The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 14, 1915, Page 26, Image 26

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1 V.-
j '';. 12800. $300 cash, a modern 6 room
I house. Nice fireplace. gool furnace.
-All built in conveniences, fun cement
basement and laundry tubs, 6 large
Tooma; reception hall, extra large light
"' miry closets, street improvements all
In anil paid for; K0 ft. from Hawthorne.
,; In the best residence district on thei
'.'.gyenue. 'J his home was built and sold
"three jears ago without furnace for
$4200. Is as good as new now. if you
.?'lire looking fo'r a nice home let us
.how vou this. 1J84 Hawthorne, Ta
"Sbor 2M7 Tabor 65;
$2"0 DOWN.'i: $25 mo.. ixcLi;niNO
12800 1RVIN iTUN H I'S. BL'NGA-l,UU-
- Corner on Freseolt st.. uOxloO, near
IrvlnKton ar, G rooms, hardwood
floor i. fireplace, buffet arid book
'flses. Sunday call Woodiavvn iifciS.
l.oRR I-:. KKASHV CO..
Main liv,i -d Moor Cha m. of Com.
;o hi ngalow I'jk joou.
UavMl.oine district, U uougni dp-
.Nov. 2 j ; a i.trieuy modern
TOOm Home, I lr. place, uimmi ,i3t.-, pjjun
coiling and ha :d wood iioois in ihmis
Beautiful eiccinc nxiuirs
en, huge
Double ("i
all HiV bent. Dutch kitcu
UP , full cement basement,
ii'.icl'd throughout; built
lur permanent home, lut
ee i,t atiovu 1 ik ne to leave
tills plac
Will sacrifice ;,
for tlw- east 1,
Call pl-ion.- Tal
tore end ot the year.
,r 794.
No one
ill I
Id belter ..r at lower
our e.pei:..-8 the iow
( i it n t h aie n nmcroiis ;
1 hem . in : 1 1 a l e for
l o your s.H i.-ia. tlon;
money if on
do not ii. sit tii it yoa
our reputation y(,ui-
roiectioii; boie! If de
li v ( o . I no, -out r.ul-
price thai
Ht possible
We lei. r '
youi sel 1 , 1
We 1'iirii -.-h
ansy Prus
deed l'l H
. our
ll to
la liri
u nd
ii h ;
Uid i
, hi OKI "ii hal;;.
A s Wll: oulltl III any
puit of city
Coating from $2000 to
$20,000. Also apart
ment and flats. We
have money to loan.
Call and nee plana.
I.- I,- lenlVMAtt
"Commercial v'luh HI Ik
' t free.
- Flit rooms and allie. practlcnll V
lcw, full plumbum, wall tinted;
COKt 1v build h,"l. Will sell lllf liolise
.In) Liixl'iil lot lor cost of houte, it' vim
are qu nil ; nui.'T I'll
tiiKu; it is i in- nam
down on morl
located II. h.hl
and C1m,
nea r
1. live blocks ot
Mar. C4'i.
K i
I . ' IT V PARK,
in, ii room tuiiiKaiow with
h. nun room and bieak-
'. ery till ng- beau 1 1 f ill 1 v
New, l
eloepli K
fast ale
u ood
up to the nil n Hi e 1'''" i
Small payment down.
any term:.. 433 K. 4'Jth hi. - i-iocks
south , of Sandy blvd. Talor 3o4.
o hi " ).ri;i'M;.u.i as'.
$19rU; cost J J;.'ii; 2 blocks to car;
electrlcitv. fuil c incut baseiiient. e
niehl Miiewaiks. i.nluil lot; ' bio' ks
rorth of lteed (olleKe; fine lawn, easy
tenna. Sec Mr. Siacli rest , at
i t lta 1 1 d Stnr 1
- t''ii(j) i.iinh hunu-alow. .i rooms una
fcfclh. fireplace, electricity, Kaa, rujl
biixeim lit. laundry, ot'.; lot FiOxllf, ;
block to Hosl'l i'I I'Y l'AUIv ''Alt; no
trades; cimh or easy terms; no rnort-
fui;i) on this. Tulmr :f0 ly. James '.
jH:nn. 1417 Saiuly hlvd. J
xirsf siM.rr "ji: iciv, m a k V'. ofkkk
Hawthorne dislib t. i, room, strictly
modern house. I'lieplaec. furnu.e. hard
Wood floorii, hard surface alreet In
and paid. l-..aMl front. .See Mr. Ful
ton. ;. Si Suiilli it Co., 4.1.4 Chamber
of ' 'om merce.
DTi YOI want a bix snap.' Head tills
; room modern house, TiOxluO lot,
Clear of Incumbrance. Only $12ou.
tiwner leaving Portland. Will take
20l in cash, balance $10 p"r month
without interest. Don't fall to see
this. Jonla n. 1 - 2 I ,u mhei ineiia hhlK.
KI N H I I o Mil ' 1 1 K A I '.
11, vvti i o i : nk i;i-:sthii 1 i-: i Disi'.
Price $2101. Terms $T0n cash. Hot
60 by ln,.it street and sewt r paid. Well
maile, hII doable cons tru'-t t d. Klre
dnce. nice llnht rooms. I'all I!'l4th.
ItllA CTI ! V I. lb i.M i; l' U SALE.
' Just completed. SOI Imnkley ave.,
outbern Colonial typo, ;- rooms, 2
baths completed; space for :: other
l.ooms. m ma Rid f lciuit wooded uur
ler block 'Umstead I'ark. Seo owner
oti property or phone Woodlawn .'t 4 ( 'i .
fet)H Modern 5 room cottage.
electric lights, wis, on corner lot
JoXlOO ft. fruit trees, shade trees anil
luce hrdKc. sldewiiiks In, all for $1 !'',
iii(l down, haltinco $ 1 ;'i per niofith,
worth f.:i"ii Ai.pi ut :;:ii:$ 7 1st s.
Bl'MIAIillW S. lots, H'TuiKd in Alta
mead, i ou r own terms; second niort
irace privileKu to bulldeis. 2202 I'l.
Morrison st
D. K. KKASF.V & CO.,
Clinmber o f Com me n e Hldy.
ON M'lNTIII.Y l'A V M ll.NTri.
The 4 best bargains In Hose City
Park $2.",oo, IMJU, $3250 and $4250.
Bee Realty Dept.,
4th mid Stark )
F YOI' want a real bitrixaln In a
house, seo our bouue men. Wlckam
b neiiitersnn.
''. ' 104 f. th st.
iKuO KoU K room plastered housi
near Annhel station; lot 50x100, 33
foot alley. Will Kive terms. Investi
gate and save your rent, -47t;. Jour
nal. $10 CASH
Price $7..o. small hous,.. 50x100 ft
Sen Aurdtu. 72d and Sandv blvd.
I N V EST ME NT 'i ) Ml'AN V
T the i iii'Kini Homo Huildei s plan
and Ouild your home. Terms like
rent. Will build on your lot or one or
purs 1,i::a Northwestern Hank bldg.
5tTl 1 S adf and 35c stamps or easli w!Ti
get our fcft pane Home fieautifjil
Inn book. Tho Oiegon Homo Culld
ers. 13110 N. W. Hank bldg.
BROOM bungalow snap, near E. -tHl-fjiin.
modern. $1Som; $Smi cash re
quired, elieet Improvements are pa i 3.
Pee owrer. X-429. Journal.
b(jH SALE 5 room plastered bou.
;'. 100x100. family orchard, etc. Fine
chicken houses and runs 276 85th St.
Mt. Tabor car. Tahor ru!r.
ACRE of ground and f
low. lights, water. 30
only $50, easy terms.
i oom bunga
m incites out.
J5tv Journal.
-1000 I'Q I'll l in 15 acre
- trade for pool hall or small
lA rtione East 2303 after r,
i JijKW modern 6 room hoi..-e,
i. " and Yamhill. Sunnyside
: ' tor 3199.
home to
bu sines )
3 1st
V Cozy
V $175.
ti room new bungalow, with gar
Kqulty and furniture complete,
Sue p. Phone Tabor C'i4 7.
HAWTHORNE district. I have a
i room bunnalow In Groveland
foe $2475. Tabor 104S or 2H42.
FOUR room bungalow.
'. Links. $850, $25 cash,
at 2549.
East Oolf
$10 monthly.
SNAP 4 room cottage, lot 60x100, on
Irvlnton car. inquire 03 E. 16th
it. N.
BVVELL new- bungalow, 7 rooms, nice
-. location; must sell: $30o(i. Plione
Sunday. Woodlawn 2o4fi. No agents.
h ROOM house cheap for cash. 15
minutes from west side, near Union
ive. Owner. Woodlawn 2997.
