The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1915, Page 26, Image 26

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    " '5 -C-
: IVANTfiU Room and hoard ..tor two
:3 young men; must be near the corner
nt Union ave. and Broadway. K-66J.
Journal, f
-WANTED K'lorn and board for boy
10 year, private home, with a moth
er"n care; near Rose City Park MChool;
"give iihon numlifr, lv-663, Jotirnal.
tiK.NTLK.MAN wishes room and board
' ' In private family. east side: reply
"with jarttctiln rs. U-958 Journal.
'' 1 1 0 L' S V. K K K S I X G ROOMS 8
ONE room with kitchenette, complete
ly furnished, H'earn heat, running
liot and cold water, phone In every
room; 7 tilm ka fiom 5th and Morrison
ts.; $12 and till- -Ml Columbia St..
.sorrier fttli st.
'"FURNISHED II. K. rooms, single or
double, only $1 week. 1 week free.
yHi Shaver ft. s
FURNISHED housekeeping looms,
modern, I:! "week, lo month ami up.
' ttanrttli h"i-'.. 5s'. Washington a'.
NJCELY t hi m.ihfl 2 iifid I idiiiii bo ise-
kcpHlg HUll'H at - H '-J KillitigHWOIth
ftve.; low iei.1. Wjiiilujvn 1 907,
II To $-," week. mm. six d
H. K.
room, nas. tree heat. 1
ninliy, bath.
Phone F,
Fresh an
II 1,1'
Stnnton, U car.
Fresh airy rniH ",,,-, Antr. wk
Free, light
ji ui i i r ipiui
up. 401 1st
K. looms,
r. Morn
central. -he.
p. p
lur II.
$1 we. kly; II.
Marshall II', 4.
. rooms. $ 1 . 7 r
Week u M
T W( KOI i.l
4 ST I ;i , if. i .
steam neat, II
1 ii mi si ;t'd I un-nts.
' (76 JZTll- -Ai. l
U K. ni.imi. llano.
' 1'WU fin. Iari;e looms .mil ki tclieiicU
private bath t elei I." ue in inoilern
'rented rt xl'l. ' r . e;t.t tAv. w..ilkin,;
'fistan. f. . lie bio' k I l.iw t hori.e . no j
' li 14l Celt , to rllit couple only tlO pur
,ilntb. I'-IJ... J.nini.u
" vl&. I !- month, fllitly f u rp lulled j
.front Mli.ti. K.t Kalle. ' boice loca- I
. lion, euy v.ili.ii. 'iiiiun , In. lu.lmi;
hot nut tin. . I.. Unity and laumJi.,. I
" i'lame. I"l'4 Wash. St. arline. '.9
t N. -Tim vt.
. i TJIKEE clean I III nlHhed Jious. kef pi.'iK I
rooiim on irioiiii.l floor, private loi-
5 , !et iiml b ub. front and bat k porcn.
-i;ivale, .' llKhiN. telephone; $l'lj
noith. lor i unkiiil; fr wood stove. 1
.' 'ftft E. 74 th st N fai .
KIV.A'I U en train e. lower I loor, .'I con-
,' net ting i ooniM. fuMiisli. 'l complete i
V.ousekf'epi.'iK. mouth, rouhinif ;
.an, pnune, wait i, llxhb 1 in'l inle.l. i .1 1
lotlney near l',emoiit. v i 1 1 l.i n ih or
' r. ion a v. ear
.3 Wl;i:iv -Two ninny I ill lli.shed IlKI'l
' hourtekeepiiiK, pei'intii t n t . rfspon-
'ble people. I n I in I llk'ht, not ami
,l .old water, balh ami laumiry trays,
,dock li Ha w 1 1 oi ne. :! -" t
INF.V 'l r,n wei-klv. nice front hou.we
. keeping ryoiu. i -L floor. aino larno
urner room with kitchenette Und pii
;. ; . ute pori h, 2.' week, also unfur-
ilshefl rooms 171 13th st.
' '. NE l.irnt- I runt room, with kitchen
ette and sleepinc poreh; hot and
7 Id Wulcr; $3. l .i .' Low nsda le, near
i t .;!.. .....
'E LY fin'il suite lioiif.ekeepin
root.'H. f .'Mtral, nif del it; reasonable;
two yo'"kt JadifH employed. 474 Alder
y ., H. Hi. c i " r . I 4th .
W Kll loom fr-nt suite, $3.r0
week la,v' window, connect inn bath.
H8hroom, P,: range, free electricity
3fl2 1th.
"j l 25 WEEK -Nice, cloan u.jusekeep
' tik room. $2..r.O two rooms, $1.5ti
efeeplng I oom ; 1 w distance. 44
10. 7th st. l
"S AN1' up. - or 3 well furnished
liousekeeplng ruprt-s, cltuice iieign
1 firhoo.l, wuier aiin Ixilli. 134 E. 33rd.
.'uhor 702. ,
.v'HAT vou Wiint, Ittrgo 3 room suite,
' electric lights, qui to modern, only
15; wulklng distarw. 67 N. 2(iih st.
jlai shall 713.
I1 N. 17T11 Nice, clernn h. k. rooms
. reasonable, to iuiet couple; no -i i i 1 -
iren; parlor floor, close In.
ONE large furnished front room with
. kitchenette. 227 Clurpman. Mar
.hull HOI 5. '
PAIXT1.V furiiishetl housekeeping
rooms, gas, bath, yard. 19th and
"earney. Tabor li01.
Grand ave.,
easorui ble.
housokeej.iirg rooms, 2 'j
tor. Ankeny st. Rent
s! Olt 3 very pleasant front rooms, 2
blocks from Washington high; tt.ach
rs preferred. Eas47 0!2.
" lOUSEKI'lEPING room, hot and co.d
water, steam heat, nice location, $10
'Month. 665 Everett st.
Including gas; y
r autos. 241 6th
rooms, $2 per week,
ird to rent lor tents
.Gi;ELY furilislietl housekeeping run.
for rent, 2 or 4, reasonable rent. 215
'tth nt.
,OVELY largo south front parlor,
kitchenette; prlxatn eiitiauce; lur
Hce; $15; tpuet; close In 2 " loih st.
rtK.ius, one
in, $12. $16.
to two room suites
'18. 475 Clay, corner
VHKEE lowius, bath and pantry ami
part of basement, 3'.'6 RiiHsell st.;
tight, water, phone, garbage,
'IIKKK clean housekeeping rooms,
- g.ts. electricity, adults. E. 80tl.
Ht 5505
'WO rooms, hot
electric lights,
eek. 392y E.
and cold water, bath,
stationary tub. $2.5')
Hurnslde st.
. WO large h. k. rooms, . lose in. mod
ern, on ground tloor, privuto en-
''nn(,e. 3i4 Columbia. St.
WO large furnished housekeeping
rooms, $S month. H31 Tinirnian st.
. iNE and
- loom, $1.
two rooms,
f.O nnd up. 1
also sleeping
M Lownsdaltv
NEXPENS1VE unfurnished rooms. $5
per month; sink, gas. 32 N 11th,
of 2 H.
and bath.
K. rooms,
Sjellw cod
NE and 2
Alder nt.
rooms, housekeeping. 435
61 TAYLOR Close
in houektepi
? AND $10.
3 fur. H. K. rooms, near
school. 651 K. Morrison.
TWO room suites
furnished. 492 Clay.
FURNISHED housekeeping looms,
gas. balh, yard. Marshall 1982.
6S PARK, clean
In modern flat.
housekeeping room
Fin for 3 gjrlS;
IL K. rums,
714 Everett
coy place for
st. Low fi-iit.
2 people.
SINGLE liirhf room for V.
U. K.
Ladies only. 288 14th st.
i.'ICELY furnished housekeeping room,
:-i 149 13th and Morrison; reasonable,
Ban. near new
schools. Key 88
N. 17th, or
Couch nad
N. 16th,
653 Gll
Catholic f FINE 6 room modern house, nearly
: new; Sunny side school district, Haw
thorne and Glenn ave. 982 Hawthorne.
$12, 4 ROOM modern pottage.
. and Sandy blvd. East 2301.
close in.
house and basement,
445 South Broadway.
$96 rooms, gas, bath,
tance. East 2245.
walking dis-
$18 BLOOMS, walking distance. 623
ClnX at. Inquire 525 Clay.
5 HOUSE" to rent, furnished or untur
I nished. Call Woodlawn 27SS.
' KICK 6 room cottage, furnace, full
baaempnt and yard. 369 13th st.
SHGHT rooms, modern, $11.. 4 rooms
on Union ave.. $8. 482 Church st.
flALL 23x48
. $20 month.
on North 10th
Wnlfsteln. 249
et., rent
$ ROOM house,
i 'onab1e rent.
39th and
Tabor 77
Main, rea-
V 2 MODEKN ctHtages cheap by owner.
Bfjlwood 1415.
. COTTAGE, 628 E. Btark; inquire 86 a
r 17th; East 2880.
$ ROOM house. $5 and up. Call 1176
T CUnton st. Call Sunday or evenings.
ItfSAUTIFUL LaureUurst home. Ta-
foor 1780. -
bungalow, strictly
modem." fine location. Tahor 3556.
'MODERN 6 room houk ilax. 1011.
8 room modern house, 4328 45th
ave.. S. E $J?.00
5 room cottage. 89 E. 46th st . . . 8.80
6 room house, 1049 K. Grant St .. 12.60
h room house. 1435 Haasalo st. ..
5 room cottage, 463 B. Couch St..
6 room cottage. 467 E. Couch St..
5 room hnune, 511 E. Grant t. .
8 room modern house, 268 Mc-
Mlllen Hll'f et
r. room cottage, 533 E. Market at.
6 room bungalow. 310 E. 44th St.
7 room house, 517 Front Ht
5 room cottage, 531 E. Market St.
12.50 1
10.00 !
12.50 !
10 00
171 4th Street.
MhIh 6915. A-2815.
J6, MODERN 5 room subu.ban bunga
low, beautiful view, 1 block to ic, 12
mln. car service. Take Sellwood car.
transfer to Eustmoreland and Errol
Heights cars and net off at Andover
ave. ('all at He nuchas, on Sun. 9 a.
ni. to 7 p. in. and during week, 3 to 7
p. m.
1X. 7 room boons in first class condi
tion, cement incnt, pleasant yard,
sliii'l,' tree:-., between two carllnen: ex
cellent neighborhood, for rent; at 1143
E. Lincoln. Vi:l build Karate for per
in;ment tenant: key at 1144 E. Lincoln.
I'bolie Tubor 3'4I.
- .'.-.'il .'int h ft., S. E,
$12 443:. 41st ave., S. K
$ 1 .", IXth and Stanton sts.
$2'i--.",84 Ht., 7 rO'imi.
$J."i llt! I-:. I'miin. I .a 1 1 re 1 burst.
$ 'I t li'.rl M it 1 1 linn :n M : Karaite.
SiT,lth- iiK"'"cr Co.. Stock Ex
J, J, Oeder .
Keal Est;it.
( Jraiiti a en :e
an. I Rentals, ,
a t East nken y.
e 3V.i lioss, suitiible
A lli-KOo.VI boos
for rot.mers. L'
bld.'ks from H'dway
f-ri'lKt:; Kev at iit I ton ton st Also f.
loom bouse, .! I locks from Hroadway
bridge. 1 Kns" st. I'hone East Sii4.
Kev iit :t ; s lietitou.
M'i bTlTr ii rooms, toilets, sinks, yard,
JJ.V CottdKc. 1013 East Abbr. $1U.
I.inur I it. flat M ui nitihetl i. (1 Van
..liver. Lrake, '.ill Stllins. Main
a l
NEW. modern i room bunKalow, with
fireplac", 1 acre K'oi:n.l. fine chicken
house. 3 bio. k west of Watson sta
tion on EKtacad.i line, $1 month. Ta-
l...r I-74.
J-FIVE modern rooms, bath, eloc
tr ii 1 1 . baiiement. etc. take Kulton
tiir. Ki t ol f at Hweenev ac., anil go
to l:i4 Cor belt. Act .juu-kly; it's a
EIGHT room house t,v; E.
st.; in line .ondition and
oat. d; rent $20.
A nkuny
well sit-
t .(.)..
im; 2nd st.
NINE loom house - 3" 3 l2lli, corner ol
Mill St.; newly papered and painted
inside, .'enti-nlly located: rent $.'H.
PAltltlSll. W A I KINS i CO.. '
1 06 ,2 ml st.
SPLENi l 1 , strictly inotlern home. 7
rooms and bath, everything mod
ern, fireplace, furnace, in Irvington;
located 4M E 12t!i N; rent $20. K. E.
Hyatt. 3 50 Alder.
Nliw 5 room bungalow. 1006 E. Ca
riitbers St.. ineludcs kitchen range,
gas sif.e and li.'ater, tied, $20. ideal
neighborhood. -Elmer 8. Shank, Sul
Ity. Exchange, Main 2113, Tabor 4 411.
lf l "Si;S -Fl.ATS.
F I ' It N 1 S 11 E IJ HOUSES.
In till parts of the city.
J. C. CORH1N CO.. Lewis b!dg.
7 lc O.M m.'d'.'in house, lovely neigh- '
boriiood, linoleum, range, water heat. 1
e.i ; $14. ."..'.I E. 3Uth st. Key at 1103 j
Woodward avenue. Richmond car.
j ROOM n.o.iern house, newly tinted,'
fireplace and china closet, 1 block
from St. .( dins car. Rent $13. 1119
Concord. Wdln. 2i;f.4.
N 10 AT, modern bungalow, 6 rooms, on
-west Kie,. paved streets, reasonable
rent, Chapman and Madison; also 4
room cot l age, ".07 Everett, only $5.
FINE 8 room thoroughly modern
house In new Couch school district;
rent $3u. Inquire 5S1 Marshall st., or
phone Main or A-2474.
NEWmndern 6 room cottage, close to
cur, for rent cheap to right party.
Lawn, garden and shade trees. Call
a; 49-12JCrd ave.. Ml. Scott car.
EIGHT room new house, gas, electric
ity, buffet, basement, Dutch kitchen,
full corner lot; east side near car. 20
minutes out. TaUir 4.'.14. $12.50.
$22750--.MODERN room house, newly
renovated; all light rooms; walking
distance; furnace, porches, yard. 610
Northrup St.
3 LOTS, big house, bath, electric, 4
chicken houses, wire fencing. 420
E. 46th St., near Lincoln: rent $15.
i uvner J s N. 1 jH li, we s ts i 1 e .
MODERN 6 room house, 776 Multno
mah st; white enamel finish up-
stairs, $ 22 per month. East CO 2JL
$106 ROOM modern house, gas, elec
tricity, chicken pen. 1278 E. Glisan,
eprner 4r'th.
$lo 6 ROOM modern house, near new
Franklin school; Mt. Scott car. Ta
bor 6.S26.
For RENT 7 room bungalow. $30:
Portland Heights. Phone MarsnaH
TWO 8 room modern houses for rent
in desirable location. to Dr. A.
Tilzer. 1120 Selling bldg. Main 24 7 ).
$10 modern 3
shades, 1 augo,
68S6 room 502.
room house, water, I
heater, phone Main .
NEWLY remodeled u room
gas. electric, fine yard.
Tavlor. J I 2 . o 0 .
cottage, i
1086 E. !
5 OK 6 room modern bungalow. Haw- I
thome or Sunnyslde. Tabor 314a,
Sunda v.
FIVE room house, close In, beautiful
yard; near school and car line. 365
Sacramento f'-llljn.
$15 niod"orn b room bungalow., fire
place, oak floors, Irvlngton district;
reference; 717 E 27th st. N.
6 ROOM house;
ISioHdway 3734.
will rent furnished or
Hi Nebraska st.
NICE clean 8 room house, beautiful
view. 24 Hamilton ave. Rent low
to right party. Columbia 265.
6-Roo.M house, newly papered and
tinted, only 10 minutes' walk to post-offb-e.
4 12 Hall st.
$10.50 5 ROo.M cottage, water free,
walking distance. 93 E. 10th st.
Fact 342.
MO'DERN 6 room house, sleeping
porch, fireless cooker. Inquire 647
Weidler st.
TO KENT New modern 6 room house
on coiner Vancouver avenue and
Mason M. I'hone Woodlawn 204.
GOOD 7 room house, electric light,
hot and cold water, bath; cheap. 63
K. th N .
7 Roo.M house. 307 E. 11th; 3 rooms.
305 E. 11th. reasonable renL East
5 KooM cottage, inside newly over
hauled, lat-e porches. 9S4 1st St.;
para g e room. Marsha 11 44 3 1 .
6 ROOM cottage, yard, sleeping porch,
gas range, water heater. 630 E.
Madlso n. ne nr 16th.
CLEAN modern 4 -room cottage, splen
did location. 425 East bth st. Phono
East 20S.
5 ROOM, newly kalsomined. linoleum
in kitchen, all In good shape, $15.
407 E. 37th st. Tabor 3127
CLOSE In, west side, 6 room modern
house, good neighborhood, walking
distance. 393 11th, Call from 2 to 5.
FOR KENT Nice cottage; fine wood
range, electric lights, $10 mo. 546
E. 14th st.
Clean 5 room bungalow 110 E.
st.; large lot: $12. Tabor 1811
6 ROOM modern house, 333 East 1st
St., N. Inquire Oscar T. Olsen.
Broadway 4080.
SIX room cottage, moderate rent, large
yard and porch; beautiful view
Main 7088.
MODERN 6 -room bungalow, with gas
range, fll per month. Including
water. Neai Brown, 209 Panama bldg.
TO DESIRA BLE tenant one vear,
beautiful Laurelhurst home. A-726,
NEW 5 room cottage at 26th and Glad
stone. Tabor 4678.
COMFORTABLE modern 7 room house
near Alnsworth ave.. $12. Eaut 5345.
Alnsworth aye..
7 . room house
$8. East 5316,
( Continued
$10 4 rooms, 413S 49th ave, 6. E-,
W.-W. car to How station.
$12.50 6 rooms, modem. 997 Com
mercial st.. corner Blandena.-
S15 6 room bunjtalow. 1448 Gar-
field ave., near Dekum, Woodlawn car.
$17.50 7 rooms. 789 E. Ash St..
near E. 1:4 th.
$16 6 rooms, 3036 Woodward ave.,
near E. 35th.
$185 room. 555 Overton St.. cor
ner 17th.
- $30 8 rooms, 740 Irving street.
$30 10 rooms. 144 North 18th St.,
near Hoyt; suitable for housekeeping
I apt.
IK a 9 rooms, 79 Hovt sC, near 23d.
404 Wilcox bldK. Mairv 8599.
Tenth Floof, Temporary Annex.
Complete and reliable list of vacant
; houses, flats, apartments and bunua
' Jows in the city; make use of this
' service when you desire; this does not
obligate you in any manner to th'.s
store. You will find us w illine and
; ready at all times to help you in locat-
iri. Newcomers In Portland will find
i this service especially valuable. Real
estate men and owners of private prop
erty are invited to list their unoccupied
: apartments, flats and hotises at Meier
I A: Frank's freo rental bureau.
NEW 4 room bungalows on Sumner and
Webster stF.. near E. 13th. 1 block
north of A'.berta car, with built-'n
txds. buffets, coolers, window seats
and bookcases; linoleum in kitchen and
baths; sel f-1 igh t i ng gas ranges and
heaters, full attics and basements;
they are convenient and handy an 1
partly furnish. si. tilanchard & Clem-
sfnJ 702-3 Selling bid g.
FOR LEASE Good S room house,
barn, chicken park. half bhnk
pround. great variety of fruit, peaches,
peats, iuin. e, apples, variety of plums,
fruit is worth J.jO. Ground enough to
grow vegetables enougn for two fam
ilies; rent $20 month. Will paint in
side and out. Phone East 373 or Tabor
2 a : : o
AHSi LI TELY modern residence, 6
rooms and sleeping porch; best loca
tion in Hose City Park; want perma
nent tenant. $27.50 per month; open for
inspection Sunday; apply 424 E. 4'Jtli
st. N, 1 S blocks eouth of Sandy blvd.
I'hone Tabor 4134.
SIX KooM house mar attel bridge.
East 2d and Oregon sts. Thune East
A1S of furniture for sale are pub
lished in the Household Goods classl-
'itation wlun house Is not for rent.
Fl ' KN IT I ' KE .'t' 7 rooms and nails,
furnished complete as it stands. $20'J.
42 E. Mill. Woodlawn 3S32.
SNAP for anyone
ins; furnishings
walking distance.
starting housekcep
of flat, cheap rent,
301 E. 11th st.
FoK SALE, furniture of 7 rooms. 2
H. K. suites. House for rent, $20.
Marslutll 6 3 3. 2f4 14th nt.
FoU SALE, furnitiiro of modern 5
room flat. complete; cheap rent;
close in. 227 '. Mill st.
cottage, furniture, for
Rent $10. 35 E. 2Sth
st. S.
I 6
ROOM .ottage. fn..
sell cheap ; 6 N. 1
furniture. Will
itli st. M. 4154
520 HEIGHTS TKKKACE, just above
Portland Academy, furnished tent
houses. Must be seen to be appreciat
ed; cheap rent; only one 4 room and
sleeping porch Vacant. Gas, heat,
cooking and lighting. 15 min. to 1. O.
Hot and cold shower bath. Come and
see. Main 5464 and 453 Hall st.
FOR SALE AH the furnishings of a 5
room house, pedestal dining table
and gas range, gius heater, washing
' machine and wringer, furnishings too
numerous to mention; everything
goes. 26 E. 7th st.. north. Portland, Or.
5 ROOM modern cottage, bungalow or
dei, completely furnished. 1 block
i from c.u line. $15. 331 East 68th. N.
i i'hone East 3308.
I TEACHERS in Arleta or Woodmere
! schools who want a modern bunga
. low with piano call at 6830 Woodstock
ave.. Tremont Ftation, Mt. Scott car.
FOR lease or rent furnished, good 7
room house, on 2 4th and Hawthorne;
references required. For particulars
phone E. 2242.
COMPLETELY furnished 6 room
house for rent near .Jefferson high
school and Thompson school. 2 blocks
from earline. yo7 Gantenbein ave.
FURNISHED modern f room bunga
low with 1 acre ground, close in:
rent $16. 1079 Holgate fit. Sellwood
828 or C-2631.
IF YOU are looking for a homelike
place. Just come and see me after
5 p. m. weekdays, 4 p. m. Sunday. 474
Market st. Marshall 1 362.
MODERN 6 room house, nicely fur
nished, near Broadway bridge. 249
Dti pout st. C-2631.
5 ROOMS, modern,
ave.. Myrtle Park,
Including water.
piano. 5631 42d
Mt. Scott. $13.75,
3 Roo.VI house at Lents, partly fur
nished, $6 per month. Inquire 400
Oregonian bldg.
$10 5 room modern furnished cottage
in good condition and clean. In
quire t;732 37th ave.
ROOM furnished house, close in.
near school, for rent to desirable
people. Phone Sellwood 2037.
HAWTHORNE ave., new, clean, mod
ern 7 room house, completely fur
nished; furnace; reasonable. Ta. 4679.
FOl'R room partly furnished cottage,
on 53d pi., $6 per month; take Mt.
Feott ear. (Mark's station: G. H. Taylor.
FUI N 1 S iTE 1 7 house, 4 rffcmis and bat h7
close to earline. Phone C-1296.
Woodlawn 781.
MODERN furnished 5 room house,
1361 E. Harrison. Call Tabor 1621
or Tabor .',573
NEARLY new 3 room modern cottage.
furnished complete. 3 blks. from
Lents station. 6437 Main St., Ients.
FURNISHED 5 room bungalow, gas
range, bath, electricity, yard, fenced;
$15. 462 Miller ave.. Sellwood.
COMPLETELY furnished bouse at 816
Clackamas st. Inquire at 812 Wasco.
Phone East 7164.
! $10 3 room
j bath. yard.
3 ROOM furnished, gas. bath, walk
ing distance. 462 E. Mill st.
SIX room furnished house,' cheap rent,
617 Powell near 16th; Brooklyn car.
FURNISHED houses, 5 room cottage.
Telephone Woodlawn 460.
$155 ROOM
painted. 354
cottage, clean.
Sacramento st.
tana ave.
room cottage. 834 Mon-
FUKNISUKD first floor in cottage,
?12. 495 Kerhy st. East 1502.
4 NICE clean modern rooms; well fur
nished. Call SeTlwood 1251.
THREE room furnished house for
rent. Inquire 473 1 58th rt. S. K.
Call Smith-Waggoner Co, Stock Ex.
6"rT6 room, furnished house, close In.
664 Vancouver ave.
-t 6 ROOMS, $20. 455 13th st.
EVELYN apartments, 267 N. 21st. 3
room furnished apartments, modern
conveniences. Mar. 1323.
GAYGables raofl., 1 and 2 rooms, $14
up. Close in. 289 10th.
BUCK HARTFORD 107 N. 21st.. mod.
3. 4 rms. fur.; unfur. apts. He. rent.
-King and Washing-
3-4 rm.
suites, close In, $15 up.
4 room apts.:
324 13th St.: 2, 3
also single rooms.
3d and College.
close in, porches.
Marshall 5555.
rm. apt.
and Marlborough mod. 4,6.
Mar. 3360, M. 751S. A-267S
PAGE APTS. Excellent
Rates very reasonable.
outside apt
East 3666.
5 Flanders. Nob HUL
' (Continued)
Cor. 18th and Couch Sts.
Nob Hill district, 1 block from Wash
ington St.. just completed and ready
for occupancy Sept. 1. A modern 5
story fireproof brick building of calk
and refinement, desirably located, con
sisting of 53 2, 3 and 4 room outside
unfurnished apartments, with large,
light rooms, well ventilated, ample
ekiset space, hardwood floors, tile
bathrooms, .shower baths, electric
rangi'S, Hoosier kitchen cabinet, bal
conies, private phones, latest lighting
fixtures and conveniences to be had in
no other apartment in the city. Tha
building is equipped with an automatic
elevator with safety appliances, vacu
um cleaning service, a large laundry
room with steam dryers and excellent
heating system. For reservations ap
ply on premises. Take any car west
on Washington street. References re
THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup st,
near 21st. 5 room unfurnishe .
apaisment, with all modern conveni
ences, including free gas, electric
light, steam heat, hot. and cold water,
telephone, gas range, etc. Take "W"
car to 21st and Northrup. Phones
Main 4376, A-11S3.
Lucretia Court
Lticretia st.. bet. Wash, and Ever
ett sts. Most beautifully located high
class apts.. 2-3-4-5 rooms. AH modern
conveniences, first class service. Priced
reasonable. References required. Man
ager Mar. 1513.
DEL RAY' APTS.. 30S Stanton sr..
between Union and Williams avea.;
nice, clean 3 room apts., with bath.;
every apt. an outside one; furnished
and unfurnished; rates reasonable.
Apply apt. K. Tel. East 3611.
5th and College.
Clean, cozy. 3 and 4 room furnished
apartments, rent reasonable.
Also bachelor's apartments.
Heat, water, phone and janitor serv
ice included
Melcliffe Court
East 11th and Morrison, opp. east
side public library, walking tiistance;
2 and 3 rooms, modern in every way;
rates reasonable.
4 room very modern unfurnished
apartments, private bath, Dutcii kitch
en and all other mdern conveniences;
rent $16. Inquire 46th and Hawthorne
ave., or phone Woodlawn 1023.
Largest, most homelike, high class
apts in city, furnished and unfurnished.
Sleeping porches. Walking distance.
12th and Taylor.
Modern, completely furnished apts.
Walking distance.' References.
Teachers, near Wash, high, two 4
loom, and one 3 room. Prices very
reasonable. 90 E. 19th st. Phone
East 83.
BRUCE APTS.. 25th and Northrup,
amidst Portland's select residences;
six outside rooms; veranda, hardwood
floors; modern service, references..
Main 4038.
429 HARRISON, near 12th st.
Extra large 2 room furnished apts., 1
unfurnished, modern, reasonable rent;
good service. Mar. 2 900. References.
THE Luzene apts., 3rd and Hall; mod
ern brick. 2 rooms furnished; under
new matlUgement ; newTy tinted and
varnished; prices very reasonable; call
and look them over. Mar. 4637.
The Parkhurst
20TH and Northrup. 3 and 4 room
fur., all outside apfs.
448 11th, strictly mod. 2-3 rm. fur
unftirn... day, wk., mo., walking dis.
nr. park. Mar. 66.
THE IRIS APTS. 2d and Mill sts.
Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts., fur
nished or unfurnished, $17 month up.
No charge for cooking gas.
JULIETTE APTS.. 2d and Montgom
ery. Pv,t. bath, tel., heat, hot water;
free gas for cooj'lng; at end of 12
months 1 month's rent free, $ 1 2 up.
THE CODY', cor. E. 7th and Taylor
sts., has been remodeled with private
baths, new furniture and carpets; 2
and 3 rooms: light and phone free.
THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway 8.
3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy
walking distance, at very reasonable
rent : best ofa service. Main 2506.
208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316.
Nice 6 room lurn. and unr'urn. apts.;
also 3 and 4 room fjrn. apartm e n t s.
BROADWAY' Central apts., strictly
mod. 2, 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk
ing distance, everything new, $ih up.
Also single rooms, hot, cold water.
4 large rooms, heat, telephone, wa
ter, outside rooms, first floor, adults.
715 Wayne St., 23d ami Wash., Monday.
Denver Apartments
21st and Overton, 2 and 3 room fur.
and unfur. apts.. 1 block "W" car.
THE LEONCE. 1 Ho N. 22d St., near
Johnson, modern, well furnished, 2,
3 and 4 room apts.. $18 up.
THE ALAMO APT.. 494 Market stT
Nicely furnished 3-room apartments.
$18 up.
ROSEN FELD tbrickj, 14th E. Stark.
Modern 3 or 4 rooms, all outside, prl
vate phones. Janitor service, reasonable.
$4 WEEK; furnished 2 room apts. in
cluding private phone, bath, cooking
gas and light. Harrison Court, 394 5th.
WINSTON. 2 and Z rooms, private
bath, modern brick; special rates $15
and op. 14th and Market. Mnin 1739.
RUSSELL apartments. 390 Russell et.
modern 2 and 3 room furnished
apartments. Reduced rates. East 2743.
8-ROOM apartment, hot and cold wa
ter, private bath. 727 Milwaukie st.
Phone Sellwood 85.
CAM AR 704 Lovejoy. Modern apart
ments. 2 and 3 rooms, from J18 to
$28. Marshall 2917.
apartments, $10 to $20. Cor. ISth
and Glisan. Private bath.
PENINSULA APTS., C-1170, concrete
bids. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold
water, baths, phone, steam heat, $12 up.
DOWN town, modern apts., $h.5 month
up. including heat, light, etc Royal
Annex. 350S Morrison.
$25 BEAUTIFULLY furnished apart
ment, with piano, also roll top desk
for sale. Apt. 208, Haddon Hall.
THREE room apartments, 411 outside
rooms, private bath, Pacific phone,
$15 up. Tahor 6065. R-1035.
1TWO ROOM furnished apartments.
i n i . i ayior.
MODERN 5 room flat with sleeping
porch; adulta only. 350 Vs Jackson
st. A-5416.
MODERN 4 room flats, clean, water,
garbage, large yard, reasonable, keys
at 467 FaUing or call Tabor 2896.
MODERN 6 room flat, walking dls
tance, near Broadway bridge; $14.
East 5 45 .
WEST SIDE, 4, 5, 6 rooms, light, finest
' n- , , 1 u . ecu. ioiu
MODERN 5 room flats, 629 Columbia
st. Phone A-5071."
FLAT of 5 rooms, 267 Clay St., near
3d, reasonable rent.
NICE 2 & 4 r. flats, furnished or un-
inrms q. Klllingsw b. Wd. 1907.
LOWER Hat cf 5 large clean rooms.
"T VyVIUIIiritt O V.
BEAUTIFUL corner 5 room flat 412V4
Wasco st. East 3806.
WEST SIDE, $25, modern 8 room flat.
'"72 m., near i ayior. n,. Z301.
DESIRABLE modern 4 room flat, gas
ime. r.ast
TWO K room flats, modern, separate
hasemenu. 183 Eugene, near Union.
4 ROOM flat for rent. 40 E. Main.
(Coa tinned)
Private Entrance
Three 5 and 8 room flats,
water paid, all large light rooms,
only 7 minutes' walk from post
office, very reasonable rent. Ap
ply 239 Hall st.
MODERN 5 room flat, newly tinted
and painted; combination wood and
gas range; window shades; only 10
minutes' walk to Union depot. 207 Ilal
sey, $15, including water. East 3612.
FLAT, 4 rooms, balh, sleeping porch,
gas range, furnace, fireplace, hard
wood floors, linoleum on kitchen and
bath. 2684 E. 30th st. Tabor 2236.
FOUR room flat, pantry, bath, first
story, good cement basement. J12 per
month. X27 Division st. at 27th nt
59S i2 SALMON ST. Fine modern flat
of 8 rooms, furnace, etc., reasonable
rent; kev at 600 Salmon st.
ENTIKE lower floor.
rooms, reasonable to
N. 16th.. West side.
4 light, clean
good te.nant. 92
WEST side 6 room modern flats near
new Couch school. 700 Hoyt; key
at 696 Vi, Hoyt.
MODERN 4 rooms, bath, linoleum, gas
range, heater, water, phone; reason
able. East 4 944.
way bridge.
; room flat, near Broad
East 3525.
MODERN 5 room flat, neatly fur
nisned. newly painted and tinted,
284V; Margin, fronting river. This is a
harbor vi-iw and must be seen to a
p r et iate, $20 including water. East 3612
BEST furnished 5 room flat in city
for $17. clean, desirable; gas. gas
stove, bath. sleeping porch; good ;
772 E. Taylor.
healthv, high
East 5260.
and dry.
BE A I Til' I L furnished little flat,
large front room, sleeping porch,
kitchen, walking distance. 367 Van
couver ave.
NICELY furnished 6 room flat, fur
nace, fireplace, piano, splendid loca
tion. 10 E. 24th st., between Ankeny
and Burnside.
$1S 5 ROOMS completely furnished.
phone, lights and water; walking tiis
tance. East 2310.
MODEKN 5 rooms heat, hot anil cold
water, phone and garbage. SbO BeU
mont. Tabor 2515.
CLEAN, modern,
room flat, $15
nicely turnished 5
0, with phone and
water. 729 14
Williams ave.
CHOICE, well I unlisted 4 room fiat,
adults, very convenient, permanent.
C-116Q. 353 Sacrament
2 AND 3 room furnished flat, with all
modern conveniences: walking dis
tance. 360 Chapman, corner Will.
rl'RNLSHED flat 5
sleping porches. 4
405 E. "lith tt.. near
rooms, bath, tw
blocks to school
$10 TWO Large room furnished lower
flat, light and water. 542 E. 27th
one block south ff Richmond car.
MODERN 4 room
flat, reasonable.
Main 3S5.
furnished lower
6y2'a Lovejoy st.
NICELY furnished 4 rooms. Marshall
FURNISHED flats, bath,
lights. $10 per month 621
elect ric
E. 11th.
4 ROOM flat, nicely furnished, mod
ern; piano; $15. 740 Minnesota ave,
J10 3 room flat, walking distance,
gas, electricity. Wdln. 1430.
FIRST class location for shoe shop.
265 Grand ave. N. Phone C-2803.
SEASIDE furnished cottages cheap for
Sept. N. end of beach. Main 1732.
NEWLY married couple want by Sept.
15 6 room modern bungalow, fur
nished or unfurnished, close to cat
Lne. What have you? Must be rea
sonable. Give full particulars and
phone number. Z-112, JournaL
WANTED TO RENT for one or two
years, unfurnished house, 7 or 8
rooms. Nob Hill district or Portland
Heights; give location and price. H
515, Journal.
6 OR 6 room house, with 2 or more
lots, chicken house, fruit, etc. Best
of care given property. Low rem.
Phone Sellwood 1161.
WANTED 3 rooms, partly or unfur
nished, not exceeding $S, within 3 5
minutes' walk of city. Phone Sellwood
2320. "
6 ROOM furnished, walking distance,
east or west side; will rent for all
winter or longer if price suits. Family
tif 3. Phone Main 6357.
WANTED By couple with small baby.
3 or 4 room steam heated apartment
or flat, furnished. 1st floor preferred.
References. F-H21, .Ton real.
WANTED Small fiTrnlslied house
with barn; state rent and location.
OX-671, Journal.
shares, ten to
rent dairy farm on
15 cows. If-64 7, Jou'-
WANTED Room and board in a pri
vate family, close to Lincoln school,
for a boy. G-496, Journal.
WANTED In Kenton, email furnished
house by man and wife. Address
l"M." Box 9i. Kenton. Or.
FAMILY, 3 adults, would like small
house, cheap lent, or rent free, for
care of property. G-675, Journal.
WANTED Small furnished house,
close in, west side, reasonable;
adu 1 ts. A-722, Journal.
WANTED to rent lot in North Port
land to store on. Phone East 319
YOUNG couple want to rent bungalow
with garage. Call Tahor 5464-
FOR SALE Light wagon, buggy, set
single harness sot light driving
harness, side saddle and crosfl saddle,
at 489 Millers ave.; inquire before 3
p. ni.
WE have a 3 ton Gramm trucK In good
working order, without bed, will sell
very cheap for cash or take part cash
and balance hay; can be seen at Union
Trans f er Co.. 1 1 tha nd JRyt
ONE pair of mares, 5 and 7 years old,
with good double harness and
wagon; also saddle pony; will eell at
a bargain. 1967 E. Stark.
TEAM weighing 2400; harness, farm
wagon; $125. Horse, harness, spring
wagon, $30. 6416 E4th St., Woodstock
WANTED Horses for large lot,
Lauree ave., Courtney station; elec
tric light, gaa, sidewalk. J-494, Jour
nal. WANTED To buy a pair of horses or
mares, must be cheap; state age
and price. H-636. Journal.
2500 LB. work team, harness, -wagon;
sale or trade. 1561 East Ash. near
DEAD horses and animals nauled away
free. Call Woodlawn 0. Portland
Rendering Co
FOR SALE 3400-lb. bay team, 7 and
8; also Belgian mare 7 yeara old,
1700 lbs.; 326 E. 60th N. Tahor 870.
A GOOD riding pony and colt for ttale
or trade for work horse; 326 C 60th
7. Tabor 870.
WANTED Blocky built 1100-lb. horse,
must be good traveler, for delivery
wagon; Woodlawn 1998.
HORSE for sale, 8 years old, 1300 lbs.,
good driver or delivery. Tainlesie
& Co.. 688 Williams.
2 LOTS in Salem to trade for 2500 lb.
farm team. J. A. Dennett, 292 Rus
sell st. Phone East 3923
WANT good 1200 lb. horse in exchange
for painting. Call East 5467 at 6 p. m.
TEAM of family drivers, harness and
buggy. 703 71st t S. li
TEAM, wagon, harness, plow,
quick sale. 63 86th st
GOOD horse for sale or will trade for
good cow. 0-674. Journal.
GOOD span of mares, 230O, and 2 ton
wagon, cheap; ween days. Main 8728
GOOD farm team, 2200 lbs., $75;
, uooney are.
and cattle taken. Call
MARES, team, dark chestnuts, 2800
lbs., are pair of the best "W orkers and
fast walkers, gentle for boy or lady
to ride, drive or handle; In or out of
stable, have no tricks or vices, and
both have had colts, making ihem
proven brood mares; also eet heavy
sewed trace harness, all like new at
low price, of $245.
Black mares, 2900 lbs., this is a team
low, blocky, heavy boned mares tnat
will lo any heavy work and raJse a
colt each year; are true pullers and
prompt drivers, set
natnesa all like new-
good sewed trace
ai oue price $J
Bay mares, 2400 lbs., are team full
slaters and as good work team ts
stand in yds city today; bo-h will ride
and work single or double; gentle lor
any one to handle, set good harness,
all goes at $100.
Team, 3000 lbs., geldings, this team
is and 10 years old, are a team of
honest true pulling horses that will
make a poor man a living and if you
have any hard work to do and want a
team call and see this one; set heavy
harness, all at once, price ot $2 1o.
Team, matched bays, horse and mare,'
2300 lbs., are 5 years old, good workers,
single or double and ride, extra well
matched and handsome team, set good
harness at $150.
Single mares and horses, black, 14 00
lbs. horso in fair condition $mi. Brown
horse, 1300 lbs, $90. Bay, UOo lbs.,
hortie, $!5. Black mares, years, 13.70
lbs., tS5. Four ear old mai e. hand
some and well bred, rides or drives, at
$5o. Dapple gray mare. 4 years old,
heavy tonod and a good one at J 1 '.
Olio sorrel mare, 1150 lbs., good, fat.
sound mare, work any place, at $65.
Wagons, 2 farm wagons, new, at half
price. One gravel wagon at $25. One
farm wagon at $20. tine spring wagon
at your own price. Three sets double
harness, your choice at $15.
11th and Hoyt S'ta.
PASTURE ContractorB. or any one
that wants to have lots of room and
pasture. In the city, I have leased the
Country club race track and will take,
horses or cows in large lotj; stable
room for looo head; five cent car
fare to it, railroad truck spur nid
platform lor unloading hay or stock.
Rates very cheap. Broadway 2 41.
T.EAM mares, weighs 2400 lbs. am
good workers, single or double or
ride, sell eeparately, very reasonable;
also coal black mare, 1200 lbs., safe
for farm use, gentle for ladies or chil
dren. Call private residence, 399 Knott.
Don't call Sunday.
FARMERS look, imported bay mare,
weighs 1700 lbs., in foal to imported
.,nil. :.. in ..i , a.atl.U
j Slillliuil, la x 1 1 i 9 L..E, nij c OU.VA-Lf.U LV,.
pany heavy farm work and will raise a
ct each year. Here is a bargain, can
Ire seen at Contractors stable, 441
Hoyt St.
BUY your Implements, vehicles, wire
fncing and general farm supplies
where you get the most for your dollar.
Some second hand goods.
P. E. ESRENSHADE. 214 Front St.
FOR SALE Well bred, fine gaited
saddle horse; gelding. 4 years old.
15 hands; gentle disposition: will drive
double. Phone Marshall 2967. 0-185,
20 HEAD of horses aad mares, weight
from 1000 to 15u0; must be sold
Prices reasonable. Choice of mat h
teams and some cheap horses also.
Nobble stables, 12th and Flanders.
FOR SALE or trade, good, young, gen
tle horse; will trade for beef or
fresh cows. A. Schamonl, Tlgard, Or.
I ,
62 registered Jersey cows must be
sold. Will sell at price of good
cows, part or all. We have large lilt
of Shorthorn milk strain and Holstein
cows. Cash or note. Geo. R. Mokl
Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main
10 HEAD of extra fancy dairy cows,
fresh 1 day to 2 weeks; all largo
cows, giving 4 to 6 gals, per day; Jer
sey and Durham; high testers. Tako
Woodstock car to 69th ave., walk 3
blocks west.
30 HEAD young Holstein grades
or coming fresh; also 20 head young
horses. E. E.' Morgan, Yamhill, Or.,
or 536 Chamber of Commerce, Port-
JUST received, a shipment of first
class dairy cows; 6 fresh with young
calves; balance forward bp ringers,
Durhams and Holsteins; terms. Bruce,
Union Stock Y'ards. Phone. Wdln. 2400.
WILL sell niv dairy ranch with cows,
and retail route in Portland. Will
also rent tho place if you desire. A
food steady income in this business.
nvestigale. Y-72 5. Journal.
1300 LB. horse for sale, or will ex
change for wood.. 8 good cows for
sale, range from $40 to $75. Call
Tabor 2011.
FOR SALE. Durham cow, fresh in
June; Guernsey heifer and steer
vearilngs. Kendall station, box 277.
8 2d st.
FIRST class Holstein milch cow with
calf 5 weeks old cheap. Take St.
Johns car to Vanhouten st.', 1 block
north. 1 west. Inquire for Barnes.
WANTED to trade good Jersey cow
for first payment on piano. Q-495,
sows and pigs. 63d
Ix-nts, Or.
1 1 I f e r M r.ilvpM.
ve and 7a t
JUST arrived a car of dairy cows,
fresh and springers, calves by side.
3 blocks north. 1 west of Kenton bank.
BARGAlN Pure bred Jersey cow
(tested), fresh In 10 days; other
Choice fresh cows. 2120 E. Glisan.
I OR SALE cheap, 7 fresh cows.
Vancouver car to Columbia
station: go 3 blocks north.
for sale.
A carload of
J. T. Campau.
dairy cum
Aurora, Or.
TWO fresh heavy milkers, Holstein
cows. A. P. Avers, U. S. barn. Front.
TWO fresh rich milch
1594 Division st.
cowg cheap.
FOR SALE 3 fresh cows.
Tacoma ave., Sellwood.
cheap. 871
FRESH cow and
71st st. S. E.
calf for sale. 2703
HALF or entire interest In small poul
try business on suburban acreage,
suitable for married man working in
town: investment small. Also have 100
White Leghorn and 60 Rhode Island
Red pullets and some good yearling
hens for sale. Phone Talior 3926.
FOR SALE At once, S. C. White Leg
horns, 40 pullets, ready to lay, 20
yearling bans. 60c each, 1 cockerel. $1.
Bred to lay, ioung's strain. Eltnodello
Farm, Milwaukie, or.. Phone East 676.
24 MALTESE and White King pigeons,
mated; extra large squab breeders;
any amount at $1 each. Phone Main
6830 or Tabor 3197.
FOR SALE Superior White Leghorn
hena for breeders, Wyckoff strain.
Tabor 526.
FOR SALE Hens and fryers; genuine
Pekln ducks and rabbits. Tabor 3173
40S0 73 st. S. E., cor. 40th ave. S. E
FQR SALE White Wyandotte chick
ens, laying. 2d hous S. Errol sta.,
Efrt.acada line; 6c fare.
MUST Bell 32 fine spring chickens,
cheap. Best laying strain, 30c each
for lot. I'hone Tabor 4941.
WHITE and Buff Lefirhorn hens for
trade, or sale. C-1S02 or 1547 Bos
ton ave.
R. I.
BEDS and Barred Rocks, 65c and
'. 168 E. 74th st. N.
for chit kens. Phone
double harness.
Main 8392.
TWO dozen
74th st. N
pullets 40c each. 103 E.
FOR SALE Toy Boston bull terrier
puppies, pedigreed. 463 N. 23d SC.
city. Phone Marshall 4374.
FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies.
pedigreed. 35 Holladay. East 393.
FINE canary singers for sale. Main
PEDIGREED Boston bull terrier
piea for sale. Call Main 640.
IRISH terriers, for the farm, the hun
ter, tho child's playmate, the watch
dog. No matter the requirements, they
are fulfilled. John M. Mann. 382
Stark st. Broadway 408. A-4uSs.
LEWELLY'N setter. English pointer,
Irish water spaniel, all well broke,
foi sale. John Duekett. 33d and W.
streets, Station A, Vancouver. Wash.
Phone 710-R,
i FOR SALE Pedigreed English netter
puppies. The Doll House Kennels,
Mabury station. Address the Doll
House. R. D. No. 2. Box 222, t.rcsh.mi.
1 FOK SALE French bulldog- nans
from Queen
A. K. C 1S27
Flake, 690 8. 1 ;
Naraaasa laraon . 1 e:
SO; ready now. H. 1
th st.. Salem. Or.
PEDIGREED English bull pups,
males, best breeding stock on t i.i
coast. 199 .letssup st. Phone Woodlawn
3701 till 4 p. m.
CANARY singers, for sal" Hart'.
Mountain strain; nonn better; price
reasonable. Call at 1 493 1-7 Hoyt and
56th. st.. M-V ear orjphotie Tabor 352 5.
REG 1ST ERE I T Scotch follie i.uppiei
for sale cheap; will trade for Per
sian cats. Appleton Collie K.-nnels,
Deer Island. Or.
A 1 UEDALL' STUD A winTTeri'F Ch!
Illuminator, fee $1"; pupjn, s cheap.
Mam 4522. or kennels. .McKeima ave.
and Lombard st., St. Johns nrliu, .
ENGLISH bulldog. IS tin .nt oTu
good Wtffeh, fond of . Ic.blr. n. Cheap
f"ergool home. 1290 Atl.tnt:.- rt .
FINE big blue eyed ma'.e
per feet .hearing, 1 '.. t.
W ha t lave ymi? Tuber
FlTdT I.L00DED St " . 1
for sab- at 1431 Grand 1
Lni ii :: 1 v
l't ' I ; s A I.E. 6 moii t lis old
i. I p-11. Main 3111
Persian cat,
will trade.
: eu s si ngei s
e. N. o...l-
'." k"i Span-
Keep the Old Car
C, B.
Miners & Co.
626-52S ALDER.
W e liavo moved to our iicu l.i
East Side.
Just across the Steel bridge.
East Third and Oregon Sts
"The Tire Shop
L.50 Washington et.. at. ISth
Marshall 37..
Trade new tires for ol, ,.,..h
FOR SALE- 10 Lioxton iv-fi.,n i.ix
icabs complete; bodies Just p. unit !,
beautifully finished in g.
leather; all cars in line running oi l. . ,
very cheap; terms to parties with g ..i
security. Address GX-473. Joniliti i
IF YOU want your auto painted r
brass trimmings nickel plated, :i -k
for estimates. Main 943, A-52S2, I'oi 1
land Plating & Auto Painting Co., 22d
and Tliuriiian.
5 PASSENGER Ford. 1913, new
inder, differential, coils and carbu
retor, electric headlights, practically
new tir.s, $350; terins, discount for
cash. Sellwood 1227.
iRS A I.J-;. 3-ton White, excellent con
dition, recently thoroughly over
hauled. Price right, terms to right
party. International Motor Co., Covey
ill d g . j: 1 s t a n t lW ash.
Large stock, puces $300 to $705.
Studebaker bldg..
Corner Chapman nnd Alrlfr.
OVERLAND. 3913, 5 passenger, elec-
tric starter and lights, good condl
35 : tion. $4 25.
Cor. I?i oad way and Davis sts.
TRUCK I have a 3-ton Gramm trii l
in lair order, ready to run. Will
sell cheap or sell half down and Ink'
balance 111 hay. Can be seen at 12'J
N. 1 1th st.
P.H'i 6-40 Hudson, run 3000 miles, me
chanically perfect, good tires, newly
palnteiL no t ratio. Call Sunday befor
;o or Monday
lfore lo
Tabor 21 7o,
address 2145
E. Stark.
METZ 22H. I ', machlno that will jiiike
I a very good buy for some one that
1 , n 1, 1,.
runiilug condition. 65
! !isJ '1 ft.
; i-ink
7 passenger auto; cost $5.'io0;
will sell at a bargain and take house
painting as part payment. H. E. Joy,
309 St. -irk.
6 PASS. Pope-Hartford, good running
order; bargain for cash. Can be
seen ai foot E. Belmont St. Phone
Marshall H515.
$160 HEP roadster, just overhauled,
all new non-tUtd tires, top nJ wind
shield Owner. 1621 Frecmont, Tabor
1914 FORD Enclosed car and cash far
a late model car with starter, g
give lull particulars. 0-797,
NEW and used l ord aulumom leu sold
on easy terms. Ben). E H -one .t
Co., Ford agents, 614 Abler st. Main
, 1913 5 PASS.
m 1 c 11 1 1 ;
135 0 KENT-;
ONLY $350 cash,
' 30 H. P.. best
fine mito, Cadilla-r.
of condition, nu
i tires, complete.
Monday, phone Tabor
. 1 9 nr-i
; '. .
FANCY pair limousine or taxi electric
side lamps,
inserted dash
shall 429.
Sale or
exchange for
lamps. Mar-
STUI )E MAKER roadster, newly over
hauled in A 1 condition, $275. or
wo'ilii trade it in part payment for 6 auto. Main 9305.
iWritten guar
antee with
every pnrig
Chalmers "3o,'
passenger, fore
trades: need the
door, $3 25 cash; no
money. Inquire 825
1915-6 cylinder, 7 passenger cole, as
good as new; all modern equipment.
Will sell at a sacrifice. Price and
trrni". Call Broadway 887.
1912 MAKMOnT TrT flawless condlT ion ,
equipment complete in every reapc t
including non-skid tires, very low
price, terms. 31 N. 19th st.
LIGHT 6-pasa. Reo In good condition.
Will timke fine delivery or service
car . Price $100. Call Broadway 887.
FIVE passenger foredoor Pope, lec-
trlc lights, etc. Best buy in city.
Call Broadwjy 887.
FOR SALE 1 torpedo body auto.
cheap; first clasa shape, lil Holla
day ave.
FIVE passenger auto, will exchange
for u. incumbered lot, value $2..o.
492 E. Mill st.
F.-t.msm MalhAU'knn.
bodv. ' very powerlul 'ar
Broadway 5368.
CORBIN. 4-eyl., 4-piiHS.. new tires, ful
ly equipped, special hwrgain. Broad
way 536.V.
in T'orilanti. $3
l?ig Tire Supply
tires, largest Mock
to $1.7. Line
( o , 2'i 7 .M nil ison.
$175 5 pass., good
be sold before 'I
gain. Marshall K
STODDARD. 1 1 g 1 1 1
ble rlriis, electric
hill (limber, must
itsdav, wome bar
;. 493 Alder.
etc. Broad-
w ay 5 3 6 8
1912 CARTER 'A R; in perfect mechan
ical condition. Price $175. Call
White gara-p. , or. 6th ana Madison.
le ear
, $125; srreat bar
Marshall 620.
past;. 1
ROADSTER, dandy light 2
,ir bargain; Broadway 536
HIGHES T prices paid for old rubbir,
metal" ' Lve, 1 6 Columbia. N. 5IJS
CTTaLMEP.S 30, 5 pass., model K. br-
gain; t. rms. Broadway ft36
RRIGGS magneto for sale at taigain.
Main 6 9 7 4
-TON to
bare a in;
k. driven jTi!y fl
01 miles
terms. Broad wity
$125 CASH Two passenger runabout.
Excellent condition. Woodlawn 734.
new 1916
car. Broadway g38.
REMY self atartar
baicery- $2.
-rw ow. t AMCa&PftMG coa
OVERLAND, toiring car. 1914
" "del. in fine condition, elee-
,'i,. ;t.u-ter and light- $600
G A P. 1 '( ir I seven pusaenger tour-
"' ' a 1. in goo shape $200
S'l 1 1 ,,. n K ER 31" louring. 1912
ST 1 1 . 1 1 '. A K 1 ; R .;tn" roadster,
I an.! repainted $150
STUIU.E.ovElt FiH.R," 1914
model. ',,,, 1 ,i,enger touring
CHr' ct.-tii, st, rti and lights.. $600
MAXWME toirltc .r, f. pass.,
overhaue.l ,,, .,.,,,,, , j3,o
STUDKRVKEK ,,il)nit ,Hr.
In fine con. in jjno
OVER L.-VN i ', t.M.o.g . , . .... .$150
Oregon Motor Car Co,
STUDEHAKEI l;l " I 1 .1 d . ;
COR CHAPMAN md Allii; svfS
PHONE MAIN 1.402. a ... .
Automobile Owners
Wllo 1 1 A VI : I H.J t A RS T
1 . 1 Yt .1 W ANT ASM OU I" K
roll lori CAR'.'
1 so. .tall u. on the phone.
Tel I .1- Wit re Ve i .,), Inspe, l
t". 1 .11 and v. , v. i 1 1 tell . . 1
bon 111 1. h wei an c. I mi t .ti
lt v. 11 hi 11 5 .lai-- We ;ay stoi
age and tletn. 'ic-";i 1 1 n g epi nn
in .1 h 1 c the b. t lota! 1 1 . ! 1 1 a
the , a t ft, i- sal,- if used C.I I s.
Put the ii;;l't .il.-e on your
f'i'i, leave It w ith lis, 11 ml it a e
the rest to us.
Portland Automobile Ex
change. .
15 lb and Rut ic-i.l
Mam r. 1 .'. S
I ords Folds roids Fords
I'M 1 I " d, 5 p. is- tullv equipped,
pre.-to tins, aid t-1 .t . lot . le t e r, prac
tical!., ia w .
1913 I '."I, r, pa.- faily equipped.
presto t c. pt t'tit.tit.tei and water
1914 SI a.'..-' ai t 1 ftji r. pass., elec
tric lights and - .11'. . 1,1,1. ta ally new.
! cost $1 1 ...0 I 1 i.-e j
1911 H-.tlson ma :!. r. $27 5.
1913 Stude.iaker X, 7, lav , lditt
new, $ 4 25.
1911 Maxwell 3 0. i'Oa.ts , $2.',o.
Mitchell 40. R p.l.VS . elect! If!
1 1 c. li 1 s and Ma 1 tcr, $715
Francis Motor Car Exchange
E. 1199. E. 13th nnd Hn wt horno ave.
One-Half Price
We specialize oil hiving cars and
tearing them down t,r their parts.
These part. ;;u'h H G I A R.S. W II EELS
AXLE.-", I" KANSM IS80NS. are Just
as gootl as new In f'ttt. we guarantee
eyeiy part we sell 1 lor any reason
they an- not mi t Is fat br , we will re
fund all your money. We have a very
li. 1 go st'n k.
Pacific Tire & Supply Co.
325-327 BUiUHIDE.
Between 6th and Broadway.
Bodies of every dcrlptnn rnann
fatt iret!. We are ipcial!sls In Inis
business and' can fin your r--j u 1 1 -iit-nlM.
Everything fiom an i'xi.iibh
bed to a hotel bus, dunp body or fan
era 1 C.'IIS.
209 1-roi.t ifi.
CADILLAC, .. i.e
TWO EL A N I ' 1 . 1 1
OAKFoRD, , j.
7 M, f ne condition.
.1 rj, .a. hnrgaln.
a in. I delivery.
1 tads t -i s,
1 1 iH 1
piss, tiger.
RE , I 1 1. - e
j'rl.e. t .' 'id 1 ...I-. a foi take notice.
A n o I ..V I AN'. 17.
i'.; ..rr fl rent- Marshall 1976.
Caddie 1 9 fT
Ei v e jMsseiigitr ncv top and tires,
car in ext client oiidi lon. Call Main
Covey Motor Car Co
7 1st and Wi.shlrijdon streeta.
r,.1J A LDTlt
1 Overland toadster
1 overland rpadstei, electric 1
and tarter.
i 4 passenger tlorbll.
J light 5 passenger.
1 Metz roadster.
1 6 passenger Aubutr elec.trlo
lights, A-l condition.
STl T; 6 passenger ton,- r i" per
fect condition. Mil.'c 4000 mllM.
Bargain if taken on
Franklin 6 pa. - 1 ' Under ear
In perfect f-u i.. Wdl sacrifice
if taken st r.-n
H. L Mann Motor Car. Co,
a I
Cadilac 1911
!. ,r paiseiig!, fciu.p at $150. Call
Main '. Il
Covey Motor Car Co,
21-1 and Washington streets.
$2.i(i ' ASH and diarn.mds or real es
tate; win tune my nign class cyi.
00 II P. 47 pnn. unto Car Is In flrM condition and will be sold very
chf-iip. gee it at 390 College, near U"!,.
Sunday, 9 to 12.30. or address 1 1 62H.
MY 191 4 CadTTlac juat Out of lhei mint
ahop, new spat coters and tires.
Can give terms to responsible par'y or
take In exchange a lithter ri, i an part
payment. o-kut Journal
7 PASSENGER 40 j.; p. Ht n. It-baker-Garford.
newly punted. $::o0 will
buy it if taken at on; Is worth mora.
Signal Auto Exchange and A ito Stor
age . o., r.7 K. Burnsilf ft.
A GOOD auto dtlUery body with full,
too for sale ctp-an t 3'4 Front st. .
(Ck8tlan4 on "vvxi 5P4r