14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1915. S TUATIOXH rEMALE 1 , i Continued ) CHRISTIAN young woman wtshe , $25 7 room modern house, 2 flre . work by day or hour; busy mothers' i places, Hbrdwood floors, sleeping genera helper preferred. H-664, Jour- rial- . LADY with small boy wishes care of' another: good care, rood horns, rea- onable. Address 1567 E. 13th st. Take Well wood csr. LADY with 'i children wants place as housekeeper; appreciate good home Wore than wages. C-399, Journal, SCHOOL girl wants work for room . vnd board. 1729 Clarendon st.. near St. Johns. i OOOU home, room, bourd, small wages. W-61B. Journal. - LACK curtains washed and stretched. 40c pair. rhonHfrilwood ?)3. COMPETENT stenographer desires hour or piece work. Main 27. IU It 15 KKS NI SUPPLIES 69 UAJlHlilt wanted; - 36 N. 2d t wages guaranteed. DKKSSMAKING 40 DRE8H.M AKINU. experienced fitter, and designer, evening gown ap- ciality, alterations, remodeling; will copy any sketches; formerly with White I louse, Kan Francisco. B-231U. 471 K Hurnslrte. 14 VEAR6 experience designing; work quickly and nently done; no patterns required. 3 per day. East 183 7. ALTERATIONS, stylish dresses, or general Hewing at home or by day, $2.5'). Woodlawn 1901. WANTED Irensii,aklnK Mrs. Vorntnll. Tabor b v the day. xiritSEs CHILD'S Nurse llurcau. Experienced nurses, 20 els., hourly. Woodlawn 8562. TRAINED nurse wi.(itM case h t once, 12 yours' experience. Main .1S78. FURNISH Kl ROOMS ROOM recister liHtuitf several hundred In all parta of the city at Y. M. C. A.: i 1q those In the association fireproof , Duuuing. wun snower ohiiih, swimming pool. gymnasium, library. reading . "L7,"' u"1 rooms, at II. ho to 12.76 per week dou- .nlL15A0Q: ble, with individual beds, or $2.50 tol$14--4 clean, furnished rooms. 4.50 per week Mingle. I HOTEL MUSTOU 12th and Stars. The best rooms in the city for the price asked. Rooms with private batn 13.50 week up; without. $2.00 up. All 9 KA w -. . Lr in,- wlthnnt modern. Hunl news district. TEACHERS. Rest rooms In Portland f"r fh price. Olll and see them, " lllh st. Cur dovlH hotel. Main 'H12, A-IT:. Madras Hotels: SrXZ'A rooms, jz.so up. ny day v day iiOc, ioc, Ington sts. $i; 12th HTid Wnsli , Nicely furnished A D RHTT 0dy ' : 2Z8U Wash. st. nDDU I I n..-l0 l on. i . moV;Eiruir:-cirr-warmr modern I fur. rooms, central. The King 30!) Jef BOOM8 and apartments hotel. $2Jn wi'clt and up. modern ,5 Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS PSIVATE FAMILY LARGE front room, modern, iiiilabla i for a gentlemai or a married couple that work out; will give I r,-,i k T.i .-. t If preferred; Pacific st.. mar Sandy i blvd fl TO $1 r0 week; clean furnished rooms, electric HkMs, hath, walking distance 75:i Helmont st, ROOM, with or without sleeping porch. ; fine location, east side; I etusouahlu ' rstes. Tabor 19 41;. j TWO neat ground floor front room. clown in, phone, bath; 2 or 3 gentle- rneii, employetl. 1 N 1 1 1 j VKLL furnished ;rge ultlc room, cen- i tral: J7 month. 404 i lav. near 10th.' 827 SIXTH Largo modern residence. desirable ooms, MhimIiuII 784. WIDELY furnished rooms light and hath. 269 Forgo St.. 6 a month. P,PPAts. -A-x-"- Ul) 1 5 i PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3S Montgomery St., at West Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rates for regular and transient guests. CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson st. Hoard and room for young men, very rea sonable. ROOMS AND HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY Hoarders wanted; best home cookln. furnished rooms 4 7 Main st. VANTEI JrtKlM AND HOA1U) 39 ",Vv.'.'".r.u'l T 1 7"" TTT" ; WANTED Room and oard with. mother s care for school boy. , years, i Parents have business and are a way djirtng day V - 21. Journal. ; IHUSKKEEPINU itt)OMS H ONE room with kitchenette, iumple(t ly furnished, nteani heat, running hot and cold water, phono in every room: 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 2'jl Columbia St., corner 5th st. 1 TO $2.50 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, tree neat, laundry, bath Phono East 6 03 9 203 Stanton, U car. Fresh airy mis Free light. Gem Apts. CAiYiUrtlDUK bldg . fur. H. K. rooms. central, cheiii). 16SA 3d. cur. Mor'n. Fl RNISHED H. K. rooms, hot water. Cheap rent. 410 Morrison st. TWO housekeeping rooms $lc month. Hotel Bristol, llqh and Star! FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. heat, bath, laundry. 1 0'J N. ISth. 176 12T1 1 Modern 11. K. rooms. Piano. HOUSEKEEPING ItOOMS 73 . PKiyATE FAMILY BPENDhT iVrg'et'ront"' roomsr'sliitable for small family or single men, two .blocks to postofrice; 11 Go, $2 $3 anil 14 a week; rates by month. ?.:i 5th it., opposite courthouse. MEAT, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, single or in suite; heat, light, bath and use of phone. $8 to Jig 71 B. 11th st. N. TWO furnished light housekeeping; good locality, $3 week Includes light, bath, hot and cold water, block south Hawthorne 82K, East 3nth. N1CEL.V furnished houkevpiug suite. also furnished room, all conven- lencea, reasonable. Flanders st. Main 483. 