J. ' - ,' " -1 J V. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER .14, 1915. - 4 X) f EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Oontlnnofl) Ul"TSOilEl OK VoKTLANil H " U BEST INCOME PROPERTIES KOK KXCHANOK. No. 1 luOxIOO ft., corner, very near Washington xt.. Improved in part with one 'of Portland's very finest apart mnt houses, good revenue producer; price jll'i.'ttiO, Home mortgage, which can he adjusted; want two or mora city properties or clear valley farm. No. 2 Downtown business property, corner; price $100,000. mortgage on anie can be adjuuted; fur scattered city properties. No. 3 Fatty with five properties, som Improved, total value $13,750. mortgage but $2400; for valleyfarm or flat building; will assume. No. 4 - Client with two very fine flat buildings, fine locations, well i el ted. whiiIii clear home up Uf $15, ooo tor equities. No. 5 Client with out-of-town prop- I oily lo vulue of $900o, free and clear I ii. incumbrance, de.lres to maite ex-! change Cor Portland property and will : assume. No. H- $14, too Is llic a. -t mi 1 ost of au;Irvlngton home on Hi'ixlO'i ft. "r nei, tinim-unmercd, available loan t.V.a'l), will exchange for modern lupuses In restricted district ai,i as some. No. 7 Two pr.cciii hurst house', renlci niormnge $1000; for .i to JJJuo. nil; r. e w Il fee La $;o irel 'I'W; USC one good ii No. S Three fine lio.i oilier never been (coup well located lots, clear anil a mortgage of $7 sen, two rented, lid, also t ii rt o ,S incumbrance, :,u, total value $li',7.r.o, Inc iiriibniri" e but $.'.7n0; equity tor one iod b .iildiim. or bii blln site. WK IIAV i; A I. A KOI'; LISTING OK f NIC CITY PKOI'KKTIES KoR EX CMAN'C.K, nl'KN 'I'm YOUR CAKE I I I, I.VV'ESTIGATION. i.s-ii r. I'ltoPERTY- DEALERS, GKoIND KLtiOH HENRY BLDO, EXCHANGE. Od stieet. near carline. Two a'-res ;iur faun. Two nnd one Iialf acres, B blocks from carllne, cent lare; fruit and b'-i rii .-(, Hull Run water. EU'lit ip-res bear Columbia highway, a model chicken laucn. Kino farm for city income property. A W. East H40 I AM EERT A SOX. 4o4 East Abler J-OR tiftle or traile. S acres, nearly all ' in bearing prune trees; splendid mod rrn bungalow; Kuod barn; well and fcusolliie pump eiiKine. Located In Clarko Co., (lose to electric carllne and near Vancouver, Wash. I'hone Main 7i6. J. M. Cemaron, 001 North- west bldij. DIAKY plant Modern and equipped and milk route near a live town, sell with or without Hie stocn exchange lor eastern Oregon or 'Wasiilngton wheal run Ii from JlS.uOO to $li.,000; don't euro t- assume. Will do busi ness at once. Addresti W. 10. White tic Co, aU1! I irst st. NewlH-rtr, Or. Trade Trade Trade Tf you can't sell, trade wl.ut you bae for what you want. We have farms, stores.- rooming houses, acre iSre. bouses, lots. etc. We can match ou S(iia:edeal (fiiaran t eed . quick re mit ts IJruce Goddaril, nOJ Com-h bdK-h'riUCTiTS'- modern hinh Kia ie resi dence with hardwood floors and every modern convenience, on coiner near E. Harrison and E. iuin; iir.ee $.l7iy; want Improved or unimproved acre ni'i. on i;ood load ne.ir 1'ort laud. God dai'l it V, ieilrbk, L'4:; Staik st. WANTKi -HEAL T. STA I K 31 I Ni 'OAI 1-: I'Rol'l TIT Have "Class A" clty prtv up to $100, -"'I' !'" eume property, Alight on good pi opositlotk. 1 G. S. Smith lV Co., 4 1 'oininerce. V WAN and ran r good ii ssil me -ri! .Mr. Tl-He h prop el tv in a little Fulton, Chamber o t YOU can't sell? Then why not list with nie In exchange for what you r.aut. Property lb ted ut its fair val ue will receive prompt atUntloii witil lowest quotations in return. W. D. Myers. 7"M Ore g mi hii g- ILL pay :'0" cash I'oi small modei n house and lot in d.-s raMe neiKhbor hood and will pav street improve ments extra if boi-.l.-d. liive full par ticulars in first letter. Address. U- 2i'S, .lournal. ALAMEDA lot wa, led. Will p: asu for a real sacrllice: want to art building this week. See 1IS; evenings. Woodliw DORR E. KEASEV Ban. M. ( ' 2nd Floor Chamber of ' WANT a good (.'cine vv: ic-rce. 1 ariM for u d. -ci, at Well equipped, la ec c n g c 1 1 1 1 1 in berec I el. 11: s i'c : . rich K 'il n nd ola 1 1 d 1 cad v o 1 IK. sell. Phone Main li"L'. A ROUT 20 acre.- . 1 Electric O. W. P. If good land ami priced light will do business. D-71 1. Jour nal. WANT $2r00 "bungalow, "4" lots" vicinity "'.Hii and Knott free and clear first payment. Will assume SlO'iO. Iie ncrlhe fully. C-IS4. .lo'irn al. WANTED, at once, lot In Will sacrifice equity Mt for same. 1330 E -Tavioi La 'ire I hurst . Tabor homo WANT1"-D '1 to I acre tract, uiiiin pioved. Be fare, water: full particu lars; low yterms. S-'.'2t .Journal. WANT clear residence tor 1 proved farm. N. M. Apple, :' ry bldg. 11- 1 m - iien- HAVE 'asp .aire. S. II bu v 1 lor c Main hi a e r 1 HAVE $2 00 to inves .What have you? W ill 1 C..I es;i. 2. .lournal. WA NT ED Suburban with living rooms Store In, .US Oekuni : d 1 n 4 bbig monp:y to loan HEAT ESTATE BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced as woot progresses. W. G. Beck, 3LS Failing lildg. Main 340 7 WANTED, SMALL MORTGAGM LOANS. $1(10 to $3Sn, or will buy small mort gage. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. TO" LOAN $400, J 3 0 0. $l"0Ti'i)7 $1.".)' $2000, on 1'ortland improved proper ty. J. L. Wells Co.. 324 Chamber of Commerce bid';. Jtioo. TlOOO. $ir,7MT $2000" on tiiTirn proved real estate, prompt action; mortgages Ixuigbt. Cowsnaw, 007 t'oin niercial block .Main 6120. $20J TO $40,000 to loan on realty. Insurance. F. J. Stclnmetz Co Cerlinger bldg. Alain 8201. Firo 603 SEE US tor loans oil real estate . Fi nancial Department, The orecon Home Builder s, 133 . N. W. J : in k bh 1 g $200 TO $o(l for Immediate loatis on city and .farnj property. BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis bldg. $100,000 ON mortgages, city ts nd farm property, fire insurance. M-iCenr.ie A Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Abler MONEY to loan 'in amounts of Slim io $5000 on citv property. A. il. Bell, tOl Gerltnger bldg. MORTGAGE loans, &4 to 7'.,. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., 17 0 SdHc MONEY to loan fi to VVTh Selti Co.. !?10 Snnlding bldg. MeTNEY lo loan on Improved city, farm property. F. C. King, 3)4 Spalding bid INSURANCE AND LOANS. I. L. WHITE, 701 SELLING BLDG. $40,000 OR SO 4th St. LESS. Board KARRINGTON. of Trade oldg. $1000 UP to $3000 to loan on city or farm property Tabor 2520. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7G. Loo is Salomon Co., 300 Oak St.. necr 5th. llONEY to loan, city or farm !and; J. Cahslin, 63r, Chamber of Com. $200, $350 $600, $900, $1200. $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Com. $1000, $1100 to loan on Portland prop erty. Brenner. 