THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1919. 13 NURSES CHILD' 8 Nurse Bureau. Experienced nurtu, tS cts hourly. Woodkwa 2562, WANTED Cases, by middle axed. practical nurse, Phone Wooalawn 2515. FURNISHED ROOMS 0 ROOM register listing several hundred In all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.: also those In the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms, at $1.60 to $2.76 per week dou ble, with individual beds, or $2.60 to $4.60 per wete slngls. HOTEL. Bristol, 12th and Stark The best rooms in the 'city for the Frice asked. Rooms with prlvat bath 3.50 week up; without, $2 up. All modern. Business diwtrlct, HOTEL BRISTOL, 12th and Btark The best rooms in the city for the (rice asked. Rooms with private bath 3.60 week up; without, $2.00 up. All modern. Business district. TKACHBRS. Best rooms in Portland for the price. Call and see them, 2 11th st. Cor dovia hotel. Main 9472, A-17 83, Madras Hotel vnnmei t nn nrturl v wiu er W uu, u ay rooms, iz.feo up. ay day ooc, voc, si; cor. inn anp- wssningxon sis. Nicely furnished A D RfiTT foe day up. Z2tt Wash. st. ADDU I I ti.CO wk up. 11.60 WEEK Up; clean, wa rmTlnodern fur, rooms, central. The King. 309 Jef. ROOMS and apartments in" modern hotel. $2.50 week and up. 466 Alder. FURMSUI ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY LOVELY furnished room In lady's home, suitable for students or gen tlemen employed. Breakfast optlonul. 360. Jackson at. ROOM, with or without aleeplnK porch, fine location, east side; reasonable rates Tabor 1 942. N1C1ULY furnished room, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. TWO neat ground floor front rooms, close in, phone, bath; 2 or 3 Kentle- men, employed. 21 N. 11th. ' Jlpj SIXTH Large desirable ooins. modern reHldence. Mnrwhali 57H4. vVKLL furnished laiKe uttlc room, cen tral; $7 month. 4U1 Clay, near 101K. NICKLY furnished rooms, light and bath. 26 9 Kn r o t.. $6 a month. ROOMS AXIJ HOAKD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery St., at West Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rates for regular and transient guests. ROOM, board; across street from Bhut tuck, near Lincoln High. Ryason- Shle. 346 College. CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson st. Hoard and room fur young men; very rea sonable. ROOMS AM) HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 72 LADY boarder, by young couple, with no children, lovely modern home, newly furnished, furnace heat. Tabor 8463 FOUR room house with bath, electric lights, fireplace and gas, new anl clean. Inquire 17H1 E. 17th st'. ROOM and board for two genUe-men. 64 North 16th cor Davis. HIGH class board and room for. school girls. 357 mh. Private home. WAXTED-ROOM AM) HOAK1) HO WANTED Room And board with mother's care for school boy, 7 yearn. Parents have business and are away d uring day. V-7 21 .Jou r n a 1 . ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, nteara heal, running hot and cold water, ptione in every room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sta. ; $12 snd up. 291 Columbia st corner Bth st. BARGAIN To first person paying de poslt will rent for $8, 5 rooms plain ly furnished, corner, excellent gas range, no bath or electricity. Inquire tonight. 5 to x. Owner, 293 N. IHth st. $1 TO $2.60 week, furn.ahed 11. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East 603, 203 Stanton. U car. Fresh airy rms ftom Ante Ph. $1 wk Free light. USUI Apibiup. 401 1st CAMBRIDGE bldg.. fur. H. R. rooms, central, cheap. lRa'fr 3d. cor. Mor'11, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heajt bath, laundry. 109 N. 18 th. 176 12TH Modern H. K. rooms. Plari: HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 SPLENDID large front rooms, suitable for small family or single men, two blocks to postofffee; $1.60, $2, 3 e.nd $4 a week; rates by month. 229 6tn St.. opposite courthouse. NEAT, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, single or in guite;heat, light, bath and use of phone. $8 to $16. 71 a 11th st. N. ONE and two nicely furnished house keeping rooms, hot and cold water, close In, very reasonable. 293 10th st. REASONABLE, strictly clean, single and housekeeping rooms. 388 Grand ave. north. LARGE H. K. rooms with kitchenette, private entrance. 694 Everett. Main 3306. 1, 2 and 3 large modern H. K. rooms, first floor. 429 Main. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, heat. Ilght gas, garage. Talo r 1 9 0 . 3(1 TAYLOR Closu in, housekeeping rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 NEW 4 room bungalows on Sumner and Webster sta., near E. 13th. 1 blk. north of Alberta car. with built-in beds, buffets, coolers, window seats 1 ' and bookcases; linoleum in kitchen and ! baths; self-lighting gas ranges and heaters, full attics and basements; they are convenient and partly fur nished. Owners, Rlanchard & Clem-1 son. 702-3 Selling bldg. THOROUGHLY modern 6 room house, gae stove If required, close to good school, walking distance of S. P. Shops TWO modern $ room houses, 344, 348 E. 17th N.. near Broadway; tireless cookers, sleeping porch. Inquire 647 tt viuier. Modern i beautiful view, Willamette blvd.' near Ainsworth, reasonable. Woodlawn FOR RENT 7 room house $16, in oludlng water. 