12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1915. -Si Skilled Carpenters SITUATIOXS--MALE ; rtirTUaried on short notice. Mar. 7S5. " rvnu ll ti-mt ' .. .... ;. : r ' ; '-CiyKhtK1JT "ouniIU'1 .. " of books for a few hours durt"K day. .irrvnx?, ' : .' .wvaiv man iicniicn (iubiiiuii bh nj j $ c lioik, iiiiicnrr)Jci , 0 cam X" ' -' V P"ence. v-119. Journal. '. MAN with fu.in.lly wants i y wants wood cutting i ri . or other work In country, with house or Tamny ireierreo o-oxz, journal. , k BOX of 17. trade school student, would , worfc -"" ord. S. lth m. V.J iMAN, 30. wants work on fann. Z-115, '..;"'' Journal. ' .. 'SOY with wheel wants delivering. Main 6183. Capering. tinting, cheap. Tabor K26R. SITUATIONS rEMALK YOUNG lady will nmtlst in family. room, board, good home, one , of ram - '. neai, quiri, in evening-, inntntcn 1 wooaiawn 4055. - v?- SCHOOL girl wants work for room '. . and -board. 173 clarendon st.. near! f ' fft. Johns. I ' : KLibbHLY woman wishes to uBslfct ' : with housework; good home and; nili" "'Keg preferred. Y-!"t2. Journal. !" OOOD cook, refined woman, any kind, . , cooking. Marshall 4 748. 1 lDY72$nrrToid wants position on v, ranch. 0-84, Journal. EXPERIENCED woman wants work, 2&c hour. Kast r. r f 4 . day PLAIN housework or light work. V-714, Journal clUiniber DRESSMAKING 40 iRKHSMAKING. experienced fitter, and designer, evening gom spe ciality, alterations, reiiiodellng; will copy any sketches; formerly with White House. San Francisco. B-2J1U. 471 K. Hurnside. 14 YEARS' experience designing, work quickly anil neatly done; no patterns fenulred. t-l per day Kast 1 S a 7 . ALTERATIONS! stylisli dresses, or general sewing at home or by day, $2,110. Wood lawn li'fil. Nl'RSE CHILIH NursW Bureau. Experienced nurses, 26 els., hourly. Woodlawn S582. TRAINKD nurse wants case at once, 12 yeHrs' exper I e nee. Main 3S78. FURXISIIKD ROOMS 9 ROOM register listing several hundred In all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.: Also those In the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library. reading rooms, at $1.60 to $2.76 per week dou ble, with Individual beds, or 2.50 to $4.60 per week single. HOTEL HHISTOu 12th and Ktark - The best rooms in tne city lor mo price asked. Itooms with private bath 1 XHE Luzene apts.. 3rd and Hall, mod $3.60 week up; without. $2.00 up. All j ern brick. 2 rooms furnished; under modern. Hiiein?ws iiminci. j TEACHERS. Rest rooms In Portland for the price. I Cull and see tin 111, :ti'J ,11th st. Cor- : tlovia hotel. Main 947.', A-47S3. j Madras Hotels upcoult! -rooms, $2.50 up. iiy uay 00c, i5c. 11; j cor. I2th snd Washington sts. 1 Nicely furnished A D RHTT J,J day u',; Z28V4 Wash. st. nDDW I I tl.SO wk.up. $1.50 WEKK up; clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central rhe King. 309 Jef. I ROOMS and apartments in modern 1 hotel. S2.50 wek and up. 455 Alder, FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 70 j LA RGE rront room, modern, iuitaDie BROADWAY Central apts., strict'y for u gentleman or a married couple ! mod. 2. 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk that work out; will give breanfast If lng distance; everything new, J1& up. liieferred; 823 Pacific St., near Sandy , Also single rooms, hot, cold wat;r. mvd. r j clean furnisher! I .-41 TO $1.50 week; rooms, electric lights, bath distance. 753 Kelmont st. walking j i WELL rurnisiied large attic room, cen- 1 tral; $7 month. 404 Clay, near luth. 327 SIXTH Large desirable -ooms, ; modern residence. Marshall 5784. j 187 Chapman St.. 2 iurnlshed or un- j furnished rooms. I 1 ROOMS AXP HOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery st.. at West Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rates for regular and transient gu es ts. CASA KObA, 300 Jefferson st. Board and room foryoung men; very rea sonable. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 72 ROOM Board in new use of music, pool baths; price reasonable, son. ROOM and board for gentlemen .11 private family, 3 Ulocks from Wash ington high. Phone E. 7232 or call 30 E. 15th st. HKVKRAL children that nimrn'ialu good home, near sclmol, pleasant ! surioundinKS Tnhor 47:'S. ROARDK1LS wanted: f 11 rnisheii rooma best home cooking. 4 75 Main st. NICELY 1 furnished rooms, with without board. 474 Yamhill. WANTED ROOM AND )AR1 30 WANTED Koom and board in a pri vate family, close to Lincoln school, for a boy. G-4 9, Journal. j HOUSEKEKj'INtj ROOMS 8 'ONE room with kitchenette, complete ' ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison Sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia et corner 5th st. $1 TO $2.50 week, furnished IT. k" rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, ban Phone East 6039. 203 Stanton. II ca r. Fresh airy rms (lpm A Ph. 1 1 wk Free light. VJCI 1 1 MpiiiUp. 401 1st CAMBRIDGE bldg.. fur. 1 1. K. rooms. central, cheap. 