v ; ... v CHRISTMAS COMES ON APACE TONIGHT'S ADS TEEM WITH ELEVENTH HOUR REMEMBRANCE LISTS VOL. XIV. NO. 243. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1915. TWO SECTIONS 14 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS ??A5&IB5Ia Si! "-e.- 5 DIE n CAR DROPS Passengers on Astor Line Fall Into River From Di vision Street Bridge and Others Are Saved by Nar row Margin; Many Hurt. STRUCTURE THAT FAILED WAS RECENTLY REPAIRED Victims Were for Most Part Working People on Way to Places of Employment; Work of Rescue Difficult; City Is Blamed. Idt of Dead and Injured. The list of dead and iniured .is a result of the Spokane bridge accident b.s compiled by The Journal's special corres; ondent at Spokane is as fo'- I'.WS Dead. 1" K. Kltzpalriek. proprietor of ll.adiight lar. surviv tl l.y i.ia ife and two children. i' K. Thomas, p.n'.rietnr of tieen City lar. Sum liarris. Kast '.L'T Kie-rnan street, i l i.o red port :'f. Harry V: Nor. niurht watchman, M'io!d:ick l.urrt'f-r company. rr.idcnt'.l ied map. Injured. I M. I- I'a.s. N. ISM Madison! .tr-et. i-ond . i tor. ate :;7, niarrlf.J; j both li:m:i bruise ($u(l.cut nnd back' . I'. J. liond. footman, color Kankln sti.it'. sprained. t:ad 1 r us. d. li SpriL ii-i.-, iai'i:o:. . K. 1.114 Rockwell Ave., r-d. i 'ul!wrt son, iJrote & ak'. 'i 4.'. married; ba k c ;t and bruised, hands i Cordon ave ie M. s i t; i; '. : doi. d. Lot , r.. hurt. P..ch Jan., : : v... t. . rt. Mai ' and U l'-g l rushf-d . b i. k Marti I I, .or; . !:. st.it . Provid , oi'.re l. and stoii ice. lie i.o h ion, ad' "'o,l i lr;,'v a f -a : 1 'in in ert s .ud.y splailird. I'rcu iden'-o a e r, aire I a, mar-id..- I.rok.-n. ieft , head and l a. k Indiana avenue 1. Pa.k and i-,- ' Ne ada st reel. n .e, i o ay !:: in led . hand'- and head sun Hak-r. i: p Ida k.-;n;th be.i M . d . M.s on 1 e Kli.c.d.r Idade bl injur, d. IV M. !:.... V.. c. k, m. biol i.ru.vrd. .loli-, 1-' l:er. N 1 ''! : i. V-i- 4"1 Pit I CLERK ARRESTED FOR PART IN BOMB PLOTS Accuse German of Theft of Confidential Papeis of Al lies, Bank Beine Aeenf. New York. 1 c FreUerick ' ;;. clerk in the Nalo a r rest . d 1 - e I ...'.a -. Rllegcd phdM t" .1 canal. The I op. , at legrams P.nd , . in Schb-ndfs r..o stolen from the h IS .1 x. s ; . en: ;.',oy . d a s a h i ' t I i;,k. was . on t i.n with - t - y the Wei In lid t ur-.d teiekran,-. ;f identia! r: . s- if. s 11 W hi. h had he. t; mk, ti.e !:..-t;t uti.ui I,, ne one of the f.naiaia: agents of t! .. i'ies. S i-.dt i the fifth ma-: t h ar-re-ie.'. iu connection with an al.eee-1 I.iot i" Idow up the We'. land emal. The ,.'.!.,' ; s a r . : Others are Arretted. Paul K cnit. chief investi-;.t;.r for t;.e I ia nit ii T'ri -A mer lean line; K. P. l.endecker, an antique diaitr; Fred Melzler. Kcenim s secretary; Geor-.-Fuel-.s. Koenlu's employe. "I was Porn in Havaria," said S. hlei::dl today. ".'7 years ago. 1 came here m 191J. I worked in a machine shop for a while, and then secured a ' tosiihi- in a. Ptroad sirepr office Iir.-.i-l: 1 applied in the regular way for a potl tiun ia the National C.ty bank and was accepted. . .... .....t .... ' ... i i ..v., . i'ii-iai ,,.-ic i that I had a josition wit!; the bank, ai d he introduced me to Koenip. whO told me to secure certain documents, j I did. I was paid about J.O weekly by j K'.enig and his associates.- ' Hundred Wan Implicated. ( The seized documents implicate 10-ji. n.en, some of Inem very prominent, in j various cities. Arrests on both 'l!'ej: Atlantic and I'acific coasts are ex-' pcted soon. , Schleindt was charged with frrand j iiu complicity in the Wellar.d canal plot. He was arraigned in the Tombs today , and was held in de fault of J25.000 bail. Chief investigator P.ielaskl of the department of Justice is in New Yotk today directing the search for the r- We Hand conspirators. Immediate, ar rests are expected. HTSPpj NATIONAL CITY BANK Mrs. Bennett Must Serve 2 Years In Jail Prtlanl Woman With Two Con federate. Sent to San (uentin for I buna -;incr, Orrliunl. San Fmr.' isco. '".i! , t . 1 t'. 1' 1 gio f r ; j ; t t n-.- in mv oj.;:.- 01: is Worth more In the state if ' . 1 1 f 'ru.a 1' ar aiiv m.in -r set of m.-ti w t:-j attempt wilfully t destroy This opinion wis rerderi"! today bv ri'.'iai Jii'lf' 1 tooling '' ing sentence ; n thr-.. ". s f nil g lilt y a !' w Iliilm J r.i -cunterfcit-i ; i v s it g ' . trio wen 1 . W . W !!.;-.. to ..f fruii Allien; th.. , f . tv nf the f .unci u large .piantit v ..f stl' k.