14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER' 15, 1915. t : i ; r HELP WANTED MISC. 49 t Continued ) I - Y M. C. A. AL'TUMOiilLE SCHOOl div and nlirht cls...e: emert train iriir in repairing, driving an-l machino i vt.'.n ... . ..... , .a.w work, forge, lathe, shaper, drill pre. etc; time unlimited. Secure pass at educational office. Y. M. C. A. bid.. o Inspect our shops and methods, com petent chauffeurs and mechanics sup plied. H-EADWUARTERS for cooks. Lewis Hotel Agency. 247 Va Couch Bdy. HVi. HKLi WANTKI KfciULK a WANTEU. lady piano player who cainHNM room apartment, complete bay sing some. iJoes not require an . windows; talking distance. 2.0. Muri: lonir lob iair uaees. If sat- , Montgomery. istactory. Traveling posilton. P-663, ; Journal. WANTED Lady solicitors to sell household necessities, can make oi,; money. .Phone number, if any. K-C', . Jodrnal. j WANTED A Ilrst ciats stenographer j slate what ofrice experience you have had. and give references. F-M7, Jour-, no 1 ' GIRL, for general housework; good ' xr ma .rnll .. Hall St.. nr 1st ' ... . . . , . . . . . . i . v , . . . rnl,ifh W -A- 1 tuu woman iu me nwtno -dry 2314. rr: 7777:.,, j,. : I.AIiIKS wantin- work onstrators, 1 to J- made lumbla bldg. iu;-3 Co- ILK- .aStIv-,MA AMI KKJl.Lh ... - l MEN and women to I and tinted, walking distance, full tu tVe riourrn'mm woodUft and yard, west only chain of scnoois in tne wond. side. oO Clay st Kent lo. fnono Send for free catalogue, iloicr Baiuer Krtst ,inji. College. H. in S. -d st. 16 KWJJ1 house ,1:43 Tillamook St.; rea- ,. , , , ' ; .. .. - via.iiMon snable rent, $15. Keys next door. uricu-j.- cuiuci -.-..:, Fn 1 1 iHTTTi tit'-ins irn Imrwr tiade in w K.;. . 5 positions guaranteed, paid wnile learn- I Ing; tuition reduced; expert instructors. ! U AN 1 KL AUliM'S (i PI TAD 1 C 1 1" M PREVENTS KAIN, OLLnn vioiuih steam, frost from collecting on windshields, win downs, mirrors. Agents wanted. Vt tt ern tepeciaiiy Sales Co.. 40a Ktnwn bidg. OUR new 4U'c comimss.on plan will Interest you If you r wanting proi itabie. pleasant work. V rite now to Oregon Nursery Company, orenco, Or. SI 1 L AI ION: -MA YOL'Nti American, thoroughly compe tent booKiteeper. systems, details, statistics, etc.; stranger, no pull, but nrirv and ability to make good; : aualuied mdse. salesman, consider anything clerical or nearly so with fu ture prospects. can be disengaged right away. Address Books, box North Portland. Or. PoaiTIoN wanied Jan 1 by married , man on farm, experienced in genera I married farm work. n.. children. E. ii. Wiilia, I Junction City. Route 4, Ore. WANTED ny midd.e-aged man ct.ance -..,g to ltarn candymakmg, will give time , ' and some money ior lew weeks to NIcLLi furnished 4 room niouern cot learn A-771 Journal. tage. $125u, water paid. M t. ticott. -v-,. ..n f,rm .. r. My rUe Park. 643 41st ave; key 60JJ x uc -r iou... ..v.... v,.. in winter ana koo1 Job next sum mer. Is honest and good wufKcr. F- 851. Journal. ' YiiI'm; maji would keen set of bovks where only Part time required very , reasonable. Cail afternoons Main dD. ; YOL'XU man wi.-n-s position as i.auf- 1 feur, private t'amiy preferred. Call Tabor oTj. lei. BOOKKEEPEii. stenographer, wants any kind of cN ilcai woik. all or part time. P-ja. Journal. j I WANT a job cleaiiny iai.il, under- I stanJ lewder, understand ranch ( work. P-032. Journal I WANTED Plastering, day or con- j tract, reasonaoU-. uo(U.in 2 4-". PAPERING and tinting, cheap. Ta bor 6258. SITUATION! -FEMALE RELIABLE lady wants position, house keeper, private faiuny or geni.emau; 1 city jefereue.es. $-0 montn. F-53, Journal. . LACE curtains hand laundered, all i work guaranteed. Call Seilwood 801 i or Marshall 5656. j , . a J EXPERIENCED miudle aged '-. would care ior small apt. or rooming house for apt. East 122V I CATERERS Reasonable. ret., wed dings, dinners, parties. East 982. j NEAT reliably lady wants day work, j washing and ironing. -Main oJiP. ; PoRTNOMAH. LACK curtains laundered called lor. Four rooms, hardwood floors, walk Main 3965. in.? distance. $20. 2uo East 13lh. WOMAN wants day 3802. 6 p. m. work. Woodlawn ELDERLY ladv. work immediately; p in money. A-596. .lourn al. DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, also al- j teratlons, latest ideas, at home or ! day. Woodlawn 424. ftctmn gVaUeed T.bor 413r faction guaranteed. ja.Dor 4130. FURNISHED ROOMJ ROOM register listing several nundreu in all parts of the city at V llXA.;jNOKOMls apl8-i 565 Marshall st. Mod also those l-i the association fireproof, ern private bath and dressing room: DUliaing. wnii snuHtr uains. aw iminiiig tXnr-. at xi ?, ii tn'tj 7 nr'wi H,,,,. ble. with individual beds. r $2. so to $4.Sj per week single. Cl-VYTON hotel, under owner s man- gement; respectable, clean house; team heat, hot water, phones in every room; $2 up wk. luju, ltn. .Mar. 27in. Hotel Clevenger Nice, water. steam heated rooms, H. A C. 1 $1.50 up. 413 4 Washington.' Hotel Conradine fJ1 apectable; large lobby; $3 week cp. STANDISH HOTELS heated front rooms. $2 per week and up ! HOTEL RAM APO 14th and Wash. ' New management, clean, comfortable ! rooms. $3.50 week up. Kates by month. MODER2N" 4 room flat. t per mo., in THE FRANKLIN, 468 Wash.. 50c to eludes water and garbage. 