'la: -. . i.- t r -- '-j 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY. DECEMBER 13. '1915. i -j SITUATIONS- FEMALE f Continue 1 ) JUL.iAUL.E. neat girl wants to assist ' - srualU plain family by the mo.; could sleep home pighta;s. reasonable A-54. Journal. .PRIVATE exctianxu operator wishes i position: prefers all day work but : will do relieving or short hours. Call Sell wood S48. NURSE girl, ly hour, d-iy. care chll- dren or companion. Best ref. Sell wood 1S9S. DRESSMAKING 40 Jane's i Stunning frocks mad" for ladles wishing Individuality and character la dress Reception and evening gowns i A specialty. Prl cs reasonable. Apt. 603. Wheeldor. Annex l)RBSf. MAKING. $2.5o a day; satla- faction guaranteed. Tahor 4136. i FURNISH El ROOMJ BOOM register listing several Hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C A: also those ! i the association fireproof building, wiin s.iower uams, swimming pool, gymnasium, iiu--rjr. '"uujS rooms, at to t-ia per ween uuu ble. with individual beda. ir 2.5u to S4.5J per week ningre. CLAY'TON hotel, under owner a man- ; agement: respectable, clean house; ; team heat, hot water, phones in every room; $2 up wk. in 5 . l:in. Alar 27io " Hotel Conrad! np loth at Oak. Mod "c ern, fireproof, re- Bpectable: large lobby; $3 week up. STANDISH HOTELS Wash, i modern st -iam heated front room, i- per week and up , HOTEL RAM APo 14th and Wash , New management, clean, cuinf ortaoie ' rooms. S3.&U week u;. Kites by month. THE FKA.NKLIN. 4SS Wash.. 50c to $1.25, clean, warm, free baths, phones, car at depot, transfer on Wash . Foster Hotel id and wk Davis Modern ii ; Bilvvy 1.ST4 l:OOMS and hotel. $2.:.. ajmrtaie: ts up. modern S Alder. Hotel Gordon Park dern and Yamhill I.i.w rates. THE BAKER l..Wi $2 l ; ol : THE HAZEL Furnisiied rooms, -ol and coli water 3d st. $1.60 WbtK up. clean, warm, modern fur. rms.. centra. The King. 3i Jef. PHI7ATS FAMILT STRICTLY modern furr.ishM rooms, well heated, plenty hot aler, fine bed, 3 windows; special rrie to per- ' manent roomer. M rs i : all 3 4 . . LARGE ground flO'T front room close in; heat, phone, bath, employed peo ple. Housekeeping suite. 21 X. lltln FROTomTbathrelectFi'.-' lU'ht. fur-' nace, close In. 2S7 Williams ave., 1 or 2 gentleman ; reasor.;i lle: FTJR N I sTTeTT-r o on is private family. separate entram e. L .o Lixoii st., 3 blocks Uroadway briilsc. ' ft;rnishei boarxi. 471 roe ri: Yam! with or ill! street. with' 'Ut tx;-in N IS j u lt li i ROOMS;. 46. including water; single, 12.50 152 '4 Market. r. ar Front. ROOMS AND HOAIU) L' PARKVIEW iiOTEL. 3N Montgomery t at W. Park. Family hotel, all modern eoreni-nc'S. rates for reul-r ROOMS AND HOARD PBITATE FAMILY ROOMS an i boar I, cooking, all nnli bower and tj!i rates reasonable. 32 1 Broa'dway. Xrellelit homo con veniem "s, steam heat; Jrftiison, near ROOM and board, for holy or gen tleman in ptivate family of two. Close in; a fine home tor rijjlit party. Phone Tal'or .",li;. ROOM and board $2 0 per ir.otit : lNi7. all 4 s, 7 conveniences. E. 15th st. Sell wood KIND lady month. 33 ants ear Fifth st. -n, J10 jVANT ED HO l A N I HOAKll ' M YOl'XIl man d-sir- s n-'in and board In- private family. d:r.!.-r at 7 p. rn. Must be no other boarders. 1-561. Journal. UQtSKKKI'I.M; KOOMS S ONE room w:tli kitci.enette. completely furnished, strain heat, rur.riine hoc and coid water, uhone in every room; blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 231 Columbia st.. corner 6th t 1TNE 2 room a pa run window's, w.ck.i.i; SV2 Montgomery :nt. cumpie'.e, distaie e. $ bay BAfhl.Mi Hotel T and 'tar le. p: ng Sa i-r rooms sts Gem Apts. ft rte tatn. light, phone, till First s'. we.-k up HOUSEKEF.i'lNi ill e. : u eiy fur- nlshed. 1M VnrhiU s Burnished h.ousckeepir.i; roonis. . First. cheap rent Pi r e. c iiOYCREST. 175" H. K. rooms; 1: -tn, of furnace hcateJ HOlSKKEKI'l.M. ItOiiMs 7:1 PRIVATE JAMII.T 465. HALL st . i.ewiv firn.. 2 and 3 room housekerp-ng apaitmeut, $1' Up; 2 lovelv li:.-- first lloors. hot and cold water: 1 iano; beat. Cheap f - rent. Pay you to s.-e. i - TWO freshlv"iT-t'.i.'.l f7"T, -.o. keeping roms. n'.'.-icir.. tree i.iione, bath, electric lights. month. Main 1517. THREE furnished l.o isrko private toilet and bat lights, water. lm ns. jio r E. 74th st N. M-V car. ir.g rooms, :. eie' trie nonth. 1J5 NICE, clean room, lodging or house keeping; hot and cold vvter: steam keat. Walking diMas.ee. Moderate. 4 15 Mill et, ld Two dean, completely furnished rooms, bath, laundry, phone, lartte yard; East Side, walking distance. 312 Cherry st. TWO nice clean, furnished hotisekeep ing rooms. $6; walking distance. Sellwood 2535. YOU will fin.l ch.