12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY", SEPTEMBER 23, 1915. EAST PURCHASES BULK OF EASTERN BUM A :IS LOST IN TRADE Tbreut of Packing Interests to ; Import Hueo SuDili of Cliean- rrice and Quality Butter Fails ,. to Affect Trade Generally. 1x4-1 1 ereamerr Interests say the trade was much more scared than burt by tbe threat of the parking Interests to flood thla market with cheap priced and quality eastern butter. . While ainall supplies of eastern butter have been reeelted on Puget aotind. It is atnted tLat tbe ipinllly la nut detlrable by tlmse who tat beeu ualug the better known brand of Pacific northwest butter. Ho far ai knonn Hone of this eastern "tuff baa entered the Portland market. The market price for butter Is showing no change bere. While It la Impossible to stale what tba future will bring forth, present de n.llid fur first claaa butter la eiiinl to offer ing, therefore no change In price l rontem listed Immediately by lending local Intercut. Ou the other bnixl ci-eHUit-rj: luteresla here re disposed to Improve the . 1 11 a 1 1 1 v of their product. Tbey have In some Instances eatsb llabed a new grade for supplies for which they re offering 2c a pound over cream that Ih ordinarily graded No. 1. Tlx- higher priced Trade- la railed "premium cream" and In of floe qnallty aud niust text about 00 per cent well as must be shipped from two to three timet a week. I'reuiluui cream Is butter fut of superior quality ami not aweet cream as acme bud believed. For street cream the trade here la today quoting 30c a pound. CHEESE MARKET LOOKS GOOD With the price of cheese here from to 1c a pound lower than New yrk, the market la trotiger at the recent adram-c of c by Tillamook Interests. While the buying remains low la It exiiected that the- higher prices will aid tile movement somen ba 1. EGG MARKET IS STANDING Practically no change Is showing In the egg market altuatlon. Receipts are fair for this period of the season. Some Interests are talk ing still higher prices but the quality they are eeouiliigly aeeklng cannot be f'niid. CHICKEN MARKET IS LOWER Kxpectutlons (of sharply lower prics for chickens have materialized Is the local mar ket wltb a lea down to 12c a pomid and the trude unable to clean up even nt that. A few heavy hens have been sold up to 13c. CONCORD GRAPES ARE SLOW Although the crop of Concord grapes Is very light and the aeason will probably be over Within a week, demand ia eitremely slow-T-'ltli pinall baskets drauirlnsr at 10c a basket Huppllcs will be no larger this year. NEW WALNUTS DIE TO ARRIVE Hrst shipment of new crop California wal linta are due In the local market on the neit learner from the south. While the price haa Dot yet been named, some of the trade antici pate high figures because of tbe probable lack of French shipments. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Oyster market very dull. Halibut very scarce aud higher; no Newport arriving. Cheap quality Columbia anlmon plentiful nd very cheap; coast chlnooka in good de mand at better prices. Banana train waa reported In good condi tlon thla morning, SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau sends tbe following notice to shl piiers: I'rutect shipments during the next 4S hours a far north as Heat tie against maximum teiii peratures of about 112 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 70 degrees; southeast to Itolhe. 70 degrees: south to Ashland. 7M degrees. Max imum temperature at I'oriland tomorrow about tVI degrees. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York. Sept. 2 i utar. centrifugal, Cubaa. $4.i7J4.l4: Porto Ki.os. 4 .'of fee Spot New York No. 7 Itio, ti'c; No. 4 Santos. Be. TRANSTORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chang En Bout) Th Biff, Oomfortbl. Elrntl7 Appointed. Stw-Oolar Btfamship Rose City alia rrom Alnsworta Sook 9 A. M., SEPT. 24 100 Ooldtn Mllii on OolumbU KlTor. Ail Batas Inolnda Berth Md MaaUa. Tablaa and Barrlca UaazcaUad. Tha 0an Fraaclaco ft Portland B. B. OoM Third and Washington Bta. (with O-W. B. ft n. Co.) TaL Broad, war B0O. A-13l. . "OBBAT nOBTHERN" "BOBTKEBJT PACIFIC" - Twin "Palac of tha Pacific" TTJEBOAT. THimffDAT, 8ATVBS T ros SAN FRANCISCO $30 Itoand Trip. One way, $8, $1.V $2. Including Meals and Berth. .'Otilr 2fl hours at sea. Delightful 'scenic ride alone Columbia River on steamer train from North Bank station. 9:3o a. m. Arrives 4:25 B. JD., Sunday, Wednesday. Friday. N0B.TH BANK TICKET OFFICE, Itb and Stark Phonea Bdwy. 920; A-6671. t 1"r rrelght aad fasaenrer ' TZAMZSS TO TBI DALLES - ' And Way Lu dings. ; "BAILEY GATZERT" . Leaves Portland dally at T A. M., except Son day aad Monday. Sunday excursions to Cas cade 1-ocka b-sve 9 A. M. tteturn 4:45 p. ui. "DALLES CITY" leaves Portland Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday T a. m. Baaday Cascade Locks axcursloa $1.00 Tara t Tha Bailee and return $a.oo - Aisxa STarrt dock, pobtlahs - Phoaa Bain 14 A-4118. O-W R. & N. CO. -. BTXAMSB BBBTZCX. Steamer Harraat Qua an laaraa 8 P. m. dallv excest Suiwlay for Aatorla and way points. Re turning, leavea Astoria T t. m. dally ex cept Sunday. . TlckeU and renervat hwa at O-W. R. A X (Lnm Pacific Syateml City Ticket Of fice Washington at Third, before 6:30 p. m.: after that boar at Ash-atreet dock. IiioDa. Broadway 4000, A -til 21. BUGABOO AND SCARE Mi., J Local Peaches in Demand; Eastern Trade Still Quiet General American Markets Unsatis factory With Heavy Receipts Reported In the East. While the market for peaches continues to show a steady to strong tone in Portland at 60c a box for average offerings, outside mar kets remain only fair to poor with tbe trade generally congealed. The I'nlted Ktatea bureau of markets re orts American peach markets ou September IX as follows; Albany, N. V. Klve cars peaches. New York; busbels, Jlftcl.20; half bushels. Craw fords, oor, 4030c: quality and demand gen erally good; weuther dear,, warm. Ht. Lou!, Mo. Elliertas. 