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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1915)
-N- 3 " THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1915. K-t Pioto plays TNSPIRATION" is the title of the ' fire-reel Mutual maaterpicture which begin" at the Majestic today to continue through the week. - This film is one of the most note worthy products of the Thanhouser tudlo, according to its advance no- tices. It pictures the rise to fame ' . and fortune of Audrey Munson, art : model. who was selected from many ' applloants to pose for the figures on the Maine monument and other heroic ,v statuary. ; ' ' Miss Munson, who is called the American Venus, is an advoeate of exercise as a means of perfecting the feminine figure. "Exercise twice a day." she says There re a number of systems that - may be followed, but the main thing '; Is to keep at it. Make It as much a part of the days routine as dressing." At last Mark Twain is in the movies. "The Prince and the Pauper," adapted from his story, will be at the Peoples this week, beginning to- . day, with Marguerite Clark playing ; Loth prince and pauper. - Though "The Prince and the Pau- - per" has been extremely successful as a stage vehicle, the limitations of ' the theater made it necessary to go construct the story that the two main characters did rot appear on tho stage at the same time, since their marked resemblance made it nec?s- snr.y that they should be played by the same person. in the film production this diffi culty is entirely eliminated, Margue:- - ito Clark appearing as the royal child and the beggar simultaneously. Realizing that double exposure for its own sake is no longer new, tho . directors have introduce it only - "When absolutely necessary, and here . with rare effect. It was Miss Clark's first experience with the camera trick nd she was so impressed by It that she sat right down and wrote an ar ticle called Co-Starring with Myself." When a man tires of his wife and seeks diversion In every pretty face that he meets and she still loves htm. what's she going to do about it? Thomas H. Ince and; C. Gardner Sul liran's new play, Matrimony," which Will be given in the Triangle program at the Columbia theatre for the first four days of this week, gives Miss Julia Dean the opportunity convinc ingly to answer this query. She cer . talnly arouses the neglectful husband by her open flirtations with hia men , friends. Miss Dean scores twice in the play, and it la by the reversal in character. ; makeup and manner. First, she is the fond wife, who waits on every nod and beck of her lord. Aa her solicitation for his comfort and happiness in " creases bis indifference likewise in creases. Then he starts to pay open and marked attentions to the women around him. The climax comes at a dinner, when he utterly ignores his wife for a . acatter brained young thing in flashy and scant attire. Next appears' Miss Dean, likewise gowned in extreme -mode. She loses her sedateness and .- becomes a lively, enclianting young person. She is so full of good spirits If . and vivacity that all the men flock around her. Her husband sees her here with one admirer, there with another, till he , begins to think she is the most de ;. irable woman in the world. His at 1: tempta to win her back meet with easy rebuffs, as his wife seems con- OurPicturePrograms are the Best Obtainable. Regardless of Cost M America's Most Perfectly Formed Art Model Appearing in The Most Daring Picture Ever Produced Miss Audrey Munson has one of the most perfect forms of any of her sex in this country or Europe. PHOTOPLAY V: ; r- . U teliMi Left to right Julia Dean, who plays the lead in the Triangle releaw, seen in the Triangle-Keystone comedy, "His Father's tent to let him go his way while she goes hers. When the wife realizes that he has learned his lesson she gracefully blips back into her simple role again and Joins her husband in a little birthday party to their four-year-old girl. Howard Hickman plays the part of the husband and the wonderful child actress, Thelma Salter, the four-year-old daughter. "His Father's Footstep." a Triangle Keystone, completes the bill. In this comedy Ford Sterling, the famous funmaker. appears to hilarious advan take in his first Triangle play. Thursday's change win be "The Sable Lor.