THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 19.15. 11 RURAL CREDITS SAID TO BE URGENT NEED OF Financiers, and Merchants . Listen to. the Address of Myron T, Herrick of Ohio, FARMERS' PART IS SHOWN Adoptloa of Credit System Without State Aid eoonunended by Xx-AaibtiiMlof. "It Is American task to preserve the balance of cBvlii6atlon," maid Myron T. Herrick, former ambassador to France, to an audience In the Chamber of Com merce last night. "The world will lean uuon ua per haps more after the war than now," he predicted. Herrick defined rural credit as the thing perhaps most necessary to the nation now. That there is keen interest In. and possible acceptance of the proposition locally, was testified to by the fact that the lending bankers or Portland and vicinity and many prominent busi ness men rime to hear the address, farmers Vitally Interacted. The farmer of the country repre sent billions of dollars in invested weath. They represent the largest pro ductlons of wealth. While representa tives of capital In the city use credit through corporations and other forma of organization, farmers have no gen eral organisation by means of which they may use their credit. There should be legislation which will permit asso ciations of farmers to secure and use their credit. Rural credit should De without state aid. Briefly, the paragraphs above state HcrrlcK's thought as to rural credit. He urged close study of the rural credit bill that will come before con gress at its next session, suggesting that it will be the one the people of the country may do well to support. The enactment of rural credit legis lation, ,e added, will be but keeping the promises of Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson and their parties. Association Is Recommended. "The best breeding-ground for co operation Is an association as distin guished from a corporation or joint stock company," Herrick defined the method. "The neneral and extensive practice of cooperation in the United States Is Impossible because of the lack, of proper enabling and regulatory laws Tor associations. The recently enacted laws on credit unions and so called cooperative banks in Oregon and elsewhere are not enough. These laws tfiiil to interfere with rather than en courage cooperation The lawn to be enacted should make legally possible to lie dono through an association whatever may now be done through a corporation or joint stock company. This mentis hanking as well as com merce arid Industry." Herrick Dinner Guest. Former Ambassador Herrick was greeted at a preliminary dinner by a number o? well-known bankers and business men, the list Including: C. ( '. Chapman, George E. Hardy. Franklin T. Griffith, A. I,. Mills, K. C. Wyld. Will T. Wright. O. ('. Bortzm.yer, J. '. .Ainsworth. W. A. Macrae, J. T. Rurtch all, John Cronan, 11. W. Mitchell, Kinery Olmstead. Phil Metschan, L. A. Lewis, W. P. Jones. Henry E. Reed, James Mcl. Wood, W. M. Lftdd, H. H. Ward. C. s. Jackson, C. R. Woodruff, C. S. I.oveland, N. C. ''arpenter. Edgar If. Sensenii h. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie. W. D. Wheelwright introduced Herrick to the audience in the blue room of the Chamber of Commerce. WILLIS PREFERS TO TALK OF MOUNTAINS; BALKS AT POLITICS (Continued From Page One.) of Ohio's candidate for tbe presidency was broached to him by interviewers, he looked toward the east, his eye kindling, his whole being transfigured. Mountains Fine, indeed.. "Your mountains are ;ild to be su perb." he replied. In direct answer to the question, "lint I haven't seen any of rthetn. When 1 wus in Spokane. I tried to see Mount Spokane. When 1 was in Scuttle, 1 tried to see Mount Rainier. When I was In Taooma, 1 tried to fee Mount Tacoma; but some one had covered them with a carpet or something." But the governor was perfectly frank In discussing politics that had the personal element eliminated. "Whoever the Republicans npmlnate for the presidency will get the solid support of Ohio, and alan of all the middle western states," he declared. By One Who Sat Toward the Rear Onomatopoetic Impression of Gov ernor Herrick's Speech. (Being an argument In favor of re moving the Commercial club to the corner of East one Hundred and Klghty-fourth street and Hawthorne avenue.) "My friends" Brng . . Brrng . . Crunch . . Rum tfla . . Roar . . Clang . . Clans ( Hose City car). "Rural credits " Crzszczzsh . . Bing . . Bang . . Clumpy-clump . . Razzle . . Oazzlo . Thump . . Clang . Clang . Clang t8t. Johns car). "Rural credits " Cllckety-c'ack, clickety-clack, cliiK-.ety-clai-k (flat tire) rip-rminp-clan' (W car): ' "Rural credits " Kerrlp-ktn up . misss-sip-sip avenue car). . kcrrap . . misi. clang (Mississippi "Rural credits " CUcJc-clump-bump (six ball falls in right corner pocket somewhere down stair). "Rural credits" VVhaaslsssssx-Claxon mine cylinder motor races by). "Jtural credits"' CUng . . clang, clana, Hang, clsng (two cars