'- . '- . ; - s 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1915. s vv"'-?- 13 PARKVIEW HOTKL. 388 Montgomery St.. at W. Park. Family hotel, all inodern convenience, lat'es for regular find ttansient Kuasts. Utih st. Modern. Main 6979. ROOMS AND OARD FEIVATE FAMILY ROOMS ANIJ IIO.IHII TWO rentletncn fan have nice, clean, warm room, with board. In private family. ,,a,n adjoining room; no chil dren l'1" month, home cooking. yho'"' ''!? Vt.liANLiA M"m and board, firet class, nioUrn. steam-heated home; '.est ji'oitic ni'ikinn; rater, reasonable. 54 '-- Kast M.tIi"'i M. . "-:. l'llisl ( i.. n (.. 45 ! 1 f. 7 . ,-.S rooni und hoard raon E. lf.th t. Phone Hellwood LiOOl i home, mother's rl r n. pi i v:it- family care, for -Tabor 47- chil li. Ri OM a naco I: .1 ivid tor ; gentlemen, fur- lit . N. IMh st , cor. Lavls. VANTh:i 1 1 IQOMAMI HO A H U HO OKNTI.KMAN mid U-year-old boy want room and board nml care of boy; state iat.-f. -.-r moil th . V-50 5, Journal. " I'nn M hriil'INt. UUCMS 8 6SH ,M'KKIS flfp-mont, 11 and n sh te free phono, b i.N ST.. under new mnn .usi keeping rooms, single , siium heat, hot water, illi and bed linen. 1 nj II f i XT Vh. k. ON I ii oom vv il ii l.ii hrni!U', completely I'm i.isl,. d. .- I. ani heat. running hot mi' I i. Id wat. i. phone ill every room, 7 Ho. kn from Mb and Morrison sts.: 12 ni.il n. . 2i'l Columbia St., corner Mb M ' $2 - Largo front room. suitable for 1 11 also small hoi I sek e cpl n g room week fiirtiai . heat. 3 I '.t Mill St. or Gem Apts,;1:,;'l.'-;l,1 liuht. phono. (HI Klrst t. baciiim; Hotel K. i FlMNISIII. Klraoi h'-.i T. vT" hollseki ei TAVTi .aitl-. $ i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i. i in I . f-le- Jilnl? rooms Ms rooii'B, ambill. i rii I H.ivj - r . ii-.iiIMIIK i. -i.t ;::; v I M S K K 1 0! i r n ished N. ixtb. jm) to $: ii i ii ,s f hi I In -einelit r Main M147. 1HH MkAKKI'lN- ROOMS PKIATE TMIIIiY TIIHl'.l. b. a 1 1 . t ii I f mulshed t rout room Upl.. H.Uio firci'lace. sleeping jiorch, f iirnai -e h. at. i lectri. ity sink, hot and cold wati r. 1 lunrirv. first tloor. $J0. Ia N .T.nl yt . WUrti jii.i wai t, lust floor, larc par lor, modern, lutnacti heat, $l.i; ttleo 2 room mite ut $10.1.0. 67 N. 0Ui st. Marsliall 1 3 prTvaii. fiirnlsli. eluded. Williams Dr.SlilAl. H r J u 1 1 entiani f, 1 room and bath, I. $n up: water, phono in i,.ii... corner Fremont, l l'nii.ii ae .-nr. I.I I i : I.,- bed Yah. hill. II K. looms. Main 4(15, forencn ;-' ' VKRV i eii i : . b ,. I ii ir.lshfl or nistwd lions, keci.iiig io"!ii.s. 1,1 lb st North inlur 7 1 K. 10ii To rooms, Vhnnc Imi a w I're. st i;n:;:. ek, he I'wriMslu-d H it. laundry, b Statito'i. U K at ii. in r. THREE niiel f ui nishi.-d lront lioane ketplnti roonis, inlults. 4ti9 West Rioiolwnv FI.RNISIIK! i 1 T7, .iiis. $lu month; 3 rooms, with .lecinm porch. $15. 347 Grand ave, near Broadway LEAN7TiKht, I'mnished H. K. suite, with fuinaie heat, light, phone, etc. Adults. Hi'J E. 14th. HOUSEKKE - close In. ti. 11th. I NO and sleeping K cms Phone, bath, adults. 1 !K front I K. suite arid single and furnace bent and 47 2 Salmon St. rooms; light telephone free ONE ami two pbene, light, shall 34 1" 2ii moijei n H. h.-jit. bath Hull f-t K. free. rooms, ilar- TWO fu gle. $1 bished week. rooms, $6 inontn; Hin 34 1 '2 Front st. TWO steam rooms, best heated loca t ion. housekeeping 433 Market. CLEAN cheap. furnished housekeeping 7H6 Gllsnn st. LIGHT, neat, front room, with housekeeping privileges East NICELY furnished housekeeping private family. MI' lth st. liKht 4 9 IV tms., l'OR REM TkOl'SES 1- MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AN'.1 INFORMATION BUREAU. Eighth Floor, Main Bldg. Complete end reliable list o" vacant houseb, flats, apart nents and bunga lows In the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you iu any manner to th'.a tore. You will find us willing and ready at all time; to help you in locat ing. Newcomers In Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real eaiate nan and owners of private prop erty are invited to list their unoccupied apaitments, flats and i ouses at Meier Flanks lr.- rcnial bureau. 1 ACIvE, 5-room house, barn, 5 chicken ' houses. 30 btuiiiig fruit trees, ber ries of all varieties, rent $12. Mount bcott car, Tremont s:ation, between 3d and 74th sis., on 65th ave. Tubor 5010. BIX room modern bungalow, nearly new, fireplace and built in conven iences. $l!i. See owner. W. L. Nash, 1S8& Tabor Court, near Rast 49th and Taylor. Phone D-UOS. ' $15 6 ROOM modern nouse, 1st st. north, cor. Weidlt-r; distance. Owner, T. 01t.cn. way 4080. 3 35 Fast vvalkl ng Broad- $14 6 ROOM model 1st St., North, lie; Jnjf distance. Oscar way 40 SO. ti hoiise, 333 East ir Weuller; walk T. Olscii. Broad- fEW b-room model 11 Iciiigaiow, cor ner, 3 blocks Woodstock car, 20 minutes out. 1'iee lent lo December 1, yi2.R0. Tabor 5414. MODERN 7 room house and 2 lots; poultry yard, . lose 10 .inline Mrs. Johnson, Real Etdaje. Milwankie. Or. NEW 5 room bungalow, dcsiiuTle for young married couple. i;;, E. 81st N. Cull tomorrow before 12 m MODERN 5 room i-otta large yard, gas, electricity. $9 dltion S. E. db trb niun'.ii. good con t. Tabor 1043. MODERN 5 room huricalow. E. 32d and Hawthorne district, $14. .Mar- rha J: 432. SEE the Oregon Home Poillders for good houses for rent. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. TO responsible tenant, year TeaseT beautiful Laurclhurst home. Tabor 3555. $11 26S MILL lower fiooi ; i 4 room lose In. house, all of NEAT 6 room cottage, 991 Williams ave.: $14 month Woodlawn 1156 MODERN, 4 ren t cheap; room house, near carllne; W-W car. S31 E. 30th st, 6 ROOM I101.se, E. Pine in. Cheap. liKiulie 44 Tear Mil, 15. 7 th. closo 111 7 rm. mod., coiv Commercial and Blandenn. near Jefferson high school. 6 ROOM house, first class order, $14. SO; water Included. Woodlawn 1799. FOR RENT 5 room modern bungalow, R31 Garfield ave. SIS. 50 SIX room house lawn 8526. Phone Wood- FIVE room house, In good shape: 7uTT tiasement. 404 10th pt. ROOM house. 63.1 E Madison. cheaT FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADH of furniture tor sale are pub lished In the Household Uoods classl f.ffsn h.p hcnii Is nrt for rent. FLRIBHEP HOUSE, ( IS.00 2S MILL, 2 large furnished housekeeping room; entire upper floor, .50 FUKNieUED hoiuee. My rile ' Park, Mt. Scott ear. Yard. East 1262. Il PER month, S room reeldancn. completely famished. K, ' rUark BL7N0ALOW 1 room tii kitehenette; water and line. IT. Woodlawn 209., roorn. cottage at 34. Tillamook et. 120. VlODERN-4 room cot tag , partly fur- nlheoV . Marahail 44. se t ROOM furnished cottage, gas. elec tricity, chicken yard, all kinds fruit and garden spot at 220 Ivy t , rent IS. Marshall 2R:!. Also one foase ment room, furnished, for $!). Nlt'K 4 room cottaKe for rent fur nished, up to date, 1 block from Al berta carllne, modern in every way; electric light fixture and gas. Call Wood lawn 4099. b-ROOM modern furnished nous to responsible parties for $20 month. Call at fl?5 K. Stark or 26 E. .1st St. J16, furnished 4 tage. Inquire 17 ings. room modern cot 3 Morris st.. niorn- M V home Hntil April, perhaps InnRcr, to desirable couple; reference. 131 K. 6ffth m N. M-V car. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISH Kl AXI) UNFl'RNISHKU THE WASHINGTON. 6S9 Northrup Bt., near I! Int. -- 5 room unfurnlK'ned apartment.' with all modern conveni encea. incliidiriff fre rar. electric llKht. at-am beau hot and cold wat-r. telephone, gas ranf, etc. Take "W" tar to 1 Rt ifn-i Northrup. lliones Mai n4 .1 1: ,AJ Jji 3. BKn'I l-i)K ,i..l.l A. ur.,,r, $S to fl2 let mo. 2 room furn'.phed rart!iiPiitK, el'M'inc liKbtf. steam heat, hot and conl wa tr. bat h, phones, (lean, 'iiinl, ( lfi"c In. whu Hide, J7 to $to per mo., i-icpin rooniH. 402 3rd 'it. ThoiiiaKRen A pa 1 1 r len t VIM. A ST. CT,A It A, lL'th and Taylor. Modern. completelv furnished apts. Walking distan.-e. References. BROADWAY CENTRA I. fur. apts.; slrlctly modern 2. :i and 4 rooms, walking distance. I i up; also sini?! rooms, X blocks .asi of Broadway bridge p Fst 6 till:!. T iii:" f 1 1-: r i-TiTi ."iT ""271 nr .fw.t . ami 4 1 (Kins, well .1 r'r.i uRed. easy walking dislan e. at 1 r. ;.aonab;e tent; i,,-st of vi.rNi e iaiu 25ei ki.m wmii "a i ,Ti s .7 1 in' 1 1 'an i 7 Ti all. I.ob . sor.a! hall, mailt i n :i room furnished and i-nf urnif lu d apartments, rea sona ble. A I PORTNOM AH. .3 rooyis, $2". 4 rooms. i'2? . sleeping pin-lies, hardwood floors, vi alktng dis tame 2oo E 1 :: C i ,yr r.T a Jo r. THE Ti;ZF.N'lORF, JOS IfiTll ST. Marshall 2316 Nice f. room furn. and unfurn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room furn. apartments. THREE loom, bearing beds. lean hot modern, 2 disap and cold water, heat. East lT'th private bath, steam a nd Jv Broadway U Alt GAIN" for Tong time ly decorated rooms, view. A-537. 4 large lose in, new -fine THE Ll'ZERNE Modern 2 rooms fur nished; brick bhlg. Phone in eacn apt.j $17au.Jup. Mavshall 4637. BI i K-il A "RTF" i!D, in; N. 21st st. 3 rm. apts; fur Walking dist. Low rent. PENINSUIAA APTS. C-1170, cniuiete bhlg , 2 and .'( rooms; hot and cold water, hnt hs, phone, steam lieal,$I2 in. I M.iKuJIIS apts.. 5C,". Marshall St., mod- ern, private lwth and dressing room; i new managein nt; pt ices to suit. Till: CODY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room arts., light free; private bath. DOWN town, modern apts., up. including heat, light. Annex, T;50ii Morrison. $15 naontri etc. Royal RO i.M, a :iola ; steam heated apartment, pi- wajki n g. U s t a 1 1 r -t. E as t3 252 . THE 3-4 MORTON rm. suites, King and Washington, close in; $15 up. LUXOR APTS.. 324 10thst7 2, 3 and 4 room apts.; also liht H. Iv. NEATEST 5 room apartment in city, j all accommodations. Main 4124. i .TI Court, 4ul loth. 2. 3. 4 , sing, unfur. ran. rm. mod fur, apts. ('AMAH, 704 Lovejoy. Brick bldg., 3 room furnished basement apts.. $16. AMERICAN f rm. apt and Marlborough mod. 4, 5, Mar. 3360 M. 7516, A-2676. FURNISHED 3 room modern apart ment. 1SK Porter. Phone Marsh. 