The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 11, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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J. Artntk innlvutM 4-kw i sassasasaU it- ihw
fett Is, arfaI itkVHI 1ST II 111 III l uil Ka - - J-
Cei4 tfc eexwlc a4 k M ,ilfd iJfc rafoJ..Mi4 t r..ro4
44 Ml Iwxr kwi4 a. n4tc beton r Js -e'y that b a
facMr or .-aft, Md ttaJ bis cesace W w14 b tttt, h fix itu!Kmc( km-tart f t pr tfc asptxl
clSffti ar iriaonMM.a Ttt ofeb al mm ikm fro-a A sw
BMViVtiw wMJiS, St ku jUik f id fosa-dat aur. ih rrvtc im--hw4
4 thr bneti omini4 by iM (vmr Jof cMiin mm
Sad M M4
) Umr tlx bn of 14 -.c A .tV.twy of tfa im4i wm t be
VttbkcU ei tw Ir:sb4 cMrfa a-rr sm4. Tb pvnMvt tb
barrS wm m4 on cl lit tondrt.oo W a 6lvti r U t-r
MMa Wba b trey 4 iW 4rfirry oh4t tbc bit) f lda.ef. rn
few fg-Hcd" a rw on at pan t swt i ;'. In
M rtwt sao4 b ia4 kiwll a partr to tb citMt
b sbt(r a4 raWr-sawi. er mr4 into an or aoaJ
to took tJ pLatc M tja r itj-ht of to rofnud las-
!. tbt raortr unttj tbc crgr ara-r rd
Tb (MK4t, tbTfora, Wum fwa-.l to r tW rsalrao
W frets 'ttrrM a-x fhea cbflfpjn rrrnscmair or iixaiir
HnttMd, Wl (& Uwfl mm, oorrKt rbargc.
) TW Mratcai o4 a bM oi ft mrran aV m fiit
RicftK awriomanoa 6t ta ttmmnm oi hi o'ract
To fan
r SMt avast of tM
White th above decision refer to s raie whertrn
file confef acted ai igrnt for the ihipper, the ume
apparently, would pply to any consignee receiving
food shipped under a ttraifhr b.M of lidirg The
feipper havirf no mteret ia the good after delivery
to ibe railroad, should not be calied upon to pay freight
Charges whtcb carriers fnl To collect from conbignre
A case stmilar to that cited above decided in favor
at the railroad by the Supreme Court of Massacbusett
wm taken to the United States Supreme Court, which
Hat just diimissed the cae on th.c ground that it had
mo jariadictton over this class of claims
A telefrarn has been int the Chamber from E A
Brand. Acting Chief of the Bureau of Foreign and
Domestic Commerce. Washington. V C. stating that
Conwl-General Thomas S amnions, who it in charge of
th Government's commercial affairs at Shanghai.
China, and who ii now touring the Pacific Northwest,
will be in Portland some tune after December 15th
This wire was in response to an urgent mutation m(
by the Trade and Commerce Bureau to have Consul
General Simmon visit Portland while tn the North
west In arranging the original itinerary Portland had
been overlooked and m view of Mr Saram jns' very
great prominence m Oriental commercial development
svork bjr the Federal Government, and his long residence
m that territory, n was deemed enceedingly important
to have h:m make a talk tn Portland and gire local
Mssiness men an opportunity to get first band hts ira
yrefStons on the commercial situation
Further announcement concerning the date and hour
l the meeting will be given through The Chamber of
Commerce News and m the daily press It is a meet
ing that should be attended by every member of the
A ne meeting Tnesdav evening of ihe Navigation
Committee a nur of most imtwjrunt reasons were
gnven as to why the north bank . f the Columbia Rjer
shoukt be madf a part of the cuIuxi district r.f the
State of O'egon Not orly the petition of ail of the
redenti in that territory at fectel wn had. but the
Statements of a li-ste number of bujme men were
effered. shoeing the very great inconvenient :e and de
lays inflicted lipen shipping ondrr the prevent condi
ttosi It was the tsc f ( the Navigation Committee
that the effort of Collector of Custom. Judge Eutk'.
hould be backed uo with the srretcit zeal bv the
N st ion Oref on s re brymge ci'' now V frvirtd ii
Msrly every Urg oi in Ammca Yu ; ' f.t. l t on
rainy railroad dr.r Ar'', stfj-r-' l in,
fecetve thr fnju'.fnrn' ! f'r--t H 'lyn.
pUcmj? U uni'r tf p Wfiinfld U:uidr-i ll t.- fv r i
hpped In n a- . lo'rv'' t.'ifi. Many iimr.-.sf, tTi
benfi W J J.' i j , 'i j . ' iimj'lf ! it .i n'l r .,.n-u n r il
good. 1 1 iv I 'iu f.,; . . S r bir rnrti i . in j I i -
(I lev et-
Bal hj' ijatii ir 1 3 iJcni;i. ii r'f.lnl
Tbe wor Id in' !iii"'f ffi, rj' ) r' 'tt
-world know n,i-irj . ! r N -t t n 1 : ou , I n
the ttrrn rv'i t 4 r tr-c a
creation 11 t h at JnN- r r . What 1 an 1 e ij. , t . , hr ! ;
create tht? drmir.d' f''j iiil r.rc Portlj rrie.n- t
did when logantrry ui. - n..l to 1 lnuml ut in
hotel in at dtanl ci'v Hf no(if;l j Io jI rr.anfj-,-turer
snd now ihe f:otl r-, srof'urj it Another t 'Al
ness man tilled Mr 11 m i rci'V i.ily it hi hotel t).ir
Ind li a result of hn o-i , jll, (', ,f -. ,;r f illowf l m
rsid see .-fnn 1. 11 for u t I'n'. ni notmnij
IS SO f lei 1 1 r M .-tit ion it to y u r Kaifm c orr? -pondenU
?nl out 1 1 1 w 1 to your hait r r n
friends, a a nujrbfr of mrmlers !ni Ch-niticr hae
already don O' r i -.m . h -o ; -J b- ; j the i:rnr lur
this, your gift an-i ) cor gift 10 the :hirv --ait
Vow that r .iff ursnninif lo rec ijn z- in logan
berry )utff a " 1 1 ' er 4 on rrayr ' oi p-ent. ni
believing that it i K'"" 1 J t-"' lr r .op into a b:g m -rinstry
lor uir bllt, w .1 ).i ir no; be wr!I to l-nlure:
It St our tJiiMier mi social aftair at home jrd in !he
elub What e i-',.i-r hetr.r- our Ruty. that ti
more plea s 1 ni? a n-J 'iiisltinj' A :i i ea. Ii ume i
Used, a demaruJ ltmi( i reaterf. and an mtant in'ljitry
of Oregon it be'ng str he tied
Thr number of t.jie ca'S November 1. 191 a
W.000 compared irli VK) Ortoljfr 1. IvlSand 1 70.000
November ) . 1J14 It 1, es:irr;a(ed lhat te total number
of cars without loa-. winch are i t for erKe, d"x
not exceed i.'Xni while f-j '.y 10-- j00 loa. are vaitiru
for cars eipeciIIy at heavy erin shipping ponti. al
though the car shorrairf i quite gereral
la October. 19IJ m-.-re than 34 tX0 ireight cirs uerr
rdered. bringing 1415 r fieri up 10 87,iX)0 compared
With only 81.000 (or all ot l t 1 He figure indicate
that more than i5 per cent of thu year'j purchase
wcrc made in October. jnH 75 per .ent of ifaai nun:ber
porchased in the last five day of October In the firt
twenty days of November nvjrc than 23,000 freight Cii,
fcjve bn purchasrrj y tiilroaal
Rail orders in O. lobrr. rus. to'alled 490,000 ion
eomparM with 3o.ixx m Srptemb-r, 1915. and 4
thoaund tons for O icbrr, 114 Rail, ordered 10 ."o.
nalKi 20th lor 1!5 amount to 2. 064 thousand tun,
compared with 1 i?7 h'-i .a d irni a ear airo ami
1.04T7 thousand rns two ejrs Durinsr the fir.r
two week, of Novrnst-:. lyis. 2j0 thousand tons of
fail, were ordered a id locomotives
Ifon ore hiprr.ents Irnm Ihe Lake Super,o rejion
for October. 191".. were 7 14? thousand tons, compared
eith 4,242 thousand tons a - ir ago and 6,j24 thousand
two years ago and 7 "10 th .rsa'; ! tree years ago.