-.io to heat, free gas. Imbt, yh bsth at 429 Market t urnace lautidry. LARGE H K. rooms. $1.5'i per week. : walking n 57W Also 2 distance. room modern suit 405 W. Park. Ma a SUNNY front rooms and bedroom;' phone, lights; walking distance Sell wood llf'i ' TWO large, moderr, iront h. k rooms Lights, phone, oath. heaU free. 194 Lownsdale. s 2 FURNISHEl' hooseKeepin rooms on first floor, running water walk- lng dtar,Ce. 165 E-isr i,si; (.or' s,n ; THREE furnished housekeeping rooms i - in private family. 214 Eugene sc.' jPhone East 2515. .WEST SIDE 2-;i large, fine rooms! let floor complete jgcll. 1109 -TWO furnished basement rodaiis $1 50 per week. 75 N. 14th st. LARGE front - ing room. housekeeping anil uleep 47 E. th st. N ONS large, light, clean, mode'va IL : rm cheap. 429 Main st. 7 ONB clean ground floor. housekeeping 14y ISth st. FOR KENT IIOLStS . STRICTLY" raoilern 4 room bungalow, Hawthorne car, with fireplace. 6232 I - Be'.lwood 2565. ' 1 PORTLAND Heights motiern 6 room j bouse. Inquire 730 Patton road. -. ynone Main S54 3. ' i ROOM house, fruit, near high school, $8. Owner, Broadway fe&a or Mar . griall 3381. 4VSS , E. OAK st. 6 rooms, modern, -clean Phone East 266-9. . CLOSE la, eightly 5 room bouse. '. E..26ta t- East 2911. 12S t ROOM modern bungalow, $10. Owner, -Broadway 886 or Marshall 3381. MODERN 6 room house and sleeping porch on 7tll sL H. Call 323 E. 7 th N 12 4 ROOM cottage, basement, lot 60x100, fruit trees, garden or chickens, $6. woodlawn 709. 644 E. 14TH Cottatre to rent. 18. with water, gas range and heater; walking dlwtanee -H car. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 SAVE HOUSE RUNT. Buy my furniture of 7 room flat. 4 I room rented, all modern, sunnv rooms, I beautiful outlook, ideal .location. See , this for bargain. Just dandy for small boarding house. 663 Everett Bt. b L'KNiTL'KE of' 12 room house for ave CaU at t a9- " uav... durlng forenoon. AX)S of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES NICELY furnished modern, piano and t. room cottag;, sewing machine; very reasonable. Hawthorne ave., E. 4Mh streets. N. E. Farusworth 13t4 V.. Hawthorne ave. 5 KOOM furnished house to young couple. Owner wishes to boarj and room with, family. Satisfaction guar anteed. Call after t p. m. Wood- lawn2SjL AIODERN 3, 4, 5 room, furnished or unfurnished cottages, E. 25th near S. P. shops; $10 to $20. Phona Eajst 3225. $15 LARGE cottage, plain but clean. near Irvinpton school. Carpets, stoves, curtauns, large yard. Pnone Sellwood 2S'. COMPLETELY furnished ti room house-. Larce rooms. $3o per month, fist: Ej Washington st. FuL'll room f urn. sued bungalow. $ 1 'J month. Capitol liili. Close to car. Ma rsV.a 1 18 7 4. THREE room furnisnea, close In. El E. 7th, between Oak aad Pine. In quire 4 4 Exst 7th St. MouEKN luinisned t hicken yard, at 220 Marshall 2062. ; ruom cottage. Ivy st. Rent $11. MOLER-N, nicely f urnis.:ei, 7 room home. Re:Lsonable to good tenant. 12 I". 11th Ft., rear E. Ankeny. I'ARTLV furnished 7 room .house, east side, wa-lking distance; first class condition. Phone Main 6T90. $14 CLEAN furnished room iiouse. 781 Williams ave. Woodlawn 410. ROOM house. artly turmshed, ta.u0 oodiawn 124u. per month j5 SK1UMORE; rent $10. Call Sun day or phone Woodlawn 3220. ROOM month. furnished Call at 17 cottage, 0 K. 3 ith $15 per HUM: 151 E. 11 EO modern 6 74th st. North. room house. East C6S2. WELL furnished house, 6 rooms fur r.ar, piano, etc. Tabor 3226. Al'ARTJIENTS 4i FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. Referencee. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broaoway rf. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy waikmg distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2506. THE DEZENDORK. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room turn, and unfurn. apts.; ! also o or 4 room turn, apartments. ! PORTNoMAii. Four rooms, hardwood floors, walk ing distance. $20. 2u0 East 13th. CAM AR ; 7'J4 Lovejoy. ui irk bldg. 2 room furnished apts,. $ls and $20. Marshall 2'.17. THE LUZERNE -Modern y room fur nished; brick bldg. Phone in ea.ch apt ; $17 and up. Marshall 4637. THE CODY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room apt.; litrht free; private bath. CLEAN, comfort-able, funnelled 1 and 2 room apts., $14. &0 up; hot and cold water, light, heat and phone. 32S Mili. ' f EN INSU LA APTS.. C-117U. concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, strain heat. $12 up. NoKoMIS apts , 565 Marshall st. Mod ern, private bath and dressing room; r.ew management; prices to suit. ; DOWNTOWN, modern apts.. $15 month 1 up. Including heat, light, etc. Royal At nex. 3504 Morrison. Main 4521. THE MORTON Kiiik and Washington. 2-4 rm suites, close in. 81"i up. LI XOR API'S. 4 room apts.; 324 13tn also light St., h. k 2, 3 and LUXOR APTS., . 4 room apt s. ; 324 also 13th St.; light 1 1. 2. 