pass each other). - "Rural credits " Uonk-honk-honk (Kord). Click-click (taroi i shot in the bil-liai-d room). "Rurnlcredlts ' Crunch, whack, whang, bllnu. b!anr 'entire streeUar system of Fortlan 1 ims , mobilized at Fifth and Oak treets). "I thank you.' COUNTRY NOW "Not because Republicanism Is so strong; there, but because the people want industrial expansion. The people are wondering what la going to happen when the war Is over, arid the restric tion of importations is removed. "There are three big questions that cause the people unrest. They are the tariff, the merchant marine and tho Panama canal. "Sentiment for a protective tariff Is growing all the time. I told a man the other day, when he was arguing that the removal of the tariff on wool had not hurt our sheep Industry, that prosperity that is built on dead men cannot stand. What Is gom? to happen In this country when the effect of the war no longer counteracts the tffec of the low tariff? Merchant Marine Urged. "Also the people want our merchant marine built up. You would be sur prised to learn the Interest In the mer chant marine In the Interior states. You are more interested directly o-it here, of course, but the people tverv where realize that general prosjJet'tv depends upon world markets. Tne people do not like the seamen n l ih. The people don't like the Indirect for eign control of the Punania 'anal which the I'nlted States built aiid ro ' which we urn responsible. The -inal should be for American ships and revival of the tolls question is going to be one oX the big issues. "Then there is the question of na tional defense. I hope that will not be made a party issue I do not think it will. But the people are growing restive under our lack of prepared ness." People Love President Wilson. "But the people love President Wil son. He is big and broad and syic pathetic. He is bigger than his par:.'. He had had a hard row to hoe. His personal bereavement:-, the fight lie has had with congress, the intricate foreign problems that he has faced and faced well endear him the more to the people. "But the presidency is bigger even than the individual. That must be ad mitted." "But, governor," he was asked. ".Sup pose the war lasts over another yeur as It probably will. What of the ad Portland Day Oregon State Fair Thursday, September 3 O Special Train Going Returning Lv. Portland .... 8:30 A.M. Lv. Salem 4:25 P.M. Lv. East Mor. St. 8:40 A. M, Lv. Fair Grounds . . 4 :40 P. M. Ar. Fair Grounds .10:3 5 A. M. Ar. East Mor. St. . .6:40 P. M. Ar. Salem 10:45 A.M. Ar. Union Depot. . .6:50 P. M. Stopping at intermediate points to pick up passengers for State Fair. Train No. 17 leaves Portland at 8:50 A. M. and No. 5J at 12:40 P. M., stopping at Fair Grounds. $2.00 Tickets on sale every day this week. Exciting Horse Races Every Day Friday is Press Day, Scandinavian Day, Manufacturers' Day. Saturday is Shriners' Day. Grange Day, Pioneer Day and Carnival Night. Further particulars at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth street; cor. Oak, Union Depot or E. Morrison Depot. SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. TO THE STATE TOMORROW ELKS' DAY - PORTLAND DAY BY SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVING 8:30 A. M. AT TENTH AND STARK STS. VIA Oregon Returning on Special Train same evening, or any regular train 'until October 6. Elks and their families are invited to join this official train party leaving Tenth and Stark streets at 8:30 A. M., sharp and enjoy the entertainment at Salem and the great Oregon State Fair. $2 Round Trip to Salem Tickets on sale at Fifth and Stark, Tenth and Stark, Tenth and Morrison, North Bank Station and Jefferson Street Station. visability of 'swapping; horses In mid stream T' "I am In favor of it," he replied. "That won't make any difference. Whatever man can be elected to the presidency can be trusted to handle the torelgn situation." Swine Breeders Meet at Salem Members Decide to Protest Against Some State Pair Bales and Also to Investigate P.-P. I. . Quarantine. Salem, Or., Sept. 28. The annual meeting of the Oregon Swine Breeders' association was held at the state fair grounds last night. It was decided to protest against the present system of allowing an exhibitor only one prize in each class, when there Is no competi tion, regardless of the number of ani mals he shows. The association will endeavor to have the rules changed. It was also decided to learn defi nitely the effect of the ruling Of offi cials of the Panama-Pacif'c fair in barring swine and other livestock from Oregon arid the) northwest, on the ground that It had been contaminated by contact with stock from Iowa and Minnesota which have been quaran tined for foot and mouth disease. The following officers were elected: Thomas Brunk, Eola, president; Lee Fletcher, R. W. Hogg, Professor Samp son of the O. A. C. and J. Wlllard, vice presidents; G. O. Swales, secretary-treasurer. WOMAN