...... 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1915. I i s IlOOMS AND HOARD MUTATE TAVaX.'g 4 Comlnnad ) JTIJK VEIUNDA lloom, board first class, modern home, use of music i and pool" room, txwt dome cooklns, wln- ter rate, $22 per month; good only till I Oct. 1. BB4 K. Madison. iVKKY attractive bedroom, Kood view. J -in young lady' apt., to rent to school teacher or some one employed; C H. preferred; meals If desired: near Campbell Hotel. M aln ST 1 0 JV1LL room.and board little Kirl rea- aonuhle, mother's care given. F-325. I Journal. i V AN T KI T i rare for 2 children m J private modern home. Phone Tabor 1 4728. tOOOD home for orphan Kirl. T to 1" yearn old. for company. Phon. jWiiin t 4 1 .rifni Him aged lady to room Kt 2fith ft. I'll' 'u- W I I e, o I II ' '"i ' T iind board , 704 Seilwood 1 4 H 7, . I ROOM and hoard for 2 gentlemen, u i N. 1 fith., pi r. I a s. IC'bKAN outside rooms, :; meals daily. i 1 4.50 Week jn 2 k 4 M a 1 1 Pt . iSTOOTllILLH portTand iieiffhts. cozy. J treea, view. Main n?.0'j, weekdays. I WANT ROOM AX1) j-pAKnjtO jriANO teacher, Rentlemnn li''.. will ex- change lessons tor room and board jO-701. Journal. UOl SI-TrTKIiMJ ROOMS H 'ONE room with kitchenette, complcte- ly furnlKhed. rtteam h-at. running hot arid cold water, plmim In evtry room: 1 blocks from ."th nnl Morrison tsts.; S12 and Aip. Columbia, nt, corner Mli t A HOil El. IKE live. 4 housekeeping t rooms, first floor, pri cn t ha t h, hase- nient. also txc lU-nt sleeping rooms, i, 5 fc.' 26th t. N- Mr. Vn ' ier. II TO fl.hv week, fur n. sled 11. K. rooms, as, free heat, laundry, hath, i Phone East c. nr; o. 'J"3 rta ntoii. V ca r Gem Apts,'': '.S'S :)ioiseki:eiin; 100 N 1Mb st I O'JIIIS, fCAMUKllJ'iE hid; . fur. 11 II K. T'i K. ror. rooms, .Mnf'n central, clienrc j 76 12TII- M'J' 11 o ; 1 1 s . 1 ' i . i n HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 J FB.IV ATE FAMILY BASEMENT furnished ninny house- keeping room, heat, electricity, hot ! water, nhonb. batii. nas.idrt.te: J'i l-'H 23d at. 114 3 larxe cozy housekeeping n.m . I bath, tnk, tnn ri.nKe, electricity, i) K. 80th. cor. Vasji East f,f,n.r,. k THRliH ii ii l'u r 1 1 is li' i I hoiisekeepltiK ' rooms, wulkinj; dmtance, cheap rent. S48 College st tSIX rooms, well furnished tor hous, l keeplnkr. rent very low, will sell f"r ' t GO. Inquire at El N. flth st. JLARUE front H" K. room 'lor lady, iz 7 wk., bath, phone, i.b e suite. 2, wal.k- lnr distanc e. :i:i'JV. Jt'irnslde. ijA K iif UkIiT 2-room suites, lurnlslied. for $S inontii, Thurman, near 20th. . I J Tiol ' M UK EE 1 'I S'l I rooms, rooms with or without board, price reasonable, yood neighborhood "051-1 h st . FOR RENT- 4 fa t n Isbed liousckee pi n g t rooms; bath, elect rio lights, walUii.c; I distance ; adults oii'y. l'lO I'., l'lth si. 2 NICELY furuis! U. K. oms. . . eii. phone. llKhl. water, 4- ' Sh Imon. ?N1CELV furnished II. K veniences. 1 I ') 1 ..t h. Morrison. roMns, coii !r.d do'r to ;ii"i;sI';ki;kimm; ana sieo, ng r I .'tlV. lon.i for ren t. s s 1 nt h si. Mar 2 CLEAN furnished h. . luuiiis. 54 0 housekeeping East Stark '861 TAYI.ol -Close In, ; rooms. NICELY furnished housekecpin best location In cily. Mod. 2 9 S FOR RENT HOCSES rm s Lnth 8 ROOM modern bouse. 49j .Montgoin t er-y pt; f room modern cottage, ilu'.i JKront et; 4 room cottages, cor. Ches J Ver and Hood ots , rents $tj, $7 and $. .Jphone Main 7 7 9, 7:;:o a. in. to 5 ;iu p. m. III V I NGTON 9 roor . Ioca"tlon, E. 12ti, jordy a block from nil repa I n t ei and i iliew, can lie rented i house, very fine mikI We.ldler sts., I :roM d n ;i y ca rl 1 1 n , i.l d e til,. sn Ol ft .IS very cheap. Si .i I owner next door north. "55 Rf .vi's. cor. I2ih anT v'a'iiih'lll ; renovated t horous'io i t . 1 m nl ny - room seats 70. Iren h i irg In kitct-n; 0 to 12, 2 to 6. also lo-room bourn next dror. JFOR RENT 4-ronm house with cb'pp- Ing porch and bain, electric lightii land gas; $7. 4-rooin house, one loin k 'from Mt. Scott car. $ I. Phone Tabor 644::. S'lNE room house, electrb- lights, new ' furnace, suita!'b for family "f re. renting rooms or housekeeping rooms, i 18th and Irving st., $;:u. i'iione Main 51 8. TWO newly tinted I modern. 2K bmo 'couver. Inquire 2'l;' to William ave. car ;. ror.rn '-n'lHiie, St., and y,;; a n iloin st., 1 bio.;; JN1CE 3 berries, childnn. oom ho.i.-e, celiar, garden, fruit. Ou:v $4 a mouth. X all luisiuiy. .2S siierrctt ave. Seilwood en r CON Y EN f 10 N T choice neighb enable rent. ,'Tto 5, t'i'WO modern u ro, 1 15. 17th N, near J cookers, sleeping 'premises. -12 5-room modern . t age, fine rest 1 n 1 ed icar line, improved m Tltrock. Tabor I 27'.'. ;649 SIXTH 2 1 Cottages: 104: -91 N. 13th. fi rot Jin ( Drake's 1. . 6 ROOM mod' in I St. N. lni-;uire Broadway 4oso VHVO cottage. olumbla, r t340U. InU i re 4 : IFOR ICENT-7 1 t 43th and E. Mai Tight prUes. PI JJ17 MODERN G l tinted, electric, r;i . V. oodward ave. FI 'rMOIERN residence, T .a v I .. . ... oru bouse, hew and furnace. In;,; '111' OVVIHT C-lO'iO. Neb I lill, lease to walk i lit; d. stance. J reopousioie 1'nii.i .Ideal location. 