- . : v 12 5 '.' j - i f '. ' THE OREGON-, SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER . 14, 1915. . V." -. - 3 I PKIVATB PMT&Y THKKE beuutlful furnished front 3 -rooma, piano, fireplace, aewlng ma chine, aleeping porch, furnace, heal, kitchen, sink. hot. cold water, elec tricity, laundry, first floor, 123 N. 30. .,,. I aingia , Vrc- fn.ni If. K. suite and rooms, ti ana up. rurnnce neat, llghttt and telephone' free. 472 Salmon. '' TI- .MarKlinMlQ37. H. K. ROOMS, partly furnished; 2 front downstairs I! K. room; gas orange, iilione. t ath. $9 month. 446 E. .'Oak t - COZY den with fine pin no and light large - housekeeping. 94. on week; also front room $2.50; also unfurnished TWO derm. rooms, bath, yard, walking cytnpletely furnished laundry, phone larg distance, east Hide. $10. U "1 i r r NEATLY furnished rooms; lights, phone sleeping mom, opposite. housekeeping bath; 1mi library. 414 Taylor k t . ONK !)lo k Portlarwl Heights car ma: -(jut - 1. ried -couple; bUHlnens people jleasarit rooms; view ter. 569 Clifton. cheap for wln- JSIOFM' furnished front rooms, wii-i or 'without board, walking distance, rent reasonable, all convenient es. uj Yariuhill r-t. . . T"i 0 i-- f V ruriiirdicd housekeeping rooniH. i:ii;ie or Misulte. 71 E. 11th tnih. . vtcl clean. outidc. single II. K. up. room. 1'hoiie, bath. $1. 400 2d st. . i-tvi hue- II K. rooms, $: and rooms, ...'i week. i 1.7.'.. with piano, 1 1. Sleeping room, 430 JeriiTH'iTi A-27M. i ii(,:.; front room, downstairs, hoist keeping or sleeping. Small rooms j 1 j 5 , j ji-isda2f-J'iiTLaJd!-TWo ho.'iTke. p'ing rooms, kitchenette near S I' stioj.H. liata. light, phone $11, Sellwood 1MK5 $1 00 TO : jO tveeli, vootns, g.ts. free he: Priori- Fi;tM'::!'. 2 1 1 1 I'm si . d i t. Jv it. laundry. baUi. Sta nt on. Vc. 175 U1LLA.MS ing rooms, . water hi at, fte a vu, ngle liht or en hoil sektep sulte, hot pb .lie, t asonablr. TrlTK "4 nh e housekeeping rooms, 1 block fn.ni library. i. block. from I. o. 'j 1 .' loth st. TWO furnished "'housekeeping rooms; private entrance; $10 per month, -i') Wetdler. cor. I jj lonav ur.i-ui, i.r. I 'I i( ! rooms furnace heat. neat anil reasonable. $l.o0 up 13th st. Mai l'b'2. ZD 1 Tnni-.h'. iiht housekeeping roorr 1 1 t.li st., steam boat, gas for free phone. Phone Ma r. 1 TvVi"Turnlshed housekeeping ooklti Ele' trl- Ihil.t and gas. lOOO'-j Williams ave. 1 LARGE." litil t hikI convenient h. k 'rooms, heat, light, phone: $!'. $10 nnd JIjer in oitlc f"7 ' 'ayst. SIC K L V furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 1 nth st. 'Tw77Crvr 1 i : nc' "modern. H. K. rooms First tlo TWO-i-'leiill Grand at 4 J Main ci-ekecpirig looms. Near Broadway. 347 Fl liNISl! i-:d adults ,.'.." TllKEE ni.elv ho isekc Yamhill. pmg M a i n rooms, HO furnished front house- keeping iTr50per rooms. . itroauit .i) week, neat housekeeping or sleeping room .MM. 13th st. CoMFOltr.AHI.l-; housekeep-.r.g. 2 to f rooms. 6S7. 'Ihsan, near 21st. $S Tvlo ooin suites, well furnished. 4 I'l.'iv. 1'RONT suite houseKceplrig running tvater,henl. 1 Hi ( S EK E E P'ING ro hum $2 week and up. -On 14th cor. rooms, ' 17lh st. I 5o ,; Tay $ i steam healed hoi:sekeping nil: pleasant, i-loi-e ln33 Market. NIC k77y f u r r i Is heir housekeeiung mi cbse he ;;uHHith st. VTOT'SEKEEPING "rooms. 240 I'ark. iim kf.nt ;ioi:si;s FOR RENT No. Ulo Francis ave. Modern 0 room bungalow, $ I ti , No. 1 E. 7 1st st. N., modem 5 room house, line place, furnace, cement basement, complete, rent 17. Houses open. GEO. i;. BOSS, 301 Ger llnger llldg. OLD home, s rooms, convenient, sani tary plumbing, grrs, electric lights, unfurnished or partly furnished; largo yurd. addillonal grounds bearing fruit trees and beriles, 2o minutes on car. Cheap lo responsible person. Phone C- :s:,x. $10 5 room house, gas stove, bath. cement w.iIks, lot .silvloo, near Pied mont ciiibai'us. Phone Woodlawn 60 Or C-17"ii. ZH 7 rooms, modern, trict, attractive, gas r connected. fc95 K. shall I3 7.i. I lol SEs" 1 'URN IS 1 1 161 restricted lis range and heat 2Mh st. Mar El Tat s" houses lii all parts of the city. J. 8 C. COR 1 1 1 N Co AH 'A N V, Lewis hldg. RGoM bungalow.. Wavcrielgh Ills., 935 Invision. Rent only $12.50. Call , Jordan. Broadway. 2316 al 301-2 Lum- Uiecmen's bldg. EIGH'P room modern house. In now Com b school dist . for rent, very i reasonable. Call at 5S1 Marshall st. Main 2 4 7 t. 149 Sixth. 9 rooms, van I $25, cottages, 1043 East Alder, vviretl $11- 91 North 15th. ,$1S.j0. Drakes, 911 Sailing. Main 8392. 11 rooms. $25; 11 rooms. $12, 9 moms, $15. 2 rooms $2S; 15 furnished $5, C rooms $11. EWEN REALTY CO., 312 Panama hJU FOR RENT $14. 5 room, modern bun galow, Hawthorne district. Marshall 2432. 4 ROOMED modern house, RoseVity I'ark car line, $11 per month, lnf'lud ing water, f ljl 'or 1 h t tB 1 d g ; . 4 RIKI.M eottane, vleeidng porch, de sirable for small family. 311 Sher man. Main IKSl. room cottage, nice nnd clean nice vnid, close in. walking distance. 530 Clay st. (all 532. Rent $11. modern room house and 3 lots. poultry Johnson. vard, close to carline. Airs. Real Estate. MilwaiiKle. Or. SEVEN room modern house. gas range, chn ken house, rent $12. Tabor 6310. FIVE room cottagt carline, fireplace. Rose bath City and ParK wash trays. $15. labor 2,o. .LARGE 5 room house and Your own terms. I'hone I- lot. 60x100. 6732. Near car shoos MODERN .'. rage. 180 4 room bungalow and 1636. ga- Division. Tabor room, west sidt . good i 2961. dttT on, '20 minutes walk. C- $H 5 t a n i looms, west e. I in ir Ire 6 side, walking 15 I'luv st dls- 6 ROOM house. $9; near car. 533 E 30th. Sellwoodl I 5o. &ROOM modern. K. 34th i and Wash Ington. $15 per mo. Tabor 3 169. FOR rent, furnished 175 Stanton st. a room cottage. 3 ROOAI house, hot and cold water, $4. 24 3 E, i.i't h st. N. MV var. CLEAN, modem house, at 347 ISth st. Apply 466 M arket St. Phone M. 682 0. MODERN S room. $12, 5 room $10. Phone Tabor 2112. $127 rm. Blanrtena. mod., cor. Commercial and nenr Jefferson high school. THE Oregon Home Builders can rent your home. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. $56 rooms, bath, gas. electricity. 5S5 Montgomery. woodlawn 139.. 354 Sacramento st. rent. Gas. bath. 5 room cottage for $15. FIVE room basement. house in good 404 10th st. shape, full MODERN 1 Corbett. 6 room cottage, $12. 