-r. ,.f tu- variety be u-od li. f .. ,. -ti , t i 1 i trees, ari J it wax I .'.is that led 10 th'ir l r.iit!'Mati"T by .J.iilg.- licwliii. Ti.- tt j . w-r.- Claude I.iwii-.s I'lal eme Far;:n anl M; s Jf,ii:ln' Bennett. Thev w f Tf. sen'en,ed t" two ,ars .aiii in S'ar; Q'j.utin for ( uut. rfeit ing La and ! B- nr. tt land. Or 0 cci.t .;. s. I'arhi! and Mrs. arc said to be known in Fort- Mrs Bennett. Ihe wife of a g--adunte of Harvard and herself said to be a cultured Niiu::, lived in Portland and Taenia several -ai While h. r.. as ir.tertist.d m I W V. worK. and frequently, spoke at street meetings Portland Ir;r:,a.- are to under tanJ tor i .IH..-L t : "ii with counterfeit era. E, nil Austrian Diplomat Admits Penfield May Be Handed Passports. n.v John Fdvvia Nevin. iishir.srt.m. 1 s.. i p N". P.) Characterizing the Austrian crisis as "very, -ry grave," administration of ficials declared here today that the fcovernment was prepared for any eventuality. A memorandum of liU answer to Austria was sent to Presi dent Wiison by Secretary of State l.ansini;. After n thorough examina tion ..f ti.e ior .ni.'iit. the president wi'.l confer with l.ansniK and il Is prohii: ,e that the rioie w 1,1 be on its way t.. lenna before midnifiht. iifi.iais p'oi warrant tin- op to pr.-v a . i in T ma -1 - it la i i i to s. e : oihing to n w hi. h is said ton;,- circles. The-. unl.-.-s Austr a Ill--, t s t :: 1 : . w ; - h e of 'he American gov - is inevitable. .-rt. -r.ei: t a or ii. s; nsibi.itv lor an break, how ever, will l.st w.Uj Vimna. The re- .1 li.-r i., Aastrit's .eply r.-latie to tie sinking of t r . It.i.ian lin.-r An ona wiil not be m the natuie of an ultimatum. .'. siatemer.t : 1 this effect was forth . onnuK .'oin state depa - ii,. :;t offi cial f day. He stated ti e rejoinder w. ti 1.1 be ,,;, !,., with unmistakable ( firmness and that it will rmphas.ze th.-j fact that the 1 tit. . i States w.!l no; dis. :ss the pi, i,'i pi.s of su!. marine warra;., tiiis ""Veii.ni.nt hnunij e pla.i.eu its attitude t.i.r;i;lily i:. th" . o: i . spond. r.ce witii liern;al). If A us t ri. i.as an t:.-w- e . idence to pres. :.t ;t i i be -on;dered. The belief that a b:a between tie iwu, nations is I nt 1 1 a : -le uas k r w 1 i.E , in i'Oth ofli-ial and dip'"irutic ciic.es j Pra ;. aliy ery Austrian dlplonr-tJ aud . ,ir.s; in the Pr.it.-d 'tat. s is in-! i,..d i-i aile.d ppits against this, -Hi y. j 1 .r i ' j-.tn, I'umi.a. t!ie AustrPinl .:.. assaji-r. has he ti l i ald. I'i.ars" j .!' A f ', ;u r. s . i-'.i.-i.iK is i;,olved ml a:.-sed passp.,n frauds l'roseut ion ! o: Austrian I'oiisui Uenera'. v,.n Nnber is also a certainty. A break in d.:do- mat ' relations wiil result in all these' ofl'i, ials l.ainc the country. Neltli.-r so t-rr.ment otficiahs nor I'.ern an ambassador Von P.ernstorff Would dis uss til- situ. it.. today. l iu'rup d Affaires Zwoid. n;k t. - lay reuuested a , "lit. rer.ee mil; Se-Tetat y Lanstr.K. It is und rstood lie plans to uu.stioti the cr.-d it.i ; i t Lr. I'ecii i relic's affidavit la the Zw. ijeii.k a se. A p.iirh Austrian diplomat declared this attevi.o.'ii that there was a possi- ib.'.i'y ,.f Ameriun Amiissador P.:: I fit-id being 'landed his passports if the 'original Ancona dimands were reilvr ! ated in America's rejoind. r. "Austria." he said, "does not want to J break r . thms w ith the I nited States, j hut le- '.s that s.u- i.as e. ritlit to know the eviden- e on whi.-h the demands of this country ware based. "A -ist: ia cannot maintain the posi l tion of a first i !jss power and accept I humiliating demands. j "Whetlur there is a break in diplo matic relations will depend on the I language used by Secretary of State Ionising in his rejoinder." LIVESTOCK AND AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT Oregon farms yielded more wealth this year thin durin T 1914. The summary of the several products makes pleasant reading. This field of endeavor will be adequately covered in the Year's End Number of The Sunday Jour nal .Magazine, December 26. The Sunday Journal for De cember 26, including the Year's End Number, will be mailed to any address for 5 cents the copy. DECEMBER 26 AUSTRIAN CRISIS VERY AV COMMENT OF AMPRPAM OFFICIALS nillLlUU ALL IS READY roe WEDDING HI BALI HOME Ceremony Uniting Woodrow. wiison and taitn boiing Gait Will Be Performed at Eight This Evening. STENOGRAPHER WILL BE WITH