THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, .1915. 10 FARMERS OFFERING WHEAT SOMEWHAT MORE FREELY SINCE ADVANCES: stock Market Has With Trade Quiet WORM SCARE STRIKES PORK MARKET A BODY BLOW ALONG STRET Public Is Afraid to Eat Fresb Meat Because of Kecent Deaths Here Retailers Say Demand Has Decreased Greatly Recently. Tie arui scire st present prevailing in the Wical section us ruinl. for the time bring, at least, th" .li-mand for dressed bogi. Xot only arc butchers generally overstocked lth heavy sopidi.- th-y piirchaed from th Front strwt trade, but they report the demand frotu const' uicrs lias fallen off nearly 75 per Ctt situe the s-i-nre appeared. That the scurf 1 uell founded anl may eventually nnw great harm to the swine In dia try uf the I ri- northwest. Is Hie opinion Of Hume of the leading ItiTet. The tri.-liina" has ln found In Iff-;-' al Bi.stt iini bi'ry was ffit made. It Is a worm wlibli dejsr-its il Kf I" H"' S"mm. wliere th.y are found and c:iten by the hog. These Piss Uf '1 Tiiiant (n tl:e i.toniach of the awinc, xh. 1 remain such after the death if the animal. Thercf unli the p-.rk Is thoroughly .-..iked the eges are likely to hutch tD the stomach of -ei'l" ln. "at It. Later it develops Into a wirui which e-its its way Into the him. an Fy-'e:n. eventually causing iloatn if the eater. There Is no known cure, accord ing to exiwrtc. "Pork i.loiil.i p'ut be en ten nrilo-s it Is well cooked. " niv Viank Lee. editor of the Northwest Pacific Farmer. "WIipu I i a boy, ft very good friend of mine died frotn the elfects of tlice .Minus arter a. very painful Illness. I bare never forget ten it. and hate never eaten p.rk unless It is well cooked Kven then. 1 never eat the pork if there are tuiy red iiiU on the meat." Chicken Market Is Firmer and Higher Along the Street Sales Are Generally Reported at Advanced Quotations Receipt Xot Liberal. Cliicken market U In eeellent condition along Front atret. with prlcea not only fjrmr but bljrber In general. Receipt of chickens bare been only fair recently, while demand haa Improved. Sale of mixed lots w ere reported along the atreet during the lait -'4 houra at 12c a pound, with beary aprlnga at a almllar price, and amail spring a cent blgber. Heavy bens weighing no le than five pounds each are In excellent call at present, with aalen a high as 13igtl4c for the limited atk that tare come forward. Turkey mnrket Is a quiet affair. Itecelptu are not llle-rl. but only a limited demand la i-liowlnc. and this I generally filled at the prb-e ran;- that lias existed a number of days pant. IJdli live and drewied stock are lu-luded. Few dn-k and ffee!e are coming forward, but the demand is quiet In bth lines at present. DAIRY I'RODITK ON THK COAST Ban Franciaco Market. San. Frinds'-o. Ih'c. . M'. -I'.utler Ltra-. -7r: piime firsts. flratfr, -4c. Fi: - Kxtrua. ::m-; inilietw. Cbie t'aiifornia fan-. He-; first, lie. Seattle Market Seattle, liec. M. (F. 1'. i r.uttc r -Native CAXXED MILK IS HIGHER An advance of l'ci l.V a varr ha been f n-e.1 in I tie pri'-e ft cannM milk' by the I uclflc i'o..nt I'oiiUensed Mitk cvmpany, on J r two leadluc brand's. This place the Irice of i Mri'iitlxti t $i.;ir. t the amc as lb-; Fkmeer t-f th- l'.ordl! company. FLORIDA ORA(;ii ARRIVE Io -nrl'-a-l "f jrrapffrui t fro:n M"rlda, n ml arp llng fffrr.t rn the nl niarkPl. ffraKf ruit N n kf in f-mall No, as vfil as In lh- r' m kasc STORACJE EGGS ARE A Midden gMiral dt-sin-pgs Is shown In th 1m si r ikw rpp Tfp--1 rp. liih'-r with (K-oip prill willitt s rth BSi firm mid j;irci WEAKER (o unload storage m.irket ami sales than 2i'm- a dozen pll at Jt-ss money, .it lo,. WasliintMn creaniery brick, ii-lc; Chi-eM Oregon triplets. 17c; twin-, d'. tripletx. 21e; twin?, tie; Youn America. I1c. Ksss S'lect raiK'li, ; April Lot Angelea Market. 1 Angeles. ai. , lc. I I F?jr. case naiut. ;iSi . butter Kre-h eitras 27c solid pack. Wisiwisln Wahiugton storage N. S.) 30c. San Francisco Hop Market. St ii Francisco, ( al . liec. X. (F. N. S.I 1', l;i!A cro basis per pound: Saeramento Xall-i. i !( 1 1 1-; other sections. 1 1 -l 1 i! ; ire gon. lU'xFlc; WashltiiTtou. Il'iil3c-. These prices are for choice licps. Edited by Hyman H. Cohen. RAIL SHIPMENTS OF WHEAT TO EAST NOW QUITE IMPORTANT Export Interests Send I'ersonal Representatives to Look After Atlantic Seaboard Deliveries Market Forced Lower. NORTHWEST GKAIN REfT.irrS "ars Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. Portland. Thun :is rt !l .'t 5 Year ago r.." 7 S rt 1 Seiiaon to date. , .V. KMfl 7.M CIS lo4(i Year ago H.4"J2 1'' ITWt l'-ol IT.'H Tan ma. Wed . 4u 7 i Year .. 11 1 1 Season to date.. 4. .. i'4 21 1245 Year ago 0.242 2!" 312 lMJ.. S-altle. Wed . . 1 " 2 Y'ear airo .'I 2 1 Season lo date . .'..521 !H,7 1 1 7.". .Vcj 2F'0 Year ago ."..)'! KK 11. '.0 7M 2r.2 Hop Market Quiet With Sales Showing At a Lower Range Dealers Able to Fill Requirement at Reduced Values;" General Trade Conditions Weaker. GENERA L LIVESTOCK MARKE T IS STEADY AT NORTH PORTLAND A limited amount of business Is reported passing in the hop maraet at Willamette val ley polnta with prices not as blgh as former transactions for similar ijuallty. Heal good stuff is reported sold down to loie a pound, although It I quite likely that tlptouiualltj or selections would bring above this price If avallnble. Hiere Is but little volume of husinesa of fering. Frank S. Johnson Hop company pur cl ased atiout 22 bales in the Ijiurel. Crsb - . .1. - inv. wrciiuorii alio .iuiii.i -'- i m-us nnu . xl . . - ...... ...... in. .r, ' 1 nn es rntu .vi . i.. .Morn or jir-nimo iy. o. -i purchae ratayed from 7'3 lo 1'H,.- a nind. Some bops were also secured from other dial ers. Julius Plncus purchased .') hales from a deal- e.- around Ho a pound. A late New York mall advice sajs gcncrul tltuation: Situation Is Considered Good for Hogs and Sheep, With About Holdinc Their Show Stuff Selling Well Cattle On PORTLAND I.IVKSTOCK Itl N. of the Thursday Wedi-ewlay Tuesdav niln v ........ I Saturday rriuay Week ago. ...... Year aao Two years ago. . Three yrnrs ago. shipments on ve.cls big local l .ersonal the VEAL MARKET REMAINS FIRM AlnrktV Ur inuntry kille, jIvps is rather fUTn slung tho rt a'ttl pfi'ial I y tr rpal IocmI lz" niiit tiiu lit . SaW" arc ulriDwt p.Mi rral at ic for tfip stuff will, other u ility a. a wid? nimr'. AISK OK I.OSSKS r suiili of ferine arnl the ORANGES ( With the grinti lower prices f. .r.-.-rl for the fruit In the whole swle market, whi'le.'.alers are standing to lse very h-avy sums at present. I'racti'-ally all tle oranges now ;elliug here are at a loss lo the sellers. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Potato market steady to firm. Onions are rjuirt hut undertone Is better. Cheese and butter steady and unchanged. Since first arrivals smelt supplies have dlFappoared. High-priced apples are bard to sell here anil price cutting U shown. SHIPPERS' WEATHER XtTICK Weather bureau .-ends the following notice to shippers: protect shipment during the n.xt 4S hours an far nortll as Seattle against mini tLfm temieratnres of about :;2 degrees; north east to Sisikain-. 21 dej:ris: southeast to lUiise, 2t degre: south to Ashland. "2 ile grcrs. Minltnuui temiierattire at Porlland to Higbt about 15 degrees. JOBBING PRICE OF PORTIiAXD These price are those at which wholesalers aell t retailers, except as otherwise stated. Dabrr Produce. BUTTER City creamery cubes, fancy, BHic; firsts. 29Hc; seconds. 2sHc; print and csrtoDS, extra; country creamery cubes. 27 fcj iflhr; Oregon dairy, lstjlwc. BCTTF.RFAT Portlanu delivery Premium eteam. 33c; No. 1 sour cream, 31e; So. 2, 29c; sweet cream, Soc per lb.- EGU! Selling price by balers, dellverr extra Selectee! fresb. 42c doz. ; storage, 246 -:c: -ae muut. Oregon raucli .;,c doz. LIVK POULTRY ens. Heavy Plymonlk Rnrk. 1-11 1 If; ordinary chlekeiis. 12.-: broilers. 1H and 2 lbs., i'a 1.1c; turkeys, 17c; dressed Taney. l'0Q21e lb.; calls. 14c lb.: pigeons. tl.Otug 1.25; s.uab. Jlo doi.; geese live. 7c: Pekln ducks, old. 13c; young and heavy. 14c; irdlan Kunner. 12c. JACKltABBITS Fancy, $1 5i 1.75. CUKESE iselllng price Fresh Oreron fancy foil cream twins and triplets. I7IT4c acrng America. lS(81SV,c Price to Jobbera, flats, lfic: "oung America. l"c f. o. b. ; cream brick. lS2c; limberger. 20c lb. Fruits and Vegetables. FRESH I'll FITS oranges, navel. 3.00i3 -S.75; bwnanas. 5c lb.: lemons. .1.0Oc4.50 ix: grape fruit. Florida. 4.50.i 3i case; pmeapoie-. Tube lb.; pe.ia. $1 2Ti.a 1.5o: huckli lwrries. 'ii'e, grapes, .VK'gtl pi-r crate. APPLF.S Local. l.'Aifa2.20 per box, ac cording lo quality. ONIONS Local, SI. 20 per cental; association selling price, carloads, $1.00 f. o. b. country points, garlic. 12&1&C lb. POTAIOF.S SellTug price ew crop, locil. $l.n0i 1.2.'.; buying prli e, 90c(n$1.0y per cen tal, sweets, $2.50(g.2.75. VEOE'fABLtS -Turnips ( ); beets, 75c per sack; carrots, new, 76c per sack; parsnipa ( ) er sack; cabbage (local). 7fc; green on k'us, 10(S lii '..c duxeu uuucuea, peppers, bell. 4c; bead lettuce, California. crate; cel ery, down. 4o(i75c: cauliflower. 5M:I1.0C dv.ieo; French artichokes, $1.00 er dozen; string lieana. ItK-; hothouse cucumbers, 4(Q iac dos.: tomatoes, t alliorula, $1.00: egg plant. SSjSVjc Hi-: sproul, tsc per lb.; cran berries. I'xal $10. iu. easieiu. JlO.OOyu.iC per barrel. Meati, Futh and ProvUIont. D II ESS 1 1) MEATS Selling price Countrr killed: Fancy hogs, ti'-a'o'c lb.; ordinary, 5 43jtc; faucy veala, yc; urdmary. 7jsc; poor, jiuoc; gots, a-ju,-ic; spring lamua. luv; mu'.ion, LB UAMS, BACON, ETC. Hams. 14gi9e: breakfast bacon. 16'a2Uc; boiled hams., 27c; picnic, HVjc; cottage toll, luijt; Oregon ex porus. lHj'a'c lb. OYSTEl.ty olympla, per gallon, $3; canned eastern. 05c cau. $ii.50 disen; eastern la sLell, $1.S0 per I'M; razor clams. 12UC ekizen; eastern oysters, per gallon, solid tank. $3.00. FISH Dressed flouudere, 7c; sllverside sai mun, si&Oc; stoel bead, loc; perch. 7ic; lobsters, 20c lb.; silver smelt. 7c; salmon trcut. 12VjC lb.; halibut, e.&10c; Columbia smelt. 33n40c lb. LAttl Xlerces. kettle rendered. 12c; stand ard. 10C. CRABS Large, 12.00; medium, $1.50 down. Qrocexiea. SCtJAlt Cube, $7.20; indcred, $7.10; fruit or berry, $G.S5; beet, $o.o0; dry granulated, IG.Si; U yellow, $o.lo. lAbvve tiuotatious are ou days net cath.) BICE Japtn style. No. 2. New Or leans, bead, 044400; blue rose, Sc. SALT Coare. half grounds, loua, $10.." per ton; ua, $11. 30; table dairy, uus, $1; lus., oaie. 1, lump rock. M per lull. BEANS Small white, $7.00; large white. $7.1X1; pick, $0-0o; limas, $0.10; bayou, $0.00; red. $ei.0u. Hops, Wcol and HUPS Nominal buying choice, ll'-jc, prime, 11c; 10c. lill.SiiY New. $3.25(tt3.I0 per case. WOOL Nominal, lillO clip: Ulllaujette val. ley, coarse Couwold, 21k;; medium 'Shropshire, 26c; choice fancy kits, 20c; eastern Oregon, 14ia22c. HIDES Salted hides, 25 lbs. and np, 15c; stilled stags, 5o lba. and up. 11 Vic; salted kip, 10 to 26 lba. 16c: salted calf, up to 15 lbs., lbc; greeu bides, 26 lbs. and up. 14c; green stags, 00 lba. aud up. loc, green kip, 10 lbs. to 20 lbs., lec; green calf, up to 15 iu., ISc; dry flint hidea, 26c; dry flint calf, up to 7 lba., 27c; dry salt hi ilea, 20c; dry Lorsebldes, each 60c tu, $1.00; salt horsebldes, each. $2.00 to $3.uo; horsehair. 26c, dry long wool, idc, urj wioi 1 wool 1 eiia, lie; dry sheep shearlings, each, 10 to 15c. TALLOW No. 1. 4Vs4-lic; No. 2, 4U4V4C; grease. 34i3Vsc. MOHA1K 1015 30c. CT1ITTTM OK CASCARA BARE Buying price, per car lots. 3Vat44c; leaa than car lots, ac Paints and Oils. LINSEED 011 Kaw, bbls.. 79c gallon; ket tle boiled, bbls., 81c; raw. cases. s4c; boiled, cases, &6c gal.; lota of 200 gallons lc lea; oil cake meal, $44 per too. COAL OILi Water white In drum tod iron barrels, 10c. TUUPEVriNE Tanks, 67c; cases. 