. ' v iv' ,THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1915. 13 ) 1 HELP WAMTEO 3IISC. 49 ( Continusd) "Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOU day and night classes; expert train ing in repairing, driving and machine work, forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, tc; time unlimited. Uectire pans at educational oflice. Y. M. C, A. blot., to Inspect our shops and methods. Com petent chauffeurs and mechanics sup plied. V Oi.Ei-ON Barber College. 2J3 MTnTlBotT Fall term begins now. Men and women learn barber trade In 8 wks. ; r; osltlons guaranteed, paid while leaj n- ng; tuition reduced; expert Instructors. JJ6 month paid railway mall cierka. Examinations announced January 15. Bample questions free. Write imme diately. Franklin Institute, dept. 3411, Rochester, N. Y. WHY NOT DKKSeJ UP? " Uncalled for suits and overcoats for sale, $2.60 up. Orpheum Cleaners, 365 L' . 1. iailr UNCALLED for tailor made suits $ 60 up. Taylor the tailor, 239 '4 Burnwlde. COOK headquarters California vVlne Depot. 291 Yamhill, near Sth. HELP V'ANTEI -FEAL LE '2 WOMEN of pleasing appearance, aver age Intelligence and a disposition to work can make good waxes selling NnBone corsets. Come in anil talk this over with us. Nulione l'arlor. t'2M; Washington. HTENOCillAl'HKKS wanted by govern ment. $70 month. Cortland exam inations coming. .Sample questions free. Krunklln Institute, dept. h78J, Hoi-hester. N. Y. "WANTED Olrl for general house work and assist in rare of children. " i washlni;, siihiirhan, close in. ,wer ('-IKfi. J on rji!i I . I fcS to (TiTTroi hetlng at home. Call . inilay, .Momliiy. Tiiemjji.v, 10 to 12 .. in, 1 to J m. 1Z5 titli. room 2. W'i, A N cook on ranch, $30 -month. Hroa.lWHy 2339. 1 LLT WANTED MALE ASD FEMALE 29 MEN and women to learn the barber trade., wacB paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools in the world. Bend fir free catalogue. Aloler Barber f'u liege. It. 4S N. 2d tst. -MALE W ILL audit your books after working lioura. It may save you money. CI PRO, Journal. I'APKHINCi and tinting cheap. Tabor 6258 I AKI'KNTKK or laboring work for what have you? M-67i, Journal. CAPAHl.K woman, good conk (with daughter 12), wants limiHekeepinu. V-512. Journal. Yol'N'r Scotch woman, first--lass cook and experienced housekeeper, ceeks employment. I '-,"159. Journal. WOMAN wants work cleaning, etc. T'hone Kast u'i"'. or I'-1 4 1 k, room 14. 10 X 1'KKl UNI I woman wants any kind day work. ;;c hour. Main fi49!i. DKKSKMAKINU 40 KXPERIKNCEI) dressmaker would like work by the day or at home. References. A-ti'17. Mar . 44"0. Ap L 214. h-.s HKK 1 KN '101 1 drtsmaker wisneq engagements, day or home, sewing; references. HHlwood ;i;t. 'RKSSMAklNll, old and new, 20 vphis' exrieiiencp. Main 41 7 . M 1!SKS on MIDDLE aged man, nurse and attend ant, wants position caring for in ralid or tick; good habits, considerate, refined. U-2U1, Journal. Broadway 40. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of In valid, tubercular patient or domes tlc work. n easonable. I 6 HO E. 6 1 h t. Ull.MSHKli ROOMS ROOM register listing several hundred 111 all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.; ult-o those lu the association fiprproof tullding. with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1 5o to $2.75 pur week dou ble, with individual beds, or $2.50 to H.50 ptr week single. THE GARLAND Week MODERN BRICK; outside rooms; re sectable; hot water. 25 Trinity st., :nr. Washington, ret. liitli and 20th. icrlrnc l-lniol :;"it,is $i. 6utsT3u laUldb nUlCl rooms $:! up, court rooms, 12.50 up. By day bite, ic, $1; or 12th and Washington sts. niE DORMER Neatly f urnislieil looms, steam heat, $1.25 up. 13th st.. cor. Jefferson. (U)OAl.S and apartments in modern hotel, $2.60 week and up. 465 Alder. !.(i0 WEEK up; clean, warm, modern I'S- roms, central. The King, 309 Jef. Lincoln HOTEL, rooms, close In, $ZIi0 per week snd up 409 Morrison. I I IE HAZEL Furnished rooms, and cold water. 3x5 3d St. Hot FLKMSHED IIOOMS VBIVATB FAMILY uMH, warm, comfortable home for seini-l n val ids or convalencents. Steals If desired. 357 12th. 1'hone Mar. 302. ll'ST the rooms you want at 357 ,12th st ; warm and comfortable. LNFtltNISHKD KOOMS 10 l HY pay more when you can rent all outside rooms at 75c per week each? hultes of 2, gas plate furnished. 4t0Va rielmont St. lUO. AM) .SOARD 300 Jefferson St, Large, warm,' modern, double rooms. Hot water. Bet home cooking. 3 Jiinutes P. O Main 3502. PARKVIEW HOTEL. f6 Montgomery st.. at W. Park. Family hotel, ail modern conveniences, rates for regular md transient guests. (3- loth st. Modern. Main C979 Ulk. LIO "'w - - r". I . , . . PRIVATE FAMILY SICEI.Y furnished rooms with board; furnace heat. Phone Main 3274. J(i3 ?. fith st. v rtOOM and board for girls employed during day. Private family. No ther boarders. Sellwood 1132. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. r uniace neat. 04 is. 6tn. cor. Davis 4.ud week, outside rooms, bath, 3 home cooked meals dally. 284 Main HOLSEKEKPLNO ItOOMS 8 ONE room with kitchenette, completely furnished, steam heat, running hoi ina com water, pnone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sis $12 and up. 291 Columbia St., corner Mn sr. The Oak Hotel Steam heat, nice, clean rooms, Jl 20 t week. 25c per day and up. 847 Oak. NEWLY furnished 2 room apartments, $3.60 and $3; electric lights and bath free, four minutes' walk to business center. goofr 4tn st. 3 LARGE front room, suitable for i or j; also small housekeeping room 1 week; furnace heat. 314 Mill st. Gem Apts.JY ree bat'i. llxht. pliciin. 401 p'lrst st. wk. up. b.VCHING li. k. and sleeping rootus Hotel Repose. 23 and Savier sts. TTI WOODMAN8E E Furnished houBekeeplng, $10 to -('. 109 N. 1 8 1 h . OOLhKKEJi.PLN'G KOOAIS 73 PRIVATE PAUXT KICK front 11. K. suite and single rooms, 2 and up. Furnace heat, lights and telephone free. 472 Salmon. Tel. Marshall J0S7. COMFORTABLE housekeeping, 2 to 6 rooms. 687 Glisan, near 21st. 8 TWO room suites, well f urnisheu". 4z ciay. t'KONT suite housekeeping rooms, running water, heat. 11 N. 17th st. 9 2 steam heated housekeeping rms., ., oleaaant. close in. 433 Market. FOIt JtEXT HOUSES 12 IN Irvington, 6 room modern house, furnace and fireplace, blocks from Irvington school. Reasonable rent to responsible parties. J-D67. Journal. AlODKUN 6 room house In fin con dition, furnace and oak floors' Nos. 861 and b7 E Clinton st.. on Rich: nond carllne. Phone Bell wood 1991. WILL build you home on your lot or ours, according to your ideas. Easy rental terms. The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N. w. Bank Diog. llOnERN 5 room cottage, in fine con dition. 440 Ross, near Broadway bridge. $12.60. Will furnish same for $15. Kast 3H12, SAVE your money; $4.60 for a room plastered house; fine condition; 60x 100 lot; barn, etc. 4914 41st ave ML Kcott car to Anabel. Main 5730. MODERN house in Rose City Parle 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Oasj range, etc. 427 E. 47th St. N. Key at 423. LI.ST house rentals with The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank blilt? LIST your house with The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank hid if. K(il( RENT 6 room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, $22. Vi block f'om Hawthorne ave. Tabor' ftl 11. MODEHN 9 room house Holladay's ad dition, 1 block from cur. See owner, Kast 5754. WANT good house, cheap? $S for modem 8 rooms at 1294 Corbett Bt Fulton car to Flower st. ABKOLl'TKLY modern 5 room bunga low. 1411 Kelly st., $10. Fulton car to Carolina st. A dandy little home. $8 and $10 Two f room houses, 3 blocks from Rose Cfty car. Inquire 190 11. 21st st. N. Phone East 3882. FOR RENT House and 2 barns, close In, singly or together. Apply 266 Broadway H. A-4522 MODKRN 8 room. $12, 5 room $10 Phone Tabor 2112. $12 7 rm. mod., cor. Commercial and Blandena. nr Jefferson high school. FIVK room modern bungalow. Will furnish. 738 E. 39th st. Til 10 Oregon Home Builders can rent your home. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. $5 5 rooms, bath, gas, electricity. 5Sj Montgomery. Woodlawn 129. 354 Sacramento st. & room cottage for rent. Gas, buth. $15. FIVIO room house in good shape, full basement. 404 10th st. ilUUEKN room cottage, $12. 1299 Corbett. Main 404. ftwner, 295 let. SIX room, modern. Hardwood floors. 047 K. 39th. Block to W. R. car. $12.f0 SIX room house. Phone Wood, lawn 3526. NI0VV C room house. lu5 K. 70th st, Kent reasonable. Phone Main 2769 $l.) - 7 room bungalow. 2 lots. Tab. 739 FLJRNITTKE FOK SALE HOUSES FOR KENT 82 AD.-' of furniture lor sale are pub- l.r-iito i.i the Household Goods class! r '.f.n SiMipf i not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 A FIN 10, up-to-date 6 room bungalow on E. 16.li N. near Alberta car, ele- gHntly furnished wilh everything need ed. Blaiichaid & Clemson, 702-3 Sell ing bldg. Fl'RNIKMKD f room modern house, everything like new. Best residence district. 