k '.-.3 is" 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1915. FURNISHED ROOMS (Oojlnnl) NlIkHKH' KEQI8TKY rURNISHKD ROOMS FOR WOMEN. .$ S74 Id at.: all modern lmprOY menta. steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, free gaa for cooking; 1 larva public kitchen, alao gu plate In " Bach room, laundry on each floor, alao ., bathroom on each floor; alao Pacific and Home phones on each floor and , house phone In each room; 2 parlor ; awing room with machine. All ten i ante who are In by Oct. lat and remain one year will be given the twelfth ; rnonth'a rent free. ' BOOM register Hating several hundred buiMln-. with -t.ownr hatha, swlmmln- pool, gymnasium, library. reading room, at $1 60 to $2.76 per week dou ' ble. with individual beds, or $2.60 to " ."ft per wekjilnKle. FUltMSIIKl KOOMS PKIVATB FAMILY 70 tWO nice rooms, modern, furnace heat, '' abort waller to business center, $8 ana 1 month. Kant 1562. : WANTED KurnlsheiT modern house, 3 or 4 rooms, walking distance. E- 79, journal. klCELV furnished room, modern con venlences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near tli WELL furnished room, $o month, one $K. 314 Main st. FJICELY furnished outside rooms; bath, light, heat; $5 mo. ;:C9 Fargo. UNFUKXISHK:' KOOMS 10 B1NGLK, IS. 50; U rooms. $4 flat, $8. lflliti Market. 4 room ONE ami 2 large lean unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 171 13th. KOOMS ANI tiOAKD 13 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery at., at West Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rates for regular and transient K-ticMs lUWM, boaid; ihtgus street from fhat tuck, near Lincoln High. Reason able. 348 iUUK-. KOOMS AND UOAKD FHJVATE FAMILY 7a A LAHOK front room, suitable ror i or 3, excellent home cooking all modern conveniences, ulinwer and tub paths. 331 Jefferson, near Hroadway, .YOUNG couple moving into their new modern home Oct. 1, will board and room 2 young people, furnace. WooJ lawn 3629. FURNISHED rooma with or without board. In a nuiet home. 781 Petty- Tove. Marshall 689f. WANTED To board little K'rl. moth er's care guaranteed. Near gooi school. Rest r eference. T abor 1761 ' ROOM and board with home con veniences In private family. 230 'JOth st. Marshall f30G. i)H RENT Two i'urnlHhed rooms with board; near Union avenue. 450 "Thompson. WANTKI KOOM AXI KOAKD 31) WANTED by young working girl, room and board. West side preferred. V 433, Journal. HOLSKKKKI'l.NO KOOMS 8 ; ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, Hteam heat, running" hot and cold water, phone In every loom; 7 blocks from Bth and Morrison ats.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia i i rru-r Mil st. (I 'IO iZ.bO week, furnished 11. K. rooms, gas. free hcut, laundry, bath. Phone Knst i03H. roi! Stanton, U car. 11 NE larae rooms, batn light, beat, phone, walking distance, cheap. 221 2 3ih, cor. Halmon. JjACHINtr h. k. and sleeping rooms; Hotel Repose, .'3d ami Suvier sts. fiom Ante i''ru0 k-"'- 'ght. phone. UClll nJlOi $i wk. up. 4U1 First at. CAMH-KIDOE hid.. Tur. II. K. rooma, central, cheap. Ififi1 3d. cor. Morn. THE Woodmansee housekeeping rooms, 109 N. mil. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor. 381 Yamhill st. 16 12TH Modern 11. K. rooms. Piano. IlOlSEKKhi'ING KOOMS 78 PRIVATE FAMILY LA HUt, light dean housekeeping rooms, 2 room nuiles, $! per month. 631 Thurman. near 20th. JiUGt nicely fur. 11. K.. room, heat, gas, lights, water. No charge, rent right. 265 fith. TWO clean and light housekeeping rooms, furnished. 603 Mill at. Muin 6212. ROSE CITY PARK, 3 beautiful rooms, . furnished for light housekeeping. Ta bor 327f, evenlng.s. 8 OR 3 rooms in good home, best clone in residence district on east Bide, reasonable. East 7ti::', FOUR well furnished housekeeping - rooms, private family, walking dis tance. 166 E. 16th S. HOUSEKEEPING, furnished complex. Inquire at 647 Weidler, cor. 17th. "Rent $25. $2, $2.60, $3, LARGE clean front 1L K. rooms. Private porcheH. 171 13th. 361 TAYLOR Close in, housekeeping rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 t ROOM modern house, 496 Montgom ery St.; 5 room modern cottage, 609 Front St.: 4 room cottages, cor. Ches ter and Hood sts., rents $8, $7 and $8. J'hone Main 779, 7:3U a. in. to 6:30 p. m 9 Modern 6 room house, water paid, 100x100 fence, fine soil, fruit, ber ries, good place for steady tenants. 4231 tad ave. 2 blocks from car. Mar shall 3181. FOR THE NEWLY WEDS, $4.00 Neat little 2 room cottage, one block to car. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Ctmmerce. CLEAN, well-airangad 6 room house, near school, large yard, walking dis tance, 467 E. Grant, rent reduced to 113.50. East 3400. FIVE room bungalow, full casement, uptodate fireplace, 100 rose bushes. E$4 Crampbon st., key at corner house. Call Main 82&1 FOR RENT , acre with6 room raod rn house, .barn, chicken house, $12.50 it month. 