THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1915. 9 What Society is Poms EXflBft THE southern dinner tonight at the Multnomah hotel wia be a novel departure from the regu lar dinner dances which have been to much enjoyed. Mrs. Frederick K. Harlow has arranged all the details of entertainment In keeping with the .dinner in true southern style. There will be a southern orchestra playing and cake walks during the dinner hours from 6:30 to 9 o'clock, after which general dancing will follow. Mr. and Mrs. Adams Hosts. The beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs., George W. Adams at Stan ley was the scene of a merry party Saturday evening when they enter tained a number of their frienda with a "500" jarty. The home was dec orated with chrysanthemums and lrns. Cards were enjoyed till a late hour, after which a dainty uppcr was served. Music occupied the re mainder of the evening. High honors ftll to Mrs, J. W. Adams, Mrs. Mason Lamb and Clayton Lamb. Mrs. J. V. Roach received the consolation. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Mr. and .urs. J. Q. Adams, Mr. and Mr. Mason Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Itoach. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hart. Will Kufnor, Clayton Lamb and Misses Bessie and Georgia Adams and Mr. ami Mrs: George Adams. Beginners' (lass to Meet? The beginners' dancing class of the Portland Heights Hub will meet in tin; club house on Wednesday, Decem ber 8, :U S:irt instead of 3 as pre- iously announced, and the class for older children will ir.-ct at 4:10 in ttesd of 4 o'clock. The adult class will meet as usual at S:30. The lei son lasts for an hour and is followed by an hour of general dancing. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Goldenbcrg an nounce the engagement of their sister. Miss Daisy Dobner, to Nathan M. Ssi- mon of this city. Miss Dobner, who was formerly of San Francisco, Is the daughter of the late Morris Dobner who was a well known merchant of that pla'-'p. Mr. Simon is a nephew of Dr. and y.Tn. J. Bloch of thl.s city. Both of the young people are well known here. Mrs. Goldpubers will receive at ht residence, 706 Kast Thirteenth street south, Siinday, December 12, from 2 to 5 p. m., in their honor. To Pas Holidays With Daughter. Mr?. Andrew R. Porter will leave for the east next Sunday to Join her daughter, Miss Margaret Porter, at Philadelphia. Miss Porter is "aitend ing Baldwin school and together they will pass the holidays either in New (irk or in Philadelphia. Mr. Porter will join them jn the east Just before ( 'hristmas. Before returning home Mrs. Fortei will visit her mother in eastern Can ada. New Arrival. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Croman are re ceiving congratulations on the arrival of a baby girl, SatJrday morning. St. Anns to Meet. The regular meeting of St. Ann's Charitable society will be held Thurs day afternoon at the residence of Mrs P. J. riynn, 151 North Twenty-first street. Mrs. James Lotan will act as hostess. Miss Grelle Hostess. Miss Ella Grelle was hostess Satur day to a small party who motored to the Anne Davenport tea house. The guests were Mrs. F. W. Grelle, Mrs. T. H. Henry, Mrs. C. Edward Grelle. Miss Elizabeth and Master James Grelle. To Give Dance. The Overlook Dancing . club wishes to announce the date of their second dance Wednesday, December 8, at Walker's hall. Society Notes. Miss Isabel Defries returned Friday from San Francisco, where she spent a fortnight visiting friends and viewing the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wingate of Aatorla are guests of Mrs. Will la Duniway at 365 Aspen street. y J Mrs. Bes-sie Gordon, who has returned to her home at San Antonio, Texas, after passing several n onths here the guest of Mrs. Hor. ace Ijuckett at the latter' homo in Irvington. but tlirce are known to be living. These were George Evans, elected es cort in April, Charles V. Cooper, elected eonbul commander in Novem ber. 159J; W. 1L Norman, elected ad visor in March, 1S92. i". V. Cooper was