:--:As- : ' ' -'w 1 10 FOR SALE HOUSES ei (Continued) "PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMES are .. occupied by contented owners. LAU- OAINS ARE It A RE. Even the recent 'depression forced few on the market. Here Is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 1 am ' leaving Portland and will sell my 7 "room bungalow before Nov. 26th. , ' Hardwood floora. white enamel wood- 'work fireplace, artistic fixtures. Inlaid ' linoleum In kitchen. Fox furtiace with "heating coll, and tank, Huud heater, .convenient In every detail. 2bIocH from carllne. Alnsworth school, P. llts. club, grocery, meat rnarKi t, pharmacy;! cleaning and press ing hup. 1c minute from Kth and Washington. D iuitlfiil VIEW of mountains and rity. lev i ' YAKD, trees and jsnrun- bery. Until Nov. 415. I Oth. Owner, Marshall MONEY TALKS I s.iid, takes this nic little 3 (uti.ii.f-, 5uxlOo lot, 1 block W ood , ;,i Lot alone worth the price; sii.'rHi- ! to i also money, Phone Cash. r tn 1.1 wn nic st ii-lt. 1 M I ST BE SOLD. For alc at a price t hi! I will be a. real .sacrifice. Somebody is going to i get a bin bargain. The house Is modern. IPiilt about a year and ai liaif. hive rooms down stairs. Room for 2 small rooms upstairs. Modern, in every way, Including b-.'iutlrul fire- place. A pi cttv place and near thd j car. Come, look it over; make mn an offer- it must go, )wner. 4210 i;:!d st $ 1 'J 7 a LAST C 1 1 A N C. E $ 1 9 i a . j27:.o for i !;:.. GRAM) NEW I i El liiuX'f BUNGA LOW. Must Hell; come and see my beauti ful modern, .". room home, ".0x100 lot, 1 block to car, oak floors, fireplace, ce . ment basement, attic, every tiling ; term. OWNER. 1 :: J I Grand Ave. N. Woodlawi. cur to liolman St. NICE lit 'NGALoW. 5 rooms and large atti '. modern. EOxlOo lot nl e lawn, lull cement base ment, ti blks. north of if'M College, i! blks. to car. Price, cut to Jl'.too. 1-usy tbrms. See Mr. Seacbrct, at - HAUTM AN THOMPSON Uli nnil Stark. HTKH I l.V modern, higri grade res- I idence, hardwood tloors. etc. I-.asl i Ifariisoii St.. near 40th. corner lot. ooth i tttieets paved, mortgage 52401), ruiuuri,: ttiree years, propertv worth $5000; will take $I3"0 for equity; accept lot as part payment. Goddard V- Wiedrick, 243 Stalk st. t HOME FOB. SALE. My house, improvements and lot cost $4300. Complete furnish i tigs, furniture, etc., about Sir.00. Every thing goes for $ 1500. This is a gen uine bargain, l'liuno any time. Wuod- 1 tt w n 1 ti I ." . WILL sell niy magnificent new South ern Colonial home, on quarter block, Olmsted l .uk Just completed. Seven looms finished, ttiree others inav tie finished. lias two baths. A splendid buy. See owner on place.. D41 liuak ley nvenue, or phono Woodl. 34Ct. lit) vTil WAN T A llilMi: I'tiK KENT JIO.NKV; l; WILL lU'll.l) )N "VOt'H LOT Oh oNi: WW WILL Kt.K NISM tN EASY MONTHLY BAY .MENTS. lii;si(;i:i) TO SI IT. The Oregon Home Builders, lo3o N. V. Hank bldg 6 KooM ihoroui;hly modern house, Hawthorne dlstri -t, west of 34th St.; fireplace, furnace, cove ceiling, paneled dining loom, excellent plumbing, fino lieighooi hood. The biggest snap In town at $2iMH). Baymeiits like rent. He ' I wood I a :; '.; Kl isK '-'IT Y' I'AHK Cnly a few feet north from Rose City car on 64 th st , a dear little 5 room bun galow, costing over $;il0o; will sairl lice for J2&UM and mak terms. Mrs. Kuasell, Mam 20b, evenuiiia Tabor 254 5. ' ' J25 TioWN, "$ 10 MONTHLY. Neut little 4 room plastered cottage, close to car, in Lents. This property Js owned by a non-resldi iit widow lady and she offers same at the remarkably low price of $77.'i. Kred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of I ommerce. YHBI cheapest a loom bungalow you ever heard of. Furnace, llreplaee. Cine 'View, on best car line, f.-tth near East j.lncoln. $2)00. $',00 down, no monthly payments. Owners, -oi, Journa i . monthly payments. , Tho 4 best bargains la Rose City Park, Jfcaoo, $:8oo. 3200 and $4250. See RiaJty Dept., HAJtTMAN &- THOMPSON , (4th and Stark.) BACR1KRTE SALE, owner going eaJit; If you litive $3200 cash, don't fall to See this node.rn 7-rojm house, in tb3 Hawthorne eectlon; all city improve ments in mid paid Main 43XS HERE'S heaTty. COMFORT. SACRIFICE. 6 rooms, Flipping porch, full lot, one Vilock to car; furnace, fireplace. nk Oooi s; $JQ0() ; terms. Talsir 2 5J '. FIVE room bungalow, sleeping porch, fireplace iini furnace, at sacrifice, ei.sy terms. ',2 block from car. Tubor I OK SALE LOTS 10 lUOxlOO, $100, ca uh or terms, no htren t improvements, jio iiwumbrn lue, lies high, south front, 3 blocks from Wood more school, 1)00 i!t. from station, good residence district. Phouo owner, Seil w ood 2411. HOSE CITY PAUlt $5U0 cash. OOxlUO Just off Sandy, sidewalks and curbs paid. 2 years ago this bit would have gold for $aoo. tuick action necessary Must sell. Call 70 E. Clth N., or C 672, Journal. WEST SFj E SNAP. 100x100 corner 20th ami Quimby; street linproi emeiit 6 paid. Price $8000, ei.sy terms. A treniendous "sacrifice. fiOlT)ARI & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. ALSO a fioxioo lot on west side, close in, with good -old building rented for 520 per mouth. The. best buy in town at the low price of $ 600u. terms. Ay res &- Smith. Fini N. W. Mdg. Main 72G). fe'OR SALE or trade, lot 24, block 3, Gearhry t Park; lot 10 and 2 feet off north side lot !, block 9, I'niverslty mUdUloii to Eiigenft. Box 37, Oregon C'Uv. Or. TWO 25 foot lots, 76th. st.. Kose City Park. $250 cash. Sidewalks and curbs in and paid for. Must sell this week. No agents. Call Sunday at 702 K 64th S., or C-571. Journal. LOT for sale, cor., 50x100, cost $1050. Sell for $;00. Must be sold this month. 51 N. 6th S. Bdway. 2005 between it and 1. WILL sacrifice 4 lots 50x1 IN ft., for $200 each. In good district; gas, electric- light, water in street. Phone C-322S. SNAP If taken at once, corner lot ..'" Westmoreland; $200. t-S A IKirr ..Kvsey t Co., 2d floor Chamber I'ommcrift . k von SALE or trade Lot 1. block 55. liurelhurst. corner, beautifully -lo cated, Desirable home site at bargain figure. X-277. Journal. A GIFT. 75x100 on good carline. 56th 8t.. 2 blks. from car; street improved. J.'OO cash takes It. Owner. J-972. Journal. WANT $50 cash for my equity of $300 for lot adjoining Eastmoreliind. Bal tnee $8 monthly without Interest. Ad dress C-S73. Journal. - FOR SALE 50x100. 1 block to M. S. car; nice shade trees; only $375. v. r-713. Journal. JLJEOCK, 200x200. 2 blocks O.-W. R. v N., 4 blks. to car; $3500, 4 ,-asli. Apply 717 Prirvceton ft. JiIY equity of $250 a lot in 2 or 4 lots In Medford. Or. Will sell or trade. v Marshall 1294. ' ' &NAP In fine building lot near Ankeny carbarns. 60x100, paved street. Only Ht'OO. S40 East Ankeny. '.iP.VlNQTON clTolce 65x100, $1325, including improvements; owner, a- 84, Journal. SNAP. .. Tor Sale Lot 60x100, 4 room cot- Tftge. wua ts. istn at. n. EXCRELHURST lot, $1000; every- thing paid; owner.- E-755, Journal. J475 Piedmont . cor., Grand and Kol - Owner, fiU. Ji. man. Worm 1000. 