1299 Main 404. Owner, 295 1st. SIX roqm. modern. 547 E. 39th. Block Hardwood floors, to W. R. car. $12.50 SIX room house. lawn 3526 Phone Wood- 'NEW 6 room house. 106 E. 7,)th st. : Rent reasonable. Phone Main 2769. S'OUK ron n house and ' Marshall 2459. lease for sale. FOUR room house. $5.50. Call 405 4th. (FOR RENT 3 room bouse, $5 a mo - 989 E. 29th at. N. $B) 7 room bungalow, 2 lota. Tab. 739. . v"TAGE for rent, 316 Mason at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR REXT HOUSES 13 J Co-tinned) MEIER A FRANK'S FREE, RENTAL. AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Eighth Floor, Main nidg. t Complete end reliable list o vacant nouaefc. rlata. in&rt nnii mil bun -a- 1 lows In the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not I obligate you in any manner -to this tore. You will find ua willing and ready nt all times to help you In locat ing. Nwcomcra In Portland will find this servlco especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of nrlvnte prop erty are invited to list their unoccupied mj ai lments, flats antl ' ouses at Meier v 1' 1 a nil a fr.-f rental bureau. HOUSES. $10 4 rooms neat cottage, nice vard. 4 138 4!tth ave. X.K. W. W. car. 117 7 rooms. 789 E. Ash St. $25 8 rooms. 392 10. Taylor St., coi-rier J20 ft. N. Crand ave., larce yard. -H rooms. 144 .. IStii St., near trood for housekeeping apta. FLATS, rooms, modern, S4 E. 19th mar Sandy blvd.. Hose City c a 1 11. P l'AI.M KK-Ji )NF.S CO., 14 Wlleox bUlK.. Main X'1. 8 Room House 4'Jth and Tillamook xts.; hardwood flors, 1 lireplaces, furnace, tile in batli and vestibule floor, extra wash basin and toilet downstairs, plate glass win dews, hard surface streets, corner lot; J4 Tai-or ttlli or East ii'7, li 'i 1 -- Modem" "NobH ill Home To lease 2 or 3 years. 9 and floored attic. I'lst and large rooms Everett sts $ 15 per month. Main 35. The Shaw-Fear ('"- A-3 00 lo'J Fourth street. FIVE room bungalow in City Vle.v i'ark. 1 lib ! of Sellwood car. Restricted district. paved streets. Kent only $12 ,er month. If you want a bargain ou will accept this offer at om e. At res A- Smitn. 5"1 Northwest bid gv Mil I n 726 6 . ft Koo.M house, centrally located, 686 K. Ankeny near lutti st , modern and clean. Rent $20. Kent paid now will pay for rioxl month. See this house. 1'ARRISH. WATKINS v CO.. 10; Sc cond Street. K ROOM house in good condition, just renovated. 353 12th, near Mill ?t. Suitable for housekeeping rooms. Rent $2U. FARRISH. WATKINS & CO. lf.ij Second Street. I'OKRE.T x loom houso. modern, HTli Schuyler st., near Fernwood school. bedrooms, furnace, fine base ment, gas sti've. also garage, good i.eignborhood. $". per month. A. I'. Wilson, M llu a u kie. r, K' ii M cottage, clean and central, and electrrc- mo'iern p! . i in long, gas ; ily, 1 1 :;, runm- 1 1 th and Hall Sts. i Rent $ I ti. i PARH1SII, WATKINS Sz CO lert Seeond St. SIX room house, half block off Bel mont, on E. I !'th st. only $15. Phone Tabor 4 25 or call at 170 E. 49th St. Take Ml. V:i!. .r or Sunnyslde car. IN I rvlngton, 0 room modern house. fu:-n.'ice and fireplace, 3S blocks frvm lrvington school. Reasonable rent to responsible parties. J-967. 1 Journal. 'MDKRN bungalow, 50 ft. from Al ' berta cur. 1037 E. 20th St. North. Rent only $12.50 per month, ("nil Jor dan, ilio.-otuay J34G at 301-:: Lum- men's bldg. ModeUN 6 room house In fine con dition, furnace and oak floors. Nos. :S6l an.l to;7 E. Clinton St.. on Rich-: I r-iond eariine. Phone Selluood l!'91. 1 j NEW b room modern bungalow; cor-1 i ner; .". blocks Woodstock car; 20 , miniiii'B out; -tee rent to December 1. SJ 2 5o. Tabor 5414. i ISA your m uiey; $4.50 for a 5 room I plastered house; fine condition; f0x ! 10 0 lot: barn. etc. 4914 41st av., Mt. 1 Scott car to Anabrl. Main 5730. SIX loom bungalow, modern, new. $18 Water paid. W. I nearly Nash. owner, 1385 Tabor Court, E. 49th, near Taylor. Phone D-10-S1. r 1 N K watt home, r heat. rooms and garage, hoi fireplace, tile bath with location; low rent. Main shower", best 93 7. STRICTLY modern 10 room bungalow. City View I'ark, on paved stneet, 2u3 ft, from carline. I'hone week days, Sellwood 94 1. MODI . RN rooms house In Roe City Park, 7 porch. Gas and sleeping range, etc at 423. th st. N. Key Li ST house rentals with The Oreeon I lome Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank SEVEN room west side, bor 414. house, 1 Rent, $1 90 Orant I'hone St.. Ta- l.l&T tour house with The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. Ml X 1.")" RENT 9 room new house. SOx feet ground. A 7 room house. 90 f.'ct ground Tabor 3252. MODERN 9 room house Holladay's ad dition, 1 block from car. See owner. East ,i7 5l WANT good house, cheap? $8 for modern S rooms at 1294 Corbett St. Fulton car to Flower St. ABSOLUTELY modern 5 room bunga low. 14 11 Kelly st , $10. Fulton car to Carolina st. A darkly little home. $S and $10 Two blocks from Rose 190 E. 21st st. N. room houses, 3 City car. Inquire Phone East 8682. FOR RENT- ln, singly Broadway S. -House and 2 barn9. close or together. Apply 266 A-4522 FINE cottage, 8 rooms, 1200 E. Grant st. Good yard. Gas range. $20. 312 Journal bldg. PO RT LA NT) 1 1 E I G UTS. & room bungalow, yard, fireplace, heaters, near car. $20 month. Al. 4577. GOOD 7 room house, electric lighted, Hot and cold water. $12. 65 East i Mb North. J MODERN 6 room house and sleeping I porcli on 7th and Waidbr. Iniruire ' at .".29 F. 7 1 1 1 st. N. $1S Modern 7 room house, attic, base i ment. talking distance. Inquire 661 E. Aladrson st. Phone East 1 430. 268 Alill, 6 room 2 family house, 2 rooms upstairs partly furnished rent for $S. $15.50 for the whole house TO RENT, new modern 6 room house, on corner Vancouver ave. 'and Mason st.. $15 a month. Phone Woodlawn 204. FIVE room house, beautiful yard, no small children, $15. 1037 K. 11th! st. X. C-1328. FOR RENT 5 rooms. modern. $5 . month. Phone Woodlawn 1341. , i MODERN 6 room cottage, partly fur 1 nlahed, near car, $10. Sell. 1844. i $12.50 868 Union aveT-N. 6 rotam i modern house, large chicken yard. SMALL house; rentT $5 mon th ; located , 993 Glenn ave. N. i ROOA1S. 455 13th. Main 5309. FUHN1TURK FOR BALE HOUSES FOR RENT 82 i Fl RMTURE 6 room cottage, modem, 1 block fnm library, rent cheap, 2 rooms rented pay expenses. 