8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 19, 1915. N PORTLAND'S SCHOOLS Washington High. Y.j Marjory Hood. THE June "l? ilasa has at last de cided on the tyre of amusement to be furnished the February '16 class. On Wednesday evening. Decem ber 29. a mipper and dante will be given for the entire February class at the Hose C;ty Pari; clubhouse. Many stunts for the amusement of all will be given during the evening. The February ciass play, "Stop Thief,'' Riven on the evenings of December IT and was a splendid tucie.-s. The acting was certainly above the ordinary amateur work. The money rc-elvrd from the play will be pent in publishing inlass Lens. Tuesdav morning an assembly was called for the purpose of advertising the clas-s play. Ivisene Vincent, a member of the February class, gave a very lever synopsis of the play. "Stop Thief." ".aude Frohn, also of the Kebruarv 1 ass. presented the play in a more serious way. Much enthusi asm was snov.n among the students. Wednesday morning W. H Boyer changed the program of songs, lie led the school into erand opera, where thev followed a little doubtfully at first, ard then to rid Irish songs. The Irish s'-irit was a little evasive at liist. but "old Ki'.l.-.rney" was sung vith'as much spirit as any Iri?hmun could wish for. Harv ey pt- f t! h amber fir.-ir.v given la-t.-ie bene: a hi-i-irc announced cf a dese :rr.n.ed:a-. I-area -j oi to tr.it Mr. -s V c r s - : y ; Hr :h.i.i e Wasr V.V of .1 li : v..i t " r g rer . r a .it. 1 As c.i' t -.: ffss.r c .re nvr'.ttr" vi.i "Step TK le ' Miti" ;; rest amusement a::. X1 e NcTkr.hr a very ;:..e-. s cay af'err.oo -.. f 1-aiy 'Ir.T Gold." wn f urin? to cry has kfi ' s-bool 1" V r p'ay re. p. c terest. business mana ton high school uer.-e, reported me of the- muslcale eday morning for ..r.ty. A little over was ' leared. He ,v student knowing . ..'. in need would 1 ;t to tin- charity .irr.her of lomuiercc .t e g'. v en. ".:: ker.sten.. of the id charge of all ar th.e student." to char okr t donated some r. a n -. : ii i r er. Out of jj mibers a "l'.u kv n T: e st "..lent pos : ,1'e to t Me "i'.H ky . . r. two passes to y- so-hem.- aroused a- : ex used some ,- 'he sti-lents. irv so- itv hell r ; r"pr.Lin ednes , !. .k i t-pur' on or e . pi iv 'Ttoiinn s ! -. Marian Weiss, t t'n I.ady iirf; e and addressed the t is report of her s e attention and l n - WASHINGTON DEBATERS df I hFjk ' Mr ItTr.? VtS.v In the first meeting the officem ' elected were: Rolfe Skulason, presl- j dent; Frances Johnson, vice-president: William Miller, secretary. The chief object of the, club Is to prepare dele gates for the interscholastic debate to be held early In 1916. ; new cooking course met with the in- j siructor, .viiss Lewis. i ne ciass win meet every Monday from now on. On Thursday afternoon. December ! 2J. a Christina program will he given , by the pupils of the school. A candy rale, will also be held by the Parent j Teacher association. Photograph br The Pearlers. "Washington High school debaters. Above, left to right Melville Pugh, George Walker, liussel, lUillard, Kugene Vincent. llelow. left to right Bertrand Woods, Tom Felts, Theodore Peterson, Claud 1'rohn. The interscholastic debate between Washington and Jefferson high schools will take place Tuesday eening. Sub-j,'-t to be debated is, "Resolved, That tie Monroe doctrine should lie aban doned." Washington's negative team, which debates at Jefferson, consists of (Jeorge Walker. Toin Felts and Hert rarid Woods. The affirmative team, to debate at Washington, consists of Kcgere Vincent, Russel Ballard and Melville I'ugh. The two alternates are Theodore Kroh n. Was-hlngton is the Kerr silver up has been in 1 tit was lost to Peterson and Claud very anxious to win debating cup. The its possession twice. Jefferson last year. If the cup is won again this year by Washington it will he theirs to keep, for the laws governing its ownership are that it must be won three times by the same school before the posses sion is final. Hullock; vl-e-presldent. r ers; secretary and ed n.on. sergean t-at-arnis, 1 . F.llse Som tor, Belle Si Ben .Shoema- a member of the ". t rai piano solos, few clever stories, 'lit. however, was - little M'-ss F.liza :ld of about 8 years. ;ieien fa'.'-rent1 society, played i Helen Ball told s The rrownlns- e aesthetic d.irv-ir.g teth Sp irloch. a The dan. nig was enjoyed by everyone After the program was completed homemade candy was served. Wednesday aft-r school the officers of the Latin . luh elected the pre vious week, tooh office. erirls had n motive week The Pomestic S.-n-nre i.r,. n t erf nininir and ins making Christmas randies. Many of the girls brought their own supplies made Christmas cannies ior i.ici. So m'K'h pleasure is to randy week that it is an 1 forward to during the At last Tuesday morning's assem bly the girls' clee dub made its first ; ihli.- iippt-acance and sang several fictions tv hi. h v.ere gTeatly enjoed by the students. i:ery Wednesday after S' hool the to. iety is favored with a (Jermaii reci laticui, given t'V one of its member and talks and lei t ires glen in Ger man by different teachers. Last 1": iday morning Lincoln's nr- hesrra attended the Portland Sym- ,(,:iv orchestras rehearsal at trie Jtel- tneater. It is a great priviege dad ti.e crchestra enjoys it. I and home. had du-in-r event b"k who! term. Ne-t Tuesdav morning two of the , lasses, unucr ii. Larkins and Miss buttonhole mailing buttonholes have i feared by all scw ont'st is looke,l for The grade- will be first term sov ing direction of .Mrs. White, will have a contest. Though us ia'lv been muc'i Irg classes the ward to eaer taken on a curacy and Bpeed. Lincoln High. Iy Margaret Mansfield. Saturday evening Lincoln high school gae its fir: t ice skate at the Ice Hippodrome. There was a large at tendance. The first number on the program v.