743. I LRMSHKIi FLATb 50 649 TAYLOR, near 17th, finely fur nished t room flat; piano; $20. COZY 4 phone room water. furnished flat. 616 '"ommercial heat, st. SIORKs AND OFFICES it BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill. WANTKH TO It K N'T WANT 4 room house, bath, near 23d and Washington; cheap rent. H-6h2, Journal. HOU'-dKty V blli ULi.S. i:iC. 18 COMMISSION AUCTION SALE. Of horses, harness, wagons, eto., every Thursday at 3 p. m. it will pay anyone that wants horses, or wants to sell horses, to attend our sale. Everything Is guaranteed to be as w: represent it. COLUMBIA STABLES. 302 Front st. Call Main 303o. 1. J. Williamson, auct I o n e e r . BUSINESS horses, ranch horses and mares, wagons, buggies and harness: no reasonable offer refused. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders. CHEAP Rangy built team, 1300 lbs., each sound: true, good workers any where. Call at hotel, 2su'4 Grand ae., cor. Hawthorne. $35 l'OR team. I1T.0 lbs. eacn, work any place. Lewis Smith, S car to Meade til., wall; 2 blocks vsesl to No. 2 53. $60 Kbit team, lluo lbs. each. $15, fat pony, work anv place. $1.5 for SOoO lb. team, mare and horse. 253 Meade st. Take S car south. WANTED Horse, wagon, and some money in exchange for 5 acres im proved near Yakima cltv. Wash. Own er. 5130 60th st. S. E. BAY team. weight 2a00. good workers, harness and wagon, will sell cheap. 7S7 E. :sth..-v"Vi nod stock car. 10 HEAD mares, horses of all kinds, wagons, harness, cheap. East Mar ket, cor. Grand ae. WANTED Horse and winter keep. Box 106, light rig Oswego. for FURNISHED HOUSES fCoalin tied ) DONT CROWD, JEFFDONT CROWD! J'rA OUR cEUJ TijrjfiH KOcAC GJc foR. seor irM tur.k. this (V UJlL-L Vflu .Trifki thc M TA. rASB Ota THJ V0U Jo(M TUR.Kl KOrA, . . KtslOuJ r "TURKISH KOcAe , , - V TUrKl KOvA. y SOLTYS H AJR.rA UHlLiS -v ' r-pieXR.rN? J NiOT rAC 1 V GOrVR-0 , To TUfs.VsS"(. C .- J r;r y r & U.t..ncJ 1 NB TO Ntj ""g 4 18 Auction. . Every Monday and Friday at 10:30. Mc Clelland Horse and Mule Market. K. ith and Main. Prop. K.J. M KESON. All classes of horses and mul for eale; consignments noli el ted: stock. fetched from boatii and cars free, BI,ACK mare and borne, fat, grain fed and Rood workers; weight 2100 lbs. Price $150. ' Bay mare and black horse, sound; weight .300 lbs. Price $U'5. They are Just out of hard work; and must sell, an J have no work for them. Harness and wagons. Take Sellwood car to Insley ave. 766 Inslej 1:150 hH. team, rnaTes, $135. in good work order, with good harness. Mrs. Graves. S car south to Meade St., walk 2 blocks wt, Xo 2 ." 5 noises and animals nauletl wy free Call Woodlawn 20. Portland len(!erin l.'o IJV'KSTOCK 7 YOt'NG fresh dairy and family cows, 1 Hotsteln, Tuirhams and Jerseys; 3 ' to 5 k.iIh.: noinf high testers; trial allowed to miy respnnsiiile party. 1)5 l-:asr :','th. i-iir Washington. FINE fresh vision st large Jersey. 1731 D.- I'Ol liTHY AND TIGKOXS 37 -- , . LADD and Bauer strain JB. R. l'ullets and cockerels for ale cheap. 33d and Hal.'ey. e HI ESE pheasants, $5 per pair, for sa le by Wm. I'. Duncan. Marrlsburg. or. .1 1 M iu squab breeders. . T?bor 4 S H . box 2: heap, quick M. Portland. kiml--.. I-' of pulb ts th st., near for sale, che-ap. Pine. E-A car. IMK.h A.l HOlSj.iivlLI) TTS 40 A 1 1! EDA LE puppies, peill greed, extra good, big boned, some of best doc? in Oregon, price cheap. 131 Lownsdale st , near Washington at. HUNTING dogs boarded; good care taken of them: $5 per month. John Duck'Ht. 320 w street, station A. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 710-R. BRED in the purple, a beauty. 2-year-old bull, $5u. Bill Gordon, Palmer, Or. AIREDALES, registered stock, fe males, 3 males, fiom champions. 100 Front st Main A-16HH. Hr.AI Th II'I, Persian kittens 3 :nonths old at a bargain. Box 22, Hillsdale. Or. CLOSING out SiiiKers. $2. 22d street. stock Of Main canary 6547. birds. 65 N. BLACK and tan. " S25. Tabor 41S3. months old. 2 lbs, Jl "i'OMOliiLhS- At KSSORIKS 44 Used Auto Snaps, TERMS GIVEN MITCHELL, 5 pass., 6 cyl.; Just overhauled, koo1 tires, fully erjuippeid, cost new $2250. For quick sale t nl v ?55. MITCHELL, 5 pass., in good condi tion $376 STODDARD, 6 pass., U3ed Very little $600 MICHIGAN. 5 pass.. just over-, huuled. fully equipped, new tires, electric lights $500 CARTEROAH. 5 pass.; snap ...$250 J-EE US l'OR LIGHT DELIVERY i CARS. Wi: WILL BUILD YOU A ' DELIVERY TO SUIT YOUR WORK. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIP.ST and EAST MORRISON. Phone East 7272 or B-1216. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 1'P. HOUSES $125 T'P. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 54 S Water St.. Main 1167. Keep the. Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. C. R. Miner & Co, 526-528 ALDER. DOUBLE tread - puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Rring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co. Washington at 18th, Burnside at Broadway. 1 ?.:?., Burnside' USED CAR BARGAINS. LARGEST STOCK. PRICES RIGHT LIBERAL TURMS NORTHWEST TO COMPANY, Broadway & Couch Biiwy A-49o9. Written guar antee w i t li every spring. 26 N. 15th sr. AloaT modern up-to-date automobile repair shop, fully equipped, for rent, down town location. 490 Burnside st. Main H3. TWO FORD DELIVERY CARS At a bargain. In first class condition. BENJ. E. BOONE CO., Main 3966 514 Alder st. CADILLAC, 6 pass., 1912 model. Is; class condition, for sale at a bargain. BENJ. E. BOONE CO. 514 Alder St. 5 PASS. Ford body. 1913. complete with dash board, wind shield, top and cui- t a ins. 5u5 Burnside. WILL pay cash for usad Fofd cars. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder St. $400 Pierce, 7 pass. condition. Owner 347 Mullncmah st. in first class will demonstrate. r ARTS for all makes machines for less. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325-27 Burnside St. Marshall 3233 WANTED Old cars for their parts, we pay cash. 325 Burnside. Broad way 323. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, ratals .1 Lev.. 1 SB Columbia. M' 619$ GOOD auto top, $5. Wpodlawn 3526. it 5rVi THA. T HORSES, VEHICUES. ItC. Contlu d ) l AUTOMOBILES - ACCKSSORIES 44 (Coiitlniied) Used Cars, 0EflHAULED REPAINTED KASS. TERMS. BEST VALUES EVER OFFERED. $200 wilt handle 1911 REO Touring. $325 will handle 1912 APPERSON Touring. $250 will handle high grade STUARNS. $100 will handle REO light delivery. $300 will handle COI.E Jo Touring. $375 will handle POPE-HARTFORD Touring. SEVERAh OTHERS TO PEI.EcT FROM. A l.h OF WHICH ARE U NDER GL'ARANTKIO. Northwest Auto Company BROADWAY AND Phone Broadway SS7. COUCH STS. a tos: BARGAIN'S In CSED CABS. Large stock, prices $::o to $708. OREGON MOTOR car Co.. Stiultbaker hldg.. Corner liapnian and Alder. REST offer takes ,-iu:o vvitnout mob l!312thst. Marshail Z2 1. AUTOS T OR HIRK MAIN 1"7 7 OR A-1077. Am. auto touring service. Any time, mywnere for te-s. A L i O.M O rs 1 IA-.S . A N 1 D WILL pav cash for used BENJ. E. Km N E & 5 14 Aid er s t . Ford CO . WANTED -Old we pav cash, nay 3 23S. ( a rs 32 5 for their a rt s , Kroad- Biirnsui "-. 'I.EAR auto. lot and cash lo Phono W'ooill.iv. aanse for MOl'ORt YCLKs :H. i ( .KS 55 W I LI, sa. i if i. e ondilion; no 12 II P. led rea S"i.a i, I e A-i re off i Smli h fused. Smith, .on l-laiiders. LAI N( HK!S AM) ROA'J S J4 'INRLrDE rowboat'and canoe mo tors; rowboats. canoes, motorboats. Evlnrude Motor Co.. Morrison & Front. C. W. RAY NOR, Mi SpaldUiFbTdsT houseboats, launches, engines bought, sold, traded. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 4 MUSICAL I STUL MKXTS $65 cash buys $450 Chiekering Old Model; $K0 cash buys ;:75 Bradford Upright piano; $65 cash buys $25o I ianoia Player and $6 worth rolls, all closed out by Security Storage Co. to first caller at 109 4th; 7Co monthly will store vour pi a n o $290 IN cash or potatoes at $1 a sack or wlu at at $1 a bushel, delivered here, accepted tins week for th.- usii-;l ?3.5 style 3u2 brand i.ew Thompson :9lb model upright piano deliv-red to .cur home. Call Si I. wan P. aim Co. Ml 4th. ALK1NG MACHINE INDUcEAlENTS $10 Marvel, 50c weekly. $17.50 Meteor, 50u weekly. $25 Eclipse. 75c weekly. $75 Leader, $1 50 weekly. SCHWAN PIANO CO. ill 4th St. CITY lot wanted char in exitiange for new-, piano". When answering state lowest price and location. II Journal. -719. FREE use ot piano or player piano lor 2 years. See display advertisement of S -hwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th. WILL pay cash lor or square piano. 1 u 4th st. your old upright Call Main 5323. $50 GRAPHoPHo.nE, almost new. 20 records, $35. Fine Washburn mando lin. $3 .''I. 391 E. Morrison st. SCHUMANN piano, walnut case, out side player and free music for $175. Terms if desired. K-916 Journal. ANDREW KOHLER piano, late style, no reasonable offer refused, cash or terms. 3 3 Ftp sscll St.. Apt. 1. WILL sell my Stelnway for $260; terms to responsible parties. R 934, Journal. GOOD organ. 6 ten!eln ave. octa ves, C-1 S76. $25. 474 Gan- WHITNEY piano. mahogany case, fine condition. $13?. lv-915. Journal. HAVE a good for $100 cash. upright piano to G-642. Journal. sell TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co,. 1.3 Broadwav. NEW. rebuilt. 2d ha no, rentals cut .rates P. D. C. Co . ;:n Stark M 1407 HOI SKll()U OOOllS lor SALE ta HERE is your chance; don't miss it Bargain in furniture 4 rooms com plete. Including word heater and gae ranee. 6121 72d st. S. E. KOK S4t,E MISUKLLANKOi .s 1 1 $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments, avenue. sewing machine. Call 152 Grand EIGHT H. P. vertical boiler, good as new, cheap lor cash. East Side Lofler Works E. Water and Main. DIAMOND )u iisu paints, strictly pu re. made in Oregon, Jl.,.. gallon. Port land Paim. Co.. 230r von tMarshall 10". BALED bay delivii.d Lents and vicin ity. $12. John C.ielvelc!'. Route 3, Gresham. Or THREE year old gocsenerry plants, 6c each. W. stoelir Milwaukie, R I i.i i 1-1 1 .o j-ui-ciles, wli'.dfll price. Stark-Davis Co. 212 31 Main 797 TAILOR-made up. Old Relia o! uncalled for suits $7 50 Tailors. 26 8'a Burnside MACHINERY bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. N V. Lead - Mchy. Co. Cow Manure We d East : 1 1 er. 861, B-3461. COMPLETE moving .WILT, be ol(1 for lirture storaee OUTFIT. 128 1st. $8 buys drophead sewing machine, bar gain. 191 Park St.. near Yamhill. neR.rs , sff- Tc4. - R-cAfSM TUA I ' i TMTOi- TKG TUPLKIK Ovifs.tsiAPrsiT IS OUni TO OviGrs.MAl4.T IS ddifsiCa TO FOR ALE IlSCKlVNKOUS IS (Continued) SEWINO Machine Sm poriuni sells for less; no agents employed, all makes of new and second h.nd machines. Sold on terms. Machines Guar anteed and rented, $2 per month. 