WEDDING PARTY President Attends to Routine Duties and His Grand daughter's Baptism. Washington. Pec. 1 c. (P. P.) President Wiison at S 2') tonight will have a bride and the nation a new "first lady," Mrs. Kdith Doillnij Wll- Sf ill. Tho-ugh It was his wedding day. the president indulged in his customary routine work. He was about the ex ecutive offices early. .. iearini? up the unfinished business on his desk, pre paratory to leaving on his fortnight'.? honeymoon tonight. (inly one shadow rrossed his Joy. That was the threatened Austrian crisis, the only emergent y in th way of an uninterrupted honeymoon. Should this affair take a turn need ing the president's attention, Secre tary of State Lansing will visit the president on ins honey moon W nit Houia Is Astir. About the white house tn.-re was a noticeable stir as attaches prepared it for the reception oi its new mis tress. Wedding announcements were be.ng prepared for mailing to every one of the white house olla al list. At the Gait home everything is in readiness for the ceremony tonight when, with simplicity, the nation's head is Joined In wedlock by the Rev. Herbert Scott Smith. The limited number of guesta were all on hand. - The weather man didn't produce a fin..- day for the wedding. for a drenching downpour made the city ' dreary. However, he promised to do. belter and have a clear night. Many Gifts Arrive. The biis-U- al t tie white house was' etilian .,1 fi'uuent.y by t..e appearance of express wagons with gifts. Though the plesi.bnt bad let It be known he did nol '.i"e IT Kilts, he failed to; ui '!" tli iu At the i 'all home, extra poli- w. re I deiaile.i Ke.-i. away 1 he curious nnd '"" '-ol ' c ' ' , lb m. ! At '.an ii.ui..-, .Mia i-.n-e 'n- detailed to Keep away 'he curious nnd l'Td - is w . re i-su.-.l i,y lui.e supenn-i Iiend. - nt Puliiiiun that on y guests rd-is w . r- i-s-ued by lull. siiperin- i ..i.o-1 kl l. p. : mitt.d to appioa h the, r-si.i m . after s ,ui" k. The street! will be cleared. The prcMUetit will d'.ne a house and. then shortly o clock, a. conij, allied ly hi Miss Margaret, and Miss 1! row Bones, he vvill go t. Lome. Stenographer to Go A f ti-i the wedding , e.u the white before S daughter, n Wood Ihe Gait Too. inonv md s u p el , the c- 'UpK WI ! I go t, r i . . n . , i , t v the pi e.-1 .1. ui I s sten "gi up:., r. Charles Swetn the sta prp. a! e will ac- . ompittiv them and their destination w ill be k- p. a seel et. ' I'm le Joe" Cannon na. an farly visitor al tc. white house to congrat ulate the pi. -si. lent, but tl'.i- latt.r had -.1 e.idv gen. ! . Mrs. Gait's home t ) ;ay her a short -ah. Tie W( a t her man. true p , ii.s pr and bl Mr t ' 1 1 s a I ; ;i". reno' m t n . e s I . bd ..it :. It I w : i'e ho :se at; I the TI... pr. side Is v is p t .a r.. during the forenoon f. w mi n u tes "l his ,1 ri at tl,- bank, pi es u mai. . v tie loose change for In he St. .ppe, . ml a ill honey mo.,: t, journev . Ket urning to the white ! attended baptism of his grand- dauirhtei. Lie, nor W'll-on M Ado... m the blue room, and be am... her God tat !' e r Metz Bombarded, Museum Damaged P.. rlir.. T ec. Is H wireless to SavviU. M'.-i was made I. en- to. V "ffi i lav t. - ' P.v alt cm ft hud bon.bu ,!.-, 1 M:z and 1 n - i 1 1 ;,( . , v.. a v v- dun-.a tc on ; al museum. the mm i- Federal Reserve Statement S.l.i Kr.in.-i-c" of the c.iHihi,. of S:lll Kr;i:;ci llciU.I'T IT; be i . P. I - -s-faten ,.Pt ef th;- fe.i.T, a at the ch i ri's'rvp bunk P.KSUt p.i lus (icld c in and gnl.l i-rilfi, ites lr on vault II. gold s. tllelr.l ' fu ..I Legal ten.ler n-'t-". s.lver. etc. .$ 4 1,.. . io. Pu pa is. Tatal rerv.-s Couuerci.-il fw,ir . retire 'i:;ls ! 1 1 r..i, i . i '-.',,' fun ,ni 1 ,k, ,., .Mil . 1 I 14 a It ::.i4:i.o ! I Bink ac,-e.tn-es I tlltn.l Stil' h- ll'ls Muiiicl; al v arini:'- ....oral rfs-iT,- i,, .re- l,p'l . . . I All olher reisjur.es Total resource- .2i.c" I.l.MUI.ITIKS Capital p.i id lClotiitS, 11. t T..U1 l!l.illtie l!:.MiUt.MiPM I-"., lend r.M.TTp ii. .te ree.'lved fnnni fvderul reserve agenl Ke.l. n.l reserve Hate, lu liamlj of 170.000 bunk l.m.00.1 Net frderiil reserve notn ont- rtaudlng 4.H2C.IOO Gold Uei.ltid with federal rerrie agent to retire federal reserve iwtea 3.170.000 Met aset aeetunt fetleral rwrrc notea 1, 144. ooo Regrets Sent In Polite Way From Warship ! British Cruier Holds I p Tanker Santa Maria Off Chile for 23 I Hoar, but Doe, It Gently. i San Praiii is. o. Calif., lie.