( THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11, 191$. 6 IS IT EFFEMINATE TO BE RELIGIOUS?' 1 ANSWERS DR. DYOTT Pastor of First Congregation- al Church to Handle Inter esting Subject Tomorrow, TOPIC IS IMPORTANT ONE Bnoject Qrtipi Xntersst of All TMni lsf Parsons, Whether Church Goara or Wot. AMONG CHURCH AND CLERGY Episcopal Deanery Will Meet Monday Noted Eastern Clergyman to Preach; Bishop Sumner to Preach; Young People to Organize; Church Busi ness Meeting Held. Dr. Luther B. Dyott, pastor of ctio First Congregational church, will preach tomorrow morning to the Ques tion "Is Religion Effeminate?" Dr. Dyott contends that it is not. but that possibly its residence in our complex nature may be in the wrong locality. The subject of religion and affemlnacy is one which grips the interest of every Intelligent person whether he be church member or non-church member, church guer or non-church goer. Dr. Dyott. in a genera! way will preach to the following premises and de ductions and will give the reasons which compelled the deductions: "There may be, and often iff, marked difference between the essent ial nature of religion and its expres sion through the lives of its adherents. Its residence In our complex nature may be in the wrong locality. Our original motives may be at variance with its. pristine qualities, ar.d its ex pression through life which has never been adjusted to its transforming power. "Much of that which we call religion may not be the real thing, at all. Often the appeal has been made to the wronc; motives, and the response has been through" that which is selMsh, and morally weak. "Many persona who are rommonlv regarded as religious are sadly lacking Jn virility, stability, spiritual industry, and irreslstahle energy. They seek the easy way rather than the right. Their decisions slant through selfishness into softness. "Our modern life is becoming gela tinous in its luxuries of the one Land. ; and more miserable in its poverty u : the other, while religion is not ar.s gether adequate to meet Bome of tne "- .sternest problems of today because its adherents are too selfish, soft and ei - Jeminate. "Some of our sisterly brothers in the church and out of it are mighty bi cowards when their pocket books are in danger of being hit In moral re . forms and humanitarian movement", and courage- is demanded in overcom ing the wrong." Dr. Dyott says religion is lasting as "eternity and will demonstrate that it is not effeminate, that no man can be quite a man without religion of the , right sort and that it. therefore, should mean more to men and through ri-en. Congrg-a.tlonaIirts Elect. At the annual business meeting of the First Congregational rhurch held in the church parlors. Thursday. D.-' rrmbr 2, the following officers Were elected: Deacons, V. V. Clarke, O. K. rewards and G. E. Frost, Sr.; deacon esses, Mej-dames J. I-. Bowibv, O K. Howards, II. O. I.. Fitch and C. V. Seward; church treasurer, W. S. Turn er; church clerk. V. K. Royal; Bible school superintendent. J. I. Bowlby; member of music committee, Dr. V. P. Spencer, chairman of ushers, S. S. i-igel. At the annual business meet ing of the First "on trregat lona 1 to--b-ty. held in the church parlors Thurs day, December '. the following offi cers were elected: Pn sid-nt. Judge II. H. Northup: treasurer. W. S. Turner: secretary, II. G. Colton; and Judge J. li Clcland, member of the board of trustees. Christmas Season Service. Sunday morning, December 1!, the members of Cavalry Presbyterian church and Sunday school will hold a service in keeping with the Christmas season. It will be a "White Gift" Sunday, and instead of receiving gifts everyone is expected to make an offer ing of self, service or substance. There will be a white cross on the platform, at the foot of which the gifts will be laid. The whole tenor of the service will be to help others instead of being helped. A fine program with this in view Is being arranged by the Sunday school There will be appropriate music bv the choir, direc ted by George Hotchkiss Street and M:ss Margaret I. amherson, organist. Many new mem bers have been received into tills church and an enthusiastic spirit of service prevails. Ccurse of Mission Sermons. At Saint Mark's, Twenty-first and Marshall streets, on Sunday evenings during Advent, the rector, Rev. J. E. H Si.npson. is preaching a course of mission sermons, subject tomorrow. Wl.ii t Must I Do to He Saved?" Afttr t- ens--ng at 7:3o, the service begins at (.clock ar.d prayer and hymns of mission character. The subject Sun dnv in. , rnir.tr at U by Kev. .1. G. Hil ton, is on -Some Points and Lessons from a Study of the Middle As-?." who Is starting on his fourth year with the church. The reception was urder the auspices of the Brotherhood of the church. A delightful program was rendered and following its conclu sion refreshments were served by the women. Community Sing's Planned. Plans for "community sings" once or twice each month have been made by the social committee at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian rhurch. The first of these will be held New Tear's eve. Arrange ments have also been made for a lec ture course in the church during the winter months. The lectures will be given by able men on different subjects. Medford Man to Preach. Mt. Tabor church pulpit will be oc cupied Sinday by Kev. Weston F. Shields of Medford The congregation has decided by en almost unanimous vote to substitute a 5 o'clock vesper service Instead, of the regular evening service. Rev. Mr. Neal. a returned missionary from Africa, will give a stereopticon lecture at 0 o'clock, Sun day, December 19. First Appearance Tomorrow. The newly organized junior choir of the Westmoreland Methodist Epis copal church will make its first eve ning appearance tomorrow. There r.ow are 1!0 boys and girls in this choir who are being directed by Mrs Ballard and the pa-stor. Their selec tion will be in harmony with the ser mon fcubject. "Christmas Gift." The adult choir also will sing. Starts Hew Study Course. The Young Women's Bible ( lass of the First Presbyterian church, with J. J. Ross as leader and teacher, has Dust entered upon a systematic 6tudy course beginning with the Ancesters of Israel, and using as a text book, Robinson's Leaders of Israel. The class meets in room A at 3 2:10 noon. -Ml women invited. Will Talk "Among Can the Ethiopian Change His Skin? Tomorrow morning at the White temple, the pastor. Dr. Hinson, will preach on the theme, "Can the Kthi opian Change His Skin" and at night on the remainder of Jeremiah's ques tion. "Can the Leopard Change His Spots?" To botli questions an affirm ative answer will be suggested. At the morning service