SECTION THREE DRAMATIC, PHOTOPLAYS, EDITORIAL EIGHT PAGES ILLUSTRATED NEWS REVIEW NEWS OP THE SCHOOLS PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1915. V CLARA MORRIS THE OF WONDER WOMAN AGE ASSERTS ONE . j Venerated American Actress Stilk Actively Interested in Many Important Things, 1 INCIDENT IS RECALLED Ads 'Patterson of New York Star Pay a Glowing Tribute to Favorite Sorry for Maf ortoses. ' her With Clara Morris, venerated by American actors and public, is still active and interested in things that many a younger woman has given up because of the handicap of age. "Clara Morris is the wonder woman o tli e age,'" says Ada Patterson in the New York Star. A few years ago, she writes, a voice with a tub in it informed nor by tele phone fliat the beloved actress of a previous generation was dying. '"She can't live until morning husband, Fred Harriott, said. mournful conviction. An energetic newspaper hastened to find the latest essay she had penned and published it with a huge headline. "Clara Morris' Last Story." But the man with the sob in his voice died two years ago. The news paper has published 20 articles from her feim-c; and on last Sunday, when I invaded her room in the square yellow house with the green houses at its back and overlooking Long Island Eound, I found her playing a lively air on a banjo. Possesses Bar Talents. She Bat on the edge of the bed, her feet nesting on a stool. "Just like a parrot on a perch," she Aid. "I hofc you'll live as long as one." I responded "They reach 100." Hiie placed tlie banjo, with that care which thof-e who love them bestow upon musical instruments, at the foot of the bed, and showed me a big white bag. She drew from it a pink, half-finished object. "I've hunud up Jennie June's book of fancy-work that she gave me long ago," he said, "and am learning cro chtt stitches from it. I've crocheted this," showing n:e a strange, white object. "it's a knee-cft I've made for myself for my rheumatism." On the table before her lay a yellow pad, a muoh-used lead pencil, and sev eral letters. Two of them she handed me One was a request that she do nate and dress a doll. "1 can draw and paint and write and crochet, but I can t sew," she said. "Do you suppose these people who want me to send a doll to the bazaar of the New Yo:k Heme for Homeless Boys would be satisfied to exhibit my old doll and return it to. nie? Did you ever see a. doil tliit was a 64-year-o:U7" Hound-fared, round-eyed, the spot devoted to hair painted black. Alice Made. for such is the doll ti name, was fashioned after the feature plan i f 'ueen lrtoria. Sue was garbed in a red dimity frock, tull as the dancing dresses of today, and a gray alpaca coat. "If someone will be responsible for her. I'll send Alice Maude to the Home for Homeless Boys," said iliss Morris. "About 30 years ago she was shown at a bazaar on those terms." Then, with a little smile, she handed me this penciled reminder of dead years. "The letter came yesterday," the said. Indigent Home, Hoimesburg, Pa. Friend. Mies Clara Morris: I hope you will not take offense at my writing to you, but I could not help it. when I think of what you were when I first knew you. Sorry for . Miaf orttmea. And then I had to tell you how aorry I am for your misfortunes, as you do not deserve it: but I am giad that you have had the good for tune to secure enough to live on, as you surely deserve it, and more, too. This is from one that maybe you will remember. 1 am what they call a broken-down stage carpenter, and am ending my days in a charity home, as I am not able to work at it any more. I am the carpenter that worked one whole week without going to bed to get your play on at the opentng of the Brooklyn theatre when it was re built after the fire. The play was called "The Royal Favorite." I got the curtain up at twenty minutes of nine. The last of the scenery had not left New York, me rourietmn street theatre, Haver- Aiier ine penormance, I fell up ly's. back of the staga and went to sleep, and did not get awake until time for the show on Tuesday night. They told me afterwards how you came and tried to wake me up. This is from one who admired you as a lady and an actress that none could equal and few could imitate. Hoping you -will not take offense at my writing, I remain, with best wishes for your welfare. ISAAC PETERSON. P. S. If you should by any