842 Plttock block. $100, $800. $500, $1000 TO loan; easy terms. B. Evans, 0t Gerlinger bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE (Con tinned) . -r i OUR INSTALLMENT P1.AN Is the surest and best method of paying -i loan $21.34 per month for bo . months jay $1000 loan and Interest. $1S. 17 per month for 96 months Pays a $1000 loan and interest. (Other durations and amount in proportion. ) Wt loan on improved property or for buildinr purpose. EQUITABLE SVG'S & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark street. Portland. Oregon. i .MONEY, to ll'c, on r'urtiar.u im proved property and Willamette val ley farms. The crest security gets the lowebt rate. Call or write Union Saj Deposit Trust Co., 2X4 Oak. MONEY, CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rat. . F H Lewis & Co., :! Lew's bidg r HAVE JjOOO to lend at m first class security. 7 per cent Eaat 446. MONE1 TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 IMMEDIATE LOANS. ; ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT I EASTERN RATES. I We have one of the finest retail Jew.lry store In the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection wiili sane, making business STRICT LY CoNt 1DKNTIAL. Absolutely no Hi Kris designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All mei cl.andise pledged Is held lor a period of l months, whether or not 'uiereht i'-: paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since D9j "o connection with any other loan estab lishment in tliis city. 1 A. Sl m. DELOVAGE, jewelers, 324 Washington at. Loans at Legal Rates W loan money on diamonds, oinnoa, livestock, storaKe receipts, plain notea on furniture, or anything of value. You can nut It today. Portland Loan Co,, Licensed Licensed bv State 811 HKKl'.M Uril.lUNG. Thlr'l and Wah I tiki on WHEN Yol' ARE IN NEED OK READY CASH CALL AND SEE US FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON Yot'R SALARY. YOU CAN REPAY PS IN SMALL WEEKLY', OR MONTHLY PAYMENT State Security Co, TJCENSED. FAILING ML DO SOS MONEY AT ONCE LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST. Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Inst. All Pledsea Held One Year. feeparate Dept. for Ladie-. ELHY COMPANY (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. LOANS WANTED $1200, t'c, ON new 5 Omaha ave. N. of valued by owner $3000. rm. dwelling. Killing worth. $14u0, isM, on 7 nn. dwnlllna;. Grand ave., near Present t, valued by owner $3500. Union Co., 284 oak. Safe Deposit t Trust WANT $40j at 8; $3000 and $3000 .c. c'c also have $10,000 loan at c with moi tgab'e to discount. Financial Department, The Oregon Homo Build ers. n:to N. W. Rank bids. i WANTEh Private money to loan on i splendid first mortgages, city prop erty, nil amounts. Financial dept., Ore gon Hume Builders, 1331 N. Vv. Bank bldg: H'uI'Lli like to borrow $ "00 private money at 6-o on improved Portland property; value not less than Y-702. journal. $16.uoo. CLIENT wants $47,00 on fine Irvint; liin residence which cost $3000. now rented at $i0 per month. Goddard i Wb-drick, 243 Stark st. j LET the Standard Abstract company loan your 'money; we are careful, conservative, and know the business. '.12; C. of C. bldg. Main 6774. $7o0 ON 6 Improved acres, valued at ' $2800; In best of condition; rrfust have this at once. Call Columbia 33. WANTED, to borrow $1000 from pri vate party; no money sharks need re ply. U-2"i, Journal. YVANTED $7500 for 3 years on im proved, inside. Income property. Will pay no commission. D-352. Journal. WANT $ 1200. $2 50 on good view K-735, Journal. lot, value $15'i Six months. 1st class security. Pii v a t r parties. G-839, Journal. $laO0 wanted from private party. good security. Phone Sell. Ibbl. FINANCIAL 51 QUICK LOAN SERVICE : $20,000 CASH READY. $300 TO S3OU0 ON FIRST MORT GAGE AT S PER CENT. WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS'. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN III Si NESS. ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIKE INSURANCE POLICIES. KOUfTiES in estates, etc., upon liberal ' TERM A it will pay you to look us : up. EQUITABLE BOND & MORTGAGE CO. ; 212 Selling Building. FIRST and second mortgages, also sell ers' interest in contracts, purchased, .Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen? bldg. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN 1 have an opening for a high grade, dignified, sober and in d iMi joiis salesman, bet. ages of 30 mid .a who '-an handle stocks and loin's; ma.-t be a fluent talker, dress well, and lie willing to travel. Only man of excellent appearance with gilt edge reft rentes will be considered. Large income to right man. Commis sions with drawinc account to starf. Call R IS-1.9 Lumbermen bldg.. Frank MfCrHlis. Financial Agent. Hi STEERS with nys ; i f lector Dumper (see fa: mers. Wi re Heath Co. 441 E. Madison St., Call 12S 1st st. o sell the .De page 6 seel to Manufacturing Portland, Or. WANTED at once, 2 men to learn automobile repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw thorne ave. UNCLE SAM has thousands of jobs open this year. I w-.11. help you get one. Write for my big free Iook, DX 3iiH. Earl Hopkins, Wa sliington, D. C. WANTED First class coat makerd on men s and ladies' coats. R. Lynn Storms, 446 East Burnslde st., near Mh st. : YOU are a salesman and your game l-i I slow. Come, be our salesman for treatment and dough. to 12. 60J , Journal bldg. RESIDENT agents each county, Ore gon and Washington; an unusual op portunity for workers. 305 Stock Ex- cl-.ange. I WANTED Man tailor and fitter for I ladies' and gents' clothing store. State experience and least salary ex pected. V-4S0. Journal. DESIRE bids on first class basement floor. 2ax39 feet, near E. 30th and Division. E. B. Hyatt, 3 ISO Alder. W ANTE l.i ijiidl man lor Inside wir ing. Call mornings 303E. 4mh st. Anabel sta EN PERI ENCEU picture framers: must thoroughly understand joining and matting. Answer D-3f.f, Journal. WORK offered to party that will take home on east side. For particulars, I Main 9276. WANTED Painter to paint 3 houses as 1st payment on 6 room modern house. Phone Wooxllawn 4196. EMPLOYMENT department Y. A. Service free to members. M. C. YOUNG man wanted. Call at 7:30 Monday morninc at 371 Hiwthorne HELP W A XT W M I & L. EASY Christmas money for traveling salesmen; brand new punch "board deal; red hot seller; $5 commission; responsible house. Paa Mfg. Co., 374 Fast 2th St.. Chicago: UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6 50 up. Taylor the tailor, 289 54 Burnslde. VANTET (CoBtlnued) -MISC. 49 I MADE $50,000 in fivo years with a small mail order business; began with $j In my own horn. I will show you how to ao the work. No canvass ing, send for free booklet. Tells how. Peacock, Box fr75. lxickport. N. Y STEADY employment, good wages, day and nigra classes; lew months learning; profitable, work; jiosition fuaraiueeil, watchmaking, engraving school. 