16 GREAT bargain In suburban bome sltes with wonderful view of river and mountains, in fact, the finest I have ever been able to offer. To be !? v n ,f 1oui's .of 6 to 15 lo,s cit' ?Lre)-K Prl,ce,d, ?400 to I'er r 100, has Bull Kun water, fine roads and finest native trees. Use Oswego red cam. These are the cream of the view homesites and few in existence. .See mo after 10 a. m. at 707 Selling ''dir. p. H. Van Nice AM sacrificing 3 lots in Woodlawn. loO feet front by 125 feet deep, 15 foot alley, for $333 1-3 each, or 11000 for the 3 lota. Owner paid $1500. IhereH a mortgage of 1400, 2 years, . per cent, for $000. Will make deed for all. ( B. N.) Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2-s2 ' liarn. of Coin, bldg. WILL well you best semi-view lot in Alameda Bark, the must 'ajiidly de veloping section of Bortland For one th;rd less actual worth. Magnificent n v. homes going up all around it Cash or part cash. Write me K-726, Jour- Builder's Bargain, r.OxlOo corner lot. car. graded fctrcets, newer all in. Cost equity tV.f Jrir.O cash 3 blocks sidewalks from and j:'0; my $544 G-64; Journal. W E HAV E one of the best lots ill IaurHhiirst m an exceptional bar gain t tir cash. TJ1E .MA l,(i.'K o HFTCIIINS CO., 30(1 Spalding Bldg. Main 7.":2. ROSE st. CITY Price BABE $4 90 snap, Tabor ijaxl '10, 3843. tiOth ACKEAGK 10 Acres. $1650 2 '4 smith Some miles S. E. of Lents Junction, ol Alt. Scott Park ceineterv. timber which will heln tiav for tearing 10 acres near this with 8 cultivation, good fences 3 $250. This Place would he li'Ti-s In sides, for .i p-.uuo ouv lor lii)U() liolf this nr a -d don t reproach yourself several ars from now that vou let such a sriap gel by you. $..un ensh. No trade J. G. I1AINEY. :ui Venn hldg Marshall ri!77. 6 AGUES. ,..,u. $10 down and $5 a month buvs 5 logged off land, between Port land and Central :a. on main line of 3 ia'.lroads. IV; miles from town of 800 population, .sawmills, shingle mills and oilier industries. Some of these tracts arc nearly cleared and have a spriner I oi running stream on them; prire $50 per acre. Many tiacts of different siies in cnoose iruni. lioou soli, lies well, fine lo"at:on, perfect title. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 3 1 S Railway Exchange. Fours' THE COLl'.MBIA. 10 acres or more of fine level rrountl, L-ood soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to school; this ground will grow anything that can ' grown in this climate; good mar I ets and shipping facilities. Price ?3o oer acre; per acre down; will five terms o:i balance that anv indus trious man can meet. No Interest. '. L. I loin h i.V. t. ATSKA.MK. OR. SALMON C it KK 1 H (J M E. 1 a acres on Main st.. herd surfaced mi. from Vancouver terry; Salmon i reel; runs thru; '-' in cultivation; new I oiim and h.nn; fine alder grove; ideal summer home or would make dairy ranch. Owm r says sell (uick at $200". only $.'"o cash. bal. 3 rs. with annual interest. j i "HI ' A RJ W I K FRIJ'K, 243 Stark. 1 r, ACRES on paved road, ti miles from Vancouver terry. half cultivated, good buildings; on Salmon creek, splen did fishing; will make line picnic re sort; buy this for your future country liutne; owner says can rent for $150 per ear; $.iOu will handle; price reduced I i $2000. an unusual bargain. God dard Ai Wiedrick. 243 Stark St. COLl'.MBIA HIGHWAY. Some splendid bargains in a' res, half ncres and lots In beautiful Rarkrose (adjoining city limits), all modern con veniences. Monthly Installments if da sired. See Realty Dept. of II.YRTM A N V.- THOMPSON ( 4 th and Stai k ) 5 Acres East of Parkrose Paved road, near electric station, fine view mountains and river, good v liter, beautiful grove ot native trees. Price $20110. S. P. Unburn. 502 McKay. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms, will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585. or Sell- oo 47'i John H. Gibson, owner. 10 oR 2 0 ji -r, land, nub level; 'j in i S 20 mil from ele H. Will 70 ncres. s froiB Port trie line; lies exchange for 15 in cul. on !ty property, R li. ,!a miles from city for 5 or 6 rcom bun?T low. 1 Henry bldg. 1'oR SALE OU Foil llENT 2 1-3 acres, new houn and barn. Electric light, ranning water. 0 minutes to Oregon Electric. Price $200u. Rent $10 per month. John Zimmerman, Tigard, iregon, I'OK SALE-- 51 aci.s, all cUared, 40 miles from Portland, on good county road, dose to railroad and electric line; price $7500. will take house and lot as part tavmer.t. East osth st. N. 10 ACRES, Elnnuiica station, new buildings, mam county load, 9 miles from Portland, with all stock and large amount feel; very cheap at $3750; terms Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark. ACRES. i ACRES. Vis ACRES. V Tracts, $1 Down, $1 Week. Fine soil and sightly. Alberta car. You will pay more 2 miles farther out. The Gary Co.. 311 PanHma bldg. $200 LAND going for $lo0 per acre. Near Vancouver, some cleared, 2 room house, dailv mail, cream route. $800 to $1500 cash, bal. time. Hunt, 205 Abintton bldg. Main 5597. CHICKEN. FRF IT, GARDEN Rancnes near Portland, 2. 5, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $83 to $2o0 per acre, easy terms. McFa. land. 3o:i Yeon bldg.. Portland THINK of this one end one-half acres. 8 room bouse. Ryan Place; 5c fare. Only $2500, terms. Scott S: Beeslry. 212 Abington bldg. S A CUES. Metzger station; all cult i vated, garden land. Price $4000. mtg. $1250. Will exchange for house and lot. (Li Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 272 Stark st. 10 ACRES at Tigard, level; 9 culti vated; no buildings; sacrifice at J2000; only $200 cash, bal. 5 years. (B) Dorr E. KVasey & Co., 2d floor Cham ber of Commerce. SNAP; 7 acres in improved road 4 blocks from electric station, run btng water, small home, $i00. Terms. 515 Hekum bldg. OWNER will sell acre tract on 9 cent fare, 28 minutes out. close to station. Water and light. Price only $4on. 'firms $ln per month. F-75S. Journal B' A( RES at Beaverton. good build lugs, good water. SH'Oo cash, bal. i years, li per cent. Owner, i 7 5 East 7th st. N. 1 t acres, with good 5 room house. about 73 fruit trees, berries of all kinds; all c.lv conveniences. 5c ca.r fnre. Price $400 Tremont Realty Co. 15 ACRES $52i. Fine soil, easy clearing, nearly all level, can all be farmed Easy terms F I B Hd brook Co . 214 Lbr Kxch Bldg. I 1 TO : acres at Shattuck station iTT cultivation; some prettv trees; 7c fare: good terms. $110,) per acre. J G. Rainev. 004 Yeon hldrr. 33 Mi ACRES A-l fruitlund. 3Vj miles fr"m Portland, well sheltered, spring creek, part clenired, part timber; $6000 terms. J Nordberg, Lents, Or. BIST cash offer takes one acre at Gilbert's school. Box 357A. R. 1, T.ent". OREGON CITY line. 6 bungalow, 1 acre. C Frsv terms. 