THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1915. 11 i WOMAN STRANGLED 10 DEATH BY A MAN in mm house Found in Dying Condition After Visit of "Nephew" to Her Room in San Francisco MURDERER NOT KNOWN Xea-e Scene and Has Hot Been -Ceard From Since; Mar Have Slain Another Woman. Han Francisco, Sept. 20. (V. P.) With the, Identity of the principals In Hie tragedy cloaked In mystery and hampered by a lack of details the po lice today were baffled In their at tempt to solve the, mystery of the Mrangllng of a woman known only as "Mn. Baker" here last night In a rented room. Efforts are being made to fasten the crime on an unknown man who styled himself as .Mrs. Raker's nephew who disappeared last night shortly before the murder was revealed. Hear Dying- Woman Moan. Last nlitht Mrs. Allre Marshall, land lady of the rooming house, was at tracted to Mrs. Faker's room nv a low stifled in'mn. Standing outside the door she Inquired of the "nephew" whether snyone were 111. This brought a non chalant "No, thank you." Shortly after, tho man strode calmly from the house. Prawn by a feeling that something was wrong, Mrs. !!'' shall went to Mrs. Baker's room, Sfia found her body, slowly stiffening, ly ing on the floor, garroted, the lips stained. with blood, and the faco bruised, indicating her assailant had beaten her before strangling her. Posed as "Nephew." A sheet had been knotted around her neck many times, and drawn tight. Only one clue is In the hands of the ' rol(,e. Tho description Kiven by the land lady fits that irf the suspected mur dercr of Mrs. FranoV8 L. Harrison in l.os Anprles July 0. At thf tlnte of Mrs. Harrison's murner 110. 000 worth of diamonds belonging to her dlsap pea red. The theory being worked on Is that the suspected l.os Angeles man gave the diamonds Into tho possession of "Mrs. Maker" and that she refused to part with them. rind dues. When Mis. linker rented the room a few days no she told Mrs. Marshall thit tier "nephnv" should be admitted ""whenever 1ih called. niht was the first appearance of the "nephew." A picture found in the room, a scrap of German verse, a buttonhook wiln the Inscription "T. S. to N. H.," ar-, the only clues In the loom to tho Identity of either ti e murdered woman or the slayer. Hut 75 cents In money was found. Dozens of persons today called at the morgue In an effort to Identify the woman Descriptions of both woman end slayer huve been cent the Los An Kcb.'S police. WITH VILNA BEING EVACUATED, GERMANS WIN NEAR DVINSK (Continued From Pane One.) German forces are crowding them hard In their desperation to escap. Isolation. Confidence was expressed In military cm les today, however, that they will either escape the Germans without a general battle, or will be elde to smash their way through tha A ustro-German offense. Though Perlln officially said that, la the capture of Vllna the Germans' ffortH had been crowned with suc cess, this success was dearly bought, for the Austro-Germans are now suf fering heavy losses In their nttempts to surround the fleeing Russians. A ust ro-( lerinan cavalry smashing at the rlu'.it wins has been mowed down by nrtillery fire. At the same time, the Bavarian fnrc'H attempting to fet off the re treat fiom the south, within a few miles of the Llda-li.ira.hnvitseh rail way are meeting the strongest resist ance. Successes for the Russians In Vol hynla and Gallcla ai e officially re ported. Taken as a whole, military authori ties litre were not disheartened over! the situation. They felt confident that! the masterly retreats which have hitherto marked tha Russian retire ments would ber duplicated. Drive for Dvlns- Expected. The Jaws of tho German trap set for the enemy are now spread 60 miles apart. The Russians have been withdrawing from It since Friday, when the fall of Vilna was seen to be imminent. The roads and fields in their path of flight are splendidly adapted for hasty retirement. 'Occupation of Illukst by the Ger mans was officially admitted. The Russian successes In the Vol yhnlan triangle consisted of a repulSfc . of efforts to wage a new offensive. A drive for Dvinsk, key to the- path to I'etrograd and Ulna, is expected soon. That a more desperate resist ance would mark sueli a move was regarded likely, however. Russia Plans Siberian Railroad. London, Sept. -0. (1. N. S. ) Ac tordlng to reports received in London, the Russian government lias prepared plans for a railway line through aiouth i i ti Siberia to connect the Black Sea with the Pacific ocean. This will give Russia two trunk lines to Siberia and traffic for them is expected to come from tha altered economic position in Mongolia and the far east. The port or Vladivostok is being much Improved and thti approaches to Kicolaevek are being deepened. The dislocation of trade relations with Europe has injured ' the agricultural industry 0f Siberia and that co. ii, try i8 represented as chok ing under an abundance of grain. To lacilltate exportation to lndon, ef forts are beinj; made to use the North- . em or Kara Sea route. Another Item of special concern to British and Amer ican merchants, ls that In order to ae- ' cure clear connections between Russia, Japan and China, a Chino-Russlan-Jap-anese company is being formed with a view to reciprocal commercial relations between these three countries. It ls stated that an agreement has been made between Russia and Japan to de limit their respective spheres of eco nomic influence. ' Vilna Important City. RerUn, Sept. 20. (By wireless to Say vllie) (I. N. S.) Great rejoicing over the capitulation of Vllna, the great Russian , industrial city, prevailed DUMBA'S MESSENGER WAS NOT ARRESTED James. P. Archibald. IN NEW YORK, BUT IS NOT American Message-Bearer for Dumba Declares He Is Innocent of Wrongdoing, New York, Sept. 20 (U. P.) James