165 1 3d. cor. Mor'n. MJHNISHEU H. K. rooms, hot 'vater. Cheap rent. 4104 ftlorrlson st. tVO housekeeping rooms $lo month Hotel Bristol. Uth and St ark. 176 12TH Aiudern H. K. rooms. PiancT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS mTATE FAMILY Two furnished 1 1 eh t linUHplfAon-ln o- ... good locality, week Includes light htb, hot and cold water, block south Hawthorne. 3l'6 East 35t h . CICELY furnished houkeeping suite, also furnished room all conven - ... ... - --- VovVIMUft iences, reasonaDie. Alain 4S39. 700! hlanilapi Bt I oivil ana 2 room wulte. also large base- I merit room; clean, convenient, cen tral, very reasonable, lol Lowtisdale, cprner Morrison. COME see our $12 suit of rooms finely furnished; hot water day and night. 7H3 Johnwon. , ONE and two nicely furnished house keeping rooms, hot and cold water, ' Clowe In, very reasonable. 293 loth st, 5 9 NEAT connecting rooms near Broad- . way bridge. $10. 380E.Jat N'. j v TWO large furnished housekeeping . roams. month. 631 Th,urman st. V 1 TAYLOK Close in housekeeping rooms. . ,110 Neat housekeeping rms. 138 14th - FOIt KENT -HOUSES ia CLOSE In, west Hide, ft r,, i m ... .i house, good neighborhood, walking distance. - 9a 11th. Call frm - t t tODRN residence. Nob Hill, leaseTS V- TMponslble party walking dUtance jdeal location. Q-681. Journal. ' "f: NEW modern 7 room house, yard. Si 5 48 Kerbv. cor. Monroe. - ll NEW 6 room bungalow; furnace ., " fireplace. 868 E. Franklin. k, ROOM bouse and basement. flT V .. rt? ln 8outh Broadway. j?QR RENT One house and barn. U . - - block of land. Tabor 337. - , 'TWO modern cottages cheap by owner : -Mala 67S. A-6L ' FOIl KENT HOUSES 12 I Continued) LARGE 9 room house, hardwood floor, I --n garden gooa ra ci pse in. west side. 7 blocks from Hotel Port- 'land. Rent $50 to responsible tenant. i Phone Main V79 I r Iriki H room thoroughly modern hmiMA tn nw f"ntlrh flchool district! . rn inn Innnl KK1 Marahflll t.. or pri'me .wain or --in. ROOM modern bungalow, 1 block from Williams car. 5 blocks t.) Jef- I frr.r. Ulerli louil VanCCl! Yr nv, $14. & ROOM cottage. Inside newly over- 1 hauled, large porches. 984 1st st.; j garage rorvm. Marshall 4431. , 1 2 MODKR.V cottages cheap by owner. Mar. 97; A-4361. 1 TO reliable "tenant. LaurelburRt house, I fine location. TKhor ZbT,a I'l HXITl ltK FOK SALE HOUSES FOR KENT 32 1 Ail(S o furriltnre f 1 1 are nub- lieilCU IM tiic j .our. inim . , . , w - ......... flcation whri house 'a not for rent. b'NAP for anyone starting housekeep ing: furnishings of flat, cheap rent, walkiiiK filstaiire. 301 E. 11th St. FLUMSHKD HOUSES 36 ! FOR RKNT Nicely furnished 4-room modt-in cottage, 2 blocks trom Mount SYott ar. H04u water ralil. 41st ave. $12.50 a mo.. KlKNISHED house tor rent at 1041 Vernon ave. Apply at 1066 E. 10th st. N., on Alberta carllne. F'l ' KN i SFI El J o room im uern Huuhe, 2 blocks from Anabel station. Tabor :mo. 6 ROOM modern home, furnished, $30, Sunnyslde. Tabor lg:i!. I" I'KM.sliKD houses. 6 room cottage. Tel epho 1 ie Wood lawn 460. $10 3 ROOM house, walking distance, hath yard. 2'.i7 Hancock. r I R.vl.Mibl tna ave. 1 loom cottage, 834 lion- 7 ROOM modern furnished house. K. Morrison and 13th st. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE WASHINGTON. tS iNortbrup St., near 2lBt. 5 room unfurnishei apartment, with all modern conveni ences, including free tjas, electric light, steam heat, hot and coM water telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W" car to 21et and Northrup. Phones Main 4376, A-1133. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 22D AND GL1SAN. Largest, most homelike, high class apts In city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3249. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. new management; newly tinted and varnished; orices very reasonable; call an(i look them over. Mar. 4637. The Parkhurst DOTH and Northrup. fur., all outside apts. 3 and 4 room THE URICKSTON APTSS., 4 48 11th. strictly mod. 2-3 rm. fur,, tinfurn... day. wk., mo., walking dis. nr. Park;. Mar. 56. THE IRIS APTS. 3d anil Mill sis Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts., fur- ".'s"eu or unrurnisnea, ill montn up, -o cnarge ror cooKing gas. JULIETTE APTS.. 2d and Montcom ery. Pvt. bath, tel., heat, hot water; free gas for cool ing; at er.d of 12 months 1 month's rent free. $12 up. THE CODY, cor. E. 7th ajid Taylor sis., has been remodeled with nrivat baths, new furniture and carpets; 2 and 3 rtomn: light and Dhone free. vuti KENT Small 2 room apartment, nicely furnished. Cooking gas, "Khta furnished. $12.50 month. 23ft E. 12th st. S. THK SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy w-alkins distance, at very reasonable ieui. nest or service. Main 25(b. THE DEZENDOHF, , 208 K.TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room furn. ud uniurn. apts.; also 3 and 4 room rrirn. apartments. Denver Apartments 21st and Overton, 2 and 3 room 'ur and untur. apts.. 1 block "W" car. XHE LEONCE. 