-. 11. (P. iN. S.i Held j,.,. a Hnt.sh i ruise: Chilean .oast and forced to " warship's orders for -3 hours, the Allien an steamer Sania Mjir.a of San Francisco, under char ter of the 1'nion inl c'ompany. reached p..rt'San Puis today with the story of its unusual experience. Pol lector of Put luavis here was no tified at once. The Santa. Maria. Captain Georce Curtis was j roc.-eding down the coast of Chile, when ha'.ted b the ISr.tish cruiser 'Uranto November 1-. The command, r of the . rulser explained his lotions by saying that the 4 S.O'JU barn is of oil carried by the Santa Maria were consigned to a Germaji firm in Taltal, Chile. A.ording to Captain Curtis. It was lOil'.o o lock on the night of Novem ber 12 when l is st'-amer was stopped ..nd an officer of the cru.ser came a, oard to examine the papeis When P.- ett. h.- order-Tl ti Santa Maria t i lay to until further orders. Seven hours later, the cruiser Flg i al. U tne Sania Mar, a "Follow me if ..oil please " This was followed by a second sig i ay, "The speed wi,l be nine knots." As soon as tile Santa Maria began 'o follow, the warship sent the polite signal, ".Much regretted 1 must" L T TO DRILLS HELD BY AUTHORITIES Pedagogues Declare Speed Competition Has Injected Danger Great&r Than Fire, The Portland Principals' association, I which includes the principals of all the j public schools, has filed with the I school hoard a protest against the t manner in which competitive fire ' drills have been conducted at the i schools under the direction of the puh I lie safety commission, of which Harry ; P. Coffin is chairman. Confusion and disorder, which grow out of permitting the cnildren to run in the effort to make a time record, l.ss.n the control over the children nnil are iraugnt w itn greaiT Ganger II nil a possible tire Itself, the iTinui ais point out. Ana us ine re- sponsible guardians of the children while In their charge, the principals protest. Th,. .-ommunlcatlon. wlibh is signed by G. P. Jamison, principal of the Thompson school and president of the aso. iation, and P. 11. Maker, princi pal of Shaver school and secretary of the association, came before the school Nuird Thursday afternoon and was re ferred to the teachers' commit tee for consideration. It says Subject Prominent t Preent. In the presetit instance, we desire to present to y. u our inn ticns on our lombiued expeneme in the malt-r of fire drill!-. This subject ha-, an you Know. bc n recently brought very tuominentiy to our attention by events Ibotli at home and abroad. It Is not ' I-., w to us. We arc lew. and for many ear, have b ;.. vitally interested in i. We have had abundant pportunity to study .1 In its various phases, and .-in,.- we are tie ones w I; ,,. in our in dividual buildings, have been calb-d upon to a'finif thr duty "f properly piot.'-Tini; tli.- boys aid cirls in our charge, and nine we an also the .ns upon whom, in case of a'ciuent, toe h'anie n us' fall. and who must. I. io ugh lit", bear the sad burden of 'he respons : bl 1 1 y for limbs maimed or lives '.ost, we deem ourselves justified ,in urging upon von the consideration 'of our views and the granting of our l eg u es ts. Too Mnch Emphl on Speed. "Hi cur opinion, events have con spired lately to place altogether too much emphasis on the matter of speed :;; our diills. The main object to be obtained m a fire drill is ..r,i rl. con trolled iias-e. the chief thing to be avoided is dis rd.-rl), unconti oiled lillUC ' nice the cbi'dreii start to tun. a ti ey are now d ing, and .is It Is almost impossible to keep them from doing, in order to make a time re. '-rd. the con trol over them is lessened and the mger of panic is increased And that panic is a more terrible, more destruc tive enemy than fire. Numerous dls-ast.-is, among them the m-'Si recent ,.t Pi-.il.ody, Mass, give elo'jueiu testi mony, -v Tt Is our opinion that the chief cause of this speed mania which has ai ls, n among the students comes from tin- element of comjet i t ion f"r prizes which lias been injected into the situa tion. The details of the evils arising from this source alone would convince you that this feature .should be com pletely and permanently eliminated. How to Avoid Danger. "If we iiuiot organize fire drills, that meet yonir requirement without having prizes offered to us. then we admit tnat we are not worthy to as sume the responsibility placed upon us. "Briefly then, we urge ou to do thr.