251 Hooi. $1.25. clean, warm, free baths, puones, er st- car at depot, transier on wash. Ffl'stpr Hntpl 3d ad Davis Modern' ROOMS and apartments in modern i hotel. $2.50 week and up. 455 Alder. nutCl -JUIUUll Qjgrn Low rate3 j THE BAKER 265 bth- - 2 THE HAZEL Furnished roouia. ot Dd cold water 3x5 3d St. $1.50 WEEK up. Clean, warm, modern fur. rms , centra. The King. 3o Jef. LKMsHj1 KOOJb PRIVATE FAMILY 70 CLEAN, light H. K. room, to. 50; sleep-i ing, 15 month; free phone, bath. 5u0 Jefferson st. I KOOMS AMI HOAKI) 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 3s6 Montgomery U at W. Park, Family botel. all modern conveniences, rates for regular and trsnm-nt enets 300 JEFFERSON. Formerly Dolph residence, board. Main 302u. room, i til M Mi.r n Main u7. KOOMS A.VU BOi'i) 72 P JY A TETA MXLT j KOOMS and board, excellent home ; cooing, ajl modern conveniences. , gdiower and tub baths, steam teat; ; rates raore. in Jefferson, near i : t Broadway. I : C S. FAMILY will board little girl ! reasonable. 2 blocks from good : . - school; best reierences. Pnona Tabor ', ;', 1781. . ill IRVING Nice congenial house. Z;. . walking distance, ail conveniences, - good horn cooking, use of piarvu, rea--:'' sosbl. Main 5 4-J7. 'C 14.60 week, outside rooms, bath. 3 -; : noma cooked meals daily. 284 1 ain. HqUSKKKKiIXG ROOMS 8 yl BACHING b. k. arid sleeping rooms. - Botel Repose. 23 and Savler at. ! HOUSEKZEPOQ ROOMS H CoinBd) ONE room with ltcrientie, completely furnished, steam heat, running hoi and cold water, phone In every room 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sta.: 112 and up. 291 Columbia st corner Fth t HOCSKKKKPJSti suites. J1U to 115; single rooms $1.7o up; steam heat, electric lights, bath. Kline Apts.. 4SJ3 E. Burnslde. KL'KXISHED housekeeping rooms, right In town, cheap rent. 376 Yam hill. . ."WO roomed suite finely furnished for housekeeping. 3H1 Yamhill st. ftpm Ante Free bath, light, phone. vjciii nyioi week U) 4(M Flrst gt. HOUSKKKKPIXG KOOL PRIVATE FAMILY TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, not connected, furnace heat. Jrlclty hot t ' """ l.J U. water, laundry, gas 3 Dr week. 1 single housekeeping i uuiii, aiou it room with kitcheti- tl ) ,.,1, 1X9 Park. LARliE room, with kitchenette; phone. bath, furnace heat; no children. Jtio 12th st. LAKGE front housekeeping and sleep ing room. 47 K. Sth st. N. HJK KK.VT HOl'SKS 1- Min igin zn vnr.estr i.l.ltr ROOM modern bungalow, every con venience, 1 block from Se'.lwo"d car. 5sri Ramona ave. Sellwood 13-V. piik'n.AM) Heiirhts modern room road. house. Inquire ',30 Patton Phone Main S "i 4 3 . 14 b room house, first class condi tion, inquire V'lo K. StarK st. 4 ROOM bungalow, cheap. Itose City car. Marshall 129S, C-1414. UliMTLlti: OK SALE HOL'SKS FOR KKNT 3 PL'RN'iTL'ltE of 12 room house fjr sale and house to rent,' corner Grand ave. Call at at Hi E. Davis during torer.oon. ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household tiooda classi- flcation when house isnot for rent. FL'KMhHKI) HOl'SKS ;l, ."L'RNlijHKD cottage. 6 rooms, phone and piano If desired, also 3 room Inner flat f. 1 I 1 K" Vint lit Hirh- J- y, "'u"u loDERN o room cottage, with furni ture, $12.60 per mo. see owner, J. H , . phf, Mum !).-,3 at nuiin A LOVELY furnished cottage, with gas and batli, $10 per munUi. isti P 1 1 y grove. PARTLY furnished room house, east sid walking distance, lirst class condition. Phone Main t;.ri'.'u. 1jH RENT Furnished bungalow, Z rooms, modern, piano ar.d sew ing ma chine. Ml lnviMoii, near E. o"tn. $10- -3 ROOM house. walKin; distance. 7 Ilaru:ork. Woodlawn 14-i'J. 7 ROOM house, on the river bank, beau tifui garden. F-85J. Journal. $14 CLEAN furnished b room house, i til Williams ave. Woodlaw n 410. WELL furnished house, 6 rooms fur nace, piano, etc. Tabor 3226. AP.UviMJb.VS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely iurnished apta Walking distance. Reference. THE SHEFFIELD 27u uroaaway S. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy . aM-)r W;tanr at .'..