold the structure to the Oearhart Park com pany, which owns the projerty now. Two maids, a rook and Kngineer King were in the building when the. f'.re was first eeen. Mr. King savs the fire was staited by imperfect ele- -trb t light wiring. The property Includes a natatorlum valued at $25 .000 and art 11 hole golf , ,-cirse with the usual oub dldlngs. During the winter months. Mrs c West, ort Is manager of the hotel. Last summer N. K. ''lark and W A. John son had charge O. W. Tav lor. one of the owners of the hotel r-ompanv. left this morn ing for Oearhart to ascertain tre tent of the loss. ex- Russian Commander At Riga Is Relieved; General Rnssky. Howtrir, malns a j Member of War Council; 111 Health , Is Given a Season for Cnanr. ! Petrr.grad, I ec ;1 -il' P I Due to l"i'l health," General Russky has beer. , relieved of command of the rti,!ar forces defending P.1g--i and the Dvinsk !lin. It was offlclall announid today ! lie remairs. however, as a member of i Ithe wnr council, and in congratulating; m on r 1 e hope .rnrcard services, the 2.i: -x; int he would soon ' ( s f cd ' s u m General Russky rommar.ded tl..- Gall- clan Invasion and captured I. embers His res.tance to Field Marshal von I Hinder.b'irg w-ti him praise Wnether i there are other reasons than "ill ; health'' for his removal Is not known 3000 Pounds of Glycerine Explodes F"a- li e. Pis . De- 21 . I. N S i Tiiree tnousac.rl pr.urids of r: . togl v - ,r :r e exploded here today, demolishing the nitroglycerine jdant of the Fayvil'e Pc-wdcr works. Workmen saw the fumes arising from the plant and ts i ' j ed Fr.nch I'arkft Hits Iceberg. Tu rln. Dec. 2 1 - - l I N S I -The French packet Bretagne wirelessed Ar. hangel that she had struck an I e berg tn the White sea. a dlspa'ch re ceived here liay said. Ice breakers and tugs searched for the vessel but only found wreckage. JRNISHINGS TODAY Denniston Promoted. San Francis. I ec 21 ' P. N". S A 1! C lenniston baa been appoint ed assistant general passenger agent of the t'rt-at Northern Pacific Steam ship corn;uny to take effect Janu ary 1. 1 lenniston formerly was connected iti. the ;reat Northern railway as general wastern passenger agent In Seattle and with the, Pacific Coat Steamship company. I Want irt-Inch (iuns. Washington. Dec. 21 1 1. N. S The tort if U at ions bill provides thnt no guns under 1 ti inches shall be use J for coast defense, It was learned from a r liable sourc e here today. Kxpertu are Irving out lurnr guns and these will be substituted if the scheme proves pr:p ti. able The bill a'.s.j pro vides at least I i iri h guns for each end of the .anal Wants Haisclden Indicted. o.ii. Hgo. I . .-. 21. 1. N. S i States Att rn. y Hoyne today re- ( c uve.l a communication from Attor-i ney Ceneral hm ey uring a grand I J 11 ay investigation of the baby Bol linger ins.: tu determine whether Dr. 1 HaisiUbn is subject to criminal j prose, ution f,,r his ret , .sal to operate I to save til.- babv'.s life j Asks Zweidenek to Dxpljtin. j Washington. De, 2 1 I . N. Si--' Seiretary of Stat,, liic-lng today sum moned I!., ion Zweidciick. Austrian barge d affaires. 1 r a i uuizzed him regarding a New- Voik newspaper Ma) facts of the Int. st to Austria. 01 t P la Is through them. onference . nd publication in ot" the ssen A met lean not den.v a J.-ak Tennessee U Klxx Stage. Ohii 1 1 a riook-a . Tent... Dec'. 