74c gal lon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. gv.c lh.; 500 lb. lots, s,c lb.; less lots. Uc per lb. Oil. MKAl Carload lots. $il4. .So iuiportant has become the rail "f wheat to the east for reloading IkiiiikI lo Furi';ic that one of the esrters Is said 1o have sent i representative t.i New Yi-k to lk sfter details at that end of the shipping line. Heavy stocks of wheat are still rolling from the pacific northwest to the Atlantic coast. There Is much more disposition among the wintry to offer wheal for sale than formerly. At pint dealers are eierienciiic much p difficulty in securing nipptlen sim-e the re'ent advance lu values, allbnnjh row that priit-s hae been forced down somewhat by the action of the Chicago trade, this move ment may 11. t so extensive. That $1.(2 and $1.03 a bushel was paid for lilnestem and Turkey red wheat in the Ills Bend country a few days ago. basis tidewater track delivery, has been fully confirmed, de spite tin- attempt of some newspapers tu keep the proer fuels from the wheat grower. Sales were reported of similar stuff ilurfns the last 24 hours at OSe to $1.01 a bushel, but the tendency wis iialn downward. Flour market retains Its recent strength and price a. Ivaine. whu a liberal increase In sales. FI.OL K- -Selling price: Patent. $0.0u: Wil li luetic alley, T..0o. lisal straight. (I 4Wl 4.SO; bakers' local, $-l.fjOft5.u0; Montana Si'ring wheat, $."i.7il; ciports. $4.Wit4 .40; wlmle wheat. $6.26; graham, $0; rye flour, $0.eO per barrel. j HAY Buying pri4: Willamette Tslley timothy, fancy, $ lJCa l.i.OO; eastern Oregon Idaho fancy timothy, $1H; alfalfa. $13'!113.60; vetch and oats. $11; clover. $Stg9. OKA IN SACKS 1016, nominal. No. 1 Cal cutta. S!c in car lota; less amounts higher. MILLSTL11SV -Selling price: Bran, $24.60 825; shorts. $2.j.oU'a.L'6. ROLLED B A It LEY Selling price. $20.5041 30 00. Wheat bid on the Portl.rnd Merchants e cl aage during the day we re stronger, un changed to lc a bushel liettir than Thursday. This advance was made In the face of the Chicago weakness and brought the Deeemher delivery somewhat closer to the actual prices that have been paid for spot. No sales. Oats market was unchanged on the ei- Bales 4.01!l . 2.-.. 301 S.l2 102 runolna I llceeipts for week I Bci-eipts -Inoe Septemlier 1 ! Kiporls from Sepleniber 1 ' luit-irts for neck ' linnes-ts fri.m SeoteniN'r 1 Receipts at New York have ben pretty heavv of lite, a verv considers!. le part of which was for evi-.rt. Slili.tets have dilflculty in clearing strs k for Europe t-entie of the scarcity of freight room, and several thousand bales are on the docks and In ware hiHises awaiting shipment. The local market dex- not improve. Dealer are adding to their stocks by oc casional purchases In the Interior, lint .rew- len are still Indifferent and take on hop only as particularly attractive prli-es are named. Moderate deliveries arc tnmle to brewers on i-nrly eonlrai;ts. Prices are unchanged on the f'ner grades, but there seems to lie an under ci rrent of weakness and medium qualities could prol ably be Isiught soniewhnt cheaper. Practically no choice slate hops remain in rcwers' hanils. and th.- inferior to gil lots attract but little attention. We are advised that over HHi bales of lull h.'a have been picked up In the interior at lidjoc. "New- ork hon pr'.ies. per s-und St: t.-. 1010, .holce State, 11)16, medium 10 prime State, lino, oininicii Sti te. 11114 Pnclfle cast. 1H10. . h.Oce Pacific is.ast. 1010. in. ilium to prime Pacific coast. 19M I'rcific coast, old olds Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. , . i;73 120 3 103 1 . Oiil 73 13 44 1 . 4iM 32 . 2' st .7242 i 100 27 linst ' . Kill 1 1 . 1 03 ; .21117 200 27 1 .1733 232 . .1 317 I . 191 2t 2 . 723 7 . . SO .15"7 - 107 I Xerr York. Dec. 0. (I. S. S.) The stock market opened quiet today, and the liat -va generally weaker. The Steel Isauea were lead- ! Ing. R. B. C. opened at 50 the closing f'it ' lire of yesterday and promptly went to 07. At thla prb-e It waa active and firm. I". S. Steel was firm and active at 87. The Ralls were liberally treated, and held up ralrly well. Southern Pacific sold to 101 which was yesterday's high mark. f-ackawanna Jumped to M from an o;ievilng of Ki. which waa 1 ' point higher than the previous day'a elre. I Baldwin Locomotive remained popular, bat I was not as strong as yesterday. The Copper were about steady. There appeared to be an I Impression among trader that the I'nlted ; State steel tonnage report for November, to be Issued Friday, will stimulate the stock market. Investigation tends to show that Hteel. Copper and Oil stocks are receiving more attention from outside and inside siec ulallve interests than aiiy other class of securities. OWNERS OF WATER PLANT AT ST. JOHNS TO SEEK PROETION City Council Will Be Urged to Purchase Existing System in River Suburb, Range Over beck building. of New York prices furnished by & Cooke Co.. 210-217 Board of Trade rF.HRlPTION Open High Ixiw CI. The livestock market in general at North Portland Is again In rarner good shape. The sales of the show- stuff and near show stuff indicate (his. Regular market offerings of hogs are selling In general at $0.90 to $ for tops, with occasional offers of $il.i0 for some thing goisl enough to get Into the show. There was a fair run of hogs In the yards had ' over night, but on account of the show stuff the demand was light, although the trade by u means showed neglect. General hig market: change barlec. Morel witli a rise of 6"c a ton In brewing ants Evcbange Dcemner prices: WHEAT 2S'n:in 22 in 2fi lx'r2 tifcz IO 1 IS! 10 1 1 11 1 '. 7' H( 0'.jC 7 Hides. price, 19I60crop, medium to prime. Thursday Wed. Tue. Mon. Bid. Ask. Bid Rluestem . . imi.j ns p ; 07 Fortyfold '.IOj !I0' . (17 0,7 I !ub 03 04 :i2U 0 1 04 Rod fife... li ;i:; fsiC !I1'j 01 Bed lius-iau til :i:;ij oy " Ul!2 !kj OATS I eed 2HK) 25' 24si 2120 2400 BARLEY Feed 2i;ol :h avo a,,, yvtt Brew ing . .nOi. :si sia s.j 2isi MILLSTI FFS Hrnn 10V) 2Ki l!a" I!KI )'Mm Shorts 2is) 200.1 -J)) jhi 20"i lulling were ijii'.Ted: W HEAT Bid. Ask. .1; 1 nary liliicstem iT t lis-. JaiuiHi-.v fortyfold Oti1 0s 1 j Jhnuar club 04 !.0 .lauuary fife pi t4 Jl.utiary Kus.,ian 01 11 January J.iuuary feed January Jciiuai y bran . shores OATS BARLEY SIILI-STUFFS .212 . 