SLIGHTLY HURT Palling from a St. Johns streetcar at Broadway and Washington street about 8 30 o'clock this morning in a faint. Miss Ada Webber, aged 23 yArs, of 243 Wert Killingsworth street, was (slightly injured and was taken to St. Vincent's hospital. She was able to go to her home this afternoon. When writing or ealliug ou adTcrtlsera, pleane mention Tbe Journal. (Adv.) State Fair and Back FAIR Ry. Unusual Claim Filed Against the ' City of Portland One of the most unusual claims ever made on the city ift for damages was filed with City Auditor Barbur this morn- 41 ing by Dwain Hartman, who wants the city to pay him $5236.15 for injuries to his left eye. He contends that he was afflicted with eye trouble while under quarantine for smallpox and not securing medical treat- ment now has a serious injury. He asks for 1236.15 for medi- i cal treatment and incidental ex- $ penses and $5000 damages for physical pain, suffering and permanent Injury to his eye. Unemployed May Be Registered The city's advisory committee on employment recommended to the coun cil yesterday that no time be iost ir. reorganizing the municipal free em ployment bureau, establishing It on a cooperative basis with the govern ment's employment bureau maintained in Poftland In connection with the im migration service. This and other rec- i ommendatlons will be prepared at one as ordinances to he submitted to the council. The committee recommended the tak ing of r cer.Mis of the uticrnpioyed. or rather the registration of all who apply for jobs, giving firM prefeieii'c t- married men with families and single men with dependents, and second pref erence to unmarried men who are local residents. C 79 Sfl0- 0 I VUU round trip $71 OA St. Louis 1 1 'Lyj round trip C Gfl flfl St Pan!, Omaha 0 UU uuKai Kansas City $11070 New York round trip And many other places in like proportion $65.70 to Des Moines; $55 Denver, $83.50 Detroit. Daily. LOW FARES EAST EXPIRE SEPT. 30 Also, Routings via . California. Trains the Traveling Pub lic Approve for quality service! "THE NORTH BANK LIMITED" Daily at 7:10 P. M. "INLAND EMPIRE EXPRESS" Daily at 9:55 a. m. For Spokant, St. Paul, Chicago SS "Great Northern" and "Northern Pacific" Reser vations for California and Railroad Tickets to any point. Ticket Office 5th and Stark The North Bank Station 1 0th and Hoyt AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE Saturday, Oct. 2, 10 a. m.,at 210 FRONT STREET Bankrupt Stocks of the Koeebnrg Feed ft Fuel Oo. and the Cooperative Supply House. Consisting of 1 New Way Zhi H. P. tas tigine; 1 2-ton warehouse Fair banks' Scale; 1 light Moline Wa gon; 1 2-horse Hotel Bus; John Deere and other Plows; lot John Deere Plow Shares, steel and cast; new and second hand Cream Separators; 1 1-ton plat form scale; 2 and 4-wheel floor trucks' 1 large low-down Force Pump; lot of Incubators; lot of Brooders; lot of Hillock Weeders; Harness; Wagons: Potato Diggers; Litter Carriers and Track for same; lot of Hay Tools; 2, :S and 4-horse Hitches; Singletrees; SVray Pumps: Well Pumps; Pitchforks; Spades and Shovels: Farm Wagon Re pairs and other farm Implements too numerous to mention. Also 1 Grocer's Computing Scale; Fire Proof Safe; Electric Coffee Mill; 1 Cash Register; 1 Wayne, one Bowser Oil Tanks; Meat Slicer; Floor and Counter Show Cases. About 20 kegs Nails: stock food, etc.. etc. 1 Cement Brick Machine and Molds. TERMS CASH. J. T. WILSON Auctioneer. FUNERAL ! Brantlfol adult plah : or broadcloth easket. j embalming, rough box, hecne. two llmoaaluea I and se-vlrea for More reaaoonble fu nerals for 120,. flO. $60. Higher prloeu (uow ! r' In proportion. We make our am ra t- . keta. Ladjr assistant. Private funeral cbapel. MILLER & TRACEY ! IKDEPEHDi-Mi TVUhB-AL CIRECTORS i Wavhlnrtnn and Ella Sta. Main 2HG1 : A-7HH3. WANT AD RATES In effect October 1. 1814, ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS Dally or Sunday. 1 ccbU per word per Insertion. Thla cbargt U for all olaaalfkatlond. ex cepting "Kor Eent In Prlrata Kamlly." "Room and Board In PrJ?at Family." "Situation Wantrd" and "Wanted to Kent' ada. which are 14 caiita per oM per Insertion. No ad charged for ss than 15 -nt. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS lVj cents per word for all classifications, excepting "For Keut In Private Eanjily." "Room and Board In Private -Family." Situa tion Wanted" anl "Wanted to Rent" ads. which are W cent per word. Consecutive insertion of cash want ada: S Insertions for the price ef 2. T Insertions for the price of 3 VI 1 s $7 41! COBLES The Shrine, will attend the state fair, Saturday, October i, j 1 a 1 0. The Shrine special train will leave by the j Oregon Electric from the .North Bank depot at 8:30 a. m., Jefferson street S:50, arriving at Salem Tickets for return good 10:30 a. m. on all regular trains until Monday. The Salem Nobles are making preparations to furnish automobiles, entertainment and refreshments. The state institu-i tions will be open. A grand lnlormai ' ball will be held in the evening. This is the first time that the Salem Shrin- J ere have taken full charge of the affair. It is the wish of the potentate that members attend. Wear your fez. Tick ets may be secured at North Bank ticket office. 