327 K. 49th. -Take Haw thorne car. Knit RENT Well furnished bungalow with piano. Low rent. Evergreen station, Oregon City carllne. Phone Oak Grove 5 J. FOR RENT Nice J room furnished plastered house with bafem-nt. at Lents, Or, only $6 per month. Inquire 4"0 oregonian bldg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Fur nished house, wholo or part. Call Sunday Tabor 3275 after 6 p. m. $17 f room furnished cottage, 542 E. 27th. Richmond car to 2ith, 1 block south. DESIRABLE 7 room house, select Piano. Reasonable. net ghborhood. rt E. Taylor. Fl'RNISHED complete, modern 7 room house, 3 bedroooms. furnace, gas wati-r heater. Tabor 467. ATTRACTIVELY furnished house. Portland Heights, for winter or in definitely. Main 2094. $15, furnished 4 room modern cot tage. Inquire 173 Morris st., morn- II gs. $i;..rin one room and kitchenette, gas and water included. Woodlawn 209. CO',Y 5 room furnlslied house, 1405 onoonta st. Woodlawn car. KUKNISHKD AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 THE DEZENDORF, 20 16TI1 ST. Marshall 2318. :" Nice 5 room furn. and unfurn. ants .: also .1 and 4 room furn. apartments. THE LCZERNE Modern 2 rooms fur nished; brick bldg. Phone in eacn apt.; $17 and up. Marshall-4637. BCCK-HAHTFORD 107 N. 21st st. 3 rm. apts; fur. Walking dlsti. Low rent. PEN INSULA APTS., C-1170, concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat, $13 up NOKOMLS apts., 565 Marshall St., mod ern, private bath and dressing room; new management; prices to suit. THE CODY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room apts.. light free; private bath. DOWN town, modern apts.. $15 month up, including heat, light, etc. itoyal Annex, 3501, Morrison. THE MORTON King and Washington. 3-4 rm. suites, close In; $15 up. U XOR APTS.. 324 13th St.; 2, 3 aild 4 room apts.; also light tl. K. NEATEST 5 room apartment in city, nu accommodations. Alain 4124 AMERICAN and Marlborough mod. 4, 6, o rm. apt, tviar. &s tu. ai. y p h, a-26 i t CINCINNATI Court, 401 10th. 2. 3. 4 rm. moo, rur, apts., sing, unfur. rms TWO and 3 room apartments, unfur nished, close In, $8 to $12. E. 5279. IT'S A CINCH TO GET A SHEIX WOUND ANu GST 50A: 1E CMt Fool FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrop St. near 21st S room unfurnished apartment., with all modern conveni ences, including free gas. electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water,, telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W car to 2lst and Northrup. Phone Main 4876. A-1131. THE ALTAMONT, 5th and College. Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnlahed apartments, rent reasonable. Also bachelor a apartments. . U.at I ln. m-wn Ice Included. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. BROADWAY CENTRAL fur. apts.; strictly modern 2, 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance. $18 up; also single rooms; 3 blocks east of Broadway bridge Kast 6643. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway 8. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2506. $20 4 rooms, all outside, lower, cot ner, fireplace, hardwood floors, t porches, good heat, gas range, garage. East 89. SIX room apartment, all outside rooms, large porches, Nob Hill district. Also 4 'rooms, furnished, outside rooms. Main 8251. LI.MWOOD APTS.. 10TH AND HALL. Lobby, social hall, modern S room furnished and unfurnished apartments; reasonable. NUMBER 11 Union ave., cor. Ash. Apt., furnished or unfurnished, new ly renovated; gas, bath. Phone East 3563. PORTNOMAH. S rooms, $20; 4 rooms. $23: sleeping porches, hardwood floors, walking dis tance. 200 E. 13th. cor. Taylor. TWO and 3 rooms, furnished, modern. low price. 448 Clay, near 12th st. FOR RENT FLATS ta MODERN 3 room flats, $10. 2 rooms, $6. Wdln. 1953. 706 Vancouver ave. 5 ROOM modern flat, 362, Park t. Phone Tabor 4175. FOUR room flat, 510 E. Clay. Low .rent. East 963. FURNISHED FLATS 50 THREE room modern flat completely furnished. Phone after 6 p, m. Woodlawn 167. STORES AND OFFICES il BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. WANTED TO RENT WANTED 4 room house, bath walk ing distance. 23d and Wash. Lowest rent. U-202, Journal. HORSKS. VKtliCLES. ETC. lg Auction, Every Monday and Friday at 10:30. Mc Clelland Horse and Mule Market. E. 8th and Main. Prop. E. J. MEESON. All classes of horses and mulm for sale; consignments solicited: stock 1 etched from boats and cars free. COMMISSION aLCTIO-N SALE. Of horses, harness, wagons, etc., every Thursday at 2 p. m. It will pay anyone that wants horses, or wants to sell horses, to attend our sale. Everything is guaranteed to be as wo represent it. COLUMBIA STABLE!, 302 Front st. Call Main 3030. I. J. v. liiinmson. auctioneer. NOTICE A I have no barn room am O h I i (7 M ( I t . oaII i , ,Y- a rf I . . , - Kawmac Team mare and horse, weight 2600, age 8 and 9, true to work, single or double. Bargain $145. Ore-gon City cur to Arling ton station. Inquire at store for Glass FINE $250 gooseneck milk wagon, either shaft or tongue, with perfect ly sound horse, weighs about 1300 . .1 o ( J 1 1 . puuituB, o vrais urn. A mu nariiees. Outfit cost $415. Price $175; $50 down. nu montniy. e.. a. nyu, aau Aioer. $150 CASH today will buy 3 mares, one set double harness, one buggy, one single harness. Call Broadway 63, Portland Carriage Co. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co GENTLE horse, harness and wagon, reasonable. A. Wallace, Kendall sta. Estacada line. WILL trade a horse, double set of heavy harness, for cow. chickens, pigs. Call Tabor 4739 WANTED Good 1300 lb. mule. Tabor 3081. Phone DAIRY wai;on and horse reasonable, terms. Phone East 404. LIVESTOCK 33 MUST BE SOLD. 4 cows, all giving milk; 40 chickens and 1 good brood sow. Inqtflre at Lents Junction for Brooks' place r pnone Alain I7t7. 2 FRESH cows, one Holsteln. one extra large Shorthorn roan Durham, good dairy or stock cow, cheap fo cash. 95 E. 30th. cor. Washington. GOOD fresh cow, will trade for buggy and single harness; must be In good shape. Phone Sellwood 2071. after 8 p. rh. or before 8 a. m. BRED In the purple, a beauty, 2-year-old bull, $50. Bill Gordon, Palmer, or. 3 GOOD cows for sale. Bred to U. S. Champion Jersey. Phone 69-X, Oak Grove. FRESH cow for sale cheap. Also big calf if desired. Apply 4309 64th st. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Laurelwood. BRUCE sells Holsteins and all breeds of dairy cows, from 1 to 100 bead. Union Stockyards. TWO high grade Holstein heifers from 6 gallon cows. Main 9546. U-567. Journal. & FRESH cows for sale at 955 Missis Kippl ave. Take Kenton or L cars. j ;rrr? . . S U I stsrSaal Vi sT . 1 g I 1 . I II t ' T J7 w LF , ' I 1 I I I I -T I k?-- rvX-SV" )"ssii V-i eJvNS I P. .. in I 1 I IU lur -- 111 1 s s 1 ssiisssi i 1 1 i l'v- 35 YEARLING Duroc sow. by sire of champion Defender, to farrow this month to Shadeland Crimson Wonder, (So, worth $75. Bred Gilts Spring far row, $lf and $20. Shadeland Farm, a rimy, tr. 4 GAL. cowl' Ireh about Xmas, giving t gal. now. $0 cash. Lents station. Go noTtb Hoy ways store, 2 blocks weC ' ' ' ' .- POUliTR AND PIGEONS 87 BARGAIN Closing out 24 young Car neaux and 6 crosses for $24.50. Usual price. $1 each. 36 young Horn- ers at in.ou,- uuuy shall 1420. BARRED ROCK pulleis and a few cockerels for sale chea-ir. Thompson Rln glet strain. Beauties. Tabor 2759. FOR SALE W. L. cockerels. Tancred strain, $2 each. Chas . Stevens, Mtl- waukie. Or., R. F. D. 1. iKMia AN1 MOUSiQpOLD PETS 4jT CLOSING out stock of canary birds. Singers, $2. Main 8547. 65 N. 22d street FOR SALi: Several doien nice young guineas for holiday trade. Address T'X-561, Journal. AUTOMOBILES -lCCiCSSOHlES 4 Used Auto Snaps, TERMS GIVEN MITCHELL, 6 pass., 6 cyl.; Just overhauled; good tires, fully equipped, cost new $2250. For quick sale only $5X5. MITCHELL, 5 pass.. In good condi tion $375 STODDARD, 5 pass.. U3ed very little .$660 .MICHIGAN, 6 pass.. just over hauled, fully . equipped, new tires, electric lights . . $500 CARTERCAR, 5 pass.; snap ...$250 SEE US FOR LIGHT DELIVERY CARS. WE WfLL BUILD YOU A DELIVERY TO SUIT YOUR WrORK. SEVERAL. OTHERS TO SELECT FROM Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST and EAST MORRISON. Phone East 7272 or B-1216. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 64 8 Water st.. Main 1167. Keep the Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. J C. R, Miner & Co, .12 6-52 S ALDER. DOUBLE tread - puncture proof tires made from ypiir old ones. Bring them Tn. Oregon Vulcanizing Co. Washington at 18th, Burnslde at Broadway. (335 Burnslde) BARGAINS in USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldg.. Corner t'hamnan and Alder. WE MUST sell our car 5 passenger Maxwell 1911. Engine in perfect con dition. All paitttecf. Very good tires and brand new top. Make your own price. 427 Hancock st. USED CAR BARGAINS. LARGEST STOCK. PRICES RIGHT LIBERAL TERMS. NORTHWEST A To COMPANY, Broadway & Couch. B'dwy 8i. A-49u. Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th St. USED Reo 2 ton truck, good condi tion, good bed, top and curtains. Maxwell. 271 Water st. Phone Tabor 4975. ROADBTElt for sale. A bargain. In good running order. Tires all good. Call Sat. or Monday at 241 Second et. Phone Mar. 336. TWO FORD DELIVERY CARS , At a bargain, in first class condition! BENJ. E. BOONE & CO., Main 3h6S 514 Alder st. CADILLAC, 6 pass., 1912 model, lsi class condition, for sale at a bargain. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO. , 514 Alder St. $300 CASH buys 1911 6 pass. Stude baker, electric lights, in good con dition. Inquire 1240 E. Morrison. WILL pay cash for used Ford cars BENJ. E. BOONE & CO 614 Alder St, PARTS for all makes machines for less. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 325-27 Burnslde St. Marshall 3238. WANTED Old cars for t'ueir parts, we ray cash. 325 Burnslde. Broad way 3238. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J Leve. 1S Columbia. M. 519 AUTOMOHILES V ANTED 78 WILL pav cash for used Ford BENJ. E. BOONE & CO., 514 A'der st. WANTED Old cars Tor their parts; we pay cash. 325 Burnslde. Eioad wav 3238. HAVE 3 lots in Astoria Will trade for good auto. Woodlawn 2148. AUTOS FOK HIRE MAIN 1077 OR A-1077. Am. auto touring service. Any time, anywnere for lees. 5 MOTOKCYCLEa BICYCLtES 55 1914 TWO speed twin Excelsior, good as new, fully equipped, dream tan dem, $160 cash, or will trade for 300 disc phonograph and $100 cash. Call Tabor 4460. FOR SALE One Marvel motorcycle, almost new. $85. Woodlawn 21 4S. 13 TWIN Excelsior, $70. Tabor 6111. fully equipped. LAUXCIIES AND liOATS 64 C. W. RAY NOR Houseboats, launches. 