-e things: 1. Klitmnate competition and prizes from the fire drills. CHOO PRINCIPALS OBJEC j "U. Appoint a committee consisting 2 u.4-""'' of one or more of your members, the l , otu.ooo SUpP: mtendent. or one of his assist-J-l.''T.av ants, and the fire marshal, to conduct ! the inspection. "J. Kstai-lish a standard for each . building, and give us u. chance to mtasure up to it " Garage Is Robbed. The Hook and Lutgen garage at 1372 Division Btreet was broken into by thieves last night and 12 inner tubes and 18 spark plugs, worth al- together about $50, were taken. VILLA TO GIVE UP REVOLUTION, LEAVE 110 He Will Come to the United; Qi.ino . rVfio DonftKinn ' OldieS al UnCe, neaCning' El Paso Tonight or Tomor row, Say Dispatches. OFFICERS' QUARTERS IN JUAREZ DISMANTLED Villa Decides on Move After Conferring With Several of Remaining Chiefs. Kl Paso, Texas. Pec 1. (I. N. S i Gineral Villa will abandon his revolu tion against th. Carranza government at one- and will arrive at Juarez to night or tomorrow Tills unqualified statement was made In dtspaphes received here to day from Chihuahua City where Villa has been In conference with several ot his remaining chiefs. Confirmation of the report and indi cation that Villa will flee to the Pnl- ted States was furnished by the fact : that officers' quartern at Juarez are being dismantled and household goods ; of Villa and his brother Hlpolit.ii brought across the border to 1 Paso. GEN. FINZER MAKES PAYMENT OF BALANCE T Weird System af -BookkeefH ing Responsible for Differ ences Due to Errors, former Adjutant General W. E Finzer turned over today to bis suc cessor in offire. Adjutant Geneiil George A. White, the sum of J10f'0 1j. which re resi nts the balance of short ages found in Plnzer's accounts during his administration. The restitution was made "n the basis of an audit completed some little lime ago by W. vn,l-. A- Sir,., t., ...,...,.( hmIii inc.; i ii;ei weiii out Ol Oilice. ray ment was made ny certified check for $713.05 and by assignment of a claim for J-'".? for services rendered by I "inzi-r to the state. No wilful mlsappropriu tlon of funds is imputed to General Plnzcr, nor any irregularities other than an extremely loose system of Keeping .-o ounts. In conne. ti' ii with tin- admmistra t.on of l-'jnzer as adjutant giuo ral ..f the Cm-gun National guard, the Inves tigation showed a weird system of bookkeeping, with blunders so numer ous and so grotesque as to majtc the fifianiial end of the state's military' department a. jumble . f d o.ble pav - j merits, entry on the wrong side of 'liei ledger, unde--sta ted and over-staled! exoeiise ,u'. Hints, missiriir entries nod! entries under misleading headings! T;,is work. was done by a girl sf no-?- ; rapher who had no knowledge of the fundamentals of bookkeeping. The mistakes were sometimes In Kinzer's favor, sometimes against hini. Flasar Asked for Audit. Mr. Finzer had asked Oswald West near the close of the latter's admin istration us governor, to have the books audited. Governor West at tempted to have this done, but the time of Insurance 'pmml ssioner Fe . - SHORTAGE IN AON mison was so much occupied with the mas money in exchange. audits of the hooks of the various! B'lt the carriers an- not included In counties that he could not begin It :.l'hiM, nor are the extra clerks nnd teni- that time. Subsequent ly, however, af- j porary employe. The others pit pail ter Mr. Finzer went out of office, a j twice each mbt.th, on the second and partial audit was made, which re- 1 seventeenth. suited in the discovery of several h.in- , dred dollars In shortages. These sums i were made good by Finzer at that time. When it appeared, liowever, that the audit had not been complete, another was demanded and the Mac kenzie audit was undertaken Mr. Finzer ha made tile following statement covering the situation: Lack of Audit B lam ad. "Owing to the fact that there had been no audit of the books of tile ad jutant general's office during recent y.ars we have bad more or less dif ficulty In reaching a full understand ing as to the amount of funds to be . l uiiclu.le,! on I'Hire KWe. Cilunm Two.l Gen. Stockhausen, German, Is Killed Amsterdam, Dec. 18. (P N. 8.) Major General Stockhausen. com mander of a division in the German army, was killed in action, according to dispatches received here today. Accused of Serious OimeK. Detective Captain