- . - mi t r- nno r- a. - ? - - f '- irk r f THE OREGON . SUNDAY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND," SUNDAY nMORNING, DECEMBER 5, ,1915. " 9 - C. $1 PEK mo. for lease 1 year or more, S acres for chicken ranch. 2 acres wired In chicken wire. Sheds, cellar. well. 40 minutes' ride from Portland, t minutes' walK to car. school grocery : and church. Gresliam or Caaaero car far, 10c Phone Tabor 745. K-J76, . Journal, OEXKRAL ItKAL ESTATE S 18000 .WORTH property, no incum brance. $6000 notes per cent pay- I erty. Full particulars Jn first letter. Owner V. 11 Seventh at., Oregon 3Cltv. Or. -" FOR SALE HOUSES 61 TO LEASE H-;- MOVING TO SKATTLL. - f Must dispose- of my Piedmont house i t once. This property cost me $2-0 3 year ago. I am now aesepting -.- position In Seattle and will offer this" "property this week for $3600. $300 .. eh. bat. secured on place. The house . I modem' in every respect, hardwood 'floors, furnace, hot water heater. Shade and lixt ires of the- very oest. V If you know a bargain when you se- u this property wiil 11 W.self. zr-b.,, Journal. IP YOU ARE THINKING OF BDILD- i-- INOOK B L YING A HOME IT WILL J.i PAY TOf TO i'KRMIT I S TO i IG; tTRB WITH YOU K KM EMBER Wh PREPARE SKKTCMEs OF HOI SL i TO YOUR CHOICE. ANU SUBMIT " COST ESTIMATES WITHOUT BLI- OATION ON VOl K I'AHT UET l EXPLAIN OUH I'l'.Dl'OSIT ION. THE . OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 N. ' V. BANK BLDi i. .' -. $3200 BUNGALOW FUK izztKt. Here Is a real bargain. ()wner must sell and neetls $.',oo rash, wiil give e'eed and balance can run long as van ted at New 5 room house, oak ''floors, fireplace, tmokrasps, shower 'r bath pedestal, lavatory, etc. Corner i lot, V block from Woodlawa car. Sun day -.Woodlawn 31 s6. (.Bid 1oRR E. , KEASEY & CO.. 232 Chamber of Com fi merce. ?i- HOME ON CITY SIDE UP MOUNT TABOR . vwith a fine view, fir.e lawn and fruits, 7 room strictly modern, with every ?-convenience. large lot. finest residence district in the city, 3 blocks of car. -"S Owner has pone east and will sacrifice ' a $6000 place for $17.V an 1 one-half can run at Vi. J. I'.. KL LEV CO. &28 ',- 'hnmlier of Commerce. J50 RUSK I'itv Farx. roonrs and Sleeping porch. If vou hive JOfi'j ca-sh or good lot in this distrii t. terms tan be arranged on balance. - This is a real bungalow and if you are look ing for something worth the money. I wish you would see this. Bring a i-ullder with vou and let him pass on Its value. Call 7".' E 6 tth ?t.. N. iiUST.be sold -A modern 5 room cot tage, full ba.s-niei! t. fireplace, shaoe "trees, corner lot. 1 Uio k e.iit of I nion ave., worth IJ".""; will sell if taken at once, for $ 1 s5o. JImq cash and $23 , per month. Ask for Mr. Graham. The Brong Co. Main 1743. ; 27; Oak st. Finest 1-4 Block on Haw ' thorne Ave, 8 room house and 5 room c 'ttage, right close in, fire place for apartment house or store Pn--e $12,500. Sold on easy terms. 411 Heiiry :idg. WAVERLEIGH HElGlTTS.mo-.iern. 0 room h-i."g;.iow larse attic 4"xlJa lot. Built-in hoc-o; asi-.s. buffet, -panel dining loom, fir-place, inlaid linoleum ' In'kitchen and lt!i room, lenient ba.se jnent. furnace with hot watt r .oi!, sta tionary wasli tubs with gas plate. Rig rest snap In city. l'ri,-t- $Jsou. SCJ7 Brooklyn St., r-;ir 3 1st A FREE AUTOMubilk And a small farm, 'l'his r.ew touring car and hard surface brings you in town i i 3" mir.utts. room house, ;errie-; and fruit Pine for chicken ramii i'2 acres ForJ road ;od trees. Rea- sonable terms St Furlong. UMHDENSTOUK t; LARSON CO.. Ground flo r. 306 Oak st. FORM K K p;:ii-K $ 1 750. NoU' $1150. $5J down. $12.50 monthly "buys neat 4 room bungalow, with toilet, batn, "lavatory, nice 'electric f:tjres, con crete foundation and basement, fruit, berries and roses. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co., 722 Chamber of Commerce. UKEI c ..LEGE. 5 room bungalow, :; Mocks to car. 50 3tl00 lot, gas, electricity, full cement basement, fine lawn, rooms newly tint ed. JliOo. Small payment don, $15 per month. See Mr. S,achr,st at HART.MAN ,v THOMPSON , 4th and Stark. $-' DOWN, lo Mu.N'liXV. Neat little 4 roo;n plastered cottage, close to car, m Lents. This property is owned by a non-resident widow lady and she offers s .me at the remarkably low price of $775. Fred W. German Co.. 7S2 Chamltr of Commerce. .BEAUTIFUL southern colonial home, new. in Olmsted Park; on wooded quarter block: 7 rooms and 2 baths completed; space t'o- ;; other rooms; most modern and complete home In inia vicinity, s-ee owner on property. i XJunKiey a e..o r pnone Wclin. 3466 POR SALE On K 50th st.. north of Hawtnorne. i room and large attic. uungajow, with iirepiav.e. buiitin book cases, cabinet kitchen, furnace, laur. dry trays, etc. Ea.-y terms. Phone i aoor 2 i 9?. NEW 7 room west side h'.ng.iiow. fur nace, sleeping jiorcli. hardwood floors, extra large lot, street paved and jiaia; ,i cars or uineys. rust $44n. sell .i,oo; Jlno i ash. bal. terms. See house tOfiay. 31 1st st. at Bancroft. lARGE ii room luusc basement, large frame woodshed, lot .Vixioo. side walk, curbing, jn nice location. If sold at once. $'. 30o: worth $1S00; $25u casn; terms. laiior 302;'i. $760 lx)t 50x100. Three roomed plas tered house. Winter wood. 65 qts vl lruii. ou casn, Palance 510 per inonin, interest. u 7 1 2 56th ave S. E. BARGAIN Beautiful lot on Improved street, 4 room house, f.ne location 1 block from 2 civlines. $1350. $250 down, balance terms. 8U4 Albina ave Phone Woodlawn 2Q2. $10 CASH $10 PER MONTH Price $750, small house. 50x100 ft. lot. See Austin, 72d and Sandv b'.vd GREGORY" INVESTMENT COMPANY $1800 Five room nouse. with furnace ' and fireplace, lot 4i xl2u, on carline", $300 cash, balance mortgage;no agents. 0-728. Journal A MODERN 6 room house, hardsurface street, at value; small cash pay ment, balance like rent. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 1719 ALAMELA Park. 7 room modern house, cost $5230, mortgage- $2250; take $2000 for my equity, some terms Z 263. Journal. ;- $96 CASH down ; tered bungalow v tround. close to ouys my new plas , with whole acre of Portland, water and : lights. Price only $0'.lo. Z-701. Journal. 3. PIVE room, modern bungalow, le.t -- - ' E.- 29th N. Owner handling and - trmail cash payment will suffice. U- -'$86. Journal. . ' ''. WHAT have you to offer for $15011 ' equity in modern bungalow. 1 block .-from car. balance to suit. Owner Sell--' wood 1359. ' ' i'-J ROOM house, with hath, close in. ' ,' East side; small payment down, or .'J: will take lot. balance like rent. Y'-tSl - Journal. - 4 ROOM proved, or cheap East 2144. bungalow, lot 100x100, im $1200 will take. $100 cash lot as first payment. Call ROOM house. Corner lot. 50x100 " $2000. 12SS E. Stark st . corner 46th. near Laurelhurst. Cnli Tshor 61 S3 i NEW, modern. S room bungalow 547 ESSth st. N.. Rose City Park. Open , Btmday. Phone Broadway 31?. SMALL 3 room house and one lot; - most be sold by Monday. Call Ta - bor 6S39 or call at 261 E S2d st NEW rmodern ti - and Yamhill, bor S199. room house. East Sur.nyside car. 31st Ta- . BARGAIN Beautiful lot on improved - , et.; 4 room house, fine location; "4-5 . blocks from 2 carlines. COTTAGE and 2 lots. $700; ' Owner. 