afterwards elected head banker, and held the position sev eral years. The "old guard'' worked when the traveling was up hill, and halpcd lay the foundations for a strong and enduring body of men. Beward Zs One Turkey. Eureka council. Knight and Ladies f Security, has a turkey for any n -ember who will bring in an appli ation. The council meets every Mon day night at the W. O. W. hall, Eas: Kixth and Alder streets, with an open meeting at frequent intervals to which the public is invited. Show your ap plication, notify the secretary at Sell wood 1877, and when the applicant Is initiated the turkey ia yours. You can split the turkey with the app'i cant if you wish. Bed Men to Heat. All tribes of the Improved Order of Red Men In Portland, are to have a joint meeting tomorrow night at the wigwam of Lulu tribe. 3814 East Morrison street. A special literary and musical program has been ar ranged. Judge W. N. Gatens, Commis sioner George L. Baker and J. O. Wil son, will deliver short addresses. A. G. Clark, past sachem, will have the program in charge. All members of the order invited. Koyal neighbors Dance. Tonight Oregon Rose camp. Royal Neighbors of America, will give a dancing party at the Royal Academy hall, S5V, Fifth street, also known as Manchester hall. There will be a prize offered for the best waltzer, and other prizes. Dancing will begin at .8:30. The committee is W. F. Cof fee, Miss Ruth Angel, Miss Norma Meve, Miss Clara Miller and Miss Helen Daniels. Doric Lodge to Skat. Doric lodge. No. 132. A. F. and A. Temple last Saturday night, B. "W. Slee man in the chair. The club was ad dressed by R S. Sexton of Chicago, representing' the International Cigar makers, who urged on his audience the importance of the union label on to bacco and cigars, and the advantages of patronising home Industry. It was decided that the meeting of the club In January should be devoted to the consideration of craft versus industrial unionism. A dance will be given by the club Saturday, December 18. at Red Men's hall. East Morrison street, the committee in charge being: James Cranner, Charles G. Gram, I. G. Lowry, Will Shugart, S. Wortman, Harry An derson and J. D. M. Crockwell. Addresses X,abor Bodies. R. S. Sexton, representing the Inter national Cigarmakers, has beer, speak ing before labor organizations in this city for several days regarding the jaoor conditions and wages paid in eastern, foreign and Philippine fac tories of different kind. He will go to Astoria next Friday, and from there to Washington cities. He urges on his audiences the advantages df support ing home industry in the Jxade, and boosts for the blue label. Unity of Action Urged. Members of the Painters' union in this city are actively favoring unity of action and good feeling between em ployers and employee, and a feeling of recoprocity is found. The indica tions are that an agreement between the two organisations will be made with conciliation and arbitration as its principal features. i ' PIt say Week Decided On. By mutual agreement, the painters of San Francisco, both employers and employes, have deefded that five days' work a week will be the rule until men are scarcer than Jobs in the trade. To Tender Services. The, Musician Mutual association is frequently giving permission to its members to engage in charitable nrusl cai services free of charge. Weedy Women Aided. The Jitney Drivers' union of this city is carrying women in need to and from their work at the Worcester building. No Blame Fixed. No responsibility was placed fo the deatii of J. Walter Branin. run over by a street car at East Third and Broadway streets, Friday night. Attorney Claude McColloch for Mrs. Branin. snd Frank Lonergan for the Portland Railway. Light & Power company, agreed before the inquest to allow Coroner Daminasch so to in struct the Jury called. No witnesses were examined. About half a ton of whalebone i obtained from one whale, its value be ins, roughly, $5000. m' a " BY Lillian RmssqII Copyright. 