4 KO(3StS. newly AI Journal. ' 1-alcted am I and iviiifiri'ii. - 4fl'. Taylor-. 1 Phone East '2I! 4fl'.t Taylor-. , at Sale. ' w n or. yon RENT -Aloif !i 83 4 Kerby, $15. 8th N. ( JvJEW 6-room b'miKalow, fu uac. place. $ix. St".r, 10 Franklin. TWO 7 room bururalow s. Eos Park. $15 and S.5 labor 4 4 7 7. . tllOi SES for lent cheap. Phone Wood- I lawn 27X:t. (CLEAN G room house f i cheap. Phone Tal it 77 OR RENT B-room b"Ur e o on car line; $ 1 t Main 7 9 2 ieautlful 7 room bouse oak floors, mil Clinton. furnace, fpep'ace. ."..ith ilOESES In Irvnigt laist 2 W Ilerdman. ,6 HOOM cottage. ;;6! 13th f FI IlXni HF. FOit SALE 1IOI SES J OK KENT (HOUSE for rent, furniture of 10 room 1 j honse for sale cheap. Mostly liouse Vkeeplnif. All tented. Fine 'location JWalklnK dlstam e. Sen manner llan Jthorn apta. at SIX 12th st. for par , JliotilHra. lAl'd ot furnltui tor tale are ruli. llahed In the Household Goods classi fication when house !s not for rent. ire" r. iHIRNlTURE of 5 room flat cheap. modern and clean. Call after Sun- VJav..227t4 Mill st. 'URNITCRK of 7 rooms - $17. i; house llth st for rent. t2Q, Mar, fb'.n. Z? rURNlTL'HK 6 room house; will rifle. 261 E. 4('th et FL'RMSHE1 HOUSES ; j$16 CLEAN, fully j room cottage. 124 furnished E. 26th at. unaa. t diet. yard. , m . , , : .., ,-. ants . si K. u n f u r. 1 m s r 1 ll ' 1'7 1 ', ' ' "Y, , -!l"i-Ll' row for sale cheap. 4'U, K 55. h si ! 'T'"-, 2d. 4!b hop:, a,d y ; uesn, I., Unll "K ' t0"d,t',"i- -sriiM IciHai-AKU,,, M:-,:,ori.aph- a,.d 1 lawver ''L"""""" Ma'.t Nicely liirnisbed ., roou apts., fix ui'. TTi'Tri-y-T""", 77"7i77,7777",. 7 777 777 7" 1 1 ' Vx Jllilh- I sup; lies W. E 1 ': 117. .- .v- Co ,v.:!54.. L-aVyCjl 4;,3 7t!j Sf:'i,:!. blti:!. ( I on West Pack an J " ' ' fine mo-hamcal eon: it ..;i. ex t ra lire I trlA.NKl.1,. an cay trips, it rt. rates, I Annt west i. ai v- .xiacny. to. J ' ', 11 ' " ' s ,-, 1 ire.,i;ii.rv 1 1 .. 1 . 1 ,,a ,1 on.s. Phone Marshall 1 HE JIOitlO.N-ikiiic and VVafciniiK- and .-.'dipment. E. lV'!'icr. ''ameta. M. S. Co Woodlawn 2a99 fjR.vi'KS for wdiv at M.-.d.dock's. Mann ! LES.- NS in i.h r en. .., v an.' .an! !.2l"ni""ll''--v- I -li-Ii':-. WANTKI Oal cms tor their ..arts; :;-,, ,vr,, '"". V"'"'stocl car. ' r. a d , ns 2 . 5 f.t 1 ; s, AM',, 754S "in bouse. "i nei- I C 'I. LEGE- LiKbt, close In, porches. w ,. puy eash. 325 Rurnside. liroad- ! - 'TT- - - , 1 ''t! G""i double barrrl s.hotttun, 12 jrauKe. I s E Cass,-; t s A a t : vc Tlti I s rorr'e. n sts. itasonaloe to '! 1 1 -at: Ma 1 sdia 1 1 5-. 5. w ;v :i:. M0T0RC VC LF -l condition J75 1 '"-' 4,5 17 14th st S. nruNu. 7,0 tablets 2"" Ai: .irt's-s one T.lbor 14 0 4. 1.17K APTS .".4 15th o ' :: nn.l I I 1 . 11 l.--r .... ".-...7 ,.1 1 . .o... " ..... '- c t. r,-:, 7777. 7, -7 " 7 .7, 77 7 7" ."77 7777 TT.noVrr. 7,"77 7 7 77 " . - . . 7 36 FOR Ufc'XT- $lf a month v acre. In city, 8 rooms, house partly furnished, for 1 year. ho chickens and I cows for sale, a Rood place for the rilfht part). Owner. 2070 K. Clackamas bt. Fhon Tabor 64 2S. KREE Two monfh rent If you buy my furniture of 5 room bungalow. $0), ensp. Rorihwick st After 5:30 p.- m. J 0 t GOOD C room furnished, house, with piano, neat and clean, nood loca t'.on. furnace, fireplace, reasonable rent. Woodlawn K,70. SMAl.l, hou:'e, without acre. N( well. Jermir.KS furnished, with cheap rent. 1 Lodire. or D. i l I Hi ;, i-ompletely furnished, reason able to lifcht party. Apply 6 Hit E. Slark M. ON" l: rouM Incliidm Ht.d k.toienette 1) water and Ka, J' itiKamw, W'ood- l'i wn -"'', FI 1 loom fur-nibbed bungalow, with Kara; room housekeeping, falMir It'". NEW 0 roorn modern bungalow, com pletely furnished, tunno. iras, electric, $ 1 h. oodla wn 4 00. 4 ROOM furnished house, rent $lo, not modern. 4:H Holland, Woodlawn. APARTMENTS 41 FURNISHED AND L'NFL'RNTSIIED F.KAND NEW. Cor. ESth and Cjuch St8. One blo.k off Wash. ti.. just com pleted, ready for occupancy, ino'iern 5 story, fireproof brick building of class and refinement, with (t'i 2. 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished aPts; large light rooms., well ventilated, hardwood, floors tile bath rooms, ei.ower baths, electric ranges, lloosmr kit' ben cabi nets, balconies, private phones', auto matic elevator, acuum i leaning serv ile, laundry loom, steam dryers and ii n e.. ,-iient heatinir .system. I" or reser vatioiirf aj.ply on premises, lietcreiictia required. t'ltlCI'.S MODERATE. THE WASHING! ON. Gbtf Northrup et near 21st. a roorn unfurnishe i apartment, v Ith all modern conveni ences, including free pas, electric light, steam htat. hot and cold water, telephone, au range, etc. Take "W" car to 2ltt and Nortnrup. Phones M n I n 4.37fi. A-lUjT HIGHLAND COl'ltT APT 3. L'l'Ii AND GEISAN. , Eargest, most liomeilke, high class apts In city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walkins distance. MAIWIIAU, ::.'49. VILLA ST. CIARA, K'th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. WulkliiK distaiice. itefei enccs. E. Ei: )A A I'ARTMENT.S, 4: JlAltHiM'N. ne.ir 12th st. Extra l.u ne ' room lurmshed apts., 1 ui'f urius heii. n.oiein, i ea su i ; a id e runt; K"oU wiiii'i'. Mar. 2'.ioj. R,ierences '1 llKhl-; v r l.iro rooms, outside, mi -m-r. hot v.it-r In at; dandy pla e, Kio.nd flour. J i. irln.es. o i will t"-r 1 at i.ome lmre See tnem sure, t 1 0 Al len, i nv., .Mississippi a. car. lill-, bunciit: apts., "jnl anj lltiii; moJ ern brick. 