430 P1trck block. terms. $1009 DOWN 4 room bungalow, with furniture. $1400 1037 Cham of Com. ' 12150 New Piedmont buntralow. Great , , snPt- $524 Grand ave, N. SelL 75. (St (Ooatlnned) 47th and Sandy ROSE CITY PARK. lslde house. $3500; street lmprove rae ots only $120. Corner house. $3900; street Improve ment only $240. Beth of these houses have large rooms, the kind you will be satisfied with. 1 am the owner, and will be at these houses all day Sunday. Come Iook t3iem over J. W. McFadden. Ta- cor ai:Ba. N'ot e I am going to sell these houses and will not let a few dollars' differ ence ttand in the way. Come out; It won't cost anything to look. Southeast corner of 47th st. and Sandy hlvd. CLUB HOUSES. PRIVATE HOME. OR SANITARIUM. 34 acres, one of the most beautiful landscapes In Oregon; artificial fake. I rusttc bridge, 3 water fountain in lawn. All kinds of bearing truit. Bor ders on nice stream. Heating and water system, garage, barn, chicken houses. le rge 8 room house, private billiard and i lance hall 18x30. Full cement babe merit, cement walks all around place, 5c carfare, good hardsurfaced roads to place. Every city convenience except ras. This place is worth and cost 15.00V). Conditions compel the sacri fice, tl 0,000 will buy this week. This place if used as private residence, (iwncr, 429 Rv Ex. bldg. Phone Main 1757. ONLY J3400. Laurelhurst Beautiful 6 room bungalow, old ivorv and white enamel finish. hardwood floors throughout the house, paper, plate glass windows, tapestry furnace. window shades, electric fixtures, lights now on; an ideal home; come out to day to 120S E. Burnside, close to I.au rcl'hurst Paxk, or phone Tabor C51 or Tabor f94. Terms; open evenings by ar pointment. ' Rose City Park My loss Is your gain. I must sell my hew and modern 5 room bungalow. Fireplace, hardwood floors, fixtures, shades, screens, sleeping porch, full cement basement. largo attic. My price is $2600; some terms: no com mission; no trades. Come out to 611 E. 61st No,, or phone owner, Tabor 6X0. SIX ROOM BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. Let me sfiiow you my new and up to the minute- bungalow. It Is complete In everv derail and the price is right. One block from li. C. car; lot SCxlOO. N. O. E Ecklund, owner aid tviilder, 611 E. 61st st . N . Phone Ta bor 6 8o. $50 ix)v:;-Rosi-: "city park. $2500, 6 room bungalow, furnace, shades arid fivtures. fine yard and roses, all readv to move in; $03. JO per month will rrraVe payments and inter est. Kev at 12b5 Sandy. Phone C-2121. Office 45th and Sandy. NEW modern I ungalow. 5 rooms, d'-n and hath, btiilt in effects, a bargain ii $1950. small payment, balanc- lil'e itnt. bv owner. 1376 E. Grant, phone T-il.or 641S. HAWTHORNE Lis. bungalow : 5 room, modern, with fireplace and cement basement; $1700; $2"" rash. G. E. Weller. 1405 Hawthorne. Tabor 1043. liESPON'SIBLE contractor will build by day or contra t and accept lot or equity for labor. Q-732. Journal. RUSE CITY' Will sell my new. strict ly modern $3200 bungalow Sunday at $2"V $150 down; no traders. Ta. 14S3. $1350 EQl lot for Journal. IT Y in beaut $500 cash. .fi.l Uaurelhurst Owner. P-52 7, ROOM house East 64th st. In Rose Citv Park on , for $750. Phone Ta- hor 6S. PI UPMOST o room house. Cooper. East 5203. FOR SALE LOTS 10 A 25x100 Frior business lot on crand ave., north; a little investment nut t the, price should make big profits. Price for quick sale, $450, $10 per month will buy It. The Brong Co. Main 1743. 267V, Oak st. Business Corner Business or residence corner, lOOx 150; 100 feet on carline; cost $4000: will accept $2500: terms. Owner. 42:t Railway Kxch. bldg. Phone Main 1757. rTj S E-iT T Y iUfLI Nil Lots 7 and S. block 4. Hvde Park add.. 64th and Falling: $375 takes both of them. Fred W. German Co.. 732 I'hamber of Commerco bldg. FOR SALE A number of fine cheap lots, some close to car line, at Cni versity Park, the garden spot of Fort land; also dwellings and barns. W. D. Richards. 664 Iombard St.. citv. FOR SALE 1 1 lots, good outbuildings; house, barn and horses. wagon one calf and two J. F. Chaney, and harness; one cow. pigs; some chickens. Orchards. Wash. TEN lots, good 4 room hese. ' cleared, part fenced, g-ood chicken house, some small fruit, well. $S50; 5' down. bal. $10 per month. Jas. Neeley. Oregon City. Or. $500 I'ASH Hose City Park. Slde walks Rnd curbs paid. If you want a real bargain. Call at 702 E. 64th St., north, or address K-7JX Journal. V A NCO L" V K R. BTC.. 5 lots "oca r water front on north shore. $100 cash; worth $3o0. Will sell singly for cash only. Phone Marshall "oi6. 3 LOTS, west side, fruit trees, 100 feet to car. Value $3000. no mortgage or assessments. Going at $1300. O 730. Journal 75xloo ROSE Citv Park. $575. Fronts east. Cement sidewalks in and paid for. Call 702 E. GUh st.. X.. or ad dress K-742. Journal. SNAP 100x100. $2200, on Wilson St.. Willamette Heights; small payment down. A. J. Farmer. 407 Stock Ex. UNIVERSITY' PARK sacrifice; Box 143: facing 2 streets; $350; terms. Owner, 1665 Woolsey St. $476 Piedmont cor., man. Worth $1000 Grand and Hoi Owner Sell. 7 1 MUST sell this week $1600 lot for $S00 Owner. Y-SU Irvington ,- Journal. 100x100. 3 district. blocks from school. Mt. Scott $400 ca.sh. Phone Sell. 2411. ACREAGE $5 cash. $5 Month Nice little acreage home. 30 mlr.-.ites out on carline. Save all exist of living w ith cow, chickens, garden. Also nice 4 acre place. Owner, 232 !i Washing ton st. Room 20. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN Ranches near Portland. 2, 5. 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric. $65 to $200 per acre, easv terms. McFar land. 309 Venn bldg., Portland 1 2-3 acres. 1 blotk of Raleigh station across road from Portland Golf club", 7c fare. Pretty trees, lies e .od, won derful view. A snap for $SoO. J cr Rainey, 904 Y'eon b'.dg. Marshall 3177. ONLY' $5 PER MONTH. HomeSite with running water, good soil, light and telephones, right at elec tric station. Price only $235. 0-727. Journal. ONE acre, new 3 nm bungalow, e-oo.i well, near railroad station. nine miles from Portland. Price $900. G 5"0. Journal. LOOK 24 acres cleared, it miles south of Astoria on fine county road; will sell cheap on time. ZX-2G0. Journal. FOR SALE From 4 to 2 ac res. A bargain. Don t miss it. Inquire of P. Poor, 1 mile south of Stanley sta- . tion; Just outside of city limits. j 5 ACR.ES, 5 room bungalow and bath; own water system, orctiani, t.errles cMckens and cow. $3500; $1600 cash K-761. Journal. 20 ACRES stump land, running water. near Scapvoose $500; terms. Own er. 430 Plttock block EIGHT acres choicest soil, mile east Mllwaukie: best buy in neighborhood 0-384. Journal. OREGON CITY line. bungalow. 1 acre. Fav terms. 6 room modern C. P. Meldrum. ACREAGE FOR TRADE. Prom 4 to 8 acres to trade for lots. 5c fare. Room 20. 232 H Washington st. $5 PER month buys an acre; 10c fare. on good road, close to station. Price only $200. F-755. Journal. FORTY acres, with Umber, near Scap poose, $800. Owner. 