Which was. until now. the rr.orr! 'l-tober Innragf
Shipments lor ihe year to Novmrr 2nt h were 4j -000.000
tons compared with 310O0.0O0 ions for Ihe
Unit priod last year and 4n.0OO."UU tons f.,r the same
part of leu
At i o'clock Mondav nt'.t all merrte-s of the Cham
fcr of Commerce. th-Mr farnihes and friends are askd
! be guests ot the Rosarian Band at a concert to be
aPTtsl on the eighth floor of the Commercial Club
Brief Tales of Late News
German Officers Reported as Suicides; Food Scarce, Forage Parties
Organized; Iincely Sum for Salvation Army; Prohibition En
couraged: Hisj Movable duns for ( oast Defense; Fiftj-Tcjn (,un
Lost; New San Franciscan Province t reated.
European War.
aPotrogTad on account of the n
4renie cold and hardships or' the cam
paign. It Is reported that nine officers
f the German aimy in the vicinity of
aD-trinsk have committed suicide witnin
the last 12 days.
PetrogTad A rc;ort comes from tha
Polish and Serbian landstrunis cap
tured from the Aust ro-, lermaa forces
along the soutlurii front, that a new
alignment of Austro-Germans haa been
rmoved, to forage for food and stores
from the captured territory.
Irondon The sum of J7"'0.000 ws
bequeathed to th.e Salvation Army by
Edward ilossom Owen, a cloth ine.
cb&nt. XaOndon Post master-t.eneral Herbert
Samuel was re-beted to the house r.f
commons over Henry Knight, who op
posed recent enactments restricting
liquor eales. The vote was Samuel
7312; Knight. Hio.
. Dnlntll, Mitvii. The cause of his ill
ness being a mystery to his physicians.
Captain Thomas H. Presesnell. i'nittd
States coinniif sioncr, who died yester
..ila.arl jw.
f1" ASK
entire Oregon delegation and the congressman from
that portion of Washington who has any friendly in
terest for the southern section of the state.
E. L- Thompson, president Hartman A Thompson.
Bankers; treasurer -manager Portland Woolen Mills
John T Dougall. representative of the Hammond
Lumber Co
Frank E Smith, president Frank E. Smith Im Co
John B Yeoo. owner Ye on Building; Muhnomab
County Roidmaster
Guy W Talbot, president Pacific Power ft Light Co
Portland Gas ft Coke Co
Dean Vincent, real estate.
E- D. Ttmma, president Timms. Cress It Co, Inc.
paints and baHdinf materials
W. F Woodward, secretary-treasurer Clarke-Wood
ward Drug Co., wholesale drugs and drug sundries
J. C English, president J C English Co, electric
L A Lewis, president Allen ft Lewis, wholetali
H. W Mitchell, manager Mitchell. Lewis or Staver
farm implements
C B Woodruff, manager W P Fuller ft Co . whols
sale paints, oils and glass and building materials
C C Colt, president Union Meat Co
O M Clark, president Cark-Wtlapn Lumber Co
Nathan Strauss, manager Flcischnsw. Mayer & Co.
wholesale dry goods
A G Labbe. vice-president Willamette Iron ft Steel
O K Heirttr. proprietor Pacific Iron Works.
John TaiL president Troy Laundry
w J Hofmann, advertising manager The Oregonian
Phil. Metachan. Jr. manager Imperial Hotel Co
J C Ainsworth, president U S National Bank
J E Cronan, real estate and investments
Emery O'mstead. vice-president and general manager
Northwestern National Bar.k
C C Chapman, publisher. The Oregon Voter
Franklin T Gnffith, president Portland Railway
Light & Power Co
Henry E Reed. Multnosr.ah County Assessor
Edjfar B Piper, managing editor The Oregootaa.
M H Houser, warehouse and gram.
Thomas Kerr, warehouse and gram
About two weeks ago the Chamber of Commerce
invited Jesse D Burks, director of the Efficiency De
partment of ihe Cify of Los Angeles, to come to Port
land to tell us of the value of a Bureau of Public
F.'fici-ncy and Economy, operated as a function of the
Chamber H;s rep!y wn a pr-npt and cordial ac
ceptance, with the assurance of a 1 possisle assistance
Mr BurVs ;!! arrive on the Shasta Ltn-.ited net
Tuesday afternoon A small dinner r'ty is being
arranged in his honor
Mr Burks will address the members of the fhamher
n the Green Rtotu of the Commercial Club BuiMing
Tuesday evening at 8 oo o'clock Subiett "The New
Citizenship" message which every man in Portland
should hear
Secretary J V B-ewer. of the Oregon Development
Bureau, of the Chamber of Commerce, was the. official
eoresenutive of that body at the convention of it
bui'.J'iiif. and it is e. peeled that I'-r jltendance v.ll
las 1 r capa .iy of 1 r-e largest room cl th .t-uc'urr
It .,1 be tiie nrst l;me this popiiiar musical o'
an ii'.1 m (" Ljs ess men has entertained its trien.'s
Ihe C' a-r-her ar,1 ihe eve'H is preparatory 10 a trip
to Hono!L'u lie Hovl Rosaria-.s will n ss to tic in f-'hrua-y. ar 1 will be a.cnnipamr 1 by the r
d The lien chamber of Comn,c-.e aifi o:he-
. . 'ft 1 r prepa-nig to e.ten.l'tel
t..'.p'ai lv to M;e or s inn i 1 1011 whi.h has done r-u.ll
I-. '!e tan ' ot ll't Rose fe.t '.jl In ai"u-r.i-
tnn v.hat vol be re'j-ired of Ihe b.n I its n.-rnhc-s
l-e be-n r'h'.rstie during the past 'ew months, and
arr rray IO re;.r,J o. ' e call
The Rosatian Ba: d is .omposed en',re!y of business
ani pr 01 e . siona I men ot Portland who gise the-r tune
to ire n. u. ical org ir. zanon f . r lie Ijve of ihe game
an., ou' d thir oe.i'e to he o: practical service to
their city Ti".' sv 'k itt,',.it sa':.ry The bai'J is
un ir. 1 lie dire, 11. .;i ol Joel B F-ll iiger. who makes
piioK Ins pleasjrr ar.d oesotes met 01 his lime 10 ihe
ii'irMjtivrnt r t the Amer.can V ood orklng Ma
s nuiery Company
The soloist neat Monday night will be Orace A.
Tie 01 in'n is Trime Minister of the Rosarians.
Iran, C Ris?s. I.rrd Hgh Chancellor. Hank E
Smith. Secretary of state: 'I C Horwrnever. Chancel
lor oi the and r rank McCriios. Lord High
Ihe program lor Monday nights concert will be aa
1 Overture The Barber of Seville
2 Stole Atlanri.
fa. MornmsT llvnn of Praise
ib A Court Kunc'ion
in I I.ove Thee I Prince to Anna!
id! Destruction ot Atlantis
i Songs .al Out of the Mi.t . .
(b, Spring's Awakening
(..race A r oinger
Intermiss.on of 1 en Minutes.
4 S'lecrion from Upe.a. II Trovarore
a. Concert Waltz Invitation to the Dance.
Portland. Oregon. December 2, 1915
Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Oregon
Dear Sir,
The City of Lyon. France, acting through its Cham,
ber of Commerce, is to institute a Fair For Samples,
res-mbhng Ihe fair of I.eiprig which has recently been
in, fated by London and Birmingham The I. yon fair
w 1 be held eirh vnr from the 1st 10 ihe ljlh of
March, dating from
ll is planned by this means to develop the French
industries, and especially those which will be crea'ed
after the war competing with the countries enemies
to France This S-mp!e Fur n-t only welcomes
toreign buyers, but will also be open to Ihe manufac
turers of countries allied with France or neutral coun
tries 1 wih to call your at'ention to this fair in the
hope that oU mav take it up with anv of our manu
facturers who rnsrrit be interes'-d in trying to develop
commercial re'iatn.nj with Hance I would be pleased
to aid in any way I tan There may he some who
intend to open up trade relations with France, and this
offers an opportunity for an entering wedge
Kindly giyc the matter our earnest voniiGfrarion.
and oblige
iSgd ) C HFS'RI I. ,BBE.