-ha," in which Tuliy Mar shall and Thomas Jefferson appear, and "Stolen Magic," (comedy) featur ing Raymond Hitchcock and Mabel Norinand. A company with a capital of $!, 000,000 has been formed in New York which is to be called the Vaudeville Players Film company. It is backed by several multi-millionaires and it Is going to make vaudeville films. Al ready overtures have been made to every vaudeville headliner of Import ance in this country to act for the new concern, on a yearly contract. Incorporation papers wiir be filed next week at Albany and the list of BEGINNING TODAY Amidirey Mm won FAVORITES APPEAR HERE directors, together with the plans of the company, will be made public The scheme is to film all kinds of vaudeville acts which are adapted for the camera, and to use the stars of the vaudeville stage as movie actors for comedies and dramas. a "Tainted Money" is still occupying the attention of the Hobart Boeworth feature players at Universal City. Under the direction of Ulysses Davis, this production is rapidly nearlng completion. The five reels of a story of the underworld with Bosworth himself in the role or ward leader. Is expected to result in one of the most acceptable of recent U releases. Arthur Stringer, Canadian poet novelist, has been engaged to write the next Pathe thriller. In which Pearl White and Crelghton Hale will be the central figures. Mr. Stringer recently returned to Chatham, One, after a con ference in New York, and in the quiet of his home will weave the adventure and romance and contrive the emo tional climaxes which are expected to make the film one of the Pathe's biggest successes. The La sky company will Immedi ately start work on "Pudd'n Head Wilson," with. Theodore Roberts i She is widely known as "The Panama Pacific Girl" and posed as "The Foun tain of Eldorado," "Genius of Crea tion," "Ascending Night," Statue of Liberty and Maine Monument. "Matrimony"; Ford Sterling, Footsteps." the star. The photo-dramatic ver sion is now being made. From time to time, other works of Mark Twain, humorist, will be presented. According to reports, the Lasky production of "The Immigrant," in wiiich Valeska Surratt is to star, will be something absolutely different from anything In which she has here tofore appeared. Her production is being directed by George Melford. William A. Brady has a penchant for plays written by newspaper men, but the Brady house is divided against itself. Grace George, his wife, be lieves that college men produce the best stage stuff, and has offered a $1000 prize for the best play written by a colleger. New Directors. Will Present Mrs. Fiske The new managers of Mrs. Fiske are John D. Williams, for many years business representative of the Froh man enterprises, and Madison Corey, holding a like position with Henry W. Savage. These new directors will present Mrs. Fiske in a new comedy bv Marion de Forest early in the New Year. lift This picture reproduces real scenes from life in a sculptor's studio. A production of the high est standard. Vaudeme MARY SHAW, renowned not only as an Ibsen actress but as a clubwoman, will be the headliner of the show opening at the Orpheum -this afternoon. Miss Shaw will be seen in a playlet called "The Dickey Bird." which Is praised as presenting the act ress at her Cest in comedy and sar casm. Miss Shaw has supported all the great stars from Modjeska to Marlowe and scored triumphant suc cess as Mrs. Warren in George Ber nard . Shaw's play. "Mrs. Warren's Profession." She also achieved nota ble success in the tKle role of "Mother," the play written by Jules Eckert Goodman of Portland. The next great attraction is Rosha nara, the only authentic exponent of old Indian and Burmese dances, who is making Iver second American tour. Roehanara will feature a snake dance. Remaining acts cf the new Orpheum show are: Artriur McWatters and Grace Tyson in their "Keyu of Re vues;" Staine's tanbark comedians, two little dogs and a stubborn donkey, In amusing antics; Freeman and Dun ham In down-to-the-minute songs and patter; Florrle Mlllership, "The LJttle Lady Dainty;" Arthur Barat, the man with the iron nerves