THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1915. 0 INVENTIONS BOARD NAMED AND DANIELS CALLS FIRST MEETING Members Selected by 11 Great Engineering and Scientific Societies., DISON FOR CHAIRMAN Best Braine of United State Will Gather Octo1er 6 to XMaousa JTaTal Heed. Washington, Sept. 13. 'I. N. S.t The first meeting of the naval advi sory board of Invention organized by Secretary Daniels wan called today by the secretary for October 6. In his of fice here. Daniels said the meeting was largely for the purpose of get ting together" to tfhresh out the va rious Ideas held as to what was neces sary to the country's naval defense, and that Immediately after the meet ing a strong effort would be made to agree on and push a definite program. Secretary Daniels Indicated that In his own opinion, thj advisability of Increasing the United Stales resources in submarines and aeroplanes would he the paramount subjects to be con sidered. Edison Is airman. Thomas A. Edition Is chairman of the board, which was selected upon Dan iels' request by 11 great engineering and scientific societies ofvthe United States. The personnel of the board and ths organizations from which they come follows: American' Society of Aeronautic En gineers Henry Alexander Wis Wood, regarded by many as the world's fore moat authority on the engineering fea tures of the art of printing, and Elmer A Sporty, electrical Inventor aTrd man ufacturer. Maxim a Member, American Aeronautical Society Hudson Maxim, Brooklyn, ordnance and explosive expert; Matthew Bacon Rillers, Baltimore, authority on aero nautics. American Society of Automobile En-glners.-lloward E. Coffin. Detroit, Mich., and Andrew J. Hiker, Bridge port, Conn., inventors, automblle build ers, and now vice presidents of large automobile manufacturing companies. Inventors' Guild Dr. Peter Cooper Hewitt, New York, Inventor of appli ances fur telephones, hydroplanes, aer oplanes, balloons and electric lights; a ii' J Thomas Bobbins, Stamford, Conn., Inventor of many mechanical devices, including the belt conveyor for coal and ore. Belgian Is Warned. American Chemical society Dr. TV. R. Whitney, Schenectady, N. Y, cre ator and director of the research lab oratory of the General Electric .com pany; L. j I. Hackelan. Yonkers, N. Y., a native of Belgium, famed particular ly fur the Invention of a photographic pa per. American Institute of Electrical En gineers Frank Julian Hprague. New York,, an eurly assistant . of Edison. who built the first electrically trained Run for the navy; Rcnjamln G. Lam me, Pittsburg, inventor and head of a com mittee which passes upon ail Westing house inventions. American Mathematical society Robert Simpson Woodward, president of the Carnegie institute at Washing ton, D. i'., and an authority on as tronomy, Dr. Arthur Gordon Webster. Worcester, Mass., professor of physics at Clark university. Appoints Engineer Craven. American Society of Civil Engineers Andrew Murray Hunt, New York, ex-pei-iemed In development of hydro electric, steam and gas plants; Alfred Craven, New York, chief ,englneer of the .New York public service commis sion. American Institute of Mining Engi neers - William Lawrence Saunders, New York, Inventor and engineer, and . Rcnjamln Bowditch Thayer, New York, metallurgist and explosive expert. American Electro-Chemical society - Dr. Joseph William Richards, South Rethlehem, Pa, professor of metal lurgy at Lehigh university, and La rcni'd Adilii ks, Chrome, N. J., metallur gical enRlneer. American Society of Mechanical En gineers William Leroy Emmet, Sche nectady, X. V.. engineer and inventor and first serious promoter of electric ship rropulsion. and Kpenser Miller, South Orange, N. J., inventor of appa ratus that has simplified coaling of ships and of the breeches buoy device now used by the coast guard service. Ilowen Breaks Leg. Eugene. Or.. Sept. IS. While walk ing up the steps of the Kugene post office building Saturday afternoon. H. O. Bowen. manager of the local branch of Allen & Lewis of Portland, fell and broke his right leg between the ankle end knee. In August, 1914, while cianklng his car. the handle flew back . find broke Mr. Bowen's wrist. Tries to Kill Pastor. St. flairesvlllc, Ohio, Sept. 13. (I. N. SI Rev. Stanley Szadinskl today was recovering from gunshot wounds In the hack, inflicted by an unknown assailant last night .lust as the clergy man was entering his home here. SPECIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES OF School Athletic Supplies RUNNING SHIRTS, EACH 33 CENTS RUNNING PANTS, EACH 33 CENTS JOCK STRAPS, EACH 33 CENTS FULL SET r7 r OF THREE