Consular Agent of Franc,
Phones Main 2145. A 18S2
day, in the interests of humanity, a;:
thorizerd an autopsy to ascertain the
nature ot the ailment that caused
Waihinirton -The war department is
preparing mobile batteries to be mount
ed on motor tru ks or cars lor thj
proteaMioii of .stretches of ocean
coa.sts not protected by stationary arm
ament. Hunn of 1.', 14 and Id inches
are being considered. The government
may also undertake the building of
well ballasted roads along coast lines,
to facilitate the speedy removal of
these guns to any point threatened by
an enemy.
New Tork Mrs. Whitney Warren,
wife of a deteeiivi, is to lie prosecuted
and gowns and other articles she
brought home from Francs-, but failed
to d-lare, will be forfeited to the
Plnty, Saask. In un effort to save
his three a hildrt-n still in his burn
ing home, after lie had saved two, O.
V. Mitchell was burned to death and
the three children perished with him.
Ba-ielvllle, aVrk. Iif fended because
of certain restrictions placed upon
them by President Scott, of the isec
cvnd Iiistri.-t Agricultural college stu
slents of the institution atterr-pt'ed to
fs 19- ak
states which met at San Francisco December 2 foe
the purpose of organising to secure Government aid
in irrigation, overflow and swamp land matter.
The organisation will be called the "Western States
Conference" and the next meeting will be held at
Washington. D C.
The Governor of each state, or his official repre
.entauve. the Secretary of the Interior, one state dele
gate appointed by the Governor, one delegate from each
irrigation district, one delegate from each state grange,
three delegates from earh Chamber of Commerce,
state labor council, clearing house, railroad system and
representatives of the engineering societies will form
the membership.
The first convenfon went on record as endorsing
the "Jones Bill." which provides that ihe Federal Gov
ernment shall guarantee the interest on irrigation dis
trict bonds
By Jea H Fabey
President of the Chaunbsr of Commerce oi the
United States.
'Three years ago the Chamber of Commerce pf the
V'mted States was organised It had no membershrp
and it hadn't a dollar
Today it stands as the spokesman of 6&0 commercial
organnations representing nearly 300.000 buiine men,
firms and corporations throughout the United States
In three years it has become a greal const'uctive
force in the business life of this Nation It has helped
vral commercial legislation at Washington It sug
gested important anendments to the Federal Reserve
Act. assisted in the readjustment of the Department of
Commerce and influenced imporiart modifications that
sppear in the finI form of the Trust Bills
As the lime of the Fourth Annual Meeting ap
proaches the grf at business convention to be held in
Washing'on. February i, 9 and 10. the National Cham
ber stands committed, through referenda, to the prop
osition of the upbuilding of a Merchant Marine, a
National Budget, and a permanent non-partisan Tariff
Agriculture and labor have long been organised
Now the Chamber of Commerre of the United States
ss organizing business nationally It has nothing to
conceal It is the mouthpiece of no clique or group
The New York banker and the San Francisco merchant
may he found in its membership Its voire is the voice
of American business It speaks for all
Let me say to business men eerywhere the National
Chamber is yoer organization It is fighting your
battle II is doing what you could never hope to do
single-handed or through local organization It it
contending for fust what you want to see in this whole
country business stability, integrity, tamty, under
standing And it wants, and needs, and indeed must
have the encouragement and io pport of every li e,
patriotic business man in tbe United States
The Portland Chamber of Commerce should be rep
resented at the Focrth Annual Meeting of the Oamber
of Commerce of the United by 10 delegates, and it n
hoped that a sufficient number of PortUncIers will be tn
the Ease at that time tocomplele the delegation Harry,
Corbeit. A L Mills, Nathan Sirauss. O H Fithian,
Z S-ett. George E. Hardy and Dean Vincen have
already been appointed Three more volunieers ill
recede credentials if their applications are received
With gome of the leading bankers of the Pacific
Coast as their guests and programed for addresses that
During the progress of the Manufacturer,' and Land
Product, Show, the Oregon Development Bureau of
the Chamber of Commerce maintained an information
bureau which made special efforts to reach visitors
from state. East of the Cascade Mountains As that
class of visitors could be located their home addresses
were secured, and ihey were supplied with particular
information concerning the different counties of tha
If a man was interested in 1 irrigation he was taken
to one of the exhibits from East of the mountains or
frorfl South of the Calapoou Mountains and given com
prehensive facts
If he was a dairyman he wa, turned over to one
of the batter-making counties 01 the West side of the
So fsr a, the effort of the Chamber of Commerce
could be made effective every visitor was supplied
with the information suited to his needs
The following names and addresses were securrd
Louis Smith. 501 Lawn Ave N W . Cleveland. Ohio.
Otto Carpenter. Denver. Colo. R H Roedel. New
York Citv, 1 W Boucls. Royalton. Minn-. A E Smth.
Ada. Ohio. Mr and Mrs Sherman Sanford. Seymour.
Conn . A R Carson. Richmond. Kansas. George Dow.
Los Ar.geles. Cal . Robert Johnson, Old Town. Maine;
F B Ingels. Lexington. Ky . Fred F Ford. 18 Vine
St. Harrington, Kansas. R J Pritchard. Columbus.
Ohio, A S Looney, New York City. Lellian Snyder.
Ho'el Plata, San Francisco. Mr and Mrs Glenn
Walker. Pasadena. Cal . C ) Anderson. St Edward,
Neb John Nute. Hasbroock Heights, N J ; Mrs J I-.
Pettiffrew. Oshkosh. Wis : Carrie E Howard. Newark,
N J : H L Wolbera. Cincinnati. Ohio. Mrs Emma
-rpeioy. Des
Ohio R B
mpson Pitts-
Heer. Manhattan. .-scD . Mrs r. j ropejoy. ui
Moinea. Iowa. W H Stewart
Thresher, Montpelier, Vermont: Aide: Thompson. Pitts-
burg. Pa : Margaret Magi!I. Indianapolis. Ind . J A.
Hintes. Moro, Pa , C. E Harelson. Kansas City. Mo ,
C R Richens. Vernal. I'tarl Mrs M E Havman.
Consiannne. Mich . L H Rich. Fa-is. Idsho; Colbert
Randell, Ogden, Utah. H Leo Ingram. Tooele, I'lah,
MeUm P Fikttad. Thornton, Idaho. W C Warn,
Vancouver, B C . Dr W W Fitlgerald. Stockton.
Cal . Bessie French, Sooth Haven. Mich . Margaret
Boggess. St Louis. Mo. Walter Johnson. U Cedar
Ave . Belleview. Pa . Mrs M J Terry. Atchison. Kan .
H J Campbell. Emporia, Kan., Mrs J Cousin. l
Vanderbilt Hill. Proollyn, N Y , G P. Williams,
Chestnut St . Philadelphia, Pa A S Bubv. Middle
ton. Idaho, Geo D Peacock. Blackfoot. Idaho. Mrs
and Mr A J Tiffany. Lewiston. Idaho; Daniel Dsjp'r
tius Centralia. Ore . Dr Rena Rrinrr, Monmouth. Ill .
F.dwaid tlrich. Bridgeport. . L. Beally. Winnipeg.
Man . I F Cass, Winchester. Or.t . S K Robinson.
Berkeley. Cal ; J B Losey. 31 Sotilh Butler St. Lan-
ir.g. Mich . joe Jinmett. 1417 Edgecliff Drive. I-o
Angeles Cal , Mrs Canting. New York City. Mrs
W J CTeland. Jamestown. N D . Anna M Cofferby,
23 Park Ave. New York Citv. Agnes V Gsbbins,
Butte Mont A G Harney Vancouver. B C . E F.
Rudolph. Seward. Alaska. Mr ,nd Mrs W Buell.
M.llonvale. Kan ; Mr and Mrs E E Philbrick. Dan
ville. Canada, Mrs J A Ward .Sioux Fills. S D.
I N White. Cherrwale. Kan . Mr and Mrs C F.
Keeler. Ruhmond Hill. New York City R Karl
Vohs. St I nnis. Mo T,, Chapel Wright. Three Lakes
Province Quebec Walter C Davis. Indianapolis, Ind,
T B Sailor Buell. Mo . H A Dillon. Buell. Mo ,
Emma Shriver Manchester. Ohio- Kathenne Argo.
Cincinnati Ohio Albert Argo. Cincinnati Ohio. R
F Arnett. Grind Rapid 4. Wis ; J J Cotton. .urora.
Neb T I- Humphres. Sumner. Mo . Fred Griffith.
Walnut. Kan . C A Read. Boomer. Mo ; A J Osjden.