2 rooms furnished; under new management; newly tiuteJ and vart'.lsneU , prices veiy reas"iiai)l6, call and look them over. Mar. 4t7, The Parkhurst 20TII for., all and out Northrup. Ide apts. J and 4 room Ell' .- Inl a C mod. 2, ;i and 4 i n g d l s i a i . i e . e v A, so Mny;.! rm. ntial apts., stricfy room fur. apts., walk rytbmg new, $ls up. us. hot. cold wat o'. i I I E s t s. bl.l.':s and '. CodY. coi. E. 7 th and Taylor , has Lei n : emodeled with private Uevv lui'niiure ai.d carpets. 2 i if. Iigot and phone free. .ji:i'i'i:h.-m 'Ma n a pa rtai knth. M4 Jel'tersnn, ti'.ree-room lroiit apt., furnished, two beds, modern, reason able rates. Denver Apartments 21st and Overton, and ?. and 1.11 fur. atds., 1 block "W room .jr. fur. ! H E SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. ; arid 4 100111:1. well arranged, easy walking distance, at vary 1 . asouable lint: best 01 se: l' e. Mam 2a'o.. '! TTT-: 1 iT-iTTenT a dV. " 2os D.'i D s'l'. Marsnair 23 16. Nice 5 100111 lmri. a::,! ni, . u in. a pt s. ; !,'so :: aiul 4 i..o!'i till 11. a..i rim en , s. THE I.Eo.M lT." l'su" N'r 22d t., near Johnsoii, r.n.ib ! 11, well turnisn 0. J. .1 and I room aids., J , , up. RoSi :.Ui;l.l brick t. 14 th E. Stark! Model u :; or t rooms, all outside, pr l- a i pMu.cs, lanitol- service, rea so.iaole II RBISoX 1 "i ill'.' ;,pi and Harrison! Mod.-: 11 1 1 : i . room I rn isbed apart., no r ; i s. :: J "" er mor. I i,. 2 It' " '.vl a pa I'liui-tits u i.l u rnished, c lose us,, la: ue out.- ide rooms, $lu to $14 jier r!no!ir ... I ;:isi f.L'7'.-i. Tlli : W rM.XSKE - - F u r n i s h TTd ap.itt lceiits, ?'.!' to $.0. Cor. Dili a 1 d C 1 1 . 11. Private bat li. INSIoN. :: ant j rooms, private bath, model 11 bi;-k : special rates $15 ar, i, llth a ml M ark- I. Main IT.::,. 1'1-N l.NSL i.A .vl'lh.. :-ll,u, concrele bldg. 2 and ,! rooms; hot and cuid war- i'. baths, piioiie. si cam nea t, $ 1 2 u a. l'i IK I .U.MAIi 3 rooms unlur, 2 ' rooms' fur., hard WAR FIRES JEFF'S Ft'IlXISHET) HOUSES (Continued) house. P UU'NoMAH , t,.1''''7'' V l!n,"'- ,' K':' Jbsui' sl- SLIGHTLY used tties. largest" block I A laisc listing can- lie found umier i i, i- 3 raiorns Ulll.ir :' r-ooms for liarrl. I ::cn'- Al.Oo awn .,."1. f.,ovtlrvH ty to tic; 1,'lr. rriviir. I a,.... ,i-,,'f ...ni 1 o,i., I iltii St. i all from wood h s, i c.i -dii;i i d ,-. LM'n E. EUn. I I- ,R SALE -I' dU'feed orance Persian in. Tire Sunn v Co.. "07 Madison. 7..', 7-l .-' VV r"r ;' .:7rT;."'. . r"T7 1.: ' , ft, i I'.l'.f Ia'H ft Hit, moies. wart.-,. M El SSELL ai'.inhi.hts. MHo Russell si I knKi.s from pn.e winnim; stock. : : T.',",.st , i',n.. d;., u- 'aootine r.i..,. ti c. des . toy ed lorever. cure Riiaran- PAINT. OIL en houses, ;: 14, : ?a' modern - and :; room furnished l:- "--k st- PhomO-.. J.5 7... AlJTO.AIOI.l LKS .WANTKI) 78 on -;':. ic1 .-:'-. Jounal. j teed. M.ie I 'e Lone,, ;,a.t sivmaml bid. TrrrrfT.., s Cn . u, I '.' nad wa v : Dieles.i np.iri meiit . Pedaced rates. East 2 7 43 lolt S A EE--M"st"i, t-rritr puppies, - - - sTi-Tj f ,l; il - fi I-- 1 1" "sew,,,- mnchinTT t a , i ,. . ,.. C'' K ,. a,. N I", cr. -0 ' Tvl P'lch. lii'iaiiH oi, TTi W :niovT: mo,T7.Vnt.t"s tin m.o.TVT pclicrreu ? : 5 Ho ' ; y. W A NT EO Old i -'. . s for their parts; 5 1 " ', , 1 '.V ,', , o',, I X i" i f. , . , ,' toriety. rean, u.abl,,, mstallmen ! s. - u. iiulndiHK' be.uriiKbt. etc. Royal iT iTK"'v- eUT'a . ,7Ti v 1 unlv for' sale. rash- Burn,,,"' roau- aV). ' ' !.:;:, vf-,!., 1loe. ! I'litnn wlih irnr- Annex " 'jr -Mot t ison. ; 5,;:, Sumner Woodlawn 175H. ilL-rjLl- . j ' - "gTsFsTo v c c 1 e vetted" o v e n ' bro'"'T'V ' M A I '. M la MI'NZELLA. instructor of II distr.ct. Mi. Scott AMER.'CAN and .Marlborough mod. 4.5. ' ir A NT I-. I --Roiidst cr. Ford preferred. ' , ',', V , . j(' ir Address 42'J l-V ! palmtKtry and card reading If vou want the -;hua.s. l.a.l Mr. ant. ,V :. r. J3 ,i-. .L 7 i I '.'67 tl A I'lOMI 1U LES Ai ( KSSOiU ES 44 "' w 11'- 1U lL: "I'il-ill. 5 7t:i st. Tabor . i v!lns"1'- . of luerchand s. . h'lvcl ' v'ii Court 4al lorn " "3 . - . . W A NTE! ! ord delivery aut '. 1 . 0 4 i 77,7:-. -. ;; ',. f.r.rrT .77777; 77: 7Tl". ; M AG N ET I C ! ea er. D'atuunls daily. I tbip lines, etc h e ;'-;3"i"" "Ft r'J ;l,x'1 moo.. 1 and Z rooms, till ' i'ACIl'l'' TIRE ,v SIT'I'I.V CtC ' MAIN or A-ln77. Am. Auto Totir.n I PLI'AiHING suppnta. wholesale prices 'y A EM ot liss. 1 cinoi ; ,7i .fisca.