chance answer this, and you have one of your photographs, in costume, please send 'It. to me, and I will be glad to get it. Miss Rose Coghlan was playing the off-night and matinee at the time. was stage 'carpenter with Mrs. Drew for three years. I. P. Impending Sorrow Reflected in King Catlartn Constiss Telia of Peculiar Look Which Sie Detected la lrg-Gecrg-e. Catherine Corntiss in an Interview five years ago. told Ada Patterson, of the New York Star, about, seeing King George of England, and of having had an intimation of Impending sorrow In what she saw iz. his features. "We were in a crowd, " said Miss Countiss. "I happened to be standing very close to him. As he passed I ; kad a direct look Into hi face. My . eyes met his. and I had the most In- tense sense of some appalling calamity Impending about hVro. If I had fol - lowed my Impulse, I would have wept aloud: I can't explain it, but I am sure that something very dreadful will : befal him and Ma country." - Make This a Home Beautiful Christmas A Practical, Sensible Christmas Choose Gifts Worth While Possessing Character and Quality This Store-Your Store-Helpful, Resourceful Mail and Telephone Order$ Filled by Expert Shoppers c "Merchandise of t) Merit Only' Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A-6691 ,mas Hints Sheffield salad mixing sets, with large 12-inch round pierced tray, dor flinger cut-glass o i I and vinegar bottle, mustard jar, pepper and salt shakers, with large , 5-inch salad mixer. One of the season's newest nov elties. Priced at $19 set. 6th Floor. Very attractive is the new black and white striped ivory toilet set, consisting of 1 1 pieces, all with circular space for monogram. With black and white so much in vogue, this would make a most acceptable gift for milady's dressing ta ble. The set, $30.00, with engraving. Toilet Goods Sec tion. First Floor. Leatherette slipon gloves are very new. They come in the 8 button length, with strap clas ped at wrist and heavy con trasting embroidery. Very suitable for skating and all out doorvear. At $1.25 a pair. -Glove Section. First Floor. Gifts that will de light the baby are dainty celluloid rat tles, in plain or hand painted effects, bath floaters, creeping Deads, ribbon-covered coat hangers and tiny comb and brush sets. These are priced from 10c to $5.50. Baby Room. Fourth Floor. A traveler's shoe polishing outfit is quite new. It con sists of small boxes of black and tan pol ish, dauber for each and polishing brush. Can be folded into a little compact box. .Price 50c. L e a t h e r Goods Section First Floor. NEW Coats So Unusual, So Extraordinary, So Beautiful ! Regular $37.50, $40.00, $45.00, $50.00 and $60.00 Models .V 40 rr T'l I'll I I Ui tt X7v "frr KVA ST- i XSf AS S SA 4, i 1 1 Style, If Exclusiveness, If Elegance Mean Anything These Coats Mean Everything to You We wish to particularly call your attention to the materials used in these coals, because it is seldom if ever that the finest imported materials are found in coats at so small a price. And in these coats the materials themselves proclaim their real worth. Imported silk chiffon velvets, Bolivia cloths, plushes, corduroy, broadcloths, cheviots, wool brocades and fancy plaids. In black and colors. In style they represent the "last word" in fashion and are actually, provably different and every coat is silk lined and most of them have fur trimmings. Coats for every purpose, for dress, evening or street wear, for motoring. Six of these models are illustrated. ---Third Floor 4 "A new silk dress for Christmas!" You can just hear mother or sister exclaiming with delight over the very thing for which she has been longing. Or perhaps it may be the silk for a new waist, a petticoat or pretty kimono. But these are the things that you can give them that they will prize above everything else, not for a day, but for aslong as the garments last. Here are four extra specials selected from our dozens and dozens of new est silks, to go on sale tomorrow: 22 and 24-Inch Fancy Striped Taffetas, 75c In light and dark grounds with pretty stripes, Dresden satins and plain colors-.--For waists, dresses, dancing dresses.- 40-Inch Crepe de Chine, Special, Yard, 98c Extraordinary silk at this price, in white, cream, flesh, light blue, Copen hagen, Labrador blue, navy, peach, apricot, lavender, maize, emerald, and black, for waists, dresses and evening frocks. 