2070 Clackamas st. Tabor 6488. FIVE rom modern cottage, all luod- ern conveniences, l . block from Union ave. $12.60. Close in. Inquire at 269 Williams ave. v FIVE room bungalow, modern, good condition, near car, cheap, $16. Ta bor 4624. KARE chance, strictly modern 7 room house, tine lawn, 2 lots, 116 per mo Wdln. 696. MODERN H room house on east side, close In. 701 East Salmon st. In gulre at 612 E. Taylor. 1'hone B-1623, FOR KENT. 8 room house with yard and garage; good location. 975 Eyai Tamhlll. Phone Tabor 1009. MODERN residence, Nob Hill, lease to responsible party walking dUtanca, Ideal location. Q-681. Journal. 10 ROOM house, suitable for house keeping. 288 Jefferson, near 4tn. Pent $25. 4) KOOM house, all modern, good con dltlon, $16. Phone Wdln. 197. 9D5 y?. 16th st. S. BEAUTIFUL Rose City Park bunga . low; hardwood floors. Bleeping porch. t5 K. Slst north. UOD-HN room house In excellent condition. 611 Mill sc. between 14th and 16th. Main 6212. . JIASVTHORNE district, 6 room house - cheap to a good tenant. 630 E. llad- Ison, near 16th. t ROOM cottage, good condition. Til E. 18th -t, $10; W-W car. Mar ti naiii MODERN 6 room bungalow, with gar age, raoor ROOM modern house, large barn. $ -$10 $7th aei 8. E. fT.riAW B room house at Bimnysids. cheap. Phona Tabor 777. i6U--3 for al and rent! Irving ton. .. Ert -7$. ' W. H. Herd an. MODERN j-oom house, range con nacted. Kala 6136. Boom 602. 12 OontlJn4d) FIVE room cottage. Just papered and painted throughout, central and In nice neighborhood, close to 8hattuck school and Park blocks; has bath, iras, electricity, cement basement, etc., 411 dlth, near Harrison, rent $18. Key next door at 409 11th st. Parrish, Watklns & Co.. 106 2d gt HOSE CITY PARK. Modern 6 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, etc.; eaat frontage; ga rage. 425 E. 46th N., 4 block south Handy road and Rose City Park car. owner. ( . f . Paimrorg. unor in. nue, cor. of 39thPhone hell. loliK FUKNITUKK FOil SALE IIOISKS FOK KENT 32 Al'rt of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication, when house ' cot for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 ROSE CITY PARK Modern 6 room bungalow, completely furnished, piano player, fine lawn, el?., east frontage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Garage. 425 E 46th N block south Handy road and Kosj l.lty Park car. Owner, C. F. Palmborg. Tabor 2498. NICELY furnished 5 room cottage; minutes from Washington and Hroad way. 148 North J6lh st. Phone Main 2S8G. 6 ROOM furnished bungalow, bath, lights, large chicken house; close to ar Capitol Hill, 6c fare, 16. Main 2741. GOOD lu room house, well furnished. large grounds, all kinds fruit, clof-o to car, $5 per mouth. Neal Brown, 20f Panama bhiK. PARTLY furnished 5 room bungalow, 2 lot-s, chicken yard, raspherries. 7919 57th ave. . E. Phone Tabor 420. NEW, modern o room bungalow, com pletely fuini:hed. piano, as, electric, $ltv Wondlawn 400. VERY nioe i rooms, private residence, Mtricily separate, close in; adults. C-llfiO. sr..'t Sacramento st. HVK rooms, furnished, juano, $16, mo., Woodlawn car. IIUj Oneonta bt. ( Adults.) 5 2,r SIX room furnished modern house; piano, 651 E. Taylor. East 2911. $15 Water included. 6 room modern cottage. 844 Division, 27th St., lawn, fruit trees, berries. Hellwood 1760. $16.50 Clean 6 room cottage, 68 E. 19th nar 8tark. Wood"lawn 129. 2 OR 3 partly furnished rooms, 19th and Kearney; nice yard. Tabor 1901. FURNISHED house, 725 E. Ankeny Ft. Telephone R-141 H. Call after fi p. in. SEVEN rooms, furnished, with watef, $18. Apply Mh and Magnolia, Wdln. APARTMENTS ;$ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HA I ,B A A PA HTM ENTS. 429 HARRISON, near 12th St. Extra large 2 room furnished apts., 1 unfurnished, modern, reasonable rent ; good service. Mar. 2900. References. 1RV1NGTON 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Convenient and comfortable, janitor service. One vacancy only; $15. 4U9 E. 16th st.. north, near Hancock. SIX ROOM apartment, all outside rooms. Marvland Apartment, C6rt Flanders. Call Main 8251. Nob Hill district. HIE THOMASSEN, 402 ' 3rd tit.. close in, west side, outside sleeping rooms, steam heat, electric light, bath; $2 Tip week. THfc: CODY, cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts.. has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets; 2 and 3 rof.ms: light and phone free. 1-X'RNlSilED apartments, 2 room suites, modern, steam heat, $2.50 to $4 per week. 4S9 Clay at. (,14th and Clav . BROADWAY Cautral apts., strictly mod. 2, 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk ing distance; everything new, $18 up. Also single rooms, hot, cold wat;r. TWO room apartments furnished or unfurnished, large outside rooms, close In. $10 to $15. 89 E. 12tU St. Fast 5279. Denver Apartments 21st and Overton, 2 and 3 room fur. and unfnr. apts., 1 block "W" car. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, -easy walkniK distance, at very reasonable rm.: iiest or service. Main 25utf. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2318. Nice 5 room furn. and un'urn. apts. ; also 3 and 4 room furn. apartments. MODERN steam heated 2. 3-room suites. $16 up, gas and light free. Harrison court. 5 th and Han ison. ROSENFELD (orickj, i4th E. Stark. Modern 3 or l rooms, all outside, prt vh i e phones, janitor service, reaso.iaole PENINSULA AIMS., C-ll.u, concrete blclK.. J and 3 rooms: hot an i nil, I water, baths, phone, steam heat. $11: up Rl SSKLL apartments, 3i)0 Russell St., iiiouerii i aim o room lurnlshed apart meiit-c Reduced rates. Fast L'743. WINSTON. 2 and a rooms, private bath, modern brick , special rates $15 and tip 14th and Market. Main 173S PURTNOMAH 3 and 4 room, with sleeping porch unfurnished. K. 13th st, cor. Taylor rl KM1SHMJ apartment or flat 6 rooms, 11th and Market, mornings Main 3502. '1HK LKONCK, 180 N. 22d St., near Johnson; modern, well furniBhed 2 3 and 4 room apts.. tls up. DOWN town, modern apts., 16 month up. Including heat, light, etc Royal Annex. UOU, Morrison. AMERICAN and Marlborougn mod 4 6 8 jm. apt. Mar. 3360. M. 761S. A-267Y liisciinina 1 1 court, 401 10th, 2, 3, 4 i in. moo, mr, apts.. sing, uniur. rms '111E ALAMO APIS. 4 U 4 Market r Nicely furnished 3 room apta.. tl8 up LiKA Y Gables moa., 1 and Z rooma 114 up. Close In. 2S9 lotn. THE MORTON King and Washlng ton. 3-4 rm. suites, close In. 115 m. COLLLGE Light, close In, porches 3d and College Marshall 85h5. LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th St.; 2, 3 and 4 room apts.: also light H. K. FOR REM MOUSES JEFF WANTS A BOOK OF RULES A LA RUSSIAN ! -Ag tmi. Book") ANb 5T it 5tl.dv I , OpRCefL ef& 1 APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (OoBtiaad) BRAND NEW. Cor. 18th and Couch St. One block off Wash, at. Just com pleted, ready for occupancy, modern 6 story, fireproof brick building of clasa and refinement, with 62 2. 3 aud 4 room outside unfurnished apta; large light rooms, well ventilated, hardwood floors tile bath rooms, shower baths, electrie ranges, Hoosier kit'-hen cabi nets, balconies, private phones, auto matic elevator, vacuum cleaning serv ice, laundry room, steam dryera and an excellent heating system. For reser vations apply on premises. References required. PRICE3 MODERATE. THE WASHINGTON. Northrup st, near 21st. 6 room unfurnished apartment, with all modern conveni ences, including freo gas, electric light, steam beat, hot ana cold water, telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376. A-1133. COZY home-like 2 and 3 room fur nished apartments for rent in mod ern apartment house, close to at. Johns carline; hot and cold water, electric lights. $11 up; gas for cooking; no children. The Clyde. 1678 Portsmouth ave. If you wain 2 and 3 room spotless. clean apt., with linen, towels and silverware, dressing rooms, eiectric elevator, laundry room, with steam dryer, cull at the Drixton, 448 11th St. ( Prices very reasonable.) HAXTIIORN APARTMENTS. 251 12TH ST. 4 room apartment, ground floor, wlta 3 big closets, $25. Also 3 TOom apart ments, furnished and unfurnished, wi'.n balcony. Modern and best of service. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 22D AND OL1SAN. Largest, most homelike, high class apts in city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3249. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern., completely furnished apts. Walking distance. Refeiences. THE Luzene apta., 3r and Hall; mod ern brick. 2 rooms furnished; under new management; newly tinted and varnished; prices very reasonable, call and look them over. Mar. 4637. ST. CLAIR APTS., 170 St. Clair at.. 6 rooms unfurnished, $20, and up; 3 rooms furnished, $25. and up; fresh air porches, strictly up to dateclean, good service, Ideal location. Marshall 3505. FOR RENT FLATS 13 5 AND C room flats, fireplace, furnace and in line condition. (j room house, up to date, all at 12th and E. Taylor. u room flats, with large sleeping porch, modern. 250 Columbia St. Rent $20, for either. JORDAN & GAUBADE. 23 2 Vj Washing ton st. 3 NEW. large, strictly modern rooms, disappearing beds, sleeping porch. Woodlawn 167. FURNISHED FLATS 50 $10 NICE 3 room furnished flat; bath upstairs. 226 Cook, near Gantenbeln. 3 ROOM flat, partly furnished, reason aide; adults. 604 E. 22il st.. south. NEWLY furnished 5 room flat, walk ing distance. E. 4021. STORES AND OFFICES 11 LAUNDRY building; have the best lo cation In the city for a wet wash laundry and rough dry; building is ( oncrete, 50x60, with 20 horsepower boiler, rent very reasonable. Call at 52 E. fith st. N"., or phone East 1150. BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. HALF of modern brick stable for rent at your own price. 482 Alblna ave. WANTED TO liENT WANTED 6 or 10 acres with good buildings, near carline; no children. C-2175. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 20 HEAD of good delivery and ranch horses. This stock is mostly mares, also all kinds of farm wagons and harness and buggies; also - top grocery wagons and team of mares 7 and 8 years old, weight 3000 lbs. This stock must be sold at once: no reasonable offer refused. Nobby Stables. W. 12th and Flanders. Auction Sale HORPES, WAGONS AND HARNESS Bring your stock to our auction, Thursday, Sept. 30. 2 p. m. Buyers want to take this opportunity. Every thing guaranteed ap represented. Co lumbia Stables. 302 Front st. DELIVERY milk wagon, hand made, in good condition; also horse and harness, very reasonable. Phone E. 404. HAVE good double work horse, weight 1100, will sell for t5, bargain. In quire 787 E 2bth st., Woodstock car. FOR SALE Cheap, 1 draft horse, 1 saddle pony. T. G. Hawley, Multno mah. Main 4549. LKAb horses and animais tiauied away free Call Woodlawn Zi Portland r'rif-rlnc Co WaXTKH Team, 1200. must be sound, gentle and young. 522H 43d st.. S-E. DEAD horses and cattle taken, away free. Call Tabor 4 203. CHEAP mare, buggy and harness at your own price. 1029 Yamhill St. LIVESTOCK 3o 3-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, cheap; horse and buggy, cheap if taken at once. 1 mile east Kelly Butte, Powell Val- lev road. Hamill place TWO first class Jersey cows, one 6 gallon. 619 E. John tt.. St. Johns. DOGS AM) HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 POINTER dog 1 years old, well broke; also Llewellyn better, same age. well broke; good retrievers. Join Duckett, 3209 W street. Station A, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 710-R. First AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 OOOD. SERVICEABLE USED CARS are now priced so low that there la no excuse for you not owning a high grade car. Our recent new car sales have brought In to us a number of high grade cars at prices that will astonish you. PEE THESE CARS. 1915 JEFFERY CHESTERFIELD SIX. CHALMERS COUPE. STEARNS-KNIGHT. SCHACHT. MAXWELL. OLDSMOBILE. W1NTONS. Bring in your small cars a,nd we will make a trade. The Winton Company 23d and Washington sts. Main 424. Used Auto Snap TERMS' GIVEN. CADILLAC, 6 pass., $375. OVERLAND roadster, 2 pass , $250. MITCHELL. 5 pass., 6 cyi., $650. MICHIGAN. 5 pass., $500. MITCHELL, 5 pass., electric starter and lights. $700. MITCHELL. 7 pass., 6 cyl., electric starter and lights; take your old car as part payment. This car Is late model, nearly new. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. EAST 1ST AND EAST MORRISON. East 7272. B- 1216. Bargains Bargains Bargains Terms Terms 1916 REGS about to arrive. We need the room. Have 1913 5 passenger REO. Electric lights, fully equipped, run only C000 miles. $500. Also sev eral other good maken in fine condi tion, which we are compelled to sell this coming week at whatever price they bring. Your chance to save money. Northwest Auto Co. Broadway and Couch. Both phones. Cadillac 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914 models all will give service and satisfaction. See them. Also a Hudson. Peerless, Winton, Max well, Everett, Cartercar and others, at low prices. Covey Motor Car Co. 21st and Washington st. Main 6244. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 548 Water st.. Main 1167 AUTOMOBILE FOR HA1.K Five-passenser Chalmers in fine con dition, all new tires and looks good; will give some terms to reliable party; price $360. See owner, 605 Alder St.. today. CHALMERS $350. Regal $326, Bulck racer $175. Winton Six $350. Mitchell roadster $375, Overland roadster $375, Cadillac $525, Overland t'iZj. 2 road sters $75 and $90. 605 Alder st. Main 7386. OREOGN VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st., at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING, frade new tires for old ones. TIRES $450 DANDY touring car, Michigan 6 pass-. 0 H- p- electric light. Will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction that it's good car. You will secure more than your money's worth. Tabor S040. SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK New Ford Tires J 7.7 5 EACH. BEN. E. BOONE & Co 514 ALDER ST. TIRES Bring u your old tires, make ONE GOOD TIRE Out of TWO BAD ONE. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 660 Washington St.. at l(th. We BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices 300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO- Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. STUDEBAKER runabout, good running order; tne iirst man witn lu0 takes It. Also a Hup runabout. ACilU ALIO CO t.81 Alder. Main 8775. FORL B-passenger touring car. runs and looka like new, J36f, terms. OREGON MOT0R CAR CO., Studeba-ker bldg.. Chapman and Alder. (Written guar ' an tea with every rpring 26 N. Hth st. CADILLAC foredoor ligiU 5 pass new tires, seat covers, fully equipped, etc. Fine running condition, $4 00. Bioad- way fcSj 11UPMOBILE, 7 pass., electric lights and starterj good condition, cheap. Call 759 ',4 Williams ave., between ti and 7 p m. WILL accept gooa nigh grade camera or kodak as part payment on auto mobile. Phone Smith. East 7272 or B-121S. NEW and used Ford auomouiiea sold on easy terms. BenJ. E. Boona .