-as an Interscholastic tug nf.imr' tiie second a hockey game. Double and single ice races the interest of tho evening, trons and patronesses were: Mrs. T. T. Pavls, Mr, Garman and Mr. and Samuel Weinstein and Clarence Yo'ir.g. former students of Lincoln, were successful In making tho debat ing team at Keed college. The basketball game between the girls of the February 'lfi class and the p-rl of June IS has been postponed until after Christmas. Friday afternoon, December IT. the auditor, urn was filled with a large ;.nd appreciative audience when the inter-society program was given. The "Hiartil!e Shakespeare t'lub," a one act farce, was given by seven ?lris of the I'lillolcxian society, who were as luliows: Belle Contryman. Helen Ia mar. Marti. a Loretz. Alice Van Schoon hoen. Helen Stewart. Maxine Miller and Ksther Bod man. The Hal'.anaki 'amp l-'ire girls gave two Indian songs in costume. The orchestra wa-s represented by Alice Green (violin) and Ance Laughton (cornet.) The A'lelphians ;;ave the well-known quarrel scorie from "The S'hool for s.andai." Inez Anderson and Ralph Ilneher took the parts. T.ie boys' and girls' glee clubs gav selections. The Tri-!s were represented by Illinor B.l'shury. who gave us two readings, 'Christinas on trie Plantation," arid F.ugene Fields "Fisherman Jim's Kids." The new members of the Tri-ls are Margaret Finley. Anna Flamm, Maria Canel and Frieda Kritchesky. proprlate souvenirs for the students of the school. The department has printed several different souvenirs, such as motto-calendar blotters, motto iards, etr , for distribution among the pupils. Gordon Geibis' h has been elected football captain for the 1916 season. Blanche Strong. Gladys Blue. Clari bell Williams and Heston Williams have, teen appointed as a committee to investigate and pian for the senlor prom. of the February "16 class. A hay ride and barn dance Is under consideration as amusement for the class program. The. June lfi ciass will hold a mati nee dance in the s. hool gym. on Tues day afternoon. December 21. An ad mission of 25 cents will be charged and the proceeds of the dance will go to defray the expenses of the class. Wayne Houston. Madeline Brown and Miss Johnson have charge of the af fair. The ad. writing classes are work ing on sample advertisements for dif ferent f I rnis in the city and in the east. The ads will be sent to the firms to show what is being done in ihe cla-ss. Mr. Athey says the work done Is the best that has been put out since the organization of the class. Benson Polytechnic ( Girls ) By Minne BibeLhausen. Miss Laura Riley, Instructor in do mestic science, and her students made an expedition through the Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. on Friday, Decem ber 10. Articles not disposed of at the school's Christmas bazar have been placed on sale on the sixth floor of Meier & Frank's. The senior class is planning an en tertainment to be given at the Lin coln high school January 11. Miss Wilsbn of the faculty and 1 of her students visited the I'atton Home recently. They entertained the guests with a program consisting of recitations and musl'al numbers. Glenhaven As there Is no church In the imme diate neighborhood of Glenhaven school the community Christmas tree will be held at the school next Thurs day. About 75 school children will take part In a porrram of songs, play lets and recitations. Many of the parents of the children will take some part in the program also. grades of extended a the city to match. No The eighth and ninth Glenhaven some time ago challenge to any school In meet them in a ciphering school accepted the challenge, but It Is not too late for the pupils of Glen haven are ready at any time to meet any school. OPEN AIR SCHOOL STORE Llewellyn Some time ago Llewellyn school was awarded a prize by the city beautiful (Ommlttee. The prize money was in vested in a picture, "Roil On In Sol emn Majesty." The students were the guests of th Symphony orchestra. Friday at its re hearsal. I Wednesday afternoon at the Parent Teachers' association meeting the pu ; I i's of Mrs. Glenn's and Miss Nei j son's rooms furnished the program. The laco department, an addition to the school this semester, has proved a sue cess under the of -Mrs. K. H. Slbhald. Spelling so aroused the interest of the ninth grade pupils that on a re direction 1 ( Pnt Thursday afternoon a regular old- fashioned spelling match was held be Itween the ninth B classes. Miss Iverson and students spent a very pleasant and profitable morning at the Art museum Thursday. The class is deep in the study of designs based upon flower Interpretation for ornamentation of dresses, bags, etc. The tiles by F.rnest A. Batrhelder were much enjoyed as well as the ex amples of old textiles. The students' loan fund is being In creased through the generous Christ mas giving of the faculty and students. Kerns The Jefferson Business Journal, offhial Commercial club paper t hristmas. hag gone to "press." and Mrs. added to The ra Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Gearhardt. Lincoln plays Its first eoccer foot ball game with Columbia on Janu ary 1?. m Tuesday af ternoi m. tecember IP. the Toloceion d.