Coffeyville Kan ; Geotge Mauldin, Waynesboro. Miss .
b.-at him with the first, but though
engaged in a tc:i-l-ne battle the
president .same off "first lies!.'' a fact
attested by t;m black, ned eyes of l.u
doaen se, dints, who attacked him.
Pacific toast.
San Francisco A ..''-ton 10
appearing coast defense lifle
from Wu'.eivlUt :.!-.,;,
nch dis
shipped V. two
iiciirhs ago to tie- stat
armory of S;,n
ls xi re ole its n ioo o.t l.s.-
slisappeanrrg so effectually that r.o one
Can liiid it.
Santa Barbara -Th
fornla, l.i;.-t'ii;, Was-,
zona, ha e la.;, s. t n I
lie chui a nd vv ill b,
states of Cali -
r.K'.on and An -
r l lis- t::e ( .itfio -
hi riatter k m c, n
as ti.e Fn
isiau Province of Sarca
Sacrr-arueato- Sam Svs earingen, sent
from l-'ulsuiii state prison, where -ie
was cor. r o;i ... d' aih sentence for
ha ir.g ass. li:, ted another convict, to
the Fkiah state hospi'.a; -,,r the insane,
has petition., the warden ,,f the prison
u 'c'.ill a:..: hr.p.rj i.n-,;. He declares
he piefe.s .bath to lite in ihe asylum.
Los Anffeles K. I., liohetty, a
Ang.ies oil operators, is
I ot mu lat . ng
i or
"i - an iZ lt.Oll
f a
l(l -
I'uii.ijiJ'j pe'violcutii an 1 ti-insimriiii,,-,
compan .
I'atific .orthwe8t.
Seattle Sen,,. th.- day's reeeiptrt,
ans.-ut.ting to al.o ;t $u fr,,, ti,,. oa,,
drawer v.hile to, ir guns covered f.e
proprietor and . leik, two masked men
loaaea ir.e grocery store owned
Mis. ,. J.'. liui-Uv at., I es'-.-.o. .1
Spokane-- S;n. !..--.:,.- n JS cxciteU todav
when u b-arr.ed that the slight earth'.
Miiake sho k felt ester, l.t) afternoon,
originated wit-it n l'lo miles of the ci.y.
This wa report. -j by F;it r . 'i
Ailarns of i;(iic,r,i university, afl..r
consulting the i;:iivcrsiy seismograp.i.
Bremerton Jamejj A. Martin, serv
ing two years lor fraudulent
ment on the pnso snip l'hiladelphia.
is at large after escaping six sentries,.
This Is his second escape.
BaJkar tt n mrii ,,r r, i
noard of Baker last evening, the oi-
., , . ' .
rectors decided to make a tour of in
spection of th.- cities of Oregon the
first of the year to look over hish
school buildings, completed within tb-s
last two years, to gain information to
aid them in making plans for the con
struction of Baker's new 1120.000
ChebaJJa Lewis county commission
ers will soon call for bids for a steel
span bridge ilo feet long, over the
Cowlitz river, near the site of tiie
present ferry at Cora.
CbellaUia Toledo businesa men have
made a generous subscription of caash
and labor with which to repair Sec
ond street
This Kiss Worth $10.
Los Angeles. Dec. 10. U. P.) A
$10 kiss featured opening festivities
of the Poinsettla fete at Hollywood. It
was given by a. pretty girl and auc
tioned off to O. Kehrlela.
wtfl be of tremendous interest, the Portland Association
of Credit Men have asked the members of the Cham bet
of Commerce to attend a bannuet to on
eighth floor of the Commercial Club building
Wednesday evening at e JO. ...
The credit men's organization Includes represents
tives of the leading wholesale, banking, manufacturing
and jobbing firms of Portland. . , . ,
Russell Lowry. deputy governor of the .R"
serve Bank at San Francisco, with which fl"
affiliated, will be among the speakers as w.Il Edwin T
Coman. president of the Exchange National Bank of
SpBrIkers from all the cities of Group One of the
Otcsoii Bankers' Association will be in the cily in
attendance at their semi-annual meeting
Chamber of Commerce members are invited to reg
ister their names wilit J J Sayre, phone Main 174
or A 1JU
By O L Ferris
Few members of the Chamber of Commerce. I betievs,
really comprehend the possibilities of this Oregon in
dustry that of late has been making such rapid strides
towards popularity Springing from an absolute neces
sity for an outlet (or an overproduction of raw material.
it already bids tair to not oniy d m .ijh ui m
nnchtr but lo to mike Oregon limooi fcy giving 10
the worM mh a "wter wgon drink 11
ii ru
look ing tor "
While coniderble cnlhumitic Mlk n ten ntara
here t home, i! may b aurpriM to many mat l
continual!, demomtra'ion in the Oregon building at t'i
San FranciMO Exposition hat been the mean, oi preaj
ing the merit, of loganberry juice to all part, of the.
To Drive Home
Thr treat need of Porrltnd
lor Non-PintMn
D urea a of Public
Efficiency and Economy
The Chamber of Commerc
hat secured the co-operation of Loa Angelea.
Director of the Efficiency Department of that
city will ipeak in the Green Room at
eight o'clock P. M., Tueaday. Dec. 14, on
'The New Citizenship"
Keep this date open
Esacuuvt Secretary
P..1Ueet W.H.a.Sve..e. SI. .a
Bertha PatuneL
San Francisco. Cal . Mr and Mrs w 1 Niell, Kansaa
City. Mo. Arthur W Kahl. Egeland, N D, Jess,
Kauble, Egeland, N D . H C Chapin. Crookston,
Minn; R Fredlund. Stockholm, Sweden, las A.
Nokon. San Francisco, Cal , II. D Smith. Payette,
Idaho. M MacPherson. Chicago. 111. Harold .W. Van
Lieu, New Brunswick. N J, Warren Murray. Boston,
Mass , Chas Smith, Lo, Angela,. Cal . Clair Wheeler,
Foil Dodge. Iowa. Mr Cha, T Moll. Milwaukee,
W is . Neagle Sealy. Temarn. New Zealand. Mrs Wm.
Yates. Denver, Colo , Geo F Sebruner. New Lisbon,
W is , Geo Johnson. Trenton. N J , H Grant Graton,
Cal ; A J Smith. Cedar Rapids. lows. Mrs A J
Smith. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Mrs F M Slock. Pine
City. Minn . J W Schroeder. 104 Bioadway. St Paul,
Minn , Phillip Hufford, Rossville Ind . F J Wagner,
Bradford. Ohio, Geo. Barker, Burlington. Colo . J W
Low, Btockton. Mas, , ft B Sampson. Brockton, Mass ;
J j Cramer, 1337 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis. Minn;
E H Smyth, Albany. N Y . W H Craigmile. Pleas
ant Hill. Ill . C. W Thomas. Pleasant Hill. Ill , S P.
Hedges.. M D, Chicago. Ill . Chester Gustin. Seward.
Alaska Mrs N 1 Marlin. Jefferson. Iowa. Vivian.
Laudlaw Maynard, Minn . Mrs W T Fisb. Msynard.
Minn ; E A. Kresl. Wilber. Neb . Sophia Fritien.
Nienah. Wis , N Sanders, New York City. B F John
son Washington, D C. Mr, D B Mclrwin. Manl
tou Colo ; Mrs H H Woods. Los Angeles. Cal ;
I. K Arman, TopeVa. Kan ; Mrs F P Rude. Topeka.
Kan ; A A Loomts, Lansing. Mich . D A Smith,
Lewiston. Idaho. E R Whiiney. Grand Ledge. Mich;
Chas W Foster. Fresno. Cal . Harriet Ameni. San
Jose Cal A. C Hinds. De Kalb. Ill . Ed Quaid.
Colgate, Wis . Richard Fdgcomb. Utica. Ill ; Mr and
Mrs A K McLaughlin, nope, .-v u , ' r
son. Galveston. Texas. Mrs
fc. 1 Osier. lnicago. 111 ,
lane O Ster. Chicago, 111 . H E Barrick. Stone L.
Iowa. John Corrnell. Stone Lake. Iowa. Wm f
Slone Lake. Iowa. Wm Gatel. Stone Lake. Io
E Barrick. Stone Lake.
r s n,rm.n snnnt Grove. Minn ; Wm Gallagher,
3011 N Troy St. Chicago. III. Clifford F-merson.
New York City. Miv Zai McCullow. Sanborn. Iowa,
O A Holmes, Jacksonville, lil . Charles Whiteman.