1915, by Lillian RusaelL THE jokesmitli ha for years founded hfs jests upon the cold feet of married women. With great regularity he has attempted to paint a verbal picture of the shuddering, shivering figure of the lord and mas ter when his Frau plants her cold feet in the small of his back as soon as the lights are turned down for a night of comfort and sleep. Why Is It, do you suppose, that this mirthful Jester never turns the tables to make the worthy Frau the su-fferer when a pair of cold masculine pedal extremities are suddenly brought into contact with the warmth of her back? Man is as ready to seek comfort as woman. Perhaps the reason is that more women than men suffer from cold feet. If we speak In the vernacular of the day, women never have "cold feet." They are always courageous and brave. But a great many women suf fer from actually cold feet. There may be a number of reasons for a misfortune that is prevalent In the feminine world. There are at least some. Women are prone to emotional rather than physical excesses. They do not take as much exercise as men. This means that their blood does not circulate with equal freedom. TAen also women dress their feet In less comfortable and less sensible shoes than men. One of the frequent causes of cold feet la to be forced In shoes that shut off the flow of blood and trap and squeeze the flesh of the feet. Every woman wants her feet to look neat. Many would rather "pinch their toes than wear a larger shoe that fits, f fear that some women in picking their shoes choose the smallest that till slip over their feet and consider only looks and not comfort. If there is no space between the toes and feet and the interior of the shoe the result will be cold feet. To shoes then can be attributed many cold feet of the feminine gender. Of course, some women have coid feet because they suffer from physi cal disorders. Some overeat, others are ill or exhausted. Such women must look some place other than the extremities to ascertain the rause of their cold feet. Usually tho cause is quite as evident as the symptom and it should be corrected. ; . '"- ...5 . Cold feet are much more than an annoyance. They are often indica tive of a physical disorder which de mands immediate attention. Cold feet have been so prevalent in Eu rope's armies that they hay , made the subject of Investigation by government physicians who traca hr cause to kidneys that are not per- forming their functions, poor clrCUlA tion and other disorders. , ',.f . To provide for waraith, the feel '.' must be kept dry. Feet that pro fusely perspire are often the coldest,. The blood must have a chance to clr. culate and the feet must not be bound, and laced to a point where they be come numb. Hot water bags and mas sage provide temporary relief. But , if the feet are made cold by th , shoes, there should be ar change lntM shoes. And if physical disorders aw the cause, those conditions hould b -rectified. V If 'you desire to warm your feet t rid of your leather boots and shoes and discard stockings. Place yout.f har- rt in shocK lined with felt. Rut if cold feet are signals of distrS in some other part of the body, heed the .aution. It is far better to wear, a little larger hoe than to suffef ; from cold feet and sleepless night that are detrimental to your baltn: and appearance. vV M. of St. Johns, has engaged the skat ing rink in that suburb for its en tertainment next Thursday night. There will be a fancy drill of the Gul Reazee Grotto, Veiled Prophets, degree team, and musrc will be furnished by its band of 40 pieces. 