Baty today re ceived advice from Tacoma that a man, alleged to be John Ryan, robbed the home of I-. S. Stevens In Tacoma and afterward attacked the 12-year-old daughter of the house. Ryan and John Raymond have been under ar rest here, charged with the theft of diamonds and the robbery of seven Portland houses In 10 days, the loot aggregating $5000 In value. Much of the loot has been recovered. Late Telegraphic News Note to Austria Roady, Washington. I eo IS. tl. N. P.) Report here this afternoon was that the reply to Austria had been com pleted and would be cabled Immedi ately. Confirmation of the report was seen In the fact that Secretary of State Lansing left his office at o : 1 5 o'clock and went home without further con ference with President Wilson. 11.. 1 n .1 I1. .. II.. .w! lluotie, Iowa, Dec. IS. tP. P. 1 Soile I''tland. Or . folks will be shy their Christmas presents, for a mail car bearing a large number of pack- ages from Chicago to Portland took fire neaf here this afternoon and was I rushed back to the city Only a few of the packages were saved. Goriti' Forts Crumble. Paris. Pec. li.-if. P. 1 Artillery battling. m"re horrible than any thus fur, rages about Gorltz the past two days, according to Swiss reports to day. The inner forts w-re said to have crumbled beneath the Italian attack. Hydroplane Captured. Paris .Dec IS. (I. N. S.) French torpedo boats off Gallipoll shelled tw o ( n.-my hydroplanes bringing down i nd capturing one. The other escaped. School Vacation Begins on Dec, 23 And Ends Jan. The Christmas vacation for the public schools will be from )f December -3 to January 3. The echools will close for the holl- days on the afternoon of Thurs- day. December -3, and will open w- again Monday, January 3. This If- will give nine days of vacation. Two Seamen Taken From American Ship German &ad Austrian Mad Prisoner Br British In Barbados United Stat Council Saya Protert TTsalaaa. PhiUdelphla. pa Tec. 18. (I. N. S.JT--Two neamen, one a Gtrman artfl the other an Auatrlan. were seized and taken off the American steamship Hawaiian by the British authorities in BarladoH. This became known when the vessel In command of Captain Arey. arrive! ir. tills port from Puenos Aires and Kb. Janeiro by the way of Barbados, with a cargo of manganese ore. According to the story told by i'ap li'.in Arey, upon arriving In Barbados, be was boarded by the customs au thorities. Winn his ships' papers and cr w list were examined the officers taw the name of G. Gorlitz. a Germnn and l: lll.izln an Austrian. The port offkers' letter notified Captain Ares- ... .i. .. ..ti t... be turned I 1 1 a I ine men wouiu oae i" over lo tne ponce aumoruim. The masur of the Hawa.lan Im mediately visited the American con sulate. Vice consul J. K. A. lnce, who was in charge of the office, told him that a protest would be useless. That afternoon a bbc- boat came alongside of his vessel and took the men ashore. When the Hawaiian sailed from Burlwidos the men were still in ih- ity prison. Postnen Have to Work on Christmas Hall Carrier to KT o Kollday but Sunday Other Employes of Unci Sam Can Draw Christmas Money. San Francisco, pf. IS. (P. N S. ) Nobod loves the mall arrbr in I'ncle Sam's family. He will have to work in Christma-s and on every other boll day. Only Sundays are to be days of rest for the man In pray. Willi tlile! order from Washington came another order from postmaster Fay lo his regular employes that was of a more agreeable nature N-xt Wed nesday, December lii.', these regulars can put little "tabs'' across the cath ier s window and receive real Chrlst- German Warship Is Sunk With Her Crew London, Dec. 1S. Fxcliange Telegraph Copenhagen received liorts that a German -'I. N c. . n' . An, dispatch T I Tom here today re warship guard ing the southern entrance of "The Belt" was sunk Thursday either by a mine or torpedo and the entire crew lost. Gasoline Schooner Blows Up, 10 Gone Wa.