-i-H ,.f '. -'a:- T. " O'se'n, I l'i'- ' :"' "'' j 3J5-.7 Run side si. Maisba.il ?.3i. Setvi'e; $15u per hour up. . Spe ia..i St:, rk-l'n -. is Co. Main worncc. 5.14 In vis si M,,n ; ' I l-"-" l.i!1'l.K"K1'' ioT N- niod. j ;..ai:,;ain .,t $-7 5 ' s." V'"i .7ivr. sho'ovm:. oni'mg irjps 7.0' e rates. 'Vvk puy and sell used niu'liiiit'iy. CH I PoPRAt TIC doctor fTiiT-ess 77- 1 , - - - " - I ...j.. x ("ion 1 a. o. , .., on , uouei , i . o. .t, v . ;o. u . us oe vv , -.''. 1 n a- I i tvs anu ma: a 7.1 : les s" in. , a : 1 , i rv i , , .u. ca r,i ir '.'l'i. ai a r . , i . . i Iv 4 r"r'"i also lixht H. K. i metals J. Leve. 1 K t ,-lumbia. M. 51S;i ' liams avenue Tabor Kb.. Keats, i - E 7. nd st.. N 1 4K5 Pavls. 1 u vlx. sHo.d r--.- i plactn,,,. eRS'LV ! t)(. watch thk -7-., 'v fiA L .i i E. 21st. VKAWi tHc tuc-,. a,AV . . . amm N I . . , i rfi rvV ; : M . I V. J ". . Mf. 13 H'KST SIDE ("lean 4 and 5 rooms cheap. Walking distance, Seilwood i r; 7 o. 2 HOOM partly furnished. 3 room un furnished, reasonable. Woodlawn 19-.J. 7-KO E. I fcM flat, ,10 E. Clay; 3 rooms, 805 1th., low rent. East 1625. FURNISHED FLATS 50 ATTRACTIVE 5-room flat, well fur nished, absolutely clean, west side, walkinK distance, references. Wood lawn 2528. $25 MODERN 4 room furnished flat, sleeping porch, c, block from I-J Chapman car. Market. Vl'UMSHKL) 5 room Hat, modern conveniences, free phone, walking distance. 115. 40 4th st. CIliilCE, well furnished 4 room flat, adults, very con vetiieiit, permanent. r-llfiO. 25?, Sacramento. tli k!'E looitifi furnished, lltrhts, water. phone. walking distance. I'hone JCast .''.31 0. -!;',)( ).M, modern furnished flat, $15.50 month, including phone and water. 72!H Vili;ams ae. No. 4. STORES AND OFFICES 11 GOOD sto.re location where you can make money, riwht at the end of cjiiHiie, E. 2Mh and Halsey sts.; shelves, counters are -in, good base in nt. rent only I'hone me. I will ride you aruun 1 the location so you can see tor yourself. 1'none at my house. East 72. ' Office phone, Mar shall 4"22. BRICK -warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing 'o., liroadway and Yamhill. HAL at y of modern l.n your own pri e. k stable for rent 4S2 Alhlna live. FOR HI Vrj:s F J 1 . A X KO U S 33 A GOOD R:ek ,ake tor lease on Sau ries' island: also good pheasant hunt ing. J. A. f'.oesi !, Portland, Or. Care sir. Jessie Harkir.s. 4C0o Sy. FT. floor space on 2d floor of brick bldg . goo.j light and -yentl-l.ition. Including elevator service, and v c r y i 1 e a p 4 S 2A 1 1 dn a a v e. SpimTSMr'""'wnVedfor diic"k shoot ing reserve, close In. Apply 107 N. 3d st. WANTED TO RENT WANTED- To rent by refined married couple, small furnished bungalow, cotiage or camp witnln 100 m;!r of city; must be near water where good fishing can be bad, give description arid lowest rent. Ai 129. Jourr.nl. HORDES. YEIIICLFS. ETC. 18 NEARLY new e top buggy 1 1 and sitigle harness to arid grain, value $45. trade for wood 734 L matilla avu, swdlwor.d. Or. DEAD liorses and anlma.g fau.nl away free Call Woodiawn 2 J Portland T' rxiei'i n rr 'o WA TEI ' Team . i.es.s and farm for automatic slot if litht horses. !:ar wagon in exchange machines. E. 52! 1. yuiiti,'; will work 1 M0 LB. HdKSE ny place; cow. '".19 good driver; sell or trade E. John st.. St. Johns. fni- DEAL f're borse.i Call i a:;d ca 1 1 I e Tabor 4 23 taken away Ft i It 1 9 1; tTi e on SAI 7E. r.ba Iv i'io"d ranch team, cheap. Stark st -t sadd.e pony in Portland; 1 4 i 0 - 1 work burse Tabor t;02v Ft R S A L i all at 1 2 good slngie buggies. 4i G 17th st. weekdays. Horses T East 4 9:r 210 E ith st., N. LIVESTOCTv So REGISTERED Poland China board and 2 sows. IS months old, for sale or trade. Also weaned pigs. C. Redfield. IVaverton, Or. FOR SALE CASH and terms, on ac count of sickness, i) Holstein cows, fu:i blood and high grade. T. II. Vil-lig.-r. oswego. Or. Phone A-397H. FOR SALE, very cheap, '"ine cow, can't be beat for family ra'.ir tested. h'.i'j '.. 30th st : rline. Jersey tuber-W-W U f ow, he.Tfvv rich milker; tested. "610 E. John tubercu losis . Si. Johns. I Kelt s.M.i' . i-r.ri.., ave. I resh Phone ov s. 87i Ta- ! '.wood If! 13. h. 1 594 Divi- I 2 i BUSH 1 sion. POULTRY AMI PIGKONS 37 UUEMI lici, t i nve S. -II :j s old. II w ood rabbits 2 5 each. I 'Oil. Po for rtl'a; sale, o Miller id. Or. HOGS AMI 1j01sKH01'I)IIKt.T l'i R SA EE---Enpli.-ii Pointer, thciouRh ly tuoke. good retriever; shot over tw. reasons; also Llewellyn Setter. John Duckctt. :: 2" : W street, staiion A. Van.- uiv.-r . Wash. Phone 710-R. 1 '"' FOR RE XT FLATS in i'11'.ii.rv rear ii.tiiiiii'i, to rase w t-AHELB SPT"V0 CO&" ritlen cu.r. ! c:. r oi pointer dog for several months. n nt ,-e with . i . . i ,1 . -. r i ... i ,, ... - , ll-.-.'.-. , S52S5 vprmK TT7;, . vl, Oil I moior.-v.-les. lauo.u.e. I PE1 ! OR F.El ) Enclmn hull pups from :. N. i n, st. .,, ...... ;!.,ts,f,..inu AMBITIONS TO BE AN INVENTOR LAUTOMOCILES - ACCESSORIES 44 (Continned) Used .Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN 1912 CADILLAC, 5 passenger, elec tric etarter and lights, $675. 