G - - '-' : ?m ?Iit4int.t elv Silk i Maid. . Skirts cut free, if your ma terial is bought here. Skirts cc - cordioni filiated,. s - . . Portland's largest showing of Give a Kodak for Christmas. Every, style and she;" at Meter, & Frank' sSee them now. Hbsbthe best dollar silk stock', ings in America Over 40 shades. Victroiasau tne recorasan 'ideal Christmas gift. 0.1BARRASSES PEOPLE ' . ... -. r;.! - ' .' i . . s v ' OF GERMANY, IS SAID i Junker Class, Comes in for Much Condemnation Be cause of High Food Prices, SUPPLY CALLED AMPLE Oreea Of ArrtV &M ! Held,e- tponsfbla atathef TbMM Anj Marked Soarelty to OwkwI Supply. . -i , Berlin, Nov. 27. (L N. S.) "The ffavmara trirln In atarra CrraiHT!" Such is the cnr which baa been heard from one end of the empire to the other ttiie . autumn The urmf.fi. Die ana . little, are accused of minting the hun- Wfalle the 'email landowner and the middle class farmer of Bavaria and the eolith come In for their hare of outcry ' i against we aneiocraiic "Junkeri."' These are the taost power Tbtr u t&a ao-cauea asrrarian par- tv. which la aald bv manv to have forbad tha amnaror Into thla war. It! members are proud, tenaclou of their nahta - (which are extensive), ia ln- teneelf ihilllaristle and lmperlallstie, v Jankers Severely Criticized. . ffcaaa vraal landnwnare ara blamed for the great r)e of food prices which baa brouBht about tne two --meaueaa days," the "porklesa days," and two - , "faUena days" In every week, besldea rOtV Ottd 1 Ue 5a ay. gO On th virtual covernmen? monopoUee of rMtnLr nnmutltx. AflV moat or tne necessaries or me. it i i - w . " ' hoped that the new reg-ulatione and thel nfjle J atlUOrV lSt. local maximum prices, of fooda wllll"177 u 77. discomfit the (reedy farmers. There' la no doubt tnat tne icntrnsn blockade has created serious hardships in Germany. Many thing that were not conaidered luxurlea before the war, Much aa coixee, tea. etc., can now oniy be Obtained by the wealthiest classes and even tobacco la beginning to get caree. - The meat prices have become prohibitive for the working; people and butter.' lard and other fata .are even blther than meat I i Minor food rlota have ocftjjgrea in not caused by an actual shortage or vi a-.w. jb. r ra .jm .tarn l '-a s a . .a ;r vo matter gvi fill f l liovo Ynil VU.t) ShopJbariy v iia-k.,."v. ' w--aavr -aw rra ba-A-Meef tJtat-Mta tuord reheats itself over oVer)is tve have gone through the store to gather the news for this first big Christmas afinouncetoenU Preparedness with greater and more comprehensive stocks the beautiful, the novel, the exclusive, In gift merchandise. Imported goods, secured in spite of diffi culties. -.rAndrnpuwith soace to care for Holiday crowds facilities that make pleasant and comfortable shopping pos- j sible under all conditions. . uc r- cliAn.Mrlv hraii5i vou will have full isut we say onup , . stocks and ample time to decide, btart tomorrow m oig announcement is brimming with rift suggestions, news of special savings. and HE Charge, Purchases tomor 'ft ft ea ei, food, but by the greed of the farmera and wholesale and retail aeaiers. . Germany Xa Hot Xunfry. The German nation Is not'threatened by. starvation and could - easily live through the winter and next summer. M If tha road to tha arranarlea on the Bosporus and the cattle and aheep markets of TurKey caa not oeen opened. The executive committee or the so cial democratic party In its recent manifesto emphatically states that the atnmra baa more tnan rooastuns enough and that the high prices are only caused by the usurious methods of the agricultural Interests and the anapitlaf nra That this charge ia well founded Is "orovert bv the fact that pork fell 40 pfennigs a pound as soon as tne rea- ral .minei! ianil ilm naw reflrulAttonS For tne men nncea wmcn are now causing serious dissatisfaction and al most a crisis the government, notwith atandlng its boasted efficiency, is mnra n hlama titan anvthlnar else. In stead of confiscating and distributing all foods in the same manner as grain and flour was treated last winter the agrarians and the speculators have been permitted to nave their own way and to drive the price up higher from weeK to "we elf. VrhT pork la Scarce. The scarcity of pork was originally caused by the government, which a year ago, when it seemed doubtful whether the grain land fodder stocks vaiiM ha sufficient until tha next har- b.lt aAvlejari fh. TflrmAra In kill mORt of their bogs and to salt or smoke the meat This was done, but the authori tUa' Instead of confiscating the meat atirtnlv. narmitteii the agrarians and speculators to corner It and to make