-ihington, De- IS (F. P.) The gasoline schooner Manomette blew up and sank yesterday 12 miles off Cape Ann. Four of her crew landed ut Roc k Port, Mass., and 10 are missing. President Pardons Three. Washington. Dec. 18 (I. N. 8.) President Wilson today pardoned the following three federal prisoners E. 1. Dillingham of Georgia, con victed of moonshining; Charles Con teur of Missoula. Mont., convicted of selling liciuor to Indians, and W. Harry Hood of Alabama, sentenced for train robbery. Alaska Mining Man Dies. Oak Land. Cal., Dec. IS. (p. jy. g) Joseph Bennett Dyer, well known Alaska mining mail, la dead here to day from heart failure. Huebnll Peace Assured. New York, 1 . . (1. N. At the concluMon of today's S) peji parley, August Herrmann, president of the National commission stated that peace was an assured fact. Asks Money fr Alaska R. U. Washington. Icc IS. 1 1. N. S. i Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo to day asked congress for a deficiency appropriation of J2.ooo.f00 for con tinuance of construction work on the Alaskan railroad. Submarine Is Hunk. London. Doc is (I. N. SI An Austrian submarine struck h mine off Cattaro and sank with the of ficers and . rew, according to a Cen tral News dispatch received here to day from the Hague. To Buy I'. S. KcruritJe. London, Jec. IS. I I. N. S.l The British government has decided defi nitely to offer to tiiose prepared to sell American securities outright, either cash or bonds according to the preference of , ailing. German Factory .Slielled. Paris, Dec. IS ,1 N. 8.) Destruc tion r.f a German fa tory at "alffa on the Syrian coast by a French warship was announced here today In a com munique from the French war office. ENGINEER ON GREAT NORTHERN HELD AS Peter McGregor Is Charged With Being Leader of Gang for Many Years. After IS years of service Teter Mc Gregor, the olde.t engineer on the Great Northern railroad's Vancouver Seattle branch. Is in Jail at Seattle charged with smuggling opium Into the Pnlled States. The period of smug gling is said to cover ten years. In tbs county Jail here W. F. Kent. who waa the distributor or the upturn McGregor brought Into this country, has waived examination and Is bound over t'j the federal grand Jury. Hugh A. Potson, McGregor'a fireman for many years, has also been arrested and fcas likewise waived examination and been bound over to the gram: Jury. All three men have confessed. Hollow Log Uid. McGregor's means of smuggling was a hollow log that he used to rais himself from the locomotive eeat to a point where he could comfortably peer from his cab window. The plot was unearthed by Inspec tors working under the direction of! Collector of Customs Burke. Kent , was arrested In Portland as he step- ! ped from . train at the t'nlon depit by Inspector McGrath, December 5. lip ; confessed arid implicated the others) whose arrests were caused later at He- j attle. I So cleverly l as the work been car ried on and so carefully have the PrJrt- land Chinese guarded the secre t 0f where their big supplies of opium' were coming from that no headway I could be made. j Kent nrd his wife own and operiie! a railroad board ; ng-hou se at ISi (Quebec street. Van mr. er, B. ('. Kent tiag formerly a '"anadlan customs of ficer. McGregor. Iiotson and many other railroad men boarded with them when In the Canadian city. i The opium was secured In , ana.in by McGregor on nearly all of his trips and brought to Seattle. Kent then ! took it from him and either disposed; of it in Seattle or In Portland. I Systam Wi Puzzling. The system under which M' Gregor nciplrd U'ku th. one I hi I rMT7leH tV officer- most Thi. hollow Iob- f o , r feet long and I" inches square, car ried safely no tins of opium. .So care fully w ;l the end piece fitted In that one would never suspect the fact ll,i: the log was hollow. At Seattle if Imtson was on hoard the engine. Iiotson threw the log out of the cab as the engine passed a point near McGregor's home, 2hh i.'nd Avenue. West. if Iiotson was not on board the un- loading wa d ne at the end of th In tunnel north of Seattle. The extra reman would be sent forward to throw the switch. The minute he 'M gone it was always during ihe early SMUGGLER OF OPIUM - . . , . messes Kliuwirijgr o; hi, ii.e ,ci uiici'l n rifiura M rl If ,. i,,r ei.mmerc,i!l.. . i . i. a i ""' . , v , , , , . .. t r.T.I , , rr, I .. V. , . . 