430 Pit toe k blk. FOR SALE HOUSES 57 CHOICE COLUMBIA COUNTY ACRE AGE. Within 20 miles of city limits of Portland, close to county scat, with cannery, creamery and big paj'Voll; well established farming district and very convenient to the best markets; good roads and A-l transportation facilities, both by rail and water; Columbia high way is paved to within few miles of lands; soil is rich red-shot clay loam, very productive and especially adapted to hog-raising and dairying; also small fruits and truck gardening very profit able. Tracts any size, some with fine view overlooking the Columbia river. Prices $25 to $75 per acre, easy terms, and will accept part trade on some. SCANDI N A VI A N-A MEKIC AN REALTY CO.. 224-225 Henrv bldg. 5 ACRES $250. $10 Mown and $5 a month buys 5 acres logged oif land, between Port- Jand -and Cenfalia. on main line of 3 rnllroads. 1 '-i miles from town of 800 population, siwmllls, s-hingle mills and oDier industries. Some of these tracts are nearly clearer! and have a f-pring i or running stream on them; pMce $50 I per acre. Many tracts of different i Elzes to choose from. Good soil, lies v.eii, tine location, perrect title. BEI.L liEAL ESTATE CO.. ?, 1 Railwiiy Exchange. 2 1-2 Acres ! room bungalow, 5 minutes' walk to station on electric line. 35 minutes out. Band set to-Spiw. Baldwin and Winter Banana apples; trees x years old. Price $35'jo. encumbrance $1250, 7",,. Owner v ill take improved Portland property worth $2250 clear, for equity. See Mr. Brown. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St. 10 Acres Fertile Land, $400 $8 cash, $3 per month; you do not have- to make the payments when out of work; part payment can be made clearing land and building roads; will build a cabin for the right people mov ing on to the land; 75c fare from Port land; good nad, neighbors, telephone, school. Fred F, Huntress, 284 Oak, Ihjwn THE COLUMBIA. 10 acres or more of fine level ground. goo,l soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to Fchool; this ground will grow anything that can le grown In this climate; good markets and ihippine facilities. Price $30 per acre; per a-"re down; -wlll give terms on br.lance that any industrious man can meet. No interest. V ilf'KliMV. C T ,. TS K ANTE OR. imoi) PJVKR HOMK CHEAP. 4 acres, all in cultivation. 2 V acres in bearing orchard. apples. prunes, cherries and grapes; 3 room house, barn and outbuildings; good water; 20 minutes' walk from postoffice. Price $115'.', $2."" cash, balance to ruit at S'c interest. E. M. T HO ROT "OHM AN. 86 Washington st. Vancouver. Wash. Acreage 6 acres, 10 miles northwest of Port land on good public road, all good, lich so 1: no rock or gravel. Land lies wei:. Price only $150 per acre, 1-3 cash. Pal a:Ke on terms The Shaw-Fear Company Ma'. 102 Fourth St. A-3500. 12 ACRF.'SNAP FOR $50'. 11 acres cultivated. IV- acres fir grove, loc.se. deep, rih, blacrf, loam soil, on!v one mile from a city with 3S daily trains. high school, stores, churche-s a.: d lumber mills, 3 hours' ride from Portland. Good roais and water. ("bar title for $500. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 2 Q4 Firil i ng bldg. 10 Acre Snap $2500, 5c Fare S acres no c rave- in cultivation, fenced 3 sides. good soil, rretty grove. miles S. E. of Lents. Must sell quick i.nrl sacrifice for less than half value. You won't get sucfi an opportunity again. Will take- $500 cash; balance easy terms but no trade. Z-702, Jour nal. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN SITE. 2 !a acres, only 8 miles from busi ness center, faces road connecting Powell valley aril Section Line roads; lie-s perfect, covered with Ix-autlful trees, city deliveries. Price $1000. Term. JJ.m cash. $15 monthly. LT ' E I DE M A N N COM 'A N Y, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Tigard Snap 6 acres between Tigard and Oreen l:rg for on'y 1 1550 on good terms. A -ry rich choice pince of land. (Jood timber which will help psiy for clear ing. .1. G. Rainey, 004 Yton bldg. Mar shall 3177. 10 ACRES. $1100. i miles from Gaston, dr.. 5 elec tic trains daily, 3 acres in cultiva tion. 4 acres slashed. 3 room house and ct.i.-ken house, running creek and fine spring on the place, '4 acre fruit, '.ins will maae an ideal chicken and l- rry larch. Fred W. German Co.. hamoer of ' ommerce. lj ACRES. ber; nil cJ.ard: a Is 17.-, in cultivation, 1 '2 tim snll; good bearing or- r.i b. rries. grapes, walnuts; 4 room house, larep harn. plenty other buildings; cini well, automobile; '-3 mile sche.ol and store. 3 '-2 miles to car line; about 1 U in. of Portland. Price $216 per acre. 626 E. Richmond St.. St. Johns. ACREAGE t-'irp-aln. $250'). 64 acres improved, fine soil, part In apple or. chard, 4 room house, horso, cart and harness; lo miles from Portland. S b!o--ks from S. I'. electric. Bounded on two sides by county roads. Will take small bouse and lot in suburbs of Port!ar:l up to $1000; balance cash and terms. 0-515. Journal. i5ACRES" l-4 mile station on red carllme. Good 5 room dwelling. Fine outbuildings. 12 acre's cultivation, 2 acres timber. Fine well. Orchard. Price $3750; un incumbered Easy terms. NEILAN & PA RK1 II LL, "03 StcK.-k Exchange bldg. 40 Acres $14. land, good, cash. 75 per acre, 20 miles from Port 6 miles from electric line, lies fir and cedar timber, spring, $200 easy terms on bal., 6vi, Interest. ! 4 1 1 I Henry bldg. A Good Buy Arre tract nnli- $?00 c!oa In lr- trie station. 30 minutes out, electric lights, phones. Turns only $5 per month. Call at 500 Concord bldg.. 2d a:.1 Stark streets. Gibson Half Acres . Good soil, city water, close to car- 1 line, easy terms, will build to 5ult pur : chaser. Phone Marshall 16S5, or Sell wood 476 John H Gibson, owner $6 TAKES 10 acres of land near La Grande. Or. Wdln 2761 after 6 p. m FOR SALE KAUMS 13 ACRES. 10 room hc.jse, all wired for electricity, plastered, 2 wells, 1 old house, plenty fruit, English wal nuts. 4 sacks this year; land will grow anything. $4,300. cash; will take $500 u- trade, In vacant lots at cash val :e Place 1s clos-e to school and cariirve titar Willamette. Jas. Neeley, Oregon Citv, f)r. A FREE AUTOMOBILE And a small farm. This new to-jring car and hard surf.-vce brings you In town In 30 minutes. 6 room limine, berries and fruit Fine for chicken ranch. 4 acres sonable terms. S-e F"urlong. Ford road Good trees. Rea- UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO Ground floor. 206 Oak st. 174 acres. Improved farm, near Sheri dan, c-ash prtve $4"00, will take clear houfc and lot as first payment. 1 5 acre farm, $1 fare from Port land," price $950, $250 cash. Claude Cole. 3 ol Henrybldgr. FORSALK Southern Cal. ranch, wal nuts and oranges. 1 1 acres, good house, must be sold to close estate; a bargain. Box Q-516, Journal. FOR SALE 40 acres. 4 miles from The L'alles; 25 acres cleared; In good fruit district. Small cash payment; easv terms. C-342. Journal. SACRAMENTO valley. CaJ., amall Im proved farm for sale. Terms. Write E. R. WaJte. Shawnee, Okla. ACREAGE (Continued) FOR SALE FARMS 11 ( Continued ) i 60 ACRES. 40 acres cleared, modern improvements, water piped to house, fully stocked. 