FURNISHED modern bungalow, fur
nace, fireplace, cement basement,
Vash traya. Owner. Woodlawn 121''.
I S ROOM.,, hall, plastered, lot tV'xluo,
r near car. $1100; terms to stilt. R.
- . ft. Oatewood & Co.. 165Vj 41h st.
, VOH SALE Modern 6 room bungalow
t $1600; terms. Call 1112 E. Sherman
o,t ft. Call - evenings.
il idODERN o-'rooiii house for Bale cheat".
. ' o-Include electrio fixtures, shades
V rd llnoletim. Tabor o3ii2.
'' BO&B CITY bungalow, new. strictly
J"- : - modern, bargain. $2850. $150 down.
Taboe 14?3.
. ROOMS. MODERN. 120x100.
- Must be sold this week; frarden,
chicken bouses, $1300. Tabor !&.
Ml led . C 1
tug arch lec In.
Or 'will consider lot a part pay
ment; beautiful new 7-room houaa
with all modern features, such aa
laiKi rooms, fireplace, furnace, book
case, beautiful wido genuine mahog
any buffet, tapestry paper, hardwood
floors throughout down xtairs; J very
lurise light, airy bedrooms with large
ciosrts, bathroom has built-in draw
ers lor linens.
Tho ImuHe is finished In old Ivory
with mahogany trim downstairs,
while the bediooins aro finished in
white namel with wails tinted to
haimonl.e. The price is only J4G0O,
wlib b amount Includes street im
I'lovementH thnt were originally
J lliiu. so you can easily see what a
bargain this Is. The Iujuso la located
on corner of :;sth and Clinton, Call
and ee for yourself.
Phone Tabor 5299
$2000 $200 Cash
Hawthorne district; lot 4.".x100; nice
row o room bu:if-;alow. with extra
lao-e, liht at tie ;' rII model n features,
iia i d wood floors, nice pressed brick
fireplace, built-in bookcases and buf
(t with mirror, vhlte enamel cab
inet kitchen. 2 lare. airy bed rooms
with closet.", tfood bath room,
stati'hud iilumloiirf. cement basement
and laundry triys. duplex shades and
lixtires. well located, close to Rood
school and high school; $l'i per month
and interest. Why pay rent? Ownets,
1on lla'.vilioin.e rive. Phone Tabor 2017
or Talior ;.i.
Rose City Park
My loss is your jmln. I must sell
my new and modern 5 room bungalow.
Fireplace, hardwood floors, fixtures,
shades, screens, sleeping pofh. full
i elm nt basement, la rite attic. My
prieH Is $2;oi; some terms; no com
mission; no trades. Come out to H11
KiD-t sfN.or phone owner. Ta. 6S0.
six room nt.'N ;a r.ow.
fa t me show you my new and up to
t'le minute bungalow. It Is complete
m every detail and the price Is rifrht.
me block from It. C. car; lot 50x100.
N o i-:. IVklund, owner and builder,
Hll K tilst st.. N. Phone Tabor f. 80.
$1 !! IMTS a new modern home, six
room-, 1 'z stories, worth $3000; only
$70ii cash; convennrit to school and
stoics, s,.,. standard Abstract Co., 'J27
C.of bldf,.
IK Vol" have a little money to Invest
find want a genuine bargain see
ill : 1 '"b""'1 b t ra ct io . ,) 2 7 I ' . of C. b d g .
$:..".ii- 2 room furnished liouse. Iot
.",0 by Hi. i. City limits. 12 1st.
$10 CASH.
A 50x100 FT. LOT. t,
Wo can offer vnu a beautiful res
lden.e lot wdthln a stone's throw of
t'liion ave., one of Portland's larsrest
business treets. As an Investment It
is surely a blc; money maker; as a
homeslte. all we ask Is that you see It
hci we feel that you will be more than
I im't forpet The Interstate bridge
npproach Is on Union ave. It it make
urn prom. l.ofs run In
ttr,0 up.- on easy tel Ills,
(ouver car to forpan st.
Kro ind, or come Into the
Inn the week.
price from
Take Van
Atrent on
office dur-
Main 1743.
V Oak st.
East Oak St, Corner
PHxlOn, Joins branch city library, 1
block of rnr. Price only $1200; terms
t- suit. 2 Inside lots on same street,
t'.fjii each; $50 rmh; $10 per month. J
C. Rainey, 90 1 Yeon bldg. Marshall
looxioo business pronerty, hard
surfaced reets, on carline. South
Portland. Beautiful location for com
bination business and residence Cost
me $3500. Will take $2000. all streets
aid sewer paM. Owner, 429 Rv. Ex.
bldg Phone Main 1 757.
WE have an exceptionally good buv In
a cheap lot for Jion. $f,0 down, Vial
finco to suit. It is one of the best
h"vi in tli cltv.
The .MAT.OVi: O
SO ij Son Id
M'.ln r r.iixino p.t
In, with good old
hp Rid p.,
west side, Hope
hling rented fi'
?2'i per month
i t the low nrb
Tim best buy In town
f,f Jf.nnn; terms. Avr,.(
si-iHlv soi V. v. bid?. Mnln 72fi;.
" W' EST M O TC FL AVI "$373 3 3
Lot 23. block 15. 19th St.. near Clav
bourne ft., original price $fi30; $17.1. ?3
cash, balancA ; years. Fred W. Ger
man Co, 732 Chamber of Commerce.
PARTY uotng .n a honirf"toarl will sfll
four lots In Railway addition, chea
for cash. Make an off or. No agents.
P. O. Hot U'K. Lents. Or.
YOI'It last chance to huv this Sun
nyslde 'i block. S3rd and E. Alder.
If taken this week, $;.'0O. B-4S5,
1KVINGTOV lot; bargain: owner must
sell; $son; all or part cash plus
stree Improvements: bonded. Write
now TY-HQ Journal.
CHOICE lot, end ofRrnadway carllne
(Alameda Tarkl. $!.".0. everything
paid: terms K-7."o. Journal.
FOUR lots, west side $1300. no mort
gage or assessments.. $,"0o down,
hnlrvio long time. V-S04. Journal.
LOT for sale. cor.. T. f '01 cost $1050.
Sell for $550 Must be sold this
month. 51 N. fith st Rdway 2005.
CORNER. lo ft. loFfor $17R. ndfoin
ing Mt. Scott cnrlli.e; suitable' for
t osineus owner U-311, Journal.
IltVIM !TON "hofce "lot "for R nsTcTty
pnrk lot and $700 cash; owner. ('-339.
lEVIN'GTON frap, la'ge lot for tlROO,
Including lmprovernr nts, $300 ca,sh
reoolrod Owner. .T-nc" Journal.
for $1000
lot. 114 ft. on Sandv blvd..
worth $2000. Owner, Main
Piedmont cor..
Grand and Hol
Owner. Sell. 7"
man. Worth $10i,0
rtOSE CITY PARK snap."
st. Pricp $490. Tabor
Country Homes
Improved and unimproved one to 20
acres close in, rock teats, poultry, pigs
cows and garden. 305 Stock Exchange'
j1) AC
RES. all clear, at St. Louis
on Oregon Etlectric T naM
$1200; will
take $600:
easy terms.
Owner. 11 st
19 Journal
EEL Improved 1 3 i, acres this
of Oregon City; paorlfle. 4225
ave.. S. E Sellwood 2 168.
OREGON CITY" line, fi
bungalow. 1 acre. C.
Easy terms.
room modern
P. Meldrum.
"ilS TIME TO BUY 20 level acreaT
mile and half from Tlgard. $1500
Record Title Co.. 505 Couch bldg.
liOME site with running water. 500
feet to electric station, 10c fare: only
$"35; tor'ms $5 per mo. G-870. Journal
bOOAXBKRRT land near Mllwaukie;
wise bp to a coming Oregon Industry
E-749, Journal.
loo ACRES by owner; half price
ARE vou Interested In Cranberry cul
ture. See our window. 250 Stark st.
$."i.'.o Eol'ITY fttrkrese acre,
count G WADDELL 294
big dfs
mth st.
ARE vou interested In Cranberry cul
ture? See our window. 250 Stark st.
ARE you Interested In Cranberry cul
ture? See our window. 250 Stark sL
Sill OStHl
40 Acres
$14.76 per acre. 20 miles from Port
land, 6 miles from electric line, lies
food, fir and cedar timber, spring,
200 cash, good terms on balance. 6';'.