Jacksonville. Ill ; Laurence W Suell. 24 Ferris Ave
Detroit. Mich , Thoa L Oien. 3317 W Wnghlwood
Ave Chicago. Ill ; Lula Kettener. Odebolt. Iowa,
Frank Anderson. R R. 1. Box 4. Galesburg III Dr.
Cee, H Wellman. New York. Mrs Geo H W ellman.
New York. Isabel Brady. Stnbenville, Ohio. L. H- I
Andrews. San Jose. Cal . Mrs. I C Neilson. Edinburgh,
Scotland, Herbert Brandon. New York City: Mra.
Walter Duncan. San Francisco, Cil ; Jessie L Starki,
Savannah, Georgia. J. Elrolich. San FrnciKo, Calf
E A Fleck Eden. Idaho; Mr and Mrs Chas (
Post Lima. Ohio: Mr, Linnett WolfgTam. Honolulu:
Post. bun. Ohio: Mr, Linnett Wolfgram. Hono
lulu. Richard L Baughman. Grand Forks N D;
Geo M Stevens. L' Roy. N Y . Geo W Tune- 1
,on. Scottsv,lle. N Y . Mrs I N West. Ml Ver
non. Iowa, F A Robinson South Haven Mich 1:
Mrs Martha Stewart, rsneioyvn.e. m, a-"-Newstrand
Duluth. Minn ; Ruby M Newstrand.
Duluth. Mmn . C A Missing. 173 N Kedaie. Chicago.
Ill A C Brumbaugh. Kansas City. Mo . I C Knowles.
Wakefield. R I , R B McPherson. Slurgss. S D .
J H Marshall. Grand Ledge. Mich . Waiter L.
G-eevy 1231 Twelfth Ave N . Altoona. Pa . r D
McConnell. Milwaukee.',,. Mrs E. A Crowle. Mel
bourne. Australia. H-rald Mar, hall, San Diego. Ca ,
M E Cotton San Diego, Cal Mr and Mr, R 1.
Hams. Davton. Ohio. Jean Mane Byer, Detroit.
Xfich . W M Talnter, Colorado Springs. Colo . W D
Teidor, Colorado Springs, Colo
The Prirtland Chamber Of I ornmfrre doel
not wfUtrct or disburse funds for chanties.
Army-Navy Orders
un rranciacv. 1c
-(!'. N. S.j Army
Aisslgnment." Lieutenant Hrsrare N. Muriro
t lth eavnlry; Lleiitenant Aldea M. ( Ir.-ihn m,
tn llth cavalry: Captain KrHnk II Adnnm t"
-2.1 infantry; t Jeie (iaat.-n to 17th
itifinlrv. I.i.-utei:aiil Ko'iert S. l.vtle. from
Pnh I.. ."Jd hifanlrv; t aptaln Mllosh It. 1111 !
i e'l. 'niarteriiiaMer crtis,
t. Port :
liifautrv. reilr.-d
' t'lOitain lUnrnan P. Smith
slih rank of major ; Lieutenant l;otprt L.
illnis. sth caTalrv. to general re.-rultliig ftli'l
I tn
Jefferson barrack", rell.-v lug Lieutenant Tal
!!.;' S"'1,'"' "'''W V't'U,V1 wuT ,? ,-Mm,'
,,.,,,.,, ,',,, n.r ..utry, , d,.a-hed llt ; l.leaten-
lanr hdward 11. Ptetrcc. infantry, removed
, therefrom : MaJ.-r K.ltner u . (lark, .limrtei
ii hsi'-r i-itps, 1.. l'hi:ipi'U,f a : ' uptaiii jainea
; M. llurr-'sugliK, 2d cavalry, detailed Io .piarter
1 nmsrer .-n-p. relieving tiiptalti Archie Miller.
vshi. K Hsslgned to 2d .- v:iln ; leave of Lleu
;t"i.snt 111. hard I'. La t.arde. Hth Infantry, .-v-!
tided four meats."; Lieutenant ('l.i:el Iiik
L. IssmI. Juilge advocati-, relieved from office
"f Judge adv.,. ate general ! . asteni depart-
; nienl Judge advocate of that ilepa r t men f :
M.-iJor HoletTt VV. Mearns. 12lh Infantry, de-
I tailed t'l I I'ive.-.Oly ,,f ll,.j.; t 'i ! H ill Itol.-
j er; c. Mi-l-ual.. ine'licul nr.. rr.levesl fr.'in
Ilaualian depart meat : Klrnt Lleiitenait Cliarles
: M. f t'oiincrr Jr.. rn.siiciil c rpn. iiml.iilance
.-means- ... I. Port D. A. Kuaaell, to 11a-
I v a iIh n .leiiart nient
i 1 ranges in .;u. rtermaater cor,: nptain Ai-
I ,r"! A 1 " c a 1 v. ton . to lin-'s iitsuio. lexa;
j Ili.rhiigen. Trias; Major Percy VVUlls, Oai
I vi Moil, to llarllngea. Ten.
i Navy Order.
I Captain h". 1', ( npehurt placed on the re
tiled list; Lieutenant J. K. Harry to the
AMMlic M.-sli"ii; Knslgn VV L. , lieadlp to tlie
i Nevs IIani,sliire; I'.-ik-.-, AasiiistaDt Surge., n J .
, J. A. Mi'Miilhn. recruilitg HiUi'iii ni H iffal".
te the Asi.lllc Sit.llil'll, l'HSe,l A S 4 1 s a tl I S'lT
g- .n. N T". M'laar,. the W;. oijat.L-. t-- li lt
' 1, as.-. Passed A.-sNtant Surgeon J. It p.,1
I l.-i'l. lh M nine-.. la . u. the y . an i n ir ; I'ai.sri
' A-.istant Si:r-":. i . J. 1 loleiua n . imval una
plriil. at li- A'iiiia-. to the .Molilalia. As
siPi'it Surgt-oii II -vs : rd I'rhst lo 1ft Dels
; s c re : acting A-al-ran; li.-tital Stirgiin J. I,.
! Ili.lleck. the Ml rv land, t., ; lie Sasa Ilieg". act
I tic lit I'eiital Su:g.s,ii .1 I. ltinvsii, I
l aval station at "oiiilll. to -.suit orders; Surgi-uu '
I ss is Mut-r'a. fleet aurge.,,. Asiatic fleet, t.;
vsait err..-i . Chailaiii i 1. Kl-iliing. the
Sairatcgii. lo trei-tniei.t at naval hieapitul. VliLu- ,
( Latiaas . j
Marine Order? ; I
I Captain F. A. Barker, thr. ('onne.-Meiit. to
I barracka at 1'uget tsasu ud ; jiptaln A. I:. )
enM. liftrracKi. in i-ioiauenuoa. i :ne son-
I nis-llnil , Klrit Lieutenant J . (J. Adams, first
Iirigad". ii.-iin. "' ireaimeni at me naval
hiwidtul. l'tillndelplila.
Pullman Team Wins
Debate at Moscow
Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 11. The an
nual dual debate between the, Univer
sity of Idaho and VVashin-.-ton State
college, vvas held last night. The
negative team from Pullman won the
decision over the Idaho team at Mos
cow. The question was the federal
control of marriage and divorce. The
winning team were Henry Hartman,
Paul Browder and Lambert Hoover.
Omar Spencer of Portland was the
Siamese natives obtain petroleum
from the earthJby digging pits about
60 feet deep (Al dipping it out with
pailaV i
From Scandinavian!!
1 V-
to This City Starts i
Soon After New" Year's,
Chamber of Commerce to Start Solicit
ing Freight to Aid Hew JAnt
Heavy Shipments Expected.
assurance or ;i l'.urot.ean Main8lnp
line by the or'enine of the sprlnu s-.t-f.on
was Kiven I'ortl.tnd by l-"i eil 1
fon, heid of the tiiiT ( lson line tf Nr,r
wrlan steamers und motorshliis to
day. A letter was received by V I). B
Dodson, secretary of the Trade and j
Commerce bureau of the Chamber oi"
Commerce, aniiounclnvr that the firmi
inotorshlps would reach I'ortlaud I
.shortly after January 1. I
The smaller Olson vessels have been
omlntr to San Francisco for the j"ia:-t i
few months and securing all the 1 arc.) 1
they needed rieht there Tin l.irc.-
craft, many of them new motors'! ii .
will commence as soon after the first
of the year as possible, the letter
stated, and Portland will be mad.: ai
port of call. I
This first realization of tlie flight
of the Chamivr of Commerce for re
newed steamship connections with Ku
rope, was a source of preat delignt
to the chamber. Not bince the Hamburg-American
and Royal Mail lines
discontinued service after the opening
of the war has this port been euuippe l
to handle regular shipments of goods
to and from Europe
To encourape this and other lines
which the chamber expec ts to foino
litre, everv effort is to be made by t!u
ciianither to se.cure frelKht for the
!, v.. ,P.,j- ,.,,.. r ,..