11 miles from V'ancou- , ver. 3 miles from river and U. R. town. 1 Write for particulars. Price $$000; ; $1000 cash. $iuoo in clear city or sub- urban property, balance secured on ' place. j 20 acres, 18 acres cleared, new house, frood barn, orchard of assorted fruits, ! iving water, adjoining small R. , R. j town, with church, school, stores, etc, Price $3500. $1500 cash, balance 6"c. j 21 acres, all in prune orchard, in full bearing, in thickly settled community. ; near high school, 1 mile from R. 11. , station and boat landing, on good gravel road. Brlce $1300. Terms. ( 27 acres. 15 acres in full bearing j orchard, good house, prune dryer, all cleared but 2 acres, in excellent neigh- ! borhood. close to school, so rods from j R. R. station. 10 miles from Vancou- , Aer. Orchard has paid over $ooo net! for the past 3 years. Price $000. I cash. TilOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wa3h. 416 ACRE improved uairy farm M". op eration, on county road, no timber, no rock, enoutrh oait for fuel supply: best virgin soil in Oregon, bottom land is tile drained, has produced 115 bu. oats per acre; large income: this farm took first prize at St. Louis World's fair for best herd of cattle in the world. is 1 miles from Cove Or chard Electric railway station. 1 hour's run to Portland, near store and school; new 8 room house, bath, phone, elec-1 triclty. water pu ed to house, everlast- I ing springs, prune orchard, walnut, npple and pear orchards, all bearing. 2 earns full of hay. bunk house and out- i ruildings; adjoining land has sold for j $250 per acre; will cut same kind to $10 per acre, bmall cash payment. easy terms for quick sale. The prune j orchard alone will pay interest; stock , valued at $10,000 will also be sacri ficed; this farm is now divided into several small farms, each on a county road and running water. Owner, E. E. Morgan, Yamhill. Or. 536 Chamber of Commerce,-Portland. Oregon! Alfalfa and Sugar Beet AND DAIRY RANCH. 140 acres, with all improvements. The best part of Grave creek ranch; !0 acres m cultivation, alfalfa, clover, or chard and grain. Free and first irrigation right; wa ter all summer. Buildings large and comfortable, electricity day and night, on Pacific highway. R. 11. 4 miles. Includes team, waon. some imple ments, 1 cow, 1 registered boar, 1 reg istered sow, 50 nhoats. Price $1-0 per ucre: Vi cash; 's limee. 'a trade. cash. SO acres river bottom land. 4 In cul tivation. Good sugar beet and alfalfa land. $8000: ;;..s!i. S trade, or 1-3 cash. 1-3 trade, 1-3 time. Call owner, 1-eland. Or.; or Isaac Best. Grants Pass. (jr. j bal- I DOWN THE 79 acre ranch. 45 COLUMBIA, in cultivation. ance easy cleared; all fenced and cross lenced. running crtek. 6 room house, hot and cold wter. bath, gas plant and good fixtures, barn .32x100. with large frhed. 4 poultry housi-s, 4 hog houses, 4 thoroughbred cows. 1 registered Jersey bull. 3 head heavy draft horses, 3 in cubators. 1 incubator house. 2 brood ers. 1 wagon. 1 buckboard. 3 plows. 3 cultivators, seeder, barrow. 1 John Leere manure spreader, blacksmith shop and tools. This is an ideal farm, ready to move on: price Slu.oOO. half cash, or will accept high.y improved 10 acre tract close to good school, as first payment with smail amount of cash. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 73 2 ''hamber of "ommerce. 101 ACRES. J 1 T.Jo! $1000 cash, balance 5oo 1' years at S per cent; or w.Il exchange "to $10oo cash and $;.00 lot In Portland, east ;:nle prelerred, not too far out. I-uh1 contains 35 acres txjitom land, balance slightly upland, with fir timber enough 10 pay for place, 3 a rts cleaied, some slashed, balance easy to clear; on Sl- letz river; fair building on place, fish ing for salmon from July 15 to Novem ber L'O each year; 1 la miles from can nery'. 24 miles from two stores; mall .asses place, cheese factory 2 miles; rlace where money can be doubled. Write F. W. Certtula, Taft, Lincoln Co.. Oregon. 40 Acres, $2500 miles from electric line. 25 miles from Portland; good house, barn: 16 acres in cultivation; g .od orchard, fine spring creek. $700 cash, balance can run long time, o''- interest. 79 Acres River Bottom 39 miles from Portland, close to town and electric line, all in niltlva tion. HoOse. barn, orchard, creek, on main county road, milk and mail routes. Price $loo per acre $2.ioo cash, easy terms on 1ml 411 1 Ie n r y bldg. A BARGAIN. 40 acres, about 10 acres under plow, 35 acres of filial. !e land, balance tak( :i up by fir.o creek : s. vi ral fine springs, on county road, R. D. by place daily, ii. good farming community, fine black sol!. C miles from good farming town, 3 miies from railroad sUetion, store, boat landing; 5 cows, 2 horses, 4 hogs, some chuckens. all tanning machinery. Price $3500; $1500 easii,- balance good terms. GEO. Y. MOODY CO., Wasshouga!. Wash. BEST BIY IN OP. EG ON. Id MILES OUT. $65 I'LT! ACRE. 4.'!l.2 acres, pew- ." room modern bung alow cost $1000. new bain worth $300. new wire fence; about s acres in culti vation, 20 more easily cleared; lavs slightly rolling on main county road, close to school and 1 mi'es from elec tric line. This price is $35 per acre less than raw land can be bad for in same locality. Half cash takes it. balance long time, 7r'r. Phone Sellwood 1036, or K-RH5. Journal. Must Sell at Once 10 acres, 3 cultivated, over 1 aero of blackcaps, will bear next summer Horse, harnesses, cultivator, harrows and buggy. Cow and chickens. Two houses, barn, 2 hen houses, hoghouse. woodshed, root and smoke houses. On mail route and county road. If sold soon $1900 takes all. Terms. For particulars write owner, H. E. Y'arter, La oral. Or. R. P. 2. CHEAP LAND 4 0 acres, unimproved land, 2 fine creeks on land, part good farm land, balance good pasture, no timber of any consequence; on county road, farms on three sides of land, finest of prune land; 6 miles from god town. Price $60"; good terms if desired. GEO. Y. MOODY' CO. Wahouga!. Wash. 2" ACRES GOOD DAIRY Near Foster road and city limits, on .Tohnson Creek, sell cheap and give very easy terms, fine opportunity fo " man with a little ready money. Jacob Haase Dekum building. FOR SALE 14o a- res, near , Halsey : crop, stock, mu- hinery. household goods: 90 in cultivation, 50 In pasture and oak timber; running wnter. good buildings. A. E. Whitbeck. Halsev, Ore'-'on. R. 1. 4o ACRES, Improved dairy ranch. 20 miles Portland, between two electric roads, stock if desired: price and tertns reasonable. See owner eve nings, room ill. 350 Morrison st. 40 ACRES near Kelso. Wash. 3 cleared. 10 slashed. 12 rich bottom. 15 fence, fine trout stream, coixi road. What more do you want for $500 cah? Ta bor 4Q9Q. FOR SALE 236 or 130 acres. 20 miles from Portland. near VYtllametie river: will take some city property Alfred Roberts, R. F. D. 2, Sherwood, Or. b ACRES. 5 room bungalow and bath; vvn water syslem. orchard, berries, chickens and cow. $3500; $-1600 cash. K-761. Journal. ,V AC51P f arm Viiia nnpnln.r fni- rlo-.v or greenhouse. At electric station near Hillsboro. Owner. 430 Plttock block. 20 ACRES, improved, rich soil, Salem electric line. A bargain. $2a00; terms. A. K. HILL, 419 Henrv bldg. 60 ACRES, partly improved. 