t t .' --. 13 THE 'OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL," .'PORTLAND. , . SATURDAYS . SEPTEMBER 4, 1918. '!'' LIFE'S LHTLl IftONIES A New Method. KRAZY KAT Copyright. IBIS. International News ferries. I f : Inenrabto ' Jf ' i ivj" ' BAtey fi-Ho) . 0.- M I " II I The Pamalnf Show. r Come Mates, Quick 'ere's a Old Freak Grlnnin at a Earwig Froo , Spyglass 1" ' V (AnC Professor Spindlebury. F. B. 8.. etc.. etc.. the famous entomologist. - ' ha, after enormous effort". Just discovered a. perfect specimen of coleoptera. i JUa new onu belltcosusy Mother What Is baby crying for, now? Little Ethel I'm sure I don't know. I was only trying to make him smile With the glove-stretcher. Th Passing- Show. "Did you say this haddock was cured this morning?" "Yessir." "Then it's had a serious relapse." London CplDlon. Sympathetic Onlooker-Pore deor! How short 'er skirt is! I s pose sbVa 'ad to skimp it a bit owin' to this dratted war. Freddie Mamma, was that brilliant. Ine in the brown bottle on your bu teau? Mothers-Gracious, no, dear;! That was glue. Freddie Oh, maybe thai s why I can't et my hat oft US BOYS Beglstered Cnlted States ratent Office. Looks Like Adven tures Now! The Gang Drifts Ashore on Savage Island! WELL, THIS IS A LITTLE BETTER ANYWAY v After being tossed around all night In a terrible storm onuac springing seral leaks the boafcontainlng the survivors of the poor old Lady rnfhif morningdrUted into aoulet Our smpwrecKea incna ? u JZZJT n the blanched all lying in the bottom ot tne ooaii in w wi Ann J . . , .14 ..tinm (n the name manner u oun bones ot some otner roar, wrucu ws w - . . . , . t i i fttinn Now bv looking cloaely you may .years ana years ago, inm. , ILl. a those tall calms be able to discern a pair ot eyes peering mv iruui wu ' ZT . . on the Dcacn. uosn, xnat sraatMw , , ;rt, Get as much step as you cart tonight and . then get up early and grab to morrow's oaoer. , UJELL SAYINGS lUDSTRATeo BY OHTHH DARLINfr, what's t's MAME ? uJHEN DOES A UJOviAN DO MANS Joe ? WHEN SHE KISSES ANOTHER. WOMAM. VOU CANT DENY THAT . a FOfO EUGENJE 0ELAONT(?OSS, U.S.A. UlHEM is AN I CE WACjO LIKE A fish f OH, AMD BY THE WAY IS A CHECKER BOARD A RED BOARD UOlTH BUACK SQUARES, OR A BtAO BOARD U)iTH RD SQUARES? UJE JbSr tDANTfeP TO KNOU. THE DINGBAT FANJIY Copyrighted by International Sews Semes. Serrlce.) That's a Smart Kid, That Young Dingbat Boy GOOD IXJaA-BiLL- HEU3)lH!3nJ liAlWBn . Tk& PactV Mok, ujheaJ)I iiiMlir ' : ' . 1 I JERRY ON THE JOB Coyprlgbt, 1915. International Newt Bertie. Wonder if the Old Man Will Appreciate the Opportunity They Caught 4 Svs 1 T felted ffi W''r 7 --- . i ABIE-TOE AGENT (Ckspyrigbt. 1915. by tbs International News Abie Is a Nice Fellow at That r ,! WO use, OUTSIDE CAMPING N A TENT IS FlNt J WU jNt HAVE To ITS EVeRYTHlNQ LIBERAL. PUn 1 oTto 0 PECK TO The OFFICE -ItLClBNM Att: ur riw the cny: MSI 9 fEVERBdW LOOKS H? I OM ME LIKE IM A I r&iC?A BAReER5H0P. T rT4tfvl ACYMHJh HERE rrl 1 LISTEN, M0LLVy 1 SAW ABE HFIOOKSDOWN ANPOUI on, TErkipLC 7 I y ATI. J' ?j. "rl l AA frUECDKAES TDUSIWOflr-l WVE HIM A mfr morris, t ioarr kUfiu VAJUATC. THP uevrero V TViKiV HEAR FROM AMt MOLLEH.I WONfcG, MAlBe. THET qui lKUU&Lt" f w w AAONE Rc Vnu WEEP eu&itcrv t TPIPB To rj r ir i riij iut mi ai- Birr cEfiTRAL. D4waJ Alb 05 VNCPNNtXJQj GLAD0UCALIB( ECONOMISE AtfTHEj i DOWN THc rtKc BtfENSES THAN IcS m JTHt FIFTy. Well, XTa" Said "D mb rTHA7 ' IftV T) MV DiD 4 LAunRouJEfe. ) (Rah ) Alow y 6f J C2J KABIBBLE KABARET LIKE MEW&EL MWSK ft fWAttl . 1 . Sk.a . . . rtwu WWl Live IN tJUS Houses swwLWr STCKi armjmi AND THROW STONES - THERt'3 SMOUH To bO KtrEpINQ THE WIMO0W5 CLEAN.' vr- 1 s 4 I H 'i