the quartet will render the anthem. "Send Out Thy Light." by Gounod, and for an offer tory will sing, "The King of Ixyve." by Shelley. The night music wiil con sist of the anthem. "'ome Wrarv Soul." by Gilbert, and for the offer tory 'Lamb of God I Come." bv Nevln. on Zulus. the Warlike .ui -.i." will be the subject of the address tomor.cw right to be given the Waverly Heights Congregational church by the pastor. Rev A. (" Moses This lecture, il lustrated bv a large number of excel lent stereopticon plides. wiU show the Zulus as they were in savagery and :l-S tl.ev are now as the result of the in fluence of Christian missions. All who o.n attend are cordially invited to thee services. Noted At t crlv Hei; H.v H. H Dr. Kelsev Man to Speak. le morning services of the V av- e.oSt 1K-W Cit'ic lean thru will get w 1 1 o work coast its ongregatlonai cnur..i, Kelsey. L). L., will preach. Is a noted clergyman of the has recently taken up MJ at San Francisco, as Pa- representative of the Am'"- Misilonary Society to Meet. The Woman's Missionary So.letv of the National C. W. li. M. will have charge of the cervices at Rodney Ave i.ue Christian church tomorrow eve ning. Tiie FUbJ.-ct to be presented is: "America's Expenditures." A special musical prog-ram will be given under the direction of Mrs. Beatrice L. Kim-mons. The Advent meeting of the Northern Deanery of the Episcopal church in the diocese of Oregon will be held on Monday and Tuesday, December 13-14. at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Broadway and Fast Forty-third street North The opening service at 8 o'clock, conducted by Rlsht Reverend Walter T. Sumner, D. D. assisted by Rev. T. F. Bowen. vicar of St. Michael's, and dean of the Northern Convocation. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Thomas Jenkins, B. I j., rector of St. David's parish. On Tuesday .morning there will be a cele bration of the holy communion. Bishop Sumner officiating. Morning prayer will be said at 9:lu, followed by morn ing and afternoon sessions, at which a number of papers will be read, fol lowed by discussions. The writers and speakers will tt-r Rev. John G. Hat ton, assistant rector of St. Mark's par ish. Rev. O. W. Taylor. rector or Grace Memorial parish. Rev. John D. Rice of St. John's. Sell wood ; Rev. I . K. Howard, chaplain of the Good r-a-mlfn hn'sollal- Rev. J. K. H. Simp son i of St. Mark's; Rev. . .1 Breck of St. Matthews, ar.d Rev. Williams of St. Paul's. Oregon These meetings are all. open CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES THURSDAY NOQX IS LIMIT E. L.. T. Midweek Morning, "in tiie "A Vital g ;estl..n notices for the classified church directory, and other matter for the Saturday church columns of The Journal, must be In tic editorial rooms of The Journal by noon Thurs day In order to lnsn.-s publication Address all mail communication. "Chnrchss. ' cars City Editor The Journal. Items not appearing In tue Saturday church page will be found in the Sunday church column. public, tended attend. and a to anyone M. T. J. City. to the cordial invitation is ex- who would like to nimren. pa' 11 and 7 n the Lihio i.itii;, "t ttu ir.r. JO. lnn l lii- Will Elect Df fleers. Tuesday evening meeting of the ity society w:ll lo. i;-M the First Methodist at o o clock. Important eluding th. election of r.ext l.a annual I'hur.-ii Extension in the parlors cf Episcopal rhurch. business, in offlcers for Peace and Unity Is General Topic w " The general theme for the week of praver to be held in the Protestant churches of the country affiliated with the Federal Council of Churches oT Christ in America from January - to will be "Peace ajid Unity." The dates special topics and refer ences have also been given out as fol lows: ,,, .. Sunday, January 2. "ReconLi -ition . Isaiah 64:lo; Acts. 10:3t; Romans. , I Corinthians. 5:1S:19. Monday January ?., "Peace: Inlcrnr, tlor.al and National"; Isaiah. 12; Acts, 1 . .-i. Romans. 13; I Timothy 2:1-8 1 ues dav. January 4. "Peace Through Chris tian Sendee for Jews and Abroad and at Home.1 lor all mis slonary societies. Psalm. 67; Iiah 49:3-lU: -Acts. 1:1-S: Mark $ 6-1-6 Wednesday. January 5. I nlty .w- rv,,.r-, v. Thrniiirhout the VS or. a , . ' llc 'J ,v Ss.r R7-1V John. Corinthians lcilm 173- isriian. -O.i i-. l''r.V,r('m I 1 i ' 1 2 -2 7 Thursday. January . "Peace by Kducation in sdiools. Colleges and lniversuies'; Psalm. 119:9-16 Ls . 7,V t; isao-wi. nu 3:l--'b: sua tilt. First Wblte Trn.j.K . n. I'.ttjle cborl. D:SO. Per-, fees I. I. l' 0.1.V M-rtm?. ' ' t'tinge Ilia kln v,.; i;vi. LLjrd cliaocu Ills S:jtg J V, babl Side i..i( -'i. k l.q A.ieny RrT W O. Shank, p.itor. .services 11 uiij 7 3c. S. S. 10. Ii. Y. I'. I'., il :'. Mornl:.); k:-'i eTeuliig errl. ea by llev. 11. t. Mar--n.i;. of Salciii. rlj:L!HiHl. k...l ol.. Miit. A:;.r'i t:e ( h. F. illelr. 11 und 11. V l l .. C :;n. IiiLle Ktu.lv, .'4.'.. M nil::;, 1 Trajer." lii'-uii-i;. "Siii lleiueajlH r.' ' Arleta Ker W . T. S Si.rlci;". f. S. 10 Moriilut;. lTi. Tl.reu I.luk. ' l.venli.i.-. "TUe le.:u r.elut-ii .Nalure uul 'ir!i.e." B. Y. I'. Service". 11 and ":P0. Swfdlvb 1 Hiriioh I'.-'iptlxl i.il.-'l n .'. .'. l .ck Ir. ladle' (.arlur, WLUe iiLii-ie, Twelfth nuJ laj 1. r st. lulvcrny Park UeT. '. I.. IlehUett S rvieea 11 and V .JH. S. S.. V.Ul. li. Y. I'. L ., tin. Mivedlot 1Mb und l!-yt t.. 10:43 and J: JO. S. S.. 1-. li. Y. r. I' . 5. Grm Muuiivtlu- I.. I. l"jih. 11 a:iC 7 :;;. v. i'.. (i.jo. s. a., a: t3 bellwwd itev. r. 11. ll.ie, 11 ami 7:30. S h.. lo U. Y 1'. r. ti.::o. St. J.ibli' tl. P. I'., r.ien pn-lor S. S. 10 Srvke. il and 7 :10. I'.. Y. 1'. t'.. 0:30. Calvary V.i Mt) und cjrant W.kIs 11 aud 7 .L0. si. S . l'J. c.:'.o. Ml. Calvary I'iua tre"t and r.ev. A. M. MacLack. brncf U a. m. TLlrd kii'-tl nnd 'ancmtfr iten:i Iter. W. J. B. :nen. I,re.-l.!:.g 11 ai.d 7 :i(J H Y. 1' L.. .XC S. S . 1" M.-n.lag. -"llie ("holcU Callluu " livcniuK. rcviv.il. Sr. Joluis iCicnimn i I'.ct. K. r.riiermanB. 8. ., 10. 11 and 7. JO. 11. Y T. I .. 0:.W. CLioenr klitobiou--6. .-v. 7. J. C. Maiuoir, u pernio-tide nt . Lents lU v. J. XI. X.-lm. S. H . 10. sery Ices 11 and 7 ".). 1'.. Y. 1'. I'.. 6:H0. .s..(md (;cru:an. Mrria si reel i.nd ItAiJnej -Kev. '.. Y. A. I.'.. Oraud are. 11 and is. S. S S.. l-4.".. J.inlur I-.. 3. piaver. TharMl:iy. S lu s. u.K.1 (if I'tirisi." t.ven;i: tjT tl.e Hour.'' Liilveruv I'm rk I.orel.n rd and K!-ke treet V.rr. C. L. llaaiilton. 11 and 7:30. sv 8 . nt.'. E. L.. C :.c .MurnUic, ' Tlie Mis'...n ..f Clirlst." l.vti,:ii. i-i:: a lUl-v." Lent Ile. ls.ni juuk. li aud S. S. S . 1. E. I... 7...0 1. m. Uctcl ! arr-ibi.-- imJ MolII'.lcii Ma. Rev. J. I.. cn, jji.lur, 11 uud s.ii. S. .. U JO. C. t... 7. Wetrrir( kind -Mil ankle ivr. between Ra- ri'.na and Souih avin -I'ev. i;. Ii. Harrlvm. 