10 TO .2OO0 217,". 2AV1 22,Vj Realizing Sales Put Wheat Market At Chicago Down Chicago. )ec. Q. 1 1. N. S.I Wheat rbeied lower thnn yesterday. Grains nicned weak toiiav. There were some material declines in the early trading. The buying was scattered. Strength In Minneapolis had a tendency to hold orices here to some extent. May natur ally held up N'tter than December, but even at tht quotations fluctuated more tlinn they have for severl days. Some of the big denlcrs said that lLiuidation nf l..n; wheit had als.nt run Its course, and advised purchases of May wheat m the reactions. t Bulls say the flood of realizing has placed the market In a tetter shane for another up turn, with any in-rense In speculative or ev-1 port buying. Sentiment In corn, while nat urally favoring the bull lde. was n:ore irreg ular. Longs predict tnat corn receipts at various markets ar expected to materialize within the week. Reports from Iowa are to the effect that corn brts commenced to move in that state. Bears consider the market as overbought, while the burls say the break has plsi-ed it in position to advance. Wheat - Docemlier owned at 11H, and sold down to 114 st first. May ojioned at lliS. and dropjied to 111., and later sold to yester dsy's cbe of 1 1 0 7 IVm Deremlier oiiened st snd sold to H7c. May wns firmer to an opening at 72c. Oats were slmt steady to yesterday's close, bui later declined. Alaska A Ills Chalmers, c Allis Chalmers-, pf... American Beet Sugsr. Auerlcan Can, c American ( an. pf . . . . American Car Fdy.. . American l ot. oil. Linseed, pf. Ijico., r . . . Smelter, e. Smelter, pf. Sugar, c . . . & Tel Woolen, c. . Mining Co. 32 V H2 71' 01 ' 23 V, ..s- 72-,1 tu v 21 31 M'-s 71 2-S.: HOW! I 40 7iv, '117 , ;i2o Rest light $6.90(a6.05 Medium light 85 Good to heavy B.'OOS.Ri) Uougb to heavy 6.00W5.&0 Cattls Market Steady. General caidltloos In the cattle market at North Portland are steady, with no apparent chnnge In either the situation or values. The run over night wss small. Top cuttle are generally quoted at $7 for open market offerings, wnlch Is substantially the same as ruled last week for similar qua lity . General -sttle market range: Beat hay fed ateors $7.0nyi 7 or, I Ooi.d to choice 8.83 ! Ordinary to fair 6.0036.73 Best cows 5.50 Good lo prime 4.5Or.V0u ! Select bulls 4 OOia4.20 huncy bolls 4 Ofl4.21 Ordinary bulls 2 .VK.1 .00 Best calves 7.00fci7.50 Mutton Market Strongsr. Stronger tone Is slion n in the mutton market generally at North Portland, although little has lieen available In this division of the oen market to thoroughly test the situation. If anything, real good stuff would bring more money . General mutton and lamb nricea: Interior lambs $ 7.50 40 i tow: I 00 V 117 !12 HI ll.l 110 1 I 03 470 ,150 ! 27 W 27 57 07 1 183 1H3 1 M -v4l M 'Ho 'HO j 30 S 04 :m w 1 54 :.2' 143 18 BO 74 04 .3 4K '4 43N 77 sVl -Gene Select Ordinary Interior lambs.. '. lllnmette alley lambs Wethers Select ewes, light Thursday Livestock 7.20(37.35 7.25(3 7.35 6.(SKa8.25 5.334i5 "30 Shippers, 40 ' , 12rt 74 52S,' 27 UK 123 ; 40 S 112 21'. 4-W 43 57 177; 75. 40 12 77. 52 w; 27 I 10x ! I2f. 40 i 112 ; liogsMi-Mahan & Fnimin. Halsey. I load: J. K. pHrrlsh, Jefferson, 1 load; Rtanley nish oprlc. Gaston. 1 load; Tat ton & Falk, Hal sey. 1 load. Cattle A. E. Brlnegar. Baker, 2 loads; George Hup, 27 head by boat. Mixed stuff -S. L. Overton. Brownsville. 1 j. load calves and bogs: J. S. Flint. Junc tion City. 2 loads cattle, bogs and sheep; T. R. How lit. Lebanon. 1 load hogs snd sheep; J. S Divis. Sbedd. 1 load hogs and sheep; J. W. McKenny. Turner. 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; J. Davis, Rldgefleld. Wash., 22 cattle. 18 hogs and 3 sheep by boat. Wednesday Afternoon Bales. The following :?re the sales of prize winners and i-ompetitors in the Annual Livestock Show lu progress al the North Portland slock yards: HOGS. At Range of Chicago pri.-es fnrnlshcd by be.-k & building. Cooke Co.. 210 217 Board of over-Trade flTRANSPORWIONkP IflOSIH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP Co!B D ItOETH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO t?AN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA, IX)S ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO. BS. S. ROANOKE Sails Wednesday, Dec. IS, 6 P. M. 1 e COOS BAY rUEEXA AND SAM FRANCISCO S. S. KILBURN Sails Saturday, Bee. 11, 8 P. M. Ticket Office 122A Third St. Phones Main 1314. A-13 14. I I I 1 SAXZiT BOAT TO THX D ALII 8 Stamara Dalles City" and Leav Stranger" a. m.. except Portland daily. ' Friday. I-eave The Dalles daily. Saturday ALT) T!tt ST. DO CX, FOBTLAST). Phon Main 9154. A -5X13. a. m, e accent San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chug En Bout) Th Blf, Cleavn, Comfortable, Xlegrantly Appointed. Sec-doing- Steamship O-W R. & N. CO. STEAHIB SBBTZCB. Steamer Bavrrest gaits leaves 8 D. m. dallv ,nnm Saturday for Astoria Dd way points. Be tnrolng. leaves Astoria 7 a. m. dally ex reut Sunday. Ticket and reservations at O-W. R. . IfJnkiB Pacific System) City Ticket Of fice. Washington at Third, before 8:30 p. sb.: after that boor at Ash-street dock. I'bonew. Broadway 4500. A-612U Los Augeles and San Diego STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD -. Halh-oad or any steamer to San Francisco, tk Kr.po8ltion City, largest, fastest and the CM.X strictly first-vlass passenger ship on : tbv Coast. Aversge speed 28 miles an hour. 4-"ot 2.000.Oi(O eeb. aVAJI FHAKCI6C0. POXTIAJTO 4 . 