809 Spalding bldg. 8 ROOM boathouse, partly furnished, cheap. 242 Sth st. LTVESTOCK (Continued) 'mm LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 (Con tinned) FOR SALE 28 foot cabin boat, fully equipped; has 24-30 horsepower, 4 cyl. 4 cycle engine, in first class order. Price 265 cash. Address J. H Dun can, Astoria Soda Works, Astoi'a. Or. liVINRUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowtoats, canoes, motor boats. Evlnrude Motor Co.. Morrison & Front. C. W. RAYNOft. "809 Spalding bide. houseboats, launches, engines bough t, sold, traded. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $65 cash buys $450 Chtckerlng Old Model; $80 cash buys $376 Bradford Upright piano; $66 cash buya $250 Pianola Player and $86 worth rolls, all closed out by Security Storage Co. to first caller at 109 4tn; 75c monthly win store your piano. $290 IN cash or potatoes at $1 a sack orwheat at $1 a bushel, delivered hereaecepted this week for the usual 1375 style 302 brand new Thompson 1916 model upright piano delivered to your home. Call Schwan Piano Co.. 311 4th. . TA LKIN'G MACHINE I ND L'CEMEN TS $10 Marvel. 50c weekly. $17.50 Meteor, 50c weekly. $25 Eclipse. 75c weekly. $75 Leader, $1.50 weekly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. CITY lot wanted clear in exchange for new piano. When answering state lowest price and location. H-719. Journal. - FREE use of piano or flayer piano for 3 vears. See displav advertisement of Sohwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th. WILL pay cash lor your old upright or square piano. Call Main 6323. 111 4th st. $60 GRAPHOPHUNK, almost new, 20 records, $3. Fine Washburn mando lin. $3.50. 391 E. Morrison st. TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. "WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. S21 Washington st. TYPE WRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington T ypewrlter Co.. 86 Broadway NEW. rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates P. D. C. Co- 231 Stark M 140jT HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 GOING east. Household goods and poultry cheap lor each. 160 E. 78th st. N. M. V. car. KOK fi.4Lfc MlSttl.IA.VbUlh I ENGLISH (Franquett) Walnut trees. Sell at 75c to $1.50 per trc-e. To dis pose of my trees will sell at 25c to 60c apiece. All over five feet.' As now is proper time to plant, see McMahon, 12H3 E. 16tu North 1137. or phone Woodlawn MACHINES of all makes sold and rented, $2 up. Sewing Machine Empo rium, 3 90 3d, near Tay lor Main 9431, A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde., cor. loth. B'way or A-6674. BILLIARDS New and second hand ' carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, eay payments. Tables for rei-Idences. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 bthbt. Phone Main 49 70. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type writers" and "Hous1iold Goods'' are seperate classifications. All adver tisements of these goous are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads. under these respective- headings. Ttii. Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. PREPARE at home for a civil "Vervice position. Data on courses and posi tions furnished on request. P. O. Box 28. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments, avenue. sewing machine, Call 152 Grand FOR SALE or trade for cordwood 3 E. 25tu fiiruMe harness. Call st 6: st., or hone Sellwood S!2 ALL kinds home canned quart. 823 E. 26th st. fruit, 25c 1'lt MHi.sG supplies, wholesale prices. siarg-Dftvis to., zir 3d. Main 77 TAlLOR-made uncalled for suits $7 60 up. Old Reliable TUo-. 24 Burnsida WRECKAGE wood, stove length, medt um heavy, $2.75. Phone Mar. 3475. MACHINERY bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. N. W. Lead Mchy. Co. WELL rotted horse and cow manure. Phone East 4832. Cow Manure aestde2!s,,yrp-34Si. SWAP CO LI' SIN FINE Vulcan gas range, like new, cost $40, for wood and coal range with water coil; must he in first clasa con dition; will pay difference if worth It; phone Main 2041. WHAT have you to offer for $800, my equity In east side cottage? Main 9276. ROOM and board for electric wiring for my home. East 3980. H'ANTLD MISCELLANEOJS 5 SECOND hand clothing buyer, J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for clothing, shoes. Marshall ,229. 229 Madison. WANTED case. 128 -Floor case, also 1st. M. 4495. counter BELL Furniture Co.. 201 2d St.; cash for furniture. Marshall 4783. HIGHEST prices for 2d hand furniture, ; clothing, tools. Phone Brdwy. 