190 3d. near Taylor. Mnln 8431, A-3626. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside., cor. 10th. Main or A-5874. BILLIARDS New and second hand caroin and pocket billiard tables, bowline alley!, and ai-cef-sories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Ralke-Collender Co., 46-48 6th St. Phone Main 4970. "A I L'fc'ICA L INSTRUMENTS- Type writers" and "Household Goods" are ?eptrate classifications. All adver tisements of the .e goods are published um'.er their respective classifications. Look them over fl7 A I 'v WW I Any b. Tort more a ize, 750 cords, in deliver f. o and or near tc lay i f wanted. wns, l car or X - 9 2 6. Journal l-'c.rt 1 ors"s and venules, dogs and household nets ami t.miltiv read the fids under thes.. re.- e,-i ; vo beadiniis Thf Journal leads a;i other mediums m tties- I i ssi f a t buis. Al T .l 'BILilS, inotorevcics, launches or boats ate classifications, be found under ITi'IS A large listing tbfso different 1 WELL rott. 1 fertilu.i delivered. Sell. 16S8. FERTILIZER for I '-1 S76. sale. East 3751. SWAI (Dfa MX 545 ROLL t 'U 1 fib e ,p-sk, 1 mg lamp, 1 U'h.iI wot 1; ele. irb' read horse for sale or trade Talior UO r 110:4s. co'., or ebb-kens. PA I ,s 'l" I .G. papej-ip-ntdl work. U Washington st. Wl LL swap 1 4 n.-v law for good I'-ornint's. C-1 n,:!. hanging. lay S. Dentist, 245 . domes American typewriter. 1'lionc Hl'lll grade shotgun or gold watch for a good man's suit, about 3S long. F-939, Journal. box loo, west side, take piano, niotor- cycle, or turnlture. 312 Panama bid. LOT at Gear hart, value $30uf V.F"good piano. Even trade M-671, Journal. M.OTORCYCLE. A-l condition. wit.i tandem; swap for piano. Tabor 6143. U'AXT1.1I MIS( ELLANEOH 5 NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted sStoves. rockers, dressers, rugs, coin hps, chairs, tables, et -. We i :' the price. N. W, Finn. Ex.. E. 63''.. W A. 10VKLI, furniture, ..pen: pay th.- bc-i prh e wauls si.-uiid hand ng iu w stores. Win 192 1st, near Tay- lor. Phone Marsnaii '.94 : W AN TED Tlie people of Portland to know 1 pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. Kast 67Q7. N. M. Seater. 1 43 Russell St. WILL purchase three scale tfccoml band ammeter. Weston referred. Phone Rice, Main 3S36. mornings. 1 AM in need of 2d hand furniture and will pay the highest prices for it. ;07 1st st. Marshall F.7. WANTED GRAPHS 12S 1st st. All kinds of PiloNo and RECORDS. Maia 4495. WANTED -- Calabash 1 phonograph horn for granh 127 W. Wygant haped wooden Edison phono st. itt'ONU band clothing Meier, tai'.nr. pays more fi shoes. Marshall 22'J. 22 no r, J. cio'.hlng. Malison. WE pay kinds highest prite for Call Main 46S6. junk of all BELL Furniture for furniture. Co.. 201 2d Ma-shall 41 St.; S3. cash HIGHEST prices for 2d hand furniture, clothing, tools Phone Brdwy. 2209. WANTED Furniture. Call Main 190 1. NOTICES 20 NOTICK is hereby pivnn that tbe state land board ot the state if (irpRoii will receive sealed bids nt Its office in ;he r.!tol baild lns at Salem, Or., up to lo o'.-lcrU a. nr. 01: January 11. 1916. for all lhe Mate's bib-reft In the overflow lutida bereuinft.r ile- crltisMl, plving. however, to the owner or owners of any land nhmtinif or ftohtinjt thereon, the .reference right lo purchoie said overflow lands at tbe highest price offered, provided such offer is made In food faith, and also provided, that the land will not be sold for, nor any offer therefor accepted, cf less than $7.50 per acre, and that the bosrd reervea tbe right to reject any and all bids. Said lands are situated in Multnoinub coun ty. Oregon, and described as follows,' to wit: Kegiiinhig at a point from which tbe rue aider corner of sect Ions 2 ! and 26. 1. 3 N . b 1 W, on Sturgeon b.ke bears N. it de aiees E. 0t7.6 feet, ond a willow R Inches 111 diameter bears N. 10 degrees K. ..2 feet, a nl a willow ti Inches In diameter bears S. 4-, degrees E. IS 1 feet distant. Them west 2s4N.vi feet to the present i-H-t sh-e'e Hue of Sturgeon lake, thenee N. 12 degrees 2o min utes W. 1230.12 feet, thein'e N. (W degrees 40 minutes K..4"0 feet, then.-e S. 50 d.-grues E. 175 feet, theme N. S'j degrees E. ,'i.HO feet, thence N 00 degrees E. 130 feet, thence S. 32 degrees E. 2733 74 feet to half section line E. and W. through section 23. from wbleb an Iron pipe 1 Vs luches by 40 Inches bears east 149.54 feet; thf nee S. 24 degrees E. 217.7 feet, thence S. 15 decrees E. 72 feet, thence 5. 7 degrees E. ti27 feet, thence S. 41 degrees E. '.i6 feet. tLeuce s. 27 de gree? E. 3:i0 feet, thence S. a degrees E. 4'.2 feet to an Iron pipe 1 laches by 42 inches at meander come." on .Sturgeon lake lietween seitiocs 23 an. I 2C. thenee S. 9 de grees Y . yiiT.C.7 feet lo place of heglrnhix. ." ntii inins 1 I'.i." acr v-i. and being In le-et 1, -n 22. 23. 2i and 27, T. ;i N , U. 1 W. of W. M. Appiie.-U Ions and bids should be addressed t J. Ci. Iliown. oleiu .1 jie land I'.'.-inl, Sa lem, nr.. and marked "Application -md Hid 10 lUrcba.-e Uvcrfiow l.awl.." ;. U. liUOW N. t'lerk 3;ato Land Li. ard. Pnted October 20 la::.. r.M.EL) .rojM.Kais .iU be reieiv.-d at ibe of fiep of tiie un lersiiRucd. 