millions by creating an arunciai want. .In the same manner jard and DUt tai wara lcDt from the market until they brought four and five times their former prices. thi .rtnloH.Hi' nwananra anil also IKa IIHaral nran. nrotaatail aaaJnal this extortion as eariy aa last winter, dui the government did not see nt to act. as It did not want to offend the ftirliiw whBM nollflea.1 powpf ia probably greater than that of all other parties. fltni. iatirAl )., n In .Tnlv mllllona of hogs have been raised, as , there Is an abundant aupply of pota toes, but still the pork prices kept on rUlntr and the aovernment did hot at tempt to act until It was compelled to .do SO by the threatening attitude of the Socialists, progressives and iiDerais Beet arapply swindle s. . Ttaaf bacama somewhat scarce be cause many of the smaller farmers wera forced to reduce their livestock for lack of fodder. This fact was also used by the aristocratlo and other large landowners to make large extra nrm Thev kaot their cattle until Its Value rose to figures never dreamed nf bafora. The "Muenchener Neueste" Nachrlch ten" recently atated that the large Ba- nrlin firmtri ara enovinsr areater AMMtrltT alnra- tha war bearan than ever, before In the history of the king dom The extra profit made by them by . keeping their hogs, catUe, butter, eggs and milk products from th mar kets ' tin tn they received the highest possible prices are enormous. matlaiir-a nubllshed by the rVOf waerts," the central organ of the so clat democracy, prove that the same methods were used even more ruth lesslv by the agrarians of Prussia, Mecklenburg and most of the other .rates, Everywhere the large farmers reaped a golden harvest, while the working classes suffered and their con dition' became more and more unoear able.- ,' . The government now aeems to real lie that the greed of the agrarlana and speculators has to be checked by dras- tlo measures once for all, and that the confiscation and equal distribution of all fooda at minimum" prices must be resorted to. even If It hurta the mighty Junkers.' ... - , r Applicant to Be Interviewed. No choice of a superintendent of the reorganised municipal free em- ninmant .bureau was reached at a roeeUng of the city dvisory employ mmmltiM ' vesterday afternoon .. .iit: nni-o-a , i Baker, commissioner of public affairs. The committee met applicants for the position and after wards discussed tneir qualifications, a mxHiii was-called for Monday at v J o'clock further to Interview appli cants, i A decision 1s to be reached be popper and grass and BlSVi'" isitPisS ' 7 Immense, new stocks of most fascinating suggestions in Clin lewelrv Silver, gather Coods Our first Christmas in oiir bigger-store one -to be Never have our stocks been so varied, so large, so -beautiful I Mark Cross leather gooas artistic ana aurauic suvcx nwm the world's famous silversmiths jewelry in exquisite designs -at all prices. Hundreds of gift suggestions on every nana. -Here are a few selections made at random: jovely ickerware in the most attractive array for holiday giving! All a - m e at s sorts of unique pieces tnat would just "fit in" with most any rooml In Brass and Cobber There are the most fetching smokinf sets. Brass sets for it liWi ts 12.25. Cel lini, Royal Bronze or copper d lute smokers Ior.4, Wltn mijazine racx u reading lamps it 10. k Coppr salad sets, tray with cruets and china mixinf; dowi, s.5w. orass wun em bossed decorations! umbrella stands at 4.50 to 6; footed jardinieres, 3. SO to 7.00. Wicker pieces in ivory or light blue enamel, with garlands ol roses, rrom iiwie uaci Soc to birdcages at $7 Of 9, with fancy Baaemnrlftt'itt Order gmed E5SS3 jsa .immm,. - - . , a M . "a. ZMX ff f J I sWrT iVlikrWFJA r tk I VW - lu ' 'MkiUt Parcel Post and Express Office -Facilities, for wrapping, weighing and forwardintChristmas packages at the Ac commodation Bureau, Basement Balcony. fnb.tts of this service. $125 Piano Tomorrow $lJ09 this big musical bargain, for young and old. Car- . 11 . tsnofii with KZ A good, wrong, wen- rum Kui ; $3JS0 Game Board $2J89 splendid pastime Dog on Wheels 33c Made of 0od du able materials and i everv wav a likeab nnrln niano for litue folks. 14 keys, mahogany- finish. As illustrated. $1.09 $125 Black Board $1J09 Friiiratinnat black- tnv. Has blanket an! hnarrl. desk stvle. muzzle. Chain lead different games can n q chart. just aS illustrated in box, suitable for gifts. Like Cut. -ruth rioor, Special, 3JC pieces of equipment. 