40 Acres, $2500
6 miles from electric line, 25 miles
from Jr'ortland; good house, barn; 16
acres In cultivation; good orchard, fine
spring: creek. $700 cash, balance can
run in payments 10 years 6'i interest.
10 acreS. 20 miles out on electric
line, lies level. H in cultivation. $135
per acre, V4 mile from town; email
payment down, easy terms on balance.
41 1 HENRY HLDiJ, -
Close in on Capitol Highway
10 Acres $2200
15 minutes by auto out Terwilliprer
boulevard and Capitol highway; hard
surface road to 4 blocks of this place,
aouthwest of Multnomah station.
About 6 acres cut over and eaBy to
clear, ever-runnirifr creek lined with
riftive timber, no waste land, excellent
drainage. Can be made into a beauti
ful place. You can comb Multnomah
county and never find u better acreage
bargain than this. $500 cash will han
dle, too.
904 Yeon RIdg. Marshall 3177.
We have subdivided our loi acre
farm into 10 acre, tracts arid are offer
ing them to purchasers wanting small
farms for homes.
The soil is first class and the land
Is perfectly smooth and slihtly roll
ing. Each 10 acre tract has from 5 to
7 acres cleared land in cultivation and
from 3 to 5 acres umber.
Ibis trad i.i only a few rods from
the Pueiric highway, and adjoins the
town of LaCenter, VSash., Having a
high school, church, stores, posiof f ice,
eH.. also steamboat facilities to Port
land, Or., and auto stuj.',. lines.
Prices from $Pu0 to 1630 per tract;
terms. Addiess Kane lirus., LaCenter,
Wash., owners.
Impfoved Acre Rome
$1900 $300 Down
"mi fare, near Ryan Place. OreRon
Electric, 15 minutes' iida of washing
ton st. Good house, 2 modern chicken
houses, ail chicken fenced and cross
fenced; the very pla'u lor a chicken
fancier- 3s fruit trees; all in cultiva
tion; sightly location, facnc on pood
road, view of the mountains. Pay
ments only $15 per month. J. !.
Rainey, y ij 1 Yeon bide;. Marshall 3177.
5 ACRES, $250.
$10 down and J :, a month buys &
acres logged off land, between Port
land and Centralia. on main line of
railroads, l miles from town of MJ0
population, sawmills, shingle mills and
other industries. Some of these tracts
are nearly cleared und have a spring
or running stream on them; price $5J
per acre. Many tracts of different,
sizes to choose from. Good soil, lies
well, line location, perfect title.
31 S Railway Ex hange.
10 Acres Fertile Land, $400
$S cash. iS per month; you do not
have to make tho payments when out
of work; part payment can be made
clearing land and building ronds; will
build a cahin for the right people mov
ing on to the land; 75c fare from Port
land; good road, neighbors, telephone,
Fred F. Huntress, 284 Oak.
10 acres or more of line level
ground, good soil, no rock or gravel,
on county road, elosn to school; this
gtound vvill grow anything that can
bo grown in this climate; good niar
l ets and shipping fa. littles. Price
$30 ner acre; $5 per a're down; will
five terms on balance teal any Indus
trious man ran meet. .. interest.
F. L. liiiltbn.V, 'l.A'l SK AN1 E, OR.
Acre Only $400
On. 9-cent fare; good service; water
and lights; level; 2S minutes' ride.
Only $lu per month.
The Atchison-Allen Co.
600 Co ncord Rldg., 2d an d Stark.
2 ACRES Luther station. $25to. $200
down. $16 per month. Including In
terest at t per cent; cultivated; 4 room
bouse, level. Johnson creek through
corner. Station on place, 10c fare; bar
gain. Sundav and evenings, Woodlawn
2hS8; day.. Slain Uh9. (ID Dorr E.
Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of
i 'otnmerce.
is ACRES. All in cultivation, level,
on river, $l!si0; half cash.
20 acres. All cultivated; 6 room
bouse, barn, on river. $25o0; half cash.
2 acres, cleared, water, on carllnn,
$1000; half cash.
1 S n 4th St.
Some splendid bargains in acres half
acres and lots In beautiful Parkrose
(adjoining city llmitsi, nil modern con
veniences. Monthly Installments If de
bited. See Realty Dept. of
(4th and Stark.
I HAVE 7.06 acres choice land, all in
cultivation, within 6 minutes' walk
of electric service and 3o minutes of
Yamhill st., Portland. Price $500 per
acre: will take residence from $2iO0
to $3000 in Eugene. Albany, Salem, Mc
MinnvlUe or Portland. Ell Vaughn,
102 4th at., Fortland, Oregon.
ACREAGE snap, 3 acres Improved.
finest soil around Portland, part In
bearing apple orchard, near Oswego
lake, on county road, 8 minutes' walk
from 8. P. electrio; good 4 room house,
horse, cart and harness; $1500. K-U7G,
I AM going to make a change. Will
you give me $1500 for my equity of
$3400 In 1 ncre store building. 5 room
house and barn; lots of roses and fruit.
Own water system; on the carline. loc
fare; mortgage not due for 1 Va years.
R-143. Journal.
Cheap living, pay Interest on Invest
ment, grow Into money. 1 1-5 acres, 240
feet frontage R. R.. good 6 room house,
furniture, other buildings, cow, chick
ens, tools, fruit trees, berries. 1708
Midway ave. E. St. Johns.
Walnut Tracts
Oregon's coming commercial
modity for the tiller of the soil,
specialize In Walnut lands. 305
We Stock
5 Acres East of Parkrose
Paved road, near electric station,
fine view mountains and river, good
water, beautiful grove ot native trees.
Price $2000. S. P. Osburn. 602 McKay.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close to ear
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur
chaser. Phone Marshall 1585. or Sell
wool 476. John H. Gibson, owner.
20 acres betw een Gresham and Port
land; almost level. Price $700. Home
stead Realty Co., Room 16, 2S2
Wash, at.
U Tracts, $1 Down,
$1 Week.
Fine son ana signtty. Alberta car.
You will pay more 2 miles farther out.
The Gary Co.. 311 Panama bldg.
All cultivated, fine assorted orchard,
creek. 4 room house. Fine place. Prlco
$1800. Right at Ftatbn Bargain.
Jacob Haas. 715 Pekum bldg.
near Portland, 2, 5, 10 acre tracts,
best poll, good roads, near electric, $65
to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar
land, 309 Yeon bldg., Portland
118 ACRES; The Dalles: sacrifice. Ad
dress P. Piazzo, 565 E. 21st. st.
DEAL with owner, save commlmlon.
Buy my beautiful country home at a
bargain; $2500 down, balance easy
lA-in, rfuui nai.
FOR BALE or trade, 80 acres irrigated
land near Redmond; no agents. Ad
dress box 275, Redmond. Or.
416 ACRE Improved dairy farm In op
eration, on county road, no timber,
no rock, enough oak for fuel suddIv:
best virgin soil In Oregon: bottom iar.d
Is tile drained, has produced 115 bu.
oats per acre; large income; this farm
l took first prize at St. Louis World's
fair for best herd of cattle in the
'world. is yt miles from Cove Or
chard Electric railway station. 1 hour's
run to .Portland, near store and school;
new 8 room house, bath, phone, elec
tricity, water piped to house, everlast
ing springs, prune orchard, walnut,
apple and pear orchards, all bearing, 2
barns full of hay, bunk ho ise and out
buildings; adjoining iand has sold for
, $200 per acre; will cut same kind to
; $!) per acre, small cash payment,
j easy terms for quick sale. The prune
orchard alone will pay interest; stock
valued at $10,000 will also he sacri
ficed; this farm is now divided into
f-everal small farms, each on a county
' load and running water, owner, K. E.
Morgan, Yamhill, or. fiSO Chamber of
Commerce. Portland. Oregon.
1150 ACRES AT $:.0 PER ACRE.
; 3 milt from thriving little city,
r.ear Eugene. 1 mile from church and
sciiool. tlo acres in cultivation, l to
nearly cleared '.o0 acres in good .tim
ber, which hna been cruised at l.OoO,
iinii feet woiih $2 per -M. About So'
f land -is level enough to cultivate.
coll Is extra good, some . genuine
I I eaverdaiu. Watered by Rear creek
jfii.d several springs. Fine large out
range, probably enough for 1000 head
1 of cattle. Fenced and i crossfenced,
some wuh woven wire and hog proof,
2 houses, 2 barns and other outbuild
i.'!4s. Remember this Is close to
'churches., school, high school, and a
thriving town with good graveled road
most of the way. Terms, half cash.
Would consider some income property
, In part.