'"'V . . . . "
itisieiu vsui' ii itiisy nieiiii lien ,i in
merits and eery effort made to as-
No agent has been appointed lure
as yet though It Is believed that on- 1
lias been selected. Fritz Olson, son of
the head of the line, was In Portlan I
uurilig the summer searching out trade;
conditions and is thought to have made
a tentative proposal to a Portland
Steamer Given for 360-Acre Ranch
at Trout Lake.
Transfer of the well known river
steamer Woodland from ("art. Kxon,
for the past three years her owner, to
C. W. Nlrholson, in exchange for a fine
ra.ich near Truut lake, Oregon, A. J.
Farmer handled the deal.
Capt. Kxon will retire from service
on the riser and become a disciple
of the "back to the farm" movement,
while Nicholson plans on operating the
steamer, probably on the Kewls river
route on which she is so popular.
The Woodland is a handy little pas
senger and freight steamer burning oil
and capable of handling about 50 tonn
of freight. She was rebuilt three years
ago and given a thorough overhauling
last summer.
Aj-rivaU December 11.
lotvan. American fieanier. Captain Pow,
freight from lsoe-toti and New York,
lUvsallaQ Steamship ('".
I Depavrturei December 11.
Northern Pacific. American ateamer. faptaln
Hunter, paimniiger-i and frei.til from San
j Pi anclsco. (i. N. P. SS. '-
s- s s.'((i..,,. .... ri , 11 -teiiiTier ("aetain
M. I.eflan. naseneera al.J fr lerht f'sr Hay.
haircka acrid San i raucljio
North Pacific
itnja California, Norwegian -farner, 1 aplaln
rtiiKind, wheat, fl.nir and lumber via San
Praiiciss ta Wt (s.iisi. ( . Henri Smith.
'1 11 malpal. America. n steniner, ( n p t a I n An
d. re.. a. 1. a sj.e Haters mid luml?r fur S.111 1 "Tati-
! ci-o, I'ant J
Marine Almanac.
WoaUier at Baver'a Mouth.
N.srth Head. llw. 1 1.-I cjinbi e-n (it Hi
DKtith ..f llee riser at s a. m.. rough; vsihii.
&..uthvser. Si miles, ssenther .1..
Sun ajid Tide December 12.
8un risen 7:t n. in. Sim wis 1 -M P- in.
Tides et Aatoira,
nigh water. l.w- 'safer
5:4.'t 0. m... 7 7 fes-t. 11.-0 a. u... -.7 f.s-t.
',.. t'.'i ... '.i. t- v i,, a-, a u. ,,f.
! ti-' t the cistern h-...,.. , .Ircj.T.-'l at ,-x-
! co"11 '""
Daily liiver . Keadinns.
Ivs . .
(I 0.(K
I t niatilla
j Kutfene
i A i bit ny . . . .
I Salem
i Oregon City
1 Portlnnd . .
o o 2(1
o.:. ii 41
O. H l, Ofi
1 ,2 '1.1,2
o..; ii ,v,
l ... o :..'!
1 1 s
1 1" (
II. 1
H ."
( - ) l alhng.
Isiver Forec-iLst.
The VNillametle river at Portland "111 re
uatln nearly atationary Sunday and Monday.
Steamers Due to Arrive.
i s4 r: Br
twx I C ' I 3J i
I I'AbSILSUliKS AM' KitUlijr
I Name. From J Date
! Lounok S. D. and wa i . . . . Iee. 12
! Ill aver. . 1". A L. A.'. ...Dec. 1:1
Nirthern Pacific... Si, Ik-.. 1
Kose Citv I.. A. A S. K Dec. 18
i U.i.rg, W. Elder... S I. and svav ..!.-.. la
I 1. A. Klll.urn S. P.. . . II. i K..Iee. 20
' Uei.r s. K. .V L A U.- . 2.;
l.i e-k water 6. K., C. ii. 4 E..Iudcf.
I Steamers Hue to Depart.
F A. Kllburh.
N.-rtbern Paclflu
I a n ver
c. B.. K. st K. S..IW. H
S. Y. L- A Dec. 1.
S. I. and way . . . . I'ee. 15
S. K tH-c. la
L. A. S. K Dec. 17
S. I) I lee. IS
Mi v ii an & wa y . . . I .'.-. IS
V I' I lee. 21
S. I' I See. 22
S. II. I.e.-. 22
L. A. ,t S. K Dec.
S. I. and way... Dee 22
roue city
I ,eorge N . l.lder
tsi eaksvaier
C. B.. E. & 8 F. . ludef
gteauieri. lea., ins; Pert laud for San Franciacu
Duly connect sstL Ihe ateaniers j ale ud liar
vtrd. leaving San Francisco Monday, Wrdiiea
day. Friday ou 8aturdaj fur Laae ADajeeS-a, aual
ban Dii,u.
Vessels iu
Itrja California, Nor. ssa...
Dear, Am. sa
1 orntl Bart. Fr. bn
Daisy laattuiin. Am. ai....
Calgate, IJr. tik
(rt'zina, I'.r. l.k
4k YV. Uj-ssl
. . . . '.such
. . . .stream ,
. . . . Aator'-i 1
Juditb. Hero, bktn ..stnri.
F. A. Kilburn. Am. as Columbia
I'aralsso, Am. aa Cksbe i
Pierre Anton'ne. Fr. bk St. JohmJ
V l&combe Park. Br. ah Irrlnr-'
At Xeigliborin? Ports.
Aatorla. IVee. 11. Arrived off the lightahlp
at :30 a. m. lorn an, from New York for
Portland la way porta.
Point Reyess. lec. 11. Pavaased at 8 a m.
lobars Poulaea la tow, retarnlna; to Haa' Fran
classso. Aatorla. P e. 10. Arrived at 10 a. m. and
left w at 12:15 p. m. Dalaj i'uUaam. from
. -.-
Si; FnnclH). ArrtTd at 1:05 p. ni. North
err I'arlflr, from Sau Frainifcoi.
San Krnm-'.pc-o, Cul . IXh'. 11. ArriTfd Str.
Homer. Sanra liar ham. '2 a. ni.: ltritlub str
MimU-lain.;toul via Kan lVlro, 4 m.;
Oleum. Seattle U a. iu. : Harvnr.l. San I'eilr.
;i::SO a in.; I'. S. S. Hush Mi-Oillorli. San
Itli'BO. 9:3o a. m.; Santa llJirbara, San I'tMni,
10 a. m. Siild Santa MihiIi'B. lOur.'kn. 'S a
ni. : l-'reocb k Ufneral l'altlbrb, laAk-b. S
a. a.
! New port, tir., Ifc-'. lit-. A rriveil ;hb iw-tira.
t amy iinu nilatnool:. frotn 1'ortluu.l ttiUi n. in
Marhfitld. (r. Ic. 1 1. Arrive.) - Ail.-lino
Smith. San KranrUro. a, m. Sitniou saln-.l
San Krnlirisi'o. li::tn ;t. in. ) est rtln y .
i Snn Kralioi.- ('Hi., l.--. N. S i
Arrived WVIllpy, Coluuilnu river. ihi;i;
! Mntnlalar. Ifetli'inio. Hfavor. Sun l"-lr.
3u . in ti M Clark. HaltxMi. 1 V 4 v. in ;
! North Fork. Kuri'ki. 1 :40 o. m. ; Wn whinu ' "ii.
: KI Si-pumJo. Tai "'.iiH. : . .'i n.
Snn I't-dro. 7:4" p. n . : V'll -
' 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 p . Astorln. ;i:4t ii in : tirnat Nurl'i-Tti.
Honolulu, in 4 p. m. Sa !; -Roanoke-. I'.Tt -
lauil. It, 40 ,i. in.; Marslif It-Id. 11 in a.
In..: t'My of ' .ikii. Enn-Ka. 11 .Vi a. m. ;
I Mnltiiori.iih. San l'dro 2 In j. :n.: rii.n-iili.
; 1'un-ka. '. p. in ; WVsl.rner. ('.x lliy. : '.' i.