408 Sal-n-.on st.f between 10th and 11th. ADs of furniture tor sale are pub l shea lu the Household Goods clasal- '""'i1 ' not for rent. 5 ROOMS new furniture for sale eaav terms; rent $5 month. Withrow & Orr. 411 Henry bldg FURNITURE of 6 room flat for $100. Everything ready for housekeeping. 227V. Mill st. FURNITURE for aale of 6 rooma, new and modern, cheap. 475 Broadway. FUHNISIIKD HOUSES SO $156 room cottage, gas and electric 17th and Davislon st. Tabor 829: ity. $6.50 and COZY -One room and water included. kitchenette, gas Woodlawn 209. room a hou se. 1405 Otreonta st. Woo awn car. FIVE rooms, furnished, attic, flre- place, 2 lots, garage. $15. Ta. 2546. COZY-5" room cottage, 4 blocksTBroad way bridge. 436 Rosa. E. 4866 6 ROOMS. 455 13th. Main 6309. 30 I FINE 5 room furnished bungalow, al most new, Hawthorne district, best electric fixtures, fireplace, built-in buT 1 fet, Dutch kitchen, back porch screened in, cement cellar, wash trays, wiH rent to particular people for $17.50. Phone D-1057. FINE 6 room house, partly furnished. 100x100 lot and garage. Roses, fruit and chicken house. 2 blocks from car. $10.60 per month. 4025 64th at.. Laurel wood. Call at room a 15. Common wealth bldg. FURNISHED bungalow 6 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, hardwood iloors, player piano, library Haviland china, electric cleaner, ele'ttrlc iron, sewing machine. 1055 Vaun I in st. A FINE, up-to-date i room banjjaiow, on E. 16th N. near Alberta car, ele gantly furnished with e erythi.'ig need ed, tilanchard & Clemsou, Sell- iKi 1 d g; STRICTLY modern, j. radically new, j well furnished bungalow, 1-4 blocku ! north of J)insion 011 K. 30th. Hard surfaced streets. Rent $2U. 450 aoth. ellwool 10o5 ' :; R XJ.M bungalow with fireplace, cor:, ! pletely furnished. ?--'.'!) with ele'tric 1 lights, gas and water furnishr-d. 1'hor.e : Tabor 1H1II. or call E. 44th St., 1 ; I lock north of Hawthorne ae. I T K N 1 S i 1 VA ) 5 room house. near Stark; electric lights, ano, vaeium cleaner. $15. Hyatt, 350 Alder. E. 31st gas. pi- E. B. FIRM II ED 5 room modern house. everything like new. Best residence district. 'il" E. 4:'th. Take Haw thorne car. $30 7 rooms, furnished modern near E. Wilcox house "Dth. bldg. at 8S6 E. Taylor St.. Palmer-Jones Co., 4u4 Main 86:9. i .MODERN furnished 5 room cottage ! at 220 Iy street; rent $16. chicken yard and garden spot ; wiil be at place j tod.iy. Marshall -.".62. FO 1 : "RENT W el 1 f u rn 1 s hed bungalow i with piano Low rent. Evergreen i station. Oregon City carline. Phone I Oak Grove 5J. I FOR RENT Nice ; room turnisbed i plastered house, with basement, ;tt j Lents, or., only $i per month. Inquire 400 Oregonian bldg. I 4 RooM. completely furnished lneiud- inu piano. 1 202 E, Harri Sunday, or 6r'5 N . W. l)ldg. on. ("all Monday. Marshall 4M9. 1 ROOM furnished bungalow, 15 min utes out Oregon Electric, 5c fan , ' i lose toear: $Uimonth. M a i n 37 41. I ROSE 'IT Y""' PARK" DISTRICT "Fur I ni.shed house, whole or j'iirt. Call , Sunday Tabor .',275 after 6 p. m. 517 6 room furnished cottage, 54 i K. ' .'Ui. Richmond car to 27th, 1 block i smith. 1 nTcTHTy fTmiishetl 5 room bungalow i 636 Ellis ave. Sellwood car. $16 i.er ; month. W oodlawn 1032. DESIRABLE 7 room ! neighborhood. Piano house, select lieasonable. j 776K. Taylor. . . '$10 includes water. Furnished 5 room 1 cottage, plumbing. e tricity. gas. i Hawthorne car. Call "3550 67th St. FI RNISHED 4 room cottage, bath and gas. 950 Albina ave.. L car. I'hone Woodlaw n 3 5 1. IRVINGTi )N. 5 ro fuinished $25 a st., north. om bungalow month. 6S5 nicelv E 11 th THREE room furnished house, $7.50 per month, including water. Inquire 47M 5vihst.vE SI 2.50 Nicelv lurnlaheil 4 room mod ern rotti ge', water paid. Myrtle Park, i Mt. Scott. Key at 11039 4 1st aye. iFER-MSllED complete, modern 7 house, 3 bedroooms. furnace, water heater. Tator 4679. Ai TRACTl VEL Y furnished house. Portland Heights, for winter or in- definit e ly. M1lil2 0 $15, furnished 4 room modern cot tage. Inquire 173 Morris St., morn ings. 6 ROOM comfortably furnished. modern. 4 months or longer. 32d. Hawthorne car Main 6668. new. East PARTLY furnished ano; large yard; wood 214 1. tT room house; pl barn. Sell- fruit: VERY desirable 5 room cottage, com pletely furnished, cheap. 722 E. An keny. THREE room furnished in, between Oak and Itniutre 44 E. 7th. cot ige, cl Pine. E. ose 'th. 6 ROOM furnished (list. East 3273. house, Hawthorne 2 RooM cottage, furnished; $6 month. 1 405 oneonta st; Woodlawn car. Al'AKTMKNTS 43 F U R M S 1 1 E 1 AMI INFIRX ISHEjJ HASTEN' APARTA1ENTS. 3 room, modern, steam heated, fur nished apartment, in new brick bldg. of only 9 apartments, cheap. 927 L'uion ave. N. Woodlawn t96. BROAD WAV CENTRAL fur. apts.; strictly modern 2, 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance. $18 up; also single rooms, 3 blocks east of Broadway bridge Fast 6663. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable rent: best of service. Main 2506 o 4 rooms, all outside, lower, cor ner, fireplace, hardwood tloors, ? porches, good heat, gas range, gaxage. East t9. "ORDERLEIG 1 1" 82 GRAND AVE. ' Alodern 3 room apartment. SIS up. l nder new management. SIX room apartment, ail outside roorfln, large porches. Nub Hill district. Also 4 rooms, furnished, outside rooms. Main 8251. FmBER 11H Union ave., cor. Ash. Apt., furnished or unfurnished, new ly renovated; gas, bath, i'hone East i 3563. I 4 AND 5 room apartments, furnished ! and unfurnished. line furniture, plaver piano. Rent reduced. Phone East 3252. NEWLY' furnished 2 room apt Mod- ern. $16, including light and Free phone. 421"a 6th. corner heat. 1 Hali. ! Main 1028. PORTNOA1 A H . 3 rooms. $20; 4 rooms. $23; sleeping porches, hardwood floors, walking dis 1 tame. 200 E. 13th. cor. Tavior. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Alarshall 2316. Nice 6 room furn. and unfurn. apts. also 3 and 4 room furn. apartments. I THE LUZERNE Modern 2 rooms fur nished; brick bldg. Phone in each ;apt.; $17 and up Marshall 4637. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170,' concrete bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up THE ALMO APTS. 494 Market St., nicely furnished 3 room apts. $15 and up. i ROSENFELD APTS., 14th and E. Staric. new brick bldg. "Little Homes" ar ranged In 3 or 4 rooms, private phones. 