40-Inch Soft-Finish Duchess Satin, $1.69 Always soIdWor $2.25 the yard. In black only. 36-Inch Black Satin Duchess, Yard, 89c Our regular $1.25 quality. Soft, fine finish. Second Floor For Xmas A House Coat or Smoking Jacket $6.00 House Coats for $4.93 $7.50 House Coats for $635 $9.00 House Coats for $7.45 Fancy Kersey Coats $11,95 Broadcloth Jackets at $14.45 Silk Smoking Coat for $20.00 The largest and most varied as sortment of men's house coats and smoking Jackets every style, every good color will be found here. Coats of fancy golf materials, fancy kersey house coats in rich Scotch plaids, of broadcloth in handsome plain colors, of velveteen and matlese silk trimmed in stripes and plaids, silk cord edges and silk frogs, silk braids, and some with silk-faced cuffs and collars. $4 Bath Robes $2.95 $5 Bath Robes $3.95 Faacy blanket robes with fancy trimmed borders on cuffs and skirts with roll collar, cord gridles. In rich colorings. Mezcanine Floor Make Her Christmas Gift a Practical One THese Trimmed Hats At $3.95 Are Really $6.50 Models But were designed and trimmed especially for those seeking a welcome and practical Xmas gift: They are charming enough to de light any woman without even trying them on. 5 Velvet Suits Exceptional at $23.85 Usually $37.50, $45.00 and $5pXK) Eight exclusive midwinter models, four of which are illustrated. Velvet, scarcest material today, rich fur trimmings, combined with the most wonderful smart styles, make these Suits to be desired by every woman, no matter how much she has to expend for apparel. These suits have been in the store less than five days. The collection includes belted, box effects and flar ing models, beautifully tailored and silk lined. Every su t trimmed with fur in its own individual way, some with braid and fur. " ' Why not combine Christmas gift giving with practicability? You cannot fail to please the most fastidious woman if you choose one of these handsome velvet suits a gift showing careful thought gift she will value above all others. Third Floor Women's Xmas Umbrellas ! In, theGreatet I Sale of the Season $10.00 Silk Umbrellas For $6.25 Could you find a more practical and attractive holiday gift for a woman? When you see these um brellas you will say certainly not. They are wonderful extraordinary in every way. Extra heavy pure black silk taf feta, on the most substantial frames, finished with the newest long, straight handles, all warranted to be sterling silver. First Floor dP&ined The hats themselves are exceptional the trimmings are exceptional the styles are exceptional they were made by our best designers, and, being created for this event, they represent nothing but what is newest irKjnillinery fashions. They are of velvet and hatters' plush in smalfshapes, some with small brims, and in large shapes trimmings of ostrich feathers, flowers, ornaments and ribbons. Mostly black. Third Floor Order Your Personally Engraved Xmas Greeting Cards Now Exclusive assortment for your selection. ICtw Stationery Shop, Basement See Third Page Over for Extra Special Additional Monday Sales. MM The Jewelry Store Invites Your Attention to an j Unusual Sale and Display of Holiday Jewelry This jewelry sale is unlike any other of the season. Every piece has come from our own regular stock. The prices, when compared with the attractiveness and quality of the jewelry, are decidedly unusual. It is an event which we have especially planned for the economical yet artistic gift seekers. Every piece of Jewelry in this sale you will find pictured in this illustration. i The Wonderful Linen Store Is in Full Christmas Bloom Lovers of fine:linens have a delight in store for them that it will not be well for them to miss. The linen store, conceded by experts to stand on the highest level of excellence in the quality, beauty and variety of Its stocks, is glowing with the Christmas spirit. Here are the mellow damasks, the fine towels, the luxurious bed linens, so captivitingly boxed and arranged for holiday giving that you simply cannot resist choosing some of them for some housekeeping 'friend. But of all these, more will be mentioned some other time. For tomorrow, special mention of the superb Exhibit of Fancy Linens which contains fine specimens from every land whose people know the art of combining delicate laces and exquisite embroidery with pure flax linens. $7.50 Diamond Lavallieres $5 Solid gold chain and pendant, mounted with full-cut diamond. $5 Cameo Lavallieres $2.98 Filled mounting set with cameo and solid gold chain. $1J25 Gold-Top Bracelets 75c Bangle effects, plain or engraved. 