v . - 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915. I - STRICTLY FRESH EGGS ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY ABSENT FROM MARKETS HOP SAMPLES HAVE EUROPE BUI REACHED BUSINESS IS MISSING l-'orelgn IntereM Xt Willing to Pay Even 10c Per Pound at Tht Time for llent Sample of Ore gon's Available ; Trade Depressed. Outside Butter Is Affecting Ordinary Make in Northwest Best Known Brands and Fancy Grade Retain Full Quotations; Imports Showing Small. Edited by Hyman H. Cohen, COLD STORAGE IS BIG SALE FINDING there i nn aurolus of high grade creamery tmiter anil esneilallv imons tbe es- humls. the market for ordinary iiuaiiiy Is showing weakness with Imilln of quotation. While tnhllsheil IN EGG MARKETS III.- ,llt UII at' Hop market U void of activity at all point ilonf tti Pacific eonat and the entire worM a trade irmy Id- considered at a standstill. Mampli-a of thin year crop o Oregon Imps have been reci'lfi'il In Kurope. and while quality la sinuew hat tetter than bad been Urinated iihrond. mill there, In au entire linn of return order,. On local bop dealer who la ul.io n producer, rahlnl several time to European lnlere.it'. (luringthe lust 48 hours in an effort to secure falsities, but eveu lor- was refused by foreign -et for the bunt stock available here. The situation hua reully iM-eoioe desperate and come of those who contracted at entroine I'rloes and bare been forced to take In I heir full rontraet, are reported In a bud way. A rcry limited amount of nortlietei u ho tmslne fa reported nt 1''c a pound for the better diiate guioda. but dealer, are unable to ecure iuie tbau a mouthful of trade even at tbla price. A late New York mall advice Bay: Rales Receipt for week I?"' Iteeelpt since NepteinlM'r 1 2.47U Receipt same time last )car 2.7l0 KxiHirta to F.uro'ie for week Klportl from September 1 1.100 Kxrta aaine time lust .veir 1. tils J ln,porN from Septemler I 20 Import same tune l-ist year 04 : lu New York atate ther ban been a rainy good demand from all source, and tbe l.u-l arm baa been malnlv at 2.Vtf27c. . 1 1 j a litlie more paid at the close for a lot or to of the -lio1cet. Gisid hops are moving fast. i-icept w liere grower are asking atlll higher rate. The (liiallty Is averaging considerable belter tliHti last year. "Trade, on the local market Is exceedingly llmlteil. Brewera are kIjuv iiik no lnteret to ajM'H k of; tliey curt-led over a t:'d deHl of lock, lait neaaon hh ii poor one owiiii,' to tbtt inrreaslnte teinperance neltatlon and there re Htlll nouje uncerta iut tea in the situation. Ktiftlnnd l taklnir nonie of imr atale liojjs hut re not buylnu faclflea km yet." Nw York wot' prici-a per pound: Htate, llll.-i. choice L" '.i::o Ktate. lni."., rneilliim to prime. ... Htate. 1014. medium to prime.... Htate. 1IH 4. low er irrnile Pacific cortHt. 11(1.".. c boli e Pacific coast, medium to prime 1'l.clflc coant. Illll J'Mlfli; coaid. old olds tTeaiiiery JTeneral Iteit known brands are showing no cbang' In evtabllxbed prices, and demand la fully up to offerings. On Hie other hand a surplus of poor uuallly stock is Indicated. Kasteru and rallfornlu butter la coining Into coiuiel Itlnn with the 1'acirh- leTthwest make. Sales of Ice House Stock Breaking All Records for This Period of Season; Believed That Danger of Glut Is About Over. lume of Imports is still too small to iiffert the liiirher erde stuff. ulthoiiKli th .lower ile 'Offerings have been hurt. 'I he butter market In the Pacific uortliweat ' continues to show the highest price In tbe (fluted States, and for that lesson this section ; Is atlractiiiB the attention of other geel Ions i which have u surplus on hand and where much , lower orices me ruling titan are available here, j I 'I tv trade i-oniiimei to yain in si l ength. I I tempei ature ree. at Portland tonight about 42 de ' PEAR TRADE HOLDS STEADY ) -Juite fair arrival- of pear are ttiown along t thf st re -t . Nji Ifs ore nc ra l v i-Mrtil at $1 j t' Sfi .i a In . art oriiiiiK to qua lity . Some . ver v u,-l f i 1 lnt tti H aro now roining fir j m id. AnJ"U ure finding no more fuvor thtia liKIKl (TKS OF THE TRADE Hiihffl aJv,iotf. i hi- kn clutiif-t. Apples fiTiiifr jru f lVitdl ItKll k DO'. nnitorN ure weaker mxl lower, tonja ! iiiarVt't aga tn ex per ted Th ere atet biilr.esn over known in this market at tin period nf the Re:i(Kn U passlnp tn the ezg trade f(r old storage Pttxk. So thoroughly frightened were w nouse specula tive interebtw that tiu-y have boen anxious to UiHpoKe of their UoU1:iiim nt u'.movt uny price, and in many inMam-ea Ht actual hwses. The sales have rt-Ht;ljed such n volume, how ever, that u inueli more hopeful aspect U Hhown in the nmrket. Cold wiorage 'egi; form the 'renter bulk of the sales in the Pacific coat market? at this time, und the v lume ia iMt expe ted to show decrease fr sonie time. Sai -K of cold Btortiffe rcK" re reiMrtd from 2. lo lis- a dozen, all sorts of figures heiup 1 ftioiYii fur sliniliir quality. Leading handlers are Htili pauir Htrn ken aud are very anxioua to uniad us promptly ha possible, although the iiiingerous xndltiou in the trade has seemingly already patsed. Reeeipis of fresh e at all points are limited, in fact bo few lucttl fresh offering au- availarde nt this time that they i-re sraree lr a factor it the market. Sales of selected fresh sto"k are generally reported today at :i-c a dozen along; the atreet with delivery charge extra. Ordinary loeal ttock is quoted at 3'Jc. Millstuffs Show a Fair Demand With Scant Offerings Millers' Supplies Are Limited at Present; Wheat Bids of the Interior Showing Good. XORTHWKST GRAIN RECEIPTS. Car Wbet Barley Flour Oata Hay Portland. Tue TO 17 1 15 10 Yeer aco V, V2 a 9 I.