-,- Focinhl rent; rest of service. Main 2o06. THE DEZENDoRF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room furn. and unfurn. aptl also 3 or 4 room furn. apartments. i CA.MAR; 7u4 Lovejoy. brick hldg. i room furnished apts.. $1 and $' 0. Marshall 2M7. THE LUZERNE Modern 2 room fur nished; brick bldg. Phone in each apt.; $17 and up. Marshall 4637. THE CODY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room apt.; light free; private bath. ! room ai,ts- hot and coU wa,e- ughti heat and phone 3,g Mlll i PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170, concrete I bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold , water, baths, ph'"ne. steam heat. $12 up. . nPW management; price?! to suit DOWNTOWN, modern apts.. $15 month i including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 35UH Morrlsor. Main 4j21. ' ri!:F; ; JIORTUN-King and Washington. 3-4 rm. suites, close in: 11: up ; THE W O O D M A N S E E Fui nishe; i apartments. $lo to $2u. l"'j N. 18th. ; LI XOR APTS. 324 13th St.. ; 3 and 4 room apts.; also light h. k. AMERICAN and Marlborough mod. 4, 5, 6 rm apt. Mar "13 60. M. 7 M 6. A-2fi7b room apartment in city. all accommodations. Main 4124. CINCINNATI Court 401 10th. 2. 3. 4 rm. mod. fur apts.. sing..unfur. rms THE W O O D M A N S E E Furnished housekeeping. $10 to $20. 109 N. IStn. FOR RENT FLAT 3 ROOM flats, verv chean rent. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1D53. A STRATEGIC RETREAT BEATS A GAME WVT BG CAUSE -tha,t Blfe StKX rJutAV TOLD JEF- -i KJVCUJ THee LSM'T BOT TO TMRDUfoM eve'fCt NAVAL 3CC i eeurU HtrA COT ri-: r tv ' l P i naak-a 1 w a n -t rt i IUC NT FLATS (Ooitlaud) 13 E liate wo o room moaern fiats on tbe west side. &4 and 651 Washing ton st . which are very desirable for someone wishing a close in location. These flats have Just been cleaned throughout, and are in fine condlton. The rent is very reasonable and in cludes steam heat, hot and cold water and janitor service. Kor further par ticulars, call at the building or at in office of PARRISH, WATKINS & CO.. 106 2d St. JVIKMSHKI KITS 50 COZY 4-room flat, all modern conveni ences, fully furnished. Includes heat, water, and phone. 614H Com mercial pt.. 3 block to car. ATTRACTIVE modern, u room flat, clean, well furnished, Knob Hlii. $27.50. Woodlawn 3528. 4 ROOM furnished lower flat modern, adults. b6 E. 8th St., N. Woodlawn 295!. FOI.'R room flat, completely Iurnished, close in. aduits. 3VJ Sacramento si. r--i io. THREE room furnished flat, private bath, sleeping porch, walking dls tance. 3M2i Vancouver ave. Jlu Three room furnished flat. Z26i Cook, corner CJantenbein. HOTKLS 54 PALACE hotel. 12th and Washington. fireproof, modern, steam heat, hot, cold water, phone in eacn room, rea sonable. Marshall &U40. Nev manage ment. STOKKS AND OFK1CKS 11 BRICK warehouse in 8outn Portland for rent, trackage, lignt and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill LARliE comer location in the heart of Yamhill street Public Market, suitable for any business. Call at 244 Yamhill Pt. FOR RENT -.ooms tor offices or mu sical studios. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO. 6th and Morrison sts. $15 montn each, 1 or 2 stores, best lo cation, Sandy blvd.. some good flx tures for sale cheap. Tabor 3U10. WANTED TO KENT THE OREGON HOME BL'lLXiERS CAN' EITHER RENT YOl'R PROP ERTY OR SL'PPlY ICENTEit WITH L'KSIRAULK L.IST tF RENTAL PROPERiTEa 1330 N. W. BANK BLI 1. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS HEAVY drafters, 3300 lbs, matched hays. Horse and mare. 6 and 7 rs.. suitable tor any heavy work, set heavy- sewed trace harness, ail at low price, $2. NO. Mares, team seal brown, low, chunky mars, 2Suo Ids., true to pull any spot or piare you ask them, gentle, set heavy harness, uil goes at $250. Mares. 2tiuo, black and bay, fat ana handsome, set harness, at $105. Mares, cilv sore, but fat, grain fed shod and ready to work, set harness. at jho. Mules, team black mare mules. 2300 lbs., set of good harness at $160. Team low down match black mares 23io Ins., are best workers, fast walk ers, sure pullers, set heavy breechin harness, all goes at ono price $i.'o. Red roam mare. 3 200 lbs., good work er, at $sv. One black mare. 1100 lts., at $40. one small brown mare at $35. iray to match at $25. One 17oo lb. bay mare in fual at $1:5. Several others, as we are stopping all team work Jan. 1. Several els heavy singly express harness, $10 each. Call C. H. Kul.y Transfer Co, 11th at Hoyt st. SPAN of bay m.tres, 4 and u years old. with foai to imported horse weighing 2450 lbs., sounu. true and very b lucky built. $225. Span of heavy bone, black, blocky built shire 4-year-old colls, fre of blemishes and well broken, weighing 2 7io lbs.; also span of heavy bone shires, mares, sound and true, with foal, weighing 2800 lbs., $200. 