PIECES... O CENTS Honey man Hardware Co. FOURTH AT ALDER SCHEMES TO FLOAT THE WORLD'S BIGGEST LOAN ARE DISCUSSED J, J, Hill Arrives to Partici pate in Planning and Favors Making Loan. New York, Sept. 13 (U. P.) With the arrival of J. J. Hill, railroad mag nate, negotiations were started for the world's greatest loan estimated at from one half to one billion dollars, desired by representatives of the Eu ropean allies. Hill In reported to be strongly in fa vor of the loan, maintaining that if it Is not made, America may find her banner crops a failure. Inasmuch as a Europe without money could not pur chase In the great American market. Moreover, it was said he considers that South America will step into the breach if America does not, and that she will furnish not only a loan, but in addition will be a source of much of the allies' supplies, aside from mu nitions. The form of the proposed loan U unknown, but it was suggested in the street that a syndicate composed of bankers from all parts of the country will be formed to underwrite it and offer the public notes at 5 per cent. secured by France, England and Rus sia. "We want to keep this great trade we have built up during the war." said a prominent banker today. "The more the allies can borrow here, the more they will buy hers." Move to Close Our Far Eastern Ports Congressman Favors Closing Manila, Pearl Harbor and Chum to All l"or Ura Battleships. San Francisco, Sept. 13. (P. X. 8.) Pearl Harbor, Manila Bay and Guam will be closed ports, ajid no foreign battleships will be allowed to enter them without getting permission from the port officers, if & bill to be in troduced in the next session of con gress pauses. F. A. Britten, member of the house committee on naval af fairs, will father the bilL He has jutt returned from a six months' study of the orient, arriving in the city on th. United States transport Sherman. Britten, a San Franciscan by birth, is a representative from Illinois. He declares that other nations have cer tain ports closed to warships and sees no reason why this country should not have the same in the Phtllippine Is lands. He also says he will work for a larger navy, intending to Introduce a bill calling for 40 more submarines, half of which, will be stationed on this coast. Dog Pawed Him; House Was Afire Hoquiam, Wash., Sept. 18. (P. N. S. Two fires, both incendiary It Is be lieved, first gutting Harry Herman's unoccupied dwelling last night, the other gutting Harry Byngs two story block on Monroe street, early today caused loss of $5000, partly Insured. Byng's dog pawed him awake. His room was In flames, his night clothes catching fire as he rushed to the open. Sighs From Seaside. Seaside, Or., Sept. 13. Mrs. I, ,K Hume will leave soon for her son's farm In Washington. From there she will go to California, where she ex pects to spend the winter. Mrs. Davles, who owns a home on Broadway, left Sunday night for Port land. Her daughter, Mrs. Rowen, will remain for two weeks. Mrs. V. M. Spurgeon, Mrs. Laighton and Miss Sterea cleared $25 at their card party, given Friday night for the Episcopal church. Bouquets of sweet peas were given for prizes. Kennewirk Carnival Opens. Kennewick, Wash., Sept. 13. (P. N S.I Inaugurated by a parade in which 500 school children, many automobiles, the Kennewick fire department, the band, cowboys and cowgirls and hun dreds of decorated floats participated, the fifth annual Columbia Kiver Valley Grape Carnival opened today. For throe days Queen Concord I will reign supreme, and the choicest products of vineyards and farina of the upper Co lumbia and lower Yakima valleys will be on display. Appeals Court in Session. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 13. (P. X. S.) With Circuit Judges William B. Gil bert of Portland, Erskine M. Ross of Los AngeJes and Frank S. Dietrich of Boise presiding, the I'nited States circuit court of appeals opened its annual ses sion here today. Six cases are on the calendar to be heard, and it is ex pected that the sessions will close Thursday. Fire Destroys Church. Redding. Cal., Sept. 13. (P. N. S.) Fire, believed to have been 'of incen diary origin, early today destroyed the Presbyterian church and parsonage, and one dwelling. Total loss is placed at $7800. ZZS Mrs. Belmont Comes For Union's Meeting Chairman of Woman Voters' Conven tion Believes Suffrage WW Carry -Text Session of Congress. , San Francisco. Sept 18. (P. N. 8.) Sanguine that suffrage will carry at the next session of congress, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, national chairman of the woman votera' convention of the Congressional