2 cars Coloradoa; bcuhels, Hoc track; jobbing, $1.00: street, a few at $1.10: Michigan', 2 curs; arrivals un 0ned; Klbertaa. $1.0o; much slower; demand poor: local light, no demand. Cleveland, Ohio. reaches. 10 cars Ohio. 1 car New York, 1 car West Virginia; bush els, !'."'(( )i.K-; soft, demand fair; cooler. Xr. I'aul, Minn. three mixed cars peaches, 50c; weather fine. Philadelphia. I'a. Receipts peaches nioder ate; batketa generally 2.'ii 30c ; bushels, 00!i POc. Chicago. 111. Cool, rain; peaches, arrivals cars; 14.200 packages Michigan by boat; bushels. 4oln5iic; some extra fancy, 80c; sixes, Itest, .rslft00c; some down to 30c; quality vary ing, no dcniund. oTersupplled. New- York. N. Y. One ear Maryland. 2 curs I'cnn-y lvanla, 1 car Connectlcuts, 5 cara western Vlrglnlss, western Maryland; U cars states; ttsflo boxes lJclawnres. Marylands. Jer seysstates; yellows, w-hltea, baskets. 2Osr0Oc; carriers. ioc(U$l.uo; light demand account of Jewish holiduy; ouulltr fair; warm, clear. I'll tsburg. I'a. Arrivals. 14 cars; Craw fords. Ili-eves best, OOOHOOc; fclberta", HSlf.t'.Xic; movement slow account Jewish holiday; weath er cloudy, cooler. Denver. Colo. Arrivals, 4 cars Utah peachea; bushels selling at lOc. Cincinnati. Ohio. Four cars Michigan: bush els, 70cj $1.00; market inactive but Improv ing a little: clear and cool. Detroit. Mich. Arrivals. 3200 bushels Ohloa by boat, 6 cars Olii.js. iftCH $1 .; New York aud Michigan stock, 85c 411.00; better qual ity; bright. Kansas City, Mo. Arrivals, 4 cars; Wash ington boxes. 40ft 0Oc; quality variable; Utah barbels, ftoi ftj$l.ou; fair; dull. Des Moines, Iowa. One car Colorado; El lertaa. $1.00; extras. 1 15fjl .20; western boxes, fKHyttOe; quuliiy medium, demand good; w CI III. Huston. Mass. Six cara Connectlcuta; El bert. 20c up: weather warm, clear. Ha Itlnc. re. Md. Maryland. 1 car express, 8 cur freight; Pennsylvania 2 cars; baskets, 240c; carrier. 5o73c; bushels, 40gtioe; piallty and demand fair; hot. Columbus. Ohio. Three cars Ohio, 1 car New York; bushels. AA, 7.m-& $1.10; grades A anil B, 0iir70c; West Virginia hampers, .10 (;.'tK:; quality good, full ripe, fair demand: threatening, warm. Milwaukee, Wis. Ten cars peaches. 9 cars Michigan. 1 car Washington; Michigan bush els. 40$i .Vic; la-xes. rio'u j.V; market glutted; quality good; cloudy, cool. .Hloux City. Iowa. (Jne csr pea.hes I'toh; boxes, 50fr(3,"c'; clear, warm. Mluni upolls. Minn. One car California, 2 cars Washington, 1 ear I tali- car Michigan, 2 cara others; boxes. fi.l&itKk.-; weather warm. RANK STATEMENT OF COAST Portland Banks. Tills week. $2.051, non.lKI 1.3dl.22.'i.40 2.0lW,(":t.!l(l 1.77S.OOO.T7 Cleurlnga Mondny . . . Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Year ago. $2.048. 303.20 2,02.-1, 01fl,78 1. 92.-i.784. 2 1,789.903.08 Lot Angeles Banks. $l.134.4.-.9.00 $ :i2o,3U0.00 San Francisco Banks. $P.907.0S.0O Tacoma Banks. $ 307.739.00 80.445.00 Seattle Banks. $2.ri24.0S4.00 141.5SO.00 Clearings Ha lances Clearing Clearings Ha lances Clearings Haluuces San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco. Sept. 23. Barley calls: Sept. 23. Sept. 22. . Open. ( lose. Close. D'-cemlier $1.2."i4 1.254 lliu, R S(N.t quotationa Wheat. Walla Walla. 1 1 'jtl 1 "!: red Russlsn. $1.47li'(M.50: Tin key red. $1 .3-S 41 1 .33 : bluesieui, $l.o. .... 1 .HO. l'ee, barlev, $1 . 1 7 1 1 1 20. White oniM. $l.:i2'-.6U.33. Bran, Sil.oOftj .(rfi: middling. $3n.00(ti 31.O0; shorts. $20.isi(a2t!.3o. Fiber of u species of liemp growing In the Azores lia beeu found useful in paper manufacture. TRANSPORTATION PANAMA CANAL and New York DELIGHTFUL CRUISES Aboard Large Amenoaa TTaaa-Atlantle Liners FIMLAUD" "KaOONLAMD 22.000 Tuna Dlsplaceuieiii. From From 8AK FRANCISCO LOS AMviELES OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER 20 NOV. 18. DEC. 7 Not. 17. DEC. I and Every iblrd Week Thereafter. To New Xork To Panama' Oaaal $185 and up First Cabin $100 and up $00 and up Intermediate $60 aud up Including Meals and Berth. Also Combination N. Y. Tickets. One Way Water Other Way Rail PANABA-PACIFI0 LINE. C19 Second Ave., Seattle, local rail or ateam ship agenta. San Francisco SANTA BARBARA. LOS ANGEL. 13 AND SAN DIEQO SS. ELDER Bail Wtdnoaday. Sept. 29, 6 P. M. COOS BAY EUBEXA AVS BAH FB AN CISCO S. S. F. A. KILBURN 8 alia Sunday, Spt. 34, 8 P. X Tlckat Office 122 A Thli'd St Phone, Main 1314, A-1314 Oregon City Boat TRIPS FOR 8UNDAT. 7t Leavo Portland 9:00 a. m.-, 3:80 p. m. Leave Oregon City 10:80 a. m.: 8:30 p. m. No 12:30 trip from Portland. STEAMER GEORGIANA Leavea daily except Monday ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS Leaving foot of Washington St. 7 a- m., returning 9 p. m. DALLES-COLUMBIA LINE Steamer State of Washington Leaves Taylor Jt. dock U p. m. daily, except Sunday., for The Dal lea and way UndlneY Returning, leaves Tha Dallea 11 nooa dailv fil eept Monday. Freight acd vaasengara. 1.00. BertA 0o. fjpp cJSuSd Saak. river teaaara to Lewtstoa ud way UndinV. Fhona Mala 61S. A-TU. 01 STEAMSHIP alia Dtraet Tor BAH rRANOISCO. LOS ANGELES AND BAH DIEGO Saturday, 2.30 P. M., Sept. 25 SAH rRABCISC0,P0RTLAHD LOS AMOELE8 STEAMSHIP CO. FRAUX 20LLAM, Agent. 1M Third St. A-l&M. Mala te. OREGON'S CLOVER SEED AT HIGH PRICE Edited by Hyman H. Cohen. CLOVER SEED HAS STRONG TONE WITH SALES AT 16 CENTS Bulk of Business Is at 15c but Higher Price Has Been Offered and Paid on West Side; Hulk of Crop Has Been Moved. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. -t'ars-- Wheat Barley Kl"ur Oals liny Portland. today . . ' Year aao 71 Season to date..2l4H Year ago 45S-) Tccomi. Wed.... :W Year ago lot; Season to date..214.s Y'ear ago X.XH Seattle. Wed 41 Year ago OS Season to date..2oi Year ago 2:Wi 1 : ;r77 40' lis HOT 4" I ''' 5.M 3 li:i 215 I 5 304 40 11 101 107 H 2 21. t 211 4:i II 037 1-1 107.-, 1174 Eastern Interests continue to purchase heavy supplies of clover seed at Wlflninette valley points. While the bulk of the business Is re ported around 10c a nound. It Is stateil that 10c has tx-eii offered and paid In some In- stances ou tbe west aide. selling has beeu general during the last 10 days and the bull: ! of the crop has already been moved. I Further strength was shown fur wheat at ) leading worid'a centers this looming. Liver - I pool spot was again higher aid a further j squeeze was Indicated In Chicago September. 1 Consigning of wheat to tidewater is or a ' rnlher liberal basis and tbe entire country seems to be tnkiug this method of disposing of hajf Its cro;. Without these consignments It la stated that some of the big exporters would be up against it for Immediate sup plies, but nevertheless, the trade considers that they are taking long chances of being 'huln I , .. 1- In k. aAA,.n it ,.11... av porter or group of them decide to put up the msrlrof t m,h l.h rhe, l'nn.i,.nn..n.. .r- tbe basis of TO to 70c a bushel advance and the remainder to be on the basis of what the other half of the crop sella at befcre the end or the year. I-ocal grain Interests are somewhat surprised that h local cereal company should ask high er prices for oats from Portland thn from Puget sound on the government contract. Flour market is reported fairly steady for the first time in several months, although only a nominal amount of trade Is shown. Mlllstufls are fairly active but are selling at various prices. FLOUR Selling price. Patent. JI M); Wil lamette valley. 4.80: local straight. $4.:ui: bakers local. $4.30i'(f 4.8O; Montana Miring wheat. $0.10; exports. 3.8oU3.!o: whole wheat. 0.25; graham. $5.00; rye flour. $0.00 per barrel. HAY Buying price. Willamette valley tim othy, fancy. SI 3 (a-13.00: easteiu Oregon Idaho f:iney timothy, $10.00: alfalfa. n.i)O!ci.l3.0o; vetch and outs. $ 1 1.00; clover. SS.OO(i9.00. CHAIN SACKS 1915. nominal: No. 1 Cal cutts. 7&i7lifC in car lots, less amount liltrher MILUSTI'FFS Selling price: Prau. J2O.0O: aborts. J27.50. ROLLED BARLEY Selling price, $2S.0Oftc $20.50. CORN Whole, $37.00: cracked. $38.00. While there was a late lo--s at Chicago following the sh.irp early advance, local wheat was higher. On the Portland Mer chmts Exchange today bids for spot delivery were unchanged to lc better than yesterday. Holders were asking a further advance and no sales were made. Spot oats bids were unchanged but a sharp advance of $1 a ton was forced for barley with a fight between dealers in the country. Merchants Exchange spot prices: WHEAT. Thursday Wed. Tues. Mon. Hid Ask -Bid- Bluestem .... lortyf.ild ... Club lied Klfe Red Hussiau. Feed 1'eed Bran IK) !i:i Mi'-. SS) K4 M Ml S4 79 S.i O.VTS. 89 !0 V. K2 7 2325 hli Ml mi 77 7b .2:100 2.100 2300 2323 BAULKY. .2425 2025 2:i25 2.;00 2.TO0 M1I.LSTIFKS. .2000 220O 2io0 2O0O 200(1 .2100 20OO 21"0 21'i0 21O0 Shorts futures were tpMted: WHEAT. October Itluestem Noveuiher Win-Mem October Kortj Nild November K.ii-tyfuld Octotier t'lub November Club October 1-lfe Novenitier Fife October Russian November Russian Bid. !M1 . . S!i . . Mjl.j K4 . . S4 ' 3 . . SI . . K2 . . 7S . . 7'J TT, . . 2320 . .2300 . .2400 . .2400 . . 2iro .2050 . .2100 . .2100 1)2 V, HO y Mi hO' n:; S4 S2 2 OATS. October November 2T.0O 230O BARLEY. Octotier . . November 2.VKI 2000 BRAN. October . Nu vein her 22l 2-'IH SHORTS. Ortols-r . . November ::oo 2000 Cliicago Wheat Rise Checked and Close Is Sharply Lower Chicago. 111., Sept. 23. (I. N. S.) Wheat closed l'i(li,c below yesterdny. Forecasts of unsettled weather in Missouri and Kansas cauaed a higher opening In the wheat pit today. Values In wheat were Va to 19dC higher. September corn opened 1 Vic lower, deferred options iielng i,c up. Oats waa unchanged to Vic higher at the outset. An acute situation prevails In wheat rsc cause of the unsettled ipieitlon regarding de liveries of Velvet chaff. Frost reports in northern sections of the belt brought about a further advancea In wheat later lu the trad ing. All options jumped 1c a bushel. Feeling in the pit Is gradually turning bull ish. Cloae observers In the trade fay that cash wheat h worth the money and that there N no occasion for being bearish on futures at enormous discounts. Corn held fslrly steady. Weather condi tions and the cash situation are the domi nating factors In the market. Outs was In clined to advance. Provisions were sllehtly higher at the opening, with the trade light. The entire market turned weak at tbe clos ing, all advances being lost. Range of Chicago prices furnished br Over becke & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of" Trade building : WHEAT. Open High iw Close September ...l7i lost, J04 10.-. B December 06S 03"i i A May 98 'a 98i, 98 Vi 95ft C0RN. September" ... 714 72 vt 71 71 Li Oeveniber r.t.4 Mi, 551, ssl, May 57ft 57 57 57 B u-TS. September ... r!7ft 38 37 37 December 8V, :6 35 30 B May 87 38 Gift, 37 A PORK. September ... 1250 1255 1245 1205 October 1255 1205 1245 1205 January 1495 1 510 1492 1010 LARD. September ... ... sio October 805 RIO MJ5 10 January 847 S52 847 52 B RIBS. September ... ... S20 October 8( 820 80o fc2 January 832 840 830 840 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Beattla Market. Seattle. Sept. 23. (U. P.) Onions: Culi- fornla. new. Use: Walla Walla. tV.4i.70c. Potatoee Red. lc: white. laiVc. San Francisco Market. San rrauclaco, Sept. 23. (U. P.) Potatoes Per cental. Salinas. Sl.25igil.65: delta.. 50 A 1.00: aweeta. 1. 50422.00. Onlona Per cental. 40360c. Los Aneiea Market. Loa Angelea. Sept. 23. (P. Ji. S.) Eggs, case count. 35c. Butter, fresh extras. 25c; Jobbers' prices. Liverpool Wheat Market. Mverpol. Sept. 23.-d. N. S.) Wheat, spot No. 1. Manitoba. 11a. lid: No. 2. lis. 9Ufl: No. S. 11a. gd; No. 1. northern Dulutn. lis. 44d: No. 2. red western winter. 