1 THE MUNCEY 390 Clay, between 10th and West Park. Nicely furniahed 2 rooms and kitchenett. LTEL APTS. 790 E. AnKeny; large clean, light 8 room apts. completely furnished; steam heat. East 1808. NOKOMIS apts., 565 Marshall St., mod ern, private bath and dressing room; new management; prices to suit. THE CODY APARTMENTS. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room . light free; private bath. E. apts. , DOWN town, modern apts., $15 month i I up, including heat, light, etc. Royal I Annex. 350 Alorrison. FOUR large newly decorated rooms, completely rurnisnea. rireplaces and fine view: 453 12th st, A-5237. BUCK-HARTFORD, 101 rm. apts. Fur, AValk. N. 21st St., 3 dist. Low rent. THE MORTON King and Washington. 3-4 rm. suites, close in; $15 up. LUXOR APTS., 4 room apts. 324 13th St.; 2, 3 also light H. K. and NEATEST 6 room apartment in city, jill accommodations. Main 4124. AMERICAN 6 rm. apt. and Marlborough mod. 4, 6. Mar. 3360 M 7516. A-2676. 'CINCINNATI Court. 401 10th. 2, 3. 4 rm. mod. fur, apts. sing, nnrar. rms. TWO and 3 room nished. close In. apartments, unfr $8 to $12. E. 5279. TWO and 3 low price. rooms, furnished. 448 Clay, near modern, 12th st 'ft room apts. 487 Taylor. Reasonable. FURNISHED HOUSES (Continued) FURNISHED AXD UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 Cotinaed Comfort Accessible Reasonable Rent Ail uiese leatures and many are included in these apartments, where you can get the most for more Rent your money. THE BELLE COI RT Trinity Flace, near Washington. THE 1!HYL. 695 Lovejoy. near 21st. 2. 3 and 4 r oom apart merits, with all the modern up to date conveniences. Look at these buildings today. Let ter your living conditions. Call at buildings or phone THE F1U:! A. JACOBS CO.. Managers. Main !Sf,9 vt;.j Wash st A-1777 Lucretia Court Lucretla St., bet. Wash, and Ever ett ets. Most beautifully located high class apts., 2-3-4-5 rooms. All modern conveniences, first ciass service. Fricej reasonable. References aeer Mar. 1513. required. Man- j I THE WASHINGTON. 0S9 Northrup st near -1st. - 5 room unfurnished lanartmont with all modern convent ences, including free gas. electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water, teienhone hh ranee, etc. Take "W" car to 2 1st and Northrup Alain 4;::c, a-i i 33. Phones I THE A ETA MONT, 5th arid College. Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, rent rt a sorial.e. Also bachelor's apartments. Heat, water, pnone and janitor serv iceincludf d. THE 1 ' A V F.N Po RT. 5a,") J.ctferson st. Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apts. Also single rooms, gas p.ates. Heat, water, phone and janitor serv i ce Included. Phone Main 5 4 3 5. THE KLEIN APARTMENTS 492 '3 East Burnside. I'nder a-:emfiit. Nctviy renovated new man 1 and 2 room apts., single rooms steam heat; rei ts reasonable. ARE V I i P V0 lit i ' WN JANITOR? THERE IS NO NEED TO BE! Wagoner Apt., 715 Wayne St., 6 room furnished, all outside, with heat, telepho tlis. in water. Rent onlv $40. Best ity. 1 5 min walk 5th st. ii li E E room apar tment, nig kitchen, living room and bedroom, private bath, yam and basement, new furniture and i It an as it pin, free phone, light and water: all for $20 a month. Call 306 1 .'i Ii s t ji ear Columbia. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. BI'i'K-H ARTFoRD 107 N. 21t st. 3 rm. arts: fur. Walkl ng llst. Low rent. FOR KENT FLATS 13 $10 per mo, for nice, clean upper 5 room flat on west wide, bath, eiectrlc light, wood elevator, 3b7t' N. 21st st. bet. Thurruan and I'pshur. Key at 3So N. 21st. or phone Main 223. DESIRABLE 4 room upper flat fur nace, sleeping' porch, hardwood firs. 361 Larrabee, near Broadway bridge. Main 4 6V QgOTOW t I NEW, modern, 5 room lower fiat, fur room pace, Lrepiace, linoleum, Dutch gas kitchen, gas range, water heater. Key, St. i E. Ankeny. 4 ROOMS. $5; close In, east side flat; gas, electric lights. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 1 5 ROOM flat on Holladay ave.. spien did rooms, $20 pfer mo. Staples the Jeweler. 1 5 room flat. East 1st and Weldler $15 per mo. Staples the Jeweler. MODERN 3 room $6. Wdln. 1953. flats. $10. 2 rooms, 706 "Vancouver ave. b ROOM modern flat. Phono Tabor 4175. 362 Park t FOtR rent. room East flat, 963. 610 E. Clay. Low FLKMSIIKIJ FLATb 50 TO IET -Nicely furnished 5 room flat, close In, 12 minutes' walk from shopping district. Electric lights, phone and water ree, gas and hath. Rent $ I S month. Call East 4574. 4 RooAI FLAT $10.00. 20th and Belmont, electric lights and cps. This is walking distance. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com merce TTfRETy'Toom-Flat $8. T.61'-, Powell s:t.. ground floor, furnished except dishes and bedding. Key t cor. store. NICELY furnished 4 room flat, rent reasonable. 643 Kerby st. 3 970 bath. East MODERN 5 rooms neatly furnished lower flat rent $15. Inquire at kOa Milvvaukie at. CLEAN, modern, $13 month, flat 2. 5 room furnished flat. :29'i AVilliaxus avo.. Til REE room f u r n ished. Wood lawn 16" modern Phone flat completely after 6 p. m. MODERN 3 or 4 room furnished flat, $12 Wood 1205. SIO ii LS AX L QFK1C Jb a 1 FOR RENT 2 stores In live town of 2u00, one suitable for tailor shop, one for restaurant and oyster house. A. D. McKever, Camas. Wash. Phone Farmers 27. STORES $15 EACH. Well located on Sandy blvd , heart Rose City Park; suitable for hardware, paint, drug, grocery, etc.; some fix tures for sale. Tabor 3040. BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. . tt BUTCH F.RSHoP for rent cheap. In connection with good grocery; free delivery. Tabor 3 794 WAXTKD TO REXT WANTED To rent by responsible party, family of 3, a furnished resi dence or modern bungalow for the win ter months. West .vide or lrvington preferred. E-747, Journal. WANTED Small house, well fur nished, or 3 room apts. ground floor. Close in preferred; $10 month or less. 1 435 Grand ave. WANTED 4 room house bath walk lng distance. 23d and Wash. Lowest rent. U-202, Journal. BY adults. 4 or 6 room bungalow or flat on A or L car. Apply 1304 E. 13th N. ! ' OR 3 unfurnished rooms wanted by middle-aged lady, w-aiking distance. Marshall 3510, or Y-472. Journal. WANTED To rent S or 4 room sub urban cottage, modern preferred. H 704, Journal. V,'a"NT to rent nice modern bungalow in good location, close in. Call Mon day. Main 4244. HORSVS. VEHICUiS, ETC. 18 1 BAY' team and wagon, 58th st. N. weighing Price 2500. harness 150. 