100m modern P. Meldrum. bOo ACRES' ley town. Journal. black $17 soil, one per acre. mile val-EX-753, $5 PER month will buy my acre, lo cated on good road, cloe to electric stiitiom Price $200. R-612. Journal. BASE LINE RD. acre, $350, cut from $600. Near Ascot. Vfe cash, balance to suit. $?r. Owner. K-379, Journal. $1050 equity for $600. Rose City park comer and bungalow. Improvements, all ln.,Phon C-2367. Owner. FOIl SALE LOTS (Contlnned) THE OREGON ! SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21, 1915. ACREAGE (Continued) DAIRYING. CHICKENS. HOO RAISING. TRUCK FARMING. The St. Helens Lumber Co., offer their lands in the vicinity of St. Helens, Or., directly to settlers. This property, which has been held off the niatket for years, is tn a highly devel oped farming area. Among the advantages are the hard-surfaced ROADS TO ST. HELENS AND PORTLAND. QFAL1TY OF SOIL. EXCELLENT SCHOOL SYSTEM, MARKETING CON DITIONS (Cooperative cream ery and cannery, low boat, rail, and auto freight rates to Port land), proximity to countv seat with PAYROLL OF' $60,000 PER MONTH, and but a short dis tance down the Co H "M HI A HIGHWAY from Portland. These fat tors, combined with LOW COST OF LAND and SATIS FACTORY" TERMS, give a man A REAL OPPOKTl'NITY to de velop ;-. home. For information, phone Wheeler, M'in U313. write or call on LAND DEPARTMENT. ST. HELENS LUMBER CO.. Offices at St. Helens. Oregon, and 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Bortland, Oregon. 40 Acres $1 4 75 per acre, 20 miles froTs Port land, 6 miles from electric line, lies t;pod, fir and cedar timber, spring, $200 cash, yood terms on balance, G'b. 40 Acres, $2500 5.V4 miles from electric line, 25 miles ! from Portland; good house, barn, 1 0 i ai res in cultivation; good orchaid. fine M't'irig creek. $J00 cash, balance can ' run in payments 10 years b'.b interest. 10 acres, 20 miles out on electric ', line, lies level, Vfe In cultivation. $135 per acre. Vi mile from town; small I Pi-jment down, easy terms on balance. 4514 acres, $1 400, new 3 room house and barn. 3 acres in cul., all fenced. I or; graveled road, mile from Colum- ; bia highway, close to school. $500 cash, i bal. $loO per year. 411 Henry bldg Home and 5 Acres Ready for you to move into near Foweli Valley road; new 6 rooms, fireplace, full living and dining room, big trees all around it. -7a i c in cultivation, very n-n soil. Convenient to station and lit ney service. The very place for a man who works In the city. Price $3100 $500 cash, monthly pay ments. J G. RAINEY, 904 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177. $1300 Buys 5 Acres Only 3 Vjj miles from Vancouver on good automobile road, 1 mile to school and church, splendid Hvation and fenced, barn, chicken houses, lly orchard, bearing. ' soil, all in cul old house, fair fine well, fnm Subject to $400 mortgage. 3 years. J. It. ELWELL. 4'G Washington St Vancouver. Wash. 1 HAVE several hundred acre; of choice prune and walnut land in Yamhill Co., that will grow them a good as those evhibit'd at the land show; am unable on acc t. of oilier bijsiniss to develop. Will sell in tracts to suit at $75 to $125 per acre; verv easy terms: small pavment down; 3 '-i miles to elec. R R. Or. E!ctrlc surv -y across place. See owner. 1233 Wil Pams ave . Portland. Or. $25 IS ALL YO I" NEED Beautiful .3 acre tract covered with dogwood and fir trees; Ideal country home, paved road. 20 minutes drive. Nothing In vicinity can compare in value. Price $1165. $25 down and $12 monthly. LI" ED OEM A N N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. SFRFRRAV ACREAGE GREAT bargain in Kiverdaie !istijct view acres at $40 per. lias pretti est view of Willamette river I ever offered for sale. See Mount Hood letter than from most of the so called view homes. This is a great spot niid a snap. lias Bull Run water, line roads and choicest trees. Con sider this carefully for there Is lit tle such to ever go on the market. S e rne alter 10 a. m. at 707 Selling b'dg. P. B. Van Nbe. FOR SALK- ARM-i D l V I I iEN OS I M MEDIATELY . 60 acrfs. splendid going farm, well stocked and equipped, owner wishes lo retire; all tillable land, 33 acres in cultivation, balance easy cleared, now in seeded pasture; enough timber for firewood. 3 work horses, 6 cows, 2 heifers, y hogs, turkeys and chickens, complete machinery. Including interest in threshing rig; hay and feed, orch ard and berries, S room house with toilet and bath. 54x84 dairy barn, sprirg water piped to both. .,() miles Portland, -4 mill' R. R. town: $t;50' terms. D. .McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. AN IDEAL FARM. 175 arris, finest farm in Wasco oounty, 140 in cultivation, 75 in al falfa, 40 more ready for alfalfa, pri- j vate owned water rightw, over 5001 fruit trees, two fine bouse and two first class barns, ull hog-tight fence.! A real bargain at $200 per acre. If you are looking for a good thing in t2he farm line, see us about this. GILL & DEFER, 31? Abington bldg. Marshall 275S. 160 ACHES fine bottom land in Vam hill county. 80 acres In cultivation, 30 acres in pasture, balance easy to clear. On main highway, near school and church. No buildings on this land. All under good wire fence. Brings $500. Rent priced very low. Only $7.', per acre. Terms. Avres & Smith, 601 N. W hide Main 7266. SALEM FARM HAKTiAIN. 100 acres, all cultivation, no waste land, very best soil, right at station Oregon Electric, two miles from Salem, good set buildings, orchard, on Pacific highway; priced $100 an acre less than adjoining land; take clear house and $1000 cash, balance 7 per cent on time. JACOB HAAS, 715 Dekum bldg. 200 ACRES, Willamette valley, nearty all under cultivation. Also one 150 acre farm most all under cultivation, rich prairie land, rolling enough for drainage. $60 per acre. Will take i of purchase price in clear property or first mortgage, remainder to suit. I. W St re it. Hotel Alder. Portland. Or. 6i2 ACRES, dairy ranch in Willamette valley, well improved. Good room house. 3 barns and well fenced, run ning water and railroad through place. l'Ust bench and rich bottom land, $6000 cash, balance on or before 10 years, 6','c per annum. 1. W. Streit, Hotel Alder, Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Well Im proved ranch. 62 Vj acres. 5ii in good cultivation, bal. pasture, some timber, stream in pasture, family orchard. 1 miles to R. road, on rock road, cream route and telephone. 35 miles from Portland. For particulars address box 4 2. Ambov. Wash. BARGAIN SALE 62 acres, 15 clear. 5 cows, 50 chick ens. 4 pigs, 10 tons hay, 4 room house, some outbuildings, UiO fruit trees. $3200. 7 miles fiom Eagle Creek sta. Route 1, Box 47. WHEAT IS KING. 160 aereis. 80 in wheat, near Condon; splendid road, school, water, rural mail delivery, buildings: $2400; $300 cash will handle. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bid g, lrthindCjhr DAIRY and hog farm, 35 acres 111 cul tivation, 8 more easy to plow, 15 rj. wood and pasture, running water, near leading town In Willamette valley: sac rifice for cash; mo agents. Y-473, Journal. 1150 ACRES LANE COUNTY. Ideal stock farm, near Eugene; fab' Improvements: abundance running water. Price $30 per acre. Goddard Wiedrick. 