& Co., Ford agents, 514 Alder st. Mala 3966. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock In Portland, fi to $15. Fine repair- lng Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. LIGHT 6 passenger, foredoor car $29o Broadway Garage, E. 21fh and Broad- PARTS for all manes machines for less PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 325-27 Burnside st. Marshall 3238. WANTED-401il cars for their parts; we pay cash. 320 Burnide. Broad way 32-38. , 1914 5 pass. Ford, fine condition, J30o Marshall 322. ' HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals J. Leve. 18S Columbia M. 5198 & PASS. A-l condition, 150 cash. 666 Market st pag - sa. Q AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 Keep the Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING C. B. Miners & Co. 626-628 ALDER. $180 Nearly new Saxon; must sell be fore October 1. Phone Sellwood 264. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WANTED I'iano or Ford. Will take either or both as part payment to ward Portland suburban bungalow or 20 acres at Mosier. Tabor 4 18 WANTED For cash, best car $5U"J or less can buy; give make, model, con dition and best price in answer. E 740. Journal. WANTED Old we pay cash. cars tor their parts; 325 Burnslde. Broad- way !238. WK will nay siKjt cash lor second hand cars. Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broadway. HAVE 2 lots, unincumbered, value $400. will trade even up for late Ford. G-552. Journal. WANTED Used Ford, will pay $25 down, $15 monthly. V-432. Journal. $700 Equity Daurel hurst for auto, any thing of value. V-429. Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE 4. 5. 7. PASS, cars, $1.50 up. Zone Rates, competent driver. A-67U1, Main 5185. MAIN or A-1 077. Am. Auto Touring Service; $1.50 per hour up. Special shopping, calling t'ips; zone rates.. 1914 1IARLEY-DAV1DSON 7 H. P. twin 2-speed. tandem. Presto, speed ometer and whbule, A-l mechanical condition. $175. UU4 Excelsior 7 H P. twin, tandem, electric liyht and whistle. A-l condi tion, $125. Oregon Auto Exchange, 12!' Lownsdale. Main 1161. PoPE" twin, 2-speed. electric lights, horn, tandem, condition like new. Take diamond part, a 6 7 Stark. INDIAN, two speed, 1115, starter, new dream, Rushmore Presto. Bargain. East 5545. WANTED Single or twin motorcycle, condition no object, cheap for cash. V-434. Journal. MOTORCYCLE for sale cheap, cash. Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broad wa v. LAtXCHLS AND HO ATS 04 EV1NRUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowboats. canoes, niotorboats. Evinri'dn Motor Co. .Mori Ison and Front. Fl.VNOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 Security Storaga Co., Will Close out. $425 Vose .v. Sons upright. $145 cash. $250 Anon upright, oak. $125 cash. JJUO H.edt'orU upright, oak, $15 cash. J450 Checkering Ac Sons, Jt5 cash. $400 Bradbury piano $35 cash. $105 Packard organ 125 cash. ?S50 Autopiano Player, $266 cash. To first caller. lot 4th, near Wash. Today $l upwards will secure $25 Disc Talking Machine for $ 7.50 $50 Disc Talking Machine for $ 17.63 $S0 with I.'i' cabinet machine, $ 46.00 $lo0 with $30 cabinet Machine, 103.00 Ten records included with each. S HV A N I'IANO P.. Ill 4th St. WANTED Piano or Ford. Will take either or both as part payment to ward Portland suburban bungalow or 20 acres at Mosier. Tabor 4 1y. W A NT K 1 A Victor. Columbia o Kdi son machine in first class condition, without cabinet, for cash. Fast lTJo. TYl'EWTilTEiiS CJILL S REBUILT V FE WRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C Smith Oiiver. Smith-Premier, Royal, etc, 15 and up, terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer dtsks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co., 3d and Aider sts. WE save you froru 5u to on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder, retail department. WHOLESALE TiPE WRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for o and up; k months rental ap plied on purchase pine. Remington Typewritei Co., h") Broadway. NEW, rebuilt, i.a rates. P. 1 . C. Co., f;anu, rentals, cut 31 Stai. AJ- 140 HUlhtHULI) GOODS lor SALE 63 Full SALE Furniture, complete, of 4 room house. 1 0 RohS. rsjii hAhfc, MlsctLL.tULS 1M "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "T ;rpe writers" and "Hous.jhold Goodsi" are separate classlflcat.'ona. All adver tisements of these KooU.- are published uncier their reapeciive ciassificationa. Look thorn over. t OK horses and vemcles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other meoiuius in these c'assltications. FOR SALE OR TRADE -Underwood typewriter desk, complete grocery outfit; also showcases. Anything an 1 everything under the sun to sell or trade. 