1814 JUITCHEUk 7 prssener. 6 cylinder, electric starter and lights, nearly new; will take your old car as part payment. 1912 MITCHELb, 5 passenger. 6 cylinder, just overhauled, snap. $650. 1912 STODDARD. I and 7 passenger, good condition. Jf,75. 1912 II A VERS, 5 passenger, 8 cylin der, newly painted. $r,ro. Commeice delivery, leOO pounds ca pacity, brand new. $f!5o. 1915 MITCHELL demonstrator, used very little; liberal discount. SEVK 1A L OTHERS To SELECT I FROM. SEE OCR STi .;ivS. HE FORE YUV BEY. WE CAN SAVE VOL Mu.VEY Mitchell, Lewis k Staver Co.fe 'I EAST 1ST AND I'hone East EAST MORRISON. 7 2 72 or B-1216. GOOD, SERVICEABLE b'SED CAItB are now priced so low that there is no excuse for you not owning a high grade car. Our recent new car salts have brought in to us a number of liig.i grade cars at prices that will astunisn you. See These Cars. CHALMERS. ST EARNS-KNIGHT. SCH ACM IT. MAXWELL. OLDSMOIULE. WINTONS. Bring In your .anal cars and we will make a trade. The Winton Company 23d and Washington sts. Main 4244 1916 OVERLAND, like new $Soo OVERLAND, f passenger, light and economical and in fine condition. 1912 model 275 MAXWELL EUNABOI'T. . cylin der, good tires, perfect run ning condition. 10 Maxwell Delivery Co., New body, newly painted. 4 yl. . . 275 ELMORE, 5 pass.. 4 cylinder, 2 cycle motor 100 TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE J, W, Leavitt k Co, COR. UK' .DWAY JJAVIS ST3. IF YOF WA NT BA R 5 A I NS IN LATE MODEL FSED CARS. WE CAN SUPPLY VOI R DEMAND. 2-4-5 AND 7 PASSENGER TOL'RING CARS C O L 11EOS, CHAD. M V. It S. STEARNS INCLUDING o'fHEP. (OOD MAKES. PRICES RANGE FROM $300 UP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. PHoNK BROADWAY S7, A-4959. PORTA BEE GA RAGES $30 I'P. HOUSES MXTtlWXA $i:, up. M-ITflaSii KK DOWN ftfMj'r""! MFG. CO. r ilit&i TAKI: M F 54S Water st-. Main 1167 Light Delivery Car MAXWELL, 4 cyl., 20 H. P.. body, newly painted, good tires; a gain. new bar. J, W, Leavitt k Co, Cor. Broadway and Davie sts. Keen the Old Can J&ry, MOW EY srKMinc REPAlRING AND REBUILDING B, Miners k Co, 6 2 6-5 2 S ALDER. OjJ I ; 1 311- E. M !'. 30 $:0o. Kill REO. $ StudehaKtr Runabout, $225. 2 7-pass. Wlntons, cheap, A-l dltlon. 2 Fords: 1 Hays runabout $225. ACME AUTO CO.. Ml Alder St.. Main 77S iOREOGN VULCANIZING CO. I "The Tire Shop." j550 Washington et.. at 18th. I Marshall .".7) khSI BEST TIRE REPAIRING I I 1 l W I 1 ra n e new tires tor obi ones SPEC I A I . PHP ' IS 'I'M IS W .EE. New Ford Tires $7.75 3EN. E P' " 514 ALU ACH. S E & CO ER ST. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $J00 to $705. OREG"X MOTOR CAR CD.. Studtbaker bldg., Correr Chapman mid Alder. Fir iR SAL F.! R-pass. auto, gno.-j eondltlon; w;l! ex cept camera or kodak as part p merit and give terms. Phone Mr. Smith, automomles sold Ee s t . -' '-' o : P-1 -'-l- . NEW and usej Ford on easy terms. Co.. Ford agents, "9'ifi RciiJ. E. R.-ione i 14 Alder st. ilaiu o MOTORCYCIJCS iilCYCXES 55 (par.nntioo) AVILE sacrifice my 1913 2-speed. fully equipped Twin X, terms or cash. 832 E. 12th st.. or Seilwood l.30. V, ANTED Side car or cliassis and wheel only; also presto tank. EX 714. Journal. a H. P. DAYTON in A-l shape; just overhauled by Davton shop, $120. Marshall 135S. TWIN Excelsior in ine running condi tion: fuilv eqiiipped, JS.'i cash. Call at 3 .".2 N. 2Sd st. W ANTE 1 1 - -Si: reasonable. Journal. igle for or twin motorcycle; spot cash. W-60'j, GENT'S bike, y lor cor. $1". 4 th. lady's blks. $5. 276 LACNCilES AND ROATS 04 EVINRI'DE rowpij.it pud canoe mo tors; rowboais canoes, motorhoats. e Mor 'r Co ...M on 'son p nd Front. FOR SALE Yellow boathouse, motor boat, chickens ai'.d cow cheap. Ken to n Place. Eva Halkovi ts FOR SALE . room 'houseboat, fur nished. Snap. Phone Seilwood 1010. PLVNOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL 1 NSTRl MENTS 34 SECURITY STORAGE CO. WILE CLOSE OUT. $42", Vose ,vi Soii.s upright, $145 cash. 3.",0 Ario.'i upright, oak, $120 cash. f;;i".i p.nmiord upright, oai, $93 cash. $4",u Chi, keiung A- Sons, ..aslk S4"0 Hradbury piano $o3 cash. $1.." 1'acKurd organ Zo cash. s o J .utopiano Plaver, $205 cash. To first caller. lot) 4th, near Wash. becuiity fatorage Co. Closing Out. $4'jo Li.ickermg piano. $35 cash. $400 Bradbury piano. $50 cas.L $'!75 Chase i;ros. Upirlght. ju cash. i'.i-b Leiaiid piano. $135 cash. $v"" autopiauo player. J'.'.Ki cash. $U'iO Siemvvav g-and. $5:'5 cash. TO UlKt'l' CALLER AT lr'J 4lh St. 7:e M.oni ni v -tores viur piano her- i"l'.'d l jpvvarvls will secuie r" Disc T.U.v.ng Ma- i.mc lor $ 7.50 Coo Disc Talking Machine for $ 17.30 vii witti Z "' cabinet machine, i 40. 00 $10 with $.PJ cabinet Machine, lu3.0u Ten it' olds included with each. KCHU N PI AN'iJ:o.. Ill 4th St. DON'T toig'.t that on next Thursday. Doi.ar day, we will sc.l any Lew Victrola, Grafanoia or Edison uisc ip to $75 for $1 down. lijatt Talking Machine J o , 35o Alder. VIoL IN--'v cry old Italian. Pure, me'- low, aged, tonal qualities unexcelled, sacrifice $!' or tiude oiau.ot.d. Raie bargaiii. - 4 I 1 2 1st., room 5. ' W.4M to lent piano, will p" y $1 per ni'dith a: d diayagc Good care in private bom ; 1 r-J 1 " Jo uii 1 a 1. 