F. Archibald, American correspondent, message bearer for Austrian Ambassa dor Dumba, arrived today aboard the liner Rotterdam. While reports some days ago said he would be taken into custody, he was permitted to land like the other pasBengers. " really know nothing about the sit uation here," he aald. commenting on the American request for his return to America for his part in the Dumba incident. "If prosecution against me ls in tended, it will be most unjust, as I am perfectly Innocent. I merely took a letter for the ambassador unwitting ly. This caused all this trouble." He declined to discuss the Dumba case further. Though he denied at first that anyone had seen him before ho docked, Archibald afterward ad mitted that an agent of the depart ment of Justice had gone down the bay in a revenue cutter and had met him In his stateroom. The, he said, asked one" ques tion, but what this was he would not discuss. He was satisfied, however, with the answer, and left, according to Archi bald. Archibald was convinced bo prosecuted. He went the office of Frank Hogan he will not directly to attorney. Will Ignore Dumba letter. "Washington. Sept. 20. L'. P.) Of ficials Indicated today they will Ignore Austrian Ambassador Dumba's letter criticising the administration for al lege partiality to the allies. While his letter, made public yesUrday, was regarded as an affront, the adminis tration will be, satisfied with Dumba's speedy departure, which has already been ordered by his government, and this will close the incident. throughout Germany today. Capture of at least 250.0(10 Russians by a great enveloping movement Inaugurated bv Generals von Elchhorn, Von Gallwitz and Von Scholte was predicted by German military experts. A battle of tremendous proportions is in progress today in th? region lying between Vilna, I.Ida and Molo dttschno. The capture of Dvlnsk within a week was freely predicted here today, as well as the abandonment by the Rus sians of the Dvina line. Then th Russian force is expected either to en trench or fall back on I'etrograd for the winter. Advices received here from the front this afternoon naid the Russians were retreating hastily along the Vilna Lida railroad, the only line left open to them. By a sweeping movement north of Vilna. the Germanic allies are trying desperately to coon up the great forces 1 which defended Vi lna in the triangle Lida and Molodet- formed by Vilna, echno. The statement issued from the war office telling of tha capitulation of Vilna said: "The extensive attack by General von Elchhorn against Vilna has -obeeu crowned with complete success. Our left wing has reached Molodetschfio, Smorgon and Worjani. Attempts of the enemy to break through our llne3 in the direction of Mischalischk with strong forces hurriedly collected failed completely. Because of the hninter rupted progress of our encircling movement and simultaneous strong at tacks by the soldiers of Generals von Scholtz and von Galwitz upon thu enemy's front, the forces opposine us have been forced to retreat as quickly ! as possible along the entire front." I Famous for its manufacturing ln ! dustries, Vilna is a city of 170,000 and ls the key to the northern section of ! the Vllna-Rovno railway. It ls one of j the most strategio points In Russia, i being at the head of the watershed j from which an advance on either Pet- rograd or Moscow lg possible. Wisconsin Starts Unique Campaign In Effort to Btreng-bten National Guard, Military Huttnvsri Xr Staffed for Fnblio TUw. Milwaukee. "Wis., Sept. 20. (I. N. 8.) The state of Wisconsin today opened the most unique campaign for prepar edness for war in the history of the new American movement for an ade quate army, hy staging an afternoon of military maneuvers free for the people of the city, in a city park, with all branches of the national guard rep resented. The campaign was to secure recruits to bring the national guard up to war strength, and was witnessed by 25,000 people. ARCHIBALD ARRIVES ARRESTED CROWDS POUR NTO TO SE ANNUAL ROUND-UP Famous Yearly Event Begins Thursday; All Is in Readi ness, TRACK IS IN FINE SHAPE Belay Raxss Promise to Be the Bloat Sensational Ever Attempted at frontier Celebration. Pendleton, Or., week has arrived abustle. Though ebratlon does not Sept. 20. Round-Up and Pendleton is all the bis frontier eel start until Thursday afternoon, the festivities have really begun. Hundreds of visitors have al ready arrived and cowboys, cowgirls and Indians are clattering up and down gaily decorated streets In scores. Arrangements and preparations for the big event have been completed. The track is in fine shape, the new barn, made necessary by the large number of relay strings brought in, has been com pleted and Judges and assistants have been named. The Judges will be R. S. Plxon of Prineville; J. X. Uurgess of Tilot Itock and William Slusher of Nolin, all prominent stockmen. Arena Director 11. W. Collins will have as his chief assistant Guy Wy rick, a well known young farmer, and Livestock Director Sam R. Thompson, will have as his assistants W. R. Tay lor, an Athena stockman, nr.d Herbert Thompson, a reservation farmer. Both have acted in like capacities in former years. President T. I J. Taylor will be on horseback to assist Where , most needed. Never before have there been so many relay strings entered in the cow boy's and cowgirls relay races, and these races promise to be the. most ex citing ever seen In the west. The buck ing string, according to ICd McCajty. of Cheyenne, is the greatest bunch of outlaw horses ever gathered. The steers are long of horn and swift of foot and will give the cowboys a hard tussle in the steer roping and bulldog- Indications point to a mammoth crowd. Preparations for taking care of these people have been completed. Huhdreds