12b 1st st. Main 4495. AUTOMOBILES, moioicyc.es. iauncei or boatu ate Bc-parrus ciaasiliatlons. A latge HsliiiK can be found uuuer these ilff'ren( ha.lingp. DIAMOND house pauu, strictly uure, made in Oregon, J1.75 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 10 30 front. Marshall 100. $12.50 bllOl'HEAD sewing machine, with attachments. Call 162 Grand ave. WANTKD To buy combings. Switches made to order. 5ol Kast Yamhill. Phont- Kast 1710. 4x.'. KASTMAX folding kodak, case, tripod and ray screen; like new; snnp. Call B-34HU. PUMP uhotpun. tournament gra.de. 3719, after !:Sd. A- CIRC'f LAR Letters. Mimeogralihe and supplies W. 1-0 Kin.er A i o M 3347 PLlilBlN(.l supplies, wholesale pricea. Btark-Mavls Co. 1'. ?.d Main 79T. WE buy and fcell usea machinery. Northwest l.pn.l K- Mdv 'o. ( 1 f PAG TCUO -ANi OH tOMb UT -N T.M TrMS FFOrA Q N CHAR.Gg' SAf. QEM This OOK N. - -j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 - . - ( Coatings a SEWING Macnine Em porium sells for les; no agents mploved. all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terma. Marhlnu s-nar- anteed and rented, $2 per month. 190 d. near Taylor. Main 41, A-362-1. Electric Motors Bought. olrl. rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnsldo, cor. 10th. Main or A-b74. BIL LIARDS New ana second hand carcra and pocket billiard tables, bawling- allevs and accefcsorlea. easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick - Balke - Collender Co.. 46-43 6th st. Phone Main 470 10ou BOND LETTER HEADS 2. bite wove envelopes. $1.75. Sam ples. Coleman Bros.. Main K3S6. Box .:!2. Portland. FOoTRaLL pants, head masks, nose masks, supporters, in good condition, reasonable. Phone East 4o4. SWAP COLUMN GRAFONOLA, typewriter, sewing ma chine or bicycle, sell cheap, or swap for wood or groceries, or what have you? Phone East I f7 H. WILL tiade my shares in Oregon Home Builders Co., for anything I could use. F. M. Pickman. 2M Ct.uch at. 16 FOOT motorboat. with Gray engine, just overhauled and repainted, cheap, or trade. Main S775. PAINTING, tinting, janitor work lor fu r n ls h ed apt. Marsliall4 72. WANT wiring or plastering lor pump shotgun. A-3719. WAN TED M JSC EEL A N KOI S 5 GEVURTZ Buys furniture. Highest prices patJ. GEVURTZ Sella at lowest prices. Gevurti Furniture Store, 207 1st. Phone Marshall 587. WANTED A box board printing ma chine, must be ciieap and in good running condition; state what size and make and full particulars to G. '. Bergqulbt, 916 7th ave. W., Vancouver, B. C. NOTICE TO MOVERS Wanted Stoves, rockers, dresser, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N. W, Furn. Ex., E. 6 3 A. W. A. COVELL wants second tiund furniture, opening new store; wtii pay the best price. 192 let, nr. Taylor. Phone Marshall 5947. WANTED The people ol Portland lu know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. Fast 6707. N. M. Seater. 14.1 Russell wt. V E guarantee to pav liighi st prices lor used furniture, rugs, etc. pbot;' Mai BTfiS. Mish Kunihure Jl'o., 1S4 1st st. WE need second hand furniture, stoves and ranges. What have you'.' Alain 7 5 45. J. MKVK11, the tailor, pays li-.Kiiest price for I'd hund clothing, shoes. Wo call promptly. Mar. l'"J'.'. Milison. fchi.'o.MI I, and clo ih lc j.- and every trilnb-. lliehest prices lnin '.'ntui 1st. WAXTKl i ! urn 1 1 n re. Call Main 1 H"-l. LOST AN.) i lll .M) 21 FOLlyJWING articles found on cars of Portland Railway, Light Ac J'ower Company. Owners mav claim at Alder fetreet station. Marshall ilOO. A-6131. Sept. 27 12 umbrellas, 1 cap, 1 ha'., 2 books, 3 pairs gloves. 1 brooch. 3 lunch boxes, 1 sack potatoes, 1 board, 1 package iron, 5 purses, 1 folder of music, 1 rain coat. 1 lunch pail, 7 pack ages. 1 glove. 1 cuff link, l parcel car rier, 1 box peaches. 1 piece tlu, 1 coll wire. LOST Coral cameo pin with heavy hiiiid carved gold mounting. Return to accommodation desk Olds, Wort man fc King, or phone A-7649 after business bouts and ask for Mrs. Barr. Liberal reward. LOST -Llewelyn setter bltcn, o months old, black sp"t over one eye, an swers name of Rose. Return to 7240 Foster road, or phone Tabor .4636, or Broad w ay 4 3 81 and get re wa rd . LOST Hunting dog. black an.i white Llewellyn bitch. Owner, H. Schulze. 72d st. and 6yth ave. Phone Tabor 2214. Reward. WILL the young girl who picked up the black purse in Yamhill market Saturday evening return to Journal office, reward? LOST A garnet breast pin near Hth and Broadway. Keward at 644 Clack amas st. l'KHSON.XL MRS. STEVENS, 22 years Portlands renowned palmist and clairvoyant. Author of "Palmistry Made Easy." As sisted by Dr. Etta Hume, divine healer and spiritual advisor. 375 Taylor st. MHS HA. MOT Headings, treatments, daily and Sundays. 