10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1915. PRICE OF LOW SMALL MOVEMENT OF IN THE WILLAMETTE Business Is Nut Brink side Prices Are N Healers as Vet Do Chance Shipment!. Because Out ::t Hlh and Not Want to P-mall purchases Willamette valley of potatoes arc ooinis. Home reported at f Infill use arc finding f. n. I Welle for xce.-tcd hn it ualii ut -Vic generally, suitable for Kan Francisco's best trade us high paid In It irrj limited .!. Total niovptnfiil of pot.it. eH as i.."c. la being t..es to Hie outside l.'.snifK- i nominal a rather ilmlt-l. A I I.. because seller In-: take cl.ani-es of l Digging opfrml' point will lie'-oiDC ; :r. . hf i : ui ivi llttic lo iIihI nt. e hli'i'iiif nt Hi V I i In ii .--tie v:illey - ? i - in I for tin- late -ro iltliln u Khoi-t t i i ri -. h 1 1 1 , . . . . k 1 1 "'on' riilnlall la needed to make tin- vvji k 'i i f r. (Jiinlltv of i. resent an 1.1U of potatoes Ii generally vi-ry irood. and i" Oiove ini'iit I f vm . t'l I" tl.nl ri-nson t'.ie ne lilietal utlhln et-i are not .vet short tiuif il liulslile mar. TKANSPOKTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chang En Rout) The Biff. Clean, Comfortable, Elegantly Appointed. Sea-Ctolng tan:sbip BEAVER Balls Prom Alnsworth Dook 3 P. M., Oct. 3 100 Golden Milaa on Columbia Rlvor. All Kates Include Uertn and Meala. Tables and Service Unexcelled. The Baa lranciaco b Portland S. B. Co.. Third and Washington St. (With O-W. B. It :T. Co.) TeL Broad, way 4600. A-6131. "QBEAT NORTHERN" "NORTHERN PACIPIC" Twin "Palaceaj of tha Paclflo" rUESDAY. THURSDAY, SATURDAY FOB SAN FRANCISCO 130 Uouud Trip. One way , $1. i ao. ml Ilertb. Ini'lutling MeaM Only 28 bourn at Iicllfhlfiil acenlc ride lions. tVltitnhla Hlver on atiatuer train from NoitL Rank atiiilon. n. m Arrlrea 4.23 p. ui.. Suniliiy, ftdneioHy, Vrlday, NORTH BANK TICKET OFFICE, Ith ana Btark Fbonea ildwy. B0; A-8671. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. San Francisco SANTA BARBARA. AND BAN lAifi ANOELE3 lUKGO SS. ELDER Balls Wednesday. Sept. 39, 6 P. M. COOS BAY ET7K1ZA AND SAN FRANCISCO S. S. SANTA CLARA Balls Thursday, Sept. 30, 6 F. IX. Ticket Ollice 123 A TnUd Fhonee Main 1314, A-1314 Freight and Passenger BTEAM.fc.H8 TO THE DALLES And Way Landings. "BAILEY GATZERT" Leaves Portland dally at 7 A. M., except Son. day and Monday. Sunday eicursh.es to Caa cade Lucks leave 9 A. JJ. Ketura 5:45 p. m. "DALLES CITY" Leaves Portland Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday t T a. m. Sunday Cascade Lock exounion tare to The Lahes and return :li ALDER STREET DOCK, PORTLAND Phone Main' 914: A MIS. COOS BAY LINE STR. BREAKWATER Account of Repairs Sailing Dates Indefinitely Postponed Panr-McCormick Steamship Line DIRECT FREIGHT SERVICE SAN FRANCISCO TO PORTLAND (Flar 23) (Couch St. Dock) 3 SAILINGS WEEKLY POBTLAHD GENERAL OFFICE 181 Or.k St. Fhonee Main 2960. A-3537 American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. Freight Serrlce Frequent Portland Sailings W2a New Low xF York Rates Boston O. D. KENNEDY, Afent. 870 Stark St.. Portland. Oc. STEAMER GEORGIANA Lea-res daily except Monday ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS Laa-ring toot of Washington Si. returning 9 p. m. DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE .'Steamer State of Washingicn learea Taylor St. dock 11 p. m. dally, except fcundayf, lor Ibe Dailea and way landings, ketum ing, leaves Tbe Dalles 12 neon daily ex eevt Mouday. Freight ard pasaeacers. Fare $1.00. Bertb 60c, Upper Columbia and Snake river steamers to Lew it ton and way landings. Fboae UaiB 61S. A-771S. STEAMSHIP : Saiia Direct For ' BAM TEAHCI3C0. 108 ANGELES AMD BAM DIEGO Friday, 2:36 P. M., October 1 8AM FEANCISCO, PORTLAND a - LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. - '. FRANK B01XAM, Agent. 134 Third St. A-1&96. Main 28, POTATOES SHOWING A . er: ML GRADE CANNED SALMON GOES TO BEDROCK Quality of Oregon Hop Crop Better Than Expected Latent rteports Indicate Quantity and Quality Good; Trading Is In a Very Limited Way. Quality of the trp crop of Oregon Is some what belter ilian bad been generally ex pected. Wlille there la considerable poor to ordinary Muff aliown this aon, there la a far greater percentage of the usual "Oregon finality" tban any of the trade here had been led to exoe.-t a short time ago. Kstimatcs on the crop are now ranging no loner than lnO.tsiO bales with some figurea - lil.-!i as lU'.iaxi hales. This la In line with the estimates printed in these reports a hirt 1 1 me ago. While there are minora of arnall sales of bnj.i In the Willamette Talley around 10.- a jMiund. none ran be ifin firmed . A similar price la reportf-l for several lots in eastern Wash inirton. No fresh sales are reported from al- I torn In . rrt.rfs to intercut Lnirlish tiuvers In the mflrker ;.:ivm thus f-ir failed, even offers to aell h t ex'reineii ,w values !eing unconsidered. su f f irien 1 1 v Hdvfiin'fd now In f f ff i t her-. to pay aboTe the prices ( UK Ki:. .M. Villi V7T I.OWKRKD S.ilfw 'f chl' kfu wpp in -id lniif r'ront MrrtM (Jurinc t f at 1 hours d"wn fo 11c f i n i 1 1 rl im IfjinupM. fhipnH-nts wre nmtJ hi thin ir!ft ( fiiif of town parties. H(ij lir-n. whi.L nie M-aroe and IjIrd, 111' 1 1 1 J e J . were not m.; ma it K I Market I t f:.h T HOIJH.Nfi FIRM r f:t-li -f'p N holding i1 'rrufh. ;i I ft f. -line- if htrift lv tri'h Ht" k n t J thf- am slhiiai fi '.? t '.Y2r ifi't (i. Storage IKS' tetrli Wti'k loi! ii'illil A If ftl' U 11 b d"Zen f' t'. firm I i:;; i Stock I the street t'oluujtila LAM Sl'I'PIiV LARGKR f plant are rrumulHtlng a long Ht'aTir rereipt tre nbown from rhfr fce tlona nntl demand Is ei- tremely U to oC lln;ttel. i'rlces iretierallj rul from puijiitl. EASTKRX CRAXRERIUKS