. in ; r . S. S llnffalo, Mrxuin wal.'in, 2 Ii. in.;
. Yale. San I Ht-y . 4 In ji. in.; Sun tJuhrii'l.
I ii, i m i il .1 river, ."i ;.. in., iieen. sn IiiPf... r, 'i,
j P. in.; Kd-ia. I'allao, .r.40 p in ; Sll.hotx .
1 1 !'M,..u!ti. r. n ui ; Jni.jn 1'ouN'n, ColumLia
i '-r ; .. r.i Admiral I.-w Seattle, r, ..
I i.. v.-h.iiKier Sar.rillt... I " . r ' ! rt r i . i . 'I in.;
j Mi.i-daUy. t rM . lit t'ity. ii::'.o p. in . Arrtie.
I ' -t ltrntuv 4') in. ; l oroi n,l... iirav llar-
p. ill ; lllaiiiettf. San 1'e.lro, 11 'M
Seattle. W'svIk. I . ll.ArT;ve.l -t'ity of
Iii. 'hia. Tic. nin, 11' lit. a. m ; . J i. imiesse str.
An a Mjirn. TB.-'.ma. s a. m : Yii' iiltiii. Tam
mn, 7 a. n.. Saile.l altnuessutau. Taemua. 4
a. m.
Seattle, Wnuli . Dee. lO.- AiTlve.l C.niirn"',
San Dleo. i; 4." p. m.; Janifse snr, Sl,;.l
zu.'ka Mum. ll.iic:k.m, via p.K-t. 7 p. in.: I'
Si. C. (i Manriln. trial trin un aarfin t, - l"i
p. in. Sailed -Alameda, smut Lvi ei-t . la smitli
Hustern Alaska. H::',0 p. m : Admiral Si'liley,
San Kran.-lsvoei. ' p m ; Briti-ii Mirk Hen-slm,
fcyr I'nlt.'d Klntr.l.irc. In tovs' tin: Tiee, al 1 r..
in.; I'rln.e Unpen, l'rlnrr Kupert. It. t ., t!
ports. . nil'
Vallez, He. 10 Sailed Admlrnl Evans,
'mtl.tioniid, 7 '"'i p. m.
I ''unieTM.
I'e . p.. - -Salli-d Nurihsseisrern,
3 Ji. m
Sk.icrwav, Dec.
10 -SallPsi ("ltr of Seattle, t li lsiiml. 4.10 i
Ketchlknn. Ii.t
IkmhhI, 1 .Ai p, m
pi nlled--A!kl.
Admiral Karrusiut.
north -liisrtl.-
Niund. 1 n in,
Sanro. Dec. 10.--Arrieed Spanih tr. Sue -ia.
Snn Kranoi.-eo for Misnila.
Ant.yfujta, Doc. ll. -Arrived TampP'O.
Tort land. fr
ValpntHl!, lire fi - Arrived---irwr(ttan R'r.
C'tizeo. Tarorr.a. via San KranrUcn.
. Paytn, lie.- fi. Arrived Si. Holenn. Taco
ma. via Sun I'r.inriss-.s.
Arlea, Iie. VrriverJ Nann Srultli. Seat
tle, via Tncoma, fc.r Vulparaisn.
Hi.tinliilii. 1 1,.-. Hi. Arrived and jailed -Hrlti'h
tr. Mitkur.i. lrotn Sydney, N. S. W.,
i f"t Vmiiimtpr, I'., c
i Vlcto.-l.'. . H. c'., Ihf. 10. Suile.l ,;..senv.r
I ,nr S'"' T"' sai' Kmtic-I--..; Japanese
,:r, Ilr.l k -i Mam. (t VIndiT.rt.tok
" I'.Tt Ie. . 11. I'aac.-.l in
Pert Dec 1 1 . I'nja in Diiveti-
r-.rt f..r 1'i.rt 1 inl'i.n t k m trrlt! -
, s , . ,, ...... ',, p,,rI s,,.,vi, ' 10
J . m
psrt lAidkuv. I1.-0
1 1 Arrived
-I lavenport,
1 ' .
Milan. S
Mam, Se-
S.-i n K ni iuir.'ii, via VjiiI'-ous-"; . j:,
Tiieciliiii . Ties-. 11. -Arrlscl -Man
.title. Sail(-1 -JatHtiesve Mr. Ana
.(til .
'larnna. Dee. 10 Arrived- (chc, HrirtHii'a
iveach. K, t'., 7 a. ; i. saii.d -( its of I'lli'Ma
a. id YucntiD Seattle; t-cluir. 1...1M.- It.-nriett.
for Sy.lnes. N. s . ., In tosv tug Hlobard
.'lids eke, b M p. W .
New Line to Antiiole.
San Francisco, Dec. 11. lloulder
Hrothers & Company of laondon, op
erating a system of more than thirty
steamers in various parts of the world,
ij to inaugurate a line from San Fran
cisco to Australia, and it la expected
by local shipping men that the service
will be In operation before many
months. Macondray & Company have
been appointed agents of the line in
this city It is the Intention of the
new service to maintain monthly sail
ings and a specialty will bo made
of handling meat and wool cargoes.
Great Northern Fast.
San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 11. d.'. P.)
T eijty-three hours and fifty-nine
minute were clipped from the rtrVord
Id: the trip from Honolulu to San
Francisco by the liner Great Northern
which passed quarantine today. The
Great Northern Pacific Steamship com
pany vessel made the LM00 mile voyage
in the remarkable time of threo days,
eighteen hours and fifty-one minutes.
The previous record was established
In UK'S by the Tenyo Mam, which
made the passage in four days, eigh
teen hours and iifty minutes.
Larsen laost .'Mate.
Seattle, Wash. I ec. 11. -t P. N. S. )
--That P. A. Jo'. arisen, second mate of
the schooner Annie I,arsen, was swerd
from the de. k of the vessel Into the
s, ,l and drowned on I ic-cnil.i r n, was
the report made today by Captain P.
H. S'-hluter. Captain S'h'.uter is In
Stattle to complete arrangements for
repans to the vessel, vs. hi, h was forced
to put Into Clallam bay Thursday after
hauling for six days with heavy seas.
Trie Annie 1-airseii Is now at Eagle
Tea Garden Syrup Recipe Contest
Tlie final aw'.irds in flic recipe contest have been
niaJe by Miss Rausch of the domestic science de
partment of the University of Washington, and
are as follows:
1st Prize, $75.00
To Mrs. George A. Clark, Mulino, Or., R. F. D. No. 1
2d Prize, $25.00
To Mrs. W. A. Hermann, 3 34 Fargo St, Portland, 0.
We thank everyone submitting recipes for their interest taken in this contest.
So many reallv fine recipes were received that the testing and judging them all
by Miss' Rausch was a task, indeed, and one that has been completed with
fairness to all. We hope at a future date to compile a book of every recipe
submitted, and at that time we will be pleased to mail .a copy to everyone en
tering the contest.
Pacific Coast Syrup Co.
0 !N
Revival of the Lumber Indus
try of Pacific Northwest Is
Now Plainly Indicated,
'Iinmbtr Trade Cominjr Back Into Ita
Own," Says A. O. Labbe of Wll
laniettc Iron a Steel Worki.
Wilhin I' . l.i, t i i
p.. r' el I . ti i
:.I plian. e-.
ibcicatton (
Induct rv.
.- Inst few wci ks Portland
' r or it.achinerv have ex-
! it v '! mar. 1 for losiiinK
vsbp'h 1 .. y take to be an
f ti,. revival of the lumber
A. C Iibbe if tl
Willamette? Iron
re. today that if
v. s up as well as
n v w : ! I convince
I ct Steel Works 1.-1
the next lo .la s sh
i he Ui st "o. i n.- tt-ni
him that cond 1 1 Ions.
nently ti pc r is.lL.
s ar.- on a perma--niiili
Watson said
I 1 VV Hater.
pi ".res ai'i s-nffeult
ri itti i ne of the ; ,
n ii ri , us I .it i e t s, . . .
- 'is art; pi ot . .' i ; '
er the Hkv-
'1 market ;. rid that
i:t. n.r l.stij.s- 1 11 1 are
c u iti. : t .mts at
H,h b for l iter de- time wit:
H cry II 1.- e . l.-I.l. I:. s.1 i i iiks ; s bet I .T. u 1 1 1 I ml,, a I
a revival of the 1 u m I ie rlnn n.-l
"Bnrlnen Comirias Back.