8 head of draft horses weighing from 1350 to 1600 lbti., at a low price. Model Stables. Sth and Iavis. Auction, Monday and Thursday. Columbia Stables, 302 Front St., 2 p. in. Horses harness, w a g o n s, buggies. Every thing sold on com mission. Bring us vour stock. M. 303O. WANT to hire team and wagon for .1 week; will pay $1 a day. or will take them and keep them one month for their feed and guarantee to return them In good shape. Call at 4303 6stu Ft. S. E. Phone Tabor 4466. IOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums lr thop class' ficat inns. LEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 2o. Portland R ndfine Co. FOR SALE Cheap. 6-year-old horse, about 15i0 lbs., also good wagon and harness. Seilwood 1915. GOOD work team, harness and wagon, weight 2uoo. iSi L. 28th s;., Wood stock car. SMALL hoise. young and sound. Just off ranch. cheap, or trade. 1712 Burrnge st LIVESTOCK a: THREE fresh cows, 2 Durhams. 1 Guernsey; must bo sold this week to pay feed bill. 82d and Washington ts. Mi Tabor car. BRI'CE has ail breeds of dairy cows on hand all the time, terms. Union Stock Yards. FOR SALE Fine family cow, fresh, second calf, 1'. S. Barn. 248 Front. FAMILY cow cheap, will n nls. ST' E. Flar.de rs. produce 5 TWO lare Durham cows. fresh. 1731 I nvislon. FoR safe or trade: Cattle, goats. Phone Woodlawn 30 angora 401 1. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 PEN of White Wyandotte.". Rhode Island Red and White Wyandotte coi kerels and pullets. February hatch, i 5"5 42d st. S. E. Seilwood 281. FOR i Vc too I l l c UiA-t. iruj'JJ ux i TKa . i...-. Ctt ANPl ' V T3 AvyL HlhA OUT POULTRY AXD PIGEONS 87 (Continued) GOOD red carneaux at $1 Tabor 630. a piece. DO-US AM) HOCSKHOLD PETS 4'J PEDIGREED Rufus Red Reigian hares 6 months old, $6 pair; buck worth $5; also canaries. Cail morn ings. Woodlawn 162D. A lr TOM OBI IKS-Al.'C KSSOKI KS 44 Fords Fords Fords Fords 1914 FORD, a pass., finest condition, $295. 1S14 FORD roadster, with delivery bed on rear. $2y5. 1813 FORD, b pass,. $275. shock absorbers and demountable rims! 32'5. 1815 FORD, 6 pass., like new. $350. Terms If desired and a year's free service on all minor adjustments. rrancis Motor bar Lx, LIMITED FORD AGFrVT- East lliy. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. STOVIDARIJ 7 nn A-1 rnrotltl.-.n- $700. t ARTERCAR 4 pass., $250. MITCHELL 5 pass., (5 cyl., $600. SEVERAL OTHERS' TO SELECT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST & FAST MORRISON STS .rnones Last .272 or B-121ti. YES, our bowling team is still leading. n . jjecause we are made of ood material. You will find that our high grade used cars are tJie same. Look ttiese over. Hupmobiles, Chandler Six, Maxwell, Sohacnt. Oakland R.. Chal mers, Huick, all in good mechanical condition. Terms. Dl'LMAGK-MAN'LEY AUTO CO., 46-48 N. 20th st. Mar. 16'jy. A-1299. li you want a good secondhand car visit our used car department. We have on hand a numlut of roadsters, touring cars and trucks. Prices from $50 up. You can save big money ii. you buy now. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Broadway SS7. A-4!'59. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 548 Water st.. Main 1167. USED CARS Stutz 1915 roadster, Cadillac 7 pass lPl'i, light Stoddard roadster, fast speed bug. R.-C-H.. 1913; Winton Six, Chal mers 3o. new electric closed car. motor cycles, all in fine condition at bargain price. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington. WELL established automobile firm wants a good salesman; prefer ono who can buy h:n own car for demon strator, state your experience, wheth er you can buy your demonstrator., and any other data to show that you are a live one. Our line is a seii.;i tmnal gne; we aid you to make sales; big advertisers F-'Jft. Journal. . ST 1'DKBAKEH 30 ' roaUsie"r thor oughly overhauled, equipped with electric lights, demountable rims and extra tire, all tires nearly new, $300. Oregon motor car iu, Studebaker bldg . Chapman and AldAr. D O U B LE tread, puncture proof tires made from your j)d ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wfh at 18th. Burnslde at Broadway. (335 Rjrnslde.) BARGAINS in c'SKU CARS. Large stock, prices J2o0 to J750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alrlr. SEE the 1-ton truck attachment for Ford rars, $368; complete with chas sis $ 7 & 5 BENJ. E BOONE CO., 614 Alder st.. Portland, or. (Written guar antee with. every 6pring. 26 N. loth st. WILL pay cash for used Dodge Bros, and Ford cars. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO, 614 Alder st. VENTILATORS cut in all car hoods; fender braces Installed. Phone Main S747. 266 Taylor st. HIGHEST prices paid for scrap rubber, metal. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5 1 ' a AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7S WANTED Ford, with delivery body, 1K14 or 1915 model, in good condition. Give price and description, and-where can be seen. Newberg Creamery Co., NewborK, Or. WILL pay cash for Dodge Bros, and Ford cars. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO., 614 Alder st. FOR exchange 2 splend-.d city corner lots and some cash tor an auto in good condition. Marsh. 687, J. W., Sun day Main 7667. AUTOS FOR IIIRS FOR HIRE, new Ford touring car, specially equipped, $1.25 per hour. Phone Main 2177. MOTORCYCLES IIICYCLES T5 MOTORCYCLE wanted as part pay ment on 5 pass, auto, balance cash. P-fi.".2, Journal. FIVE pass au'o. A-1 condition, cheap for cash. P-T.33, Journal. LAUNCHES AM) 11QATS fll L!l'GHT and sold, houseboats and launches, c. V. R.ivnor. marine bro ker S09 Spalding bldg EVINRUI'E rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowboats. canoes, motorboats. Evlnrude Motor Co., Morrison Front. DEFEAT -R. H Jlli afca. j r r - j j , v. - i - -ts .i l x ' i i w - a 1 1 1 1 34 SECURITY Storage Co. closing out to morrow: Cash. $250 Boudoir Upright piano for $30. $450 Checkering & Sons old model, $45. $250 Pianola Piano Player. Mah., $60. $300 Angelus Piano Player, Wal., 60. $125 Packard Oran, hih top., $28. $135 Kimball Organ, mirror. $34. $140 Chapel Organ, church, wal.. $2. $350 Baus Piano Co., upright mah. $110. $500 Emerson, large upright, mail. $195. $750 Autopiano, 68 note music $265. To first caller. 109 4th su Storage 75c monthly cash. y5 cash buys a $550 Decktr & Bros. Circassian walnut upright piano for Christmas. Security Storage Co., 10'i 4th hi. o casa secure- a 45o F. C. Fischer upright to Iirst caller at lo'j 4th st. Security Storage Co. Fj-tEfc, use ol piano or player-piano for 2 x years, see display advertisement or bchwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st till' lot wanted, clear, in exenarige for new piano, slate lowest price and location. lo a 4th st. $125 gold cornet at a bargain, $450 piano at $1-j, $350 piano at $loo. Call Marshall 3286 or Tabor 630. $75o player piano for sale at $200. Call Tabor 3003. WILL pay cash tor your old uprignl or scjuaie piano. Main 5323. Ill 4th. G.tAFoN'oLA tor Sale, l ainhill. Apply 7 82 E. TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 montns for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M 14o7 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALENS IF you have any furniture to sell for good, honest price, call 1-vidstein Fur niture Co., E. 1051. 88-J4 Grand ave, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 AN OREGON CHRISTMAS TO YOUR FAST ERN FRIENDS. Send your friends our $1 box of beautiful Oregon greens; each box con tains Oregon grape, holly, mistletoe, etc. Thi is an ideal nresent for Ore gon people to give, as it is beautiful and representative of this etate. COOK'S FLORAL SHOP, 120 4th st cor. Washington. Main 7766 CLEANING and dyeing machine for sale, 1 Becker & Wade steam pres 2 power washing machines, one. extrac tor, ono distill, one 1 cj h, p. eleclrli motor, 3 large i;as tanks, 1 steam boil er, 1 18-lb. electric iron, 1 tailor's sew ing machine 1 Singer 1. 12 tables, C pressing boards, 1 large roll top dek, $3oo spot cash takes it. Call 1312 Belmont st. MACHINES of all makes sold and rented, 12 up. Sewing Machine Empo rium. 190 3d. near Tay 1 r Main 9 4 31. A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, eold, rented snd repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde, cor. 10th Broadway or A-&674. BlLfflARliS New and second band carom and pockel billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. Tbe Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 6th st Phone Main 4&70. "AlCSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. AUTOMoBLIES. motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be tound under these different headings. AiUDKRN' cottage on Clifton st., and Montgomery drive, also lumber, brick, plumbing, doors and windows. Hose City W recking i'o., East on Jlh $12. io DKOl'iiEAD sewing machine, with altachmeiita. Cail 152 Grand avenue. Ml'SKHAT lined overcoat, size 4u, nearly new, just the thing for aut" mobilists. Call Woodlawn fa after 6 p. m. FANCY Spitzenberg and Jonathan ap ples at J1.25 to bo at 1013 Helniont. DKOPIIEAD Singer machine, almost new, $15. lal Park St.. near Yam hill. BILLlAltD and ikjoI tables, lowest prices, easy payments. W. J. Quigley, 203 2d. Main 53ya. Hepairing specialty. LADY'S '-iK-t. diamond ear screws, cost J12u; will bell cheap. Y-i29, Journal. MACHINERY bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. N. W. Lead & Mciiy. Co; FERTILIZER, $1.50 East 6722. to $3 per load. FoR SALF Twin baby carriage. Tel phone Seilwood "6. TO sell second hand sewing machine, good condition. Main 5531. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co. 212 3d Main 7H7 SWAP COLUMN WILL trade my equity of $320 in 7t by luo lot, and 3 room plastered house and basement, for a team or make me an olfer. Tabor 66." S. TRADE 2 cords wood for board or gro ceries, room 24, 1 4 7 1 3 th st., or phone M W. lbiwen, 9 a. m.. Marshall 4 752. EXCHANGE I't at .Long Reach Wash., for talking machine and rec ords. 12S 1st st. Main 4 4 f- .. CARPENTER to build house, furnish part material, In exchange for land. F-f!4. Journal. CLEAR lot, or acre for high grade furniture, piano, gralonola, Journal. W AXTKDM ISC I; 1XA X KOI S 5 HIGHEST prices for 2d hand furniturs. Clothing, tools. Phone Brdwy. 2209. PIANOS, ORGANS AXD MVHICAL. INSTRUMENTS life - FRIEND U K0 SS. WANTED M1SCK1.1N KO I' S C (Co-txn o MORGAN - ATCHU- r'UKNITL'RE Co.. Grand ave. and E. Stark, buys second hand furniture or takes it in exchange for new goods. Pnoiie East 22 Mimeograph Wanted, Will pay cash for second-hand Mim eograph. Box 266, Hlllsboro, Oregon. NOTICE TO AloV -KS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers. ruga couches, chairs, table, etc. VYe pay the price. N. W. Furn. Ex., E. 60. W. A. COVELL wants second hand furniture, opening new stores. W.,i pay the beat price. 1S2 1st, -iear 'lay- lor. hhone Main 3022. WAN 1 EL The people of Portland 1.1 know 1 pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 67o7. N. M. Seater. 143 Rjsseli st MICHIGAN tL'KMTLKt Cc, locat ing in Portland, will buy your turni- ture and pay you the top price. Fnone George Brant, Mar. 1822, 212 1st st. WANTED Second hand meat fixtures. must be in ood condition and c.it-.iD for cash. Phone East 318. sttONu hand doming buyer. J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for ci'uhlng, shots. Marshall 122?. 229 Malison. W A N" T E D Showcases, counters, scales, tents, furniture and merchan dise. 128 1st. Main 4495. WANTED All kinds of PHON'O GJHAPHS and RECORDS. Main 445. 128 1st st. I AM in need of 2o hand furniture and will pay the highest prices for It. 207 1st st. Marshall 687 HIGHEST prices pe'u tor Zd hand clothing. Main 2080 286 1st St. WE pay highest price for juiik of" all kinds. Main 4686. 235 Front st. BELL Furniture Co.. 2ul .d st. for furniture Marihall 4783. LOST AND FOl'NU l rUhhOUlM; articles were found oil the cars of the Portland Railway, Light t Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder st. station. Mii:shal 51oo, A-0131, lec. 13: Nine umbrellas, 1 small saw, I p:irk. 1 bdl. liooks, 7 packages, 1 envelope (hair pini, 1 en velope (CarpLhter's trans. card), 1 book, 2 single gloves, 1 muff, 1 suit case, 1 kmie, 1 bunch street car tick ets, 1 shet of tin, 2 luncii boxes, 1 axe, 1 muff. 2 combs, 1 watch chain, 2 grips. 1 band instrument, 1 scarf pin, 1 book of car tickets. LOST, between loth and Broadway, On Taylor or Broad wav between laylor and Alder, a small leather bag containing 2 rings, a brooch and u J2o goiu nice. K.-ward it returned to Mrs. Miller, I1.3 Went I'.uk. uc'.-i l Milan black purse containing about J'j. on Saturday in Lipman Wolfe Store on the mezzanine Iloor Return to Journal office. LUST or strayeci away a Llewelyn setter do, Number of license and address on collar. Please return or call Ma i n 122. J. A. 1 1 . e blsch. 1 i c w u t d . LOST Two Laallieres iu leather cardcase. Call Marshall 2'J3o. Re ward. LOST While English sitter d"g. one black ear. Woodlawn 2JJ4. Libera e u ;i rcL LOST Delta Sigma Delta fralcrinl. pm. Sunday evening. Phone Tabor 1 r!'..3. LOST Saturday al i'i noon. bin leather purse containing key. Ke turn to F-iii5. Journal. POl'ND Saturday, lady's grey suede clove on E. Mh and liiuad'vay. In nuire Journal office. LUST KnnleJiS spectacles in case. Up ward. tiOJ Chamber ot Cuiniiiti Mdg. PKItSOXAL CUIKOl'ODIST and manicurist, scien tific ma-sseuse. face and M-alp pe cialisL Marstiall 3.riu7. linh and Washington. 2'oy Fleidner bldy.. over Eastern Outfitting t'o. PI.NKKKION & CO.. C. S. UtHft-ma agency. Scientific detective work. Pri vate Investigations. Expert leyal serv ice. 354 Pittock blk. Phone isdw. 673 MRS. CLAKA GP.EEit, spiritual meu- lum. consultation daily. Circles Wed.. 8 p. m. Thursday. 2 p. in., la dieg only. 368 Wasco st. lOa.st 4r. v MPS. STEVENS, 22 years i'ortland s renowned paJmlst and clairvoyant, haa her temple open daily. 375 Taylor et. Assisted by Mra. Dr. H u m e. MPS. HEltMES teaches palmistry and clairvoyancy, card reading. 3ioVa Morrison t Office 301. iiours irm 10 to 8. Q. P. Kummelln Son A: Co , Manufacturing Furriers, 415-16-17 liekum Rldg DR. V. G KETCH U M -Women's niala dies and acute diseases of men Wash bldg., 4th Ar Wash.. Rm. 441. Mar. 453 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues 2 p. m.; Wed , Sun. 8 p. m. Reeding dally. 603 6th at. Mar 2a6 YOl'NG Mexican woman wants chnd to taJxo care of or one to iais.- a-. cwn ; a good h om e . A p pi y fii'6 Hood -t. MRS IlAMoT CAUVfci, c.a.rvoyaiit and magnetic healer. 17uVii Second St., fourth floor. GERMAN trained nurse gives massage and baths fur rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. 