3 K and AMERICAN and Marlborouf 6 rm. apt. Mar. 3360.- M 7 h mod. 4, r.16. A-267 NEATEST 5 room apartment in city, all accommodations. Main 4124. BUCK-HARTFORD. In7 N. : rm. apt. ;f jr. : walking dist 1st St. o low rent. CINCINNATI Court, rm. mod. fur. apts 401 10th. 2. , sine .unftir 3. 4 rm 1 THE W O O D M A N S E E Furnished housekeeping. $10 to $20. 109 N. ISth. FOI! KENT FIjATS 13 WE have two o room mo-lern flats on the west side, 54'j and 551 Waslnng ton St., which are very desirable for someone wishing a close in location. These flats have just been cleaned throughout, and are in fine condit on. The rent is very reasonable and in cludes steam heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service. For further par ticulars, call at the building- or at the office of PAR RISK, WATKINS & CO, 106 2d Ft. FOR RENT at 405 E. I'ivision st. -Modern i 3ath st. room lower flat Owner at S3T ROOM flats, very cheap rent. Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1?53. FUKN1SHED FITS 50 THREE room furnished flat, private bath, sleeping porrh. walking dis- t'rice 3y24 Vancouver ave. $H' Three room furnished Hat. 2264 Cook, corner Gantenhein. FOR RENT HOUSES Continued) AND NOW JEFF KNOWS AS MUCH AS ( VLL.ir INLAND '0t ( VULDIVT ,T 8G RitnS gM THftT I DOUQT W0E-R-UL0 J GoT , I Oft OP "YOOP- HAS fsfT GOT A cWAMN 1 ZOO. BO&V ,f 1R-CLAN0 HAtS 0 T) Um YOU AT ALS BoT ON S . I C, IT? 8uSrM4 HOw , UNY biD you ASG V's'HouS umat- A MfXMy N0TY C T-h4. LEvieL , V .,, ' -S &o I know Ylaj'' UTHTHAT Qlfc (V KMOVU ,T. XRCLAND tCALCf ( J Xh ) Uo.esTesW I eVTtxi BeWLAMDH.I UhA f Jftk GH SP, S . ' WHeNHfemLANDj ALOHAS GOZKrJ i ( ( T s L - J C. " . . - - t . , . a. i . ... . ,.-.?-',,- e'."- ; - . . - -- - . .- .. - Caaar " -C'4a.,. - ' "'- x t '- - T , , . ' - ' ' ' , 1 " 7 4 - ' ' ' - ' n , i i , ! , i i i , r mm - t i -- ' . :;.'.- - : ' 'c '.''-"v 'v..- -- . - . ; ' ' . - . " . ; ,. - , " r - - ' ' ' i'v - ; . " ' '"' '" ' '" ' " - - -,- I', . . -. . ' - FURNISHED FLATS 50 (CoTittnned) COZY 4-roni flat, all modern conveni ences, fuily furnished. Includes heat, water -and phone. Com mercial st.. 1 block to car. FOUR or rive room, furnlsbed flats. upper or lower; gas and electricity. ZC6 East 24th. between .Hawthorne and Madison Fl'LLV furnished flat, including heat. piano, aewing machine, use of. phons mid carhace removal. Call East 47M. ATlRACTiE riiodern, a room flat, clean, well furnished. Knob Hill, $27.fi0. Woodlawn S52S.' 4 ROOM furnished lower flat, modern, adults. 862 E. Sth St., N. Woodlawn 29.".!'. FOUR room flat, completely furnished, close in. adults. 353 Sacramento st. r-l 1 HO. HOTELS 51 PALACE hotel. 12th and Washington. fireproof, modern, steam heat, hot, cold water, phone in each room, rea sonable, Marshall &040. Ne" manage ment. STORES AND OFFICES II BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal publishing Co Broadway and Yamhill LARGE corner location in the heart of Yamhill street Public Market, suitable for any business. Call ut L'44 amhill st- FOR RENT Looms lor offices or mu sical studios. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO. Sth anfl Morrison i"ts. WANTED Energetic young lawyer of S"ord standing, for office associate. K-74S, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 1H ONE span of black geldings, 6 and yeare old, weigh 3000, with harness and one sorrel horse, weight 1400, 7 jea.r3; one brown. 7 years, weight 1300; will sell these horses cheap for have nj more,up for them, lbby, Madison s: . on approach of bridge. s p e i a l n of Ice. Columbia Stables auction sale of horses, harness, wagons, cows and bur eies will be hold every Monday and Thursday at 2 o'clock at 3o2 Front st. Auctioneers. I. J. Williamson. E, S. Johnson. .Main 3"3n. HltiHEST PRICES AND CASH OB TAINED FOR HORSES. WAGONS, HARNESS. SADDLES AND COWS AT THE COLUMBIA STABLES. AUC TION STABLES. AUCTION SALES EVERY' MONDAY AND THURSDAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. 302 FRONT ST. NICE team horses. 5 and 6 years old, weighing 270m lbs., good workers, gentle and kind; pood set bretchen harness; prlc $200 if taken at once. Call 570 Rhono St.. Sellwoivi car. WANTED To buy vehicle, surrey in good condition with pole; must be Kcheap; also light double harness. Ad IV. w i i.. ur'-ss o ina.i oioy. v-. lam im perial hotel 11 A N DSoM E. fast. natural paCr. Sound and kind. Sir. u by a 2 - " 1 t.cer. I'l iced reasonable or trade for clear lot. Call Tabor 26. from ! a. m. to 6 p. m. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the rcJs under these respective headings. The Journal icads all other mediums ti tVese rhiKS'fioarions. CLEAN-UP SALE. Buckskin mare. $20; one express wagon, two steel-tired buggies, three sets single harness cheap. Tabor 602S. GOOD team at your own price. This team is guaranteed. 