21s Commonwealth bidg., tith and Ankeny. Portland. AN established misr. wants sta te man. ager; limb class article; thould pay lit'OO annually 1200 to J7on carutal. Hill pay ux)enses to Chicago if you I ate man we want. FaiesmaLager, liD earroll ave.. Chicaeo. I TO those aTflicted with rheumatism II will guarantee cure or no pay. I'a tients treated at their home. Call 3 10 1 Leiituti t. for appointment. l'tnniug tonCi.iirt. 8AI.KSMKX wanted to seU hosiery ' seconds at real low bargain prices to retail dealers. La-y sellers. Liber-I al commission. Second Hosiery Co., i Kansas City. Mo. COPY Tetter Persons witiiTif'aJMl ' copying let'ers make $lo to $-o I weekiy lollowm. directions. Stamped j envelope for particulars, lirooks Copy i Co., 141'3 l'a. ave., Wasnfntun, I). C. i OREGON iiarber College. Madison Fail term bc'i;..-i now. Men arid wi men learn bar.e.- ti lde in S wl.s.. i positions k u.tra n teed. ;,aij wniie barn- IfS. ti.itJOii reiiuc.d . expert 1 1..-1 rue tors. JTo month paid railway man c.-eiks. Examilia t ions announced Jananrv i h Sample qiiestlona free. Write minio- ! dUtely. I-'ransi:ti Institute, dept. o4L'H, Uochester, N. V. i FIVE bright, capable ladi'-s t7tTa ! demonstrate and sell dealers. i.' lo : $i0 per week. Itaino.ul fare paid, i Goodiieh Driii; company. Dept. ulu, : Omaha. Nebra.-,ka. I WRITE mo' ion pi ture p'a .- "j.'.O ' each , eperie:n-e u i,uv. -est .a r y ; de tail:; free In besrili'b.-r s Pi .dui t: S , aKi!f. .oi W.ilnwrinht. St Lou.- I v r: ! i'E for newspapers and ni.-ia- I zlnes; Juj; pay. experience u line'' 6- j sar.c; deta.ls free. Press t;- port: ntf ' ndlf ate. 1 .'4 St. Louts- Pre..-. 1 I WILL pay any l.oi,t.i m m up to I Sot) moiiMiiy for part of bp.ii'c t.ni". ! No canvass i nx. No capita;. Write to-i da . . oorhies. Dc-k 1 :'. ' . 'ma!. a, N M EN W oil EN all kinds nan $- collecting .-'-s. No perba Co., in cari vassi !i. Sen,i X-l3, Biiriiie.re. y, W hy" not' i -i:i:s.s up? Unci.,, d for f its ..a.: c vM'ccats for sale, il .",o up. urpheuiu Cieaneis, 3i0 Sta i k e or I 'i r k . SPANISH taiinrit, private or class les sons ,'or bi-Kiuxers. Very reason able. J-''7", Journal. l-TJEE in.' ti n -tioas b.-fo-o erirolfmetii. Adcox I'racli iil Auto v (las Enslno school. 2''.'; Utii Kl.. i'orllat.il, ( '; , VNATCHES i b lined 7 5c; tiu i nspr i tt i 75c; work ku.-i ran tec d. 1 1 s Coit.ii.oti wealth biclkr.. ctji and Ankeny. WANTED - Youn im, : to-j7-arn brr ber trade; union shop. Cull or write, R31 Missis i i j u ave. WANTED Men to try examinations tor government Jobs; $7o iriititli. AppMy Immediately. KX- l L'b, .lout I, a I f. . oomnmog A Diversified ROOMING HOUSES GREAT BARGAINS. 1(1 rooms, modern fine, $125. 2o rooms, clean, choice, $ti"". 30 rooms, transient, money maker, ' $6'Ui. I sr. rooms, first-class, apts. ?sroo. us-), houses see us. 12 roc, 111s. modern, cho.ee. Headquarters tor rooming If you want to buy or seil Oldest established firm in city. Main 8774. GARLAND & LTN'D, 191 4th st. Monday's Special 4 1 room roomyig house, new brick, steam heat, hot and cold water, call bells, clothes closets in every room; rent only $7; clean as a pin; good furniture; well worth $4')"n. Price to day for all $b00; easy terms. Peters, 16 N. 6th st. Monday Specials 12 rooms, modern, close in in $375 4o0 $500 bldg. 14 rooms, modern, closa in 17 rooms, modern, close i in HOYT, 207-S Rothchild 18 Housekeeping Rooms, $500 Modern; winner. Goddard. 602 Couch. SSOO FOR $3 2.".. 9 rms . unusually well furnished and absolutely clean; re- t $2?: income $t',i) no bascn; $M!D to r Call 211 eti t or attic 1 1 n s ; est uver irk sale. $325. nish. For xth st. A PA I i TM EN'I i loouis, modi ' I I ' - u rn, hi: i 'leai $ c m-: SNAP. k. west side. - $L." month, sh. Will trade tier. (juigley big Every ion Rent $1&o. balance Realty Co m f YV T'i a 2 02 Wilcox 1 Monday's -Special 20 room rooming house in heart of city; rent $",cj; mostly h. k.; well filled, gooci furniture. Price for all $325; terms. Peters, 15 N. r. th st. Owners, Take Notice Have newcomer that has some cash and clear acreage to trade for rooming house. G02 Couch hid.;. :"J l:o'oMS. $i".rt c.v;;f. Nicely f'u flushed, ail II. K, clcs? in. Rent jjn. JlaO will handle and month free rent. Caigiev. 202 Wilt ox bldg. 15 RMS., largo corner, close in on 6th st., exceptionally well furnished and clean; clears ffiO per mo. and gives owner a beautiful home beside. Price $7.70. Yates, 219 4tlUst. 20 KOOA1S, 8ttu.ni heat, hot and cold water in each room: 1 block from P. O Terms given. Elmore Co., 421 Chamber of Commerce. 33Ta7oMS FO KRADlif Modern brick, steam heat, hot and cold water, rent $30. A real snap, $1000. Cjuigley, 2i'2 Wilcox Bldg. f,0 ROOMS. RENT $7:.. H. K. and single rooms. Owner eick. $500 cash, balance trade.. Price $20"O. Qniplev Rpftltv Co, ;."7 Wji'-nt bldg. 45 ROOMS, MODERN. $050. Brick, steam, hot water. light. Rent $7S Cost $300') to furnish. Sacrllice 1 1 for $650. 502 Couch hhlg; IF YOU are looking for a lo room "house, fine furniture, fire carpets, furnace beat and ele t-f lights at half value, wp have It Inquire hi 10th. 20 ROOM hotel ij business part of the city. Well furnished. A money maker; clears ainive all expenses $72 Good terms Inquire Sg U'th rt. WANTED Rooming house; have some money and unimproved acreage, free of incumbrance, close to Portland. L- S49, Journal. 14 ROOMS, nicely furnished, cheap rent; income $85 monthly; clean and modern; sacrifice by owner; $390 will handle. 15 4 North KUh st. 18 H. K. rooms, lights, furnace west side, electric heat good furni Will sell at junk owner. tare, leaving city, prices. Main 9203, 40 Rooms, Trade, $1500 Downtown. Godda rd, 5 02 Couch bdg. 14- ROOMS good furniture. $400 cash takes it; rent only $30. Phone Main 44SS FOR SALE, or rent Furnished room ing house, centrailv located. Astoria, Or. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. WILL lease 24 rooms, consists of apartments partly furnished, steam beat furnished. Call Marshall 4943. ROOMING houses. 10 rooms up; small pay meat down: balance easv terms. Withrow & Orr, 411 iienrv bldg FURNISHED flat for sale, lh-ji 12th St., near Yamhill. Phone Main 69SS. 12 only $175: $75 will handle this. Owner, 500 Jefferson. HELP 40 (Continued) SALESMEN wanted, experience un necessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings of fering opportunities to earn from $100 to $500 a month while you learn. Address nearest office Dept. 312, Na tional Salesmen's Training Associa tion. Chicago, New York, San Fran cisco. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, day and night classes; expert train In? in repairing, driving and machine work, forge, latne, shaper, drill press, ttc; time unlimited. Secure pass at educational oflice, Y M. C. A. bids., to Inspect our phops and methods. Com petent chauffeurs and mechanics sup plied. SALESMAN For KfneTal mercantile trade In Oregon to sell a new pro position of merit. Vacancy now. At tractive commission contract for bal ance or year and 1 9 1 . $25 weekly for expenses. Miles F. liixler Co., Wholesale jewelers, 227-46 Carlin bids: , Cleveland, Ohio. " SALESMEN for our ISIS line of Art Calendars, rn-tal arid paraffine I signs, leather goods and novelties. ' ''"iiiracts now being made for Jan. 1. I We teach jw the business and you i earn anile lear:nnr. Liberal compen : satlon. The- Winters Company, j Springfield. Ohio. I &A LESMA.N expcrb-iiced any line to ' sell ffetieral ti.idt in Pacific terri tory, vac at-cy now; unexcelled special ' .- pro.iiiion. eomii.isston contract; J.;."i weekly for expenses. Continental .!.-welry Co., lsl-40 Continental buiiu i infcr. Cleveland, Ohio. GOVERNMENT positions in postof fice, rail v, ay mail and other branches are pood. Prepare for "exams'' under former U. S. Civil Ser vice. Secretary-Examiner. Booklet 1 1 :j 4 free Write today. Patterson : 'i il Servlcii School, Rochester, N. Y. AN excellent opportunity to earn $230 in 30 day for younjr man having la rue aeciuaintui.ee in Portland. Prefer ice hru intr real estate experience. Gie full details fur prompt reply. H- u rna i HAWTHORNE A I TO SCHOOL. For a limited time only, a $"0 schol arship in traction tog: neering, with ea'-h enrollment in our automohile school cour.-e, absolutely free. 44 7 Hawthorn" a"1. SALiTSMAN prncliii i r ; Spltnuid opening loi high da-ss staple line; all are prospects, old. estal e; V-ih i oinni isstons; $5 merchants li,...-d l.f.UI w ek 1 y -i d v es Manager, 111 ant..-, S"0 .'ok bea De pot. -". Wood wait Detroit .... I t i s il Cal ii'orp.ia ar oth vina HE Li WANTED FE.VLE 2 and dining Tilikam club. 414 Mill. eor. room Call 1 1 th 1 o o'c Inl d AN to nssist vvitii light house irk for board and room. 2G9 llon- st. roe 3iT" la'': M cour : s o men ,.iiy. . Wo aT-N e eXfii.lnged lor sewing: Ii - him pressing and A k for room and Address Box 5S. board. 2 i n family P.. 1 . ANTED rocih. . k girl to woi oil hoii.". c for board and oifllawn lo&j. List of Business Opportunities lU'SIXESS Ot'l'OR TUMTIES liO Best Bargain on the Market Owner has other business requiring his time, iir.d will sell his store iu county seat let tar from Portland, iS center of bus.ness and best trade ill l.rs line- m tue town, living rooms in same building, owns building, and will give lease ui low rent; stock consists of confectionery, ice cream, cigars, to bacco, bakers goods, hot drinks, lunches, toilet articles, stationery, school supplies, clocks, watches and jewelry, good fixtures. If yo want a good bbSiriesu for a small investment, i utile and get particulars. Neal Brown. 201' Panama bldg. CAN VOL BEAT IT? Our offer still holds good, and a few more reliable men can secure perma nent positions by calling at our oifice at once uiui investigating our plan. A small fully secured investment re quired. Oet yours now. 41 I. U AlBF.lt KNOT ANGE BLDO. GARAGE fully equipped on direct street to Columbia Highway, clear ing over $20-j per month. Price $2000. including service car, or $1200 without fervice car. A good opportunity for a garage man. Particulars at 317 Rail way Exchange Bldg. CON FKCTIcN Lit Y store, fine location 2nd doing good business. Makes all cendies; big stoc k. Fully . equipped lor manufacturing all kinds candy. $500 w.ll r.nndie. Elmoie Co., 431 Chamber of Commerce. 5i. VALUABLE "for: iTii'as, tricks, i 1 1 u -slons and household hints in our interesting maf.cziiie ior two issues sent oomphse for 1" cents. Purack Sp. ( -laity Co . 2-S Chamber of Com n. en e, Portland, v ir. DRUG store 11. one of Portland's pop ular apartment house districts; must b sold soon; invoices $4250; discount for cash. Good reasons for selling. C 1N7. Journal. COUNTRY STORE WANTED. For 10 acre tract of 6 year old ap ple orchard, just east of Woodburn i no bldgsi. Price $45o0. Mtg. $1200. 322 Iienrv bhlg. Main 567. l-.S 1 AiiLiSH El grocery. Fine team and wagons; doing splendid business. Rent $"0 for stole and stable. Sickness compel! Sale. Terms. Elmore Co., 431 Chamber of Commerce BUSINESS vonuui wants a reliable partner to tend store, etc. Pay sal ary $125 month, besides share and profits. Requires small Investment. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. Grocery Store With 5 living rooms, best location ir city, cheap rent, worth $500; if sold Monday $26o lakes it. I'eters, 15 N. 5th st. FLOUR mil!, 50 bbl. capacity, 4 set Btiiss Patent Roller Process; also warehouse. $3500 will handle it; bal ance long time at 6 per cent'. NX-384, J ou rnaj. ONLY grocery in town, just outsld city limns, living rooms; low taxes; soli, on account of sickness, at a sac rifice. R-145, Journal. 500 Business Cards, 50c If you bring this ad before Jan. 1. ROSE CITY PR1NTERY, 3d at Taylor YOUNG woman wants partner tor half! interest in established neat paying business. $30 handles this. Address B-97". Journal. 4- CONFECTIONERY store for sale, good business as high as $1000 in a month. In good, well-to-do town. Part cash. Terms. CX-D6. Journal. 1 oR a practical man, hardware, plumbing, electrical, only stock liva country town, no dead stock; some terms. 305 Stock Exchange. POOL room, central location. No rea sonable offer refused; half Interest to right party. B-4S4. Journal. FOR SALE Shoa repair shop and tools. 5010 72nd st., S. E. Tabor Ddt Jirjland sta CASH grocery. confectionery, dry goods and notions for sale; rent $10 with llvu.g rooms. S-92S. Journal. SAWMILL, well located, will sell part for operating canltal. or exchange all for other property. E-377. Journal. MONEY to loan on city or close in farm property at 1'fr. H. L. Archer, 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. Live Comer Grocery, $750 Invoices $1000: terms. 602 Couch. Ci I' il I nMvinff u.-,t 1 inr n t i .u ru u c- K year lease. ' low rent. For sale for cash at invoice. $1100. M-G78. Journal. PRACTICAL poultryman wanted for manager of going plant, small in vestment. 305: Stock Exchange. $2500 BUYS barber hop doing good vjousiness. 