2S6 East WILL sell span of mules, span mares and harness to right party on time. M-419. Journal. FOR SALE cheap Juat returned from prospecting, a good team, wagon and harness. $S5 takes it. 486 E. Market. io BUY'S horse, harness and Dll wagon. Call at 9104 65th ae. S. E. Phone Tabor 5377. FOR SALE Light team with harness $35; also covered wagon cheap. 211 Ktllingsworth. AA'oodlaw-n 1539. $25 Nice pony, rides gentle, car south. work any place and 711 2d st Take S. FOR SALE cheap, express wagon at Hawthorne stable, E. 6th and Clay. CHEAP Fine 2 horse covered surrev. H. W. Brooks. 234 Front st. M. 389. CHEAP $40 single wagon, harness. tons hay. 1652 Virginia St. WANTED Good I860 Tabor 3081. lb. mule. Phone WANTED Horae, must be cheap. around 950 lbs., TeL Tabor 1919. IS MARES, team, bay, seven year old mares. 26U0 lbs., low. blocky, heavy boned, orchard mares, the kind that wiil always (fo your work aid keep fat. They are grain fed, shod, have nice manes and tails, and are true, single or double and will ride. Set heavy sewed trace harness, all like new, at low price. $210. 1 Mares, team, nice 2500 lb. black! mares with the best of feet and legs; are true pullers and very handsome , lair of mares that will do apy work. Set sewed trace harness, all goes at 1 low price of $190. Lay tenrn horse and mare, 2656 lbs., low set heavy honed blocks that will do seven days work a week and always keep fat." Set heavv har ness and breed ing of mare paid for and all at $165. Mares, black and red roan. 2700 lbs., are good team, city sore mares that will pull four tons any spot or place you put them and both have been bied and show to be lit foal. Set heavy : wed Irate harness, all goes $150. 1 Drafters, team "1 00 lbs., horse and ni-ire, five and set en t ears old and no older. Mare has been brefl: they hate th best of feet arid U -S and are fine big team. We have and will sell sepal at of $225. no ei v irst. at for low them price Mules, team, 2600 lbs., mules young nt $210. one lbs., are f.ne Set harries. and fat. set harness learn black mules, .1250 lor ram.ii or any worlc. at $180. Single mares and horses, mare 17"0 lbs., very cheap; one black mure, 1300. Good worker at $65. o;,e mare, Uoo lbs., good worker, at 155. One bay mare. IL'50 lbs., at $6 5. One good gelding nt $45. Ail are sii.Kie or; double workers and will rc guaranteed. , Hurness, two sets of heavy sewed trace harness. Two sets layer truce harness. Throe sets single harness. Two sets (if buggy harness. Two sets I butt chaiti harness. At low prices. Re sure to Inspect our harness if you rited u set. Saddles: we have stock saddles, are three fine heavy so slightly us-il niiily pass for new. ill. I hie has sqilare nd the other is a dilli. Your choice that they would n one has bucking r tree for topih u l'.iiicy stampr it ; . i't $20. Wagons, two new 3'4 ax farm wag- oris with box and seat complete at third off. One :! ' j wide lire, low wheel, with California, stake rack in fine shape at $45. One gear 3 i I wide tire in good order at $30. One , low wheel gear at $15. One high wheel i Studehaktr high seat springs under; box at $65. Looks like new. We must, sejl some of these, wagons and liar- ; nes to pay storage. All are bargains, i We deliver .inythln purchased free' to boats or freight ;(ril. t'nioii Trans fer and Stoia,- Co., 11th at Hov t St.; SP AN of dapp.e grays, 4-r.-- id mare, 350 lbs. g uara n- $2o0. lbs.. 8 5-yr -old gehlir.g, weighing : Free of blemishes, pound a'ld tt-ed pi every respect to work. Black mare weighing 1150 rrs. old, free of blemishes and true, 65. Span of hay geldings, very plosely ninted. weighing 22no lis., free of blemishes, sound and true in every respect. Ooiel workers, single or dou ble, g and 7 trs. oid. $150. .MODEL S TA REUS, 5th and Davit. Auction. Eterv Monday and Fridav at 10:30.1 Mc Clelland Horse and Mule Market. . Mh and Alain. Prop. E. J. MEESON. All classes of horses and rnui-.s for sale; consignments solicited; stock honts and cars free. fetched from BARGAINS FOR SOMEONE In order to stop feed lull for win ter, we have the following teams for sale : 22uo lb. tram Iron grays, 5 and 6 yrs. 1.00 lb. team bay ponies. 6 and 7 yrs. 2 4 o o lb. team hay and black, 6-7 yrs. The above are ail in fine condition and will be sacrificed as stated above. 2.(3 N. 14th st. LooK a. this snap. Team well rnatc'ur. young, tat, good workers, weignt 2t,io Ins., no: lame or sore, good eyes and good wind. Set heavy i harness and a good wide tire, farm ' wagon witn box, all at $D5 Trial al lowed. Call Contrai tin; Stables 444 Hoyi St. NOTICE As I have no tarn room am I obliged to sell some of mv horses.' Team mare and horse, weight 2600. age ' 8 and 9, true to work, s-.nle or double. I Bargain $1 15. Oregon i'itv . ar to Arling- ! ton station. Inquire at store for Glass 1 place. Goose Neck Wagon good condition Three ton wagon for euie v erv eheai in EDWARDS Co Al PANT, 5th and Oak. FINE $25o gooseneck milk wnrnn either shaft or tongue, with perfect ly sound horse, weighs about 1300 pounds, 8 years old Also harness. Outfit cost $4 15. Price $175; $50 down, $10 monthly. E B llvatt. 350 Alder. $45 for 1500 lb. brown mare about TO years old. Good work order any place. Also a team of horses 2300 lbs., work any place. $30. Lewis Smith, S. car south to Meade St., walk 2 blockis west, No. 251. WILL sacrifice two teams work and driving horses with harness com plete for cash, or will consider some trade; teams can be seen at Fisher's farm. Woodburn. Phone Med 14 290(1 LB TEAM, mare and ireldin arid S years old. The best te.im town for the money. $250, See 170 3 4 93. t hem Kill- if looking for a good team i n5s w or t h a vp. Wood la w n BAY horse. ! tears old. sound, in fine condition, weight 9'hi, works singlu and double, a good saddler; must be sold to pay $25 feed bill. 461 Gold smith 5 H E A D of work and driving horses, wagons and harness for sale cheap; part cash, balance trade for good auto mobile. Ford preferred. Jordon 218 Board of Trade, Portland RANI '11 horses, saddle horses, in fact, any horse that you may need. We have all kinds of horses, wagons, bug gies and harness at vour own price N"hhv Stables. ?th nnd Flanders. NICE team dark dapple grey horses, both 5 years old. gentle, well broke; weigh 2800; , ost $450. tint owing to sickness need money; $250 takes them Call 570 Rhone st.. Sellwod car. FOUR light farm horses" 1! wagons! Harness. 