180 N. 22d st.. near joimsun; mouern. well furnished 2 and 4 room ains., $ls up. modern home, ! KOi,t'IS h KLL) (brick), 14th E. Stark, room, shower Modern 3 or 4 rooms, all outside, pri 554 E. ,fii-i vale Phones, janitor service, reasonable. 1 WINSTON. 2 and i rooms. Drivat bath, modern brick; special rates $15 nml up. 14th ard Market. Main 1739 CA MAR 7l4 Lovejoy. Modern anart. meuts, 2 and 3 rooms, from JIG to $2 Marshall 2917. T H K WoOMANSEE - apartments, $10 to $20 aiJllsan.. Private bath Furnished Cor. 18th PENINSULA APTS., C-1170, concrete bids. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat, $12 up DoVV.N town, modern apts., $15 month up. mi ludins heat, light, etc. Royal Annex, 360' Morrison THREE room apartments, all outside I S 1 S up. Tabor 6rti5. B-1035. ! EVELYN apartments, TtTi ?J 2 1st 3 room furnished apartments', modern conveniences. Mar i:23 ciiiAi oaoies mou 1 and up. Close in. 289 Idth. rooms. $14 BUCK HARTFORD, 107 N. ilst., mod' 3. 4 rms. fur.; unfur. apts. Res rent I HE MORTON King and Washing ton. 3-t rm. Bultes. close in, $15 u'n LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th ht.; 27 3 and 4 room apts.; also single rooms. COLLEGE Light, 3d and College close in, porches. Marshal! .VF5. AM EH 'CAN and Marlboroueh nni a w '"' an'. Mar. 3360. M 7516 A-Y ' A l-1 s. Excellent outside ETpti Kates very reasonable. East 3566. JEFF HAS A HARD TIME GETTING INTO THE WAR AT THAT ! I 1 I t ' i , , - - wanttTV wecL, itL HA,vel j roRp0u,se ipn JON ThP Piofi,,!,! TflPoTYmi (cm L CAM Pwh rX 1 Pid uT ) THli 'S AY ) rZlTT, v I 1 ARNy D,rzrt-limrMDne.Z OPANY FollTMrS LlTTUE I , it I (Jlr.wT FACE s 1 Tub FORWARD I fT 1 ss . . . - , -, - ,., , tno . . , S 'rt-.c I If Lir- i . Ill WHAT s Te l v treietNce: 'n , lJeR-j rtiKj y i mutt w '"--- 1 ' 1 , Tf PEAT'S O-lt- ) JL ' kr? ft? r-' 'ifi up.p'l AV fV P'01, kl ? r-iteerj op VrJ . Atfh' WtjA coP(twE "Iff'? rJ. I ' J." V1 it ai-lthswiw i 111 . i " f ' -' -i 1 '.;: .. i -..'.-. v , - ' . , -'...---, .., - ' - - " , , , , ' . ... APARTMENTS 43 FERNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Coatlnn4 Comfort Accessible Reasonable Rent! All these features, and many more, are Included in these apartments. Rent where you get the most for your money. TPTE BELLE COURT. Trinity Place, near Washington. TDK HANOVER, King St. and Wash., near 22d. THE BERYL, 695 Lovejoy St.. near 21st. 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, with all the modern, up to date conveniences. Look at these buildings today. Better your living conditions. Call at buildings, or phone THE FRED A. JACOBS CO (MANAGERS) Main 6869. 269 Wash. St, A-17: FOR RENT FLATS 13 EXTRA fine and beautifully located 5 room flat, reduced rent, walkidg distance Phone East 2417. MODERN 5 room flat, upper and lower. 66U East Maidson, $18. 407, Stock Exchange. WEST SIDE, 25, modern 8 room flat. 208 Vb 14th St., near Taylor. E. 2301. MODERN 5 room flat on car line, $10 Tabor 3118. FURNISH EH FLATS 50 3 ROOM flat, newly furnished, gooi location, 15 minutes' walk from busi ness center; will rent reasonable. 625 Marshall st. $18 5 ROOMS completely furnished, phone, lights and water; walking dis tance. East 3.1 0 ATTRACTIVE Nob Hill flat. 5 rooms, well furnished, clean, references, $25. Woodlawn 3528 WANTED TO RENT WANTED, by responsible party, 5 or 6 room modern furnished house In good neighborhood in exchange for board and room of owner. Y-964, Jour nal. FOUR or five room, clean, modern cottage, within 5 minutes' walk of 2Mh and Ankeny sts. Tabor 6143. WANTED Furnished house, walking distance from Reed college. Call Woodlawn 2782. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 MARES, team, dark chestnuts, 2800 lbs., are pair of the best workers ajid fast walkers, gentle for boy or lady to ridei drive or handle; in or out of stable, have no tricks or vices, and both hae had colts, making them proven brood mares; also set heavy sewed trace harness, all like new at low price of $245. Union Transfer Co., 11th and Hoyt sts. FARMERS look, imported bay mare weighs 1700 lbs., in foal to imported stallion, la fine big mare, suitable for any heavy farm work and will raise a colt each year; here is a bargain, can be seen at Contractors stable, 4 44 Hoyt st. TEA M of mares, weighs 2400 lbs., a,re good workers, single or double or ride, sell separately, very reasonable; also coal black mare, 1200 lbs., safe for farm use, gentle for ladles or chil dren. Call private residence. 399 Knott. FINE span of mares, weight 3000, C and 8 years old. Also 10 head of horses, weight from 1100 to 1500, to be sold. Cheap for cash. Also some wagons and harness. Nobby Stables, 12th arid Flanders. BUY your Implements, vehicles, wire fencing and general farm supplies where you get the most for your dollar. Some second hand goods. P. E. ESBENSHADE. 