1029 E. Y'am hill st. LEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Renderine Co. SOUND, young 1000 lb. horse cheap, or will trade for anything of value. 1712 Burratre st. TEAM welching 2400. harness and wauon, just in from hard work. $100. Wcodvard. 267 Sth St., cor. Hawthorne. ONE driving horse and bugsy for salo or trade. 6'j6 Lambert ave.. south of Mllwa'jkie st. GO iD young wood 16SS. team, weight 2900. Sell- All around horse, chtap, or exchange for cow or chickens 33 E. 22d So. LIVESTOCK 3" SNAP 4 fresn cows, will sell or trade for beef cattle. 955 Miss, ave, take Kenton o- L car. TEAM of large horses and lour lots in Astoria, all clear; want livestock or w?at have you? Main 9276. W ANTED A fresh cow. 4 gallon or better. Give complete description In first letter. U.52 New "11 st. BRUCE has a.11 breeds of dairy cows on hand all ti e time, terms. I nlon I Stock Yards. RICH, heavy milkers, few days. Bargain. fr'-sh and fresh 7.4 Tai oma. L--R )E, rrilk. r, gelltll E 2 family cow, $4u, rich 2d So. 1-'(All'--T--::,VN-l-VJ-'''"-- FoE SALE, B. U. cockerels and pul lets from good layers, Ladd - Bauer strain, good breeders. 2150 cks. Cy phers brooders for sale or trade for chicken?, ljbt 32d and Halsey. Phono F.a.t 1153. FOR SALE Kine white Wyandotte cockerel.-. Woods stock, 82 to 85. bLj.ek mnioreu. cockerel, barred ro. k cock. Kiupke's stock. Wm. Mitchell, R. 1, Box 29s Lents. Ore. PEN of White Wyandottes. Rhode Island Red ad "hite WyamloS cockerels and pullets. February hatch. ir.i'Z 42d st S. E. Sellwood 2S1. BLACK Man.orica. mammoth strain cockerel!, cock bird and pullets, lor sale Sellwood 1670. IKXJS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 FOR SALU White male English i pun. Tabor 60n. bull AUTOMOHILES-ACCESSOniES 44 FORD also roadster and '"n ': c boil! e I'ass. bodies; i Burn side st. HIGHEST prices paid for scrap rubber, metal. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 5198 44 (Coz Untied) Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. STODDARD 7 pass., A-l condition, $700. OA RTERCAR 4 pass.. $250. MITCHELL 5 pass., 6 cyl., $600. SEVERAL OTHERS' TO SELECT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST & KAPT MORRISON STS Phones East 7-272 or B-1216. "WE HAVE NOW MOVED OUR SEC OND HAND DEPARTMENT INTO A NEW BUILDING ADJOINING OCR OLD ONE. CALL AND SEE OCR LARGE LIST OF USED CARS. JUST OVERHAULED. Northwest Auto Company BROADWAY AJS'D COUCH STS. MAIN 887 A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 548 Water st-. Main 1167. D O U B LE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. 335 Burnslde. ) BARGAI N.- m CSF.D CARS Largo stock, prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studcbaker bldg.. former ''I'nwati r.nd Aider. SEE the 1-ton truck attachment for Ford cars, $36S; complete with chas sis, $795. BENJ. E BIONE CO.. 614 Alder st.. Portland, Or. (Written guar antee with every spring 2 6 N 15th st. WILL pay cash for used Oodge 3roa. and Ford cars. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder st. STL'DEBAKER auto truck for sale, 4 ton. See owner. 25o. Phone East 703'J. B-114 4. 5 PASSi?N JEli tops, side curtains. strops, fastenings, windsliield; very good shape; only $is. 644 Morrison st FIVE pass. Studebaker. 25. A-l condi tion, starter, will sell cheap or trade for larger car, (.'all E. 3S35. 1914 4-cyl. light roaster, in good con ditlon, at a bargain Tabor 071. .AUTOMOKILES WANTED 78 WANTED Ford, with delivery body. 1914 or 1915 mode, in gnod condition. Give price axd description, and where caa be seen. Newberg Creamery Co., Newbertr, Or. ILL pay cash Ford cars. BENJ. E 514 for Douge Bros. BOONE & CO.. Alder st. and AUTO wanted, will give some cash. but have $340 equity on lot to trade which is over half paid. I. E. Wilson, 1079 E. 28th st. N.. city ACRES all in for light auto. cultivation, exchange 312 Panama bldg. AUTOS FOR HIRS FOR HIRE, new Ford touring car, specially equipped, $1.25 per hour. Phone Mam 2177. UrX(HF.S AND KOATS 61 BOUGHT and sold, houseboats and launches. C. W. Ravnor, marine bro- ker. KOt Spalding bid?. ' EVINRULE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rouboats, canoes, motorboats. Evinrud" Motor Co.. Morrison Front. PIANOS, MUSICAL ORGANS AND INSTRUMENTS SI SEC U R 1 T Y morrow: Storage Co. closing out to- Cash. 8250 Boudoir Upright piano for 830. 8450 Chfckering t Sons old model. 845 $250 Pianola Piano Player. Mah., $60. $200 Angelus Piano Player. Wal., 50. 8125 Packard Ort-an, hi-h lop.. $28. $135 Kimball Organ, mirror. $3i 8140 "'hapel Organ, church, wal., $2S. $350 Baus Piano Co , upright man. $ 1 1 0. 1500 Eme.'son. large uprlRh t. mah. $ 1 95. $750 Autoplano, bs note music. $265. To first caller. 