10S ASGELES S. 8. CO. f r, rra Bollam. Agent. ' 124 Third St. Main 26. A-459 , wit d. a. a. a, r. t I Balls From Ainaworth Bock 3 P. M., DEC. 12 100 Qoldea lU2a on Cc.umhl Blyer. All Kates Znclnde Berth and. Meals. Tablea ana Berrlce Unexcelled. im ean rraaciico ft Portland 8. S. Co., Third and Washington Sts. (with O-W. K. k IT. Co. Tel. Broa.4- ay 45UO. A-6131. Washington Apples Are Rejected and Growers Bear Loss Hood River. Or.. Dec. 9 Word comes from Texas flint 1V7 csrs of Washington apples were shipped Into that state this year and I'M cars of this lot were rejected. The irrower ! must stand the los. whMi Is estimated to bo about f.Vi.CsO Id this cae. The freight must tie paid with real money snd the grow ers nuiat make this up from the returns re ef ived from their .ther (trades. It Is reported that lndeis?ndent shlpis?rs have gone to some of the, farms and repacked apple from the crdes culled for the vinegar factory, ar.d shipied Ihem. Tew apples remain In .the hands of the Ap ple ;rover association unsold. A numticr nf the buyers, who have bought In large lots, sre having their fruit lu the care of the as delation for storage on account of the ex cellent facilities here, and are having thlr shipments made as their trade requires. The fact that the association has rooni for over .ysi.ism is. xes eif apple enables It to accom modate the -buyers oy affording thein storage at thi. end of the line. Mr. Sleg. sal-s mrnager of the asseielntlon. Is highly pleased with the prh-es secured this season for the frlut crop of the valley. Mr. Slog said: ''This hss been a hard year for Hood River snd a bad year in many ways on sccnunt of the stuff that has boon shipped out by small In dependent shipiiers that has lieen fsr below snd in fact, to, .floor to lelong to an. grade. When the trade sees fruit of Mils kind on the market with s Hood River lall on the box. It makes the buyers afraid of the llikd River fnilt and the Innocent must suffer for the guilty. "I am glad to state that the association ha insisted upon maintaining the grades is trthtlshed. Growers have come to us st dif ferent times when their fruit has leeu turned down for repack tiecatise they did not measure U. to the grades established l.y the association, and have told us that lndes?ndent shlpispr were packing nuch apples and shipping them, and would like to have ns ilo so. How ever, we have hewn straight to the line in this matter. In fact, we do not feel that we can afford to lower the Hood River standard snd juggle with the growers money by shipping fruit that will not pass Inspec tion, le'eanse. If turned down, the grower n ust pay the bill out of the returns received foi his ssk1 fruit." 1 lecember May December May December May Ileceinber January . May Januarv May Januarv May WHEAT. Open. llitrh. . . 111'. llfl .. 117 117 CORN. .. s 0 OATS. 43 43 40 40 PORK. UVS7 lr.:7 lOI 1HIVJ lMio isr.o LARD l7o 972 !W7 1I0 RIBS. Iiso HS7 IIH'O - I'HVO Low. 1 14', 110 r,7, Tl's 42 40 IC.7-, 1 K30 1 30 H'.2 Ic.Sj PSO UP 3 Cl.sse. 114 lltlA r,7i-,B 71A 42 I! 40 B 1070A 1H47A 1S47A 1171) W7 I'M OA BANK STATP:IEXT OF COAST ('! arlngj. Monday Tuesday Wedneiday Thursday . . f learlngs BlI-uccs ( 'h'nrii'gs lid Ian. cs Clearings Clearings Portland Banks. I l ls Week $2.n02.24. M I.SK1.82S.04 1.7U.;."s.4H 1.7o2.s2H Seattle Banks. Tacoma Banks. Year ago. l.eiV1.0!)9.S9 1.077.S.X9.3T 1.703.GO3.1IS 1.U2S.0UG.21 . 2.240.Ii2S.i0 24.'i.ii4'0 ::to.l 17. mi iJ0.t5.".vy No. 1 5o ' 3 . 3 . B" W 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 It. 1 1 10 in jr. Hi in 2" 1 IB 1 1 2 4 No 3 show 3 shi.w 0 show 37 show 2 show 3 show 2 show 3 show WETHERS. lbs. 350 2IO 17 2W 213 222 3-10 lOSil I74) 1 KVI 1 12IJ I 7ko I I s'.i I Kiln lii3' 1410 1 1t I. val 12KI W l.Vsl IOS2 l'.'si 1240 lo.'UI i.; 170 14'K) 210 2'' San Francisco Banks. Los An;eles Banks. .?10.3! Ml. 780 .00 .$ 3,33t,4S.OU A'arious t'ash Wheat v. hea 1 Market". -.d lower cloe.1. Iiecember ?1 to Id 0B. 1.1. erjaiol higher. : Inilnth Wheat May 1.11 .. I tVlnnlM2 -Wheat closed. IVcember $1.07B May l.'lK. I Mitiiou.ollH Wheat elided. Iiecember I $1 '. May 1110. j Kansas Cltv Wheat closed. Dei-emlH-r I l.i". May I.I'i. I Si Ixnils Wheal ehWM'd, IVcember $1 H); I May 1.11. j 1 -hlcago -Cash wheat lc lower. 0rn steady. I Oil ts c lower. oiuflh 1 -Cash wheat l'n2o 1-mrr. St. Iaila--''a'li ..heat le l.iwer. 12 Thursday Morning Sale. SHOW HOGS. Ave. lbs. hgs 1 7d hogs 341 bugs 2211 hogs 21") bogs 2'iO hogs 310 lo gs 340 bogs 21tl Price. 110.25 4.00 8.20 K.'IO 7.U5 7W 710 7.O0 J30 00 14 Oil 12.75 12 75 12:0 12 :J 12 20 12.n0 1 1.75 1 1 00 1 1 5l 11.10 1 l.'O 10 ( D.'O S 70 H.25 t- 25 7.05 7. .V) 7.25 $ 1 7 .00 12.75 10.00 An.erlrau Ain.Tlcaii American American American Am. Tel. American Anai-onda Atchison, Atchison, pf Baldwin Ik'V, c Baldwin ljcn., pf.s.. B. & o.. e Bethlehem Steel, c... Bethlehem Steel, pfd. I allf. Petroleum, c. . . Calif. Petroleum, pf. Ctiiuidlan Pacific Central leather, e ... Central Leather pf... Cl-es. it Ohio Chi. A G. W . pf . . . . . CM., M. A St. P Chi. & N V.. c 1 LI iv 1 opjier Colorado F. & I ., c. . . Vmsolldated f!s (V.rn PnKlucts, c Corn Prriduets, pf t nulble Steel,' c I ruclble Ste,.. pf : IVnver ; K. i . pfd. I DlMlllers . Erie, e ! Erie. 1st nf i General Klc. trie j General Motors , iroodrieh Rublier. . . . . ; i. Nia-thern. ie lands . t. Northern, pf ! Guggenheim Exp I Hide A Leather, r. . I Hide & leather, pf.' Ice Securities i 1 llinois ( 'entral I Industrial Alcohol. . . . i Inspiration j Int. Harvester lnterts-To. c j Interboro. pfd Kansas City South , c. ! Iyflckswanna Steel.... l-ehlch Valley Ixxitsvllle Nsshville Mexican Petroleum... Miami Copper M. K. & T., c M. K. & T., pfd Missiajrl Pacific National Biscuit National Lead ! 4l H4, Nevada Consollilated . . . I 16l 16 New Haven 75 1 75 MMt York Air Brake. .. I.Hi ll.t New York Ceniral iliU KM New York, O. A W. Norfolk A Western. Northern Pai Inc.... Pacific Mall Penn. Railway i People Gas Plttsbuig Coal, c I Pittsburg Coal, pfd . . . 1 Preesed Steel far, pfd.', Ray Ccsis. Copper j Halls. ty Steel Springs. Reading, c I Reading. 