' r - - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1915. a Skilled Carpenters Furnished on -short notice. Mar. 765. COMPETENT accountant to keep set of books for a few hours during day, reasonable, M-109, Journal. PAPERING, tinting, cheap. Tabor 525. SITUATIONS FEMALE RELIABLE middle-aged lady, wants position an housekeeper. No objec tion to one or two children f country or inwn. v-o, juurnai WANTED By Blrl, a position in mil llnery store where she can Kain ex- perlence; small sulary, H-624, journal, VAN'fKD Position as assistant to dentist; experience desired; small salary. V-7fiR, Journal. RELIABLE woman, a?ed 38, wants work in Oregon. Address Mrs. II. Thrams, Montevideo. Minn. TWO Kirl friends want work as nurse maid and second Kirl in same house; nest of references, F-916, Journ & I, GOOD housekeeper, good seamstress, will help in genteel family; some whrch. ireKBinKPr, main : YOUNG lady desires stenographic po sition. i-r', journal. PLAIN housework, cleaning by hour. Main 7439. WASHINGS, lace curtains; day work. Call and deliver. Marshall f.!Mf.. im;sHUM. 40 DRESSMAKING, experienced fitter,,! &uu ueniKiier. evening ruwhi spe ciality, alterations, remodeling; -will copy any sketches; formerly with White House. Kan Francisco. B-2310. 471 K. Rurnmde. 1 YEARS' experience desfgnius; work quickly and neatly done; no patterns required, f.i per day. East 1 837. ALTERATIONS, stylish dresses or general sewing, $2.60 per day. Wood lawn l!ilil. I I RMSMKi JtOOMS 0 ROOM register listing several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.: also those in the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library. reading rooms, at S 1 . 5 o to $2.75 per week dou ble, with indMdunl bt-da, or to M.60 per wceK single Hotel Medford KII'TH ANU GL1HAN. h'INE ROOMS Hot and cold water, steam heit, free baths, frcn phone. :i..o to :! per week liOTEL HRISTOL. 12th and Stark Tht best rooms In the city for the ?rlc BHked. Room with pri' 3.60 week up; without. $2.00 vale oath up. All modern. Kusiiiess district. Madras Hotel ?-uZl rooms, i.ou up. uy, uay tuc. 7ic. l cor. I.'th nnrl WnnfiinKlon ts. TIIK KA.NKOLl'H 2.r2 Columbia; nic dean rooms; bath, steam heat I hone. J!.L'- hi Nicely I ui -lushed A D RflTT -uU day iu M, Wi-sh. st. nDDUl I n.:.o wk.up 1.50 KLK up; clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The Kihn :iu!) Jet. ROO.Msi and apartments In rnodeii hotel. $2.50 week und ui. 45B Aldti Fl'RNIMHED ROOMS 70 PHI V ATP JAMILY $10 Ph'R MONTI! NicV furnished room, furnace hent, piano, double parlors; .an nlve iiieuls. otiS Hoyt st. Main 5I9B. LAROIC west rootn, suitable for t'TTr scliool boys; board optional. Phone Marshall f18H. NICK trout furnished joom. KelTvvood Dlfi. IUKJMS AND i-iOARD ir, PARKV1ICW HOTEL, 3SC Montgomery St., at West Park. Family hotel, all modern conveniences, rates for regular and transient guests. ROOMS AND HOARD PBIATEIMII.-y WALNUT Purk good lent room, with! privilege of good modern home, 2 meals day, very reasonable, piano and i phonograph. 1039 Garfield ave. Wood- I lawn 202!i. ' NICELY furnished front room with i home cooking and home comfort:;, i walking distance. 468 Market. Mar- ; ' whall :;su ! 8KVERAL children that appreciate a good home, near school, pleasant s'li -roundlngs. Tabor 472S. .CLEAN outside rooms, .'! meals daily, $4 50 week up. 2M Main st. ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, Htcain heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from Rtb and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 2'J1 Columbia St., corner 5th st. FURNISHED n. K. rooms, single or double, only $1 week. 1 week free. 142 Shaver st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, $3 week, $10 month and up. Standtsh hotel. 54 '-a Washington st. NICELY furnished 2 and 4 room house keeplng suites at 2H3 KiUingsworth ave.; low rent. '.Vuodlawn 1907. ?! To $2.5t week, liiinislnd H! kT rooms, gas, tree heut. laundry, batii Phone East 203 Stanton, U car. f resh air inis fon, A itc I'b. $lwk Flee llht. 1 1 rvtoi v,p. 401 1st CA M HKI1M! E hldg.. fur. H. central, cheap. ICft'i ?,t. K. rooms. cor. Morn. 175 12TH -Modern llKL rooms. Piano. IIOl'SEKEEUrMTUOOMS Tit THREE clean furnished housckeeninir rooms, all on ground floor, best bed rooms, private toilet and bath; private' front and back porch; water, electric lights, linen. All for $lo month. Oas for cooking. 196 E. 74th st. N M-V.oar PR1 VA TE entrance, biwer floor. 3 con necting rooms, furnished complete housekeeping, $10 month, cooking gas phone, water, lights Included. 731 Rodney near Fremont. 'Williams or Union ave. tars. $3 WEEK Two neatly furnished light housekeeping, to permanent, respon sible people. Includes light, hot and cold water, bath und laundry trays; Mock south Hawthorne. 32f. E. 35th. 2 OR 3 very pleasant front rooms, 2 blocks from Washington ltigh; teach ers preferred. East 7032. THREE clean housekeeping rooms, I gas. electricity, adults. u5 E. 30th East 6505. INEXPENSIVE unfurnished rooms. $5 I per month: sink, gns. 32 N. 11th. I SUITE or 2 H. K. rooms, sleeping porch and hat h Sell wood 1 9 4 3 . ' ONE and 2 rooms, housekeeping. 