700 ONE and two nicely furnished house keeping rooms, hot and cold wuter. . close in. very reasonable. :t)3 10th st S NEAT connecting rooms near Broad way bridge. 1 1 0 . 38 0E. lst N . TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms. I month. 631 Thurman st. J, 8 and 3 large modern H. K. rooms, first floor. 429 Main. 861 TAVLOR-Clone In. rooms. housekeeping iflVE room cottage. Telephone Wood- "wn 480- l0 Neat housekeeping rms. 188 14th. t " ' 1 11 i ' i T , . i ."--1 ' ,, - FOlt HEM liOLSKS SIX room modern houne, as nice, aa ,, new, on corner Of Hawthorne and - . Glenn ave. 182 Hawthorne ave. "' FOR KENT 7 room house ,16. in cluding water. 45th and E. Main st. - , Phone Tabor 4404. 6 ROOM cottag Inside newly over--'i i hauled, laigtt porchea. 984 1st St.; , ' garage room. Marshall 4431. c MODERN reMlilenue, Nob Hill, lense to '.. . . responsible party, walking distance, '' Ideal location. O-tiSV. Journal. i,: NEW modern 7 room house, yard, $15. - 648 'Kerby, cor. Monroe. $18 NEW ti room bungalow; furnace. rirrpiace. boo r r ranKiin. 6, ROOM cottage. g 7v R lUth. 811. W- ood condition. 544 W car. Mar. 4317. . MODERN 8 room, newly tinted. Clay. in. fjast astift. :' MODERN bungalow (or rent. Call Ta- ; : bor 1222. i, & ROOM house. 1141 Milwaukie at " '-for, gilll", a per montiu water paid . i 6 ROOM bouse and basement, $15"; jr clowo in. 445 South Broadway. FOR RENT One house and barn, V block of land. Tabor Ml. 8 ROOMS, bath, good i neighborhood, i - clos in, $12.50. East 3411. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 1 ( Continued) - i porcn, uutcn kitcnen. laundry, gas. I electricity, all modern conveniences; ftmoreland. near Keed college. Main i ' . . ; LARGE 9 room bouse, hardwpod floors fine garden, good garage, close In, west side. 7 block from Hotel Port land. Rent $50 to responsible tenant. Phone Main 379. FINK 8 room thoroughly modern house In new Couch school district; rent 130. Inaulre 581 Marshall St.. or I phone Main or A-2474. TWO modern 6 room houses, 344, 346 E. 17th N.. near Broadway; fireless cookers, sleeping porch. Inquire 647 Weldler. 5 ROOM - modern bungalow, 1 block from Williams car. 5 blocks t. Jef ferson Hleh cehool. 9C6 Vancouver ave. $14. MODERN 7 room house, fireplace, beautiful view, Willamette blvd.. near Ainsworth, reasonable. Woodlawn 2194. I TWO modern cottages cheap by owner. Main 6976. A-43S1. ROOM modern house. 973 E. Stark. Phone Kant 5060 after 6 p. rru FLXIN'ITURE FOR 8ALE HOUSES FOR REXT 32 Al'rf of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent .SNAP for anyone starting housekeep ing; furnishings of flat, cheap rent, walking distance. 301 E. llthst. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR RENT Sellwood district, nlcelv furnished fi room house, hot and cold water, bath, large lawn, nonie garden, water free, ready for housekeeping, $13 per month. For key call at -10 Alder. 5 Ktio.M furnished bungalow, modern In every detail, sleeping porch, fire place and verv large back porch. 379 t r.. it'll II rv- ii' si i""i. ., . t- i..,.. , H-,t0 r 7, 1H.ar Washington high. , ........i ,..,,iL.hH ;ss E. 2 beds. 245 L. Also 6 gas. bath, separate entrance. 71 h. near Main. Tabor 17i. 100m modern cottage ti ROOM furnished house reasonable; fruit trees, lawn, 4 blocks from Rose f'itv i ar. Phone East 362. '5 ROOM bungalow, furnished. E. 71st I and Alder, no children. Phone Ta- I tior 1 !2S. ' FI ' RM SI i EJ house for rent at 1041 I Vernon ave Apply at 1U66 E. lCth ! st. N , on Alberta carline. : r I KMMI El 4 luom cottage. 834 "ion Inn it ae. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHER AND UNFURNISHED VII.f.A ST. ChAKA, 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. Reiciemes. THE EMERSON. New modern brick. '-. 3 and 4 room apts., from 115 to lot). Including heat, hot water and Janitor services. Phone Woodlawn 3200. or 3173. The Parkhurst 20TH and N'orthrup 3 and 4 room fur.. all outside aptH.f TilE DRICKSTON API'S., 448 1 1th. strictly mod. 2-3 rm. fur unturn... day, w k., mo., walking dis. nr. Park. Mar. 56. THE IRIS APTS 3d and Mill sts. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts., fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge for c o o k I n g gas. JULIETTE Al''lrS.2d and Montgom ery. Pvt. bath, tel., heat, hot water; free gas for coolMng; at end of 12 months 1 month's rent free. $12 up. Denver Apartments 21st and Overton, 2 and 3 nnd unfur. apts., 1 block "W room fur. 1 car. UROADWAY Central apts., strictly mod. 2. 