The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 20, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Head of Steel Corporation Is
Host and Most of the Very
Rich Are There as Guests,
Some Say They Do Hot Think Bland
ishments of Wealth Can Force Re
publican to Accept Roosevelt.
Washington, )p, 20. ('. P i- Anv
bndy can have a gue-s as to u li:it
oriel Koosevelt is K'jir.t; t' de, m the
coming am ai :i. lie is tbe best
ioie upsetter m politics and !.is at
tendance at t'.c Hary last I'ri
duy may hae meant a iajwerful lot
or may not.
Summarized, this Is the view of poli
ticians here today " concerning wh it
the leader of tiie Kullmoose lias :n
mind. Frankly t.'.ev are up in the air.
Senator I'.orah, himself a c.'
In the presidential lists, was r i.ary "
advancing an opinion. Senator e'lapp.
an ardent Koosevelt tnan, d- larcd "I
ee no political significance in the din
ner. Koosevelt has had enough ex
perience with those een'ienien to with
stand t.'.tir blar.'lishmcr.ts."
Folndexter Withholds Comment.
At tl " same time, Senator Poln
dexter, Kepubli -an. sail:
"Roosevelt has a n?! ?- to attend a
private ilmner and it isn't for me to
con; rue n t."
On tl.. nt' hand. Representative
Curry of California had this comment:
"I do ri"t thir.k that any combination
of rich can club the Ktj.ubllcan party
Into nominating any ma::. I the
dinner was merely to throw bouque's
at the colonel. Tim R'-puMican candi
date will be nominated l.y the party,
and I do not thu.k that Rooaoveit ha-S
a chance.''
Hitchcock Gets Busy.
Those who have pou-wowed with
the colon. -1 re- ei.tly declared that he
will !:o' be sucked out concerning hl
proh.o'.e candid.T'v. He told them
that h.. wouid support a Kepubllcan
like 11'jKiies. Hadlej, Johnson or Knox,
bit he tab"Oed Root.
Iopcs!crs, tt:n::i;ii. saw a connection a Kicsevelt boom, and the
visit of ! rank Hit hco K,
ier postmaster general, to t! e na
.tl com m it t e. meeting. 1 1 1 T h- ocit
red the Repibiicin mn hirie for
: in l'."" under Koose ,.; a orders.
rr.irig his mission here. Hitch-
k said that he woj nuieiy
ol 1 l'r; ndhins.
Would Support Cum mint.
A ' ordn g to a politician who has
reen lluux'c It w.thin a month, his po
sition is:
lie is not a candidate himself, under
a r. v t-ir- :;n:staii' es.
If the K-p ibli-ans nominate anyone
lomi. cted with tlie theft In Ch;. ago"
w 111' n rs'ilt. d in formation of the l: ill
Mooe a tion. the coloi., 1 wi.l fight
Hat candidate and the party.
lie wiU support a man oi the "Cum
ni'.ns,' if honui.atcd by the Re
pute leans.
He will sti.mglv nppnse President
Wil-on uti'lcr all e-1 rc u ms t . in . .-.
" I do not think t! at Uurt'ci, Root or
Vt cks will satisfy him," said the pop,,
tp-iaii. Rossibly !n;a!i would, though.
I do not expect i loose', el t to make a
pi PI;, statement tor e,era! montus."
The oliv.ous conclusion, drawn ,iv
polit'cal followers is that the dinner
was regarded as a "boom affair '
for Koo.-'V. It as a I r- s id-i. : la 1 nom
ine in l'-l S. N r.e cu.d be found
v bo w oul I confirm this.
Judge Gi.y declined to ilis the
dinn. ; I'.'l.ii'.c Roos. v. it was .piotod
as saying it was private unci of no
political si;'r,if ati.e.
Guests All Wealthy.
Follow ing- is a r. sum.
I'resl Dm lien;-'' It ik
Nntional bank. Frank Vi'y barh. A
A. Coff.n, head o
1'.'. ctt ic compan y ; i i o
you, president of ti
Ceis company and fo
vi It's secretary, pan:.;
A. F.arton 1 1 pb'irn.
bank, Frank R. Ki'll.'c
Hoquiam Gets Next
State Elks' Reunion
Outbids Wenatchee and Tacoraa for
Stats Convention, Which Will Mean
Gathering- of 3000 JText August.
Hoeuulam, Wash., Dec. 20 It has
been decided by the executive ro-n-mlttee
of the Washington State Rlks
Reunion association to hold trie l&lo
state- convention of the Order at
Hoquiam. The gathering will occur
some time In August. and Tacoma were Keen
bidders for the convention, wnicn will
bring here between 25u'J and i'ZiV vis
itors. Re au.-e the state convention
bad never ben held at Oravs taroor
arid because the Invitation from hero
was bo pressing, both from the lodge
and the commercial club, the vote of
the committee was unanimous for
Sen, McCumber Makes First
Move in Litigation Involv
ing 0, & C, Property.
Money Given for Peace Prop
aganda Lacked Support of
Additional Sums,
Billy Sunday Gets
$23,000 at Syracuse
lng arcs and the low hanging greenery
Saturday night motley merrymakers
milled to and fro. At this corner stood
the Salvation Army lassie beside" her
swinelnff kettle. On that was the Voi-
mlng on his guitar and blowing wall-
Injr melodies through a mouth organ.
Hack In the shadow lurked the chest
nut man. Outside the curt strode a
sandwich carrying a banner that ap-
j unteer of America with his imitati n pealed to holiday shoppers. Evcrynn?
Noted ryttgslist Addresses Total of i chimney, each appealing for aid for had something to do. and the Christ-
Wash, npton, I pc 20. (WASHING
Theodore Roosevelt will be $50,000
richer if congress passes a bill pro
posed by Senator Iodsje, under which
there would be returned to the ex
president the rash Nobel peace- prize
awarded to him while president In
Roosevelt turned the money over to
the Foundation for the I'romoti'in of
Industrial Peace, for which congress
provided, with the expectation that 1
ditional funds would be received by
Kift or becpiest, but tlnre have been
no additions to the R.,Sevi!t dona
tion, and the income from that alone
is not enouKu to make a showing.
It Is expe, ted that congress will re
turn the fund to Roosevelt, alter mak
iriR sue h deductions a-- may be needed
to wind up the wotk of tie tiusteea.
911,000 People During; Seven Weeks
Campaign Concluded Yesterday.
Syracuse. N. Y.. Dec. 10. (I. N. S.)
Billy Sunday concluded his evangel
istic campaign of seven weeks here
Sunday nicht. During the day be ad
dressed 5" 'hoi persons at four taber- j
nacle iiipehnts. i
The campaign here was distinctly 1
successful. The thank offering was i
$L'3.1 ! J 3 7 . The total attendance at1
the ir.fetinE-.s was '.M1.0"0 and the
"trail hitters" nun. here. 1 112.499. j
Mr. and Mrs. Sunday have left for
Winona Lake, Ind . to rest before ;
opening the.r campaign at Trenton, N. j
J., one week from today. t
the needy. Well within the glare of a mas spirit somehow permeated the air.
show window Rat a blind man, strum- though with none of the bleakness of
weather that finds the merrymakers
of other climes.
InTented Spark Tlug.
Ontario. Cal.. Dec. 20 (P S Pi
A'.bert Karle Canedy. millionaire In
ventor of the breech lock plug,
is dead here today, following a nervous
tineas extending over mrN year,
Canedv was 42 years old aid unrnar
The prediction that Europe will b
In a state of anar -hy after the war-
.4 111 nn I W ... , . n nl.,. V
Washington. Pec. 20. (WASHING
The first move to recognize the
"rights" of interveners In the Oregon
&. California :and grant c .use be
fore congress In a Joint resolution in
troduced by Senator M Cumber of
North Dakota.
The resolution Is entitled. "For the
relief of applicants to purchase land?
under the terms "f a land grant to
the Oregon A.- ('alifornla Railroad com
pany," anil provides:
"That nil such persons who ha 1
made application for the purchase of
any of said lands from the said Ore
gon & California Railroad company
or Its su c.s.-. TS prior to the com
mencement cif action i hy the govern
mentt In the cir -uu court of appeals
for the Ninth district shall have a
prior and preferential right for thr
purchase of the tra t apl l:i for. not
Dry lock fop Soattle.
Wii"-:.,;!. ci, Dec. I.'1. Cnr.irrcssman
Humphrey, representing the Seattle
dist Met, has .ntr.iuced a bill appro
priating $3. i for a dry dock, not
less tnan 1" 0 f. .-t long and larire,
enouirh i ae rimmo.Jate the largest
battleship, at the I'-ge-t Sound navy
All Classes of Stores Feel Ef
fect of Christmas Trade
Advice Present Season,
Thousands of
early Saturday h i
aid staved with
went out When t
m -. s t f r:ou s bu nd 1 .
Portia: ders shopped
-fit They bt gall early
it unt.l tlie liguts
icy started for home.
s under arms arm
mv sterio.
St. (
exceeding l.o acres to one person. a.
upon pavment or tender thereof to the , ., , ars fr,
said railroad company or Its S li ces- i
l sors at the rate of $2. SO per acre with-
in one year from and after the pas
sage of this .v t "
The Mc'-itiln-r plan would thus e
! pralize the '.aims that were said to
I have r.o standing by the I'nited States
$.-0,000,000 for Keclaniation.
Wa-.iiit.gton. Dec L'ih - A ..thurizat on
for the is je of i.OvO In certificate,-
of Indebtedness for the purpose
of making iulvaii'-i s to the reclamation
f :nd for the completion of existing
projects Is proposed in a bill by
i 'oiigressman Smith of Idaho. Ha
would have, sabs made as additional
1 u ids are iioiied, in addition to
amounts heretofore set aside for recla
mation puipo-os. The money thus
i raised would b. ret irned to th treas
I cry In v.-ariy l list a '. ' m n t s aft- r five
j years bv setting aside ly per cent of
, the re'.ipts from tlie r'-cla mat leu
! fund ea. h year until all the f .ncls ad
j van. c an- returned. It is provided
that the certificates may be taken up
i at any time after thred
!:ite of issue.
s i-.reme court. It would not be re-Ic-iired
that the claimant became an
actual settler or aid anything mora
than fender $-.50 an acre for the land
! prior to the time the government suit
i was Alwit 10n0 bu h clalm
i ants would thus be given their pick
I of the most valuable quarter sections
in the entire tract.
I TTanrls Down Rat De-clslon.
Washington, Dec. 2". The Inter
' state Commerce Commission haa
granted the appii -atlon of the Oregon-
Washington Kailroad & Navigation
' company f"r itself and the Cuget
Sound A: Wlllapa Harbor railway to es
tablish class and commodity rates be
I tween Portland. Fast Portland. Alhina,
j St. Johns, Kenton and North Portland,
and Raymond, Wash., the same as con
current ra'es between these points via
the Northern Pacific, and to main
tain higher rates at intermediate
points on the Puget Sound .V Willala
road, but not exc eeding those for same
or cross-co'intry stations west of
'he-haiis. The permission Is granted
I under restrictive provisions of the
fourth section of the Interstate com
. mcrco ac t.
A Real Xmas Present.
Instead of kni'-knacks. give th
a r.-al present, by pure! aii.(; one oi'
i ur first iiiorttaiif farm i.d l-eari:.-,
7 j cr cent interest per annum, vv.t i
semi-annual .. ipecp-s Yn 1 c an g' t
th.uu in d't'om nat ions of Jli"j and
$rni Get tie family started in the
habit t" save and to appreciate real
v: See J p Ilartog, manager, at
;e-,f stark, ii-ar Fourth. (Adv.)
highly transparent smiles on faces fold
of the Christmas jc ;. s now In anti i
pat n.
With the street Intersections ablaze
from the .suspend--.! elec tric d"iii'S and
;th.e retail t here. ugh f a i fs long lines of
light, downtown Portland Saturday
! night was at its be--; Crowds of people
j thronged alone,- unde r the evergreen
I festoons, and in no st of the store s the
i sab s people had. nil they c uld do.
While, the toy d.partni.nts f.-it tie
greatest i-ffr It. of the shoppers' raid,
ii 11 the oilier departments weie like
wise be.-e t.
J one merchant estimated that bis
sales Pater. lay ntght would surpass
the Sa.urdiv before I' of last
e-ar by n.anv hundteols of doliars-
The peestof rr. .nd express olti'-s
we re busy pi o s throughemt the even
ing It Wa e first Iiigiit shift for
!the epresF p.- pic, but they found lit
tle tin .- for lei-nre
I - n. p. 1 1. y had s 'in.. trees. evergreen festoons.
pette-d jiants and strings of lights.
liut in s;lfe f t he h.e.i v y shopping ci ' .
la-t we. k ancl espec ially of Saturday,
1'Oth rnere-han'd and express people
look for the real "'rush" to take place :
The Well s l argo
spec ial de-' orations.
t r
week. Hy Friday night Christ
mas eve it Is expected that little will
be left.
On the streets beneath the glimmer-
Ri'harcl V. Dm. labor.-.
Clu re nee H. M a. ka v
S.-hiff: Cornelius ",
Frederick A'. Whitiidg
bassador to Spain.
or t : e gu'-sts :
r . f the First
A. Yaridcrlip.
,-ust P.eln.'U.t ;
the ( ' :: ral
II. Cortel-
I "oi'.soll'iate 'l
ne rly Ito -s.-'I'ln
irei n he-im :
;ase National
of St. Paul;
New York;
Jacob 1 1
'dor! :lt, and
', funiPT ani-
T. C Secures Headquarter.
Chicago. Dec. .'a. -, r. i Pelief
Cat Colonel Roosevelt will participate
in tin' forthcoming campaign ga n. d
groTind today when it was .oimit'cd
ti at his friends had taken an option
on trie Florentine room at the Congress
hotel. It was here- that he held nl!.-.i
previously. The option expires tomor
row, and meantime. A I i i 1 1 M. i 'oriiii- rc,
who ci; !' rre-d w:tu Roosevelt S.tur
iay is speeding here 'to report
colnnel's ele ision
The option w.,s made last week fol
low i"tr a,,. ;. orge
I'.r'.: and Harold l.-k.-s. Illinois
Rullruoo: e chairman. M . e . r :r,i . k at
tended t.e Gary di: at New York
Friday at R....seve!t. Perkins
and a number of :i;:an. ars were guests.
Rector's Wife Killed
By Motor Hearse
(P. N.
ne. wife
h is onal
and her
Aberdeen. Wash. Dec 2 ".
P - Nirs. Frederick W. c.ree
of the rector of the To- 1 1 1
! :ri-h, is dead here today.
daughter. Miss Klizabeth Greene, is
suffering from painful injuries as the
result or' beine struck by an aut "mo
bile hearse while on their way to
church last night. The women were
holding an umbrella as protection
against the storm, and did not sea tlie
approaching automobile.
Year A o in War
December 30, 1914.
FVench claim new- gains In Flande-s
and announce they have organized the
territory south of I:xm l ie. which was
won by them on the previous day.
Allies advance one kilometer south
cf I-a Rassee.
Austrians are driven back In their
rew offensive on Rzura river, retro
rad announces.
eSep nbetitates cost YOU umo prlc.
Williams n Convention Committee
Washington. De.-. 2h- Ralph F. Wil
liams, Republican n; lonal committee- i
man from Oregon, Is the only far!
western member selected on the spe- j
rial committee to arrange for the Chi-i
e ago convention, a pl.c e that was j
much sought. This committee will .
name the temporary chairman for the!
convention and other temporary cfl'.-J
iers. I
Mr. Williams, after a fhort visit In
the east, will return to Portland and
prepare for an extended stay at Chi
cago next year. lie expects to go to
the convention city about March 1, to
remain until after the convention. Is
20,000,000 Available
129,398 in Militia
Report of General Mills Shows Ziess
Than 1 Per Cent of Americans of
Military Ag-e In Training'.
Washir gtor., Dec ,- -.( if 20.000.0 0 0
male-s sliown hy the census to be of
military age between IS and 44
IL'a.afe'e are n-.embe-s of the militia,
Rrigadler General Miles showed in ins
Only Six More Memberships
(Out of the original 200 memberships)
Left in Our Special Sewing Machine Club
Where You Can Buy the Famous
"The Free"
5c Down, 5c Additional Each Week
When the six machines are sold, the Club will be closed,
and the regular terms will prevail. Get your sewing Machine
early to morrow morning, before they are gone.
You cannot afford to miss a chance like this the
world's best Sewing Machine, "THE FREE," sold for
5c down and 5c additional for a few weeks until paid.
Pifth Ploor
c Merchandise of cJ Merit Only"
well, rather
He found at Moyer's
for $15, just the suit he
wanted, so he's $5 Christ
mas money in pocket, for
he expected to pay $20
Real money-savers Moyer clothes.
Good Suits and Overcoats
for $15.00 that would cost
you more at uptown stores.
Second and Morrison
Third and Oak
m it'so!i
I.-:. . IX If"?
jm v. 11. 1
r. -t.:" i- i-rif -fi -r- -if--:-JliSiWta.'fa.afctjig i V: Zi"
Where Will YOU
Do Your Christmas Shopping.'
It's a Vital Question for You
And of Vital Importance to Us
We seek your Christmas patronage we want it on merit based upon
the integrity of the merchandise and the fairness of price. This store
has never knowingly sold merchandise that would not, in every instance,
measure up to its slogan, "Merchandise of Merit Only," or was not worthy of
the confidence of its patrons.
This store does not quote prices or indulge in the use of broad price
comparisons to convey the impression of extreme economy.
Nor does it believe in making preposterous claims of patronage, or
honest dealing the public is not commending a store for "years of hon
est dealing" honesty is no boast. To claim honesty is to arouse sus
picion. Confidence, Service, Efficiency are the ideals upon which this store s.
hopes to increase and hold its patronage.
To call things by their right names to price them upon a fair basis
never to sacrifice quality for price never to offer merchandise lacking
in intrinsic worth.
To provide comfort in shopping, a spacious, well -lighted, perfectly
ventilated, SAFE store, with wide aisles, in which your convenience ever
comes first.
No crowding, no jostling, no struggling mobs to battle your way
Rather a quiet, comforting air, efficient salespeople to assist you with
polite attention SERVICE WITH A SMILE in short, a store that hopes from
every point of Christmas Preparedness to merit your Christmas patron
age and make your holiday shopping pleasant and easy.
When in Doubt Give a
Glove Order
or a
Merchandise Bond
Sold here for any amount,
and good at any time. Spe
cial Booth, First Floor.
YrSlserit Only"
Holiday Bazaar
On the Second Floor
Hundreds of Christmas
Nothing Over $2.00
Store Open Tonight From 6 to 9 o'Clock