214 Front St. WANTED Team of horses, harness and wagon. Horses to weigh 1200 to 1400 lbs., well broke and not over 8 years old. Would buy or consider rent ing for the winter. Y-965, Journal CALOARD HORSES, MARES. All young and sound and well- broke, 1100, 1400 lbs., Madison Stables, 185Vi Madison St., on approach Hawthorne bridge, west side. HORSE wanted, single worker, for Its feed or small rent. Light work, good care. 956 E. 39th st Woodstock car to 47th ave.. 2 blocks west. ONE pair of mares, o and 7 years old, with good double harness and wagon; also saddle ponv; will sell at a bargain. 1967 E. Stark DEAD horses and. animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 23 Portland Rendering Co HORSE for sale, 8 years old, 1300 lbs., good driver or delivery. Tamiesie & Co.. 588 Williams. GOOD big young team, well broke. In quire 787 E. 28th S. DEAD horses and cattle taken Tabor 4203. Call LIVESTOCK 35 BLAt K Jersey and Holsteln cow, 6 years old, extra rich milker. WiU make good price if taken at once. S36"' N Jersey, St. Johns, Or. WANT 50 to 100 shuats, hogs, feede-s-must be bargain. 11. Grebe. Ticurd' ( )! YOUNG fresh Hoi stein -Jersev. cows, Holsteln and 794 Tacoma ave. COW and big young calf, st. Woodstock car. 787 E. 28th DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 Fl-?, ?"LE ocd Fo Terrier. Call 92 Liberty st. FINE canary 8547. singers for" sale. Main A UTQMO HI LES - ACCESSOR I ES 44 BARGAINS in new- Ford tires. BENJ. B BOONE & CO., 514 Alder st. HIGHEST prices paid ror old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5198 BRIGGS magneto for sale at bargain." 'mill n.T. 1913 American Scout roadster, -ebuilt fine condition. C-2542. TsewsToo V " .I' -J".--'-': ' ' "'Vr. ' -". " "T-A 1"'i-ter7 MARCH' V AUTOMOBILES lrfTr 44 (Cob tinned ) Used Auto Snaps, TERMS GIVEN. CADILLAC, 6 pass., electric starter and lights,- good tires, one new extra. CHANDLER 5-pass., electric starter and lights; snap. STODDARD, 6-pass.. 40 H. P., A-l con dition. MITCHELL, 6-pass., 6-cyl.. A-l condi tion. MITCHELL, 7-pass., 6-eyl., nearly new; tak your old car as part pay ment. See us for light delivery cars. Several others to select from. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Ea.st 1st and East Morrison Sts. East 7272 B-1216 CHALMERS STEA RNS-KNIGHT CADILLAC SI'HACHT MAXWELL WINTONS PRICES RANGING FROM $300 UP COME IN TODAY THE CAR YOU WANT MAY" BE GONE TOMORROW LIBERAL TERMS The Winton Co, 23d AND WASHINGTON STS. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS IN LATE MOLEL USED CARS. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR DEMAND. 2-4-5 AND 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAR COLE, REOS, CHALMERS, STEARN, INCLUDING OTHER GOOD MAKES. PRICES RANGE FROM $300 UP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. PHONE BROADWAY 887. A-4959. 1911 Cadillac 5 pass, car In excellent mechanical condition, brand new top and good tires. Just been repainted. No better car for service and satisfaction to be had at this price. $500. Covey Motor Car Co, MAIN 6244. F6rd 1914 Ford Four new Penn. vacuum cup tires; excellent mechanical condition, 3 extra tubes, Weed chains and others extras, electric lights and horn, not a jitney; this is a snap at $325; come Quick. Call Main 6244. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washintgon Sts. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 54 8 Water st.. Main 1167 1913 FORD. $275; 1914 Ford, $325; 1912 Hudson, $450; 1912 Michigan, $485: 1911 Flanders, rebuilt roadster, $250; 1911 Overland, 3 speed transmission, $175; 1911 Reo, $275; 1911 Maxwell, $200; 1910 Garford, cost $4800, our price $400. Acme Auto Co., 531 Alder. Main 8775. A-7827. Keep the Old Car NEW EY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING C, B, Miners & Co, 526-528 ALDER. F9?S- FORDS FORDS. FORDS 1914 Ford. 5 pass., fully equipped. Presto tank and speedometer, finest condition, $350. 1913 Ford, 5 pass., fully equipped, Presto tank and speedometer $275 ?RTIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E. 1199. E. 13th and Haunhn. OREOGN VULCANIZING CO. ine Tire Shop." 550 Washington et.. at 18th. Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES WE will pay cash for used Ford cars. Benj. E, Boone & Co, 514 Alder St. Portland. Or. Hillsboro, Or. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. 5 PASS. Ford, cheap; 1 Winton Six: 1 5 passenger Mitchell; 1 5 passenger Regal; all in good running condition, terms. Apply 505 Alder. Phone Main 7386 FOR SALE Five passenger auto in fine condition; will accept camera or kodak as part payment; terms given. Phone East 7272 or B-121C. NEW and used Ford automomles sold on easy terms. Benj. E. Boone .fc Co., Ford agents, 514 Alder st. Main 3966. I Written guar antee with every vpring. J6 N. ir,th st. SLIGHTLY' used tires, largest Hock in Portland. $3 to $15. Fine repair ing?. Tire Supply Co.. 207 Madison. 