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk ing distance; everything new, $18 up. Also single rooms, hot. cold wat :r. ', THE DORMER Neatly furnished : rooms, $1.2i and up, steam heat, free phone, bath. 263 13th St., cor. Jeffer I son. 1 THE CODY cor. E. 7th and Taylor I sts.. has been remodeled with private nntns, new furniture and carpets: 2 and 3 rooms: light and phone free. THE SHEFFIELD 270 liroadway S. 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy wa,klnK d)f;tance at very reasonable , ent ; ,,est or ervlce. Main 25ori. THE DEZENDt.RF. 208 1KTH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room lurn. and unl'urn. apts.; fJso 3 nnd 4 room turn, apartments. THE LEONCE. ISO N. 22d St.. near Johnson; modern, well furnished, i, 3 and 4 room opts., $lti u p . ROSEN FEED (bncK), 14 th E. Stark. Modern 3 or 4 rooms, all outside, prl vate phones, janitor service, reasonable. WINSTON. 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, modern brick; special rates $15 nnd up. 14th and Market. Main 1739. THE WOOM ANSEE Furnished apartments, $10 to $20. Cor. ISth and tilisan. Private bath. PENINSULA APTS'., C-1170, concrete bidcr. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat, $12 up. DOWN town, modern apts., 15 month I ..." 350 u, Morrison up. including heat, light, etc Royal ' . ' : THREE room apartments, all outside rooms, private Dam, pacific phone. I $15 up. Tnhor H065. H-1035. . EVELYN apartments, 2ti7 n! 2 1st. 3 room furnished apartments, modern .conveniences. Mar. 1323. GRAY up. Cables mod., 1 and 2 rooms, 114 Close In. 29 lotn. BI CK HARTFORD 107 N. 21st.. mod. 3, 4 run, fur.; unfur. apts. Res. rent. THE MORTON King and Washing ton. 3-4 rm. suites, close In, 15 up. Ll'XOH APTS 4 room apts. 324 13th st.; 2. 3 and also single rooms. COl.LEOE Light 3d and College. close in, porches. Marshall 5565. AMERICAN and Marlborough mod. 4,5 6 rm. apt. Mar. 3360. M. 751fi. A-27 SINCE MUTT GOT JEFF TO JOIN THE FRENCH ARMY, THINGS I M-t-tnt. - f ! rvw.fe) OH Pr,fcueCP T-TT CAP, Youwft S Y C ) ( wswu TM6N.S APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Coatlnoad) BRAND NEW. TUDOR MIS MT8. Cor. 18th and Couch Sta. One block off Wash. L, Just com pleted, ready for occupancy, modern a etory, fireproof brick building of claaa and refinement, with 53 2, 3 and 4 room outside unfurnished apts; large light rooms, well ventilated, hardwood floors, tile bath rooms, shower baths, electric ranges, Hoosier kit'.hen cabi nets, balconies, private phenes, auto matic elevator, vacuum cleaning serv ice, laundry room, steam dryers and an excellent heating system. For reser vations apply on premises. References required. PRTCE3 MODERATE. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS desiring modern steam-heated 2 and 3 room furnished apts.. with excellent service, at reasonable rates, within 10 minutes' walk of the Shattuck, new and old Lincoln high, Ladd and Portland academy schools, call at the DRICKS TON APTS., 448 11th. Marshall 56. THE WASHINGTON. 68 Northrup st. near 21st. 5 room unfurnishel apartment, with all modern conveni ences, including free gas, electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 437. A-1133. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. '22D AND GLISAN. Lareest. most homelike, high class apts in city, furnished and unfurnished. bleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3249. THE Luzene apts., 3rd and Hall; mod ern brick. 2 rooms furnished; under new management; newly tinted and vurnished; prices very reasonable; call and look them over. Mar. 4637. CINCINNATI Court, rm. mod. fur. apts. 401 10th. 2. 3. 4 sing, unfur. rms FOR RENT FLATS 13 EXTRA fine and beautifully located 6 room flat, reduced rent, walking distance. Phone East 2417. NEW. large, strictly modern rooms, disappearing beds, sleeping porch Woodlawn 167. WEST SIDE, 125, modern 8 room flaw 208 & I4th St.. near Taylor. E. 23ol. MODERN 5 room flat on car line, $10. Tabor 3118. MODERN 3 room flats, very reason able. Woodlawn 1953. FURNISHED FLATS 50 ROOM flat, newly furnished, good location. 15 minutes" walk from busi ness tenter; will rent reasonable. t.o Marshall st. LIGHT, airv 5 room lower flat, com pletely furnished. Irvington, walking distance. Marshall 4782. 424 Tilla mook. $25 I'Lbirable 5 room flat, sleeping porch piano, library, furnace, fire place, large vard, walking distance. 454 Hall st. Phone Marshall 261. STORES AND OFFICES 11 DANCE hall and store for rent at Bell station. Address R. N. Jensen, R. F. D 162-C. Mllwaukle, Or. APARTMENT or' shop in exchange for kalsomining and painting. 266 Grand ave. N. C-2803. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 FOR RENT Duck shooting Apply 107 N. 3d st reserve. WANTED TO KENT FOUR or five room, clean, modern cottage, within 5 minutes' walk of 28th and Ankeny sts. Tabor 6143. HORSES VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FINE span of mares, weight 3000, G and 8 years old. Also 10 head of horses, weight from 1100 to 1500, to b; sold. Cheap for cash. Also some wagons and harness. Nobby Stables, 1 2th and Flanders. BUY your Implements, vehicles, wire fencing and general farm supplies where you get the most for your dollar. Some second hand goods. P. E. FSRENSHADE. 214 Front st CALOARD HORSES, MARES. All young and sound and well broke, 1100. 1400 lbs.. Madison Stables, 186 v, Madison St., on upproach Hawthorne bridge, west side. WANTED Horse or mare; must be gentle and perfectly sound, weight 1400; terms, or will give good security. Call 1101 E. Simpson. ONE pair of mares, 6 and 7 years old, with good double harness and wagon; also saddle pony; will sell at a bargain. 1987 E. Stark GENTLE, 7-year-old horse and deliv ery wagon; horse can be used for buggv. Woodlawn 1953, or C-2646. DEAD horses and animals hau.ed away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Pandering Co HORSE for sale. S years old. 1300 lbs.. good driver or delivery. Tamlesle fc Co.. 5SS Williams. DEAD horses and cattle taken. Call Tabor 4203. WANTED to buy ahorse. Tabor 5286. LIVESTOCK 35 BLACK Jersey and Holsteln cow, 6 years old, extra rich milker. Will make good price if taken at once. 936 N. Jersey. St. Johns, Or. WANT 50 to 100 shoats, hogs, feeders; must be bargain. H. Grebe. T;ard Or. 6 FIRST CLASS dairv cows, 2 Jerseys, 3 Durham. B. Kilkenny, 1850 Davis st.. near Willis blvd. FRESH youngr heifer. Durham, price 160. part Jersey and 522 E. 31st N. POULTRY AND -PIGEONS 87 WHITE Leghorn and Rhode Island Red pullets and hens for sale. Ta bor 3926. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 FINE canary singers for sale. 8547. Main AUTOMOBILES - ACCESSORIES 44 FIVE pass. Studebaker. good shape. A real snap, 250 cash. 94 E. 37th. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 (Coatlaned) Used Auto Snaps, TERMS GIVEN. CADILLAC, 6 pass., electric starter and lights, good tires, one new extra. CHANDLER, 6-pass., electric starter and lights; snap. STODDARD, 5-pass.. 40 H. P., A-l con dltio.n. MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyl., A-l condi tion. MITCHELL, 7-pass -cyl., nearly new; take your old car as part pay ment. See us for light delivery cars. Several others to select from. MitchelLfLewis & Staver Co. East 1st and East Morrison Sts. East 7272 B-1216 CHALMERS STEARNS-KNIGHT OLDSMOBILE SCHACHT MAXWELL i WINTONS PRICES RANGING $300 UP FROM COME IN TODAY THE CAR YOU WANT MAY BE GONE TOMORROW LIBERAL TERMS The Winton Co. 23d AND WASHINGTON STS. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS IN LATE MODEL USED CARS. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR DEMAND. 2-4-5 AND 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAR COLE, R E O 8, CHALMERS, STEARN, INCLUDING OTHER GOOD MAKES. PRICES RANGE FROM 300 UP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH. PHONE BROADWAY 887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 64 8 Water st.. Main 1167 Keep the Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING C. B. Miners & Co. 526-528 ALDER. FORDS. FORDS. FoRDS. FORDS. 1914 Ford roadster, fully equipped, finest condition, 295. 1913 Ford, 6. pass., fully equipped. Presto tank, Master vibrator and speedometer, $295. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. 1914 BUICK 1914 Buick roadster, 1914 model B-36, elec tric starter and lights, in A-l condi tion; best buy in city. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO., E. 1st and E. Morrison. East 7271', B-1216. CU,U1?- ,, , COLE. COLE. Eate 1913 7 passenger Cole, fine con dition, electric lighting and Btarting, fully equipped, 2 spare tires mounted; to be sold at a great sacrifice. Phone Broadway 887 A SNAP. Four cylinder light roadster. Bosh magneto, Stromberg carburetor, elec tric lights and starter, in first class running order, $225 cash. 123 Lowns dalest. Main 1161. lOREOGN VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington at., at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING, rrade new tires for old ones. TIRES WE will pay cash for used Ford cara. Benj, E. Boone & Co. 514 Alder St. Portland, Or. Hlllsboro, Or. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices 300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. 6 PASS. Ford, cheap; 1 Winton Six; 1 6 passenger Mitchell; 1 5 passenger Regal; all in good running condition; terms. Apply 50a Alder. Phone Main 7386. FOR SALE Five passenger auto in fine condition; will accept camera or kodak as part payment; terms given. Phone East 7272 or B-1216. LATE 1914 model, 5 passenger Max well, In first class condition, at bar gain price. Phone C. L. Craighead. Marshall 4022, A-5033. BARGAIN 40 H. P. Oakland roadster, will take motorcycle or diamond first payment, balance terms. See Dan. 354 Morrison. 