4$th and E. Main st. I'none raoor 4404, fclODBRN 7 room houae, walking dis tance, gas and electric lights, rent reasonable. 489 E. Sherman st. t ROOM cottage. Inside newly over hauled, large porches. 984 1st St.; garage room, aisrsnaii 4431 BARGAIN $7. cheerful 4 room cot tage. Inquire tonight, $ to 8. Owner Z3 N. 18th, FlVE room cottage. 26$ Going st, one diock rrom wiuiama car, sis includ ing water, FIVE room bungalow, near Laurel- nurwt itirK. Tabor 44. s 6 ROOM cottage, good condition. 644 Uth. $11. W-w car. Mar. 4817. MODERN 8 room, newly tinted. 650 ' tlay, IIS. East 3605. MODERN bungalow lor rent. Call Ta bor 1222. 6 ROOM house. 1141 Milwaukie Bt., cor, gills, 8 per month, water paid. 4V ROOM house and basement, $15"; Close In. 445 South DmiiIb.v tOR RENT One house and barn." V, block of land. Tabor 32?. t ROOMS, bath, good nei:'hborhooJF. close in. 112.60. East 8411 yrarag y-air by ownr- i ' ROOM house, good location. $8.50; a rooms. $7. Inquire 660 Kerby. EIGHT room house, newly papered and cleaned, $10. At 251 Arthur at. 12 (Contlnned) 7 room modern house, t fire places, hardwood floors, sleeping Pprch, Dutch kitchen, laundry, praa. electricity, all modern conveniences; RMtmoreland, near Reed college. Main MODERN residence. Nob Hill, lease to responsible party walking distance, ideal location- O-sSl. Journal. FOR RENT 5 room modern cottage. 742 Montana ave. Call East S915. FUrtNITUHE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT i ai'o oi iurniture ior eaie are puo , ilshed in the Household Qoods classl ' fiction when house is not for rent i b'NAP for anyone starting housekeep i ing; furnishings of fiat, cheap rent. waiKin distance, xoi K. FL'RMSHKI) HOUSES 36 b'OH KENT Sellwood district, nicely furnished 6 room house, hot and cold water, bath, large lawn, some garden, water free, ready for housekeeping, $13 per month. for key call at 210 Alder. 6 Hou.M furnished bungalow, modern in every detail, sleeping porch, fire place and very large hark porch. 379 JJ. outri N. Key next door. Ull LOUAliU I 1 1 1 It; jillf lj vaic v room hause near Washington high, f urntHhed or unfurnished. S8tf K. ITXTI Tt'l' I r it .... a. si a t a gas, bath, separate enliance. 245 L. 37th, near Main. Tabor 17SS. Also 5 loom muaern conage. RJi.N'T free to responsible party of furnished house for room and board f owner. N-3 0 3 , J o u r naL FOR RENT Furnished 5 room mod ern house, yard, flowers. Call 609 natHpp ave., Htjlw ood. 6 ROOM furnished reasonable; fruit trees, lawn. 4 blorks from Rose itycar. i-none Kast SKV'KN Foom house, furnished, to re sponsible people, 12 mln. oar ride No children. Phone S e 1 1 2 J 37. 5 ItOOM bungalow, furnished. E. 71st and Alder, no children. Phone Ta bor 1 626. FIVE room cottage. Telephone Wood lawn 460. Fl'RNISIlfclD t room modern home. $.. 94 E. 37th st. FURNISHED 4 room cottage. Montana ave. 834 APARTMENTS 4 FURNISHED A.M UNFURNISHED HIGHLAND COURT APT8. 2JD AND Q LI SAN. Largest, most homelike, high class apts in city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. AlAKSHAl.L, 324!). VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. THE Luzcnt apts., ird and Hall; mod ern brick. 2 rooms furnished; under new management; newly tinted and varnished; prices very reasonable; call and loot: them over. Mar. 4687. The Parkhurst 20TI1 and Northrup. 3 and 4 room i fur., all outside apts. THE DR1CKSTON APT8., 44$ ll'tli, atrlotly mod. 3-3 rm. fur unfurn.., day, wk., mo., walking dis. nr. Park. Mar. 66. THE IRIS APTS. 3d and Mill sta. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts., fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up. iM cnarge tor coomng gas, JULIETTE APTS.. 2J and Montgom ery. Pvt. bath, tel., heat, hot Water; free gas for coo.'-tng; at end of 12 months 1 month's rent free, $12 up. Denver Apartments !lst and Overton, 2 and 3 room fur. ano unrur. apts., 1 block W calj. BROADWAY Central aDts.. strictiv mod. 2, 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk ing distance; everything new, $i up. mau njiiijn rooms, not, coia wat-jr, fTTE DORMER Neatly furnished rooms, $1.20 and uv. steam heat, free phone, bath. 2tS3 ISth St., cor Jeffer son. THE CODY, cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts., has been remodeled with private baths, now iurniture and carpets; d and 3 rooms: light and phone free. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable rt.nt; best of service. Main 2606. THE DEZENDORF, 208 1TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nloe 6 room furn, and unfurn. apts. ; also a and 4 room turn, apartments. THE LKONCE, 180 N. 22d at. near Johnson; modern, well furnished i 3 and 4 room apts., $18 up. ROSEN FELD (hrick), 14thE Stark" Modern 3 or 4 rooms, all outside, prl- va 1 e phones, ja nitor service, reaHona b 1 e. RUSSELL apartments. 390 Russell st modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. Reduced rate. East 2 743. TWO room apartments! unfurnished large outside rooms, $10 to S14 B. 12th. K. 6279. ' WINSTON. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, modern brick; special rates $15 and up. 14th and ..Market. Main 173i THE WOOMANSEE Furnished apartments, $10 to $20. Cor 18th and Olisnn. Private bath. PENINSULA APTS.". C-llj"6 concrete bid?. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, oatns, pnone, steam neat, ill up DOWN town, modem apts., $15 month up. inciuaing neat, ugnt, etc Royal Annex. 360 Morrison. 1HHK1S room apartments, all outside rooms, private bath. Paciflo phoue ?1S ur.r Tahor 065. B-1035. EVELYN apartments, 267 N 21et. 3 room furnished apartments, modern conveniences. Mar. 1323. GRAY Gables moa., 1 and i rooms, $14 ui'. wee 111. tnv ivin. BUCK HARTFORD 107 N. 2Jst., mol" o. t 1 him, ur.j unrur. apts. nee. rent. THE MORTON King and Washing ton. 3-4 rm. suites, close lnf $15 up. COLLEGE Light, close In, porches. 3d and College. Marshall 55ft. AMERICAN and Marlborough mod. 4,5. 6 rm. apt. Mar. 3360, M. 7516, A-2$7I FOR RENT HOUSES WHY LET A WAR BREAK UP AN OLD FRIENDSHIP? ASKS JEFF Om ours. DOy. tht ,s r?err tmt- Coet-TrTK 0 J?'' I S" Vas fiuVp wvc-rcTN a, r 1 i cotxMei-T Sg PqL i con science t, wcum -15 ri; . -- -- TOOCM U;rTM THC GMGrAV Is TJ DUTY. jDOCTtoANTTjee f litfgTi OMt, No tNfcee TO IT 2? OUT-POST. THKT liSOTHAT LflJK SO W gWNeMJET VOO s . tlll I S WtNSBtR MOUu w U.tfL fS 'rJCAiCoreXrniOC weCNNt MrWie TM5 HONOR. IT-i A SOFT f SET O 1 MM Nnr - .. SWCd (etTO P6T'S -a- -T "o GTe (vt- 1 p j APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED fContjnned) BRAND NEW. i a rmr In C6r. 18th and Couch Kta. One block off Wash. St., Just com pleted, ready for occupancy, modern 5 story, fireproof brick building of class and refinement, with 63 2, 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts; large light rooms, well ventilated, hirdwood floors tile bath rooms, showr bath, electric ranges, Hoosier kit'.hen cabi nets, balconies, private phenes, auto matic elevator, vacuum cleaning serv ice, laundry room, steam dryers and an excellent heating system. For reser vations apply on premises. References required. PRICES MODERATE. TEACHERS AND (STUDENTS desiring modern steam-heated 2 and 3 room furnished apts.. with excellent service, at reasonable rates, within 10 minutes' walk of the Shattuck, new and old Lincoln high, Ladd and Portland academy schools, call at the DRICKS- 'UW APTS.. 448 11th. Marshall 56 THE WASHINGTON. 6S Northrup St.. near 21st. 5 room unfurnishel apartment, with all modern conveni ences, including free gas, electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376. A-1133. THE ALTAMONT. 6th and College. Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, rent reasonable. Also bachelor's apartments. Heat, water, phone and Janitor serv ice Included THE EMERSON. New modern brick, 2. 3 and 4 room apts., from $15 to $30, Including heat, hot water and janitor services. Phone Woodlawn 3200. or 3173. CINCINNATI Court, 4'il 10th. 2. 3. 4 rm. mod, fur. apts., sing, unfur. rms FOR RENT FLATS 13 3 NEW. large, striitly modern rooms. Gisappearlng beds, sleeping porch Wood) a wr n 187. MODERN 5 room flat on car line', $10. Tabor 3118. MODERN 3 room flats, very reason able. Woodlawn 1 953. FURNISHED FIATS JO BARGAIN To first person paying de posit will rent for $8, 5 rooms plain ly furnished, corner, excellent gas range, no bath or electricity. Inquire tonight. 6 to 8 Owner. 2:)3 N. lKth st. 3 ROOM flat, newly furnished, t'ood location, 15 minutes' walk from busi ness center; will rent reasonable. 623 Marshall st. LIGHT, airy 5 room lower flat, com pletely furnished. Irvlngton. walking distance. Marshall 4782. 424 Tilla mook. $25 1'fcsirable fi room flat, sleeping porch, piano, library, furnace, fire place, large vard, walking, distancu. 454 Hall st. Phone Marshall 264 STORES AND OFFICES 11 DANCE hall and store lor rent at Bell station. Address R. N. Jtnsen, R. F. D. 12-C. Mllwaukie, Or. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 WANTED Duck shooter to tak share in lake. Main 2030. FOR RENT Duck shooting reserve. Apply 107 N. 3d St. WANTED TO HE XT FOCK room flat or apt., unfur., $10 month. 634 Kerby st. HORSIiS, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Light Delivery Car MAXWELL. 4 cyl.. 20 H. P.. new body, newly painted, good tires; a bar gain. J, W, Leavitt & Co, Cor. Broadway and Davis sts. BUY your implements, vehicles, wire fencing and general farm supplies where you get the most for your dollar. Some second hand goods. P. E. Ed BEN SHADE. 