"Personally. I think the linuli
li.ess is 'ruing back ln'r, Its
said Mr. I. abbe, "mi " bus i
. that
I.s of
b is.
W 1 1 .
s aid it
1 ; t 1 1 s'b : ar
v a si; 14 )n
is a lair barometer is i.n t,
row than if was at this t.ii.,
The y.-ar's business mav sl.
falling off. but lasl year haw i
pail of the steamer Santa I'atail!
1 1 -rid
was. one miKht say. a cc id ent a h
"'mr shop Is now prett y vs . -1 ; e.;'i;;i
p -d with orders for lugKlnj, ma. hinery
'I hia iit aus plenty ol work for the
brass foundri.s in the manufacture of
bear.n.'s an 1 we ale taking loariy tin
(Mil o itput of some of the small m.i.
'hn;e s!io s. There has been a si;i.lil
advance m pri. s. iau.sf.1 by the ad
.ii. a- in the prices of steel.
I! i liard to get the -supplies of! we need. be'-ause the rolbtir
t ir ills of the cast are so rushed with
tu jr orders of ra i
bars and definite bother much
shapes that 'hoy bother much
w ith 111 is' ei 1 a 1 .. . ti s sizes and designs,
"This has ,v effect, however, in dl-
verting t ! 1 tmaller orders to the
lu'ilb r mils It 1s the same with,
us, though, for when our shops are
working :-t apacity in making log
ging ma.-1. 1 ner , we cannot do much
with the srnailer articles which w
would have gone after when the rush
was not on. The smaller machine
shops get this overflow and keep Just
as busy .us we do."
Mr. Hates sild that a railroad man
had called on him yesterday with the
assurance that before next March all
business would be moving at Us old
gait. Witnout knowing on what lie
based this assertion. Mr, Bates said
he accepted it. judging from the
tendencies in the Smith t Watson
None of the steel mills and machine
shops is working at anywhere near its
fullest oapa.ejiy as yet, but nil are ex
periencing a decided improvement.
Portland Lumber Pricei.
Portland retail lumber, lain and ahlnfle
price:, tang., today aa follows.
IlimenrdoiiS Rough, lire-sued.
.io iu r. I-.,-, ana io as,.' .w, ,u isi i
i ". i to :-4 i i i - "o
U.'i bi 1- oo bt.oo
3-1 lo 40 14. "0 l.Vou
3i3 to 12iiv; P. Ill M.O0 1 !.''
y, to .12 12 1 i." t
."4 to 4o 14. OO 15.00
For l7.ei over 12 Inch add 00c per 11 for
each additional mill In width.
Common atrlps-
lv 1 S 9 oo $10 00
lie lO.oo 11. OO
i .inini.'ii b"Mrili
lis. lxio and 1 12
$11.00 112-00
( i.hipla, and T. t (. -
lis, lo and 12
K..r ppe.-lf l.-.l le.iflts. strl
J11 00
1 2 1 a J
boards and
al.lplap. a,l ! 1 un I fe;t.
N,i. .1 coin uion hliiplu;.
1 t . .
Us. 1". 12
No. comiucn atrlpa SIS
lis pi nd 12
N". 1; common illtnenalon HIS1E
( -tt uion cedar SISilC
I l,,r;iig - No 1- No. 2
113 or 1V4 VU .r (SO 2S ""'I
114 o.- I V'G Ito.oo 2.'! 00
v.., 4 fl'sorlne In mock
S 7 IO
7 .hi ;
7 00 j
J 7 Oi,
"md I
N... .:. I
J1C ("I
14, (i
.t S fl
No. 2 nr.d better.
lil Kl
KllStl. .
lt I'd
list or lis . .
( filing -IU
or 1 Mi
It :t p. ll S
, J1S OO
20 "0
IS "0
2. 1 CiO
12 (j
i3 00 ;
12 00
16 00
Union Iron Works
Gets Contract for
Two More Vessels
Kr t?a.n Frant !--(.. Hit. 11 . (P.
N. S. T'.e mi. ni Iron WontK
today closed -o.itta.ts for the
building of two ncue slenmem H
like the l'acifi . 1m 1' eiiur, the
total woik undo! or in ift
vlirht up to $ 1 .i.i.mi.iioo. The
I'nlon Iron Works at present tl
in busier than v.-r '...f.jre.
The Rolph t n.n com- m
pany pae u .nntiaet for the IK
t buildinf- of a ste;tmir 'of 10.-
OtiO d.-ad welfcl't tun .apacity
to cot J 1 ,0(in.inin and to be
completed within 10 n.inl'.s.
se ond contract caiin for
j a steamer of the same type to kst
' etist l,(ui(i.00il to be I. lilt for
F I. M. Strachan, ..uner of e
the --'teamer Kuiana. M
Word that the steamer IVirllaiid.
owned by the ijiobe drain & Milling
Co. here, had again had trouble with
her engints ar.d been forced to put into
Bermuda, I -. ember (,, rta(hed J. H.
I Noyes today Slic was bound from laA
Pallice, Portugal. Io New York. Slw
I was forced by a similar trtiuble to put
j Into the Azort s, Nm ember lil.
To attend the Pa n - A meric.i n Si ien
tific ron grass at Washingt' 11, 1' 1 1 ,
llX't-ember -T-January f, 1",, A P.e.ils,
j local weather fores -aster, has been or -I
df red to come to Washington
Swayne s- H"t chartered the
steamer Imisy for a round trip between
ll'orliand and San 1'", jajid she
'Will !eae the Hay City Dos-cmber 10.
j r.or! h bound.
The Nnrweglaji steamer P.a.ia Cali
fornia cleared and sailed this afternoon
wiri, flour, wheat and lumber for
I ArP-a. Antofosi-asta and Callini v iis San
V: .11,. .soo. H. S Si His. travelling
. fr.--.! t iiirent for i-. li. tui Smith. Inc.,
'has been here handling the steamer.
111" to 1 1 Ua ofl If). 00
seiei ted flat slain fiulsti j:, (ij per 11 feet
st-pidm: -
Io 1J in, be, ssI.Im. .. ';nm 119.00
ll'-iIK. vv'.llil-OVe eahlhg. :,.l!Kl
M. . ,e.r itr. ,,1 f,., f,,r ,,.(, ini t) in
'i'l'b 0" per .'I'll 1 ..'f unlrer-.l ll-l.
m nirle. i,s:, m 1 .t 1, ti.T'i iser M
; 1 ni-
phes siibjert (,, 'J jsr .-ent dls-
j " if t
"lh "f ll
.u'l, iiieiitL. aie paid by ttie
Ii K liici.tb.
' -
KfM.nrt cm Tinilu.r v;.!..
if ti,,
the na I 1
Stat, s .
i".'.'"5 timber sabs made on
a ai forest. 1 of the I lilted
ring the last fls a ear. 10.-
ti 1 e r e
In I la; lor
aJoo iin - uiiiier 1 1 'm ea 1.
sis of
A las!
1 it
ea I.
1 I c ei ' were :i0
Ml. , sales 1 .,
Wash! -.-on I.':
ll.ltl lit. del JIu
vs t s t f . . 1 . s t s t : .
s:i I es ra n ir: - 1 1
O'k.i (1(10.
ui 7 2 1, a nd
ing .1 total of
In the noith-
. re a I si 1 s 1 ! a rce-
1 1 1 to Ol er J 1.-
Private Holding iu National Forest
Wltl.lH-vJ.e i i' loi.M boundar
ies are sum- 21.' aces ii, private
ownership. , onsist , ng or lands grunte.)
or taken up fot different jcirposes be
fore the Id:, sts ver - . r. a 1 d or -f
: oineste.-nj entries made -a In 'i -fon
there ar. about 2,jii",' ."i n. r. s ..I
such lands w.thln tlie national fntot
1 011 tid.-irt es. and in Washington ne.irlv
I.fififl.oon a' t.s
Do you want a better one one that
-voort belch gas, or turn sow, or (ed
heavy, or make you fed mkerabte?
For Indifeeslion
It reBeves stomach distress in five nb
vtH. It assists old, trrisatls&coTy, rcfjd
lious storrvaidaS to work fike new 000
ever ready to digest tbe heartiest meaL
Mloni Tablets are gtiarariteed to
gfve satjsfacttoq or money bach
Safe by iasaflag QtmgAi srssarYtastaasc, ajsa-aaafaaaj
The Owl Drug Co.