The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 28, 1915, Page 46, Image 46

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ost HIDEOUS ENEMIES, Often Invisible, Literally Seek to
Him How Science May Conquer Them
To the right St rp to.
coccUl, wWeh attackl
soldiers waund.
Below Bacilli 6f cholera.
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carrier of
Germ which causes diphtheria
SINCE man found be mUst struggle for
existence ha hat realised that to eoo
tlnus the struggle be mutt prove him
Kelt tha tuperior of his eoamlea that tha
trufgla ! a "uWlvel of tha fitteat."
From tha time man began to drlta tha Wild
animals from tha earth ha haft fought
tha enemiea that sought to attack and de
vour blm.
Man has conquered his vlalbla animal
enemies, but now find a that he has almoat
overlooked his greatest enemy tha vast
army of small animals And vegetable
growths which seek literally to get within
hi boyr and devour him.
v The4e ihetnlet Ira ill parailtei that la
to say, creatures that do not earn their
own llrlng- but live off others.
Deri Name) From Shape).
The parasites are dlttded Into several
groups. On or these gfotipi Is called bac
terid, which means tods, because their
Khiitis la that of a rod. Atanjr of the bae
teiiH which most closely resemble tha rod
in shnpo nre called bacilli, and bacteria of
a riiind slinpe nre called cocci.
The most deadly enemy Is the tubercle
bacilli. A tubercle is simply a little lump
found on that pnrt of the body attacked by
the bacilli. When these bacilli obtain a
foothold In the body the victim suffers
from tuberculosis. Thla bacillus is very
common and attacks fish, reptiles, birds,
beasts and men. "
It usually gains entrance to the body
in the food, often hiding away in milk or
meat. It la uaunlly killed when meat Is
well cooked or the milk boiled. If the
human system is in good condition the
bacilli often meets an early death when
flooded by that precious acid, hydrochloric
acid, which the stomach secretes.
Many of the bacilli, or germs, as they
are often called, can only attack man
when they find a place on the body where
the outer thick Rkin has been torn apart.
Some of the most painful of sores and In-
Sunken Tanks
THE recent launching
of submarine! de
signed to permit a
great cruising radius
brought naval experts
face to face with a new
problem a system of
supply stations which
would promote the sub
marine from the class
of auxiliaries to that of
The battleship can
carry supplies and coal
or oil sufficient for many
weeks and also has tha
advsntaglof the colliers
and supply ships which
are a part -of every
But the submarine
of the future will be
designed to act alone, a solitary ranger In
the course of commerce, quite able to es-
Astrology Says
DECEMBER will be a month of ex
ecutive accomplishment, business ac
tivity and violent action la all line
uve In the domestic life, Sagittarius, gov
irnlng the beginning of the month, will
dominate. Causing great movements of am
bitious men. Tha Domain of lira will rule,
central. VWcVl 0 j mmS .
Th attUtor if AuiKorl ft
flttttimatious soma from the itreptococcus,
which how U well conttoUed by eelitiee,
but whkh attack! wejundi aud li always a
hard germ to kill' '
Though tha tubercle baclllul eanNi
more deathe than ahjf otbef otlf Hml6it
tt la the little protkaooa which, entering
the blood, create tha most lllneia. Tha
disease It causes has many names, Ihclud
Ing tertian fever, ague and ftalaMa. It if
usually known by the last name, which in .
the Italian language means "bad air." It
Is thought this name was ven because
the germ is found In low countries wnere
the air is often humid and depressing.
Germ Carried by Mosquito.
The animal parasite, by eating up the
red cells of the blood, causes the patient
to become weak and pale. For years this
disease was fought with quinine, the' only
known drug which will of Itself kill a
It has been found that the germ is
always carried by the female anopheles,
a mosquito, who bites at night and leares
the germ in her rictim's body.
The bbst way to drive the anopheles
from the earth is to drain all low ground
where It breeds and exterminate Its off
spring. This has been done In Panama
and Suez and made possible the construc-
as Storehouses
Submarine raising supply tank.
cape should it meet with a superior enemy.
Supply boats with, ammunition, oil.
Stars May Aid You Next Month
offsetting the Influence of the moon In
Virgo and Libra, which make's vain efforts
to produce quietude and repose.
It win he a good month to which to
undertake enterprises of financial impor
tance. The House of Jupiter win make
the period one of greatest momSht to
irpnwo, pneumonia. I. .AiJUm.
Canaa of
curse of Asia plague
tlon of the canals. Yellow Jack or yellow
fever, bo named from the wretched color
of Its victims, has been driven out by this
method, since it Is carried by the ste-'
gomyla, a species of mosquito.
Typhoid fever Is a disease that kills
many people every year, bat sends hosts to
death In war times. It Is due to a bacillus
that leaves man's body and gets into water
which other people drink.
This danger can be guarded against by
watching the water supply, but it Is found
for Submarines
extra parts, etc., have been designed to ac
company submarines, but it is pointed out
that they, being visible, attract attention to
the presence of the underwater fighters and
tcre also very liable to seizure. 1
The .latest plans call for submerged oil
and supply tanks to be sunk in inlets, where
they may be securely anchored safe from
the ravages of a storm. It Is claimed that
these tanks may be sunk in the waters of
an enemy in times of peace and that their
contents will be as useful years later as if.
stored on land.
The tanks are constructed with large
air chambers which are emptied when the
container is sunk. In time of war a sub
marine, desiring a fresh supply , of fuel,
anchors near the submerged tank and sends
down a diver, who attaches an air hose to
the empty tanks.
