'i l '.' s OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY; NOVEMBER" 23. 1915. Holsum Cake 5 Kinds, 15c Each Holsum Cake In a Big Sanitary Box 5 Kinds, 1 5c Each TURKEYS LOWER Tamhiirs" Thanksgiving Specials All Day Tomorrow OPEN TOMORROW NIGHT CLOSED THURSDAY I f J Tons of Turkeys for Everybody Careful! Don't pay high prices for your Turkey. Trade at the STATE MARKET our usual LOW PRICES will prevail. BE HERE TOMORROW AND SAVE! GEESE HENS Nice Fat Geese Fine, Fancy, Milk-Fed Hens 12k to 15c lb. 1 Se llbo Suckling Pigs Small and Juicy Oclbo DON'T BUY YOUR TURKEYS UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES STATE MARKET "Where Quality Reigns Supreme and the Price Is Always Low" CORNER FIRST AND SALMON 1 1 : A-V Jf w I STALLS 22 AND 24 Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens Freshly dressed, with prices away down LOOK US UP 20th Century Grocery The regular WtdtnMU S. aV. W Coupon will be redeemed by th. .oUi Ceuturv loffae Koaster on fciiiKlo puurnl pun -liases i'f t'oflc or Tea. 16 lb. Cane Sugar XI III) 17 lbs. fine Granulated Siib.hi- Si. 66 lauie naming mj:. .l ut l . Hi., lh.. Kxtra HVrcy Filbert nt 1 So it.. : for... No. 1 t'nlifornU Soft Khfil Walnutx. all CrOWth, as l'iim as any in the I'll. J ' i lbs. for Paper Shell Almonds, 'jo,- , . lbs for. 40c Oofffte, hot out f the rodHiur SOo ( orroe, itj. EnfUeli. BrnkfHt Tea. Ren MV. aprrlai! l.ok for th ii Honwtfr flora ciwtuby oorrss koaitsb Main ?-!. 18? if To Hi . in it? ETALL- 3LAJH 6353. Fr deliver t'l.ine to Ut for Udrguine In Nuts. Ruitiins t 'u riant s, Suuts. tilivr frea ana guarantee salisfact ion. 9TAIX 17 Vnncj Oanbeirtoa, 3 lb 2S BTAU, 1 rreh Hm kf a4a Minn Meat, la.. We; 2 kt fw Good Butter, roll 60 STALL I Larae buaca of CVIery with frh IK urehM Wadncada,.. ra!f Urge Banana., doien 16. STALL 7 Let urn fill jour order fur 1tiijtTtnf foultry. LISLX'S Gaaay Kitobao-JVaant at4 I'wtM- at Brittle, lb ISo hpeclal boxea for ThanksgiriDg. STALL IS Large SOc bottle Queen UUTea 3&o BTAU. S3 Quality aud quantity ftrat and al TILLST MEAT CO. STALL 30 (Douglaa Market) For a good Thanksgiving dinner, see lis. You know our quality and our prices are always right. STALL 15 fancy Home-Made Mincemeat, two pounds 1 for 35c STALL 26 Special fine lot Plum Pudding and Hruit Cakes. STALL 1 1 " Eat fresh "Oregon Rose" Butter for your Thanksgiving dinner, per roll 75c Only en 3- & H. Coupon Redeemed with oach Turkey. Thi markat will be open until 9 P. M. Weliday Cloaed All Day Thuraday Refular Saturday Bargain in avcrytking gaod to eat again Chi wk. We fully appreciate your patronage. Cornel Coupon good for 10 "S. & H." Stunpa free published elsewhere in today's paper. Use It! 5 QUABTE BXOOX Cor. Second and Yamhill rv Sts. 15c Cream Brick Cheese, lb. 20c Tilliraook Full Cream Cheese. 2 lbs. 35c Oregon Cream Cheese, lb Swiss Cheese, id. 2&c rancv Butter. 2 lbs. Krir swfdisu nn ir atfbfm tit Y.k;n i Headquarters for Chaei and th Raiaiti Ry Bread 9 A Feast of Turkeys CHOICEST OF THE CHOICEST Squabs, Guinea Fowl, Ducks, Geese, Broilers, Spring Chickens, Wild Geese, Brook Trout, Scallons, Sole, Sand . Dabs, Smelt, Tom Cod, Fresh Sardines, Rock Cod, Salmon Halibut, Oysters, Lob sters, Eastern White Fish, Shad, Frog Legs. FRUITS and VEGETABLES of ALL KINDS Green's Markets 251 MORRISON ST., BET. 2D AND 3D Bay City Fish & Poultry Market, Cor. Fourth and Yamhill (In the Bay City Market) AT THE COLUMBIA FISHCO. In the New Jones Market, Cor. 4th and Alder Here yoti will find the larg est assortment of highest .quality selected stock of 'i OREGON FRESH-KILLED TURKEYS ' See Our Display and Remember We Have. Selected Stock. Only Columbia Fish Co. In the JONES MARKET, Cor. 4th and Alder Fancy Select Stock No better Turkeys raised in the United States Place your orders now .for our famous CORN-FED TURKEYS for Thanksgiving, killed and dressed on farm. We Deliver Anywhere C. BURNS CO. Both Phones 208-210 Thircl St., Bet. Taylor and Salmon For Thanksgiving JUMBO SOFT-SHELL WALNUTS PAPER-SHELL ALMONDS OREGON FILBERTS All at 20c Pound 3 pkgs. Raisins. .25c All cans Spice. . . .5c 2 pkgs. Currants. 25c Strong Ext. 2 for 25c New Lthnon Peel . 20c '4 lbs. Head Rice . 25c New Orange Peel 20c New Citron Peel Campfire Coffee, pound 35c Java Coffee Co. Washington Market, First and Washington roceries, Ifeats Paul ry At Remarkably Low Prices. Ladies, Read This Special Announce- men i rrora oawyer s maricet riace. We have bought the Grocery Department and are now operating the entire business under one man agement. We are out of the high-rent district off the beaten path therefore wjll sell Meats, Poultry and Groceries at such Low Prices that it will' make it worth your while to trade at SAWYER'S MARKET PLACE. Delivery Everywhere A telephone message will bring us to your door Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens and Suck ling Pigs at Our Usual Low Prices Only five blocks from Tenth and Washington streets. Come dewn tomorrow. Ev erything clean, sanitary and fresh. All meats, poultry, etc, kept under absolutely THE BEST refrigeration. CIDE Made without the use of chemicals the year around, and made in plain view of the public. Sold in any quantity and at all aes. Also the only Pineapple Cider ' made in the Lnited btates. Our goods have been on the market more than one year, and when we say our Cider is pure, we mean it. You can buy direct from the press if you choose. Come and see us make Cider -you will like it. Willamette Cider and Vinegar Co. 247 Yamhill St., Bet. 2d and 3d Sts. Public Market Sawyer's Market Place a 4 m ! I Phones A-1543 Broadway 3945 Phonal Ua Your Order Wa WUI Deliver Promptly 41 3.11 C PitAtutli Ca. Corner Tenth j All axa atop In front of our mar ket, corner 1st and Yamhill. Why carry your fish bundles around? Buy at Constan tine's Fish Market in the Yamhill Market Annex. Cor. 1st and YamhilL Chickens 16c lb. Turkeya. Duoka. Geeea at equally low prices. raux srzeux Columbia River Tounf Salmon for your Thankssrivlng Din- C ner, lb 0G Oregon Ranch Every Kgg. guaranteed. eastern oysters. Olympia Oysters. per dos. EGGS 35c . qt 65 A Thanksgiving Opportunity To each person making a pur chase in our store Wednesday, we will sell a 3 5-piece Dinner Set for 52.00. Come early, as we are only going to sell 100 of these sets. Green Trading Stamps will be given with each purchase. Martin Marks n j Coffee Co. I i c lb. AND UP (&82SC lSS AND UP to life (assmi fiSkfes 252 THIRD ST. Naar Madiaon . Pt. 30i or gallon llt01tllIWlglll imported OUvea, pt 5Q$ 1