Union for Woman 6uf irage, accompanied, by Miss De Harril of New York, was in San Francisco to 100 SaieHland Ponies to be shown at Oregon State Fair Salem, September 27 to October 2, 1915 Owners of Shetlands in Oregon Invited to Exhibit. Free Transportation. i Write W. Al JONES, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. TO San and Tickets on sale daily, return limit 30 days stopovers at pleasure. Panama Pacific Exposition is acknowledged to be "The Most Wonderful, The Most Beautiful, The Most important in History" You cannot afford to miss it. 4 Trains a Day Afford ample accommodations on the scenic Shasta Our folders. "Wayside Notes" and "California Expositions," will Interest you. Citv Ticket Office, 80 Sixth St., Cor. Oak. Phones, Broad way 2760, A-6704. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Si SPOKAN $14.95 Sunday, Sept. 1 2 and Thursday, Sept 16 INTERSTATE Great Exposition of the Prosperous Inland Empire Championship Livestock Sale Auto Races Farmers' and Poultrymen's Meetings Farm Institutes Old Fiddlers' Contest "Battle of Armageddon" Nightly Final Return Limit Monday, Sept 20 Inland North The North Bank Road' City Ticket Office, Sth and Stark, B'way 920, A-6671 FUNERALS Beautiful adult ptaib or broadcloth casket, embalming, rough box. hearse, two limousine and serrlcea for More reasonable fu nerals for 180,. 940, 860. Higher prtceu tuner i'h In proportion. We make our own cas $75 kets. Lady assistant. Privata funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY I Washington and Ella Sla. Main 2681: A-7SS5 day for the opening; of the convention at the exposition tomorrow. Mrs. Belmont reiterated her opinion that an occasional war prevents the decay of nations and is therefore a good thing. "The suffering and sorrow are bad, indeed." Mrs. Belmont said, "but a war now and then takes you out of com mercialism and into patriotism. With out war, any nation eventually will rot." ' The noted suffragette declared her Intention of taking prominent part in the fight for woman suffrage before congress at Its next session. No matter how low the pound sterl ing may fall there will always be somebody to pick it up. Francisco Back Route ROUND TRIP Double Daily Train rtnee of th Best; Track the Brno othert la the West. Empire Express 9:55 A. M. Bank Limited 7:25 P. M. MEETING NOTICES- 41 8 ELL WOOD LODGE NO 131 A. F. & A. M. Special communication Wednesday. 12 o'clock, noon, Sell wood Masonic hall, for the pur pose of attending the fu neral services of our late Bro. Peter Hume. Members urged to attend. Vis itors welcome. By order W. M. J. IT BUTLER, Secretary. MT. HOOD LODGE NO. 157. Stated communication tomorrow (Tuesday) eve ning; at 7:30. Work in M, M. degree. Visitors wel come. Order of W. M. ED. C. DICK, Secretary. Wtal Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Deaths. BUSINESS CARDS W. G, Smith & Co, gaS32 Third floor Morgan bid-. WEDDING rings sold by weight. N. Solomon, Jeweler, 3ii .Mor rison, opp. Portland notei DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. DEATHS AND FUNICRALS 75 Ll'DESHEK At 03 Kait Nineteenth ltreet. 1...- ! L'nnli I uriovhftv HlTPtt 55 years, belored buxband of Jiwepblne I.udesher nnfl laturr or Jonu, wary miu ucinuuc deher. Funeral will leaTe the above resi dence Wednesday. September 15. at b'3 a. m., thence to Sacred Heart church, corner of East Ele-enth and Center street, where serviee will be lield at o'ekx-k. Remains at the parlors of Miller Trscejr until 1 ues-oi-j 12 m. Interment Ml. Caralrr eenteter.T. DREW At San Francisco. September 11. John I). Drew, bek wed uufband of Mrs. M. E. Drew, and father of Alfred B.. Richard W . George L. and Beulah Drew. I'hree married daughters also surv)T; him. Mra. Gra-e Mc Cormii k, Mr, Ixitti.- Ohl. and Mra. I- la Keathlv. Funeral notice later. 77:. v , l: 7i . i.. t;'. ua..',J.n.Hftr ti. .farms Campbell Boyle Jr.. aged 1.". year.. ! i""ihi James Campbell Rorle. of 7a Ella atr.-et. Re mrlns are at iioimun luiirrai i.h"". nonncement or runerai mn SETTLEMIKR In thia city September 12. at her home. WW neury aireei, - i ... 7j r,in (1 niontntf. II . i ...... . Unlmnn'. funem llflT- UHTS. inuuiiis sir ofc ' lor. Announcement ot funeral later, t lease omit flowers. ii l v w i v t ,Hia 1-ltv Spntenitier 1-. lira 'liise Raukln. age '64 yean, mother t Frank M . , Arthur, ana iitihk .". ir, ilr... Kt.rns. Keiiiuiiia t l'iirl'irs or Miller & Tra.