4K)ge Cake and Commissioner Baker will be speak ers. Dancing, cards and enjoyable fea tures will be parf' of the prograin. MemDers of the Masonic and Eastern Star orders and their families in vited. Talis About Newspaper. John K. Carroll last night lectured before Eureka council. Knights and Ladies of Security, on the manner in which a daily paper was compiled, issued and distributed. After the lec ture there was a social and musical program. Will Elect Officers. Thursday night Sunnyside lodge. No. 163, A. F. and A. M., will elect of ficers. Dr. J. R. Buchanan will de liver a lecture entitled: "Travels of a Mason in Rome." All members and visiting brethren are invited to be present. Belief Corp Bazaar. Lincoln-Garfield W. R. C, will give its bazaar and dinner in room 625, courthouse Friday, from 11:30 a. m. to -'-30 p. m. The dinner will be a chicken and fish dinner, and every thing will be home cooked, and served by a committee of members. Imperial Xodge Seunloa. Imperial lodge. A. F. and A. M., will have Its annual reunion for Its members tonight in the Masonic temple. WHAT LABOR IS DOING Union Label and Home Industry Talk Given Tilllcum Club. FRATERNAL NOTES Willamette ixtOstn Elects Officers Bpancer Worshipful Master. Willamette lodge. No. A. F. anj A 5J. last night elected the following officers; Omar C. Spencer, worshipful master; L. J. Homaday, senior ward en; George E. Higgins, Junior warden; A. MtCalman, treasurer; W. S. Weeks, secretary, re-elected for twelfth terra. They were installed by Norrls R. Cox, past grand master. A. F. Flegel pre sented the retiring worshipful master. Earl C. Bronaugh, with the Jewel of a past master as a token of esteem hy the members. The Gul Reazee Grotto band supplied music. After the close of the lodge a banquet was spread. The attendance of members and visit ors was .very large. Willamette lodce is one of the oldest In the northwest, and was chartered by the Grand lodge of California, November 27, 1S50. Preparing- Elaborate Program. The entertainment committee of Fortland lodge. Loyal Order of Moose, is preparing an elaborate program for the annual Christmas celebration. It will be held on Ladies' night. Wed nesday. December 22. and members, tteir families and friends are Invited to the open house the hospitable Moose win hold. Harry A. Dinger, chairman of the committee. Is having an artistic program printed. An entire theatrical company has beenengaged for the oc casion. There will be dancing and re freshments. The "Christmas Album Book" which will be presented td each member and guest will contain pre cepts of the order, pictures of officers and prominent members. Captain L. F. Knowlton and his 24 uniformed members of the degree team will act at a reception committee. Old Guad to Bally. Tomorrow night Portland camp No. 107, Woodmen of the World, will cele brate the annual rally of the Old Guard at W. O. W. temple, 12! Eleventh street. The object is to bring the old members together and have them meet the new neighbors. There will be an Interesting program, and all members are urged to attend. - Portland camp was founded March If, 1892, and of its original aet of officers B, & Sexton BVeaks. 1,1 I The Tillicum club met at the Labor III I CARNATION Sol, 5n ! COFFEE cans only look fnr tri II III J uu m it ii label. Steel cut 30c Ib.3 lbs. 85c Tell vour erocer. n I QRjiD Feather II yj Complexion Powder The Beautifier of ;S III Superfine Quality i Nothing could be added to g this powder to render h more 53 efident as a beautifier; nothing' PS S2 could be taken from h to make Ms c ' In Red Feather you have a ftgl 8g harmless and fragrant cosmetic gv 11 THE BED FEATHER CO. ffi - S PERFUMERS gig V NEW YORK Sold at 50c the box at aU Owl Drug Stores jr It Tj i&C Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given On Charge Acconnts if Paid in Full by Ihc 10th of Each Month Santa Clans Will Be In Toy land, 4lh Floor, From 2 to 5 Daily Branch Express Office in Ihe Basement Store Hat Shapes 50c 98c to $1.48 Grades Basement Extra special offering for Wednesday only. Smart styles in un trimmed hats of velvets, plushes and felts. Large and small styles in black, brown and other colors. 98c to, f 1.48 Cfl Hats priced special for this sale OUC Ms, Wortnai & i TO w Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A -6 231 FancyXmas Boxes 35c Grades 25c Basement Fancy holiday boxes for gloves and handkerchiefs. Combination of cel luloid and silk with attractive hand paint ed decorations. Great many different styles. Excellent 3 5c boxes on sale QJf Wednesday only at the low price of ieattJC BASEMENT TODEKPMCE STdDIR SroecM Sales loir Wednesday SOS Women's 65c Xmas Aprons 50c Here are money-saving opportunities that will command the attention of thrifty shoppers bargains in the fullest sense of the word. The Basement Underprice Store is a veritable Christmas Store in itself Come Everything for personal or homehise Suitable articles for gifts to mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband or friend at REDUCED PRICES. Women'sNew Dress Skirts Attractive Styles, Worth Up to $5 for Basement Underprice Store It's necessary you come early in the day for these splendid skirts are more than likely to be gone before the day is over. Great many handsome styles in latest full models some plain tailored, others in more dressy effects. Skirts in this lot especially desirable for skating and sports wear. .Made from excel lent grade materials in plain colors and novelty stripes, J ?Q' plaids, etc. Dress Skirts worth up to $S. Wednesday at VOt DAINTY LAUNDRY BAGS FOR XMAS GIFTS Priced special 45c EMBROIDERED AND LACE TRIMMED DRESSER SCARFS at 49c 200 Women's SilkWaists Very Latest Models Worth Up to $5 for Basement Underprice Store Sample Waists and special lines from our regular stock grouped for quick disposal. This season's most favored styles long sleeves, high or low necks many models in fancy effects for party wear. Crepe de Chine, Taffetas and combina tions of Crepes, Chiffons, etc. Splendid assortment of colors in plain or novelty stripes, plaids, etc. Silk Waists worth (J" QQ up to $5.00, specially priced for this sale the low price of J) Xea O WOMEN'S HEAVY KNIT WOOL SWEATERS, $2.50 for $1.98 WOMEN'S 12 Me EMBROIDERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 10c DON'T FORGET TO ASK FOR YOUR S. & H. GREEN STAMPS. Basement Women's fancy Gift Aprons in great variety of dainty styles. Lace and embroidery trimmed. PA 65c kind priced for this sale at OUi Women's 35c Tea Aprons at 29c Basement Scores of pretty styles in Swisses, dimities, lawns, etc. Lace and embroidery trimrrled. Usual Oft 3 5c Aprons, special at only iiJ children's $1 Sweaters lor 69c Basement Children's heavy knit school Sweaters in serviceable col ors. Sizes 28 up to 34. Qp Splendid $1.00 quality now UiU Women's $25 Suits for $8.95 Coats Worth to 45 at $15.75 VVomensSl.25 Nightgowns 98c Basement Women's Nightgowns of excellent heavy grade outing flannel. Full cut styles. Nicely QO trimmed. $1.25 grade at tOt Basement Underprice Store To close out a spe cial line of women's and misses' Suits we offer them Wednesday at less than makers' cost. Smart, neat models in the season's favored styles belted effects and loose back models. Materials used in their making are wool poplins, storm serges and novelty mixtures in splendid range of colors. Near ly all sizes. Suits worth up to $25.00, d0 QP your choice at the exceptional price of VCJeat Basement Underprice Store Manufacturers' sam ple coats and special lines selected from our regu lar stock this season's newest styles some of them are fur trimmed. Exactly 75 coats in the as sortment and at the above price there won't be many of them left by noon so come early! Coats such as you would expect to pay $25, J"t fT fTfT $30, $35 and $45 for, Wednesday at $-0iO S. 8l H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases. Women's $1.00 Neckive iff, 50 c Basement Women's novelty Neck wear vestees, collar and cuff sets, etc., put up in hollj box. PA Worth to $1.00 a box for OUC Women's 50c Neckwear at 25c Basement W o m e n's fancy Neck wear in great assortment of styles. Each piece put up in neat OP Xmas box. 50c grades at LiOKs Child's RainCapes Special $1.29 Basement Children's Pain Capes of guaranteed rainproof materials. Styled with hood. Usul $1.75 Capes OQ j specially priced atvltv Fancy Ribbons 35c Grades at 19c Basement Novelty ribbons for making of Xmas gifts. Great vari ety of patterns also plain " taffetas. 