A half hours pumping of air into tha
tanks and the container rises. to the sur
face and supplies are taken from it If the
rulers, kings and all men in high executive
position. Vlgot and violence will center
around the seats of the mighty. Strong
passions and emotions will sweep over the
whole world, hut leaders of men will be
atom and unmoved, since the serenity of
mind held by Jupiter will not be unseated
by tha bodily hysteria of Sagittarius.
: f
Tha scourge of Serbia the
typhus louse.
that the filth fly also spreads the bacillus
which breeds typhoid, and this has given
rise to the "awat-the-fly" campaign.
The most deadly of acute diseases that
Wee Animal Delights in Fighting Huge Snakes
PERHAPS the greatest tracker in the
animal world Is the mongoose or
ichneumon, the latter name being de
rived from the Greek and meaning "tracker
While he moves and acts like a weasel,
the parallel goes no further, however, for
he seems to have a strong strain of the
hyena and he is wild, brave and fierce.
He is found largely in Africa and India,
especially in the latter country. There he
has achieved fame for his daring lu at
tacking and killing snakes. The cobra and
many other deadly serpents may make
human life wearisome In v India, but the
mongoose is the master of the snake tribe.
A battle between the two is fair, for
each desires to eat the other. The snake
seeks to bite with his fangs, poison and
eat his victim at leisure. The mongoose
baa only his teeth as a weapon, but he is
blessed with a greater alertness and speed
than the snake.
"When the snake seeks to dart out his
head and "strike" with his fangs the little
mongoose deftly: leaps aside, and then, al
most in the same movement, launches him'
self upon the reptile and if his aim is good,
as it usually is. he crushes the snake's skull
in his Jaws. lit is said that the fearless
ness of the mongoose la one of his beat
Ths mongoose and the dormouse are
two of the things the venom of the Cobra
cannot easily kilL The mongoose even
after being bitten will eat 'the serpent's
head, poison gUytds and alL
The mongoose is right where he las he
may be misplaced. That is what we found
in Jamaica. Great rats, monsters which
might have broken away from the Pled
fiper'a charm, were eating np all the
sugar cane, ruining the planters, Imperiling
tha fortunes of tha Islands. After ether
" JS X
Skitch abtrwi tfct tarrttr of piafia
t flea that live on rata or hurnahs.
attack trewl4 freobla la paaumonta, er
Inflammation ei tha lung. It this case
ths baelM il ibowb la tbt poeutnocowua.
tt aaarna to lite, without doing arty harm,
la the mouth! of mittjf peapta. But whan
thela picpla catch Mid. and iBpeeiattr tf
they drlfll alcohol, their hatural Aafanaas
aa waikaned and tha pttstimocoecua patta
tratea lata Ihs lnnga and, rapidly breadlog.
aooh kill.
Bacillus Chokes Children. ,
The diphtheria bacillus is a common
enemy to children, Whom It cruel); kill!
by choking them or sometimes by poison
ing the muscle eells of their hearts. Tola
disease has been fought with some success
by Introducing a toxin, or group of enemy
baccilll, into the Infected person's system.
They kill off the- diphtheria bacillus and
are In turn killed by the human body.
For ages a terrible fever known by
many names has raged In many places
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Mongoose attacking
experiments had been tried, mongooses
were introduced. Tbers followed a terrible
time for the rats. In three years not a rat
was left In the island.
Were YOU Bprn in December?
IF TOU are wondering why men, who
are born In December are fearless and
determined and women who own the
twelfth month- for nativity are botb pas
sionate and chaste, cease wondering
Astrology has the answer.
It is a great month to be born In De
cember. The men are executives of busi
ness an4 of enterprise, the women are ex
ecutrix of the home. The men ate free
.fx- .i1'.
Terrible tsetse fly that carries the author
of sleeping sickness.
of the earth, especially in slums and Insani
tary surroundings.. This fever Is known as
typhus. Many people believe it to be the
same disease as typhoid, but It Is entirely
It is estimated that typhus has killed
more than 100,000 people In Serbia this
year vastly more than those killed by
the guns of the Austrian.
To date there Is no remedy for typhus,
nor is there preventive medicine as in the
cases of typhoid and plague. Nor is tbers
a curative drug, as In the case of malaria,
nor injections of vaccine, as in diphtheria
or tetanus, often called lockjaw. The en
emy has never been seen, according to
authorities Is probably too small to be
seen. But the transport of the baclllua
has been discovered.
As in the case of bubonic plague, this
transport Is a louse. The typhus louse Is
a vile little Insect that lives upon the
human skin and In the underclothing of
anyone It can. In itself It Is only a nui
sance, causing Itching and scratching. But
often It carries the unseen parasite of the
typhus fever which gains an entrance to
the human body by leaving the louse.
The scourge can be driven out only by
driving out the lice from a country or
Sleeping Sickness Rarely Cured.
A queer, tiny animal, called the try
panosome, gets Into the blood and causes
sleeping Hlckness, an almost Incurable dis
ease. Scientists found that this animal
wss transported by a fly called the tsetse
All knowledge of the germ world dates
from the remarkable discoveries of a
Frenchman named Louis Paiteur, who will
always be honored as one of the foremost
scientists of history, for It was be Who
evolved and proved as a law the theory
that germs are the greatest living dangers
man must overcome In his fight for silst
ence. 1
the deadly cobra.
But In India the mongoose la precious
almoat beyond price. There poisonous
snakes kill every year over 20,000 of oar
fellow men.
and easy of address, open of heart, honor
able and decisive. The women are deeply
religious, noble of purpose and devoted to
their families. As mothers they are deeply
affectionate, but more Just and given to
adoration of abstract Justice than are
women of other signs. They "are ready to
send their eons into battle Xot their coutt
trias Is times of war, even though it means
heartbreak and death for all concerned,