-hating society gave its weekly dehnte m room lor. The nuestion debated was. Resolved. "That the fifteenth amendment of the United States' constitution be re pealed" The affirmative was upheld by Jack Laidlaw- and Ralph Strong. The negative was ipheld by Abo Ros mhfre ard Cecil Smith. The decis ion was given to the affirmative. Jefferson High. liy Wallace lia-rton. In response to the appeal to the Muts the Jefferson Live Wires have appointed a committee to arrange for the collection and turning over to the Mutt headquarters of donations re ceived in the school. Boxes have been distributed to the different registra tion rooms to be filled with the gifts. The Live Wiies in each room are given charge of trie box in their room and they are all striving to get the largest I ox. These boxes there are 34 of them. will be collected by the cen tral office and held for directions from the Mutts. Fendall Young, Ma- i-rne re.Ker anu itajpu tioinngcr com prise the central committee in charge of collection and distribution of the gifts. the for The work of reproduction Is done on the ir.imeoeraph. This issue will have a holly border of two colors. The Zetagathian society lias decided to .hold a leap year dance in honor of tho alumnae members, on Tuesday evening, January 4. Arleta Night School. A large and a"prcnative audience gathered Wednesday evening to listen to one of the best programs ever given in the Arleta s. hool assembly. The entertainment given under the auspices of the Arleta owes Its success to the efforts of Mrs. Higgs. teacher of the millinery class, and Mr. Luecke, teacher of German. Mr. L. D. Mahone, chairman of the evening Introduced Mr. Karnest Kro rer. who told of the advantages, both national and personal that result from a knowledge of the modern lan guages. The following is the pro gram: 1. Grand March. Mrs. G. Constable: 2 .German 'hristmas Songs. Singers of the Portland Social Turn Verein, Z. address. Earnest Kroner; 4. piano solo, Benjamin Pollock; &, Milady s Hatshop, Millinery class; 6, recita tion, June Morris; T, songs, singers of the Portland Social Turn Verein; S. piano solo. Mrs. G. Constable; 0, German recitations, German class; 10, violin solo. Walter Kruecrer; 11. Santa Claus and German boys, Judge Wm. N. Gatens and German boys. The meeting wa,s one of the largest ever held In Arleta. The work of the German class under the direction of Prof. Luecke showed excellent results in the few weeks of their class work. The nj:ht school received quite a boost from the worlt displayed. Last but not least, came Santa Claus. loaded down with bags of candies! nuts and gifts, which were given to the children. . With the proceeds gal' ed from an entertainment given by Kcins gram t :ar school some time ago the school was able to purchase a stereopticon lantern and slidis. The slides are all cf an instructive nature and are to be used for school work. The seventh grade girls' domestic science class has been serving 1 cent lun. lies to the teachers for the past two Fridays. The girls are getting very adept in the art of serving as veil ag cooking. .ZZZJT! 1".". ..' ' , . -N. f r- l (fVsf !' 4 Umv ersity and College N ews Week's Campus Events University of Oregon Cniversny of . lluene. 1 'ec IS -iietwi-ei ' 1 ... and N(W Years tile I't.iv.:-.- Inchon Glee iluti will make : M trip to Oiistern Oregon, c; .. the itln- oaiy is to t.e - . ., - he. eml, r -7. The i ial.es. I ' j . pendle t"i.. Lii-i-rml.fr ii, i, . Decern t i r lit'. La iter. I . .:), Hood River. i in,- i. f t ... - , . , Iactlona Wlii lie the b.i.ss j Sllellg Huaiif. a Chi!..,. s- ... istvied irom .Usui .-.(. . ,, Wt.,B not on -. . ., i v t . .. with me c.uh ;..,-. r.w 1. ,,.,:, of S 1 1 c 1 1 . , main er c I in. . 1 'i 1- c. j for .m ,ui . i i ,. Scliool pupils of a New York open air school, 1a,viiiK store. ninu .rj i- iik. Ij to . . com '!""' i., on ' n on ; . I uni;g t ::. :.c i . : c : , ,. .' a ' - .. i- i( in .-. -1.; I...: i , Ui t vi.i- tn, , I i oh.D::. .. i ,:, ... ,, . ...H i v. . . ; ... ... ..... j., .,, ... ek. . i i u.e :. I ' '". V.'-r. ; r.-. ,.; An. mm ass ; .,; ;.,,,t,.,i j. on. in i lie.- oi .. ., ...... s : ,, i t ... rs i , .. 1 i ; ,. : . , , . 1; i aiding UHlds lor l.-;e I !.l'., 1 ...... , .j s ll'i,'. llenrit Itn II Mo.ee. ,), f won.fii at tn,; I liners. ly of ! :.,, and has l"r inm o.o ., eu i . ., i of I I e dt pa; tnieni i.f -.i.hsrr: Capitol Hill, The Capitol Hill honor roll for No vember included: Bessie Baxter. Ha- night school I 'el Purcell. Agnes McGulre. Wayne Odell, Margaret Stevens. Virginia Ste vens, Ktoile Marshall. Grace Lathrop, Mildred Baxter, Lillian Steinbrlnk. Gertrude M.Gu'.re, Alice Sturman. Nellie Bell. Jessie Duncan and Alice Lat h rop. Highland. The Highland soccer team defeated the Vernon boys last Wednesday after noon by a score of 2 to 1. Woodstock. The glee club which was organi-wd last week heid a business meeting Wednesday afternoon. Nearly all some kind of classes are preparing a Christmas program, High School Advantages. The principals of the several high schools are visiting the different