5th and Stark Ms. Take your wife or sweetheart. C. B. Tl'RLAV, A. L. STEPHENS. A. W. OKTOX. Committee. j WASHINGTON Lodge, No. i 46. A. F. and A. M. The 1 V M wonM unnrlaU the jBX' attendance of the officers. degree team and quartet for , rehearsal and drill tomorrow Thursday) evening, at 8 o clock. , Please do not fail. - J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary BL'NNYSIDH IUGE, No. 163. A. F. & A. M. Special communication Thursday eve ning. E. 34th and Yajnlull sis. Work in M. M. degree. Vis itors welcome. By order of E. M. LANCE. Secretary. W. M. -e Ufyv REGULAR meeting this (Wednesdav) evening. E. (Q- 6th and Aider sts. Vislt ors cordiallv invited. Ini tiatory degree: V. W. TERRY, Sec. Vital Statistics marriages, Births. Deaths MARRIAGE LICENSES J. B. Mangold, Uerrala, Or., legal, and Lena Knutson, 287 Clay st.. legal. Wllllnm Anderson, U23 Michigan a., 21, and Eya Blschoff. Lenta, Tl. AlTa R. Preston, 1C84 Clereland are., le gal, and Mary Seidl. Trootdale, Or., legal. William B. Lajton. Tudar Arnii apta., le gal, and Anna Uarian Keller, 60S Taylor at., legl. Wright Darts. Gresham, 31. and Leona 1 Tlan Craaay, Lents, 17. A n Crv-,l U P.. Prv Weddin and VV. Ui Oil II 111 u. viMitlna Carda Third floor Morpan bldg. WEDDING r'ngs sold by weight. N. Solomon, Jeweler, 331 Mor. rison. opp. Portland hotel. UKKfcS suits for rent, all sues. Unique Tailoring- Co.. 30S Stark st. BUSINESS CARDS MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Fiowera for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 2 87 Morrison at. Main or A-1S05. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. FUNERAIj DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment with private driveway. J. P. F INLET & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 220 Sd St., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A luil. Alain 607. Dunning & McEnteeoT.rj" every detail. Bru&dway and Pine st. Broadway 430. A-403H. Lady assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Li rectors Eat Alder st.. Lust 52, B-625. 414 A R pllir Cn a)ti VUUiains ave. Ai 111 -CllaI jJ, Jiajst ,iuft, C-lOSs. Lady attendant. Day and night service. Walter C Kenworthy 1532-1S34 15. 13th. Sell. 71, B-112S. bULLiU 6s XHACi, independeut lu ueiai directors, prices luw as $20, $40, $60. Wasn and Llla. M. iitisl, A-ita&. A. D. KLNWOHTiii & CO. Calls promptly ausweied in all parts or cit;-. 1. O. O. F. uldB., Leats. Taoor 5267. Chambers Co,rK8eTyrlhwoMo7: lawn 3306, C-113 3. Lady embaimer. BREEZE SNOOK, H-liol, ' iisa, lOto ttelmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. R. T. RrvnP w"Uan and Ktoit. Hi I i UljrilC Eat 1116 c.1943 FRIPSON KSiDiiNCiil UMI. PLS. P. L. LEKCH, leading eaat side under taker. E. 11th & Clay, ri-hss, K. 71. CKFWF Undertaking Co. ilaln 4152 orr-vv ro A.23;il Cor 3d and CUy r-inmil nn ttilt 6ula anJ Ullaau. Fu I Idl I III lUI I perai services. Tabor 4313. MONUMENTS MARBLE AN'L GRANITE WORKS. Finest marble and granite from ow Oregon quarry; 287 Hawthorne ave. SCHANKN -BLAIR CO. PORTLAND MAKBLL WKS., 64-266 4th Kt.. opp. city hall. Main &561. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. BLAESING GftANfTETCCi FOR SALE HOUSES 51 ROSE CITY l'.UlK ii 1,'NGA LOW. If you are lookiug for a home be sure and see this, Vs block troin Sandy blvd., on 52d St., 5 rooms and sleeping porch, bookcases, buffet,, china cloets, electric fixtures. furnace. laundry trays, kitchen cabinets, everything up to date, improvements all In and paid; price 30nti; ea" terms. Tabor 2124. FOR SALE or exchange, new i room modern House. J to you w ant a home close in? Have you ot a lot.' Do you want to trade it for a House that will suit you? 1 have the house. I can use your lot. If you are interest ed, let us talk business. Call owner. Tabor 1(82. BROADWAY ADDITION New 7 room house and lot. 979 Tillamook st., op posite Fernwood school, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace, marked down to iluO'J, but worth more; only $10110 cash required. See owner, 701 Board of Trade hldsr. DON'T be short lighted. Investigate our home building plan before you build. It will save you muh money and grief. And remember, we can fi nance the cost on your lot or ours. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Ban k bldg. YOUNG widow, must sell $1800 mod ern S room bungalow, corner, genu ine cash bargain, or trde for good lots, acreage, improved or unim p roved. 4'J E. 32d. or. Grant. FORCED SALE. 8 room plastered house, good condi tion, $125", $700 ash. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165'i 4th st. $900 Terms, room house, 2 lots, ce ment walk. 2 i ai lines. J. S , 2103 uod st S. E. Is E W i room house, nice corner lot, $600; anything useful to $200. bal. eaf'- Ci-548, Journal. DON'T pay rent, buy 2 lots, house, gas, water, fruit, 5c fare, good home. East 6619. HorSES. terms. E. 8th and Magnolia, Wood'awn. BUNGALOW PLaS, ft. IB. A. WILLIAMS. COD M-KAY BLDG. MEETING NOTICES A 10 WE will furnish you lot, any good dis trict, and build borne according to your ideas. Terms easy, like .rent. Don't fall to investigate our plan. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. $500 CORNER view lot. Kings Heights. terms. Owner. R-345. Journal. $1260 Lot 624x160, fine view, weft slope Mt. Tabor. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. IRV'INGTON sacrifice, fine lot 1750, one third cesh. V-427, Journal. ACKEAGE 10 ACRE!), 5a0. 4 miles from Yamhill, shack house, barn 16x20, new wood shed, chicken house, smoke house, 2 acres in culti vation, land all tillable, fruit trees, and alt kinds of berries, telephone in the house, 3360 cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. 78 Acres, All in Cultivation River bottom, good buildings, or chard, creek. 2 miles from town, cream, mail and Tel. route. Will sell on easy terms to right party. Owner. 625 Hawthorne ave. Gibson Halt Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit Purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or ellwood 476. John H Gibsor.. owner. $5.50 PEJ.1 ACRE 400 acres, Tillamook Co., close to Wilson river, and the village of Wil son: $1000 cash, balance 3 years. Of course it Is a snap. Fred W. Germaa Co. 782 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT or ea.e, fine suburban home, consisting of 2 acres, plenty of apples, other fruit and roses. room house, barn and garage. All mod ern improvements. Water system. V 425. Journal. HPFX1A1. PRICE. Only $;",U(i per ai re for 4 acre., all i lea red. fine soil, close new car line, near Milwcukie. Fred A. Kinj, 3H Spalding bldg. CHICKUN. FRUIT. GARDEN Ranches near Portland. 2, 5. 10 acre tracts, best solL good roads, near electric, $65 to 1200 per acre, easy terms. McFarland, 809 Yeon bldg;.. Portland. 15 ACRES Vols, Fine soil, easy clearing-, nearly all level, can all be farmed. Easy terms. F. B. HOLBRUOK CO., 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. STOP thai rent and buy a half acre tract in city limits; level, cleared, Bull Run water, gas, 5c carfare; fit) down, $5 per month. A. W, Dambert Ar Son. 404 K Alder. Eat 640. $5 CASH, t"i month gets you acreage for home; ketp cow, chickens, garden, save cost of living, work In town, 30 minutes out. Smith, .'32 Vs Washington st., room 20. 1 HALF acres, quarter acres, in bearing ! fruit, close to new Kennedy school ! and Alberta car; fine soil, no rock or ; gravel; $350, 11.00 down, $1.00 ween. ! S'Jti IClcrtric bldg. AT a sacrifice. 5 or lu acre tracts of good, level and cleared land, fine water, near electric depot on went side. Address owner. XK-D24, Journal. I 4 ACRE homesite. in cultivation, on cariir.e, near Milwaukle; value t320u Must have cash, J200U takes it. V-426, I Journal. t per month buys an acre tract on 10c fare, on good road, close to station; price zuu. journal, ONE-HALK acre and 4 room bungalow for $600, $6o down, $10 per month, close to Portland. E-565. Journal. FOR SALE: FARMS 17 DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 79 acre ranch, 45 In cultivation, bal ance easy cleared; all fenced and cross tenced, running creek, 6 room house, hot and cold water, bath, gas plant and good fixtures, barn 82x100, with large shed, 4 poultry houses, 4 hog houses, 4 thoroughbred cows, 1 registered Jersey bull. 3 head heavy draft horses, 3 Incu bators, 1 incubator house, 2 brooders, 1 wagon, 1 buckboard, 3 plows, 3 culti vators, seeder, mowing machine, broad cast seeder, harrow, 1 John Deere ma nure spreilder, blacksmith shop and tools. This is an ideal farm, ready to move on; price $9000, half cash, or will accept highly improved 10 acre tract close to good school as first pay ment with small amount of cash. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 20 acres, 16 miles out. 2V4 to Sher wood. Vi to Tualatin river, spring, level, on road, splendid soil, cost me $100 per acre, raid In U0, will sell equity for 1400. small payment down. balance yearly payments. 310 Spalding Bldg. Main 65S4. 4S acres, $650u. $1000 down, balance to suit. 0 acres for clear city prop erty. Trottor, 514 Brooklyn. 1 MI ST have money. 40 acres in Wash. $50. Come quick. Marshall 2595 FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY US 1 WANT to rent 120 or 160 acre farm with some stock and equipment, adapted to raisins hogs. Ii. C. Cramer, 1 ao Belmont St., Portland. Or. WANTED Partially improved ranch or good relinquishment, coast pre- j rerrea. iie t uiiiyieie ueatji jiumi nriu l.risnrst letter. jv-o.).-. journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FARM3 FOR RENT AND STOCK FOR SALE. 63 acres. T.O a'-res In cultivation, fu 1 set of buildings, hearing orchard, on good gravel road. .1 miles from town with R. R. and boat transportation. Stock and implements for sale. 80 acres, 60 acres in cultivation, full set of buildings, 4 acres In bear ing orchard. 7 miles out, on good macadam road. Stock and imple ments for sale.- 83 acres. 45 acres under cultivation, setof buildings, 20 acres more slashed. 2i milts from town, on good road. 100 acres river bottom dairy, most all in cultivation, fine buildings and fully equipped. Stock and implement for sale. THOMPSON & SWAN, 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wasn. TIMBER TIMBER Fir and pine, very reason able. For partirulars address 11U3 E. lfith st. N . Portland. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE li-l WANT A FARM. Will trade 7 room, strictly modern residence, value $4fi00, clear, for Im proved farm, 25 to tio acres. Assume or pay cath to $7000. It. F. Feemster, 309 A b i n g ton bl d g. HALF section good rich soil. 80 acres bottom land, stock and Implements, adjoins outrange, near Portland; will taka $&t)00 in trade for Portland clear property and $2500 cash, balance long time. 940 E. lth st. S. EAST OF MoNTAVILLA. Beautiful 5 acre tract near Ascot; mortgage $1275, due 2 Va years; will exchange for bungalow and assume equal amounts. Fred W. German Co., 732 ('hamper of Commerce. I HAVE $100it cash and $12,000 equity in business corner which brings $1200 Income; want farm and will as sume to $3000. Y-747. Journal. FIVE acres. 8 miles from Lents, main road, exchange for desirable lot along river, near Portland. 342 1st L EIGHTY' acres easily cleared for 1 acre with building. Box 105, Oak Grove, Or. I MODERN 4 -room apartment house and I clear business block, income $176 mo. t Want riverfarrn :tockpd Tabor 1697. ClTY lot wanted, deal, lor new piano. State location and price. Q-623. LARGE or small farms. Sell or e change. Wolfstein, 249 Stark. TEN a'-res at Beaverton Improved, for ilv property. Box 5 7 Beaverton. Or. RESTAURANT - Exchange or rent; must leave city. 17 Madison st. NEW piano for clear lot. State lo- cauoa inu v'o- iii m su FOR SALE LOTS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Continued) GROCERY FOR HOME. Must exchange at once grocery stock worth $4000, with Income business of $2500 per month, for home to $4000; fierson making trade can rent present ocatlon. tSee this man at once at Ex change department The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. aMrshall 3719, A-8291. HOUSE AND TWoTofii WANTED. 5 acres near Clackamas, all in culti vation, private water system, good barn, ennerete foundation for house; want house and 2 lots in any part of city; price $4000. LI" EDDEM A N N COMPANY", 913 Chamber of Commerce. HERE'S What you want: 2 acres, well imuroved, kki1 buildings, unincum bered, close In; want city residence. 3JJ.' Panama bldg. WANTED REAli ESTATE 31 WANT a Portland residence worth $4500 clear of incumbrance; hav $1000 first mortgage, h'y.; 40 acres of land 16 miles from Portland with house, partly cultivated. 3 cows and thickens, value $40tni, mortgage $1390 4 years, also 75x100 lot, clear. Phone Tabor 5571. WANTED From owner, lot in Laurel. hurst or Hawthorne district. Will exchange dandy Rose City lot; might pay some difference. Phone after 6 p. m., Tabor 651. WANT a modern 7 room, clear, will trade 14 acres of land. Box 96, Slier wood. Or. I WANT to buy a place close in, pay ments like rent. Y-704, Journal. HOUSE, flats or stores wanted to $6000. Exchange lots. Main 1166. ROOMING HOUSES S3 A MODERN PLACE. 16 rooms; fine furniture; best loca tion to make money. Lady will sacri fice for half cost of furniture. See this bargain; price $750. 1 Ntj I " 1 R E SX KITH, NEAR STARK. A REAL BARGAIN. 12 rooms, near 12th and Jefferson, all nice and clean; electric lights, large vard, price $240. half cash. CALL 8h 10T11, NEAR STARK. 11 ROOMS, all 11. K., rent $25; clears $25 over rent, besides 2 rooms for self; must sell. Make me a offer. 374 2nd st. ONLY' $150 buys furniture, 8 room house, rent only $12 per month; walking distance, conveniences. Owner, 515 Johnson Ht. ROOM1 NG house, Tz rooms, bargain ior quicK saie. zi i.un st. BUSINESS Ol'l'ORl UNITIES 20 BARBER WANTr.u. Wo furnish 2 white chairs for St. Francis hotel barber shop, Albany, Or.: special low rent, with llKhts. heat Hnd hot and old water, tile lioor, Illinoi s in wall, adjoining beautiful lobby, want up to dale workman. Answer quick. E. II. HIluuEH, Proprietor, HARDWARE STORE. $45J buys clean stock and fixture Owner selling out to go cast. Rent $15. 