21- '1 .s Si The Tennessee river today was flooding the low-lviTig sections of Chattanooga. II. flood waters al ready have carri-d a w a y the -titer span of the i 1 1,1 bridge here now under course of construction. -- Wins :$(),( Judgment. N vv York. D. Frank K. Wlegel judgtio nt aga inst '- 1 I '. Pi -17, won J.'M.on) his foi mer em - pb vers for Injuries to his right hand suffered when he fell asleep at 1 machine after working IS hours a day. fannl OtK-n to Small Bout. Washington. De. 2 I 1 N S. 1 Oeneral . Thais t"day .aided the war department that the slides In the Panama '-una! had moved suff bd.-nt ly to per, nit t' e pasage of vessels of 15 fool draught T. B. a Recent Convert. WaaliitiKton, Dec. 21. (I. N. H.) A statement declaring thai Colonel Roosevelt acquired a taste for pre paredness after he saw that the public was for It was issued here today by I Secretary of War (Jarrisoti. VARNA, ON BLACK SEA, BY RUSSIAN VESSELS Dispatch From Rome Says Greeks and Bulbars Are Fichtins at Coritza, Par s, Dec 21 if Pi -A large Russian squadron Is bomtrarding Varna, Bulgaria, on the Rlack Bea, said a Berne dispatch today. f'reek.s hwI llulgar Clash. J ly.ndon. IV.'. 21 -I. N. S.) Pight-i ng Is In pregre?s between Greeks and P.ulgars at f'orltza, according to a dls- j I patch receive! here today by the Cen tral News fr'n. Home. official an . no it'.ceioent to this effect, f.e dispatch joild, was glv.n mix ,n the Italian rip. , Pa' Tr:tn ports 'arpy Troot. Athens, Dec 21 i I. N. H i Sixteen troop-la. If n P.'.sslHn t 'a nsport s, ron voved by ws'shlps. are off Varm, ac--o-d:ng to advpes r. eived here today. A cru s'r and two des'ro.. ers bombard ed Varna S mdav ('reeks Fire on French. Perlin, by wireless to Kavvllle, I. I, Dec 21 (1 P.i Greeks at Fort Karahurna. dominating Saloniki, fired iije.ii a French detachment whl'-h failed to heed their 'ornmand to ha't. a.'ordicg to dispatches today to the Frar.kfur'er Zel'ung. The French, I V H" stated, tf.et: f'.ed The Greeks continue to hold the fo't destc.te Ol.ea'ed Frer, h requests to . t ,:" :t o' er to the allies. R- jiorts Hint i most of. t'-e f ;reeks had withdraw:. j from Saib:.ikl were confirmed. I Greeks and Bulbars Clash. ! I.ndo-i. Dec 2!--il, P. i Athens 1 dispatches tooay reported a clash be ! tween Greek and Pulgar troop In Al i bania. ar.d said Greek forces had placed I themselves at Doiran, between the lines l.f the all.es and Hulgara. I!uli;ars Kntrenrhing. A m st e: dam. De- 21 - it" p , Ri.i- gar troop- are entrenching at many 1 r.r.l, . f Kr. i:reeL YrAcr I JH tr -o-d I ng to adv es here today The A istro their ' way to ' Germai.s continue on , r; reece. and 1 ".')' f them passed IJrusnik yesterdi. I .Another .Auto Victim. I Ta.onm, Wash. Dec. ;i ip x Pi j Another name was added to the long jlist of local automobile victims last night, when Fred Peacock, a machln'st, was bowled over on Paclfle aven-ie I)..' a taxicali driven h ). Gustafson. Pea cock was taken to the county hospital, where it was reported he will recover. Gustafson. officers declare, was driv ing on the wrong aide of the treet- IS BEING BOMBARDED IS. RICHARDS WINS CASE IN Opinion by Harris Holds That School Board Must Rein state Teacher Dismissed Because She Married. ENTITLED ALSO TO ALL HER BACK PAY Competency Held to Be Not Affected Because of Her Wedding Vows. , Salem. Or. D.- 21 Murrlape does not constitute siitficient ,.,,. fr ,,,, dismissal of H teacher, the suprerha -ourt held today in the case of Maud L I'.lchnrda against the Portland school district in affirming the Judg ment cf Circuit Judge Morrow In fa , vor or th.- piaintirf in an action In I wbl.-h a peremptor y mandamus was la ; sued reuniting the defendant to re instate the plaintiff as lea. her and pay her from the date of h.-r disinibsai. 'which f,, lI,)Wed her maniane Th" couit finds that ar: error was made by lie board In not granting a beating before .in.mts.il as well us In disrnis!'ng her with.eit reasonable f USe 'i a" "I'lMoli bv Ju-tb-e Harris he ; refers to .lapter :'.T. laws of in in., and .harder 172 nf the laws of 191.'i, the . foru.ei appl.vmg t,, school districts ihii'ing a population of rioiuii ,,r more. "' "oru edl 1 1 K that the ..-.tract slgn'-d In May. 1!I3 was valid w h-n signed, still a stipu.nt 'on making marriage A .cause fo. neionptory dismissal would 1 not be hlpdil.g where th,. contract whs made aft,, J,,,.,. n. PH.-.. when clmpt-sr I t ecum., -i law ' s;,v, .Justice Harrbi. Tie boar.J cannot d.-rn'ss fr an un ' reasonable ta..- ,- and --an dismiss Tor a r. nor,M nut. onlv In the manner "lirlu.le.l mi, price KlTe ' el.M-in 7)TTe ,BUlIlRSlEr i AT CHICAGO JAN. 1 1 TO George Perkins Says He Does Not Know When It Will Be'h Fears for T, R. New Votk. Dec 21 .1' p.i The magi- p.,i:-,ai date is now January 1 ' "'1 that da . i h. Hull Moose na tional omrrlltt.-e wi'l ru- et at Chcaa(i to sele. t a .ov,-ilion date a ltd city. Then. t.ol M. ,;1,,s evpe. t t,, a ,.i,r vi. w of what the H, p., bib arid Bull Moose llfi.UJl will be Though It Was reporter the Bull Moosers may hold thel, 'onvention In Chicago on the (.amr date as the Re publicans, there waK no confirmation of the s'ory today George W. Perkins ays that he does pot know when It will be. Ha expressed fear that If th. Republican convention uses steam roller methods, snmets.dy might "draft" Colonel Roosevelt. Many politicians believe that certain bullrnoose and republican leaders are trying to come to j.ea'-e terms. 1 r.conflrined reports said that Sec retary of the Treasiry McAdoo and Presidential He. ret a iv Tumulty tele phoned a- ipialnt-unoes here askinr what the Gary dinner, at which Roosevelt was present, was about. It Is estimated that a tenth of the nation's wealth wm represented at the dinner Fortunes of 15 guests alone totaled nearly 11,000,000,01)0. Not I'ntll After New year's. New York, lire, 2 1 - I. N Si Colonel Roosevelt was repeatedly be sought todav io announce his attitude, toward the presidential nomination of either Repabll. an or Progressive par tics He replied. I shall liave nothing to say abou that until after New Years day." He referred to the Republican Stat committee meeting on January 7. Mrlfarjc (iuettvs T. IL Now York, De . 21 il'. p. i Colonel ficosevelt will cast his w. 11 known hat into the ring l'i Mar'h, declared Urms by M- Marg, ota-e trea-surer of the Bull M use party today. In fact, said Mc lUrg. everything was set at the fSary dinner Friday night for the colonel' ear dlda-y. At that f.me. Rooaevelt named Hadley. Knox and Hughes a his favorites because he wants to di vide, the field and then canter horn with the nomination himself, Mxliarc acMed r Nurse's Services Wants Mandolin Want Ads are the great clear ing house for occasional business, as well as splendid medium fer the man who adyertises because, it rays. arnreee 60 GRADt'ATE nurse deslrea pe. 1 tients In her own private home. Tor Sent EtraiM 13 RTZ AT 'Tf1 ' I. 7 room bungalow, oak floors, furnace. Swaps as LARGE sue Master vibrator for mar.dolin or anything c&n use. Makes no difference what you want the classified may carry It. See pages 17 and 18. HIGHER COURT FIX CONVENTION DATE 3