322 First. FoR SALE corset business, estab lished patronage. G-665, Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. WANTED A cook p.irls at the Close .Mo'-dav . HELP WANTED FEMALE S (Contlaa ) WOMEN of pleasinK appearance, aver age intel'.leence and a disposition to work can make good waees selling NuBona corsets. Come in and talk this over with us. NuBone Parlor. W ash ineton. "A.Mtu rerined and well appjpmnK i younjf lady solicitors to represent ! an t.lj eBtablished concern; cummin- 1 sior.s and salary. Apply 420 Mohawk ; bid;,' , Monday, I) a. tn. j WANTEIv-An experienced woman, ' neat, clean, not afraid of work, us: manager roaming house am', apart-! merits. Phone Main 10 to 12 a. m. 1 - to 4 p. m GIRL between 13 and 17 to assist with children; can go to suhooi; not d home: small wage Address Mis. 11. Makelinv, box 1137, citv. or call at Dosch sta.tion.4th st. iine. S i i ;.' iGKAPHERS vantedby goveni nipnt. $7u month. Portland exam inations coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, dept. S 7 S J . Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Girl for general huuse work and assist in care of children. No washing, suburban, close In Answer C-IHS, Journal. WANTED A young; ladv to assist in housework; hieh school cri pre f erred. 4 7,1 Broadway, n-ar Clifton LADIES lo do cruoheiing at home Ca.l Sunday, Monday. Tuesday. 10 to U a. in, 1 to 2 p. m. 12S fth. room 2. LA I Y real estater writer. Exch. dept. Z-7i. .lournal. W 1 1 A T "Vha re'-TTT-carpet runs for? wlio uses tvpe couitnission only. you cut T-S10. and Journ a I I I LLP WANTED MAIJi AND I j FEM ALE 29 i j MEN and women to learn the barber' j trade, wanes paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured The only chain of schools in the world. Send for free catalogue. Aloler Barber' College. H 4S N. 2d St. I WANTED AGKNTS A7T ouick! Automobile gasoline going up. Sell Ciaso-Tonic. Equals gasoline at 3c a gallon. Fdlmlnat-h ; carbon. Dollar an hour profit. Sab s guaranteed. White Mi'. Co., Dept. 1", Chifiiinat;, Ohio. WE will pay you $12,) ;o represent and distribute religious literature in. your comra-.'Mty; '"" days work, man o- woman; experience n' t required; spttie time may be used. International Bib!? 1'iesB, l'liliadelphia. START a,s oar agtnt and become n manufacturer. Everyday neiessi ties, fastest repeat -sellers, marvelous profits; samples free. Frederick Lobel Co., 632 Warren St., Boston, Mass OP P( iRTI 'N I T Y for 1 1 ve agents. Splendid h'oiselndd s ialty. No experience required. Particulars free. Inter-Mountaiti Mail Order iious'i, 2j5 82 Wash. ae., Ogden. i.'Pih. LIVE agents wanted to introduce high grade automobile accessory; stlls on sight; big p.olits. Write THE PEEK SPECIALTY CO., Box 130, Kail on. Nev. AGENT? Oet newest, quickest sellers dired from makers; full list Free. Nat'l Agents' Assn., 122 Michigan ave., Chicago. Is Continually Offered in These Columns BIMlXESli OPPOKTl MTIES Uo INVESTING for Profit free for six months. It is worth $10 a copy to anyone intending -to invest money, who lias invested unprofitat-ly. i.ir w..o tan save $5 or more per montn. but who hasn't learned the art of investing for profit It explains how largo fortunes are made; how $1000 grows to $22,000. To Introduce my magazines. I'll send it six months absolutely tree. Write ma now. H. L. Barber, Pub., 618-22 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago. $650 Will buy a well established milk route in Portland, fully equipped with all necessary machinery and utensils; new concrete building where milk is handled. Rent very reasonable. Ever thing in first class condition. cash will handle It. OTTO (!g II ARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. STORES ALL KINDS AND SIZES. 0 rooms furnished; free rent. Stock $4oo; rixiuiea S200; furniture $2o0. $65o takes it all. 12 rooms, furniture, stock and fix tures; Worth $1ujo, seil $750, or trade tor good prdpertv. Cjuigley Realty Co., 202 Wilcox Bidg. Hardware Men, Attention, If you are a live one, we will give you exclusive ugency for Deflector Damper (see pace 6 sec. 1 I for your county. Put siiijageuts ou'side your town. Heath Muinilac.iui ing Co., 441 E. Madison st . . Portland, r. Laundry Man Wanted To take one half inteiest In good laundry; $S60 will handle it. A snap for a laundry man if not a laundry rnan, don't answer. Neal Brown, 2o9 Panama bldg l'Aii.N'S wanted. Write for list of patent buyers and inventions wanted. $1,000,000 in prizes offered for inven tions. Send sketch lor free search. Our four books sent free. Patents se cured or fee returned. Victor J. Ev ans te Co., 6 1 4 Ninth, Washington. I . C. Confectionery Snap, $500 Cost $1000 to equip; rent $35; splen did corner for delicatessen and bakery also; easy terms or pai t trade. God dard, 502 Couch bldg. DANDY restaurant, just the thing for man and wife, on busiest street In city: worth $500. Price today for all $195. Also una for $7o. I'eters, 15 N. 6th st. Bargain $550, Grocery Close in, on Washington, doing $23 day cash, no delivery. lloyt, 207-J Rothchild bldg. SOLID cash grocery. $25 daily. Cor ner location. owner will sell for less than Invoice, and give some lenics. Invoice about $650. Particulars at 317 Railway Exchange bldg. PARTNER with $2000, mostly for packing pork. Well located meat market. For particulars call 168 E. Broadway. QUALITY printing; prepaid. 250 beat quality envelopes printed to your order, 75c; 250 business cards, 30c. E. Hatigertid. ffappoose. Or Fi.sE opportunity for lady or gen tleman for lunch counter and bakery, small capital required. Box 9, Multno mah. Oregon. PARTNER with small capital; unex ceptional opportunity for the right man. Elmore Co., 4S1 Chamber, of Commerce. FOR SALE or trad-, good hardware rttck and business in" fine location, leaving city on account of health. Call phone Woodlawn 14. CIGARS and pool business for sale, clears over $100 month very cheap, and can be increased. Call room 'iZ'J Morgan bid CASH grocery, can clear $100 to $150 month, will sell c,hei , all cash trade. Call re-om u.'J, Morgan bldg. HOTEL at Heaverton, completely fur nished; rent $40. Call 4ol Rothchild bids., or S', inlay. C. H. Fry. Beaverton. WANT young man partner with $t0u for two picture shows. Experience not necessary. T-S09 Journal. GOOD opportunity for shoe maker to get in on the ground floor; business established. Call 711 Taggert st. BLACKSMITH, good trade, fine loca tion; must sell. 502 Dekum bldg. Marshall 5448. FOR SALE Hardware store; cheap rent. $800; will take Ford up to $300. balance cash. Tabor 3424 BEST paying little grocery in the city for cash. No delivery. No credit. Cheap rent! Cal 1 32 Union ave. N. EMRICH'S market for sale, rent or trade. 