and the Orpheum Travel Weekly showing views of sports of the Indian army; Gerone, the Venice of Spain and a trip to the grottos of Baume in the Jura moun tains in France. Music that used to delight the ear of royalty will be heard in the headline number at the Pantages the coming week, beginning with tomorrow's mati nee. Raul Perelra, Portuguest violinist, is the headliner. supported by a string uitettp whos members played foe King Manuel in the court of Portugal before the people of that country got tired of the king business. Pereira plays both classic and pop ular selections, and his act Is l scrtbed as one of the very best musi cal attractions that has ever made th Pantages circuit. Lottie Mayer, the diving nueen, ana her six diving naiads, will be another ttrartiv feature' of the bill. M-tss Mayer has many friends in Portland u,hn win be de lighted to see ner. Another feature of the bill lg M Kriend and Lou Downing, interna tinnal comedians." both of whom arc established Pantages' favorites. "Th Jealous Lovers, . is a musical comedv skit that rviH be presented bv Nellie Luckle and lorn lost. Another touch of comedy will be furnished by I-aypo and Benlamine. hn. acrobatic act is said to be plentifully sprinkled with laughs and surprises. There will be the regular curtain- raiser movies. "Th best vaudeville bill of the season" id what the patrons or tne theatre in Seattle said of the new bill which will be presented at the Portland Lmpress, beginning mis afternoon. TVir. f on twrfj arc described as being of headline calibre. They are. Hawthorne s Minstrel viaias, tne inve Casting Campbells, and Chuihdlm and Breen. Thr will be two reels of motion pictures of the Washington-Colorado football game and the u. a. c.-ayra rilKO footb: 11 CAIIie. Hawthorne's Minslrel Maids have five ciria and two blackface come dlans. The girls are attractive and Kk1Hih rood dancing, singing and Our Music Surpasses in Variety and Correct Interpretation II V X II- m . v i ii Film Company to Distribute $10,000 In "Graft" Money Gua Metxger, manager of the Universal Film company in t Portland, has ant $10,000 in graft money to Seattle for 9 judicious distribution. W2Ule it is not known to a cer- talnty. it is believed that some of the Seattle city officials will get some of it. yik Mr. Metxger contends that there will be nothing amiss if they do, for the "money" is only printed paper, advertis- m ing "graft," a sensational 16-. Sweek Universal photo-play. talking, the costuming la unusually pretty. The end men will furnish he comedy of the act. The Five Casting Campbells will present a sensational casting act. Asido from some conventional tricks. there is a somersault and a full wister from the hands of one to the hande of the other and a complete turn-over. Comedy Is also injected into their act. Chtsholm and Breen, a pretty wom an and a young man with excellent speaking voices, will present a snappy i comedy sketch, "A Shop Girl's Ro mance." Onetta, a prepossessing young worn. an who knows how to dance, is called The Dervish Whirlwind." and will present a novelty by swinging chairs caught in her teeth. Alf J. Holt will imitate birds, songs. animals, noises, whistles and other familiar sounds. Rossini, Italian accordionist, will offer classical and popular music. Abbott- and White billed as "The Beys From Songland" have a clever piano and song act. Starting with the matinee today and! running continuously from 2:30 to 111 o clock tonight, "Henpecked," a true-to-life episode put together for laugh ing purposes by Dillon and King, will be the bill at the Lyric for the com ing week. This bill will allow Dillon and King plenty of chance for comedy. King as Ike, will be' seen as a subdued weak ling of a man, and Dillon as Mike as one of the domineering kind. But time makes many changes, as it does in Henpecked, and that is where the laugh comes in. All the popular members of this clever company will be suitably cast and there will be plenty of good catchy song numbers, handsome ward robe and beautiful scenery. On Tuesday night, the profit-sharing West Park r"TT"1 TTTT and Alder O. JC-i JL JL ITS. JCLi DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS AMERICA'S MOST CHARMING ACTRESS n t W