grade rchools in their district to explain to the pupils in tho eighth and ninth grades the courses offered by the high schools. All til Clinton Kelly. Friday right. December 17th, the February seniors gave one of the most nuccessful senior-proms in the school's history. Kxcellent music was fur nished by the Majestic orchestra. At the reg-ular stinging assemWy next Tuesday morning the German classes (Including from German 1 to German Si will 6lng German Christ inas songs. The German teachers are planning to organize German quartettes and choruses for next term. Tuesday afternoon the students of I,incoln studying American history were delightfully entertained in the auditorium vrlth a lecture on Mexico and its conditions, by the Rev. N. 1. Melllnfer. It was both instructive and Interesting. j The interschool basketball games will begin January IS. Lincoln will play its first Fame January CI with Columbia university. Hubert Scott entertained the Adel phian society last evening with an informal Chr-.stmas party. The com mittee assisting Mr. Scott were: Ar thur Johnson ichairman). Moreita Howard and Lois Burch. Chaperons were Miss Marsh and Miss Amos. . Friday morning Lincoln's "fire bri gade'" heU an assembly. Ralph Hoeber and Harry Jamieson, the two "chiefs" -were the speakers. The committee chosen from the faculty to superintend the drills Includes Miss Marsh. Miss Amos. Miss Hayward, Miss Culver and -Miss Mills. The German students of Lincoln tare organized a club for the purpose of furthering Interest In the German language and to assist the students in ' tbelr German lessons. At the regular VTednesdsy meeting the following of . fleers were elected: President. Mary A short business meeting of the Technical club was held Tuesday and the business of the club was dis posed of. A committee meeting wafl held about the Hi Jinks, to be held in Jan uary, and the entire program was worked out. A mock trial and a com edy sketch will be the chief features of the celebration. The event is open to every one wishing to come and consists of the program by the club members, a feed and an exhibit of the work of the manual training stu dents, i The physiography classes have fin ished their work in weather conditions ard have started on the making up of I a note book on the resources and industries or Oregon. Miss Bennet has secured several pamphlets from the Th art rooms on the third floor were open for exhibition last Thurs day. Commercial art. architectural and mechanical drawing, art and nee dle work and the metal working in jewelry were the subjects on exhibi tion. Chamber of Commerce to use as text rooks and these with the topography maps are the source of information in composing the books. Research work ha3 been done on the undeveloped wa ter power, on the rivers and harbors, on the fruit, lumber, fishing and dairy industries of the state. Arrange ments have been made to exchange these booka on Oregon with several Alaskan schools and thereby .getting first hand information on Alaska. The printing .department is work ing on the Christmas "Spectrum. " an 84 rage two-color issue .vith a three 'Lolor cover, a total of 1100 copies are being run off. Four-color cuts of Independence hall have been received from Pblla- aeipnm ana wm be made up Into Franklin High By Vera Elwell. At the last meeting of the Franklin high association a committee was ap pointed to make arrangements for a dance. Those on the committee axe: Fern Kleffer. chairman; Manlfred Rienhart, Lois Tomlinson and Gerald Johnson. Owing to the wording of the constitution of the association it is impossible to have an evening dance until the first of next term, but Prin cipal Ball will call a matinee dance immediately after the Christmas vaca tion. The name committee will ar range for both dances. The members of the Girls" Athletic association are taking orders for Franklin hlh pennants to be made before Christmas. The proceeds will go to the Boys' Athletic association. The girls of the Dramatic club will also hold a candy sale next Wednes day, the proceeds to go to tho same purpos-e. Last Wednesday the students had the pleasure of listening to Superin tendent Alderman for the first time. He gave an interesting talk on "The Value of a High School Education." Helen Johnson sang a solo, accom panied by Nellie Saunders. The members of the Home Econ nomics club held a sandwich sale in the different registration rooms Thursday for the benefit of the Boys' Athletic association. The sandwiches were made Wednesday evening by the girls of the domestic science classes. The sum of J6.I0 was real ized from the sale. The girlg have taken a great Inter est In basketball. Several fames have been played. The final results in both games with the commercial department and with Arleta were In favor of Franklin. Coach Dewey has began trying out the boys for cross country running mere are about L'O boys who prac tice every night and the coach has 1 opes of a good team. There are also about -0 boys out for basketball. Soccer seems to be more attractive for about 2a boys who have turned out for that. So far every evidence points to a good team. The Alcyon Literary society has added a school paper to Its program The members of the staff are: Fran- res Hershner. editor In chief; Mildred Voltz, personal; Helen Sehultz, ao ciety; Helena Hardy, music, and Lu cille Peake, humor. This