63 X'1'! 1; mi, .:.-, 2v dandy rolls, fine soli tio.i. Yiu make older. Colum bia 4v.J. 11 EE- I of p:anu or pia.vei" piano for 2 1, mint or ea:s. See display advertlse Jnvan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. 1 I -1 j pa . ca sh 1 o or- re ' lano our 111 4ih aid st. uprignt A Y.SH lil'RN 1 .ar.", b:i:ga:u. $7 3. Taoor good 4''27. WAX Ti-.i ' A:l kn. records. 1-S 1st is I' lonogiapiis and mi 44:-"f. TYPEWRITERS GILLS RLUL'IET i" I ." E WRITERS. Underwoods, iteming, tons. L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smltu-Preiuier, Royal, etc., $15 a! d up. terms. Agents for the "Corona ' folding typewriter. Type writer itsks, tables and chairs. The J. K. ( ;.ll Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE sav e jou ft 0111 5u to io'.'c on all iiiHKts of typewriters. Send for our ill .stialcd ! bier, retail department. WHOLESALE TVPEURlTEiC CO.. 321 v asiiingti n st. X 1 1'E w iu 1 lvi;s for rent, J months for and up; 0 months' rental ap plied 0:1 purchase price. Remington T peav ritei Co., fcii Proadway. NEW, rebuilt, -a rates. V. D. C. Co., hariu, JMI .- rentals, cut tai'K. M. 14u, HOI SKHt)Ll GOODS lor SALE U.I GAS ra nji, heating stove, dining-room table nnd chairs, bed. mattress and srriiiK. dresser, one rocker, fruit jars .mil u'arjen tools. 89 E. 70th St., neai Si a-k. FPU S.AI.K MLS KiibA.VKOi S i: FOIt horses ana venicies, dos and housei.'Oltl pets or poultry, lead the sds., ui.uer t;;tse respective headinijs. The Joi.'.ijil leads all other aieoiuun in lilfse ClaSSlt I'atjolis. Iii I.LI Aiti'S New and seconci hand calculi and pockt t billiard t8b.es, bow line aiys ai d acctsto! les, easy pamcn;s. iubles for residences. The Hi ui.r'!i-K LalKe - Col lender Ic, 46-4 btii st. Phone .Vain -i'.'0. "M Vs i c a L in .-T 1 1 L' li r.xfs, irpe wnttrs' and T1"USv-uoiq Good," are separate classificatiorK. All olver tibemene ut tuese ruous are published under tueir respective ciassitications. Look them over. 1-oR s'Al.l-; v'.eap portable chicken house and feio t, a i'i;c k pony sun able lor- ehiiuieii. 4 '-j t'ui wayon, springs, will ihiiver. 'lalor 4 54ii. V A.N l'J:i - All Mni.-i store, oil ice and resla.ir.mt I'istures and s-ippln-s. lUiu-iht, sold, exchanged. 126 1st. Alain 4 4i' 5. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 16 (Con tinned) BEWINij .Machine Em porium sells for less; no agents employed, ail makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines guar anteed and rented, $2 per mouth. 10 Sd. rear Tay'or. Main 9431. A-3625. Electrio Motors Bought, Hold, rented anJ repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnsid, tor. 10th. Main or -5674. DIAMOND house pa in to. strictly pure, made In Oregon, $1.75 gallon. Port land Paint Co. ::10 l-roni. Marshall loo. SWAP COLUMN SAVAGE rille. .303 and .32. trade for shotgun. dll Belimer. Mar. 2S"0 or A-451. between 7:30 a. m. and 5:1 n p. m. fie. $350, tr'c. first mtg. for auto or small grocery. light 5 pass. 20 East 24tc. East 4 4'JS. !4 ACRE. Lents district, for furniture. 312 Panama 1 ldg. TWO Tillamook lt cycle. Wood .awn 'ii lots 2;:i . or motor- W ANT Ell SI iSt Ei.i-AN EOl S GEVUR1V. Buys fi;rniture. Hignest prices paid. GEVl.RTZ Sells at lowest prlcea. Gevurtz turnlture store, 207 1st. Phone Aiaisl.au 5S7. V . A. COELl. vtaiils to on 1 nana furniture, opening new store; win pay the best price, l'jz 1?' nr. iaylor. Pnone Marshall f.947. WAN! ED The people ol Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 0". "7. N. M. Seatcr. 14.; Russell st. SE X Jl-HAN D storage tank, .'01 or t., gailous, with pump, mu.-t pass city insoei tor. Phoiip i-;;s s t 1 ;:;!. BUY OLI ' GOLD, niiet, assayer, 5 Wash ing ton. F. bldg A. 10 N.-W J. M E Y Eli, tile tailor, pus higliest price for 2d hand 1 lot iiing, shoes. Y e call promptly. M ar. 122'.'. 221' Mad I son SECti.Nl nand ciut 1: 1 n g -j-nd i-ver inn Highest pi ices Main 2''S". 25 1st. WANTEl) Steamer trunk. Must bo bin gam. -Mai shall 715. WANT1-.D- Jnd hand tent. 12S 1st. Main 4495. But'IvS and magazines bought. Keti;s. call Talnor 212 E. 32nd St.. N . W A : N'TiOi' - v iii 01' liTi. Call ivlain IH'M LOST AMI i-Ol Ml Jl FOLLOW I N(j articles were found 0.1 the cai s of the Portland Railway, Light Power company, and owners theieot may claim same at the First and A der street station: Marshall 5Hmi, A-0U11: Sept. 17 I bucket, 5 packages, 3 tools. 1 can of Hypo, 3 purses, 1 pin, 1 watch and pin, 1 bed spring, 2 bundles. 