109 4th st. Storage "Ti monthly cash. PLAYER piano, latest mouei. Kahier Campbell, great bargain lor cash or might give terms. 3b3 Russell it , apt. 1. PIANO, almost new. latest style case, fine tone, no reasonable offer re fused. 53S Union ae. North., upstairs, apt. 1. FREE use of piano or player-piano for 2 4 years, si-e display advertisement or Sch wan I'iano Co.. Ill 4th St. l'OR SALE $275 Wellington upright piano reasonable, or will trade for team of horses. Call A-2873. FINE Rohcinian mandolin $6; $25 vio lin $lo. 8150 Grafonola and rec ords $o. 391 East Morrison. CITY for lot wanted, clear, in exenangw new -iano. state lowest price and loi on. 109 4th st. WILL pay cash for your old upright cr suuare piano. Main 5223 111 4t.i. GRAFoN'OLA for Sal Yamhill. Apply 7!s2 E. RE SPONSIBLE party wishes to Z-270. Journal. player-piano. TYPEWHITEKS 77 WE save you from 50 to 75tc on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department WIIol.ESALK TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. PARTLY' new No. 10 Model Rrminir ton typewriter, cost $1"9: will s-ll for $50 cash. H. L. Lober. East 3269. C-25J2: NEW. rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1 407. AUTOMORILES-ACCESSORI ES HE DID BEFORE 77 TYPEWRITERS. for rent. A months for 85 and up; 6 months' rental sp iled on purchase price. Remington T vpewriter . o 86 Broadway. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for KALE 413 SALE SALE bargains for this linoleum, reg. 80c, Come and see week. the New good heavy yara 4c. ' New inlaid linoleum, yard 67c. rcg. $1.40. New heating stoves, reg. 81.75, 90c New good coke Stoves, reg. $8, 84.50 New brass beds, reg. $12 at $8.90. New Yum Yum SpringH reg $3. $1.79 New cotton felt mattresses, reg. $10, $5.75. New Cotton top mattresses, rej? $3, $2.45. Dentist cabinet, like new, cost $63, $15. Also we carry a big line of second hand furniture from the cheapest to the highest grade. If you have any furniture to sell for a Kood honest price, call Feldstein Furniture Co., E. 1051. X8-90-02-H4 Grand ave. FOR SALE Family going east, will sell cheap household goods, chclfo nlers. metal beds, kitcnen utensils, dishes and various miscellaneous items, all first class anil used only nine months. Tahor 357". OAK drotser. gas range. Iron bed. mat- tress, breakfast tubie, kitchen chairs, j very reafeonat'le. all Mist J.'JJ. FOR SALE, 6 golden oak dining chairs and pedestal table, $12. 74s E. Tay lor st. FURNITURE reasonable. Ings. for 3 rooms. Phone Mar. ; new S45 price morn- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 11 AN OK1-.GON CHRISTMAS TO yoi:r EASTERN FRIENDS. Send your friends our $1 box of beautiful Oregon greens, each box con tains Oregon grape, holly, mistletoe, etc. This is an ideal present foi Ore gon people to fcive. as It is beautiful and representative of this etate. COOK'S FLORAL SHOP, 120 4th st., cor. Washington. Main 7756 MACHINES, of all makes 6old an;! rented. $2 up. 73 Sewing Machine Empo rium. 190 2d near Tay lor Mair. !M31. A -3 6 2 8. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th . Broadway or A-5674. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswlrk-Balke-CoUcnder Co., 46-48 6t':i St. Phone Main 4970 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," . - Type writers'' and "Household Goods" are separate classifications All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. l.ok them over. FARM lo kitchen. Ci.oice wheat fed pig pork, ii) lbs., more or less, luc lb. Hams alone 1 2c lb. Parcel postage paid. H Grebe, Wasco. Or. AUTOMOBLIES. motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing tan' be found under these different headings. $12.50 DRUPHEAD with attachments, avenue sewing machine, Call 152 Grand L'ROPHBAD Sini new. $15. 191 hill. r-r machine, almost l ark st., near Yatu- FOR SALE, COMPLETE MOVING PICTURE machine. Half price. 12S 1?t. Main 44lr. 11-INCH Barnes lathe with chuck and tools, practically new. Dayton Hdw. ct Mach. Co., 1st and Taylor sts. BILLIARD and pool tables; lowest prices, easy payments. W. J. Qulgley, 26 3d. Main .'.;J'J. Repairing specialty. t'ilW diamonds at bargain. Wm. Holl. Washington bldg.. 4th and Washing ion sts FOOT power new; cost $1 Hdw. & Mach. Bcrull saw, practically 7. Sell for $12. Dayton Co., 1 14 1st st. FOR SALE Show cases, counters, chcKii cutter, cash register. 128 1st st Main 4495. LATHE. 16 in at bargain. ft. Y-S2; bed, fine condition, . Journal. MACHINERY bouslit. sold, exci.jnge-t and repaired. N. W. Lead Mciiv. tlo MA N t ' REW eTi ro t ter 1 'la7iTeEast 4S32. FOR SALE Jirand new lent s' heavy Main 7954. R. 25 O'coat. Sir.e 40. FllRTILlV.ER $1.5o to $3 per load. i-Jast 6722. FOR SAI.lv Photie Col $140 lur imbla 236 for $5u. PLUMBING supplies. Stark -Davis Co.. 2 1 whoiesa.e prices. ; 3d Main 7m? WELL rotted tertlllzer wood 16SS. delivered. Seli- SWAP COLUMN PARKER BROS. 12 gauge double lr rel- haromerless sh"ti;iin. leather case 1 am' .22 automutic Winche.