4ol courthouse, un til Thursday, Nim-mlirr Is. 1915, at t p. in., lor finishing hardware for Franl'.lln blgb fclatl Portland. Or. Bids will opened in room 30-1 i-o-irth .use, at tarre time. Iieiioslt of $S la renuirert tor dsns and specification, which may he obtained at the office cf V. A. Ncramore, Supt. of Properties. Si3 courthouse, tcnified cbe. k for 10 1 er cent of r.niounf of propocai, payable t.. ft. II. Thotrss. school clerk, mnst aeco.npany eoch proposal fioord ot directors reserves the right to r1pet any and all proposals. " R. II. THOMAS. Dated Xoveinljer 5. 1P15. School l lerk. (Copyright, Ili-ads -Jrk 26 I'HOPHSALS f audition to brick assembly I'all. IVpartuieal of the Interiur. office of Indian Affair. WaahinKtou. D. v.. October 12. 1915. Sealed proposals, i.lainly , marked on tUe ontaide of the aeled envelop-, proposals f Addition to Brick Assembly R,U. Kalem aclKK.1.1 Orecon," aud addrrMted to IUb ,Coto-DilBaloMh- of Indian Affairs. Wanhlngtoo U C." will oe received at the Indian Offica until '2 o'clock p. m., of November 15. 1H15. for furnlialDK iuaterlala and labor for the eoustruction of in additloa to the brick as sembly hall. In atrlct accordance wiiu the pl.iia, apeclflcatloim and lDitructloiM to bid- oer, wuicu may oe exatuim-jl at l li offn f I e ' . . nuvu litis iu- ' ei tiaeuieiit appr. tbe I'niled Stales Indlaq wareuouies at idicebo, ill., ami St. L.uix. Mo., and Builders' KxcuaiiK?. St. I'rnil. Minn., and t the office of tlie Suieriuien(leiit of Cie Sjileiu Indian fcrbool. l'lieuina. iir. For fur -tlier tiitoriUMtion apply to hr Sii;er1nlcnilent of tbe Salem aoliool. CA'I'o BU.i.s Commissioner NOllCK OF hALK OF IRntviT10N IIIS- TKJCT BOX US Sealed proposals will 1 recelred bj thf board ot dlrectura of tbe Suttlea Lake lm;ntina district, ht tbelr -offices, lu Lambert' Hi.rr bnlldlne near cirandriew potuffice, Jetfer.-Q county, Orcyoii. up and until tb hour of II. o'clock a. ru. of Mnnday. lit dn? or .Noveirlr. I wl 5. lor the sale of bonii of said IrrtgatloD district to the itiiiouot of Hi hundred thousand dollaia iH;oo.o,Hi. Rlik-n lH,ndn were aut'ierlxed b.-ucd Oy jle of UI dUlrlct on the 2d day of l.rloter. I'.ll.'i. . U .litis will le sold for less than 9(1 of ttsr fai e vuluw theret.f. 'lbe right la ie!erved to lejeit any or all bids. All Mil should be V,:ub luarked. IIAltuY J. ( II t.o L I 11. I'resloenl. C. I. HKM.INK. S.-.-retarT LOST AN.. rill.M) , 1 FOL LOWING articles were found on the tars of the Portland Railway. Light A: Power Co, and owners theic of may claim same at I he 1st and Ai der st. station. Mar. fjlim, A-6131: Nov. 6 -1 shoel, I suitcase. 1 strnw cardcaso. 7 umbrellas. 1 biomn, 6 packages. 1 book jar tickets, e gb,w-s. 1 pr. gloves, 1 band biindbs. 2 P'lis, 1 boi.k, I knii'-, h ell"! 111. I -ack of llttll't, 1 pi 1 1 se. I pr. o ve rails. 7 :t ;iinl rell.ts. I . uff link. 1 of beads. 1 knit. . 1 clo ck, 1 grip. 1 1 .-.ok 2 sing bag. 3 1 w a t grip. 1 Nov. st ring i.'irsf 1 leather grip. 1 laige can, 1 box cnd. 1 lishpo'p. 1 pkg. die goods. 1 small iackage, 1 large pack age. 2 suitcases, 1 basket. 1 pkg. un derwear, 1 tent. LOST Between Commonwealth bldg., Ankeny and -2d , and ak st., a gen tleman's open face, tnln model, gold watch. Liberal reward for return to Journal business office or phone East ii057 after 6 p. m. LOST Suitcase, dropped from auto, ltetween E. 17th st. and North Rank station. $10 reward. Return to Dr. M. J. During, 65'. Belmont St. L 'ST From ning. mink Pit tock bio. k Vain 2Rb. 1 autoniobllo Sunday eve iur collar. R"lurt 331 or phone B'way 3R"9 or ewa rd. LOST Bost.ui bull teriier, brown and white, answers 10 name of l.arni-. Finder will receive reward. 7"5 Lo( lov st. Mr. Robert Farrcll. LOST Lady s glasses with chain in case purchased from Chambers Son. Call Woodlawn 35 15. FOUND Half grown while and black fox terrier, bobtaileti. Inquire 517 Lunil.i r Exchange bldg. FEltSON'AL MRS. STEVENS. 22 years Portlands renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open dally. 375 Taylor s: Assisted by Mrs. Dr. Hume. DR VIRGIL MACMICKLE. only RESNA1R MACFADDEN graduate NATUROPATH in Portland.. bo7 De kum bldg. Main 3598. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bide, 4th .- Wash. Rm. 44 1. Mat. 43. . P. Rummelin's Son Co., Manufacturing Furriers, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. lit THE New order, lowest prices. FUR SHOP, remodeling, best work. 605 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m. ; Wed., Sun. a p. m. Reading daUv. 603 5th st Mnr 39B0 BEAI'TIFUL tatting gifts for Xma, reasonable: orders taken. Mis. C. W. Smith. 4Q03 76th st. S. E. EASTIORN tiained operator, scalp treatments. Call bet. 4 and 9 p. nt. 125 Ctli St.. room 2. MARY JANE HAWLEY, manicurist Hrs 3:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. Rm. 302 Royal' Annex. MAY ANDREWS teacfies flesh reduc ing, phrenology and card reading. 235 6th st. Phone Main 754S. MADAME MUNZELLA. Instructor of palmistry and card reading. 422 Morrison. MADAME DOLOKKIAS. teacher o' palmistry and card readings. 167 West Park st SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, etc.. destroyed forever: cure guaran teed. Mile, De Long. 504 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUAL card Marshall 5143. reader. 