1914 5-pass. Overiand, just overhauled. electric lights and starter. A bar gain at 1600: will take 1525 cash for quick sale. H-666, Journal. NEW and used Ford automomles sold on easy terms. Benj. E. Boone .4 Co.. Ford agents, 514 Alder st. Main 8966. (Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. ir.t SLIGHTLY used tti es, largest fctock in Portland. 13 to $15. Fine repair ing. Tire 8upply Co.. 207 Madison. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5198 1913 American Scout roadster, rebuilt, fine condition. C-2542. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 HAVE you a light used 5 passenger car to sell? Give description and nrice. H-664. Journal. WANTED Old cars, ior their parts, conditron no object. Will pay cash. Main 1111. ONE block of lots in a Washington town for Ford runabout. N-297, Jour nal; PIANO and household furniture for delivery truck. F-928. Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE "REO THE FIFTH" flat rate, or $1.15 Per hour; careful, experienced driver. Woodlawn 3566. AUTO8 for hire; 6 passenger, for Sun day, 11.50 per hour. Columbia hlgh- way. fhone Tabor 831. FRANKLIN, all day trips. R- R- rates, camera. M. S. Co. Woodlawn 2599. FOR HIRE, reasonable. 7 pass. Hud son car. Careful driver. Main 6878. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 55 HAVE a new rowboat motor to trade for motorcycle or as payment on one, v-izi, journal Bicycles, Motorcycles on Easy Terms R. H. Blocker, 276 Taylor, cor. 4th St. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 84 EVINRUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowboats. canoes, motoiboats. Evinrude Motor Co.. Morrison and Front. V-BOTTOM launch, 22 Vi by 5 feet, 12 horse engine, $150. Call Woodlawn 1060. WANT to trade 6 horse Gray engine. in first class condition, for a 1 cycle engine. H-655. Journal. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Security Storage Co. Closing Out. $400 Chlckerlng piano. $35 cash. $400 Bradbury piano. $50 cash. $375 Chase Bros. Upright. 150 cash. $325 Leland piano. $13a cash. $850 autopiano player. $290 cash. $1100 Steinway grand. $595 cash. TO FIRST CALLER AT 109 4th st 75c monthly stores vour piano here. TODAY $1 upwards viU secure 125 Disc Talking Machine for I 7.60 $50 Disc Talking Machine for I 17.50 l0 with 130 cabinet machine. I 46.00 lo0 with 130 cabinet Machine. U03.00 Ten records Included with each. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. WANTED good standard make baritone, with or without rase. EJ 60o. Journal, Vancouver, Wash. FREE Use of piano or player piano for 214 years. See display advertise ment or Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St. $125 buys a $25o upright high grade piano, practically new. 308 6th st. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Ill 4th st. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FOR SALE -pretty beds; 2029. Oak rockers and two all like new. Tabor TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona'' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co., 3d and Alder sts. WE. save you from.Cu lo 75 on ail makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, i months for Ji and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway. NEW, rebuilt, iia hand, rentals, cut rates. V. D. C. Co., 231 Stam. M. 1407. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEWING Macnine Em porium sella for less; no agents employed, all makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines euar- aii.ued o...d rented, $2 per month. 190 3d. near Taylor. Main 9431, A-3624. BILLIARDS New and second ha.nd carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick - Balke - Collender Co., 46-4$ 5th st. Phone Main 4970. Electric Motors Bou&ht, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Burnsids, cor. lOtn. Main or A-5674. "M LS1CAL 1NSTRU JUEN TS, i ;'pe wrlters" and "Household Goodb" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under tiieir respective classifications. Look them over. 16 SLIGHTLY used sewing machines; Singer, New Home, White", Standard autl other makes, at greatly reduced prices; $5 up. Rents, $2 per month. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. East B-3307. Near Belmont. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. DIAMOND bouse paints, strictly pure, made in Oregon, $1.75 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 2 30 Front. Marshall 100. 853 EAST 13th 6t.. N., woodsaw for sale. 1140; CIRCULAR Letters, Mimeographs and supplies. W. E. Flnzer fc Co. M. 3347. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. GRAPES for jelly at Maddock's, Mann station, Woodstock car. WE buy and sell used machinery. Northwest Lead Mschy. Co. 4-HORSE Grav engine, complete, $35. Call Woodlawn 1060. SWAP COLUMN 25 BEAUTIFUL old fashioned black wal nut sideboard with marble top and large mirror. Hand carved and orna mented. Sell cheap or trade for Vic trola, typewriter or what have you? Tabor 5316. GENUINE high grade Baby Grand piano, finest in city, will sacrifice, make easy terms or exchange for any thing I can use. H-668, Journal. VIOLINIST Sacrifice $300 violin for 1125 or trade for diamond; no fake; very old, wonderful tone instrument: rare bargain, ijee it. 241 1st., room 5. TO TRADE Grand piano for small auto. Ford preferred. F. Turner, R. 1. Rox 30. Hillsboro. WILL sell or trade automatic .22 Win chester, gas heating stove, pair of pointers. 1451 E. Hoyt st. ARE SOMEWHAT FATIGUING WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S QEVURTZ Buys furniture. Highest prices paid. xGEVUItTZ Sells at lowest prices. Gevurtx Furniture Store, 207 1st. Phone Marshall B8T. W. A. COVELL wants second hand furniture, opening new store: will pay the best price. 192 1st. nr. Taylor. Phone Marshall 6947. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell St. J. MEYER the tailor, pays highest price for 2d hand clothing, shoes. V' can promptly. Mar, izza. zza aiaoison. WANTED Phonograph and records. Also cameras; tools, merchandise, etc. 128 1st. Main 4495. WANTED Lady's bicycle, best value for least. Mrs. Lewis. East 1030. weekdays. SECOND hand clothing and everything. Highest prices. Main 5080. 285 1st. USED furniture and stoves bought. Main 7545. WANTE furniture. Call Main 1904. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Tower company, and owneis thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station, Marshall 5100. A-613-1: Sept. 8 6 packages, 2 gloves (sin gle). 8 umbrellus. 1 jug, 2 bunches of keys, 1 glass cutter, 1 Rebekah pin, 1 necklace, , 1 beauty pin, 1 lantern, 1 pair of shoes. 1 painter's outfit, 2 oil cans. 1 basket. 1 roll of music. 1 book. 1 stove leg. 1 pur.se. 1 box silverware, 1 bundle books, 1 can of oil. LOST Leather suitcase, between Van couver ferry and Killingsworth ave. containing child's clothing. Finder please return to 1137 Williams ave. Re ward. Call Woodlawn 1706. LOST Persian cat, golden brown, Monday, from cor. E. 2tith and Burn side; answers to name "Priscilla." Lib eral reward. No questions asked. East 26S6. LOST Between Salmon and Belmont, on 32d. or between 32(1 and Sath. on Belmont, one motorcycle air cushion. Return 967 E. Salmon, Or 1038 Bel mont. Reward. 810 REWARD for name of express man who got two trunks from North Bank depot last Friday, and kept thein. Telephone Fust lRf.4 LOST Somewhere on the road to Jit. Hood Monday night. Labor day. roll of blankets and Navajo rugs. Reward. Main 8534. G. E. W., 90 11th st. WILL the finder of suitcase lost near Abernethv bridge September 3 please notify D. H. Purcell, Parkplace. Or.? Reward. LOST Rose City Park. Airedale dog, male, vicinity 54th and Alameda. Marshall 5878. Reward LOST 30x3 oversize tire casing. Finder call C-2339 and receive re ward. PERSONAL 2.2. LOWERED vitality causes chronic dis eases, my Improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health In rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, insomnia, paralysis and all chronic ailments. Dr. R. A. Phillips, 605 Oregonian bldg. BERNARR MacFADDEN, graduate, conducts only HEALTH A TOR I I'M in Pacific northwest using famous MacFADDEN system NATURE-CURE. DR. Mac.MlCK.U3. 807-8 Dekurn bldg. Main 3598. EBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings made to order. 147 Broadway. M. 646. LOUISE NETZ.EL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Tub baths, massage and electric blankets. Lady assistant. 256 llth st. Mar. 5033 MRS. STEVENS, 32 years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant. Author of "Palmistry Made Easy." As sisted by Dr. Etta Hume, divine heaL'r and spiritual advisor. 375 Taylor st. EASTERN graduate chiropodist., man icurist, face, scalp specialist; super fluous hair permanently removed. 204 Macleay bldg., 2b6 Washington st. Mar shall 3950. SPIRITUALISM Meuium, Rev. Vir- finia Rowe. Readings, healings ly; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th. Phone A-7116. FREE instruction readings Wednesday nights. Adams Astrological school reopened. 350 Morrison, room 211-12. Main 4521. THE FUR SHOP New order, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 605 Swetland bid g. MADAME Ml'NZB'.LLA, Instructor of palmistry and card readings. 422 Morrison. Remodeling, repairing, up upstairs prices. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles. Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading dally. 603 5th st. Mar. 3960. DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bid.. 4th K Wash. Rm. 441. Ml. 483 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last, sanitary Beauty irlors, 400- Dekum. Marshall 170j. Pa SUPERFLUOUS hair, moies. warts, etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 504 Swetiand bl l Superfluous hair and moles renkoveu, leatural deformities perfected. Mrne. J. S. Courtrlght. 