I 243 Stai k street.
79 ac:.! laneh, 45 in cultivation, bal
ance easy cleared; all fenced and cross
fenced, running creek, 0 room house,
hot and cold water, bath, gas plant and
good fixtures, barn 32x100, with larye
Fhed, 4 poultry bouses, 4 hog houses, 4
thoroughbred cows. 1 reu .slered Jersey
Hull. 3 bead heavy draft horses. 3 in
inhators. 1 incubator house. 2 brood
ers, 1 wagon. 1 buckboard. 3 plows, 3
cultivators, seeder, harrow. 1 John
Deere manure spreader, blacksmith
scop and loois. This is an Ideal farm,
icady to move on; price J10.U00, half
cash, or will accept highly Improved 10
acre tract close to good school, as first
payment with small amount of cash.
732 Oha'iiher of Commerce.
DA 1 1 : FARM AT l.Lsh THAN C ST.
Owned over 40 years. 22 miles from
city ha.l. 110 acres clear except 1 'j
timber and pasture. A-l soil, 30 swale
and beaverdaui produces 75 to 100 bu.
corn, turnips, beets, kale, celery. 50
acres snot soil perfect analysis for
loganberries, prunes, (berries, wal
nuts, potatoes, vetch. Fair building, or
chaid, good well, running water, milk.
niHil route, phone. Electric power 2
miles town. 40 electric trains daily.
25 seeded ciover. 25 to vetch and oats,
also Kale, turnips and potatoes. Earn
fuil cb-iver hay, grain, stock, imple
ments, etc. Price $15,250; $4000 caali.
Land here valued $2uu per acre. Ad
dress 90 E. 19th st.
Four acres, 1 it miles from center of
cltv-, on electric and automobile road, 7
room modern liouse, barn and out
buildings, all buildings new and up-to-date,
orchard, all kinds of small
fruit, land well tiled, good water sys
tem, horse, cow, calf, buggy, wagon,
harness, complete eet of farm Imple
ments, 50 chickens, chicken feed, 50
sacks potatoes, 200 sacks onions. 15
of carrcts, 25 of beets, 3 tons hay, 3J
licks of wood. Must be seen to be ap
preciated. $150u will handle.
T. J. SK'TKUT, E01 Title & Trust bid.
275 acres, all hog-fenced, good
buildings, 100 Rrres In grain, should
produce 3000 bushels next harvest:
good orchard. 7 springs: $25 per acre;
i also SO acres timber w ith house and
barn, S miles up the mountain, used
j for summer pasture. This at $10 per
ncre, $7675. Easy terms, 1 miles
from county seat and high school,
j T J. SEUFFRT. K0 1 Title & Trust Rldg.
I I want to sell Will consider some
'trade. Nearly 500 acres. Joins county
seat town. 75 acres bottom land with
prtvatrt water for Irrigation; 375 acres
tillable land; good improvements;
Lrg amount of stock; full set of farm
' i achinerv. lease of pure-bred herd of
cattle wilh 20 calves now. Place cost
over $22,000 and will be let go for
the best offer. Terms can be made. K
i 7 24. Journal.
DAIRY' ranch, 1"5 acres under culti
vation, 1 'i miles from Toledo. Lin
coln county, fair building. 23 head of
cattle. 9 of them fresh. 4 freshen soon,
team horses. 4 largo brood sows, reg
istered Poland China boar. 24 goats.
IS stands of bees, all machinery and
crops. Price $7 500; small payment
easy terms or wiil sell stock, crop and
equipment and rent place. Ferguson,
50 1 ( leri i tiger bid jr.
acres, not far from Oregon City
near new electric line, on Main
to Portland, this Is first class
and there Is a good 6 room plas
tered house, and other hulldings: fami
ly orchard; on mail and cream routes;
phone in house: S'-i'h'o, terms. D. Mc
Cliesnev. T HI ft Tr 1 1 s t bl dg.
160 AC EES line bottom land in Tam
hlll c unty. 80 acres In cultivation,
3o acres in pasture balance easy to
clear. On main l.lehwny, near school
and church. No buildings on this land.
All under good wire fence. firings
$500. Rent priced very kiw. Only $75
per acre. Terms. Avres & Smith, 501
N. W. bldg. Mnln 72;C.
42 JOINING TWN $3000.
It went for mtg. of $3000 and that is
' the price now. All finest land, 16 acres
cleared, well fenced, on main road, Vi
mils tctwn on 2 main line railroads;
fair buildings; $2fi"0 cash; talk abo".t
n snap, It's here Come or write, Wr. V
Hyde Castleroijk. U'ash.
I 110 a., 2 mll.s to Amity. Tamhlll
i Co., house, barn, fenced, running wa
' ter, 60 a. rich bottom land cultivated.
18 a. oak timber. Onlv $75 per acre.
Terms See Mr Seachrest at HART
MAN & THOMPSON. 4th find Stark.
j 24 ACRES. $650 CASH.
SO miles from Portland, 3 miles
from electric station, on crushed rock
! road. Practicaiiy all cleared. Good
' spring. Kauffmann &. Moore, 325
Lu m be r E x c han ge
1 FoR SALE 10 3-4 acres in city of
' Beaverton. all in cultivation, tiled
and fine shape for garden. Price $S000.
I Would consider half in other property
If clear. Address owner. Box 69, Gas
i ton. Or.
FOR SALE 1" acres; S 0 wheat land,
balance pasture, for $250o, including
I horses, cows, pigs and implements. Is
j improved and near railroad station.
I 1 or further Information address R, LV
i Jenkin, owner. Snake River, Wash.
415 ACRE ranch. 6 mil. s west of Port
land; good soil; 100 acres cultiva
tion. 6 acres young bearing orchard,
house,. 2 good bains, springs, running
water, $47,725; eash $25,oo0, balance 10
years. Phone Tabor 4175.
t-o ACRES in Linn county, improved;
$2jv00. $Soo cash; 1 co acres in Mor
row county. $25oo; 19 acres close to
Wondburn. $21n0; many other bar
cattiH. Gill & I'nfiir, SI 2 Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE My ranch of 160 acres, 5
acres fruit, 4 room house, barn and
other outbuildings. It would make a-
fine stock ranch: would take part in
trade. M. M. Jarnesson, Molalla, Or.
FORTY' acres. Ciook county. House
and barn. Fenced. 25 acres plowed.
Irrigated. S crops of alfalfa a year
1 miles to R. R. station. 961 E. 2Sth
st. N. Woodlawn 2583.
160 ACRES fine land near Eugene;
good R. R. facilities; $4000- terms.
Phone Sunday. Woodlawn 2046. No
agents. FOR SALE! Modern 7 room house.
Rose City Park or Beaumont car
line. Will take small payment. Terms
suit. K-917, Journal.
1 acres, stock and Implements.
miles s Estacada. $2S per acre.
41R8. Main '5478.
FOR wheat or stock ranches write M.
Fitzmaurlca, Condon, Or.
$4 TO $25 acre near Vane, creeks; good
pasture land; good 'terms. 422 14 1st.
f Con tinned)
(Contj-qd) !
1140 acres in best section of Gilliam
county, 700 acres sowed to fall wheat,
S00 acres to bow to barley in the sprnm, '
good buildings, pumping plant, worlds
of grass and spring water; farm snould
bring in Income of $20,000 or more next
year. Will sell farm with crop and
entire farm equipment for $20 per acre;
$5000 cash. Close to school, fine road,
rural mail delivery.
160 acres, 80 Bowed to fall wheat,
close school and mail delivery, fine
road, fair buildings, a splendid place.
Price $2400; $300 cash will handle.
I0V2 acre farm. $1 fare from Port
land, close town, school; spring water,
fair house, rich black loam soiL Price
$950; $250 cash will handle.
CLAUDE COLE, 300 Henry bldg.
The Owner
One of Washington county s finest
farms, well improved and equipped,
good roads, near .It. It.. R. F. IX, ,'hone.
15 miles from Portland, says. "I and
wife retire, you sell our place. Price
is too low to publish, will quote to In
to: ested parties.' Terms excellent, no
trades.'' 3e5 Stock Exchange.
A C ; O T STiF A R M .
132 acres, 90 in high state of culti
vation. Income all times of year.
Prunes, walnuts, almonds, hops. Good
buildings, fences and running water.
Prosperous district, 20 miles to Port
land. Will take as part of first pay
ment good city property up to $7oo0.
80 acres, first-class soil, springs and .
running water, 4 room house, good
barn and hog house, team, 2 cows,
cnickens, hay. abundance of kale and
root crops, cream separator and ma
chinery. 4ii miles from town, 35
milts Portland. $700 cash, balance
long time, C'c.