3 nugg'.es and harness, must he sold. Walters Sta s, Oregon City. Or. 1 SPAN w ork mares, w t. 2200; set double breeching harness. 1 farm wagon. 1 express wagon; $165. 603 Guild st. WANT good 250O lb. farm team for rooming house at 292 Russell. See owner there till Monday noon. Good proposition Step lively. $2o for team fat ponies, 9u0 lba. each, work single or double, little street sore, S car south to Meade st, walk 2 block west No. 251. GOOD voung team of mares weight n 'l nhntit 2200 lbs farm wn pnn nnit harness: at vour own nrice. 1029 Fl lam niu st. TO EXCHANGE, light grocery deliv ery wagon and horse for heavier out fit; will pay difference. Wdln. 2C28, C-1215, $150 CASH today will buy 3 mares, one aet double harness, one buggy, one single harness. Call Broadway 65, Portland Carriage Co. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Renderlpe Co FOR PALE Bay mare, 1000 lbs., years old. gentle, 885 F. Sth at. Take Sellwood car to Mall st. 8 GENTLE horse, harness and wagon, reasonable. A. AVallace. Kendall sta. Estacada line. WILL trade a horse, heavy harness, for plga. Call Tabor 47S9. double set of cow. chickens. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC Co-tlnnedl 18 HORSES AND MARES. BUY FROM A RESPONSIBLE DEALER. If you are in the market for horses or mares, it will pay you to come in and let us show you what we have. We have just received some nice young horses, ranging in weight : rom lOuu lbs. to 1800 lbs. Gentle and spirited, true to pull and broke to work single or double. All colors. THE PRICES ON THEM ARE RIGHT. FRAZIER & M LEAN. Cor. 6th and Taylor Sta. Portland s Oldest and Most Reliable Horse Dealers. ; COMMISSION AUCTION SALE. I Of horses, harness, wagons, etc., every Thursday at t p. m. It will pay anyone that wants horses, or wants t . sell horses, to attend our sale. Everything is guaranteed to be as w' represent it. COLUMBIA STABLES. ! :t3! Front St. Call Main 3030. I. J. I Williamson, auctioneer. LIVESTOCK 35 REAL bargain but must sell by Tues day, ae 1 am going to California Wednesday A span of mares weigh ing 1000 lbs. each, both sound, true pullers at any work and good goers. Not hog fat but in guod order. Also extra wortt horse. 120o lbs., will sacri fice them for the cash. Ori single, one double wagon. Call at Heile" apartments, GrHr.d and Hawthorrv av. .Mr. Baumer. DV sire ot I farrow this YEARLING Duroc sow, h.i rti r.ion Defender, to month to Shadeland Crimson onaer. $25, worth $75. Bred Gilts Spring 'ar row, $15 and $20. Shadeiand Farm. Amity. Or. 30 HEAD voung Holstein grades, fresn or coming fresh; also 20 head young Ihoircs. E. E. Morgan, Yamhill. Or., or 36 Chamber of Commerce. Port- lard. J FINE family quart; i; d:iy good Guernsey ;3a A itierican ow s, o;d h. cow. ! time; 1 It; iuart, 1 14 fei s I rom extr i 5 tii and Ankeny; don't call Sun- ila s. . ONI; registered Jersey bull, 2 good milch, cows, severaj heifers, 2 beet cows. Will sell reasonably if taken Im mediately. Call 33d. between Powell and Fram is sts V.. W. car. neu. :iv FOl'R good fresh Cows, Jersey. Guern sey, and Durham, givinjr 4 to a gal lons"per dav. Will sell one or all. $'0 and $75 a head. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave., io 4 blocks wesc TWO Jerseys, 1 Durham, extra good i fresh cows, cheap. 956 I-'.. 39th St., I Woodstock car to 4Sth ate. 2 blocks ! V est. ' 1 lOGlSTEREl) Duroc, mother of 17 at one litter, cheap; ga engine saw or truck: can use young rresn cow. R F. Walters, 133'b 1st. FOR SALE Young fresh ouernse Jersey cow; rich milk; cheap. Ml. Tabor car to 76th. then 5 blocks south Market 4 GAL. cow, 2 gal. now. Go north to west. fresh about Xm giving $60 cash. Lents station. Hoyways store, 2 blocks FRESH cows, one Holstein, one extra large Shorthorn roan Durham, good dairv or stock cow, cheap for cash. 9j !'.. 5'oth. cor. Washington. KliT'b in trie purple, a Oeauty, 14-year-old bull, $50. Bill Gordon. Palmer, Or. 1 1 .MONTHS old June. $25. 6523 Woodstock ear. heifer, fresh 62d ave. S. In E , ows "for sale Bred to U. S. m Jersey. Phone 69-X, Oak PKINll cow for sale cneap. aiso uig 1 11.1.. it v ........ ,9Au lti. . i r ir iiesireu. yL'inv tovf -ji.. st. S E. Alt. Scott car to Laurel-.' ood. BRUCE sells Holstems of dairy cows, from Union Stockyards. and all breeds 1 to 100 head. VERY fine Jersey cow, fresh very soon. 609 Fesscnden. St. Johns. I o- lumbia 20G. FOR SALE 2 fresh cows, must be sold at once; heavy rich milkers. In quire at East S2d arrd AVashirigloni. FOR SALE Cheap, pigs and shotes, weighing about 90 lbs. C. 11. Horton. I Durham sta.. Phone 551 Line 13. ..I'M, 1931 calf 5. or trade for vegetables. E. Yamhill st. FRESH Jersey cow, with or calf Call Mllwaukle 46 X. without 5 FRESH cows for sale at 965 Missis sippi ave. Take Kentojr or L cars. Mil K cows wanted for a gorxi r?cnu- matin piano, owner. ai-oati,o TsTTnilPfoTiiervice at the Crown Stables. 286 Front st A NT H. P pasture for Burnham 2 cows. Tabor 3769. 1 A At 1 L Y cow Division st. cheap, call Monday 1731 POULTRY A XL) riGEO'S 7 ! FOR high elasn show- piGeons or large squab and fast breeding strain, yo r I will find the best birds In the well ! known B. A. Mitchell lofts. Breed 1 kinds. Showed 14 pair at Oregon State Fair all birds wire honored with the i blue ribbon, 1st prize. Receive many ' honors wherever shown. I ra.se every . bird I sell and from only prize vvin 1 ning stock. Visitors welcomed at my 1 lofts any time. B. A. -Mitchell. Orenco I Or. 30 minutes' ride from Portland on Oregon Electric. j BARRED Rock hens, pullets. $1.50; cockerels $2.50. : PIGEONS. About 75 Carneaux. Homers. Mai ' tese and larce crosses: some mated. ' others good voung- stock; clean up this pen 60o each; large crosses, guaran teed mated. $1.6u pair, in 25 pair lots; ' they produce pound squabs. I Golden Seabrlght cock, 2 pullets, $5. I OREGON CARNEAU CO.. Tabor 4883. Box 279. i'ortian.i. ' NEV ZEALAND HARES Very nice lot of bucks and does, S to 8 months old. The New Zealand Babbitry. 