of rooms in private houses have been listed at tho accommoda tion headquarters, Just a block from the depot. A special excursion party is coming from the Baker Commercial club Sat urday morning and a cowboy break fast ls being planned for them. "Happy Canyon," the scene of the etening frontier fun, will open its doors on Wednesday evening. ROUND-UP SPECIAL RESERVATIONS IN HEAVY DEMAND The demand for reservations on The Journal's Round-Up Special continued today and every indication ls that the special will be packed when it leaves the Union station. The departure of the special ls set for 11:30 p. m. Thurs day, September 23. By attending the Round-I'p on The Journal's special one combines trans portation, hotel and restaurant facil ities and grandstand seats all under one head, and all for $25. The spe cial ls to be side tracked near the Round-Up grounds and thojse on board can use their berths as their home dur ing the three nights the party will be away from Portland. The diners will be freshly stocked at Pendleton and tbe finest meals will be served. The special will leave Pendleton Sat urday night for Portland. Bend Is Having A Building Boom Bend. Or , Sept. 20. The most no ticeable effect of the mill development work belpg carried on here is to be found In the large number of resi dences being built. Frank Plval, who U connected with the construction of the Shevlln-Hlxon plant, recently bought 10 acres from Hunter & Staats, immediately adjoining the new Brooks Scanlon plant. He has started con struction of several bouses and ex pects to have at least 10 finished this fall. In alt he will build 40 houses on this tract. The houses will be of the bungalow type. Mr. Pival has started construction wtrk on tiie $7ou0 home of T. J. ilc Cann, who will be the general super intendent of the Shevlln-Hixon plant. H. K. Brooks of the Brooks-Scanlon company haa just let a contract for a heme to cost approximately T5000. This home will bB on the west side of the river, as will the following now being built: E. M. Lara, $2000; Cornelia Wil son, jiuou: w . i-.. uuonneii, iiisoo, and F. L. Dement, J1500. In addition to the McCann and Pival houses, the following are being built on the east side of the Deschutes river: A. M. Pringle, $2000: R. H. Loven, $1200; R. O Miller, $900; T. tj. Russell, $1400, and M- J. Roberts, $1500. Engineers Meet and Goethals Presides International Engineering Congress Convenes In San Francisco; Wel comed by Mayor Holpn. San Francisco, Sept. 20. (P. N. S.) Major Ge'neral Goethals was given a rousing ovation when he arose today to conduct, as vicepresident, the first meeting of the International Engineer ing congress, the first congress of its kind held since the Chicago exposi tion in 1893. Goethals was introduce! by Dr. William F. Durand of San Fran cisco, chairman of the committee on management, who called the meeting to order. Previous to calling on Goe thals to take the chair, Durand made a short speech on the work of the lo cal societies In arranging for the con gress. Papers from mining and engi neering experts from 18 countries will be heard during the congress, he said Mayor James Rolph Jr. welcomed the delegates in behalf of the city, and President C. C. Moore for the exposi tion. The membership of the congress U composed of members of the American Society of Civil Engineering, the American Institute of Mining Engi neers, the American Society of Mechan ical Engineers, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and tbe Soci ety of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. PENDLETON FUNERALS BeanUful adult pluifc or broadcloth ckt, embalming. rooh boi. beara. two llmoulDe and aerrlcea for More rantooablc fa narala for 30,.f0, S60. ifber prlcea fuiltr f'i lu proportion. Wi make enr nro - kU. Ladj aaslatant. Prlrat. funeral cbapel. MILLER & TRACEY IHDEPEHDENT FUKEHAL DIRECTORS YVahiu-toa and Ella St. Main 2091: 4-7883. WANT AD RATES la effect October 1, 1814. ALL PHEViuLa kAtES CANCELLED CHANGED ADVCIi'nsUMKSTS Dallr or bandar. 1 V4 cents, per word per lnacrtloa, Thla chart U for all clasalflcatlooa, ex cepting "For Kent In Prlrata Painaj," "Booa and Board la Prlrat Famli." ''Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to tient" ada. whico are I'm rents per word per Insertion, bio ad cbargad for les tban 16 cents. CASH AIVEBT1MMENTS ltt cents per rrol for all classifications, excepting "Sor Rent la Private family," "Koom und Board in Private K mini 7." "Sltua tkir. Wanted" and "Wanted to Kent" ads. wblcb are 1 ceLts per word. Consecutive Insertion of -asb waste seia: S insertions for tbe erlee of S. ( Insertions (or tb uric of & "T" MEETING NOTICES 41 SPECIAL, conclave Wash ington commandery No. 15 Tuesday evening, 7:30. Order of Temple. All members earnestly requested to be present to complete arrangements for grand commandery conclave. Visiting fair Knislits invited. ROBERT MAP.TYN'. Recorder. OPENING n.'io party, Tuesday, Sept. 21, lHlri 8:30 t. in. Dancing 10:0) p. m. Geo. Washington Camp, No. 261. . O. W . at Woodmen Temple, 11th st. Good prizes, gooJ music, good time. COME to the Portland Art club's spe cial S00 party Tuesday afternoon; 6 nut plates 1st, 10 hand painted china prizes every Saturday evening. 12U 4th st. Everybody welcome. Admis sion 25c. Wtal Statistics marriages,Birtbs. Dzatbs. BUSINESS CARDS W. G. Smith & Co. wejwinr and Visiting Cards Third floor Morgan bldg. WEDDING rings soid by weight. N. Solomon, Jeweler, 331 Mor rison, opp. Portland hotel. DRESS suits for rent, all sires. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. DEATHS AND Fl NKliAI.S 75 JOHNSON la this city, at SeUwLxl botpital, September 19, 19W f'lau Marieit jwju on. aged 74 years, 3 W ut J. 20 iiaj. IV ceased la survived by -wo -ai. B. W cf CorTftllis. and Marion Fl. .1 .U.i-oi: ef Ibis ettjr. also three daughters. Mrs. J. II. Wiple, of Prluerill; Mrs. K. J. Burro.vs, nnC ilib. W. G. Keady, of this city. jrnivri will t'S held today, Monday. Ht 4 p. i i . from the chapel of tiie Skewes L'nilerf akin;; company. Third and Clay mreets. uuder the acspi'ea of George Wright pot. N. 1. (i. A. R. 1'rleuds Invited. Ttie remains will te taken to t'orvallis, Tuesday at 8:40 a. u ., over Uia Oregon Electric, soompanled hy mem bers of the family, where interment will tnke place in the family lot. HtlJdl.NG In this city September 19, Caro line Helming, aged 77 years, mother ,ot Mrs. Lena Schulze, William and Fred Helm ing, of this city, anJ Iuls Helming of Trout dale. Or. The remalna are at tho residence establishment of J. I'. Finley Si .Son, slont goniery St Kifth. VBNNI In this city, September 18. Llllie Vennt, aged 48 years, late of Mavannah, Mo The remains will Lie forwarded Tuesday evening. September il, by J. f. Finley & Sou, to Savannah, Mo., where eervlcea will be held and interment made in the family plot. WARD The funeral services of the late Sa3'e beloved wife of Herbert S. Ward will be held 'iuesday, September 21. at '-'::(U p. ru.. from the B. T. Byrne's faneral parlors. Williams aveuue at Kuutt atreet. Intermeut Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Frienda Invited. KKKHAHT In this city September 1U. Lel tte Jane Eerehart. ejred &3 years, late of Spokane. Wash., wife of R. E Krebart. The remains are st the residence establishment or J. P. Ftnley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. REED In this city, September 2o, at 2rts Pouton Btreet. William Henry Reed, ag-d fiS years, 2 months, and 20 days. Announce ment of funeral later. Arrangement In care of R. T. Byrnes. W AGN KR September 2o. Alonso C. Wagner. at 310 Market street, aged 59 years. Fu neral notice hereafter. Remains at the resl deuce establishment of J. I'. Flniey 4 Son. Montgomery at Fifth. MARTIN & FORBES CO, florists. 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287-Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores FUXERAL MRKCTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director, 22o 3d st., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A 1511. Main aVT. A. R.ZellarCo. b'jJ. Williams ave. East lobb, C-loss. Lady attendant. Day and night servics. Dunning & McEnteeMLo!irv"eS every detail. Broaiiway and Pine St. Broadway 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. F. S, Dunning, Inc. East Side .Funeral Directors. Fa.-U Alder St.. Ernst 52, B-525. 414 Waiter C, Ken worthy 1532-16jl E. 13th. Sell. 71. RV1122. Chambers Co, f': wortii ave. and Kerby. Wood Lady embalmer. lawn 3306. C-1133. MILLER & TRACY, independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $2u, $40, $60. Wash and Ella. M. 26sl. A-785. a. d. ken Worthy oc co. Cans promptly answered In all parts of cil.-. 1. Q. O. F. bldg.. Lents. Taoor 6267. F WF Lnaeriakii:g Co. Ofl VV L.O a.2321. Cor. 3d Main 41s2 and Clay. Hamilton East bOth and r.eral services. Giisan, Fu Tabor 4313. R. T. RrvnA wunams and Knott. C-1943. rRipCfJlM RESIDENCE UNL-PLa LI1IUOUI1 M gla3 a-2235. 445 Mor. P. L LERCH, leading east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-18S8, E. 781. BREEZE & SNOOK, B-1252, T. 1258. 1026 Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. MONUMENTS MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Finest marble and granite from our Oregon quarry; 287 Hawthorne ave. SCHANEN-BLAIR CO. PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-266 4th St.. opp. city hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. BLAE5iNGGkANlTCQ U 267-5ROSTCOP.MADISON Isiosatjj eh ONE-HALF Int. in business corner in Swinton, very cheap for cash. S3 E. 35th st.. Portland. GKXKKAL KKAIj KSTATE 02 ONE or two acres, Porter, owner, Lenox an., Lents. half price. G. W. Foster road and Home phone. FOR SALK HOUSES 61 BEST BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY PARK. $1300 5 rooms and bath, beautiful fireplace. All you need ls $600 cash and assume 700 3-yr. mortgage. This must be sold within a week. See it today If you have the money. MALONE O. HUTCH1NS CO., Main 752. 308 Spaulding blds FOR SALE or exchange, new 7 room modern house. Do you want a home close in? Have you got a lot? Do you want to trade it for a house that will suit you? I have the house. I can use your lot. If you are interest ed let us talk business. Call owner. Tabor 1783- . THIS is the time to tiuild a home, ma terials and labor are lower tnan ever. Stop paying rent. We will plan and build home on your lot or one of ours on rental terms. Tne Oregon Home Builders (the largest home builders in Portland!. 1.13U N. W Rank bldg. OWNER wtioso business is taking him back cast, will sacrifice his beautifu: 7 room bungalow either furnished or unfurnished. This ls a beautiful hon e and right up to the minute. $2500 cash will handle this. Address E-721, Jour nal. BUNGALOW AND HOME PLANS Nti page book, special prices for this ad dition. Gives all information about building. The Oregon Home Builders, ix:!0 N. W. Rank bldg, LA L'RELH I" RST Now is your chance to save $1000 on modern 6 room bun pa!ow, $3173. $175 cash, balance $16 er month, pr cent interest. I am broke. Sep n-.e Ht 4 5 1 E. 40th st. MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, big ut 11', furnished, shade trees, fruit and flowers, price $lS0n, near station, cios In on the Mount Scott carline. $200 cash. G-511, Journal. A GREAT SACRIFICE. $370 buys a modern $5000 homo with garage, in Hawthorne district; $1-400 will handle this. E-?16, Journal. FOR SALE Cheap, acre, building'', fruit, berries and city water; cash payments with easy terms; owner out of city and must sell. Call Tabor 3007. FOR SALE Nice home, walks, shado trees, roses, bath, toilet, lot 75x100. Call forenoons or write 3707 72d 6t. S. E. Take Hawthorne car, terms. HOW is tliis one, house, near Mt. terms. Tabor 6iS5 1 acre, nice new Scott car, $1350, FOR SALT;- 0 room modern house, 1"0 by 100, Improved cor. Killirigsworlh ave., cheap for cash. S-0O3. Journal. ;a ACRE. 6c fafe, 3 room pln.seied house, easy terms. Modern Dentists, 2 53 H Washington sj BUNGALOW Pi.aNb, $5. WILLIAMS. 