3j2 Sl"ckExchangel)id
80 acre farm, 2.. in cultivation. Run
ning water. New build. ngs and
femes. 25 miles to Portland, 1 mile
to H. R. station. $46u buys it. $900
cash, balance long time, secured on
place. The improvements are all new
and cost half what is asked lor place.
I)-34C, Journal.
7'-. ACKE.Si. small house, 30 fruit 1
trees, all cleared, 2 '-i miles from
Lents. Joining land sold last week f"r
$4'i0 Per acie For quick sile will
take $1 500, terms. A- J. Farmer, 40 7
Stock Ex.
WE i.avo as fine a garden farm of
20 acres as you would wish to own.
Only 18 niii.-s to Portland for $4000.
Vegetation 10 feet dr p Keller &
Deal. 314 Lumber Ex. bid-.
FOR I.EASE 320 acres of river bot
tom land. Owner going away and
will sell stock and machinery. 45 head
of cattle, lo young work horses weigh
ing from 1300 to 1SU apiece, 75 hogs.
5o si.cep, 35 goats, good b;i : 1.11 na s,
good water, all kinds of farming ma
chinery from a hoe to threshing ma
chine. Steamboat landing on the place.
Price $5000, half cast;, time on balance.
Call room R, Oilman hotel, cor.' 1st
and Aider st.
HIGHLY .mproved farm of 200 acres.
Will lease for 5 years. Stock and
machinery for sale. (HI) Dorr E.
Keasey Co., Chamber of Commerce
FOR RENT 100 acres, IS miles to
two depots. Good for gardening,
dairying, corn anj hogs. Equipment for
sale cheap. E. Wagner, R. 2, Molalla,
FOR RENT or sale, fine Improved SO
acre farm located 15 miles north
west of Vancouver. Address owner.
No agents. S-923, Journal.
T(iR RENT 15 acres close in, suitable
for local dairy business, good barns.
10 room house. For particulars phorc;
Sellwood 2Q71.
16o ACRE dairy farm in Clarko coun
ty. Wash. About 5 acres in kale A
No. 1 fur erood party. No other need
ppplv. East 7263. I'a !J Monday.
WILL lease 15 acre dairy, buildings,
complete lor 20 cows, gcvvl lo room
house, for Information phone Sell. 2071.
Foil RENT 40 acres improved, 30
miles from, Portland, near school, on
county road. Call at 20 4 0 E Taylor.
Fo r rent f 3 5 ac r e f ar 7m YioxTi ,
Turner Or.
between Lents and Gilbert
No buildings. Cheap rent.
WANT to buy 10 to 20 acres not over
40 miles from Portland and close to
Ry. Want fair buildings and mostly
cleared land and family orchard; give
best price and terms as I have nothing
to trade. U-470, Journal.
WANTED By reTi ab JW co m pe t e n t
man; large farm, suitable for stock
and grain In eastern Oregon. Idaho or
Montana. Would run It for share or
rent with privilege of buying. DV
Oneal. The Dalles, Wasco county, fir.
WANT "0 or 50 acres improved, for
cash. G It e full description, distance
from Portland or Salem. U-i'03, Jour
nal. WANT farm within 30 miles Portland;
will exchange 2 houss, 5 lot., rent
ed, value J7000. 1210 Woodward ave.,
rnr. E 41st.
WANTED To hear direct from owner
of good farm or unimproved land for
sale. C C. Buckingham. Houston. Tex.
TO RENT or buy. on crop payments, a
fully equipped farm In eastern Ore
gon. Box N.e Junction Clty, Oi
WANTED To hear from owner of
farm or fruit ranch for sale. O. O.
Mattson Minneapolis. Minn.
ABOI'T 10 acres
cultivation, .part
wa nted.
cash. V-
part under
507, Journal.
F'OUR homestead relinquishments,
near Kalnma river in Cowlitz r-otintv,
Wash., 1 claim has 3.000,000 feet tim
ber; price $50, $100 each. J-969. Jour
nal. RELINQUISHMENT near the coast.
40 acres, on county road and river,
good summer home, -near railroad
town. $75. 0-474. Journal.
P.ELI NO I ' 1 SH MENT, good soil, some
cleared, many neighbors, county ro.-u',
school and town, good country, west
Oregon. $lo0. J-96S, Journal.
RE 1 . 1 NQ C 1 S" f EM EN T for sal e cheap.
Address Ralph Thrasher,
Or, Benton county.
SACRIFICE 2.000.000 ft. of timber in
Tillamook county. N-516, Journal.
o roms, modern, full porches, fine
view, fruit trees, mtg. $2l; trade
equity and Hudson 23 auto, high ten
sion, Bosch magrcto, fine engine; for
acreage or lots T-509, Journa 1.
3 ' ACRES adjoining Amity, highly im
proved, modern houae, good barn, all
I.i cultivation, stock and machinery;
price $7500; will take in trade city
r.roDertv 11D to J5000. (Bl) Dorr E.
Ke.asey"& Co., Chamber of Commerce,
960 Acre Wheat Ranch
500 acres now In wheat; will trade
for Portland Income property or will
sell on easy terms. Call Tabor 2017
e.r Tabor 65.
INCOME property, cor. Ltth
berta. now rented for $7 0
and Al-
will trade for unimproved V block on
Hawthorne ave. 10.54
Hawthorne. Ta-
bor 2017. or Tabor
firopertles of all kinds and slzs
nterchange. See or write us.
607 Yeon hldg.
WANTED Piano as first payment on
new $1200 4-room bungalow in Sell
wood, balance $10 monthly. E. 2549.
WANTED, to exchange 5 room resi
dence for farm or farm lands. Z
231. Journal
cleared, tor
Panama bldg.
near Monmouth;
Portland property.
BIG odds in large house and grounds,
want smaller. 323 Henry bldg.
10 ACRES free and clear. Irrigation,
for small stock of goods. Ta. 421s.
Excellent4 Trades
Small hotel, furnished, in Eastern
Washington town. Price $7000. Will
trade tor farm.
7 room house, 1 acre, private water
system, fruit and berries, 10c car fare
on Oregon City line. Price $55uu. Will
take farm up to $u00.
Income property on Alberta st.. pays
nearly 10Ve on price, $000. Will con
sider farm up to $!i0oo.
140 acres, 10 miles from Salem. 90
in cultivation, some good timber, run
ning water, 6 acres hops, good t room
house, 2 barns, outbuildings. A good
I lace for dairy or hogs. Price J14,Uuu.
Will trade for Portland property.
Modern apartment house In San Pi
ego, Cal., attractive and good income
producer; 23 apartments. Price $35,-
ooo Will consider Portland property
oi' farm to $22,500.
$25,000 worth Siletz timber, clear, to
trade for income property. Will as
sume up to $20,000.
! '
loso acres near station. 600 good
wheat land, balance paslui e; extra good
buildings, farm machinery included.
Price $22,500. Take any good exchange
to $15,00o, balance 6 per cent.
! 913 Chamber of Coimrccv
One of the niosi complete and mod
ern little bungalows in Tacoma. All
improvements in and paid for. Includ
ing paved streets. Location id il
Situated on thu edge of a small iai.e,
surrounded by a park. All the latest
, built in features, panelling and beam
I c illngs. cabinet kitchen, etc. bc-auti-i
1 il lawn, shrubbci v. ben ies, etc. Full
I concrete buseun-iit. l.iundiy, etc. IV-
il 1 1-n t walks around house, in fact, tii,s
is a gi. m ol beauty and tin nee.
owner's interests are ui Poitland, and
he wiil givo some one a bargain in a
trade for property ill Portland or vici-
r.lty. Photographs and complete ie
scriptlon lrom W. S. MacCabe, Karl
Hotel. Portland. Oregon. 2u6 Broad
320 acres agricultural iand. central
Oregon, Crook Co. olian.c ash soil.
SakiebrJSh. All level. No rock. Great
stock country. Immense outrange. 4o
res cleared, cropped twh e. 4o more,
burnt oil. Wheat, oats and rye. Snia'1
house, small barn, good well, fenced.
' sts near $3 per acre to clear. l
n.iio to postoffiee, nt.ur school. Pro
jtcted railway Hues near. Aitesi.m
basin by geological survey. Ciookel
river springs from artes an flow at
lower end of valley. Would cor side r
city pioperty. $2o acre. Call or write
'IV Mnrlowe, Dav is si. di ' k: ty
icll SALE anu exchange, 035 acres
situated in ( look Co., about equal
distances from Rend, Redmond and
Prinevilie. fioj aco-s good level plow
land, 20 acres cleared, balance can ee
cleared by p. owing and pulling brush.