3 5c grade at, yard JLaC New Petticoats $1 Grades 50c Basement Women's Petti coats in black and assorted colors. New, full cut styles with plaited flounces. CTA j $1.00 grades priced at tiUL Women's 81.00 Handbags for 50C Basement Women's Hanyibags in assorted styles and shapes. Some have inside fittings. Bags TCn worth up to $1.00, now OUC Womcn's$1.59 Handbags for 95c Basement Women's genuine leather Handbags in the very newest shapes and leathers. Splendid $1.50 Qff Bags specially priced at only XJDC Men's 1-Piece Pajamas ffP98c Basement Men's Pajamas in one piece style. Made from good heavy grade outing flannel. Put up In fancy Xmas box for only Women's $1.50 Corsets Iot98c Basement Royal Worcester and other good makei New, up-to-date models for average figures. Sizes 19 to 30. $1.50 cor- QQf sets specially priced, pair, iOC Men's Kerch Is 25c Grade, 3 f qr 50c Basement Men's large size pure linen Handkerchiefs with Ji-'mch hemstitched edge. Good 25c Kflf quality, special, 3 for only tlUi 60c Japanese Lunch Cloths 45c Basement Japanese Lunch .Cloths, in choice assortment of patterns and colors. Sire 36x36 inches. A 60c Cloths special for only OC Men's Shirts and Drawers 45c Basement Men's fleece lined Un derwear, shirts and drawers, in natu ral gray. Splendid heavy4pf e, special, the garment, ttv grade, Toilet Paper, 10c Grade, Per Roll 5c Basement Limit, 20 -KiU&o fias tomer. Full count 1000 sheets to the roll, fine grade tissue. Toilet Paper on sale at, the roll, roll, Ut Men's Hosiery Special, 3 Pr 25c Basement Men's Hose of extra good wearing quality. Fast black or tan, with double heel and toe. OfT Specially priced, 3 pair for itJl Lace Edges and Insertions. Yd !25c Basement Dainty Lace Edges, In sertions and Aflovers in a good va riety of designs for all Pur-OC poses. Priced special, yd., i-iOC EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERINGS ON FIRST AND THIRD FLOORS' Dainty ValcnclenncsLace Worth Up to 8c Special a Yard 3V4C Main Floor For Handkerchiefs, for lingerie, for holiday sewing of all kinds, these fine Valen ciennes Laces are much in demand. Beading and beading edges 25 different patterns to select from arrd widths range from Vi to l inch. These would ordinarily sell at 7c to 8c a yard. Q3 On sale today, by the 12-yard bolt, yard, O4C 85c Baby Flonnclngs 160c Yd. Main Floof 2 7 inch Baby Embroidery Floanc ings with dainty ruffle edge. Very fine sheer Swiss with exquisite designs. We also include at this price, 22-inch allovers in qualities and patterns to match. Used for yokes, etc. Of Worth up to 85c, specially priced, yard, OUC $1.50 Baby Flonnclngs $1 Yd. Main Floor Exquisite Baby Flouncings with finest of hand-machine embroidery patterns. Im ported Swiss work on fine sheer materials. Worth up to $1.25 and $1.56 a yard. nn On sale Wednesday at, special, yardipJLeUU Silk Cords.Tassels, Frogs In Great Assortment Main Floor Let this store furnish the materials for "finishing-up" your Christmas gifts. We show a splendid assortment of frogs, ornaments, silk cords, narrow gold laces, antique and silver cords and novelties of various kinds. Prices unge from 5c yard and up Platinoid Picture Frames Size 6x84 Inches Prleed Special at 39c Main Floor These make attractive gifts. Will not tarnish and are not so easily marred or dent ed as silver. Size 6x8 inches. Have remov able plush back and ball feet. On sale QQ Wednesday at the special price of, each OaC Toilet Sets Special S3.75 Shaving Stands $1.25 Main Floor Quadru ple silver plate Toilet Sets in . assorted de Signs. Sets contain comb, brush and mir ror. Special dQ 7fZ at, the set, vOt I O Sample Line, Main Floor A splen did gift. Nickel-plated Shaving Stands with brush and cup. Buy th$e Wed- Off nesday at $.LeD Manicure Sets Main Floor Manufacturers' sample line Mani cure and Toilet Sets. Scores of different styles. The assortment is so large it is impossible to describe them in detail. These are marked to 'sell at about Vi their regular values. See these. Andirons At $2.50 Third or Black wrought - iron finish Andirons, like cut, 13 lnchea hi ah. with beveled corners. Cast Iron loir rest. 14 Ins. lonj. JO Cf Special at P"VV Other, seta &3S-U.80