-ey. Fun'-ral not lee 1it. B KR--At hit late resilience. K Yamhill' stroet. William I'unn Royer. -''d fil Venn. Th'- remains will tie smpi i n . Louisville. Ky.. Monday evening, by the 1 . I. l.errh I nderlnkniK coirpfliiy. DOANE The funeral M'rvieea "'f 'I'" .'' Howard W. l)aue will he heM at Lor. u nndenaklnc parlors. Kaat KleTenUi and clay street, Tueaday, Jirptember 14, at 2 p. m. PerTireg at the fraTe prlyate. FOSS In Oils oily. Septerolier 12. at 141 Darts atreet. Mra. Olive ! age ,5 year. Remaina at the parlora of Miller Tracey. Funeral notice later. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists 347 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. FUNERAL DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading funeral director, 220 3d st., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A 1511. Main 6'JT. Dunning & McEnteeMuode.rS every detail. Broadway and Pine at. Broadway 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Bide Funeral Directors. 414 East Al'Jer st., East 62, B-2525 . Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sell. 71, B-1122. Chambers Co, orth ave. Wood- lawn 3306, C-1133. Lady embalmer. A R 7plqr Pn Williams ave. Mi 111 .Cllal KjU, East 108S, C-1088. Lad y attendant. Day and night service. A. D. KENWORTHY fc CO. Calls promptly answered in all parts of city. I. O. O. F. bldg.. Lents. Tabor 6267. MILLER & TRACY, independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $20, $40, $60.- Wash and Ella. M. 261. A-78S5. CI pAPQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OlAL-VVLO A232i. Cor. 3d and Clay. HomiHnn East 80th and Glisan. 1'u ailllllUll neral services. Tabor 4313. BREEZE & BiNOOK, R-152, T. 1258. 1026 Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. R.T. Brynem and Knott, C-1943. ERICS0N SEfiT3E I RESIDENCE UNI. PLS. A-2235. 445 Mor. P L LERCH, leading east aide under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1H88, E. 781. MOXniEX" MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Finest marble and granite from our Orezon ouarry; 287 Hawthorne ave. SCHANEN-BLAIR CO PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-266 4th St., opp. city hall. Main S.")64. Philip Neii & Pons f'v memorials. BLAE.SING GRAN I I L CjJ FOR. SALE HOUSES 61 HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. il200. 7 room house, lot 32x105. with alley, 100 feet from Junction point of two . . : J Tl t ....ill.. Street car lines m Aiunifn ui, unijueB tionably future business property. Look thle up. $50 down. $10 r.ioMhly. Fred Wr. German Co.. 732 Chan-. Com. ARE ou looking for a home? Why not i onsult the Oreernn Home Rui' i ers about building and finaming s home for you. ! puge Bungalow and Home Book, special 50c. 1 J:J 0 N. W. Bank diop. it en it cv-Ar t)H(T I'iCII Modern 5 room bunsralow. 11?:; Tib bets, near E. 3r'th: 2n minutes out on W R car, or Inquire 211 Lumber Ex- 6 ROOM house. Rose City ParK. on car line. $3.")Uii home, will take f2:: $1000 catli: need money. No bunko deal. Dealing with owner. M-12;. Journal. YUL'R choice o1 5 Rose City pane houses, all marked below cost. Call on Re.-Ulv T'ept.. 2! Stark, near Ith. HARTMA.V A; THOMPSON 10 BUNGALOW BOOK IOC. SEND 10C FOR 25 COMPLETE PLANS. J. PIPER MOORE. 1020 N. W. BANK BLDG. HOUSE and 2 lots; lots of fruit and flowers, and easy terms. Will sell 1 lot with house; corner. Quick Sale. Price and terms call Owner Tabor .T. NEW 6 room bungalow. about six blocks to Woodiawn school, on easy terms. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Com merce. EIGHT room plastered house, good re pair, 50x100, $1400, 600 cash, bal ance monthly. R. M. Gatewood & Co., 165 ,4th St. , MODERN 8 room house. Rose City Park, for sale very reasonably if tnken moon. No agents. Tabor 40S.i. BY OWNER $2200 EQUITY, income property, for sale or trade for clear lots. Phone East fi89S. BUNGALOW PLaNS. 15. H. A. WILLIAMS. 80S M-KAT BLDG. FOR SALE LOTS 16 NOTICE I have got 2 lots. 60x100. In Ridgemont, 67th and Burnalde St., that I paid, $2600 for. With those lots I will 1914. that cost $2400. &!l in fine thape. Some terms. Phone Main 6601. My address Is 1383 Michigan ave, WE supply lot and finance the build ing of home. too. Get our terms. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W Bank bldg. . TWO LOTS. 40x140; nice buildln site. nice fir trees; good terms and little cash. Call owner at Tabor 667. 57 Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped into your house, electric lights, etc.. and country benefits; rich soil, fine community. 30 min utes out by Big Red Steel trains. Low prices, easy pay ments. Any sized tract. .Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear-Co, 102 4th st. 18 acres, 10 in cultivation, balance timber, running water, 4 room house. hore, cow. 100 chickens, bugry, wagon, all necessary tojla. J1800, half cash. 2Vs acres, t room house, $800. 