4 Ho Davis. EICCTRIC treattnents for rlieuina tism. reasonable. Main 8359. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park st., Rm. 3 1 1 to 7. MADAM NOSER, reading taught palmistry dally. 381 and card Yamhill. I s wiiici-Consultat.on free. Main Lawyer IC 70S Selling bldg. WANT AD RATES In effect October 1. IDU. ALL PREVIOt S HATES CANCELLED CUAUUED AlVEHTlSEM.Ta Dally or Sunday. H4 cenbi per word per Insertion. Tills charge Is for all els. si f lcatlous rt ceptiuc "For Kent la I'rivste Kamily," ' Room and Board lu Privaie Eaioily," "Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Kent," ads. much are 1 y cepts per word per Insertion. No ad charged for less than 15 cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS 1V cents per word for all classif Imttons. eicerting "for Kent In Private Fauniy," "Room snrt Board In Prlvut Ksmlly " ' tiitua Hon Wanted'" snd "Wanted to ltsnt" ads. which are D4 cents per word. Couaerutlie lcsertloD of rash wsnt sds: 8 insertions for ths pries, of 2. T Insertions fcr tb prlrs of 6. 1B1B. by B. C. Flstier.) Res;. 0. 8. Patent Office.) NOTICES (Continued ) 2 LOUlSi: NETEL, trained nurse, mas-si-use. treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia. Tub baths, mas sage, electric blankets. l-ad asslst anb 256 nth st. Mar. 6033.,OpejjBuiid'a. FKlVv 'Elr "hanHI'T, leading w ig and toupe maktsrs; finest stock buman hair goods, hairdressing. nianicurtnK, face and scalp treatment, combines made to order. 147 Broadway. M. Mt. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings. iieaiiiiKs rinilv circles i uesday anu .-nu 8 o'clock. 231 6th. Phone A-71 16. t-intrs PINKICRTiN CO. U. S. Detective iclitific detei tl e worn. 1 1 - investhgations xnert lesal Phone Bdw b'e ;15 4 Pit lock blk 673. EDD1NG rings sold by weight. N Solomon. Jeweler, 331 Mor- rison, ot l'ort land botel. MRS. 1 healer, flr..: A R R EL spiritual me.dlli,7,: opt n Sunday. 170Vi d, 4to LAI M of of '. gs, ;.u4 ..mi. i v lnr niseasra 1 .avis "st. Main 2393. Professional and ACCORDION PT.F.ATINO il'Hil.i.lll.N. iAII I-. .M V'.DX i t.KA'l'lN. PbmiM; II I- Ms I 1 11 II 1 Ml. IIHAI1)1N1. KM iu: 11 in iu n,;. 1 : s i' r. n s novklti Ml-.; in, s;, Mil s : l1lt l)K. K. sll-I HK.N iien.Miu linn;, a. ..rdlou, side ami fui.bui'rt tili nUi'S, bu ... iMvered. j.xda fiukpI. Seidi..ni.s. '.'.;a I'liio.k Mk. B bjoib A8PHALT ROOr PAINT ASI'HAl.T iu r I'alnt stops biikf. 00c per fai. Preservi-s auhiglcs, On. .M..-r nd arsfpl rotr I orlland l-i.lnt Co.. 2;m l ront, Mur IKV AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS .Ull II' A I I'D AM 18 Ah KM.I.M. M 'liiHIL VllV.E 1 Kl AI. Wc. 11 Hi mid J.fferon Sis. BIANK BOOK MAKERS l.vliS mn.MAS. inc., loa -d t 11. sua k n.H nilf ;.r I ni eri' . ocelli! lor Jours in. proved Ijksc l eaf L. ilgn b. See lhe new 1 11 nkii I .f A ;ilV(. M 1 1 13. CARPET CLEANING Julltl. llUbS. Klectrlc l n-uliling work, enr pet cleHni-il ami laid, refining our peclslly. Kast 44U. II 11IIM. yiU i;. llllh st. N. NOIU HW t. Ull, rnch from old car- pets, rag rugs, for. carpi'l cb-u ui n h . ivi hi bib. Kast 3.".Si: H 12so. Work mil. 1 i-.M.N.-t l.All pet weavljng. HilK orkw Ui.fc l.MS I'Himn ave. aud cur Wrtln. 2HKft CHIROPRACTORS bit. MeAl(o, chronic cases taking tin.H, 31 treutnients $15; worth MJ. Sluh jmr, lprjtel I'rMdth-o. Here to stay. State lb en.-. Dical riferjcnces. Widespread tesllnjoiiUla, '.21 4th M. ! lul. . . li.iAltl) uii.vrd l bid):. Hours U a. m. lo 1 p. ru 1 nt rali-s. u urtliw eil 10 : u. .u. II It .lab v I'lA. i: . i.;-i 1; I'hlt'opraetor. illtstrlrl.-s n Anknv. I'hone fai"! loI4 bit. . vV. Ill 1 KNsi .HUh.N, S.erlall In nervcus. ibro.iic discuses, -jir.i flerllngcr bldg COAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD SLABWOOD BL0CKW00D Portland Slab wood Co, M 3119. A -700 1 NEER&TARR Al dry fir. ouk, ush and lnlde block .d 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephone AAA I Main 4.-.0R 1 -tr-it. ana Wm-r st.UrL M 2o -wooii- J 1. -jr.. Pry seasoned second growth fir wood deliv ered anyCiere In Montnvllla or Ml. 'lubor district. iM.o.-,. 'labor 517u I'lllS'f class old growth fir wimmI, green and partly dr ; good furnace wood, first clus.. 4. second ola.s $:f"5 per cord, delivered. Cliff In.. W.mil Co.. Hnsidway 2:210. aTH lC 4.50"l iel."Iry. "green 1,a7- I J p 0 wood. Short orders speclaltv. VV OUli LOdl Coal $0 up. National Euel ( .. I.. J-ll DRYB0X wood main oswin or A r,:,n. Charcoal K. J. umit EVEKTS. MAIN Win op ci 11RV sriti:i:r. DHV cotiiitrv shihvvMsl Sid Wood f'o. East f.i 71 1315. .er cord. 1! I'lOr.. if tiind- PAN IMA I I 111. CO.. ill i.,,o,i. coal. Main r.72" kinds oak. J fir. suit i Hl.SI fir i. .1 cut oglo. Small M. C"V 01 ders specialty A-i'in, lVth an! v- CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS usKAi; illllulli. st-erlock bide. uenerui Contractor. EVERYTHIHO ELECTRICAL MII'HHS' Elccirlcnl Co Otb und Pine sis EVE. EAR. NOSE THROAT. LUN08. Specialist. .Moderate prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. V. t'aseday. 