Well of water on place and water may
be had for Irrigation up to 160 acres at
$15 per acre. A-l alfalfa land and a
good stock proposit.on with outside
range. All ui cer- and necessary
farm buildings hi take $j.;5o for
place with aoout one half in ex cha n
for other property, Iluofi cash and
balance on easy terms. Address Lo.v.
i 5 1, Prinev file. Or.
EXCHANGE icy line farm. 10 acres.
all in cultivation, auto road, bearing
fruit, new 6 room plastered house,
bain, outbuildings, stock, implements.
1 rice $5(iO'i, clear, taiio improved a'ue,
or house and b'ts tip to $4l0o, lest
mortgage. R. 1, Box 90. Oi cgon City,
( i re go n.
SNAP- $6.)otr, 10 acres fronting on
Base Line road. 4!2 miles from cltv
limits. Small liouse, large bain, good
Weil, orcnard, 2 ucrep of rasphorrle-:.
all cleared. Will give tcnuj or will
trade for clear city income property.
A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock E.v.
4S0 ACRE wheat ranch In Klickitat
county, Wash.; stocked and equipped.
Price $30,000. mortgage $600o. Will
exchange this fine raiudi for city prop
erty. Y'ie.ld 32 bushels per ftcro.
Acres & Smith. 601 N. V. Bldg. Main
7 ; ft.
40 acres unimproved land on gravel
read about 't mile lrom Council, sta
tion on 1'nited Hallways. I-and lies
level and good soil. Price SlL'O'.
Would want
onie cash. Peter Adams,
IMl Front st.
8 rodm house, west side, $?500.
7 room house, modern $2400.
6 room bungalow, $1950.
4 room bungalow, $1150.
' One or all for cltv lots.
40 acres, 3 miles from Castle Rock. 15
acres in cultivation, good buildings,
rtock and implements. Trade for
Poitland property. Land lies fine. E.
J. Robinson, 323 Lumber Exchange?.
Main 153S;
WILL accept any kind of clear prop-T
erty as part payment for 160 acr
of good land In Clarke county. Wash.,
price $30 per acre, plenty of time on
balance. 1 0 Washington stiefel, Van
couver, Wash.
1 Beautiful D acre tract near Aacot;
j mortgage $1275, due 2 Vs ycara; will
exchange for bungalow and assume
'equal amounts. i red W. German Co.,
7.i2 Chamber of Commerce.
iViANT Los Angcies apartments or
business properly free and clear, for
464 acres. In Linn Co., Oregon, one of
the best Improved anu equipped farms
'In Oregon, $5o.00o. Address Ncal
; Brown. '09 Panama bldg., Portland, or.
$2500.00 $2500.00.
Good home, gooA Improvements, 2
acres equipped for 500 chickens, to
exchange for improved irrigated farm,
Cmatllla county. Address E. A. Guer-
lng, owner, ( o; ta?e ( trove, irejjon.
Have a modern house clear of In
cumbrance;, value $'15o0, for farm
with eorn Improvements, same value.
R. F. Feemster. tP)9 Ahington bldg
FOR trades of all kinds see me wheat
farms, dairy farms, acreage, city
property. If you have anything to
trade, let's match them up. N'c.U
1 '.rown, 2'.'9 Panama bldg., ltd-A Id er.
W E have lour first class clear lots
and balance In cash, to offer for
modern bungalow, in good district of
i:y. not too far out. Ayres St Smith,
501 N. W. Bldg. Main 72v6.
EXCHANGE good village pioperty,
I furnishings, etc., for stock runcti in
Arizona or New Mexico. Box 70. Tali
man. or.
TRADE $400 equity In $S00 Enoll
Heights .view iot. on car line. Pay
ments $10 month, no interest. fir.Metz
: runabout. 6905 47th ave.
$2200 EoClTY' jn 9 acre farm, fl miles
from Vancouver; ' ti ad for grocery
stcire. close in. Address owner, Van
couver. W ash., R F. I . 2. box 1)2.
WE offer fine upright piano In -x-e
hange for clear city lot. State price
and locate n H-720. Journal.
EQUITY In small 4 room cottage, will
trade for small rooming house. 10 or
12 rooms. Phone Woodiawn 2 160.
STOCKED dairy and hogranch; rash
and trade $3500. balance mortgage.
Owner. FX-3C6. Journal
IF you have any good property to
trade we will match you. Ayres &
Smith. 501 Northwest bldg. Main 7266.
UNINCUMBERED city property lor
farms Write full particulars. Gill
Dufer, 312 Ablngton bldg
acreage close In
Alberta district
for fine
buiigaio w,
Woodlawn 22-29.
W A N T E L) 10 cleared htm of vva!
land in exchange for free n l r-;
cltv lots. Jacob Haas. ,15 Dkum
TILLAMOOK dairy ranch for Portland
property. Deal with owners oniv.
Price $S0OO. FX-357. Journal.
1RVINGTON Strictly modern bunga
low and $2000: want X'i acres im
proved cosje in. 3J 2 Panama bide
FINT-fTold watch, Elgin, to trade for
3-A Eastman or Ans -ei Kodak, auto
gra p h je preferred. Ta bor 1171.
MobKKN 7 room rtsbl'-nce, Sellwood.
for Seattle probertv.
EWEN, 312 Panama P.ldg
I WILL trade my home, valued
$3000 for your acreage. Call
write owner, 84 E. 76th et N"
40 ACRES Improved ana stocked, for
olty rssidsnc. Ill Fsjiama bldg.
4 Continue-)
Another Big Deal for City and
Country Property Turned
by This Office This Week,
320 acres with 20 In high statu of
cultivation, with a full set of modem
buildings: all fenced and cross teiueit;
lots of water; good mads, to
Independence: completely stoc'.M-d and
equipped. This is a very file P'.ac,.
and is the first time It has been oi'-
lcr?d for exchange. Pi ice $10. 0.0 j,,,.! :
the stock, machinery. etc., t"get o- 1
with all crops i.ovv in. at invoh e. Wiil j
exchange for a brick -building and i : .- 1
el ide another l.irm of 1M actes close j
by at $1(1(100, I'nllv stock, d und I
equipped, up to JlOc.ooO.
10 acres, all in cultivation, with good!
Fet of buildings. loso to. 'ali. 1. , i . 1 .
Was),., on i;s . auto load; f'.i.e vnw of '
a",co ( r 1. Points ml tills pl.i c
i"" pl. t 5 vei's have paid 1" Co- e.nt
on price $5omi, including i :u 1 1, 11 , . 1 ,
and tools lmu on place. '1 l.o a' o
with two niouetii residences in an
comer vabod at $Co)u to e , ha i.e. ,.
ior ranon up in me. acres vvi.n u
and equipment, foj- J 11. coo.
100x100, Im,-oed wo:;. tiv, e
room tlits. l ow routed :'.: p.-,- ,-,i
tho corner 7i' hi f . t i.e.; :,
fi ovi .1 ; close in on , , . i , , ,
$ll.eeo, wiui licit , oil Cm: ).,. . ,
JUste.l. Wants llel t lial....-;0 .-to . t
$ 1 2. '.'Oil or mo, e.
g'on t iail I i se" ou- ,..
EXCHANGE 1 1.1' , ; ,
THE RH: ;. N lloje' it,
ir.'io N-rtMVestei :. . ;i,r
l.ME.l AN . S
S 3 a o i ;.. i r i' 1 v i . . . i o
first . iar.d w i;h 5" m 'c.,;
1 est us. ii i , ;;.st il e, pi.-.', t : I
ter, good ,' io. m,. n:.., Vi : , I
b'dh tainted. 2 hog uses. io',,n i
fences, o -. lo : ; ; i oad. m.i . ; ..i.d i
rout i s, 11 .1. rs v .. .". I i s. '
chl' k, us, to- d, d ma. hi' ei y. $ .
Farm is co or. u ill ml;,. . rC .i- l i,
to $;,0.i.i. 1 at : 1 ,.. ha lam . i ,m..
Mci 'h.'jirv. T ,v Tnei l.o.
s I .1
21 Acics
Good land. 10 n::!i i iimthwe' t o'
Vi'V land ; .c, n)o! i o:,d , , 1 , lo- ,, t ,,
school: S ai s ilea: el, so ill , ,.
2 good !.(.;.( n huii.-cM a, o r'i'vno -water.
Price $;,j;.0; i , mi u, I o- 1 1 .-. .-.