68 Sterling Silverw 're Candlestick as illus lustrated. Silver in plain Colonial design S2.7S. rf II Gold Jewelry Brooch Pin of Solid Gold set with gen uine diamond '-as il lustrated. $5.00. MS handled it. 75. Silver Bon Bon as il- I u s t r ated, bowl shape. Qift uestions prom Qm pookstore! A timely list of books for children and new Ubofcs to while away Winter evenings. J fie IWW ,JUUn rr Gold Circle Broocli as illustrated d a i ntily engraved. 11.75. Silver Sugar Rack as il lustrafed, with handle. Dainty pierced design $3.50. Teaette Set Silver stand . and two tea balls as illusttated 15.00. Bridal Vase as illustrated. Pierced basket with glass holder 13.50. Silver Bad Holder as il lustrated. Slender stand for bud or single flower. 1.75. Dainty Gold Circle) p;n with enamel top as illustrated. 12.00. 'Wh-n Christmas Comes Around." Underwood and Jessie Wilcox Smith,!. 3 5 "Fouf and Twenty Dol lies." Lee and Leonora Pease, li.oo. "V o 1 1 a n d's Mother Gdose." 2.00. "The Cockyolly Bird." Children's Books Wlggly Long Howard Garis. 'Uncle Ears." 1.50. "The Boy Scout Year Book." Wilson, Roosevelt, etc., 1.50: "Our Boyhood Thrills and Other Cartoons." Webster. 1.00. And a thousand more. "My Year of the Great War." Frederick Palmer. l.3o. "Kipling India. Arley Munsen. 1.50. "Women and Things, America's Best Funny Stories." 1.35. "these Twain." Arnold Bennett 1.50. Humphrey Ward. Mrs. 1.35. The Lost Prince." Frances Hodgson Bur nttt, 1.35. "Justice." Cora Harris. 5oc. "Golden - Garden of the Poets." 1.50. Saaemen Balcony. Dearmer. 1.50. And a thousand more. J JYt F T? Give a subscription to some magazine for Xmas. Leave orders atM.Vt.s Gold Scarf Pin as illustrated with eenuine diamond and pearl. 5.00. Scarf Pin of Solid Gold with semi precious stone and pearl. l.oo. Gold Jewelry Solid Gold Uvallire a illustrated N with semi-precious sapphire and pearl in pendant 2.5 o. Solid Gold Lavalliero as illustrat ed; pendant set with eenuine dia mond and pearL 5.00. Solid Gold Cuff Pins plain with beaded edge as illustrated. ; 1.00. Leather Gifts Trave ling Casa as il lustrated complete 1 v . . - n.. J - ? r fo.iu. utners up to 125. - "Mark Cross" Sewing Basket as illustrated brown reed, and leather, rose sat in lined, 15. Ulgiri,Waliham Watches $638 -The lowest price ever quoted in Portland oil these famous watches! Men's 12 and ifr siz& open face watches In 20-year gold-filled case. Here's a dandy gift Suggestion for "Mm s ... UtUI t3.S0 Tourist Tablet as illustrated patent leather fitted with tablet, books, etc., 3.50. Mandarin Lei at her Baga as illustrated. Many ! hap es and mountings at 5 Main Floor, sixtfe treat at a a Orders r AS Hoods" , Samples at svnma-it w -i Tomorrow, for the first of these great Christmas Sales at Meier & Frank's, 312 beautiful hand-em-broitlered samples $1200 worth from the man ufacturers of famous 3U Art Goods. These samples were used in their New York Eacii pitceTs exquisitely hand-made and hand-embroidered no two alike. It's a sale that is bound to throng the Art Goods Store Monday. -ea uor. autn anre- Ev?ry piece bears the original price you pay exactly half. Samples of Hand-Embroidered Underwear; 12 Gowns, corset covers, -combinations and children s gowns, hand embroidered on finest lingerie lawn. $2 to $10, at half. Samples of Scarfs, Centers and Pillows, 1-2 Every piece will make a beautiful gift! All the new shapes in pillows ovals, bolster shaje, etc., richly em broidered and satin trimmed. White and colors $5 to $11.50, at half. ' . co 1R Hand embroidered table runners from $9 to $1518, 25 and 36-inch hand-embroidercd centerpieces, white, and colors, $2.50 to $15 luncheon sets, towels, dresser sacques at half. s Hand-Embroidered Baby Things at 1-2 Bibs, bonnets, infants' and children's dresses pillows, carriage robes, all hand-embroidered and , tfirnmed with laces. and ribbons. . ;- if I ir - Prices from bibs at $2 to dresses at $7 all half. G liiiiil 800 Men's M Lounging Rob chase at Abdi It's a sale that'll be 1 Mondav! Ernest Simons Mfe Orrs .C Cir t na US OUU Ul UlCdC in They are made hlnnket materials tern Indian design in light, medium p robe is handsomely "cord and tassel. Never has such a purchas rnhshlv not in all the count Three big ,Morrison-street - Sunday. At tiiege phenomenal pr morrow night No phone. $4 Men's New Bathrobes, tit i ftirht when you want them for gifts soft, warm, velour-finish bath robe blankets, completely made up with cord belt and tassel. - J-Not a robe in the lot that could be duplicated regularly under 4. Monday, Meier & jwsz, ruu bu $1.98 r i fuM. rt a -mS CI I ncr ajjtxa.t a w ITftlaiSbdK :(,' ... fore Wednesday.-: IsaSBBBSBBBasBBBBBSsaiBSasBasasBSBBaBSBBssBa : ., - - - . - - v- - -. - . " 9 .- ' ' - ' . , - ' ' ' ' , j s ' ' - ' -