435 Alder st. 361 TAYLOR Close in housekeeping rooms. $7 AND $10. 3 fur. II. K. rooms, near Hawthorne school. 651 E Morrison. $8 TWO sroom suites housekeeping, furnished! 492 CI ay. t FOR RENT HOUSES 12 7 ROOM modern house, 2 fireplaces, Dutch kitchen, laundry, hardwood floor, gas, electricity and all modern conveniences; rent very low to right party; Eastmoreland. near Heed col leKe. Main 70H5. NEW. modern 5 room bungalow, with fireplace, 1 acre ground, tine chjfken house, 3 blocks west of Watson sta tion on Estacada line; J12 month. Ta bor 1974. AT. modern bungalow, 6 rooms, on west side, paved streets, reasonable rent, t hapman and Madison: also 4 room cottage. 607 Everett, only 5. , NEWLY remodeled 6 room cottage, gas. electric, fine yard. 1086 E. Taylor, S 1 2.50. FIVE room house, close in, beautiful yard; near sc hool and car lines. 865 Saeramento. c-llfiQ, 110.60 5 RooM cottase, water free, - walking: distance. 93 E. loth st. East 842. SITUATIONS MALE S ROOM house. 39th and E. Main rea sonable rent. Tabor 777. 2 MODERN cottages cheap by owner. Sell wood 1416. M QUERN 6. toom house. Mar. 101 J. 12 NEW 4. room bungalows on Sumner and Webster sts.. near E. 13th. 1 block north of Alberta car, with built-in beds, buffets, coolers, window seats and bookcases; linoleum in kitchen and baths; self-lighting gas ranges and heaters, full attics and basements: they are convenient and handy ana partly furnished. Blanchard & Clem- won, 702-3 Selling bldg, 12-ROOM house, 373 Ross, suitable lor roomers, Z blocks irom V away bridge; kev at 378 Benton st. Phone Marshall 4290. Also 6 room house, 3 blocks from B'dway bridge, 851 Ross st Phone East 864. Key at ? Benton. Fine g room thoroughly modern house irnew Couch scnool district; rent $30. Inquire 581 Marshall St., or phone Main or a-z(4 ROOM modern house, lawn and roses. f03 Mill St., bet. 14th and IMli. Main -r. 2 1 2. FUKNITIKE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 82 Al8 of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classl rir-atlon whTi house is not for rent. Ft' RN ITL'KE of 7 rooms and nails, furnished complete as It stands, $200. 4jt E. wooniawn ttai ROOM cottage, fine furniture, will P Pile h cap, 68 N. 15th St. M. 4Ift4. FURNISHED HOUSES 80 6 ROOM modern cottage, bungalow or der, completely furnished. 1 block from carline, $15. 131 East 6Sth. N. Phone East 3308. 3 ROOM house at Lents, partly fur nished, $6 per month. Inquire 400 oregonlan hldg. 7 ROOM furnished house, close in. near school, for rent to desirable people. Phone Sellwoixi zu i I. 6 ROOM house, 4 rooms nicely fur- nisneu. fnone twain g,ao. $10 A smalTcottage, furnished; phone, hath and gas, figtf Pettygrove st. FURNISHED houses. 5 room cottage. Telephone Wood hi wn 40. $15 5 ROOM cottage, clean, newly )alnted. 354 S.t ramento St. FURNISHED 4 room cottage. 834 Mon tana ave. 1 TRMSHEI first floor in cottage, 12. 495 Kerby st. East 1502. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HIGH -AM1 COURT APTS. on. ivii ni.lalN i, t J - J 1 ' . , . . - " Largest, most homelike, high class apiH hi ciiy, luiTiisnea mm uniuiiiioiiru. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3249. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern. completely furnished apts. Walking disiutice. References. THK Luzene aiits., Tird and Hall; mod ern brick. 2 looms furnished; under new managfiuenl; newly tinted and varnlsheil: prices very reasonable; call and look them over. Mar. 4bji. The Parkhurst 20TH and Northrup. 3 and 4 room fur., all outside apts THK DRICKSTON APTS., 4 IS 1 1 th. strictly mod. 2-3 rm. fur,, unt'urn.. day, wk., mo., walking dis it 1'ark. Mar. 66. TIIK IRIS Ai'TH ad and Mill ss. Modern 2, ;i and 4 room apts., fur nished or unfurnished, $17 month up, No charge for cooking gas. .trUKTTK APTS.. 2d and Montgom ery. Pvt. bath. tel.. heat, hot water free gas for cooking; at end of 12 months 1 month's rent free, $12 up Till". CODY. cor. E. "th and Taylor sis., has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets; 2 aim .t rooms, iikiu ami prions tree. THK SHEFK1ELO 270 Broadway S. anri 4 ,-onmu w 1 arranvtifl alV walking distance, at very reasonable ii in . nest or service, main zouo. THE OEZENOORF, 208 18TH ST. Marshall 2316 Nice B room lurn. and uniurn. ants. ; also 3 and 4 room furn. apartments. BROADWAY Central apts.. strictly mod. ', 3 and 4 room fur. apts., walk ing distance, everything new, $18 up. i ?iQ single rooms, not, cold watjr. Denver Apartments 21st and Overton, 2 and 3 room fur, and unfur. apts., 1 block "W" car. THE LEONCE, ISO N. 22d St., near Johnson; modern, well furnished, 2, ' ' 1 " 4 ' o ( in apts., 1 1 a up. RoSENFELD (bricki. 14th E. Stark. Modern 3 or 4 rooms, a-U outside, prl- liuo pnones. janitor service, reasonable WINSTON, 2 and 3 rooms, private oath, modern or;ck; special rates $15 ami up. ittn and .Market. Main 1739 illli WOOUMANSEE Furnished upartmeiils, $10 to $20. Cor. 18th ami unsan. l-iivate bath. THE Cl.ARKETON New. modern, in- i iuuni(4 neai. noi waier, pnone, Jani tor service E, 5721. nop E. Ankeny Kl'SSELL apartments. 