11 und 7 Ji.i. i:. S . 1". Meruliitf. "Hie Sliei.-t-i.l l'!-aim." Kvenliii;. "ChriHlijuii 'jlfn." I-lnceln -Kan .'.2(J a ail l.lnevlu ;. ci. Ha lev. iuMcr. S. .S.. II. Servlcto 1 ' W aid V 'l'.-ilton Michigan and Alberta Ke. '-or.-B II lei, na;or. 11 and 7.4T.. S. S.. 10. t. 1... U.4.". V o.ditock Kaat 41b and Ooth axe. S. E. Flank Jauica, paator, 11 and 7:30. 8. S., 10. L. 1, tl M. Cla. 1:15 . m. llrt (ieriuau A. I". C-aiucr. paator, 11 and 8 S. lo. L. L., 7:;40. Brentwood H.-v. J. Weal 'itompeoa, 8. S, 10 s.rrl.ei. 11. BerkeWy Height club tioa.i! Services. 3. C.il.J-C ! !.y I'.ct. A. 11. I'alder. ILUi'-e ill..i:,u-ll .'i nd .JO. lo S. Ulk'b maas :ui. Van C. S. y. 1 L. -i"ii m. Mas 7 Jo, :iO. Krnli.z n-rvii-e 7.4'.. ft Anrtrrnir-E. !1U and Alberta ata. Ke. T. Klerian. .Mass b. UlgD liiu 10.30. Lve- D i t. g M-rvi.-c 7 li'j. St. 1:. s.' I. .V;d and Alameda Iter. J. O I". c-.il. M-h . t-i. l'.T.-nlt4j fcervlr ii.y lili-.-ui.-r- I'ortlai.il lilvd. and nil,. m.- Kev. I". II. MWIt. Mill li.H'j ma- 1" Jo ;:ven:i'(r s.o-vlco 7:J0. .V. cnsl-n -1.. auitnll ai d L. 7tb Tran (S .an l.i!,cr. Mj a S. Ulfib isaa 10.30. I.i. ...it ,.-n, .... 7 ... l;!ia-...l .n-raiueni ilaryland ave. and Blan it.iu M - In t. I!. V. lvelly. Sda a. Ultfli u:m : iio. r. veiling .ftvlce 7 : Jo. M. iKnatl'iv - ..JJo 4;;.l t. S. K. Jesuit .Nl.,." ti .a. jikI a. Illgh mass :k "..il.p 4. 1 1 . 1 Ci,ii, 771 .vrJon it.--Re. C. Kit- tl ir Cuncrrciiatu.DaL '..rfc and M i !t-oii rev. Itther l. S. S.. K Vi I'rearhlng. 11 r i . : ojc . la Ki'llfiim Klti-tnl'ijte . ' ' 1 uc I'la e if l'raycr hi Modem n and rirat I In.. tt. 7 4.". Mo I. ir. .liit;. UI.'.' 1-Irat I'.rrma D East 7th and Stanton lief. i:. u Woluian. Atklu - n Mi-mcrlal Eaat :.".!b aid Everett li.i. J. T. M-rrlll In riia.-.e. 11 and 7:J0. S. . :.riit!un l.ndeaver. .4... 1 liivcri-i:; 1'ark- havi-u atrei t npr Loraharfl Lev F J. M-jcr. i. 1.. laKior. 11 and s m. S . 1 ). Y. l S. c-. E . 0 o. t hiu-.l -1 tuvi n and Louinani b:reets--np. 1'. J. Miyei. (..laid.-. S. S.. lo. I'lcacbin; at II and 5. C. 1... 7. H.eiilaial - E"t itn and lrc. .,tt H-r. E. 8 Hi, dinner, rrea.-l-lnir. 11 and 7:40. S. S.. lit. . 1'. S. C. i: . ('. 45. Mwrr.!r. Tn-ulde in Travr I.mci.'' i-vcning b'-rnK'ti t y Ktv, 1 r. 11 11 Kelii). Lino. -r..urt I'.ev. r. n. Gray. 11 and 7 4J. S .. In. '. E.. (l.JO. I'lls: lm--M isaourl and Shaver aireeta Rev. . C. K:i:.tij(i . a-tr. 11 ami 7 .). S. s... iTfUiic 11 and , 6. 41. (jieneoi Knit R Walta. S. S. 7:3n. Ii. Y. 1". Ot-tii." Evening, No Water." Mount ullTet 11 and S li id. Italian MIs-- paitvr. lu Jo. 1 .JO. 4.VI1 b. 3., 0.4 and Main y. r. t r.pv. a. 0.4S a. tn. Services 11 sud I'.. ti.oo 'c-ri.!uK, "(e-'da "llrokcu c'l'urns ihat Hold ReT. Y. A. klairett. pastor. . S. Sj., 12;.T0. m Uii. 1 ranccsco Sannplla. I S. S. S.. IO. l'aator'a circle 8. Er.elNu (.n ilrsi German I. Krau. SerTl. e. 11 Goodwill atn.-i.in iketi at l'J u:(ti and .nd 7 M. 1Mb and .30 service. Alhi ii-r. J. M S.. t:43. Boise Mlaa A.. the year, is on the calendar. (I. 1' Joiiason is president of the society. board of missions; and it is hopci all CongregationaliRts who can make an effort to hrar him and acq,ua:nted with" him. Wheelwright to Speak. W H Wheelwright will Miak at Tiose City Park Community . hurch to morrow evening, on "The iMty of In action at tiie Present Time." Mr. Wheelritht is ontiosed to the :ncreae i of armament. He h.is given Iiis ad ! tlre.-.-s before the Army and Navy I league and before' several banquets of ! business men. (Inoil music will be fur 1 rushed and h. cordial invitation is ex tended to all the public. Brace MaoIilland to Xiectaxe. Bruce Macl.elland. author "Prosper ity Th.rough Thought l'orce," will lec ture next Sunday for the, New Thought Temple of Truth, Kilers building, 142 liToadwav, at 11 a. in., on "Seeking the infinite." and at 8 p. m., on "Pros perity Through Development." Bishop Sumner to Preach. Ulshop W. T. Sumner will visit the Church of the Uood Shepherd, Cra l.am and Vancouver avenues, on Sun day evening. 'on f i rmat ion will be ad- n.lr.istere.l. th bishop j.reaching sermon. Servn is will be at 7:30 p the m. v-r-'irt'-x- ' lnrmarv 7. "The Kamily Youth; Spiritual Training": Deuteron omv. 6:4-9: Psalm 34; Psalm 1--. Matthew. 1S1-14; II Ti; riot by. 3 .14-1. lt,iriiav January S. 'Peace Ihrougli lirotherhood; Reform and Social , To Promote Health. Labor cut ions. Purity and Temperance . Psalm Sr.J-lJ. rsalni, ' : Isaiah -1--0--M- Luke. lo::a-:!T; liomanp. 1.- 11. Sunday. January 1 nc 1 o (. torv ana oioiy . ' s.nii. '. 0-7; l,uke. 1H-3S; l-.plie-T Corinthians. 15:2.'; i Hebrews. 10:l2-rj; Kev- 6. ser-t.'on- M. Nelson, superintendent. Nortn I'urtland Mix. SS8 Nlcolal strret. Iltoi.i.. fruit,. K p. rn. Kuseilville MiM-c; -S. S s. Pretrbing C.l.'i by I'r. All.iit I.a.igLl.rKii-e Xabernaclc Ea Walter Huff. It 9.4.".. Ii. . P. I l 4ii al.J II.. S 11 . r.vpril; ate sts. .1 7 :.". -IlPT s. s.. Var." '.( 4.-.. C. I. . 0 Mir.,li K. ' 1' i:.i- Ivii.e.lvjin c-f Uod " EvtrniT. I'loneer. ' a:. JoLns I'aniel T. 'tocias. 10 a. ni. ITcacLlnj;. 11 a. nj. LaUrtltTiMil -i.'.ili ...-PLne and llev. L'. 6. JuhUNou. 11 and a. b.. lo. Ardenwald Iianlel t' 1LomM. lo -Ij. L'. L . 7. ITeacliliu. 8. Waverlv Helgtita --l.a-t Jud and TVoodward. tlrn nn.l A Wiiurn r.:nr. R. S , : u. 1:.. e . C'.tU iLTI-fl. U. E.. 7. t. uaitor. S. 3 Ii end. IITH'C 7 s: so lllitli uiafa 10.3O. hTenlutf I'reacLli.g 11 c nd 7 VA t-.ineday. Brentivi. E. 17tli n E. Mr. St-lls ("r...k 1 , pie Lieellng 7. ITe ii 111- SenndoiSTlau - - :'4i r.rir.it. d.i t.l. paitcT. 2i. 11 and 7 JO. Irjiyer nieetinx 1 E. 5th are. 8. s. .v. v is. Vto t 11 an3 S. field Her. J. O. in. Preaching at X. E. Church Boutl. I'tik.n hp. and Mult n .tnab -W. J. paat. r. S. S.. 10. berili-a 11 and I... C .to 11. m. Pentcm. :30. E. Free Methodlat. Central ehurch ---ftCtb and Eat Flandera V.tv. L K. Blackman. Strilcrs 11 aofi S. S. S . 10 a. m.: Y. 1". il . 7. f Klrsl cburru Cor. Lull Stb and Mill its. Rer. E. L, liorrlugtuL. mior, 11 aud 7:30. s. c : - 1:. rcii a 1:m-i,;i,- -..i 1 ..tl.. i V:i t'lllill'lixhaiil 'it.,- ,., St l't.:,,, W. J. I ari Lv. ::!:.. .Sore, in lu 1 1. :....- li e 7. I.e. s't. At::!.j 1:. I.".' t'na.mii.v. M- v li sen 1. ". ... fat . J..ci j a I ,v: in..: I'.ev. 1'.. 1'i.ri. .-. ,U- l.vec.ln uti nc 7.(1 St . MaiilKia..- 1 I I I aliil.k: -ti - K.-i. I . Dj a a 1 o . i . 1 : - . St. M:c!...-1 ( i.-. a lb v. M. It..., -;r.i. M. Lv-bi:.g . ni. e S: . I iel.ic:.: SL.i :; Sin,: h. Mii 5- li.i aerv Ice 7 .''4.'. .St. ('Una (";! Mass S. lllgtl U.1M 7 :..o. S.I. 1 l.arles 3lt G. s;nidcrlcrn. M.. mm; at-tvlie 7 Ju. - !