214 Front st. CALOARD HORSES, .MAKES. All young and sound and well broke, 1100, 1400 lbs., Madisonv Stables, l!ioVz Madison St., on approach Hawthorne bridge, west side. WANTED Good team and wagon, have equity In east side residence; will give a- bargain for the right team. Main 9376. WANTED Horse or mare; must be gentle and perfectly ound. weight 1400; terms, or will give good security Call 1101 E. Pimpson. GENTLE, 7-year-old horse and deliv ery wagon; horse can be used for ntiggy. woomawn or C-Z64t. WANTED Good strong horse for its board and best of care and very light work. Woodlawn SL'7. DEAD horses snd animals hauled away free. Call WoodJawn 20. T-ortland Rendering Co DEAD horses and cattle taken. Call Tabor 4203. WANTED to buy a horse. Tabor 52 S6. LIVESTOCK 3o WANTED Kresh cow, Holstcin. Dur ham or Swiss. 6 gals, or over. 69 X, Oak Grove. 6 FIRST CLAHS dairy cows. Jerseys 3 Durham. B. Kilkenny, 1850 Davis st., near Willis blvd. FRESH young heifer, part jersey Durham, price $60. 522 E. 31st FOP. BALE S fresh cows cheap. Tacoma ave., -Sellwood. and N. 871 POULTRY AXD PIGEONS 37 RHODE ISLAND nnd Buff Cochan r0"11-' Chambers, 734 Minnesota, H-2 3 69, WHITE Leghorn and Rhode Island Red pullets and hens for sale. Ta bor 3926. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 nnnicu oiaie riemisn tiiant nares State pric e. Beavei ton Fur Farms. Beaverton, Or. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies, iicuijiecu. 010 noiiauay. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 (Cob tinned) COCKER SPANIEL PUPS. The most intelligent of dos. red. black and black and white. Can be seen in Skidmore drug store. 371 Al der, Sunday, or address, H. MAKELIM, Box 1137, Portland. FOR SALE Llewellyn setter. English pointer, thoroughly broke. John Duckett, 3209 W. st., Station A, Van couver, Wash. Phone 710-R. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snaps. TERMS GIVEN. CADILLAC, 5 pass., electric starter and lights, good tires, one new extra. CHANDLER, 5-pass., electric etarter and lights; snap. STODDARD, 6-pass.. 4 0 H. P.. A-l con dition. MITCHELL, B-pass.. 6-cyl., A-l condi tion. MITCHELL. 7-pass., 6-cyl., nearly new; take your old car as part pay ment See us for light delivery cars. Several others to select from. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, East 1st and East Morrison Sts. East 7272 B-1216 Buy From a Responsible Dealer OVERLAND 1915 model, 5 pass., all new tires, run only 3400 miles $600. OVERLAND 1913 model, 5 pass., electric lights and starter, perfect con dition throughout. $475. J. W, Leavitt & Co, USED CAR DEPT. COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS IN LATE MOLEL USED CARS. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR DEMAND. 2-4-5 AND 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAR COLE. R E O S, C H A L M E R S, STEARN. INCLUDING OTHER GOOD MAKES. PRICES RANGE FROM S3U0 UP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. PHONE BROADWAY' 887. A-4959. VORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 54 8 Water st.. Main 1167 Keep the Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND R K.KIM 1 DITnICI f C. B, Miners & Co. 526-528 ALDER 1614 BUICK 1914 Buick roadster. 1914 model B-36, f lec tric starter and lights, in A-l condi tion; best buy in city. MITCHELL, LEWIS' & STAVER CO., E. 1st and E. Morrison . ; East 7272, B-1216. SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK. New Ford Tires $7.75 EACH. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO., 514 ALDER ST. COLE. COLE. COLE. Late 1913 7 passenxer Cole, fine con dition, electric lighting and starting, fully equipped, 2 spare tires mounted; to he sold at a great sacrifice. Phone Broadwav 887 OREOGN VULCANIZING CO. l tie Tire Shop." 550 Washington st., at 18th. Marshall 378. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES WE will pay cash for used Ford cars. Benj, E, Boone & Co, 514 Alder St. Portland, Hlllsboro, Or. FOR SALE High grade auto six-cylinder, first-class everyway, leaving city. Phone this evening or Sunday morning. Marshall 2964; terms to re- sponsinie party. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large, stock, prices $300 to $70S. OREGON MOTOR CAR GO Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. FOR SALE Five passenger auto in fine condition; will accept camera or kodak as part puvment; terms given. Phone E-ist 7272 or P-121. WlOI'.ll N: 4ft If P Oukl:ili(t will take motorcycle or diamond first payment, balance terms. See Dan, S54 Morrison. 1914 5-pass. Overland, just overhauled. electric lights and starter. A bar pain at $600: will take $525 cash for quick Haie. H-6.riH. Journal, NEW and used Ford automoniles euld on easy terms. Bunj. E. Boone .t Co., Ford agents, 514 Alder St. Main 3966. iWritten guar antee with every spring. 