50c Sterling Picture Frames for 39c With foot and flush ease) back. $16.00 Bracelet Watches $12.00 Gold-filled 20-year cases, 7-jewel, plain or engraved. Convertible style. $1.50 Solid Gold Lavallieres $1.00 Fine chain, pendant stt with pearls and birthday stones. 75c Sterling Tatting Shuttles 50c Full size, plain or engraved, gray or bright finish. $2.50 Italian Jet Necklaces for $1.50 Perfect cut beads, neck lengths. $1.50 Sterling Match Boxes for $1.00 Full size, plain or engraved. $1 Sterling Dinner Rings 50c Novelty settings, with long stones. $1 Sterling Lavallieres 68c 1 5 -inch chain. stone-st pendants. $2 Gold-Filled Lavallieres $1.25 Pearl or precious stone settings, new designs; also new green effects. , Thin Elgin Watches, Spec'l $7.25 20-year gold-filled cases, 7-jewel lever movement, 16 size, thin model. 85c Sterling Silver Knives '50c Engraved engine-turned stamping. Two blades, with bail for chain. $1.00 Gold Hat Pins 50c 10-karat gold, small heads, 6-inch stems. Plain or engraved. Sterling Silver Pencils 25c Pocket size. Adjustable leads. $1.00 Filled Pearl Beads 50c Neck length, with sterling silver rhinestone clasps. All size beads. $5 Solid Gold Brooches $3.25 New designs, pearl or stone set. Madeira hand-embroidered and scalloped luncheon sets. 13 pieces in a set, at $4.95, $5.50, $7.00, $8.00 to $10.50. Hand-made .Madeira napkins, in dozen and half-dozen lots, from $6.50 up to $13.50. , Madeira centerpieces, beautifully hand-embroidered, sizes 24x24 and 28x28. Prices $1.25 to $18.50. Gift towels, the famous4 Webb Dew bleached linens, guest and regular sizes, from 35c to $1.50. Wonderful imported spreads, the finest that are made. Full or three-quarter sizes. $5 to $14. Round-scalloped 72-inch lunch clotns with 6 napkins to match. 22x22. Pure linen. Patterns for round tables, $11.25. Handkerchief linens, for making dainty kerchiefs and waists. 36 inches wide, from 55c to $1.75 yard. New buck toweling, pure grass bleached linen, from lS to 24 inches wide. Plain and figured de signs. Per yard, 45c to 90c. Irish hand - embroidered piffow cases are exquisite. Scalloped and hemstitched. Monozram space. 3000 Pieces of Hand Painted T Table China in an Unusual Special Xmas Offering : Arranged on special tables, each table placarded with a one-price ticket fo easy selection. At 25c Teacups and saucers, spoon trays, olive trays, vases and rose jars. At 45c Powder boxes, hair receivers, tea strainers, hon bon trays, sugar sifters, sugar bowls, mustard jars, match holders, tea tiles, cups and saucers, and condiment sets. At 65c Butter tubs, condensed milk Jars, Jelly trays, plates, mayonnaise dishes, bon bon trays, olive trays, syrup Jugs, bon bon boxes, rose Jars, marmalade sets, condiment sets, powder boxes, hair receivers, plaques. At 95c Salad bowls, sugar and cream sets, cake plates, manicure sets, nut bowls, ice bowls, syrup jugs.racker jars, plaques and nut sets. Sixtfc Floor Size 4 5x36. $3.50 to $6.50 pair. One-Fifth Off on Madeira Hand-Worked Towels The finest quality pure linen huck, with hand-scalloped edges and handsome embroidered designs, with monogram space for initials. Guest room and regular sizes. Now priced from $1.60 to $7.50. Real Irish Linen Pattern Table Cloths That would add much to the Christmas festivities, full bleached, rich satin damask finish, in new circular and plain center designs, round or extension tables. Sizes from 2x2 to 2x3 yards. $4.15 cloths, $3.50; $5.25 cloths, $4.50; $6.00 cloths, $5.25. Napkins to match, 22 or 24-inch size. $4.75 napkins for $4.00 and SS.2S saa tuns fr S4.50. . Second Floor The New Alpine Embroidered Xmas HandKercHiefs 17c Or Three for SOc These handkerchiefs are made of all pure linen, and are beauti fully embroidered by hand, by the Swiss peasants who are noted for their exquisite needlework. Each handkerchief shows an ar tistically embroidered corner, and made with a narrow hem stitched hem. Special 50c for Box of Three Here are other pure linen handkerchiefs, beautifully embroidered, packed three in a box, each handkerchief showing a different embroidery design in the comer. First Floor. :. :,j. 1 -