-'! E' d E. Taylor Rev. War Msii C. h.3-. lllgli uia-a Jo. JO. c- 7 .' M'.rulug. s.Jo tuaaa ' J idiltnent ; 10:30, Fattier i . oieulng, i'atlier Waltt. Hum . ' -I icth and Hickory Upt. Ma a s. High aia.s lu:JO. and renter KeT. O. . lo Jo. Evening aerv- and 1 ILa: Miller Re. J a lo. JO. Evening 1:. s. h and lllgll CViurb uiaas sta. 10. JO. -Mary lnnd fl.ew Mm 1. e ..:o. 4.11 and Mill V 11. .a U-aal sve and b. liigb sta. 10.30. A. Nrw!uu fs. U Uiaa in Jo. - Kes. C. Evening in.; - r.ev. Anthony. I.k nl::g avrvice ad K ! 11! nc wort h . 1 1 .4' J n.aa lo i Kev. E.e Lntlicran. InimnLUPl 10th and lulue liui.aid tii.oc. 11 aud n. S. !., l"rUtl:v i..rc:a:i iMia crl 11 av.-i.TU" a:, 1 n:n:.nlii J. A Ii.11' o. S. ! Rev. J 0.45. li - Williams !i. P. IT. and Jawlih. CocgrPCatlin Betb larael li'ii and klaln sts Kefutnj rituul ITIday nlgtt at H. Sstur dai Uioruing at 10.30. Hell u acboul at a ,0 Susxlay morning. It. I Id Jnuah II. Wlas ruuuocla all set vice mil iilLla clasaea. Latter i;ay Baints. Cliur"h of Jeaua ttrlst of Lattpr (Uu:aiii! ( hapel Ult -ath aud & S.. IO. Preaching, 11.45 and 1 ll.ii.la villa tlx t Mormun) a. si., t:.LJ. 11 and i:J0. Ibt Salnta M adlaou 30 a a. Sr- JMlsslons. eoedlat allsap.n Uiv II. a t . lo. Y . P.. 6;J0. tliui ibuiiel Iter. li. 4. Tborea. Thorrl.. 11. 1 1 sod 8. S . lu lirthpl I r.e Cl.urch Ivy and .. llliama Lin. J. A. Maine), 11 iliI 8. S. b.. : . New Church bociaty. Sc pdenb(ir:iiin -K. of p. ball, llth and AU dei Hpv. satnurl UorivMicr Sj. S.. In 1.". a. ui. Sei 1 ice at 11 a. in.. I lew Man i Kv; Ar 1-IUolvd Teimde 11 am 1 ti I.vei.itig. l.y Pru.e Kev Thought. ,.f Trn'.h. Ellera lnilldir.g l.peiurpt. Morultig.. "Seek 11 the Infinite 'IToi-riiy 'lhrouga lkrveioumejit. Mi ..e 11a ml. 0.1a. Ur. ! v. A 7 .JO. S S . u.C( tins. 7 1.1. n Lv Kv lUNtruted l.-clurc, b.v the 1 aator. Sijii : : v .!e- East J siKili. 11 and :. 1 Ul TiLC dill to ( . .Moiulli,-. "Walk: '( ..!.. an,'. :1... Z.ien 1 1 iei ma n 1 - J. II. IK-iii. .0 uilnialt-r. I'rt-ai-hli.g. 11 and . 1'. S , C 4.'.. Praj . r re ll.ur'-.lay. ilortih.K II. II. lv Iter bver.;i.g. 11 'Auioijz the Warlike Zulus," ::;d and Taylor Ba. J. 4j. H s.. 10. Junior C. E.. E. 4 17. Seiiier C. E., J..aj. Willi i.j.1 ' Evening, s. ii la e cf l.'ir ! :i. " had .cit anil ic-ujont. Kev. 1 ml i JO. C. E .. 6. JO. I i.lted .n or 11 eg iaa - I (lima a LmIm u, 11 a id 7:4.".. S. S., ' .43. ilcti-any Danish L':.lon avenus N . a r'.a lUfil M. I - JPiien t-nt liclui, t aerv leva 11 and b. 8. S.. lu . 1 ' . 11 p s o.i 1 uc..'i..i. Anjiuai bujaiiiea liieniiay. 7 Jn. uur savl. r . Iji:h.:sn t'hurch- E. p.; E. Oiant ill. Kev irtorni" llrur'ks.ii tor S. i. U vi. r.i-ciiau aervK-es 10 I w 1 c lan 1. r 1c naitur, d M r Relunned. Hrt .( niiin-Ulh ai-d Clay i.pr. pastor. I'reai hing j .ft. v . p. s., 1. be .-uud-- ulutnbla hlvd. and S3d St. A. Wim. 11 and S. 15. 8.. ;JO. i.'. P. 8 7, llurd - Filth ave., Liits--KeT. JJ kl.liut. naaur. 11. L. s,., lu. sta. 0. nr 1U.40 and g. H. S., B. chtld- I'eace in !: Il": 1; Isaiah, nians. 2: 14; TiniOtliy, 6 K elations. 1.1 PrjabytenajL. First 12lii ami Aid-r r.ev n preachl:.; PeJo a ti J". Evening. ' 1 Ue 1 Lui.dli, of personality " loilltL- F.ral 1, lei IJIMiS I'.PT. Ha: lain. ;,a: -r. I'leachu.g. i'j.li S. S . 12. 1 . l: . C. Ho Mod, First F Pa: hi i.-e p.- M.'.i t,:.,-i u la la Hid .Ne Jotc.i H Boyd. : 7 J'., r. E.. d. J ,u 'i-w L,.- Hpnry an. I 1 i is : 1 w. . Fund for Newsboys Cot Purpose of Play Bishop Sumner, assisted by the chil dren of the Ascension chapel. "tage play entitled "Christmas Krve" In the Atnsworth school on l).cember 18, for the purpose of raising funds to furnish a cot and care free of ch.-irire at the Good Samaritan hosnital for i bership of 4! newsboys. About J'" children win tnko , members have part in the play, which will be financed toy Bishop Sumner. The public is asked vto attend the performance, from which the proceeds will go towards the co; fund. All newsboys will be guests of honor. Numerous, other affairs are be ing planned for the cot fund. Sermon In Welsh. P.ev. John Hughes of Liverpool. Ki. eland wiil prench a sermon :n Welsh at ti.e Church of the Strangers, (".rand avenue and Wasco street, on Sunday at 3 p. m. In the evening he will preach In English the same church. Tonng People to Org-aslze. The voting people of St. 1 lav-Id's par ish over 16 will meet on Wednesday night at tie parish house for the pur I esc of eff(Ct:ng a young people's or Dr. Boyd to Preach Upon Personality The climax of a series of nermons of extraordinary Interest und Ftrength v.-Ill bo heard in the First Presbyterian church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, at 7:30 p. m., Sunday, when the pastor. Rev. John II. Poyd. D. P., will speak on "The Power Needed in the Upbuilding of Personality." This is the final sermon on "Manhood and Womanhood In the Making," and will be of special interest to young men and young women, anil those who are earnestly absorbed in the problem of producing a higher standard of liv- j lng in th youth of this generation. speak in this pul- ark l,aa (. -.. Mors.:,: 1. 1 u: A w Ti . lal. la Eaat 7 1. . 11 and S). ;- ...ne l.e. 1. lo. f. E elluWU 7tu al linger, il and Christian. ( . luluh.a Us. Rev. II and 7:4a S. S.. i:l', 1 ' a i.cr.'.lj. e inl a the ilih.e Will Geo. 9:43. S. rv .Ncvt.- in.l Ilnyt IUt. E.. 7. . i-u.m, pa'tor, 11 J. C. and d I ILerty sta. Res. S., 43. C. Sixteen lew Utmbsri Becelved. Tist Sunday the Rose City Community clrircli received 10 members. The church new- church in the Park new has a mem- More than 12J new been received into this past 11 months. Paator la Honored, laast Tuesday nis'ht about -On mem bers and friends of the East Side Bap tist church gathered at a reception In honor of the pastor. Rev. W. U. Shank, "I Am Not Come to Send Peace, But a Sword" By Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church. Jesus was a revolutionist conscious of mor tal combat between truth and everything false in religion and life in general, he made his bold declaration inviting antagonism. Since his religion was primarily a plan of life dis truths at variance with precedent, tradition and practice, he knew that a conservative ma jority wedded to their religious, social and political conceits and superstitions would de nounce him as a breeder of sedition and so lie was. The cliaracter of nations like individ uals is founded upon fixed ideas or principles. His doctrine of human brotherhood, his declaration that his kingdom was not of the world meaning thereby not alter the fashions or manner of it but a state of human society formulated upon great fixed principles of truth, unfolded a ba:s for a constitution of the ideal state. In this ideal state imperialism has no place. God .is no respecter of persons. The only