paper will be prepared for social meetings and read as part of the regular program- primary rooms are beinc: an- Piopriately decorated for Christmas cilebratlons. The Christmas spirit Is also being made an ininniiant rf-f rr I'W B'-nOOl Will k ill till-so rra,1 is making picture books tures cut out and colored to be given away. Rooms uiaKing small books school work and ating them Milwaukie High. By Merrill J. Nichols. The last game of the football sea son. played between Mllwaukle high school and Oak Grove, was won by tne Mllwaukle team by a score of 6 to 0. At a recent meeting of the student body it was voted to reward the play ers with letters In the school colore maroon and gold. Much- interest has been shown in i debating club recently organized, and Good Health As a Business Asset State Teachers to Me et m MedforJ Program For Three Days Sessions News ! .is n-a :,. .j the '.r.ive ,.ry t'at It. t.mi,:i. I. Husi.t.ell. M. ,n 1 i 1 1 n ; i ,-1 . , ! ;.. .;f I.H III e-il-.il ' !1 ' K' an. i ! ai.se of L'.e io.-.. :' his slM, Room from pic- or painted. 1 and li are containing their are tastefullv decor- with the emblems of the season to be taken home a ckhoi. mas presents to their mmnti The survey of the school In luuuamenrajs or arithmetic has oeen completed, 'i he use of the tis etandard tests In this survey tin opportunltv to C0Tnnr tVm nere wnn mat of many of the eastern cities. Some lmnorta struction will be made because of Im portant facts revealed bv th inw. tlgation. By Dr. Charles F. Thwing. jj Modern life Is dynamic, not static. : It Is largely, perhaps too largely, com petitive. It spe.ls force. The de mands made on i: and the demands .which It makes, within two gene-ra- 1 tions, have increased fourfold. Tire strain to which one Is subjected is 'constant and mighty. The crises I through which one passea are Intense, . . , I The fit survive, the unfit perish. Just Cour gi ves work Wet weather has delaved nntatn Hin ging but it has been to the, mlvantm.. oi cue scnooi as the nr r nf lias gone up In the mpamim. Potatoes Holman. The ninth s hool hav e. ent events officers grade pupiis of Holman recently organized a cur club With the followinir I'resident, Charles Wright vice president. Malcolm Stowell treasurer. Melvln Hobkirk; secretary'. Sophia Goerke; assistant secreatry' Fva Rache. The club meets every Friday afternoon. A short program is given followed by a treneral dis cussion. Several Interesting trips have Iieen taken by the ninth grade pupils. One afternoon was spent at the Centr.il li brary. After telling how- magazines are bound and preserved for refer. Miss Murch gave an exercise In find ing articles In tho bound volumes. The afternoon of Sunday, Dec 5 was spent at the art museum rir McKinley of Lincoln high explained the different stages in the develop ment of statuary. The evening was spent at the home of Mrs. A. M. Ells worth, where Miss Brown told Persian legends. On a recent Friday .afternoon the classes visited Lincoln high school. Miss Crocker of the Central library talked to the pupils of the school Tuesday afternoon, about Uncle Re rr.us, and told some of his stories. Peninsula. On a recent Friday Mr. Petteys showed the primary room's stereopti- con views on the lumber Industry, showed them to the upper grades another day. For bearing one s part in this com petitive struggle, for doing one's woik In this day and world, lor making one's self fit. good health Is an absolute necessity. This necessity Is most ap parent in the character and service of the mcKlem executive. In business or politics. The business executive has been largely created in modern times created by Immense and complex In dustrial processes. His rewards in money and in other satisfactions are large. For his service good health is a primary requisite. His success depends oh soundness of Judg ment, on energy, on patience, on tact, and, above all else, on a certain stay ing power which must hold g"od and strong beneath ail strains and in all crises. I notice that the most outstanding railroad officers In America have large necks and heavy shoulders. The same characteristics are found in the mem bers of the house of commons. Good health, emlodied m staying power, seems to spring from r.ek and che-st. line should have enough of health to burn, and yet never burn It: enough of , health to carry one over crises, and i yet crises should never bo courted; j enough of hea'.th to stand the dally racket, and yet disturbance and an- ' noyance should never be invited; enough of health to give an impres- Iplon of reserve power, and never use 1 up the reserve. I j For evidcn.-e of any lack of good .health one should te on the alert. i Nervousness, undue anxiety and irri- , tab.llty are among the signs. ! "I must take a vacation." said my l friend. "I Ret cross to easily." It is a happy condition that many industrial land mercantile concerns aro keenly alive to the physical soundness of their associates. Health is communal, and not simply an individual maccer. This precious asset may be con nerved and increased In five ways: Play. lMucation." ; II : J". music', of An Kdu 1'oney. Wil lie on food. enough and eight hours at The domestic science and art and the manual training day has been changed for the ninth grades from Thursday to Wednesday. The ninth grades served a cafeteria luncheon to the teachers and pupils Thursday and now they are preparing for a candy sale before Christmas. The February 16 class have their class rings. They are ing them In about two weeks. ordered expect- Kennedy. Last Tuesday afternoon Miss French, from the Vernon library, told a series of stories before the school in assembly. The treat was enjoyed by all of the students. ' 9 Last Monday ttie first class In the 1. By proper simple. 