-ter rifle both first class condition; value $6 sell tor i.ii Mil' M-S4'. on cash. Journal. Or what have W ANTED-- in hotel l-oard and Savier Middle aged lady to help for husband's and self's room. references. 521 50 EGG incubator, $2 1 firele'ss cooker, with vessels, in good condition, to exchane-e for books. What have you? HX-H'4. Journal EXCHANGE lot at Lome lira. for talking machine and 12S 1st st. Main 4495. h W ash., records. UNDERWOOD "typewriter, el, want diamond or big rfish. 3S3 Russell st., apt. latest mod bargain for 1 E. 233 4 WANT to truvde $ 00 equity In tlx 711 room house for sti Oswego st. Phone 'ol. k. Add reas . SIS EXCHANGE nograph. an U-.M Astoria lot 3. Journal. for ph: CRE LENTS. FOR PIANO. EWF.N. 312 PANAMA BLDG. LajT t.'iear, for diamond, Y-821. Journal. value $200. TTPFAVRITERS (Con tinned) SWAP COLUMN 'Si (Con tinned) FOR SALE "or tradeinaU pooltabiei .complete; also electric lamp. 385 11th. W A N i E I J M I SC ELLuA XfcOiS MORGAN - AfCHLE Y FURNITURE Co.. Grand ave and E. Stark, buys second hand furniture or lakes exchange tor new goods. Phone it in East 229 Mimeograph Wanted, Will pay cash for second-hand Mlm- eogrnph. Box 266, Hillsboro. Oregon. NOTICE TO SiOV liRS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N. W. Furn. Ex., E. 636. W. A. t'uVKLL warns seconu hand furniture, opening new stores. Will pay the best price. 192 1st, near lay- l or. Phone Main 3022. WA.SiLU 1 tie people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods Prompt attention. East C7o7. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. MICHIGAN K L' RN IT C RE CO.. locat ing In Portland, will buy your furni ture and pay you the top price, phone George Brant, Mar. 1 822, 212 1st St. 1 AM in need of 2d hand furniture and ill pay the hue 207 1st st Marshall 5S 1 BUY old gold, cash for old Jewelry, ore samples, platinum. Y. A. Sennet, assayer, room Gl, 327 Washington. :h(.oMj l.nu clouiu.h ou.)t-i J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for ciotnlnir, shoes. Mr.rsfca"; !?". 2 19 Malison WAN'IED Stvtial Natlotuil casii reg isters will pay cash. Phone Main 7669. Vv A N T ED liov cases, counters, scales, tents, furniture and merchan dise. 12 1st Main 4495. WANTED All kinds of PHONO GRAPHS and RECORDS. Main 44a5. 12s 1st st WANTED Second hand range. Eas! WE pay kinds Inthest pi ice for JunU of all Mam 4'",m; -:,h Front St. BELL for r hi nltur ii ni ; m re Co. Ma- 201 ; st. X3 casa HHiHKs'f prices lor 2d nana lulu. lure, clothing, tools Phone Brrtwy 2209. HIGHEST clothing. prices Main pi!U 1080 for 2d 2S5 1st hand st. LOST AND FOUND LOST lo l male pointer pups, eaca 10 months idd. one white with lsv- r colored spots, license No. :i6; one whit-' with black spots. license No. 442. These doits disappeared sometime rie tween 11a. m.. L;ec. 12, and 7 a. ni., Dec. 13, from 409 Hawthorne nvc. Phone East 6o before 6 p. m. and East 3 3N4 aft'-r 6 p. in. lb-ward. LUST Small black purse containing about $6. on Saturday in l.iptnan, Wolfe Stote on the mezzanine Moor. Return to Journal office. LOST or strayed away a Llewelyn setter dog. Number of license and address on collar. Please return or call Mai n 1282. J. A. G;ebisi h. Reward. DOST White English si tter do:, one black ear. Woodlawn 22:4. Libera! 1 e ward. LOST Wliite French Poodle, Decem ber 4. Return to 26S E 52rd st. Tabor 24C6. $5 reward. LOST 2d st. between Main and Mi l, black purse. $5 gold. some silver. Please bring to 227 4 Mill. Reward. I'EKSONAL WHAT does your notoscope forecast? Read these: "Your forecast of my illness and recovery remarkable. Wm. Johnson. Editor N. Y'. World." "In 1903 you predicted poverty and by 1915 riches Absolutely correct. Wm. Hawkes, Gas Appliances, Dulutl, Minn." "My son's body was found 60 days to minute, as you foretold. L. J. Dim lck, Hover, Wash." Adams Astrological School. Write or call 3504 Morrison st. A Tritten horoscope for Xmas gift. 25c with hlMh date for sa rn p le lo recast, P1NKERTON & CO.. U. S. Detective agency. Scientific detective work. Pri vate investigations. Expert legal serv lce. 354 Pit tork hlk. Phone Bdw 673 MRS. CLARA GREER, spiritual med ium, consultation daily. Circles Wed.. 8 p. m. Thursday, 2 p. m.. la dies only. :u;K Wasco st Eat 4:5V. MRS. STEVENS. years and Portland's lairvoyant. renowned palmist has her temple open daily. 375 Taylor st Assisted by Mrs Dr. Hume. Mlisr HER I ES-tcuchespal m "1st' ya; id clnirvoyancy, card reading. 35 04 orri.sOIl tt. Office 301. Hours frm lu to S. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. cles, Tues 2 p. m.: Wed Reading daily 603 5th st A. Price, clr Sun. 8 p. m. Mar 3iS J Ol G. P. Rummelin's Soa A: Co.. Manufacturing Furriers. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg DR. V. G KETCH U M W omen's ma. a dies and acute diseases of men Wash Hili!.. 4th A Wash . Rm. 441 Mar. 4VI MRS HA. MoT CARVEL, clairvoyant and magnetic healer. 17o4 Second St.. fourth floor. GERMAN tra.tied nurse gnes massagi and baths for rheumaiism, neuralgia, etc 256 1 1th. Mar 50.1.1 Open Sundays DR. ETHEL chiropodist ; to former offl A. S A i ' R Y , ind manicirist. e. 5M1 Panama Iiamiess i turned I uliditiT. in v igoratTng manual treatments $1. (Male student;. at your Marshall : home. 314. THE FUR SHOP. New order, remodeling, be lowest prices 6 05 Swetluid H work. bllg. FACIAL Irvin. , and scalp treatments. ilay room 207. 3 50 Morrison st. I n,wnr LucuJiUt.ori tree. Alain LaWycl493. 708 Selling s.ldg. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseiise-a of Kcalp 163 Park st . Room 3 1 I to 7. LESSONS in phrenology arid card readings. 235 6th sj Main7f.lS BANM of FIrs. remedy for diseaf.es of women 5o4 Davis st Main - I'.i.t 1 LAWY'ER'S Bdvice free, your case strict 1 y confidential. Mil no : 26.1 . : n Katherine Orloff, hlrol-od.t an.l scalp treatmt. Room 11 235 5th st L'SIJ Basaetl a Nativaj ln:n lor men mallsin; 50 tablets 25c. Ail dr-pKists. (Opright. 161: (Trade-Mark Reg. . y n. C. Flher.) U. 3 Patent Office.) PERSONAL (CoDnnuil) WHY pay bir prices for glasses? I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a gold filled frame, an low as 11 SO: lenses du plicated at hi w savins: satisfaction guaranteed. Charles W. Goodman, OP-S tometrlst. 209 Morrison. Main 2121. MM E. FONEDA, renowned palmist, clairvoyant and card reader. Foneda has her office open dally from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Office. 395 Yamhill et.. corner of 10th Bt. Professional and ACCOBDIOM PLEATING AKultniiiN, KMlt AND BX J'l.KATINO; HEMSTITCHING. It RAIDING; BI TTOM noi.ES, 1UTTONS COVKRKI). BAKTERN NiV VI TV M y. , CO . H.-,l, STH. B'WAV 2f K. S I El'lll.N -- Heiustltcljlng, arcoritl'V, lle ml Runhurst iileathiK: bottoiii corered. gvyl ifd. Scill'iijiiK. 'Ki l'lttoek blk. B-IOOB. AGATE CtTTTERS AUATK cutterj, cut 1 in. iwilUulttg. iu'untlng. C'l'l "r nli Miller'-. M.li, wli. M 1H74. AOEICULTtJKAL IMPLEMENTS. Y. K KSBKNSH Mlt IiDi..-nirut. vehicles and I.'irin 'inr. 21 4 Krunt. l'ortlamt. BLANK BOOK MAKERS. Davis .V nm.M s. bek ti.aiiiif a .,r r: proved Loooc l..nf I. rekn lof A lu, lirj J.! et. Blank nti tor Jonei I ne see tbe new Eu- If. r, Mn'.n BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS. UAltl l K s !;ra. initclime vorfcs. niuiisa anil H .lwav 2342. CAXCER 1'hKMAM.M. l..nl!,.e lr. V . U alklua. 4 n, Pfk!,fflrF. i( cancer, bulg., op. li 'lLiiU,tl CARPti CLEANING 1 earjMta; carxet 1. .Nortb- l: l-jvo. wot Kag jovle i.it(j.. 1.; pet cleaned ni,d Kant 4t'i. :-1mu. i-l:lc t ioou.i laid. nliiiMi: 204 V. l'.ith rk ..ei car laltr. i'KM.N.-'. I.AK llUR Work.- BaK l.'ilv Cat .! , : nii'i inn ; CHIROPRACTORS Int. Mi V.a 11., lin .li- 1.14 iitiiif l lieAtuietitij. $!."; wjrth oO. s.iui ifjr. Irraest pracTti-e. Here te Ma sin, 11. . i,f- D'cal rcterencev Men'..rpii.i teit nii-niM U. 'in- ery bvt. 121 th. -TH Wllluui., ur UK. C. ft. ill,AU;i. 1 Uei.luiilil Nonbunt Bids:. Main 7.'xj 0 bit. 11. K. I'KWtl, Crilrnnrs.-i..r. o,..-ieirn-a 1 meciaiiy. B74 E. Ankeny. I'lu.ue Ki Vol4. COAL AND WOOD BL0CKWUUD SLABVV00D BOXWOOD PORTLAND M.ABWOOI) Main 3119. A-7J1. CO. FULTON WOOD CO, 12fH MACADAM In Gren and I'ry Ph ones ricalera A 2K0 Slahwiwtfl. Mnln 7 NEER & FARItti ;'I,r, 4 fott or awrt m order. Tb'pb'jn M:.in 4V.W. A-447. :''' Water at uk. aau i,K-k wood COAL Wood! S lojil if dry Marshall 4a2." Wood! vrreckage uoxl delivered. $2.7 A-l Flit. 4 I 1 . trin Wood f" I wood. SIi'Tt rr.lrri nel:i lyOcllO'i l o i up Nntli i nl V.i if lei r CUFF I N N W'lOb (ii -list cln- eld i.-riith fir. preen. 81. ae'Tiid cna $.1.25 delivered. Bri.adwavllM f Charcoal F. J . FOOT fc KllTS. MAIN M7K7 OF ( L'KBV STHKI'T Good Box Wood.' M. in '!:; PANAMA Fl ,,a nui 1.1. t Mnln till 720. blleJa 'XI K fir. itll) DON T burn ;i Rtovp lnirTb loi.ej : p'Uei! I'tf t.l. Cw(l 'k tt. - a w e1 M VG3 Ill. A V i;uni iv : e.-kiif,' ,h.1 Mln Mur-hnll 2S4. sf,:i ,ir COLLECTIONS UlSIMS.s MENS DEIEi Cellertl'ina 2"f Ahlnst.'ii TI VE 1.1. la . l-.ritEAr Mnr 4r CONTRACTORS Ii BOILDE3S OSKAK Slicrli 11L l.l.li. k t.lilX. 01 uerai CsmrMcl.'ra. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT LTTNOS S-eiio F F st. M.ni r r.isnlir. l-rl.e-. Ix-knm f:ttfa. Dr. l.li'.f t.l Ar Wah. EDUCATIONAL DANCING ilAMHlMKU I'HV .-iiik A' ml-Iliy. s i .',1 b t., l-t. Strk mid OnL; jmt1.i r.-tes. 4 ,r I -ate less..i(s. 2. 111 riili.t. ..IteiiKM'ti, eienlng, all lut.-st il. i.' guaranteed. 