COMT2 f ranberrlea from ( ape Cod were generally offered on the local market today at 9.fi0 a hiinel. Ioi'a stix-k la "tiowlng extremely good quality and la e 1 1 i n k more readily. Recelpta of northueat stoek are lnreaalng. DRESSED HOCS STIEE IiOWER With pa-k.T- MfflnK the prlre of lie anlne right and I. it the market for country killed l.oga on I'loin ireet la weaker and lower. S ine aiile are reMirted down to 7VjC for g'xx Mnallty, but tbi1 general lop i sc. RRJEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Uiariki t i-t fffoker aiid lower. (tru inn r k t -iMixNlnt; t'etter rarTemcnt. i ipinltty U ratrirr dcur''. f Urpgon in;tns to f'iipet pound t "';ital in rarload t f. o. alley irfilnrn. i fon I Itiup n t V lllnnn'ti Celt ry maikft .i h llffh t ly lower. sIIKKS, vk.thku notkt: Wi-allier bureau ..end the following notice to ah !;per. : Prole, t alil uientii during the nent 41 hours kh far north u Sen'tle af;ilnst mlnt ni'ii'i tetnperaturea of about 44 degrees; rorth ent to .Spokane, .Ii; .leurees; fcoutheaat to l.lfce, 32 degrevn: wmth to .shland, 40 de ereea. Mlnliuuui tpuiperatura at Portland to night about 44 degreea. jonniNG rrucRs of Portland These prices at those at which whalesalem sell to retailer, except as otberwlae stated. They are corrected un to noon each day: Dairy Produce. BUTTKR Ciiy cieaniery. cubes, fancy. 31V.j( , flrntx. 2U'c; seconds, 2M'tic; prlnta and cartons, extra; countrv creaeiery cubes, 74f 2c; (iri-gon dairy. I(tfl9c. IU;TTI:HF AT -Portland delivery Premium cream, ;i.ir; No. 1 aour creaai. 31c; No. 2, 2uc; awcet cream. J0c lb. Kii'iS -.Seilli.g prne by dealer", delivery extra-Selected fn-sli. 32c. Candled ram-h. .Kitrt Sic; storage. 2i'0,28c lb ; case count. 27c doz. LIK I tlL 1.1 lit ileus. I'lyuiouth Km a. VWui;i.jc lb.; ordinary chickens, IlmilVbc lb.; broilers. 1 it2H Ibe.. loc; turk.e. 2um22c. dressed. 25c; nlgcoui, Jl.mru. 1 syuaba. 1.2u iluzcu: geese, live, Sc; Pekiu ducka, old,' lie Hi.; j oung and heavy, 1m1v.c lb. t llKKSi: r reab Oregon I'uiicy "full cream twins and triplets, 14 Vu'U 15c; Young Aojer Ua, lOVa'tilOc. Fruit and Vegetables. FUKS1I I Ki ll Oiniigi-s. to ;.tl'(io.75 box; baiianua, 6c per lb.; K-uiuu, J.iKj44.o oox grape IruH j per Cie; pineapples, Hi lb.'; l.'sjJi l.oU, CdhiaioUiJC. l.bv(it l.'itl. wateruie.ona. vMnfl per cwt.; peaches. tKHi. aw uoi, uui-ii leoei ries. 4(itc lb. J I .oof(( 1 ."O; Colnorda. li ac baakel. Al'l Lki -Loc-ul new, pt-r cotulng lu vjuailU) ; ciab applea, 4uc box. graves, box ac hate per ONIONS -Iocal. 7jcifiJ1.00 cental: aaaocta tion selling price, carloads, 7.'c cental f. o. b. iouuii ) V'umis; garlic, 1 2 '.j & l.V per lb. l'U'l'AHIt.v--Sen i uk price iNew crou, 75Q tKc, awei'li., 2'4(a2;i,c lb. VKUK 1 AiiLr..--i. ui uipj ); beeta, 7oc per uck; iinlvts. inn. 7Jc sack; prsnlpa ( ) per sark. cabbage (local) 60c; green uuioub, 1i)i..i',-jC vio-u ouucuea; pfpci. lien. ui. , iiMU .c-iiuce, local, U(oc uoZt'i. , 1 celery. dozen, 4o'o.o"c; cauliflower. $1.15 I Uozeu. 1 reuch arii-k.oi.es, Wfl4i per ,1,,!, I slung beano. l(M3c: pea, ( ) lb.; radishes ' 1'2C doie-n liuiiclies; corn, oi.ibok- sack; ca- cumbers, jo7jc 8,.k; luiuatiar,, (Jregon, 364 1 tm', egg plant, 2 -a 3c lb.; hpiouts, 9c lb. MeiLls, in and Iruviaiuua. 1 I BICSStli JlfcAiS-atllmg pine Country ( '""' ' loiigu ana heavy, ic. lain-j n'dh, 1 i!ii 11 '.n , ordlnaiy, iu(4l lye; peel. i'uJ jl. jioaco, c. kpiliig laiiiuo, ivt uojiioii, i(iec. tl.i.uS, u.u ON, ETC. Hams. 14(glljlc breukiai b.icuii, ltKuJOc; boii,. aanjB 27c- . II l f n u u rL I I I m - , . ' iinuiv, i' . v.t oiegua ex iioi vs. liic lb, tiV.s'lKRS Olyuipia, per gallon, $3.00; caioir.i c.iieru, hjc can: ati.fiO Uoseu: eastern in until, l.ho per 10U; raior dams. 12tjc doz Lusifiii oysters per gullou auliu pack, $j uo' I Ifll liicssed iluuuutia, "c; ailversidu sai uioii, .iSuc; lioyal t hinook, 5(jjvc; peica TitXc. lubsicrs, 2oe lb.; auver allien, c' baimou ti'uut. IN: lb.; halibut. &'&'Jc. ' i.Alkl llcrcca. kctua mUikii-u, 11 ViC' Dtnlnl.ml. lUVaC. ' CUAliS Laige, $1.75; medluiu, $1.50 dozen, liroeerlea. SLGAK Cube, $o.oi; poivdered, $0.05; fruit or ueny. $o.&5, beet, Xo.bo. dry granujaied $o.So; L yeao. o.-ko. tAouvti yuuiaucuu are o iuji uet Cdsu. ) Klci Japan aijle. Mo. 2. 44i5c; New Oiieaua. ueau. baiii-; oluu ruK,' tiac; Cleoie, ic. hAL X courae. half grouuda, 10'Je, $10.55 per lou; ous, U.oU, l-blc d.y, xie, io. en.5u; Iwiva, 2 -o. lump lock, iku.uO pti lou, iih,A.S Small, white, $5.05; large white J.o; pink, l.o.o; liiuua, h.K, bujuu ttu, ab.iCi. " ' Hoot. Wool and Hides. LiOl a .Nuiuiuai buying pi tie. iyi i crop, piuut. l-llDKl, IOC, pllUiC, WiC, UiCUlUin Lo LiONtx New, $3.25ua.50 per case. WOOL Nouiiuai. Ijio chp, tVuiauetie vsl H) , toie .ajLj...i, ;3Ua., uaeuiblu auruo. shire, 27c; cuoicu fancy iota, 2oitk., tttMLm Cuti'il, l-4(U-i.6'rC. UiLiti ckiiia hides. 25 lue. and np 15c salted, M lu. auu up, luc; .aiuu, lo'to lb.., Ijc. aaiteU cuil, up to lo ;(,c; ltuu Uiues. i lb. mm up. iJ-c, greeu iu M u. .no up. a '.at, g.ecu kip, 15 iba. to lb. lov; nn-ru can, up lo io lOi,., iSl:; Clues, iuv, ury tool oil, up to In. . uijr saw uidcs, auc; dry uoi.inidi-s acb oOc (o,el.w, .all uolaeniura, eucu, WU1 JT. ,...,i,Mir. Zoc: l1i iui.h uim.i ..-ii. . . "-wt av: ui-jr uoi k wool pviLt,, ul, ury ueep UeaiilUi, each 10 lo loc; sauea sueep iiim, each in JaC. XALLUW No. 1. 4',a(,,4c; No. U4V,i;; MOilAli JI5 30c. cuixnjd ok. ujura bark Buying price, car ou. o-MiUttc, lese Ula car kiLa, Painta and Oils. LINSEEU Oll-Haw bbl... o;0 ,ali0. tie boiled bbls., tttsc; raw, t,,, iic boiled cases. 73c gal.; lota ot koo gallons, A c oil cake mekl. $44 per ton. v COAL OIL Water wham in drums and iron ban elf. Ivjc ALUl'tNliNt. ianas, ovc; casea Ion 6c gal- WHITE LEAD Tou lots. Sc lb.; 500 lota, fcWc lb.; ea loia. per iu. OIL FILIAL Carload lota, $o4. lb. Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool. Sept. 2!.--(T. N". S.l Whea spot No. 1, Manitoba lis, lid: No. 2. lis 9p No. 3, Us. S',d: No. 1 Northern Dulutli." 1 is' yl: No. 2 red western winter, 10s, 3d: No' 2 hard winter. Us, lO'.ad. Edited by Hyman H. Cohen. FIGHT IN SALMON TO DROP TO 65 CENTS Puffpt Sound Interests Said to Have Broken Market With Cheap. Qual ity Offerings; Present Price Is lielow the Actual Cost. Trice of pink ealmon has been cut 10e per lo7eu from opening figurea ix est paekcra lieeauwe of a by Pacific north -fight precipitated by a i'ugi-t aound Intereat. CinkK are today being offered by ome of the Interests down to 6."ic a doien or the same priee as chutna were opened at. It is atated tlial the fight wts atarted by a Bellingham p.-.cker who had a big carryover of cheap fiah. and. therefore, desired to uuload with as much dfpateh iH poaalblc. The situation Id pinka had been gradually Improving until th" llellingham IntereBta jujipei Into the ring and there were proa pecta that nut only would prices be well maintained at 7.V a dozen, the 0ening quota Hon. but that later hi t ho season an advance might b- forced. As matters island some of the leading pai kera of pinks hare refus.-d to follow the lower pricea named by the Puget wund lilterest because they claim their qual ity la better and there Is no need to sell for less than opening pr'.'-cx. On the other hand ome of them have wired their eaatern patrons that they would aliade opening values 5c to 70c, but noi.ld make no further concession on cars rilling ami tniyeia could aceept the stock at Till- i.f r-je t if. liul," it im.s :i!i- tint after the present flinry in pink-i, nlii.li may for ii'.vh ln force chums p t,Of .p.- ev.-n a fra' tion less, that prices will harden. At l'..'f for pinks and "i5c or even iV tor fhunis. parkers will lose money on every rase of riinned salmon they sell. For that reason i ho;e who are financially able, will hold over what sto. k they cannot dispose of Just now at a profit. The run of snlnion In the Columbia Is very limited at thla time and it Is quite probable that most of the seines will be withdrewn within a short time unless It rains and a greater run of allvereldea cornea into the river. "War" Loan Brings Further Advance to "Conflict" Shares New York, Sept. 20 (I. N. P .) Annwince tnont today of the completion of the negotia tions for the hie Anglo-1 rench loan was the signal lor renewed action in "war" securities at the opening of the stock market today. Several new high marks in the "war" issues were registered early in the tracing. The demand was strong a:id centered principally in the e;ui-n.ent to.-ks. At the opening prires were generally higher, railroad slocks, however, continued under pres sure nml recorded alight declines. The copper share, were active and Inclined to seek higher levels. The character of buying suggested that the puhi:c was steadily securing long lines of Industrial shores. Its Id win Locomotive was again a feature of strength. The stock opened at 135. a gain of 7 4 points over night. It soared to 14ti before noon. Pressed Steel Car jumped to a new hlrh record for the year, selling at 73. Ameiican Car and Foun dry touched a new mark in the flrs.t of the tiadiig when it reached S3. Initeil StHtes Steel common stock opened slightly lower, hut worked up In the early trading to s:i'. the highest price for the pres ent uoward movement. 'Hie iiinTcr and automobile slocks continued active, wliii Piudebnker as the leader. Gen eral Motors was strong. West uiiThouso Klectric opened at 12oH and maintained th:it tirice il.rouhoiit the early ses sion. Crucible Steel opened at l'2. I.acka w Hnna Siei I v. as strung, gaining 5 pointa be- t fore noon. It reached 7 1 a . In the coojier shares Inspiration was the cen ter f ait.viiy. The stock touched 38' in the first ho.ir. a new liigb mark for the year. Tennessee uhs unsetiied, flucunfing widely. It opened at tic, five points above the closing yesterday. In the first hour It advanced 3 points and then dropped four points In the spcniiil hour. Anaconda was weak. Railroad issues were quiet. There was so;ne pressure noticeable. Prices at the outset shaded somewhat. Read ing as offered ut 152 ut the start. Southern I'acif.c sold at 9:1, and I'nion above 132. Range Overbeck bull, ling: of New York prices furnished by A Cook Co , 216-217 Board of Trade I I M It l P I II . llpeii HUn biw Clo Alllr, A ills i h.iiLucra .: 47 s, 7'i o- . I'M .. XI r 53 . i ii:i3 i xis4 . lttHlj .,12,,S 45 74 Chalm rs, pf... Sugar. American A mericw n A uiei-iian Alilerlcau A inerican A nierlcau licet 5T 05 'j 10S',a sr, 63 1-4 65 i an, (.... Can, df. . . . Car i'dy.. Cotton Oil. lvoeo. , c . . Smelter. Sugar, c. . i " Tel W'ool.H. C. Mining C .oco. . c - . . . & Ohio, c 107.108-Sj 80 4 811, 52 I 52H osh; 69 tsJVlB! 85 s 108'j ir i25- Z(. 52 72 V -.aa-i lo'i 10:14 .131 American A raer icti n Aui. 'lei. Auiet ii n u Ai.aconda At. Lis,. ii, iluhlwin I linl; iiimre Hi ihleliem Kr.-klyn 126 73 H 14 -4 ill1 Li i I: 36o ,20-S : 46 1'.2", 5.1 51i, I 13 88 36o MI-4 35S S4 2" Steel, c. . 365 S4S, R. T. Calif. Petroleum, c.... ttilif. Petroleuul. pf.. Canadian Pacific ' Central Leather, c Cut sapeuk" Ohio....! t hi. A G. Vl .. c Chl., M. St. P Chi. i N. W.. c Chino i opper ( -oloriulo I-', i; 1., c . . . . Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c Crucible S'ecl, c Crucible Siei I. j.f lieuver A 11. G.. c 20 46 162 t.t 51 13 S7 li'ii- 15-', lie 131 lx :s 4.". ' 161 43 V' 161 :2i, 51 1 12-s 86 i.4 128 j 4;,--s m is 12tl ION, lo4 110 3H4 32 1, ' 52 173i 1 355 , T2ts r,o',. , 12', ; i 28 " . 61 12'J :'Ts 66 . . 2"- l'' 112'- 18', llHIl llo! ill ! Ltsiiller. :kl 83 i 31 ":', -::is. 32 52 1-. sin, r,: 175'-3 176 17J'a ii.'iX'sjtii 35a 711,1 74m 71 41V; 50U' 4s U trie, c , Krie, first pf to-neriil Klectrlc (ieueral Motors Goodrich Rubber (J. Northern, ore lauds, G. Northern, pf Guggenheim Exp....... Hide it Leather, c... Hide & l.-sther, pf . . Ice Securities Illinois Central Inspiration International Harie-ter Interlsitu. c K. C. Soutiiein. c i Lackawuinia Steel J Lelugh Valley IuiiRVllle &l Na.-hville. Mexican Petroleum .., Miuiui Copper Mu.. K. A Texas, c i Mo. pacific National Him ult Na'ional Lea I Nevuda l ousolidated ..; New Haven ; N Y. Air Rrake N. Y. Central 46 V 1 J , 121 t , 120 Vs 1 2i v. 01 ' 65 12-.: ;.. "2"i 2si ; 2.'! I 2: 3sU. 'aei-J's" 12 5U. 105 :;;t, 1(17 V, 2i 27 80S 27 S2, 82 s,, 04 : 1 151,4 1471.14; H51.4 112(1 80' 4 28 1 1 I 891,. 87 '4 28 s, 27 4 1 o.H 4 125 67 ;125 1 68 . 125 66S 14', 14U, 6b i2, 09 157 97 1 96 ! 14 V 14 i 6V4! 70 : lmj j H7-vi 9x 1 27V, 28 111 115s N. Y 0. et W Norfolk 4c Western, c Northern Taclfic Peiiti. Railway Peoples Gas Pittsburg Coal, c Pressed Steel Car, c. Ray Cons. Copper Reading, c Rep. Iron 4 Steel, i . . . Reck lalaiKl Stitdebaker. r Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway, c . 2 1 - 1 ,T I 113 114 lldV, II3V4 llti, 35-, 72" 111 ins no 1134.114 1151, 35 2 :4 - 152i, 54'-. 20 142 m;;-, 10 23 S 1.".4-'. 5c T ' 22 V 14.: V4 95 19V '"4 20Kj 138 93 v4 : 18 V, 13;is, 93C, 18- Tei.n. Copper I ulon Pacific, c I". S. Rubber, c U. S. Steel Co., c do pfd. I tab Copper Virginia Chemical, c. Western Union Tel.. Westir-chmise Electric C5 B5 tw 03 132S 134 V 132HT33 53 I 54 Hi 62. .'iltU 78 U 79&.! 78 I 78 1144 114-v,114V2114V, 68 68 67 39 V, 67 39 77 V 124H 40 v 77V, 40V. 125, 125 124' Total sales 1.670.7iX) shares. San 1-Yancisco Market. Sau Francisco, Sept. -Barley calls: P-20. Sept. 28. upeu. i-iose. Close. PLieiuher 1251j 125Vi 125V4 B May IM B 150 B 131 B Spot nuotationsj Wheat. Walla Walla $1.47',fr 1.50; red Russian. $1.50; Turkey red, 1 -VJ V, fti 1 .55 : bluestem. $l.ti0&l 62 Feed barley, $1.17,ffl 1.20. White osts, $1.30l.32H. Bran. $26.00327.6o; iniddllnas, $30.00 31.00; shorts. $2.0022CiA CAUSES PINKS Killers Are Taking Hogs on Contract; Market Looks Down North Portland Situation Is Weaker and Eastern Values Are Quoted Lower for the Day. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs Cattle Calves Sheen . . r.72 27 . . 1342 . . OTfl 33 . . 871 . .2SH:i 113 14 M71 ..31'7 118 9 2231 . . MO 70 4 411 . . fin 2 82 62 225 .. 383 S . . !14 172 . . 21ofl . . 212 43 1 3171 . . 2T2 75 . - 79 Wednesday Tuesday Monday Saturday Friday Thursday Week ogj Year ago To years ago . Three years ago Aside from contract atuff from the Wlllarr ette Talley which went direct to killers at ttJ.T0, there was little available In the swine division of the North Portland market. The payment of tti.'iO for Willamette Talley liogg on contract does not mean that the market is up again to that sum. but that killera are merely rurrylng out their contractu made last week. The general swine situation here is weaker with some forecasting still lower prices. Swine market took a turn for the worse to day in the eastern trade and price loaaes were general. t.eneral hog market range: Rest light Medium lizbt rood to heavy K.ugh to heavy .$ 406i.45 . ynine m." .. -fl.10iS6.2S . 5.X(ilri.00 Cattle Market Nominal. With the cow market badly depreased. af fecting In turn the entire cattle trade, the niarkit at North Portland Just now la In a bad way with no hope for Improvement in the Immediate future. Poor stuff continues to glut the trade. Eastern cattle market was generally de preu.Rf.,1 and at lower prices for the day. 'PniTHi mine market range: I St-lt i-t steers . . 1 B'St hay fed gt . . .$i..Vii."S . . . 6 2r.fi!.3.-, . .. 6 norn i.2.'i . . . 5.Kii;..7S . .. 5.WKa.V2o . . . 4.MIH4.7B ... 4.50t4.75 4 25 . .. 2.504:t.5u . .. 7. .'.Oftig.OO era . . I ioHJ to choh e . ordinary tu fair Best coyvs Hood to prime . . Select bulls . . . Iiincy bulls Ordinary bulls . Beat calves Mutton Market Quiet. While strong In spots, the market for mut ton la gulet. There are few buyers In light even for the limited offerings. The bulk of the stuff continues to come direct to a local killer on contract. .Mutton market was ateady to strong In the east today. General mutton market: Choice spring lamba T.OO Common spring lambs 6.60(36.75 Choice yearling ivetbere 5.75 Good yearlings 5 MV35.75 Old wethers 4.755.01 choice light ewes 8.25(35.50 Good ewes 4.5Ka."i-00 Rough heavy ewes 3.75(H4.25 Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs J. H. Samuelson, Brownsville, one load; William Illock. Independence, one load; J. L. Dinsmore, West Sclo. one load direct to I nlon Meat Co.; C. K Nicholson, Plvmoutb, Wash., by boat. 110 bead; J. W. Mckenney, Lyle. Wash., one load; K. J. Pierce. Mary n.il. Wash., 38 head by bolt. Sheep Hneg Itrotbers. Heppner, two loads: W. M. Burrow. I.yle, Wash., five loads direct to t'ulon Meat Co. Vised stuff Patton ft Overton. Halaey load cattle and hogs; Jones 4 Snodgrass, banoD. one load cattle, hogs and sheep. Tuesday Afternoon Sales. COWS. one Le- Section No. At lbs. No. At lbs. I Ice. ongon 1 I0OO Oregon J Ki.'lO "regon ,, llii.l Oregon 2 mo Oregon I ytu Oregon fl stud Oregon 2 hi CALVES Oregon i 4f Oreg.n 4 17 $4 O0 8.75 3.25 3.25 8.1X1 2.50 1.50 $8.00 5.25 $2.25 HEIFERS 2 BLLI.8 1 1 . 1 LAMBS ..- 55 YEARLING8 2 WETHERS I EWES 2 3 76 HOGS ... 92 Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Ot egoo Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon 8A5 1060 830 1000 88 140 225 160 1H 90 201 2O0 270 300 154 132 North $3.50 3. no 2.25 $6.85 $6.00 $4.50 $4 50 4.50 4.25 $6.45 6.:K) 5.45 5.30 5 25 4.50 Portland Oreg.i 64 Oregon 5 Oregon 4 Oregon 14 Oregon So Comparative statement of livestock run: Cattle. CalreJ Hogs. Sheep. Month Sume, to date. 1914 7. 044 453 19.962 21.747 6.3&0 272 1S1 1,M8 1.024 17.453 2,509 166.935 153.412 13.623 26.442 Gain, Iiss, Year Same, Gain, 1915 1915 to date. 1914. . . 664 4.685 K1.549 226.714 1915. . 1915.. 3,815 1 65,165 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Denver Hogs $7.60. Denver, Sept. 29. Cattle 1000, steady. Beef steers $6.757.25; cows and belfera, $5.0u'd; 6.25; calves $.00g 10.00. Hogs weak; prospects $7.W. Bheep None, firm. Chicago Hogs $8.40. Chicago, flept. 29. 1 1. N. S.) Hog re ceipts. 24.000, easy, unchanged to 5c nnder yesterday's average: bulk. $7.25(0.8.25: light. 7.6u(aX.40. mixed. $0.9O'd8.40; heavy, $K.t)5 Six-.'.',; rough. S6 65(a6VX); pigs. $6.WS.OO. Cattle receipts, 10,000. firm: native beef cattle. $6 lii'u 10.40; western steers. $6.7itt S.75; cows and heifers. $2.90418.35; calves, il.. -,niv 11.25. Sheen receipts. 15.000, steady; wethers, $5.70 'at,. 55; lambs, $7.(XKji9.25. St. Louis Hogs $8.55. St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 29. (I. N. S.) Hog receipts. 7iaX), lower; pigs and lights. $6.25 . 1 1.1; m!.ed and butchers". $S.0o!uS.53; good heavy. $7.85a8 50. Cattle receipts. 6500, steady: native beef steers, $7 -50'n 10. 25 : yearling steers and heif ers. s.50fft 10.110; cows, ts.0U!ftS.0o; stockera aud feeders, $6.00tH.25: southern steers, $5.25 .. - s". . n .. l,n A U KJ. ...... 113.11., y-J"B nuu UC11C1I, f1.VUI(U.W, U4UTC calvea, $6.00(811.00. Sheep receipts, 1000, steady: lambs, $7.60 'ys.85; sheep and ewes. $5.00'27.73. Kansas City Hogs $$.20. Kansas City. Mo.. Sept. 29. (I. N. S.) Hog receipts, 9vsio, lower: bulk. $7.40fg;8.15; heavy, $7.30'i '.85: i.ackers and butchers. $7.60(Ji8.15; light. $7.70'aX.20; pigs. $7.0Ofd,S.0O. Cuttle receipts. 11,000. steady; prime fed steers, $9 5a.l0.O0; dresaed beef steers, $7.80 'u9.4(i; western steers. $0.50(8.75; Blockers and feeders. $5.75rg,8.00; bulls, $5.00(86.00; calves. $0.."d 10.00. Sheep receipts, 17.0i0, steady: lambs. $S.2o (ilS 75; yearlings. $0.OOi6.75; wethers. $5.50 i; 6.0V; ewes, $3.25&t.0u. Omaha Hogs $$.00. Omaha, Neb.. Sept. 29. (I. N. S5.1 Hog re ceipts. 7000, lower; heavy, $7.00C(1,7.70: light. $1 .tKuVixi; pigs. $0.50(7.85; bulk of salea, 7 10'd7.70. tattle receipts. 10,000. steady; native steers, $r,.."iii(ii'.i.80: cows and heifers, $5.507.00: western steers. $8.OO"i8.40; Texas steers, $5.73 1,. Hi: cows and heifers, $5.25(26.50; calvea, $7"0i 10.1.0. Sheep receipts. 25. (Ks"). steady: yearlings. $:... "c.tti.50; wethers. $5.t)0jC.23: lambs, $8.40 .y 8-70. DAIRY PRODUCE OX COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 29. Butter, natlre Washington creamery brick. 33c; do. solid pack 32c. Cheese Oregon triplets. 16Uc; Wisconsin twins, 17c: do. triplets. 17c; Washington twins, 16c: Young America. 18c. Lggs Select ranch. 4oc; April storage, 28c. Los An gel a Market. Los Angeles, Cel.. Sept. 29. (P. N. S.) Eggs, case count. 37c. Butter Freeh extras. 26c (Jobbers' prices). San Francisco Market. San Francisco. Sept. 29. (U. P. 1 Butter Extras 26c. prime first. 25c. firsts 24c. Eggs Extraa 40c, pullets 37c. t hese California fancy 16c. flrs-ts 12c. Foreign Exchange Rates. Merchants National bank quotes torelrn ex change : Loudon Sterling $4.75. Berlin Marks 21.30. Paris Francs 17.80. Vienna 15.94. Hongkong Currency, 43.25. .Sstaens Currency 19 .60. FIGURES GRAIN STANDARDS OF NORTHWEST ARE SET AFTER MUCH DELAY Quality of 1915 Crop Generally Considered Good; European In terests to Get Samples; Iiarley Market Is Higher in Country. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. Cars Wheat Barley Flour uata Hay Portland. Wed.. Year ago . . . . Season to date. Year ago Tacoma, Fuea. . . Year ago 6.3 4 4 10 7 . 101 . ai30 .507 . :!7 .2:t; .2llss . 1011 . ;i" . 2o27 .2077 10 441 474 19 212 715 14 381 5SH 4 1 12S 12 r.3o 41 4 2C 17 loir. 28 14 12li 1251 Season Year Seattle. Y'ear Season Year date. 131 lrttt 30 1 ago i ues. -ago to date, ago 9 1(1 623 i;7." 822 47H .'41 NORTHWEST 1913 GRAIN Wheat .Miiliue bluestcm ST A N DA HPS. Pounds per bu. 58 RS 58 .'.s 59 58 .'. '. '. '. '. ,4S 46 42 36 j Export bluest-in nue, una ana lt-d. Walla Walla Turkey ted Red life Ited Hussinn White brew injr barley Hlue brewing barley Keed barley White feed oata After considerable delay the grain standard committee of t;,e Portland ( iiamber of Com merce imjoi- Chairman Mas 11 H'mser, has set the sthhOards for the 1915 crop and samples will be gathered ami distributed at once to various oarts of the world. jTtie Portland Chamber of Commerce Standard la accepted by the European trade in lta purchaaea of Pacific northwest grains. Fight for control of the barley market con tinues at interior points and all sorts of vaiuea are being offered and paid. Buainesa in wheat is reported somewhat bet ter In tbe interior and while salea of cargoes ere reported by exporting interest here, none are willing to confirm. (lata trade Is stili congested with heavy offerings. "Longs" in the local market are trying io hold up the price. FLOCK -Selling price. Patent. $4.80; Wil lamette valley, $4. ex; local straight, $4.30; bakers' local. $4 .3rt4.t0. Montana spring wheat, $5.10; expoi is. $3.0(o,3.uo; whole wheal. $...J5. granaui, $5.uu; r u Ibim ileas'l per barrel. llAl-Muylng price, Willamette Taller tlxn- ot In fauiy, ia.iaii( 13.50, eastern uregou- ula no U.OO. fancy timothy. $lo 00; alfalfa, $13.mita vetch and oata, $11.00, clover, $8.00(j!i GRAIN SACKS--1915. nominal. No. 1 Cal- cutta. 74f 'v In car lots; less amount higher. llll.LSi I. r 1 s Selling price: Bran, $24.50 11 -.1.11; shorts-. jL'i. oO'g 20. ta. ROLLED BARLL1 celling price 29.50. $29.50 oRN Whole. $37 00; cracked. $38.00. While there was no trading today for wheat on the P01 Hand .Meix-hunta LxcUaiige, bids for spot deliveiy were 1 inner, unchanged to lc higher tlun yesterday. There were uo offers to sell sjait at any price. Spot oats bbls were unchanged with no cries, nbHe siM.t bsrley lost 5c a ton of the advance ot yesterday. No sales. Spot bran aud aborts were eaci up 25c a tou lor bbls. Merchants Exchange spot prices: WHEAT. Wednesday Bid Ask Toes. Mon. -Bid rtiuestem wo 90 90 1 ortyfold . . . 68 ...85 , . . 82 . . . 80 OATS ...2325 2350 BARLEY . ..245U .... MILLS TUFFS. . ..21 2250 ...210O .'K) quoted: WHEAT 88 84 81 8CI 2325 2475 2050 2U50 87 85 82 81 2300 2400 2050 2U25 Club Red Fife Red Russian Feed Feed Bran Shorts futures we Bid 91 . 89 89 . 87 , . 86 , . 8-ii . 83 . 81 .. 81'4j . . 79 Ask .t 93v;, 91 V, 92 XX 8'.) 81', 85 84 84 October bluestem . . November bluestem . October forty told ... November tortyfold October club November club October File November Fife .... October Russian November Russian OATS October . . November October . . November October . . November October .. November ..2325 . . 23uo . .2425 ..2350 . .2150 . .2100 ..2200 . .2200 2350 2375 BA RLE Y BRAN 2300 255l 2300 i3uO SHORTS Chicago Wheat Off At Close; Higher At the Opening Chicago. Sept. 2U. (I. N, &. ) WTiest closed KglVc beloiv Tuesday. Unsettled weather throughout the grain belt caused an Irregular opening In the grain mar ket today. Wheat opened H'Slc higher; corn was Uc I d'-n to Sc up and oats was Vs't,c higher. Rains were reported throughout the south wist. In th northwest rains were general. With the final announcement of the suc cessful arrangements made by the foreign it m mission lur the loun to England aud France reports of S"tue export buidness were received from New York. It was atated thut exporters were buyina wli.ter wheat and Durum. The outside markets were we;ik. In the early trading wheat held fairly steady In the pit. Keeling was bullish. Corn and oata maintained a firm tone In the l.-ter trading. The unsettled weathet and 1 atronr 1 o foreign cables were bullish factors In corn. nils also applied to oats, provisions were off at the outset. The trade was moderate. Range e or Chicago prices furnished bv Over-216-217 Board of Trade beck A building: Cooke Co., WHEAT Open. Ulgb. low. Cloie. ...106 1j6 ll3 103&1J . . . 6V. Otil, 94 94 A . . . 98 -S 981t 97 97 v4R CORN . 674 674 Rr.ij 65'4B . . 554 5 5 -la .Vl 54 "k . . 57 57 14 56"s 56"SB OATS . . a ',4 38 14 36 M .. , 36 35 35", A . . 38V4 8tS S" 37-, A PORK 1310 ..1315 134l 13 1340 . .1580 1J 1575 1600 A LARD 827 B . . 825 827 8)7 SJ7 A . . 877 875 865 875 A RIBS . R62 875 872 875 . . S75 875 805 875 . . 885 892 880 892 A Sept Dec. May Sept. Dec. May Sept. Pec. May Sept. Oct. Jan. Sept. Oct. Jan. I f'P1- 1 Jn. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Wash. Sept. 29. if. P.) Onions, 25: California (new). 1 tc: Walla Walla, 2sic l'oiatoe8 tnetv). white l(31Vc. Ban Francisco Market. San F ranclsco, Sert. 29. Potatoes, per cen tal, Burhanka $1 .2o3 1 .65 : delta Buruanks 50r(3$1.00; sweeta, $1.50cf2 00. Onions 40(g6ue per cental. Buenos Aires Wheat. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Sept. 29. closed unchanged to 1 c higher. -Wheat New York Cotton Market. Open. . . . 1 244 . .. 1272 . .. 123 . .. 1285 ... 1104 ... 1230 High. 11! HK 1294 1307 130 1215 1255 Low. 1211 1233 1252 12.VJ 1154 11S5 Close. 1215 1237 125? 1253 llrtO 1197 Jan. . March May . July . Oct. . Dec. . COMBINED STATEMENT OF El Time and Savings Deposits Continue to Grow and Show Big Annual Increase, SARGENT IS SATISFIED Early Return to Normal Condition Is Indicated, According- to Su perintendent. Salem. Or.. Sept. 29 The comhined statement of all banks in the state of Oregon at the close of butiitiefis, Sep tember 2, compared with the corre sponding statement of last year, shows confidence of the people of Ores-.oti in the future and a rapid recovery from the general depression In all lines of trade, according to State Bank Super intendent Sargent today. "Although the total demand di posits of all the banks iki the utate. ini iiidin; halanres due to other hanks, show a decrease of 2 1 2.476.63 for the ear, there has been a staedy increase dur iiiB the last two or three months, tills statement showing an increase of $1, 813,338.1 ' since the statement of June 23," said Superintendent Sargent. "Time utid savings deKstts continue to grow and have now reached a Ktand total of J37.5 JH.X73. 1 7, an increase of $2.7179,672. 8S since the September state ment of last car. "Rediscounts with the federal reserve bank amount to $140,313.20, having; in creased only $36,310.37 since the June call. Other rediscounts and bills pay able amounting to $2,533,4 30.30 are unusually high at this time of the year. This Is due to the fact that farmers do not Beem to be disposed to sell their ciops, but are holding for higher pi Ices. This item showa an Increase of $1,154.743 66 over the. statement of September 12, 1314. "The national banks of trie state now have an investment of $461,783.34 In the ptock of the federal reserve bank, and are carrying reserve balances with that institution amounting to $1,454, 609.41. "The statement as a whole makes a most satisfactory showing and indi cates a rapid growth of ..business dur ing the past two months and an early return to normal conditions. "The banks are carrying good re serves and are in a position to meet all legitimate demands." Injunction Against Food Commissioner Mickle Is Dissolved The temporary Injunction If granted some time ago to H. R. I Hoefler to restrain State Kood i and Dairy Commissioner Mickle from seizing candy made by w. Hoefler because it ' contained af 9w rum and brandy, was dissolved yesterday by Circuit Judge Mc- Glnn. M6- "This is no case for a court of equity, said Judge McGinn. "It should be tried out on crim- inal proceedings. Children get a taste for liquor too easily anyway and alcohol should kept jfr from sweets. The law Is good and should be enforced." Hearing for Probate Spalding Will Held San Diego, Sept. 29. (U. P.) In terest is centered here today In the hearing for the prQbatlon of the will of the late sporting goods manufac turer, A. i. Spalding, set for today before Judge Guy. Keith Spalding, son of the deceased has arrived from the east and asked that the hearing originally se-e-ri? yesterday be post p,i.ed "In orderuhat he might protect his Interests." IMrs. A. G. Spalding seeks to be named executrix of the estate. Showers Aiie Needed By 0regonTf3rrniers j Following Is a summary of the rrojwondl tlons In Oregon for the week ending iSeptem ler 28. 1915. as reported to the lo.-l office of the weather bureau by special correprnd ents throughout the state: Although showers fell In the western coun ties on the 23d. 24th. and 27tb. and In some limited areas of north-cent ral Oregon on the 24th which benefited pastures and gardens to some extent, there Is still need for rain In ail portion of the state. Tlie warm weather has been favorable for the maturing of fruit and garden truck. The picking and drying of prunes has been about completed and the harvesting of apples slid pears ha, begun. In the eastern Oregon val leys the ieacb crop was verv heavy and 'lie quality excellent, but owing to an oversujjnjled market many tons of the choicest fruit are going to waste. Threshing haa been practically completed, and the farmers are preparing the soli f..r seeding, but little wheat will be sown until tbe fall rains have commenced. While waitina for the rain, the ranchers are batillnc their wood and winter's supplies Irrigated crops of slfslfa are very good, and the third cr..p ' being pnt up In aome sections. Tomatoes are plentiful and of excellent quality. Sonhle frults'and vegetables are In the local market lu abundance, and the quality Is very good. BANK STATEMENT OF COAST Portland Banks. Thl weeg $.054.0:!M.: 1.H24.707.N". 1.734.S03.57 Clearings- -Monday . . . Tuesday . . . Wednesday Tear ago. $1.914.4117.13 1 4M.H16.?0 1.5KS.3SS.87 Los Angeles Banks. Clearings $3. 43S. 457.00 San Francises Banks. Clearings $s. 259. 723. 00 Seattle Banks. Clearings Balances $1,683,073 00 157.405.00 Tacoma Banke. Clearlnga Balances 222. 2 43.493 New York Sugar and Coffee. New York.- Sept. 29. Sugar, centrifugal. un- chana-ed . Coffee, spot 4 Santos. 9c. New York. No. 7 Rio, 6ic; No. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds. Cotton, Grain, Cetc SUS-217 Board of Trade Building. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondence of Logan A Bryan. Chicago. New York, INDICATES BUSINESS AWAKEN NG Industry and Enterprise Cranberry Yield Heary. Several cranberry bogs around llwaro, Wash., have been picked and picking Is etill In progress in several others. Most of the picking has been done on the three and lour-ycar-old bogs, and there were some remarkable vielda for so young a class of plantings. The market is repot ted to be around Jlo .i barrel. hollowing are some of the yields: A. F. McAfee from two acres o! four-year-old vines picked 93 bar rels. The McKaflands yielded 70 bat tels per acre, tin the Holla bog lher; will be about ion barrels. A. H. Moore, from one and three fourths acres, haa gathered 100 barrels. This place was purchased early this spring for $2500 and the net returns from less than two out of the 10 acres in the tract will equal n.-arly half the purchase price. Jt-hii I'ape. near lying Beach, has 150 Parrels from less than tw.i ai res. William I.ttschke's young vin"B yielded 73 latrehs. Mrs. C. A. Davis of Chinook, who purchased a tract from Chris Hanson, has one of the banner hoes, one acre of slx-voar-old vines yielding 143 barrels. The Mot den place yielded 325 boxes, or ap ptoxlmatelv 1 I u barrels American Capital Sought. Eduardo at fiisco. trade rnmmlj sionet of the Chilean government. Is at present touring the 1'nited States. One of t he -principal objects of bis trip NEW STATEMENT The tember combined statement of Oregon hanks at the close of business Sep 2, Just issued by State Hank .Superintendent Sargent. Is as follows. BESOUKCES. Sept. ' Sti,!.13 187 Loans and discounts Overdrafts Securities, bonds. Hanking house f other real i-sititu Stock In Federal I hie front Fedor.-i etc. . . . t in 1 1 ii re, ov lied . . I!t servo 14 4 fixtures, bank . . . I Hi-serve h.ink Inn- from other n.ks t'lici-ks and other cash item ' 'ash on bant! F. S. bonds and premiums.. 3 per cent redemption fund. Kxpenses paid . . 1 1 1 1 iither Items than above Totals . . .$161,610,166 ; LIABILITIES. Capital stock I Surplus fund Fnillvlded profits Dividends unpaid Due to other banks I if tiiainl di-posi ts Time and savings deposits TVistal savings deposits 1". S deposits Rediscounts with Federal Reserve banks Other rediscounts and bills pay able National hank notes outstanding. . Reserve for taxes Other items than above Totals Represents decreases. 10 JAIL IN 0. & C. LAND FRAUD CASES Former Pass Nine Resident of Grants Pleads Guilty, Gets Months' Sentence. J. T Burr..", formerly of Grants Pass and Mcdford, pleaded guilty in federal court yesterday to a charge of having used the malls to defraud. He sentenced by Judge Rean to nine months In jail, which, with the four months he has served since bis orrest, will make his sentence the ame as most of the others who. like lilm. fraudulently disposed of locations on the Oregon & California railroad lands ill Oregon. Others who were Involved In the fraud, and who me either serving or have served sentences, are: Henry J. Harper, pleaded guilty, served 30 days and became government witness: J. W. Logan, convicted, serving 20 months; W. F. Mirard. convicted, served 13 months; Ian J. Connors, pleaded guil ty, served 13 months; Fred Brantner, pleaded guilty, serving 13 months; John Cogburn. alias J. H. Hunter, pleaded guilty, serving 13 months; C. A. Sever ance, pleaded guilty, served six months; O. K. Oross. pleaded guilty, eerved 30 da yet and paid $1000 fine. Besides conducting the prosecutions of these men, Distric t Attorney Reames went to Vancouver, B C as a. witness gainst W. J. Taylor and R J. Lewis, who were convicted of working a elml lar fraud In Canada. The prosecutions are not yet com pleted. W. A. S. Nicholson, Franklyn V. Bull and Normnn I. Cook, San Fran clsco lawyers, with 13 others, who sold the locations, have been Indicted. There are other Indictments held secret. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Tuesday. -305 Main street, children matches In woodshed, no f, 17 P. M. playing with damage. No fires. Wednesday. A combination ladder and aoaffold .ith many uses that folds as com-n- lly as a stepladder has been pat-nted BURNS IS SENTENCED THIS NATIONAL BANK This means that this bank is one of a vast army of banks which stand together to protect each other and their depositors. - "In union there is ttrength." 1 r' Your money is safe with us. You ' can get it when you want it. The United States National Bank Third and Oak Streets Portland, Or. Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 is to Interest American capitalist" In the establishment of a chain of hotels in Chile to Improve living condition tor traveling men visiting that coun try. Mr. Carras. o has been at New Orleans. Los Angeles and San Dlea.i. and Is now at tfan V ranclsco where im expects to spend about a month. He will then go to Portland and Seattlu and return to the east bv wav of Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City. St. I-ouis and Chicago. Mr t'arraaco has been Invited to tnake his headquarter ai the branch offices of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce when he Is in the cities where thev are lo cated. Mr. ("arrasco Is admirably equipped to give Information concern ing Chile, and It Is hoped that Ameri can business men may avail them selves of the opportunity thus pre sented He Is particularly Interested In studying, while here, the methods and organization of the I'nlted .stateaj departments uf commerce and of agrl i ult tire. Articles of Incorporation. Supplemental articles changing nam front Hahv Kotral company to Baby Ko-ral companv Oregon-Washington Paper conipanv, capital stock, $30,000; TV ' D. Ball, Frances I'. Hall and W. A Ferguson, Incorporators Oak Tan Shoe Store. Inc.. capital stock. $1000 F.ither l.cvltt. Allle F Levitt and J. Levitt. Incorporators. OF OREGON BANKS Change Since Change Sim June 23. 1915. Sept. 12, 1914. $ 1 94. 1 73. 'JO $-3.66t,03 4.7H 6.226. 49 22.847. 5R 1.339.7(16 6(1 2,861.729.09 1 :,330 :jt 234.2 6 27 F'i.19 7 3 1 387. 1 71.31 733 34 461.783 3 35.082 in 1 454.509 1 I 2.324. 157. 36 2 97':. 806. 81 15.847.76 639.853.15 Shi. 296. 81 3,1)55,378.99 1,7(111, 78l. 32 2, 1 20,767.37 975 no 3,600 no 36. 1 69.60 2,130.1H 449 22.6. IS 400.392.1 8 $2,328,880.31 $2.792.031-i5 Change since Fha-nge Since Juno 23, 1910 Sept. 1 2. 1 91 4. $ 16,66(1.0(1 $ 36.227.50 5,S;t4.03 83.567.00 33 2.762 02 20 24 0.89 ln.03 l .i l 3. 375 7 1 737,495.15 1,291.92 9.53 1,076,1.42 97 1.920,547 Ifl 361. S85 23 2,372.633.28 4.1 1 6.54 7.089 60 1 6,335.79 193,717. t.l 3 6,323 57 140.Siri.20 435,292 59 1,1 54.743 66 ' 66, 660 CO 56.207.50 2. "03 2.8 13, 659. 43 1 I 6.3 10 I I 218.42H.4S $2,328,880.31 $2,792,031 25 . i r 1 r. . US- !C 94 7 , 6 1 1 i:ii :. i :: :.n "T'.t.Mo; :is, u7" ,", v ii ii;, 4r,r,7N3.:i 43 i,:.o'i 1 1 974.740 ::: 392.2 I ! o r; r. 5 - . i (i l .v.'- I i4.9. il i ?2.oi t;.s ,2 33.125. I Kept. 2, 1915. 1 9,496,490 0(1 7.705,367.6:1 2,362,996.85 39.79C. 6 I H,fi''3,0O4 00 7 2,: 3 3 2'. 59 7 5 4 36,0 m!h3 1.8 1 l.43.,841 .13 6 6 6. 3 6 9 or, 140,313.20 2.5S3.430 30 6,0 1 6. Still oil 134,64 2 4 3 823. 423. 33 ,$161,61o,166 24 Milwaukee Cars To Use 0-W. E. & N. Line Into Portland Arrangements ha ve been prac tically concluded between the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. laul railway a tre the I'nion Pacific system whenbv through Mil waukee cars will run Into Port land from St. I'anl by way of Spokane, and the o-W. R. N. Reports that through Milwau kee trains would run to Port land have been officially de nied. The date of the Installation of this service has not been an nounced, though It Is said It will be within a few weeks. The arrangement will be similar to the ono maintained until a year or so ago between the O W. R. & N. and the Soo Line. Seattle PoUroman Shot I'p. Seattle, Sept. 29 (F. P.) X -rays today allow tho left thlajh of Police man Ed llagen. shot by bandits Mon day night, to have been broken In It pieces and amputation of the member may become necessary, according to his physician. Search for the two thugs who fired at Hagen when he Is supposed to have broken up their plan to hold up tho Madrona Park streetcar, continued to day without success. FACTS Oood roads tend to ?romote Intelligence for hey enable children to reach the school house with rrtttit conren lence. Sough, Impass able roads are sometimes a barrier to knowledge. The Import anoe of en abling children to reaca school easily and com fortably cannot bo over stated, aad nothing is so conducive to this desired end than hard-surfacing roads with BITULITHIC Is a member of the Federal Reserve System of banks.