451 Morrison. M. 604z. Lavyy pi- v,onuiiaiioii iree. Alain CI 4993. 708 Selling bide. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 6o4 Davis st. Main 2393. READINGS this week for 50c 3 ill Yamnui. Mrs. Uarher, Main 5163 CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad Justments; 31 treatments 115. 121 4th MAGNETIC healer, treatments daily. 170, 2d. 4th floor, apt. 9. FINE needlework, 25c per hour; cro cheted articles. Tabor 4811. TATTING and knitting lessons; prices reasonable. 49 y 2d st. LiESSONS In phrenology and card readings. 235 6th L Main 7548. 23 (Cob tinned) WHY pay ble prices for glasses 7 l can fit your eyes with first duality lenses Id & mlii filled frame, low as 11.50: lenses rlnnllcn t.a at a big saving; satisfaction guaran teed. Charles w. Goodman, optomet rist. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. NOTICE9 26 SEALED bld will be if eel Ted by the txmrd of niity commissioner, room 200 eourt house. Portland. Or., until 10 a. m., rna.v. September 17. 1913. for 1830 feet IV, loch diameter 6-12 galraniced Iron cble. to b !- liTcred 10 frry W. 8. Mason. No propooala will be considered Dole's so- eompn aled by a rbeck payable to the board ot count; couimlssloners of Multnomah rountr. certified by a resoouslble bank, fur an amount equal to 10 jier cent of tbe aggregate pro- I P"1. Tbe right la expressly reset-red to reject any and all bid. Dated at Portland. Or., Septem'er 2, 1015. BOAHD OF COUNT! COMMISSIONERS, By W. L. UUBTNBB. Chairman. PHILO HOLBROOK. County ( ommlssloner, Bt'FTJS C. HOI. MA N. County Commissioner. Professional and ACCORDION PLEATING AtVDKMoN, KK1KK AND 1IO.X l'l.KATlNO. l'lro'll.VC. HEMSTITCH I N'(i. HHAIIHNO, PXI RHOI DEKINtl, HASTEN NOVELTY Ml'; en.. K.1 nth ST.. NKAK OAK. K. STEPHEN HemstitcliliiK. occTdlon. side nnd sunburst pleating; buttons covered. xls "Fenced. Scalloping. 209 I'lttock hlk. B K1l. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. PACIFIC AI'TO AM ; AM KNGINH HCHOOL. KKKK T It I A I .. 2 llth and Je('r.ii sta. BANDS AMD ORCHESTRAS JUCKRY'S OUCHLISTKA or BANK. Violin ttiltlnn Kturfents resilience. Cniprei1 Mar. ftCKl BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A. HOLM AN. Inc.. l'CJ d i-t. Blank Nkw uiHnufacturers: agentM for Jones Im proved lse Leaf Ledgers. Sec the ucwr fcu roxa Iaf. A -8183. M s In 1KI: BRASS AND MACHIN E WORKS HAIU'RK S Braas Works, brass castings snd mscnliu- works. IOU N. Bib st. H'dwsy 232. CANOE ROWBOAT MOTORS THKD.A BROS.. 613 Dekum bldg. CARPENTER SHOPS Moore A- Sandstone. Main Kt. 8.14 Tsylor. CARPET CLEANING JOiCK I'.ROS., Klectrlc Cleaning Works, car lids ch duel and laid, refitting our special ty. i:nst 4o. 11 i!x;:i. 204 K. mtii t.. n. CARPET WEAVING FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS Wi: MAKB l-LUKK RUGS FROM Worn Ol T 1M;UAIX. AXMIN8TEU. SMYRNA. AND Hill SSKI.S CARPETS. RAU HI us. A 1.1, SIIS. MOUKRN SANITARY MKT 11 OD. .NI'KCIAL ATTKNTION ID OPT ok TOWN (1HI1LHS. city vork palled for SLND Hill HOUkLKT. WESTERN Kl.l f I-' RHi Co.. t.4 id t N ION AVE.. NORTH. PHONr.S PAST e.lKI: R-U75. NOKTHWKST III U I'll., rugs from old csr pets, rax hiss, carpet cleaning, 188 E. Mb. W.,rt caller! for. Fast 3.1SO. B-12N0. PENINSULAR Rug Work Rsg rug and car pet wesTlin,'. lol Pa 1 ton ate. Wdln. 20S3. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS DR. Mi.MAlloN. 121 4th nt. Chronic diseases requiring extended time. HI treatments fl.V DR. 11. R. DEWEY, chiropractor. Free diag nosis. 1:74 P. Ankeny. Phone East U14. COAL AND WOOD 4 Foot Slabwood Short Slabwood 1st Class Fir Cordwood $4.50 Portland Slahwood Co. Main :tll. A-7O01. CORD WOOD prick vwnu' BEST QUALITY Auto delivery to all parts of city. Phones: Main IKmJ. . line. Central Fuel Co.. Sec ond, ii'iir MmliKou. NEER & FARR r, oak, ash block wood 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephone CC A I Muln 4MH1. A -4547. 305 Water at. UUrtL Box Wood $1,75 Per Load. FULTON WOOD CO.. 12 MACADAM. PHONES: A-2H00: MAIN 7hi(i. Charcoal f J. EVERTS. MAIN h787. OOT OF CURRY STREET. REST FIR. 4.75 cut. pes. l.(Xi. Seglier'. Wood (,.. Mh and Vaughn. M. d.'i.'W: A-2418. CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. B. F. MICHAEL & fcON.. masons, contractors and builder, day or contract; all kinds of mason work promptly executed at reasonable charges. 7S11 3Hth sve.. S. E. Tabor 6401. Manufacturers- PERSONAL -Jell) DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Complete Hue drv g'KAis. f urulsbliigs, notions. L. Dinkelspiel Co. "ASKStSb: Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. WADE A CO . B22-H2B Hawthorne are. LEAD PIPE. WOOL. MACHINERY NORTHWEST LEAD iiP-311 From. MACHINERY CO. Main (1402. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS RASMI SSKN o . High Standard" paint. N. E. Cor. 2l a-id Taylor. M. 1771. A-6.31. INFORMATION COUPON If you want th name of a reliable btmlneaa house dealing In any Una of merchandise, or Information regarding resorts, hotels, railroads, eteam shlp lines, etc.. addresa Oregon Journal Information Bureau. Inlormatlon desired: Name. Address. Copyright. 1813. by H. C. Plsber. 26 KOTICK Of MfETlKQ or COPKTY BOA OP EQUALIZATION. Not!c Is keren s'ren that on Monday, FeMemoct 13. 1913, the Board of Equalisa tion of Multnomah County will attend at the olflce of the county asiessor. at lbs court bouse in Portland, tDd publicly examine tbe assessment rolls for the year 1015, and cor rect all errors In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other property aa Mssed by tbe county assessor. And It shall la the duty of person Interested to appear at Uis tluw and place anointed. It It shall appear to such Hoard r K.jusllss tlon thst tliere are any lands or Ints or other property sssessed twice, or Incorrectly ssessed as to description or quantity mi. I lu the name of prixm or persona not tin- owner thereof, or esscd under or beyond tde nctnsl mil cask slu thereof, ssld board mar uiuka proper direction of tbe ssuie. If It sfcsM appear to such bosrd thst any laud, lots or other pioim-ly aaeaablt by tlie Hc.r are not asaes-d, such board shall ssaeas Uie sain at ,uu iuii cku Tbiuw uiereoi. I UENUY E. UK F.I). County Assessor. P'Ttland. Or Aug. ll, 1Pl!V. AICIST 8. I'Jl.V-To ttbuui It Mar (Vnc.rn: Mrs. 8. A Ilolcomb. hallux left my bed anu bard. Septeiulier 3 I will not ! re. SMnsll.le for but debts' contrsrted hr her. (Signed R. A. HOU'OMll. Business Directory DETECTIVE AGENCIES Pacific States Secret Service Agrm J . Parker, mgr. 7th and Titvlor. M. ikI" 'la. f. a if.ni. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL eTLHHS' Electrical Co.. nth and l'lne sts EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. LUNC.B Specialist MiHlerste nrlces. Glasses fltteil Or r F. Cascda.r. S17 Dekum bldg.. Hd snd Wash EDUCATIONAL DANCING HEATH S School, lesaous dslly, class "r1dsy ere.. Auditorium liall "llMU. Kit l near Taylor Dnnclng guaranteed. Main :S23. MUSIC 8CH00L8 AND TEACHERS; H. W II K. E. l cacti, r of MuMc. 1'houe Msln ".(. in care uf .SclPcrllug I a. col Music Co. 12o 4th at. K. tlllEI.IIOKN.' Tl)iiate7clwrrpuilT ftevrlk. 27 Flelilner bldg. A 4ltlu Marshall l2i. PROF. 1 II. l.AWSON. piano losuua at your home. wc. hon- TnlM.r 2'.:m. LOI IS A. I REI'lZ Tesrber of Tlolln. 211 Nifimn. corner First. Marahsll 22H. 10i.iN and uisndollii lea.ona; results gusrsa teed; modern method. Woodlawn aid. ma i: v. tVitl : m iTLTniX" TesVuer of pTsdoT nhone H 2."I.MI. f44 K. Mth st. Mic U, hour POPULAR MUSIO RAiillME on piano guinanlcrd beginners In lo lessons. Picture plu)tng. Freo ucuuiuatra ll'.n Free bouklel. 5ll Filers bldg INSURANCE PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO.. only Oregon fire Insurance company. atlTTRE88E8 11 1 . 1 1 ;n Ii MAT'l'llKtsS in. old mattresses intol new Willi our Hygienic pritcena. bhi Russell, corner Union. Kact JOSI4. ORIENTAL GOODS t IP. 1 1: Nl A I. IMI-OIM IN; ( .. 442 Wssblugtwa.' i'hone A i. K llnoiios anil I irlos. PAVINO-COMPANIES THE UAKIIUII. ASPHALT I'AVIMI CO., lan.l olll... 2j;i Sherlock bldg . Port- ROOF PAINT VL manufacture luipeilul 'inter Paint and uak. ii peally of puiciiing snd pslnlllix roofa. We guarantee to ., jesrs. JscksHi m Hill, labor 417. RUBBER 8TAMPS AND SEALS AL8U Men. ii. PA 11 I 2".il Wa-I.ln, lial' ilinlK, tun's a signs, i m.sl K'lAMP WORKS ;i"ii SI Mulu Tin. A 2710. SAFETY RAZOR HONINO AllllM A I II m:i;n e I", K I'll 1MS th. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING On and gise r,,f.. Jacob Loall, X10 1st al. I'lioi,, Main 1 IJI T0WLLBUPPLI7E. WILLIAMS 'lowel uivl . I-. Mb ami Claj sis. Pbonen : Lut KJ I , Home II 2x22. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. EHtsbllsbed IK7 Trunsf.-r ami foro urilinL' agents. Storage. I rru J iaekiige Office nnd Slotage 474 Ullsan St. nib and Olis:iii. Main V. A 11 ltd. ALWAYS 'I'll'). THE HUSI" IIOUl'I.Hol.D (;oOD KI'l.iTAl.lSTS Storage, Parking, Shipping nnd Moving. Horse or Anto Vans. Special freight rule. t all points. C. O. IMCK TRANSFER A SloRAOF. CO., 2d ididjtic Sts Rrosilwsy ."shi. A-HHXI. UAtiViAliE TRANSI PR SER It E Co., 32 b PINK ST. MAIN 120. A I2. WALL PAPER MIlKliAN WALL PAl'ER Co. 213 2d St.. near Salmon. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. -WUcsal ?r erf PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE I o., -Factory snd office near 241b and York sis. Main S4wW PLUMBING PIPE HTEAM SUPPLIES M, L. KLINE FRONT STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. BANITARY WIPING RAGS L ShanRo. .'412 FRONT PHONE MAIN IBM. wTTEN-you answrr these Want Ads, mention Tbe Journal. BY BUD,, FISHER NOTICES (Coa tinned) v