2 acres. 4 room house, J800. Half acre, 3 room bungalow, new, on carline, ro fare. J1000. K. M. OATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th st Gibson Half Acres nnfut Knit c.)t water firms to ear . line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1685, or . Sellwoorl 47. John H. Glbsor.. owner. I 400 ACRES $2200. i 400 acres. Tillaimdffi Co., close to Wilson river, and tIT village or Wil son; J1000 cash, balance 2 years. Of course it Is a snap. Fred W. Gerrhaa Co.. 732 Chamber ot Commerce. Land Clearing By contract, new method, low rates, for estimates apply to Phllbrook Bro., Hotel Lenox, Portland. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN Ranches near Portland. 2, 5, 10 acre tracts, best THREE sightly acres clone to station, miles out, need the money; nuke me an offer. N-30!, Journal. 4' At'RES. 17 miles from Vancouver, Wash.. $7.60 acre, one-third cash, good soil. 422 4 1st St. SUBURBAN' ACREAGE 76 21 acre subuman home at DOtn and Division sts., nicely Improved, 6 acres fruit, berries; city water. Well sell all or part. Kaste Bros.. 618 Henry bld. FOR SALE FARMS 17 40 ACHES for sale, clufee in, eiiureh, school, stores, half crop and imple ments .. with place; will sell part of this if desired. C. T. Schulliuuser, Mulino, Or. 2S0 ACRE8 well improved, H.ot-e to station, running water, cloae to school. Johnson, f27 Cham, of Com. 32n ACHES, 16 miles from Vancouver, Wash.. $7 acre; one-third cash, good soil. 422H 1st st. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 160 acres, dairy and di versified farm, 28 miles north from Portland. Pacific highway; steamboat and railroad facilities within 2 miles; high Hchool within 1 mile; sightly river frontage but no overflow; im provements modern; place carries 47 head cattle, horses, land only $550 yearly; pxt In cash. part In labor. Wilbur K. Brock, owner, Lenta, Or.; Tabor 1279, Portland. FOR RENT 1240 acre farm, fully equipped with horses, harnesses, farm machinery, wagons, buggies, cows, chickens, tools, etc. 1000 acres ready for fall seeding; has pumping plant. Should bring In Income of $20. OOn coming year: $1600 cash required. v rite owner. O. Cole. Condon. Or. BEST proposition near Portland, on electric line, 80 acres dairy and farm. Stock, and implements for sale. 0-680, Journal. 10 ACRES, good house, barn, 3 acres cleared on carline, rent part cash; rest in work. 5fifi Indiana st. 200 ACRES, 25 building!", 30 N-30 4. Journal. In hops, cood soil and miles out, cash rent. 6 A' 'RES. 6 room house, fireplace; S mites, on car line, at station on (Jreshatn car. K-7H4, Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR Rl V 38 WANTKli, to rent a farm on shares, by experienced farmer, between 20m (ri 400 acres, Improved, good grain iand. Prefer a place that Is fuily txjuipped with stock and Implements m with chance to buy the stock. Y 727. Journal. WANTED f., 10 acres, about 2 acres cleared, balance pasture or timber; spring, not over $7n an acre and with in 25 miles of Portland. Z-645. Journal, i TWo experienced young men would like to rent a farm; grain preferred. PX-43S. Journal. WANT to rent, a dairy farm, bv perienced German - Swiss with cows or more H-51!t, Journal. ex 20 HOMKSTHADS 47 GOOD close in homestead location, good soil, creek, timber, neighbors. Some easy cleared. $100. R-855, Journal. RELINQUISHMENT, very handy. Rood roml: tine summer home; near coast. r0. ;-r.QS. Journal. GOOD homestead wanted, have party with the cash. Green & Cobb, 415 'bamber of Commerce. !: X ( 1 1 A X ( ; K It KAL KSTATE !4 :i ACRES, 2 miles south of Columbia highway. 2" mips eat of Portland. Ifc acres in cultivation, fine soil, nil ftmed, trout ptream, good house, barn. other outbuildings. 2 horses. hogs, thickens, all the clop, all kinds of farm tools, will s-l this place on good term or exchange for rool residence property: price $4500; mortgage $120". Stout Invest. Co.. 723 Cnamber of Com merce So ACRES. ; miles from electric line. spring water district, on rock road, ! 80 acres under hijrh state of cultiva-j tlon, very best soil, land lays fine. ! larse 6 room house, la ifc'e barn ami , other outbuildings, family orchaid. i runy equipped witn stocK and farm Implements. ill take house and bt n ..,'.. , v ... j. ,w- Exchange. Main 1 53 . WANT 6 room modern home In ex- i change for 5 room bungalow. 60x100 i lot and 2xll0 business lot. Wojdlawn J 307 Owner. Frank A. Hager, 101! K .1st st. N. 1 TRADE 5 room house Z lots, for 3 acres or more and house on Oregon Electric, 30 minutes out. Address 6922 40th ave. 160 ACRES timber land for lots equity, mortgage contract, will assume. Bog gress & Co., 206 Gerllnger bldg., 2nd and Alder. CLOSE IN ACREAGE Will exchange for milk cows and other stock. 104 Sherlock bldg., Portland. WANTED From 2 to i5 acres in ex - cnange ior o room nouse and z lots 88 W. Prescott st. WILL sell or trade 120 acres unim proved, 5 miles Camas, Wash., $25 acre. Owner, 637 Pittock block. OWNER has lot to trade as flrnt pay ment on rooming house or apart ments. Phone mornings. Tabor 3St78. I WANT city residence for close in well improved 2 acres. 312 Pan ama bldg 10 ACRES Improved buildings and stock for residence. Ewen, 312 Pa nama bldg. ROOM modern bungalow, for close In acreage. 312 Panama bldg. $1000 EQUITY" in 6 room house for lot or anything clear. East Ml. 160 ACRES, Crook Co.. for Portland property. 312 Panama bldg. WILL trade auburban lot, what have you. Phone 4-W. Oak Grove. LARGE and small farms, sale or ex changed. Wolfsterin, 249 8tark. GOOD business in Utah: sell or trada .for Oregon property. P-432. Journal, ACREAGE soli. coa roads, near electric. b to penbalK luin Kast 2 1st -r N. $200 per acre, easy terms. McFarland, , i .., ,.f,r.i i.aii in ?(11 vm hlrliji Pnrtlanri tNK of the best PulllB pOOl 11IB III 30Jon bldg.. Portland , (h(j f f for Ul. THltEi; sishtly acres on carline. ;,.ated In a popular Office bldg. For miles out, will sell cheap; make of- fQrthel. information address N-897. fer. M-121.Journal. imal EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 ( Continues) IXCOM10 business property, iso.uow equity; will exchange for nailer property or farm. 104 Sherlock bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED A list of your farm or acreage for sale, trade or rent. 615 Dekum bldg. $200 CASH for lot. Write H-67. Journal, or phone yvooaiawn o. HOl'SS. flats or stores wanted to If.OOO. Exchange lots. Main ROOMING HOUSES 53 Bargain Hunters Now is the time to buy if you wart to sell later on at a profit. 44 rooms, Ftrictly modern, hot and cold w:iter .n all rooms; call bells, clothes c4tsels; this Is the most modern hotel In the citv. rent only J75; well furnished; sold 4 months ao for J&000. Klrst one comes gets this whole thins for $600; terms. See mv agent. PETERS, IB N. Sth st. IF you are looking for a small fur nished, modern rooming houpe. which will net you $05 per month. e the owner, cash and trade. M-biJ.Jot.rnai. 7 ROOM corner house. 2 rooms rented pay rent, pood furniture, 3 blocks from' Washington: Price $175. Owner. N. !'h st. ROOMING house, rooms, good lo cation, cheHp for cash. 2'19 1.1th wt. nrsixi-jss oifoktl nitiks 20 LADY WANTS GOOD BUSINESS. Will consider theatre, rooming house or any good business up. to $1800. 4 room "house and good auto to exchange for same. K. W. GARY, 828 ELECTRIC BLDQ. Al PATENT for sale or trade, one fifth its -value, for lota or sfood mortftaBe. Am a youna; German with nr. inonev wish to do Homethina with It to Ket a start. Write William Zle- A FINE confectionery and light gro cerv store with waiting rootn In con nection, half hour car service. Will sell at Invoice. N-800. Journal 1000 Business Cards 75c Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d ft Morrison, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 08 WANTED A garage with a good busi ness. .1-500. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY" without delay on close In city property at 6. 6 and 7 per cent: rata to fit security and desirability of loan. Cnion Safe Deposit & Trust Co., 2S4 Oak. LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes; adavnee made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges, no commission. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark st. Main 4420. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE, 701 Selling Bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced, as work progresses. W. G. Buck. 315 Falling bldg. Main 3407. CASH pali for mortgages, notes, con tracts: mortgage loans; reasonable rctes. F. II Lewis & Co.. H Lewis bldg. tlOO.uOO on mortgages, city and Iarm property, fire insurance. McKensis & Co., Gerllngr bldg-. 2d and Aldei. TO LOAN propcrty. C. bldg. $400. $500, $1J(J0, on city J. L. Wells Co., 324 C. of GET our plan of flnaneing homes on easy terms. The Oregon Home Builders, 133u N. W. Bank bldg TO LOAN $2600 and $2000 on Im proved income city property. Chas. Hirstel. 104 Sherlock blda MONEY to loan In amounts of $100 to $&000 on city property. A, H. Bell. 201 Gqrllnger bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 to 7. Oregon Inv. A Mortgage Co., Stock Exch., Jd and Yamhill. IF YOU OWN A LOT AND W16H TO BUILD. COME IN AND SEE Ub. CURTIS, 267 OAK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS, b and 7. Loum Salomon & Co., 300 Oak St., near 6th MONEY to loan 6 to b. W. II. Sens & Co., 310 Spaullng bld 4u.uuU OH LEtStv FAKKINGTON, tsO 4th st. BoaiM ot i'rade bldg. $1000 up to $6000 to loan on city or farm property. Tabor 2 620. Iuu, yaou, $600, ou, tizuo, nx W. German Co., 732 Chamber S00. Fred of Com. $500 up, delay. 7 and h. no commission, no Ward. 407 Spalding bid g BUILDINGS financed and erected. HUNDLEY, 62'. Plttock block. MONEV TO L.OAX CHATTELS, bALAlUES 07 IMMEDIATE LOANS DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY ON Af EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry toreB in the city. A loan de partment la conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY confidential. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in I runt of our store. All mer chandise pledged Is held for a period ot 12 months, whether or not interest is puid when due. We ate licensed and have been established since No connection with any other loan establishment In this clfy. A. ii M. DFLOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington ft, SALARY LOANS SALARY LOANS Being salary loan brokers exclusive ly, we are enabled to assure aatiafao- ! tion ana give the Murkest possible i service. Business strictly confidential. REMEMBER. We are licensed and therefor RELIABLE. r STATE SECURITY. 308 Felling bldg. Loans at Legal Rates -Ve n,an money on diamonds, pianos. livestock, storage receipts, plain notes. on iurnnure, or anything or value. You can get it today. Portland Loan Co., Licensed Licensed by State. 311 DEKUM BUILDING. Third and Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL RATE OK INTEREST. Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Inst. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Dept. for Ladles. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed), 820 Lumber Ex bldg . 2d and Stark sts LOANS VAVTED 30 WANTED A load of $00 or 11000 on corner nrooertv. new mntein two. ; story and full concrete residence worth $5000. Box 342 Portland, owner. FIRST mortgages on new homes for sale to private money. The Oregon Home Builders, 1830 N. W, Bank bldg. WANTED $1000 on $3000 property. E-706. Journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second martiai. also ael lers' interest In contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble, j.umoermens uidg HELP WANTED -MALE WANTED Boy 1 or more with wheel to deliver groceries. 1361 Haw thorne. WANTED An experienced aollcitor; reference required. Laurelhuut P-ye Works 1260 Belmont. PARTY with good team to haul wood. Wdln. 278. FiRST class cement man at once. nlv f.9a PlttAnlr Viljvlr AP- 1MPW5YMENT department Y.j M. C A. Service free to member. ; .HELP WANTED MALK (Co atlaned) WANTED Young married man t4 work on farm, house furnished; wages $30; 10 blocks east of end of Parkrose carline. W. K. Johnson. MAlTKESS matter wanted. Portlan Furniture Mfg. Co.. .1249 Macada roan. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 WANTED Four private students, mals or female. In the latest cieutlflo methods of drugless therapeutics; meuhano-therapy-electro-therapy pho totherapy mental science X-rrfy and high frequency. For partlcultrs ad dress A-726. Journal. Y. M. O. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, day and night clauses: expert train ing in repairing, driving and machins work, forage, lathe, shaper, drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at educational office, Y. M. C. A. blag to Inspect onr fhop and methods. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn automobile repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne garage. 445 Haw thorne ave. V ANTED, names of men, 18 or oVer, wishing government Jobs, $t month, T1X-80. Journal. ' CHANCE for 2 men to learn motlou Fdcture operating in theatre. Small lion. 226 Second st. COOK headquarters California Win Depot, 281 Yamhill, near 5th; ' UNCALLED for tailor mado stilts !(.( up. Taylor the tailor. z9 V, Burnslds, 1,'SE "Baaaett's Native Herbs for rhsu mat Ism, 60 tablets 26o. All druggists. rHELP WANTED FEMALE Ji WANTED At once 3 llv business girls to learn MACHINE BEAUTY.' CULTURE; positions aasured. 201 Royal bldg. . WANTED Neat, refined young lady to do housework for board and Foom, small family, good home, piano lesHOiiH if wanted. H-671, Journal. ' W A .N TK1 - i omncteni conk, general housework, miiMll family, good wages. S St. Helens Court. Portland ' Heights. Phone Main 3028. . WANTED First class ex perlencenl fitter. Apply Miss Barrett. Ben Selling, lcadl n y clot hie r. J WANTED Middle-aged lady as house keeper; good home for right party. Add. 220-J, Journal, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Oirl to do housework on ranch; steady position to sultabls party. Mrs. John Monalian, Condon, Or, WANT school girl for winter. Palmer' grocery store, 25th and Cpehut, Marahsll 4862. WA NT ED A woman for general houbewoik. Apply 674 K. Pino stM ror R. 14th St. M1DDLEAGED housekeeper. good home, two children. Box 401. Oa tario, Or. 1 WANTED--Girl to assl.'t house w 802 Hnlsry. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 2t) MEN and women to iearn the barber trade, wages paid while learning? tuition reduced, positions secured. Tha only chain of schools in tha world. Send for froe catalogue. Molar Barber Collegw. H. 4S N. 3d at. . OREGON Barber College wants me and women to learn the barber trad In 8 weeka; positions secured; palJ while learning. Special stinimar couraa tuition reduced. 233 Madison st. t E X P E R I E N C EDrn mr H ed ma n wanVJ steady work on ranch or driving team. Address H. A. W., BroadacrtS) Oregon. EXPERIENCED farmer, age 34. mar rled, wants care of ranch for wagef or shares. Hans Nellson, Beaverton, Or. 7 WANTED, by first class garage mauj Good references. Phono E. 1R83 Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. Mar. Ittj COM PET EN T accountant to keep set of books for a few hour during day reHBOnshle M-10B, Journal. . ALL ROUND man, handy with toolij go anywhere. K-34Journal. ' MAN, 30, wants work on farm. Journal. PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. Inr. reasonable prices. pspei liang. East 1911. BIXjUATIONrEMALM 4 WANTED- By a middle aged woman, a position us cook In boarding house or small hotel; would leave t tie dty. 1 1 - 507, J o urnal. STENOGRAPHER, 3 years' experience, new Underwood muchlna and office, wanta work by hour, part or all day or ev.-nlng. Main 01SO, or 601 Yson bldg. ST ENOGRA PH ER with several years' experience, desires position; willing to assist in any office work. Phone East 284 2. COMPETENT Scotch girl wanta posi tion, general housework; wages $15. X-iH4. Journal. WOMAN with child wants position at housekeeper. ZM Main st. A-330Z. LACE curtains, (wind laundered. by T. De BeN Sellwnod 1726 DKKSh.MAKIXG 40 14 YEARS' experience designing; work quickly and neatly done; no pat tarns required. $3 per day East 1887. . SUITS, coats, one-piece dresses, tail ored skirta and walnut made reason sble. Good work. Mar. Z46S. M RS EH AO CHILD'S Nurae Burau. Experienced nurses. 26 els., hourly. Woodiawn 2562. TRA INED'nurse wants case. 12 years' experience, maternity cases a ape- c I al y nyt h 1 n gta ke n . M a 1 n 3878, WANTED Casen. by middle tige practical nurse. Phone Woonlawn 2515. Fl KNISHKI) ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS FOR WOMEN. 374 3d st.; all modern Improve ments, steam heat, hot and cold water In every room, free gas for cooking; large public kitchen, alao gas plat In each room, laundry on each floor, also bathroom on each floor, also Pactftn and Home phonea on each floor and house phone in each room; 2 parlors; sowing room with machines. All ten ants who are in by 0 t. 1st end remain one year will be given the twelfth month's rent free. ROOM register listing several hundred In all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A. : also those In the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library. reading rooms, at $1.60 to $2.76 per week dou-. ble, with individual beds, or $2 6 t f4.60 per wee- single. HOTEL BRISTOL. 12th and (Stark The best rooms in the city for the) price asked. Rooms with crivate bath $3.60 week up; without. $2.00 up. All, modern, Bualnesa district. THE DORM ER Neaily furnished rooms, $1.25 and up. steam heat, free phone, bath. 2 1-th st., cor. Jeffer on. : teachers: ! Best rooms In i'oitliind for the price. Call and nee them, .09 '11th at. Cor dovla hotel. Main H4 72, A-I73, Madras Hotel rooms $2 up, court rooms, $2.60 up By day -Oc. 76, Jj eor. Kth and Wsshington ete. Nicely furnished A RRHTT -6 4lay uiw' 22 Wash. t. MDDU I I 11.60 wk ap. $1.60 WEEK up; clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central, l ne ivins;. sua ,ei. ROOMS and apartments in. raodera hotel. fl f0 week and up. 4S5 Alder. H RMSHE1) ROOMS 70 3PRTVATK rAinX.Y L.ARGK nl'-ely furnished front room, furnace heHt. phone, bath, $10 mo. 12 E. lltli. bet. Ankeny and Ash. WIDOW, seil-suppoi tmg. lias nice front room to rent; Williams ave. Phone ESRt 327 KlXTHc :-Large desirable rooms,' modem residenoe. Marshall 5784. (Contlnned on Fare)