-? Season to dale...!277 437 208 371 5L--' Year apo 40ki; 404 W 074 4o Tccoma, Mod.... .. 9 TA Year ago X7 2 .. 2 24 Season to date . . . 2:'.2f 12!t .. 124 i:i2 Year ago '.'li-.l 14 .. 220 9 Seattle, Mod 4 7 37 Year aEo 121 2 5 5 27 Season to date.. 2221 247 614 319 1178 Year ago 2042 240 iXo 473 123 HOGS DEPRESSED YARDS HERE; QUALITY LACK HAS AN EFFECT Too Much Poor Swine Coming For ward and This Is Hurting Trade Generally; Half of Arrivals Not Suitable for Killing Purposes. M&o Industry New High Record and Enterprise HIAVT L088 AT CLOSE Hew York, Sept. 28 (I. M. 8.) HeT7 profit-taking in th cloving; hours on tha atock market this afternoon oauaed a sharp break in the entire list. Prloes dropped from t to 20 poinU. Today's trading was tha heaviest in six years. PORTLAND LIVKSTOt'K KI N to market la alow with prices un- market f rut nt ndances. 'C lov, jji-aile are moviiiK out well at t lias fair supplies; sales 40 to . in . 1 Id . 1.1 . I . s III 1 J (. IT 1,1 I ran (a 1 1 HICKLEHERHIES ARE SI-OW Market for bucklelrrrles la Tery alow bere Vllh receivers unable to clean up. Kvpii tin cnntierlea are n fusing to take bold of any thing exii-pt best ipiulily. Receipts continue to allow an liu-renac. DRESSED lKKiS ARE WEAK Com. try killed hog demand n much less keen nlons the -i re(. Am a trenernl rule Me 'i today the extreme top for wlne, fllthougli for oiiethiiiR i tra Mlf-t It la Boinetiine .okitile to ot( ,ilti u f rat i iou more. MUSCAT GRAPES ARE CiOOD t'arload of muscat grappa, tbe first of the aeaaou. came In from r:illfiK-nlu this morning In giMsl condition. '1 be stock was penerally ipioted at el.2o( I . 'n it crate. Icul t'om orda remain alow at unfavorable piles. GRAPEFRUIT IX THE MARKET Mniall offerings of t'aliforula grapefruit were shown along the street today. Stork was of excellent quality with anlea at $." a esse. Trade la awaiting the arrival of the first 1-urload of Florida stock. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE the following notice Weather bureau sends Ho shippers: Protect shipments during the next 4S hours far north as Seattle oc.ilnst minimum tem perature of ulsitit 44 degrees; nnrthenst tn Hpokane, 38 degrees; southeast to Ilolse. :i'J de jtees; south to Ashland. 40 degrees. Minimum TRANSPORTATION MMi AIT 1111 HOJBIOP" !ffi!3II!S8jr "OIBAT NfrKTHEKR" "HOBTHE1S FACiriC" Twin "Palacea of tha Pacific" TT7X89AT. TETJBSDAT, SATURDAY rox SAN FRANCISCO M Itouud Trip. One nay. Js. $1.-,, ,20. Including Meals aud Berth. Only 26 hours at sea. Delightful scenic ride along Columbia HlTer on steamer train from North llatlk station, ll:.,0 a. in. ArrlTes 4:23 p. in., Sunday, Wednesilay. l-rtday. V0BTH BANK TICKET OFFICE, tth ana btark Vhonss BJwy. B20; A-6671. War Cannot Stop Hood River Apples; Petrograd Buying I o-n wnv I'ondi I Ions .-innot toti the pur chase of Oregon's lest apples. Shipments have I n stnrieil lor l'etr..gi d, l;us-ln. from Hood Itlv. r. ii llbei si shipment of W inter Ilanana. Splty.eiilterg and .evt"wns le-ing r-'ported. Kuglaud i also reirted n puicliaser in tbe II. h.,1 Klter sectiou. II.hi.i Hirer. Sept s. - have Just Mulled Ussl ,,,e of Winter Haum;l. New iwons and Spitieiibergs on tiie way to Petro- grail. I.ussla. siija Wllitier Sclg of tlj,. Ap pie t.ro-rs HSxielHtl "Ijllll Is,! 1 to injure an-port:itlon. apples Into sewed lu burlap niul ciirde lest sHslble pr-dei-tioit in ti hail scarcely )nped to s.-ml !: r I i u In r imirk--t so early beln licht at the seat of the eXMrt trad- is going the association 1ms a lils-ral amount atlantlc storag-- spa--e under option. 'v'e are h Is.i st.n t Ing two rars land and have e. liberal number of file for future export thlpmeutg." was the We this lu the season, w ar. Howeyer, to b gd and of Trans- for Kng orders on POTATOES ALONG THE COAST San Francisco Market. Snn rrancl-i-o. Sept. Js.- tL . i ) Potatoes, Salinas Hurlianks. l .2,"iC 1 .0.'.: Kelts Burbanks, ."sicoitl iai; sweets. $1 ..'aiw2.00. Onions 1'er cental 4)'34"c. Seattle Market. Seattle. Sept. 2H.--(I. !-. i Onions : Call foinla. new. l'ic; Walla W'slla. O.VjZ 7.V. ' Potatoes - New red. lc; uhlte, 1(UHC. DAIRV PRODUCE OX COAST San Francisco market. 1 mm i.-co. Sept 2s. il . 1M -Rutter . 2ile; prime, firsts. 24'vr: firsts. 21s.-. i -l.xtr.is. 40, ; pullets. Mc. w --California fancy. 14 'ho: firsts. 12c. Seattle Market. Scuttle. Sept. 2s, (I. P.) - nutter Native Wa-biiij:t"ii creamery brick ."..:; mdid pack. JOHRIXG PHICI.S OF PORTIiA-XD I.U-JtH peachea. ; grapes. box, se per half San (1m-. Oregon triplets ld'jc; Wisconsin 17c. triolets 17 : Washington twins niug AmerU'a 1st-. Select ranch 4c. April storsge 2Sc. Los Angeles Market. I.os Angeles. Sept. 2-. t P. N. S.I Kggs. ci-se count, Ilulter, fresh extras, 20c; Jibbers' prices. I'bee t tv Ins, is.-. Y. Kggs - XOKTE PACinO BTXAMB SIP CO. San Francisco Apple Seusou Weuatcliee. Wash.. Sept. of apples are maturing uud curly ttits jriir and are now Is Early. . 2S. -All yatietles ripening unusually ready to pick. lo obtain the best keeping ipialltlcs. the large selling ageui ies are strongly dvsiug the growers to rush picking of all varieties. In most sections. Jonathans and King Ibivlds ure fairly well out of th - way and the grow ers' nttention centered on the later varieties. Wlnesaps. the lust to mature, are now of gid color und size and ready for picking. The picking season, which under normal conditions extends through Into November, will lie over by the third week of October this year. The continuous hot weather during August und the breaks In the Irrigation systems are thought to be the caues of the early season. 8ANTA UARBARA, AND SAN LOS ANQELE3 UIEGO Ball SS. ELDER Wadnaaday. Sapt. 29, 6 P. M. COOS BAY EtTBk.X& AMD BAN THAN CISCO S. S. SANTA CLARA alia Thursday. Sapt. 30. 6 P. M. Xlckat QXflc 123 Third St. Phoaaaj Mala 1314, A-1314 Trtight and Passenger TEAMEBS TO THE DALLES And Way Landings. "BAILEY GATZERT" leaves Portland dally at 7 A. It., except San day and Monday. Sunday excursions to Caa. 'cau Uucks leavs 9 A. A4. Hcturo 0.4i p. m "DALLES CITY" leavaa Portia ud buuduy, Tuesday. Thursday at 7 a. id. uaday Oascada Locks axoursioa fl.OO . 1 are to Tha ljalias and rsturn ii.Oo AXOEB 8TBEET SOCK, PORTLAND Phone Main li; A t 118. STEAMER GEORGIANA Laavaa daily azcept Monday ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS Leaving loot of Washington St. 7 a. returning 9 p. m. New Vork Sugar and Coffee. New ork. Sept. Porto Hlcos, $.'1.7 1 ; Coffee, spot New No. 4. .Santos. ih 2S. Sugar, centrifugal, Cubas, $:t!yt(f 4D1. York, No. 7 lilos, eVjc; Ijiverpool Wheat Market. .1verHMil. Sept. 2S. (I. N. S. (--Wheat Ssit No. 1. Manitoba, lis lO'-jd; No. a. lis S'-jd; N.i. ;i. lis. 7'-.,d: No. 1 northern 1 (ninth lis 4'.d; No. 2 red western wlnler Ids No. 2 bnnl winter lis 10'id. TRANSPORTATION . COOS BAY LINE STR. BREAKWATER Account of Repairs ' Sailing Dates Tndefinitely Postponed DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE Steamer State of Washington ' laarse Taylor St. deck 11 p. m. daily, except Suadays, for Ike Dalles and way landings. Aetarninft leavaa Tea Dalles It aooa daily ex cept Monday, freight ard passengers. Fare II 00. Barta Mo, Upper Columbia and Bnake (iVet iteamere te Lewiiton aad way landings rheae Matt UX A-771i. San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Change En aoute) Tbe Big". Clean. Comfortable, Elegantly Appointed. Saa-Croing Steamship BEAR Sails Prom Ainswortn Sock 9 A. M., SEPT. 29 100 Oolden Miles on Columbia RiTor. All Bates Znclnde Berth and Meals. Tables and Service Unexcelled. Tbe San Pranclsoo Portland B. S. Co., Third and Washington sta. (wltn O-W. &. Jb rr. Co.) TeLBroaa. way 4500. A-613Z. These prices are those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated. They are corrected up tu noun each day: Dairy Produce. LL'TTER City creamery, cubes, fancy. SlVjc; firsts, J9jc: secouds, 28'c: prints and cartons, exlra; country creamery cubes. 27ttT. 2bc; Ore-jjou dulry, lh&10e. KLTTKHKAT Portland delivery Premium cream. aJc; No. 1 sour cream, Jlc; No. 2, 2Uc; sweet cream, Joe lb. KliUS belling price by dealers, delivery ex-tra--Scl?cted fi'sb. :i2e. Candled ranch. oOc; storage, -'(ti2Sc lb.; case count. 27i- dozen. 1.1 vt l'olL'riil-lkoa. t'lyinouth Itoek. 13fiti:ii-sC lb.; ordinary chickens, 12c lb.; broilers, l'-j2Vj lbs.. 15c; turkevs. XKa'Uv. drvssed. 2Jc: pigeons. 1.00Hl-2'i; esjuabs. (1.20 duzen; geese, live, fee; i'ekin ducks, old, 11c lb.; jouug and heavy, 12'al2vji- lb. LTIKKSK fresh Oregon faucy full cream twins and triplets, l-t'ialSc. louug Amer ica. loVj'alOc. Fruit and Vegetables. KULSU FHl IT" oranges. S5.o0ftiri.75 box; bananas. 5c per Hi.: leiuous. e-bof4.5o uox: grape fru'.i ," per cae; piucapplcs, Sc lb.; lekis, ei.''iiEi i.ju, cauta.out't, 1.5U; waltruieejiis, U0(i1fl per wl.; 4o(i00c box, liu' kiebel l ies. 1'nd- lb. 1 jja 1 ,:;o; C'oucords, 12 l-j i- basket. Al'i Lts Loc.il new, ia-io mr coruiLg lu qualiiy; crab aupirs, svc box. ONIONS Local, 75cW$l Oo cental; assocla tlou selling price, carloads, 75c cental f. o. b. tommy yowls; garlic, 12i-sil5c per lb. i'OIA'lUhs si,,. 1(l-Ke .,ew ctuu, 7541 KOc; sweets, 2',(ft2,aC lb. VtUETAbLLo lurnipa ( ); beets. 75c per sack; currots, at, 75c sack; parsnipj 1 I per sack; cabbage (local) l(Ucu$.l; gieen onious, li'U2Vc uoaeu buueucs; ptjppers, bell, tic; Urad iettuce. local, iO((425c Uozeu; celery. do7.cn, 40(y;u5c; cauliflower. $1.15 doziu. Kreuch artl Uuaes. INA'$($1 per dozen; siring beans, i'Wc; peas, laU-ic lu.: ratlisnes, l-'rjC dosen bunches; corn, ooutaj sack; cucumbers. 5iia75c sack; touiatoes. Ore gon, j5!u 4'Jc: gg pl:int. 3c lb; sprouts, 9c lb. Meats. Fish and Provisions. LRES-sLK Alt A IS eu-lllng pn.e Country kllleu: laucy hogs. Sc; rough and heavy, it; laucy veals. ii't, uidiu.y, liKal'JVjc; poor, -ii:l,i'-'. uuais, it; spring lambs, loc, mutton, i&c. HAMS, UAl'O.N, KTV. Hams. 14glSe; bleaktaat bacou, lu(y,5yc, boiled liauis, 27c; picnic, lie; collage roll, loc; Orison ex uoits. lc lb, Ul SltUS Oljmpia, per gallon. $3.00; canned eastern, 55c can; b.50 uozcu: eastern in shell. II. So per 10U; luior clams, 12,c doa.; eastern oysters per gallon solid pack, XJ.oo. t Icii Dressed UOiiuUeis, 7c, sllkerslde sai ujon. 5l-j'u4c. lloj.il Cbinoos. 5ujc; perch. (flSc: lobsters. i5c lb., snver siueit, c; salmou trout. lSc lb.; balitut, h'U'Jc. l.AKb iieii.es, ktiUi teucK.eu. 11 He; slaudaic. lo-.c. C'KAija Laige. $1.75: tnedluui, $1.50 dozen. Groceries. SL'iiAli Culss. o.io. poAdered. J0.05; fruit or ucirj, .s; U.et. eo.o5. at y rauulaiea. $5.55. u yeiiox. o.4a. iAisiw u,uuiaiioii are uo uoj uel csb.) KlCr. Japau slile. No. 2, :4ja5c; New UtitaUB, ueau, .tt';i:; "iue ruse, tlc; Heme, 5c. jjALX Coarse, half grounds. HKs. $10.55 per lou; jUh. ill), t.ble da'.y, 50s. ia; ios, an.5u: bales, $2.25; 1uum iOck. $2u.oo pel ton. liliA.NS Small, white. $5.05; large white. $5.jv; pi.ik, ei.OJ: iiinaa. j. u; Iiuuu ao.ou; tea, 0.i5. Hops. Wcol and Hides. UorS Nuunual buying prut, luij crop, choice, loc, piuue. b'ic. mediuui to prime, Uc. . ilUNLV New, $3.2oiu3.50 per case. UoL Nominal, lulo clip; Willamette val lr, eoa.se coLoWoiU, cuisoe: uiruiuai 2)Urup shire, 2ic: choice laucy iota, 2si4Atc; eaaie, n citiiou. l-HU2bVac. UlLil-S ileu bides, 2."i lbs. and up, 15c; sailed, oO lbs. und up, lvc; sailed. 15 to Zo lbs., 15c; sailed calf, up to lo lb-, ibc; reeu hides, 25 lbs. and up, i'je; greeu slags, 5u 10s. anu up, 8Vjc; green kip, 15 lbs. to 25 lbs., loc; tjtecn call, up lo lo ibs., isu; Uiy fiiut hides, aic; dry lnut calf, up to i lbs., iit; uiy sail hides, lvc; dry hoiseliidee, each ooc j,el.0Ui sail boraenldeo, each, 2.ou(id.uu; horeeuair, 2oc; urv long wool pelts, 15ac; dry sbori wool pelts, ll',ac; dry buecp shearlings, each 10 lo lie; aailea sueep sueariujjs, each 10 io 25c. TALLOW No. 1. 4Va4Hrc; No. 2, 'u.. please, 5v,oWc. MOHAlll 115 30c. CUllilM oil lam. AUA II A HK Buying plite. car lola, iul'r less Una car lols. Faints and Oils. L1NSELD OIL Kan puis., obc gallon; ket tle boilid bbls.. OSc. ra, cases. (lc; boiled, cases, iut gK'-; bus ol i;aIlou, 1 c less, oil take n.cai. per Ion. C'uaL OIL uler while in diuuis aud lion barrels, lbc. 1 L ul'LN 1 'INK Tanks. 51K-; cases, 6tic gal lou. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, Se lb.; 500 lb. lots. Sc lb.; less Jots. s-4c Per lb. OIL J1LAL. c ai load lots. $54. While supplies are scant, there Is quite a fair demand reported for millstuffs with ealea of -bran shown at J21.W4J25.0O and shorts $25.rvi2(.iKj a ton. Millers say that they are able to dispose of what stock they have on hmd nt this time, rait there Is every like lihood of a break in values when milling op erations again oeoome general. Practically ali the stuffs demand Is confined to the local territory. Wheat market bids in the Interior are hardening slightly again with some increase in Saks reiiorted, nlthough the volume is still far below- the normal. Barley is quite active in the Interior with a continuance of the scrap" between two or the hi;; exporting Interests. Other exporters are loading their ships in California at lower prices because of the scrap here. Oats market Is fairly active In the country with prices Isildlng. Flour remains verv qnlet. KL (L'H Selling price. Patent. $4.80; Wil lamette valley. $4.Hfi: local straight. $4.30: bakers' local. $4.oO'a4.SO; Montana spring wheat. $5.10; exports. $3.SOf(j3.W; whole wheat. $5.25: graham, J5.0U; rye flour, $5 50 per barrel. HAY Buying nrlfe. Willamette valley tim othy, fancy. $l.'l.00fttl3.50: eastern Oregon Idaho fancy tinmthv, JIU.OO; alfalfa. $13.taj'u l-j-i: vetch and oats, $11.00; clover, $S.004t (ii.AIN SACKS 101". nominal. No. 1 Cal cutta. iioiUc lu car lots; less amount higher MlLl.Sl'l rTS Selling price: Bran, $24 50 (U25.I.P; shorts. $2.".5(k2t).00. Itnl.LLi) BA RLE V Selling price. $28.50(i 2il..0. ( OUN Whole. $:i7.00; cracked. $38.00. There were no offers to sell wheat todav on the Portland Merchants' Exchange. Spot 'bid-) weje weaker and lower to firm and higher. Spot coarse grains were generally firmer and higher. Spot onts bids were 25c a ton and Bsit barley 75c a ton. No sales on the exihange in either cereal. A sale of 2(0 tons October brsn was made at $22 a ton. Meichauts Exchange spot prices: WHEAT. BluestPiTt I Kortyfold . . . Club Ked Klfe . . . Red Russian Keed Feed Bran Shorts Futures we Tuesday Bid. Ask. , . . l . . . KS . . . Ml . . M . . . h OATS. . . . 2:',25 2:150 BARLEY . , . .2475 MlLLSTl'FFS. . ..205II 2:t".(l . . .2K5II 2;hki quoted : WHEAT. -Monday Octotar bluestetn . . . November bluestetn . Ocdber fortyfold ., November fortyfold Octolier club November club . . . . , October Fife November 1 ife .... October Russian . . November Russian October . . November October . . November October November October . . November OATS. BARLEY. BRAN. SHORTS. Bid. S7 R5 S2 1 200 2H50 2K25 Bid. . HO . Sit . . K7 . M K4 S2 . SO . SOI. . 7a . 2325 'iibob .2450 .240O .2175 .2100 .2150 .2100 Ask. 25X.0 Ask. USt-i 1(4 02 a SS K4 So , 83 'i 84 2350 2400 05 2550 2250 ZM0 23oO 2300 Tutsday Monday Soturday l'llday Thursday , V.'edncsday . . . , AVeek ago Year ago Two years ago. Three years age Hoirs. Cattle. Calves. . . o70 33 .... ..28!l.'l 1136 14 . . 327 lis . . 840 TO 4 . . 5.12 32 62 . . 3S3 lis . . 313 115 11 . . .'i'.lT .. 1s5 113 i . . 350 4. Sheep. 871 6871 22:15 411 147 65.; 7 IKS RS2 again depressed generally offer- leMerday. While there ill the yards overnight. Tbe market for swine was at North Portland with killers Ing a dime less than r as only a small run killers had so luv.ch stuff in sight that they did not cure to take bold. One of tbe depressing influences In the lo cat hog trade at this time is that fully half of present arrivals are of unsuitable quality for immediate killing, but packers are forced to purchase them to clear the market. Market fo" hogs was eencrally s-ns;dered steady in the easiern trade this morning. General hog market range: Best light $d.4i'n.45 Medium light i,..:ii'i li .'UI CJKd to heavy d. inr.i ti.i Rough lo heavy 5.H"fd.(o Market for cattle is still verv slow at North Poitland. In fact, practically no hcedwav was made lu the sales Ourtng the early part of the day. Cows especially are in a bad position at this time tiecanse of the great offerings and accumulations of dairy stuff. Eastern cattle trade wns steady to weak this morning. (ieneral cattle market range: Select steers V- I New Y"ork. Sept. 28. (I. N. S.) The up ward movement in the steel and equipment shares continued at tbe opening of the stork market today. With tbe exception of slight pressure in the standard railroad securities, the market opened strong. Six new high records for the year were reg- istered In the "war" stocks In the first hour of tradlug. Baldwin Locomotive Jumped to 122. American Locomotive to (184. Republic lion & Steel to 531-,. Distillers to 34. Amer ican Car aud Foundry to 811a, au,l Pressed Steel car to 6&',4. tJenersl sentiment was bullish. Bulls com manded the market. They are now In pos session of a strong line of long stocks. though the msrket has scored strong advances in Hie past few days, the technical position Is considered to be in. far better shape than was generally underwood. Latest develop oents in the negotiations for the loan sought by the allies, whicf suggest that tbe loan w ill be consummates, aided the udvaDcc in "wsr" stocks. Westlnghouse Elecf-le opened strong, sell ing at 123U. Crucible Steel was up ;S at the inset, being ofered at 102. It Jumped Hj I jits in the early trading. Lackawanna Steel opened with a 2 point gain, selling at M- It scored a further advance later. I'. S. Steel common stock passed 7ft st the oiH-ning. Continued good demand sent the iasue ei another point before noon. Railroad stocks were less active. In the early trading there was some pressure shone. Atchison told around 104; Pennsylvania opened at ll.l's. Erie sold at :(3, Southern Pacific at :4'. and L'nion Pacific changed bands at Coppers were strivrig. The expected dividend In Anaconda today brought about a goisl de manc for that stock. It opened at 74M. Tennessee t opper gained three points in the early trading, selling up to (HI1. Inspiration w:is in fair di niand. Mexican Petroleum was active. It started with a gain of 1. selling 11; td'a; American Can maintained a firm tone. To Build Coalinf Plant. j A coaling plant lo times the size of ; the present one will tie erex-ted by the. ; liiter-Ksland Steam Navigation com pany on the Kalihl eitle of the harbor. 1 The new station will have 160,000 tons storage capacity anil will conniet of iwu uiiioauing towers, each with 11 capacity of 200 tons per hour. There will be a traveling bridge with a spaa iou reel, carrying coal-reolaiminjr ma- chtnery with a capacity of 250 tons an ncur. lhere will be installed a coal ; reloading equipment to coal vessels of ,ar.y size alongside the dock. The c-oal-! ing berths will accommodate seven : vessels alongside the pier, ijix rnav be I coaled at the same time. Any vessel inai can enter the harbor can be ac commodated. At the end of the pier will be lare elevated .storage bunkers for immediate delivery to vessels at the dock. The -:oal as it passes into Vessels will be welsrhed lv h reister- Ai- ! 11 apparatus. The entire system will j oc eict 11 n-any operated. 1 lie wtiart will be of the most modern and periua- ncnt type. The material In It w ill tie ; reinforced concrete. The cost of the ! Improvement is apportioned In the fol lowing manner: Lund. $35(1,000; dledg lina work, $200,000; wharf, $150,000 or j $200,000; plant, 1200,000 or $250,000. : Mining Projects Active. I Placering companies and prospect 1 orsi are busily engaged at all points putting plants and grounds Into shape nnc condition ior resumption of opera tions the ensuing season, says a (irants Pass report. The rainy season of the ytar will soon be at hand and activity is in evidence at all surrounding points, and everything will he in readiness for work as soon as water hecluM to flow. 1 In no season of recent years has a greater Interest been manifest than ! appartlit at the present time. In quiries from outside camps, interior Mining states. Incoming prospectors new to the district and unusual local ir terest evidence the m-tlvity promised f(-t the near mining season of Illinois valley, of which Kerbv Is the center, bi th of location and ' distribution' of ttafflc connected with the industry. Americans Among t.nilUhed 1 -I'll acre In England. the 100 firms which have es works at Trafford Park a estate adjoining Manchester hoiks .luring the last Is ears are .a number of American concerns These ' u r . . i .... 1 1 .. .11...-. III.. , . . - . ' Mi -u III tl I CI 3 1 it-, j uiuiiu rat - tuiing. An American motor car com pany has a chnssis assembling plant with a daily output of lno cars, and another building for constructing com plete bodies fur tuts. A Nlaguni Kalis company has opened a carbot nudum works. A southern cotton oil company has large mills here. Two American concerns have rubber reclaiming works at Trafford Park. An Knglleh com pany establlshe 1 a gltieeuxe works here several years ago and are now, of cci:rse, competing with American nian-ulaoturt-rs of glucose who ship to Eng land. Dialnage Surrey Planned. Definite arrangements for a com plete drainage survey of 75 square mi.e.s of French prairie to be begun soon by a government engineer were nu.de at a ineellng of the Woodburn A, triitillnral - Mercantile association a. cording to County Agriculturist Cha pin, in a .Salem. Or., report. Articles of Incorporation. t'ultns lake Kcservoir company; cap ital stdv-k. $5000. S. S. MohlT. 1. Hols man ami J. YV. liavld. incorporators $i'..50riR 75 0 25';6.:t5 ii.is.ifij 1). 25 .. I'd 5.75 CI. of 'Ho. 25 4.5i'(i4.7:i 4.50fit4.7.-, 4 25 2.5(1'' 3.54! 7..VntJ8.oO Lest hay fed steers Good to choice Ordinary to fair I'est cows (iood to prime Select bulls Ki ncy bulls Ordinary bulls Best calves Mutton Market Firm. Market for mutton continues to show, liberal strength at North Portland. There was a small supply available for the trade this morning and a good demand was shown at full figures. In the eastern trade there was s steady tcne this rooming for mutton. General mutton market: Choice spring lambs Ccmmon spring lambs Choice yearling wethers ... 'Iood yearlings Old wethers t r.olce light ewes Gis-id ewes hough heavy ewes Today's Livestock Kutige Ovt ils t k building: of New York prices furnished b. .i Cook Co., 21b' 217 Buurd of Trade Li Est Uii-i ION $ 7.O0 6.5oJ (i 7.'. 5 75 O..VH.V7.-I 4 75y5.l 5.25a0-50 4. 5l'.l 5 IK 3.75irl 4 25 Shippers. .Mils thalmeis. c Allls ( balmers. pf . . . American Beet Sugar.. Can, c tan. pf ly., c. . I Oil. c Linseed, c . . . Linseed, pf. Loco.. C . . . . Smelter, c . . Smelter Sugar. open illlgh 1 ij,,w Clow I tt. I'f- 'iigar Tel. September Wheat 2c Higher Today At Chicago Close Chicago, Sept. 28. (I. N. S ) Wheat closed l'a2c above yesterday. The grain market was unsettled at the open ing today. September wheat was 'c off at the outset. December was '(c down and May was 14c up September mm opened with '-4c decline. December wss 'wc higher and May was un changed. Oats opened unchanged to tjo down. The weather dominated the action in all grains. Reisirts from many sections of the belt were unfavorable. Early in the trading September wheat ad vanced lic. Inferred options held fairly steady. It Is generally understood that the large short Interests In September have cov ered or secured the wheat on their sales. t orn and oats, following the Irregular open ing, maintained a firm tone. Provisions were slightly higher at the outBet with the trade rsther dull. Range bat &. building: of Chicago Cooke Co.. prices furnished 216 217 Board bv Over of Trade Hogs John Barger. Ijurosse. Wash.. 1 load; Henry Hunt. Heppmr. 1 load: A. S. Milne. The Dalles. 1 load; W. E. Tbom1n. iold Hill. 1 load; W. A. Leaper, Yoncalla, 1 load. Cattle A. Zuilee. Mobler. one load. Sheep J. L. Brown. Ashland. 4 loads. Rice Brothers. Sheridan, two loads. Mixed stuff T. Derr. Mc.Minnville. one load cattle, hogs und sheep; II. A. Yoakum. Winch, one load hogs nnd sbeeji. Disposition of Livestock. Following were puhehases of live-stock at North Portland for the week ended Saturday. Those of tbe Vnlon Meat company Include stuff contracted and purchased in the country Cattle. Calves L'nion Meat Sterrett A Oberlee M. J. 0111 Rav Falrchlld .... T. R. Howltt Misc. Portland... Misc. Oregon -Feeders, Oregon. . . Carstens Pk. Co. . . James Henry Tacoma Meat Seattle yards Misc. ' California Feeders, Wash Hogs. Sheep San Francisco San Fi ate-isi-o, Sepi. (rain .Market. alls. 2. Barley Sept. 2s. Sicpt. 2i. Open, t lose. Close. December l2olt 12..B lli'iij Si. I quota thins Wheat. Walla Walla. $l.4i '-31 1.5o, red Russian. tl.Vi. turkey red, $1 .52 1 j (' 1 .5. blucstelii. $ 1 .ijo-'l l.ti2 ' . l-'eej lialle Sl.lV'vfol 2o. White oats si.:min"l.:;2'. Biun $2t;.iKK,i j,(,o; middlings. $3O."0''i-".l . short. $.0 iiofo ij.5o. WUF.AT. Open. High. Ixiw. Close.' Sept lttt'j 105 lii2 105 A Dee !'4't ." !I31 05 S, A Mav 07 UH l;7 9S, A CORN. ! Sept 08 1 j liSitj fis 68 B 1 Dec 54 55S 54 55' b May 507s 57 u 5ti- B OATS. Sept 38', 3-SS, 3t, 814 B De- 35 Mi, 35-t 36 B May 37 37 38'. B PORK. Sept .... .... 1325 Oct. 1312 1325 1312 1322 A Jan. 15RO 1602 1585 1580 LARD. Sept 835 A del 832 837 S32 832 B Jau 8S5 885 SSt) 885 RIBS. Sept SC'0 SMJ 8ti0 R75 Oct .... .... 875 B Jan 8S7 802 880 81(0 A BANK STATEMENT OF COAST New Vork Cotton PANAMA CANAL and New York DELIOHTTTL CRUISES Aboard Large Amexioaai Trans-Atlantio -riMLAK 22.000 Tons Diaplaceuient T.tn.r. KSOONULMO" From FRANCISCO Fran, L08 ANGELES OCTOBER 20 Not. 17. dec a SAM OCTOBER 19 H0V. 18. DEC. 7 and Every Third Week Thereafter Te Saw York Te Panama Canal $13& and up First Cabin $100 and up $60 and np Intermediate $60 and up Including Keels and Bank. Also Combination N. Y. Tickets. One Way WaUr 0the Way Kail PANAMA-PACIFIC USE. (19 Lecood Ave., Seattle, local rail or steam skip ageata. January .. March . . . Mav July October December Open. , 12 7 0 . 1288 . 1305 . 1301 1210 . 1250 High 1 2 1 5 1 304 1317 1317 1222 1258 Market i.ow. 1257 1 2s 12i7 1 29S 1 200 12 14 C'lose. I 2 'it 12S2 1308 1308 121') 1217 Clearings Monday Tuesday Portland Banks. This week. $2.054.n;s . 1.024.707.85 Y'ear ago. $1,914,497.13 1.048.316.80 Seattle Banks. Clearings Balances .$2,003,745.00 133,9UO.O0 Total Section. Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon Oregon . . Oregon . Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon . . Oregon . Oregon .. Oregon . . (rt goti . . Oregon . . t It egon . Oregou . Oregon . . Oregon . Oregon Olegon Oregou Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon OiegoQ Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Or gon Oregon Oiegon Jdaho .. Idaho . Ids ho .. Idaho Idaho - Idaho - Idaho .. Oregon Oregon Oregon Oregon Sect Ion Oiegon Oi egon Oregon Oregon Oregon 030 to zsiso :Ki5fl 18 .. 94 111 41 11 ' . . 224 147 54 81 11 127 2" 1 118 352 1 r,n2 ... . . 171 15 . . 71 . 2!'2 . . 385 lit 632 33 1084 l 5303 5221 Monday Tacoma Banks. PROSPERITY PROSPECTS 4t That business conditions are 4fr good in the interior is the re- ! port hrought buck to this city -fc j by Henry Hahn of Wadhains 1 & Co. and one of the owners of ifr j the Prineville Land & Livestock Co. Mr. Hahn has just returned ! ie from an extended trip to his j central Oregon properties and reports conditions good al- though the range. Is said to be ijt lit extremely dry. "They are rals- If- ing; many more hogs in the in- 4 terior than ever before," he says, "In fact they are raising in them In sections so remote from transportation that only home consumption can be figured. Mr. Hahn states tlmt there will likely be less cattle placed 4 on feed this winter because of the shorter hay crop. Clearings Balances Clearings Balances Los Angeles Banks 317.387.00 51,930.00 , .$2.fto.135.M3 310.971.00 Su Francisco Banks. Clearings $8,066,711.00 PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Oregon Washington Afternoon Sales. STEERs; N... Ave lh. 25 123k 9 11 2'! 1 133i 1 25 1142 2 11SK 1 '.its 1 2fi 1153 2I 121o 7 1 o.-.O 21! 12i;( 24 1213 ti 1I5K 4 87" 22 IK'O 2i h'.-.O II il',2 1 11 vk 25 11 13 2 1030 COWS. 50 1110 Hi 051 t 1210 2 1025 ! HS5 2 lOil) 2 1080 1 1240 9 !75 27 1102 BILLS. 5 10(7 1 88(1 1 1 220 1 1500 HEIFERS. 1 1340 STAGS. 1 1280 LAMBS. L'iKi 00 EW ES. 17 02 HOGS. Wfi 21 4 317 2 110 2 2U5 ...... 4 .312 93 IV 1 25 128 I 35il 70 L'isi 7 37 2!' 150 H 525 38 21 s 1 1 450 ty Morning Sales. STEERS. No. Av lb- 18 924 s -SI 23 1 1 iso cows. 3 1230 3 1K3 STAGS. 1 9S0 HOGS. 76 . 209 American American American Car American A mcrlcau American A mvrlcan American American ui( 11 ca 11 Am. Tel. A American Woolen, c. Anai-onda Mining Co. Atchison, c Atchison, pf I'.aldw In Iis-o., c Baldwin Loco., pf.... Baltimore & Ohio. c. Bethlehem Steel, c... B. thleliem Steel, pf . . . tins.klyn u 1 I 1 al If. petroleum, c. . I C u lif . Petroleum, pf . j Canadian Pacific , Ceriral leather, c. . . 'Central Leather, pf... ! Chesapeake .V ouie. . . ( hi. & o. W .. c (hi. & G. W ., pr. . . Chi., M. & St. I' Chi. i N. W., c Chlno Copper Cdo. F. A I . c Consolidated Gas..... Corn Products, c Corn Products, pf. Crucible Steel. (- Crucible Sleel. pf . . . . Denver & R. G.. pf . . . Denver R. G , pf . . . PiMillers lie. c Erie. 1st pf General Electric neral Motor teuodrlch Rubtier G. Northern, ore lauds G Northern, (if Gugpcnbi lm Exp Hide & Leather, r. . . Hide & I.ealh., pf... Ii e Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol.... Inspiration International Ha Intertioro. c Intcrboro. ifd K. C, Soulhern, c Lackawanna steel Lehigh alley la cisville At Nashville. Mexican Petroleum - Miami Copper Mo.. Kan. & Texas, c. . do pfd. Mo. Pacific National Lead Nevada t ousolidaied .. New Haven N Y. Air Brake V. Y. Ceutnl 1 V- v t. it- !J'M! I Norfolk A W. c Northern Pacific Pacific Mail I'enu. Railway Peoples Gas I'jttsburc foal, c do pfd Pressed Steel Car. c. . . do pfd. Rav Cons. Copper Railway Steel Springs. Reading, c do 1st pid do pfd $4 25 I Rep. Iron & Steel, 4.7.1 do pfd Rock Island Sears. Roebuck & Co. 4.85 I Stndebiiker. c 4. 50 I do pfd Sims Sheffield Southern Pacific Southern Ry., c Northern Hallway, pf. lenn. Copper Ave Pacific, c Pacific, pf Rubber, c Rubber, pf Steel Co., ,-. . . Steel Co.. pf . . 1 tab t upper Virginia Chemical, c W . I . Telegraph. . . . Westlnghouse Electric W.-dw.-rth 45 i 74 is .15 t-4 , '79i o4',t '. T7 4, 81 "-j v4 '- , 44 74'3 04, 03 711', 45i, 7 03 lial'i so i,4 53 18 35 to 118', ! 7(14 : 41 T 81 ' ; 87 S . 85 80:;, j J 1 OS lOtl-i 1001s lOS'lijlKSl-. 125U,;12.5ihi(125' .,1251-j 53 I 54 -'Si 52 1 52 74 M.! 74 72,! 73'i 104-iK104-a 103'-. 1o:i, Kll 119 1 1 I 811 308 85 20 101 1 1 5K 111 i 89 2ti loi'j 100 i in ,1.1 ilici',,llo j S7 V-r i 87 365 ,30k 1 55 j SIM, 1 64 "s, i 40 ,101 ,161 I 50S 51 . -' il'S ; .50 V ' 1 I B 31 33 5o'V 51 13 I 13 3-3 s- 53 SI , ?yt j 61 I Sl'4 129-V129-'Si 1281-.12M.4 45', 1 44D-,, 45! 451-, fxl'-j, 3UI BtJ', 02 1 131 I 80 102 1112 131 '-4.130 I 20U, 19 311, 33 32 53 53 31 w, 32 178s,;178U;i75 130.1 7o- ' 40 121 5 I 12 48 0'H 40 's 121 OtiLj J2 49 95 ij .t;i vester lmi'-j i 2.. Price. $0 05 li 25 5 50 (i.80 II. (SI (i.sn O.811 1; vn 0x1 5 7" K.I i I 5 Oil li.30 .4ll K.4II 4(1 6.0O 4.5'l 1 3. (Ml 4 .50 5.00 4.50 5.00 $3.25 3.00 4.00 3 X) $0.'W $..5l $d.50 12H-V, 19 103't.TOOi j,101 112 1110 1!"4 11 ', 10 l-s 32 32 175 3iX( 70 48 ft 121 an 'i Ui', 50 23 100 04 94", 36 371. l's.n.j lti8i!li7,a 20'V 20'vi 20 44I 74'-jj 73 I 73 28 j 28 j 27 I 27' -, 8(1 82U, 79'i H 145'v 117 ,145'a, 1 45 ! il2 91V u-l 28 ! 28 vj, .'.Hi o't.: IK1-, SO ', 12Ht H7 12 51 881,4 27. 4' llH.4! 4 i; I 14U I 8 1 58 W'i4 281. 89 28 4; His 4 (Hi '-', 14 'j 09 I5SH Posse Searches for Girls' Assailant Eig-ht-Tear-Old Child Seporta Assault by Unknown Man as She Was on Her Way Home From. School. Hood River. Or., Sept. 28. Excites ment ran high in the Odell district last evening when It was reported that the S-year-old daughter ol Mr. and -Mis. Shields had been assaulted by an un known man on her way home from school. The girl Was hauled into the roadway by a stratiRi r and was rough ly handled, but developments indicate that the assailant was frightened away before real harm had been dune. A posse was organized to search for the offender and city and county offi cers are making effort to locate the man. Salem Flour Mill Destroyed by Fire Salem. Or.. Sept. 28. n-.ain build ing of tlie Salem Flour Mills company was destroyed by fire today, causing; a loss of $L'."..0u(i. which Is fully iov ered by insurance. Fire fighters suc ceeded in saving two uther buildings owned by the company. $4 5o $0.55 5. 55 5.25 IMI 5.50 0 50 5.25 5.50 50 50 5 50 5i I 5 50 Price. $d (Ki .vi $4.50 4.50 $5.00 tn 45 Third Union Uub-n I'. S. I . S. I s. 11 4 I 4 1.4 ii7'., ft 1V 14', 08V. 69 159' j ll'i'i 97 j H71 1 29 29 114 114 ii:;'iJi3- HOVVTll !110'4 '11KV4 53 , 33 V 33 I 3,3 113',. 113',, 113 :nt I IllO'-i 34; 30 I 34 ! 35 105 i..;104ll'.3Ui 1(14'.'. 07 Wi 73 vi- 67 '4 1 72H , I ,1"2S 22 i 22 L, 1 22 '4 22i 43., 45; 43 I 45 !153n 154 '152T'.3 .i ; 1 1 . 103i..:104jl03', 1H4V . i 53 ! 53'i, 57 V, I 531, . 1 103 V, j 103H 1 102 Vs 1 102 1 ., .! 20 20' 20 I 20 4 . ! 1 1 155 . f H2'a 145 141 Vi 14H, . ' U . . . .1 'IOS'.j 57 I 58 Uji M 57 . I 94 ' 94 Si 931 4 93 'j . 19 19',j 19, l'J'sj . ' 6SV 1 58 V4 I 57 57 .1 591-4! 01 , 591.4 59 .j 58 ij 58V. I 571 fi7 . '133 V, ,133' 132 H 132', .; 82 , 82 I 81 81 V, .1 53 I 53 I 52 V. 52 S .'1(7 107'4 107 ;io7 .' 79' 79i..,i 78! 78S . 114V, 114 114 114S . ' OS , Ml '-. d7 ' 118 1 4 .'41 ; 41 :at: :tn Sentenred to 30 Days In Jail. J. M. Baltasar attempted to steal a sweater coat from the Herbert l.o-v store at 43 North Third street yester day about noon. He was captured by Police .Sergeant Robson after an ex citing chase of five blocks through the congested north end streets and was given a sentence of 30 days In jail by Municipal Judge Stevenson this morning. Public Withdrawal Hurts Stock Market Copyright, ion, by the New York Evening Post. New York. Sepi 28. It'. P. 'It was scarcely to lie ex pet ted after the course of yesterday's matket (hat cautious, conservative people would have adopted any policy other than that of withdrawing from the market. This was evidently also the attitude of professionals for in today's market the signs of enorouius profit-taking were unmistakable. But big professional speculators are not In the habit of throwing stocks on the market and waiting Idly to see what happens. (in the contrary when the selling Is heavy In one quarter they bid up prices In another, and AJIF.HHWX LIVESTOCK PRICES Denver Hogs $7.75. Denver, Colo. Sept. js. Cattle. 1000. slow; beef sieers. ii.."'i'o 7 .50; cows and heifers. .vk.i (1 .25; st... kers and feeders, $fl.ooi7.25; calves. $8.aiiit 1" iV Hogs. c.tsj. strong: lops. $7 75; bulk, $7.40 't , on. Sheep. 520O. s.-tlve. Chicago Hogs $S 45. I lilesgo. Sept 28 ll. V S.l -Hog re ceipts. l.l.Oiiu firm, uncbaiiged to " higher; bulk. $7.3(ini8.25; light. $i.('.5'.iH.45: mixed, $0 ii.Vn s.45; liea. o H5(ri8.30; rough. $H.5 11 li.'.m : pigs. 0 mud. 8 oil. Cattle receipts, ,"sKHi, firm; native beef cat tle. i. I offi. I 1. 4(1 ; western steers. $0 iil'ii,8 7 T. ; com and heifer. $2,9048 lu. calves. $7 25(d) 1 I .oil Sl-.eep receipts. 13111KI. strong, wethers, $5.70 (jiO.15: lalliUis, $7 25U9 25. Kansas Citv Hoes $9.2. Kansas Citv. Mc. Sept. 28. 1 I. N. Si ll. c receipts. 15. one. slesdv; bulk. $7.30iS 2"; lienvv. II '.TOi 111; puckers' and butchers', ; 5(lV S..2H. Ilghl. $7.751,18.25, pigs. $7 5o(it 8 20. 1 altle recelits. IH.Osi. steady: prime fed leers, $9 .'.(('( lo.(H(. dressed beef steers, $7.80 'a!' 4n; western steers. $0 5int(.s.7.v stockers and feeders. $5.75'u S.OU . bulls. $5.00(30.00; cm Ives. $1; Ofl'j lu. 11. Sheep receipts. I.'isio: strong; lambs, $, OO his. s,n: ypnrlini.'s $il (N(il(.75; wethers. $5 50 &..; ewes. J". 25'(ti; imi. St. Louis Hois $8 65. St. lands Mi... Sept. 28 ll N. Si Hog receipts. 7'JIK), higher; pigs and lights. $(125 'a- (15. nnv-,1 Und butcher'. $8.1(us.(i5; gmni hesvv. $7 UlKu1" 50. tattle le.iipts ."ssK(. higher: natlre' bsef steers. $7 .'si'o in 25; leiirllug steers slid heif ers. $8. .'iO'i III I'd; cows. $11 INI'U S 11; atneker and feeders. $0 (sou, 25: southcrii steera. (5.2.1 . c,..t, and heifers. $4 KO'cKi ,"iO, native ca Ives. fr,. 0(n,i 1 1 (Mi. Sheep receipts, msi. higher lambs, $T MltfJ 8.. 'l. sliei'li and ewes. $5.iSl'.l 7 75. Omaha Hogs $8.10. Onialni. Neb . Sept 2v 11 S SI- Hog re ceipts 431111. higher: heavy. $7 '"11 7.7.1: light, s; vidi ii In, pigs. $0 ."iO'U 7.75; bulk of sales, 1.1. Va 7 5. Cattle recc:iit. ll.iH'ii. slesilv. nallve steer. ii su; cows and heifers. $5.107 0o western steers. $il (i'u s lo. Texas steers, H ill Ol 7 Hi; cows and belfers, $'i.2."n'(l,H.50. calves. i ; cola 111.00. 'Sheep receipts. 4I.OOO. steady: yearlings. $5.75'iii;.50; wethers. $5.00(il(i.25; lambs. $8.55 4(8.75. Motlier of Kick Hn Killer!. I.os Angeles, .Sept. 1 tf. P i Her mind filled with thoughts of her suf fering bHhe, Mrs. K. KantarB, II. walked into a rapidly moving auto mobile on Sunset boulevard today. At the receiving hospital she died, clutch ing tn her band a Small bottle of medicine she purchased for her llttie cne Just before the aub. mobile ran her down. lei-UITed trslliy. The noogli in tb evlsl - 'his was precisely what n aneuver vva suci-essful Ing temper of the speculative coiumutilty lo poHjlwine a sharp reaclion of prices mil 11 the lust half hour A typical movement of the day. undoubtedly most Influenced by sentiment, was a 2" point rise in Baldwin Locomotive within 1" minutes sfter the market opene.l. fell-. wed by a 15 point decline In a shorter lime, and nn Im mediate fall of 12 fsilnts further dlre.tir. Sales were again s.ve l.Vm.isiO shares. 12-: 120'v, 122 1244t I 107 Money 1ki2 IK r i-cnt. Total sabs 1.S31.1iai shares. Oregon fi.'i 2O0 40 Washington 49 200 0.4" Wnshlngtou 9 5(K 5.4J Oreron 3 150 6 25 Oregon 43 150 5.11 Oregon 23 inn 5.25 Oregou 02 It 1 ii.4o LAMBS Oregon 204 7" $". 75 Oregon 251 7n i 75 Oreton 5 :m : 75 Oregon 3 77 7 ) Oregon 128 90 0 15 YEARLINGS Oregon 49 90 $0 ofi Oregon 3 lo:: COO Oregon 3 lod 5.00 EW ES Oregon 23 133 $.50 Oregon 8 1 17 4. .10 When wrltlnjr or calling on please mention The Journal. advertisers, (Adv.) No fires. No fires. Idonday. Tuesday. Over beck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, Grata. Xetc 316-317 Board of Trade Building-. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES HTO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. Correspondence of Logan & Bryan, Chicago. New York. The First National Bank Of Portland, Oregon Offers to the public all the advantages of an old, reliable and well connected institu tion. It seeks to characterize every transac tion with integrity, promptness and courtesy. Capital and Surplus $3,500,000 Special Trains To OREGON STATE FAIR Fair Grounds (Salem) Every Day This Week Going Schedules Returning Lv. FVjrtland Union Depot 8:30 A. M. Lv. Salem .. 4 2 5 P. Arrive Fair Grounds t0:3S A. M. Lv. F. Gr'nds 4:40 P. Arrive Salem 10:45 A. M. Ar. Portland 0:50 P. .00 From Portland to Fair Grounds and Back Tickets on Sale Daily to Oct. 2d Final Return Limit Oct. 6th. Exciting Races Every Day Read Program and Make Your Plans to Attend Program Special Days Wednesday, Sept. 29 Salem Day State Societies' Day Camper Night Willamette Valley Night M. M. M. 30 Thursday, Sept. Portland Day Transportation Day Elks Night Friday, October 1 Press Day Scandinavian Day Oregon Manufacturers' Day Further Office, Saturday, Oct. 2 Shriners Day Grange Day Pioneer Day Carnival Night particulars at City Ticket 80 Sixth street, cor. Oak, Union Depot or E Telephones Broadway Morrison Depot. A-6704 2760, SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent