. . 12 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL,' ' PORTLAND," WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER , 15, 1915. : SITUATlOXS--M A1,K ':) uX FERIEN CEDne w spacer-manwant to locate permanently with good ' lally or weekly. Am not a-prlnter, . but can take full charge editorial, 'Vd- , . vertlaements and subscriptions en1. . . tio anywhere. Let's talk it over. K 3. Journal. ' i'AKilhUtS, kooU carpenter, with years' f of experience In contracting will i i"ork cheap by day or contract. V. H., !IS E. u2d N. Phone Tabor J72 i. im.. - .' : : r . 1 : iijs4 "in , .if' I BALKbMr,iN WANTED If you can in Tillamook county preferred, will- 8el, goods, we need you. Cash nt0 milcoZfi ,?,ni5 VnltJnrueH- weekly. Outfit free. Address M, Cap I.urtwig Hchmldt. 802 Michigan ave. Ital City Nurnery Co. Salem. O- -OHITION wunica, rarm worn.; adoui IS years' experience. Married and .liave ono child. C. M. Jones, Box 24, lonmotith. Or. I KXPER1 KNCEi farmer, age 34, mar ried, wants are of ranch for wages , or shares, Hans Benson, neaverwm, Or. V Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. Mar. 768. COMPETENT accountant to keep set of books for a few hours during day, Hnnaliln M-lOfl. Journal. arvni.-u i-llallt middle aKe. A-l farm hand, wants Hleady place; best reference. K-327, Journal. of fcTEADY, reliable man of 2 1 will help i (' on farm, board and small wages; no . Vooxe v tobacco. E-f.lO, Journal. , yol'Nd man wuntu work on tierlenre. fall Main 62'Jl. farm, ex- C1I A V FFEI'Il desires position; will '' leave city; reference w.. 74 Clarke Bt .. i . - MTU AT 1 ) X FE MAL E 4 ' l'OHITION in photo studio, printer, " finisher, recejitlon room girl; clerk ing In photographic or book sto-e. Ex perienced, references. Ruth Kennan, '28 Pacific nvc, Tacoma, Wash. '.TTTTTno" lii'ly will assist In family. loom. Hoard, tuna iionie, me ui mui- lly; nerds iun-t ences. Wuodlnwn In evenings; 'J J 8 :t . reter- ' VANTEK--A permanent poMi Lion by a ; competent experienced steimm-jtpher. ; References, i of iileaslng personality. "' Telenhone Miirshall 1 Mi MTKN(MiKAri I Kit "with several ye.iTs7 V exicrleii e, desires -position ; willing - to aaslsl in any office work. Phone st 2B42. tjf COMPETENT woman wants day work, washing. Ironing and cleaning. ' Tabor &S16. , WOMAN with child wants position us housekeeper. 84 Main st. A-3302. A-61H0 or Main 116 for reliable day work. DRESSMAKING 40 14 YEARS' experience designing; work quickly and neatly done; no salterns required. $3 per da y Ka -1 lt7 St 'ITS. coats, one-piece dresses, tail ". oied skirts and waists made reasoti- able. (oo,j work. Mar. 1:45! Uli ESS.M A K 1 N( ;. $ - : fattion guaranteed. i.ei dav. satis Tabor 4 136. NURSES fiO ! CHll.DS Nurse llurcau. Experienced nurses furnished, cents hourly. Wood lawn 2;i.Z. TRAINED nurse wants case. 12 years' experience, maternity cases a spe cialty; anything taken. Main 37S. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS FOR WOMEN. 374 3d St.; ail modern Improve- , rntnts, steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, free gas for cooking; large public kitchen, also gas plate: in j each room, laundry on each Hour, also th room on each floor, also Pacilic and Home phones on each floor ami tiuose phone in each room; - parlors, sewing room with machines. A,l: ien , slits who are in by Oct. 1st and remain tone' year will be given the twelith month's rent f ree. SOOivl register listing severa.1 hundrod in Uli pilltM OA IIIC OL ttL J. J'l. V--. v. , also those in Hie associaLiou nifiuui ibulldlug, with shower baths, swimming Spool, gymnasium, library. reading rooms, at $1.50 to $2.7 u per week, dou ble, with Individual beds, or to ;$4.50 per week singly HOTEL IIIUSTOL, 13th and Stark The best rooms in the city for the -price asked. Rooms with private bath .$3.60 week up; without. $3.00 up. All . modern. Business district. HOTEL t'OKDOv A. :rt!t 11TH ST. 15 Stii Hy modern, best rooms In Port land tor the price, with use of co voperative kttchen. Main '.'4; 1, A -47k.!. 'tMras'Hotefooin: iuu1!? 'rooms, $2.60 up. tiy day faoc. iac, $1; cor. 12th Bnd Washington sts. TJiccly tui nisheii A R RHTT 5u Ul .V228 U Wash. at. nDDUl Ifi.&ow day up. k.up. '$1.60 WEEK up; clean, warm, fur. rooms, central. The King. modern 8o9 Jet ;P.OOMS and hotel. $2.50 apartments week and no. in modern 465 Alder .THE and HAZEL Fu rnished cold water. 3S' 3d rooms, st. hot FURNISHED ROOMS 70 FKI V ATE J AMILT 'LAKrtE, nicely furnished rooms; ono .' with private bath, one of Portland's finest homes, 10 minute walk. 374 Tark. 'NICELY furnished moms, heat, bath, very reasonable. "17th. Main 7733. furnace 85 N. Everett St., I lare, light, air ,1 rooms, rent $10 sleeping porch, convemencesv $14. LARGE, newly furnished front room with use of bath 3 11 Market, near th ROOMS AND i;OAltll 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery; t., at West Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rales for regular ! nd transient guests. ROOM, board; across stiect from Shal tuck, near Lincoln High. Reason.- ; able. 340 College. ROOMS AM ROARD WILL room and board little girl rea sonable, mother's care given. F-325, Journal. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. 64 North liith cor Davis. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room wl th "kite heiie tl eT "com Tplete- j ly furnished, uteam heat, running tot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison ts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia st, corner 6th st. FOR RENT H. K, rooms; 2 and 3 room apts., $10 and $12; hot and cold water, ateam heat, electric lights. 63 N. 18th at.. Vt block off Wash. st. Phone Main 26t4J . fJ i-lUIRNLSHKD housekeeping. 3 room '. f. suites, modern. Blandish hotel, 64Sa '...2' aWaghlngrton st. ' ai TO J2.60 week, furnished H. K. . .. rooms, gaa, free heat, laundry, bath. hPhone Kast 6n3!. 203 Stanton, U Fresh airy rnur!orn Antc Fh. 1 wk up. 401 1st jpA ee llgbt. Mi'i 'ipui AMBRIDOE bldg.. fur. H. K. room a, cor. Morn. central, cheap.' 165 4 3d, - 175 12TH Modern H. K. rooms. Piano. UOUSKlvKEPlXO ROOMS 73 PRIVATE rAMILT 'RONT room and kitchen, well fur nished for housekeeping, suitable for ladles. 634 E. Morrison. 475 MORRISON Large or sinela new. ?;; .! ly furnished rooms, alt conveniences, Vilso housekeepinir. - , ft. 113 3 H, K. rooms, private bath. Dutch '- e kitchen. 727 Milwatikie tit. Hell. 85. S61 TAYLOR Close ' rooms. in. housekeeping A ROOMS $10 2 rooms 18. 1 room Ifi. i ; ST liht and heat. 427 Montgomery. 1 and 8 11. for -money. K. 429 rooms. Main. best in city I FOR RENT HOUSES J room modern house on west r. - side, very desirable. Apply 51 Mar- rhull nt. or phone A or Main 2474. i$ . ROOM house, splendid condlticm. Call 6JS Mill st., between 14th and 1 5th, Main 6218. 12 NINE room house, electric lights, new furnace, suitable for family or re rentinjr rooms or housekeeping rooms. 18th and Irvin St., 130. Phone Main 6518. FOR KENT 7 room house, 875 E. Tamhlll st., one block Irom carllne, 2 blocks from gr-hoolhouse, near sev eral churches; modern conveniences. Phone Tabor 1009. i MODERN ti room house, with leepln porch, with or without garage, near Mississippi ave. car, school and high school. Inquire 10 1 fiorthwlr-k at. MODERN residence, Nob Hill, le.ise to responsible party, walking dUtance, Ideal location. O-flfll. Journal. 4 ROOM cottage, clone to school, rent 16 per month, at 48 Failing t. Mar shall 2B63. TO DESIRA13DE Iaurelhurst home, 35S5. tenant beautiful year lease. Tabor O N LY 1 bungalow left, fully modern. easy terms, 11700. Mock from oar. Owner. H. E. K terrier. East 71.it. 5 ROOM cottage, good condition. f 4 4 E. 18th, $11. W-W car. Mar. 4317 FIVE room cottage, basement, close In. $1 5; 44 & SO;iroad way. 6 ROOM cottage, west fide, on .S car, $15. Key Rl Corbet t nt. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOIKKS FOR KENT 32 FT RN IT IRE for stile, house for rent, furniture for 11 rooms, almost new, $2u0; $50 cash, terms on balance, no agents. .1-911, Journal. ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fy atlon when holism is not for rent. Fl RMSHEI) HOUSES 30 THREE room house, furnished, in Ken ton, gas range, water, woodshed, chn ken nouse, garden, $s month. Wdlu. 3L'!' x. CoTTA 110, ii rooms, partly furnished, near Richmond school, cement walks. $lo. Hatfield, lKf. 4 th st. FIVE room furnished house onlv $15. 763 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawu 410. FURNISHED house. 8 rooms, piano, fireplace, lawn and shade. Sell wood 1 34 3. FIVE room lawn 4f.0. cottage. Telephone Wood- FIRNISHED 4 Montana ave. room cottage. 634 FLRMSHED AND UNFURNISHED AI'ARTMKXTS 43 THE WASJI1NQTON. tiS'J Northrup at near 21st. B room unfurnlshe i apartment, wltti all modern conveni ences, including free gas, electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Norturup. Phones Alain 4376, A-l 13S. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 221) AND GLISAN. Largest, mott homelike, high class apts in city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHAL!. ;U4i. VILLA ST. CLARA, lth and Taylor. Modern, completely lurnished apts. Walking distance. Ket'ei ences. THE Luzene. apts.. 3rd and Hall; mod el n brick. 2 rooms furnished; under i.f w management; newly tinted and varnished; prices very reasonable, call a Mil look them over. Mar. 4637. ("he Parkhurst 20TH and Northrup fur., all outside apts. 3 and 4 room THE DK1CKSTON APTS.. 2-3 rm. fur,, walking dia. 448 11th, strictly mod. . " i umihih day, wk., ino.. nr. Park. Mar. 6'. tlROADWAV Central apts., strictly mod. 2, 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk ing distance; everything new, $ln up. Also sinnie rooms, hot, cold water. THE CODY. cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts., has been remodeled with private baths, new lurniture and carpets; 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free. ' THE SHEFFIELD 37 0 Uroadway S. 3 and 4 looms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable rent, best of service. Main .2506. THE DEZENDORF, 208 Drill ST. Marshall 2318. Nice Ci room lurn. and unlurn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room turn, apartrnen ts. THE LEONCE. ISO N. 2d St., near Johnson; modern, well furnished, 3, 3and 4 room tipts. $1S up. HARRISON COURT, son. Modern 3 6th and Harrl room turiiisiied apartments, $33.60 per month. ROSENl'EED (brick). 14th E. Stark. 14 th e! Modern .! or 4 rooms, all outside, prl v a tep In i nes. Ja n i tor service, reasonabi e. 2 ROoM apartments unfurnished, close in. large outside rooms, $10 to $14 per month. East 6279.' WINSTON. 2 and it rooms, private bath, modern hriclt; special rates $15 and up 14th and Market. Main l ? ;t yt. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170, concrete bid?. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat, $12 up. THE WooDMANSEE Furnished apartments, $10 to $20. Cor lhth and Glisan. Private bath. DOWN, town, modern apts., $16 month up. including heal, light, etc. Royal Annex, 3 5o 'y Morrison. THREE room apartments, all outside rooms, private bath. Pacific chonu. $15 im l abor fi0S5. H-1035. ORAV ui. Gables mod., 1 and Close In. jy. lutn. i rooms, $14 BUCK HARTFORD, 107 N. 2 1st., mod.' 3. 4 rnis. fur.; nntur. apts. Res, rent. THE i MORTON King and Washlng-3-4 rm. suites, close In, $lft up. ton. I COLLEGE Light, j 3d and College. close In, porches. Marshall 5565. J AMERCAN H rm. apt. and Mar. Marlborough mod. 4,5. 33SO. M. 7616. A-2679 CINCINNATI Court, Tin. mod. fur. apts., 401 loth. 2. sing, unfur. 3. 4 rms THE ALAMO AITS. 494 Market st Nicely furnished 3 room apts.. J18 up LUXOR Aivra. 32413th st; 273a;nj 4, room apts.; also light II. K. FOR KENT tlOUSES - Ckattawd) "WHY DIG ANY DEEPER THAN NECESSARY?" SAYS JEFF WHAT CO VUH MANJ, Ttf, A TPC N f M 9' n " J - ' J . r., ? JUST sps cwec. . a ntru t AIN'T Ne y APARTMENTS 43 FURXISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Continued) . BRAND NEW Cor. 18th and Couch Bts. One block off Wash. St., Just com pleted, ready for occupancy, modern 5 story, fireproof brick building of class and refinement, with 63 2, 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts; large light rooms, well ventilated, hardwood floors, tile bath rooms, shower baths, electric ranges, lloosier klt';hen cabi- i nets, balconies, private phenes, auto matic elevator, vacuum cleaning serv ice, laundry room, steam dryers and an excellent heating system. For reser vations apply on premises. References required. PRICKS MODERATE. 1 14 j CASS. FORD, line condition, Marshall 3S2J. FOR RENT FLATS 13 $18 42&12 11th t. Z room flat, ce ment basement, shades, gas, elec tricity, newlv tinted. Key at D. O. V'oolard's, 104 2d st. Main 1436. UP-To DATE 5-room Hats, sleeping porch, unfurnished or partly fur- nished; rates. East 3737. 3 NEW. larjrir, strictly modern rooms, uisaiipea ring beds, sleeping porch VVii.diawn 1 67. EX'i'KA tine anj Deautnully located 5 room flat, reduced rent, walking distanc.- l'hone East 2417. M l T :rn and st. 6 room flats. Inquire 46'; 6th -MODERN 3 room nlde. Wood lawn flats, very 1H 5 3 reason- FURNISHED I-I.ATS 50 CHOICE, well furnished 4 room flat, adults, very convenient, permanent. C-iltfo. .las Sacramento. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland tor rent, tiackage. lit;lii and lii y On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Uroadway and Yamhill. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent 5 or 6 room bunga low, in Richmond district; btate lull pa rtlc ulars. E-;"i3 7. Journal. WANTED Unfurnished room with chance for stove in very quiet, clean house. J-nO'i. Journal. ELDERLY lady alone, wants two un furnished rooms, private family, east side preferred. K-;!5, Journal. W A XTElTo7eri t5 to 7 o"acrei7wi' h Ii6use, near Oregon City. Z-6'oi, Journal. IDRS V E H K L ES, ETC . 1 H THREE fine horses. "Will let you choose two for motorcycle. Andy Relongia. Vancouver, Wash., Route 5, llo.x J-4. Take -Main st. road. Inquire af Fred Brooks' store. BUY our liiipleinents, vetilcles, wire fencing and general- farm supplies where you get tne most tor your dollar. Some second hand oods. IV E F j HENS HADE. 214 Front fit. To satisfy a feed bill. Call and see fcood work team of horses. Price $R0. Ask for H- Miller's team. Nobby Stables, 13lh and Flanders. 10 HEAD of horses and mares, weight from 1000 lbs. to j00. to be sold cheap. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flan ders. KjII SALE 3 horses, harness, farm wagon and 4-year-old Jersey cow, it eair. 4 15 E. 7tli st. S. FINE rubber tin and shafts; also as new 'hean. V2 J top buggy, pole Irivmg harness good 3 Michigan ave. DEAD horses and unimais nauied away free. Call Woodlawn 2J. Portland P. en de ring Co Good a-year-old team, weight 2!no, sound, well broke. Call at residence, 7s; E. 2Rth st. S. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 35 TWO fresh cows extra heavy, rich milkers, Jersey and Jersey-Durham, 1 480 Macadam st., Fulton car to Idaho. FAMILY cow, will be tresli soon. 7S7 E. 2Sth St.. Woodstock car. I LARC, Ef re si; if d s t el n , 1 JeTs ?y Holstein, ro i1 ones, 7!'4 Tacoma av. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 87 W 1 1 A T liave you to trade for 5 0 pairs fast breeding Homer pigeons? E ."3!i, Journal. DO(VS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FOR SALE dress L'.ox One f 37, S, ive leed doa appoose, Or. ' Ad- FOR SALE Woodlawn 1; Fine 17. healthy parrot. AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 FOREDOOR 11U2 Jackrabblt. fine pass. Apperson condition. r u n n i n fully equipped, including 3 spare tires. I'Oi quick sale $4s0. I'erms. Call Mr. Hemphill, l'hone Uroadway 8x7. l'J15 REO 4, 5 miles. Party chance to buy pass., run only a bought a Reo C. a car at a price few A that will suit vour tmi Mr Hemphill. Pi ocketbook. Terms Call lone Broadway HH7 FORD FORD 6 passenger, almost FORD new, fully d'lutppei. tiest buy in city for 'juick sa le. Mr. Hemjhlll. l'hone Broad- w a v NEW and used Ford automooiles sold on easy terms. Benj. E. Boone .t Co., Ford agents, 614 Alder n. Main Written guar antee with every rpriiig. 2; N. 151, st. SLIGHTLY' used tli es, largest Mock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair ing Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. FOR SALE 5 pass. Cadillac, $300; cylinder runabout,' $100. At 37 Hawthorne ave. W HITE steam car and Reo to be prac tically given away, need cash. Phono Tabor 74. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals J. I, eve. 1 86 Columbia. M.5198 CADILLAC touring car, rebuilt body, new top, for sale. East 5424. t r., U . . f "'NH S0D0 ( 1 , , .., c ( . v To CCVGP?: AfAAi VJP n N ACfMCH To I ) J 1 f J AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) Bargains in Used Autos THESE CARS ARE IN GOOD ME CHANICAL CONDITION 1914 OVERLAND 1914 FORD 1914 MICHIGAN TWO LIGHT HUP ROADSTERS NATIONAL TERMS GIVEN CAN HANDLE FIRST MORTGAGES LOOK THESE OVER Dulmage-Manley Auto Co, 46-4 8 N. Marshall 1699 20th St. A-1299. Used Auto Snap. TERMS GIVEN Cadillac lights, $67 5 pass., electric starter and Stoddard, 5 pass , 40 H P., $575. Mitchell 5 pass., 6 cyl $650. A-l condition. Overland roadster, 2 pass., $250. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East 1st and East Morrison Sts. East 7272 B-1216 Buy From a Responsible Dealer OVERLAND- 1 y 1 5 model, 5 pass, a'.l new tires, run only 2400 miles $600. OVERLAND 1!13 model, 5 as3., electric lights and starter, perfect con ditio!, throughout. $475. J. W. Leavitt & Co. USED CAR DEPT. BROADWAY AND DAVTS STP. COR. CHALMERS 8TEARNS-K NIGHT OLDSMOHILE S'HACHT MAXWELL WINTONS PRICES RANGING $30U CP FROM COME IN TODAY THi: CAR YOU WANT MAY BE GONE TOMORROW LIBERAL TERMS The Winton Co. 23D AND "WASHINGTON STS. Hudson Hudson four. 1013, electric Ftarter and lights, $6A(i. OVERLAND. 1915, 6 rass. price low. CARTERCAR. 4 pass., good condition. $300. Also others. Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Washington st Main 6244. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 VP. HOUSES $123 LP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 648 Water st.. Main 111" Light Delivery Car MAXWELL, 4 cyl., 20 body, newly painted, good H. P.. tires, a new bar- ea"' J. W. Leavitt &. Co 'I Cor. Broadway and Davig sts. Keep "the Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING C. B. Miners & Co. 626-528 ALDER. luli Lozier roadster, run onlv 2 weeks. was taken in on a Cole 8. Will sell for less than factory cost Northwest Auto Co. Brnadw.-iy and Couch. Both phones. SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK. New Ford Tires $i EACH. BENJ. E. BOONE & 514 ALDER ST. CO, JREGGN VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." iSO Washington st.. at 18th. Marshall 17Q TI R FS '' "EST TIRE REPAIRING. i 1 1 i i-v-i i rrada new tires lor old ones. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large sto.k, prices $300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg.. Corner chapman and Alder. PARTS for all makes machines for less PACIFIC TIKE & SUPPLY CO., 325-jT Burnside st. Marshall 3238. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 10 ACRES with buildings, partly im proved, near Vancouver, Wash., fnr 2 ton truck. Reo preferred, for cord wood hauling. v42 E. Pine st. $4".0 R. E. MORTGAGE and some cash for a good second hand 5 passenger car. A. Vester, 325 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2574. GOOD property to trade for electric coupe or runabout; auto wanted also. E-70&, Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE MAIN or A-107 Service; $1.50 Am. Auto Touring per hour up. special shopping, calling trips; zone rates. asJH8 AUTOS FOR HIRE (Coatlntd) FOR HIRE reasonable, new 7 passen ger Hudson car; careful driver. M. 5378.' FOR HIRE 1915 Ford, $1 per hour. East 4755. FRANKLIN, all day trips. R. R. rates. camera. M. H. Co. woodlawn 2tv MOTORCYCLES- BICYCLES 55 Motorcycles Motorcycles t 1914 9 h. p.. two speed THOR. equipped. A bargain. i h. p. INDIAN, equipped, $100. Big four POPE, overhauled and equipped, $65. Iet us overhaul or rebuild your old machine. Prices right, expert work men. Dayton Cycle Co. 210 BROADWAY. 1914 two speed twin Excelsior, fully equipped, used verv little, reason able for cash. Call Tabor 4460 after 7 p. m. WILL sacrifice my 113 2-speed, fully equipped Twin X. terms or cash. E. 12th St., or Sell wood 1530. 832 U ANTED cycles. Used motorcycles and 276 Taylor, cor. 4th. bl- Bicycles, Motorcycles on Easy Terms R II. Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th St. LAUNCHES AND liOATS 64 MR. DICK HUNTER Here's a chan; e to buy a boat, 1 ti mile speed, fully equipped, 20 h. p. Fairbanks Morse engine; just the boat to run to lakes. Will soil cheap. Phone Main 4 21.".. E V IN R IDE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowboats canoes, rnotorboata. Fvinrude Motor Co. .Morrison and Front. HI,'SE BOATS, boat house logs for sale or trade. Call 12 to 5. 203 WHshington. NEW 3 room houseboat, 52 feet long, o foot porches, easy terms. J-504, Journal. PIANOS, OHGANS ANT) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 PIANO BARGAINS. PRENTISS upright, rosewood.... HALE, J. P., uprlcht. French wal $ 75 nut Kl'RTZMANN upright, burl wal nut W1LLARD upright, quartered oak CABLE - NELSON upright, ma hogany RICHMOND upright, mahogany.. LAGONDA upright, burl walnut.. SC HUBERT upright, fancy ma hogdnv 120 165 162 168 178 145 215 175 will HAMILTON upright, figured oak In addition to the above you 1 i ii' t here a KNABE upright In finest mahogany at substantial reduction, also a STElNttAY at less than half its orig inal cost. PLAYER PIANOS, some used, as low as $U.o. These prices are for all cash, but con enieiit terms can he arranged Tor responsible buyers. Any of the above named pianos can be exchanged within three (3 years at FI LL VALUE to ward a new instrument. Free tuning, free delivery. Come as oarly as you Ci.n; you will be delighted with our offering. REED-FRENCH PIANO Tenth and Stark sts, CO., Security Storage Co. Closing Out. $400 C bickering piano. $35 cash. $400 Bradbury piano. $50 casn. $376 Chase Bros. Upright. Jsu cash. $325 Leland piano. $135 cash. $850 autopiano player. $1'90 cash. $1100 Pteinwav jjrand. $5l5 cash. TO FIRST CALLER AT 109 4th st 7 Re monthly stores vour piano hero. TolAY $1 upwards will secure $25 Disc Talking Machine for $ 7.50 $60 Disc Talking Machine for $ 17.50 $S0 with t?n cabinet machine, $ 46.00 $lo0 with $30 cabinet Machine, 103.00 Ten records included with each. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. $&si CASH buys $4UU Schomacker, gold string upright tomorrow at Security Storage. Co., lO.'i 4J lijKt. CORNET Absolutely new, $70; solo cornet. $30. Your lest chance. F. Shane. LT.4 E. 3rd st.. north. FREE Use of piano or player piano for 2 years. See display advertise ment or Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th at. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Ill 4th sL TYI'EWKITEIW GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith Oliver, Smith-Premier. Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 00 to 76'",, on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 331 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. St Broadway. NEW. rebuilt, Ztl hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 140. HOlbhHOLJ) GOODS lor SALE 05 FOR SALE All the furnishings of a 5 room house, pedestal dining table and gas range, gas heater, washing ma chine and wringer, furnishings too nu merous to mention; everything goes. 2tS E. 77th st. N., Portland, Or FPU S.VLl-MISCKLA iXEOLS 10 AUTC'MOBILES. motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large Mating can be found under these different headings. DIAMOND house palrus. made in Oregon, $1.75 land Paint Co.. '30 Front. strictly pure, gallon. Port Marshall 100. CIHCCLAH supplies. Letters, Mimeographs and V. E. Finzer - Co M. 3347. PLCMKING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Sd. Main 797. WE buy and sell Northwest Lead & used machinery. Mac hy. Co. GRAPES Htn t ion. for jelly at Woorlstock Maddock's. Mann car. FERTILIZER 3751. for sale. C-1876, East FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Contlnnea) SEWING- "Machine Em porlum sella for less; no agents employed, all makea of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines guar rented. $2 oer month. ISO near Taylor. Main 9431. a-362o. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. Tha Brunswick - Balke - Collender Co., 46-48 5th st. Phone Main 70. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Main or A-6674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 1 ;pe writera" and "Household Goods" aro separate classifications. All adver tisement of these gooas are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. FOR horaes and vehicles, dogs and household pits or poultry, read the ads., under these respective headings The Journal leaus all other mediums in these classifications. $12.50 DRoPHEAD sewing machine. with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. WANTED .MISCELLANEOUS 5 GEVURTZ Buys furniture. Highest price paid. GEVURTZ Sells at lowest prices. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 207 1st. Phone Marshall 587. W. A. COVELL wants teeoni nand furniture, opening new store; will pay the best price. 192 1st. nr. Taylor. Phone Marshal! 5947. WANTED The people oi Portland tu know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attentiou. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. J. MEYER, the Uiilor, pays hlgnest price for 2d hand clothing, shoes. V.'e call promptly. Mar. 129. 22! Madison. GENTLEMAN'S trunk, must be ood one and cheap for cash. N-321, Jour nal. SECOND hand clothing and everything. Highest prices. Main L'liSU. 285 1st. WANTED furniture. Call Main 1904. SWAP COLUMN 25 WILL trade, volver. or 38 or 32 Iver Johnson re both, for dresser, round or rug. Woodlawn lu7i. for painting. Call A- dining table DENTISTRY 3088. LOT ( ). equities to exchange for painting. A. Graham, 588 Prescott st. IOST AND FOl'XD FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners there of mav claim same at the 1st and Alder st. station: Marshall 51u0, A 6131: Sept. 13 6 valises. 1 sample case, 1 small grip, 10 pkgs.. 1 lunch box. 2 pairK gloves, 1 baby cap. 13 umbrellas, 1 sack firoceries, 1 pin, 3 purses, 2 suit cases, 1 box, 1 box tomatoes, 1 bank book. 1 boy's hat. 1 tassel. 1 wicker basket. 1 knife. 1 roll blankets, 1 gloc. 1 book. 1 pencil, 1 baby pin, 1 roll of paper. 1 basket. LOST Brooch, amethyst surrounded by pearls and diamonds, in neighbor hood of Hotel Imperial and Helllg the atre. Communicate Mrs. G. A. Romans, Southern Pacific building. Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco. Liberal reward. Ft'X Terrier bitch lost, near Milwau kle street, reward. Plione Marshall 4800. A-62.11. ask for Mr. Dinsmoor. LHr.l K io:-t, naniti K C. John, on tho deliver to Seward Kcamlinavian bank; grill and get reward. LUST August 29, brand new tent, on Pacific highwav, o miles this side of Astoria. 32.i E. 8th st. LOST Diamond dinner ring, platinum Betting, larse reward. Keturn to Lr. Griff, Hotel Multnomah, PERSONAL, 22 FEB VET & HANKLUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock humin hair goods; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and ecalp treatment, combines made to order. 147 Uroadway, 1. 646. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Tub haths, massage- and electric blankets. Lady assintant. 25ti 11th st. Mar. 6033. M ItS. STEVENS, Z2 yeara Portlands renowned palmist and clairvoyant. Author of "Palmistry Made Easy." As sisted by Dr. Etta Hume, divine healar and spiritual advisor. 375 Taylor et. THE FL'K SHOP New order, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 6U5 Swetland bldg. Kemodeling, repairing, up upstairs prices. 415-41b-417 Dekum Blda:. SPIRITUALISM Kev. m. A. Price, cir- cles. Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. 603 f.th nt. Mar. J9ti0. Reading daily. DK. G. V. KETCH CM Women s mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, hid., 4th & Wash. Km. 441. Ml. 483 HAVE your hair permanently wav'ed. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4o0 L'ekum. Marshall 1702. til'PEKFLL'ULS hair, moies, warta, etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Iyomr. 504 Swetland bid. MADAME MI'NZELLA, instructor of palmistry and card readings. i22 Morrison. ' Superfluous hair and moles removed. leatural deformities perfected. Mme. J. S. Courtrlght. 451 Morrison. M. 504. ATioit.ti does iiie work wilnout no toriety, reasonable, installments 2fi:-5. Main 1100. I a iiiiDr Consultation free. Main lci vv Jf Ol 49y3 708 Selllnc; bldg. HALM of Figs, remedy lor diseases of women. 504 Davis at. Main 23? J. CHIHUPKACTIC doctor. Painless ad justments 31 treatments $15. 121 4th LESSt NS readings. in phrenology and card 235 6th st. Main 7548. MAGNETIC healer, treatments dall. 170H 2d. 4th floor, apt. LADY barbers. Shave. lc; hair cut. 1 ': Tt'-f masaaw, 35c. 32o fJllsan st. RKAPTNGS tills week Yamhill. Mrs. Barber. for 50c 3S1 Main ulC.1 M 4 an teed aud 3d. 22 WHY pay ma price for KlaaseaT I can fit vour eyes with first quality lenses Id a a-old filled frame, as low aa $1.50: lenses riunlicntii at a big saving; satisfaction guaran teed. CharleB W. Goodman, optomet rist. 29 Morrison. Main 2124. LOWERED vitality causes chronic dis eases; my improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health in rheumatism, indigestion, constipation. diarrhoea, insomnia, paralysis and all chronic 'allmenta. Dr. K. A. Phillips, 505 oregonian Didg BERNARR MacFADDEN. graduate. conducts only HE ALTH ATO R 1 U M In Pacific northwest using famous MacFADDEN system NATURE-CURE. DR MacMICKLE. 807-8 Dekum bldg. Main S598. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healings daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th. Phone A-7116. Professional and ACCORDION PLEATING ACCOK1UON. KNTKK AND BOX l'LKATI NO, 1'ICOTlMi. HKMST1TCH1NU. BRAIDING. KMBilOlDURINU. K A S, X K N NOVELTY Mm. CO., K1 rah ST. . NKAK OAK. K. STKPHK.N Ueioatllchlnx. accordion. Bid and auuburMt pleatiug; buttoua co'ered, coda aponici d. Scalloping. -b! Pit tuck blk. B-l"t. ASPHALT-HOOF PAINT. ASPHALT roof pulul Mops lenke. 60c per gal. 1'reKerves ablnylen, tin, pler and griel root. i'ortlaad 1'Blnt Co., UdO Front. Mr- hall 100. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. PACIFIC ALTO AND UAS UXGINE SCHOOL. KKKK THIAL. 2lld 11th timl JpC.twh Mta. BAUDS AND ORCHESTRAS JLt KEKl S OKCHL.VI UA OK 11 AN D. Vlollo tuition atndenti r-ldi-nee. t'ongrena Mar. 8CW BLANK BOOK MAKERS 1A VIS & DOLMAN. Inc.. loy 2X at. Blank book manufacturers; mjeuin fur Jones Im proved Looae Leaf Ledsera. See the new Ka rekn Leaf. A-3183. Main 183. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HARl'l.KS liraa Works. Draa tauua and uno-Lliie works. ICtt N . Mil at. B'dwaj 2342. CANOE ROWBOAT MOTORS THEDA HUPS.. 618 Dekum bldg. CARPENTER SHOPS Moore A fiandatoUf, Main 7K1. .c4 Tajlor. CARPET CLEANING JOiCt BHO.H.. Electric Ck-aniog NSorka. car pets cleaned and laid, ref ltllni: our apedal ty. L'sst 440. B-llMM. 204 E. I'Jtli t.. N. CARPET WEAVING FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS WK MAKE KLL'KF BUGS KKOM WOHN 01 T INURAIN. AXM1NSTEU, SMI It N A . AND URCt'Si.LS CARPETS. RAU Rl l.S. ALL, SIZES. MODKKN SANITARY METH ODS. .SPECIAL ATTENTION '10 OCT OF TOWN ORDERS. CITY WORK CALLED FOR. SEND full BOOKLET. WESTERN FLLKK RLG CO.. 54-5 L N ION AVE.. NOUTU. I'MONKS; EAST elli-. B-1473. NORTHWEST KL'U CO.. rus from old car pets, rag rugs, carpet cIcuuIdk, 188 E. Slh. Work called for. East a50. B-lWu. I'EM.N.SL'LAK Kub Works Hug rujt and car pet weavaas. l"lw Fallon ate. Wdl n. 2m5. CHIR0PHACT1C PHY8ICIANB DR. M'MAHO.N. 11 4th at. Chronic dlaenses reqnlrliiK extended time. 3t treatments $15. DR. 11. R. llKlVKV, chiropractor. Free dli noals. 074 E. Aiikeny. l'hone East 0014. COAL AND WOOD 4 Foot Slabwood Short Slabwood 1st Class FirCordwood $4,50 l'ortlanrt Slabwood Co.. Main 8110. A-7001. CORD WOOD rRicE WWI1L 11JJlS yuy-r. (JUALITT Anto dellrery to all parti of city. Phones: Malu lOott. A -1 1 0ft. Central Fuel Co.. Sec ond, near Madison. MCCD X. CARD A-l dry flr.. oak. a.h IXL-L.lt I nun and luslda block wood 4 foot or sawed to ordr. ir. Telaphoo P f K I 305 Water at. L-UrtL Box Wood $1,75 Per Load, FULTON WOOD CO., 1200 MACADAM. PHONES: A-2N9: MAIN 7NMO. Pko rrto I J- EVERTB. MAIN 8767. UnalLUalFOOT of clurv 8TRf:et. BEST FIU, 4.75 cut. 60 pes. $1.00. Seghar a Wood Co.. IMh and V a nghn. M. ft.H.'W; A-241B. CONTRACTORS k. BUILDERS. B. F. MICHAEL A SON., masons, contractors and bulldera, day or contract; all klnda of miHin work promptly executed at reaaonable charires. 7M1 58th ire.. 8. E. Tabor 6401. PERSONAL (OoattnaeA) Manufacturers Jott DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Complete line dry goods, f urnlablnga. notloua. L. Dinkelspiel Co, "AKT.: Fleischner, Mayer & Co, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R M . W A lK A ( P.. :22-ii'M Hawthorne nw LEAD PIPE. WOOL. MACHINERY NORTHWEST SOB-Bll Front. LEAD it MACHINERY CO Main 54K2 FAINT. OIL AND GLASS RASMV8SEN A CO.. "High Standard" paint. N. K. (or. 2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A-n.ll KVFORMATI ON COUPON If you want the name of a reliable business houne drnllng- In ny Un of merchandise, or Information regarding resorts, hotels, milt imds, atea.ru Biilp lines, etc.. a'ldrees Oregon Journal Information llureau. Information desired: Nam Address Copyright. 1015, bj H. C. Flihar. PERSONAL. ConHnned I. V. L. STRONG, after this date, will not he responsible for any bills OS Mrs. V. L. Strong. (Signed) V. L, Strong. NOTICES 2 NOTICE. The annual uiwtins ,f the KtiH-khol.lerti of tbe Ulf Hill Owl Mli.ina i-.,ni.m.y will be held at room 4 1i Hehnk- Walker Mrtg.. ror. 4th and Tfainhlll htn.. m n o clock i. in., Fri day. Oct. 1ft, 11H. f.u the pui'iiuse of vlfct Inu a board ef dire. i..rn niiil f.ir the tmua- at tJnn of auch other l.ii-liie umv properly coma before th ni-.-iin V. O. WGKKH. i. W. CALDWlil.l.. prealdeut. SiM-rrl tu v f 6v i . Li NOTICE Ktlrrate of Mtll.bKKS. inkliiK a 12 tnrb hMhk lire hereby f well ires to IBS rust, I". fieop well, ciunplele Willi . netted. Probable depth fret. CITY IM1IHJPBN. By (i II lieebe. Recorder. notice: hit bnl and hoard, I will Bot for auy debts boiired hr my miiht. C1IAS. SlTNN'liR. nrlnc lift be rep,,nii,le wife, SH'iu- s-. Business Directory PETFCTIVE AGENCIES Pacific Hiut.-i, s Parker, iiiwr ;ii .'i. l v.r,. "in I I m l..r Aueiiij. Chaa. K. M . i 115 A M. EVERYTHING ELtCTRICAL STl'HUS' KT..-tri."ajn,1iUV,,,,i l.lnt; ,tty 5YE.EARLN0SE, TUP o AT. HI NOB Sptvlrtllst. M .Kiel Hie oi n'.'h .o. fitted Lr' V. ' Caaeday. ,'il 7 I 'i k tint i l.l.ljJl. nnd Wash EDUCATIONAL DANCING UIM.I.KK S ( ollllb.ll Hull and lianrli,, Arad 'lay. fall n-itu mov oiieu. I.n.-M maudaril danci-B. ih,. M.MHruM." ud HiiiK h-r'e Hchot- tlM-lie. i atcii uod rox trot, t laa and prl- i'te instrtn-ll.ii. M. ;i.ii. N. Uib. off Waa lrt..n t ii t ir in ii Is . Wed ii 1 1 , 1 Nut evenings Df Alil'S h liool, loNhoiik daily. elMa i rldat Audltoi linn liull. l'ii!t 8.1 at., Daaf Taylor. li.m. in k Kniomiteed. Mala !t8i2. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS t. Hill.l.lluli.N. uoln, i.mi.ti, iuili harclli. 27JHrhUlt;1Ajhi.) Murhnli IWM. I'liol . 1 L. home. Co.-. l,AVMi.. iiiuiio Ii-ss..iib -at jOur I'd. .lie '1 a...r l-ii;ili. lolls a. cri.ii. Slle. man. c.i ner I Iri .lor of wolin. Muriliall TM. 10i.iN sud ujuiidolin len..o, lehuliM uuarau-let-d, 1H...I.TH m,th..d. W."..llniiii Hid. MAE V. i.IIImTiLi N'i; ;" I eiu'li. r of " 1'lanuT pbone B-".mi. .'.44 K .mtli at. .Vic i hour. COMPETENT piano lea.-lier ill l h betflu Hem ..r ndtHU.'p.l . oi.il- Mnln oiK. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES HIKNC1I -Miss M. Ill ti uli- fi-r.lii Tenets, Mm lt erlund, dehln-a puoiU Pt KiBiniimr and con TeiNSllou. 742 IveHrio'V t. MKrslmll 4i7t. insurance pacific states fire insi ranch co.. only iiregou int. lnnuiance cotuiianj. MATTRESSES MYiUhMU M A'l i It i.,s i ce. old uiatiresas liiu.le new uii our llj i;ieiii- proccaa. dai It o-m. 1 1 . curlier I nloii. !.Kl ll):H. MODEL AND SPECIALTY MACHINE WORK AllMSTItO.Sli Mfii 111.. No. 4 Second HtT l'hone UnlMf (,V;i. Ilcinlijuniiera lor apa rluliy ma. hiii.- w..it. il. Kiuu pel ti ol lug e l pei nnetitiil ..iL. IU...1.1 lo.i.iou "lid mrg. PAVING COMPANIES THE HAItlll.lt A.SI'IIAI.T I'.UINU CO.. Fort- IhII.I olll.-e J.l Micil.K k M.li. ROOF PAINT WE njauufa.'dire li,,pciiiil - uder 1'alnl aod make u B.e. I.ilt.v of p. it. hlug mid painting roofs. We K'urantee a to o jesn. Jackaou a Hill, Tabor 4. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALbO htctic-iU, tin.Hr I'Al It Ii t HAM 231 WHnlnui:ii.ii m . tic. k M A Ml Muli. In to. aigna, W ORKS ilo. A J7 10. ' (SAFETY RAZOR A I TOM .VI l( K KEN Kl' I. HONINO 111. 1 H'.l V, W0RK8 SHEET METAL KEFA11UM. am i Ht t llll lin.l I'll" h e ;r.iv.l i.miU M n 1 11 Jucob Loall. TOWELL SUrPLI7E. WILLIAMS Jim el Mipplj . L. mb i.ud Clsjr sts. I'holii-: E -1 1(11. Il..u;e II 2s 22. TRANSFER AND nfORAOE Oregon laiisteCo, I.Kt,ll,e.l 1STO Tuitii-f.-i iiu.i f"i ai .linjr Henta. St'il uK'' I- ri-M l lu. KMge Office and Storage 47 1 LlUmi St. ltlll and idi-MU. Mrln 'M. A IPB. AI.W.US ' 1 11 k Till. lti;ST" HULKIIOl.l) UooliS Sl'i;t I Al.l. I . -Morage. I'acklng. Bbtpptng nnd M.oin. ll'.ii.e or Auto Vaua. Special freight mie., to nil poluta. C. O. I'iCk THANSI- Ell .V Sl iiKAHE t;o.. 2d and 1'ioe ;ia. Hrundivnr Mi'l. A-IOWil. BAtTi i At E TU A NM I.lt SKIIVU 'li CO., 32 riM: sr. main ii'o. a io WALL PAPER MOKCAN WALL near Salmon. i'AI'l.U CO. -213 2d St., -WKolc5al err esalsrs PIPE WOOD PIPE I'OKJLAM, WOOD Fll-K to -office near 4 1 1. anil York i'". io o.rj and Main 4H. PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M, L. KLINE M i) K7 HU FROM H'l ItERT ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, SANITARY WIPING R AOS I OI l. r :ti2 . I HUNT L, OIldllK UUi nioNK main mot. WHEN x'"i tmaet thess Wsnt Ada, Bicntloa The Journal. BY "BUD" FISHER 114 NICE 5 .. Corbet! t room cottage. Key 161