256 1 1 th. Mar 5033. open tiunoayw DR. ETHEL A. SACK Y, painless chiropodist and manicurist, returned to former office. 56 Panama building. THE FUR SHOP. New ord ;r. remodeling, best work, lowest nrice ; H'ir Swetlaml bldg. FACIAL and scalp treatments. May Irvin. room 207. 350 ' Morrison st I o ior t-oiiBuiialoii tree. Maun LaWycl 493j;08&ellingldg. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of sraip 1 61 Park st . Room .1 11 to 7 LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 23F. 6th st. Main J4S BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women 504 Davis st Main 2.'(."l LAWYER'S advice free, your cane strictly confidential M lino. 263 f.tn Katherine Orlof. cblropod.st an.i pcalp treatmt. Room 11 235 Kth st USE Bassetl's Nativ-. He-os ror rum. matium 'O tnl,li-i 'r,- 1 dr s" ORDEJtS for "hristir-as tre-s taken now. East 187-3. (Copyright, 1913, by n. C Fluber.) (Trade-Mark Us. U. S. Patent offl-e ) ) 1 Kt-fsR fsrM( ;uv Cfil Tm'T ; j ( PERSONAL (Continued) WHAT does your horoscope forecast? "In 1903 you predicted poverty and b 1915 riches. Absolutely correct. W m. Hawkes. Gas Appliances, Duluth, il.nn." ".My son's body fas found 6 0 davs to minute, as you foretold. I J. Dirn ick. Hover. Wash." " Your forecast for 15 years wonder fully conrect. Mrs. Bilyeu, 4647 Indiana ave. Chicago." Adams Astrological School. Write or (all 350 Vi Morrison st. Send 25c w ith birth date or condensed forecast. MME. FOX-DA, renowned palmist, clairvoyant and card reader. Foneda has her office open daily from 10 a m. u Si p m. Office. 3So Yamhill St., ' 1 er of 1 0th st FEB VET HANEBUT. leading wig and b'Upo makers; finest stock h -:an hi-ir goods; hairdresslng, manlcur ig. face and scalp treatment, combings nude to order. 147 Broadway. M. 546. RK Al HNG Yamhill. 50c. Mrs. Main 2751. Barber, 374 Professional and ACCORDION PLEATING Al t OHIIIUN. KMIE AM) BOX PLKATINU: PKMSII H IIIM,. HHAlDINi;; I1CTTON UOl.KS, Ut'TIONS lllVl:RKl). KA8TKKN niii i r Mr... in . s;,i, r.rn. n way 2o. K. Sl'KI'Ul.N HnistliciiiriK. aceonlioo. aid and aunlnirst .leathn;: buttona curered. guoda ar'"C'-i. sr 1 1 loping jiri pMtix k blk. B-1009. AGATE CUTTERS AOATK eutleri. rutting, mjIIkI) i na. mounting. K"M r hiler MI,ler-:r.i2'S Vh. M. 1X74. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. P. 1.. I-SHlNsIIaIik Impieiiienta. Tetilclra and nrrmi mnn nihi;,.i 214 Kront. Portland. BLANK BOOK MAKERS. DAVIS ic liul.MA.V Inc.. hi -a at. Ulaok Nwik maiiufa.'t'jrera; k-rnts foe Jonra Im proved Le Lent L.'lgfr. See the new Ku rekiLef. A-UKt Mlu lvi. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS. HAItPtKb Hnu Works. llia machine urt. nj yi. !T 1 1 t t-Mi.titica ao.l II 2342. CAXCEB. l'l.KJJANt.M, paluiesa eraillraticn of cancer. Dr. W. Wstkiua, od lioodiiouga tide uo. Poatofflce. CARPEa CLEANING from old carTteta; rag ru. car;-t c'ruull.. .North- wt iiug tv.., lv K. sth. K. 11 l--"i JoVl K llltOS., Klecuic I iralKDf wurka, car leta rleuiied uuil laid. refluniK our iiecUlt. Kt 411) ll-llwu. K. ltb t. N. I'l.M.NSLl.Alt Uuu Soik Uag rug oixl car l weaTlng. IMS l'atton are. Wiiln. 2i5 CHIROPRACTORS Pit. McAiAlio.s, chroulc caaes taalhg l.uie Ji il ea t uieula, "1. worth 10. lilh veur, li-rgeat jia. lice. Llcre to atajr Stitr lli eiiM-. Local references. OUet.reud letl..nlaJl. . i,- rr im. 121 4in. .i7rt Wlllium i UK s II'.A Itli. in irealairula iu. co N"Miii't llliia Maui 7,(1. Uli. ll. 11. 1't.tw.l, Chli ..pi ic .or. lluLeirlca a i-l eiiaht . U74 E Auken;. Phone l.ai bu4. COAL AND WOOD BLUCKWUUU SLABWOOD BOXWOOD PUUTI. A M) SLA H WOOD CO. Main 3119. A-71 . FULTON WOOlTCO. 12t0 MACADAM Deultri Id Greu and Drj SlJtiwnod. All Phone. MiiI.iTWO NEER & FARR md tiilde hl.rk wl 4 loot r e.l to urdtT. Telephone PnAI MhIii 4.'.fl A 4.47 M'". Wat-r t Vljri Wood! Wood! A nit; lo.nl of dry wreckage wood delliered, $2.7". Maral.all 4H2... A i fiu. 4.;.j i)-i. Diy. st- '-- VAnnrl p i Short or.lrr- iclnh) VVUUU LOlilC'M.I .." up. National Fuel l o . F. 2"4l tXTF-I.VT WOOD CO. t t lu',.fLTulb jrreen, 4; ecuiid claai $.! 2j JrllTered. Kro: lwav 1I.M. Charcoal F. J. I.VLUIJ. MAIN S707. FOOT 'K l Cltm THK.FT Gcod Box Wood.""uA.: 1ANA.V1A FLtl. CO., all aluUa oaa. lir. alatt wl. r.al. Muln ,."20. DON'T bum BK.nej. rrkm. xocd -a wwi ato lPt rtha. mlieil. I?.7.r., hlo. k M ' 1 -t HEAVY drj wrerkage ! $.!. MiiraLall 2"44. COLLECTIONS 13 1 Wl,; iAnlnr.V.n lili. Mar 4lV CONTRACTORS It BUILDEHS OSkAH ULHKll. urueral CuuliacUi . ZZj Sh.rl-irk 1-Jdg. EYE. EAR. NOBE. THROAT. I.UNG8 fclK-cl.i hM . M-.orrate .n.M. Vlrtt.e- rnti-d. Dr. K. 1. Caavday. .'.17 1'ekum hli'K.. il A Wib. Manuiacturcrs J DRY GOODS WHOLESALE l(.i-il!-ie due drj o luriiibiuga, notion'. L. Dinkelspiel Co. Snrr'.Mk lli.lg. r.l f-iTi.' i i LEAD. WOOL. PIPE, BH.'-.tT AND PI'j kAluiA i. il 1 1 ' Main ' Null i ii Ufa i :i m I t,.nt. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS tLAOM LaSt-.i CO. lllgh 5IIU.I..M . L K.rt.fr 2.1 and llij 1 .r XI 171. l-a. A INFORMATION COUPON If you want the nam of al rellavbie bulne bou dealing in any Una of ni .rci.audi.e, or luIornukUon rit.rdlu reori. noieU. raiuoada, ateain. hlp line., etc.. addre oicgun Jouxlai inluri-atiou Uurwu. 1 ... r u.a i ion Oealrad: NklDt. Addr 23 (Coatinnsd) WHY pay big prices for giassesT 1 can in io' eyes with first quality lenes In a gold filled frmrna -as low an II fiO: lensea du plicated at a big saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Charles W. Goodman, ot" tometriat. 209 Morrison. Main Slti. NOTICES 20 NOTICE I berrij g r n thnt on tbe twenty flrnt dy of iN-c-iubrr, H1.'.. it 2 o'clock p. m.. there will b- ,.ii t jmi.llc octlon. st tba L'. 8. t iuum Hi:r-. corner "f Kigbth so. Ivt streeti. I'nriUr..!. Or . to tbe lilchest bidder for g'id 0.1: Ci suilraa. containing ' . 1 .-a Kta ami 8 traja. ' ' .r ,.f rutitoma 1' c-.rio lighting ayatern. r n ,Kt. r. Fort KeoglU .i. lx recelTed ber r I'.UU. and then ij'l ir.:alliiiB an eiee iuiUiir lulurinatlon oa pparel, curw. e Tlionia C. Inrke. I'ltOlttSALS for km , Office Of deH.t !)!;, lU.iit. Sealed prc.i-.Kai. ur.tll 10 a. m Jjn-.c o-ereil. for furnUi.ir.i; trie lighting ayitrUi. apiillcatiun. MKS. K. fc. AM,1.HM.M l; Mr.. Chaa. lnlel. Home linker). J.,,. partnerahlp. Business Directory EDUCATIONAL DANCING MA M HI-STKi Kancini; A. ,. n, sSi. ith t., bet. Mark and Oak; .. , i,.l r Mr. " nrl ate leaiKjua. njruin)!. fo eTrnlof. all lateai danira jur ui.-c ,1. i , I iiurdr, Saturday erniii(f 7 OO-S .to p. :.aT 21l. ilR. aod Ura. Ileal La uuvi, i.i uan. Claa Tueadaj, Friday ere. ion 2d t. bet. . a.hlngton nd Stark I.n i Mhii,'3S MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS 1 'IHlhLIPiKN, iollii trailirr, iuHi t.cl 2"7 Kleldinr til.'.g. . .1.11. Mn rimil H.W i'KUl'. ItQnjl I. 1.. i-AVv.sii.N. plait.. i ytsur Ph.. lie 'iHlH.r li:. bCliOOL Ol' ML.S1C Sl.ll! c( leacbi-ra. Or rm CoiiM Tat..r . Ml i.h n at Aider. POPULAR MUSIC ItAtiTlMK on plane Karoiiti- .1 biiiuera In io to aj leaaona. Trial lea-ua free if nut (Vuvln.d. Free uwklei. ftol-i Kllera blilg. rmrr rugs and rao rugs. FLUFF RUGS and RAG RUGS WE WKK KLI'KF RICS KItoM WORN 01 T INOUAIN, AXMLNSTKH, S.MVKSA AND ritl .SiiKL.S CAKPK1S. RA; KLOS ALL 81ZKS. MOUEKN SANITAKY MKTIIriUS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT OF TOWN OKMKKs. C ITY WOHK ( ALI.EP FOR. .NU FOR BOOKLET. WESTKUN FLt'Fr KLG CO.. S4.A FN ION AVE. is. VBUSKB 1sT .-,ie. 11 -147.. INSURANCE PACIHL HI AXES Fi UK INhl UANCK CO.. only Oregon fire Ipauranfe company. LAWYERS. J- 8. Nhl.suN. lawjer. cVnullatlon trr. 81S I'ltt'Ck hlk. lir..adway :,1 7 LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS THE liltEYMA.N LEA lllEU (). 01diRt firm pi uoriljwrat. Agenia "Monarch" a ri.l U M . " ,ue leather. .tM Ere(t at. MATTRESSES 111..11..SH Jl.tl l llt.ss l (., old uialtrraaea uia.le ui n I'U our HjBletllc proaeaa, iUH Ri.taell. .rnrr I nloii. Ea-t WM. I-QDEL AND BPECIALTY MACHINE WORKS 0 - -f kluUKI, MailJnr and Speelalt Work, q . ? Aruiatrong MTg. to.. No. 4 2d at. S., Ilsn prfeciiiig, manufacturing. Katt 'Hi laleiit. Auto work. .Ill.-lfiiry baaia. . N ATU R OF AT HI C P HYSICIAKS Lit PHILLIPS Parali, uir..u and chruo.9 dmi-Haen .V4 .'. oregonlan Mitg. nn :IH2. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Till. I'VY i'UfcM, J.UIN l. MAN.' R't Stark St. Hr..adnay 4- A .. BUBBLH STAMPS A NI) SEALS 6U hlen. li, tra.le die. k. tr.,i aigua PACIFIC ( UASI STAMP WoilhS 231 Wdahlncton at ilalu 71o. JTIO. SAFETY RAZOR HONING AliOMAlK KEEN EDoE ( 1 1 i : A t ii SHEET METAL WORKS KEPA1 Kl.Nij llu and train r.ui. Jacob lu H10 lt at. Piioi.i- Main M2. TOWEL SUPPLIES WILLIAMS ioMtl SU.J,.jr (.,., t. tl, T1U Ciaf tl. Phon- Eat Uil. H..ni il 2"2J TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, Elhll:,i-d ls7o. Tranafr and Forwarding Agrota fetorage I r-e 'Jrackase. Of f ' e and Storage 474 '..l-.li ft. inth and i.lWnn. Main iii; a IKrt Al.WAlS IKK illh lil.M HucM.iiui.K (iOoDS SPKt lAI.IMli St. rage. Pa. ling, f1'lpplng and Al.iviiig. Iloror or Auto Vaua. Siieclal freight rates to all tM.lnta. C. O. i ll u TKANSIKil i MollAliE CO 1M and Pirn- Stif-el llron.lnav Vw: A H. I ClEN-KOI i UANSr 1 11 ..- a ri-b-'ua. l.Mli nn.l 1 l-.it na. Muhi .'.47. A 2V17 IlAl.'.A'jt iUANsKI.ll M.KVbl. CO., 4. FINK STKKt.l. MAIN li. A -12m. WALL PAPER Miilti.AN WALL I'Ai'l.ll CO.. XMj b--!..rrD klalu and MIlk.ii. ohh: Wkolesal era PIPE WOOD PIPE iliH'ILA.M' ttUiill I'IPE HI. - Ii-I.ii; aod otfl nrar h n-l V-.rk t Ntiln P L PMBINO PI PE STEAM SUPPLIES VI. L KLINE 4-i-7 -al Fiios r s riirrT SANITARY WIPINO RAOS ., Shank Co. Ai HKI.VJ I'llllM. MAIN ! H J) BY BUD FISHER Four. cnC fW'j I'D HK T0 Hew fvvr I tee L A. NO 1 Ki MiY . PERSONAL