1st pfd 1 ReadlDff. 2d pfd Republic I. ; s.. .' ! Republic I, A S.. pfd. . Rock Island Rock Island, pfd Sears Roebuck A Co... Studebaker. c Stixlebakcr. pfd Sliws Sheffield Southern Pa. Iflc Southern Railway, c. . . .Southern Railway, pfd. Tenn. Copper Texas oil Texas Pacific Third Avenue I'nlon Pacific, c ! I'nlon Pacific, pfd 1 I'. S. Rubber, r r. S. Rubber, pfd I'. S. Steel Co.. r 1'. S. Steel Co., pfd. . . ! I tali Copper : Irglnia Cheinlrrl, c. ..! . W. V . Telegraph I Westlnghouse Elei-tric. 'Y.x. Div., 4 iw-r cent 40 !' 21 71 '! 111 M 40 (h :i. 110 nii, li 12S12 . 411 Kh MO, Sfl Hr7 1'slU lOHi, 101ltjlo1 101 117 .113 114 . . . .' .112 ' . n.; 4S5 470 '47 1.V5 155 ' ISO ZT'.iii -'H: "2 57 (A .V. 1S2'sll2 54, 54 no 110 G2f f2 3 93 f4 . . . : . 1 im 'I'- 51 143 143 142 ' 1! V ti 1 ' i MX-, 74 72 72 111 111 1 11 !l 11 BUILT UNDER FRANCHISE Officials cf Company Contend That Would Be Unfair to Drive Them Oat of Business). It Bandits EoB Girl Cashier of $7000 Prudential Xdfe Insurance Office In Chlcasro Meld TJp, Wstehmaa and Two Olrls Tied E scape la An to. Chlcajfo, Dec fi. (IV r.) Thre younp bandits trxlay held up Miss Emma tchlinnke. 2 4, cashier of a branch of The Prudential life Insur ance company, iiil her and a girl clerk together and escaped with $7000 In cash. Before attacking; the cashier, the bandits) bound the watchman in hi" chair, and then awaited the arrival of Mlns Schllnske with the payroll aho had Juat drawn from the bank. When ahe and Mi six Mamie Hatn, the clrk, arrived, they were ovfr pcwererl, and the youths then fled in an automobile. 47 42 07 17fl 0.10 73 4 120 71 oi 211 Km 120 44 47 42 4 1 2'i 1o 01 ' 2i lux 121 44 82 j B3 ! 34 I 7 I IT I ..-'ki M! "I :i 34 i "i 17 I 5-. ;i 110 21 21 7! 31V, e2 0 127 2 33 31 S2 81 'M'A stl Contenling that they should not be put out 'f business by the city lnstall inK its own w ;Uer s stem in St. Johne, officials of the ist Johns Waterworks & lighting ( o are to appear before the city council tomorrow to auk that steps be taken toward the purrhaee Of their plant or c .mpensating them In ca.e the plant is made useless. A plan ih now pending before the city council for the city to build a water system of its own to supply water to the Si Johns district, now supplied by the rirtvato comisany. Of ficials of the company contend that a franchise was secured n,l the present plant built in good faith. They say that it woiild he decidedly unfair to put an end to their burlne-ss without compe nating them for the plant, which' would be imide useless If (he city efoes not purchase It, if a munici pal system i installed. Rewdy for Work on Viaduct. The Southern Pacific Railroad com pany Is being: notified bv the depart ment of public works today that work i an be started at once on the !nlg;at,. street viaduct across the company's track on Holgate street near Kast Klghteenth. The agreement for th building; of the structure. has been signed and it is the desire of city of ficials to have the work start Immediately. St. Paul Hank RoMkkI. St. Paul. Minn., Dec. Five voting automobile held officials up with rr.ped with 14000 from State bank today. ?'!'. P.) bandits w!n reolvers es the Western FRENCH ORE FIFTY MILES FROM SERBIAN POSITION THEY HELD Destroy Railroads, Bridges as They Go but Germans Are Quickly Rebuilding Them, Paj. Gas Company Asked to The Portland (Jas & Coke eompany is to be asked to pay the cost of low ering and changing its mains alonj; the line of the O-W. R. & N. regrade instead of the city assuming the ex pense. A letter asking that the com pany stand the expense was sent It to day by"' 'ommiasioner IJIeck. The cost will be approximately 110,000. lrt 1 4l 4 1124 4 ! C.4 10 111 74l 74 130i1W 103',. ! 10314 31 I 31 1 SO ! DO 120 1120 11111 12o 11 1 17 11 1 l'l 10 ,50..! 3 I U0 1 2.0 : 40 82'.! 10 1 5! I 34 I 00 I ! 9 5-K 59 1117 34; 34 4 j C.4 ,'104S 25 V --"S 44 SI ' oH: no ,110 110 10! 19-! Ill 4:1 07 I 42' 55 ISO 17l 113 I M '101 ! 21' i K2V i 10 i7:t 113 I '! l"l 23 37 17N I IK'IW 113 tit ! 101 ; 23 2 1 44 M 42. 42 o.-.V 11" I!' 17 1H7H 113 Hi 101 2:t 61 1 , 1210 210 211 'II 1 13 SC,; K7 ll'i ' 1 1 St I M 47! 49 SS' SS ai ei. 12)1 n 61 I 1J 137 137 i 2 54 1 04 jlORvI Sl lid inc. 79 I SO 47 1 47'. W! g Prk-e. il.30 rt.26 0.2.'. 11.20 C..2.-. fi.25 ! L'O 6.20 .MEKIC'A LIVKSTOCK PRICES New York Sugar and Coffee. New York. liec. y. Sugar Centrifugal, $5.0 asked, JO. 14 bid. Coffee Spot Sew York No. 7 Rios. 7c; No. 4 Santo. !c. S Chicago Hogs $7.00. Chicago, Iec. II (I. N. S. 1 Horn -Receipts ' 40.ISS"!. strong; unchanged to 0c above yester 1 nir'i average: bulk $d a5fct C.8p; light. 5.90ii b K; mled. tn 15r7 On: hrtv.r, 35'j7,On; , . l5h-6-06 ; pigs. Cattle Receipts OOoO. steady; native tieef I steers. $.' ..V KdlO. .VI ; western steer, tUlOfa is. 10; cow, sDd heifers, f 2.60J?S. 10; cslves, f 5i& I) 25. ' Sheet. Receipts 13.OO0. firm: sheep M.'iog i f 6j; lamb?, 7.10i9 25. j Hogs 6.IS. St. Ixiuls. Dec. ft. il. N S i -II ! ee'pt s.tsai. stead. : pigs and lights. City The in its clt v's cording to reasu rer Fund $1.37,432. city has a total of $1 ,375.432.2 1 various funds at the end of the fiscal year, November 30, ac- a report compiled by City Adams.. Of this amount 5i5,233.27 was in thl general fund. DU PONT POWDER CITY IN VIRGINIA BURNING, BUT BIG PLANT SAFE London. Dec p.--(I. N. S i The Krench have fallen back 00 miles from Krtvojitk. destroying bridges. roads and railrar.ds after them, advices re ceived here today sahl The Bulgari ans are rebuilding 'iui.