60! M-KAY BLDG H A FOR SALE LOTS 1G V A N CO l," V E R LOT S. From 1 to 300 lots in different part of the city or Vancouver, Wash., ail free from incumbrance, all assessments paid In full, ut reasonable prices, soir.i of them for oiie-thiid of what they eoulu have been sold ior 3 years aso; teims to suit; some of this property must he sold. Address owner, Edson M. Rowley, 6o7 West 11th St., Vancou- v r, Va sh. LOT. ..exiort. for 1i Its value, at Rus- seiville. on Base Line, near school and el'-etrte line, price $150, easy terms. E-7!7. Journal. WE can supply you lot or build upon vourj on easy terms. The Oregon Home Ruildeis. 1330 N. W. Bank bidi;. COLUMBIA beach lot, 35th St., Portland. E. ACREAGE Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped into your liou?-. electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich soil, fme community, 30 rnln ut s out ny if.,; Red Sieel t tains. Low prices, easy pay ments. Any sized tract. Let ua show you. The Shaw-Fear Co, 102 4th st. 20 a 6 ro IS a lo a 1 res, all In cultivation. m house. $2400. rt s. ail in cultivation. $1600. res, a'.I in cul:iation, $1500. acres, cultivated. on carline. $1350. 1 ac res 6 room housv near cor , $2 200. 2 acres on carilne, $:000. 1 acre, 25 fruit trees ban, founda tion tor house, near tor., $14oo. R. M. GATEWOol) & CO., it.ji. 4tr st.. corner Morrison. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close o car line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or Sellwood 476. John H Gibsor.. owner. 400 ACRES $2200. 400 acres, Tillamook Co., cloive to Wilson river, and the village of Wil son: $100o cash, balance 2 years, of course it Is a snap. Fred W. Germau Co. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 10 Acres, $850 Near Hlllsboro, lies level, on main road; small payment, easy ternm. 411 Henrv Vddg CHICKEN', FRUIT. GARDEN Ranches near Portland, 2, 5, 10 acre tracts, best soil good roads, near electric, $S5 to $20o per acre, easy terms. McFarland, 2i'3 Yeon bldg., Portland. FOR SALE i; ARMS io ACRES near North Plains, It; cleared, buildings, team of horses, harness, all larm implements, chickens, price only $::o00, mortgage $2200, due Cil'. if beforo Friday. Aiso 640 acres wheat farm in Umatilla county near Wallc. Walla, 00 tillable, 4uo acres read v to seed, 9 horses, 1 coit. 1 cow, chickens, 1 new 2 bottom gang plow, harrow, drill, wagon, 345 bushels wheat; price only $27.50 per acre, terms. See owner at io9 Montana ave. until Friday. Foil SALE or trade. 40 acre alfalfa farm; squall bungalow, good '.cam, Jersey cow and calf, heifer, 2 sows with " pigs, wagon, buggy, harness, mowing; machine and other tools. En tire crop; $5im)0; for .clear suourban property, or $2''o0 down, balance 0 per cent. Outside range by river. Kox 22, Deschute,Or. 80 ACRES of" land, 2 miles from Ly ons. Or., J,2 mile from sawmill; pinail house, barn, outbuildings, 3 springs, 40 in cultivation. 40 has l.OOO.OOu feet of saw timber, $2500 cash or part city propertv. Call at Mrs. J. H Dolbow, IK West Watts, Kenton. Portland Or. 40 ACRES tor sale, clcse i n. church, school, stores, half crop and imple ments with place; will sell part of this if desired. C. T. Schulhuuser, M'lllno, Or. 30 ACRES, small payment down, soma improvements, close to town. 1 miles station, H mile school. Washing ton county, at half price; $1400 will take it. Owner. 925 Emerson st. 60 ACRES. 7 cows, separator, hay, etc. $2400; $1000 cash. Hugh Magee, Scotts Mille, Or $3.50 to $17.50 acre, Klickitat county. 1-3 down. 1-5 per year. 422 u. 1st. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR SALE OR LEASE 30 acres, A-l early garden and fruit lanJ, about 10 acres ready for plow, balance pas ture and limber, spring and creek, 3'a miles from city limits; $100 per year. E-5 4 3, Journal. FOR RENT AO acres, nearly plow able, good water 2V4 miles from Ore gon City. DX-312, Journal, nrsixEss proper -.1 1 L WSIS.S Slews' 14 A FARM of 60 acres, 18 In cultiva tion, balance pasture, a fine dairy farm, about 10 acres bottom land, fine for celery or onions, for cash or may consider shares. Farm IS miles from Portland, near Sherwood. Or. 5o bus iness Sunday. B. E. Bohle, 1212 E. Salmon st. FOR RENT Fine dairy farms. 40. 100, 200 acres. Best improvements. Cows, horses, implements, feed. Rent cash. 55 acres of choice corn, right at Tort land. H. Brebe, Tigard. Or. HOMESTEADS FOR SALE: Two good homestead re linquishments, well located; aiso one S2u acre homestead, government land, well watered. Pnone Broadway or A 3185, on Monday. HAVE a good homestead reimiuisb ment. Lane county, Oregon. Inquire 493 E 14th st. S. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE or trade and free from ail incumbrance, 5 room house, batli, toilet, large barn, 2 room milk or store house, cement flors; 3 lots, all jtinds fruit, sidewalks in, streets graded and paid for; In Portland. A good business corner, improved, at end of car line, in Portland. 206 aero valley farm. 1 mile from good town; 111) acres in cultivation, balance pasture; part trade, balance terms to euit; in Oregon. In the land of plenty, 35 imshels wheat per acre, $1.15 per bushel, lCH. 320 and 4S0 acre gram and stock farms; in Des-Lacs alloy. North Da kota; all improved, fair buildings. 18 acres, Improved good 8 room house, nice barn, some fruit, on St. Johns river, in townsite of Welaka, Florida; for Portland residence or acreage. Plenty other good trades. List your property ' w!th me for quick results. Money to loan in sums to suit on up proved security. J. A. HTAVEbV. Phone Sell. 20oj f.711 Cotii Ave. S. E. Must Deal 140 acre dairv farm, 60 miles from Portland. 1 miles to station. Run ning water, good improvements. Wi'.i $i000 in clear Portland property. $1000 cash. bal. of $4000, 6c. long time. P-445. Journal. OWNER whose business is taking him back east, wiil sacrifice his beautiful 7 room bungalow either furnished or unfurnished. This is a beautiful lioma and right up to the minute. $2500 casn will handle this. Address E-721, Jour nal. TO TRADE My equity in a nice 20 acre farm; a bargain for someone who has a horse, harness and buggy or wagon, motorcycle, cows or a lot or two in town. Write for particulars. C. F. Estes, Battle Ground. Wash. IS ACRES of land" south, of Reedvilln, partly cleared, new o room house. Wood shed, chicken house, horse, wagon and buggy; 1 acre potatoes, 2 acres of cow kale; exchange for Port land property. J-508'. Journal. $55u' WELL impiovrd lo acre tract in small town near Portland: will take residence to $35o0. 312 Panama bldg. TO EXCHANGE $4S equity Jn lot" near two carbines, for wagon, team and harness, and cow. Call 1711 E. 1 , th st. ElOHT room modern house, improved I streets. block cr r. near school--; j trade. Phone Wood. awn 765. 11 1J ; 1 ien ver ave. WILL trade my eastern Oregon land, clear, for acreage williin 20 miles of Portland. Woodlawn !t63. 80 ACRES in vacant lots h:wn 1 1 ST. Sherman Co. in Portland. to trade for Call Wood- FOR SALE OR TRADE For lot or automobile, 5 room modern cottage. Phone owner. Tabor 4373. 40 ACRES near Kstatada; buildings. For house, bldg. part cleared, 214 Panama STORE bldg., blacksmith shop, lot 50 by 100, for late model auto or lota here. 20 East 24th. East 44 9 6 . 32 ACRES clear for clear Spokane lots 5 room modern bungalow, $1800. Terms. Stratton, 2S4 Oak st. CLEAR lot to exc gun or camera. anno for good Call room 411 eoot-Ilen- DLbbJ.g; 22 ACRES unimproved 212 Panama bids:. fcr city home. 1.1 ACRKS residence. well Improved, for i 1 2 Pa na ma hldg . city PORTLAND mortgage. lots and cash tor lg. good 312 Panama hi WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 MODERN country home, close to car line; must accept high class piece residence property as part payment; will assume, state particulars, prRe and location. E-549, Journal. WANT partly improved stock ronch, - nut heavily incumbered. In exchange for Improved city property. S-9j1, Journal. WANTED 2 or i room over $10no; must be cbise in. S-:04. Journal. house, not easy terms. H i 1 S E. $5 'i( o. flats or Exchange stores wanted lots. Main 1 J ". . ROOMING liOlSES 53 22 Rooms,' Transient Hotel In very heart of city, running water all rooms. Htrictly modern, new fur niture. Will sell my equity fur $350. '. 'eter.s. 1 5 N. 5th st. 24 Rooms, Brick BuiJding All on one floor, good location, rent les,s than a room, price for all $375, hHlf i ash. Peters . 1 5 N. 5 til st . 4'j itOo.M hotel for sale, w net ; nicu furnilure. g.-oti icisness, price lea SOTiable. ;k st. 1 Roo.Ms location clearing $40 monthly, majii bargain for Quick sale. 2-'j J3th st. Ri )i M I N'i i for quick house. rooms, 13th st. bargain TY ELY E fur cas ro irs, h1! hiodeiu. sacrifice . by owner. Marshall 2Glt., F SI NESS (H'POaTlNl ties 1:0 S700 Workingman's Hotel West side location. fe'ood paying house, this is a sacrifice for oup sale. Will k'? some terms, lo light party. Y-'.'T'.'. Journal. FOR SA 1 . A fine con Tc-ct ior.ery sti and luncjs. goods, waiting room re 111 connection; halt hour car service store locate in C. Stuy, plione Miiwaukie. Oi i4-J, Mllwaukie, or. C .U 1 at Bto rv NICELY fuinished, niodern, m apartment house, best paving p. in city, t" those- seeking now is chance. Owm-r has other busin lea.sonable cash and trade. V Journal. Do you want a good steady position In a ntv.' furniture factory at so "! wages and a part of the net profits? Our machinery is now being Installed and the wheels will te liumryr,- in a few days. 41 S Lumber ExchlTn ONE of the best paying the heart of Portland pool halls in for sale, io- cated in a popular office bldg. For further" Information address N-SSJ i. Jonrna 1 GErTfcitvL store and fTijTiTZ;- near e:hool, cement road. .o' business, corner plot 1N5X51-; price. G t oh d 3 n d W. I'orter, owner. Uoste:- Lenox ave. Lents. FOR - SALE Auto transfer business and auto stage line. Box 533 Ash land. Or. 1000 Business Cards 75c Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d Morrison WANT Lady cashier, $1'io Real bargin, investigate. Journal. re iiilred. W-51-J, PATENTED )o-A- price P O. 15!C artiele. farmers tu-ed it; for machines and slock. TRANSFER business for sale that will stand closest investigation; ood reason for selling. H-676. Journal. IF you want a taurant at a 108. Journal, good paying little res snap price address N- FOft RENT FARMS (ConMnned) RUSf NESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 j (Contlnnad) ,, ; WE manufacture Imperial Wonder Paint and make a specialty of patch-! ing nnd painting roofs. We guarantee 8 to 5 veiivs Jackson & Hill, Tabor 447. Ill'SIMvSS OiTOKTL'N'iTIES -WANT Ell 68 PRO KEN STOCK oF DRY GOODS for splendid unincumbered property it. Greater Portland, J5o00 to $15,000. G-5J7, Journal. GROCERY, run feet iotiery. about $700, with or a chance to make eix living rooms Phone Main 4T.S2. MONEY TO 1OAX HEAL ESTATE 27 MONEY re. properties id V at !( loans on close in I li and ,'r, rate de , margin. and desira li o.. t'nlon Sate Co.. 2S4 Oak. pfnd.nir on r!a. hil.'y .-f soc.rits Deposit A- Trust Loans on tniprnx 'u c.ty property or fcr building purposes; adavnee made as building progresses; liberal repay ment, no commission. J. P. Lipscomb. 1M2 I'tiirk st. Main 4420. Mortgage Loans I. I.. WHITE. 7d1 Sell lna: Ride. BL.'lLiJiNG loan. on lty und suburban ivanced as Work cck. 315 Failing property; money ad progresses. W. G. U lilotr. .Main 3 l"7, MOitTO AC. ETl oi mi .- n to V,e, Mor" i-HM'S bought. Cowiisliaw, block. city pioperty, 6 and contracts OUT Commercial WE can finance your home or loan you money on any first class close in residence property. Tho ore'jnii Home Builders, 1 :' 3 a X. W. Ra n kl Id CASH paid for mortgages, tracts; mortR.TKe loans; rctes. F. H Lewis & Co.. 3 notes, con renyonable Lewis- bblg. $lU0,l!C0 ull loOilgUes, CU' Mild lU'Ul pioperty, file ii.suran -e. Mclvenzls K- Co. Geriine.-r blda. ;'d a:el Ahiei. SI ONE i $50 00 201 Ger Hi a a : i is o li"j to Ii. Hell. Oil uy i-roptrly. A. lngcr bid;:. MORTGAGE loan.-, Inv. iMurHase ond Yamhill. 'is U C, c o.. Stock i. Oregon i EXch.. j II' VOL OWN A LOT A. NO WISH To IlL'll.D. COME IN AND SEE LS. CURTIS. 2 fl 7 H- OAK ST. M Ht i GAGE Salomon A Li JANS. Co.. 3 00 und 7. Louis 'nk st., near ftth. MON E V Sr Co., to man ti to a'c 'i 10 SpbuiihK bhlir. W. H. Seim 4u,oo0 80 4tb OR St. LESS, Pa n i 0 FA KKl.NUToN, of Trade bldg. JliK'u up to $5000 to loan on city or farm property. Tabor :T20. $2i.i0, W. G oi tiaia .oiii J l 00, $ 18 no. I red rnian Co., "t'j ha mher of Com. $500 up, delay. 7 and 8, Ward. 40" no conniiiss.oii, Hpaidms bids. MONEY TO LOAN CI 1 A TT li LS, S A 1 iA R 1 ES IMMEDIATE LOANS DIAMONDS AND .JEWELRY ON A I EASTERN RATES. We have one of the llnest retail Jewelry etorcs In the city. A loau de partment ls conducted in connection wit.'i same, making business STRICT LY confidential. Absolutely no flK.H designating loan buslncK dis played in liont of our store. All mer chandise pledged is held for a period of 12 months, whether or not interest Is puid when duo. We are licensed und have been est a blishcd bline is'.'S. No connection vvith ui-v oliier loan establishment In this city. A. & M. DFI.OVAGE. JEWELERS. 324 Washington St. SALARY LOANS SALARY LOANS Eelng salsrv loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure satisfac tion and give the qurCkest possible service. Business strictly confidential. REM EM PER, We are lb-ensed and therefore RELIABLE. STATE SECURITY. 308 Falllnc bldg. Loans at Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain notes, on furniture, or anything of value. You can get it today. Portland Loan Co., Licensed Licensed bv State. 811 M'.KIM BUILI'INO. ThWl and Washington MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL RATE OF 1NTEPEFT. Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Inst. All l'iede Held One Year. Separate I irpt. for Ladles. KLHV COMPANY (Licensed). S?0 Lumber Ex b'de . 2d nnd Stark s's LOANS wanted 30 WANTE1 ' A term of fix loan of $IiiMl for the months, first class e - obsp'ci ed above '. a i.Tidge, Idaho. curitv, nothing R. 1 '.. Pox 5H. WANT to borr $."'i0 from prlvuSe fjist tnortRn ec on party; will small house vi:h two nice lots. D 2 11. Journal W NTBIi--A 55'JOO Joan on bus' ' ss ail property, ciosp in. Inquiro M.:t 44 4 '!. No a up i;t WANT-to-borrow $4000 for 3 vars. Will give 8 per cent, $40,00o security. R-Kf',S. Journal. $r noli ! h u rnal. appro d i r it y . IS, ,1c FINANCIAL .1 FIRST and secoi.U mortui;es. also sel lers' lntereFi In cuitiacis purer. as 1. Ore.ron und Wasliington. H. E. N'oblo. Lu lo berirens b.djr WANTED- Fir fine work, c ( lass worko,; c 1 log. EMPLOYMENT A. P.-r he I :p.-s pattetn maker, t r-'U irps first (j'jl Uroaav.-ay .1 l job Call Uepa r in: en t " t . i i ' 1 1 1 e , Y. M. C. ME LI' W A TE 1 ) M ISC. 41) . M. day A. A CTOMOHILE S'"HO(iL, I idriit clisse; expert train ,..jiring. dritlni; and macliirui ut. la tinj. im!r. driil pre. ' 1.1 1 mi ted. Secu 1 e pass at .! oflir-e. Y. M. '. A. bldg.. qui" shop and methods. lit: V o ed; s.OS guvernrneiit jobs n i.i.d wuincti, $75 north; open rap.d to i.on. 'rite immediately .,r, Institute. Dept. 34'jO, . Y for list. Rociieo- .ii.N wibitii; government jobs, $7o r..rnth, should appiy i m :4i ed la te I y for 1 p :' t ion. Add r ess ' E -1 3 2 . Journal. LEWES "Htlf lil. '"' ".VfENHY " 247 h iji'jtii st., iichdfjiiarters for cooks, hfitt.:. donte:ti( help. I i road wy3 :: '.1. SALESMAN-- AccuM.unci to meeting business t'cople. ive exierienco an.d hk" ir, answer. Z-t'.fiO, Journal. COOK headrjua rter h 1 Jepot. 21 Yamhill California near Sth. Wine UNCALLED for tailor made suits $8.30 up Taylor the tailor. 29 Burnside 1IEU WANIEIJ FELVLE WANTED IS short-hour waitress. with juevlous exporiem o in firs t -clsss hotel or imroorti; must t.e t firod. of neat appcaran.'e and fee :: i iilo persons as reference. R-340, Journal. EXPERIENCED of f i o woman who can operate typewriter and compto meter; must be thoroughly competent. Apply superintendent's office 9 to 10 a. m. Oids-Woitman Ar Kirig WANTED Two women to buy ele gant ' orduroy coats, new fall sum pies; will sell at la' :ory r-or-t. Call tnrjay or tomorrow, 'jj ' n V. ANTElJ GirT "fto'ni 12 to i to dT housework for home and clothes; good- home. 1405 Majn st., Oregon City. WANT ED Good chambermaid; mum be German: good wages, pleasant work. EX-72, Journal. LADY In office for experience. Broadway 2880 for interview. Call J I HiL tVJX A N Ji w.1 VAXTK1 FEMALE fl ( Continued) WA NT I'M - - housework, 735 K. Hioa.l ertnan girl for small family, way, near 22d. general j 11EL1 WASTED JlALK AND FEMALE 20 . MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools in the world.. Send for free catalogue. Moler Barber College. H, AX S. 3d St. ' OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions secured; paid while tearuln. Special summer course. tuition reduced 233 Madison t J A N ITull Man and wife, for a smalt upartment houee, $20 and furnished, apartment. Man can work elsewhere. State experience. J-1'23, Journal. SITUATIONS MALE .1 WORK wanted by young man experi enced In gas engineering, automo biles, marine or tractor work, atudy work in any line will be considered. W- 5 IN, Journal. fi 1 NEED work, carpentry and building, cetiient and painting, or what have you? M r. 2136. Yj-347, Junjilh PAINTING, kalsomlnlng and papering: very reaaonabfe. Plione Sullwood 1 K 0 9 . i cTiMPE'iTCNT accountant to keep aeK of boons for a few hours during day, re!