170Vi -d. th floor. Apt. 9. bl'lKITLAUlb'-M Kev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. in.; Wed., Ssun. s p. m. Reading daily. Cf,3 6th st. Mar. 3H-i. Tilt; FUK SliOP New order, remoieling. best work, lowest prices. iui Swet'.and bldg. ?u Keuioaeiitor. ri-painii. ut- a upstan 415-416-417 Pfkiitn Hldir. DR. G. V. KUTCHCM Woiutn s mala dies and acute diseaHes of men. Wash. bid.. 4th & Wash. Km. 4 1 Ml. 4t3 MRS. SKATC'N, spiritual adviser, ,S. K. graduate, magnetic healer, at lij . Park t., firKt tloor. HAvK your Hair permanently wuvvd. guaranteed to last, sanitary Beauly Parlors. 4 00 Dekum. Marshall 1 7i j. MAl'AMK Ml'N'ZIOI.i.A, 1 ristructor of palmistry and card reading. 42J1,;. Morrison. STTp1CRKI.L,"OL'S hair, moles, wartV etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. Ie Dong, 604 Swet iand-M I. Al H)K.Ll does lue WOlit Hh.hiui torlety, reasonable. Installments 2!S-S. Main 1100. I atAor -oriKUltation tree. Alain v jr i 4933. 708 Selling bldg. BALM of FitS. remedy for diseases of women. .V4 Davis t. Main 23!f?. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. 1'ainless ad justments. 31 tratnints $15 11 4th LESSONS rendlngs In phrenology and card I 225 6th st Main 7C48. ! as WHY pay big prices for glasses? I can fit your eyes with first ?uallty lenses in a gold Hied frame, as low , J1.E0: lenses duplicated at a big saving; satisfaction guaran' teed. Charles W. Goodman, optomet rist, 209 Morrison. Main 2124. LOWERED vitality cause chronic dis eases; my Improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health In rheumatism, indigestion, constipntlon. diarrhoea. lnsomnia. raraly!s .-nd all chronic ailments. Dr R. A. Phillips. 605 Oregonlan bldg. t EBVET & HANEBU1. leading wig and , uiu&eiE, unesi slock numaii heir goods; halrdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combins-s made to order. 147 Broadway. M. 64 SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. VI- gmia Rowe. Readings. hwallnir-i daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve- iiings, s o ciocK. .31 tin. Phone A-7 110. Professional and ACCORD ION PLEATINO A(OUi"ON- AND BOX J-I.KATIN.i. EMB.lOIUk.niMi. K A STUN NOVLLTV Mm. Ci S5 Mh ST., NKAK OAK. K. Sl l'Hi;. Hemstitching, accorUloa, aide and unbiirt olcjtiiig; buttona coerd, goooa ar.ui.Krd. KrUi.,,it,B. -o fit tuck blk. 11 lowi. ASPHALT EOOF PAINT. ASriiAL.1 root j.uiut Mia Irak, ooc per sal. 1'reaerirpB ailing k-, tin, pa.ir aud gral rocfu. I'ortlaul I'alot Co., 2J0 Frout. alar iliull 10(1. AUTOKOILE SCHOOLS. PACIFIC At TO AM) OAS t.NUiNS SCHOOL, UlliK YulAL. 260 Utli auil Jef'rrwin BLANK BOOK MAKERS OAVlS ft lii'i.MA.N. inc.. luu at. Blank book manufacture!: ntau Ijr Jonra lui profed Ltiosv Lcat Lcdxera. sre lh new hu-ri-ka Lear. A ;ut;t. ilo 1U. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HAUrclt'S llmsa Wurka. Brana caatintt" and machine work. Hx$ N. Mb at. B ilway 2M4J. CANOE ROWBOAT M0T0R8 THK1IA Blt(,v. BIJ ligituin bldg. CARPET CLEANINO JOVCK UHllS., Lieclrlc CliauinK Wurka. car lycla cleaned and laid. refluniK our aoeclal ty. Eaat 440. B I IMi.i. 2u L. )wt1i at.. N. CARPET WEAVING FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS WK MAKK KLLl'K Kl'US I IIOM Wnu.N "IT l.NUltALN. AXM1NS1EU. SMI UNA, AND l-.UI .sstl.S CAlil'LTS. RAO lit ti. Alb tiULS. MOl)i:U.N SA.NITAKi Ml.iH- oi. m'kc'Ial aiii;mio.n ki ob r or lOU'N (illDl-li.-S. C 11 V WllliK CALI.tU I'llll SINU lull UOOULUT, WUSTKU.N H.I1K HI u Ci'.. fi4-oti UNION AVli.. NOUlll. il1 1! '.i y- 1' AS T r.Mi: 11-1470. -NuK 1 11 W "1-.M f ULU CO., runs from old cr-iH-tH, r-K ruc. cttrpct cle.iulng. 18 h.. bltx. W .rk r.iP.nd f'T. Kuril .l.V-O. H 12tl I I..N1.N.-.1 i.a it Uuk Vora liag ruiAiiiid ptt waTiiig. l.'iH I'altog al r. VVdnV 2i CHIHOPRACTIC PHYSICIANS car ds.. UK M.MAllo.N. 121 lti n. Chronic diaeaava reqmr.ng nn-nd-d time. 31 tri-atiuenta 1j. lr. H. It. IkAfi, C'ulri.practnr. Oliatetrica. a apecially i.T4 l;. Anki-lijr. I'liom- itml (HH4. COAL AND WOOD Dry Boxwood Short Slabwood 1st Class Fir Cordwood $4,50 Portland Sln'nvi..,d i, Main HI 1ft, A 7 Ki I . NEER & FARR A-l di j- tlr, oak. ah aud Inalde bio. k wood 4 fo.it or aaivei to order. THi'phoD Main A 4.'47. Mji Waier at. COAL Box Wood $2.00 Per Load, FULTON WOOD CO.. 1200 MACADAM. I'llfl.NKS: A-2MK: MAIN 7HH0. Charcoal i:- j. KVKKTS. MAIN N7I7. OF LLltllY 8TRKKT. ioor IO0 ST UK. Jl.TS cut. SO pea. l.oo. Kegbnr'a IVn.l P.. . JHi Ii anil Vantrlin. M tl.l.MI: A-41H b). wo-xl i Orrgun liui A Mfg (t. klauQ G-SflS. A .'.Mill CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. B. K. Mil IIAtL Ac SON.. maona. cootrac-tora and biilMTii. dMy or cojitrart; all klnda of tnawin work promptly executed J n-amuablf rl a'rs. 7x11 !,Ui ar . H. K. labor 04O1. DETECTIVE AGENCIES I'uclflr tStai-a Si-.K't Srrl- Afi-nrj. C'baa. F l'rkr. lnirt 7th nnd Tarlnr. M. 703. A-lftfll. DRAFTSMAN ITllA W I .N US: Inventions, machlnra prfectad. Hons, a planued. Low rate. Lawli, 20 Ora- bom b tp, M anufacturcra- DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Cumi'li? I.i.t- dry la. I urulatihiKa. notluoa. L. Dinkelspiel Co, lW rlock lilg. cur. Oak. Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLE8 It M. tVAIH-. (s CQ-. -s.