1092 Belmont. - WANTFD no fake. -Partner with $50. This is Phone Woodlawn 1940 WANTED AGENTS EVERY household on farm. In imall town or suburbs, where oil lamps are used, needs and will buy the won derful Aladdin Mantle lamp, burns common ooal oil (kerosene); gives a liKht five times as briKht as electric. Awarded Gold Medal at San Francisco xposition. One farmer cleared over SB00 in six weeks; hundreds with ries earning: $100 to $300 per month. No cash required. We furnish capital to reliable men. Write quick for whole sale prices,, territory and sample lamp lor free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 74S Aladdin bldK-, Portland. Or. AGENTS, men or women! A real honest to goodness sells itself line; over 250 lightweight, popular priced necessities. We pay 100 per cent com mission. $6 a day can be made at the start. No capital, no experience required. Enormous demand; sells lass; bii? repeaters. Valuable territory opiii, all or p4.re time. Elegant aseiiis' outfit furnished free. Write todav; postal will do American Products Co.. 3S2 American Rldg., 'mcinnati. Ohio. vellvNTS wanted to sell sllK sweaters, negligees, kimonos, sea-satin bathing suits and silk underwear. Only those who can approach l.iKb class trad5, wholesale and retail. If bonded, sal- iv. Commission basis, 'avelintf Bond $300. I if not. No iris Specialty- o . .:, West :!tith et., New York. AGENTS Salary or commission. Greatest seller yet. Every ufer pen and ink buys on sUht. 200 to 600 per cent protit. One agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg". Co.. X-244, La Crosse, Wis. AGENTS make big profits handling our "Fas;t Sellinf Holiday Post cards.- 'Novelty Signs,'' "Holiday De( o.-at'ons," "Pennants," etc Gooo varietien. Iemand unlimited. Write to day for Free Catalog. Sullivan Co., 12 34 Van Puren st., Chicago. Vi 17 start you in business, furnishing ev ei y i.ih.g; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating our "New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories" home anywhere, no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime, booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Ilex 2, East Orange, N. J. In every county to sell the Deflector D. wiper (See page LjJec. lh Large piotits. Exclusive termxiry. Write Heath Manufacturing Co., 441 I" Mad: son at. Portland, Or. Call 1 2 1st s I NITl'ATIO N S M A LE :t WANTED--A position in a bakery to leai 11 trade; age IS; best of refer ence i 1 Billich, Jr. Dundee, Or. WHo will give work to trustworthy middle at'ed man? Family, habits, reference,, Riven. Tabor 3704. YOUNG married n.en, exchange light services furnished apartment. Mr. Belmont. .Marshall 8 a 6 . WANT work as try preferred. 2d st. b.iker's helper, coun Address Farren, 62' WRECKERS wanted w 1 ecked nnd the Cleaned for tl- wood old buildings grounds nicely Main 2396. STUDENT wants work for board and room. J-'.i73, Journal. Young work. married man Talxir 5517. wants steady HI SIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES SO Launch Builders, Take Notice A complete launch building and re pair plant; owner having died very suddenly, this plant Is ofered at a r.-al bargain ; only plant of the kind in the town; one acre with deep water frontage and wharf, two sets of -ways, two buildings 3ox6o each, engine and boiler, complete set of tools, water right with water piped to buildings, plenty of business for steady run, about $400 worth of dry white Cedar aiej oak lumber; $2000, terms on part. Neal Brown, 209 I'anama bldg. SALE OR TRADE. 1 irst calss cleaning, pressing and tailor shop. Completely equipped. Dry cleaner with motor, eto. Guaran teed first class trade. No competition. Town 900 population In good farming country near Portland. Cheap rent. Will teach business. Ill health rea ;:on for selling. Cheap for cash or vill trade for light 5 passenger car or runabout. DX-708. Journal. LNCEPTioNAL opportunity for man and Wife or young man to buy an established cleanlna business. Price $looo. Clearing $35 weekly. Man to drive automobile. Wife to look after office Owner leaving city. R-144 Journal. BUILDING with 2 stores and barber shop with 3 chairs and all necessary equipment; 2d floor hall with 75 chairs, In eastern city, and lots In Portland for merchandise and store building here or rooming house 263 eth. Ala r s h a 1 1 1 1 aKh General Store for Trade Invoices in groceries, shoes, clothing, hardware, meats, etc., $5000; want something within 30 miles of Portland and some money. Goddard, 602 Oouch. PARTNER wanted for office busi ness. Will be Home outside work, and owner will guarantee $116 month. Re quires small investment. Particulars pom 829 Morgan bldg. looking for a business, call and tret partieuiais of some dandy, fine, small grocery and confectionery stores I have that are real bargains. Neal Brown, 2o9 I'anama bldg. FOR SALE Jewelry store at Wlnlock. A ash., stock and fixtures Invoice about $1200. For information see W. R. Burke. Gresnam, Or., Phone Oresham ti.M. 1 WILL seil my cleaning buaineas for cost of shop fixtures; will work one week and teach business for half of what shop brings in; leaving city cause lor selling U-209. Journal. grocery stock 'and fixtures, dis count 60 per cent on fixtures. In voice stock about $300. Sell buildinir I if wanted. Rent $10 with living moms. Phone Woodlawn 1841. A REAL SNAP Cash grocery. confc tionery. dry goods and notion store, with furnished llvlnjr rooms, for sals very cheap; rent $10. Call at 295 N. i7th st Main D60. CAFETERIA. One of Portland's best. Doing $125 daily. Owners will con nider tmile for a good farm or clear Portland property. Price $7000. Par Oculars at 317 Railway Exchange- Bldg. AUToMOBIl5 business, want a part ner to wait on customers. Hell gaso line, etc , good pay. requires small in vestment. Call rooms 329 Morgan bldg. For SALE Light grocery, delicates sen, confectionery and lunch room. 2 living rooms in rear. Cheap rent Will sacrifice. Owner. 