Owner will ro' , i p, - ,
pro) erty in exchange for thin . , ;, ,s
See Mr Brown
1"7 l-'ourth .'tree'
i vwi.i. nodi; my equity In r.dlowin,-
I'lopeltv lor fffsll (OWS, l.ofc o'
I auto. 2 acres. 30 nun. out on u
Ry., woltli $S00, equity $300. Pal $ .',
per mo.
1 lot 50x1 00, east 39th. 1 block no, il,
'of Woodstock cur. 1'lice $"..., eqi.o.
$325, I...1. long tlmu mtg. i i.
boo A' 'HE wheat ranch, 5 mi Vih'
I of Grass ailev; (, f the hot in
the cointy, coiii-nl 2o r on $,;o,i
this i car. Will iolio up to $I0,o00 in iuty
, iiicoine, th.e be. oucn crop jja j n h n 1 a
' I 1 1 ' I fail to : , t this If Int. r. Me l
i Address owner. M. C. Davis, Jrus Val
,eV , or
f. year old giafted ! I h in.; ei t n wal
nut trees. St lto-nherg nod Newtown
i I tilers; 7 '2 a , Yumi 111, I r., 39 'in ,les
I i'lein Port., near i lei ti le line, $900
imortg. .Shcrilic,, niy $27oO equity for
1 $2'Mio fn tiade for inoiii land. ii-.-u"i
'som,.- or new bun ualovv. P-93 I . .I0.1-1 a :
40 A I'R1'S 4 in. lis iium aM u :
clear title, no 11.. u mht a nee. lo :i.r, ...
I cleared. 1 0 acres In pasture with tin.
I b'-r, and lai, value $:!,',. o
J rale lor uiilnciitnbered Horioii. l
resilience; onlv owners answer. No
commission. Address W. V Appleman.
Castle Rock, Wash
lu A "RES, Wa; co, clear, for houw
eq in t y with small m tg.
Equity In 4 ai-i.-s, Beaverton, Reed
vtlle acreage, trade for grocory or
rooming house.
20 acres, H-averton, for clear house.
40 1 Roll .-'.'hi b'dg.
('. ACHE C'l'N"l"RY HOME "
up the Columbia, near Cape Horn; 4
acres in cultivation, a neat little 4
r-om house, smail barn. rhteKeri rami",
j etc. Price $1:0,1., mortgage $ii50; v. HI
1 t rail (u t lor vnoiiil lots here. J-'ivil
. Gel it n ( o , 7.C2 ('ham. of Com.
COM PI .1.0 1 1 i . v; quipped tariu. 1 in
acies. 7 m.lea The Dalles. 12 an n
cult., CO mote can be. Exchange, foi
modern 5 room clear bungalow, valua
tion $20(Mi. Not over 15 tnln. out.
pi one Ta bor 1 C 9 7.
40 ACRE dairy iiinch with stock anl
ImpleuientB, good bul'dlnga, pring
water piped in house; In excharige for
tiuliicuinbered city property. Sfij own
er, Hotl Alder, room 216, Sunday, 10
to 2, Monday 10 to4.
fi vk R " m i; ni )Tr."r.v "
Hardwood floors, fliep.Hoe; vry 1
nobby nlace; nice .'oixloo hd, rest rl : .-'l I
li s t riot , pa ve 1 rt.-ot::, r. HI t.,kn lo ;
s first payment . pi 1s 1 13IU. Jn
Haas Co.. ,15 I .hum 1-1 1c I
6-RoOaf buiooilow fi ,'...-1 e.'.t.d'tP.r-. !
lot looxlcu. .Nit Si mt district, )i( ,
$1501, mtg. 4'. oi, w'.li ry. hai gi; i n 1
small Im; farin. (H.'i j i..ri V j
Keasey v 'o., 2d floor 1 'I am. of 1' .n i
SPLENDID bungalow, lot f.oxl'.o. In
Sellwood. also good futioiiiio btist-
Il'-s,a In Oregon CiIV. Entuu pi i
$9011(1; mtg. t2000. Tiude for faun near
Coluuildr. liver. Yii'8. 2 19 4: ti st.
L'NIN' I MI.'l.HKIi 4 room to ibe, etec-
trlc lights and water, lot .oxlOO. In , 1
llvelv railroad town, value $700. for- 1
anvt 'ii'ig of equal value. Box 1 ,T.
! 1 01 at.!. a. Or.
1( v ih 1. 11 11 r vn lil (ricrim lniHlnH
coiner, vaoie E1OO1.1, aurnt niijiiii.
bra in e. Will trade for Improved acre
age, to $4'.!00. No cash. D-353, Jour
nal. j LOT in o.Hc.uiJ, Cal , or clear s .bur
in, ri lots in Portland. My lot is
(clear, cement eldewalka and Btrt
' puvti.g a. I paid owners onlv K 1 94 4
I Til Tl .i is"CJ IT sTl Ml-; N 'V . TiTititnook"' ''", ,
I ni. . timber, water and soil; trad,
for nt. reduced price for cash fcab .
t . .I'-urriH 1.
iWll.L acefpt citv pioperty In ex
; char ge for Improved farm In gomi
rommiinity. owner. B. Klinonaoi.,
lod'e 2, Hidgefleid, Wat h.
I .d.N. I MHllHI-.D .'Lo ac'ies in eentraT
(uegoii for uninceimtiei " d city prop
erty or valley tract that wHl mIiow
Jti.'.'iO value. .112 Ab'.ngton b'da.
lioxlOO corner, 6 room house. 4 room
bouse. My $400(1 equity for farn :
might assume. Mortgage $1200. Own-
er O-470. Journal.
SK' illtAl. line bulldlne lota for sale
lieup or trade for faim land. Own-
r. , O e.1,1,- WlVll.l-v Hi
$.0.0 EwUITY In an" acre" 'in Bueoid
Ileltrbts. tradi for auto. Phono ( o-
liimhia 240.
low for l-n. I or lot 14-t.-. Iliivthiin.f
Tabor 1 o ( (t
WANTED To exchange room r s I -
dent house for farms or farm land,
Y-H2, 'journal ,
WANTED Home In Chicago or Nw
York in fade for Portland trtcoO
room rfslene. F'ran'f , o 4 T Vrd st
M I NNES )TA and M- Dakota law Lane!
for property In Oregon. VV -4,31.
Journal. '
HIGHLY iiii"'oveil farm. Alberta, Can
ada, for properly Portland or farm.
Case; .;!! fir R-adii. 207 Ry. ! - b a r. t: e
W HAT have vol to exchange for j
$p...O equity In $Cf.n bungalow Mil
5 lots" i'auDon. Mul-: 971, or M. 23 2 ft. i
So .VHES I.i Wiliam-Ue va,ley. pi
acics' I'-nr, tul. easily cleared. Will
trace o-CTC. Journal.
it,') AC , i lose to I'.iigarjr, Alberta;
war t arience here F-9 4 4. Jo i'nal.
r, 40 aT'. improved farm. Alberta, for
pror.trtv In Oregon. IT-66. Jourral.
WT.T"w'i ran t ot trade we will buy
211 I, on' crn.nn bldg.
V" I TTL take light automobile aa first
tavment on 4 r- 'on bungalow, lOOx
1 OH ' 51." Pek.ll b'i'lg
EO' Tl Y
t-0' m riod-rn houe 2 lots
W! at have yin' Tabor 1442
$55o equity Prkrone acre for anion. o
tll. G Waddell, 294 10th St.
10 ACRES. Salem ElsctrUj; sell or
trade. Wolfateln, 34 Btsrk,
; - V . ''. ; , v:
' I -;t;Vi -.'.' i , W. ; f,a I
, (.Contlnnea)
WHEAT farm, over 1300 acres, all un
der plow, line well, very good build
ing!, lot of slock and machinery, ;,oj
in wheat; all goes at pi ice $2h.ihmj.
Consider other good property to il-.-000.
Fine large tract of unimproved
wheat land, lots of spring water, .!
well; want to come in c nic t wilts a
good live bustling tu m v.ltn a large
farming outtit. win ! .is ' .. K i.ovledg
and ihivo to taKt. I. old .1 th,. l,-Ui, o.i
S crop pa)' (Ileitis and ii...i in uiey for
us both.
fi'.o acre wheat
! to, 1.
v ,U ( i ,
d i
of spnr.g and v.
L ..idiucn. price 5
I ' "i ci t y uj !
U-i ins.