1. oio." i"s "e oi vie,,,,, i.. , ii'inijUi, same lln.e, Austria I.eia in caC3 near ine nacs. ,-s ne winicuiu ior the brakemati to come to the train he gave a peculiar pull to the whistle cord, the shrill siren of the locomotive bringing a Chinaman scurrying to the spot, and the opium wag caiefully carried away. This method worked without detec tion for 10 years, according to the cus toms authorities, and In that time many thousand dollars' worth of opium was brought in. Fine Arts Palace To Stand Two Years Washington. Dc. is. tp N. h ) The war department announced this afternoon that it will recommend to congress that the Palace of Arts building on the Panama-Paclfic grounds be left standing for two yam, unless the government urgently needs the land for other purposes. Whole Town Iyocked I'p. Marysvllle, al.. Dec. 1. (f. p.) The whole town of Mission is under lock and key and it won't get out until an attachment suit for 2000. fllj against tbe promo tars of the town. Is esftia: , AUSTRIA 1 II. S. NEAR TO A BREAK Secretary of State Lansing Gives Out Text of Austria's Reply in Ancona Affair Which Insists on Further Discussion of Evidence. AMERICAN REJOINDER TO GO BEFORE NIGHT Official Report of Austrian Admiralty on Ancona Case Also Given Out, Showing 45 Minutes Allowed Pas sengers, Crew to Escape. w m Points of Austria, s ITota. Austria wants further diacus shm of the case She holds feer submarine com mander oiiimVit b,. blamed. She wants information on which Americ-i bas. d Its de mands, lift, w ise names - f per mr.s killed For tlnlr death. sh- expresses rerf t She n serves the light to place her own Judalal interpre tations and ak Washington to firm late th. actual circUm s'arc -ep ,,n which America l asea lis rase. Sh- cpilms not to know fully of t ,e German Ameil in ml,, marine on t i ..v - i s y and boldH thi . ases th.-iein are not parallel. Washington, I IK '!'. p.) Having pmcth all completed a re joinder that Is said to be almost an Hbrupt dismissal "f Austria's s-g.i mer'ts. S.cr.t.iry of State l-aming this morning mad., public the Aux- i Irian i i; r lo Am, rin'i original j demands In t h j case I Tlie mot "jrnif 1 Austrian rep1 y 1 s ' dis. urs.on ,.f th. 1 clples in.ol.ed In :i ona I i p. doi r.g "t f.-alure of Ihi in I I, s ' - t le e upon r- -. idem e a nd pri n- 1 . A m ci ;.-a n do- ' n.ands. i Foreign Minister liirbin i on tiie "si ,-,rpr -s- '" of t note, but held Austria v on mn t cd original entltle-l I to a showdown f As to the A us! r ! a ' , sa nk t h A iit!ii, 1 1 I office heir that t h. A rn.-rl. a s facts. omm.iTidcr. who V.'nr.i foreign note "does not in any way suffb letiliy vvar-aut nt- tachlng blame" to ! 1m, v.n if Atnerl can contentions are ,...uei and a "nrst rigorous b gal con.-, piion" were applied to Judgment of the case. Austria Not Fully Informed. The. note held Austria not to tie fully !n orme(i as to tt,- u m u i: P at Ions be l.rrnany in their tween America and submarine c'o.m ro r - It suggested fur'her parley This the Am.-rbau government does not want aid wul: not pirm.it. Austria !) id t.'.i she ought to ex pect pre. ise ::' c a t i us as to th circumstances on wb.. h the 1'nltl States based Its r: t ion s In th original Ameriar note, said Austria, was 'room for cioii.t." Tn P'tilted States fsili-d to d-agnate peisons upon w hom It relied for its . . Idence "an I to whom it apparently believes It may attribute a higher degree 0f credibility than to the tomnoin Jer of the Imperial ami royal fleet " Further, Ani'-rta gave no tiiimea of i Persons W ho 1 OS t t h e i r 1 . v es Curt Xang-aa(e Used. "Rut." said Bnrlari. In ii.w of the fact that the Washington cabinet has , new made positive statement con- cerr.ing ioss of lives. Austria Is In prln- clpie rwly to r.tr lno an exhang- j of views In the at fair " j jn w hat some r.garded as rather ;nirt language. Austria, however, re- j.erved the right t j legal views in dis' :iHrid ouerled al- to maintain its own ssb n of the case; w by Amerlca re .11 n - A ni rb an sub si t iement. partlc by no means, pos- .... ! . . j ferre.i to the Gc r marine controversy uinrly a Austria, loesses knowledge', i correspondent e, cuai Riiuauuu . . ; rii.l not parallel (( ,i. Iudr,l r,n purr V". ( nlomn Tbree.) Timber Claim, $125 Has Cash to Invest O .t of the multitude who dallv read The Journal there is one. a dozen, a sore or hundreds who mav be waiting for the oppor tunity to buy what you have for sab-. The wav to meet tln-m id through tile Var.t Ads. Home steads 47 A Ji'rOO timber iaini for J125. Exchange Beal Estato 34 FINKST daiiy ranch in a.Iev, i't'i a-res. b,-M soil, good build ings, close to town II. '.'JDi'; want house, arid some 'ash. Bualnaas Opportunities 68 HAVK rtniall amount cash to In vest in bii.-utii ss; principal only. Peoide buv and sell anything from canaries to great stock farms and they use the V ant Ad. They are efficient widely read. The Ads above complete on pages i: and 13.