343 Russell t. Owners Take Notice cash for grocery store. Clear lot and 502 Couch bldg WANTED Good working man. mine experience preferred, with few hun dred dollara secured; chance of life- time. U-477. Journal. EXPERT auto painter wants partner. Buy, repaint and sell cars. II. Att wood . general delivery. WOOD and coal. Partner wanted. Pav salary $75 month and share of prof its Call room 329 Morgan bldg. $1 "0 TAKES a nice cleaning and press ing parlor; washer, extractor, stc. V-611, Journal. MONEY $ for stamp. for wise men Details Box 668 Lebanon, Or. FEW hundred dollars will buy gen 437. Journal. uine proposition BUSINESS OPrOKTUNITIES WANTED 6 WANTED Investment with ierrlcwi in resputable business. Stats busi ness, amount required and salary. L- 851. Journal. WANTED To hear from owner ol some good business for sale. ' Box 1735, Houston, Texas. $30,000 GOOD income property on Park st. to exchange for s good gen eral mdse. business. X-708. Journal. Oppoirtoonftae SITUATIONS MALE (Continued) SITUATION wanted by practical youna- man in rooming house or res taurant with business. Good waiter, or clerk. Good worker. Prefer work 1 for lady in restaurant or rooming bouse. Reliable. Best reference. Call , Woodlawn 4277. POSITION wanted by accountant. 37 yrs. old, married 17 years; bank and commercial experience; 11 years with one firm In Portland; & yea is as credit man and office manager. C-1V1, Journal. YOUNG man wants steady position, experienced aulo repairman and driver, also experienced civil engineer ing as instrumc ntman and draughts man. Can make good anvwnere. J. R. Stafford. Oregon City. O. MAN wants work that takes muscle to do it from S10 a m. to 1 p. m. per day: no office wcirk, employed part of time at present. A-l references. IS vears with one company. S-9:i4. Jour- nah MIDDLE nged man wants work all winter, or worn and board as be.l maker and kitchen helper. D-7is. Journal. POSITION wanted Fay 7'uiig marl led man, willing worker, with experience, consider any work. Marshall t5t. Mr. j Belmont , CHAUFFEU R. young man, 25; 7 vearV experience; first class mci iuinii-. seeks employment in private fatnLy. ' Z-247. Journa 1. WILL audit your books after working hours. It may save you money. U 6so. Journal. LAWN maklnn. trimming and cutting. roof repairing, any kind of work. Work satisfactory. Sollwood 1570. claf Hanson. Phone E. 2332 for your raipenter to do you repair wjark .XPERIENC ET" jat i iTor h mi i f I rrinaii, wants work of any kind. Main 5120. SITUATIONS FEMALE YOUNG woman of refinement, with ability and experience wishes posi tion to superintaiid rooms in hotel or rooming houne in or out of city, best references. Addiesa box U3, Dalla, Polk Co., Or. refI"nT;E, capable Joung woman wLln- position as private telephone exchange operator, six ears' exper ience, best references. In or inn ol city. Address box No. lb.t, I'ullas, Polk Co.. Or. WANTED by a German wiuov, a po sition lo cook and Keep bouse. Ior several bachelors who i m cooperate under one roof Ma.is.iali 4S12. KeSPECTABLE7i fined woman will take care of small apart au nt house for comfortable room lor husband and self. V-760. Join mil. STEN'l IG LAI -HER. c.ype.i ien, c merc.al. real estate, Ic-imI small salary. X-4,'12, Journal .1 corn work. YOUNG married won (No housework). ( Apartment 1. n wants work; il Maishall K.'.il c nl cook ( vv It 11 CA PA RLE, daughter onian, lie I ), wants housekeeping. V-:, 12. Journal WA.NTI-: piano hour. 1 - I 'I.1IIO hlclfi. studio. 415 E. '. Resilience th l-'. $1 per WAITRESS wants t delicatessen woik. b-a oi Ickery "i- l b ng b. work. M-12 1. .b'irmil: Start small wage EXPERIENCED woman would like dinners luncheons to cook or serve. East 394 S. POSITION wanted by woman with child of 2. to work for room and hoard. No v. .isVliij?. 1 -7i7, Journal. STENOGRAPHER wish, s work, afternoons only. A-7R0, ipying Jou. - nab WANTED Day work of any kind. Call Tabor H4 57. WOMAN wants work East 579 or C-141S aii ng. etc. in 14 WORK by the day or hour enced woman. East fil7," TWILL piece full si.o qui. by ex peri -I s "for" 7 5c 7312 53d ave. S. E. EXPERlENCEl cliamberma id wants work. Main S331. COMPETENT young woman wishes position as housekeeper, i'hone Main 6270. EXPERIENCED womiui wiuila work. Call Monday. Tabor 6 51 iy WANTED A small child or baby care for; good references Eiist ELDERLY lady wants good homo, small wages. P-t'3t, Journal. LACE curtains done, 11 years exper ience. Tabor 5U33. Mrs. Scott. SITUATIONS AND WANTED MALE FKMAIK 23 JANITOR Man. wife and 2 pons, high school students, tleudy, reliable All or part of time. Obb-i t, homo more than salary. Mar200. YOUNG man and wife would attend to heating plant and eoriblors in small apartments fur free rent. best of ref- eiences. M-s.lJ, Journal. MAN and wife with hotel With best of relelc ic . tRke charge of apt. house, ai y. YX-4 45, Journal. ex p I lence. les In te sal- DKKSSMAKINO 40 IADIES and children's plain sewing; prices reasonable, infants' la.ettes $3.50. including bonnet, bootees and sacque. U-207, Journal EXPEltlENCED dressmaker would Ilka work bv the day or at home. References. A-7!7. Mar 44"0 Apt 214. EX PERI ENCED dressmaker engagement, day or home. wlsi.es sew Ing, references. Sellwood 93 feXPERI ENCED d re.smiTker ; t ai lor'ed suits, coals ami gowns. Apt. iu.,. Tudor Arms Phone Marshall 3Hfi2. STYLISH and fashionable di essmak 4 Dlvls- ing. The best In the west. M. Lane. ton st. DRESSM AKING by day. children's or ladies' work. 20i ts. Imur Eat22fiH. DRESSM AKI NG $2.60 a day. satis faction guaranteed. Tabor 4134. DRESSMAKING, years' experience old and new. Main 41H7. 20 NL'ILSKS MIDDLE aged man, nurso and attend ant, wants position caring Ior In valid or sick; good habits, considerate, refined. U-201, Journal. Broadway 24KO. MATERNITY convalescents or elderly patient , wanted in my home, best of attention; rates reasonable. Phone woodlawn 13X&. MIDWIFE and trained .nurse, best of Phone references. All cases taken. Tabor 63IS or Main 75(30 WE rive massages; all diseases treat j ed. Main 70h HKMSIICI) ROOM.-. 0 ROOM register listing several hundred in all parts of the it y at Y. M. C A.; also these in the association fireproof ruilding. with shower butli. swimming pool. gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1.50 to $2 75 per week dou ble, with individual beds, or $2.60 to M.PO per week ulnule. NICEST furnished sleeping room and in best location In .city for $3 week; front room, strictly modern. You never stepped in a nicer room in your life. Call 306 12th , near Columbia. w'eisk THE GARLAND Week MODERN BRICK; outside rooms; re spectable; hot water. 25 Trinity st., cor. Washington, bet. 19th and 2 0 1 n GEM HOTEL, 6tS5 lut St., under "ne management, housekeeping rooms, eteam neat, hot water, free phone, bath and bed linen. $1 and up per week. Madras Hotel; I Suites j. Outside. 1 rooms $3 up. court room om, iz.ao up. By day l0c. it-c, i; cor r xth and Washington sts Tlf DORMER Neatly f .rnisiied rooms, steam heat. $1.26 up. 23 18th St., cor. Jefferson. ROOMS and apartments in week and up. 4 51 mouern . Aider. hotel, $1.60 $1.60 WEEK up; clean, warm, modern fur, rooms, central. The Klr.g, '9 Jef. LINCOLN HOTEL, rooms close In, $2 69 per week end tip 409 Morrison THE HAZEL Furnished room. Sot and cold water. SUB 3d st. KICEtY furnished room, steam heat, $2. Main S047. all conveniences. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 FEITATB FAMTLT SPLENDID front rooms, $ blocks. from P. o.; heat lights, bath, suit able for small family or bachelor apartments; $1.60. $2, $4 week; rates by month. 12 6th st, opposits court house. , ' ROOMS Comfortable rooms for 3. or 4 young ladies- laundry t res; $10 to $12 month. block from Car line.; 83 S Monroe st. ;: ib Newly furnished front room suit- : able for one or two, electrio light. bath, furnace beat, walking distance, 462 14th st. ' " THREE warm dry well furnlshcwl basement rooms, sink, coal range, gas, electric, phone. $10 per ma. tl Montgomery st. TwO rooms, one on first floor $8 pw week, one on third floor, $l.x6 psf week. 254 12th wt. ' , '; THE- LYNDHURST, 225 West Park Nicely furnished rooms, single Ot tn suite, with or without meals. '.',, GOOD, warm, comfortable home for fteml-tnvallds or convalescents. Meals If desired. 3f7 12th. Phone Mar. 808. -$10 -Furnished room with (J. S. family, , in modern steam heated apartment, wal king distance. Marshall 132. j WELL furnished room, all moaern . conveniences, reasonable. W'elklUg distance. 325 12t h St. ' u ' DESIRABLE rooms, suitable for 8, vn carllne. Free phone, light, bath. I njorrth. 327 Hall st. . j - A N Y ON E w I s h i ii a a cosy home would do well to investigate. S rooms, light, heat and water. Furnished. K. t"; ' j LlOHT. Uan rooms; plenty of heat and hot water at all times. 41 Market st , jcor. lth ' i SMALL pleasant room, suitable "Tor one; only $6 per month. Z0 11 IS. near Library. ..'..- BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, ' hoi, cold water, furnace heat, electricity, $2.50. 123 N2Jd. EaRGE trout "riioltH suitable for 8, , n J 1 !-j 8 & 6th. . Jl sT the rooms you want at 8(7 lXth st ; warm and comfortable. , ' SLEEPING room i per week. 2oi . 14Lh, cor. Taylor. ' -j ' in private ramny, ciieap. iwne Mai. isiitt or 60 N. u.tii st. SLEEPING room "with bath. Ql Court, Apt. 2. Main 19 465 AND 141 13th Main 6809. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 WHY pay more when you can rent til outside rooms at 76c per week eachT Mi i ten of 2, gas plate furnished. 480V Belmont St. , t U 1 T E 2 rooli isi modern, also other rooms, $1 and up, heat and llgnt frees 40G West Park St. Main $78i. STNiTTTE rooms $2.50, two $4.60: als furnished. 192 Market, near Front. ROOMS AND .KMHD IS 300 Jefferson St, Large, warm, modern, double rooms. Hot water. lift home cooking. 8 minutes P. O. Main SO -0. "" PA UK V I E who i ll, a na Muntgotnsry v t.. at W. Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rates for regular ,' und transient guests. . loth st Modern. Main C979. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE rAHXX,T HAVE you, too, met so many dlsftp polntments in trying to find a satlH factory boarding place that you have about given up hopelessly? There axe good places to live in. I have found one and want to aid its proprietor and ou. Excellently located. West side. Goo,i trucking. Clesn housekeeping. Sleeping porches. i'rlces moderate Replying, give your telephone number. K-7&7, Journal. - ONE large, beautifully furnished room, suitable for 1 or S gentlemen, in refined moderi home. Piano, phone and every convenience. Best horns cooking. 1 blocks from carllnes. References. Tabor 1078. Rooms and board, use of bath and telephone; all home conveniences; rates reasonable; walking distaucSv 422 War co rt. FURNISHED room with fireplace, lit Irvlngtou bmiM) for 2 gentlemen Of ladles employed. 2 meals, piano and home privileges. East 8147. - WAJvPfED Young lady to room an.l board, in private family, home prtv. ib-noa. $12 month. Phone Woodlawn 4093. 1037 E 14th St, N. GOOD home for child where mothers care will be given. Terms reason I able. 6915 43d ave. Kern Park. Take Mt. Scott line. ROOM and board for young lady; pries i of board no object: someone for com , panv; very reasonable. B-2671. 408 Carlton ave. - $4 SO-week, new, warm room, 3 meals, bth, telephone, piano. Close In, east side. 1 block Woodstock; car. Phone Sdlwood 1000. f l(i i N'T room, suitable for 2. Also single room and board. Private family with home privileges. 128 N. in Main 1631. V.ol'I.li like two children to board; good home, mother's care, refer emeu. 1176 E. Belmont st. Tabor 1284. LARGE front room and meals for 4 or 3 gentlemen. 3S North 18th St; Main 2311. . NICE, warm, large, front room, with or without board, reasonable. 228 E. 35th st. ': HOMELIKE. first-class board and room. Young people. Music Re so n a b 1 n. l'h ont. 4 49 8d st. M. 8J7U. '2"6H 11th st., comfortably furnlabe rooma, all conveniences, with or. ' wltJiout board, rates very reasonable. , Ai 'oMMOriATION.'Tifor 2 young peo ple In modern, well appointed home, Reasonable,. Talor 182. ' : Ri ii and board for girls employed during day. Private family. No ' n t h er boarders Sellwood 1182. -' R( M M and board for 2 gentlemen. Furnace heat. 54 N. Hth. eor. Davlsi ' $2o Nice room, good board, home con venience. Sellwood i 857. IfTrnished rooms wUh or without I board, $22 up, 4J4 Columbia St. ' I WANTED a giTTtoTioard from 1 "yr. to 12 years. seiiwooq aat, ' V'ANTE1 ROOM AND HOARD BO WANTED A home for an aged lady. Phone East 3til Monday, between 8:80 a. m. and 6p.m. WANTEI Room and board In Chris tlan Bclencs-tiome. E-149, Journal. HOLBKKKhPlNG ItAXJMS H ONE room with kitchenette, completely furnished, steam beat, running hot ' and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia BL, cornet Eth st. The Oak Hotel Steam beat, nice, clean rooms, f l.tS a week. 25c per day and up, 847 Oakj .'t'lt-r r . . i , w. .A 1 iv--- . v., m ,! I i 1j I I ii i ii i mil t ci i wiu siys,! . wj Jt ssa I $2.60 and $; electrlo lights an,d batli i free, four minutes' walk to business center 3" m it. KEYSTONE. 129 GRAND AVE. Cleaa outside sleeping room, $1 week; hou-eket:flng rooms $1.2ft week. SEE us for furnlsned 'housekeeping I rooms. Steam heated, hot and cold water, electric tignt. ?'; Kl 'It NISH ED ho'usekeepiDg rooms. $1.60 and up. 188 Vi 4th. corner 4th and Yamhill. - flam Ante Frse bath, light, phono,, UetTl APlS.ll wk. tip 401 First s UACHINO h. k. and sleeping rooms. Hotel Repone. 23 and Bavler sts. -ROOMS, suitable for light housekeep- ing. The Olive, wwrown st. 8 HOU8EKEEPINGB rooms with Tight1' and water. 95 34th st. Tabor 846 ; "7i WOODMAN 8E E Furnished 1 housekeeping. $10 to $20. 108 N. 18th. . UOLSEKEEPLNO ROOMS 73 FJT AT- famtxt : i COSY H. K. room, $8. 488 Main st. HOUSEKE-PINO rooms $8. East 4811. I Continued on -Text Jrsge)