7 803 60th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car. BARGAIN Closing out 24 young Car neaux and 6 crosses ior ..u. Usual price. $1 each. 36 young Ilom I ers at $14.50. Usually 60c each. Mar- 1 shallJ4 20 . OREGON Agricultural College White Legborn cockerels $1.50; vigorous. : Edw. Brockmaun. 329 Burnside St., j Portland, FOR SALF. Roae comb White Wyan dott pullets for aale. March hatched: make beat winter layers. ;1 296 Union ave. THOROUGHBRED pullets. AA hlte fly anrfbttes. Leghorns, light Brahmas; 50c and 75c. 1797 Oregon at. Monta villa car. FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. . AN . Leghorn cockerels. 10 pr ( orn. Pigeons. Very reasonable. 11-S East 29th Norths PEDIGREED Rufus hares, 6 months. $ Reds Belgian ', apiece, $3.50 pair. 540 Roselnwn aw BARRED ROCK pullts and a rew cockerels for sale cteap. I hornpson Rl 1 1 glet s t r a i n Beau - T abo r2 7 a 9. 3ViMONTHS old heifer calf to trade for Barred Rock or Rhode Island Red pullets and roosters. Alar, 937. FOR SALE VV. 1 cockerels. Tancred strain $2 each, t'nas. Stevens, Mll waukle. Or.. R. F. D. 1 i-OR SALE Barred Rock and Burr Orpington pullets; Buff ochln ban tams. 1 4 4 7 MaIlorvave. Vtdln. 16d6. INCUBATOR and farm wagon to swap 'for chickens or pigs. E. Kehoe, R. 2, Box 9. Hillsdale, Or. i 50 PAIRS pig -mis i 0c lerjzr ...,i Hi-oners 1 27 East White Alatliies 25th i ft.. Nortl I FINE AVhite Ieghorn co Kerei trannested stock East 394 from 8 AVHITE leghorns. barred rocks, -sacks rain $11. 23 E. 26th st so. r THOROUGHBRED Anconas n fly mouth ro ks for sale. East 3S69. PIGEONS 2431. 66c a pair. Call Woodlawn 1XJGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 THOROUGHBRED French toy poodle puppies: female ?-' 4 PEDIGREED made Cocker Spaniel. 16 mos. old: $15. Main 8582. '3t Hoyt. IRISH TERRIERS, best watchmen. Home phone pals and B-1215 FEMALE Spits puppies, $2 Sunday, 1699 E. Gllsan. e-ch. Call CHOICE. well $3. bred fox terrier 822 Thurman. pup. .bargain. HORDES, VEHICLES, ETC. (CootlDaed) 3 GOOD ( Ohamph Gnve. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD FKTS 4B (ContiBQed) WANTED Registered Englleh setter stud dog, Blue Helton preferred, give full particulars first letter. For sale, Airedale pups, $7.50; Fox Terrlera, $. WX-33. Journal. AIREDALES, registered stock. I fe males; 4 males; hunted some; 1 fe male staghound 3 months old. Ev erret Pnvne, 100 Front at. Main 886. AIREDALE STUD A winner by Ch. Illuminator, fee $10; puppiea cheap. Main 4522. or kennels. McKenna ave and Lombard st., St, Johna carline. CANARIES, dark yellow. St. Andreas- berg Roller, fine singer; also female, $5 the pair. E. 66S2. 5386 Rodney av imtowtkii St. Andreasburr Roller Wood- singer for sale; also femalea, lawn car, 390 Shaver streiat. WILL'scIl white male French poodle, 1 yr. old, good house dog, of children. Tabor 6406 very fond For SALE Several dozen nice young guineas for holiday trade. Address UX-5C1, Journal ORANGE I'ervsian females. 6 weeks. kittens, Cheap. pedigreed Woodlawn FOR SALE- Thoroughbred Boston Mull Trr:er. male. 2 ? months old. i Phone Miiwaukle 29J. I BLACK and tan. male. 5 mos., 2 $25; Airedale bitch. $7.50. Box lbs.. 2 79. Port land. Tabor tss3. j CANARIES for sale, good singers, $2 each; females 5oc. 394 Morris st. ' ?J 4 , ENGLISH bull imp nt a bargain. 1039 I.. Arnold st; W NTED. fox iiound 50 Vancouver av. must be cheap. AI TO.MOK1LKS - AUUK.SSOK1KS 44 PORTABLE GARAGES $3" I P. H( l SKS $125 CP. TAKE D WN MFG. Co.. F4 Water at.. Ma:ii 1167. N E W B Y SCI ENT I F ' i ' REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. C, R. Miner & Co, 52 6-5:8 ALDER. 191'.' CADILLAC, three good tires, ono bad one; electric lights and self starter; weather stained; mechanically well taken cant of; will sell at a bar gain; still good for 100,000 miles; quick action is absolutely necessary' Main 4880. 31 N.l9th st. REBUILT 5 TON WHITE A-l CONDITION TRUCK. COST $4750 NOW $1S7B TERMS IF DESIRED. MURRAY A1ANVILLK, MAIN 9019 DOUBLE tread - puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them In, Orefon Vulcanizing Co. vAashiiiKton at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. C335 Burnsldei ' 'l,t.:,A '-K "r trade. 1 White steamer, I pathfinder, $680; 1 Everett piss, $l,i,, l f, pass. Stoddard-Day-tou, $Mpu. Vur own terms on iho aoove. East Side Auto Exchange, 410 JOast Ash st. U i l 'SAW "MEN We have a 2 cylln der car which has been overhauled and put in good shape, which we will sell for $loii. Cash or terms NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. 'P' n Sundays. CADlLLAi splendid -We have for sale a foredoor Cadillac bodv. ton and vvi nd shield, all In fine shane i-rice $.;o B. Hyatt, $10 down, $5 monthly. E. 350 Alder. Automobile Laundry 1 I J J 1 St St.. SAA1E PRICES Marshall 398: near Washington. same good work A-7901 BARGAINS In USKD CARS Large stock, prices $300 to $705 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studchaker bldg., n"rncr Chapman and Aid e r. WE" M ( ' S T st 11 our car 6 passenger Maxwell 1911 Engine In perfect con dition. All painted. Very good tlrea and. brand new top. Mako your own price. 427 Hancock st USED CAR BARGAINS. LARGEST STOCK. PRICES BIGHT. LIBERAL TERMS NORTHWEST A' TO COMPANY, Br on d w a y v ( 'ouch. B'dwy 8.. A - 4 bo 9. 7 PASSENGER 60 h. p. Pierce Ar"ro"vv. In good ' condition; demountable rims, trunk rack, summer and winter tops. Price $400. Owner, N. P Jensen, 3J7A!ulthomah st. 1913 STi ) I I i A I ii touring" carT no junk: ar a bargain; $425; can stand your closest investigation 195 E. 20th st. N. Enst 1616 AUTO FOR SALE. Stoddard-Daj ton, $3 76; good order, good tires; nickel plated trimmings Woodlawn 4164 1914 FORD, overhauled, excellent con dition, shock absorbers, demountable rims, electric lights. $325. 460 E 3oth Ft. Sellwood 1 OOR vv ritten guar antee w i t I, every spring. 2 6 X. 15 th -i . truck, good condl top and curtains. AVater st I'hone USED Leo i; tioii, good Maxwell. 271 Tabor 4975. ton bed, E. ROADSTER for sale, good running order. A bargain. Tires all good. 