1 wan ii pin, 1 adz anu handle, 1 su:t box. 1 umbrella, 1 pin, 1 loaf o. bread. LOST Kioo.ii, ametnyot surrounded by pearls and diamonds, in neighbor hood of Hotel imperial and Heillg the atre. Communicate Mrs. G. A Romans, Southern pacific building. Panama-Pacific Exposition, San I'ranciico. Liberal reward. LOST-- Llewellyn and St. Cl aries spaniel mixed, no collar; black and white, hile breast, front and one hind loot white. Finder please tall Main !'v7 or write P O. box 1179. Reward. LOST Fox terrier, white with bla,k head and face; large black rpot on I hacK of ne. k l'J 15 license 4972 Reward. No. 26 4 u. 1 bone East LoST JPuiik from fc"th St. N. to Woodstock, lady'ii gold watch, initials M. V. Finder please call Main 81 U. Upward. LOST Purse containing keys money; liberal reward. Mam SSL' Overton. and 5.135. FOL'N'I 3 heifer , alves. licjuire Gil Wafrner's house, bcrt'a station, I west new school. I'KIIWIXAb SP1 R TEA LIS.M -Medium. Rev. lr fcinia Rotve. Readings, heallriKs daily, circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings, s o'clock ::;i Oth. Phone A-71P". .US. CLARA 1 j 1; EER, Spiritual medi um. Readjust tlailv except Sunday. :in Wasco st. Kas-t 495S. SI 1 HiTT AL1SM Rev. .vl. A. Puce, cir cles, l ues. Z p. m.. W ed., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading daily, fia.l 5th st. Mar. 396u. ii iv: Fi; u sTup New order. 1 ertiO' :ei 1 n best work, lowest prices. ic5 Swttland bids. 5! HI ltemoUelin, lupairmi, uy- upstairs pi I. es. 4 15-! 1 0- i I 'ekum fildc. TjiI. V. Ivi.'i'Clit . v omen's inula- ! db-s and Hcute -liseases of men. i Was!', bid . 4Pj. o Wajhim. 4 41. Ml 4.1 1 11 A v your ua:r permanently waved, ist. Miiiltary lieauiy i :n. M a r sh a li 1 7 " J. G .ai ant, ed to I ,rl(.rs. 400 Dtk bupei 1 1 loos nan aim mo.es remove'!, ieatnral deformities perlected. Mine. ; J S. Com trlcbt. ' ! Alorrison. M. 5'H -'. : REA I 'IN!& Ibis vv , ek for 50e. ;j s i 1 Van,; ill. Mrs. liar her. Cilcies by i a Ppo i n t n it-nr . 51. tin 51''.:!. 11 A ill vvoii.. switches tor sale; solic itors wanted. S. F. Pierce, -07 Jlol laday. C-'-'all. ft i i i-7 1 i i-'LL t U s I ;ur, moies, warts, tic, destroyed forever, cure guaran teed. .Mile, lu Loot;, fan Swenand bid PERSONAL 1 Continued) LOWERED vitality causes chronic dls easen : my Improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health In rheumatism, indigestion, constipation. diarrhoea. lnsomn'.rv. paralysis and all chronic ailments. Dr it. A. Phil ips, 505 Oregonian bldg FERVKT & HANEBL'l. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human boir goods: hairdi eoslng, nianlcui lug. face and scalp treatment, combim. made to order. 147 Broadway. M. 54K. LOUISE NLTIEU trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago. neuralKla, etc. Tuh baths, massage and electric blankets I.ndv assistant. 2 ah 11th ft. Mar. ;'0",:i AiK.s. Sl'KVk..NS, Zi renowned paiudst years Portland j and claii voyant. Author of ' Palmistry Made r.asy. ' A fisted by Dr. Etta Hume, divine' heal Made and spiritual dvlsor. 375 Taylo stl'HlA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual teacher, Allsky bblg Now fi 1 3 Toui r.ey.bldg. Meeting Wednesday, p. 111. Main 6!i. Professional and ACCORPTON PLFATINO ACCllKUIO.S, lMI I. AM) ru'iniNi; iii.Msrbit liiNi;. KM Ulttll DKH I N' :. I. A S I' M N I'l.KA l I.M'i. HKAIDIM.. SOVl.I.'lA MFC Sa f.rh ST.. SKA It O V K k SIKPllbN llelllAllli 1 '' Rial ntntiurnt pie.-, 1 1 11 g . Iiutt anilon. sliie veriii. go'Mls I.Ik. H 1!''.'. as blunged. Sen lDi'lnu. .14 Phi It ASPHALT F. 00 F PAINT AM'llAU r.t 1, .et.. .. r i:.io IK- per gHl. n.l frad Krunt. Mar- l'reerTi' c'.ihml,' rei fs. Port laud 1' i-IimII loo. AL'TOMOBII.K SCHOOLS. PAl )K1 AI I" AM' ,. vs IM s, litiiii . 1 i::.i: 1 ki .i . sco 1 11 Ii h ml J. ; '. a - a st INK BLANK BOOK MAKERS liAH.S i Hol.MA.S. lu. . I' J -il I. Iliol.t book luaiuitio , ,r erw : .,t,-tii- fur Jone 1 tn -proTiU l.'mse Lenf l.eilia-i See lUe lie Lu reka Leaf. J Mam BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS li A H I'LU'S Uras '"ik. mcl,ine vvorkw. l'HI N. ttian rnlni!i an.1 r.ili : . II a y CAN 0E RCPA' BO AT IHKIIA I1I1IIS. '.11 I'eLim, MOTORS t.l.le. CARPKNTERS illlK Plans 11 vv 111 I. mill , 1 1 ., 1 1i-i. r iiibi- b.irlle ,.s l.ulliliui, i ro'i ei,' es . k t. I'lmll, W .H.dluvv 1 CARPET CLEANING Jul 1 b HKo.s.. tiei tiic i luui.iii: w rU. car pets i li iini j nud In mi, re 1 1 1 1 1 on our iclnl tv Em 44o. Ji-IKllaV 2l Iv. lata -t S. CARPET WEAVING FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS H i: MAKE KLL Kb- Itl iSJ HtOM Wnlt.S Oil I.M.UMN. A XM IN. S'l Kit. SMYRNA. AND l.ltl v;Sf!LS t'AUPKTS. UAti HI .S. , AIL blbs. MOULUN SAN1TAKY MKTII i (IliS Sl l tlAl. ATI'EN1I"N 111 U i "I HlW N" OUUl US. (HA W'ultlv CALI l:!' K,'K m:mi r,,R iuioh.1.1: r. wi.sii.ln i i.l 1 1 UH, (ii. M.,1. IN ION AVE.. NOltlll pit, in 1 s DSI 1 ..1; 11 147.-.. NHi 1 11V I S I petB. r.' re in,; ci.. run-, from el'l csr- ren,. e.,r.et rlr.,ain. 18 K. hi" I - .: t.i. i.nki :i..s". it mo. W nrk l'E.N INs! I.A U pet e:i V ;L-. Ii u V..l HaiC IS Panel, T, ruK t,d car Viln. 2hS. I. CHIHOFRACT IR. M. ViAlKiN. 11 re'icir nic ;.'i ! 1 1C PHYSICIANS 4 I ll lirenl, ilihain treat, nenta 16. ill Tr. 11. U. np;cl a It y C hi T" !lk.' i.,r. (ibmetrh-a. a I'hone Ent 0O14. 1. 