2209. HIGHEST clothing. prices paid for 2d hand Main 2080. 2S5 1st st. WE pay highest price for Junk of all kinds Call Main 4686. ' WE buy all kinds of trunks and suit cases. Main 9072. A-7174. WANTEl ftJIHCELLANEOUS 5 I Con tinned NOTICE TO MOVERS. ' Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, ruga, couches, chairs, tables, etc?. We rav the Drlce. N. W. Furn. Ex.. E. S3. W. A. COVELL wants second hand furniture, opening new stores. Will pay the best price. 192 1st., near Tay lor. Phone Marshall 5947. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. 8eater. 1 43 Rims oil at. I AM in need of 2d hand furniture and will pay the highest prices for It. 207 let st. Marshall 587. WANTED All kinds of PHONO GRAPHS and RECORDS. Main 4495. 128 1st st. . WANTED Furniture. Call Main 1904. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners there of may claim Bame at the 1st and Al der st. station. Mar. 610.). A-6131: Nov. 11 1 pr. of rubbers. 1 cigar cutter, I hook school tickets, 1 pin, 15 umbrellas, 1 fountain pen, 1 rain coat, 1 sugar bowl, 2 purses. 1 suit cafe, 1 oil can, 1, lantern, 1 pr. over alls, 1 roll rubber, 1 pr. gloves, 1 lunch, 1 brooch, 8 packages, 1 can and con tents. 1 door lock. 1 suitbox. 1 lunch- bqx, 1 glove, 1 thimble, 1 pocketbook. LOST Suitcase, dropped off an auto Tuesday morning between lith ana Morrison sts. and North Bank station. $10 reward. Call Marshall 1803, Last C717. Lost Between 1st and Main and Park and Yamhill, lady's bla-k purse containing $10, a lady's gold watch and picture. Return to Jour nal office. Liberal reward. LOST 1 hand embroidered oval center Piece. Pond Lilly Designs between First and Third on Montgomery, or on South Portland car. Mrs. W. B. Simp sou, 3S7 First t. Reward. $ld reward for return of single belt drive M. & M. motorcvcle. 1912 model, color red. Phone E. 1030 or C-2059 LOST Last Sunday evening, half grown white fox terrier, bob tailed, black fare. B-2673. Reward. LOST Monday, purse containing nug get necklace. Finder will phone E. 2 1 2 and receive big reward. LOST Lady Elk pin, two elk heads, $2.50 gold piece In centej. Gift from mother. Phone Woodlawn 2025. LOST In vicinity of Shattuck station, suiall yellow bhepherd dogv reward Main 452R. NOTICES 26 NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DIS TRICT BONDS Sealed proposal will be reeelred by the board of directors of tbe Buttles Lake irrigation district, at their offices. In Lambert's 'tort buildiuc near Grandrlew Dotofflce. Jeffersua rounty, Oregon, up and until tb hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of Monday, tba 22d day of November, 1015, for tbe sale of th bonds of said irrigation district to tbe amount of sli hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), wblcb bonds were authorised issued by vote of said district on the 2d day of October, 1915. No bonds will be sold fur less tnun 00 of tbt face yalus thereof. The right Is reserved to reject nj or all bids. All bids should bs plainly marked. UAUUY J. CHKNOW'ETU, Tresldent. C. I. HK.NLINB. fceeretsry TO I'A 1UC LIME ii UVFSLM t'OMl'ANV rh Oregon eorjxjrs tlou : The unierlgneil. trustee in the moriKnFe from your coinimny, ciited December 1. lull, (-orcrlug properly iu Jlbker oounty. OreKon. gtvpn to serure hii siitborlxed tionl lssup of iynO.uOo.no par ml of bonds, hereby k1.;s noilce of lu Intention to resign an trtiMPi under tiuld nriri gug, w.rh resignation to tsk effort Ihqpmlwr is, 1D1.V' I'llMMDN WEALTH TKIfcT CO. (Of St. Iouts, Mo.) Hy .1. V. BYKNKS, Prei-ldeut. November t. IS 1 5. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Prlca, cir cles, Tues. Z p. m.; Wed., nun. 4 p. m. Readinc dally. 03 5th Kt Mar. 8960. MAY ANLREWS teacnea Tlesh reduc ing, phrenology and card reading. 2S5 6th Pt. Phone Main 754X. DR. G. V. KETCH LM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg.. 4th fe Wash. Rm. 441. Mnr. 483. B G. P. Rummel in's Son & Co., Manufacturing Furriers, 415-16-17 Ifektim hldg. EASTERN trained operator gives scalp treatments. Houra Let. 4 and 9 p. m. 120 bth. Room 2. l THE FUR SHOP. New order, remodeling, best work, lowewt prices. 605 Swot land bldg. JENNIE MCNZELl.A. Instructor in palmistry and ctird readiiiK. 422V Morrison. MARY JANE HAWLEY. maDicurlst Hours, 3:30 p. m. to 3 p. m. Room 302. Royal Annex. MADAM K DO LOR RI AS, tuacher of palmi.trv and card readings. 167 TV. Park Pt. RHEl'MATLSM. lumbago. face and ncalp electrically treated. Main SSf.S Sri'ERKU'Ol'S hair, moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever; cute guaran teed. Mile. 1 e Long. K0 4 SwcUand bldg. FANCY waists, laces, cushion covers, etc. artistically hand painted at 571 i, Washington St. Main - 3459. I o iiior Consultation fret-. Main LaWyCI 4993. 70S Selling bldg. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2393. WANT AD RATES In effect October 1, 1814. ALL PBEVIOLS HATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS Dail or Sunday. IH cents per word per Insertion. This charge Is for all claiairications. ex cepting For Kent In Prlrate Kaniil," "Room and Board In PrlTute Ksmll," "Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent," adj. which re lk cents per word pr insertion. No sd charged for less than 15 f-ents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1 V4 cents per word for all claaalf Iratlonn excepting "lor Rent In friat t'amiij,' "Room and Board in i'mate Family, Situa tion Wanted and "Wanted to Ural" ads which sre 1 U cents per word. Cousecu tl lueruon of rash want sas: 3 Insertions for the price ofi 2. 7 insertions fir tbe nrlce ofrft. (Copyright, 1S1B. by H. O. ruber.) (Trade-Mark Res. 0. 8. Patent Office.) 22 LOUISE NETZEL. trained nurse, mas seuse; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia. Tub baths, mas sage, electric blankets. Lady aaslst ant 256 11th st. Mar. 5038. Open Bund's, DR. VIRGIL MACMICKLB, only BE8NAIR MACFADDEN graduate NATUROPATH in Portland. 807 Ie kum bide. Main :ir.8. PINKERTON Ai Co.. U. 8, Detective agency. Scientific detective work. Pri vate Investigations. Expert legal serv Ice. 354 Plttock bl k. Phone Bd w, 673. SPIRITUALISM .fedium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healings daily; circles Tuesday and Friday evenings. 8 o'clock. 231 6th. Phone A-7116. MRS. STEVENS, 22 years Portlands renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open dally. 375 Taylor frt Assisted by Mrs. Dr. Hume USE Bassctt's Native Herbs for rneu- matlsm; 50 tablets 25c. All drurrrrists. DRESS suits for rent at Barell's Mis fit Clothing Store, 61 3d st. Professional and ACCORDIOH FLEATINO At'C'OHIllON, KMiB-AMI HOX. l'LKAl'l NU. PICOT1NQ. HEMSTITCH I NiJ, UKAIOINO, EMBROIDEKINU, EA8TKKN NOVELTY MFO. CO., 85 RTR ST.. NEAIt OAK. K. STKfUUN lidtustltcfiiuK. accordion, slds and sunburst Dies tlujr: butioiis oovsred. goods sponged. Scalloping. VtiO t'lttock bik. B lovtt. AGHICUTTCBAL IMPLEMENTS. 1'. K. E.SUKNSHADK lmnleiueiits, vehicles snd . genersl fsrm nupplles, 214 Front. I'nrtlsnd. BLANK BOOK MAKEKB DAVIS A HOLM AN Inc., low 2d st. Blank ... .UUl.L.UjEl,, ,11 a sen is fur Jonas Itu proTed Lous Leaf Ledgrr. ties tba usw Lu reksLeaf. A-81S3, Mtu 13. BRAB1 AMD MACHINE WORKS HA HI' K It S Brass Works, lirssa castings and machine works, log N. 6th st. B dwny 2842. CANOES FtRslANhN i psinlvss ersulcstlun of cancer. Ir. W. Wstkius. 408 Uoodnough bldg.. ou. .CARPET CLEANING JOICB BU03. k.,ectnc i learning works, car pets elssued and luid, remtiiiK our ansclaitir. East 440, H-lwea. 2U1 K. :uih kt. N. NOUTUWIlbT UtU Cu7. ruifs-from old cr ptu, rsg rugs, csrixt cleaulns. Ih8 tl stb. Work rslled for. Kt 8iM); B-12RO. ib.M.NMUtk Hu- Work iii.s Mud cmt- pt wearing, imh I'm (ton ac. Wdln. aiwi CHIROPRACTORS Lu. McAlAUOA, inroniu tae lakiug tiuis, 81 treatments J1Q; worth J.'iO. hixth jrr. larseat uracllce. Here to stay. Stale llcuiise. Local references. Widespread losiluioulaU, 121 4th tt. 1K. H. K. UtVv'Ki'. I hlroiirsctor. Obatstrlcs s speelslty. H74 li. Ankeuy. I'lione Kant Bol4 DH. W. W. BLXLbliuK.. .Speclalut la perTons, rhronle diFeus-s. ou Oerllniter bldg COAX AND WOOD DP BOXWOOD SLABWOOD BL0CKW00D Portland Slahwood Co.. M S 1 1 f. A-T001 NEER&FARRi 1 dry llr. uak. id ln'Mc block noil toot or sawed to order. 1 rlepbons :C0AL Main 4Me. A-4M7. .'toS Wlr $4.25 WOoll 4. 2.1. Dry seasoned second growth fir wnod dellr reil anywhere In Moots villa or Mt. Tabor ilMrlct. I4.V.V Tabor R47I). 1 1 KS 1 clans old growth fir wood, green anil partly dry; good furnscs wood, first rlaaa 14, second class $X75 per cord. dvllTtrvd. Cliff Inn Wood Co.. Broadway "fcl.19. A 1 KIR $4.75 Del. Dry. green slab- KlnnA wood. Khort orders apertalty. VVUUl I. SO up. National Tnel Po. K. 2041 . DRY BOX WOOD MAIN SWJ or A-nstXI. Charcoal koot kvkkts. main mm. OF Ct'llRY strekt. DRY country slubwood $H 75 per cord. Stsnd- ara wod Co. Kast zai.T ii-imra. PANAMA FUEL CO.. sll kinds oak. fir. slsb wood. cosl. Msln Ti,jO. BEST fir $4.75 cot. Small orders specialty M. ar.n. a imiv hth snd Vaughn. CONTRACTORS 4V BUILDERS OhKAH 111 HER. tienersi Coutrsclurs. "23 Sherlork bldg. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL ST l! BBS' Blectrlrsl Co., Htb and Pins sts. EDUCATIONAL DANCINO MR. and Mrs. Ueatb'a Biliool- lessons dally Class Tuesday, rridsy eie. iiiu 2d St.. bt. W a sblngton and Slsrk. Ieasons '2tr. Msln jt?0.t V HEN you answer Lb ess Wsut Ads, mention The Journal. iM anuf acturer PERSOXAb (Continued) Jotb: DET GOODS WHOLESALE Combine Hue dry goods, furuishlnga, notions. L. Dinkelspiel Co. rrr SP; Fleischner, Mayer & Co, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES WAPh A in.. lla w I I ii.e ave LEAD, WOOL, PIPE, SHEET AND PIO NOUTfl WEST LEAD MACHINERY CO Main r,4.' ftOW-BU iTont; PAINT, OIL AND GLASS UASMUSSEN CO.. "High SUndard" imiiii N. E. corner 2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A-BiJi INFORMATION COUPON If yon want tba nam of a reliable business house deallns; In any Una of merchandise, or Information resardluu resorts, noiel. laiuoad. steam blp lines, etc.. address Oregon Juuroal liifoi wallon Jiureau. lalurmauoa de-sired: Nam. Address. aMrr ir- Vit. 23 WHY pay big prices for glaseaf f ,fn m vour eye with first quality lensea In a gold filled frame. a low as 11.60: lenses duplicated at a bia saving; satisfaction guaran teed. Charles W. Goodman, Optomet rist. 209 Morrison. Main 1134. FEB VET At HANKBUT, leading wig and trturM. ... L- fi M.itt mtACK humftli hair goods; hulrdieaslnf. manicuring. face and scalp treatment, conjoins," made to order. 147 Broadway. M. tuonuT a vr iri.iuv a nA fiUnuar meeting's o'clock, 292 11th, cor. Co- lumbla. Healing and aavict ou School of Psychology. Dr. Djcksy, pmy- chologlt. . MMK VON EDA, renowned palmist. Foneda gives Instructions In palm- Intrv btiH runt reHjIlnara daily from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Office, S95 Yam,hlll st.. corner 10th. ' MAGNETIC HEALER 1704 ST" 4th floor, Sundays. at, Business Directory EDUCATIONAL DANCING MAM HI. SI Mi Hinit iiiK Academy Bft Vfc Mt it.. Int. St.irk and link: trteclal rats. " ate li'Maoix. (2: morning, afteruooa, STsolng: sll latest dances guainnieed. I lass Thursday, PatnrilH.T eenln. 7-K::tU. Broadway 21HO. MUBIC BCK00L8 AND TEACHERS U. 'lUIKI.IIultN, tlolni lea.lii-r, pupil bclk. 207 Kleldiier lilda. A-41m. MsrMiall 10. I'KOK. T. K. LAW.SI'.V uiai o lsuut kt IlHJ in ine, (SOv. I'lmne 1 alx.r i.'0K9. ". Lol ls A. flttriZ --Tesclier of vlollsu Sll phermun. rorncr I'lmt. Marahnll 2a. BCHUDL OK MLWh.; 8Ulf of Tscbers. Ursgusl ,, oi.aerTslory, Ml utn St., It oioit. POPULAR MUSIC. BA;TIMK on plnoo gtiaranUsil lieuluoars begiuDsrs la ". 10 leHHoas. l'lrlura nlaiitig. Freo demoustrs Iclur tlon. Free bookli t. r.nl KiIits bldfcV ' tLutl RUGS AND RAG RUGS FLUFF RUGS and RAG RUGS,: WK MAKE KLl'Kr ItllUB FROM WORN, OUT INtillAlN. AXMINSTKK, 8 VWNA AND 1 KIHSKllS f A II II. IS. RAO IlL!UM, Al.b 141ZKS. MiiDlilt.N KAXITAItt MKTHOL. til'KtlAL AlTLMld.N IU OUT OK TOWN OKHLUM. tl'l'a WHJitlv t'ALl.KD FOR. riLND FOR KooKl.bT. WB8TKUM rLUFV ' UlU CO. 64.00 I .MoN AVtl. I'UONUkl KAST .'!. lt-1473. INSURANCE. Pit 1HC ril A f Kri "r lllil INSUKANCs ct. only (iri'min die lumii ance Nconipsny. i m LEATHER AND SHOE ITMDIMOw. Till'; iutk'YMAN 'LLATI!1-1V CO. O'.dsai iiriu iu u..r i Invest. Aguiits "Monsrca" sin! I- A M " Hole lentiier. ;ta )verett St. MATTRESSES. IlllilLMt Al A 1 llii.ftsi CO.. old uisiti'ssses tnuilM new nuu our ..'Kleuic proevss. iM Ituni.ell. fonier I nlon. ICaat. 1014. 1 MODEL AND SPECIALTY MACHINE WORKS rS'j MdliKL. Mio lilne snd Hpecislty Wot'sf , c ' T Ai'iiiitn im .Jlg. Co.. 4 lid I4U t, ' H Hif'ii pe ii tiug, niniiufui'lllilng. Iveat--VX em lull ii' Amu win k, I'lfli-loniy basis, AAHllOf ATHIC PH YblCjlANS. hit. 1 ' 1 1 1 1 -1 . 1 1 - .-s laraOala. iiei'voua uud ctarou ic uit.eiikt'11. .iil-0 in eguulaii lilijg. iualn lil4it PRINTERS AND ENQR AVERS. J 11 k. I V 1 l ULbS. JOHN " M. MANN its St si k S i . Id omlway 401. A -4uH. RUBB ER 8T A M PS AND SEALS. ALfu sieucila, trails elici'ks, brans algua. I'AtJlUC COASl hi AMI' WORlvS, 2ol V ml.li.yli.n St.. Main 710; A-W710. SAFETY RAZOR HONINO. ' A I I I LM a i u. M.I..V i.ln.K m., iwwvs tb. tit. SHEET METAL WORKS. 111 IAIHIMi Hit a nil giaei mniIs, Jacob Losli. aid 1m Ct. 11 e Main 144. . TOWEL SUPPLIES. WILLIAM! lowei Bupui). L. Dili and Sta. I'liuues. Kui-t 911; Home it UH?i. THAN SEER AND bTOMAOE. Oregon Iranster Co, ICatabllKheil H70. Transfer snd I'orwiuilliig Agents. Storage, Free Trackage. Office snd Storage 414 l.ll-un 8L Ittr and Ollaan. Mais : A-llMt), ALW AYS "l it Iv "III lv Bi:.lT lOVHtiilUlAt OOODS HP kit IAL.SIS Morsge. Parking. Shipping anil Moving. llori or Auto Vans. hpecial fr"ijt tales to all pointa. C. o. I'll K TllANSFKIt A STORAOR COm: 2nd and Pine Kl. Hroadwny Mid; A-IPtW. BAOllAiiK 1RANHKF.K 8KHVICB CO., PINK ST. MAIN 120; A-UtM. 3S WALL PAFEM MUKUaN WALL 1'AI'a.H CO., between Main und Salmon. iM) J-d sl WATCH HEPAIRINO Ai.KX VI II.I.KLMI1 II, good watch repairing. Work guaranteed one year. K44W Alder st. -rVllolesalcrs rs PIPE WOOD -PIPE. Portland of i li-f nrnr WOOD PIPE CO la i' lory and '.'4 th and Vork Ha. Mnln s4W. PLUMRINO PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE 4-MV-S7-NO KltONT HTUF.BT ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co, SANITARY WIPING RAGS. " 812 Li OliailN Wi PIIONt MAIN 1MW W lli:N )ou suauer thssa W Sut Ads, msatioB '(be J-njrual BY BUD FISHER PERSONAL (Continued) .- ..