1 2. By proper sleep j least. ' 3. By proper exercise, an hour a day at least in the open air. in rapid walk ing or riding or golfing. I 4. By one day of rest each week, a : rest day which shall not mean lassi tude and idleness. but downright i change of one's thinking, doing ad Interests. 6. By an avocation carried on wnn one's vocation. F.ach vocation should help the vocation, the vocation the avocation. These suggestions make the five pointed star which stands over the cradle of sound health. Miss Florence Uead Goes Kat. Miss Florence M. Read, secretary to the president, left Tuesday for her home In Delevan. New York, where he vill spend the Christmas holidays, re turning to Portland about New Years. The Cirecon Ptate Tea- hers' asso ciation, western division, wiil hold its fifteenth annual session in Mi-dford. Or.. December :T, H and 113 In con junction with the annual teachers' In stitute of Jai l.son and Josephino coun ties. The officers of the association aie: H. H. Herdman. Portland, president; K. F. Carleton. Salem, f.rst vice-presi. dent; George Brisco. Ashland, second vice-president. W. It Rutherford. Ku gene. treasurer; W. M. Smith, Marion county, secretary. The executive committee Includes: J A. "hurchill. Salem; J. H. Ackei man, Monmouth. Lmma ". Warren, Astoria. G. W. Hug, McM In n v ille ; V. S. Goliins, Meuford. On the committee on reorganization are: H. I . Sheldon, chairman. Ku gene: J. H Ackennan. Monmouth: George A. Brisi oe. Ashland. K. I. Resaler, Corvallls; H. C. Seymour, Dal les. J. A. ChurchilL Salem; O. M. Brown. Roseburg: William T. Foster, Portland; Mrs. Mamie Fulkerson, Sa lem; O. M. Klliott. Salem; K. H. reter son. Medford; Fiances Barnes, Port land; L. R. Alderman. Portland; H. M. Sherwood. Portland; Iir. A. P. Mc Klnlay, Portland. Other committtees are' Entertain ment, V. Meldo Hillis, Medford. chair man; music, R. II. Daily, Medford, chairman. The program of the session follows: GEITEB.AL ASSEMSLT. High School Auditorium. Monday, December 27. 1 1 .0". Address of Weh-ome. P. B Mc ihe: 11 !". Address of President. H. II. Herdman: 11:4T. music, l ,:n. business meeting: 2 4." music; 3 ri11. address. "Kd-n ationa.1 Problems In the Light of Kvolulion.'' '1 hoimi-s M. Bal- Hct. Ph. r. Tuesday. December 23. 9.00. inusi-. 9:1j. ad. Work and Drudgery m Thomas M. "ialliet. Ph. D 0.4O, address. "The Test cation,'' President I'arl G. lamette university. Salem. Wednesday, December 39. 9 00. music; 9:1". "Switzerland. Its Government. Its Military System": an illustrated lecture. Prof. Frederick B'-rch.toI.I. Oregon Agricultural col Hgl; 3:30. music; 3:40. "Moral educa tion in the Licrht of Involution.' Thomas M Balliet. Ph. D. DEPAJtTMEirr OP CITY BXTPEKHl- IXbDlRTb. W. Boettlcher. chairman. Albany; Charles H. Boyd, secretary, rortlar.u. Tuesday, December 38. in;0O. address, "Tho Flimin.ition of Class Rivalry In High fachool. Daniel Hull. Grants Pass; discussion opened jy K. L. Kirk. Springfield; u:nu. ad dress. "Some. Advantages of the rvnooi Survey." George A. Briscoe, Ashland; inscusslon opened by W. R. Ruther ford. Kugene; 1:30: report of coiumlt- (Omm-.ltee on orivsieai enin a eommittce on mh.ctn- association. Wednesday. December 39. Oil address. "The Ki u ' I e men ts High School Standardization as Outlined for the Present With hugge--. t'ons for Others, ' J. A. Chuichiil. a- 'C Ti On address. Moral Fd ication." o M L". liott Salem : discission opened by 1. B. Warner. The Dalles: 1:30. ad dress. "The Two Group Plan." Wi'.liaJU Parker. Portland. DEPARTMENT OP SECOJTDABT SDtJCATIOK. Felix K. Moore, chairman. Ashland; 1 1. F. Wiison. secretary. Tuesday. December 28. 10 00 address. "How Much, if Any. Home Study Should Be?" F. C. Fitz patrick Roseburg: 10:30. address. Ihe Double Period Plan of Study and Reci tation." Maud Nissley. L'verett. Wash.; 11 00. addres-". "The Reorganization of Secondary Kducation." Thomas M. Bal liett. I'h. D. Wednesday, December 29. 10. GO, address, "The New High School Course of Stud." Supt. .1. A. Churchill. Salem: business meeting; 11-uO address. Prof. Irvinr Wining. New York- 1:30. address. "A Club for School Men," C. R. Bowman. Kla math Falls. DEPaSTKITirr OP HIOKE EDUCATION. F. CJ. Franklin, chairman, Albany. Tuesday. December 28. ;,j to 4:u0. conference, on the fol lowing topics: Problems of organiza tion, work and acciaintariceship. Wednesday, December 29. 1 30 to 4.IJ0. official repot-ts from Olt.ton institutions, round table dis cussions, business meeting, election of officers. oxegow cotnrcix. op esolish TEACHEKS. Dr A P. McKinlay. chairman. Port land: Rosa B. Parrott, secretary. Mon mouth. Tuesday, December 28. 10 00 to 1-00. business meeting-; 1 30 to 3:30 held in conjunction with the department of forein-n languages. Wednesday, December 29. 10:00 to 1J K'(. "Plans for Celebrat ing the Shakespeare Tercentenary." nhibald F Keddie. Kugene: "pres ent Day Literature In tne High Schools." Rav F1her. Kug-nt: "Sim plified Spelling." Prof. George H. Dari ton Red college. Portland: noon ses sion, 12 o'clock. Hotel Medford. lunch eon and round table discussion. SIPAITXEHT OP P0EEIQ3T IAHQUAOES. Frederick S. Dunne, chairman. Ku gene. Tuesday, December 28. 