24S Stark st. mile 80 ACRES In Yamhill countv. 1 .-..11 A .n.tll A ,h oi tinnn water need cash. Snap tlnncv Terms HX-843. Journal. FOR wheat or stock ranches wrtu M. Fltxma.urlce, Condon, or. 17' I; FOR SALE. One of the choicest tracts of land ever offered on this mar ket, consisting of nearly 200 acres; a large part of it bot tom land along the Yamhill riv er; about 20 acres under culti vation; balance is covered with timber (fir and oak), also some lashings; several thousand cords of wood, can be easily disposed of on account of Its lo cation. There is a good 9 room house, bungalow style; good barn and other, buildings, all in good repair; good orchard; some small fruit. It would make one of the best dairy ranches in the valley. It could also be subdivided in small tracts and neariy all of it would have river frontage. This tract can t 'j sold in whole or in part. Wotiid sell CO acres with all improvements, leaving timber out. except 5 acres, for $7ooo; $::."0'i cash, or the whole tract lor $75 per acre, half rath, bal ance several years at 7'i. The place is 2 1 2 miles from tow;i, aixiut 3i miles from Bortland. OTTO & HAKKSO.N REALTY CO.. 412 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SALE OR EXCHANGE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH SI acres of fine soil. Fenced and cross-fenced, level and free from rock. 3 1 1 acres in high state of cultivation. lAbuut 30 acres flashed, burned and ! easy to clear, tiuui) worth of standing i timber. Not a foot of waste ground. ! Tv.-o young full-bearing orchards. All I modern buildings, including 6 room ! house, 2 large new barns and all out i bi-irUings. Good well, 3 young horses. 4 cows, 2 calves. 20 hogs, 70 chickens, 'faim wagon, .lack, buggy, mower, rake, 1 arrows, cultivators, plows, cream ' st ; arutor, gas engine, and all small I tools Wheat and oats to last until hi.ivest. 4'i tons tuv. This ideal place is in tire Molalla valley, 26 miles to Pi rtland, s mile to station on electric t i Portland, L'1, nrles to Molalla. Price $;..-.'0. Will take up to $4:i'M.i in trade f ir small place on electric line close to Portland. Balance on good terms Give ; ful' description and location of prop- ; etty. T-til5, Journal. , I 415 ACRE improved uairy farm in op- j eration. on county road, no timber. I no rock, enough oak for fuel supply; J best virgin soil in Oregon; bottom land is tile drained, has produced 115 bu. ! oats per acre; larye income: this farm I took first tirize at St. Louis Worlds ,:r;. ; . i a .,. in n,. w orld. is l A nines xrom cove ui- chard Electric railway station. 1 hours run to Portland, near store and school; new 8 room house, bath, phone, elec tricitv water bit ed to house, everlast ing springs, prune orchard, walnut, i apple and pear orchards, all bearing. 2 I barns full or hay. bunk house and out- , 1 uildings: adjoining iand has Fold' for i $250 per ac re; will cut same kind to ' $10 per a' re. small cash payment, easy teims for quick sale. The prune ; on nana uione win pay interest, swen valued at $10,000 will also be sacri ficed; this farm is now divided into several small farms, each on a county load and running water, owner. E. E. Moigan. Yamhill. ( 'r. 536 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. SNAPS. SO acres, 20 acres under plow, EO fures tillable, balance pasture, most of tillable land easy to clear; 2 fine sti earns of water on land, fine spring. ;: room bouse, barn 3ti4S feet, 1 acre of orchard, 7 miles from Washougal, near state road and Washougal river. Pi ice $35o0; good terms. 12o acres, 20 icres under cultivation, 90 acres tillable, balance pasture, 8 loom house, barn 5"x5o feet, other buildings, well and stream on place, plenty of outrange. Place Is 6 mile lrom Camas, W ash. Price $3200. good terms. 40 acres, unimproved land, all very easy to clear, part level, part slopes to south, spring on land; on county I road, good farming district; fine black loam soil; 3'2 miles from railroad. Price $175u; good terms. I geo. y. moody co. ; Washougal. Wash. 160 acres, mile from electric car line 10 miles" from Oregon City, 24 miles from Portland, NO acres can be pjt In cultivation, balance pasture, has -10'ja cords of wood, price $5) per acre. Will take $4000 in good Portland prop erly, $2000 cash aim mortgage 5 yeais for balance. 20 acres. 4 miles from Oregon City, on good road, good, new, large barn, small house. 12oo cords of wood, one mile to railroad station; price $25j0, $800 cash, balance long time. Dillman & Rowland Cor. 8th and Main sts., Oregon City. Or. DAIRYMEN WANTED IN CALIFOR NIA. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED LAND. And we will furnish all the cows you can feed without payment down; you pay for them by part of the cream checks; this lai.d is located in the beautiful Sacramento Valley; deep, rich soil; delightful climate; toig money in alfalfa, dairying, hogs, al monds, olives, oranges; in fact, all kinds of fruit and vegetables; cheap, abundant water now on the land ready to use and supplied by Uncle Earn; only $125 an acre on exceptional terms call or write and ljt me tell you all about it. G. W. Felker, 702 Oregonian bldg. DOWN" THE 79 acre ranch, 45 COLUMBIA. in cultivation, bal- 11 fenced and cross a nee easy cleared; fenced, running reek. 6 room house. hot and cold water, bath, gas plant and good fixtures, barn 32x100. with large I shed, 4 poultry houses, 4 hog houses. 4 1 thoroughbred cows. 1 registered Jersey I bull, a head heavy draft horses. 3 in ! 1 ubutors. 1 incubator house. :; brood i t-i'S. 1 wagon. 1 buckboard. 3 plows. 3 ! cultivators, see'ler. harrow, 1 John i Deere manure spreader, blacksmith ; shoo and tools. This is an ideal farm. Jitady to move on; price $10,000. half ; cash, or will accept highly improved 10 ' ;..cre tract close to good school, as first i payment with small amount of cash. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 722 Chamber of Conimerfp. Dairy or Stock Ranch 1 Will' make great general farm, j 8u acres all good land, spring, creek, i trout pond, house, large barn and other outbuildings: on Columbia Hig'i- 1 way. l'a miles from ' S24ti0; terms. station. Price ('HAS. L. WHEELER. 517 Cham, of C 23s ACRES in Willamette valley. Lane county, 2 miles south of Monroe, 15u acres under cultivation. This is first ilei:ch. remainder creek bottom, easily put under cultivation. No waste land. 1 Good 6 room house, 2 barns, good fam ily orchard, good fences. 4 inclosurcs. PU:ce is bounded on wist by county road, east bv Long Tom creek. P. E. E. Ry runs through place, will be : electrified, sub station and depot will 1 be on place. $61) per acre. Small pay 1 ment, remainder on or before lo years : at 6'c per annum. I. W. Streit, Hotel Al oer, 4 th and A lder, Portland, Or. 180 ACRES. 1 ONE of Washington county's finest 1 farms, well improved and equipped, g( nd roads, R. F. D , phone, milk ' route, near R. R. 15 miles from Port land. Owner says, "Sell my plnce: I wife and I retire." Price is too low ! to publish- w-ill quote to interested I parties. Excellent terms on'part. 1 trades. 