7 ) I COAL AND WOOD 4 Foot Slabwood Short Slabwood 1st Class FirCordwood $4,50 vl Co. Main 3110. 7001 CORD WOOD LOW PRICE HKST JI ALITT Anto Ollreiy to all parte ut cltf. Pbonea: Main lIViO. -1 1 KJ. Central k ul Co., Sec- oi,il. nt'Hr MhiH.-,!, NEER k FARR aut hksltle block wood 4 foot or aaned to orrW. Telrphon OC Man, 4.VJ0- A 454 7. ?.0o Water Bt. lUttL Box Wood $1,75 Per Load, EtT.TON WOOD CO.. PHI, MS: A--'-!0 lion MACADAM. MAIN 7S?-0. Charcoal f . J. iiO' KVEIilS MAIN 87B7. OK tTHRY STRKKT. HKST Flit. 4 75 ,l,t hi p H..i r.. isih nml Vinilin 'a. H I"'. M. wo-. A 24 hi CONTRACTORS k BUILDERB. 11. i. MP HALL A SON , niasoua, contractora and bulbieiB. ,l:,y nr conlrnrt; all alnda of rtiHw.,, Knik pr'-mptly everured at reaoDaltle clmrcPK. 7M1 Sub ave. S. K. Tabor b4ul. lManufacturcrs CRY 000D8 WHO I. E8 ALE I onii'lere line ,lrv K'hIv f unilHlilnca. notlnoa. L. Dinkelspiel. Co, 1 12 Sherl'x k Ihg. Tljlnl. cor. Oak. Fleischner, Mayer k Co, EARM IMPLEMENTS AND VFHirLF.S l Ail V ,l -.'J-l.' 1 tH a I I "I II,1 FIPEWO0b. MACHIVFRY ST l.t.M) A MACIllM.ltV Co ,, M a ' n ''2 AND OLA88 .-lllli M lillil' 771 . ia I n u A (ir.;u INFORMATION COUPON name of a reliable business houir drn IP ,r Information reicardlnif resorts, ho'.u, r i rid less Oiegon Journal Infoi u.iitlon puna 1; Name. . Addrese . , i-i-v T FI. C. r1hr PERSONAL t Continued) WHY pay pig prices for. glasses? i can fit ki'our ees with first 'quality lenses in a jroU tilleii frame, as low aa Jl r.a: lenses duplicated at a teed, rlst. big saving: satisfaction guaran- "harle w. ' baori ma n, Mi, in- JU14 optomet" 209 Morel' on Ml I l( ES -H2 vjt A It I Klt.M ASI1 l: Seidell tirii4od-. e.r ii TP icaii loi'V Se(iteiiilier 'J. Pi i t 1h ml. ( r . or I- r., -ooo (huh i 'Hill. 1 1. fi r inn t imi tj no i.-riaii-ler. U ! -.i r 1 1:, nil. ttr. will be r- 11. . I'HClftR f'lrxlrlililg t i. oil iBllnit'i t nut of aptillcNtlou i : x ml. Or. blier nf the for nT nnymie in 1 I M - ii i e iv .lill. Ill ! will Vlj! 1 Si: lull 1 ... 1 l.i V I ' ;i:i. I'k.T. M 1 r 1 : 1 . M N . Business Directory nvnev: K "rti. 1 k,M . mu: TSMAN I'l.AB I II.M1H, . In: 111 t v. 1 . s pl.l I.l EVEKYT1 mi i.;.r.n, I i: Its' t.l. . 1 1 1. . 1 , LYE. E AH N(,SE l .'IH.UI l.i t 1 -.. I .. I e 1,1 I ,l VV elbl I . 1 . EDUCATIONAL DANt'lNO Mu 1 ! 11 ll .'-II 1 NhUKANTL Iii ill: I - VI ll Ii ..II V 1 i.i:i ):i n a mi ibE 11M1IN03 .,,! I. V..i nrch" la r. 1 t. a 1,. I I MODEL A Nil BI E( I A I L ' 111 si, l I ' . in I '. 1 1 IV H , !..'., i I MA, I.E. I. -I S V". IH K n'l sr. r aiilo A i;ms 1 I I'n. n d a 1 ! y 11 i I 1 11 i PA vino , nil : till: v - i 1 1 a I . I 1 HI. 11A I. Ian. I . I RUDPl 1. MAKI'S A N 1 S1A18 ALSO lei.. i. Pa, II u i I'Sl Wi.-iai.i -ill i a. , I 'i JfA.'ETY H A.OM lioNINi) At I nl V I o b . SHEET M 1 . I A L VA'O ll KB i :' J .. IlKI A 1 11 1 N. a l'l."i,. VI:, n 1 !- I T0V.T.I L H fT'CKE. I .... . I S'U'I'C ' - .1 Vl J I.l. JAMS PI,..1I.'. I ntl . XRAISSI-ER ANiJ aiOKA'.E Oregon I ranslof Co, I -lai.lr-ia-'l I "7 TrniiKt'T and ' "" .n a "r n.-enla. Si "l M . . I n ' I I ii : n K1' Office and Stinn,' 4.1 '.a t.ii St. I.ltll "I'd i .ll - HI l ;i ii ALWi s."'"pb K 'I in hi s i ;l,il'S SI 4 I I. M is I s i jSi.,i.liii: run Mnv 1 1 i SpeitHl fr'-irfi.l ; i" "'I I"1 C . O I K K I It ANSI I It A 2dt.l s'- I i. : BA'i'iAi.b I It v - i I K ri i:v PIN!; si" M I " l" V 1 ' WAIT. TAP lit MHO id .-i I , o l a I'lM-klna. A ill. i ana. it v;r Co . A I 'l"l MO 111 i A N near Si, vl.l. I' v I'll. ' " lcM3ier3 pin '-- -voi ii'i: p,K r i.A M' . ff I... 1 Ml, I 2-itl PL U M HI NO I'll-1 . - SI i-AM Sl'PI'lIES M, L. KLINL ROPE ANiJ Hl.VPFR TWIKh ni IlKKT Portland Cordage Co. SANITARY V.'II'IN' RAOB L, Shank Co, r WHEN yen anvver 1 1 e Th J..,,ruul. I 1 In t I 1 b i s i ., VV i BY "BUD" FISHER KiV'.I.IU S 1 a II., I mil b.iM.-.ni; Arml Hue tall tiii. ri.ax ..i?!i I..!!-.-,! Ntmi.liil,: ' 1 s . t:- V 1 1 1 , 1 ! 1 . -1 1 ' ...I :,,:!..r' e,,.- I;- ii- ..in- -;., loid I-ix 11. -I. , l,,.. illtil Tl vi'te ii.n: m.. ' i.n. VI ........ v 1 iiii. air Waali- U. 1. 111 li.l . 1 ,,.!- VV . .1 h I SiO . vel.llllia III. Alii.". Si 1 . . 1 1 . a-h ,.1, .1., i. , in -n l-'lliiHj eve . A ,1,1 1 ' ..I , ;iii i,,!l .i.l .t . near T'Jer l'u.."n e. , 1 Mo,, MUSK S, Haul:; AM) TI AI HbRs Iv. I II I I.l 11. n. s . ii. .,. or. ...1. ,.ii,.o ,s,,ik. 2l'i I Ol. I. 1 I V A 1 i'.' Mo-, nib IfiJn 1'Kol 1 I.. I wsiis ,. .,,. !.-.,. 11, B m yuur Imme. 1 o. ft I .1. . .'I . . l-'ll IS A . , It I. I I . I . 1 1 .mu,. illl She. 11 1 'i 11 . 11. r i 1! ' VI 1 - a, , 1 --VU. V ll'i.l , Hiia 1 1 . ,1 1 . . 1 1 J 1 1 1 i. . :t-r-u . uuurau- i'-'l, 1 1, in. lU.'.l v. iihiui, ,:oi. mai: v i.,;i vhu.i.m,. i..ninr ,,r i'iin. ii "ii,. b ..... r.44 1: t, t. .mi.' u, l,"iir POPULAK MUSIC. UA'.IIMi: .1:1 .'i.i!i.. ifiin i ii . 1 . 1 .1 l.rKlnneri tn in l.-M,. a,. 1 'I. t ui j .11 . . 11 1 1 1 . .iiiuiitr t i"H I I Imm k lei '' ': I .. ' 1 l.l.iu. HAIR I.RESKlNd. si 1 1 VI. I1.1O mai -1 :.i 1 1 .-.1 1 me.. 1 At .n,r In n.' , all r 7 VI " a- -