5 mile south Salem Bargain. Terms. EWEN, 312 Panama bldg. FOR wheat or stock rancnei write L Fltrms ti rice. Condon. Or 4 TO $26 acre, near Vancouver; creeks, cood pasture land; good terms. 422 54 1 17 CHOICE RANCH IN LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON. Consisting of 166 teres, of which 40 acres are under plow, 8 acres of timber; balance divided into two pastures, with running water in both. It is all well fenced There is some bottom land along the river. There are now 12 acres in clover; 4 acres of rye; 2 acres in winter oats and vetch. There is a good 4 room house: good barn:- milk house and other necessnry build ings. Water piped to buildints from spring; good family or chard. Personal property: Span of horses: harness, wagon and nil necessary implements; 10 head of milk rows -all with calf. 10 head of young "lock; 12 head of bogs; about 6 dozen chickens; sufficient wheat, oats and po tatoes for seeding. All hay in barn. All can be bought for $65 per acre. $3000 cash, balance to suit purchaser, with interest at 7",. This place is i miles from town. Good road. go"d school adjoining place. No exchanges considered. OTT 1 & HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bdjj. THOROUGH MAN'S BARGAINS. WHO WANTS A FARM? 40 acres, fenced, 13 acres in culti vation, small house, barn. orchard, good spring water at l ouse; one mile from R. R. station, on county road. Price $30oo. $200 cash, balance $100 per year, 6','r Interest. 40 acres. 12 acres in cultivation, all fenced; running water; li miles to R R.; some second growth fir; gcod land; good neighbors. Price $1500. $100 cash, balance yearly payments at 6'7o interest. 40 acres logged off land, all fenced, one mile to It. R. station; land easily cleared. 1'rice only $1050. $150 cash, balance to suit buver at 'r interest E. M. THOROUGH MAN, 806 W a s h i n g t o nst , a 1 1 on v ejyan, WELL I OCATEI 60 ACRES. j 1 miles from good Willamette val lev llv town and t.n main auto road ! I to the citv; less than 30 miles out; H 1 acres gentiy rolling land In cultiva-i ! tinn for general crops; lo acres beaver. I dam: 20 acres in pasture with a little fir timber; good well and running water; S room house with fireplace; 'old barn; familv orchard. $5000. Terms. . Mc-f'hesnev, Title & Trust bldg. I THE time nas couie we i r" i is paramount. The ' price The price or wneai. and the production is such that any I one wanting to invest will confer 1 nif I will sell them god wheat witn I land 1 in which the rent ehare will pay at least 10','r on the investment- 1 ins is for cash or terms only no trade. See O. P. Hulse- I HART.MAN 1 MU.m-mu.- 1 4 th a :.d Stark sts.) GOOD HOME. FOR SALE OJl TRA DE. ' 1 2 arres in city or 'Vancouver, l acre in fine cultivation, other acre nicely parked out and seeded, fair 5 room house, gixnl small barn, good tchicken house'and pen. city water, very sightly place fine home for someone. Price . $30f'V Will trade for residence or ac reage. ; GEO. Y. MOODY CO.. W-asivugai. Wah ; ; RTcir BOTTOM LAND 1 171 acres, 1 '2 miles to Amity. Yam hill Co 110 a'crc in cult. 2 sets of bldgs., fire running water, fenced. contv road f acre bearing orchard, is ac res oak' timber. Price out to $loJ per acre. ,MaKe ucoc lerma. .ict Seachrest at HARTMAN ft (4th and THOMPSON Stark. ) 1240 ACRES best pirt Gilliam coun ty; 7o0 acres powed to fall wheat, 300 ready for spring oarley good bui.d ir.gs, pumping plant, world of grass and spring wat.-r close; school, rural mail delivery; price $20 per acre; n oludes crops and entire farm equipment- $65o0 cash. Claude Cole, owner, 3i'0 Henry fldg. SNAP 400 acres. f.u-r, $4 per acre, her of Commerce. 10 miles from Du ll. G. Colton, Cham- FOK RENT FARMS- 14 POR RENT 7 a-crcs, 3 acres in culti vation, house, barn, good weU, bear ing fruit trees, on concrete road, 10 mibs from Portland. $5 per month. Stock lor sale: 1 cow. 1 brood sow. 7 plg". chickens, ducks, hive of lces a-l new incubator. " Take Gresham to Svcamore station, walk up concrete road. 2d house on the right. Y-1S-, .Tw: rnai . 1-OR RENT. 'JO acres in good location: large house and bun, spring water. 71, acres in cultivation, some prunes and apples; good road; personal prop erty lor sale: base runs two years W. F. White Co.. Newherg. Or. FOR RENT About 10 acre in Van couver, Wash. 7 room ho-use, bath and city water. Ki;uipied for chick ens Plenty of fruit and pasture. Take Siftcm car Jrt'tn ferrv to car barns and enquire at s!OTPf"r I.ve Rancin i i1T ACHES', stock fvr sale. 2 t miles from F D. 1. Camas, as i. joun ia.ne, Box 131. V.llanTl 421 t. R. 1 CO a' re f.u m, 1 cultivation, 7 stock for sale. near Hlllsboro, ,-tialf in room house, larger Varh. Ki .in 7. Hotel Ilovl. i-"jR RENT 2 acres. house, l.rn, ! some fruit tires, with or without 'cow. 121.", K. Charleston st.. St. Johns. WELL Improved acr age, close in. long lease, quantity of produce gratis. 305 Stock K-xchange. SEVER A L for sale farms for rent, with stock 1037 Cliani of Com. FARMS WAXTKTi RENT OR 1U Y 3K 80 OR 100 acres with improvements. most In cultivation. We have a 5 room modern bungalow, lot 60x100. value $3000. also 20 acres 2 miles from Heaver creek, with modern Improvements. Value $:',000. Wish to exchange. G. S. Smith ft- Co , 432 Chamber of Commerce I RKNTED 7 ranches last week. I can rent yours. Write me full de scription of your place, rent desired, etc. The more fully you write, the sooner I can secure v ou the right rent er. B. J. WHITE, 224 Couch st.. Port land. Or. W A N T to buv 30 to 60 acres. Improve! farm in W'illamette valley, not over SO miles from Portland, terms; would l'ke some steRk; have $200o cash, bal ance on time. Z-675, Journal. WANTED To hear from owner c farm or fruit ranch for sale. O. O. 'Mattson Minneapolis. Minn. ! WANTED To hear direct from owner f of good farm or unimproved land for sale. C. C. Buckingham. Houston. Tex. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS 35 160 acre home'- , steads open for settlement January' 2 Three t nine miles from La Pine. I All are within limits of Pringle Falls! Electric companys irrigation service.' Abundance of wood for fuel and ferc--lng. Considerable marketable yellow , pine: sawmill within 1 to 5 miles. Close to mail routes. All level land, no rocks, productive soil. Fine water within 12 feet Ixcation fee includ ing transportation and surveying, $150 Satisfaction guarantee!. Ajoney can det.osited in bank pending satisfactory conclusion of deal. Act quick. Frank J. Wallace, civil engineer. La Pine, Or. Reference: La Iine State bank. H M ESTEAJ ) RELINQUISHMENT. 32" acre homestead. 25 miles from Bend and R. R.; on proposed R. R. from Rend to Burns and' Silver Iake; good louse- and smnil barn, and 40 acres plowed; all improvements done neces sary for final proof; over 300 acres tillable lard; 1 mile to school, store ard postoffice. Price $800. Will con- i Bider some trade. R W. Pipin. Bend, I I- 1 c 1 I'.ELINQUISHMENT for 160 acres fine land. 125 aores level valley land, bal ance rolling: about SO acres cleared, j ready for cultivation; close to railroad elding and Snake river, on county road; good nouse, wen. cellar; place all fenced. Work on irrigation system to water this land will commence this winter or in, spring. Want $1500; $750 c . , h bnlilnee tran Klr-r mot sell at once. J. D. Wheeler. Nyssa. Or. ka ..u.,i.k, . ai U ..fc..U I CIUIUUJDIUUCIIU f iniiCBf depoC Cabin. Creek, outrange. $120. 1 13 4th st. I FOR SALE FARMS HOMESTEADS (Con tinned) liOMESTEAO relinquishment, near . proposed railroad In Lake county; I erv reasonable, with .fence and good i well. O-!ro0. Journal. TIM HER 28 i SAW timber for sale, about ten million feet; 2 miles from station; good lo 1 cation for mill. 75c per 1000 feet. Own j er, F. L. Tubrandt. Alrlie. Or. i 6,000,000 feet saw timber in Linn Co. for sade by owner; cheap If sold this j month. No trade. Z-852, Journal. ' ,H'":tcrPA.. ESTTE 2 1 sa le" or "tha de! " " t Must go this week, 8 aires, fine bun- galow and buildings. Bplt ndid water j cistern: there is 6 acres in fruit: this i place is good and can be bought this wees at very low price. A Y RES & SMITH. 501 Northwest Bide. Phone Main 7266. WISH PORTLAND RESIDENCE. Owner moving here. wishes to trade highly improved slocked and equipped 3o acres, 60 miles to Portland, ; miles i to good town and mile to small trading! point anil high school, a very choicn place. Inquire 44 Northwestern Bar.k bldg. 70 Acres, $3500 35 miles from Portland; 15 ncres In cul . on R. R.: 3-room house, barn, spring, creek, to exchange for 6 or 6-room bungalow close in 411 Henrv bldg GOOD stock of hardware, doing a good business, near center of Portland, for exchange for good income farm or city property. This must be consum mated quickly; wood reason for ex change. See O. I' Hulse. HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4th and Stark Sts. WE have VANCOUVER. BRITISH CO LUMBIA, business property, apart ment houses.' hotels, etc., to exchange lor WILLAMETTE VALLEY ranches -and mixed farms. Canadian-Ameri an Land Co.. 704-705 Bower bldg., Va.i r ouver. H. C. 6 ACRE COUNTRY HOME up the Columbia, near Capo Horn, 4 acres In cultivation; a neat little 4 room hous6, Miiall barn, chicken house etc. Price $1250; mortgage $650; will trade equity for vacant lots here. Fred W. German Co.. 73 J Cham, of Com. 1020 ACRES, stock ranch R. R. 6 miles from 640 acres Benton Co Wash., for gen- eral merchandise stn.-U w-il ns.m - ' ',.,- x.. ; ',- body; trade tor home; call 215 W. Park st., or phone Main 5531. Union Ave. 50x100. with two stone bldgs. on Union ave.. near Burns-.de to trade for; farm or acreage. No inflated values. Phone Columbia 241. EXCHANGE your property for a dairy farm. We sell you alfalfa land near Kennewlck. furnish you cows on lor.g time and take good city property for down payment. Marshall I'j'jS or Z 265. Journal. ; KAbT OF .MO.NTAVl LLA. I Beautiful 6 acre tract near Ascot; j mortgage $1275. due 2 Vs years; will! exchange for bungalow and assume oqual amounts 1-red . German Co, 1 732 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE, close gross Income $J65 come close to $2oo. down or take clear in fiat property, net monthly ih Will sell at JIl'.'oO. real estate from $5( 00 to $20,000; long time on balance. Marshall 45? I TEN acres, all In cultivation, fine soil. I good improvements, i lose to Portland jand good station on electtic line, and tor exchange for Portland residence. ! SAMUEL DOAK. , 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg : If 0 ACRES. Jefferson ton- ty. $j5on, clear, for house. Store building, hall, with furnished rooms, sn. all rtock mer chandise, country town; want farm or i citv property. Hardy, 401 Rothchild bldg. : ! tlx room house and 2 lots. 1307 Dela i ware ave.. Portland, clear, valu-j , $3000; will exchange fur Los Angeles .or vicinity. See this and make offer. - PRENTICE SHOE CO.. I Kant n. Ana. Cal. ' GCOD 7 room house. 6"0 acres land, ex J change for improved farm, stock of ! m rchandise, furniture or what have you? In or out of town. Woodlawn Its:;.'. P9:i i:. istii n. EXCHANGE $520 equity in modem 5 t room house. 2 lots, fruit. berries, chicken houses and yards, near school and car. Want clear bu or equity or make me offer cash. K-76 1, Journal. 2o acres, near Gladstone, Oregon City electric line, for bouse and lot. , Modern house, and lot. cost $2500, for sale or trade at bargain price. JIol ' brook. 214-215, Panama bidg. : GO acres of land, 2 miles trom Sandy. Or.. 10 acres cleared, water piped t o house and barn, all fenced and clear of Incumbrance, will trade for city resi lience. Call at 2!.ri Davis St. U ACRE NEW-B UNGALOW. ! Ryan Place, cb-ar exchange for Plert ! mont residence and assume some. B. ' S. Cook & Co., Ki'J Stock Exchange bid. : HAVE modern X room house, close in, , nicely furnished; will sell at a bar- l gain or take acreage aa part. Z--bl, Journal. - . HAVE a dandyr$SO('0home In Alameda" Park: mortgage being foreclosed will trade my equity for anv good e you? Y-818. Journal. value. WhathHve : EXCHANGE new tdgh gnede home, j close in; price $6000. Will accept .clear building lots to $4000. Owner, i Tabor 602H. WHAT have you, Kain Francisco vi clnitv. for Portland & room modern, choice district? Tabor 2974 or R-36o, : Journal. ' I 160 ACRES of unimproved land in , Umatilla county, clear, for lot in Ipiedniont, Irvington or Alameda Park. ( -5o;i, Journal. 7 ROOM nouse e.3 7 change for close age. Richmond car mission. Division st. in improved to 27th. No ; ex -acre-com- WILL accept property in exchange for improved farm in good community. Owper, B. Simmonson, route 2, Rlde- field. Wash. 80 ACRES level land, part open, for rooming or apartment house. P-611, ,'nurnal. $5oo0 CASH with a J0o acre water front to trade for merchandise cr ' good apartments. F-S1, Journal. I 10 ACRES unimproved, on carline. close in. Trade for modern home up I to $7000. G-8S5. Journal SMALL valley ranch. improved. I stocked: exchange for Oklahoma or ; Dakota farm. N-33, Journal. TEN room apartment and cash for 20 i - to 30 room rooming nouse; want ' larger place. F-MD, Journal. IF you have any good property 10 trada we will match you. Ayrea Ac 1 Smith. 501 Northwest bldrr. Main 7.6. FINE bungalow. Alberta dist, for un improved acreage close In. Wood- ! lawn 23 2X I bu ACRES valuable timber land and ! several city lots, all clear, to trade ' fo a Portland home. U-H31. Journal. 5 ACRES on Division St.. cleared, for be i city ueuperty. See owner, 2.6 fatarK 1 rt. No agents. No commission. llOESE In laurelhurst for ch'-per house in city or any good town, or , stock of mdse Box 67, Saiem, Or. 74 ACTtKS wheat land near Lexington. , Morrow Co., to exchange for building lot. C-2525. ; ' 4 ROOM house and lot, lluo; tieai, even exchange for 1 or more acres close In. 310 Yeon MarHhaTl 24H Jtio acres, near Monmouth, half cleared. for Portland property. 214 Panama bldg. HAVE 10 acres. million ft. timber. value $S0o. will trade for anything Of equal value. 724 Cham, of Com. GROCERY stock for sale also auto to trad. for house. Sell 2409; Main 5478 or trade; equity In TWO modern houses. 6 to 5 room, clear, trade for farm. 214 I.nama bldg. RM. modern on Peninsular for larm S06 Wi not over $4000 4 RM. new bungalow. Sell wood district. ' Talr In rrt imvment r-.43 - " . - . , , .- -, COTTAGE, close in. vacant lets am pay meat. Main 4964. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Continued) 200 ACRE stock and dairy ranch, Til larhook county, right at store and P. O.. near school and cheese factory lots outrange adjoining place. Just what you want for stock and dairy. Owner will consider good -improved Portland property or might take good acreage if priced right. - 15 acres 8 miles f rum 'Portland P. O. on Cornell road; finest lying land in Washington county, about mile to car lii.e, surrounded by swell ranches. About half of this was cleared up three years ago ready to plow. Bal ance nearly ull slashed and ready to burn. Will take house about 6 rooms and ood locution. 160 acres, Clackamas count v be- twt en Sandy and Boring, unimproved well timbered, fir and cedar. usvnT wants acreage, improved, or house 6 rooms. acres, about 1 miles out of Her mi.ston, all under government ditch. gcod soil. What have you for it'.' Full lot, room house, modern. Kooa locution, and 6 room house and fu'.l lot same vicinity, modern. Will exchange both or either for lands in Willamette valley Chittenden & NeiU 310 oak St. Fine Farm for Exchange j ) aci i.!:.n, on i 1 M- a.-n -ri a'ly for : tni.es od leel in . ii 1 1 '.he -; . . w southwest of Sher coiii.ty roud. aloul aioti and V) a.-rcs ! .w . an ail be c ult i Jt 30 acres; fine creek . fine so..; good build !:s of hay in barn, full ated except h. o." ruinous wale ing.s. .So lo leu t equipmi nt of farm implements and tools; prune orchard of 4 acres and a lew apple and other fn.it trees. Would make an evci'.ent dairy farm. Price $35,000. encumbrance Js750, 6r. Owner will exchange lor income property in Portland and assume. See Mr. Brown. The Shaw-Fear-Company 102 Fourth St. SOUTHERN UHKHoN RANCH. 226 ACRES ADJOIN! NG (UNIMPROVED) LAM ' si !, 1 1 1 in AND 20 ACRE TRACTS) $ I j To $5o . PER ACRE 16 MILES SOUTH .GRANTS PASS, LAM' R 1 L L I N G . NO HOCKS. EASY CLEARED SOIL j FIRST-CLASS (AND No M o 1 ;TG AG E 1 PRICE $35 PER A'hi; 1" YEARS TO 1'AY IF DESIRED.. WII.I. CONSIDER EXCHANGE IN "i NEAR PORTLAND SMALL IMPROVED RANCH - 1 OR HOME. OR MAKE OFFER. WofLD ASSUME OR l'AV SMALL CASH DIFFERENCE ADDRESS I OWNER, f.62 ELM ST. PORTLAND FARM AND CITY PROPERTY TO TRADE. en: r. t building on good str. et in or. leased lor $"00 year.y. a re farm, ail under cu. ti vaf.-.n. 1 some improveutents. rented for $5o-i vearlv, located 2 miles from Spring field. Or. ;.i room house, corner lot 105x160 feet, also 5 other vacant lots, all :ri Eugene, or., total value $40. 000; clear of mortgage. To trade for good Im proved anil eq lipped farm near good Columbia river towrt. GEO. y. MOODY CO., Washongal, Wash. YALLEYL.VNDS FoR WHEAT RANCHES. I DO A. joining Clackamas river, near I Esta'-ada c.e. tr ie line. 40 A. in cull., bal. in fine mill growth timber, fair luildings. very little waste land, cb-ar of ii.cumhriu. : want good wheat ranch and will assume some. Also have 60" acres well located f.:mp land tear Portland, fine soil and water. Ire.- from inciinil. ranee, want a .'oing wheat laii'b. J. B. Ruley Co, , ! 2 Cham, of Commerce. ' R I G H f Hi: H E Is your opportunity; 4o acies. under plow; 5 acres timber, balance pasture; all lies well to farm, running water, good family orchard. 6 room plastered house, barn and plenty of outbuildings; team, 4 cows, chickens, cream separa- , tor. mower, rake, plows, wagon, har ness, feci, :: 1 mile rrom I'm uaiin. near R R i'.'i'Mi, JlP'0, uiv home. D. McChesiuy. Title Trust Mdg. FOP. SALE or exchange, 2S i, ai res 2 miles of Newherg, on county road. 'ill cut 'J.'.oi) cords fir wrcwl. Value J-I...I-, Mortuice $600. Wiil trade equity for modem house, improveo ranch or stoi k a iKi lease riui' .-i i . i b- amount. '. W. llar ;nd ave, Portland, or. assume reasonab vey, 1 4 5 J i'lm-!, J'nohe Wo-id'awi LOST. Black fob and charm with monogram R H. G. Return to cashier's office, Meier & Frank Co. Reward. ALL KINDS OF TRADES. 12 acres fine I -' r. old tres, modem tuiil.lii.K. I2 n.ile city of 6000. for farm. D.o acres. 40 in cultivation. all fen ed; for rooming or apartment house1. 1 H YT, 207 Rothrhlld Bid?. BEST stock and grain farm 111 south ern ( ireifijiu li ripated. 50 head "f dairy e-ows and young stock. 7'. head of hog.s, some t i oroughhn-ds 5 horses. : 75 tons hay. $.'. 30o, every t hit! g ' '." -dete. Take clear Income to $ t !."'.. (Hjirit. C05Abiii-tin bids. ' I HAVE a nice 5 rom bip. galow :n ; a Uvrivir.R Califot-ni.i to-.vt.. WiH trade for nwant Portia: d i"t r lots ,' Will guarantee steady work to right party. A bargain fox souie one- Pnone East SS2, i MoDi:P.N " room ho is.-, , bioi k cat- I line tC'liO .M.l'tV. f""0 Mltg. 3 VP1., . fi'U Hnte.i $1.'...0 a.1! the time Hnte,i $1.'...0 a.1! the time. Iniile for chicken ranch, grocery or conrec tionerv. II Fall man, - 621 56th ave. S E. ' Ints. or. GooD-e,ui ' v around $--"oo in 10 room residence "ii Peninsula with renew able mtg., d J'- 12 months, for a 4o or SO acres with cab.n and creek or smaller house. Might take gjod lots. Y'-1X4. Joirnal. EXCHANGE- 20 acres acres checked for ditched. Three miles a i fai l a land. 1 2 Irrigation and from Modesto. Cal Will trade for Isi.d. city pro-rty part trnde to $3000. n reaci- near Port or take Ford in Y-1S6. Journal. lo'io a' ie stock ranch, crook o., near R. lb; good bldgs, 500 cultivated, 1"0 Irrigated. $30 per acre, want acreage near Portland or homes or both. N. M. Apple, 3 2.': Hfiiry hblg. 6o"iic'ri"fannr - mi Gervais All cul tivated, fully equipped and stocked. Oregon Electric. $ Id. .",.,.;. Tk flat or oth.r income to $"cd or $So(.0. Hunt. 2"5 AUn-ton hblg. EQUITY of J61.0 in 3 room house at St. Johns. Mortgage- isyo. 1-or vacant lot, closer in. or what have you? H. N. '.ifj'lnv. 1 " Jefferson. Mar. 1615 BRING IN vo ir trades, we wi.l try to 1 match them; gooo equiiiei waniej. Will trade airfare Ir,r them, no junK wanted -12 Henry Bldg WANT 1 l.rois property Will exchange r..-vv ::. -' :-n flat h'i'iding. fine lt cntion! ,'.o. k of car. $12,000. 840 E. Aite .y. WASN'T iixidern beach lot near fr-m ocean and room bungalow, have R. It. sta.. ard 1 block hirge Inke to give as purl payment I'-t:i3. Journal. A FINE faria for an apartment house, in a good location. Portland. East 27:'.. W H. Herdman. HotsK and grae, mont station, sjtnall land Z-264. Journal. corner lot, Tre Incumbrance, for t;K' 'i Also lionise. !RY 1 n. oto Sell. nock for mile to trade for 2409. Main 54' or trade, equity in WILL give clejir property for rooming hoiise, grocery store or auto. Phono Tabor .4. WILL trade $666 equity In $fe00 lot on E lst for automobll( cattle or what lave, you? Y-180. Journal. WANT offer on mv ljecutiful lots, 1&, 19. block 18, Waverlelgh Heights. Mtg $V0. M. 2612. 613 Panama bldg. WHAT have you to offer for 273 A. eood land avnd timber. Eastern Ore eon, value tlO.QOO. 1330 E. Taylor. CONFECTIONERY', good stock arm elegant "fixtures, for real property or offers. Woodlawn 2053. , EXCHANGE corner residence In best part of Iryington. what have you. Fast 4725 ; WANT lots or acreage for equity 6 room bouse. 100x1-0. O-604. Jor,l EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24- I Continued) 120 acres, 2 mile west of Laid law. Or.. , 8 miles from Itend: fcO acres culti vated, 3W acreH ungated with a paid, water right frm the government; this 3H ueres Is seedivl to timothy and ( lover, the balance of the cultivated land was in wheat ivnd ryehis season; the unimproved -iO has enough timber for fire vwnd and f.v.ce posts; the soil is rich voltanic i,.sh Ilea almost level with Just enough iope to -Irrigate nicely, ail fenced and cross fenced into fields; all of tie buildings except a small milk house wrto recently burned; there are no other buildings; this la a good stock or dairy i.uu-h; the former owner kept 25 n i!V c s. a larze team. sciu yr.nr g s;o k u-l hogs, he lias raised over l'"i ions of hay to th season on the pia iiv- land produces alfalfa, clover, l : : i i vetch, wheat, oats and rye p.-t it.-. onion, bee's, etc, this land wli produce more and better crops of :n n. c than anv I other land in ti e v.- v.thich Is not Ir- ngatesl. Will tra-..- : -jii.er property i. ear i-orwai'u n i'l'-ci rgr.t. frice $4500. RALPH .M KI.'.Y I.VnpCO. :"( l-'ail.nt: Bl.g. Hue Stock Rauich HOP acres; ;;..u are ALFALFA Ian f as can I pbnty of FREEW.TER About 4iol acres Bi"d ' ane good bun. h crass Timber for fu. ar.! pus acres- now in ali.Vta. .1 a-r-s of a s fine w it W itlon. . bal- and. ind II T ,K la- '. g: t- ccsd outside- range ;.. I f.im. Large new iious.- w M h fine m tei" piped ill . I.e. c i -V " I' Also 15o CATTI.i; I'ART Ul r l ard. I ' "'-j wi--' i'.'. lings. W H1CH ALE FULL P.l.i ii ; .10 IbdifcEF: Vssary firming ii us; pou 1 1 r . a 1 n tools; m! ti through tin h i i: i 1 w a y 1 n miles fr"m ocC. Will i.-i,t feed to in v li e stocg winter. 1 .0 v. 1 1 d .on mirin h 1 in.- 1 eit;hbcV hood onli iy la.lr. u.sid ....1 tow r i-r good s L.J. to a t -'.';. Prb $'0,- f a rill long itiVlfl $.0o .. w est time of on t as- a bal an 1 P, E, Alvord 214 Board of Trade TRADE FOR CITY 4'ROPE 80 acres, 2. -miles S'1? W. ot ' V cn .Vi- City, 30 acres in a high state of vation. liaJniice nl.ishexl of r anil !-,: 1e.i to grain, with a few scattering iree running . watt r through the pasture, land is all the. very best; good house,, barn and outbuildings and dairy house; water is piped to all of tlw buildings from a good spruiK, there are -7 ncilk cows, good large team and all kinds of farm implc-mcn" s, there is n hard surfaced road w.ihm half a mile ,f the property from ipi,-g.,, City, balanos of road is plank tool Prbe for every thing. $16, hud. Wil. take about $10,0'' in Portland citv pr..priv. RALPH ACKI.KY LAND CO., 204 Uaili' , cI q.lg. t- CONTRACTOR "DEAD BROKE." TWO HOUSES AT ALMOST HALV PRICK NEAT COTTGF,S. 6 ROOMS. I'TH, ETC., )N LENORA PLACE, I Mi 1 'NT SCOTT CAR (FOSTER IpoAln. NEAR FTRI.AND. DESIR I Alil.i; oKKINGM AN'S HOME: ; SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE , EASY RENT: oNT.Y $145o FOR iH'il SE HI ILT TO SF.LL AT $2250. ONLY $16.,o 1 OK I C'llNttll ll"l S 5 Pi ILT To SELL AT $275o WOULD CONSIDER i:, PF.R CENT TRADE AT FAIR PR1''E MAKE FFF. R. AI DRESS P.I'RKITT .OWNER). 203 SI l.l.l vc, E. DC, IloME "PICKUP." r.2d NE R EVERETT. 7 ROOMS p,A i'll. LAP.GE 'ORNT.lt LOT: I'oI Si: NEWLY PAINTED, IN G oo D B 1 ' 1 1 '. R I : D V To M o V K IN: VA' I EE cons 1 pi l: good. CLE U IOT OR $100" oH WHAT H V I ; YOU TO ('I-'FEIf PRICE N"W jL'oO (WORTH $?r,0o EASY PAYMENTS IF DE SIRED. ADDRESS E P.fP.RIT'C. OWNER. L'o;i SEEE1N'". 1 1 1. 1 G . Ih 1 R Y l ; AN' 160 acres. 4o cultivated, balance open. easy clearing, unlimited outrange, gooj sjrocvi finldl.; o-m house. l;tre tiftrn. 4:000 0111- s. springs. h'.rsi-, . iresn I cows 4 iM-alers, i newer cmvrs. poui I try. niHchiniry. hay, feci. ' tc. 4 mWfH i from ton ii. 25 nii.es Irom PrfTtland. I Price $r,5"0. Want tl"'1') cash. good .milmrln a'Tfiitf or citv pr-.pcrty v, p 1 to $.,000. llnl. can stano win atmiuits. N El LAN PARK1II EE. 203 Stock Exchange b'.dg 2 4o"AffES" Irrigated land. 2f'i a-res in bay, iilmt'ilam c of water, water paid for. $lon per a. re clear. Ex change for Portland property. 60 acre stock rnnrh, Grant o . Or. to xe-liat.Re for Portland Income prop er! K El. LEI I & DE A I ..2 1 4L i imber Exch. 71, ACRES, 5 room bungalow. good barn, water piped all over the pls w from a eood spr.ng: bath, toilet, fire place. fii.M tie.--. :: itn.es from citv limits on har.lsurf 1. e r....d: $5000. -r will take .1 W'-h improved acre or net- in th.- . ity. A J. Farmer. 407 St'-ck Ex I .C ue . "SToCK 01: WHEAT RANCHES. .r without eq-npment and otc.-k rv. Iii;v- list of Ht class prop- roes', any size many of them personal!-.- i'nsi.'cto J.y u- U. S. MORTGAGE & IN . C1 . .o7 Yeoll Bide. 1225 A. Gilliam Co. $17 l"oo a. res plow land, f. miles from station, free and clear. Take half or more In Portland, balancs long time; or trade lor store I! S. Cook Co.. 602 Stock bm l.anC"J'Mb (14 (i ACRE fatm. Alberta, highly Im proved, all cultivated, close to Citv. for income property in Portland, Se attle Also Improve, 1 farm. Ca!gry district, for farm her- CASCADE N A- R LA DEN, 207 By. Exr hai.ge 16') ACRES'" I VVN C 1 Ll'MBI A hlw-kwl, good dairy pla.ee ITlce $40uo Take louse with 2 lota, price not to exceed $250 c Must be- free and clear Balan-" tune Good chance. JACOB HAAS. Iiekiim bldgJ 100X100 8 roe,m modern house. hot water heat: on Williams ave. Will tra,le eq lity $.',000 for land near Portland. A. J. unimproved Farmer. 407 Stock Excl anK' "( " A I. H co R N I A -O RJON rronerth s of a. I kinds and lie for interchange S'ee or write U. U. S. MOP,Tf',Ai;K Sc INV. CO, 607 Yeon Bldg. TsoO'i WORTTi leautlful lots in Au burn. N. Y'., to trade for Portland or Oregon properties; this properly free of Incumbrance. Owner. Z-t&C. Journal HAVE good property, priced r zht. but want a rooming ho'if- w.11 traoe und give some cash for good place at once. K-767. Journa 1 6 ACRF-H near Jerni incumbrance $12i"': if. Ixile-e. $2600. v ',1 ex hange for u'ne as much or Journal. city pro pert y and more. Owner. K-7 6 ROOM Council view. $4500i w or unijwproved b assume some .st bouse. fln iik lots. -acreage ; part pay; might 0-517. Journal. HAVK bout-,- and iot. vacant lots in Portland, tr , le for 10 or 20 acres. Improved ':i good road, near Portland. Also have rash KX-766. Journal. KIGII ass apartment bouse, cloee a'rar. 1T1. rfea- for house or CAS' A I 'EN & P.EADEN. 20 , By. Exchange. HAVE 10" lots In Astoria will trad for r. ominir houe or what have you. 72 4 Cham of Com. $ 2 000 EQUITY In 80 acre farm 7- miles ?. E. of Sandy, to frade for house or acreage clofe In. Tabor 8029. EXCHANGE $2000 equity In 6 lots on 70th pt.. 3 blks. from Sandy. Owner, 0-733. Journal. SEE JORDAN. BLI -, FOR CHANGES. 301-2 LUMBERMEN'S ALL KINDS OF EX- TRADE 5 rooming Main 7808. ar res. house, near Tillamook, for restaurant or -tore. WILL trade 160 acres. Baker county, value $2400 for good residence or equity. Woodlawn 1271. LOS ANGELES, good large lot $2J0O. Trade, for house and a9iime (L). Dorr E. Keawey & Co.. 272 Stark at. FIVE acres to trade for something of same value, price $600. 724 Cham. of Com. (Co-t--ed O- -Text -")