2 6 N. 15th St. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repair ing. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. $7J0 MAXWELL car, second hand. good order; a good buy. Call at Lents Garage, Lents, Or. PARTS for all makes machines for less. PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325-27 Burnside yt. Marshall 323S. SEVERAL second hand automobiles; rpfll hursfllns at 1150 to 1175. at Y. M. C. A. Auto School, E. 10th and Mill. PACKARD truck, 1911t 3 ton, in good1 condition, earning $2o per day. East SNAP fur cash. r pass. Ford, O. K., for jitney. Sellwood 244b. (KOnW1 o AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 ' (Contlanod) HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 519$ AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 'HAVE you a Tight used 5 passenger car to sell? Give description and price- i-i-bt). journal. WANTED Old cars, ior their parts, condition no object. . Will pay cash. .T1U1U liDl, ONE block of lots in a Washington town for Ford runabout. N-297, Jour nal. PIANO and household furniture for delivery truck. F-9 28. Journal. FIVE pass. Studebaker, good shape. K real Snap. $250 cash. 94 E. 87th. WILL pay cash for late model Ford or other light car. East 2309. ALTOS FOR HIRE "REO THE FIFTH," f,lat rate, or $1.25 per hour; careful, experienced driver. vvooaiawn 3i6 AUTOS for hire; 5 passenger, for Sun day, $1.50 per hour. Columbia hish- FRANKLIN, all day trips, R. R. rates. camera, m . s. co. wooqiawn zok. 1915 Ford, careful driver, $1.25 per hour. Tahor 6294. FOR HIKE, reasonable. 7 pass. Hud son car. Cnreful driver. Main 5378. MOTOKCVCLES BICYCLES 55 Bicycles, Motorcycles on Easy Terms p.. 11. .Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th t, 1914 TWIN Excelsior, used about 4 months, $125. 276 Taylor cor. 4th. FLYING MERKEL, best of order and cheap for cash. Phone Tabor 667, LAUNCHES AND KOATS 64 EVINRUDK rowbojt and canoe mo tors; rowboats. canoes, motorboata. Evinrude Motor Co., MorrtsiSn and Front. WANT to trade 6 horse Gray engine. In first class condition, for a cyola engine. H-655. Journal. A 3 PL P. motorboat. C. Stuy. Mil waukle. Or. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Security Stotage Co. Closing Out. 5400 Chlckering piano, $35 cash. $4() Bradbury piano. $50 casn. $375 Chase Bros. Upright. $ cash. $325 Leland piano. $135 cash. $850 autoplano player. $2!0 cash. $1100 Steinway grand. $395 cash. TO FIRST CALLER AT 109 4th st 75c monthly stores your piano hero. T HI A V t 1 1 I I, 11 J T-.l a ,..,11 $25 Disc Talking Machine for $ 7.50 960 Disc Talking Machine fcr $ 17.50 $80 with $.tft cabinet machine, $ 46.00 $150 with $30 cabinet Machine, 103.0o Ten records Included With each. 8CHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. WANTED A good standard make baritone, with or without case. EJ 500. Journal, Vancouver. Wash. FREE Use of pino or player piano for 214 years. Sse display advertise ment or Sen wan 1'iano Co., Ill 4th st. FOR SALE High grade Hobart Cabcl piano, mahogany tinish, cost $400; will take $150, terms Wdin. 40KS. WILL trade new Harvard player piano for lot, diamonds or sell cheap. 229 ISth. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Ill 4th St. TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables Rnd chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75Ji on ait makes of typewriters. Send for ouf Illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 w asmngton st. T Y PE vT K I T ERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington iyj)ewruer co.. t Kroaaway. rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates, r. u. 00., Z6i stark, ai. 140 . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 SEWING Alacnine Em porium sells for less; no agents employed, ail makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines guar anteed and rented, $2 per month. 190 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431, A-362ii. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments, 'iables for residences. The Brunswick - Baike - Collender Co, 46-48 6th st. Phone Main 4970. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnsid, cor. 10th. Main or A-5674. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS."' 'l;pe writers" and "Household Goods'" ate separate classifications. All adver tisements oi tuese goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., uuder respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in tlwse classifications. FOR SALE Hall safe, 36x24, practi cally new. cost $125. Bell for 4. Y. M. C. A. Auto School, E. 10th and Mill sts. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different neaaings. $12.50 DROPHKAD sewing machine, w it ft attainments. oau lbi urand ave. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure, made in Oregon. $1.76 Kallon. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front. Marshall 100. CIRCULAR Letters, Mimeographs and supplies, w. e. Finger & co. m 3347. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. GRAPES for jelly at Maddock's, Mann station, oodstock car. WE buy and sell used machinery. Northwest Lend Machy. Co. 4-HORSE Grav ensrine, complete, $35. Call Woodlawn 1060. u V4 -25 BEAUTIFUL old fashioned black wal nut sideboard with marble top and large mirror. Hand carved and orna mented. Sell oheap or trade for Vic- trola, typewriter or what havt, yout taDor es i. GENUINE higji grade Baby Grand piano, imcst in city, win saennce, make easy terms, or exchange for any- ininf 1 can use. m-bis, journal WHAT have you to trade for pedigreed Rufus Red Belgians? 1600 Newell st., j'ortiand. col. 327. WILL sell or trade automatic .22 Win chester, gas heating stove, pair of pointers. 1451 E. Hoyt st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 GEVURTZ Buys furniture. Highest prices paid. GEVURTZ Sells at lowest prices. Gevurta Furniture Store, 207 1st. Phone Marshal! 5S7. W. A. COVELL wants stcon 1 nand furniture, opening new store: will pay the best price. 192 let, nr. Taylor. rnone Marshall 5947. 1, a x-i 1 ' , 11c (juvia ill & v, iiauu l ' know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. Fast 6707. N. M. Beater. 143 Russell st. J. MEYER, the tailor, pays highest price for 2d hand clothing, shoes. V-'3 call promptly. Mar 1229. 229 Madison. WANTED Lady's bicycle, best value for least. Mrs. Lewis, East 1030. weekdays. SECOND hand clothing and everything. Highest nrices. Main 2080. 2S5 1st. USED furniture and stoves bought. Main 7545. . WANTED rurnifure. Call Main 1904. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station. Marshall 5100, A-6131. September 9, 1915: 1 umbrella, 1 blow pot, 1 sample case and contents, 1 book of car tickets, 1 shawl, 2 plumes for ladles' hat, 1 straw grip, 1 pipe. 1 sack fish, 1 necklace, 2 purses, 1 school book, 2 packages, l kodak. 1 pair over alls. 1 saw vice, 1 envelope, 1 pair gloves, 1 brooch, 1 book. 1 pair shoes, 1 pacKage clothes. 1 pair tweezers, 1 spectacle case, package stove polish, 1 package pictures. 1 card cae. WILL the finder of suitcase l&st near Abernethy bridge September 3 pleas notify D. ii. Purcell, Parkplace. Or.? Reward. LOST September 7, pocketbook con taining Oswego-Portland commute bonk. Kindly notify. Mrs. O. Schau- bel. Oswego, Or. LObl JOxJ'A oversize tire casing. Finder call C-2339 and receive re- ward. LOST Black umbrella, silver handle, initials T. T. Call Marsh .5055. re ward. LOST Friday, bunch of keys, attached to lock, on Wash., 11th or Alder sis., to Studelxaker; reward. Woodlawn 13)0 LOST Saturday a. m., a black feather boa. Reward. Marshall 4595. PERSONAL '2 LOWERED vitality causes chronic dis eases; my improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health in rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, insomnia, paralysis and all chronic aliments. Dr R. A. Phillips. 505 Oregonian bldg. BERNARR Mar-FADDEN, graduate, conducts only H EALTHAToRI U M In Pacific northwest usintf famous MacFADDEN system NATUIIE-CURE. DR. Mac-MICKLK. 8U7-8 Dcikum bld. jviain sfiHS, I KB VET it HANEBU'l , leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; hajrdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combines made to order. 14 uronaway. i. 648. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu raatiem, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Tub baths, massage and electric blanket. Lady assistant. 3feb 11th st. Mar. o033 MRS-. STI2VENS, 22 years Portlands renowned paimist and clairvoyant. Author of "Palmistry Made Easy." As sisted by Dr. Etta Hume, divine healer and spiritual advisor. 375 .Taylor st. FREE instruction readings Wednesday ntvhts. Adams Astrological school reopened. 350 V Morrison, room 211-12. Ata4n 4521. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings, healings daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nlngs, 8 o'clock. 231 tith. Phone A-7116. THE FUR SHOP New order, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 60S Swetland bidg. MADAME MUNZELLA, instructor of palmistry and card readings. 422 Morrison. m(S? ltemoaeline, repairing. ui- UliSlttliH Ul M PS, 415-416-417 Dekum Bldar. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Al. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading: dally. 603 5th st. Mar. d96i. DR. O. V. KETCH CM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bid.. 4th & Wash. Rin. 441. Ml. 48.1 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4U0 Dekum. Marshall SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles. wartu, etc., destroyed torever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long, feU4 Swetland bl-1. Superfluous hair and moles removed, featurai deformities perfected. Mme. J. 8. Courtrlgnt. 4a 1 Morrison. M. 604 2. MADAME MUNZELLA, instructor of palmistry and card readings. 422 Morrison. Lawy pr-v.oiiBuiiaiion iree. Main CI 4993. 70S Selling bid. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 1.04 pavis st. Main 2393. CHIROPRACTIC doeto. Painless ad justments; ai treatments lie. 121 4th FINE needlework, 25c pVr hour; cro cheted articles. Tahor 4811. TATTING and knitting lessons; pricet reasonable. 40 V4 2d gt. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings 235 6th st. Main 7 5 4 P. MAGNETIC healer, treatments daily 170 2d, 4th floor, apt. 9. LADY barbers. Shave, loc; hair cut, 15c: face massage, 35c. 3L'n Glisan st. READINGS this week for 50c. 3S1 Yamhill. Mrs. Barber. Main 61fi3. SWAP COLUMX 22 WHY pay big price for glasses 7 1 can 111 vour eves with first ' quality lenses in a cold filled frame, as low as $1.50: lenses duplicated at a big saving; satisfaction guaran teed. Charles W. Goodman, optomet rit. ?09 Morrison. Main 2124. EASTERN graduate chiropodist, man icurist, face, scalp specialist; super fluous hair permanently removed. 204 Mavleay bldg.. 286 Washington t, Mar shall 8950. NOTICES S6 SKALED prnnoMU will he received at the office of the undersigned. 401 coiirtboime, until 4 p. m.. Thurikliijr. September HI, 1U15, fur ImproTcroeiit of groand t Hlchmnaa clool. Bid will be npeiied In room S04 courthouiie. at same tint, lpoolt of $2 la required f- plun and specification", which may be obtained at th offi.-a of P. A. Kara more, Snpt. of Pronertlea, 303 eont-thouae. Certified rheck for 10 per cent of amount of proiioaal, payabU to It. II. Tbomal, school clerk, mut accompany each propoaal. Boars' of directors reaerraa tb right to retwt any and all propcaala. K. II. THOMAS. Kated St-pt. 11. 101B. Bchool Clerk. Professional and ACCORDION PLEATING ACCORDION, KNIKE ANO ROX l'l.KATINO. PUOTINU. HKMSTI1CHING. llRAIDINU, FM HItOl DKRINU. K A 8 T K N NOVELTV MF(1 . CO.. M f.tii ST.. NP.AH OAK. K. 8TKPHKN Uenatitcbloa:. aconrdloB. alda and aunburat pleating; buttons corcrrd, gnoda aponned. Hcalloplng. 200 Plttock bk. B-I0t. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. PACIFIC A t 'TO ANh GAS KNUINB 8CUOOL, FREE TRIAL. 206 Uth and Jtffermm 6ta BANDS AlfP OKCHE8TRA8 Jhf FKRY'8 ORCHtSl RA OR RAND. Vlolku tuition atudenta resident-. Conpreas Mar. SO'! BLANK BOOK MAKERS DA V IB UOLMAN. Inc., lot) 2d st. Blank book manilTacturera' a fen t a for Joan Im proved Loos Leaf Ledcera. ! tb ur ICu reka Leaf. A-8183. Main 1H8. , BRASS AND KACHIN1 WORKS HAItl'liH 8 Brass Works. Brass caotlnits and machine wurka. loq fN . Mh at. B'dway 2S42. OAN0E R0WB0AT MOTORS THKPA BROS.. 61.1 Dekum bldg. CARPENTER SHOPS Moore Sc Haiidsloiic. Main U. H:i4' Taylor. CARPET CLEANING JOVCE It HUM.. Electric Cleaulnc Worka. cr petx cleaned and laia, rvflttlua: our special. t.T. East 440. B-lttoii. 204 E. 10th at.. N. CARPET WEAVING FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS WE MAKE F1XFF RI"(1H FROM WORN Ol T 1 Nti RAIN. AXM1NH1ER. SMYRNA, AND IIHI SSKLS CA Rl'ETH. RAU RLlJS, ALL SIZLH, MODERN HANITARV METH ODS. SPECIAL ATTENTION 10 OUT "UK TOWN OKDLRii. CITY WORK CALLED Full. .SEND FOR BOOKLET. WEHTF.UN FH'FF RL CO., &4-.18 LNION AVE.. NOUTli. 1'HHNKS. EAST MH; B-1475. NORTHWEST RUG CO., rus from old car prts, r ruK carpet cleaning;, lb8 E. bth. Woik called for. East U50O. lt-ia(). l'E.MNSl.I.All Rue Worka lUg iuk and oar pel wrayiiiK. IMS 1'atton rr. w din. '2Uj. CHIROPRACTIC PHTSICIANS I'll. MeMAHON. 121 4th st. Chronic dUeancs rquiriua; ellended time 81 trestintuls $ 1 5. DR. 11. R. DEWEY, chiropractor. Frea diag nosis. !74 K. Ankeny. l'hooe Esst 0014. COAX AND WOOD 4 Foot Slabwood Short Slabwood 1st Class Fir Cordwood $4,50 Portland Slabwood Co.. Main 81 1. A-7O01. CORD WOOD L0W JJU IIUUl BEHT UUALITT Anto delivery t all parts of city. Pbonm: Main IGOU. A lH Central Fol Co, Sec ond, near Madison, NEER & FARR and lnatd block 'woud 4 foot or sawed to order. Telrphon PnAI Main 4580. A-4547. tt05 Water it. vUAL Box Wood $1,75 Per Load. FULTON WOOD CO., 1200 MACADAM. PHONES: A-2-!t9: MAIN 7N!0. PUarnnciF- J- EVEHTX. MAIN MtlT. UnaiCOal foot of curry strhet. BEXT Fill, $4.75 cut. 60 jkw. henhfr'a Wood Co., I Hth and Vanflin, M. 4WI.MJ ; A-1M18. CONTRACTORS BTJILDERB. iS. F. MICHAEL A SON., marions. contractors and builder", day or contract; all kinds of maaon work promptly eiecutrd at rraaouabla chars;. Tl 1 oth are . S. E. Tahor M01. PERSONAL Contlnne4) Manufacturers Jotbrr "WKolcsalsr DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Complete line drr giaide. f iirnlauitii:. noll.sis. L. Dinkelspiel Co, uXkt Fleischner, Mayer &, Co, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES K M WAl'K A CO.. Xm nM Hiwlharm its. LEAD PIPE. WOOL. MACHINERY NORTHWEST LEAD & MACHINERY CO. SII9-31! Front. Main B4flt. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS RAHMl SSF.N A CO.. "High standard" palnL N. E. Cr. 2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A-6NH, INFORMATION COUPON If you want ths nam of a reliable) bttslness house denllnp In uny lln of morchandlBe, or Information refarCtng resorts, hoteU. nillromls, atcarn. ehlp lines, etc.. address Oregon JoumiN Information Bureau. Information desired: Name. Address. Copyright. 1915, by H. C. her. 20 KOrtCK Off MEETING! VT COUNTY BOaBat OF EQUALIZATION. Rotiea la bercb gtren that on Monday, Beptembet 13, 1915, the Board of Bquatlsa' tton of Multnomah County will attend at tbe office of tbe county aateaaor. at tu court bona In Portlaud, and publicly era mine the aesment m:ia for the year 1015, and eor reat all rrora la valuation, daw-rlptloa or qualities of lands, lota or other property, aa MMed by the county aiseor. Aun it ahull 1 tU duty of persona interested to appear t the time aud place appointed. If It aliall appear t such board of Huallsatlou thai there ar any lands or lots or other proparty aaaeaatd twice, or Incorrectly assessed as M description or quantity and In th nam of pran or porsoua not th owner thereof, ot asaad under or beyond the actual full cast fain thareof, said board may wak proper oorrrctloo of tbe aauie. If lt'shall appear to such board that any luud, lota or other proprrty asaeasable by tli asseaior are not assessed, lucu board shall aaaas Ui saa st th full cash valu thereof. I 11KMIY E. REED, ' Cuunty Aaaosaor. Portland, Or. Aug. 10, IBIS, TIIR partnerahlii of Uavln A Clark (enulneera) has b-en dlaaolred. Huslnetm Koiim on as iiniihI under the name of J. A. Da v I h. u.40 Kaat Morrlmm. Business Directory DETECTIVE A0EN0IE8 1'nclflc Stnlea Secret Serle Alieoey. Cliaa. F. Parker, mgr. tu and Taylor. M. 'HlB. A-4ttMllt EVERYTHINO ELECTRICAL f TUBUS' F.lrrirn-al to., f.ib and ring ai. EYE. EAR. KOBE. THUQ AT. LUNOB Spciallat. Moderate infers. OIuhsp fltiod. Dr F. V. Caawlay. BIT IHaaHim blda... 8d and Wsahj EDUCATIONAL DAN CINQ RINiil.EU'S Ootlllloii Hall and Danclnc Acad amy. Fall term nou onii. Latest atandard dancm, th "Montrose" and Blnalcr's Kchof. tlarh, on atap and fox trot . I' lass and prl rat Instruction. klaln li;iw. N. Uth, oft Waliliigtin. HEATH'S HcImkiI. leanoua dally, rlaaa Friday a ite.. Auditorium hall, 2)H 3d at., i rkr. DnnflMg guaratitard. Mln HM22. uaar th y tor . I'nnflMg n MUSIC SCHOOLS ANDJTEACHERt, . R. W. llktCaTlMUber of MU'ic. l'liou Mala fc.Vta, in cara ot Kelbrllng Local Music Co.. 125 41h at. E. TH1ELHORN. Tlolli, lescliui. pupil Scvclk. 20Tflldnrr hlilg. A-4IHO. Mar. hull 1H2H. I'RoF. T. E. LAWNOV piano laaauua at your oomc. i'jirn ,flior wm). L(t; 18 A. CRE1TK 'lBHeher'uf lollH. 57T Hhi inn.iruer Flral. Marvhall 2lhK. VIOLIN and niauilollii le-oii; results urau twd; modem nntliod. WHidlw SIS. MAE V. lilt! MltrTsO 1Vacir of I'lanu, phone) B-a:tfi. n-n i:. :iiiu st. noc s hour. INSURANCE I'ACIFIC STATES Fl HE I NUT II A NCK CO only Oregon f lr Insurance company. MATTRESSES HYOIKNIC MATTRL.SH CO.. old matlnraee nimlv Uvw llh our Hygienic pi-ucvaa. KM 4 Russell, corner Liilpn. Eiiat I("J4 ORIENTAL OOODB ORIENTAL IMI'ORflNO t'O.. 442 WashluRtiNt. I'honc A-:ts.2. Kfuwnioa snd t'urlos. PAVINO COMPANIES THE llAlillEK AHiMl Al.i" I 'A V INO CO., I'ort laml olilie it2:i fl.erK k t)!! ROOF PAINT W E manufacture laiperiiil U ' nd-T I'alnt and make a speclultj f teliiiiK nnd painting riaifs. We gusrantce. s to o yesrs. Jm kaoa m Hill. Tiitx.r 447. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO eteucile, liiule 'bucks, blase aiKue, PACIFIC VOAfC STA All WORKS 2i!l Wsalilnglon si. Main 711), A-2710. SAFETY RAZOR HONINO . t: i'om atic keen ei;e co,, ihh 4th. BHEEt METAL WORKS REl'AlUI.Ntj tin ami rael r.uda. Jucob Loali. Miu 1st at. l'lione Main 1424. TOWELL SUPPLni. WILLIAMS Towel Supply. E. Xlb and Clay el. rhuiisEaat Jul; ilome B 222. TRANSFER ANO STOHAflE Oregon Transfer Co. Eatal)lbl,ed ll7) Trnnsfer and forwaidina sa;pnls. Storake. 1 raa Trackage Office ami !4lorni:e 471 OIIhnii St, nh and flu-aii. Main u, A-IIrtn, ALWAYS iUK Tim lllleJT" IIOLhrUloLU GOODS SI'Ei I A I.1M IX Kiomip. racking. Shipping and Moving. or Auto Vans. Special f r .-1 r I . t ratea to jiI points. C. O. PICK T!IA,KHi;R ft S'l'OHAOE H)H 1 and I'll'" "s. nrondway null, A-lllOH. BAijOACK TUA SERVICE CO.. 32a) PINE ST. MAIN lfll. A liry.V WALL PAPER m KloROAN WALL I'Al'I.R CO. 2U 2d at.,' near Snlntoti. WHEN you nnswei- these Want Ada mention The Juurnal. PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pil'K CO. Factory and' offlii- near II4II. ami York ls. Main 84"" PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M, L, KLINE FRONT STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, , . i s aaj i bii af BAKITAKY RAOfl L Shank Co. PHONE MAIN 1009, w"iiEN you inawu These-Want-Ads, maulluO The Journal. BY "BUD" FISHER W'tdHVy' NOTICKS 4 Con tinned)