-kly, the belief being that the work is being superin tended by Herman engineers. The Bulgarian force is numerically su perior In men ami artillery. The report lhat Oeneral Von Mack ensen had nrrlved in Constantinople has been ro ved. (Continued Prom Page One.) Richmond and one from Petersburg to come here to suppress looting and dis order. The flames had not been controlled at 3:30 o'cloc':. Later Hopewell was apparently cut off from the world and all wires were reported to be down. The cause of tho fire has not been ascertained, but it is believed to have been incendiary. If;trcat Towards GrevM'c. Ionclii. Dec 0 -it". P. 1 ThaJ the allies are retreating in southern Serbia toward Greece was officially confirmed today by Sofu. The war office la.ims that the Uul gars occupied liemirkapu. or. y 20 miles from the Grecian line, added that tlie French evacuated the place, and Indh-ated that they are driving toward a refuge within Greece Kvjdently, the llulgars are either pressing the allies hard or General Sarrall has ordered : general retreat. "South of Strutnnitz.i," said 'he statement, ' we are attacking the entire allied - front ." Groul ka, too. was occupied, the iTench were defeat. -d near and 14 British prisoner were Sofia reported annihilation Krench batallion. while taken. of a Washington Gets Ruj Washington, Dec. !. tl. P.) Fol lowing a cabinet conference yesterday In which supposedly plans for laws O deal with activities of "hyphenated Americans'" were discussed. United States District Attorney Marshall of New York conferred todsy with Attor ney General Gregory. They went over evidence of various plots by hyphen ates and a chain of indictments is cx I c ted to follow the attorney's return to New York. The department of Justice this aft ernoon sent a special agent to Hope well, Va.. to Investigate tlie big fire there, and the arrest last night of a supposed Teuton bomb plotter. OgS Re POTATOES ALONG THE COAST 'Jum "t aiccts 01 the facitic" lmBBa,imii ' IPggSS' KIstU PitlHIhiwaslBlsHaWIIEryrTM Seattle, lc. Pots toes l',m hunks. Seattle Market. Dec. l. (C. P. l-r-Onioiis Oregon. Shu Francisco Grain San fYanclsco. Deo. f. Market. Barlev calls; Iec. li. 1 lec. S. Open Cise. Chw. De.mlK'r - . . 131 A May i:B !" lrtsa. Sjs.t quotations Wheat. Walls Walla 1 .''5 1 rl w.i.oi-.. i.'i lecs-mii ri.i..i i.nii. Jin.. red. fl.C7s(1.72; bluestem. 11.72'a' 1.70. Pe.vl barley--$1..Hl. White 'wits $1 .:!u,i 1 . 40. Hrnn --22.oOi 22 00; middlings. ,$2:'.li0f .To thorts. 2.;.Ki(ii23.5i. Eivetpool AVhcat Market. I.iverMil. Dec. i. 1 I . N. S. 1 -Wheat Spot No. 1 Manitoba. 12a 4 d ; No. 2. 12s Id, No. 3, 12s Id: No. 2 hard winter, new. lis Od. William Matoon to Be Candidate Again Oregon , City, Or., Dec. 9. County Commissioner William IT, Matoon an-1 nounced this morning that he would) be a candidate for renoniinatlon and reelection as commissioner. Mr. Mi- 1 toon aays that many of his friends have : demanded that he again be a candidate, although he would personally prefor to return to his. farm. Mr. Matoon has been a commissioner for the past seven years. He was first elected in 1908 and was reelected in 1912. His home Is at Kstacada. t It lias be,en the custom of this coun ty to elect one commissioner from the territory north of the Clackamas and one from tnat soutn or tne LiaoKaraas W. A. proctor and Paul Dunn of Sandy and K. D. Olds of 43ak Grove, have been mentioned for the position. I "HOBTHERIT FACIHO" "GSZAT N0HTHI3Ur SAN FRANCISCO-HONOLULU s. s. -assisiwr PACIFIC sails lor San Francisco EC. 11. 16, 81, 85, 30. Stmr. Ezpresst leaves 10th and Hoyt. 9 a. m. 8. S. atriv.s S. T. 3:30 next af tarnoon. 88. Great Ilorvnam trom San Fran cisco xor Honolulu, Dec. la. ju TICKET OrPlUE, STH JLBCD BTAXJC. Thosea Broad ww aan aum : , MS Washington. atT too u White River. 17I; Yakima $2224; Yakimn Ceins. $21'rt23. Ban Francisco Market. San Francisco. Dei'. 9. Cotatoe-s D.lta, IXIc !SJ1 30 per eenul; Idaho Rnrals. 11 .20d1.3O; ldcho Russets, 1.20Q1.HO; Salinas. $1.55$ 1.S5; Oregoiis. $1 .3ttl.f; sweets. f1.40Q 1.50. Onloua Persack, 20c4jl, according to. condition. San Francisco Wool Market. San Francisco, lsec. S. (P. N.' S.) Wool, pe.- pound, Humboldt and Mendocino, s m.ntbs growth. 21t2:ic: k 12 mmlbs. 20i2Sc: mid dl; conntics. S months growth good. 17m lOc: do fair. 10il7c; Red Bluff and vicinity. 2ti(j 2:c Nevada itock, I81i2c, according to quality. St. Louis, n ik banged. Mo.. Dec. 8. (I. N. S.) Wool Oregon Apples in South. San Frsncjseo, Csl., lec. S.tV. S. 8,) Am.lea, per - box: Oregon and Washington Baldwin. 1.2SCE1.BO; - Jonahtan. 1.25il.75; V-lueaau. Slotil.7: SwttacBberx. tlJittZ.60. Chicago Produce Market. I hlcng.,. pe,-. H.--H. N. S. Butter was sotnenhst easier t.Hlny. KiruiJie.s .sintlniies ' In egg. Butter receipt, 54' si tubs; creanji-ry eMras. 33-jc: estru firsts, 3l(i:jc: firsts. 2 i3.c; sec.nids, 2-i((i 24 r ; dslriew etra. .T0-; flrfts. 25jt 27c; se-onds. 2022c; packing stock lS20e; ladles. 2i4l21V-jC. Kggs ttecelpts 104KI cases; firsts. 2fffl30c; otdinary firsts. 272sc; miscellpneona lots. 2ii i20c; extra, 35fe3t5c; storage. April. 2c. Vancouver to Have "Pay-Up Day" Soon New York Cotton Market. Open High Irtr Close Jannsry 12(V. 12H5 1255 riV. March 13'1 I2H1 12so 124 May i:si 1:11:1 1.T0.1 Jnly 1317 1321 1.(11 1:114 OctisSer 127K 127'1 12 127" December .... 1202 1203 1241 1244 I tar ley Markets. trbl.-ago. lee. S. I. X. 8.) Barley, strong. Malting, 6X44 72c. Receipts, 44 ears. mUcd nnd butchers. 5. 4.0in P . W ; good M. 7361 C..S5. Cattle--Receipts 3500, steady; native beef -sl'irs. $7.0Vf IO ;V; yearling steers and belf- ers t..004t lo an; cows fO Sofrr 7.' : stoc kers niwl feeders. 5.0Ot7.20; southern steers. JO 25 (issu; co-s and heifers. J4.00ft'i 50; native i ciilve-.. Jtl Ooftf 10.5O. ' Sheep Receipts 120O. steady: yearlings Jd.Vi i n 7 V: Is mho. J8.23i9.0; sheep snd en es, ; J0.5Kxi9.0i. I Kansas City Hogs ja.JO. Kansas Clly. Dec. 0. -(l. N. S.I --Hogs Re- I celpu 7.CS-), higher: bulk fn.45cua.7R; hesvv. I J'i 25faJ0; packers snd butchers. Ji 50ij 6.75; light. ja.40f(!6.7ii; pigs. 5 25H 1.25. 1 Cattle -Receipts 2TSI. strong; prime fed I steers, ff).25rf 10.OO; dre-sed beef steers. J7.0Q liftl.OO: western steers, f.25!9.O0; stockers and feeders. .. i7.50; bulls. J4..i04ji;.oO; crUes. 6.i!..VI. Sheep Recelnts S.0O0. strong; yearlings. JC.707.5O; wetbert. J5.75'i..Vi; ewes, JO. 25 li i. io! Omaha Hogs J6.60. Omsha. lee. . (I. N. S. i -Hogs Receipts 10..VO. Vmer; heavy. J'l.25n 50: light, J; 20 etC.Vi; piga, JO. 2.09.25. bulk of aales. f'1.30 '.!'.. 40. t attle Receipts 3000. steady; native steers, f!l0.5O; cows and heifers, f5.25frt1.75; west ern steers, fail; Texas steers, f5.75j8.73; stockers and feeders, f 5.251 7.75. Sheep Receipts wss. higher; yesrlins-s. J; 7; wethers. J3.50.25; lambs, .20S.S0. DeoTsr Hon fl.TS. I stiver. IW. 9. -battle Steady: steers. J9 Oil, otrs snd heifers. J.-.if9.25: stockers and feeders. J5.75i7: calves, J7.5O10. Hogs- Receipts 100, higher; top, bulk of ssles. fl. 40136.50. Sheep--None. Seattle Hogs. J8.20. Seattle. Pec. ft. Hogs Receipts 201. prim lights f1.15t.2); m-dlnm to Jc,4 i: smooth heavies, J0.tVi4i5.7O; heavies. J5. IOCS. 20. pigs. f5.153.10. . t attle Receipts none, nlgber: best J;.75'a7.3tt: common to medium steers. S3. 50 jfl.ITi; best cos. f5..V)'?T8JJ5; common to j medium rovs. S3c.14.50; bulls, f3.Vao-50; I calve. J5.5iect'(. Sheep Receipts none, tilgber; lamb. J7w 7.35; yearlings. jnri1.50-, ewes, f3.3Otg5.50. Today's shippers Hogs P. M. Balcom, Orsndvlew. ls; Brown A Richsrilnm. Othello, flfi; Ceorge K. Plnley. Kennewlck. 10s; Inland Meat Co., Mansfield. SSI: ilallagher Bn.. Mansfield. 320: Hnlej c I rnnliardl. I.lnd. !3; C. M. Kayo, Kooskla. Ms ho. 85: D. C. Slrgsns-m. Vollnnr. Idaho. R33; II. Kelterhageii. CotKmvi .!. Idaljo. 374; I W. K. Parry. Koimkla, Id.nuo. loo. low er ; rlKilre. rougl-steers. Georgia Town Ituming. Katonton. Ga.. le.-. 9 ( I. V. S.) This city is threatened today with de struction by fire. Two warehouse containing thousands of hales of cot ton already hae been burned up. More Plants Threatened. Minneapolis. Minn.. Dec. 9. ( I. N. S.) Threats have been made to blow up or fire the plants of the two Twin City firms which have accepted war contracts from the allies arid to take the lives of the members of the two firms, the manage thereof and the lives of their families. The threats were contained In let ters re'-elved through the mails, It was learned tod.ty, and now are In tho bands of K. M. Hugdahl. acting in spector In charge of postal Inspectors in this district. The plants threatened are those o? the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery company, Minneapolis, and the Ktlck ney Kngine company. In St. Paul. The Minneapolis company n-centlv announced their acceptance of a big contract for the manufacture of shrapnel shell casings and began the erection of a big new building. Manager lluys Store. Hd River, Or., Dec. 9 H. P. Steele, who has been manager of the Rockford store, one of the stores controlled by the Consolidated Mercantile company, haj purchased the business from the consolidated people. The store la lo cated three miles south of the city. Germans Announce Irogres. Berlin. Dec. 9 (I. N. K ( .By wire less to Sayvllle) -Confirmation of the capture of O.hrlda by troops of the central powers was made In an offi cial statement Issued from the war of fice here today. Ochrlda Is In south western fserhia and was the last Ser bian town of importance remaining; in the hands of the allies. The text of the- official statement follows; Fighting continues In our favnr south of Plevlije and south of Slenltzi and Ipek. "Bulgarians have rumpled Ochrlda, Diakova. Dlbra and Struga. "The Bulgars also are making fav orable progress against the allies along the Vardar river.'" Serbs. N. H) Th following from S- Alliefi Kquipplng London, Dec. 9. I. Times prints the loniki: "'A portion of the retreating Serbian prmy Is stated to have skirted the eastern shore of Lake O'lirlda and gained Kplrus. but the main body found refuge In Albania. "The question of revictwallng and re-eoulpplng- the exhausted troops by way of Albanian ports is being dealt with by British and French war offices." Bulgars Occupy Grovica. Sofia, Dec 9. 'I'. P i The, Hulgar have Occupied the villages of Grovica and tho Demlrkapu railway which the French evacuated, officially announced today. Matlon, It was British Admit Defeat. Tyrndon, D '. !' '!'. P i Defeat of A British expedition west of Lake Dorian on the Grek border was offi cially admitted here today. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Wednesday. T". Vnn Dusen Jewelry manufactur ing shop. 11:1? p. m., 4J3 Washington street, sulphuric acid fumes, no dam age. TBorsday. No fires. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds. Cotton. Oreia, Sets, 81S-317 Board of Trade alldiaf. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES U ambers Chicago Board of Trad. Correspondence, of Logan Brjran. Chicago Maw Tor. ft New York, er, malting. Dec. K (I.'X. S ) Berley flrm 7!&o, e. I. t. Buffalo. Kansas City, Dec. 8 (I. N. 8.1 Barlar 03c I Vancouver, Wash., Dec 9. A new movement has T een inaugurated by the Vancouver Retail Merchants' asaoc clatlon .and Wednesday, January 19, 1916, has heen designated as "pay-up" day. From now until that date stick ers will be placed on all packages leaving local stores, calling attention to the day and urging all owing bills to be prepared to meet them on that day so that the merchants may In turn pay their bills. Placards for the stores and bills for general distribution and posting will piso be provided and tho day will be I one of the largest advertised events ' ever attempted here. Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock, at A meeting of Vancouver merchants which further plana of carrying on nnd their clerlta and others interested the advertising' campaign will be dls In the movement will be held at one cussed. The place of the meeting will. , of the local hotels or restaurants next be announced, later. 5 The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon suggests as a practical Christ mas gift a Savings Bank Book, with, one of its automatic record ing safes, in an attractive holly box. .-v A Savings Account Can Be Opened With ONE DOLLAR or More t f -