-ontible. M-10t, .Tournal. . YOCNG t.uwrieil man wains work Hi Portland; not looking for snap. Phone A-247fi KHINULINO md lathing work want contract. Sellwood 337. ed . d a v or Tant lOllBt work ol' any kind. .6o an hour, 57 7. TWO young men .!-:M3. Journal. want work on farm. CARPENTER lobbing, window leak a specialty. Cull Tabor 31 7 K. lli:N you ' ktnd ftf wo .Liit a curpenter for K phone l''wt 3M. any , TJ 1 j wind' 'A cleaner and hour or day. houseman Main 2302. wants work. SITUATIONS rKMALE j POSITION in photo studio, printer, flnii.lier, reception room girl; clerk ling in phoU'Kiupliic or book store. Kx ! perlenced, references. Ruth Kcnnan, i2 Pacific ave.. Tqconui, WBHh. SITl.'A'lloN wanted us housemaid by Swedish young lady. John Oval) h residence Address Rev. lis Mill St. Phone Maibball 1 144. CAPABLE young woman with large experience wants position as govern ess, or care ol children. C. S. family preferred. Tubor S8S. V1 ! .1.1 NG Kit l wunts to tissTst Tin snmll plain family, moderate wage. G-.riJ4. Journal. . LADY wu;if roomttiK iiortwe. wortt, wages to agreement. Phone Main 6aHi , mom Rl. . RiTs.FECTAHl.E woman with two good children wants li'.ut housekeeping, tu a month. J-1'24, . A oMI i-: I KNT coioie.i woinuu woui(i like work for Tuesday or Wednes day f'nll .vlnrshall 4 C '" 4 . J A i.AlY Willi little girl, 3 yeais liousekeepel . wishes position H. 5''!. Journal. EX P i: I 1 E N i ' i Ti i. refined lady wahts position as companion or house- ke' per Ad.-:res JX-511 Journal. LIUIIT imufi'i' oik, Rood iionje, $10 a month. In or out town. J-Blli, Jour nal; . . PtiMTloN is housekeeper. young woman with child. Marshall 2057. A iartmttt ;C4. ' Till I iDLE a i-e d 1 n d y wishes cure of an invalid, housekeeper for small fam ily or practical nursinc.. Sellwood 1B. WANTEI- Day woik for Friday nrul Pnturday, cRanlPn Fast MH2. sednesday,' laundiy or , W ANTl'.P - Woili from 8 to 5 by rell- I able wotnnn. East 1552. WoMAN with two children would like ! position as housekeeper, 314 N. ISth. LACE cut tains hnud laundered by F.' lie p."ll. Sellwood 173B. TlA'ciTTTlfTA'i NS done; 11 years aV the work. Mrs. Scot t.Tabor XjA I Y, aged desires day worlt.-ff7' Spokane etve, Vi'iVnTi 'V i.MAN wants work, me Sellwood 240. day of. week Plu PEESSMAKING 40 dress-v AN engage-ment maker. Main proves real I&iik or loHii. PI AiN and fancy drcssinakiiig; satis, action guaranteed. Phone Wood-' ls Wli i iTe ;ri. . Js M A K I Nil. $2 f.O a day. satisf&c- t ion c ur.ra n teed. labor 4136. oo; K i M , iniddie aged, practlcnl nurs,j riuieUiity i .mes preferred. oodiawnt Tl'.AINEO noise wants case at once, 12 vcn-i cp rieiice. Main 3878. ! w a: ;i - -N 0 1 Hin. i l K.MSilLD Phone 113BT J ROOMH 9: 1 1 KNiSHED ROOMS KUll WOMEN; 24 3d st. all modern improve-' nunis. steuiii brat, hot and cold wtr, in eery room, free gas for cooking;? )eio public kiichen, ul4o gas plate in i wi li toorn. Iiiiiiitiry on each floor, also! bathroom on each floor, also Pacific j at tn i Home phones on each floor and; house phone in eath room; 2 parlors; J sawing room with machines. All tn-S ahta who are u Uy Oct. 1st and remain!' one year v. ill bo slvtn the twelfth. inc 1 1 Irs 1 el. t free. i: "aooii resiir.ier several hundred!. ! in all pails of the city at X. M. C. A.: alo tl.oae In the association flrenrooft buildliiK, Willi siiower balbs, swimming ; pod, tinn;:n Jin, library, reading rooms, at $10 to $2.76 per week doU- lot1 wiih liidividuai beds, or $2.60 l.r.ri per v.eeK s.nyle. " HOT El7TiRiSTOW I2tb arid Starg i '1 tie best looms in the. city for tht price asKed. Rooms with private bath. .f.U wet-K up; wltftont, $2.00 up. All. .ro iJUPIvrss tllst-irt. j IIO 1 1: I. Strictly iar.d lor oper ve CORDOVA, m. h 'j 11TH ST. .5 modern, host rooms in PorM tlie prlct, wwtv use of co kitriieii. Main S42, A-47N3, THE DOltMER looms $1.2C week Neatly furnishea and up. Hteanj beat, (ree phone, bath, vi r Jefferson. 2i3 13th St., Madras Hotel j. outaiae rooms k3 up, court rooms, 12.50 up. lty day ioc, 7uc Ji; cor l.'tb and Wnshno'ton ets. THREE nic.el sonablo rent 51 1 1 Co'un.bp lurnlshed rooms, rea walkihg distance. At st . $l.fii VVT',i;K up, ciei.n, warm, for rooms, cei.tral 'lhlvlii modern 30 Jef , ROOMS hole:. and .ai l hieti ! and ts i'.E- .d " in mooern4 4 56 Aider THE and HA J.I. coPi v. ' I Wlllii St. boti i Nu t v : ,n n.j'.r. Wash st 22 Nb 1 1 i-j w i i ii.t.0 wa.t wk.up. j 1 I UNISHEI), R(K).1S FIVAT fAMILT F 'R R EN I - N furrnslied room am Ln f s. Sti) ii ooerii honif , no other roomers. K .''.2d. '. i I-, i . v F 1 T: . is he f RoOM, modern 5 oi vertti' -, central, very reason-I able. 4'M 1 oil iiinr 10th. NICE ilnin f..rn!slied sleeping rooms, close Iti i i p 2.3', Salmon. ' $S TwlT-rT'oin uite, furnished. iT5 '"ay. I NFI RNISME; ROJMS 10, SLNtlLJ-;. !. fop r-r'i'iii two rooms, $4.(0; $s. Market. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 1IELT PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3Sfi Montgomery: st.. rt West park. Family hotel. aU-: i mo'icrn conveniences, rates for regular fl r' -eiit g'.iets. f'." rTiVoi7 beat d . a i o( street front Cbai- i; ' tuck, ccar Lincoln High. Reason i Rb'e 3l I '..M.-('e. ).. ROOMS ANTJ HOARD 7a TSS 7AT3 PAMXX.T NICELY without f oriiished rooms with YamhllJ. , board. 474 (Continued on Hext Pae) V 7