3M0 Russell st modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, iteouceu rales. I'.ast 274 CA MAR 704 Lovejoy. M.odern aoart ments, 2 and 3 rooms, from $lb to AlitlHIlUII 4V1 I. PENINSULA APTS., C-1170. concrete bids. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up DoWA town, modern apts., $16 month up, including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex. ,;.ni '; Morrison. THREE room apartments, all outslds rooms, private bath. Pacific phone, 1 1 r up. i anor nti'io, u-itiso. BI CK HARTFORD 107 N. 21st., mod. 3, 4 rms. rur.; unfur, apts. Res. rent WANTED Lady to Bhare apt., west sine; reacner prererred. Main 8075 THE MORTON King and Washing ton. 3-4 rm. suites, close in, $16 up LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th St.: 2. 3 and 4 room apts.; also single rooms. COLLEGE Light, close in, porches 3d and College. Marshal! bo:..: AMliliUAN and Marlborough mod. 4J K frn. apt. Mar. 33HO. M. 751 G. A-2671 PAGE APTS. Excellent outside apt nates very reasonable. East 3566 THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 6 rma. 56 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8261. FOR RENT HOUSES AND NOW JEFF KNOWS ALL ABOUT THE TklT , . ' 1 OP o&ar- .... ' ni wit M- THE R-fO SEAL WHAT UTrllS P'ECe OP tA . Gr.e US AveuS m,sy- - . m . owoubce, K'l JS& M APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED - (Contjaaed) THE WASHINGTON, tit Northrup St.. near 101. 9 ruum uium hiohc-i apartment, with all modern conveni ences, including free gas, electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water. telephone, gas range, etc. lane w car to list and Northrup. Fhones Main 4376, A-1133. THE ALTAMONT. 6th and College. Clean, coxy. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, rent reasonable. AlsoDacheiors apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor eery- Ice included. FOR REJTI FLATS 13 MODERN 5 room flat, newly tinted ana palntea; combination wood ana gas range; window shades; only 10 minutes' walk to Union deDOt. 207 Hal- sey. $18, including wates. East 3612. A MODERN 6 rocm upper flat with sleeping porcb and attic. 700a tioyt St.. within one block of new Couch school. Key at 696 Hoyt. FOUR room flat, pantry, bath, first story, good cement basement, $12 per month. 837 Division st. at 27th st. FIVE room flat unfurnished and 1 partly furnislwd. sleepinsr porches. walking distance. IJfist 3737. 598 V4 SALMON STX-Eme modern flat or 8 rooms, rursa.ee, etc., reasonable rent; key at 600Palmon st. FLAT of 6 ror-4ns, 267 Clay St., near aq, reasons re rent. 4 ROOM fl;" for rent. 640 E. Main. FURNISHED FLATS 50 ONLY $18 for 5 room well furnished llat; gooa neighbors, rine yard, near carlines. clean, desirable; gaa, bath, gas stove and wood range, sleep lng porch. 772 E. Taylor st. E. 5260. MODERN 5 room flat, neatly fur nlsbed, newly painted and tinted, 2944 Margin, fronting river. This is a harbor view and must be seen to ap- preclate. t20 Including water. East 3612 BEAUTIFUL fsVnished little flat. large liont room, sleeping porcn, tchen, walking distance. 367 Van- kitchen eouver ave $18 5 ROOMS completely furnished. phone, lights and water; walking dis tance. East 3310. MODERN 5 rooms, heat, hot and cold water, phone and garbage. 880 Bel mont. Tabor 2515 CLEAN, modern, nicely furnished 5 room tihi, fia.bo, wun pnone ana rater. 729 Williams ave. CHOICE, well furnished 4 room flat. aauns, very convenient, permanent. - 1 r n . . cMioii. ;. oacraiuemo. FURNISHED flat 5 rooms, bath, two sleping porches. 4 blocks to school. 405 E. 39th St.. near Li ncoln. $10 TWO large room furnished lower flat, light and water. 542 E. 27th. one block south of Richmond car. 4 ROOM flat, nicely furnished, mod ern: piano: flu. 1 40 Minnesota ave. WANTED TO RENT 6 ROOM furnished, walking distance east or west side: will rent for all winter or longer if price suits. Family of 3. Phone Main 6357. WANTED Furnished home for care and small rent by responsible party. S-883, Journal. WANTED Room and board in a pri vate family, close to Lincoln school, for a boy. G-496, Journal. WANTED In Kenton, small furnished house by man and wife. Address M." Box 9 1, Kenton. Or. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 BUY your implements, vehicles, wire fencing and general farm supplies where you get the most for your dollar. Some second hand goods. P. E. ESUENSHADE, 214 Front St. 20 HEAD of horses and mares, weight from 10U0 to 1500; must be sold. Prlcis reasonable. Choice of match teams and some cheap horses also. Nobble stables, 12th and Flanders. TEAM weighing 2400; harness, farm wagon; $125. M.orse, harness, spring wagon, $30. 6416 54th st., Woodstock car. WANTED Horses for large lot, Lauree ave, Courtney station; elec tric light, gas, sidewalk. J-494, Jour nal. WANTED To buy a pair of horses or mares, must be cheap; state age and price. n-h3h. Journal DEAD horses and animals hauled avvav free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Te-derlng Co DEAD horses aBd cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 35 JL'ST arrived a car of dairv cows, fresh and springers, calves y side. 3 blocks north. 1 west of Kenton bank. BARGAIN Pure bred Jersey cow (tested), fresh in 10 days: other Choice fresh cows. 2120 E. Glis;in. FOR SALE cheap, 7 fresh cows. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. station: go 3 blocks north. WANTED 4 fresh tows, heavy milk e r s, for fash. W-609, Journ a L FOR SALE A carload of dalrv cow for sale. J T. Campau. Aurora, Or. TWO fresh heavy milkers, Hoist. -in cows. A. P. Avers. U. S. barn. Front. POULTRY AM) PIGEONS 37 24 MALTESE and White Kinn pigeons. mated; extra large squab breeders; any amount at $1 each. Phone Main 6830 or Tabor 3197. TWO dozen pullets 40o each. 7 4th st. N. 103 E. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 IRISH water spaniel dogs for sale. P. M. Boost, Multnomah, Or. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies. pedigreed. 375 Holladay. East 6393. FINE canary singers for sale. Main 8547. AUTOMOBILES . A( ( I :SSQJU ES 4 1 WANT contract work for new two ton truck; reliable man and satisfactory deliveries guaranteed. o-796, Journal. REO delivery or eervi e car,-in "good condition for quick sale, $100. Broad way 887. vjmw, ,rrt' urrtt Ai . -Y Jill fcOOD AilLt GET YOU t X. . - Vno 6Ft (m ANN TPftoRLF ASfc . ' lflT? ot ftNNKIND OF L: I r6 FOfciT rfSD tu GWG IT rA .THS i v-OK T I til1 II I ' I ; 1 I V fvv k(WriC ' T . N, 01.- v 1 vi 'un 11 1 v w-c3 ,101 - iin it 1 -i 1 On, 1, v,i , I I rv .jar AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Conttnaed) Used Auto Snap - TERMS GIVEN. 1912 MITCHELL, 8-cyl., 6-pasa. Snap. 1B14 MITCHELL. 6-rvl 7.nn. Take -your old car as part payment. OVERLAND, 2 pass.; a pood buy, $250. Several Others to Select From. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East 1st and East Morrison. East 7272. B-1216. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS IN LATE MODEL USED CARS, WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR DEMAND. 2-4-5 AND 7 PASSENGER TOURING CARS COLES. RE OS, CHALMERS, STEARNS, INCLUDING OTHER GOOD MAKES. PRICES RANGE FROM $300 UP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH. PHONE BROADWAY 887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES $30 UP. HOUSES $125 UP. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. 64 8 Water St., Main 1167 MICHIGAN ROADSTER. Late model, electric starter and new extra tires, very complete equipment; a very fast and powerful car; !n ex cellent condition. Phone Main "6244. WE have a $3120 contract which we can put you in a position to secure, payable $260 a month, if you havs $600 in cash money to make as initial pay ment on new truck. Call In person and we will give you full particulars GERL1NGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East Side, 363 East Oregon, cor. Third. Light Delivery Car MAXWELL, 4 cyl.. 20 H. P.. new body, newly painted, good tires; a bar- gam J. W, Leavitt & Co,, Cor. Broadway and Davis sts. Keep the Old Car NEW BY SCIENTIFIC REPAIRING AND REBUILDING . C. B, Miners & Co, 526-528 ALDER. 115 SIX-CYLINDER SEVEN PAS SENGER COLE, as GOuo .ao Ni, ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT. WILL &?LL.AT A SACRIFICE. CASH OR TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. rno.ir. liK'MDUAV 88 7. SERVICE IS 1 1 1 ' H vv a 'fiu vi-r.Dii , - """-11 ' 'ill.. We have moved to our new building, Ea'st Side, Just across the Steel bridge. East Third and Oregon sts. G LRU INCUR MOTOR CAR CO. WILL SACRIFICE RRAV1) VF.W REO 3-PASS. COUPE. CAR CAN BE SEEN AT NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. T? It n A w a v a xt 7i COUCH. PHONE BROADWAY 887. ASK FOR MR. HEMPHILL. OREGON V U LC AN I Zl N"G CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st., at 18th. Aiarsnail 3,. BEST TIRE HRPiTRlvn TIKES Trade new tires for old ones. T.V1H S A I .K 111 Croytim ktan lcabs complete; bodies Just painted, beautifully finished in genuine leather; all cars in fine running order; very cheap; terms to parties with good security. Address GX-473, Journal. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Large stock, prices $300 to $705. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. OVERLAND, 1913, 5 passenger, elec tric starter and lights, good condi tion. $42 0. J. W. LEAVITT & CO., Cor. Broadway arid Davis sts. 1914 FORD Enclosed car and cash for a late model car with starter, gen erator; give full particulars. 0-796, Journal. 5-PASS. auto in A-l condition. Terms given. Will accept good camera or kodak as part payment- Phone East 7272. P.-1216. NEW and used Ford automorriles sold on easy terms. Benj. E. Boone it Co., Ford agents. ol4 Alder st. Main l'.u:', 6 PASS. .MICHIGAN, $350. FINE SHAPE, SPARE TIRE AND RIMS. I -.ROAD WAY GARAGE, E. 24TH AND KRI A DWA Y. Written guar an tee v 1 t h every vpring. SLUlIll 1.1 Used nice, m.ta,. in Portland, to $1.".. Fine rtpair ln Tire Supply Co., 20" Madison. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve, 1 SB Columbia. M . 5198 BRIGGS magneto for sale at bargain. Main 6!:!4. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 NEW, modern 6 room bungalow on Sandv blvd., well worth $3600, sac rifice for $3000; will take late model standard make car un to $1500, no junk. Owner, Mr. Morris. Broadway S339. E-701, Journal WE will pay cash for used Ford cars. Benj, E, Boone & Co, 514 Alder St. Portland. Or Hillshoro. Or. ly LOU 1 ariiir: cijuiiy ill i, i im'iii uunpta low for a Ford car, roadster pre ferred. K-B64, Journal. AUTOS FOR MIKE BIG. EASY' RIDING ' Winton Six," for sightseeing. Columbia highway, Mt. Hood or any poiiyt; lonp trips a spe cialty: reasonable rates, careful, com petent driver. References furnished. Tabor 574": A-7!)34 FRANKLIN Ai day trips. R. R. rates. Camera. C. T. Co. Woodlawn 2599C liSfi?K O! VALUE OF A PASSPORT. rT cpop. sit O W MOTORCVCLESaiCYCLES 35 1913 SINGLE "X" chain. 2 -speed tan dam, horn, Prest-o-llte, license. Not junk, $100. Some cash, $5 rao. 9319 4btn ave. TWIN Indian in A-l condition, at your own price. Boyer Garage. 505 Burn side. TWIN Excelsior, 7 h. p., tandem and eearchligJit. A-l condition. A real oargain. phone East 7222. 7 H. P. MERKLE, splendid mechanical condition, good tires. oi, verms. Tabor 1051. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 HERE Is the chance of a lifetime to own a motorboat. a S2 foot, 16 mile speed runabout in good condition, 18 H. P.. motor auto top and a boathouse. This outfit will go cheap and Quick, so phone me now. Main 4215. EVINRUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowboats. canoes, motorboats. Evinrude Motor Co. .Morrison and Front. FOUR room house boat. $160; $25 dirwn and $10 month. Call at the foot ot Pend let o n st. Take the Fulton car. 16 FOOT motorboat, with Gray engine. Just overhauled and repainted, cheap. Main 87.76. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Security Storage Co. Closing Out. $400 CMckerlng piano, $3a cash. $400 Bradbury piano. $50 casn. $375 Chase Bros. Upright. !j cash. $?25 Leland piano. $135 cash. $S50 autopiano player, $290 cash. $1100 Stelnway grand. $595 cash. TO FIRST CALLER AT H'9 4th st 75c monthly stores your piano her--'. GENUINE standard make high grade baby grand piano; finest in city; must sacrifice; will make very easy terms; might exchange for diamonds. G-458. Journal. FINE $400. almost new upright piano must be sold at once tor-cash; no reasonable offer refused; come quick. C. M. Olson Transfer Co., 248 Pine s t. FOR SALE Cheap, Harmony talking machine with 32 double records. Randolf hotel, 3d and Columbia, city. BEAUTIFUL high grade . piano, must sacrifice to save storage; easy terms. Might consider diamond. Marshall 2 432. FREE Use of piano or player piano for 2 J4 years. See display advertlse- ment or Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. $125 buys a $250 upright high grade piano, practically new. 308 bth st. WILL pay cash lor your old upright or square piano. 1 1 1 4th st. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT V 1 PE WRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, Roynl, etc., 15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona' folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co., 3d ana Alder sts. WE save you from to io'c on a:i makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., o2i Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rem, a months for $5 and up; b months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typewriter Co., !tj Broadway. NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, re.aals, en rates. P. D. C. Co., zil Star. -M. 14Qi. HOUSEHOLD GOODS lor SALE 03 BARGAIN, 7 h. p. 1U13 lndiun twin equipped, excellent condition, Jlou. Call week days. Tabor Kth, Hit E. 32d. RANGE, $18, at Olson & Roes storage. R. R. Rand, 7520 64t huv e . S. E, EOlt SALE MlSCE:JL.EOLS 10 BILLIARDS New and fofonu naud carom and pocket billiard tables, bowlinsr alleys and accessories, easy payments. 'tables lor residences. The Brunswick - Balke - Collenuer Co., 46-4$ 6th st. Phone Main 4'.)7o. SEWING Machine Em porium sells for less; no agents employed, ail makes of new and second hand machines. Sold on terms. .Machines guar- at. toed d rented, $2 per month. 10 3d, near Taylor, Main 9431, rt-362-i. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Buinsiue, cor. loth. Main or A-6674. ML &1CAL i.SS'i Ht -UENTS. 1 . pe writers " and "riousehoid Goods ' ai u separate classif icaiions. All adver tisements of these K'-oas are puolished under their respective ciaBsificutlons. Look them over. lo SIIGHTLY' used sewing machines; tiinger, New Home, While, Standard and other makes, at greatly reduced prices, J5 up. Rents, $2 per month. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. East 1369, B-3307. Near Belmont. FOR horses and vehicles, doa and household pets or poultry, read tbe ads., under tnese respective headings. The Journal leads ail other mediums in these classifications. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. FOR SALE Wood or coal range and heater. Call Main 6544 during day or may be seen at 145 Alberta st. eve nings. ; 1000 BOND LETTERHEADS, $2; lUO'l WHITE ENVELOPES. $1.76; SAM PLES FREE. COLEMAN BROS.. MAIN 9386. BOX 682, PORTLAND. 'COPEilAN'' electric, cooking stove, nAOrl.r n TMJ t'J c T H I Id o lio riram C U L O fftlinnl DIAMOND house palms, strictly purs, made In Oregon, $1.75 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front. Marshall loo. CIRCULAR Letters, Mimeographs and supplies. W. E. Finder it On. M. 3347. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d Main 797. WE buy and sell used maciunery. Northwest Lead & Machy. Co. A FEW second hand desks for sale cheap. 65 1st St. SWAP COLUMN 23 8 SHARES in a good laundry, worth $800. What have you? G-487. Journal. VOU DCXM'T KCHCMJ bUHfVT tT , Proves THArr rou'R- Mcrr rB-Q TO Tfce CrX'RJE. OF'T Ve IV TOM& too iceeP for ycxj and SWAP COLUMN l Oootln ned GOOD cottage. west side Mount Tabor, worth $2500; nitg. $1000; offer to trade equity for good team or other stock at $400 value, or what have you? Phone Main 9276. George Moulton, 639 Washington. $375 CIRCULAR letter printing ma- chlne, 2 sizes type; other extra ma terial; also Edison phonograph, $tu model Tot piano, couimpia n AUTO, suitable for wood saw, for any- thing 1 can use. Porter. 206 1st st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 GEVURTZ Buys furniture. Highest prices paid. GEVURTZ v Sells at lowest prices. Gevurt Furniture store. 207 1st. Phone Marshall 5S7, V a COVELL wants second hand furniture, opening new store; will pat the best price. 192 1st, nr. Taylor. Phone Marshall 6947. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Setter, 143 Russell st. J. MEYER, the tailor, pays highest price for 2d hand clothing, shoes. V-'u call promptl y . M ar. 1 299. 229 Madison. WANTED National cas.i Phone 7669. 88 1 1th si. register. FURNITURE in darge or small quan tities wanted; also stoves. Main (043. USED cook stove or rauge wanted. Main 7324. WANTED Good second hand buffet, must be cheap. Q-667. Journal. SECOND hand clothing und everything. Highest prices. Main 2080. 286 1st. WANTED Furniture. Call Main 1904. LOST AM FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland- Kailway Light Power Co. and owners there of may claim same at the 1st and Alder st. station, Marshall 6100, A 6131: Sept. 2: 2 suit cases, lo um brellas, 1 packages, 1 watch key, 1 screen, 1 pail lard. 2 lunch lKx.es, 1 ki.ife, 1 pair of shoes, 1 pack of meat, 2 baskets. 1 push cart, 1 glove. 1 blow torch, 1 water receipt, 1 money or der, 2 letters. 1 roll of nickels, 1 pair gloves, 1 neckla c e. LOST on Linnton road, sky terrier dog, female, answers to name of Peg gy; reward. Main 61"67 or return to 2 29 N. 16th. VERY liberal reward for return Wal tham watch and clmin taken from room 34, 253 6th st.. August 31. Heir loom Initials E. W. T. Inside cover. LOST A blond Euglish bulldog, a collar with brass spots on it. but no name. A suitable reward. Phone East 54r9. LOST Mortgage and note for ,1000. Return to J. A. Waddle, 234 Morri son st. and receive reward. LOST Tuesday p. m.. In front of 11 brary, an umbrella, Initials "L. M. L." on handle. Reward. Main 8409. FOUND 1 spring male calf. Jersey. Call at 27 Kllpatrick st. PEKSOXAL 22 LOWERED iiaiity tajnes chronic dis eases; my improved drugless method raises your vitality and nature restores your health in rheumatism, indigesliun, constipation, diarrLt ea, iinaomnia, paralysis and all chronic ailments. Dr It. A. Phillips, 6o5 oreg o man bldg. DR. J. J. KELT E. Acute, chronic and nervous diseases. The world's latest remedies adminis tered. Modernly equipped oil ice. Con sultation tree. Entrance room le La fayette I. Id.. 213Va Wash, st., near tith. GET well, matters not what aiU you, my healing will improve you Imme diately or no charge. I haven't had failures; first three treatments free, alter that pav what you wisn. 16i lth. Mam ;25. EASTERN radualc con opodisl, man icurist, face, scalp specialist; super fluous hair permanently removed. 204 Maclrav blag., 28t Washington at. MarhSH 1 1 3950. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; halrdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combing made to order. 147 Broadway. M. 546. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and masseuse, pives treatment for rheu matism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Tub baths, massano and electric blankets.' Lady assistant. L-'.ti nth St. Mar. &033. MBS. STEVENS, 22 years Portlands renowned palmist and clairvoyant. Author of "Palmistry Made Easy. As sisted by Dr, Etta Hume, divine healer and spiritual Hdviaor. 375 Taylor st. MRS. K. ORLOFF Scalp specialist. Mrs. T. J. Brown, wonder hair tonic, hundreds of city testimonials; also cnl ropodist. M. S6a7. ;t50V4 Mw Km. 210. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Kowe. Readings, healings daily; circles Tuesday and Friday eve nings, s o'clock. 2:11 bth. Phone A-711ti. Dlt. G. V. KETCH CM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bid.. 4th .V Wash. Rm. 441. Ml. 4ia MADAME MUNZELLA, instructor of palmistry and card readings. 422 Morrison HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. .Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4 1 o Iiekum. Marshall 1 7u.'. fcUPEKKLUOUrf hail, moles, watts, etc., destroyed torever; cure guaran teed. Mile. Ie Long, fo4 Swetianri bid. MADAME MUNZELLA. instructor of palmistry and card readings. 422 hi Morrison. (Superfluous hair, and moles reinbved, leatural deformities perfected. Mme. J. S. Courtright. 4ol Morrison. M. 5042. SPIRITUALISM Kev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading daily. b'3 5th st. Mar. 3t)o. THE Kur Hnop; new order, remodeling, t est work, lowest prices. 606 Swst- lp.nd bldK. I auUPr "onsultation free. Main la Wy CI m3 708 seji;nK hldg. BALM of wnTTien. remedy Davis i for diseases of it. Main 23C3. -,n t LESSONS m tihrenology and card reailines. 23o th st. Main 7n4K. CHIROPRACTIC doctor. Painless ad .lust m.-rits. .il treatments $ IS. 121 4 th USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; r.O tablets 2&r. All druggists. MAGNETIC healer, treatments ITOVfe 2d. 4th floor, apt. 9. dally i C'lvAN.1 THE HANVGI?(CrN (VANV COULDN'T LICK a SICK RABBIT. TMG H'ftftUVH VNAVT 1$ A NrV J ip YOU U2 WHY pay big prlcea for glasses T I ran it v witH f I rat ''"J& i j" quality lenses in a gold w rw- ruieu rrame, as low as 'mmD $1.60; lenses duplicated at u k.. saving; satisfaction guaran teed. Charles W. Goodman, optomet rist. ?Q9 Morrison. Main 2124. NOTICES 20 NOTICE OF MEETING or COUNT- BOlIlv O' EQUALIZATION. Notice is hurehy gtfeD thot on Monday, Sectesitei 13. 1.13, the Beard of Etjus'.iss tton vt Muftuomab County will attend at the i-UIci of ibv county aennr at the court heiiae In l'urtlaud. and publicly examine th Metflfiit K.ha for tbe fear 191., and eur-rii-i all errors Iq. Talnatiuu, dnarrliittun r qmlltlva of landa, lots or otuer property, m sored t-T the cuunty . r. And It all te 1 lie duty of iiersooa lnteratad to appear at the time and ulacc appointed, If It ahall ai'iwar to Mich Board of Equalization that tbere art any landa or Iota or other properly asaenxed twice, ur lucorrectly a'aeased M to Ueacrlpiion or quantity and lu the nam ot a peraeu or peraona not thw owner thereof, or i.at.eed under or heyond tbe actual full fb value thereof, said board may uinka proper t-orreetien of tbe same. If It ahall aprear to such board that auy land, lota or other property a'neavabla by the asseauir are uot unseated, such board shall aaaess tba aims at the full cash value thereof. ; UENItY E. REED, C4auty Asseasor. Portland, Or. Aug. 19. 191.V Professional and ACCORDION PLEATINO ACCOItl'IO.N. KMKK AND lltlX I'l.KATlNtl, PI, OTI.Mi. H KM ST ITCH I.N,,. UKAHHMi. EMHKOIDEUINii. HASTEN NOVELTY MKti. .. s.'. 5th ST.. NK.AH OAK. K. STKl'IIKN -- HeumtitruliiK. aeinrillon. l.l and auutmiHt (ileatuiK: tiui("iia i-overvil, jcIMla apoiiKed. Sralloplng. 2M) Plttm k llk. n ioiiu. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HAVTS iV Huh. MAN. lue.. loll 2d st. Hitmk Umk inHiiulaitiirera: iigfuis for Jonea lui proved L&e Leaf Ledi:ei-M. See tho uew Eu reka Leaf. A-.11S3. Main 1KJ. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS IIAIII'KK S liraiia V ork. I'.rai.. taKtlilKa and nincliiii:- worka. KM N. Stli at. B'dwuy 2R42. CANOE ROWBOAT MOTORS THKDA HliOW . nl3 Dekuai lild. CARPENTER SHOPS Moore it Sandatoiie. Main 7 s:t . :i:i4 Tatlor CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works.' car pets cleaned and laid, refitting our aiieeial- ty. Kat 44i. n ltwaf 204 k. lutii nt.. n. CARPST WIAYINO FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS WK MAKE FLL'Fr RUtiS 1 HUM W'dHN OIT INtiUAIN. AXMISSTEU, SMYK.NA. AND UKU'SbkLtt CAKPa.-1'H. KAU BIHiS. ALL Sl.ES. MODEHN SAN ITA II Y MKTH ODrt. fl'l'.ClAL ATTENTION 'it) OIT OF TOWN OltDEKS. CITY WORK CAI.LEH FOB. SEND 1'OK BOOKLKT. WESTERN FLIT K HI li CO., .4-.'i9 L NION AVE.. NORTH. I'HONLS: EAST f6l: B 147ft. NOKTHWtST RLU t'O., rnu from olil rar peta, rait ruira, carpet rleniilng. 1HH E. Sth. Work called fur. Kuat 80MI. B-ll!y. PEMNSl'LAK Hint Works Hug ruK and ear pet weaving. 1518 t'atton ava. Wdln. 2QSo. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS DR. MiMAUON. 121 4th at. Chronic ilineanea ri'qulriiut exteirdd time, ill treatments $lft. 1)U. H. B. liliWKV, rhtropraetor. Krea dlag noein. 071 E. Ankeny. Plume Eaat W014. CIRCULATINO LIBRARIES Melapliyaliul i-lriulaliim. Ilroa'way and Main COAL AND WOOD 4 Foot Slabwood Short Slabwood 1st Class FirCordwood $4,50 Portland SI n 1 1 wood Co.. MhIii 3119. A-7Hll. CORD WOOD 'E Auto delivery to all parts of city. I'honea: Main ldoti. A-lluO. Central Fuel Co., bac ond, near Madison. NEER & FARR and iualde bloik wood 4 foot or aa wed to order. Telephone P(A A-4-V47. Water at. LUML .Main 4 .". Box Wood $1.75 Per Load, rt'LTON wood co.. 1200 macadam. PHONES- A-2SW: MAIN 7WMI. pUar,Ar,F. J. EVERTS. MAIN K7HT. vnarcoai foot of clhry street. CONTRACT OK S ft BUILDERS. B. K. MICHAEL SON., umaona, contraetora and buililera, duy or ciMitriiet; nil kind of tnaaon work promptly executed nt reanouable charxea. 7fll .istli ave., S. I'.. 'l'at- IMul. PERSONAL. (Cob tinned) Manufacturers Jotters WhoIealers DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Dry it'HKla, fin idelilnith. iwtion. ut wlmleaale. L. DinkelKplel ( 1... SUerloi k tilil.. r.-mi 112. Catnlosue on renoewt. W rite fur tirli en. Fleischner, Mayer & Co. W'HKN you nuawer meat Want Ada niviilioi, 'I 1-1. J.mrnal. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES B M WAUt: C'.. 322 ifao lln. tlieriu- ave. LEAD PIPE. WOP-Li N'oKTH W i'.S 1 LIC."l & i1l-ll Finn!. MACHINERY MACIIINKHV (r Mnln r.o2. PAINT. OIL AND 0LAB8 HASMt'HSF.N A CO . 'IIikIi Standard" paint. N. P.. Cor. 2d and Taylor. M. 1 77 1 . A-I1MI, INFORMATION COUPON If you -want the name of a reliable business hotice. drnilng In nnv line of merchandise, or Information rewarding resorts., hoiU. t :. ilronds, steam ship lines, etc., address Oregon Journal Information .Bureau. Information desired: Name. Address . Copyright. 1915. by H. C Flaber. ( YOU WILL I li'l'll (SSPORTl G'UAN TAKC YoWeJ Hc40 Out op Nvr 0O5T YOU (H TH6 cos., COCKr. 23 (Oontinnsd) bEALKI, bids will be rei-elved by the board of county coinmUalonera. room f"nrt bouse, Portland, or., autll 10 a. ra., Frll. , September 17. 1015. for 1MD feet JHrlueb iliiioieter 0-12 fahaulavd Imu cable, to M de livered to ferry V. V, MnSMi. ' No prupoNUi will he eonaidered Srnsaa se coinpauied by a i-ueck payai.ua to Ihe twsrd of county couimljutliiiieti of Multnomah eouoty.i certified by rwisinalbW" lmt:k, for ao saioout euuat to 10 tw eeul of Hie air .V9"--pnsal. Tbe rldbt la eniu-ealy nsteryed., to reject any and nil Mib. ' Iated at Portland, Or., September 2, llOAKD UK cufNTY COM MISSION lly V. I.. UOHTNEB. m cbalmiB. ' I'llll.O U01.BU00K. County OxumiUakHiar. UITV8 C. HOI. MAN. -' , tViinty Coinmlaalonef. f 8EAI.KI) oropoaBla will be reeelTeS at the , office of Hie tindeialBned. 401 courthouse, ; tin 1 1 1 1J m.. luedny. Hepteuiher 7. WJ8. fori elertrie irliut ami eomlult work for Frank-. lln hlKh M liiH.l. Mlds will be ojeed la room Hoi it.iirthniiae at Mitt time.- Uepoalt 10" U ri.niired for pUna and aueciflcatluna, whlca oiav be olitalne.l nt the office of K. A. Kars mirfe. auiierliilenileiit of properties. 303 oourt liouae. I'eniri.il cheek for 10 per OSllt Ot summit of prp"iil. iiii.valile lo It. H. Wiotnsa, ,. , cliiol elerk. unlit aerompsuy earh rtroiusl. Hoard of ilim ln reserves Ul rlshi ta r Jit an) .iinl nil pnpal. . . It. 11 THOMAS. ; latel Kent 'J ltHS Helwtol Clerk. liTkT'M' i'.w:-M u.'V.f ImvIh & Clark tenitlneeral linn been illn..Mll. HlllneN lIOlllS O0 iiumI under tin- iiaiue of J. A. Di, V8B Kast MorilaiMi. Business Directory DETECTIVE A0ENC1H I'urlrif Vl:.l... h i .s. rvi. e AKeney. Chaa. f. . l'nrker. inur 7n, m il fiivler. M. 70'8. A-OBBI, EVEHYTHINO ELECTRICAL : : Sit Hits- I fi '. , r id in . Hlh mid Pine ata. EYE, EAR. N08E. THFOAT. LPS OB" SH''liillFt. .MiNletnle pi li'i-n. ulnaaea fitted.. Dr V. I . t'awilay, :.1T bekmn Iddtt.. 3d and Waab- 1. DUCATION AL liANC'iNU lll.AlU S s. .nni. .;-. .u ihiil.v, elnaa 'rlila eve.. Audi, ei nun luill. 2is !ld at., Baal Tnvlur. I'nti'-iim uuii' Miiieeil. Mil In 3.H23. : 7 MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHER! N K. I liii l Ul;N. ii 'liu U'Hi ii. i, pupil heeelk. 20 I li titiifi hlilti A 4 I'll) Marshall l(b.tt. l'llilK. '1 I-:. LAW HON. piano leaaous t yur home. I'Oi . Pin Tnl...r i'tO'.l. LlM IS A. t ltVJTZ''l eaeln-r of violin. 2U Si ii-1 in i . eonii'i Klr-I. .MiuhIihII 220it. ' ' ', VIOLIN mill iiuimliihii Ii'mmhik i.-au'ta guaiau- tix il, Ii -i r itn-t le kI. ..ixllnu li Will. POPULAR M V8JC KAi.llMI. yi i.iiiiki kii.ii Hiitied liillnnera la in i-iiiios . ru Inn- pln.v:i,g. I-reti di-uiouatr. tlon. r'tee iMMiklet. '"1 filers bldg. INSURANCE ' PACIFIC "M A'fl .s J I It i; INSIIHANCR VOH only Oregon fire liiMirain-e iinnpany. f MATTRESSES ini;ll-:.M,' AI ATTH l-.hri CH.. old niattreaaey nmde uev ltli out 1 n hulc uroceaa. SS4 riuaaell, corn"r l lilou. I'.nht . -. , ORCHEBTRA AND BANS. JtH'KllV'H tiUl'ii'h.S i HA tilt HA.N'lt. Violin tiilttnii aiiidi'titk ii-d li-ui. ( niiitreaa Mar. SO'Kt ORIENTAL GOODS OHII-.N I AI. IMP, lit I I Mi CO.. 412 Waablngtutt. I'hone A .K2. ixlinoiioa ami Ctirl'Si. . PAVING COMPANIES THK HAItllKK ASPHALT IA I NG CO.. l'ori land ol flee 22:i Simm l'-k lil'lg. - RUBBER STAMPS AND BEAI ALMO aii iii iln. tiinl" i iieelik, hiaaa algua. ! At 11 1'- COAST STAMP WORK I'lll W iihIiIiiici " St. Mum 7U. A-27IO. SAFETY RAZOR HONJNuV . r 1051 i ic kit s i:i".i: ill.. IMii, 4th. SHEET METAL WORKS Hr.l'AlKINt, .lo l-t ui. un 1 cihviT r-el.. Jueol, Loali, PI... lie Mil 1,1 H2). TRANSFER ANO CiORACE Oregon Transfer Co, 1 . .tulkllslied l'-70 Triin'ei 11 nd let .11 'linn ajetita, SliU-BK' I lee "I T M'-linjre orin-i- mid sumier 471 fih.suii St. I '.th l 1.I1- Mniti wi. A-1HW, ' ALWAV.-'. ' I'HTv Tilt: Ill's 1 ' Hut SFIKILD (lM,lx SI I i IAI.I.iIS SIoihxi:. I'uckUlK. : SIllpSOIlK 'I'd UeVllilf H'M Of AtltO VatlSt Sll'l'llll fl .'-l.t lite., t" "II pohitB. C. it l-ll li IIIA.SSIKIt SluHAOK CO., 2d and l ine St lr.eidny MSt. A-I0W1. iT7i'TtiK Thani i:ii si:iivp'i; "co.. 32 PINK MAIN I" A l-'O'. WALL PAPER MoBOAN WALL I'AI'KB CO.-2KI M tit nr Sn Imoti. PIPE WOOD PI TE l'Htll.AM Wimp I-1 PL CM oftu-e lieiir ,M, lite! a: h i-'aetorjr and PLUMBINO PITE-BTEAM SUPPLIES a7L KLINE I-wl S7-WI FltiiNT HTBEKT ROPE AND riNDPR TWINE Portland Cordage Co, SANITARY VriPINO RAOS L, Shank Co. PIIOVK MAIN imdi. WT!KN 1 u -line e, tin The Journal. W'ani Ada mention BY "BUD" FISHER NOTICES ICwaxAMXwaCWala at . ; K .1