1417 Sandy o'.yd., at 6?d st. Pay ing residence location with good fu ture. Call and see it. LADY partner wanted in light gro cery and delicatessen business; re quires $250 cash; am young lady; wil' give and expect good references. Call o!7 Ra,fTway Exch an g e ALTO garage and repair shop; open ing for reliable man as partner; owner will teach you the business; food profits assured. Inquire 317 Railway Exchange. WANTED A man who can furnish references and invest $300 wild services in a business where owner will guarantee you 7a to $1UU month H room 3 29 Mu r g a n b '. d g. AUTOMOBILE business. Partner wanted to sell supplies, gasoline, etc. Good pay. Requires a very small investment. Call room 829 Morgan bldg.. ONE of the best paying pool halls In tbe heart of Portland for sale; lo cated in a popular office bldg. For further information addreas N-897, Journal. WORKING MAN'S hotel. 30 rooms, all furnished, stands closest Investiga tion; must sell at once. $700. Wolf stein. 24'J Starke FOR SALE or trade: Meat market, slaughter house and 80 acres land, eastern Oregon. Sell or trade separate. WE manufacture Imperial Wonder Paint and make a specialty of patch ing and painting roofs. We guarantee 3 to 6 years. Jackson & Hill, Tabor 447. 1000 Business Cards 75c Ryder Ptg. Co., K. W. cor. 3d a Morrison. TRANSFER business lor sale that will stand closest investigation; good reason for welling. 1 U6 7 6, Journa 1 LAIJY partner for candy store. Cap ital required, $75 or $100. Rent free. 703 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE Shoe shop, N. 4th et low rent; cash, $7. Y-746, Journal. MONE1 TO LOAN RRAL ESTATE 27 LOANS' on Improved city property or for building purposes; adavnee made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. I1. Lipscomb, H2 Stark st. Main 4420. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE, 701 Selling Bldg. BUILDING loans ou city and suburban property; money aavuncrd as work progresses. W. G. Beck, Hilt .Falling oldg. Mala 3407. WE will finance your home on your own lot or one ol ourfc, eaay terms. The Oregon Home Builders, 130 Nt W. Bank bldg CAN loan you money on first ciass close lu improved residence property. The Oregon Home Builders, Hid N, VV. BanK Plug Cash paid tor merlrfaea, notes, ex tracts; mortgage loans, reasonable rates. K. H Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. HiU.Nt.1 to lotto in amounts ol tiuv 10 JJuuu on city property. A. H. Bell, 2Ui Gerllnger otug. Wui; i'GAGE loans, u vs to i. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., Stock Exch., ed and iuuihill. i' VOU OWN A OT viS U WISH TO BUILD. COME IN A.NL SEE Lit. CtlUia, OAK, si, $100.u00 on moiigage, city and iaj at property. Die insurance. McKensle & i:o,. ieriinger otug., t ,q anu Aider, juu.Mij: to ioair'tt to y. W. 11. isciut & i o., 310 biau4ing bldg. U,uuU OR bf-oe, Jf'AKKlMUlUOi, mi -tin st. xioafl of i raiia bldg. v kluu'i up tu tauuu to loan ou city or lar.u progeny, labor ioiv iuu, tU'J, duii, luu, $iuu, red W, German Co.. 72 chamber of Coin. $5uo up. 7 and b, uu couiuiiss;on, an delay. Ward, 4U7 Spalding bldg. iloKHJAUE LOANS, 6 and Louis Salomon al Co.. 300 Oaa at., near 6th. Lo"ANSCity, 5 !-&. Farm. 7-8.-, DORR E. KEASEt" & CO., 27 Stark. $loou TO $2y0 on good real estate. A. J. Farmer, 40V block Exchange. MONEY TO VOAS CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 SALARY LOANS SALARY LOANS Being salary Joan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give the Quickest possible ervice. Business strictly confidential. REMEMBER. We are licensed and therefore RELIABLE. STATE SECURITY, 308 Falline- bldg. Loans at Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain notes, on furnUure, or anything of value. You can get It today. Portland Loan Co,, Licensed . Licensed by State. Ill DEKUM BDILDINO. Third and Washington. 07 i. i- m mm i IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JBWICLRT AI EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest re tall jewelry stores in tbe city. A loan de pertinent is conducted in oonneotlon with same, making business BTRICT ' LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutelf signs designating loan business ols played in front of our store. Ail mer chandiue pledged is held for a perlo4 -of 12 months, whether or not interest Is puld when due. We are licensed and have been established since llet. No connection with any other loan establishment in tnis city. A. A M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington at. MONET AT ONCE. LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST. Diamonds, Jewelry. Musical Inst. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Dept. for Ladles. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed), 20 Lumber Ex bldg.. Id and Stark eta LOANS WANTED 80 $400 9, ONE YEAR. 160 acres, 1 mile from Waldport. partially improved, value $100, as sessed value $S00. Fred W. GrmiO Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FINANCIAL fit FIRST and second mortgages, also iel lers' interest In oontracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. U. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HELP WANTED MALE GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet B Y $68 tell how. Write today NOW. EARL HOP iviisM, Washington, D. C. SALESMEN WANTED if von can sell goods, we need you. Cash weekly. Outfit nee. Address M, Cap ltal City Nursery Co.. Salem, Q. W A NTEI Man to work on larm. fn quire ini Milwaukle St. EMPLOYMENT department 1. M. C, Service free to members. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, day and night classes; expert train lng In repairing, driving and machine, work, forage, lathe, shaper, drill prase, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at educational office, Y. M. O. A. bids;. Inspect our shop and methods. Com-, pctent chuuff euros and mechanic sup plied. t THOUSANDS government Johe open to men and women, $75 month; rapid promotion. Write immediately fur JlaL Franklin Institute, Dept. 34G. Roobee ter. N. Y" t MEN wishing government lobs, $7tf; mouth, should apply immediately fop lnfoy n i ntlon. Address EX-582, Journab LEWES HOTEL AGENCY, TiTvir Coucb st., headquarters for cooka. hotel, domestic help. Broadway Mill. COOK headquarters California Win Depot. 2 31 Yam hi ljt ear 6th. UNCALLED for tailor made suite tS.Bt "PJTaylor the tailor. 2KB ft Burnwlde USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu- ' niatlsin; 6i tablets 26c. All drugglste HELP WANTED FEMALE ' WANTED young lady living home to solicit by telephone, must have some business ability; state ago, give telephone num ber. K-K14. Journal. GOOD opening lor honest, industrloue and good looking girl for offloe work References required. Apply CrytHai Laundry office, 327 Stark st., between 4 and 6 p. m. Thursday. WANTED A lady capable of making curled hair and wool nmttreaaej; also wool comforters. Must have some means. P- 4 74, Journal. GIRL wanted for light housework;' moderate wages. Apply 14 College, corner 5th. c WANTED- Fur operator. S P. Rum melln's Son & Co., 417 Dekurn bldy, HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE AND 20 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The. only chain of school a In tbe world.! Send for free catalogue. Moler Barber' College. H, 4 8 N. 2d st. .' OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn tbe barber trade. In 8 weeks; positions secured; paid while learning,. Special summer course.; tuition reduced. 233 Madison st ' WANTED AGENTS 6, BIG money for agents; start a watch ' ( lull in your town, $25 a week and ! more, according to your ability; par- j titulars free. Continental Sales Co.,, 1' O box 944. Astoria. Or ' SITUATIONS MA LE HAVE small auto, Would like posi tion as collector or ueuverer ior re sponsible firm. Can rive good refer ence. Phone E, $164. 191 Adams t. YOUNG man with wheel, attending college, desires position on Satur days. East 6400. WH EJ you want carpenter for any kind of work, phone East 361. ' WANT Job driving truck or car, or' wcuin worK in garage. an labor Zs ' EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants position, iast sv. PAPERING and tinting cheap. Tabor ItZoB. SITUATIONS FEMALE DO you want a housekeeper? Posi tion where there are children no ob jection. Has experience and is eco- nomicai in management, x-ibl, journal YOUNG Taffy wltll 5-year-old gTFl wants position as housekeeper or any kind of work, city or country, small wages. O-bfiQ, Journal. STEADY, reliable Swedish girl, expert- , encen, wants place as cnarnoer maiq. or gonerat housework. Good references. Marshall 2508, or 560 Hoyt St. WANTED Chamber work or second work, by experienced lady. Phone M. S821. Room 65. YOUNG lady wishes work by day or' hour. 2uc per hour. Phone Tabor 17, LACE curtains washed, stretched. called for. 25c a pair. Main $99b. DAY work wanted by reliable womaa. Phone V.ast 31 M. GIRL wants work in coffee-house Of cafeteria. Phone W i"nlawn 77. GIRL wants office work, reasonable' wages. Woodlawn 7 7. WANTED Work by hour or day. Ri-' liable, references. Phone E. 683$. ; DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSES, suits, makeovers, at home or out. Mks Beruhard, C720 23d ave. Tebor 3362. FURNISHED K0i3 For Rent, Furnished Rooms $2, $2.60, $3 ROOMS. Can be secured now for II. 60 each, to steady tenants only. Call after 1:30 p. m., at 3 Hi 6th st. M, ORAJL. Proprietor. Outside IViaUJUd IIUICI rooms $3 up, court I rooms, mi. 12.60 up. By day 60o, 760. f 12 cor . Uth and Washington sts. MONEY TO JLOAN . CHATTELS. SALARIES Cofltuuea) LARGE nicely furnished sleeping rooms, bath, best, light, phone; walk- ; ' lng distance, cheap. i21 13th, corner : Salmon. ' A6TEL e6RfoVA, itit nfU Hf . '.. 2 Best rooms for price with use of 99- operative kitchen. Main 0412. -. g r )t THE HA EL urnihed rooms. Hot - ; n rid -old wn'er. .TSP 3d St. Si .o WFKK up; clean, warm, modern fl;, r r,y . . utral. The King, I0 Jef. iYooi) rirxn rorns, $ per woek aixJ 27 1 '? Morrison m., inr, atn, Nlreiy furnishedDTT o day UP, : 228 Wash st. nDDU I I tl.0 wk.wp. ROOMS and aparttnenta in roodera hotel. $2.6j wee k and up. 486 Alder . (ConUnuea om 2eit Pae , 1