1914 FORD just like new, $100 worth extras on it. Call Tabor 3888 or 539 E. 37th St.. north. FIVE pass. Studebaker, good shape. A real snap. $250 cash. 94 E. 3 7th. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WANTED Old cars, xor their parts. condition no object. Will pay cash. Main 1161. FIVE room bungalow, cheap, take au tomobile or auto truck; balance time. 1180 Francis ave. AUTOS FOR HIRE FOR HIRE, reasonable, 7 son car. Careful driver. pass. Hii.1 M. 53 7 8. FRANKLIN, all day trips. R. R. rates, camera, .u. . , 0. woodlawn 2599. 5r Q MOTORCyCTiIBICYCIM 55 Used Motorcycle Snaps 1914 2 speed DAYTON, equlp'd. . . . $200 1913 9 h. p. DAYTON, equipped. .. $1 25 TWIN POPE, equipped $125 TWIN INDIAN, equipped $100 1bo several other good buys. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Tour old machine taken in on a NEW DAYTON. - AYT0N CYCLE CO, 21 0 Broadway Marshall 5538. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson, 1913 model; $125 cash, or $140, $25 down, balance $15 per month. Call Wooaiawn 485. . . BARGAIN. 7 h. p. 1915 Indian twin equipped, excellent condition, $100. Call weekdays. Tabor 66S. 149 E. 32d. LAUNCHES A NO BOATS 64 EVINRUDE rowboat and canjc mo tors; rowboats canoes, moiorboats. Evinrude Motor Co..Morrlson and Front. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Security Storage Co. Closing Out. $400 Cl-ickering pla.no. $35 cash. $400 Bradbury piano. $50 casn. $375 Chase Bros. Upright, s cash. $325 Leland piano. $135 cash. $S50 autoplano player. $290 cash. $1100 Steinway grand. $595 cash. TO FIRST CALLER AT 109 4th st 75c monthly stores your piano her?. TODAY $1 upwards will secure $25 Disc Talking Machine for $ 7.50 ?50 Disc Talk'ing Machine for $ 17.50 $M) with $30 cabinet machine, $ 46.00 $lo0 with $30 cabinet Machine, U03.00 Ten records included with each. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. HI 4th St. FREE Use of piano or player piano for 2 years. See display advertise ment or Sc-hwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $125 buys a $-'5u upright high grade piano, practically new. 308 6th st. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Ill 4th st. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terras. Agents for the "Corona'' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d and Alder st. WE save you from 60 to 75 on ail makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, S months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt, rates. P. D. C. 2u Co. hand, rentals, cut , 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FOR SALE Almost new heater and small cook stove, cheap. 269 Has salo st. FOR SALE Beds, couch, gas stove, kitchen treasure, chair, sulkey Cheap 6.'5 Northrup St. A-1840. FOR SALE Nearly new household necessities and furniture; no Jcaleis considered. Tabor 5183. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEWING Machine Em porium sells for less; no agents employed, ail makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. Machines irnar. aruced u.ud rented, $2 per month, lao aa. near iayior. .Mam 9431. A-362. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. X'ables for residences. The Brunswick - Balke - Collender Co., 46-48 5th st. Phone Main 4970 Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnsld?, cor. loth. Main or A-5674, "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,'' "type writers" and "Household Goods"" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. 15 SLIGHTLY used sewing machines; Singer, New Home, White, Standaid and other makes, at greatly 1 educed prices; $5 up. Rents,. $2 per month. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. East 2359, B-3307. Near Belmont. FOR liorset and vehicles, dogs and household .pets or poultry, rejd the ads., under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other meulums in these classil ieatlons. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications A large listing can be found under these different headings. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure, made in Oregon, $1.75 gallon, port land Faint Co.. 230 Front. Marshall 100. FIXTURES for sale at going away prices. Main 4557. Show cases, chairs, tables, soda fountain, etc. 853 EAST 13th sale, $140. woodsaw for CIRCULAR Letters,, Mimeographs and supplies. W. E Finzer &: Co. M. 3347. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797I GRAPES for jelly at Maddock's, 3Sth and Steel ave. Woodstock ca r. WE duv and sell used machinery. Northwest Lead A: Machy. Co. SWAP COLUMN 25 FINE-east lacing lot. good small house. Mortgage $400. due 1917. Located 421 1 52nd St., 3 blocks Anabel. Mt Scott car. What have you? Owner 4203 52nd St. VIOLINIST Sacrifice $300 violin for $125 or trade for diamond; no fake; very old, wonderful tone instrument rare bargain. See it. 241V, 1st., room 5 TO TRADE Victrola with of records for mandolin. $20 worth Must be good Instrument. Phone Marshall 1038. T TRADE Grand piano for small auto. Ford preferred. F. Turner, R. J . Box 3ii. Hillsboro. WANTED Man to do papering for room rent. 14" V.. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 OKVURTZ Buys- furniture. Highest prices paid. GEVURTZ Sells at lowest prices. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 207 1st Phone Marshall 687. W. A. COVELL wants seconi hand furniture, opening new store; will pay the best price. 192 1st. nr. Taylor. Phone Marshall 5947. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. J. MEYER, the tailor, pays highest price for 2a hand clothing, shoes. V.'e call promptly. Mar. 1229. 229 Madison. W ANTED Phonograph and records. Also cameras; tools, merchandise, etc. 128 1st. Main 4495. WANTED for cash, used ladies' cycle. 1324 Hawthorne ave. bl- SEOOND hand clothing un.l everything. Highest prices Main 208n. 285 1st. USED furniture Main 7545. and stoves bought. WANTED Furniture. Call Main 1904. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light, & Power company, and owners there of may claim same at the First and Alder street station. Marshall 5100, A-6131. - September 4: 2 suit cases, 1 ladies' hat, 1 package paper plates, 1 pair of pliers, 1 baseball suit, 1 piu. 1 music rack, 1 glove, 3 lunch boxes, 2 keys. 3 small packages, 1 sofa pillow, 1 pair gloves. 1 bag of tomatoes. 6 package. 1 pair of glasses and case, 1 hat, 1 cap, 1 fish, 1 tube tooth paste. 1 toy ship, 1 purse, 1 bucket and contents, 1 umbrella, 1 basket, 1 search light, 1 stationery. September 5:' 1 saw, 1 cornet, 1 sweater, 3 umbrellas. 1 rTat, 1 sack of bathing suits, 1 box cigars, 1 brooch, 1 package pictures, 1 purse, 2 pairs gloves, 1 grip. 1 bucket 1 bathing cap, 1 spade, 1 child's hat. 1 chisel, 1 coat hanger, 1 cuff link, 3 suit cases, 1 tripod. September 6: 2 purses, 1 pair glasses, 4 paring knives, 3 umbrellas, 1 bundle blankets, 2 suit cases, 3 baskets and contents, 1 lunch box, 1 package glass, 1 coat, 3 hats. 1 pin. LOST Persian cat, golden brown, Monday, from cor. E. 26th and Burn side; answers to name "Prlsctlla." Lib eral reward. No questions asked. East 26S6. $10 REWARD for name of express man who eot two trunks Trom North Bank depot last Friday.' and kept them. Telephone East 1S54. BETWEEN 3d and Washington sts and Canbv, Or., new 37x5 rusged thread Federal tire. No. 685,106. Reward. G. A. Cobb. 405 Northwest bldg. LOST Sunday, at Rhododendron or . Government Camp. elk's tooth marked 142. Call Main 3889 and re- feelve reward. LOST Somewhere on the road to Mt. Hood Monday night, Labor day, roll of blankets and Navajo rugs. Reward. Main 8534. G. E. W., 90 11th st LOST Purse containing $6.90; liberal reward offered. Address 544 Flan ders. PERSONAL WHY pay big prices for glasses? I can lit ,vour eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame, as low as $1.50: lenses duplicated at a teetl. rist. big saving; satisfaction guarae Charles W. Goodman, optomet 209 Morrison. Main 2124. LOWERED vitality causes chronic dis eases: my improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health in rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, insomnia, paralysis and all chronic aliments. Dr. R. A. Phillips. 505 Oregonian bldg. FEBVET & HANEBU1, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stuck human hair goods; halrdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combines made to order. 147 Broadway. M 546. EASTERN graduate chiropodist, man icurist, face, scalp specialist; super fluous hair permanently removed, 204 Macleay bldg., 286 Washington si., Marshall 3950. LOUISE NEXZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Tub baths, massage and electric blankets. Lady assistant. 256 11th st. Mar. 5033 MRS. STEV ENS, zz years Portland j renowned palmist and clairvoyant. Author of "Palmistry Made Easy." As sisted by Dr. Etta Hume, divine healer and spiritual advisor. 375 Taylor st. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Kowe. Readings, healings daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nlngs, 8 o'clock. 231 6th. Phone A-7116 FREE instruction readings Wednesday nights. Adams Astrological bchool reopened. 350 Vi Morrison, room 211-12. Main 4521. IF Q)(Q Ugmodeling, repairing, up- njJBiaus prices. 415-416-417 Dekuni Bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. & p. m Reading daily. 603 5th st. Mar. 3960. DR. G. V. KETCH CM Women's mala dies and acute diseased of men. Wash, bid.. 4th Wash. Rm. 441. Ml. f8 II V .-fill liolf f.l,.,.. 1-. . .. j HAVE your hair permanently wavvd T Guaraiueea to last, banltary Beauty I 1 arlors. 4"0 Dekufn. Marshall 1702. S U PER r LLOLS hair, moles, warts etc., destroyed forever; cure guaran teed. Mile. De lxng. 504 Swetiand bid. Su perfluous hair and moles removed teatural deformities perfected. Mnic! J. S. Courtrtght. 451 Morrison. M. 60 4 2. THE Fur Snop; new order, remodeling Lest work, lowest prices. 605 Swet iand bldg. I Aor t'onsultation free. Main ic 11 j ji 4993 ?08 Selling bldg. BALM of rigs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2393. READINGS this week for 5oe JjSl Vamh I H. Mrs. Barber, Main 51 6 3 CHIROPRACTIC doctor." Painless ad justments; 31 treatments $15. 121 4th USE BassetTsaTlvTTlcTps fo"f rheu maoism; 50 tiblets 25c. All druggists MAGNETIC healer, treatments dally. 10' 2d. 4th floor, apt. 9. 22 LESSONS In phrenology and card readings. 235 6tli st. Main 7548. NOTICES 241 bLALKD bldn will be recelTed by the board of conoty eommlMloner, room 200 court house, fortland. lie., nutU 10 . m. Friday Septemtxr 17, 1915, for ISoo ten lk irh diameter 612 cslvauiteed Iron cable, to be de livered to ferry W. tS. Maaon. No propoaala will be couaidered uolesa ac companied by a check payable to fh board of county commlaalonera of Multnomah county, certified by reapoDalble bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the agrr(-t pro lxtil. The right la expreaaly reserrad to reject any and all bld. Dated at Portland, Or.. September 2, 101ft. BOARD or COCNTY CO MM IHSION ER9 By W. L. LICillTNER 8aS u Chairman. PHILO BOLBROOK. County CommlaaloDer. BCTUS C. HOI.MAN. County Commlnt-kiner. Ql A Ul l.li.MASTEtt'S office. fortUnd. Sealed nroooaala In triplicate "111 to Or. celTed here until U o'clock a. in.. Pacific time, September 10, 1815, for furnlsbiiiK at Portland. Or., or other prominent railroad points, "jOO.000 pounda bran: 10.Ooo.tiOO pminda bay and 8.100,000 pouuda of oh in. Informa tion furnlahed on appllcatlou. (Juurtertnaater U. S. army. Portland. Or. Professional and ACCORDION PLEATINS ACCORDION. KNIFE AND lto.V pl.KA 1 1C, PROTINU. HEMSTITCH I M,. DUXIDINC E.MBKOIDKRINli. K A S T E N NOVELTY Mfil. (1).. 8.1 Bth ST.. NF.AU oak iv. Sltl'liBS Hemst.i. i.inii. uccorUkin. aide and aunburat pleatiui: lum. ns invercd. gondi ponged. Scalloping. I'm ntim-ii bit. It-lot,!'. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS JIFFEK.Y S OKCUKS1KA lilt HAN I). Violin tuition a tu dents widen, t. lotigresa Mar. 801 BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A UOLMAN. 1i:c. iu -.m ,t Blank book manufacturer: a gent a for J-me Im proved Looae Leaf LedKTK See the new Eu reka Leaf. A-3183. MkIu 1 Ki. BRABS AND MACHINE WORKS HARPER'S Br ana Works. l!ra cailii,-i and machine work a. 10(1 N. Mh it. B'dvfa.T 2342. . CANOE BOWBOAT MOTORS THEDA BliQS.. 613 I'ckum hldg. CARPENTER SHOPS Moore ft SandHtone, Main iNt QQ4S Taylor. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BUOrt, Electric Cleiinmg Vt,ork. car peta cleaned and laid. refitliuK our hperlal ty. East 440. B-HWM. 2Q4 E. l'.nh t . N. CARPET WEAVING FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS WK MAKE FLUKP BUGS KltOM WORN OUT IMi RAIN, AXM1NSTEU. SM1KN AND BKt SSELS CAKFETS. IiAi, ltl us ALL SIZES, MODERN SANITARY MIIll OH-. fil'EClAL ATTENTION Tu U T uk TOWN ORDERS. CITY WORK CAl.I.l.n lull SEND FOR BOOKLET. WESTERN 1 1.1 K K RL'O CO., r-l-Otl IN ION AVE., NOR ill PHONES: EAST eMb: B-1475. NORTHWEST RUti CO., rugs from old enr peta, rag rus, carpet cleaning. 1S8 E. Mh. Work called for. Enst 3.isO. B-12.su. PENINSULAR Hub Works Rag run ana car pet weaving. K18 Pattoo ave. Wdln. 2i;so WHEN you answer thee Want Ada, oientluu The Journal. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS DR. McMAHON. 121 4th at. Chronic dtaeanea requiring extond-d time. 31 treatmenta $1S. DR. H. nosls. It. DEWEY, chiropractor. Free dlag 074 E. Ankeny Pbone Eant BOH. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES METAPHYSICAL C1KCI LATINO. 336" MAIN. COAX AND WOOD 4. Foot Slabwood Short Slabwood 1st Class Fir Cordwood $4,50 Portland Slabwood Co., Main 8119. A-7001. CORD WOOD Lw price wv, BEST Ut'ALITY Auto delivery to all parta of cUy. Pbonea: Main lOOd. A-1H6. Central Fuel Co., bec i.nd. near Madlaon. NEER & FARR and lualda block wood 4 foot or aaned to order. Telephone PHAI Main 4.VJ6. A-4..47. 305 Water it. UUrtL Box Wood $1,75 Per Load, FULTON WOOD CO.. 1200 MACADAM. PHONES: A-2S90; MAIN 7MK). Charcoal f j. EVERTS. MAIN 8707. OK CURRY STREET. DOT CONTRACTORS ft BUILDERS. B. F. MICHAEL A SON., maaona. contractora and builder, day or contract; all klnda of mason work promptly executed at reasonable charges. . "Ml .'.Mb. ave.. S. E. Tabor 6401. PERSONAL Manufacturers Jott DRY GOODS WHOLE8ALE Dry gooda, furniahiuga, notlona. Jj. Dlnkelsplel Co.. Sherlock bill Catalogue on request . Write f t wholeaale. . . room 11. ' prices. Fleischner, Mayer Co, WHEN JoU anawer thcae Waul Ada mcutu.u The Journal. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES R. M. WADE A: Co.. I22-H24 Hawthorne "ave LEAD PIPE. WOOL. MACHINERY NORTHWEST" LEAD ii MACHINERY Co 300-311 Front. Main fW2. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS RABML'SSEN A CO.. 