10:00 to 12.00, address, "The riac tees lion 10 ior of German in A nicri.-an Sr. ore! iry j r-.-liools," Dr Friedrii.h i G. S. 1. 1 : , c i ; Topic lor discussion, "T .e tit in; y ..:' . German in the Junior If 'ah S. !n.ol ' i r.Mrcss". "Some Phases "i the P.- v . hoi- 1 ogy of Fori-ten Lar.guasres li.st r tion." R. W. Broeclu , . address. ".M.-tii I ods in Teaching German.." Gi-orgi H. It. o'l lonnell : topic for di.-.-uss-.on. "Standards of German Instruction n repon .Schools, Should They be Re vised?" Wednesday, December 29. Joint trsvion with tho lOngllsli Coun cil of Ki.glish Teachers. l i'.O to 3 30. "Horo Tales of the North." Dr. Fdward 'inor stenber g . "i orro'ating Latin With Knglish." Miss Leida 11. Mills. "Th.; Diret Method." Dr. Arthur P. McKlninv . topi'- for discussion, "How- May We Kniiven and Vivily 'a-sar'H Gallic War'.'": 'Thn Value of Research for f.atin Teachers." Frediric S. Dunn. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AZTD MATHEMATICS. Professor 11 K. Dei'ou. c'nirman. Eugene. Piotessor I P. Gllrnore. sec retary, Monmouth. j Tuesday. December 28. 1:30 to 3.3ii, paper, "Tea bine of I Biology, Why? and How in Oregon'.'" Professor A. R. Swi-tsc-r. Kugi-ne. dis-l cussion. prini ipal J. C. Holsoii. Sa- I 1cm. paper. "The Present Tend in j Geometry 'J oaciui.g. ' C. Harlow Piatt, M.-dtord. .liscu.s.sion, Superintendent! Daniel Hull. Grants l ab.-. paper. "A Vocational Course in Agriculture." Prof. F. L. Gnrtin. Corvallis, discus sion. Mr. o. I. Gt i-g. Klamath county. Wednesday, December 29. 1 30 to 3.30. (l.-ction of officers; p.'.l-i r. "Kff-i.l Proui.sB In the Teach ing of General S i.-rn e." G M . Ruin. As:. 'and ; di.-.-ussior-. Profe ssor L. I. G. !n. ore. jli.iiii.n'il: ; paper. Siiggrs tions for ' loser 'oopcia! ion Amo- g tne Geography Trai ners ol the Sta'i-. ' (lolloped by griicrai dis. usstonj Pro fessor W. D. .-until, Kugene: paptr. "'I li.i T.a'hit e of So. nil Hiolo- t upt. Karl W Ont! .ink. Tillamook, .lis. -ission. Supt. Jlouaid ii. James, bih i riiin. DEPARTMENT OF INSUSTUAL EDUCATION. Clarence T. Sludge, chairman, Ku ITcne, Or.-goii. I Tuesday, December 28. j Hc'Jl. general in .!. r. i: . 10 31. ad- dre-s.s, "Ii.d-xstri.il l Ix tens m. ' Prof. K. L. Grlff.-n. Corvallis. d:-c;ss;on !-, bv H. H Wardrip. Grants Pass; ll.O'J, : jen. ral business meeting. M.ANTJ AX. TEAINIHO DITISIOlf. ! H H. W ardrip. cliairii.an. Grants -Pas. -4. I Tuesday, December 28. I l .30, "Vocational G i Ida n ," round i tab.e led by Professor L. i . l;. ss,.-r. I Corvallis. ..4."., 'in What l.vt.ut Can We Adopt a l'nitoim C.ise of Study'.'" round table led bv l '. 11. Bu chanan, Mc M l mi i ll le. Wednesday, December 29. 10:0.1, iifl.lr.-ss, "I tides!! ial Work at the Fair." Sunt L. F. Carlton. Sa lem; 11.1)0, "Ihe New Co; ise of Sturiv." i;."ssion led by pp-lcssor Frank II. S:.,;.h.i.l. I ... The Best Meihods of II..- ulir.u' Mar. ial 'I'm mnir I ll. I lit. U i . I . I i s '.....- . 1 . v I ... . ..II be S .pt J. I'.-i -. . i'.s. Ja. k.-ou . j tv : K. C Pett i -or., J. R. ,r : ;.. I Rob.-tt I'.a. i;- . V . .itionai In. j.orian. e of -Via- mil Tra.r.ing. ' i'n,: it. ( '. lirar.iiorn Cor-.a'lis. HOKE ECONOMICS DrVISlOH. Bertha Kdv ar.is. . h,i:rni,in, Salem. Tuesday, December 28. 10.00. a.i'liess. "The Advantage o Reed College. President Wiliiain I'. ) oner. I r. K' ' ' : i S L.ilonn ttr, and Dr. c.-orge H 1 -'"' t'cpri-sel.t.-d R. d . oil, e ' "a ai.r.a.T km, hi of (;, j ,,,.-. 1 i 1 a ! . : y n al SU.- .1 1 -o ll . ltll-S of t l ; . s o I . i r . M. - r I. . -t; i : l.i Ii". r.-so- i f Ilngiish liar, v. i. !. .. n ai t:,e I u: ,! i i.i s :u m.-r nc.ol ' Je ! - v ! i. he s t , 1 1 -: . ! an a civ a m e,l 'rd 1 "i U a. h.-rs. .t a n.e.-ti,4 of ih srr-.ir.r V.f in. -.i.., ; t v..u ,i. ,.!,d ,(..lt toe r 'iiib. -.. uo 1 v., Jr ,..s ,,,.,) Kw -'i.ov. ,- ;n -. 'cl f -' a . :..: s La ,:a K.-lly app i- r. ,j to net Ing t be .i-s par:. i. was en. ... oi.-' car. ! i- ! vo L-e t-"i en .n, r : ... , , . ,,ri. I. .-i;., i t w . . I.. .V ' 0,1:11 i 1 i of Harold Smith. -u .--i Kin . ..!, ; n.l I li I . I ! . , 1 X - ' ! t 1 .'.e ii.a; o " . !..- and ,,s '1 - pnt In - .'large ..f .!.,, Klizao,.!!, M. . 'law, Mr.-. Mary loowni.c. ,.;i,ert Gentner ard Mi.- M., I,.t.,.r. A third ',,,.,,,.,,.,. U.IS a; ; ,,i:it(,i )0 handle th alfams of s. nior ,1.,M day. Ml.- ng.i.i. M,n kcizip, Slisn -.ita A rr est ron i;, M ,.. s Inez Goltra Kd I ar Piper and Ai, hiba'.d C.ark. ' The lass also i lans to e a boating Patty and a , ,1M luko in tho near future. Thr stn.:. r r H interested In debating met Th.usd.iy and led Lean co ster assistant .local- man a c .-r un d.r llo.ac SHU. r. The sa kn..,s of Ku,.tne Monro and the la t tn,.; v. in .-.reat s has M . , -"'S. '. a .-nil t.i.g .-. the Innn , v. v. i '. iii'.ii. t n. ' o i c . j 1 1 o,- li n ton I e ' 1 1 . t S.ilrcf I s" HI Wll 1. e M. ...... . (,,, n a -, e I ! : nlFc- aid I ,lo . ' is ait ; ha : . :-. Pas.'ietba I Vl-.;;i a f t.'i r hi.:, vi hen t . il f e.-i t - u t .he .:..-u,r., '- of . ,;, .... ,. i F .;-f. ,-ced a ;, i.i t '.- ore o- .1) . , t I..- I . .j s w r . i .,li...i,., , t or y , .v 1 1 - s es I r . r.ori.e. lone. Th I.- - . Colim, and dav -douge ... -id. I'i.c.i Kiioi. K ... W'alror. K..nt:is a' J i in. n - nrns we i . . .m;.. . C. W i .i an. ICid.il. , 1 . . . r.-ll a r. I l'.oz.. i i I , ;, t . a in. I: liar.. I, No i u, ., , s : ( r and ' 'u' . , w . t n I '. . v hi tz taking tne , ;,-,. or ' o :.b in the se . on l ha ! .'. I i . r : r, - u fie . i ,. o . J l . n : t : ,. . ..r ii., !e ! net, w I'll I e w on i,. 'r I 'or mi . ..ior.-. . l;, . -I I .orol hy .'I . - K n 'I .. I rant r. st 'I he . of. House rr.it.e,.. s-.,a. ! n po hc-.J ., : k. , h . "i a rid ( le v . nst. r and II . is-..!! Doinesin- Art m tr:.- tna.l ' o.-nm Ity," Miss Marca:. ; Da. :ra Point, Oregon. 1! 0" . g.mizat.on (if Hon..- . School System." M : - - Il-r Gleridale. 1 3d. a-l i e .-. 1 ood Maeriais: P. if Hon. Dln'.osa.. " ills-, i rcn Asiiialid. Wednesday. December 29. 10:00. a.i.lre.-.-, "i ne lioine Econom ics Tea'i'iif-i : a Social Fa tor in S hool s, ' i ) r - k ir. th-.- II (Mint-. 1 .a r-'initot j 1 eser-. a-IC.ngi.eini. Mi SL. 1 1 ,1 pa- Hot Dr.. r 1 K. Meats. , address. "The and Art Recita-M-.ss Gladys 1 3 a. address, K -Onornli-H an-l us of study." K'i;:- V ti Sit j ( 'om rn u : ; t y." Klamath F. lass p.-r.. mI Hon an-i I. 1 'et.r:. 'In-. " or rela t . n Other s I. ... S:i.-s (Jcr:: ;!' T. Pooih. Medford AST DIVISION. V l..iwr. r;i e. chairman, t.'nl of hiir"on. Tuesday. December 28. .1 ''io, i a., t.o.i of secretary and ap pointment of committees, report of chairman. 10:4.".. address, "Art Kdu eat.on in tile 1'uhllc S. hoo.s." Supt. .( A. Churchill, Salem: 11 :';'(. address, "What Thing Shall be ''ailed Hfau tifiil and How Should Its Apprecia tion be Tauyiit'.'" Dr. 'ieorge Rebec. Kugene. 1 .30 to 3. 3'., address. "Art in the Grades." Kdria i'iarida. "'orvallis. i.'ldrebs. "Sler.'iods of Art Instruction I'srd in Portland." Ksther Wiiest, rortland: discussion I'd bv Mrs. Ai i.iee sipercer Gorhnrr,. Cirarits Iass. M.ss Ruth Atkins, Medford: iliss Jen n:e Mae Snedicor. Kugene. Wednesday. December 29. 10:00 to 13:00. reports of commit tees and business session: addr'ss. "The I 'nlversit y- and Art Kducation In the State," Dr. II. D. Sheldon. Ku gene; H'hirrss. "The Oregon Agricul tt ral CoilerTe and Art Kducation In the State." Prof. Farley SIcLouth. Corvallis: addrens. "The S- hool Koom," Alien H. Katon, Ku-er.e. address. "The S.-hool Grounds." K. T. Mlsche. Port land; dis. tission; 1 30 to 3:.',o. reports of committees and business s.Kslon. DEPlBTlCEirT OP EXJ: MEITT 1ST SCHOOLS. R. I I Kt 1 1 . chairman, Medford; Anna Purticker. secretary. Medford. AdTsnced Section. Tuesday. December 28. 10:00 address. "Some Standards of Excellency In Teaching." Supt. V. Mel do HIllls, Medford. I 1 .(., address. he Historical Gmwth ''f the Course ' f St i'l . ' P: . s .1. If. A k. : i ... ti. Mon mouth. 1 ::n. ad-ln-s-. Disciplin a K.ai h'..o I'loice-n" - Si,,,i ; a. I'.r s oe. A - lihind. ..." ..lur.-s. 'stoi- 11 led to; .. T. Io- : -r,.h. I I . ( a - o il l 1 . I. ,g. I s e I tions - cm. ir.. d , Wednesday. December 29. !" a-i.;-. - . ' Proj... I;4 in Oral !-.' g.iso. ' i;.. a H Parroii. .doninouiri i l o . a-''!r . I'r-s .1. 1 1 A. -Herman, yi on r.-.o . i .-. . i J... a. Id-ess. -Sotue New Iov.-n nts in Civi.-s Teaching." Dr. D D i.!o- , I-.urene. : .;.( is,- tlon-i i i Admin. -native talk. Supt. J. P W.IIh. Medford. Intermediate Section. Tuesday. December 28. 10 oo, address. ' Capita. i.ng th Pupils' LeiH ire Time." J' 1. i 'amp I il. K-ji:enc-. 11 . addret-s. - Tne s-chool Kr.vitotittien: in Rela' .,:' to the Health and Progress of ,s. hoo. Chil 'iren." Dr. Ii. W. D p. :. n, l.urene; 1 1(0. address. "Panama pa i'i. F!x po sition." Supt. I-:. F- Carl. to-.. Salem; 2 .'.0 (combined with ad-.ar. ed sec tion ) Wednesday, December 29. Id oo, address. M s i '-r an. Mon mouth. 1 1 :.i(. ad. Ires. . i ..... address. Dr. f I D. Shr-ldon. l.,ii--.. . J .'hi (ec- lOllS combined with a l. i: d section.) Primary Section. Taeaday, December 28. 10 O'l, primal - . i . I,.;. Miss Kmily Df-'ore, Mo, Pom! ;1 ' 0. address M. H. Pitman, Montr. o i'h . r ''). primary lead in?. Neloe Alath.-ws. Ashland. J:30 'section Kiiiiin.'.'r'l wilfi advan.ed 8(.c- tlon. ) Wednesday, December 29. 10:00. Hi'.rv telling, r-lasni..- (iernon utratlon. .v:,.s Krnllv De '.c.. 11:00. number uorl:. second --r -.!. .'lass di rr.or.st r i r :.,h, lilanch Si::'. Conod; 1 HfJ. ia-'i-nii-e worl.. fir-t and Heo or;d era 1 Mrs. Rose o-v Plioenia; .10 s'tion combineu W1- , advanced r.ect ion. i BUBAL SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT. K. R. PeterHQii. . iiaim. Medford. Tuesday. December 28. 10 00, address. " I no -i r ial Clu! in firegon. I". L. Griffin. Corvallis. Il:d0, address, "Relation ot t . ore;-on Nor mal S. iiool to the P. .ral Schools f ire-'on." J. H. A .-r :i. ., n. Monmouth; 1 :-((, address. "Plans ot- Hcorganlra tion of Rural S. -hools." Dr. Joseph h'-hafer. Kugene. 2 C.. address. "Co operation Bet w een i;.erintenderit. Su pervisors and '1 ea- tiers.'' Supt. II. C. Seymour, I'o.k .ourty Wednesday. December 29. 10.00. business tne ting li:0. ad clresfc "Some Pharos of Rural School Supervision.' I". A Golden. Kupervinor in Coos count y; 1:30. address. "Ac credited Rural High Schools and Stailard Itural High Schools." SupC J. A. Churchill. Salem. UIQK 8CSOOX. DXBATTS XiEAOTTB. Karl Kllpatrich, Kugene. president. Annual meeting will be held at 4:34) P. t Tuesday. December t