10a. 2Ud: No. 2. hard winter, 11a. lOd. Select Lot Hops Sold at 11 Cents Pound to Livesley Eugene Crop of 147 Bales of Ex port Quality (Joes; Trade Un usually Slow This Year. A very select lot of 147 hales of hops was sold at lie during the last 24 hourf. thla helng the flint tranaactlon of Dote lu the state this sea sun. The lot was suitable for export shipment and was sold by I'almer Ayer of Eugene to X. A. I.lvefley to. Whether the hups will g abroad the trade here Is unnlile t. fctate. Aside from this sale tbnre was no confirma tion of business lu the hop market ellber here or elaewhen- along t tie coast during the li si 24 hours. Dealers generally report no In crease in Inquiries from eastern iuiereMw. A late New York mail advlcu sjib of the I general trend: I Bales. ' Receipts for week .. 1.262 . 2.:'."1 . . 1.973 561 . . Ool .. 1,374 2o 2o 01 Kcc'ipts since Septenilir ! Iti-ceipts tame tluj last Titar v. -.- i r .lb Exports from Scpteinlier 1 Export same tijic last year Imports for week luilirts frum Septemter 1 Imports ssme time last year "Somewhat higher prices have been paid in New York stale for export quality, and sev eral lots hae changed hands at 204j27c. Low- j er grades offering for less nd not attract ing much demand. No one places the crop alwve 10,000 bales. "Locally business is still within narrow com pass. An udvauce is asked on plate hops, be cause of the higher country cost, but the fig ures quoted tor Pacifies are quite extreme at the moment. Estimates of the English crop are placed at :i0.0o cwt. and picking Is marly completed. New Yolk bop prices per pouu d: State. 1915, choice State, 1115, medium to prime... Slate, 1U14. choice Stale, HU4, medium to prime... 28 lit 30c (i2tic (i 12c (a tK- il7c a 16c fttlOe (a 13c . .lo . . 7 . .16 . .13 . . 14 Mate, 1914, lower grades ! ;,ac'i, ,' Pacific t-MlSt. ID1S. cbi.ice medium to prime. Pacific Coast, 114, cuuice l'aclllc C.hsi. 1MH, t'ouiuion to prime 9 Pacific Loast, 1913 8 JOBBING VMCH.9 OF PORTLANT) These prices ai those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated. They ure corrected up to noon each day: Dairy Produce. HL'TTF.R City creamery, cubes, fancy. 31 c: firsts, 2D!,ac; seconds, 2aHc; priuta and cartons, extra; country creamery cubes, 27X Tjl-; (liegou dairy. lJMiilWc. Hl'TTEKKAT Portland delivery Premium cream, o.ic; -No. 1 mur cream, lc: No. 2. yc; sweet cream. 30c lb. LoCS seilii.g price by uenlers, delivery ex tra Candled ranch, 30; storagu, 20(u2Se lb.; cae couiii, 2."ic duzen. LIVE POL LTUV- Uena. Plymouth Rock. 13c lb.; ordinary chickens, 12c lb.; bioilers, l1-Jdi21,-j lbs. 17c; turkeys, 20fij22c, drebsed. 2.ic; pigeons. Sl.OO'ii 1.20; wiuabs.. $1.20 doseu; geese, live, be, Pekln ducka, old, 11c lb.; young and heavy, 12.'i(12'jc lb. CHECSK. t resn (Jicgun fancy full cream twins and triplets. It'.agjl&c; Yoiiuk Amer ica, lOVii HlOc. Fruit and Vegetables. FRESH Flit IT Oranges, o.OO'ii0.20 box; baiiuiiai., Oc per lb.; leuioas, 3.ou'.ci4.0o ix,-t grape iiuil t ) per case; piueappieb, lb.; pears, 1 .tiOtJl oO; cantaloupes, t'-0uit 1.00; wa'.ermeioui'. il0t$l per cwt.; peactiea, 40 (K 50c box; lim kleben ies. Oc lb.; grapes, 73cii$l .30; Concords, 10c basket. Ai'i'l.KS Local new, l(ii.70 per box, ac corulu lu Quality; dab apples, sue per half box. ONIONS Local. 75cfii$1.00 cental; garlic, 10'l.'-.-c per lb. POTATOES aellhig price New crop, 75(3 IKH-, fciveeli. 2I2(42;4c lb. VEC ETAULES u.nips ( ): beets. 70c per sack; carrots, new. 70c sack; parsnips I I per back: cnbbage (lcicali WOcm$l. gietn onions. 10(u,12'-jc uost-u bundles; peppers, belt, 0c; Lead :elluce, local, Ovu20c uuzen; celoiy. doien, 40'i'OOc: cauliflower. Steal. 10 doen; Freuch urucbukes. two per dozen; stnug beHus, lViH3c; peas, lVj'(i3c lb.: raulsbe, l-'c dozeu bunches; corn, OOSjooc sack; cucumbers. OodxTSc sacK; tomatoes. Ore gon, 40c; egg plant. OOcriSl boa. ki.u. i'ufi and froviaiona. PRESSi.u MEAiS -Selliug puce Country killed: 1 aucj bogs, bUSc: rough aud heavy, 7c; laucy veal. 11',-jc; ordinaiy. loatluVjc; poor. jJ!ji-: goai, -ac; eurliig lambs, loc, UiUIlotl. i'tibc. liAiiS. uaCON. ETC. Hams. 14(&lsc; breuktast bacon, 16'oOc; boiled hams, 27c; puuic. lie; collage roll, 10c; Oregon ex ports. 13c lb. OiS'Tl-.US Olympla. per gallon, $3.00; canncO eastern. 0oc can: o00 Uoxeu: eateru lu sliell, jil.bO per 1UO; raoi umau, 41.00 box; eubieru ojslers per gallou solid pack, $3.00. 1 Isll tiressed flounders, 7c; ailverslde sal luuu. 3'jW4c; Koal CUiuook, BtiOViC; perch. 74i:bc; lobsiers. 20c lb.; silver smell. c; salmon iroul. lbc lb.; halibut, be. LARD Tierces, kettle rendered. lliic; standard, lo'c. CRAbS Large, $1.70; medium. $1.50 dozen. Groceries. SUC Alt Cube, io.Oo; powdered. $6.35; fruit or berry, eo.10; bcel, eo.o; ury giauulated. $0.10: L) yeuow, &0.io. (Above o,uoiauons are ou days net cash.) UlCli japan style. No. 2, 4-')i((45c; New Orleans, neuu, 0mUu:'c; blue robe, bUc; Citoiu, 0c. SALT coarse, half grounds, l'0, $10. 00 per ton; oOs, 11.30, lable Oc'.y, 5os. tlO; 10s, $17.00; bales., 2.2o, luii,u lock, $2u.uu pel ton. 1JEANS Small, white, $0.65; large white, $0.00; pink, 4.liO; limas, $0.70; bayou $0.00; red. $t.75. Hopa. Wool and Hides. HOPS Nominal buying price. 1915 crop, choice, 11c; prime lotc; medium to prime, 10c. tiONEY New, $3. 204i3.0O per cae. WOOL, Nominal. 1U10 clip; Willamette val ley, coarse co'.awoid, 25(U,ooc; mculum Shrop shire, 27c; choice fancy lots, 204420c; eastern Oregon, UlttJBVaC. HIOES sailed hides, 25 lbs. aud up, 15e; salted, 00 lbs. and up. loc; balled, 10 to 20 lbs., 15c; salted calf, up to la lb lbc; green hides, 25 lbs. aud up, 13 'c; green stags, Oo lbs. and up, bc; green kip, 10 lbs. to 20 lbs., 10c; green can, up to 10 lbs., lsc; dry flint hides, 20c; dry funt calf, up to 7 lbs., 27c; cry sail hidee. 20c; dry borsehides, each Ooc Bel.OO; sail uorsehidea, each, $2.00&3 00; horsehair, 20c; dry loug wool pelts, 15c; dry short wool pelta, 11'ac; dry sueep shearlings, each 10 lo Toe: sailed sueep aaearings, each 10 to 20c. TALLOW No. 1. 4Hffl4;c; No. 2. 4S4V.C; glease. 