305 Stock Exchange. No o acres on Oregon Elec, 5 room bun- i prfVa'tVpumpimV' system; small bear': 1 mg orchard. berries. outbuildings. . $3200. naif c?sh. P-613. Journal. ' -, rOK SALE 23t or rviv .irti. oq ur xov ani y uiiies 10,1 . . , : i . from Portland. near 1 I river; will take some city I A If red Roberta;. I D. Sherwood, Or. FOB SALE FARMS ( Continued ) 17 $4 TO $25 acre. near. Vancouver; creeks; good pasture landcgoc-q terms. 1. FOR REXT FARMS 14 160 ACRES, 45 in cultivation, plenty of good pasture, fine water. 2 fam ily orchards, large barn, will hold 30 head cattle; several other outbuildings but no house, have a good 3 room shack on place, 12 miles from Port land, fine roads. 420 Morrison st.i Main 22S7. OF a mil north of Vancouver. Wash,, car bams, oppodte Minne haha school containing 18i acres, with house and outbuildings; an ideal location for intensive farming; low rental Applv James A. Brady, 405 Madison St., Portland, Or. ' SEVERAL farms for rent with stock for sale. 1037 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS WANTED REXT OR HI V S8 I WANTED To hear from owner of ' good business for sale. State cash ' price and description. D. F. Bush, I Mit neapolis. Minn. j-WANT to rent place to move dairy: might buy dairy man out if Ilnd Phone Main S47. i place suitable. 6 ACRES within 10c limit. Give loca I tion, full particulars. Want a bar- gain. Z-462, Journal. . WANTED To hear trom owner of farm or fruit ranch for sale. O. O. Mattson Minneapolis. Minn. TIMB.KR 1S TIMBER for sale, 500.0OO on carlme, close to Oregon City on terms. D 513, Journal. 1G0 ACRES timber land Tor sale or trade by owner. Tabor 25S. EXCHAXGF REAL ESTATE 2t California Land for Oregon We have 600 acres form land in central water ditch. 70 acres of orchard and California, with in oranges, lem Tiiis is a spleri- ons and grape fruit. did proposition, but the owner desires to come toOrePTon. Have you some Oregon land, improved or unimproved and $5000 in cash? Price 6u.'i00. Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. FARM AND STOCK. I S3 acres near good valley town, 50 in cultivation, rest used tor pasture, plenty fine water. 11 Jerseys, 3 horses, nogs, chickens, all net-ded machinery, hay and feed, good 7 room house. large oarrt, j. nog nouses, woven wire tenets, i on main road, mail and milk routes; i $9000; farm is clear; want $5000 Port 1 land home, little cash, balance time. I !- McChesney Title Trust bldg. FOR J-.Xt'HANGE. 12 acres fine land; aliout 8 acres in cultivation, seeded to clover, balance few trees, logB and stumps, easy to cl ar; 5 miles from Portland 1'. O., on Barnes road; good district; price $1500; want moder.i residence In gicd district, about equal name, wuti room on lot for garage. W C-: H. 990 Boyd, 440 Benton at. Phone MASSACH CSETTS PEOPLE NOTICE. For Sale and Exchange. House and lot, and vacant lots In goud section of iity of Portland. Or., for farm in Massachusetts or other New England states. What have vou.' Call or write. Owner P. No. 102 E. aotli St. ., Portland. No agents, own ers only. FINE large residence, Irvlngton. wrlth tiviarter block, all street improve ments paid, exchange f-'r !ogged-off or other land suitable for stock farm; this is a beautiful hme and will be priced right to one who means busi ness. Goddard & Wiedrick, 243 Stark street. 80 ACRES, no buildings, good water, nearly in commercial apples, and to for acreage. fine soil, 6 yr. old exchange SAM EEL DO AK 1 202 Northwestern Bank bldg. ; 6 ACRE COUNTRY HOME up the Columbia. ne3r Cape Horn; 4 j acres in cultivation; a neat little 4 j room house, small barn, chicken rouse, etc. Price $125o; mortgage $G50; will : trade equity for vacant lots here. Fred I W. Herman Co . 732 Cham, of "om. V.'ILL trade lor good A-i autonn b.ie. a lot on .Mississippi ave . near Lombard: hard surface streets. Cost $1300 All dear (BN). Dorr E, Keasey & Co, ' 232 C. of C. bldg. , EAST OF MONT A VILLA. j Beautiful 5 acre tract near Ascot; i mortgage 41275. due 2 years; will exchange for bungalow and assume equal amounts. Fred W. German Co., . 752 Chamber of Commerce. 100x166, ALL kinds of fruit. Ideal place for home, 50x100. boih two blocks from car; 50x100 on car line. Sell or trade all or any. clear acreage or m ortga ges. , . f . -Ma c k ley, city. A SACRIFICE 2 bus, "4 -ToTnT house, modern; barn, chicken yard, fine shrubbery; 3 bl'ks from car; mortgage $1000; $200. or $300 cash or auto takes it. Mount Scott car Tabor 4 4 2S 20 ACRES, 5 acres onion land, lx miles from Portland, for Improved acre age near 6-cent carfare: Mt Tabor or Mc ntavilla preferred. 314 Lumber Ex change bid?. UNINCUMBERED $25u0 trade for acreago of resilience to about same vaiuo. SAMUEL DOAK 1 202North western Bank bldg. WANTED $10,000" to $1 5.000w oFtlTcTf property in Kansas or Nebraska in exchange for Oregon property located In Portland, Or. and Wasco county. Ad dress owner, 165, Dufur, Or. WE have lour first class clear lots and balance In cash, to offer for modern bungalow, in good district of city, riot too far out. Ayres & Smith 501 N. W. Bldg. Main 7266. $5000 CASH with Pioe acres, dock, store building, deep waterfront, lower Columbia,- to trade for ;l g od sto-k of merchandise. V-71. Journal. CITY PROPERTY to exrhMme tor farm implements and stock and rent of farm. 713 South Crawford at., St. Johns. Or. 160 ACRES, 8-room house, barn and chicken house. In Southeastern Colo rado, tn exchange for Oregon real estate. F-3 7 2. Journal. GOING AWAY; will trade $2TooCHsh equity in beautiful little Laurejhurst homo for anything clear. 34a East Glisaiii, owners. HOUSE AND LOT WANTED. 5 acres near Beaverton, all clear and clear of incumbrance. Owners only. Main 6SS5. 15 ACRES, improved, near Newherg; wa-nt modern house, $3000 to $3500, without incumbrance. Tabor 4ic2 452 ' S. E. 73d st. WANT about 10 ac r s. improved. stocked, tor unincumbered 4 room house and 4 lots. J. S., 3103 53d st. : s E (Owners onlv.) 1 . j WE offer line upright piano 111 ex change for clear ity lot. State price and locatlor. H-720. Journal WHAT have you in exchange for groc ery and delicatessen, good location. F-754, Journal. TO TRADB or sell. 40 from Weiser, Idaho, here. ' See me at 456 E. acres 2 miles for something 40th S IF you have any good property to trade we will match you. Ayres & Smith. 501 Northwest bldg. Main 7266. TO TRADE 7-room hse and Tot, close in, for good farm handy to city. M-679. Journal. 1 I WILL trade 7 room modern eight lots. 50x100. for close in. Marshall 1191. house and residence, FINE bungalow, full lot. tn Alberta district, to trade for close-in acre age unimproved. "Woodlawn 232?. i 40 ACRE farm Clark Co.." VVashTTiJood 1 bldR want Portland home: no i agents. Woodlawn 4001. Al 160 Alberta land for mdse. 960 Thurman st.. Portland. Owner, MODERN t-room house to tnade for a ' : I $1500 MORTGAGE for acreage; own- ers only. T-617. Journal. FOR SALE F AlOIS (Contdnasd) Willamette ! WHAT have you to exchange for mod r property 1 ern 5-room bungalow? Tab-or 3362. j lo ACRES, free and clear, irrigated, 1 for something here. Tabor 42S4. EXCHANGE REAL, ESTATE (Contlnnd PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTIES FOR EXCHANGE. No. 1. Third street corner. 