517 Rekum bl. 3d and Vs WHEN you anowet lbe Journal. tbess Wipul Ads, u.eiill.. M anutacturcrs DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Complete line dr, goods, luriilshlngs, iioil.li. L, Dinkelspiel Co, 'r! ,,.! Fleischner, Mayer c Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES U M. W a i . r. A t . . . i 1 1 H h iiioine SHEET AND LEAD. WOOL, PIPE. 10 , o 5 102 Nt.iiTiivvt.sr i i, :; 1 1 l ront. LEAD MAA IliM.li V Main PAINT. OIL AND OLABS Il AS..1 1 N II S.M..'i dl I O.. c-.rmr 2d slid "iiign Si n ii.l.i ril lnl.r. M 1771. ...in i A il... : i PKRSO?cA1j (Con tinned) INFORMATION COUPON If you want the nam of a reliable business nous dealing In any iln of merchandise, or lulcrmatlon regarding resorts, nouls. i.ulioads, steum hip lines, etc.. address Oregon journal lnloi mulioh Lturesu. Inloruiatlon desired: Name. Address STAiTlOfsi "of. r ii -n; w- Hcarf i PEUS)XAL. - (Corttnueo) WHY puy Mg jiiicesfor Biases? I run fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled 1'rmne. a low as $1.50: lenses duplicated nt a teed, rist. big saving; satisfaction guaran Oharlea W. (ioodmaii, optomet 209 Morrison Main -'124. . M M E. FONEDA RENOWNED PALMIST. Foneda gives instructions In Pa,rn iMrv atid card readings daily Iroiu 10 a in. to 8 p. 111. office 395 11111i1ill m. 1 orner 10th , GET" a "Llghtftringer " You will be pleased. Sldnev Smiths t'.oasuref of Knowledge." et . Single ropv, 3, posipa'd 10c. John SU'blaud, Sheldon j.t m MRS "Kl.UA,' '""we'll" "know 11 pan. list. Zeiha givos b.ssous daily in palmis try. '''.'.' N lliloll He . bit VATKIS Toiiay's methods, men mid women Wonderful result. Ooodnouuh bblg. 5th and Yamhill. Business Directory EDUCATIONAL DAK CI NO MA Mil IS I bit U..111 int A. ... R ' Mil at., bet. KUrk su.l Him; tte lesaoQs. 2: morning. 11 latest dances nuaiaiuc- Satnrdnr hciiIul'S. 7-m:m'. i- 1 . I ..in.,, ft nrl. H f lei noon ' vn Iuk ; d 1 In 'in Thin -slay. Ibi.M I on 2U10. M K. and sirs, llraih'a Sciiool. i.-...i. dally. rluaa Tuesday, rriday ve. I'll 2d st.. bl. Washington and Stark. L"sb.iis ''""'. M1n .'l-Mi.5 MU8IC SCHOOLS 'HP Tr.ACHl.R8 I. I H 1 Kl.H. llt.N . Violin lelll'liel, ' l.uiol hfirlk. 207 l leblner l.lds. A-4lo. NOiM. ill lrtVli I' HOI', i. K . Utt'SI'N, i.Ihi.o lessons si your Ji uie. mi,-. I ncur Ti.hor2u;ilb 1 '11 IS 1 cTlillZ i.-a.I.ei of lioin. 211 shei'irin. I'.inii'i' i'iii. Mirlii.H '''.. m Kills. ,!.ni,i mil nd . 1 1 1 11. 11 i I u . banjo. 50c. Ma01.1l el' 11 h 111.nl. 1 i .i ( x .ii ,,f ia. o.'.-a:-.u l .1 .'..h.i.'t III I ah l. hi l.b-r POPULAit MUSIC. HAbTIMh in .inn.. uiihi'iiiiI. i' I l.i'ii 1 n in 1 a lu.. 10 li"..,os Pli-nirr iiliivnig i ri'i' d.'i.iuiistra 'I'.'i Kn.. hcoki.t rmi i;i.tm .i,ir 1'Lblf RUU8 AND RAO RiI03 FLUFF RUGS and K AG" RUGS WE MAKE I 1.1 II IllUS llti'M WOILS OI T INOHAIN. AXMINM KII. ,s !1NA AM) I RI SSEI.l.S C.Mll'KIS. KM. Ill US. Al.ls SIZES. .MOHKH.N SAM'IAKY M. I 1 1 1 1 1 ..S. SIEilAI. ATTENTION In ui I U 1 1 1 N OKDEUS. (I'lY Wh;k i M.M.Ii lull. SKM' I'OII booKlbi. W I SII.HN Kl I I I' lite; ro, m :.n r.MoN ai; .s. I'ikines KAST ll.Mil. li-1 ITT. INbUKANC E. 1'aiimi: 1 only Ore; I I. is I I 11 1. I 1 - ,11 II le ISM It Ml. 1 11 m I ii. . "l"SII. . I .NDLNGH LEATHER AND SHOE J Hi: HUE M AN I. Oldest linu iu ii". .u..ei.l and '!.. M " -..le ei. I III K t i) Ae.,1 "1..ISIC" Jll I.I. I. II rl . MAXTKLbbEb. II1i.ll.Nb MAI I III1.S.S 10. ..id o.u 1 1 1 .-..cs niadn tifiv uuii uji ....git-nii pro. ess. Un. cil. collier t nl. .11 Es-I bill. NATUHOi'ATHlC I'll YbR'IANH, PH. le I'ilil.l.li d I sen se-,. -I II I . ... l. nervous tiud ci.ioD iu la.lg M..111 al4-. i :, 111. k PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. "THE 1VX I'lll.sS." Joll.N M. VI ANN :,S- Mtaik SI. JUo.i.ivMij 4o.s. A-40S.V RUBBER blAMi-S AND SEALS ALMI Klein . 1.-. , 11 ..d. I'Al'lr 1C H.I.. 1 W rtsuil.K I --II SI . I.e. Us, s I A V I' Mnni 1 In W 1 lo. us Bigas. .ItKS. a 10 BAEETY HA -OR hONINO. s 1 II i 1 .1 . N ci'.j i- ' . i SHEET HZ T A LW0 it Kii. Ill I ' A 1 li 1 AO an. 1-1 si 1 in 1 Slid el 1 . f 1 1 J . 1 1.4 TO WE Lb J PI' L ; E 3. Ill4f .-SllllJI. , I.. b I V ll.blA.M.s tii.l Clay Ms. I'tiolle: bssl TRANSFER 141: Hone 11 AN Db r 0 K AO E liansler Cc. Oregon ICslabllslied ls;o. Transfer and luiwiiio.ng Ageuta. Slurs-?, l ice '1 1 .1. uage. Office n 1 ul Sbiragw 41 1 1. ,1-1111 St. ntt slid s . 11.su Mini A 1I. ALWAYS " I'll K IIIK bl.sl lloi Ii k I UK bl.sl 1liM s1.11.. I. li HlllS SI'I.I I O.lsbS SI, i n.-. I's. Ulna. hblpplng and Moving llm Amu V mis. s.pcoliil Ireig.-l isle- to ull p'.lil's. I. O. PICK 111 ANSI lilt A SH'IIAOI' l(.. 2nd sn.l I'hu Si-. l.roili.. ..in. iiao";ai.i: iha.vsikh si.iivui. rist: ST. MM.VJVi: A U'li: hil'o V ALL PAP1 M y.OKI.AN W M.l. I'AI'l ii between Main and Salmon III WATCH REPAIRING Al.EX VI 11. 1. 1. 1 Uli .11. g...Hl w b rep airing Woik g.iurunteed ous VFHI. .1HM, Alder st. WK jleal.r3 : rs PIPE WCOD vTTT woop i il'i near VOii hii'I pipe. in I iictory md U sis Main 3 4HB. I'lill l I. of fie, PLUMBINO PIPE STEAM RUI'PLIES M. L. Kl INE S4 -t Hi sl I III .N 1 I It I ET ROPE AND BINL-tR TWINE. Portland Cordage Co. SANlTAilY WIPING HAGS L. Shanty Co, ru, 1 1 1. N ion iiik. ei u. -e . ' lie ,I'.UI IIS I 1' I. i.n r BY BUD FISHER DOtA'T Posh' I