3ffio,iC. MOHAIR lylO 30c. CH1T11M OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, car lota, 3-,"ii4c; less man car lots. o-.jii3-)c. Paints and Oils. LINSEED 011 Uuw hblB.. w!c gallon: ket tle boiled bbls., tibe; raw, cases. 71c; boiled, cases, 73c gal.; lots of 250 gallons, 1 c less; 011 cake meal, $44 per ton. COAL OIL Water white in druina and Iron barrels, 10c. TURPENTINE Tanks, 59c; casea, 60c gal lon. WHITE LEAD Ton lota, SV4e lb.; 500 lb. lots, SVc lb.; less lots. Sc per lb. OIL MEAL Carload lots, $34. DAIRY PRODUCE OX COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 23. (l P.I Butter: Native Washington brick. 33c; do. 6olid pack. 32c. Cheese Oregon triplets, llic: Wisconsin twins, lie; do. triplets. 17c. (Washington twins. 10c; Young America. 18c. Kggs Select ranch, 30c; April storage, 28c. San Francisco Market. San Francisco. Sept. 23. 1 1. P.) Butter: Extras. 2i-jC; prime, firsts. 20c; firsts. 24c Fggs F.'xtras. 3.Sc; pullets, 32Vc. Cheese California fancy, 14c: firsts, lie: seconds. Sc. Various Wheat Markets. Liverpool Cash wheat unchanged to Id nigner. Minneapolis Cash wheat No. 1 hard. $1.02V No. 1 northern. 07c bid. $1.01 Vj ask: No. 2 northern. HOc bid. 971-jc ask. -Montana wheat" 90s bid, $1,021, asj : 1 ihilulli Cash wheat No. 1 hard. MOc bid $1,110 ask; northern. 9c bid; Montana wheat $1.00. Xew York Cotton Market- Open U!gh llw Chxe Jsn 1173 1183 1161 1173 Mar 11H5 1203 lixt ups May 122 122H 1205 1220 July 12:10 1233 1210 1227 tH-t 1118 1127 110H 1123 Icc 11K4 1172 1147 1104 Back to School at 81. Fresno, Cal.. Sept. 23. (U. P.) Though she's 81 and feels 18, Mrs. Rachel Sheldon has enrolled In the state normal school to study "mental science," following up studies in that line 66 years ago In Springfield, Ohio. HOG MARE AGAIN EATEN YARDS; QUIET HERE Trade Still Overstocked With Of ferinp of Swine and Values Are Lifeless; Mutton Market Strong; i Cattle Demand Itemains Slow PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCN. Hogs Cattle Calves Sheen Thursday Wednesday Tuesday M. U'iay SiiTurday Friday Week ago Year ago Two years ago Turee years ago ,H2 02 225 1 . ::s:t . 343 .2.VI . liiti . fM . 2lid . 239 . 403 9S 110 1 192 'ion 1211 9 100 402 11 19 147 41T. 24 31s no'i io.ii 020 24 17 Tbe swine market situation at North Port - land shows no Improvement, although there waa a further strengthening of values at some of the ieadinir eastern ooints this moru- . tug. Unite a fair run of l,ocs anneared In the local yards over night and trading was again slow wiiu ir, liittinir Jrt.iiO er some de- lay. i.'eneral hog market range-. Best light Medium light Onod to heavy Rough to heavy Mutton Very Strong. aiame lor mutton rules very North Portland with very limited arrivals uvalluble. Seemingly the local trade is in no position to pay the prices that the eastern i',S.iff '''!',? While receipts here have been light. Mill seeinini'lv there has been ample requirements at prevailing prices. Kasteru markets were strong 10 lower to- dM-V . General mutton market: Choice spring iambs $ 7 OO very iironir si . .$ 7.oo . . C.50(3rt.75 5.75 . . S.OOfiSS . . 4.70C45.OU . . 4.70fa.-..00 . . 3.70fti4.iiO . . 3.0O(3.00 Ccmnion spring lambs Choice yearling wethers Good yeai-lings old wetliers Choice light ewes Oood ewes Rough heavy ewes Cattle Still Slow Cattle were in limited supply with only a Blow demand at North Portland today. Sit uation in th- cattle trade is similar to that shown for several weks past, only made to order quality bringing anywhere near the top. Eastern cattle markets were strong to high er this morning. lieuerul cattle market range: Select steers $0.00&;7.00 P.est hay fed steers 0.2.ri'i;.30 Good to choice .0O'uH 25 Ordinary to f-iir 5.ood.Y75 Rest cow s VOOCu 3.20 Gonl to prime 4.00ru4.70 Select bulls 4.0Ofu4.70 Fancy bulls 4.20 OuTmiry bulls 2.00(ii3..'.o Rest calves 7rtKiiS.OO Today's Livestock Shippers. Hogs Mi ire & Pratt. Kcnnewick. by boat. KN hea-1: II. y. Gross, by ln-at, :;7 head: Pat ton. ov-Moii & Falk, llalsey. one load: C. W. Gibson, one load; J. S. Flint. Junction City, one load; a. li. Mclben, Gardiner. 51 head by boat. Cuttle llillsboro Mercantile Co., Hillsbor, one load. Calves H. A. Perkins, Roseburg, one load. Slieeji William IMxou. lirloi-k. one load. Mixed stuff J. C. Davis, Sbedd, one load hoys and slieep; R. F. Norwood, Harrlsburg, one load cattle, bogs and sheep. Comparative statement of North Portland livestock run: Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep 107 ill 1901MJ Month to date. '.Pi ;0h 140-. Same, l'.ill 47P 177 127.VJ (iatn. 1 r 1 -. s;;o isi ini Loss, p.i 15 Year to date 541 mi 1721 16KI2S Same, 1914 07S.1H 1M2M 14S71S Gain. 11110 12310 Loss, nil 5 3043 108 Wednesday Afternoon Sales. HOGS. Section n No. Av. lbs. Oregon 23 2.irt Oregon 7:i 221 Oregon !4 'jtrt Oregon 7:1 2oo Oregon 12 i;:;o iiregou It :;2 Oregon 0 2"i2 Thursday Morning Sales. HOGS. Section No. Av. llis. Oregon 47 2.'K Oregon 4 412 Otegou 8 21SI Oregon 7 Ooo COWS. Otegon I jorto Oregon 1 yoo LAMPS. Oregon . ::: 00 Oregon lo ub EWES. Oiegon 7 121 8200 1 000P3 219302 68780 Price. $d.0 .0 o. ('..". f. .00 ;..-,o Price $',.: 0.0T 11.05 0.O3 $4 no 3 20 $6.fi0 $4. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK TRICKS Denver Hogs $7.45. Hecver. Colo.. Sept. 23. Cattle. 17fiO. strong er: beef steers. tj.70ib 7. Oil: row a and heifers, $0 0o((i 6 .On: Mockers and feeders. $'i.0'"fti7 Oo calves. $s. 00:1. 20. Hogs sou, higher: tops, $7.0"; bulk. $7.00 7.0O. Sheep 8000. steady. Kansas City Hoes $8.05. Kansas Illy. Mo.. Sept. 23 (I. . S.) Hog receipt. -PiO. higher: hulk. 7.(i(i k.ixi : heavy, $i;.SO(U7.4o: puckers and butchers. $7.20 !1.'M); light. $7.0O(o j. 00 ; pigs. 0.70 ' 7.70. Cattle receipts. OooO. .steady; prime fed steers, $9.0oiu 10.00: dressed beef steers. $7.00 'ni40: western teer. $ii .0'.i8.70: stackers and feeders. $0.7-V.i 7. SO: bulls. $0.000.00: calves. $0.OOfft; 10.00. .. - , rw. ... 1... i l ,-uceil le.eipi;.. i,.MM,. mrHuj ; laillOS. e ' . I - fas.. je.ii l.ims. ? i.i..frio.i0: wethers. $0.20 ees. 3 OOCUO.-O. I 'tie-2. umuw nogs .i3. Omaha. Nel.., Sept. 23 1 1. N. S.I Hog receipts. 32ii. higher: heavv. S'l 0O&7.4O; light. $7.1o((t,T."0; pigs. Id. 00(7. 00; bulk. $O.SOt".10. Cattle receipts. 3200. steady: native steers. $i;..'iijfail.((.'i; rowg snd heifers. $.".75fa7.2."i; western steers. $tj.0OS.40; Texas steers. $3.bofd7.30: cows aud heifers, $0.0J'a,b'.'o; calves. $s.0fifrt 10. 00. Sheep receipts. 21.'S)0. steady; yearlings. $5.7." 'ati.OO; wethers. $"..0O'j 0.50; lambs. $7.Lk r4 20. Chicago Hogs, $8.25. Chicago, Sept. 23. il. N. S.i Hog, re- ceipts. iu.-i.si; niaraei :o : oc an-.ve y ester- dy s average. Bulk. $i...'i(o i.Sj; light. $i.3o f.js.25; mUed. $i.j'.i s.20 : be.ivy. ii loiSJ7-(J; rough. $0.4ofati.On; pig. $0 0Oj7.5i. Cattle Receipts. 3siO: firm. Native tieef cuttle. $0.5O('t I0.4O; western steers. $fl.00(bj Ho; cows uud oeirers, i.jtJ 1 ..; calves. $7.O(KullO.00. . .. Sheeii Receipts. IB.noO: steady. $0.20fpi; 20; ljmbs. $.20i8.70. St. Louis Hogs, S8.1S. etners. St. Louis. ept. 23. I. N. S.)- nogs, re ccipts, ll.is.l; iteady. I lgs anil llehts. $...7f- d-.lo; iniieil ana hutcners, it . io'i 1 j; good' htavy. $7.20'K 7.70. ' Cattle Receipts. 3fT0: slow Native beef j steers. $7.0'7 10.25 : yearling steers and helf- ers. $8.00(10.00; cou. $0 'K1S7 S.oO; sto-krs and feeders. $H.O0(p H.20; southern teers, $0.20 1 frjvSO; coms and heifers, $4.OOdiG.0O; native . calves. Jti.oOfti 11.00. Sheep Receipts, 20O0: strong; lambs, $7.50 ' its.0O; sheep and ewes $0.XKfl7.75. ! - I Three Belgians Are Sentenced to Death! Amsterdam, Sept. 23. (I. N. S.) For smuggling letters into Holland, a German court martial at Antwerp has sentenced three Belgian citizens to death and 32 others to hard labor In prison for terms ranging from 15 months to 10 years, according to the Kcho Beige. The men condemned to death were Police Commissioner Alexis. Joseph Baeckelmans, an architect, and Alexander Frank, a merchant. Roseburg Bootlegger Fined. Roseburg, Or., Sept. 23. Frank Cox, one of the nine men arrested here Mon day on charges of bootlegging, yester day was sentenced to pay a fine of $200, after having been found guilty of the charge against him. Delbert Parks entered a plea of guilty, and will be sentenced Monday. The trials of the other men will be held later. Per I Lettori Italiani OUrvlilo adnrnallerm della nln rmsH notlzta dells guerra Italo-Austrlaca escgulto a enra dell' ltatlco Publishing Co.. per eomodlta del lettori itauanl.) la ewqulto ad accordl presl eea rCdltora itall'TtallA I ..AH ahh,.n.tl I..11bmI AmV Or. ) gon Journal, avranno dlritto all'Italleo aenaa nessnn anmento dl apeaa. Varaa rtchleata all' Am minis trail one. N'ubi dl Guerra Nei Balcanl. Athene. 23. La Bulgaria ha mobl- lizzato 160.000 uomlni prontl ad en-i""1 nenner lasting nor tenaoie un- 1 loss Americana modify their systems of trare in guerra dletro tin mlnuto dl , sale and supply, having regard to reclp-.,- . ro-al convenience. They ought to mod- nouzla- I el their methods on those of the coun- j 1 una ia cavauiera Diugara ui guarani- : n :es 01 Europe., orrering tne same ao I gione a Sofia, e' stata ordinate alia vantages and adapting themselves to frontiera Serba e contemporaneamente. II Prim MlTilsIrn hiile-aro ha rn a- mato a Sofia II Generale Savoff, ex capo dell armata bulgara. Parlgi, 23 Tuttl gll ufflclall bul garl residentl in F'ranela hanno ricevuto quest 'oggi l'ordlne dl raggiungere le loro rispettlve sedi dl strottuali. lioma. 23. Plspaccl proveniefitl da Sofia annunziano che Re Ferdltiando li Bulgaria ha firmato. fin da Domenl ! ca soorsa, il decreto che ordina la mohilizzazione generale dell 'eserclto , bulgaro. Londra. 23.- I Balcanl sono in preda , alio spirlto della guerra. Mentre la Serbia ha domandato alia Bulgaria categoriche spiegazlonl circa l'aTnmss , smpnto r!i trunne bularare all sua j frontiera e 11 gabinetto greco e' stato $ 551 5 1 adunato d'urgenza per preparrp la fi4.V(iH..vi niobillzzazlone di tutta l'armata greca, .. t;!2.v,iH 40 1 sudditl rumen! residenti in Bul . . 5.oo'i( 11.00 ; jraria si affrettano a rimpatrtare. nclla tpma ill esserne lmnpditl. auando . .. , , m , -- 7 ena. nazione oicmarera lormaimente la guerra alia Serbia. j ! La Legazlone serba di qui, ha rtcpvii- ! f0 0(rgl stesso da Nislli Pordlne dl i . ' , . . , i i comunicare a tuttl 1 serbl compreRl i nelle eta", da IS a 60 anni, che la j , patria, in perlcolo, ha blsogno del i i , braccio 1 Ioro oraccio iiNpac-ci b-iuiiii iiir!i uhki ui Aieiie dicono che la Bulgaria dlchiarera 'la guerra alia Serbia prima dl due giornl. Tuttl 1 bulgarl residenti in Ger- mania, Austria e Grecia sono stati informati, dai rispettlvl consoli che 11 decreto di mohilizzazione 11 chlama j immediatamente alie arml. J I dispaccl annunziano anche, che la Bulgaria sta preparando un'ultimatum I da esr.ere lnvlato a Nish. nel quale si I domanda l'lmmediata cessiore dplla I Slacedonla serba. Vlene accertato' 1 che la mohilizzazione dell "eserclto greco. In favore della Serbia, seguireb be senz 'altro l'ultimatum della Bul ' garia. Ftapportl, dl fonte svizzera. annun : zlano che l'Austrla e la (lermanla hanno ultlrnato 1 preparatlvl per l'lnvasione della Serbia, la quale avra' luogo la prospima settimana. Con ! temporaneamente all 'azlone delle I truppe Austro-Tedesche, la Bulgaria penetrerebbe di fianco e s'impossesse rebbe della Macedonia serba, Malgrado queste vocl dl guerra nel Balcajii, vl sono ancora moltl diplo matic! che qui affermano essere an cora improbabile l'entrata In aruerra della Bulgaria, Loan Project Has Adverse Effect on War" Stock Issues New York. Ret. 23. (I. N. 8. Steel and equipment securities continued unchanged thla morning at tbe opening of tbe stock market. The general list was higher at the outset. There was some wavering In the bullish ac tivity which has prevailed during tbe peat few days, doe to rumoTs of an unfavorable turn In negotiations to float the proposed Anglo-French loan In America, "War" stocks were quite strong In the first hour of trading, bnt suffered a reaction later. Cruclhle Steel opened at 9514. un changed from last night. It sold off later 75 on liquidation. Westlnghouse Electric after 00 opening rractionallv Higher, dropped a point. seiung at i-u. Muuenaiter onen sold off a fraction before noon Studehaker onened at 142 and I tilted States Steel common stock waa e ceptlonally strong at the opening. DESCRIPTION lOpen iHirh I icinee , Alaska Gold i American Car & F., c I American Can, c American Cot. OH, c. ' American Loco., c. . . . I American Sugar, c... 82 i 52 j 32!, S2S 744 60 4 CI 32TS. 75 HO f9t 77 62 H 52l 59' 01 5914 10- ins a, 84i4 88 10SllsSfc 83! 54 I107Z 4 American smelt, c... do pfd American Tel. A rel..'!24U,!124":124,il124'-i Ai.aeondn Milling Co. . i 72 I 72' I 71 71X, Baldwin Iico ! R8', AO;! R9i Aicnimm. c ;ioi vfc Vi 1"1 nil "V, do pf.i pfii-.j oo-'vi m m Raltliuore U Ohio, c. . ! S5 SOMi' 841 80 'J Pi.-t Sugar et'i 6SI 06 vj 7 Itethlehem Steel, r. . 305 3.M 353 Hroc.klvn Rapid Tr. Canadian Pa.-lfic, c. Central Leather, c. . do pfd Chicago & G. W., c. . do pfd. ( '.. M. & St. Paul... Cl lciigo 4 N". W.. c. Chlno Copper Chesapeake A- Ohio . . Colorado F. & L, c. . Consolidated Gaa Corn Products, c. ... 8414 S4V4! 84i 84Vi 137 158 lS.'1S7a 48 V, 48T41, 47 48 106 31 84 12fl 44 49 S3 "4 120 181 80 V 95 V ai 80 127M 434 49 Vj 0dT4 3oU 84 1M 44 48 S 128 18V 85 93 84 2CA 45 4 56 j 127 Vt 18i,t 844 , 4 1 5 ' 10 I 31 4014 52 ' 172 44 I201S ' 23 101 20 7:i 140 , 129 18 85 $ 5. do pfd frncttiU. fttwl I 1 enver R G ,in nfA I e I FTie C 30 I 3 Hi 3014 j yTf n(i fj I ' ri' . 'M ' ' 40H 40 Bl 52141 51 174 174 171V. General Electric .... ; G. North., ore lands 45V,1 4B 44 Gt. Northern, pfd. lee Securities Illinois Central . . . . 'lZVs 12Oi-j'I20 .. 23 i 23m 23 ..103 10314! 103 . . 20 20 I 19 . . 73 Yt, 73-T4 73 V. ..140 146 144 . 2az. -n 9ik. luterurbnn Met., c. i . pfi Lehigh Valley I K. C. Southern I Goodrich I f.ulsville & Nnshville 1 Mo.. Kan. & Texas, c i Miami Copper ' Missouri Pacific . . . . 2H .1 71 I 70 68' 70 - ! 1 illo . 0 l f.i .1 27SI 27 I 27: 27 3 3 3 I 3 ' National Lead 6OV4! I 60 14 I 14' 14i 08 I 67 I 68 B5 I 83! 04 29 I ' 2 111 111 1111 NTsdn Consolidated yp,. tjaven j ; y Central y' Q 4 W J Xorfo'fk i Western , orth American .. ..I 14 . J 07 -I P4 ..I at din ..77 77 70 70 Northern Pacific c .1108 lion 1074 108 Pac. Mall Steam Co. . 32! 32 ffl 31 1 penr; Railway !110'11U101Oii P. G.. L. 4 C. Co I ! ! 1118 I Pressed Steel Car. c... 04! 64j 2' 63 ; - - di pra 1 ' ipiu Kir Cons. Copper .. 21, 21! 21 21 ' Heading, c do 2d pfd Railway Springs Republic I. ' 8., c. do pfd Rock Island, c do pfd. tnew) B. L. ft 8. F.. 2d pfL lt pfd Studehaker do Dfd 151 1102 1001M : ...! i 84 ; 40 41 I 3K 30 47 I 47 45 "41 44 i 101 10H4!101 101 20 20: iy 20 5 5 7 141 107 00 ie 52 142 'tioii 10 142 91 ' ' ) 138 16 62 64 1 Southern Pacific, c ... Southern Railway, c... ! do pfd ! Tenn. Copper I Texas Psciflc 52 54 I 55 M 65 9 V. Colon Pacific, c 13o:i31il2!l30 do pfd. "f..... SO 52 105 77W I O O uhlwr f 53 53 '78 '78 62 ! 'do ' pfd. ..." V. S. Steel Co., c. . I do pfd 1 I'tab Copper Virginia Chemical . 77 114 (114; 113 114 67 38 76 lift 38! 38 38 Wabash, pro Western Lnlon Tel. Westlnghouse Klec. iomi ovi m 121 ll21!118 7 78 Total sales. &94.400 shares. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds, Cotton, Orala, Zate. aie-317 Bout of Trass Bufloiar. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trad 4. Correspondene of Logan sc Bryan. Cliicago. Mew York. .. . Industry and Enterprise 1 South Amarlca Offers Chaaca. 1 DiSCUBBlna- American tra.d Conditions in South America, an Influential newa- Paper of Buenos Alrea said In tiait: 1 no poauion 01 me unnea otates to- day does not result primarily from their own efforts or Initiative, auid the present abnormal state of - affairs niieht Induce Americans Into the error of believing; that they have no occasion to sharpen their Judgment or to display ooeclal commercial antituda In order to conquer definitely the positions they I have obtained. The present situation ' lne exigencies ana me pectiuarmefloi , ""'t"' V"J need to create an atmosphere which will secure them a preference." It is finally pointed out that one of the chief obstacles to the permanence of Amer ican trade gaina In South America when the war is over lies in the fact that the present Increase are largely being aecured through local European houses as intermediaries, and that, as these are turning to American source" of supply only provisionally, they will naturally, when conditions have again 1 become normal, endeavor to resume elr former relk tionhir,. Swiss Toy Industry Gains. I in AoMtcrlnn.1 h inv nrii..t'rv h. 1 recently been developed to a consider- : able extent. Various organizations In ; different parts of the country have - 1 joineananas witn ajiew or increasing 'ls "l '""A. Vi. e' L"UI facilitating the exportation of Its prod ucts. Important orders have already been filled for France and England. Some firms alone have produced hun dreds of new models In wood and In pasteboard, and more are being added rlnllv I'Iia Inlin.trv 4 m r-. -, w In a nnL . . , liuii in isss v.n iq en n laiBn luiciftii uc Emma Goldman to Aid Utah Murderer Woman Anarchist Will Ask Governor Spry to Spars Ufa of Joseph Kill Strom, X. W. W. Salt Lake City. Utah, Sept. 23. (U. P.) In a last desperate effort to save Joseph Hillstrom, "Sweetslnger" of the I. W. W. cause, from facing the state's firing squad October 1, Emma Gold man, noted New York "red," i re ported today to be coming here for an appeal direct to Governor Spry. As the case now stands, however. Hillstrom haB but one chance to escape paying the death penalty for the dou ble murder of J. G. Morrison, a grocer, and his son, Arling, on the night of January 10, 1914. The police maintain he killed them when they attempted to frustrate a robbery by him. His one chance rests with a married woman whom Hillstrom has persist ently shielded. He has claimed that the wound he carried which caused his conviction was not the result of a duel with his two alleged victims but that it was inflicted in the home of this married woman. The pardon board has suggested that he give the woman's name solely to the prison warden, who would Investigate and has promised if his story should be substantiated, to grant a full and unconditional pardon. Regardless of his attorney's urging, Hillstrom has refused to divulge the woman's identity. Members of his organization ere suspected of having threatened Gov ernor fipry with death if he did not save HillBtrom from death. Shriners' Club Is Organized at Salem Salem. Or., Sept. 23. The organiza tion of a Shriners' club, which, it is predicted, will have a membership of ; over 100, was perfected last night at a meeting here. Officers were elected and an executive committee named to select a name and meeting dates for the organization. A meeting will be held neltt Tuesday night when reports will be received from committees appointed recently to arrange for the entertainment of visit ing Shriners on Shrine day, October 2. at the state felr. A luncheon, banquet, automobile tour, parades and drills have been tentatively decided upon. The following officers were chosen: Dr. W. Carlton Smith, president; Hal I. Patton. vice president; S. 8. Kast, treasurer; G. P. Christie, secretary. The president and secretary and Wal ter Smith, A. E. Strang and H H. Thielsen are members of the executive committee. OUR SERVICE INCLUDES VjuuTU&XIrV letters of credit, travelers' checks and tele graphic transfers. The United States National Bank Capital and Surplus TWO MILLION DOLLARS f rr The First National Bank Of Portland, Oregon Small accounts as well as large ones are welcome here. Our patrons, regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters entrusted to us. Capital anil Surplus $3,500,000 mnnd, and to supply much of the needs of the United State's. Articles of Incorporation. Henry Clsrntnen, Florist, Inc.; cap ital stock. $1000; C. R. Lansstaff, Hen ry Clemrnens and Julius Cohn, Incor porators. Drainage Flaa Z.atinchad. At a meeting of the Woodburn Agri cultural and Mercantile iinoclatlon at Salem definite airatigcments for a drainage survey of "6 miuaie miles of French Prairie land were announced. Two line men from the district will As sist the government engineer In th work which will require about two months according to present esti mates. A special drainage meeting will be held ut Woodburn Tuesday, October 6, to complete the details of the arrangements. The survey will bo the first Htep In draining the entire French Prairie, one of the richest sec tions In the county and state. Albany Chair Tactory Running. The Veal chair factory started run ning on a 10 hour Mliift and will con tinue on that schedule for ome time. The factory was cloned down for re pairs for a short time and reopened two weeks ago. running eight hour ciavs up to Saturday nighl. The Iti creasert time Is appreciated bv ttie em ployes. Bu.MlnenH 1s getting better and the orders are coming In In Increased volume, which has necessitated the ad ditional two hours a day labor. Salesman's Clnb Meeting. The next meeting of .the Porllnnil Salesmen's club will be Friday, Septem ber 24, at 6:15 p. in., closing at 8 i. m.. at the Imperial hotel. George L. Baker will talk on "Selling a City"; F. N. Clark of F. N. Clark Co., on "Present Opportunities in Portland." Articles of Incorporation. Hose Cltv Water Co CHpltal stock $1000, V. K. Koyal. U M. Karl and A W. Royal, Incorporators. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Tuesday. 9:12 A. M. 430 Williams avenue, electric curling Iron overheated. Joss $60. 11:42 A. M. Kast Twelfth and Idn coln streets, grasH fire, no damiigs. 1:09 P. M. 207 Asli street, overheat ed tar pot. no damuge. 9:28 1. M 371 Vi Third slreet, burn ing mry)s in yard, no daniuge. Wednesday. 10:47 a. m. Grand and Hpokane sve nurx, grans fire, no daniuge. 10.48 a. m. 791 Klrnt street, over heated Bmokestuik, no damage. Thuraday. 7:45 r. m 120 Mllwaukle avenue, frame dwelling, sparks from cigarette In wall paper, (lulling.- $60. Homing Pigeon Club Joins National Body A most successful meeting was held by the Oregon Homing Pigeon club last evening and It wns decided to Join the American Itai ing Pigeon I'nion of Washington, 1 1. ('., the largeit organi zation in the I tilted StntcH. The matter of pigeons for show pur poses in connection with the Poultry show, was taken up by President K. II. Bauer. The members pledged ir.O birds for the show. Messrs. ( 'onstftntlne, Trengrove and Hchaefer were electrl as new members. Jimmy Dunn ami G. V. Adams were placed 011 tlm en tertainment committee to arrange for Henry Merger to show his 'pictures of the Columbia highway at the annuul banquet, the date to be left open. Rainier Lumber Plant Destroyed Tacoma, Wash, Sept 23 ft. P.) Kfctlmates today of the loss occa sioned by the fire that destroyed the I.indstroin-Handfortli I. umber com pany's plant at Italnler, Wash., hint night range from $1 411,000 to $I60,OOii, partly Insured. The sawmill, shlngte mlll and lumber sheds v.ltli f.,o00,000 feet of lumber were burned. lien, women and children of Rainier turned out to fight the fire, forming brigades, but their efforts were futile. The origin of the fire is unknown. letter Threatens Ituislng. Washington. Sept. 23. ( 1 7. P.) A threatening letter Kent to Secretary of State I. aiming; resulted yesterday in in structions to the Oakland snd Han Kranclfico police to keep an eye on the German citizen who wrote It. The de partment was Inclined to believe the man insane. Advice on business and in vestment matters, loans, dis counts, collections, exchange, Third and Oak Sts.