60x100; Eome improvements. Price $50,000; mortgage 4 years at 6. for city prop erty or valley farm; will assume. No. 2. Downtown business corner, 60x100; price $75,000; some Income; mortgage on same will be adjusted for right properties, "hls Is prop erty with a future. No. 3. Two practically new mod ern Laurelhurst houses, rented; price $550 each, with total mortgage on both of $4350. Will exchange eaulty of $6650 for two flat building or one larger residence which could be used for flats, and assume. No. 4. Client with properties con Fisting of two modern flat buildings, fine locations, two houses, two clear Inis- total ririca 137 450. income at this time about $180 per month; wants i clear home up to $15,000 for part, or I business property for all. Has other properties and can put in if neces sary for larger deal. Might exchange for good valley farm, if clear of in cumbrance. No. 5. Very fine practically new modern 9 room house, in best part of Piedmont; price $5500; cost owner nearly $7000 cash, all conveniences, mortgage . for $3000; want clear small house or well located lots for equity. t. u. ru luuini oi) inuci oco tv umoont of 117 Villi' uomo Ini-mne' i V C XT"..' 1 1 ..... ,1 I . - want clear land up to $1 2,500, or would prefer property in city which could be turned into flats or apart ments. No. 7. Clear lots. $2500; two houses, $7000; mortgare $2400. equity in all ?70u0; for small farm up to $10,000 or one large house. All propositions submitted to this firm open to your (careful investigation, l.: . It U IDE PROPERTY DEALERS. ND FLoon HENRY BI.DG. EXCHANGE FARM l-'OR CITY. 15 acres. 1 mile from clean little city, with schools, churches, cannery, etc., about 20 miles from Portland; 2 bains, outbuildings; 50 ton silo; 70 tree family archard; all kinds of small fruit. The best of soil; road cn two sides: mail and other routes at door. Yal. $50.10 clear of incum brance. Will exchange lor Portland residence up to $3750. Bal. easy terms. (C) Dorr E, Keasey & Co. I'd floor C, of C. bldg. PORTLAND FOR MINNEAPOLIS. Have fine modern 7 room, west rlope, Mt. Tabor, fine large lot. grand view of city. Price $6000, mortgage ?25oO. Will trade for Minneapolis or nearby. RANCH FOR BFSINF.SS. 160 a. improved near Kennewlck. Wash. Want to trade equity for good auto, or will take photo studio In city or valley town. Also want a good wheat ranch In exchange for unincumbered stump land, all rich poll, and close in. J B. nt'LKV CO.. 92S Cham, of Com. WILL exchange two houses, one 7 room and one B room, located on Woodward avenue, near 30th st. Price $650 0. Clear of incumbrance. For partly improved land near Portland of same value. (Bl Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. OREGON WALNUTS. 6 year old grafted Franquette wal nut trees. Spitzenberg and Newtown lillers; 7H a., Yamhill, Or., 33 miles fiom Port., near electric line; $GoO mortg. Sacrifice my $2700 equity for $2000 In trade for more land. AsmiriT? some or new bungalow. S-9.11. Journal. L ) V E LY home Tn Chico, California's liveliest city. I,ot Xxl26, cement walks, shade trees, family orchard, lawn, garden, flowers. Seven rooms, modern, sleeping porches. Value $4000. Want close In acreage or Portland city property. Owners only. 1207 Chest nut st.. Chico. Calif. '.0 ACRES, all in cultivation, fine soil, good improvements, dofe to Po'rt land and gooj station on electric line, and for exchange for Portland resi dence. SAMUEL DOAK - 120? Northwestern Bank bldg. 30 ACRES. 20 In cultivation, good 5 room house, large barn and chicken house: only 4 miles- from a good town, on a macadam road. Will trado for a room house in Portland. Scott i Pef yley. 12 Abington bldg. LC.ii ACRES. EASTERN OREGON. 500 acres cultivated. 2 50 seeded to wheat, 100 acj-es irrigated. Might put in stock tu:d equipment. God build ings on place. Best of soil. Want city Income property. Jacob Haas, 713 Dekum bldg. QUA rTtER BLOCK, 3dstT7 near llurn side, lrame buildings, no Incum brance: will accept vacant city prop erty or outside land as whole or part iaymnt; by owner, who Is nion resi dent. See us for details. Goddard Wiedrick. 243 Stark st. AN Improved 80-acre farm with sugar bush, clear, in Michigan, to trade for modern house In Portland. Also a 7-room house nnd 3 lots, clear, in Pontiac, 111.. to exchange. A. C. Krlger. 1 296 E. Salmon st., Portland. NEW BE N i A LOW BARGAIN. Near Reed Institute; take good va cant lot first payment, balance two years; restricted district, 1245 East 22d st. Sellwood car to Yukon. 715 P ok um hldg. FARM ct acreage wanted In excnang. for large 7-room modern house and 2 lots, 100 ft from car. value $4000, Incumbrance $l.';0o Give full particu lars in first letter. Owner, Box 2S, Mcirtavilla, EXCHANGE gov! lo-acre improve, fruit ranch for Portland residence. Piedmont distiict preferred R. E. !nvis, 16f)5 Derby St. Phone Woodlawn 2800 week days. CLEAR property, exchange even, 3 acres near Jennings Lodge, for 3 Mt. Scott lots. Houses tlnOu, $3000. $5')U0, for improved acreage. 209 Mohawk building FOR EXCHANGES see Jordan. 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. one of the most complete lists in the city. 6th an 1 Stark. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity of $675 in modern 7. room bung3low. Will sell cheap for cash or what have ycu to trade? 1'hone B-1 224. 4 LOTS. 25x100 ea. h, 20 minutes out, incumbrance $250, fine for garden, will exchange for l ouse equity and as smr.e Sellwood 1026. I FOR SALE or exc hange at a Irargaln, my J3000 equity in nigniy improved 20 acres; good buildings. 6 "4 miles out. B-960, Journal. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, four lits, $5000: Incumbrance $2000; want clear lots or acreage part pay ment Owner. D-711. Journal. LOT near carllne to exchange for !ma!l rooming house or automobile. 0-7J4, Journal. BUNGALOW, close in, paved etreet, to exchange for cheap acreage,. H-847, Journal. 400 ACRES in the banner wheat belt of Morrow county. Columbia Realty Co . Vancouver. Wash. FOR EXCHANGE Clear real estate for wtore, rooming bouse or restau rant Main 3543. FOR SALE or trade 80 acres, all Im proved, new 7-room h-ouse. for city property. II. Cherry. Aloha. Or. CLEAR LOT actually w-rrth $1000 ror trade. What have you? J-971, Jour nal. IRVINGTON low, clear; close in. 312 strictly want 30 Pana ma modem bunga acre, improved, bldg. 160 ACRES, Crook county, for resi dency, 3)5 Panama bldg. WANT $5000. farm; have city M-420. Journal. property to VALLEY FARMS for cltv property. GUI & Dufur, 313 Abtngton bldg. EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 21 ! (Con tin tied) 97 ACRES ON COLUMBIA BLVD. For lue, rent $72.60 per month; fol lowing personal property for sale. 21 I A-l cows, 2 wagons, buggy, 3 plow s, disc, harrow, small tools, about 45u . sacks puds. about 65 tons hay. 3 acres of kale. TMb Is within 5 miles of i the courthouse. Gets 19c per gallon at the phse; price $3500. $2000 cash,' balance tennis. This is one of the best , laouts In the state. Investigate. DAIRY 'FOR TRADE. The best equipped dairy in the state, t about 1 mile from Vancouver, will ex change for good Income property or a good farm, its the best paying dairy In the county Income trom $600 to $700 per month, the best of buildings. , Price $12,000, will consider up to $&0'JO ; in trade. , 760 ACRE DAIRY & STOCK RANCH. Within 25 miles of Portland, both ; rail and boat transportation, on thei place, fine buildings. 169 head of cat- tie, horses. Lay. crops and machine! of all kind this is the best locaieu d large ranch in the state. and equip Price $li..!"'ii for tin- personal prop- erty. Will give u good lease and terms on the pel -sona.1 property. I I-:. I GILBERT, St.. Vancouver. Wash. 112 Washington ANYONE want vv . cheap? 170 acre, black, in cultivation, la springs and creek, buildings. JlJ.ato 11 improved farms ,d lav loam, 90 all' e fine pasture, 1 ne orchaid, good home cash, some trade. 4sa wheat land, nil in 1 1 1 1 vat ion. i ,, . "H lock, implements, lilo fall wl:at. S If .000. Want valley or city property . 210 acres In surny Jackson county, tart In cultivation, balance fine pic ture, fin,, buildings, stock. Implement.:, plenty feed, and furniture, only $','5oo, $15ou cash leouired; balance trade. Have many Improved farms listed and pi iced right, some for cash, sum.; to tmde. Call for full particulars. 1 li ILHIH iQK. J15 I'.uiam.i Bldg. $2.'ilirr.KE SOME TRADE J2f.n0 3 ACRES AT EI THER STATION All cultivated. Old 4 room house, veil, chicken house. Johnson creek thiough coiner. 1 fare. This side ol 8 2d on till- Estacada carllne. Take lot or two up to $10"0 and $200 cash. Balance lo per month. ir'r Interest our chance to turn In that vacant lot and better your condition. You .an have vour cow, chickens and all v egetables ' on this 3 acres. Sunday. Woodlawn 2iSi. week days, Ma.n liSic llll Dorr E, Keasey & Co. d floor Chamber of Commerce. YOU CAN TRADE YOUR PORTLAND HOME For a highly Improved 6-acre tract within easy walking distance ot one or the best cities in O-e-op "i" " I school advantages; all in choice fruit; 8-room house, good Is-rn, "i houses and yards, 2 wells of fine vvalei. electric; lights; owner wants strictly modern Portland home In good loca tion. J. H. ELWELL, 404 Wellington St ,Y a nc Oliver. MV.'ish. A GOING FA KM NEAR PORTLAND 25 acres. 2u In cultivation. family orchard, good buildings and femes. Stock, feed, machinery and equipment. Rock road lo Portland. Only 10 ruin, walk to station, on electric line an hour to Portland. You can't beat It. 1 will take as part of first payment good house up to $3000. Sickness com pels me to 'move to city or this place would not be for sale at any price. Y-K06. Journal. 132 ACRES HIGHLY DEVELOPED: FAR M. I 90 acres 1n cultivation. Running I water, orchard, almonds, walnuts. prunes, good buildings and fences, j Shows good Income. Might take as i part of first payment good city prop erty up to $7500. Nothing better of fered today. Only 20 miles from Port la n d. 0-473, Journal. 40, SO or 120 acres of fruit or farm land on the Columbia highway now used between .M osier and Ortley. Some cleared and some partially cleared. Will exchange all or part for city property and assume. This will be a good deal for some one. Address V-515, Journal. STOCK OR WHEAT RANCHES. With or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of 1st class prop erties, any size, many of them person ally inspected by us. u. 8. mortgage & in v. CO., 607 Yeon bldg. 20 ACRES, splendid soil, nearly hi 1 in cultivation, fair buildings, plenty of water. "n g1 'od roa1. near good station, in sight ot Porthgiil. and for ex.hango for good For! land residence SAMUEL D ) A K 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg 10Vj ACRES HOOD RIVER. Good "house, barn and outbuildings. 7 acres bearing commercial orcluvrd, clear of incumbrance. Want house, value $4000. R. F. Feemwter. 803 Ab ington bldg SNAP; $16,000; 160 a., S5 in cultiva tion; good buildings, good orchard 6.000,000 good timber, 30 miles from Portland. Will take Improved city property is part payment A. J. FARMER. 4"7 Stock Ex-'h. LAND clearing. I can quote you prices on laud cl.jiring that must prove attractive. Will consider part pay ment in land G. Wynn Wilson. 903 Chamber of Commerce. $4000 house, mtg. $S0o, brand new, never occupied, for exchange, own ers only, good city property for a farm to $11, 000. BOE1IM A- NYE. 3 2 2 Henry Bldg. 'General Store, $5000; Trade Country town; will trade for real estate, prefer smn.ll Improved place nr. Portland. Hustlers. 502 Couch b'dg. EXCHANGE. Good plee of income property, hard surface street and walk In and iald for, small house or lots. N-4i)6, Jour nal. HAVE CLIENT WITH some cash and c lear lots to trade ror i store or rooming house. Something to , make living Qulgley Realty Co., 202 i Wilcox bldg. ! WILL accept what you have, fir part j payment on 160 ncres of goorl land j in Clarke countv. Wawh. N. W. Merrl tield, Slo Washington st., Vancouver. Wash. 'ALl KORNI A -OREGON propertlcn of- .'ill kinds and sizes for Interchange. See or write us. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 607 Yeon bldg. Trades of Every Kind We can trade what you have for what you want. Honest dealing. Quick results. Goddard. 50 2 Couch bldg. WANTED The furniture of a TnoderTi apartment house of It or more for cash and city property. Owners only. X-273, Journal. OWNERS, I have one of the best dairy ranches in Oregon. Improved, and some Vtock included. Horn trade, time and cash. P-sy, Journal. U N I NC U M B E FVED irrigated f ind. Walla Walla county, to exchange for Portland property; owners only. F-45. Journal. WALLA WALLA COUNTY FARM, unincumbered, value $15,000, to ex change for Portland property; no aeentH 0-47ft, Journal. SALE or trade. S3 acres Improved farm near Oswego, for city property or small acreage, part cash. R 1. box 234. Oswego. Or. WANT merchandise Mock, have farm. Want city property; have farm. 305 Stock Exchange. CLOSE in acreage, A-l road, to ex change for city property. Details 310 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 2432. GOOD farms, Kansas, Mo.. Oklahoma and Arkansas for exchange 516 Dekum. STANDARD Abstract company, ' W. R. Halzlip Pres.) S27 C of C. bldg. Main 6774. (Jive us a call. WILL trade 160 acres. Baker countv. value $2400, for good residence or equitv. Phone Woodlawn 1271. isc,o acre utocw ranch hisv.lv i. proved. stocked, clear for apt. house; assume some. Apple. 323 Henry bldg. 1U i ivjvor, a win improvea, ' mile electric car, and lot. for modern bun galow In rlty. H-M. Journal. WANTED A good modern $3000 house and lot, for Clear clear cltv property. Owner only. Z-U2, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 (Coatlnned) Another $38,000 Deal Turned This Week, We Can Get What You Want in Exchange for What You Don't Want, 500 acrt-s with 150 acres i.o Hvation and a lot more to h. cultivation. Balance of laii 1 1 1 I- u int.) l-lllle. I, I..U- The greater lrt of ranch , . i torn, fine supply of water, lull buildings. Close to town and Portland. Price. In.-ludi'ig som. A I now .on place. $20. '"M U I land property not to , j,, gaged for full amount. I lake a I ! 158 1 aivi'f, clou M ol low eon n t . u : mgs, plentv of vv.i livatt-d. This N ., wheat land, und new mat I-1 moi v : Portland pi o , rt v . t. tovv-i. In of buil.l- di I ii I - i.ee of k and d l-.r Nearly 7 from sta t ion cult Ivat.i. ti. v a ii a t itc :..ci. ,: I m . hi n $ I ni l) i(; as iiics. A modi i Price $tinii wit at 7 i-r cent t desired. Will accept the above s b Po: 1 1 . lid ii'Sl.tciii'i for l.Xi'HAN'l E I d :r v. KTM ENT The Orecon Homo Builders 1330 Northw stern A -629 I. Mar Pack .", 7 1 s bldg. Exchanges 20" from oi b. r torn. acres. 1 ..0 i ul 1 1 v a t i .1. ml l- 111 a n -t boi d and t vv. railroad town. 6 lull in Willamette va!b part I l i st bench, u 1 1 f. i pa f. i fi .1. li-rwmi house. ires. :.i', i t lxi 1 1-1 : 1, r: md ' in x feet ; all other 11 s nr. ha nl, 2 snia 1 1 , I Miulims on place. .1 harness. l'l head .. s, , hi. K. rs and all pi !'. J'i p.-r acre, i.i if .-ho:. ! la nd. t. run cow ;;, 2 'I imp h. I 1 I::, ill n. 1 cultic ill. 1 I a 1 in At. most Iv iiv 1 r 1 ate mil mi, part 1 1 la me! 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 i i , r 1 11 -l.eVel al g."."l low tin, 1 . 1: c Vv le 111'-' alow , !l tigs, wr 1 1 fenced. 1 w it hoi; ! I'llU'll 1 111 ut t i n , I n v 1 1 Monmout h burn and Will take illitv o! d st-i out I. Ill good a I. ; jil'iiVi'llll litjl, I 4'HI Hires. Iini ' Alrlie district, f. . I a n.l iiiilliir'.lll"" acres i n' 11 va t d. In Ir hoiiM , large hum 20 a.'ts good ! ill lo good town, UK's 1 1 v' il.e good mere hand I id 'nl'ie land 3 mil.'. all f. need. W'.'.l t mock to total va I Two goo. go d local I ' ice, for d air ne ru houses and lots, si to good cur serv h or liixi.l acreage. ell Chittenden & :; 1 a iii k st I 1 HAVE a pressed fine .; si 1. ry, modern, gray Inn fur, 1 sa I e, lohaV l'l I. e n 'hol.l LulM'hg. Hll I c cilcpl. t. 1 ' r (lisier. j verv 1 me l'i Oreg. I'-he.l . hotel bus. cash plate, glass fiont III , in mi., oi' best i It lea " ".'.mi. consider pro 1 .111 a lit I le cash, bal. rood terms, in hotel loilldlng. all .od town. Pi h i. $i;n0i. in r will take 111 Tc.iga woi th $1000 for the ei ty in. ti I can st. in. 1 I Another I furnish. !, I lutg. $v.,n. $ II. Ill e, ( IV, or s mall farm I .-(iit v I Have a fin'- ley farm v. ii h worth $ I '..on". ! e' tv in I'm 1 !.i 1 consider t r.nle irr:e well lainioveil val s'o. 1: 1, nd machinery, and mm, ie good p'op i,l worth f'.'ii.aon. Will f o r i a. nine p roper t V . in 1 t .1 la tin, e ioe 1 0 Impi ovo.l 1 I tow n . 1 11. r $ 1 a. .1.111. 'on;. lib M eg. or Wash, proper! v. 31'.' 11 1 e laitii. .lose to Newherg. eiegantlv inipiove.l. allacen! lands llattod and sold f'om f.'lOU to $500 per acre. Consider wheat or t-tock faim. Price $l.",o per a. ie L. K, Moore 317 Rofwd of Tru .le j F )R THAI I ; BY i) N ER: j One of the most complete and mod ern little bungalows In Tncuna. All improvements In and paid lor, inolud I lug paved Mret. Locution Ideal. I Situated on the edge of a small lake, surrounded bv a Pink. All the lalest I bill 1 1 In leatures, panelling und beam i.eillngs. cabinet kitchen, etc, beauti ful lawn, ehiubberv. In rrb s, etc. Full concrete basement, launiliy, etc. (.' 'ment walks mound house, in fu'-t, this ! is a g.'Ih of heautv and con veil iere e. Owner's Interests ale i rt Portland, arid he will give miim one a bargain In a tirade for r..n rt . In Portland or vP-i- r.lt v. I 'hot ot 1 a 1 : k a nil complete de- sci lptlon Hotel. Pi wa v. 1 1 mn rtland, U. S. M.i. I. Kail I! egoll. 2 0 6 B:i SOUTHERN ()ltl.i;o. RANCH. 226 ACBKS. ah.mim.m; .ci;e i r i (UNIMPROVED; LA N I ' Si LD 1 1 1 1 AND 20 IS 1 .l Ti) J.'.O PER Ai 111: GRANTS pass H. miles s'lirril LAM) It'll, LING. NO RIM KH, EASY CLEARED SOIL l'l UST-i 'LASS (AND No M' Ht'I'i 1 i E ) PRICE $::; PER A i 'UK ( I 'i YEARS T PAY IF I ESI III .1 1 1. WILL CONSIDER EXCHANGE INORNEAR PORTLAND SMALL IMPROVED RANCH or home, or make offer, would assume or pay small cash differen'ck. address owner. 562 e i. m s t., port la n i . want rake line road district 40 or 60 acres Have ;!7'fe acres at Sllton, Clarke Co. Washington. $'.00.1. 10 acre 18 year old A-l prune orchaid, 6 miles Vaii.ouvir. value J.I0OO. Might assume some. Also 2 bouses at Sea did e, value 51 500. rents lor $1S0 per year, ull clear of mortgage. What have vou? (B) Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 232 Chamber of Commerce C ROOM cot tag. at Salem : 4 or building. R uli d Price $225n No in good condition. . bloeUs lrom capltol lor $ 12. 5(1 per month. Incumbrance. Will room bungalow on exchange lor east side and ussunie from $500 to $1000. (BO Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Chamber of Commerce bldfr y77u"iTiVTM:El 'si inky SO .-hi en, 70 lcvl eieek bottom; 13 plowed, buildings In good shape. Rather than rent will takes Portland house to$2500; inoilgage for balance. (2, ear title and want one. Feed for winter go. s with place. Everything is neat, Prh " S.,'i'i0. W. O. HYDE, Ciictlerock. Wash, Trades of All Kinds We trade anything you have, larg list good live piopertbs, hotels, room ing, apartment houses, stores, firms. W e get results. QPIGI.EY REALTY CO.. 202 Wilcojr. BUSINESS' FOR REAL ESTATE Splendid location, cash Iuimiuhii. Building, stock arid fixtures $3500. Some cash, balance trade. Improved or niniproved propertv. (Hi Doit E. Keasev v ' o . 1 "loor Cham.-of I'nm, SAWMILL, protKislt Ion of merit. Worth $12,500. Sacrifice $6500. j S 4 L00 cash, balance trade. (S). Dorr , E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of j Comrnerco ! 10 ACRES at Falrview, $5000; clearT ' All cultivated. Tal; flats or reU. , deuce. Must be A-l. Will assume do 1 Don- E. Ke.asev He Co., 2d floor Chun- lierQ2fCcerjnrn rce 1 T60ac7ehTaTiaiu!L77Tuj i Wash.. Big Bend country, all 'ie,,rt i $3500. for property In or around Los i Angeles and assume. GoldschnJdt'n -Agency- Stock Exchange bldg. WILL consider logged off land, good timber, lots or acreage on fine apart ment corner, now Improved with good bouse. Close in east side, $9000. Main 3 0 55. SUBURBAN homo acreage J 1 2.500 for Improved city properly. Gold- Bchtnldt's Agency, and Yamhill. Stock Exchange, Jd t WANTED Farm to $20,000 for flata ' and country home on Oregon City I Ool(Uchmldf Agency, stock E- change 40 ACRES. Kelso, Wanh.. worth 150, exchange for clear property Tabor 409O. INCOME city property, incumbrance very light, for timber from $1000 to $10,000. 515 Dekum bldg-. (CestlBaad Xt Ptf 4 r V-, ' ''.:?