1 1 build 1
t v. 1.. 1 :
of.:, a: ,
i. .:-
.".'a' '.:
'n . . pi:
;i i.i ; i.. : , i
I. In t- ol
"" ..i t
the e.,ul t .
e: 'I O eg ,
: I lllld-
: l : up. i ty
i i i
t Mi
ly In
1 I c
d I..
W . '
1 .
1 V.
ll p!
' I: v i
n Voo!,.
I em or
$ I'
i it: propi i ( ,
s-o.l lo rn ' d'e
i.ise In valley
' ida, $18.'li)
1 i 1 1 . h near
: i : i 1 i t y in
Cell r
$ '
I'.o I I
I .'.
. t '
,1 lo-
Ml.. . O. . , I I I I I . I
1 I for h 1 1 1 u 1 -b
a r, for fa 1 ni
c,,'it . i .1.0 for
e. clear for
. o, lie.
1 ; I ;.' "1 .
1 aid Vamlnll
I . ,
I .
. he
, , a .
Id or I
.CO .''I.
s n a i . . 1
M'U :' A
I '
ion. 1 n 1 ; 1 .
I I ass I.-i-.d.
I :c .111 hull - 1 .
f- . la II
4 " in r 1 -I.
1 1
hao 1 .
.lei;.-., 1
I ' O 1 I . ,
dls.- i 1
r all, . :- ,
si pai.i'
1 1
.0 n ' 1 01 1, 11 :'ii n 1 1 1 -,
. . , o vv . 1 r 1 g i t c 1 , d
. 1 - 1' 1 011 : t , 1-1
i 1. lor- -i, 2 v i a r 1 In g
' 2 y a g ons, bail-,,
t 1 o u . ;' mo its. no
w , w a k ! n g 1 I o w, c 1 ea . o
t tons ol ha v, (oil
bushels of rain, all small tools, this
Is .in id. a. p.. 1. . oi l r-'ie I'" 1 1 Ion ; tho
10. ner 1 d. -Ito. k 1,1' 1 ; 1,, inning this
tor a small. 1 ;da. up 10 J T ' : mli'ht
1 ol.- i ! . r ' ' 1 I . I 1 . .(ly pi Opel t y. o 1 t
' . ,d pi , d : : .1 , 1 1 a in '' , 1 1 h o $12.-
1 1 1
E I-' Gil. HI. HI". --I : I.v
in .i i. Hi Ki p
7 i : a i t i:iii, i , n ; i ; i -oRNiei:
I ' i llol'SI. M ' I. V I'M N'l'l ID. I N
. c 1 1 i ol' I : I ' D V li MOVE IN
V I I . I . i i.-o I M. I. 0 im i Cl.l . A II 1 .i iT
i.i; .-.MAIL II .M ! , oi; A ' I; 1 . M ; E 1 p
I . i en. ol; 11 T 11 I . VOI ' T i
a . : p , ; 1 'I . Now J W il! I' 1 1
$ !'.-n i EA. V IVVi Ml- NTS IF DL-,-l
H I .1 i
2"9 :- l.lo.l NG i'.I.DG.
I A I Mc 1' i TEA I ilo
7?'l -;oo i vi l ... t a id Hi I a I fl. $25,000,
n 1 1 . i ' . ., . o $ ii, a I'd dairy.
2','i a , U ,11. ii, i.d I.- valley, $12,000,
mo i in, l"r wbeot f n on.
Mo a , Wi I hi me I ' . v alley, $ 1 4,000.
in t r $ ;:,i.,i. Cm ha I d vv on e
14o a Wihimide v.. Hey, $ 1 4,000, mtg.
$2'. 1 1 1 . tor i 1 1 v no i m o
la. c oil - Tn'.inJ station, $900,
v .HI cash loi im i.i and terms.
;-1 . Hio i -, -a .ii.
J i i. HI I...V I ', ' ."i Cham of Com.
P.m. Ai'Hi.S at '. pee .ore, 22 miles
from i i .' .nulls, I on a res .cleared.
fa Hi c i ! 1 ' 1 , :, 1 mil . I'd: ! I, (J Kdl'l OI
ill,,!.: lu a . 1 all ' oi he . cultivated,
I .,,.! '. .Oi'-. el , , 1 fl l-Il-'l1l
I. ,- i ...I a ai ih or furniture aiuj
. . I . 1 ,s a I I 1 ' 1 1 - ,le.- I ' I
ii:i; i . i, I'.ASEV & co .
Si on I tloor i'ii of 'omul. rr
" v, v i i; i :- i i , i ; a I :oi T $.,000
U i-H t" x. b.n . for Portland ie
; . a r 1 y t . i 11 : , leu leifH, lul f nil-
a 1 . : 1 1 1 v .1 1 1011, lair buildings. part
vv - M a v. ile leio e, .; 1, miles lo good
1 town, sciioolnouse on land. Owner, 401
Not 1 ' v . Ml em Hank b
g. I'rlio $o
li :!.
4.: '.v. R ' :s.
tlitee miles from Vhii
r. near eletne line, no gravel.
in w 7 -loom lioiisi. new barn, 6 acres
pi urn s, a h.gnly Improved Place.
$1 ,0".i: will i m luiriKU for a
I h. 1 c 1 r taim ot at.- it nam.- value. (HI )
lerr E Koimv ,v "o , Chamber of
i ' 'd no lee I d
I W A N'T A 1 H I ' SE.
I rt w n
I b. ICht
1 . I.,. .s I
', r i ' . .1 . -
i 11, o
-: in -r Hrtlsboro which
a 1 on c .ekmss no'V
! o 1 1 . o . . to Portland. E"
,c ,n -.o.l dlatr b-t whit h
ol g. . o you good trade.
:- I c 1. . ,i; vV ilKAT RAN '1 IES.
Willi .0 vv ,1 1 1 ... 1 1 equipment and
sti.i 1 , i-. It ua Ju I of f.-d o'aes prop
. 10 --. .: - .-oe. m: oy of ihem person- 1 ' I d 1 1 . '
C s MiltT'tAGi; I XV. CO..
',., Yeon bldg.
W A .-. T -.i'o.t :.'..ii ai'e stock farm In
V :l. -ir i-t'i- vn'.i . In excfiange for
f.odc: ', t : ...-.-.,: t'ellie H'irtHl. lit
1 - .p. 1 y 1 . r : -,: ; nd Gilan, value
.,, ...1, ;-.. id. ud Wiednclc. 2ia
S t..rk rl.
"'m , .' '1' I I ctr-d-off hardwood lnnd"
Wo or, 'Hi. ml Irr.m R. H ,
r. .t;.i,.i. 10 rock, best soil, running
1 ,, , , , p.. . 5,000; want Portland
p-.;'.. Goddard St Wledrlck. 243
Str.i 1. ot
. -not,ve a ho ne for exchange ee
( . ... C... .a,. VV lullmnli on,
'loson, 'j he Frei A. J n obs Co., 1"!
I : ' r s'
M) J'en-
... .v'RE.S near Cauliy. iiBrt cleared.
buildings, trade nir dtv prop-
""''- 1 1 ''. ''.ear. 214 larama
I ' . s a c r 1 1 U It lots- a - ... r Hon
j , Inc., $2600; make of
-'-r 'wner. 12 E. ,6tt. St.. N. Taboi
WILL exch.iage my lot nnd .ash for
acreage n.-nr Poitland. A. Piair, 300
Williams ave.
WHAT h,iv- vou to exchange for mod
ern, marly new, 5 room house. Tabor
x c
7;VT ACRH-i. .vo'ii. cultivation, ?alry
raroi . wait i.:iitmmt house. Sell
wood 24'i9 Mai, i .",:7S
WILL take $700 or late automobile
for 40 oiulty odern. clone In
bill'galow F-x.'.a, Jouiual
WILL trade b ar lc" acres Baker Co.
land, value J2"' lor good leaidence
or eijultv. Wood la wn 1271.
E'M'ITY In 6 room ho iso In Sunny
i!de to exchange for 1 ar lot. Call
T-..1 " I f l r. f - C .. .n
4o A' .. some Hr.provementc ; good
roads, tunning water; $1600; ex -
change; no equities cor,iiered. Ta. 4080
IF Vol' v.ji.t to bay. -oil or exchange
m .1 v , .ii t : s. ;i.-i ( d ; 1 see Standard
Abu i.i 1 i '.in..; ii'. . 'J T ' "f C. bldg.
WANTED, to im hange 5 actes good
land lor a .tomobile . land within 18
i'ili-r of Portland F-.".'7. Journal.
TEN acres, 9 room house, modern, to
trade for grocery. E. 4Pt8, M. B47t.
(Continued oa Xsxt rswgs)
. 1 .
; - -V
J ,'',-"