right to roval pretension is through doing the will of Cod," which is, dealing justlv. .living righteously. The way is open for all, not exclusively for a privileged class, to consciously become sons of God, no greater distinction being possible for man. In the march of human events the doctrine of brotherhood of man will prove more and morea mighty sword of the spirit of truth, dealing death to every institution seeking to impede a world's progress. The combination idea applied to effort for protection and ef ficiency marks the growth of public sense and sentiment in the necessary- direction toward that point where the loftv .motto of the human race will be one for all all for one. It is difficult to imagine how anv fair-minded critic of Tesus can fail to see that his doctrine is the very foundation o'f a social democratic government. Often misrepresented bv his self- . styled friends, he has been made a patron of blood letting, greed "and lust for earthly power, until the world is sick at heart of cant, hypocrisy and deceit, and longs for a more genuine and Effective practice of things proposed. There can be no per manent peace until it is established upon the sound basis of moral truth, the highest concept of which in the relations of man is human brotherhood widely applied in social, economic and political affairs. Pastors ExchavnffB Pulpit. P.ev. W. o. Shank, pastor of the Past Side Baptist church, will ex change puiplts with Kev. II. E. Mar shall, of Salem, Or. Salvation Army at Pendleton. Pendleton. Or.. Dec 11 1'nder the s.;j er .s:on of Captain I". James and Lieutena. t Meyers of Walla W.illa arrangements for the establish ment of a permanent Salvation Army corps in Pendleton are completed. Way Is Cleared. The wood and coal dealers have cleared the way for you to get the best fuel at best prices. Their ads are in the classified section of today's Journal. C A d v. ) Dr. Pit Boyd at 10:: will 0 a. also m. 12th Anniversary Will Be Celebrated Eveuinff, "Wty lb-11 a ' nur, :.. ' c u i ar 1 1 tn and ("lav at.- Ilev. ) S. P. v:u. lo.JO and 7:1'.. S S . 1". M.in.lij, 1 l'welilujj Wlta ti.. h.:,i. ' Lvening. "Pa i 1 1 e now. ' ' aro. r Leilce P.ev. fleo.t K- CTomle, 11 and ; ,4."i. S. S.. lo. kcnliuerlL- K.,-1 .l!h and Gladstone Rev. Leslie Kirk Klcliariiaou. uator. S. S. 9 13. a rsIrM 11 fiiul V. IV S. C JO. M.-vn : I aeru.oi. bv Ke . 1 I'-d N' al. on Africa." live- I tiiiiR. "Tue Word Maiie 1 U-.it.," b, he. II. ti. 1 1 Illicit!. Mliliah E. I9lh and Hlvlslen Her. Harry Leeds, pastor. 11 und 7: JO. S. S.. t:45. C. L. U.aO. liope-Moctavllla, 7Mb nnd Fv.-ri-tt ts -Itev. S. W. Seeuian. 11 and 7 :.'). S. S.. 10. Mornlii?. "The Motive uf tiie ilriri'tlin." tve liiLK, "Two LVcs.4euil-.iLs ol Lit. . ' turtles Rev. liarrr U. Pratt, il and &. S. S.. IO. t ., .ao. Central EaJt llitb nnd I'lne sis Key. I.. K. tirimes. pa" r. 10 10) nnd i:4.V. S. 8.. 12 I". E.. 7. M.irn.re. M.-ziitttati u. s,.irll." Liciiitifc'. "Taii li.iiiili nnd Mi.ii ' Mt. laN.r Krt-t ....rri an l i. .pnont R Wllllnm (IraLaui Mo-jie, II and S S . 10. C. E.. 7. I n'.. l ine, Hate I . I-'.. 4 ,. in. Jl-.r- inif ami art. it..-.;. a;rin..i.a liv Il. v. . 1. Slli.l.ll, Medlof.l. ITediiiDiit I liviland and Jarrett sts. lift. A. L. llut.-hh.aoii. pastor. ('. E. ',. .o. s. s. 9:4". Scrviics, II a. ti. a:.-1 7 ao i ia. jiort.in. "Iioltiif l.vp! -it. " 1 i -..l;.:. .:..."i'H con lcviure on .uber"..b.s t Er.y Ma'.- L'nllJ' VS. Le tara.. . m.i.1-ter. II und t 8 10. YerDon--intb and W Moual. t sstur 1 I ai d 7 0 a. Junior ' E.. 4 of Prai.r.'' Evei.ir.j;. '."i:: Atraj " I 'or. 19th pastor, nne P.. and Nfhaleji Ht. 1! aud . a S.. E.. D. lo. n y J. Mcunir, to. CO. bell .voJ ' E N. teroaa. C. L. J-. Ilo.li.ev Av p.r. .- tue.- 1 a:..l 7 i.'.. S. S "ll.e Tet:i.uy K-i '' Eveiiii, Kcnliei will .Ni.iloii r. . II. il., aubjei pi i.dlllU'ra." t. JaLu Rev. Herbert T. Jonei, psutor, 11 sr.., s . .. Pi. C. li.. 7. I'.-.-t seie CI ristlan. cor. E. 12th I.nio; A. I.. I r.iii. oaJ'.or. S. S.. 10. ii.. 11 and 7. a". ( . E.. 0 Zu. ' Kern 1'arL - - Ilev. G. h. Rerr.r, pastor. II and 7.1i" S. U:40. C. E.. tjillo. Pro- iiiotjuu priraui, lu.3'j a. m. I'reacbiuf 11.15 J. F. Ghormlej. p.a - and ivjiolt Preacli'.tijJ. . 1 I ;i I". ( . E . 8 :,J(. Morrilr.g. f Men to the lniTr of Je be Id charge of " America a El and 1'rea Reformed JresbTtnaa. First churcli Minnesota and Ainawartii It t 1'. U. irmr. Ixrrv Ices, 11 and 7. JO, S a , 10. 11 li St. l aul s deru.a.. i-asr i-tn an 1 t lint n A Ji. KrHjoe. Mibtor. Ueruian and Liigll.b S S.. ii M. laennau Bervice. 10.30 a. m. Ens; l.b, 7.Ja p. in. i'.ilile atudj and joimtr. , , U.eelii.x. lturailav. p. in. (,'onf Irnia'loti tiaaa in llei.n.iii. 1 uf m1"j and Friday, i n. in . in l.t.el.M.. 7 Jo p. m. luin.auael (erLaai. Scllwood U. C. Ebe Hi, lo JO. S. S.. 1:S0. lace l.nKian ilduaourl Fjnod) All, Ids avr. in, I Masi n I'.ev. C. Luecke, pastor. lu.C and 7 ..). h. . St. Ji.Unv PeiJii!ar ar.d Klrkpatrlck P.ev. K. . baiui.au. lo.4J ami 7:UO. rt. S.. :3". Sedl"b Ai.tfiiatana Kev. 11. L. baodaledt. 10 i:, n:.d 7 .i.'. . s . y.r.o. St. ja;ne. L' tliiii- Wen Park and Jeffersos meets - lu-v. J A. Lea. .a st or. 11 and S. S. . Jo. Lamer league. 7. (ieiuia.i Liai.t'lieai Intheraa Zlon (Mis a. urt 1 1 Sal. ra n and Cbatuiari st.--Kev. 11 11. Koi'iK-IUiaiiu -.-rvircs lu.15 a. ui. and 711, j. n. : s. s.. U : : a. m. Lnlird .Nr .'ci.,3 -l-.-iUiuiiuth O. O. Hen. arlckson. is. tor. b. s. p. 3. l.ujds's Lan. V.rui.n. Missl n -M. rtavlils. namllton'a chspsl, -or nu P. (Jlpaii and si-.l, ', . K. Lula. pas tor, ii. i.. viert aa aervlee at 10:li. Par 1 land ta a 1 i . l.. HatlooallsU. IlsilouaUai Aa u. Public llbrsrj BerTlca for tha t'nltfii Pteabj ler'.au Kv. lu. sod S. E.. Dsaf. a. Earl Dubois. Bpiritualist. .riar.l,. Spiritualist Tern 1UH1 and Montfi.imer atreets Mesaafes, Mrs tnecsaares. Mrs. ;.l r .1 e T. ST ' 1 1 . and (ti n. I. II Lull!- 1 ..(. M. te.-ta. 7 i . f tl ps-t- Bpintual. iteien. 3d . 11 taie ! j Kev Mr. fiaisstion ArniT. st Res. J a tn., p. S Lecture snd Mruble. a in. ernen CDurch of ("lirist D. gar.l J. A. Airlluu, 11 and 7 C. L.. O.oO. Bethel- E. e-d l.tei S . lis. ii. .nin J. 1.1th aDd .30. 8. 8., 10. and Thompson. Ttr. Au 5. S., '1 p. u. 1'unilc wor- M.uk o II. S.ii.p' , .ale. s 1 a r 1 -1 . '.' 1. ii m ri a.- p.-u.t R.