-' Hf liuw! borne LEAD PIPE. WOOL. MACHINERY NulUJlVvlOST LLAU 4k MACHlNKKi' CO Main 542 PAINT. OIL AND GLASS BABSIl'SSI.S A CO.. "Hi-b HtuDdnrd" paint. N. K. tor. .1 nnd Tarbr. M. 1771. A tlMl PERSOXAU (Continued) INFORMATION COUPON If you want the nam of a reliable business house dealing In any Una of merchandise, or information regarding resorts, hotels, riulioads, steam ship lines, etc., addreas Oregon Journal Information bureau, lnlormatlon desired: Name. Address. Coprrljht. 1815. by n. C. Fisher. 22 BERNARR MacFADDEN, graduate, conducts only HEALT1 1 ATOR1 UM In Pacific northwest using tamoun Mac FADDEN system NATl'UH CURE, DR. MaeM K KLE. 807-8 Dekum bldg. Main 359S LOUISE NETZ.F.L, trained nurse and masseuse, K'ves treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Tub baths, massage uud electrlo blanket. Lady assistant. 2i.n nth st. Mar R033. PiNKERTON a.- i ii. U. S. Detective agency, scientific d. u-ctlve work, pri vate Investigations, expert legal service. 354 I'lttock blk. Phon. Hroadway f73. READINGS t his w . . for 50c. rTST lLm.m- Mrs.Ibtrt.cr Main 6163. NOTICES Lllti 1 I. lt No l:tu -Sel...l .nl will b rwkt-d nt office f Hire!iu -lyeut, Alns fcun t'liKiui-t-i'tufc: leiuMiif.-mti. .N.-.iMie, Wlab.. not Inter tliau 11 a. m.. OcIhImt. 4. lfllfi, for lun.lier. op ,jf circular iny l. obtained men upil lent mn at tills office, 't. K UiA pwchualiiif ai'Mil ' ' Business Directory 5X1RYTHINO JET ECTRICAL rTl HPS' Klr. tll.ul ' I . nnd I'lne !. apeclmliit. MiKierate price. OIukm-. iuu pr K. r'. Cae.iy. r, 1 T liekuin l.i.m . una Wis. EDUCATIONAL DAKViHQ UlNi.LtK S Ciitlllluii Hall ami iucinjt Acad. eua. I all term uow upen. Lul l mnndard ilaneva, tlie "Muulruae" and Kiulfr a Kchol tlhclie, one ab-u una to uul. Cluu anil prl ruto luaiructlt.ii. ivl. ad). S. Mill, ufi vvn. 'liiljuui, tiilnruialn. Weil. an. I Sm. evening UK. aud Mia. Ileum a h-ii..i. Icmmjii dall. Cluha M"u., til. iv... lot M at., bet. Wash. -nnd Mark. I.owm.iih 2.'.c MUBIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS MAL. . I.4CI. AliH.l ttfui'Ui-r vl JUU. Lt- mi.i.s Iviii lu nnviia ii. 'hi' t'orilaiid. claaar liuw iifkaiiitiin. I'li.Mie l 2.1.'ll. .44 I.. 30 Ul at. k.. I lili.i.ir ,iu N . vioiiu teavUvi', iiuiii Mtvik. - n-ioii. r I ild A 4 U o W r .liali 1BJ. I'lllll . I. I, IlliUlt. IWV. bAVv.iO.N, piultu leaaulia at 1 UVX CLi-lli lnl.nr 2t'J. Lub'l.S A. CIIL.I L6 lum-lii r ul luiio. all SUeluao. C'Mlii-r I Irat. .MkiHiuII iiTja. V1UI.1.N. iluuu, liiulnlullii. Ki'liLHlok, Ai S.. crner Iv rmin). Majali all HI Ott. POPULAR MUBIC. UAiaTlMt; uu .Uuu k'uarantt'i-d livgluiaars Ij 10 lvaMiiia. I k lure iluiiik'. 1 rra uauiuuatrk- r''e i?11'1''- Lllia OlilK. -INSURANCE l'ACll'H: M Al LS fit IUL 1NSL 1L..NCM CO, iil' 'rek'.m Ilia luaiuauru i'cuiauy. LEATHLK AND bHut llMJiNUg. lOL. l.itl.lilA.N 1,1-AiilMl CO. Oldeal Illlu lu iiuriUUfM. Aki-ula ' il.nuirh'' ami I.. At M ' ule liuu.rr. .Uli Kvi-rvit at. MATTKt6ta i. i.ii. .mc ll,u niii.u ii., ou uiainaMva luildu in' Willi uul ll.-ipnl. (iro. aa. oS J lii t,ii . j r 1 1 rr I nloii. Kmi lnU4. MOPr.L AM bi-tC'lALTli MAUUM. WUa..y. AltMhlllOMJ Mill, CO.. N". 4 bfinud StT 1'iioiic- iitnva u.u. lica.iiiu.il icia lor apa Halt; niuruuH.- iu.il, Uii..kU prilcctliiff p-l luifm.il noil, ui.mIi-1 uj.iki!iK and uiltf. l'AVINO COMfAMEB 'Jlih llAUl.LK AAI'IIAl.1 1'Avl.Mj CO.. t'wl laml in in, nnriliH'k l.ll(. HUiULH blAMFS AND KLAI.i A Luu aien. ii.. tia.la inc. ki.. In aixaa, I'ACll- ii ( OA.11' tlAMP WoilixM H31 ..iiiiiti"ii .-il. Mini- i In, A J10. BAl'LTY RAZOR HOMNO A t. 1 1 IA1 A 111 K I.I.N KIMtti I. ... IN.Oj 4111. BhUf MI.1AI. Vt'UKKS 111-.! A I Ul N'., in aii.l rlroii- irmi-l i. Am in 1 -i. in. JmcoO HTOVE KLPAlIib bll LS ri.i.iuM n-ii Minn 7.'.4.. l In in. 1. 1.- lor liralara. IOWLLL SUP1-LI7L. VtlLl.lAllS ..rl .NUpPO . I., .mi. -bd Ciu t 1'liout'M. a.u.-l 14, Hull v i IKANblLR AND nTUh AGE- Oregon I lanstui Co, I.KialillHlinl Ii7i Trunnfi-r aiid Ion .ir.nnir ai'iita, eHur.iu.'. I' "' l i n.kHK. Office an. I Sloraiii.- 4? I i.linun Kt. 13th anil I.IUml A l IHK. ALWAYS I'll Iv '111 I. lllOhl' Hot hi.ll.u.i; OIHlUM HI'l.l IAI.lnI -M.ilini', Packlli-. SliippniK anil Mm mi;. H"t- ui Ann, ana. Spr. llli r 1 - 1 I . I rali'i to all points, t.. O. I'll K IHA.N.SI LK .V KiltAdK CO.. 2il and rim- Ma. Hronilwi,v ;.im;. a-Ui'.hj. TJa(;;aoi; ihasmioIi si huik lu., am PIN F. ST. M M N I -'I. A ll'OH. WALL P API.R llOHOAN WAl.L l'Al'l-.ll HI.-2U 2d al., m-ar Salmon. W1IKN y(M iniawer tbaa uul Ada uteuiluu Tli Journal. WKolcSal era PIPE WOOD PIPE POItTI.ANIl. Vini. 1 11 I. offlr iifHr 'itli nti'l oi u tot j muil Miln R4H. PLUMBING 1'11'L SftAM bblTLIES M. L. KLINE m mi n7 mi Fl.il.NI K'lURET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. SANITARY WfPINO R AOS L, Shank Co, i :u- 1 hunt HON 1. MAIN intrti. V HEN you muwfr tti-e VV i.i.t A. I, uiniillon Ttif Joiirn.il BY "BUD" FISHER FERSOJiAL (Continued )