'all Bat. or Monday I'hone Alar. 336. at 44 Second st. CLASSY roadster. Just overhauled and painted, brand new Xon-Skld tires; a snap, $36o. Tabor 3429. Lents Ga- rage, Volt S A I ,E- Sand bo Ford starters, $18 complete. Installed. Phone E. 833, or call for demonstration at 446 Haw- I l.'iri i e. ay e PoPE-lT.ARTI-'ORD, nearly new, sell lor cash or trade ror improved or vacant property. Owner, 08 North western bank bldg. 191. "t JEFFEREY six, 6 passenger; run less than l'l'iO miles; can nor tell it from new. bargain. East 5888 today. Monday I'52 ' Ft Til 'SALE. 1914 six cylinder six pas senger self starter, electric lights. Owner south- must be sold. See ill. St ei p. 65 23d st. pTiPE-ll ARTFORD. 7 pass., electric lights, etc.. new tlrea, excellent con dition. $300 will handle this caj Phon- Broadway 887. FORD. Irr good condition, new motor and good tires. $290 cash. Columbia Highway Garage. 43 rd andBelmont. $300 CASH buys 1911 5 pass. Studc haker, elertric llghta. In good con- j ditlon. Inqulr 124 0 K. Morrison. ! WILL pay cash for used Ford BENJ. E. BOONE &. CO.. 514 Ider St. PARTS for all makes machines for less. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 326-27 Burnside St. Marshall 323$. WANTED Old cars vvu pay caah. 325 way 3238. for t..elr parts, Burnside. Broad- BLIOHTLY used in Portland. $3 ing. Tire Supply tires, largest stock to $16. Fine repair Co 207 Madlaon. 5 PASS. 30 H. P. Overland, good con dition, excellent tires; $150; terms 450 E. 30th st. Sellwood 1006. $150 TAKES rny Overland oar; will tak motorcycle us part payment Powell Valley road and Buckley ave. TON truck in fine order to trade or sell. Telephone Sellwood 2063. or K 758. Journal. In ood -condition, for sale. very cheap. rail Col. 667, or East 738. FOR SALE -191 6 6 pass. Maxwell, run 2500 miles; owner buying closed ear. A-497. Journal. 410 PRESTO tank for 1005. 450 E. 30th st $10. Sellwood HIGHEST prices metals J Ieve. paid for old 1 Columbia. rubber, M. K191 1911 OAKLAND ha uled: c 1 1 ONE ton I ruck; for aale tiienp. car. thoroughly over Phone East 3698. good running order, Sellwood 111, DANDA' little Hupp roadster, condition; $2iC Marshall 820 fine FOR SALE Ford I'hone East 8301. body with top. Main ttii. FIVE passenger Overland. Keep the Old Car! AUTOMOB ILES ACCESSORIES 44 (Ootlnned) IB) 1 We Are Offering OK REITTAI AT VERY ATTR.M INCLILi; 1913 Cll I.MERS electric lights, . spare tire ruounte chanicnl c.u.uit.io,. ':;" ir 4 pa.ia. stHi ter. I. fine me- 1912 CH U.Ml'KS ' ? elect ric : . i . ,.u spare tile n i . i :', ; ,-, i . pnsB. o tei, ,11 i iil- ly good. .1 s; ,,t . i h i ..j 1913 PEE II electric self New tire A 1 merit. In ti dltion. I.I 6 I- pa ss. : In s. u'dp- c)tl- star i e r 1 kind., le rue. I ! il i9i; roadster, ing span horn, eti painted ST I BAKE 'Jt" rlr t e- 1 ll i ! piipp In tiie mounted .Inst oterl Nt vv top. li b d WE ALSO AND Til iDEI. HAVE OTHER MAKE' TERMS Mm Broadway BROADWAY a.itiv NOTICE To PRIVATE OAR OWNERS AND GARAGES- DON'S SELL YOl'H srrap rubber for whatever prl e sonn people give vim but .all us fan will call a i .1 ;.uv or bring us t,.i,r s. up tui.i will pay you ti.,. hej,eM e;i prices. We en, p ,t tou iis ip and i.iii foil llllVI er and w sli market follow a NO. 1 old .-, .!,, guaranteed mni.es st lid, lea t Uer. 1 1 1, . on t ype nolo th.-.. We ib n t bu t M unki n.ir .. m . i-d a 1 1 o No. a ir-1 hi. t d rfreo from M.-.-l li'i-. ail eta ndurd i 1 l ee from Hlee. a i .i n l ee.l or Lolled- . per pound. 1 s; ml, leather oi t n . ot i pe n uto tlrei t id. leather or tin- guarantee. i ait.. Hnsi. " u, . ner noiii.,1 Compound lite ini . , t ,i,,s ( free' from i loth and br.i.cs.. . p,-, pound Pur gvm lite inner tubes free fiom clott and bra -v '. I per pound We a. so iav the highest cash man ket prices jit times for scrap brass upper, aluminum, rubber shoes rmcl solid motor tin. k rnia.iT tlren. We ar m a better position at all times to pj,v the highest cash min ket prices he. inirse we H'-M In Inrre ouantlties. Notli. 1-ig too small or ton lurge to handle. J. Le . e. w holesale dealers In hII grades of scrap rubber ilMd metals office, metal, rubber nnd rrceivlnn place. I'm Columbia st , between Front aril Water sr phone Main 7.19S We positively do not and wJll' not buv from junk peddlers or lunk deal ers. 1915 SIX." JEFFERY "CHESTER FIELD CHALMERS COUPE. FLANDERS EL EOT RIC. STEARNS KNIGHT. 8CH A CI IT, OLDSMORII.E. B TASS. OLDSMOBILE. 7 PASS. . Wintons From 1909 to 1915 LIBERAL TERMS. .'3d and Washington Wc Offer This Week FORD ROADSTER Ilk n.w FORD 1, pass.. lSHf,. extra equip.. $371 ; A Dl LLA ', a pass., elea . sta rter . . $ T F 1 jCADILLAO. 1913. 6 pasn $860 CADILLAC 1913 roadster.'. Mod innw7 n DM8 LF, MAKE CI YE PRICES. 1 'A RE: and Bui aside A - I I , 0 toe wwim ro. Ms. Main 4244. (STODDARD roadster, light car...$;'Bfl In'WINToN SIX. keif starter $650 CHALMERS 30. a light cur ....... $301 'OLE 30, fine condition." $3T.O R. C. H., late model $3r,o BUICK, 6 pass., great bargain ... $47.1 2 fine electrics, Ideal cars for th winter. $17: and oo Covey Motor Car Co, Main 42H 2 1 nt and Washington sts. Bi Values U E NEED THE ROOM () L Boss & Co, hi.'. 17 Washington St . Portland. Or. Never before have we offered aueh ext eptlonHlly good bargains la our used ar department PRICES RANGE FROM $200 UP AND ON TERMS TO SUIT. If you want a bargain Irr a used car, rorne In and see us. rou must ae these rare to appreciate them. WE Jut have in some more good buys in used cars 1915 III' PAIOB1LE Ilftfl 1914 CHANDLER SIX $800 1916 CHANDLER demonstrator like new $ I nno 1912 OAKL'ND rds . newly painted IV.t 1913 HC P.MOBILE $nn 1910 BUICK . Jioij All car are In good mechanical con dition. WE GIVE TERMS Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. 48-48 1899 S. 20th st Marshall A-1299 REO THICK In rra,t class condition In everv respect. This truck has been operated on easy work In town and has not been abused. It In equipped with Bosch magneto, good bodv and top. cab over seat, wind shield. In fact. Is complet In every respect and we will sell It for $1100. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. 209 Front St. Auto Only $98 Two cylinder Maxwell In perfect running order, and coats very llttla to operate. EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak. C-IVE your car a new coat for Christ. mas First class auto painting $20 and np. Portland Rsflnlshlng Works, Woodlawn 3785. Call Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. SEE OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE FOR PARTS OF OLD CARS. 129 Lownsdale Main (Continued oa m Xae) i i A"!