'lts Tbarday. Sntcriliv ,- rin.i.s 7 .. s :tri llr..!niir 2i-io MB. and Mr, iieatl. s.iixl, Irns u, oao. flu.-a TuenJ.iy, Crliiar eve. loll 2.1 .t.. tt WastiinKti'ti and Stalk. 1-dus i2e . Main 325 Manuf; lanutacturers DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Ccu pit-le une ur gti. lur ii.sM lias. If .1 I" 'i.s ik hnig L. Dinkelspiel Co. 1:. Slier 1 LEAD. WOOL. PIPE. SHEET AND PK NUK 1 11 1-1 jfM 1 1 Ftiji. i Lt.AU & UALIIl.M.Ul M i In AND GLASS PAINT. OIL KASMLasr-A N. K Ttie LU . . ntL, 1 hj e ta i.da t !' ' r M 1771. pal.. A til.!. m INFORMATION COUPON ir vnu want the nain of a reliaWe buelneaa house dealing or luercliandiao. or lulcrmatlou regarding raauoa, uuiua. hlp Lnea. etc.. addreaa Oregon JourtaU lmoruiUoii Uuruu. iuiui uiaiion dekired: Name. Addrear. 23 FEB VET & H ANEBUT, leading wl Mil tuupe makers: finest stock h- ian hlr goods; halrdressing. tnanlcurri. face' and scalp treatment, combings made to order. 147 Broadway. M. 648. LONESOME FOR BABT. Have a nice home for a baby, will adopt Kindly write to Journal, stat ing age and particulars. .N-S38, Jour 4 nal. . ORDERS for crocheted Jackets; cheap Also orders for imnce-meaL T-641, Journal. Business Directory DAHCINO MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS K THlKLHnK.N. violin tin 2T nt.lner bldg.. A-4lti bPl. Hl2. rhall l'KUF, T. t. LA.M. plan. Pfcoup Tulwif 2t tu at fuur home, fKV-. StilutJL Ul' ML'SU rrn fmiwralurT. slair Ut 1.511I F i'eai-hera, Ore t AMer. SI KINGEI men in. 83. InntrnoientK I'nuiu. Marrhall tllei. Untra- V. A E V. GUI MBI.LNU, teacher 1 ot at your tiuie. ftav.mfii.l,' f V w a no. i?0. POPUXAR MTJSIC KAGTIMK on piauu guaranteed te-iitiijeri la 10 to 20 leM.rg. Trial leit ine If sot eenrlaeed. Tree Niriklet. 501-2 i;iler' Milg. gKOIKEEHS AKD DRATJGHTEKES . H.VIM,1 ITS II. eilreer; desin, ilraw nr. pmei,t. 4LH I.iim.er Exrhancf rtt7EF RUGS AND RAO EUCS. PERSONAL (CooTlsned) ' FLUFF RUGS and RAG RUGS A WE MARK Fl.irr 111(18 FROM WORM DPT INGHA1N. AXMINSTEIt. SMYRNA AND PHlSSEi.S CAllPilS. BAG BUGS ALL SIZES. MODERN SIMTARY METHODS. SPECIAL ATTMNTIOS TO urT OK TOWN ORDKKM. fITY WOKK ( AI.I.EP FOR. SEND FOR BOOKLET. WESTERN FLUFF BUG CO.. 54-r UMoN AVE. N. PHONES EST CMS. 8-147.. INSURANCE PACIFIC STATES only Oregno fire KIKE INSURANCE CO., Iniraree corupi nr. LAWTXRS. J. S. NELSON, law.ier. Cotnoiltation free, 61S rittrak blk. Pn.admy 617.1. LEATHER AND SHOT FDfDTWOB T1IK BKEYMAN LLA THEB CO. Oldest firm in noribaeat. Ajrenta "Jlnarrn" nd "1.. ii M."' le leather. 32 Eerett at. MATTRESSES HM.IKM,: MATIKCSS to. old mattrraaaa maie new with our Hriflenlc proreaa. SS4 Riikaell. corner Union. Ea-t Kip4 VODEL AND SPECIALTY MACHINE WORM MODEL Machine and Sipeclaltr Work. ; 2 Armatn-iiB Mfj. Co.. No. 4 3d at. 'v, 7 I'elt.n perfecting, manufarturtnc Eaat - u-J ern tlent. Autr .rk. efflrtenry haala. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS LK IMIILl.lls l"urivN. rifrvuui aud cbruaie 'v-i.nlan bide, 'lain 3142. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS TDK I VI SU2 S'ark i'iu:s. John m. M Brmdwar 1i. UAN. A wH. ROOF REPAIRINO How ahall 2.1 J our ri'( ; If it leak. call Mar- I Lpert work RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALrsU t.-t,. !i. ira.l Pacific coast 231 Wafebltiflou at ene. k.. STAMP Main i hrnaa aifbS. WORKS 10 A 2710. SAFETY RAZOR HONINO AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE t l"f' 4t at. SHEET METAL "WORKS BKI'Al III Ni, 1J lat n. tlu and Kruvel r. Ione Miln 144. r. Jacob Lxiab 6KATE GRINDING At U. lev HiiMlruBia. l. lierleuced Itlll LTirjlllr.K. BliEl KENRIDGE A THORPE TOWEL SUPPLIES WJI.L.1 A. VIS low el sul-ly ta. I'Iliwc llnst 1M1. ML and II me TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. EstablUhed l.7o. Trmfr and Furaanling Afpnta Ntoraire I'ree 'irarkuk'e. Offl. c and Storage 474 i.li'iu St. ISth anil t,llnn Main la. .-!lnt. ALWAYS ' I'M K 1I1E BKk llULM.ltul.tl iUl'S tsl'El 1 AI.1MS Mirii'r. Packing, SI iihm ami M..1.I111:. IbTse or Autu Vana. Sjeclal fr.-lcbt rates to all jiolnta. C O. I'll k TllANSKF.lt A. SillRAGF. r O. 2il and Pile- til''!". Mrnnilsi; V1 : A 1CV4 Cl S ENH i E TU A N sV 1 . U CO.-Futolt ui aZ7 fr, (.ackem, atorai'. f Ir.-roi f w arebvuaa. ir.il. li.l 1 1. .it ts. M .i1ii .'.17. A-2.'t7 U A I , Li A I I'l. M. ,E TiiANj-Ft-. ,i STREET. .MAIN Mill P I2'i. A E CO., 21 Z. WALL PAPER MO KUAN t,cf it-n WALL l.ii'l.li cm.. Main anil sulnm!.. at.. WHEN u answer l..ec 'i ne J'-iirnI. Naut Ada, u.LUlkiu -Wholesale rs IPE VOODPIPE 1'oTl n.A N D Hmili lilt CO. -I a'H.rj ad ullice i,i'jr i'4lh an.l V..rk ! M.ln 14 HM. PLL'MBIKO PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES VI. L. KLINE 4 isU.s7-U front srHirrT SANITARY WIPINO RAGS Shank Co. .m front I'lI'lM. MAIN IW1 in any Una BY BUD FISHER 1