ftii IT (TH U 66 Tie IPamnpei099 PARAMOUNT SPECIAL PRODUCTION OF MARK TWAIN'S MASTER WORK One of the big hits of the year. Conceded by critics everywhere to be the crowning achievement of Miss Clark's brilliant career and one of the few great histrionic feats of the screen. The one play everybody young and old, far and near is going to see. GET YOUR FRIENDS TOGETHER AND ENJOY ONE OF THE BEST TIMES OF YOUR WHOLE LIFE "Early" Continuous Showing From 11 toll mTHNTTN TT1 r Today Matinee, 2:30 lOc PRESS & A TRIPLE HEADLINE BILL-7-GREAT ACTS-7 s a 1 Hawthorne's Minstrel Maids Presenting "A NIGHT IN MINSTRELSY" World's Gretet Casting Act 5--Casting Campbells-5 Brightest Comedy Sketch in Vaudeville) Chisholm and Breen "A SHOP GIRL'S ROMANCE" o v plan inaugurated some three weeks ago will again be given and the popu lar Ginger Girls will be seen in a ccntest on Friday night after each performance. Bargain matinees are featured every week day afternoon. a . Elsie Janls recently gave a stage fctruck girl some advice. 'To succeed on the stage." she said, "there are four requisites. Three you've got, but I'm not sure about tho fourth. 'These requisites are: First, the temper of an angel; second, the face of a Greek goddess; third, the figure of a Gaby Deslys, and fourth, the skin of a rhinoceroua." The manager of a vaudeville thea tre in Boston wired a team who had been out of work ror six months as follows: "What is your lowest salary for next week here?" Half an hour later he received a reply. "We're coming," was all it said Photoplay Presentations AT YOUR "NEIGHBORHOOD" THEATRE WE8T SIDE BPSnTESa ETHTTtlCT ( I O R F "th and U L. J D L TODAY Washington ''Vm. Faversham iDlLi. C lf InUilbeit rarker'. Klgtlt Ot Way Corredipq and Vaudeville On every bill. EAST 6 IDE BUSINESS DISTUICT CINEOGRAPH Av --n Sunday and Monday. .Myrtle Steadman JJ) QLIVE Tuesday and Wednesday "(Jet Rich Quick Walllngrord ." Thursday and Friday. "Chlmmle Fadden." Saturday. "Those College Olrls " UPPEB, ALB IMA BUBDfESS DISTRICT TIVOLI Corner Williams Ave. and Ruseell Streets. Today. The Metro Feature 'Wheal Woman W Featuring Emmy Wehlen. Brilliant Vienese Actress. Wednesday aad Thursday First and Second Chapter of the "BXOXS1T COXBT," By Francis Ford and Grace Cunard of Luclle Love Fame. THtTRMAM BT. BTTsTJfEM DISTRICT UNION AVE. Union Ave. Near Russell Sunday and Monday Ei "Hr Ina Claire and Carlyle Blackwell in the "Puppet Crown" Wednesday and Thursday. Blanche Sweet in "The Secret Orchard." Para mount pictures. PEOPLES TCP AV rTT1 1TTI TTr One Week a rm lulGlr DUE M IN THE DUAL ROLE OF Every Show Is a Good Show at the Peoples: Sothern Will Eevive- , "Lord Dundreary'.' : E. H. Sothern's second production of his season at the Booth, theatre, New York, will be a revival of "Lord; i Dundreary." r" Mr. Sothern's father appeared la '.. "Lord Dundreary" for the first time on October 14, 1S68. and E. H. 8othern r has made two revivals of the sr comedy, first In liOS and again in ; 1M4. But it was only in the first ' of these revivals. t the Lyric theatre " In 1908, during the . ason that Julia Marlowe did not appear with him,' . that he was ever seen in that play in ' New York. His season at the Lyric theatre waa W for 13 weeks. "lord Dundreary" proved so po:ular that there wire but few performances of the other plays of his repfrtcir. if tEiXs BBOOKLYM BROOKLYN Miln aukis ar-.d Carl Sis.. Sunday, Dec. T,. "The Final Judgment" with ETHEL HARRYMOKK m the leading role TWEKTT SIXTH AND CLINTON CLINTON 26th and Clinton johnYiason in the Penman Monday and Tuesday. "BROKEN COIN." Wednesday and Thursday, "THE ARAB" Friday mid Ssturdnv. "lyNHKK Sni'THKKN SKI ES." HAWTHORNE AVENUE ALHAMBRA 4!Mh and Hawthorne Av Sunday's Program EirWtum.1 The Juggernaut 5 part Vllagraph. A 15c show for Cc and 10c. ALBEBTA VICTORIA th and Sundav Liberia From Out the Big Snows Jamex Morrison Dorothy Kelly. Wednendav and Thursday. "TH K MEI.TlNti PUT. ' with Walker Wultu slde. Beginning Today . ii n - mmti gfl UWM SUM .A. S.', -jiJAyZ-. Q Q mmmm wmmm Motion Pictures v OF UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON vs. COLORADO FOOTBALL GAME AND O. A. C. vs. SYRACUSE IN 2 Separate anrl Distinct Reel 2 8 V Q n 0 OCOCXO00OCOQQCQ