-v. Tr. Henry Marcotte will cele brate the twelfth anniversary of his pastorate at Westminster Presbyterian Sunday week. Pr. Marcorto In point of service is the oldest minister of his denomination In Portland. Ijue to his popularity and pleasing1 personality Westminster lias Krown from a very modest society into one of the largest and. most prosperous in the-city. BarJtLst Minister's Conference. The Haptlst ministers' conference, of Portland and vicinity will meet at the White Temple. Monday, at 2:30. "The Books I Have Read Durlnjr the Year and Their Influence.' by W. O. Bhank is the subject of the day. SOCIAL EVENTS IN CHURCHES Various Societies Make Early Preparation for Christmas; Pastor of East Side Baptist Honored; Community Sings Being Planned, Will Present Cantata. Arranrenie-if .s m complete for the Christmas (.aetata. "T e Plrth of Chritt." to he held Thursday eve. Mr.?. Iiecember 23, at the Mt, Tabor Preabyterian church. Various groups of ounsr people. 7 5 In number, are busy with r-he.4rs.1is under the direc tion of Mrs. Jean ("arrick nnd C. A. Mulr. (;ifts for distribution to Port land's needy will be received at this entertainment. Th0 only ticket of ad mission necessary will he a potato or I an apple. The younir men'n class will jibe responsible for the decorations. I The peneral arrangements nri In the Kinds of C, A. Mulr. Miss Florence Kiehle. Migs Mar-aret P'opcland, Mr.. Robert 11. Tate aiid Mrs. F.Ila Her zinger. Preparing CHristmas Program. The Sunday school of the laurel wood Congrrenational church is prepar ing for a Christmas proKram and tree on the evening of December 23. This w.ll be a 'giving Christmas," dona tions being brought In by each class for the needy of the city. Two of the classes are planning, in addition to giving to local charities, to send a Christmas box to a denominational school for the poor whites of the south. delightful entertainments Tuesday last The following program was presented: qt-artet. t'n- Werren sisters, violin solo, Harry Parsons: vo al mjIo, Miss Florence I'elano. duet. Miss Florence Pelano and Wl'lia.-n Pradley: cllj s-do. Miss Uladys Johnson, vocal solo William Rrndb-y Owing to Ph, -! Miss j-.neen Uror.g vj;i unable a reaaJlng. EDiacona.. 1st a inl Mari-b rei r r . Kev. la v e. v i1 7 . V. s. JO l."i i, ri-1 mt nj. ii !. v i:id I.. .:. 9 El .1 Ml.lil.- Ajc iil S J. - P.ev. . Halt' ii a, a . in. 1 U 1 Ilia tins. I 1 Kev. Mr. Hat I, ...n T"..at pen,. j ' " 7 . ,o. eve:. -1 v . ..a I 1 i :ant tr--et" 7 : s s . ii . i: M. n-lr.k-. " H . .l-.il Astra . ' -IL s. i: . ave l ' ,r:t .1 . a: i .. I. .l. y at 7. i.li .-I. uriii -r. s. 11 ni.d s . . v . p ; . r i s I , Minis' P. a i la V eie.lclnnter llenry Marrotte. In P. S. ( . 4 p ttj.i." liiretiar. "Fa.t ilose til? I':irw 1 aDd Naue n-k Uev. J 11 and 7 Jo. V. P.. M..ri.ll.C. '"lb- I'e: e;r.c tltn " Even'.-i w : ,i;!.t . or. " i 1 1 eait Tiuki." Millard Avenue T :;.;. s s . lo. S-;. !;:.! A v en.:e S. M. i 'uliacij. pa.s C. E., o .io. ji.i . -'a , I , Street - 11 and 7 Jo Trim:), c 7i ami . to . icr - j I and 7..'Ui. S. S.. 1- I ii. M t:.. .- " I t. I lo, : . : Liiij; I :.r..i.k- b .s. . . ' 1 ' :iat I orty -1 il i n street ' M . Sklnj-T. Prea. . nu r. :.o. S. s.. !e4". i:o: P- w r . f a ( 1 r. 1 , tn . i ,'a i Kail aei i I' I." I. I-JT n.i.ssioi, ac: vice and ptea. i. -i- :.r. "Wbnt Mast 1 Ii,. lo i. .ii s 7 : o a in. . li i -o ..n 'd nesd n y I, a. i., . 1 relay ev.-nl:, iw-rvl -e. s. Krv. Or. A. A. ... rrisen. . t. IIikmI fellow - J,. i - ilo.i nd Uavls al.. . P. S.. C 10 si. Sie',,i:Ji tbe Martr . 7.4n II and 7 43. S. S.. 1, r eoi.-,red people. 3. I'Lomas Jei.Li;;-. r.-etnr . . a. in. ,ial.l,s an, United First E.T1 J7tb lie :tt I Uidlej 7 :aj p. oi. ii. Mornli.i,' "T'.e Lv. "l"be I'-'J nnd tee Cburcb of 1 1 . flrai.d bt. llpc I i.i : a lad k M r Muni to 1U:1 ' l. J.iiU liupbes of IIk ui., Mr. H..,tu.- bej.un J. 3. cic. Prtsby tarian. s:.d Hawthorne; Frank PreacLu.. 11 a. ru. sad Pi. C. K.. C.JO p. ui ation -,r l.ve." Evenii'. 11,.- Word ' cancers Was(sr n. S tart lejliol. paloc. lot. Phe I'.s.pie Had a .1 .1:11117. seriuinj I'V I. Lii.-iaiel. At a. n in Wflai. It. V J p. 1P:1 snd 5. a. S., 10. Nole ari t.eid on fer.iral. E. lit w srd, p.. Pinter tiieetl P.S., Friday leitnrei. 7 1 'ilie Infidel Tulier'aaole. ne.- llth a i. St. J-.'an. Sa v.al a. i victa Mntavllia. Sevecta faj Adtreatlst. P.egular ser vices of this dcuomlnsUou II r, a V . i;:l. tnJ ETerett Elder P. r. ::. 1're.,. l.'.t.i; 11 a. ni. S. S, lo. jj V oili. sill.) rvelilnK. 7.SU. V. 7 4.'.. i.e. lal s.jniiaj evenlnir ri, T op;,- touiorruw aveuln, and te l:!ti " West Side. K. of P. hall, cor 1 ALlir streets - Pastor, M. II. tisth acLoui lo. Sermon. 11. Spe- Last 80ta and Evertl J. F. Coipa No. service II. lu :so. ill. r s (e.i.s N . WU'.ncv P i. .in. V p frw eji-n ( tK M lllli... 1 . ivuu Oiaic i Sal in. a si. Tonserrstloa 1 ... o. Prsiae si I.e. 3 ti. llKn" I i :li . ) st 11. J.l -Adj. J tnd 3 Mrs. &. a.. Lii.-i.klde 11. 30 and S. .an at a p. ui. K. Church Mll- l; t. llus. Kev. Ini; al 11 . Us, u 4.'. : i. . (i . lea, I of i .hk. ' v l llCl.ioUS Da! 1 all, Lie- L. our 1 L W. (. und 7 M r i rt-t 1 1 1- ., .( 1 a lie beliefs . araaa. r lir Jr dnsr snd Ts Di li . ii.cilBier eoier ud. isi.-r. Pr'a. c- and llillllt -,;, t. "II.--of 111..,, la Si lie 1 oi nlng -.la. 1 . ,te of J., .... I.i f " I'lffer in idult Church -f tlw Last .sib --l.e 1 l. ic .,: tf. lo l.'i b l art. . palor. tialveraaiist. .... 1 I.JInjrs - II J II I .lli. .V Ji,.,l. ( I. is d war sud s., 1" uuuti. Pi eai hli i j i . 1. pa - Kev tor. J J. Jo. I', rt laud 1 Lace 1 La nao ua . llahal AscUibl Cdti i enle.- sul,i,h sebo.l. .o a. m. :nd 7. V. I'., 4. I'rirer mettlng. txer. k 1 1 Sk'dmore and Mallory locai rider. KaMiati: achonl, . Prayer meeting Weduea ll.i. J - latT I ri ninii '. 1 )e iil! . P.ev. V P i: i. it w. 1 1 ii at ll. V. I. . - I : W. S Al rv '. 1 K. 0:30 and Tor l. St. K. a. and . J. IlaDna. paJtor. Ar, P.ev. lu I Ar al (' - ItaV SS. 1 1 l. i. v.nin. First IXb Lcveland, 11. lis 11, S (. . V l.'i;in!a r. l pa-to:. 11 K.. (i J". t rts.a ats i I 1 stri-i Levis Tails, pi eat nilifc - I . L , i.. at 7:15. ne s. i: J 1! 3.. . n: I : l'.,jiu . .ii. 17H.I - la.i . S a ;i , p. ni . pr.iy . r l.oiir. Sa i . a ,,o. .-i, :,-:,i;. tfaudai i-Hiili..- t,,pe, ( i.r:st t aUJi - V.jii.en .. ilev W A. M. Breck. !..-. t a:ei P.ancroft btreets. S. jj ja ,.rT. ,,I sei:i II. John's Mil" nuiile P.ev. J. ho L. Rice. . 2. Evtnlnj; prayei and seluiua J es. 4 Aleln ' -ll.r. ford strct. ISirtsmoijIh. ' , i. n t'l.utjPera li. cliai'ss. S.-run i !, " I r.. Menerlnl -Wei, Iter nnd La-t 1 7 1 ti st. i v. .. Id W. Tayl. r. r.-tor. 11. Ir; .i l .li ;.;t j". alai in ll.e inoiilli. 11 a. ! ii ..tlier u:nla is In t lie : iiliij; pr:.j r ., ,.! sermon. Hie first Sicilay In tae Lentil, eider Pu s. liinj li e-llieS'lay. 7 AlJina ii. er V. C. Siliwe 1 i preiiel.ii: da.v 7 :4a. I Lents ('Kb st. and .'! h svs-1. J. t'l itis.jod. elder. .SbU..v!i seh.,..i. lu. l'n?ach ii.s: 11. Piuyer n.eetian W .-.inesdaj, 8. M. Johns central ave r. :id ( harieMon at. I Elder E. 1'. iiurll.jrt. Snbliin school, 10. ! pi . a. l.lnfi. 11. Prayer Wednesday, 8 Oo. I Mount fatejr tast Ooth aDd Belmont Res. C J tUIUILll.fci. paSt'I. hervllW SSllPBlb srltsi, 10. PrearL.ng 11. I'rajer Wediiesda 7.40. sc : :.J!navljn church. 2,1 and 59th ave.. ri. 5 leier ll E. Sa'air.es. paato". S. S 10. l'iae:.l:.- 11. l'rajer meel.ng, Wednelij 7 J. W. Ill vine irutn l Kev. J. M. M;n: CLriatlau -a 1 J. llaner. li.. Me.I, t a t :on u.te: en i.ll es. llitiiiM of tbe treulte A. W U JO. TLs v liur. li r.f at., noi tii- -Past, Uian erviie. 11 I'r.j er Ul. e Ci.Ul Lli I ( i.i,'. -1 7 ..,,(. I.il.ie i .a. Ju y. w. c a. moo i serni.e. 4 p. I.i I. 1. Hi , Pt . i, i 1. :: I t ris: i.,.. .Vi la 1 1'lsfi.n in..i. i-i lOJK.i and - Al. 'I'm a 1 Lcnia el.urcn J nil S . Pi. t . L . ti.Sa. OiUiUluas alissp.a .' ii: Lilrrs !.:,;. t lllrsch Lldg Jls -u Ablnfft- n Li. iiL.j s-ni li:esjaj and Enda jjr il ieo i Ounkardsi Hrt . II .id 7 .Jo. H. lu. c. (..,d. r. Li a nd 1 aU.l er ma n 1 J 11 el -7.".4 Laat l.vUilaj. I la. I 4... 1 I rpii .er .4j. and a a r and la M'isl, i j lor I'upx i l' Lip len General and i i nu B',(,r Sunday. . i..-,d I Hilt at 7 ..Jo. Lin.. 11 aud 7.1i. 1. front t " "- ' " ' ' ' ' ' ... -, .1 U. i:ll.r 1 ill. vo....- I.Vii live. Christian Sclesea. First Church of O.rl-l. S tentUt heaudlliavlsii 77 AiIm i ta t i i 1 I". M. SUDda . f I dav h SI Ol-eli oeal jll.. I linrrh i s. I and 7.4o. h. tj . Jo JO. Pruer meeting lliur pastor. ;:. sts - Se: i. k ljeseoii s riiion. Evertt 11 and . "Ood Uk I av. 3O0 East Waah- ni.aj. 0(1,1111, a . turday, 2 and Pr.- if Mo l-.a-t and II ,f Ma illai".i Serv1rea. I e n e.ii. Wednesday Hal?, txtnera h. '1 uirle. 1 1, 1" . M ;.ln; Ket Taj aoi-llt. I. .- -ts.- II. lster. -Hev a. lli.it Wi ,.i p i: Le. b. 11 and to give, i ell. U.4 "Tne Put. lie '' lYlt.lt) -La-t ('alder. 11 ('. 1 '' Morn. ni.-. "IP r Or.H.nd. " 1 ear or Joi.n. ' SueibsU-- l'.orihw ick ar.d Welluiai;. paslor. P.-eacLini, IO. Epworth iHP b Cullocli. 11 aud Ural NdTisegl. ! Uoyt. Kev. O. . W.JodlaVVD Last Louis l'houja. last. lr.-:iel:.ll. H "Uld Tliursda.. eviuini;. ; ii tn M.rn.nt:, "C u.p "Wi.-e Men." .s.JlciH-1 itev. Alexander P. ' J ' -: Centenary M. I-.. V tmr. ti - l.asl I'lne freet- I - i .an-, pas s '.i.i". I'lasi Trsnk L s., ,2.:.. . P. 'i Lv e:..!:. ht M IP 1 ( 'oil.iaiiinl. i a. ni, M i-i.-rjii S 1 o a . ni. N i . . slifpljeril - 1 . v OLD S . in. 1.1 etilng. L ; Ili.-I.oi, i.!ier T.-.y I , ..:iel s un, 1 All , i . e . -v --Lev. T "'. IVoi.-en .- - - .ij,ujijnluu IlisL .--.u, T1.I-.1 : .. .d s Sulniiii ! Services, j !.'. I-ssui sermon. ; M..u." V. cojiKSday I i ' .o. ei n : Ir ma ( yi'T Sm. -rat Icar 'Uaj, 11 n 1 Hid Rni.-rs :,,1 il. .f M:in st a-.11 ser- edri. s- 4..i and Church ef God. sseteiith InjFtou alreer: - Meetina m . V edaesday il s , u. and K p. in. East htarli slre.-t '.' T ( nt y -el'li i li aid lu. i,:j Advanee.l Tli's.ii-:,! st .ri Slvfl. and Moutitooier.! i- U:nslr. Jm -ilaa. J ..At i.r.,1 s. V. M. I. A. Sluth in. d Jailor sts it Randall, religious work dlicctur Me'tlnj; teen at 3:15. TrieooiLlcal 8-ielet j 71tl 8 p. m. Or.l. i of riirlsl inn My ' ! 1' llorn-r ( iirti-s .1 ...!, tra' lil.ritrv. :: j in n,.. 1- ni . "'7 1i Cl.r.s. an ii; romf (pedal R. for M"rjlo bldg Nr. and M M . I r n A . . I Ifr A tl, iss 1 n at h . flan - 71. I. I. JoIlC A. . io. 3. b . i ml Jo. Let. r. o M-. i... E. L . (J o(( .r.ii( lata aud and frc IP.-, land -RfT. ID E. L.. 7. Piayer service. s,. Pi h. id L I... t rStutiLs Mel-juica." Lven- i.-ld. II .in am! 4i ttinii !, of .Mir .i-lou - -Ken i.e. an. I 4lt I si S 11. Ar, 1. !,-.! -on ( h3n.L!a la :. ,';;,. Saii.-e- 11. . . lo. M. Ji.liliV ( Inired - S.1 1 vv oo.V --He J bo ll j U:. ... I'. !':. li,g nrsyer. 7 .JO. , ht. Paul s -Wiaelnier- lir r ,),) w. Tailor Ilnly o.inii.uiip a. firs; Sumlsr Ii ' ipontli. v ai. hervicea. 4 p. lu. Suuj,,, f . Pi. ssiiii., M rrls Men.-rial etap. l. r;.rid Sa p. a it' l. himpiliii - c'hae.slu. I reiierP k K lloiv. ' srii. liaiy c(.ium'ani...ii 7 a. to. l'rajer an 1 a. . J.CU. 7 kXl. Ajtoclsttd Dial W. .1 W. I1..11. , Sti-Jenti i...-t oUi (I. B. S. A.) and Alder P- ai n ..r l A .vLoveland to Discuss Public School Plan an : im- 0 '.J A. .-I. Advent Adve.t ( Cr.r.vt MiiClesa. 1! i l.a-! Entertainment at St. Marks. A pros-ram conshstlng of 'tableaux of scenes of the Nativity of our I ord will be a feature of the children's Christmas entertainment, which win he held at Saint Marks church, Twe-tv-flrst and Marshall streets. All parts will be taken by the boys IUil glriH of the Sunday school. Carols will b" rendered by the Pchool. A Christma tree will bo another feature. I,- Rev. I r. I .f ui ere " I .v i "A i'l-a-tlcal I' 1th and I 1 and 1. I . '. Ki:.. I." W a- (1 Paririv street. ;i I.'.. Prea. Ii r..c 1- 1 V l..n, : , ' .. ,-"Ja ai, i t lie Lan.-. Li ;.,:,, Builders Will Be Hosts. Thursday evening next, at the First Methodist Episcopal church, Pr. Frank L.- Iaoveland will speak on "Some Hymns by Great Women." The build ers clas of young men will be hosts at the Boclal half hour to follow. This Is next to the last in the Interesting series Dr. Loveland had been giving for several weeks on Anclent Hymns. Carols and Lyrics of the Church." rpwortH XrMTM 3Etsptla. The Epworth league of Mount Tabor M. E. church ray another of it Sinner and Sale Success. The dinner and SHle given1 by the I-adies' Aid of the Mt Tabor Presby terian church, last week, was verv successful. The women received a great many compliments on their splendid dinner. A piajio solo by Ma bel Chrlstensen and two readings by Marie .Stewart were greatly enjoyed. In spite of the weather a good crowd attended. Will Hold Bazaar. The Indies' Aid society of Mount Tabor M. E. church will give a nupper and bazaar In the church on Friday evenlnc. A feature of the evening will b a parcel post sale. Supper will be served from C to 8 p. m. A stereopticon lecture on tuberculo us will be given by Dr. Ray W. Mat son at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening at the Piedmont Presbyterian church, Cleveland avenue, and Jarret street. A lax(e attendances Is expected. M iri:li,k' reiuioti Tl.e Siaeeess i In lir. Lai. .. uu "A I'r 'Ileal 1 eisviiaj v , tloll " ! c'. s'd,. -K. : ..ot 1111 Yamhill Rev. R Hl'ioer u-ltri. l' U.. ' ' ed 7.4J p. tu. S. s, . 0 Vi a. l.:. 11. L., i.:i. Central -Vancouver aei.i:e I" c Kuril-It. pist r. . .-.. 1 1 7 :.o. ria-s nice, i r. Iea,;ne. c, ). M...-r .i sr. StiaLirers." by I'r. T. -11i ' all of ib" St Julllls liajCS Ltd LeilVttt '.--n F. lncalls. Service. 11. S. S.. 9T.0. E. L. . G.3" SlontaTllIu i:et . W.' li lluinptoii. 11 a:.d T :J0. S. S., ft 40. E. L.. 6.10. J. l.. a Cia u.eetlt tf l'J 1." . Laurelwood Rev. Q. K. Carlos, pastor. Cl'l t S E.. and l-os'er Road s. S. j 4.1 L L.' d.:ifi. Monilni:. "Victory 77:roni;:i Prnyer." Lveaii.(t. "Mj Nei.'bl" A '..P. v..- Snrai..i,. The Auinialon ni'ile LoTUB Mid sing at tjolu services. Clinlcl! Eellj Meujorl-il -J. Weat TIiomDson. pastor, ii. h. Il ia. Services 11 ar.d 7 JO. L. L. (J 30. Japauese Mission Kev Ellsen Sltara. 3:30 and n.JO 8. S.. 3:3. Iiue City Park Sandy Mrd. nnd F. r.sth ts Rev. William W. VouiMtin. pastor. IO. 3") and 4 :. S. S.. 9.4.". Morning. "Tne Spiritual Slcnltieance ot ("l.rlstn a " Visjt service. "XLe MelJih," with 1 'I.rlsr miis s..nj. and carols; pLouerrtili records. Na evening arvlce. Uerinnr. ICoduey n. ei.v Stanton at. F. A. Schumann, h. Is. 9:45. Service 1 : and b. Ep surtb league. 7:15. African Zlon Res. W. W. near1. 2VH Willlanis are. S. 8.. 3. C. E.. 7. Prea.-L-lng 11 aud . Res. E. I. L. Thompisou vk ill pteacli both tuornln; and eventa;. Vncoirer i' Norwei,,: uantsti ( orner Skldnior Uev. Abral.am V'-relde. paatur Serrirea 10:4."j aud S. S. 8., E. L. 7. Junior concregution (sersice io Ln;Iili). 3:30. aluQTsf H'ubor mat aiel baat (st.-.a. Kev. K. alia Eldrldse. pastor, rreacbliig 11 sad 7 4i. Untied Brcthnm. Ftrr-East l.'.tb and n -Ht I ! M...iv.n,lir. pastor. Preaching II and 7 lie ( . I. . ii ,o M s . Pi. ''. .::iin-. ' Jne Inlnrsa I u. t ' Lvenii . ' Pe.- i'-ii ' ." ,,;-rt. J.ii. sml ...i-e. I C. C. Cell. II . ,i..l 7 : S. S . 1": -'. E ., c, (, ;. U ........ .r( ,, .:!, V a-.. ..liriF. Vss - V.'-. I'ori l.n:1.; past. r. 1! and K. s S p.; J P S I . E.J. Ti.lr.l e.7'1. r . S E. and .".1'i.d ave lies ' ( E . (i .". J.i i. : C I . :. ). j.,. it. -i i 'in pi..'. I : t ...: a:.. I ( i.-. ." V. ,.rtij Cell ai. ..ml oil a.e .v. I:.- I.. L ( ( UUiT. pastar. iScV UJ-JJ S Ud I.-Ct. Z. A lv. t. E.. t.AJ. II. I ( Kot Seventh Day). ,d s'reet. l-st-.Ten J Lu- Ss. Prea . I. j:i .' .n :a . s- : - 1. i - in .a;. : Ley al o.'k - Chr.stai;e.,blana. V.'.-st r-rt' a 1 in .Ki a . jt. isLs-.r- Ctnstian G'pel l.i-r i. I.". ..' . ll. I'.lj . a.l.lnf t a nO I'" lUJullt. Pfrbody. eeecjaily parents. Is In terested In lie public school (jueetlon. and this is the topic which It. Frar Is i I. I At: i I.i ikJ ii.'is selected for ).;s er . in":, a! the First Methodist '.: - .p.-jl jih ir. h tr.niorro'.v evening lie will i I 'leal will. It In all Its pii.is II and in ii ifcUM and V:si.r.ir A. iiir.ee. I ....i.' i.at '.c.n ma: ( .a. J or, a i ft .- . P'. I'r. a. Jiaj;. 11. Iter. ; . rtj-tr.'-t ii.,.it-iiil(.tii. p.liil -a... h p. aj. 1 riday. i United rYans-ellcal. "Tourlb Lev. J. E. Conner, -stor. 11 an.. :3o 8.. li- '. E. S :.';( lii.dl.al--Jess.jp st.--liev A. sj. Henderson ji..i.'. II ai.d 7 :;. h. sj.. p.. ( . jj . 7 Manor --'"lrc-ull rv ices M a ..o . 11 a. to L Perry Uno e. .1 p le. Erusu Prairie. 7 Jd. n kley (jreen - v ilinn.et le Plvo and lta - 3 u. lamii. pastor, ll and 8 s S. I Si" ! C i. 1 6 Jo. I Iltnds -Last :...ll Cijurab. !. and Main ats. srj. a. sj.. y ti. flomer E. E., l.i.t-- M i street. P.ev. John Itllry. iuji.I. W.ifi. (,' Iter. ilra. aeJoj. Pi. Etbel M. S. h. 10. s.-i nj. , ilOVT e,I I. e-1 II: mu i. e ti. I'o M. .-:. It and "'I!,- J" ir pefn.. faalvir. P. In P. V. , ip:ai. Moriili,. hriiuei tn p ' Eider l . . Polllili. 1 I lrl East loin and i o l.i. 11 anl r- S. . lo. lia: M I lia ii i-y is'l . J 1 1 rlat Ab'.loy ' ale." St JoJt.a .4. P. La. I ton. past., , s s. J ( t; . t f. Mori.Ilie VT Haiaan Cri-iill.isv. ' L v e n i liit . ' ( i v. l. nlta Kev. 11 J iHiiijiui and b. s. b-. ' Cauftclla. I it Pelera I-ents -Ilev. P. lli.etjcen. Msss b Hia-li la. a s p' :u. i.Tenlnz serv.cv 7 ji;. ' Pro atl.edral - Uti) and bavi, at - i;. k V U liara. M..a, U. 7 15. h jo. j:ii. jj;6a" Ua'ass 11. toi.,.S serv:.,: ..45. i j., Lanreuie -3d and .sjerajan ats. lies, j ""ir i.-ai (". Ma-s ... a. Jo. lj,fcn inasa l,j.r.j. i LteJii.; vri.es 7 JO. . I et l-atrl k.' P.'tb and Ssvler sts Kes-'t i 1' Miirpuj. alaa. s. Iliiin li.a lo.jo. LsitLlng - icrru e i -.e-i. i SI Erab.ia- E. ii'.D and ua ts.-T j ll ilbiW. Mass s. il. ilijjb in a as lu.u. Lveulnj; serve I Itun-aeulate Jlrari oi x ar j vs in,, m, and staolou -Ue. W. A. tlaly. Mrs. . Sj. I. liii.-U Lua. ! ll'dj c sill '. tl 1 l anl i 'J. I, ,M West P.eilllJ- nt I f r ; 11 a.. I . aO. a... O il. Cl-rUtian Spiritual. il-I, l.lieia blltldlnaj I.sr- re ai.'l nies-s-i,'e t.y vv . J. H iru, lecture In., s. Ural t Lrlatian Spirl I uallsta. Odd Eellowr li. East O... und Ald-r streets Communion p. in. by k.i atoier. a. n. ua. a ri ( u.i; lit h i r I h ; r , (rs ( : . T .' svj-d.n new fif tlia. local Sh(oiS Mrong ( on vi( tiotis t lip-t of the p iblie s "! inns ' them, what f. r. ;md what they He w ill aiuo re "Should the ''hit it J'.jb.ic S. no'il ( j : .-: lng. 1 1 r . lao vc! : i t"ilc wtt-'h :t. ist 1 derstood Jt is "Ti s. s. and ;ss u. r, ocns i-iud has t. con . s ioubl l'i stand on i pi i h. iiiifr. , . to A risw i r the ' In I he morn 1 speak upon a heard to be uti Whlcn ." I r t'. w I. t : -p. I nii:aj;es ETaBfeli.-J Synod. ;.rn-.an EvaLgel.cal I rlebda ijiiireh Tacoma and Last iJIJ Uev. Ellas Uergert. pas loi lu ." and 7 . ta.. 'J JO. C. E. 6:30. b't. Paul Ll. liHeli' il Lureu H7 trailing at. Uiv. J. iieriert. paaiut, 11 and 7.J0 v. p. .WJ.J Church Members To Be Canvassed The Firs' Christian churi rJnt; to '- fi every m vas. S i: i i.v. Iicoernber Ft. ;i ss W i 1 : be missions for ruake hi f fair.'.; P.. v paator. i i rt.oi . jly tb rcli Is plan- mernher can- The cap- for current expenses and. 1515. Fifty members will invass. Automobiles will 1 the canvassers. Every onnei ted with tiie churcli Hill ted They have all been re I to remain at home In the aft of the nineteenth until seen canvassers. Much enthusiasm. tl irn E. ll'.b and I Ss li. S. K. r : M. Heart .f Wary Williams lo.JO. LvelnuK swrvli-e 7:JO- lt.vry E. sea aud Clsckaiuas Res J. trlsoa. Mass o, oo Evanse!tca.l Assoc tat loa. ( arsi n iielgbts 0. E. I-leuing Jr it ,o ...1 7. S. B.. 10:30. o. i . n .rts .'. -.irS ...tor . .sanin. ii mnA t i s being generated for the effort that b. S S.. 10. i. V. A.. 7. first German Eintllcal loth and Clay ats. O r. Le.inn;. isior. a. a. v.m. I'rtacb i..g. 10 la and a. V. P. A., 7. treninr srrTir- s. b. i. and uiga man Slmkii, 11. asazaranay. I rlrst Penteo.atal Inarch of lbs Nssartie E 7tb aud Lavis, Krv. C. Howard Iiavla, ' s. . (t v s &i ii ip. . ps'icr n. rt., a. . a. v.ia y. m. , . . i , . ...i 7 -mi - siTsl4-:Ea:r9tji .'ad hUr. h. ! duet, "I Will Marnify Thee, O Ood. C liaker, yasior. d. 6., ijrx. V. Y. ta tij. by J. PsOSenthaL whl t put forth. The services next Sunday morning will be In prepara tion for the every member canvass. Rev. ii-orge Iirsle will spak on "Ow nership and Service' The quartet will sing "Praise My Boul. the Kins; of Heaven." by Hulin. Mrs. O. K. Alex ander and J. C. Anderson will sing k