'High Standard" palnT N. E. CVu-:2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A .'H . INFORMATION COUPON If you want the name of a reliable business hone dc,iiieK of merchandise, or information regarding resorts hni, N t nil. ship lines, etc.. address Oregon Journal Information Jtiireio-. Information desired: Name. , Address , Copyright. 1915, by H. C. riaber. 2a NOTICE Of MEKT1NC. OF COP NT BOAIl OK liQl A LIZATION. Notice la h.-rciiT .riven that o Moodaf, 8fptuibi 13. l'.H5. the Board of EnualUa tkn of Multnoiuati County will attend at tM of rice ot the county a.-ror, at the court houae In I'ortluu.l. , nil publicly examine tb aatvaameut ri.:i tur u, year 191&. and cor rect all erruii lu m iumlon. dm-TtutLu qLalltlea of land. l,.ia r uibct prouvrty, aa aaed br the count auc-wor. Aaa it ahall l.a tiia dnty or irt.,,n lutereared to appar at the time aud ill, P appointed. If It aball aipeur to aucli l!,ui,1 f Egualliation that there are any 1-ui.U ,.r l.i, ,,r other property akaeiird twice. i'f lini-rrv.-tly aeiurd a to di-acrlption or quantity i,m,1 u ib nam of perMiii or pernou 11. t in,. ,,wiipr tberW, or aeed iiuder or .ml tli actual full cab ulu there-.:, aald l,-..nl umv umke propaf coircctl.m of tbo muic 1i it ahall appear to nch board lliat but lain) t.( or otbef property . able bj u u.iw-ixMir are not a ' d. auch board ahull na Uia umi at the tull cb vniuti tb.rc f IlkNKY C. REED, ,, ., . 'untlr Aifaeoaor. and OrAng 1!, 1IU.V AlV.lST s. 1:11.-,. - Whom 11 Lv cancers': Mr- .-. A Hole-mill, hiirinc left ii,t bell an. 1 rd. s.-pi,.,.r :t, J ,; , , r aponaihlc f,,r h,,.v ,1,1 u i-ontrucleil t, her. i.-i,;iiril) S. A. llul.t nMB. Business Directory DETECTIVE AGENCIES Pacific 8tateaSi-crct ScrtiVe Ag.-i,". i iiaa. F. lararr. mgr. mi mnl rnxior m , A EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL MXHHS' Eh .-trim I O li : u.i l ine EYE, EAB. NOSE. THPOAT LUNGS Spc, lallat. Moderate priova (ilisi.h flUcil l)r F. I- 1 iihpiIht. SI7 Dekuin liklit ti) ntid Waal EDUCATIONAL DANCING DEATH'S School. tcKaotia dally, claaa Friday eve., vludltoilum hall, i'obl 3d at. near Taylor. I nm, nig nunrnnlecd. Main 8822. . MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS R. W. Itlt.t E Teach, r" of Muic. Ph;.ne Mala K.i-Ml, h, care i Selberuug 1-ucal Mualc l. Il'i lih ii, THIEl.HoRN. violin irnci.er, pupil Sevcik. l'!il,jdjbjilg. v 4 liitr Mamlull lrtfl. PRol'. T L. LAW SON. piano lcaauui at your mnue. die. ph, ii.- Tit.r in.)',. LOl IS A. H11.1IZ 'leucber of violin. Sherman, corner 1 IrM Maraliall 22u:t. 211 MoiJN nnd iiiiiiidollii lciuui; ri'iu!ta guarau" VJ1''1.- modern method W'..llwu mtt. MAI ME 11. KEucH I. .. 'i !'' 11 MAE V. t.Hl MIllTN,rF. ii.'iO. .144 K. IMtti Kt her of Itujiis liea. S. ai-her of Piano, R. POPULAR MUSIC UAii'll.ME ou piano guHiautced bcglnnura In 10 lenaons. Picture plu ing. t reu ueiuAiatla- tlon Free tMioklet, MM Elleia bldg. INSURANCE I'ACHlc STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO.. only Oregon fire tnaiunnce compauy. MATTRESSES 11 Y ; n; N Ic MATT Rls in, old mattreaaeal liuide !jP. Hlth OUT III .,lfiil. nrri,., kta A itii-.ni II cornei- I nun. ,:.! ioim. ORIENTAL O00DS ORIENTAL IMI-olt 1 l I'hoiie A -av.-.'. KDih. i,. t I'- Wanblngtou. mil l ul lol. PAVING C0MTANIE8 HIE BARBER ASPHALT PAVlNti CO.. Port land ..I flee :, Soeilock bide. ROOF PAINT V E manufacture Imperial Wonder Paint and iiioke a hpe.inlty of patching aud painting roofs. We guarantee U to 5 jeara. Jackaon to Hill, '1 u I-- 117. RUBBER ETAMP8 AND SEALS ALSO Hn.riU. Iniili PAI 11 H I 'I IAS 1 2S I W hldtigi..i St cliecka. biaua algoa, MA MP WORKS Mail, ilil, A 1'710. SAFETYRAZORHONINfi AUTOMAT I ' ' M.I.V I Im.I; Co., is.'-) 4tb. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIKlSi. tin and rii . I ok.oi. Jacob Load, .'illl 1 ft at. Phone Mum Mil. TO WELL 6UPPLIXE. WILLIAMS Towel !Sii.d.i. I-.. Mb aud Clay aU. I'houe. LukI :m , lloiui; 11 '22. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, Eslabllahed 1S70 Tru ut-fi r and forwarding agenta. Storage, Y ree T rackige Office and Stornge 474 Ollaan St. nod i.Iimiii Main Up. A lien. 13th ALWAiS - Pill. THE HKMT" HoCHKHCIl Gool SI'Et '1AI.ISTS -Storage. Parking. Shlppli.g and Moving. Horac or Auto Vuua. Special height rate, to all polnta. . C. O. PICK T ItANSI E It A SToRAOB CO.. 2d,ind PI,k si l:roinl ii t Mnl. A-HWH. UAI.UAOK Tit NSFF.lt MERVK'K PINE ST. MAIN 12" A-1M. CO., 32S WALLPAPEa MORGAN WAl.I near Salmon. Pa lit Co.--213 2d at.. - u;i i i en- w noiesaiers riPE WOOD PIPE 'Ollt I. A Ml Umi offic ri. -(r JIM, PIPE co Factory and ml "fork t. Main D4Nt. PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M, L, KLINE FRONT 8TRBIT ROPE AND BINDFR TWINE Portland Cordage Co, SANITARY WIPING RAGS I Ql-ionl f . -"2 I-RTnT i, vji iui i r uu I'HONK MAIN 1809. W 1! I.N in t.UM.ei Thc Journal theae Want Ada men I loo In nnv line .ul", a team- BY "BUD" FISHER NOTICES (Con tinned) M: